diff options
-rw-r--r--com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.faslbin0 -> 2361 bytes
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-rw-r--r--com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.faslbin0 -> 3519 bytes
-rw-r--r--com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfaslbin0 -> 2394 bytes
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-rw-r--r--emacs-tools/comint.elcbin0 -> 24467 bytes
390 files changed, 60154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Copyright b/Copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb40c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Yale University Computer Science Department
+Yale Haskell System Version 2.0-beta
+Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
+2. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
+ shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
+ of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+3. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+ this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
+ provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+4. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+ there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
+ adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+ without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3afb11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+This is the main directory for the 2.x release of Yale Haskell. This
+file contains some basic information about how the system is organized
+and put together.
+You should set the variable $HASKELL and source the haskell-setup
+script in this directory before attempting to use Yale Haskell.
+If you are rebuilding from the source release, see the scripts and
+README files in the $HASKELL/com area. You also need to modify
+the haskell-development script.
+Yale-specific information:
+Source files in this directory area are under RCS control. Use the
+`rci' and `rco' aliases (from haskell-development) to check things in
+and out. By convention, each directory containing source files should
+have subdirectories named RCS (for RCS files), t (for compiled T
+files), lucid (for compiled Lucid CL files), and cmu (for compiled CMU
+CL files).
+Each subdirectory containing source files should also have a file that
+defines a compilation unit for that subdirectory. (See
+support/compile.scm for information about the compilation unit
+utility.) support/system.scm loads all the compilation unit definitions.
+To load the system into Common Lisp, you need to load the file
+support/cl-support/cl-init.lisp. This will automagically compile any
+outdated or missing files. However, you need to type in an
+(in-package "MUMBLE-USER") once it finishes.
+Don't try to load the system into T. It's broken! See
+All system-dependent code goes in either support/cl-support or
+support/t-support. For information about the mumble compatibility
+package used as the implementation language for the rest of the
+system, see support/mumble.txt.
diff --git a/ast/README b/ast/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2497d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/README
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+This directory defines the primary data structures used in the compiler
+using the `define-struct' macro defined in the struct directory.
+Structures are divided into the following catagories:
+Basic structures: (basic-structs)
+ References to variables, data constructors, classes, type constructors
+ All references contain the name of the object referred to and a
+ field that will receive the actual definition object when scoping
+ has been resolved.
+ Fixity: (l | n | r, Int)
+Module structures: (module-structs)
+ The module ast, import & export related ast's, and fixity definition.
+Type system structures: (type-structs)
+ The representation of data types and the type related declarations:
+ type, data, class, and instance.
+Value declarations: (valdef-structs)
+Expressions: (expr-structs)
+Definitions: (definition-structs)
+Flic structures: (flic-structs)
diff --git a/ast/ast-td.scm b/ast/ast-td.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf70016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast-td.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;;; ast-td.scm -- define ast type descriptor object
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 6 Oct 1992
+;;; Give the type descriptors for AST nodes extra slots to hold walker
+;;; functions.
+(define-struct ast-td
+ (include type-descriptor)
+ (slots
+ (cfn-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (cfn-simple-transform-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (depend-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (ast-to-flic-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (scope-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (type-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (collect-pattern-vars-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))))
diff --git a/ast/ast.scm b/ast/ast.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9169677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;;; ast.scm -- compilation unit definition for ast definitions
+;;; author : John
+;;; date : 10 Dec 1991
+(define-compilation-unit ast
+ (source-filename "$Y2/ast/")
+ (unit ast-td
+ (source-filename "ast-td"))
+ (unit modules
+ (source-filename "modules.scm")
+ (require ast-td))
+ (unit type-structs
+ (source-filename "type-structs.scm")
+ (require ast-td modules))
+ (unit tc-structs
+ (source-filename "tc-structs.scm")
+ (require ast-td modules))
+ (unit valdef-structs
+ (source-filename "valdef-structs.scm")
+ (require ast-td modules))
+ (unit definitions
+ (source-filename "definitions.scm")
+ (require ast-td modules))
+ (unit exp-structs
+ (source-filename "exp-structs.scm")
+ (require ast-td modules))
+ (unit predicates
+ (require ast-td modules type-structs valdef-structs definitions
+ exp-structs tc-structs)
+ (source-filename "predicates.scm")))
diff --git a/ast/definitions.scm b/ast/definitions.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9184b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/definitions.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; File: ast/definitions.scm Author: John
+;;; this file contains definitions for the named entities in the
+;;; system. These are used in both the front and back ends of the
+;;; compiler. These are created early in the compilation process
+;;; (import/export) and filled in during compilation. Binary interface
+;;; files are just tables mapping names to definitions.
+;;; All definitions have these fields for managing name spaces. All
+;;; names are uniquified; this requires adding `;' to the front of data
+;;; constructors to separate them from type constructors. Module names
+;;; do not have a `definition' data structure - the `module' structure
+;;; serves the same purpose.
+;;; Definitions are found in two places: the symbol tables which are part of
+;;; the module structure and the -ref nodes in the ast structure. The -ref
+;;; nodes have two fields: a name (from the parser) and a field which will
+;;; point to the associated definition after name resolution. Name resolution
+;;; happens in a number of different places: top level definitions are
+;;; resolved during import-export, type declarations are resolved during
+;;; type declaration analysis, and everything else is resolved during scoping
+;;; (alpha conversion). The parser generates pre-resolved -ref nodes when
+;;; parsing some constructs. These refs denote pre-defined language
+;;; constructs, such as lists, tuples, or prelude functions.
+;;; A special set of definitions constitutes the `core' of Haskell. These
+;;; definitions are pre-allocated and are filled in during the compilation
+;;; of the Prelude. This allows the bootstrap of the system.
+;;; All defs require name, unit, and module args to make.
+;;; Other slots should all have appropriate defaults.
+(define-struct def
+ (slots
+ ;; the uniquified name (from the definition)
+ (name (type symbol))
+ ;; compilation unit defined in
+ (unit (type symbol))
+ ;; name of the defining module
+ (module (type symbol))
+ ;; used by the closure check
+ (exported? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ ;; for symbols in `core' Haskell; special case for IO
+ (core? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ ;; Always a core sym. Used to avoid putting in sym table
+ (prelude? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ ))
+;;; Variable information
+(define-struct var
+ (include def)
+ (predicate var?)
+ (slots
+ ;; inferred during type inference
+ (type (type (maybe ntype)) (default '#f))
+ ;; type affixed by sign-decl or class decl
+ (signature (type (maybe ntype)) (default '#f))
+ (interface-type (type (maybe ntype)) (default '#f))
+ ;; most variables have no fixity information.
+ (fixity (type (maybe fixity)) (default '#f))
+ ;; The following attributes are used by the backend
+ (selector-fn? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (force-strict? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (force-inline? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (toplevel? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (simple? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (strict? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (optimized-refs? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (standard-refs? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (single-ref (type (maybe int)) (default '#f))
+ (arity (type int) (default 0))
+ (referenced (type int) (default 0))
+ (value (type (maybe flic-exp)) (default '#f))
+ (fullname (type (maybe symbol)) (default '#f))
+ (inline-value (type (maybe flic-exp)) (default '#f))
+ ;; Only function bindings use these slots
+ (strictness (type (list bool)) (default '()))
+ (complexity (type (maybe int)) (default '#f))
+ (optimized-entry (type (maybe symbol)) (default '#f))
+ (annotations (type (list annotation-value)) (default '()))
+ (fn-referenced (type int) (default 0))
+ (arg-invariant-value (type (maybe flic-exp)) (default '#f))
+ (arg-invariant? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ ))
+;;; This defines an individual class method
+(define-struct method-var
+ (include var)
+ (predicate method-var?)
+ (slots
+ (class (type class) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (default (type (maybe var)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (method-signature (type signature) (uninitialized? #t))))
+;;; A data constructor
+(define-struct con
+ (include def)
+ (predicate con?)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are initialized in the type declaration phase
+ (arity (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (types (type (list type)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (slot-strict? (type (list bool)) (default '()))
+ (tag (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (alg (type algdata) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t) (default '#f))
+ (signature (type ntype) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; Assigned during import-export phase
+ (fixity (type (maybe fixity)) (default '#f))
+ (lisp-fns (type t) (default '()))
+ ))
+;;; Definitions used by the type system.
+(define-struct tycon-def
+ (include def)
+ (slots
+ (arity (type integer) (default -1))))
+(define-struct synonym
+ (include tycon-def)
+ (predicate synonym?)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are explicitly initialized in the type declaration phase.
+ (args (type (list symbol)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (body (type type) (uninitialized? #t)) ; stored in ast form
+ ))
+(define-struct algdata
+ (include tycon-def)
+ (predicate algdata?)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are initialized explicitly in the type declaration phase
+ ;; number of constructors
+ (n-constr (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (constrs (type (list con)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (context (type (list context)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; arguments to tycon
+ (tyvars (type (list symbol)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; signature for the type as a whole
+ (signature (type (maybe ntype)) (default '#f))
+ ;; classes this algdata is an instance of
+ (classes (type (list class)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; true if all constructors have 0 arity
+ (enum? (type bool) (bit #t) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; true when only constructor
+ (tuple? (type bool) (bit #t) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; true for `tuple-syntax' tuples.
+ (real-tuple? (type bool) (bit #t) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; instances to derive
+ (deriving (type (list class)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (export-to-lisp? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (implemented-by-lisp? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ ))
+(define-struct class
+ (include def)
+ (predicate class?)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are initialized in the import-export phase
+ (method-vars (type (list method-var)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; These slots are explicitly initialized in the type declaration phase
+ ;; immediate superclasses
+ (super (type (list class)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; all superclasses
+ (super* (type (list class)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; name of class type variable
+ (tyvar (type symbol) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (instances (type (list instance)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (kind (type (enum standard numeric other)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (n-methods (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (dict-size (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ (selectors (type (list (tuple method-var var))) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+;;; Since instances are not named there is no need to include def.
+(define-struct instance
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots always have initializers supplied with MAKE.
+ (algdata (type algdata))
+ (tyvars (type (list symbol)))
+ (class (type class))
+ (context (type (list context)))
+ (gcontext (type (list (list class))))
+ (dictionary (type var))
+ ;; Explicitly initialized during the type declaration phase.
+ (methods (type (list (tuple method-var var))) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; These slots usually default on creation.
+ (decls (type (list decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; used during verification of derived instances
+ (ok? (type bool) (bit #t) (default #f))
+ ;; marks magically generated tuple instances
+ (special? (type bool) (bit #t) (default #f))
+ (suppress-readers? (type bool) (bit #t) (default #f))
+ ))
diff --git a/ast/exp-structs.scm b/ast/exp-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847723d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/exp-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+;;; File: ast/exp-structs Author: John
+;;; These ast structures define the expression syntax
+;;; This is simplified; there are additional rules for associativity and
+;;; precedence.
+;;; <exp> -> <lambda-exp>
+;;; -> <let-exp>
+;;; -> <if-exp>
+;;; -> <case-exp>
+;;; -> <signature-exp>
+;;; -> <exp> <op> <exp> ; treated like <fn-app>
+;;; -> - <exp>
+;;; -> <fn-app>
+;;; -> <aexp>
+(define-struct exp
+ (include ast-node))
+;;; <lambda-exp> -> \ <apat> ... <apat> -> <exp>
+(define-struct lambda
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (pats (type (list pattern)))
+ (body (type exp))))
+;;; <let-exp> -> let { <decls> [;] } in <exp>
+(define-struct let
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (decls (type (list decl)))
+ (body (type exp))))
+;;; <if-exp> -> if <exp> then <exp> else <exp>
+(define-struct if
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (test-exp (type exp))
+ (then-exp (type exp))
+ (else-exp (type exp))))
+;;; <case-exp> -> case <exp> of { <alts> [;] }
+;;; <alts> -> <alt> ; ... ; <alt>
+;;; <alt> -> <pat> -> exp [where { <decls> [;] } ]
+;;; -> <pat> <gdpat> [where { <decls> [;] } ]
+(define-struct case
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (alts (type (list alt)))))
+(define-struct alt
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (pat (type pattern))
+ ;; defined in valdef-structs
+ (rhs-list (type (list guarded-rhs)))
+ (where-decls (type (list decl)))
+ ;; used internally by cfn
+ (test (type (maybe exp)) (default '#f))
+ ))
+;;; <signature-exp> -> <exp> :: [<context> =>] <atype>
+(define-struct exp-sign
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (signature (type signature))))
+;;; <fn-app> -> <exp> <aexp>
+(define-struct app
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate app?)
+ (slots
+ (fn (type exp))
+ (arg (type exp))))
+;;; <aexp> -> <var> var-ref
+;;; -> <con> con-ref
+;;; -> <literal> const
+;;; -> () constructor is Unit
+;;; -> ( <exp> )
+;;; -> ( <exp> , ... , <exp> ) constructor is a tuple
+;;; -> [ <exp> , ... , <exp> ] list
+;;; -> <sequence>
+;;; -> [exp> | <qual> , ... , <qual>] list-comp
+;;; -> ( <exp> <op> ) section-r
+;;; -> ( <op> <exp> ) section-l
+(define-struct aexp
+ (include exp))
+(define-struct var-ref
+ (include aexp)
+ (predicate var-ref?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (var (type def))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct con-ref
+ (include aexp)
+ (predicate con-ref?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (con (type def))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct const
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (overloaded? (type bool) (default '#t) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct integer-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate integer-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type integer))))
+(define-struct float-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate float-const?)
+ (slots
+ (numerator (type integer))
+ (denominator (type integer))
+ (exponent (type integer))))
+(define-struct char-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate char-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type char))))
+(define-struct string-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate string-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type string))))
+(define-struct list-exp
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+;;; <sequence> -> [ <exp> .. ] sequence
+;;; -> [ <exp>, <exp> .. ] sequence-then
+;;; -> [ <exp> .. <exp> ] sequence-to
+;;; -> [ <exp>, <exp> .. <exp> ] sequence-then-to
+(define-struct sequence
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-to
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (to (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-then
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (then (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-then-to
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (then (type exp))
+ (to (type exp))))
+(define-struct list-comp
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (quals (type (list qual)))))
+;;; Op on left
+(define-struct section-l
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (op (type exp)))) ; either con-ref or var-ref
+(define-struct section-r
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (op (type exp)))) ; either con-ref or var-ref
+;;; <qual> -> <pat> <- <exp>
+;;; -> <exp>
+(define-struct qual
+ (include ast-node))
+(define-struct qual-generator
+ (include qual)
+ (slots
+ (pat (type pattern))
+ (exp (type exp))))
+(define-struct qual-filter
+ (include qual)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))))
+;;; This is used as the guard slot in a guarded-rhs to represent lack of a
+;;; guard. This is the same as True.
+(define-struct omitted-guard ; same as True; should print in the guardless form
+ (include exp))
+;;; These structures are used by the precedence parser.
+(define-struct pp-exp-list ; list of expressions & ops for the prec parser
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+;; This is a place holder for unary negation in pp-exp expressions. It is
+;; changed to call the negate function by the prec parser
+(define-struct negate
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate negate?))
+;; Note: operators are var / con structures with infix? set to #t
+;;; The following ast nodes do not directly correspond to Haskell syntax.
+;;; They are generated during internal code transformations.
+;;; This returns a number (an Int) associated with the constructor of a
+;;; value.
+(define-struct con-number
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (type (type algdata))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; This selects a value (denoted by the Int in slot) from a data object
+;;; created by a specified constructor.
+(define-struct sel
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (constructor (type con))
+ (slot (type int))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; This returns True if the data value was built with the designated
+;;; constructor
+(define-struct is-constructor
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (constructor (type con))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; this is for the type checker only. It turns off
+;;; type checking for the argument.
+(define-struct cast
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))))
+;; this is used as the body of the let generated by
+;; dependency analysis
+(define-struct void
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate void?))
+;;; These structures are for the type checker. They serve as a placeholder
+;;; for values which will evaluate to methods or dictionaries.
+(define-struct placeholder
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type (maybe exp)))
+ (tyvar (type ntype))
+ (overloaded-var (type exp))
+ (enclosing-decls (type (list decl)))))
+(define-struct method-placeholder
+ (include placeholder)
+ (predicate method-placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ ;; the method to be dispatched
+ (method (type method-var))
+ ))
+(define-struct dict-placeholder
+ (include placeholder)
+ (predicate dict-placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ ;; the class of dictionary needed
+ (class (type class))))
+(define-struct recursive-placeholder
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var))
+ (enclosing-decls (type (list decl)))
+ ;; this holds the code associated with recursive
+ ;; functions or variables. This code instantiates
+ ;; the recursive context if necessary.
+ (exp (type (maybe exp)))
+ ))
+;;; This is used in primitive modules only. It holds the definition of
+;;; a lisp level primitive.
+(define-struct prim-definition
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (lisp-name (type symbol))
+ (atts (type (list (tuple symbol t))))))
+;;; This is used by the type checker to hang on to the original
+;;; version of a program for message printing. This is removed by
+;;; the cfn pass.
+(define-struct save-old-exp
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (old-exp (type exp))
+ (new-exp (type exp))))
+;;; This is used for type checking overloaded methods.
+(define-struct overloaded-var-ref
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var))
+ (sig (type ntype))))
+;;; These are used by the CFN.
+(define-struct case-block
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+(define-struct return-from
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exp (type exp))))
+(define-struct and-exp
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
diff --git a/ast/modules.scm b/ast/modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e445444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+;;; File: ast/module-structs Author: John
+;;; This contains AST structures which define the basic module structure.
+;;; This is just the skeleton module structure: module, imports, exports,
+;;; fixity, and default decls.
+;;; AST nodes defined in the file:
+;;; module import-decl entity entity-module entity-var entity-con
+;;; entity-class entity-abbreviated entity-datatype fixity-decl
+;;; All AST structs inherit from ast-node. Not instantiated directly.
+;;; The line-number is a back pointer to the source code.
+(define-struct ast-node
+ (type-template ast-td)
+ (slots
+ (line-number (type (maybe source-pointer)) (default '#f))))
+(define-struct source-pointer
+ (slots
+ (line (type int))
+ (file (type string))))
+;;; <module> -> module <modid> [<exports>] where <body>
+;;; -> <body>
+;;; <exports> -> ( <export>, ... <export> )
+;;; <body> -> { [<impdecls>;] [[<fixdecls>;] <topdecls> [;]] }
+;;; -> { <impdecls> [;] }
+;;; <impdecls> -> <impdecl> ; ... ; <impdecl>
+;;; <fixdecls> -> <fix> ; ... ; <fix>
+;;; <topdecls> -> <topdecl> ; ... ; <topdecl>
+;;; <topdecl> -> <synonym-decl>
+;;; -> <algdata-decl>
+;;; -> <class-decl>
+;;; -> <instance-decl>
+;;; -> <default-decl>
+;;; -> <sign-decl>
+;;; -> <valdef>
+;;; The module struct is used to represent the program internally. Binary
+;;; files containing interface information contain these structures.
+;;; Most compiler passes operate on this structure. A table maps module
+;;; names to this structure. Within the module structure, local names are
+;;; mapped to definitions.
+;;; Modules are also used to represent interfaces & primitives.
+;;; Some of the module fields may be blank for non-standard modules.
+(define-struct module
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are required.
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (type (type (enum standard interface extension)))
+ (prelude? (type bool) (default '#f)) ; True when symbols define the core
+ (interface-module (type (maybe module)) (default '#f))
+ ; link to previously compiled interface
+ ;; The unit is filled in by the compilation system
+ (unit (type symbol) (default '*undefined*))
+ ;; The following slots are defined at parse time.
+ ;; After a module is dumped, these are all empty.
+ ;; <exports>, list of exported names
+ (exports (type (list entity)) (default '()))
+ ;; <impdecls>, local import decls
+ (imports (type (list import-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <fixdecls>, local fixity decls
+ (fixities (type (list fixity-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <synonym-decl>, local type synonym decls
+ (synonyms (type (list synonym-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <algdata-decl>, local data decls
+ (algdatas (type (list data-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <class-decl>, local class decls
+ (classes (type (list class-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <instance-decl>, local instance decls
+ (instances (type (list instance-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <default-decl>, default types
+ (annotations (type (list annotation)) (default '()))
+ (default (type (maybe default-decl)) (default '#f))
+ ;; signatures, pattern, function bindings
+ (decls (type (list decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; These slots are filled in by the type-declaration-analysis phase
+ ;; after conversion to definition form
+ (synonym-defs (type (list synonym)) (default '()))
+ (alg-defs (type (list algdata)) (default '()))
+ (class-defs (type (list class)) (default '()))
+ (instance-defs (type (list instance)) (default '()))
+ ;; The import-export stage creates a set of tables which are used for
+ ;; imports and exports and local name resolution. All of these tables
+ ;; are indexed by names. These tables always deal with definitions.
+ ;; Every variable, type, class, instance, and synonym is converted into
+ ;; a definition. Blank definitions are created early (in import/export)
+ ;; and different aspects of the definitions are filled in as compilation
+ ;; progresses. The type-related definitions are filled in during
+ ;; declaration analysis. Only definitions are saved when a module is
+ ;; written to a file; the ast information is not retained.
+ ;; Used to avoid copy of Prelude symbols.
+ (uses-standard-prelude? (type bool) (default '#f))
+ ;; maps symbols in scope to definitions
+ (symbol-table (type (table symbol def)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; maps names onto groups.
+ (export-table (type (table symbol (list (tuple symbol def))))
+ (default (make-table)))
+ ;; Note: symbol groups are found in classes and data decls. An
+ ;; entire group is denoted by the (..) abbreviation in an entity.
+ ;; maps local names onto declared fixities
+ (fixity-table (type (table symbol fixity)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; maps defs to local names
+ (inverted-symbol-table (type (table symbol symbol)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; Used internally during import-export
+ (fresh-exports (type (list (list (tuple symbol def)))) (default '()))
+ (exported-modules (type (list module)) (default '()))
+ ;; These slots are used to support incremental compilation.
+ ;; vars defined in the module
+ (vars (type (list var)) (default '()))
+ ;; for incremental compilation
+ (inherited-env (type (maybe module)) (default '#f))
+ ;; The following slots are for interfaces only
+ ;; These store renaming mappings defined in the import decls of
+ ;; the interface. Maps local name onto (module, original name).
+ (interface-imports (type (list (tuple symbol (typle symbol symbol))))
+ (default '()))
+ (interface-codefile (type (list string)) (default '()))
+ ))
+;;; <impdecl> -> import <modid> [<impspec>] [renaming <renamings>]
+;;; <impspec> -> ( <import> , ... , <import> )
+;;; -> hiding ( <import> , ... , <import> )
+;;; <import> -> <entity>
+;;; <renamings> -> ( <renaming>, ... , <renaming> )
+;;; <renaming> -> <varid> to <varid>
+;;; -> <conid> to <conid>
+(define-struct import-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; <modid>, module imported from
+ (module-name (type symbol))
+ ;; all: import Foo; by-name: import Foo(x) import Foo()
+ (mode (type (enum all by-name)))
+ ;; <impspec>, for mode = all this is the hiding list
+ (specs (type (list entity)))
+ ;; <renamings>, alist maps symbol -> symbol
+ (renamings (type (list renaming)))
+ ;; place to put corresponding module-ast; filled in by import/export.
+ (module (type module) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+;;; <entity> -> <modid> .. entity-module
+;; -> <varid> entity-var
+;;; -> <tycon> entity-con
+;;; -> <tycon> (..) entity-abbreviated
+;;; -> <tycon> ( <conid> , ... , <conid>) entity-datatype
+;;; -> <tycls> (..) entity-abbreviated
+;;; note: this is indistinguishable from tycon (..)
+;;; -> <tycls> ( <varid> , ... , <varid>) entity-class
+(define-struct entity
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))))
+(define-struct entity-module
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-module?)
+ (slots
+ ;; a direct pointer to the referenced module added later
+ (module (type module) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+(define-struct entity-var
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-var?))
+(define-struct entity-con
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-con?))
+(define-struct entity-abbreviated
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-abbreviated?))
+(define-struct entity-class
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-class?)
+ (slots
+ (methods (type (list symbol)))))
+(define-struct entity-datatype
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-datatype?)
+ (slots
+ (constructors (type (list symbol)))))
+(define-struct renaming
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (from (type symbol))
+ (to (type symbol))
+ (referenced? (type bool))))
+;;; <fix> -> infixl [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; -> infixr [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; -> infix [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; <ops> -> <op> , ... , <op>
+;;; <op> -> <varop>
+;;; -> <conop>
+;;; Not sure where to put this decl - jcp
+(define-struct fixity
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (associativity (type (enum l n r)))
+ (precedence (type int))))
+(define-struct fixity-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (fixity (type fixity))
+ ;; <ops>
+ (names (type (list symbol)))
+ ))
diff --git a/ast/predicates.scm b/ast/predicates.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20dfc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/predicates.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;; predicates.scm -- various useful predicates, collected from other places
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 19 Mar 1992
+;;; Some predicates on patterns (used by CFN)
+(define-integrable (var-or-wildcard-pat? p)
+ (or (is-type? 'wildcard-pat p)
+ (is-type? 'var-pat p)))
+(define-integrable (irrefutable-pat? p)
+ (or (is-type? 'wildcard-pat p)
+ (is-type? 'var-pat p)
+ (is-type? 'irr-pat p)))
diff --git a/ast/tc-structs.scm b/ast/tc-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1433082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/tc-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;;; These structures are used by the type checker for the internal
+;;; representation of type information. These are referred to in
+;;; general as `ntype' structures. Conversions are required between
+;;; ast types and ntypes.
+(define-struct ntype
+ (include ast-node))
+(define-struct ntycon
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate ntycon?)
+ (slots
+ (tycon (type def))
+ (args (type (list ntype)))))
+(define-struct ntyvar
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate ntyvar?)
+ (slots
+ ;; non-instantiated tyvars use #f for a value.
+ (value (type (maybe ntype)))
+ ;; could be encoded in value.
+ (context (type (list class)) (default ()))
+ (read-only? (type bool) (default #f) (bit #t))
+ (dict-params (type (list (tuple valdef (list (tuple class var))))))
+ ))
+;;; This is used only at the top level of a type during letrec type
+;;; checking.
+(define-struct recursive-type
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate recursive-type?)
+ (slots
+ (type (type ntype))
+ (placeholders (type (list exp)))))
+;;; Gtypes are generalized types which can be copied quickly & stored in
+;;; interfaces. They may contain monomorphic type variables which will not
+;;; be copied.
+(define-struct gtype
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate gtype?)
+ (slots
+ (context (type (list (list class))))
+ (type (type ntype))))
+;;; These tyvars just index a list of pre-allocated tyvars.
+(define-struct gtyvar
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate gtyvar?)
+ (slots
+ (varnum (type int))))
+(define-struct const-type
+ (include ntype)
+ (predicate const-type?)
+ (slots
+ (type (type ntype))))
diff --git a/ast/type-structs.scm b/ast/type-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba4705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/type-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;;; File: ast/type-structs Author: John
+;;; This contains AST structures for the type-related declarations,
+;;; including `data', `class', `instance', and `type' decls. Basic type
+;;; syntax is also defined here.
+;;; Structures declared here:
+;;; type type-var type-con context signature synonym-decl
+;;; data-decl class-decl instance-decl
+;;; <type> -> <atype>
+;;; -> <type> -> <type> ***
+;;; -> <tycon> <atype> ... <atype> tycon
+;;; <atype> -> <tyvar> tyvar
+;;; -> <tycon> tycon
+;;; -> () ***
+;;; -> ( <type> ) grouping syntax
+;;; -> ( <type> , ... , <type>) ***
+;;; -> [ <type> ] ***
+;;; *** Special <tycon> cases
+;;; Type with no context - either a tyvar or a constructor
+(define-struct type
+ (include ast-node))
+(define-struct tyvar
+ (include type)
+ (predicate tyvar?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))))
+(define-struct tycon
+ (include type)
+ (predicate tycon?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (def (type def))
+ (args (type (list type)))))
+;;; <signature> -> [<context> =>] <type>
+;;; <context> -> <class>
+;;; -> (<class> , ... , <class>)
+;;; A single class, variable pair
+(define-struct context
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (class (type class-ref))
+ (tyvar (type symbol))))
+;;; Type + context
+(define-struct signature
+ (include type)
+ (slots
+ (context (type (list context)))
+ (type (type type))))
+;;; Major type declarations. Note: no explicit structures for <simple>
+;;; or <inst> are needed - these are just special cases of type.
+;;; <synonym-decl> -> type <simple> = <type>
+;;; <simple> -> <tycon> <tyvar> ... <tyvar>
+(define-struct synonym-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (simple (type type))
+ (body (type type))))
+;;; <aldata-decl> -> data [<context> => ] <simple> = <constrs>
+;;; [deriving <tycls> | ( <tycls> , ... <tycls>) ]
+;;; <constrs> -> <constr> | ... | <constr>
+(define-struct data-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (context (type (list context)))
+ (simple (type type))
+ (constrs (type (list constr)))
+ (deriving (type (list class-ref)))
+ (annotations (type (list annotation-value)))))
+;;; <constr> -> <con> <atype> ... <atype>
+;;; -> <type> <conop> <type>
+(define-struct constr
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (constructor (type con-ref)) ; this con-ref has an infix? flag.
+ (types (type (list (tuple type (list annotation-value)))))))
+;;; <class-decl> -> class [<context> => ] <class> [where { <cbody> [;] } ]
+;;; <cbody> -> [<csigns> ; ] [ <valdefs> ]
+;;; <csigns> -> <signdecl> ; ... ; <signdecl>
+(define-struct class-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (class (type class-ref))
+ (super-classes (type (list context)))
+ (class-var (type symbol)) ; name of type var for this class in decls
+ (decls (type (list decl))))) ; <cbody>
+;;; <instance-decl> -> instance [<context> =>] <tycls> <inst>
+;;; [where { <valdefs> [;] } ]
+;;; <inst> -> <tycon>
+;;; -> ( <tycon> <tyvar> ... <tyvar> )
+;;; -> ( <tyvar> , ... , <tyvar>)
+;;; -> ()
+;;; -> [ <tyvar> ]
+;;; -> ( <tyvar> -> <tyvar>)
+(define-struct instance-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; <context>
+ (context (type (list context)))
+ ;; <tycls>
+ (class (type class-ref))
+ ;;
+ (simple (type type))
+ ;; <valdefs>
+ (decls (type (list valdef)))
+ ))
+;;; <default-decl> -> default <type>
+;;; -> default ( <type> , ... , <type> )
+(define-struct default-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (types (type (list type)))))
+;;; <tycls> -> <aconid>
+(define-struct class-ref
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (class (type def))))
diff --git a/ast/valdef-structs.scm b/ast/valdef-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0dc88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/valdef-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+;;; File: ast/valdef-structs Author: John
+;;; Ast structure for local declarations
+;;; <decl> -> <signdecl>
+;;; -> <valdef>
+;;; decl contains value declarations and type signatures.(
+;;; type related decls are topdecls and are separated from
+;;; these decls.
+(define-struct decl
+ (include ast-node))
+;;; <signdecl> -> <vars> :: [<context> =>] <type>
+;;; <vars> -> <var> , ... , <var>
+(define-struct signdecl ; this affixes a signature to a list of variables
+ (include decl)
+ (predicate signdecl?)
+ (slots
+ (vars (type (list var-ref)))
+ (signature (type signature))))
+;;; This is introduced into decl lists by dependency analysis
+(define-struct recursive-decl-group
+ (include decl)
+ (slots
+ ;; none of these are recursive decl groups
+ (decls (type (list decl)))
+ ))
+;;; <valdef> -> <lhs> = <exp> [where { <decls> [;] }]
+;;; -> <lhs> <gdrhs> [where { <decls> [;] }]
+;;; <lhs> -> <apat>
+;;; -> <funlhs>
+;;; <funlhs> -> <afunlhs>
+;;; -> <pat> <varop> <pat>
+;;; -> <lpat> <varop> <pat>
+;;; -> <pat> <varop> <rpat>
+;;; <afunlhs> -> <var> <apat>
+;;; -> ( <funlhs> ) <apat> (infix operator with more than 2 args)
+;;; -> <afunlhs> <apat> (multiple argument pattern)
+(define-struct valdef ; this defines values.
+ (include decl)
+ (predicate valdef?)
+ (slots
+ ;; this pattern contains all new variables defined.
+ ;; For a function definition the pattern will always
+ ;; be a simple variable.
+ (lhs (type pattern))
+ ;; this is a list of right hand sides.
+ ;; for a pattern definition, this list is always a singleton. For
+ ;; a function definition, there is a member for every successive
+ ;; alternative for the function.
+ (definitions (type (list single-fun-def)))
+ ;; this is used internally by dependency analysis
+ (depend-val (type int) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; this is filled in by the type phase
+ (dictionary-args (type (list var)) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; used for defaulting
+ (module (type symbol) (default '|Prelude|))
+ ))
+(define-struct single-fun-def
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; this list is always empty for pattern definition
+ ;; and always non-empty for function definition.
+ ;; The length of this list is the arity of the function.
+ ;; All single-fun-defs for a function have the same arity.
+ (args (type (list pattern)))
+ ;; <gdrhs>, this contains a list of guard , expression pairs
+ (rhs-list (type (list guarded-rhs)))
+ ;; this contains declarations local to the
+ ;; single fun def. It scopes over the args. The
+ ;; guarded-rhs may refer to these values.
+ (where-decls (type (list decl)))
+ ;; true when declared in infix style. Used for printing
+ ;; and to check precs in prec parsing.
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))
+ ))
+;;; <gdrhs> -> <gd> = <exp> [<gdrhs>]
+;;; <gd> -> | <exp>
+(define-struct guarded-rhs ; a single guarded expression. A special expression
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; node - omitted-guard - is used when no guard given
+ (guard (type exp))
+ (rhs (type exp))))
+;;; Some examples of the above:
+;;; (a,b) | z>y = (z,y)
+;;; | otherwise = (1,2)
+;;; where z = x-2
+;;; valdef:
+;;; lhs = (a,b)
+;;; definitions =
+;;; [single-fun-def:
+;;; args = []
+;;; rhs-list = [guarded-rhs: guard = z>y
+;;; rhs = (z,y),
+;;; guarded-rhs: guard = otherwise
+;;; rhs = (1,2)]
+;;; where-decls = [valdef: lhs = z
+;;; definitions =
+;;; [single-fun-def:
+;;; args = []
+;;; rhs-list = [guarded-rhs:
+;;; guard = omitted-guard
+;;; exp = x-2]
+;;; where-decls = []]]]
+;;; fact 0 = 1
+;;; fact (n+1) = (n+1)*fact n
+;;; valdef:
+;;; lhs = fact
+;;; definitions =
+;;; [single-fun-def:
+;;; args = [0]
+;;; rhs-list = [guarded-rhs: guard = omitted-guard
+;;; rhs = 1]
+;;; where-decls = [],
+;;; single-fun-def:
+;;; args = [n+1]
+;;; rhs-list = [guarded-rhs: guard = omitted-guard
+;;; rhs = (n+1)*fact n]
+;;; where-decls = []]
+;;; Definitions for patterns
+;;; This is a simplification; the real syntax is complicated by
+;;; rules for precedence and associativity.
+;;; <pat> -> <pat> <conop> <pat> pcon
+;;; -> <pat> + <integer> plus-pat
+;;; -> - <integer-or-float> *** ??? const-pat?
+;;; -> <apat>
+;;; -> <con> <apat> .... <apat> pcon
+;;; <apat> -> <var> var-pat
+;;; -> <var> @ <apat> as-pat
+;;; -> <con> *** ??? var-pat?
+;;; -> <literal> const-pat
+;;; -> _ wildcard-pat
+;;; -> () pcon special case
+;;; -> ( <pat> ) (grouping syntax)
+;;; -> ( <pat> , ... , <pat> ) pcon special case
+;;; -> [ <pat> , ... , <pat> ] list-pat
+;;; -> ~ <apat> irr-pat
+(define-struct pattern
+ (include ast-node))
+(define-struct apat
+ (include pattern))
+(define-struct as-pat ;; var@pat
+ (include apat)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var-ref))
+ (pattern (type pattern))))
+(define-struct irr-pat ;; ~pat
+ (include apat)
+ (slots
+ (pattern (type pattern))))
+(define-struct var-pat ;; v
+ (include apat)
+ (predicate var-pat?)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var-ref))))
+(define-struct wildcard-pat ;; _
+ (include apat)
+ (predicate wildcard-pat?))
+(define-struct const-pat ;; literal
+ (include apat)
+ (predicate const-pat?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type const))
+ ;; this is the code that actually performs the match.
+ ;; it's filled in by type phase.
+ (match-fn (type exp) (uninitialized? #t))))
+(define-struct plus-pat ;; p+k
+ (include pattern)
+ (slots
+ (pattern (type pattern))
+ (k (type integer))
+ ;; code to check for match, filled in by type phase
+ (match-fn (type exp) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ;; code to bind result, filled in by type phase
+ (bind-fn (type exp) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+(define-struct pcon ;; con pat1 pat2 ...
+ (include pattern) ;; pat1 con pat2
+ (predicate pcon?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (con (type def))
+ (pats (type (list pattern)))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct list-pat ;; [p1,p2,...]
+ (include apat)
+ (slots
+ (pats (type (list pattern)))))
+;;; The following structs deal with prec parsing of patterns.
+(define-struct pp-pat-list
+ (include pattern)
+ (slots
+ (pats (type (list pattern)))))
+(define-struct pp-pat-plus
+ (include pattern)
+ (predicate pp-pat-plus?))
+(define-struct pp-pat-negated
+ (include pattern)
+ (predicate pp-pat-negated?))
+;;; Structs for annotations
+(define-struct annotation
+ (include decl)
+ (predicate annotation?))
+(define-struct annotation-decl
+ (include annotation)
+ (predicate annotation-decl?)
+ (slots
+ (names (type (list symbol)))
+ (annotations (type (list annotation-value)))))
+(define-struct annotation-value
+ (include annotation)
+ (predicate annotation-value?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (args (type (list t)))))
+;;; This is a list of annotations placed in where decls lists in the same
+;;; manner a signdecls.
+(define-struct annotation-decls
+ (include annotation)
+ (predicate annotation-decls?)
+ (slots
+ (annotations (type (list annotation)))))
diff --git a/backend/README b/backend/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f221b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This directory contains the files for the compiler backend. All of these
+phases operate on FLIC code.
+optimize -- performs various tweaks to compact the code and make it faster.
+ also includes a postpass to fill in some additional structure slots.
+strictness -- attaches strictness information to functions and decides
+ whether locally-bound variables have a boxed or unboxed representation.
+codegen -- generates Lisp code from the optimized FLIC code.
diff --git a/backend/backend.scm b/backend/backend.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b370ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/backend.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; backend.scm -- compilation unit for code generator stuff
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 13 May 1992
+(define-compilation-unit backend
+ (source-filename "$Y2/backend/")
+ (require flic)
+ (unit optimize
+ (source-filename "optimize.scm"))
+ (unit strictness
+ (source-filename "strictness.scm"))
+ (unit box
+ (source-filename "box.scm"))
+ (unit codegen
+ (source-filename "codegen.scm"))
+ (unit interface-codegen
+ (source-filename "interface-codegen.scm")))
diff --git a/backend/box.scm b/backend/box.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47848a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/box.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+;;; box.scm -- determine which expressions need to be boxed
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 03 Apr 1993
+;;; This phase determines whether expressions need to be boxed or unboxed.
+;;; In the case of an expression that needs to be boxed, it determines
+;;; whether it can be evaluated eagerly and boxed or whether a delay
+;;; must be constructed.
+;;; In the case of an expression that needs to be unboxed, it determines
+;;; whether it is already known to have been evaluated and can simply
+;;; be unboxed instead of checking for a delay that must be forced.
+;;; This phase may mark previously non-strict variables as strict if their
+;;; initializers can be evaluated eagerly. However, doing this evaluation
+;;; eagerly never causes any other non-strict variables to be forced,
+;;; so there is no need to propagate this strictness information backwards
+;;; (as happens in the var-strictness-walk pass).
+;;; Top-level function
+;;; Complexity computation
+(define-integrable delay-complexity 10)
+(define-integrable unbox-complexity 1)
+(define-integrable box-complexity 2)
+(define-integrable sel-complexity 1)
+(define-integrable is-constructor-complexity 1)
+(define-integrable pack-complexity 2)
+(define-integrable con-number-complexity 1)
+(define (add-complexity c1 c2)
+ (cond ((not c1)
+ '#f)
+ ((not c2)
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ ;; *** We might want to establish an arbitrary cutoff here.
+ ;; *** e.g., if complexity > N then set it to '#f.
+ (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum c1) (the fixnum c2))))))
+;;; The second argument to the walker is a list of things
+;;; that are known to have been forced already.
+;;; The third argument is a list of variables that have not yet
+;;; been initialized.
+;;; Walkers return two values: a new value for already-forced and
+;;; the complexity of the expression.
+;;; This helper function sets the unboxed? and cheap? bits for the
+;;; code generator, and adjusts the basic complexity to account for
+;;; forces, boxes, and delays.
+;;; The basic decision tree for the code generator should be:
+;;; if unboxed?
+;;; then if strict-result?
+;;; then generate x (1)
+;;; else if cheap?
+;;; then generate (unbox x) (2)
+;;; else generate (force x) (3)
+;;; else if strict-result?
+;;; then if cheap?
+;;; then generate (box x) (4)
+;;; else generate (delay x) (5)
+;;; else if cheap?
+;;; then generate x (6)
+;;; then generate (delay (force x)) (7)
+;;; See function do-codegen in codegen.scm.
+(define (do-box-analysis object already-forced uninitialized unboxed?)
+ (setf (flic-exp-unboxed? object) unboxed?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (result complexity)
+ (box-analysis object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (setf complexity
+ (if unboxed?
+ ;; If the expression returns a boxed value and we want
+ ;; an unboxed one, we may need to do a force.
+ (if (flic-exp-strict-result? object)
+ (begin ; case (1)
+ ;; this flic-exp-cheap? bit is used only by
+ ;; exp-would-be-cheap? below -- not by codegen
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object)
+ (if complexity '#t '#f))
+ complexity)
+ (if (already-forced? object already-forced)
+ (begin ; case (2)
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#t)
+ (add-complexity complexity unbox-complexity))
+ (begin ; case (3)
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#f)
+ '#f)))
+ ;; We want a boxed value. If the expression already
+ ;; returns a boxed value, return its complexity directly;
+ ;; otherwise return the cost of either boxing or delaying it.
+ (if (flic-exp-strict-result? object)
+ (if complexity
+ (begin ; case (4)
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#t)
+ (add-complexity complexity box-complexity))
+ (begin ; case (5)
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#f)
+ delay-complexity))
+ (if complexity
+ (begin
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#t) ; case (6)
+ complexity)
+ (begin ; case (7)
+ (setf (flic-exp-cheap? object) '#f)
+ delay-complexity)))
+ ))
+ (values
+ (if unboxed?
+ (note-already-forced object result)
+ result)
+ complexity)))
+;;; Code walk
+(define *local-function-calls* '())
+(define-flic-walker box-analysis (object already-forced uninitialized))
+(define-box-analysis flic-lambda (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (do-box-analysis (flic-lambda-body object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (values already-forced 0))
+(define-box-analysis flic-let (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*local-function-calls* (dynamic *local-function-calls*)))
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ ;; Note local functions
+ (when (and (not (var-toplevel? var))
+ (is-type? 'flic-lambda (var-value var))
+ (not (var-standard-refs? var)))
+ (push (cons var '()) (dynamic *local-function-calls*))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (already-forced complexity)
+ (box-analysis-let-aux object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ ;; Go back and reexamine local functions to see whether
+ ;; we can make more arguments strict, based on the values
+ ;; the function is actually called with.
+ (let ((stuff (assq var (dynamic *local-function-calls*))))
+ (when stuff
+ (maybe-make-more-arguments-strict var (cdr stuff)))))
+ (values already-forced complexity)))))
+(define (box-analysis-let-aux object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let ((recursive? (flic-let-recursive? object))
+ (bindings (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (body (flic-let-body object)))
+ (when recursive? (setf uninitialized (append bindings uninitialized)))
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (let* ((value (var-value var))
+ (strict? (var-strict? var))
+ (result (do-box-analysis value already-forced uninitialized
+ strict?)))
+ (cond (strict?
+ ;; Propagate information about things forced.
+ (setf already-forced result))
+ ((and (flic-exp-cheap? value)
+ (flic-exp-strict-result? value))
+ ;; The value expression is cheap unboxed value, so mark
+ ;; the variable as strict.
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#t)
+ (setf (flic-exp-unboxed? value) '#t))))
+ (when recursive? (pop uninitialized)))
+ ;; *** Could be smarter about computing complexity.
+ (values
+ (do-box-analysis body already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ '#f)))
+(define (maybe-make-more-arguments-strict var calls)
+ (setf (var-strictness var)
+ (maybe-make-more-arguments-strict-aux
+ (flic-lambda-vars (var-value var))
+ calls)))
+(define (maybe-make-more-arguments-strict-aux vars calls)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ '()
+ (let ((var (car vars)))
+ ;; If the variable is not already strict, check to see
+ ;; whether it's always called with "cheap" arguments.
+ (when (and (not (var-strict? var))
+ (every-1 (lambda (call)
+ (exp-would-be-cheap? (car call) var))
+ calls))
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#t)
+ (dolist (call calls)
+ (setf (flic-exp-unboxed? (car call)) '#t)))
+ (cons (var-strict? var)
+ (maybe-make-more-arguments-strict-aux
+ (cdr vars)
+ (map (function cdr) calls))))
+ ))
+;;; Look for one special fixed-point case: argument used as counter-type
+;;; variable. Otherwise ignore fixed points.
+(define (exp-would-be-cheap? exp var)
+ (or (and (flic-exp-cheap? exp)
+ (flic-exp-strict-result? exp))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref exp)
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var exp) var))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-app exp)
+ (is-type? 'flic-ref (flic-app-fn exp))
+ (var-complexity (flic-ref-var (flic-app-fn exp)))
+ (every-1 (lambda (a) (exp-would-be-cheap? a var))
+ (flic-app-args exp)))
+ ))
+(define-box-analysis flic-app (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn object))
+ (args (flic-app-args object))
+ (saturated? (flic-app-saturated? object)))
+ (cond ((and saturated? (is-type? 'flic-ref fn))
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var fn))
+ (stuff (assq var (dynamic *local-function-calls*))))
+ (when stuff
+ (push args (cdr stuff)))
+ (box-analysis-app-aux
+ (var-strictness var) (var-complexity var)
+ args already-forced uninitialized)))
+ ((and saturated? (is-type? 'flic-pack fn))
+ (box-analysis-app-aux
+ (con-slot-strict? (flic-pack-con fn)) pack-complexity
+ args already-forced uninitialized))
+ (else
+ ;; The function is going to be forced but all the arguments
+ ;; are non-strict.
+ (dolist (a args)
+ (do-box-analysis a already-forced uninitialized '#f))
+ (values
+ (do-box-analysis fn already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ '#f))
+ )))
+;;; Propagation of already-forced information depends on whether or
+;;; not the implementation evaluates function arguments in left-to-right
+;;; order. If not, we can still propagate this information upwards.
+(define (box-analysis-app-aux
+ strictness complexity args already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let ((result already-forced))
+ (dolist (a args)
+ (let ((strict? (pop strictness)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-result new-complexity)
+ (do-box-analysis a already-forced uninitialized strict?)
+ (when strict?
+ (setf result
+ (if left-to-right-evaluation
+ (setf already-forced new-result)
+ (union-already-forced
+ new-result already-forced result))))
+ (setf complexity (add-complexity complexity new-complexity)))))
+ (values result complexity)))
+(define-box-analysis flic-ref (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (values
+ already-forced
+ (if (memq (flic-ref-var object) uninitialized)
+ '#f
+ 0)))
+(define-box-analysis flic-const (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (declare (ignore object uninitialized))
+ (values already-forced 0))
+(define-box-analysis flic-pack (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (declare (ignore object uninitialized))
+ (values already-forced 0))
+;;; For case-block and and, already-forced information can be propagated
+;;; sequentially in the clauses. But only the first expression is
+;;; guaranteed to be evaluated, so only it can propagate the information
+;;; outwards.
+(define-box-analysis flic-case-block (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (values
+ (box-analysis-sequence
+ (flic-case-block-exps object) already-forced uninitialized)
+ '#f))
+(define-box-analysis flic-and (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (values
+ (box-analysis-sequence
+ (flic-and-exps object) already-forced uninitialized)
+ '#f))
+(define (box-analysis-sequence exps already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let ((result
+ (setf already-forced
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (car exps) already-forced uninitialized '#t))))
+ (dolist (e (cdr exps))
+ (setf already-forced
+ (do-box-analysis e already-forced uninitialized '#t)))
+ (values result already-forced)))
+(define-box-analysis flic-return-from (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (values
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (flic-return-from-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ '#f))
+;;; For if, the test propagates to both branches and the result.
+;;; Look for an important optimization:
+;;; in (if (and e1 e2 ...) e-then e-else),
+;;; e-then can inherit already-forced information from all of the ei
+;;; rather than only from e1.
+;;; *** Could be smarter about the complexity, I suppose....
+;;; *** Also could intersect already-forced results from both
+;;; *** branches.
+(define-box-analysis flic-if (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-and (flic-if-test-exp object))
+ (box-analysis-if-and-aux object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (box-analysis-if-other-aux object already-forced uninitialized)))
+(define (box-analysis-if-other-aux object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (setf already-forced
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (flic-if-test-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t))
+ (do-box-analysis (flic-if-then-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (do-box-analysis (flic-if-else-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (values already-forced '#f))
+(define (box-analysis-if-and-aux object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (let* ((test-exp (flic-if-test-exp object))
+ (subexps (flic-and-exps test-exp))
+ (then-exp (flic-if-then-exp object))
+ (else-exp (flic-if-else-exp object)))
+ (setf (flic-exp-unboxed? test-exp) '#t)
+ (multiple-value-bind (result1 resultn)
+ (box-analysis-sequence subexps already-forced uninitialized)
+ (do-box-analysis then-exp resultn uninitialized '#t)
+ (do-box-analysis else-exp result1 uninitialized '#t)
+ (values result1 '#f))))
+(define-box-analysis flic-sel (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (multiple-value-bind (result complexity)
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (flic-sel-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (values result (add-complexity sel-complexity complexity))))
+(define-box-analysis flic-is-constructor (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (multiple-value-bind (result complexity)
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (flic-is-constructor-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (values result (add-complexity is-constructor-complexity complexity))))
+(define-box-analysis flic-con-number (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (multiple-value-bind (result complexity)
+ (do-box-analysis
+ (flic-con-number-exp object) already-forced uninitialized '#t)
+ (values result (add-complexity con-number-complexity complexity))))
+(define-box-analysis flic-void (object already-forced uninitialized)
+ (declare (ignore object uninitialized))
+ (values already-forced 0))
+;;; Already-forced bookkeeping
+;;; For now, we only keep track of variables that have been forced,
+;;; and not data structure accesses.
+(define (already-forced? object already-forced)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref object)
+ (memq (flic-ref-var object) already-forced)))
+(define (note-already-forced object already-forced)
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-ref object)
+ (cons (flic-ref-var object) already-forced)
+ already-forced))
+(define (union-already-forced new tail result)
+ (cond ((eq? new tail)
+ result)
+ ((memq (car new) result)
+ (union-already-forced (cdr new) tail result))
+ (else
+ (union-already-forced (cdr new) tail (cons (car new) result)))
+ ))
diff --git a/backend/codegen.scm b/backend/codegen.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283594f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/codegen.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+;;; codegen.scm -- compile flic code to Lisp
+;;; Author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; Date : 29 Apr 1992
+;;; to do: check completeness of special cases for constructors
+;;; constants still need work
+;;; optimized entry points
+;;; The code generated here uses the following helper functions:
+;;; (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+;;; make a curried function that calls opt-fn after collecting the
+;;; arguments and processing them according to strictness. Both
+;;; the arguments are evaluated.
+;;; (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+;;; return a function that makes an untagged data structure with "arity"
+;;; slots. "arity" is a constant.
+;;; (make-tuple . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+;;; (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+;;; return a function that makes a data structure with tag "n" and
+;;; "arity" slots.
+;;; (make-tagged-data n . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+;;; (tuple-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from untagged "object"
+;;; (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from tagged "object"
+;;; (constructor-number object)
+;;; return the tag from "object"
+;;; (delay form)
+;;; returns a delay object with unevaluated "form".
+;;; (box form)
+;;; returns a delay object with evaluated "form".
+;;; (force delay)
+;;; return the value of the delay object.
+;;; (make-haskell-string string)
+;;; Converts a Lisp string lazily to a haskell string (using a magic
+;;; delay function). Returns an unboxed result.
+;;; Code walker
+;;; Here is the main entry point.
+(define (codegen-top big-let)
+ (do ((bindings (flic-let-bindings big-let) (cdr bindings))
+ (result '())
+ (decls '()))
+ ((null? bindings) `(begin ,@(nreverse decls) ,@(nreverse result)))
+ (let ((var (car bindings)))
+ (push `(predefine ,(fullname var)) decls)
+ (push (codegen-definition var (var-value var)) result))))
+;;; See box.scm for more information about this...
+(define (do-codegen object)
+ (let ((x (codegen object))
+ (unboxed? (flic-exp-unboxed? object))
+ (strict-result? (flic-exp-strict-result? object))
+ (cheap? (flic-exp-cheap? object)))
+ (if unboxed?
+ (if strict-result?
+ x
+ (if cheap?
+ `(unbox ,x)
+ `(force ,x)))
+ (if strict-result?
+ (if cheap?
+ `(box ,x)
+ `(delay ,x))
+ (if cheap?
+ x
+ `(delay (force ,x)))))))
+(define (do-codegen-list list)
+ (map (function do-codegen) list))
+(define-flic-walker codegen (object))
+;;; For top-level definitions bound to lambda expressions, make both
+;;; a standard entry point (with possibly unboxed arguments) and
+;;; a standard entry point.
+(define (codegen-definition var exp)
+ (let ((fullname (fullname var)))
+ (when (or (memq 'codegen (dynamic *printers*))
+ (memq 'codegen-flic (dynamic *printers*)))
+; (format '#t "~%Codegen of ~A [~A] " (def-name var) (struct-hash var))
+ (format '#t "~%Codegen of ~A " (def-name var))
+ (when (not (var-strict? var))
+ (format '#t "Nonstrict "))
+ (when (not (eq? (var-strictness var) '()))
+ (format '#t "Strictness: ")
+ (dolist (s (var-strictness var))
+ (format '#t (if s "S " "N "))))
+ (when (var-simple? var)
+ (format '#t " Inline "))
+ (format '#t "~%")
+ (when (memq 'codegen-flic (dynamic *printers*))
+ (pprint* exp)))
+ (let ((lisp-code
+ (if (not (flic-lambda? exp))
+ `(define ,fullname ,(do-codegen exp))
+ (let* ((optname (optname var))
+ (lambda (codegen-lambda-aux exp))
+ (def `(define (,optname ,@(cadr lambda))
+ ,@(cddr lambda))))
+ (if (var-selector-fn? var)
+ ;; Standard entry point for selectors is never used.
+ def
+ `(begin
+ ,def
+ (define ,fullname
+ ,(maybe-make-box-value
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ `(function ,optname) (var-strictness var))
+ (var-strict? var)))))))))
+ (when (or (memq 'codegen (dynamic *printers*))
+ (memq 'codegen-flic (dynamic *printers*)))
+ (pprint* lisp-code))
+ lisp-code)))
+(define (codegen-lambda-list vars)
+ (map (function fullname) vars))
+(define (codegen-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+ (if (null? (cdr strictness))
+ ;; one-argument special cases
+ (if (car strictness)
+ `(make-curried-fn-1-strict ,opt-fn)
+ `(make-curried-fn-1-nonstrict ,opt-fn))
+ ;; general case
+ `(make-curried-fn ,opt-fn ',strictness)))
+;;; Curry lambdas. Functions always return an unboxed value.
+(define-codegen flic-lambda (object)
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ (codegen-lambda-aux object)
+ (map (lambda (x) (var-strict? x)) (flic-lambda-vars object))))
+(define (codegen-lambda-aux object)
+ (let* ((vars (flic-lambda-vars object))
+ (ignore '())
+ (args (codegen-lambda-list vars)))
+ (dolist (v vars)
+ (if (eqv? (var-referenced v) 0)
+ (push (fullname v) ignore)))
+ `(lambda ,args
+ ,@(if (not (null? ignore))
+ `((declare (ignore ,@ignore)))
+ '())
+ ,(do-codegen (flic-lambda-body object)))))
+;;; This is only for non-top-level lets.
+;;; The boxing of the value of each of the bindings is controlled by its
+;;; strict? property.
+(define-codegen flic-let (object)
+ (let ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (body (flic-let-body object))
+ (recursive? (flic-let-recursive? object)))
+ (if recursive?
+ (codegen-letrec bindings body)
+ (codegen-let* bindings body))))
+;;; For efficiency reasons, we want to make all the function bindings
+;;; in the function namespace (some implementations do not do tail-recursion
+;;; or other optimizations correctly otherwise). This means we have
+;;; to sort out the variable bindings from the function bindings here.
+(define (codegen-letrec bindings body)
+ (let ((let-bindings '())
+ (labels-bindings '()))
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (let ((value (var-value var))
+ (fullname (fullname var))
+ (strict? (var-strict? var)))
+ (if (flic-lambda? value)
+ ;; Some functions may need only the optimized or standard
+ ;; entry points, but not both.
+ (let ((optname (optname var))
+ (lambda (codegen-lambda-aux value))
+ (optimized? (var-optimized-refs? var))
+ (standard? (var-standard-refs? var)))
+ (when standard?
+ (push (list fullname
+ (maybe-make-box-value
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ (if optimized? `(function ,optname) lambda)
+ (var-strictness var))
+ strict?))
+ let-bindings))
+ (when optimized?
+ (push (cons optname (cdr lambda)) labels-bindings)))
+ (push (list fullname (do-codegen value)) let-bindings))))
+ (setf let-bindings (nreverse let-bindings))
+ (setf labels-bindings (nreverse labels-bindings))
+ (cond ((null? let-bindings)
+ `(labels ,labels-bindings ,(do-codegen body)))
+ ((null? labels-bindings)
+ `(letrec ,let-bindings ,(do-codegen body)))
+ (t
+ `(let ,(map (lambda (b) `(,(car b) '#f)) let-bindings)
+ (labels ,labels-bindings
+ ,@(map (lambda (b) `(setf ,@b)) let-bindings)
+ ,(do-codegen body))))
+ )))
+(define (codegen-let* bindings body)
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ (do-codegen body)
+ (let* ((var (car bindings))
+ (value (var-value var))
+ (fullname (fullname var))
+ (strict? (var-strict? var))
+ (body (codegen-let* (cdr bindings) body)))
+ (if (flic-lambda? value)
+ ;; Some functions may need only the optimized or standard
+ ;; entry points, but not both.
+ (let ((optname (optname var))
+ (lambda (codegen-lambda-aux value))
+ (optimized? (var-optimized-refs? var))
+ (standard? (var-standard-refs? var)))
+ (when standard?
+ (setf body
+ (add-let-binding
+ (list fullname
+ (maybe-make-box-value
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ (if optimized? `(function ,optname) lambda)
+ (var-strictness var))
+ strict?))
+ body)))
+ (when optimized?
+ (setf body `(flet ((,optname ,@(cdr lambda))) ,body)))
+ body)
+ (add-let-binding (list fullname (do-codegen value)) body)))))
+(define (add-let-binding binding body)
+ (if (and (pair? body) (eq? (car body) 'let*))
+ `(let* (,binding ,@(cadr body)) ,@(cddr body))
+ `(let* (,binding) ,body)))
+(define-codegen flic-app (object)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn object))
+ (args (flic-app-args object))
+ (saturated? (flic-app-saturated? object)))
+ (cond ((and saturated? (flic-pack? fn))
+ ;; Saturated call to constructor
+ (codegen-constructor-app-aux
+ (flic-pack-con fn)
+ (do-codegen-list args)))
+ ((and saturated? (flic-ref? fn))
+ ;; Saturated call to named function
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var fn))
+ (optname (optname var))
+ (argcode (do-codegen-list args)))
+ `(,optname ,@argcode)))
+ (else
+ ;; Have to make a curried call to standard entry point.
+ (let ((fncode (do-codegen fn))
+ (argcode (do-codegen-list args)))
+ (if (and (pair? fncode)
+ (eq? (car fncode) 'force))
+ `(funcall-force ,(cadr fncode) ,@argcode)
+ `(funcall ,fncode ,@argcode))))
+ )))
+(define (codegen-constructor-app-aux con argcode)
+ (let ((alg (con-alg con)))
+ (cond ((eq? con (core-symbol ":"))
+ `(cons ,@argcode))
+ ((algdata-implemented-by-lisp? alg)
+ (apply-maybe-lambda (cadr (con-lisp-fns con)) argcode))
+ ((algdata-tuple? alg)
+ `(make-tuple ,@argcode))
+ (else
+ `(make-tagged-data ,(con-tag con) ,@argcode)))))
+(define-codegen flic-ref (object)
+ (fullname (flic-ref-var object)))
+(define-codegen flic-const (object)
+ (let ((value (flic-const-value object)))
+ (cond ((string? value)
+ `(make-haskell-string ,value))
+ ((char? value)
+ ;; *** I think the parser ought to convert characters to their
+ ;; *** ASCII codes instead of doing it here. There are problems
+ ;; *** with valid Haskell characters that can't be represented
+ ;; *** portably as Lisp characters.
+ (char->integer value))
+ ((number? value)
+ value)
+ (else
+ ;; It must be a ratio. This is a bit of a hack - this depends on
+ ;; the fact that 2 tuples are represented in the same manner as
+ ;; rationals. Hacked for strict rationals - jcp
+ `(make-tuple ,(car value) ,(cadr value)))
+ )))
+;;; Returns a function or constant, so doesn't need to delay result.
+;;; See flic-app for handling of saturated constructor calls.
+(define-codegen flic-pack (object)
+ (let* ((con (flic-pack-con object))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (strictness (con-slot-strict? con))
+ (index (con-tag con)))
+ (cond ((eq? con (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ ''())
+ ((eq? con (core-symbol "True"))
+ ''#t)
+ ((eq? con (core-symbol "False"))
+ ''#f)
+ ((eq? con (core-symbol ":"))
+ '(function make-cons-constructor))
+ ((algdata-implemented-by-lisp? alg)
+ (let ((fn (cadr (con-lisp-fns con))))
+ (if (eqv? (con-arity con) 0)
+ fn
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ (if (and (pair? fn) (eq? (car fn) 'lambda))
+ fn
+ `(function ,fn))
+ strictness))))
+ ((algdata-enum? alg)
+ ;; All constructors have 0 arity; represent them just
+ ;; by numbers.
+ index)
+ (tuple?
+ ;; Only a single constructor for this type.
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ `(make-tuple-constructor ,arity)
+ strictness))
+ ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; No arguments to this constructor.
+ `(make-tagged-data ,index))
+ (else
+ ;; General case.
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ `(make-tagged-data-constructor ,index ,arity)
+ strictness))
+ )))
+;;; These expressions translate directly into their Lisp equivalents.
+(define-codegen flic-case-block (object)
+ `(block ,(flic-case-block-block-name object)
+ ,@(do-codegen-list (flic-case-block-exps object))))
+(define-codegen flic-return-from (object)
+ `(return-from ,(flic-return-from-block-name object)
+ ,(do-codegen (flic-return-from-exp object))))
+(define-codegen flic-and (object)
+ `(and ,@(do-codegen-list (flic-and-exps object))))
+(define-codegen flic-if (object)
+ `(if ,(do-codegen (flic-if-test-exp object))
+ ,(do-codegen (flic-if-then-exp object))
+ ,(do-codegen (flic-if-else-exp object))))
+(define-codegen flic-sel (object)
+ (codegen-flic-sel-aux
+ (flic-sel-con object)
+ (flic-sel-i object)
+ (do-codegen (flic-sel-exp object))))
+(define (codegen-flic-sel-aux con index exp)
+ (let* ((alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (arity (con-arity con)))
+ (cond ((eq? con (core-symbol ":"))
+ (if (eqv? index 0)
+ `(car ,exp)
+ `(cdr ,exp)))
+ ((algdata-implemented-by-lisp? alg)
+ (apply-maybe-lambda (list-ref (cddr (con-lisp-fns con)) index)
+ (list exp)))
+ (tuple?
+ `(tuple-select ,arity ,index ,exp))
+ (else
+ `(tagged-data-select ,arity ,index ,exp))
+ )))
+(define-codegen flic-is-constructor (object)
+ (codegen-flic-is-constructor-aux
+ (flic-is-constructor-con object)
+ (do-codegen (flic-is-constructor-exp object))))
+(define (codegen-flic-is-constructor-aux con exp)
+ (let ((type (con-alg con)))
+ (cond ((eq? type (core-symbol "Bool"))
+ (if (eq? con (core-symbol "True"))
+ exp
+ `(not ,exp)))
+ ((eq? type (core-symbol "List"))
+ (if (eq? con (core-symbol ":"))
+ `(pair? ,exp)
+ `(null? ,exp)))
+ ((algdata-implemented-by-lisp? type)
+ (let ((fn (car (con-lisp-fns con))))
+ (apply-maybe-lambda fn (list exp))))
+ ((algdata-tuple? type)
+ ;; This should never happen.
+ ''#t)
+ ((algdata-enum? type)
+ `(eqv? (the fixnum ,exp) (the fixnum ,(con-tag con))))
+ (else
+ `(eqv? (the fixnum (constructor-number ,exp))
+ (the fixnum ,(con-tag con))))
+ )))
+(define-codegen flic-con-number (object)
+ (let ((type (flic-con-number-type object))
+ (exp (do-codegen (flic-con-number-exp object))))
+ `(the fixnum
+ ,(cond ((eq? type (core-symbol "Bool"))
+ `(if ,exp 1 0))
+ ((eq? type (core-symbol "List"))
+ `(if (pair? ,exp) 0 1))
+ ((algdata-tuple? type)
+ ;; This should never happen.
+ 0)
+ ((algdata-implemented-by-lisp? type)
+ (let ((var (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,var ,exp))
+ (cond ,@(map (lambda (con)
+ `(,(apply-maybe-lambda
+ (car (con-lisp-fns con))
+ (list var))
+ ',(con-tag con)))
+ (algdata-constrs type))
+ (else (error "No constructor satisfies ~A.~%"
+ ',(def-name type)))))))
+ ((algdata-enum? type)
+ exp)
+ (else
+ `(constructor-number ,exp))
+ ))
+ ))
+;;; Utility functions
+;;; Here are some helper functions for handing boxing and unboxing
+;;; of values.
+;;; maybe-make-box-delay is used to box forms that are "expensive" to
+;;; compute; maybe-make-box-value is used to box forms like constants
+;;; or functions that are "cheap" to compute eagerly.
+;;; Maybe-unbox is used to unbox a form that returns a boxed result.
+(define (maybe-make-box-delay form unboxed?)
+ (if unboxed?
+ form
+ `(delay ,form)))
+(define (maybe-make-box-value form unboxed?)
+ (if unboxed?
+ form
+ `(box ,form)))
+(define (maybe-unbox form unboxed?)
+ (if unboxed?
+ `(force ,form)
+ form))
+;;; These two var slots are filled in lazily by the code generator,
+;;; since most vars generated don't need them. You should always
+;;; use these functions instead of accessing the structure slot
+;;; directly.
+(define (fullname var)
+ (or (var-fullname var)
+ (setf (var-fullname var)
+ (if (var-toplevel? var)
+ ;; For toplevel names, use module name glued onto base names.
+ ;; These are always interned symbols.
+ (if (def-core? var)
+ (symbol-append '|*Core:| (def-name var))
+ (symbol-append (def-module var) '\: (def-name var)))
+ ;; Otherwise, make sure we have a gensym.
+ ;; The uniquification of interned symbols is required
+ ;; because there may be multiple nested bindings of the
+ ;; same name, and we want to be able to distinguish between
+ ;; the different bindings.
+ (let ((name (def-name var)))
+ (if (gensym? name)
+ name
+ (gensym (symbol->string name))))))
+ ))
+(define (optname var)
+ (or (var-optimized-entry var)
+ (let ((name (string-append (symbol->string (fullname var)) "/OPT")))
+ (setf (var-optimized-entry var)
+ (if (var-toplevel? var)
+ (string->symbol name)
+ (gensym name))))))
+;;; Exported functions
+;;; This handles types exported to lisp from Haskell
+;;; *** Is this really supposed to create variable bindings as
+;;; *** opposed to function bindings???
+;;; *** I assume all of these functions want strict arguments and return
+;;; *** strict results, even if the data structures contain boxed values.
+(define (codegen-exported-types mods)
+ (let ((defs '()))
+ (dolist (m mods)
+ (dolist (a (module-alg-defs m))
+ (when (algdata-export-to-lisp? a)
+ (dolist (c (algdata-constrs a))
+ (setf defs (nconc (codegen-constr c) defs))))))
+ `(begin ,@defs)))
+(define (codegen-constr c)
+ (let ((lisp-fns (con-lisp-fns c)))
+ (if c
+ (let ((res
+ `(,(codegen-lisp-predicate (car lisp-fns) c)
+ ,(codegen-lisp-constructor (cadr lisp-fns) c)
+ ,@(codegen-lisp-accessors
+ (cddr lisp-fns) (con-slot-strict? c) c 0))))
+ (when (memq 'codegen (dynamic *printers*))
+ (dolist (d res)
+ (pprint* d)))
+ res)
+ '())))
+(define (codegen-lisp-predicate name c)
+ `(define (,name x)
+ ,(codegen-flic-is-constructor-aux c 'x)))
+(define (codegen-lisp-constructor name c)
+ (let ((strictness (con-slot-strict? c))
+ (args '())
+ (exps '()))
+ (dolist (s strictness)
+ (let ((arg (gensym)))
+ (push arg args)
+ (push (if s arg `(box ,arg)) exps)))
+ `(define (,name ,@(nreverse args))
+ ,(codegen-constructor-app-aux c (nreverse exps)))))
+(define (codegen-lisp-accessors names strictness c i)
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (if (null? names)
+ '()
+ (let ((body (codegen-flic-sel-aux c i 'x)))
+ (when (not (car strictness))
+ (setf body `(force ,body)))
+ (cons `(define (,(car names) x) ,body)
+ (codegen-lisp-accessors (cdr names) (cdr strictness) c (+ i 1))))
+ ))
+;;; This is a special hack needed due to brain-dead common lisp problems.
+;;; This allows the user to place lambda defined functions in ImportLispType
+;;; *** I'm not convinced this is necessary; ((lambda ...) args)
+;;; *** is perfectly valid Common Lisp syntax!
+(define (apply-maybe-lambda fn args)
+ (if (and (pair? fn)
+ (eq? (car fn) 'lambda))
+ `(funcall ,fn ,@args)
+ `(,fn ,@args)))
diff --git a/backend/interface-codegen.scm b/backend/interface-codegen.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c8630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/interface-codegen.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+;;; This generates code for vars defined in an interface. This looks at
+;;; annotations and fills in the slots of the var definition.
+(define (haskell-codegen/interface mods)
+ (codegen/interface (car mods)))
+(define (codegen/interface mod)
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (dolist (d (module-decls mod))
+ (when (not (signdecl? d))
+ (error 'bad-decl))
+ (dolist (var (signdecl-vars d))
+ (let ((v (var-ref-var var)))
+ (setf (var-type v) (var-signature v))
+ (setf (var-toplevel? v) '#t)
+ (let ((a (lookup-annotation v '|Complexity|)))
+ (when (not (eq? a '#f))
+ (setf (var-complexity v)
+ (car (annotation-value-args a)))))
+ (let ((a (lookup-annotation v '|LispName|)))
+ (when (not (eq? a '#f))
+ (let ((lisp-entry (generate-lisp-entry v a)))
+ (push lisp-entry code)
+ (when (memq 'codegen (dynamic *printers*))
+ (pprint* lisp-entry))))))))
+ `(begin ,@code)))
+(define (generate-lisp-entry v a)
+ (let ((lisp-name (read-lisp-object (car (annotation-value-args a))))
+ (type (maybe-expand-io-type (gtype-type (var-type v)))))
+ (setf (var-optimized-entry v) lisp-name)
+ (if (arrow-type? type)
+ (codegen-lisp-fn v (gather-arg-types type))
+ (codegen-lisp-const v type))))
+(define (codegen-lisp-fn var arg-types)
+ (let* ((aux-definition '())
+ (wrapper? (foreign-fn-needs-wrapper? var arg-types))
+ (strictness-annotation (lookup-annotation var '|Strictness|))
+ (strictness (determine-strictness strictness-annotation arg-types))
+ (temps (gen-temp-names strictness)))
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#t)
+ (setf (var-arity var) (length strictness))
+ (setf (var-strictness var) strictness)
+ (when wrapper?
+ (mlet (((code name)
+ (make-wrapper-fn var (var-optimized-entry var) arg-types)))
+ (setf (var-optimized-entry var) name)
+ (setf aux-definition (list code))))
+ `(begin ,@aux-definition
+ (define ,(fullname var)
+ ,(maybe-make-box-value
+ (codegen-curried-fn
+ (if wrapper?
+ `(function ,(var-optimized-entry var))
+ `(lambda ,temps
+ (,(var-optimized-entry var) ,@temps)))
+ (var-strictness var))
+ '#t)))))
+(define (determine-strictness a args)
+ (if (eq? a '#f)
+ (map (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) '#t) (cdr args))
+ (parse-strictness (car (annotation-value-args a)))))
+(define (codegen-lisp-const var type)
+ (let ((conversion-fn (output-conversion-fn type)))
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#f)
+ (setf (var-arity var) 0)
+ (setf (var-strictness var) '())
+ `(define ,(fullname var)
+ (delay
+ ,(if (eq? conversion-fn '#f)
+ (var-optimized-entry var)
+ `(,@conversion-fn ,(var-optimized-entry var)))))))
+(define (maybe-expand-io-type ty)
+ (cond ((and (ntycon? ty)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon ty) (core-symbol "IO")))
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "Arrow")
+ (list (**ntycon (core-symbol "SystemState") '())
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "IOResult")
+ (ntycon-args ty)))))
+ ((arrow-type? ty)
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "Arrow")
+ (list (car (ntycon-args ty))
+ (maybe-expand-io-type (cadr (ntycon-args ty))))))
+ (else ty)))
+(define (gather-arg-types type)
+ (if (arrow-type? type)
+ (let ((a (ntycon-args type)))
+ (cons (car a) (gather-arg-types (cadr a))))
+ (list type)))
+(define (input-conversion-fn ty)
+ (if (ntycon? ty)
+ (let ((tycon (ntycon-tycon ty)))
+ (cond ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "String"))
+ (lambda (x) `(haskell-string->string ,x)))
+ ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "List")) ; needs to convert elements
+ (let ((var (gensym "X"))
+ (inner-fn (input-conversion-fn (car (ntycon-args ty)))))
+ (lambda (x) `(haskell-list->list
+ (lambda (,var)
+ ,(if (eq? inner-fn '#f)
+ var
+ (funcall inner-fn var)))
+ ,x))))
+ ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "Char"))
+ (lambda (x) `(integer->char ,x)))
+ (else '#f)))
+ '#f))
+(define (output-conversion-fn ty)
+ (if (ntycon? ty)
+ (let ((tycon (ntycon-tycon ty)))
+ (cond ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "String"))
+ (lambda (x) `(make-haskell-string ,x)))
+ ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "List"))
+ (let ((var (gensym "X"))
+ (inner-fn (output-conversion-fn (car (ntycon-args ty)))))
+ (lambda (x) `(list->haskell-list
+ (lambda (,var)
+ ,(if (eq? inner-fn '#f)
+ var
+ (funcall inner-fn var)))
+ ,x))))
+ ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (lambda (x) `(insert-unit-value ,x)))
+ ((eq? tycon (core-symbol "IOResult"))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((c1 (output-conversion-fn (car (ntycon-args ty)))))
+ `(box ,(apply-conversion c1 x)))))
+ (else '#f)))
+ '#f))
+(define (apply-conversion fn x)
+ (if (eq? fn '#f)
+ x
+ (funcall fn x)))
+(define (foreign-fn-needs-wrapper? var args)
+ (if (lookup-annotation var '|NoConversion|)
+ '#f
+ (ffnw-1 args)))
+(define (ffnw-1 args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args))
+ (not (eq? (output-conversion-fn (car args)) '#f))
+ (or (not (eq? (input-conversion-fn (car args)) '#f))
+ (systemstate? (car args))
+ (ffnw-1 (cdr args)))))
+(define (make-wrapper-fn var fn args)
+ (mlet ((new-fn (symbol-append (fullname var) '|/wrapper|))
+ (avars (gen-temp-names (cdr args)))
+ (ignore-state? (systemstate? (cadr (reverse args))))
+ ((arg-conversions res-conversion)
+ (collect-conversion-fns avars args)))
+ (values
+ `(define (,new-fn ,@avars)
+ ,@(if ignore-state? `((declare (ignore ,(car (last avars)))))
+ '())
+ ,@arg-conversions
+ ,(apply-conversion res-conversion
+ `(,fn ,@(if ignore-state?
+ (butlast avars)
+ avars))))
+ new-fn)))
+(define (collect-conversion-fns avars args)
+ (if (null? avars)
+ (values '() (output-conversion-fn (car args)))
+ (mlet ((fn (input-conversion-fn (car args)))
+ ((c1 r) (collect-conversion-fns (cdr avars) (cdr args))))
+ (values (if (eq? fn '#f)
+ c1
+ `((setf ,(car avars) ,(funcall fn (car avars))) ,@c1))
+ r))))
+(define (arrow-type? x)
+ (and (ntycon? x)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon x) (core-symbol "Arrow"))))
+(define (systemstate? x)
+ (and (ntycon? x)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon x) (core-symbol "SystemState"))))
+(define (gen-temp-names l)
+ (gen-temp-names-1 l '(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P)))
+(define (gen-temp-names-1 l1 l2)
+ (if (null? l1)
+ '()
+ (if (null? l2)
+ (gen-temp-names-1 l1 (list (gensym "T")))
+ (cons (car l2) (gen-temp-names-1 (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))))
diff --git a/backend/optimize.scm b/backend/optimize.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1624e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/optimize.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1986 @@
+;;; optimize.scm -- flic optimizer
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 7 May 1992
+;;; The optimizer does these kinds of program transformations:
+;;; * remove unreferenced variable bindings.
+;;; * constant folding and various other kinds of compile-time
+;;; evaluation.
+;;; * beta reduction (replace references to variables bound to simple
+;;; expressions with the expression)
+;;; Since some of the optimizations can make additional transformations
+;;; possible, we want to make multiple iteration passes. But since each
+;;; pass is likely to have diminishing benefits, we don't want to keep
+;;; iterating indefinitely. So establish a fairly arbitrary cutoff point.
+;;; The value is based on empirical results from compiling the prelude.
+(define *max-optimize-iterations* 5)
+(define *optimize-foldr-iteration* 0) ; when to inline foldr
+(define *optimize-build-iteration* 0) ; when to inline build
+(define *current-optimize-iteration* 0)
+;;; Flags for enabling various optimizations
+(define *all-optimizers* '(foldr inline constant lisp))
+(define *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;;; Used to note whether we are doing the various optimizations
+(define-local-syntax (do-optimization? o)
+ `(memq ,o (dynamic *optimizers*)))
+(define *do-foldr-optimizations* (do-optimization? 'foldr))
+(define *do-inline-optimizations* (do-optimization? 'inline))
+(define *do-constant-optimizations* (do-optimization? 'constant))
+;;; If the foldr optimization is enabled, bind the corresponding
+;;; variables to these values instead of the defaults.
+(define *foldr-max-optimize-iterations* 15)
+(define *foldr-optimize-foldr-iteration* 8)
+(define *foldr-optimize-build-iteration* 5)
+;;; Some random other variables
+(define *structured-constants* '())
+(define *structured-constants-table* '#f)
+(define *lambda-depth* 0)
+(define *local-bindings* '())
+;;; This is for doing some crude profiling.
+;;; Comment out the body of the macro to disable profiling.
+;;; Here are current counts from compiling the prelude:
+;;; (REF-INLINE . 2692)
+;;; (LET-EMPTY-BINDINGS . 2192)
+;;; (APP-LAMBDA-TO-LET . 1537)
+;;; (CASE-BLOCK-TO-IF . 212)
+;;; (SEL-FOLD-VAR . 211)
+;;; (APP-HOIST-LET . 190)
+;;; (LET-HOIST-LAMBDA . 181)
+;;; (FOLDR-INLINE . 176)
+;;; (AND-UNARY . 172)
+;;; (LAMBDA-COMPRESS . 168)
+;;; (APP-FOLD-SELECTOR . 141)
+;;; (LET-COMPRESS . 134)
+;;; (IF-FOLD . 128)
+;;; (AND-COMPRESS . 94)
+;;; (APP-COMPRESS . 93)
+;;; (IF-COMPRESS-TEST . 65)
+;;; (IF-HOIST-LAMBDA . 61)
+;;; (FOLDR-HOIST-LET . 28)
+;;; (CON-NUMBER-FOLD . 2)
+;;; (IF-IDENTITY . 2)
+(define-local-syntax (record-hack type . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ `',type
+; `(record-hack-aux ,type ,@args)
+ )
+(define *hacks-done* '())
+(define (record-hack-aux type . args)
+ ;; *** debug
+ ;; (format '#t "~s ~s~%" type args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (let ((stuff (assq type (car (dynamic *hacks-done*)))))
+ (if stuff
+ (incf (cdr stuff))
+ (push (cons type 1) (car (dynamic *hacks-done*))))))
+(define (total-hacks)
+ (let ((totals '()))
+ (dolist (alist *hacks-done*)
+ (dolist (entry alist)
+ (let ((stuff (assq (car entry) totals)))
+ (if stuff
+ (setf (cdr stuff) (+ (cdr stuff) (cdr entry)))
+ (push (cons (car entry) (cdr entry)) totals)))))
+ totals))
+;;; This is the main entry point.
+(define (optimize-top object)
+ (dynamic-let ((*structured-constants* '())
+ (*structured-constants-table* (make-table))
+ (*lambda-depth* 0)
+ (*local-bindings* '())
+ (*do-inline-optimizations*
+ (do-optimization? 'inline))
+ (*do-constant-optimizations*
+ (do-optimization? 'constant))
+ (*max-optimize-iterations*
+ (if (do-optimization? 'foldr)
+ (dynamic *foldr-max-optimize-iterations*)
+ (dynamic *max-optimize-iterations*)))
+ (*optimize-foldr-iteration*
+ (if (do-optimization? 'foldr)
+ (dynamic *foldr-optimize-foldr-iteration*)
+ (dynamic *optimize-foldr-iteration*)))
+ (*optimize-build-iteration*
+ (if (do-optimization? 'foldr)
+ (dynamic *foldr-optimize-build-iteration*)
+ (dynamic *optimize-build-iteration*))))
+ (setf *hacks-done* '())
+ (dotimes (i (dynamic *max-optimize-iterations*))
+ (dynamic-let ((*current-optimize-iteration* i))
+;; debug (*duplicate-object-table* (make-table)))
+ (when (memq 'optimize-extra (dynamic *printers*))
+ (format '#t "~%Optimize pass ~s:" i)
+ (pprint object))
+ (push '() *hacks-done*)
+ (setf object (optimize-flic-let-aux object '#t))))
+ (setf (flic-let-bindings object)
+ (nconc (nreverse (dynamic *structured-constants*))
+ (flic-let-bindings object))))
+ (install-uninterned-globals (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (postoptimize object)
+ object)
+(define-flic-walker optimize (object))
+;;; debugging stuff
+;;; (define *duplicate-object-table* (make-table))
+;;; (define (new-optimize object)
+;;; (if (table-entry (dynamic *duplicate-object-table*) object)
+;;; (error "Duplicate object ~s detected." object)
+;;; (begin
+;;; (setf (table-entry (dynamic *duplicate-object-table*) object) '#t)
+;;; (old-optimize object))))
+;;; (lisp:setf (lisp:symbol-function 'old-optimize)
+;;; (lisp:symbol-function 'optimize))
+;;; (lisp:setf (lisp:symbol-function 'optimize)
+;;; (lisp:symbol-function 'new-optimize))
+(define (optimize-list objects)
+ (optimize-list-aux objects)
+ objects)
+(define (optimize-list-aux objects)
+ (if (null? objects)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (setf (car objects) (optimize (car objects)))
+ (optimize-list-aux (cdr objects)))))
+;;; Compress nested lambdas. This hack is desirable because saturating
+;;; applications within the lambda body effectively adds additional
+;;; parameters to the function.
+;;; *** Maybe this should look for hoistable constant lambdas too.
+(define-optimize flic-lambda (object)
+ (let ((vars (flic-lambda-vars object)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*lambda-depth* (1+ (dynamic *lambda-depth*)))
+ (*local-bindings* (cons vars (dynamic *local-bindings*))))
+ (dolist (var vars)
+ (setf (var-referenced var) 0))
+ (let ((new-body (optimize (flic-lambda-body object))))
+ (setf (flic-lambda-body object) new-body)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-lambda new-body)
+ (record-hack 'lambda-compress)
+ (setf (flic-lambda-vars object)
+ (nconc (flic-lambda-vars object)
+ (flic-lambda-vars new-body)))
+ (setf (flic-lambda-body object) (flic-lambda-body new-body)))
+ (else
+ '#f))
+ object))))
+;;; For let, first mark all variables as unused and check for "simple"
+;;; binding values that permit beta reduction. Then walk the subexpressions.
+;;; Finally discard any bindings that are still marked as unused.
+;;; *** This fails to detect unused recursive variables.
+(define-optimize flic-let (object)
+ (optimize-flic-let-aux object '#f))
+(define (optimize-flic-let-aux object toplevel?)
+ (let ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (recursive? (flic-let-recursive? object)))
+ ;; *** This handling of *local-bindings* isn't quite right since
+ ;; *** it doesn't account for the sequential nature of bindings
+ ;; *** in a non-recursive let, but it's close enough. We won't
+ ;; *** get any semantic errors, but it might miss a few optimizations.
+ (dynamic-let ((*local-bindings*
+ (if (and recursive? (not toplevel?))
+ (cons bindings (dynamic *local-bindings*))
+ (dynamic *local-bindings*))))
+ (optimize-flic-let-bindings bindings recursive? toplevel?)
+ (dynamic-let ((*local-bindings*
+ (if (and (not recursive?) (not toplevel?))
+ (cons bindings (dynamic *local-bindings*))
+ (dynamic *local-bindings*))))
+ (setf (flic-let-body object) (optimize (flic-let-body object))))
+ ;; Check for unused bindings and other rewrites.
+ ;; Only do this for non-toplevel lets.
+ (if toplevel?
+ object
+ (optimize-flic-let-rewrite object bindings recursive?)))))
+(define (optimize-flic-let-bindings bindings recursive? toplevel?)
+ ;; Initialize
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (setf (var-referenced var) 0)
+ (setf (var-fn-referenced var) 0)
+ (when (is-type? 'flic-lambda (var-value var))
+ (dolist (v (flic-lambda-vars (var-value var)))
+ (setf (var-arg-invariant? v) '#t)
+ (setf (var-arg-invariant-value v) '#f))))
+ ;; Traverse value subforms
+ (do ((bindings bindings (cdr bindings)))
+ ((null? bindings) '#f)
+ (let* ((var (car bindings))
+ (val (var-value var)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'flic-app val)
+ (dynamic *do-constant-optimizations*)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn val))
+ (args (flic-app-args val)))
+ (if recursive?
+ (structured-constant-app-recursive?
+ fn args bindings (list var))
+ (structured-constant-app? fn args))))
+ ;; Variable is bound to a structured constant. If this
+ ;; isn't already a top-level binding, replace the value
+ ;; of the constant with a reference to a top-level variable
+ ;; that is in turn bound to the constant expression.
+ ;; binding to top-level if this is a new constant.
+ ;; *** Maybe we should also look for variables bound
+ ;; *** to lambdas, that can also be hoisted to top level.
+ (when (not toplevel?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (con args cvar)
+ (enter-structured-constant-aux val '#t)
+ (record-hack 'let-hoist-structured-constant)
+ (if cvar
+ (setf (var-value var) (make-flic-ref cvar))
+ (add-new-structured-constant var con args))))
+ (begin
+ ;; If this is a function that's a candidate for foldr/build
+ ;; optimization, stash the value away prior to
+ ;; inlining the calls.
+ ;; *** We might try to automagically detect functions
+ ;; *** that are candidates for these optimizations here,
+ ;; *** but have to watch out for infinite loops!
+ (when (and (var-force-inline? var)
+ (eqv? (the fixnum
+ (dynamic *current-optimize-iteration*))
+ (the fixnum
+ (dynamic *optimize-build-iteration*)))
+ (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (or (is-foldr-or-build-app? (flic-lambda-body val))))
+ (setf (var-inline-value var) (copy-flic-top val)))
+ ;; Then walk value normally.
+ (let ((new-val (optimize val)))
+ (setf (var-value var) new-val)
+ (setf (var-simple? var)
+ (or (var-force-inline? var)
+ (and (not (var-selector-fn? var))
+ (can-inline?
+ new-val
+ (if recursive? bindings '())
+ toplevel?))))))
+ ))))
+(define (is-foldr-or-build-app? exp)
+ (typecase exp
+ (flic-app
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn exp)))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref fn)
+ (or (eq? (flic-ref-var fn) (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var fn) (core-symbol "build"))))))
+ (flic-let
+ (is-foldr-or-build-app? (flic-let-body exp)))
+ (flic-ref
+ (let ((val (var-value (flic-ref-var exp))))
+ (and val (is-foldr-or-build-app? val))))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (optimize-flic-let-rewrite object bindings recursive?)
+ ;; Delete unused variables from the list.
+ (setf bindings
+ (list-delete-if
+ (lambda (var)
+ (cond ((var-toplevel? var)
+ ;; This was a structured constant hoisted to top-level.
+ '#t)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (var-referenced var)) (the fixnum 0))
+ (record-hack 'let-remove-unused-binding var)
+ '#t)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (var-referenced var)) (the fixnum 1))
+ (setf (var-single-ref var) (dynamic *lambda-depth*))
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (setf (var-single-ref var) '#f)
+ '#f)))
+ bindings))
+ ;; Add extra bindings for reducing functions with invariant
+ ;; arguments. Hopefully some of the extra bindings will go
+ ;; away in future passes!
+ (setf (flic-let-bindings object)
+ (setf bindings (add-stuff-for-invariants bindings)))
+ ;; Look for other special cases.
+ (cond ((null? bindings)
+ ;; Simplifying the expression by getting rid of the LET may
+ ;; make it possible to do additional optimizations on the
+ ;; next pass.
+ (record-hack 'let-empty-bindings)
+ (flic-let-body object))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-return-from (flic-let-body object))
+ ;; Hoist return-from outside of LET. This may permit
+ ;; further optimizations by an enclosing case-block.
+ (record-hack 'let-hoist-return-from)
+ (let* ((body (flic-let-body object))
+ (inner-body (flic-return-from-exp body)))
+ (setf (flic-return-from-exp body) object)
+ (setf (flic-let-body object) inner-body)
+ body))
+ ((and (not recursive?)
+ (is-type? 'flic-let (flic-let-body object))
+ (not (flic-let-recursive? (flic-let-body object))))
+ ;; This is purely to produce more compact code.
+ (record-hack 'let-compress)
+ (let ((body (flic-let-body object)))
+ (setf (flic-let-bindings object)
+ (nconc bindings (flic-let-bindings body)))
+ (setf (flic-let-body object) (flic-let-body body))
+ object))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-lambda (flic-let-body object))
+ ;; Hoist lambda outside of LET. This may permit
+ ;; merging of nested lambdas on a future pass.
+ (record-hack 'let-hoist-lambda)
+ (let* ((body (flic-let-body object))
+ (inner-body (flic-lambda-body body)))
+ (setf (flic-lambda-body body) object)
+ (setf (flic-let-body object) inner-body)
+ body))
+ (else
+ object))
+ )
+;;; Look for constant-folding and structured constants here.
+(define-optimize flic-app (object)
+ (optimize-flic-app-aux object))
+(define (optimize-flic-app-aux object)
+ (let ((new-fn (optimize (flic-app-fn object)))
+ (new-args (optimize-list (flic-app-args object))))
+ (typecase new-fn
+ (flic-ref
+ ;; The function is a variable.
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var new-fn))
+ (val (var-value var))
+ (n (length new-args))
+ (arity (guess-function-arity var)))
+ (cond ((and arity (< (the fixnum n) (the fixnum arity)))
+ ;; This is a first-class call that is not fully saturated.
+ ;; Make it saturated by wrapping a lambda around it.
+ (setf new-fn
+ (do-app-make-saturated object new-fn new-args arity n))
+ (setf new-args '()))
+ ((var-selector-fn? var)
+ ;; This is a saturated call to a selector. We might
+ ;; be able to inline the call.
+ (multiple-value-bind (fn args)
+ (try-to-fold-selector var new-fn new-args)
+ (setf new-fn fn)
+ (setf new-args args)))
+ ((and (not (var-toplevel? var))
+ (is-type? 'flic-lambda val))
+ ;; This is a saturated call to a local function.
+ ;; Increment its reference count and note if any of
+ ;; the arguments are invariant.
+ (incf (var-fn-referenced var))
+ (note-invariant-args new-args (flic-lambda-vars val)))
+ (else
+ (let ((magic (magic-optimize-function var)))
+ (when magic
+ (multiple-value-bind (fn args)
+ (funcall magic new-fn new-args)
+ (setf new-fn fn)
+ (setf new-args args)))))
+ )))
+ (flic-lambda
+ ;; Turn application of lambda into a let.
+ (multiple-value-bind (fn args)
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn new-args)
+ (setf new-fn fn)
+ (setf new-args args)))
+ (flic-pack
+ (let ((con (flic-pack-con new-fn))
+ (temp '#f))
+ (when (eqv? (length new-args) (con-arity con))
+ (cond ((and (dynamic *do-constant-optimizations*)
+ (every-1 (function structured-constant?) new-args))
+ ;; This is a structured constant that
+ ;; can be replaced with a top-level binding.
+ (setf (flic-app-fn object) new-fn)
+ (setf (flic-app-args object) new-args)
+ (record-hack 'app-hoist-structured-constant object)
+ (setf new-fn (enter-structured-constant object '#t))
+ (setf new-args '()))
+ ((and (setf temp (is-selector? con 0 (car new-args)))
+ (is-selector-list? con 1 temp (cdr new-args)))
+ ;; This is an expression like (cons (car x) (cdr x)).
+ ;; Replace it with just plain x to avoid reconsing.
+ (record-hack 'app-pack-identity new-fn)
+ (setf new-fn (copy-flic-top temp))
+ (setf new-args '()))
+ ))))
+ (flic-let
+ ;; Hoist let to surround entire application.
+ ;; Simplifying the function being applied may permit further
+ ;; optimizations on next pass.
+ ;; (We might try to hoist lets in the argument expressions, too,
+ ;; but I don't think that would lead to any real simplification
+ ;; of the code.)
+ (record-hack 'app-hoist-let)
+ (setf (flic-app-fn object) (flic-let-body new-fn))
+ (setf (flic-app-args object) new-args)
+ (setf new-args '())
+ (setf (flic-let-body new-fn) object)
+ )
+ (flic-app
+ ;; Try to compress nested applications.
+ ;; This may make the call saturated and permit further optimizations
+ ;; on the next pass.
+ (record-hack 'app-compress)
+ (setf new-args (nconc (flic-app-args new-fn) new-args))
+ (setf new-fn (flic-app-fn new-fn)))
+ )
+ (if (null? new-args)
+ new-fn
+ (begin
+ (setf (flic-app-fn object) new-fn)
+ (setf (flic-app-args object) new-args)
+ object))
+ ))
+(define (guess-function-arity var)
+ (or (let ((value (var-value var)))
+ (and value
+ (is-type? 'flic-lambda value)
+ (length (flic-lambda-vars value))))
+ (var-arity var)))
+(define (do-app-make-saturated app fn args arity nargs)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity nargs))
+ (record-hack 'app-make-saturated fn args)
+ (let ((newvars '())
+ (newargs '()))
+ (dotimes (i (- arity nargs))
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (let ((v (init-flic-var (create-temp-var 'arg) '#f '#f)))
+ (push v newvars)
+ (push (make-flic-ref v) newargs)))
+ (setf (flic-app-fn app) fn)
+ (setf (flic-app-args app) (nconc args newargs))
+ (make-flic-lambda newvars app)))
+;;; If the function is a selector applied to a literal dictionary,
+;;; inline it.
+(define (try-to-fold-selector var new-fn new-args)
+ (let ((exp (car new-args)))
+ (if (or (and (is-type? 'flic-ref exp)
+ ;; *** should check that var is top-level?
+ (is-bound-to-constructor-app? (flic-ref-var exp)))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-app exp)
+ (is-constructor-app-prim? exp)))
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'app-fold-selector)
+ (setf new-fn (copy-flic-top (var-value var)))
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn new-args))
+ (values new-fn new-args))))
+;;; Various primitive functions have special optimizer functions
+;;; associated with them, that do constant folding and certain
+;;; other identities. The optimizer function is called with the
+;;; function expression and list of argument expressions (at least
+;;; as many arguments as the arity of the function) and should return
+;;; the two values.
+;;; *** This should really use some kind of hash table, but we'd
+;;; *** have to initialize the table dynamically because core-symbols
+;;; *** aren't defined when this file is loaded.
+(define (magic-optimize-function var)
+ (cond ((eq? var (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ (function optimize-foldr-aux))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "build"))
+ (function optimize-build))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "primIntegerToInt"))
+ (function optimize-integer-to-int))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "primIntToInteger"))
+ (function optimize-int-to-integer))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "primRationalToFloat"))
+ (function optimize-rational-to-float))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "primRationalToDouble"))
+ (function optimize-rational-to-double))
+ ((or (eq? var (core-symbol "primNegInt"))
+ (eq? var (core-symbol "primNegInteger"))
+ (eq? var (core-symbol "primNegFloat"))
+ (eq? var (core-symbol "primNegDouble")))
+ (function optimize-neg))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; Foldr identities for deforestation
+(define (optimize-foldr fn args)
+ (multiple-value-bind (fn args)
+ (optimize-foldr-aux fn args)
+ (maybe-make-app fn args)))
+(define (optimize-foldr-aux fn args)
+ (let ((k (car args))
+ (z (cadr args))
+ (l (caddr args))
+ (tail (cdddr args)))
+ (cond ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack k)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con k) (core-symbol ":"))
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack z)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con z) (core-symbol "Nil")))
+ ;; foldr (:) [] l ==> l
+ ;; (We arrange for build to be inlined before foldr
+ ;; so that this pattern can be detected.)
+ (record-hack 'foldr-cons-nil-identity)
+ (values l tail))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-app l)
+ (is-type? 'flic-ref (flic-app-fn l))
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var (flic-app-fn l))
+ (core-symbol "build"))
+ (null? (cdr (flic-app-args l))))
+ ;; foldr k z (build g) ==> g k z
+ (record-hack 'foldr-build-identity)
+ (values
+ (car (flic-app-args l))
+ (cons k (cons z tail))))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack l)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con l) (core-symbol "Nil")))
+ ;; foldr k z [] ==> z
+ (record-hack 'foldr-nil-identity)
+ (values z tail))
+ ((short-string-constant? l)
+ ;; If the list argument is a string constant, expand it inline.
+ ;; Only do this if the string is fairly short, though.
+ (optimize-foldr-aux
+ fn
+ (cons k (cons z (cons (expand-string-constant l) tail)))))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-app l)
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack (flic-app-fn l))
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con (flic-app-fn l)) (core-symbol ":"))
+ (eqv? (length (flic-app-args l)) 2))
+ ;; foldr k z x:xs ==> let c = k in c x (foldr c z xs)
+ (record-hack 'foldr-cons-identity)
+ (let ((x (car (flic-app-args l)))
+ (xs (cadr (flic-app-args l))))
+ (values
+ (if (can-inline? k '() '#f)
+ (do-foldr-cons-identity k z x xs)
+ (let ((cvar (init-flic-var (create-temp-var 'c) k '#f)))
+ (make-flic-let
+ (list cvar)
+ (do-foldr-cons-identity (make-flic-ref cvar) z x xs)
+ '#f)))
+ tail)))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-let l)
+ ;; foldr k z (let bindings in body) ==>
+ ;; let bindings in foldr k z body
+ (record-hack 'foldr-hoist-let)
+ (setf (flic-let-body l)
+ (optimize-foldr fn (list k z (flic-let-body l))))
+ (values l tail))
+ ((not (eqv? (the fixnum (dynamic *current-optimize-iteration*))
+ (the fixnum (dynamic *optimize-foldr-iteration*))))
+ ;; Hope for more optimizations later.
+ (values fn args))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack k)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con k) (core-symbol ":")))
+ ;; Inline to special case, highly optimized append primitive.
+ ;; Could also look for (++ (++ l1 l2) l3) => (++ l1 (++ l2 l3))
+ ;; here, but I don't think that happens very often.
+ (record-hack 'foldr-prim-append-inline)
+ (values
+ (make-flic-ref (core-symbol "primAppend"))
+ (cons l (cons z tail))))
+ (else
+ ;; Default inline.
+ (record-hack 'foldr-inline k z)
+ (let ((new-fn
+ (copy-flic-top (var-value (core-symbol "inlineFoldr")))))
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda new-fn)
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn args)
+ (values new-fn args))))
+ )))
+;;; Mess with compile-time expansion of short string constants.
+(define-integrable max-short-string-length 3)
+(define (short-string-constant? l)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-const l)
+ (let ((string (flic-const-value l)))
+ (and (string? string)
+ (<= (the fixnum (string-length string))
+ (the fixnum max-short-string-length))))))
+(define (expand-string-constant l)
+ (let* ((string (flic-const-value l))
+ (length (string-length string)))
+ (expand-string-constant-aux string 0 length)))
+(define (expand-string-constant-aux string i length)
+ (declare (type fixnum i length))
+ (if (eqv? i length)
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (make-flic-app
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol ":"))
+ (list (make-flic-const (string-ref string i))
+ (expand-string-constant-aux string (+ 1 i) length))
+ '#f)))
+;;; Helper function for the case of expanding foldr applied to cons call.
+(define (do-foldr-cons-identity c z x xs)
+ (make-flic-app
+ c
+ (list x
+ (optimize-foldr
+ (make-flic-ref (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ (list (copy-flic-top c) z xs)))
+ '#f))
+;;; Short-circuit build inlining for the usual case where the
+;;; argument is a lambda. (It would take several optimizer passes
+;;; for this simplification to fall out, otherwise.)
+(define (optimize-build fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((not (eqv? (dynamic *current-optimize-iteration*)
+ (dynamic *optimize-build-iteration*)))
+ (values fn args))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-lambda arg)
+ (record-hack 'build-inline-lambda)
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux
+ arg
+ (cons (make-flic-pack (core-symbol ":"))
+ (cons (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (cdr args)))))
+ (else
+ (record-hack 'build-inline-other)
+ (let ((new-fn
+ (copy-flic-top (var-value (core-symbol "inlineBuild")))))
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda new-fn)
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn args)
+ (values new-fn args))))
+ )))
+;;; Various simplifications on numeric functions.
+;;; *** Obviously, could get much fancier about this.
+(define (optimize-integer-to-int fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-const arg)
+ (record-hack 'integer-to-int-constant-fold)
+ (if (is-type? 'integer (flic-const-value arg))
+ (let ((value (flic-const-value arg)))
+ (when (not (is-type? 'fixnum value))
+ ;; Overflow is a user error, not an implementation error.
+ (phase-error 'int-overflow
+ "Int overflow in primIntegerToInt: ~s"
+ value))
+ (values arg (cdr args)))
+ (error "Bad argument ~s to primIntegerToInt." arg)))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-app arg)
+ (is-type? 'flic-ref (flic-app-fn arg))
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var (flic-app-fn arg))
+ (core-symbol "primIntToInteger"))
+ (null? (cdr (flic-app-args arg))))
+ (record-hack 'integer-to-int-identity)
+ (values (car (flic-app-args arg)) (cdr args)))
+ (else
+ (values fn args)))))
+(define (optimize-int-to-integer fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-const arg)
+ (record-hack 'int-to-integer-constant-fold)
+ (if (is-type? 'integer (flic-const-value arg))
+ (values arg (cdr args))
+ (error "Bad argument ~s to primIntToInteger." arg)))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-app arg)
+ (is-type? 'flic-ref (flic-app-fn arg))
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var (flic-app-fn arg))
+ (core-symbol "primIntegerToInt"))
+ (null? (cdr (flic-app-args arg))))
+ (record-hack 'int-to-integer-identity)
+ (values (car (flic-app-args arg)) (cdr args)))
+ (else
+ (values fn args)))))
+(predefine (prim.rational-to-float-aux n d)) ; in prims.scm
+(predefine (prim.rational-to-double-aux n d)) ; in prims.scm
+(define (optimize-rational-to-float fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-const arg)
+ (record-hack 'rational-to-float-constant-fold)
+ (if (is-type? 'list (flic-const-value arg))
+ (let ((value (flic-const-value arg)))
+ (setf (flic-const-value arg)
+ (prim.rational-to-float-aux (car value) (cadr value)))
+ (values arg (cdr args)))
+ (error "Bad argument ~s to primRationalToFloat." arg)))
+ (else
+ (values fn args)))))
+(define (optimize-rational-to-double fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-const arg)
+ (record-hack 'rational-to-double-constant-fold)
+ (if (is-type? 'list (flic-const-value arg))
+ (let ((value (flic-const-value arg)))
+ (setf (flic-const-value arg)
+ (prim.rational-to-double-aux (car value) (cadr value)))
+ (values arg (cdr args)))
+ (error "Bad argument ~s to primRationalToDouble." arg)))
+ (else
+ (values fn args)))))
+(define (optimize-neg fn args)
+ (let ((arg (car args)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-const arg)
+ (record-hack 'neg-constant-fold)
+ (if (is-type? 'number (flic-const-value arg))
+ (begin
+ (setf (flic-const-value arg) (- (flic-const-value arg)))
+ (values arg (cdr args)))
+ (error "Bad argument ~s to ~s." arg fn)))
+ (else
+ (values fn args)))))
+;;; Convert lambda applications to lets.
+;;; If application is not saturated, break it up into two nested
+;;; lambdas before doing the transformation.
+;;; It's better to do this optimization immediately than hoping
+;;; the call will become fully saturated on the next pass.
+;;; Maybe we could also look for a flic-let with a flic-lambda as
+;;; the body to catch the cases where additional arguments can
+;;; be found on a later pass.
+(define (do-lambda-to-let new-fn new-args)
+ (multiple-value-bind (fn args)
+ (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn new-args)
+ (maybe-make-app fn args)))
+(define (maybe-make-app fn args)
+ (if (null? args)
+ fn
+ (make-flic-app fn args '#f)))
+(define (do-lambda-to-let-aux new-fn new-args)
+ (let ((vars (flic-lambda-vars new-fn))
+ (body (flic-lambda-body new-fn))
+ (matched '()))
+ (record-hack 'app-lambda-to-let)
+ (do ()
+ ((or (null? new-args) (null? vars)))
+ (let ((var (pop vars))
+ (arg (pop new-args)))
+ (setf (var-value var) arg)
+ (setf (var-simple? var) (can-inline? arg '() '#t))
+ (if (eqv? (var-referenced var) 1)
+ (setf (var-single-ref var) (dynamic *lambda-depth*)))
+ (push var matched)))
+ (setf matched (nreverse matched))
+ (if (not (null? vars))
+ (setf body (make-flic-lambda vars body)))
+ (setf new-fn (make-flic-let matched body '#f))
+ (values new-fn new-args)))
+;;; For references, check to see if we can beta-reduce.
+;;; Don't increment reference count for inlineable vars, but do
+;;; traverse the new value expression.
+(define-optimize flic-ref (object)
+ (optimize-flic-ref-aux object))
+(define (optimize-flic-ref-aux object)
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (cond ((var-single-ref var)
+ ;; (or (eqv? (var-single-ref var) (dynamic *lambda-depth*)))
+ ;; *** The lambda-depth test is too conservative to handle
+ ;; *** inlining of stuff necessary for foldr/build optimizations.
+ ;; Can substitute value no matter how hairy it is.
+ ;; Note that this is potentially risky; if the single
+ ;; reference detected on the previous pass appeared as
+ ;; the value of a variable binding that is being inlined
+ ;; on the current pass, it might turn into multiple
+ ;; references again!
+ ;; We copy the value anyway to avoid problems with shared
+ ;; structure in the multiple reference case.
+ (record-hack 'ref-inline-single-ref var)
+ (optimize (copy-flic-top (var-value var))))
+ ((and (var-inline-value var) (dynamic *do-inline-optimizations*))
+ ;; Use the previously saved value in preference to the current
+ ;; value of the variable.
+ (record-hack 'ref-inline-foldr-hack)
+ (optimize (copy-flic-top (var-inline-value var))))
+ ((and (var-simple? var)
+ (or (dynamic *do-inline-optimizations*)
+ (not (var-toplevel? var))))
+ ;; Can substitute, but must copy.
+ (record-hack 'ref-inline var)
+ (optimize (copy-flic-top (var-value var))))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ ;; Magic stuff for deforestation
+ (if (> (the fixnum (dynamic *current-optimize-iteration*))
+ (the fixnum (dynamic *optimize-foldr-iteration*)))
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'ref-inline-foldr)
+ (optimize (make-flic-ref (core-symbol "inlineFoldr"))))
+ object))
+ ((eq? var (core-symbol "build"))
+ ;; Magic stuff for deforestation
+ (if (> (the fixnum (dynamic *current-optimize-iteration*))
+ (the fixnum (dynamic *optimize-build-iteration*)))
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'ref-inline-build)
+ (optimize (make-flic-ref (core-symbol "inlineBuild"))))
+ object))
+ ((var-toplevel? var)
+ object)
+ (else
+ (incf (var-referenced var))
+ object))))
+;;; Don't do anything exciting with constants.
+(define-optimize flic-const (object)
+ object)
+(define-optimize flic-pack (object)
+ object)
+;;; Various simplifications on and
+(define-optimize flic-and (object)
+ (maybe-simplify-and
+ object
+ (optimize-and-exps (flic-and-exps object) '())))
+(define (maybe-simplify-and object exps)
+ (cond ((null? exps)
+ (record-hack 'and-empty)
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "True")))
+ ((null? (cdr exps))
+ (record-hack 'and-unary)
+ (car exps))
+ (else
+ (setf (flic-and-exps object) exps)
+ object)))
+(define (optimize-and-exps exps result)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ (nreverse result)
+ (let ((exp (optimize (car exps))))
+ (typecase exp
+ (flic-pack
+ (cond ((eq? (flic-pack-con exp) (core-symbol "True"))
+ ;; True appears in subexpressions.
+ ;; Discard this test only.
+ (record-hack 'and-contains-true)
+ (optimize-and-exps (cdr exps) result))
+ ((eq? (flic-pack-con exp) (core-symbol "False"))
+ ;; False appears in subexpressions.
+ ;; Discard remaining tests as dead code.
+ ;; Can't replace the whole and expression with false because
+ ;; of possible strictness side-effects.
+ (record-hack 'and-contains-false)
+ (nreverse (cons exp result)))
+ (else
+ ;; Should never happen.
+ (error "Non-boolean con ~s in and expression!" exp))))
+ (flic-and
+ ;; Flatten nested ands.
+ (record-hack 'and-compress)
+ (optimize-and-exps
+ (cdr exps)
+ (nconc (nreverse (flic-and-exps exp)) result)))
+ (else
+ ;; No optimization possible.
+ (optimize-and-exps (cdr exps) (cons exp result)))
+ ))))
+;;; Case-block optimizations. These optimizations are possible because
+;;; of the restricted way this construct is used; return-froms are
+;;; never nested, etc.
+(define-optimize flic-case-block (object)
+ (let* ((sym (flic-case-block-block-name object))
+ (exps (optimize-case-block-exps
+ sym (flic-case-block-exps object) '())))
+ (optimize-flic-case-block-aux object sym exps)))
+(define (optimize-flic-case-block-aux object sym exps)
+ (cond ((null? exps)
+ ;; This should never happen. It means all of the tests were
+ ;; optimized away, including the failure case!
+ (error "No exps left in case block ~s!" object))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-and (car exps))
+ (is-return-from-block?
+ sym
+ (car (last (flic-and-exps (car exps))))))
+ ;; The first clause is a simple and. Hoist it out of the
+ ;; case-block and rewrite as if/then/else.
+ (record-hack 'case-block-to-if)
+ (let ((then-exp (car (last (flic-and-exps (car exps))))))
+ (setf (flic-case-block-exps object) (cdr exps))
+ (make-flic-if
+ (maybe-simplify-and
+ (car exps)
+ (butlast (flic-and-exps (car exps))))
+ (flic-return-from-exp then-exp)
+ (optimize-flic-case-block-aux object sym (cdr exps)))))
+ ((is-return-from-block? sym (car exps))
+ ;; Do an identity reduction.
+ (record-hack 'case-block-identity)
+ (flic-return-from-exp (car exps)))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-let (car exps))
+ ;; The first clause is a let. Since this clause is going
+ ;; to be executed anyway, hoisting the bindings to surround
+ ;; the entire case-block should not change their strictness
+ ;; properties, and it may permit some further optimizations.
+ (record-hack 'case-block-hoist-let)
+ (let* ((exp (car exps))
+ (body (flic-let-body exp)))
+ (setf (flic-let-body exp)
+ (optimize-flic-case-block-aux
+ object sym (cons body (cdr exps))))
+ exp))
+ (else
+ (setf (flic-case-block-exps object) exps)
+ object)
+ ))
+(define (optimize-case-block-exps sym exps result)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ (nreverse result)
+ (let ((exp (optimize (car exps))))
+ (cond ((is-return-from-block? sym exp)
+ ;; Any remaining clauses are dead code and should be removed.
+ (if (not (null? (cdr exps)))
+ (record-hack 'case-block-dead-code))
+ (nreverse (cons exp result)))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-and exp)
+ ;; See if we can remove redundant tests.
+ (push (maybe-simplify-and
+ exp
+ (look-for-redundant-tests (flic-and-exps exp) result))
+ result)
+ (optimize-case-block-exps sym (cdr exps) result))
+ (else
+ ;; No optimization possible.
+ (optimize-case-block-exps sym (cdr exps) (cons exp result)))
+ ))))
+;;; Look for case-block tests that are known to be either true or false
+;;; because of tests made in previous clauses.
+;;; For now, we only look at is-constructor tests. Such a test is known
+;;; to be true if previous clauses have eliminated all other possible
+;;; constructors. And such a test is known to be false if a previous
+;;; clause has already matched this constructor.
+(define (look-for-redundant-tests exps previous-clauses)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ '()
+ (let ((exp (car exps)))
+ (cond ((and (is-type? 'flic-is-constructor exp)
+ (constructor-test-redundant? exp previous-clauses))
+ ;; Known to be true.
+ (record-hack 'case-block-discard-redundant-test)
+ (cons (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "True"))
+ (look-for-redundant-tests (cdr exps) previous-clauses)))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-is-constructor exp)
+ (constructor-test-duplicated? exp previous-clauses))
+ ;; Known to be false.
+ (record-hack 'case-block-discard-duplicate-test)
+ (list (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "False"))))
+ (else
+ ;; No optimization.
+ (cons exp
+ (look-for-redundant-tests (cdr exps) previous-clauses)))
+ ))))
+;;; In looking for redundant/duplicated tests, only worry about
+;;; is-constructor tests that have an argument that is a variable.
+;;; It's too hairy to consider any other cases.
+(define (constructor-test-duplicated? exp previous-clauses)
+ (let ((con (flic-is-constructor-con exp))
+ (arg (flic-is-constructor-exp exp)))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref arg)
+ (constructor-test-present? con arg previous-clauses))))
+(define (constructor-test-redundant? exp previous-clauses)
+ (let ((con (flic-is-constructor-con exp))
+ (arg (flic-is-constructor-exp exp)))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref arg)
+ (every-1 (lambda (c)
+ (or (eq? c con)
+ (constructor-test-present? c arg previous-clauses)))
+ (algdata-constrs (con-alg con))))))
+(define (constructor-test-present? con arg previous-clauses)
+ (cond ((null? previous-clauses)
+ '#f)
+ ((constructor-test-present-1? con arg (car previous-clauses))
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (constructor-test-present? con arg (cdr previous-clauses)))))
+;;; The tricky thing here is that, even if the constructor test is
+;;; present in the clause, we have to make sure that the entire clause won't
+;;; fail due to the presence of some other test which fails. So look
+;;; for a very specific pattern here, namely
+;;; (and (is-constructor con arg) (return-from ....))
+(define (constructor-test-present-1? con arg clause)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-and clause)
+ (let ((exps (flic-and-exps clause)))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-is-constructor (car exps))
+ (is-type? 'flic-return-from (cadr exps))
+ (null? (cddr exps))
+ (let* ((inner-exp (car exps))
+ (inner-con (flic-is-constructor-con inner-exp))
+ (inner-arg (flic-is-constructor-exp inner-exp)))
+ (and (eq? inner-con con)
+ (flic-exp-eq? arg inner-arg)))))))
+;;; No fancy optimizations for return-from by itself.
+(define-optimize flic-return-from (object)
+ (setf (flic-return-from-exp object)
+ (optimize (flic-return-from-exp object)))
+ object)
+;;; Obvious simplification on if
+(define-optimize flic-if (object)
+ (let ((test-exp (optimize (flic-if-test-exp object)))
+ (then-exp (optimize (flic-if-then-exp object)))
+ (else-exp (optimize (flic-if-else-exp object))))
+ (cond ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack test-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con test-exp) (core-symbol "True")))
+ ;; Fold constant test
+ (record-hack 'if-fold)
+ then-exp)
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack test-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con test-exp) (core-symbol "False")))
+ ;; Fold constant test
+ (record-hack 'if-fold)
+ else-exp)
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-is-constructor test-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-is-constructor-con test-exp) (core-symbol "True")))
+ ;; Remove redundant is-constructor test.
+ ;; Doing this as a general is-constructor identity
+ ;; backfires because it prevents some of the important case-block
+ ;; optimizations from being recognized, but it works fine here.
+ (record-hack 'if-compress-test)
+ (setf (flic-if-test-exp object) (flic-is-constructor-exp test-exp))
+ (setf (flic-if-then-exp object) then-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-else-exp object) else-exp)
+ object)
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-is-constructor test-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-is-constructor-con test-exp) (core-symbol "False")))
+ ;; Remove redundant is-constructor test, flip branches.
+ (record-hack 'if-compress-test)
+ (setf (flic-if-test-exp object) (flic-is-constructor-exp test-exp))
+ (setf (flic-if-then-exp object) else-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-else-exp object) then-exp)
+ object)
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-return-from then-exp)
+ (is-type? 'flic-return-from else-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-return-from-block-name then-exp)
+ (flic-return-from-block-name else-exp)))
+ ;; Hoist return-from outside of IF.
+ ;; This may permit further case-block optimizations.
+ (record-hack 'if-hoist-return-from)
+ (let ((return-exp then-exp))
+ (setf (flic-if-test-exp object) test-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-then-exp object) (flic-return-from-exp then-exp))
+ (setf (flic-if-else-exp object) (flic-return-from-exp else-exp))
+ (setf (flic-return-from-exp return-exp) object)
+ return-exp))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack then-exp)
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack else-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con then-exp) (core-symbol "True"))
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con else-exp) (core-symbol "False")))
+ ;; This if does nothing useful at all!
+ (record-hack 'if-identity)
+ test-exp)
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack then-exp)
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack else-exp)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con then-exp) (core-symbol "False"))
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con else-exp) (core-symbol "True")))
+ ;; Inverse of previous case
+ (record-hack 'if-identity-inverse)
+ (make-flic-is-constructor (core-symbol "False") test-exp))
+ ((or (is-type? 'flic-lambda then-exp)
+ (is-type? 'flic-lambda else-exp))
+ ;; Hoist lambdas to surround entire if. This allows us to
+ ;; do a better job of saturating them.
+ (record-hack 'if-hoist-lambda)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars then-exp else-exp)
+ (do-if-hoist-lambda then-exp else-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-test-exp object) test-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-then-exp object) then-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-else-exp object) else-exp)
+ (make-flic-lambda vars object)))
+ (else
+ ;; No optimization possible
+ (setf (flic-if-test-exp object) test-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-then-exp object) then-exp)
+ (setf (flic-if-else-exp object) else-exp)
+ object)
+ )))
+;;; Try to pull as many variables as possible out to surround the entire
+;;; let.
+(define (do-if-hoist-lambda then-exp else-exp)
+ (let ((vars '())
+ (then-args '())
+ (else-args '()))
+ (do ((then-vars (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda then-exp)
+ (flic-lambda-vars then-exp)
+ '())
+ (cdr then-vars))
+ (else-vars (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda else-exp)
+ (flic-lambda-vars else-exp)
+ '())
+ (cdr else-vars)))
+ ((and (null? then-vars) (null? else-vars)) '#f)
+ (let ((var (init-flic-var (create-temp-var 'arg) '#f '#f)))
+ (push var vars)
+ (push (make-flic-ref var) then-args)
+ (push (make-flic-ref var) else-args)))
+ (values
+ vars
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda then-exp)
+ (do-lambda-to-let then-exp then-args)
+ (make-flic-app then-exp then-args '#f))
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda else-exp)
+ (do-lambda-to-let else-exp else-args)
+ (make-flic-app else-exp else-args '#f)))))
+;;; Look for (sel (pack x)) => x
+(define-optimize flic-sel (object)
+ (optimize-flic-sel-aux object))
+(define (optimize-flic-sel-aux object)
+ (let ((new-exp (optimize (flic-sel-exp object))))
+ (setf (flic-sel-exp object) new-exp)
+ (typecase new-exp
+ (flic-ref
+ ;; Check to see whether this is bound to a pack application
+ (let ((val (is-bound-to-constructor-app? (flic-ref-var new-exp))))
+ (if val
+ ;; Yup, it is. Now extract the appropriate component,
+ ;; provided it is inlineable.
+ (let* ((i (flic-sel-i object))
+ (args (flic-app-args val))
+ (newval (list-ref args i)))
+ (if (can-inline? newval '() '#t)
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'sel-fold-var)
+ (optimize (copy-flic-top newval)))
+ object))
+ ;; The variable was bound to something else.
+ object)))
+ (flic-app
+ ;; The obvious optimization.
+ (if (is-constructor-app-prim? new-exp)
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'sel-fold-app)
+ (list-ref (flic-app-args new-exp) (flic-sel-i object)))
+ object))
+ (else
+ object))))
+;;; Do similar stuff for is-constructor.
+(define-optimize flic-is-constructor (object)
+ (let ((con (flic-is-constructor-con object))
+ (exp (optimize (flic-is-constructor-exp object)))
+ (exp-con '#f))
+ (cond ((algdata-tuple? (con-alg con))
+ ;; Tuples have only one constructor, so this is always true
+ (record-hack 'is-constructor-fold-tuple)
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "True")))
+ ((setf exp-con (is-constructor-app? exp))
+ ;; The expression is a constructor application.
+ (record-hack 'is-constructor-fold)
+ (make-flic-pack
+ (if (eq? exp-con con)
+ (core-symbol "True")
+ (core-symbol "False"))))
+ (else
+ ;; No optimization possible
+ (setf (flic-is-constructor-exp object) exp)
+ object)
+ )))
+(define-optimize flic-con-number (object)
+ (let ((exp (flic-con-number-exp object))
+ (type (flic-con-number-type object)))
+ ;; ***Maybe ast-to-flic should look for this one.
+ (if (algdata-tuple? type)
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'con-number-fold-tuple)
+ (make-flic-const 0))
+ (let* ((new-exp (optimize exp))
+ (con (is-constructor-app? new-exp)))
+ (if con
+ (begin
+ (record-hack 'con-number-fold)
+ (make-flic-const (con-tag con)))
+ (begin
+ (setf (flic-con-number-exp object) new-exp)
+ object)))
+ )))
+(define-optimize flic-void (object)
+ object)
+;;; General helper functions
+;;; Lucid's built-in every function seems to do a lot of unnecessary
+;;; consing. This one is much faster.
+(define (every-1 fn list)
+ (cond ((null? list)
+ '#t)
+ ((funcall fn (car list))
+ (every-1 fn (cdr list)))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; Equality predicate on flic expressions
+(define (flic-exp-eq? a1 a2)
+ (typecase a1
+ (flic-const
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-const a2)
+ (equal? (flic-const-value a1) (flic-const-value a2))))
+ (flic-ref
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-ref a2)
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var a1) (flic-ref-var a2))))
+ (flic-pack
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-pack a2)
+ (eq? (flic-pack-con a1) (flic-pack-con a2))))
+ (flic-sel
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-sel a2)
+ (eq? (flic-sel-con a1) (flic-sel-con a2))
+ (eqv? (flic-sel-i a1) (flic-sel-i a2))
+ (flic-exp-eq? (flic-sel-exp a1) (flic-sel-exp a2))))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; Predicates for testing whether an expression matches a pattern.
+(define (is-constructor-app? exp)
+ (typecase exp
+ (flic-app
+ ;; See if we have a saturated call to a constructor.
+ (is-constructor-app-prim? exp))
+ (flic-ref
+ ;; See if we can determine anything about the value the variable
+ ;; is bound to.
+ (let ((value (var-value (flic-ref-var exp))))
+ (if value
+ (is-constructor-app? value)
+ '#f)))
+ (flic-let
+ ;; See if we can determine anything about the body of the let.
+ (is-constructor-app? (flic-let-body exp)))
+ (flic-pack
+ ;; See if this is a nullary constructor.
+ (let ((con (flic-pack-con exp)))
+ (if (eqv? (con-arity con) 0)
+ con
+ '#f)))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (is-return-from-block? sym exp)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-return-from exp)
+ (eq? (flic-return-from-block-name exp) sym)))
+(define (is-constructor-app-prim? exp)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn exp))
+ (args (flic-app-args exp)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'flic-pack fn)
+ (eqv? (length args) (con-arity (flic-pack-con fn))))
+ (flic-pack-con fn)
+ '#f)))
+(define (is-bound-to-constructor-app? var)
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (if (and val
+ (is-type? 'flic-app val)
+ (is-constructor-app-prim? val))
+ val
+ '#f)))
+(define (is-selector? con i exp)
+ (or (and (is-type? 'flic-ref exp)
+ (is-selector? con i (var-value (flic-ref-var exp))))
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-sel exp)
+ (eq? (flic-sel-con exp) con)
+ (eqv? (the fixnum i) (the fixnum (flic-sel-i exp)))
+ (flic-sel-exp exp))
+ ))
+(define (is-selector-list? con i subexp exps)
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (if (null? exps)
+ subexp
+ (let ((temp (is-selector? con i (car exps))))
+ (and (flic-exp-eq? subexp temp)
+ (is-selector-list? con (+ 1 i) subexp (cdr exps))))))
+;;; Inlining criteria
+;;; Expressions that can be inlined unconditionally are constants, variable
+;;; references, and some functions.
+;;; I've made some attempt here to arrange the cases in the order they
+;;; are likely to occur.
+(define (can-inline? exp recursive-vars toplevel?)
+ (typecase exp
+ (flic-sel
+ ;; Listed first because it happens more frequently than
+ ;; anything else.
+ ;; *** Inlining these is an experiment.
+ ;; *** This transformation interacts with the strictness
+ ;; *** analyzer; if the variable referenced is not strict, then
+ ;; *** it is probably not a good thing to do since it adds extra
+ ;; *** forces.
+ ;; (let ((subexp (flic-sel-exp exp)))
+ ;; (and (is-type? 'flic-ref subexp)
+ ;; (not (memq (flic-ref-var subexp) recursive-vars))))
+ '#f)
+ (flic-lambda
+ ;; Do not try to inline lambdas if the fancy inline optimization
+ ;; is disabled.
+ ;; Watch for problems with infinite loops with recursive variables.
+ (if (dynamic *do-inline-optimizations*)
+ (simple-function-body? (flic-lambda-body exp)
+ (flic-lambda-vars exp)
+ recursive-vars
+ toplevel?)
+ '#f))
+ (flic-ref
+ ;; We get into infinite loops trying to inline recursive variables.
+ (not (memq (flic-ref-var exp) recursive-vars)))
+ ((or flic-pack flic-const)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; Determining whether to inline a function is difficult. This is
+;;; very conservative to avoid code bloat. What we need to do is
+;;; compare the cost (in program size mainly) of the inline call with
+;;; an out of line call. For an out of line call, we pay for one function
+;;; call and a setup for each arg. When inlining, we pay for function
+;;; calls in the body and for args referenced more than once. In terms of
+;;; execution time, we win big when a functional parameter is called
+;;; since this `firstifies' the program.
+;;; Here's the criteria:
+;;; An inline function gets to reference no more that 2 non-parameter
+;;; values (including constants and repeated parameter references).
+;;; For non-toplevel functions, be slightly more generous since the
+;;; fixed overhead of binding the local function would go away.
+(define (simple-function-body? exp lambda-vars recursive-vars toplevel?)
+ (let ((c (if toplevel? 2 4)))
+ (>= (the fixnum (simple-function-body-1 exp lambda-vars recursive-vars c))
+ 0)))
+;;; I've made some attempt here to order the cases by how frequently
+;;; they appear.
+(define (simple-function-body-1 exp lambda-vars recursive-vars c)
+ (declare (type fixnum c))
+ (if (< c 0)
+ (values c '())
+ (typecase exp
+ (flic-ref
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var exp)))
+ (cond ((memq var lambda-vars)
+ (values c (list-remove-1 var lambda-vars)))
+ ((memq var recursive-vars)
+ (values -1 '()))
+ (else
+ (values (the fixnum (1- c)) lambda-vars)))))
+ (flic-app
+ (simple-function-body-1/l
+ (cons (flic-app-fn exp) (flic-app-args exp))
+ lambda-vars recursive-vars c))
+ (flic-sel
+ (simple-function-body-1
+ (flic-sel-exp exp)
+ lambda-vars recursive-vars (the fixnum (1- c))))
+ (flic-is-constructor
+ (simple-function-body-1
+ (flic-is-constructor-exp exp)
+ lambda-vars recursive-vars (the fixnum (1- c))))
+ ((or flic-const flic-pack)
+ (values (the fixnum (1- c)) lambda-vars))
+ (else
+ ;; case & let & lambda not allowed.
+ (values -1 '())))))
+(define (list-remove-1 item list)
+ (cond ((null? list)
+ '())
+ ((eq? item (car list))
+ (cdr list))
+ (else
+ (cons (car list) (list-remove-1 item (cdr list))))
+ ))
+(define (simple-function-body-1/l exps lambda-vars recursive-vars c)
+ (declare (type fixnum c))
+ (if (or (null? exps) (< c 0))
+ (values c lambda-vars)
+ (multiple-value-bind (c-1 lambda-vars-1)
+ (simple-function-body-1 (car exps) lambda-vars recursive-vars c)
+ (simple-function-body-1/l
+ (cdr exps) lambda-vars-1 recursive-vars c-1))))
+;;; Constant structured data detection
+;;; Look to determine whether an object is a structured constant,
+;;; recursively examining its components if it's an app. This is
+;;; necessary in order to detect constants with arbitrary circular
+;;; reference to the vars in recursive-vars.
+(define (structured-constant-recursive? object recursive-vars stack)
+ (typecase object
+ (flic-const
+ '#t)
+ (flic-ref
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (or (memq var stack)
+ (var-toplevel? var)
+ (and (memq var recursive-vars)
+ (structured-constant-recursive?
+ (var-value var) recursive-vars (cons var stack))))))
+ (flic-pack
+ '#t)
+ (flic-app
+ (structured-constant-app-recursive?
+ (flic-app-fn object)
+ (flic-app-args object)
+ recursive-vars
+ stack))
+ (flic-lambda
+ (lambda-hoistable? object))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (structured-constant-app-recursive? fn args recursive-vars stack)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-pack fn)
+ (eqv? (length args) (con-arity (flic-pack-con fn)))
+ (every-1 (lambda (a)
+ (structured-constant-recursive? a recursive-vars stack))
+ args)))
+;;; Here's a non-recursive (and more efficient) version of the above.
+;;; Instead of looking at the whole structure, it only looks one level
+;;; deep. This can't detect circular constants, but is useful in
+;;; contexts where circularities cannot appear.
+(define (structured-constant? object)
+ (typecase object
+ (flic-ref
+ (var-toplevel? (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (flic-const
+ '#t)
+ (flic-pack
+ '#t)
+ (flic-lambda
+ (lambda-hoistable? object))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (structured-constant-app? fn args)
+ (and (is-type? 'flic-pack fn)
+ (eqv? (length args) (con-arity (flic-pack-con fn)))
+ (every-1 (function structured-constant?) args)))
+;;; Determine whether a lambda can be hoisted to top-level.
+;;; The main purpose of this code is to mark structured constants
+;;; containing simple lambdas to permit later folding of sel expressions
+;;; on those constants. Since the latter expression is permissible
+;;; only on inlinable functions, stop if we hit an expression that
+;;; would make the function not inlinable.
+(define (lambda-hoistable? object)
+ (and (can-inline? object '() '#t)
+ (lambda-hoistable-aux
+ (flic-lambda-body object)
+ (flic-lambda-vars object))))
+(define (lambda-hoistable-aux object local-vars)
+ (typecase object
+ (flic-ref
+ (or (var-toplevel? (flic-ref-var object))
+ (memq (flic-ref-var object) local-vars)))
+ ((or flic-const flic-pack)
+ '#t)
+ (flic-sel
+ (lambda-hoistable-aux (flic-sel-exp object) local-vars))
+ (flic-is-constructor
+ (lambda-hoistable-aux (flic-is-constructor-exp object) local-vars))
+ (flic-app
+ (and (lambda-hoistable-aux (flic-app-fn object) local-vars)
+ (every-1 (lambda (x) (lambda-hoistable-aux x local-vars))
+ (flic-app-args object))))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; Having determined that something is a structured constant,
+;;; enter it (and possibly its subcomponents) in the hash table
+;;; and return a var-ref.
+(define (enter-structured-constant value recursive?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (con args var)
+ (enter-structured-constant-aux value recursive?)
+ (when (not var)
+ (setf var (create-temp-var 'constant))
+ (add-new-structured-constant var con args))
+ (make-flic-ref var)))
+(define (enter-structured-constant-aux value recursive?)
+ (let* ((fn (flic-app-fn value))
+ (con (flic-pack-con fn))
+ (args (if recursive?
+ (map (function enter-structured-constant-arg)
+ (flic-app-args value))
+ (flic-app-args value))))
+ (values con args (lookup-structured-constant con args))))
+(define (enter-structured-constant-arg a)
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-app a)
+ (enter-structured-constant a '#t)
+ a))
+(define (lookup-structured-constant con args)
+ (lookup-structured-constant-aux
+ (table-entry *structured-constants-table* con) args))
+(define (lookup-structured-constant-aux alist args)
+ (cond ((null? alist)
+ '#f)
+ ((every (function flic-exp-eq?) (car (car alist)) args)
+ (cdr (car alist)))
+ (else
+ (lookup-structured-constant-aux (cdr alist) args))))
+(define (add-new-structured-constant var con args)
+ (push (cons args var) (table-entry *structured-constants-table* con))
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) '#t)
+ (setf (var-value var) (make-flic-app (make-flic-pack con) args '#t))
+ (push var *structured-constants*)
+ var)
+;;; Invariant argument stuff
+;;; When processing a saturated call to a locally defined function,
+;;; note whether any of the arguments are always passed the same value.
+(define (note-invariant-args args vars)
+ (when (and (not (null? args)) (not (null? vars)))
+ (let* ((arg (car args))
+ (var (car vars))
+ (val (var-arg-invariant-value var)))
+ (cond ((not (var-arg-invariant? var))
+ ;; This argument already marked as having more than one
+ ;; value.
+ )
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-ref arg)
+ (eq? (flic-ref-var arg) var))
+ ;; This is a recursive call with the same argument.
+ ;; Don't update the arg-invariant-value slot.
+ )
+ ((or (not val)
+ (flic-exp-eq? arg val))
+ ;; Either this is the first call, or a second call with
+ ;; the same argument.
+ (setf (var-arg-invariant-value var) arg))
+ (else
+ ;; Different values for this argument are passed in
+ ;; different places, so we can't mess with it.
+ (setf (var-arg-invariant? var) '#f)))
+ (note-invariant-args (cdr args) (cdr vars)))))
+;;; After processing a let form, check to see if any of the bindings
+;;; are for local functions with invariant arguments.
+;;; Suppose we have something like
+;;; let foo = \ x y z -> <fn-body>
+;;; in <let-body>
+;;; and y is known to be invariant; then we rewrite this as
+;;; let foo1 = \ x z -> let y = <invariant-value> in <fn-body>
+;;; foo = \ x1 y1 z1 -> foo1 x1 z1
+;;; in <let-body>
+;;; The original foo binding is inlined on subsequent passes and
+;;; should go away. Likewise, the binding of y should be inlined also.
+;;; *** This is kind of bogus because of the way it depends on the
+;;; *** magic force-inline bit. It would be better to do a code walk
+;;; *** now on the entire let expression to rewrite all the calls to foo.
+(define (add-stuff-for-invariants bindings)
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ '()
+ (let* ((var (car bindings))
+ (val (var-value var)))
+ (setf (cdr bindings)
+ (add-stuff-for-invariants (cdr bindings)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ ;; Don't mess with single-reference variable bindings,
+ ;; or things we are going to inline anyway.
+ (not (var-single-ref var))
+ (not (var-simple? var))
+ ;; All references must be in saturated calls to do this.
+ (eqv? (var-referenced var) (var-fn-referenced var))
+ ;; There is at least one argument marked invariant.
+ (some (function var-arg-invariant?) (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ ;; Every argument marked invariant must also be hoistable.
+ (every-1 (function arg-hoistable?) (flic-lambda-vars val)))
+ (hoist-invariant-args
+ var
+ val
+ bindings)
+ bindings))))
+(define (arg-hoistable? var)
+ (if (var-arg-invariant? var)
+ (or (not (var-arg-invariant-value var))
+ (flic-invariant? (var-arg-invariant-value var)
+ (dynamic *local-bindings*)))
+ '#t))
+(define (hoist-invariant-args var val bindings)
+ (let ((foo1-var (copy-temp-var (def-name var)))
+ (foo1-def-vars '())
+ (foo1-app-args '())
+ (foo1-let-vars '())
+ (foo-def-vars '()))
+ (push foo1-var bindings)
+ (dolist (v (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ (let ((new-v (copy-temp-var (def-name v))))
+ (push (init-flic-var new-v '#f '#f) foo-def-vars)
+ (if (var-arg-invariant? v)
+ (when (var-arg-invariant-value v)
+ (push (init-flic-var
+ v (copy-flic-top (var-arg-invariant-value v)) '#f)
+ foo1-let-vars))
+ (begin
+ (push v foo1-def-vars)
+ (push (make-flic-ref new-v) foo1-app-args))
+ )))
+ (setf foo1-def-vars (nreverse foo1-def-vars))
+ (setf foo1-app-args (nreverse foo1-app-args))
+ (setf foo1-let-vars (nreverse foo1-let-vars))
+ (setf foo-def-vars (nreverse foo-def-vars))
+ (record-hack 'let-hoist-invariant-args var foo1-let-vars)
+ ;; Fix up the value of foo1
+ (init-flic-var
+ foo1-var
+ (let ((body (make-flic-let foo1-let-vars (flic-lambda-body val) '#f)))
+ (if (null? foo1-def-vars)
+ ;; *All* of the arguments were invariant.
+ body
+ ;; Otherwise, make a new lambda
+ (make-flic-lambda foo1-def-vars body)))
+ '#f)
+ ;; Fix up the value of foo and arrange for it to be inlined.
+ (setf (flic-lambda-vars val) foo-def-vars)
+ (setf (flic-lambda-body val)
+ (if (null? foo1-app-args)
+ (make-flic-ref foo1-var)
+ (make-flic-app (make-flic-ref foo1-var) foo1-app-args '#t)))
+ (setf (var-simple? var) '#t)
+ (setf (var-force-inline? var) '#t)
+ ;; Return modified list of bindings
+ bindings))
+;;; Install globals
+;;; The optimizer, CFN, etc. can introduce new top-level variables that
+;;; are not installed in the symbol table. This causes problems if
+;;; those variables are referenced in the .hci file (as in the inline
+;;; expansion of some other variables). So we need to fix up the
+;;; symbol table before continuing.
+(define (install-uninterned-globals vars)
+ (dolist (v vars)
+ (let* ((module (locate-module (def-module v)))
+ (name (def-name v))
+ (table (module-symbol-table module))
+ (def (table-entry table name)))
+ (cond ((not def)
+ ;; This def was not installed. Rename it if it's a gensym
+ ;; and install it.
+ (when (gensym? name)
+ (setf name (rename-gensym-var v name table)))
+ (setf (table-entry table name) v))
+ ((eq? def v)
+ ;; Already installed.
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ ;; Ooops! The symbol installed in the symbol table isn't
+ ;; this one!
+ (error "Duplicate defs ~s and ~s in symbol table for ~s!"
+ v def module))
+ ))))
+(define (rename-gensym-var var name table)
+ (setf name (string->symbol (symbol->string name)))
+ (if (table-entry table name)
+ ;; This name already in use; gensym a new one!
+ (rename-gensym-var var (gensym (symbol->string name)) table)
+ ;; OK, no problem
+ (setf (def-name var) name)))
+;;; Postoptimizer
+;;; This is another quick traversal of the structure to determine
+;;; whether references to functions are fully saturated or not.
+;;; Also makes sure that reference counts on variables are correct;
+;;; this is needed so the code generator can generate ignore declarations
+;;; for unused lambda variables.
+(define-flic-walker postoptimize (object))
+(define-postoptimize flic-lambda (object)
+ (dolist (var (flic-lambda-vars object))
+ (setf (var-referenced var) 0))
+ (postoptimize (flic-lambda-body object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-let (object)
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (setf (var-referenced var) 0)
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (setf (var-arity var)
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (length (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ 0))))
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (postoptimize (var-value var)))
+ (postoptimize (flic-let-body object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-app (object)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn object)))
+ (typecase fn
+ (flic-ref
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var fn))
+ (arity (var-arity var)))
+ (if (not (var-toplevel? var)) (incf (var-referenced var)))
+ (when (not (eqv? arity 0))
+ (postoptimize-app-aux object var arity (flic-app-args object)))))
+ (flic-pack
+ (let* ((con (flic-pack-con fn))
+ (arity (con-arity con)))
+ (postoptimize-app-aux object '#f arity (flic-app-args object))))
+ (else
+ (postoptimize fn)))
+ (dolist (a (flic-app-args object))
+ (postoptimize a))))
+(define (postoptimize-app-aux object var arity args)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (let ((nargs (length args)))
+ (declare (type fixnum nargs))
+ (cond ((< nargs arity)
+ ;; not enough arguments
+ (when var (setf (var-standard-refs? var) '#t)))
+ ((eqv? nargs arity)
+ ;; exactly the right number of arguments
+ (when var (setf (var-optimized-refs? var) '#t))
+ (setf (flic-app-saturated? object) '#t))
+ (else
+ ;; make the fn a nested flic-app
+ (multiple-value-bind (arghead argtail)
+ (split-list args arity)
+ (setf (flic-app-fn object)
+ (make-flic-app (flic-app-fn object) arghead '#t))
+ (setf (flic-app-args object) argtail)
+ (when var (setf (var-optimized-refs? var) '#t))
+ (dolist (a arghead)
+ (postoptimize a))))
+ )))
+(define-postoptimize flic-ref (object)
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (if (not (var-toplevel? var)) (incf (var-referenced var)))
+ (setf (var-standard-refs? var) '#t)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-const (object)
+ object)
+(define-postoptimize flic-pack (object)
+ object)
+(define-postoptimize flic-and (object)
+ (for-each (function postoptimize) (flic-and-exps object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-case-block (object)
+ (for-each (function postoptimize) (flic-case-block-exps object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-if (object)
+ (postoptimize (flic-if-test-exp object))
+ (postoptimize (flic-if-then-exp object))
+ (postoptimize (flic-if-else-exp object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-return-from (object)
+ (postoptimize (flic-return-from-exp object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-sel (object)
+ (postoptimize (flic-sel-exp object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-is-constructor (object)
+ (postoptimize (flic-is-constructor-exp object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-con-number (object)
+ (postoptimize (flic-con-number-exp object)))
+(define-postoptimize flic-void (object)
+ object)
diff --git a/backend/strictness.scm b/backend/strictness.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e03aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/strictness.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+;;; strictness.scm -- strictness analyzer
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 28 May 1992
+;;; The algorithm used here follows Consel, "Fast Strictness Analysis
+;;; Via Symbolic Fixpoint Interation".
+;;; The basic idea is to do a traversal of the flic structure, building
+;;; a boolean term that represents the strictness of each subexpression.
+;;; The boolean terms are composed of ands & ors of the argument variables
+;;; to each function. After traversing the body of the function, we can
+;;; determine which argument variables are strict by examining the
+;;; corresponding term, and then we can update the strictness attribute
+;;; of the var that names the function.
+;;; Another traversal needs to be done to attach strictness properties
+;;; to locally bound variables.
+;;; Here's the main entry point.
+(define (strictness-analysis-top big-let)
+ (fun-strictness-walk big-let)
+ (var-strictness-walk big-let '() '())
+ ;; *** This probably belongs somewhere else?
+ (do-box-analysis big-let '() '() '#t)
+ big-let)
+;;; Function strictness analyzer code walk
+;;; This actually involves two code walkers. The first merely traverses
+;;; structure and identifies function definitions. The second traverses
+;;; the definitions of the functions to compute their strictness.
+;;; Fun-strictness-walk is the walker to find function definitions.
+;;; This is trivial for everything other than flic-let.
+(define-flic-walker fun-strictness-walk (object))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-lambda (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-lambda-body object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-let (object)
+ (if (flic-let-recursive? object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk-letrec object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk-let* object))
+ (dolist (v (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (fun-strictness-walk (var-value v)))
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-let-body object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-app (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-app-fn object))
+ (for-each (function fun-strictness-walk) (flic-app-args object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-ref (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ '#f)
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-pack (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ '#f)
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-const (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ '#f)
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-case-block (object)
+ (for-each (function fun-strictness-walk) (flic-case-block-exps object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-return-from (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-return-from-exp object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-and (object)
+ (for-each (function fun-strictness-walk) (flic-and-exps object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-if (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-if-test-exp object))
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-if-then-exp object))
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-if-else-exp object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-sel (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-sel-exp object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-is-constructor (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-is-constructor-exp object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-con-number (object)
+ (fun-strictness-walk (flic-con-number-exp object)))
+(define-fun-strictness-walk flic-void (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ '#f)
+;;; Here is the magic for let bindings of function definitions.
+;;; Sequential bindings are easy. For recursive bindings, we must
+;;; keep track of mutually recursive functions.
+;;; If a function binding has a strictness annotation attached,
+;;; do not mess with it further.
+(define (fun-strictness-walk-let* object)
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (when (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (if (var-strictness var)
+ (mark-argument-strictness
+ (var-strictness var) (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ (compute-function-strictness var val '())))
+ )))
+(define (fun-strictness-walk-letrec object)
+ (let ((stack '()))
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'flic-lambda val) (not (var-strictness var)))
+ (setf stack (add-recursive-function-1 var (init-var-env) stack)))))
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (when (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (if (var-strictness var)
+ (mark-argument-strictness
+ (var-strictness var) (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ (compute-function-strictness var val stack)))
+ ))))
+(define (compute-function-strictness var val stack)
+ (let* ((vars (flic-lambda-vars val))
+ (env (add-var-binding-n vars (map (function list) vars)
+ (init-var-env)))
+ (term (compute-strictness-walk (flic-lambda-body val) env stack)))
+ (when (eq? term '#t)
+ (signal-infinite-loop-function var)
+ (setf (flic-lambda-body val)
+ (make-infinite-loop-error
+ (format '#f "Function ~s has an infinite loop." var))))
+ (setf (var-strictness var) (munge-strictness-terms term vars))))
+(define (signal-infinite-loop-function var)
+ (recoverable-error 'infinite-loop-function
+ "Function ~s has an infinite loop."
+ var))
+(define (make-infinite-loop-error msg)
+ (make-flic-app
+ (make-flic-ref (core-symbol "error"))
+ (list (make-flic-const msg))
+ '#t))
+;;; compute-strictness-walk is the traversal to compute strictness
+;;; terms.
+;;; The purpose of the env is to map locally bound variables onto
+;;; strictness terms which are expressed as lists of argument variables
+;;; to the function being analyzed.
+;;; The purpose of the stack is to keep track of recursive function
+;;; walks and recognize when we've reached a fixed point.
+(define-flic-walker compute-strictness-walk (object env stack))
+;;; Making a function never forces anything.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-lambda (object env stack)
+ (declare (ignore object env stack))
+ '#f)
+;;; For let, add bindings to environment and get strictness of body.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-let (object env stack)
+ (let ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (body (flic-let-body object))
+ (recursive? (flic-let-recursive? object)))
+ (if recursive?
+ ;; Must add stuff to env and stack before traversing anything.
+ (begin
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (setf env (add-var-binding-1 var '#f env)))
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (when (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (setf stack (add-recursive-function-1 var env stack)))))
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (set-var-env var env (compute-strictness-walk val env stack)))))
+ ;; Otherwise just do things sequentially.
+ ;; Note that even though there is no possibility of recursion
+ ;; here, we must add stuff to the stack anyway so that we can
+ ;; walk calls in the correct env.
+ (dolist (var bindings)
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (when (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (setf stack (add-recursive-function-1 var env stack)))
+ (setf env
+ (add-var-binding-1
+ var (compute-strictness-walk val env stack) env)))))
+ (compute-strictness-walk body env stack)))
+;;; Treat explicit, saturated calls to named functions specially.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-app (object env stack)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn object))
+ (args (flic-app-args object))
+ (saturated? (flic-app-saturated? object)))
+ (cond ((and (is-type? 'flic-ref fn) saturated?)
+ ;; Special handling for named functions.
+ (compute-application-strictness
+ (flic-ref-var fn)
+ args env stack))
+ ((and (is-type? 'flic-pack fn) saturated?)
+ ;; Similarly for constructor applications, but we always
+ ;; know which arguments are strict in advance.
+ (compute-application-strictness-aux
+ (con-slot-strict? (flic-pack-con fn))
+ args env stack))
+ (else
+ ;; Otherwise, we know that the function expression is going to
+ ;; be forced, but all of its arguments are lazy. So ignore the
+ ;; arguments in computing the strictness of the whole expression.
+ (compute-strictness-walk fn env stack)))))
+(define (compute-application-strictness var args env stack)
+ (let* ((strictness (var-strictness var))
+ (info '#f)
+ (arg-strictness-list '#f))
+ (cond ((eq? var (core-symbol "error"))
+ ;; This expression will return bottom no matter what.
+ 'error)
+ (strictness
+ ;; We've already completed the walk for this function and
+ ;; determined which of its arguments are strict.
+ ;; The strictness expression for the application is the
+ ;; OR of the strictness of its non-lazy arguments.
+ (compute-application-strictness-aux strictness args env stack))
+ ((get-recursive-function-trace
+ (setf arg-strictness-list
+ (map (lambda (a) (compute-strictness-walk a env stack))
+ args))
+ (setf info (get-recursive-function var stack)))
+ ;; We're already tracing this call. Return true to
+ ;; terminate the fixpoint iteration.
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ ;; Otherwise, begin a new trace instance.
+ ;; Add stuff to the saved var-env to map references to
+ ;; the argument variables to the strictness terms for
+ ;; the actual arguments at this call site.
+ ;; References to closed-over variables within the function
+ ;; use the strictness values that were stored in the env
+ ;; at the point of function definition.
+ (let* ((env (get-recursive-function-env info))
+ (lambda (var-value var))
+ (body (flic-lambda-body lambda))
+ (vars (flic-lambda-vars lambda))
+ (result '#f))
+ (push-recursive-function-trace arg-strictness-list info)
+ (setf result
+ (compute-strictness-walk
+ body
+ (add-var-binding-n vars arg-strictness-list env)
+ stack))
+ (pop-recursive-function-trace info)
+ result))
+ )))
+(define (compute-application-strictness-aux strictness args env stack)
+ (make-or-term
+ (map (lambda (strict? arg)
+ (if strict? (compute-strictness-walk arg env stack) '#f))
+ strictness args)))
+;;; For a reference, look up the term associated with the variable in env.
+;;; If not present in the environment, ignore it; the binding was established
+;;; outside the scope of the function being analyzed.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-ref (object env stack)
+ (declare (ignore stack))
+ (get-var-env (flic-ref-var object) env))
+;;; References to constants or constructors never fail.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-const (object env stack)
+ (declare (ignore object env stack))
+ '#f)
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-pack (object env stack)
+ (declare (ignore object env stack))
+ '#f)
+;;; The first clause of a case-block is the only one that is always
+;;; executed, so it is the only one that affects the strictness of
+;;; the overall expression.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-case-block (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (car (flic-case-block-exps object)) env stack))
+;;; Return-from fails if its subexpression fails.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-return-from (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-return-from-exp object) env stack))
+;;; For and, the first subexpression is the only one that is always
+;;; executed, so it is the only one that affects the strictness of
+;;; the overall expression.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-and (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (car (flic-and-exps object)) env stack))
+;;; The strictness of an IF is the strictness of the test OR'ed
+;;; with the AND of the strictness of its branches.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-if (object env stack)
+ (make-or-term-2
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-if-test-exp object) env stack)
+ (make-and-term-2
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-if-then-exp object) env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-if-else-exp object) env stack))))
+;;; Selecting a component of a data structure causes it to be forced,
+;;; so propagate the strictness of the subexpression upwards.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-sel (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-sel-exp object) env stack))
+;;; Is-constructor and con-number force their subexpressions.
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-is-constructor (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-is-constructor-exp object) env stack))
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-con-number (object env stack)
+ (compute-strictness-walk (flic-con-number-exp object) env stack))
+(define-compute-strictness-walk flic-void (object env stack)
+ (declare (ignore object env stack))
+ '#f)
+;;; Utilities for managing the env
+;;; The env is just an a-list.
+(define (init-var-env)
+ '())
+(define (add-var-binding-1 var binding env)
+ (cons (cons var binding) env))
+(define (add-var-binding-n vars bindings env)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ env
+ (add-var-binding-n (cdr vars) (cdr bindings)
+ (cons (cons (car vars) (car bindings)) env))))
+(define (get-var-env var env)
+ (let ((stuff (assq var env)))
+ (if stuff
+ (cdr stuff)
+ '#f)))
+(define (set-var-env var env new-value)
+ (let ((stuff (assq var env)))
+ (if stuff
+ (setf (cdr stuff) new-value)
+ (error "Can't find binding for ~s in environment." var))))
+;;; Utilities for managing the stack
+;;; For now, the stack is just an a-list too.
+;;; Some sort of hashing scheme could also be used instead of a linear
+;;; search, but if the iteration depth for the fixpoint analysis is
+;;; small, it's probably not worth the trouble.
+(define (add-recursive-function-1 var env stack)
+ (cons (list var env '()) stack))
+(define (get-recursive-function var stack)
+ (or (assq var stack)
+ (error "Can't find entry for ~s in stack." var)))
+(define (get-recursive-function-env entry)
+ (cadr entry))
+(define (push-recursive-function-trace new-args entry)
+ (push new-args (caddr entry)))
+(define (pop-recursive-function-trace entry)
+ (pop (caddr entry)))
+(define (get-recursive-function-trace args entry)
+ (get-recursive-function-trace-aux args (caddr entry)))
+(define (get-recursive-function-trace-aux args list)
+ (cond ((null? list)
+ '#f)
+ ((every (function term=) args (car list))
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (get-recursive-function-trace-aux args (cdr list)))))
+;;; Utilities for boolean terms
+;;; A term is either #t, #f, the symbol 'error, or a list of variables
+;;; (which are implicitly or'ed together).
+;;; #t and 'error are treated identically, except that #t indicates
+;;; failure because of infinite recursion and 'error indicates failure
+;;; due to a call to the error function.
+;;; In general, AND terms add nothing to the result, so to reduce
+;;; needless computation we generally reduce (and a b) to #f.
+;;; Make an OR term. First look for some obvious special cases as an
+;;; efficiency hack, otherwise fall through to more general code.
+(define (make-or-term terms)
+ (cond ((null? terms)
+ '#f)
+ ((null? (cdr terms))
+ (car terms))
+ ((eq? (car terms) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? (car terms) 'error)
+ 'error)
+ ((eq? (car terms) '#f)
+ (make-or-term (cdr terms)))
+ (else
+ (make-or-term-2 (car terms) (make-or-term (cdr terms))))))
+(define (make-or-term-2 term1 term2)
+ (cond ((eq? term2 '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? term2 'error)
+ 'error)
+ ((eq? term2 '#f)
+ term1)
+ ((eq? term1 '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? term1 'error)
+ 'error)
+ ((eq? term1 '#f)
+ term2)
+ ;; At this point we know both terms are variable lists.
+ ((implies? term2 term1)
+ term2)
+ ((implies? term1 term2)
+ term1)
+ (else
+ (merge-list-terms term1 term2))))
+;;; Merge the two lists, throwing out duplicate variables.
+(define (merge-list-terms list1 list2)
+ (cond ((null? list1)
+ list2)
+ ((null? list2)
+ list1)
+ ((eq? (car list1) (car list2))
+ (cons (car list1) (merge-list-terms (cdr list1) (cdr list2))))
+ ((var< (car list1) (car list2))
+ (cons (car list1) (merge-list-terms (cdr list1) list2)))
+ (else
+ (cons (car list2) (merge-list-terms list1 (cdr list2))))))
+;;; Helper function: does term1 imply term2?
+;;; True if every subterm of term2 is also included in term1.
+(define (implies? term1 term2)
+ (every (lambda (v2) (memq v2 term1)) term2))
+;;; Make an AND term. Because we don't want to build up arbitrarily
+;;; complex AND expressions, basically just compute an OR list that
+;;; represents the intersection of the subterms.
+(define (make-and-term terms)
+ (cond ((null? terms)
+ '#f)
+ ((null? (cdr terms))
+ (car terms))
+ ((eq? (car terms) '#t)
+ (make-and-term (cdr terms)))
+ ((eq? (car terms) 'error)
+ (make-and-term (cdr terms)))
+ ((eq? (car terms) '#f)
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (make-and-term-2 (car terms) (make-and-term (cdr terms))))))
+(define (make-and-term-2 term1 term2)
+ (cond ((eq? term2 '#t)
+ term1)
+ ((eq? term2 'error)
+ term1)
+ ((eq? term2 '#f)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? term1 '#t)
+ term2)
+ ((eq? term1 'error)
+ term2)
+ ((eq? term1 '#f)
+ '#f)
+ ;; At this point we know both terms are variable lists.
+ ((implies? term2 term1)
+ term1)
+ ((implies? term1 term2)
+ term2)
+ (else
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (v term1)
+ (if (memq v term2)
+ (push v result)))
+ (if (null? result)
+ '#f
+ (nreverse result))))
+ ))
+;;; Subterms of an and/or term are always sorted, so that to compare
+;;; two terms we can just compare subterms componentwise.
+(define (term= term1 term2)
+ (or (eq? term1 term2)
+ (and (pair? term1)
+ (pair? term2)
+ (eq? (car term1) (car term2))
+ (term= (cdr term1) (cdr term2)))))
+;;; Variables within an OR-list are sorted alphabetically by names.
+(define (var< var1 var2)
+ (string<? (symbol->string (def-name var1))
+ (symbol->string (def-name var2))))
+;;; Determine which of the vars are present in the term.
+(define (munge-strictness-terms term vars)
+ (map (lambda (v)
+ (setf (var-strict? v)
+ (cond ((var-force-strict? v)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? term '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? term 'error)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? term '#f)
+ '#f)
+ ((memq v term)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f))))
+ vars))
+(define (mark-argument-strictness strictness vars)
+ (map (lambda (s v) (setf (var-strict? v) s)) strictness vars))
+;;; Variable strictness propagation code walk
+;;; Walk the code, marking any vars found in strict contexts as strict.
+;;; Locally bound variables are consed onto the varlist. This is
+;;; used to determine which variables can be marked as strict when they
+;;; appear in strict contexts.
+;;; When walking something that does not appear in a strict context
+;;; or that is not always evaluated, reinitialize varlist to the empty
+;;; list.
+;;; The stack is used to keep track of variables that have not been
+;;; initialized yet, so that we can detect some kinds of infinite loops.
+;;; When walking something that is not always evaluated, reset this to
+;;; the empty list.
+(define-flic-walker var-strictness-walk (object varlist stack))
+;;; Since the body of the lambda might not be evaluated, reset
+;;; both varlist and stack.
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-lambda (object varlist stack)
+ (declare (ignore varlist stack))
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-lambda-body object) '() '()))
+;;; The basic idea for let is to find the variables that are strict in
+;;; the body first, and propagate that information backwards to the
+;;; binding initializers.
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-let (object varlist stack)
+ (let ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object)))
+ (var-strictness-walk-let-aux
+ bindings
+ (flic-let-body object)
+ (append bindings varlist)
+ (append bindings stack)
+ (flic-let-recursive? object))))
+(define (var-strictness-walk-let-aux bindings body varlist stack recursive?)
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ (var-strictness-walk body varlist stack)
+ (begin
+ (var-strictness-walk-let-aux
+ (cdr bindings) body varlist (cdr stack) recursive?)
+ (let* ((var (car bindings))
+ (val (var-value var)))
+ (cond ((var-strict? var)
+ ;; Recursive variables have to be set back to unstrict
+ ;; because the value form might contain forward references.
+ ;; The box analyzer will set them to strict again if the
+ ;; value forms are safe.
+ (when recursive? (setf (var-strict? var) '#f))
+ ;; Detect x = 1 + x circularities here
+ (var-strictness-walk val varlist stack))
+ ((flic-exp-strict-result? val)
+ ;; The val is going to be wrapped in a delay.
+ (var-strictness-walk val '() '()))
+ (else
+ ;; Watch out for x = x and x = cdr x circularities.
+ ;; *** I am still a little confused about this. It
+ ;; *** seems like the stack should be passed through
+ ;; *** when walking already-boxed values that appear as
+ ;; *** non-strict function arguments as well, but doing
+ ;; *** so generates some apparently bogus complaints
+ ;; *** about infinite loops. So maybe doing it here
+ ;; *** is incorrect too, and we just haven't run across
+ ;; *** a test case that triggers it???
+ (var-strictness-walk val '() stack))
+ )))))
+(define (flic-exp-strict-result? val)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'flic-ref val)
+ (var-strict? (flic-ref-var val)))
+ ((is-type? 'flic-sel val)
+ (list-ref (con-slot-strict? (flic-sel-con val)) (flic-sel-i val)))
+ (else
+ '#t)))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-app (object varlist stack)
+ (let ((fn (flic-app-fn object))
+ (args (flic-app-args object))
+ (saturated? (flic-app-saturated? object)))
+ (cond ((and saturated? (is-type? 'flic-ref fn))
+ ;; Strictness of function should be stored on var
+ (do-var-strictness-flic-app-aux
+ (var-strictness (flic-ref-var fn))
+ fn args varlist stack))
+ ((and saturated? (is-type? 'flic-pack fn))
+ ;; Strictness of constructor should be stored on con
+ (do-var-strictness-flic-app-aux
+ (con-slot-strict? (flic-pack-con fn))
+ fn args varlist stack))
+ (else
+ ;; All arguments are non-strict
+ (var-strictness-walk fn varlist stack)
+ (dolist (a args)
+ (var-strictness-walk a '() '()))))))
+(define (do-var-strictness-flic-app-aux strictness fn args varlist stack)
+ (when (not strictness)
+ (error "Can't find strictness for function ~s." fn))
+ (dolist (a args)
+ (if (pop strictness)
+ (var-strictness-walk a varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk a '() '()))))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-ref (object varlist stack)
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (cond ((memq var stack)
+ ;; Circular variable definition detected.
+ (signal-infinite-loop-variable var)
+ (setf (var-value var)
+ (make-infinite-loop-error
+ (format '#f "Variable ~s has an infinite loop." var))))
+ ((memq var varlist)
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#t))
+ (else
+ '#f))))
+(define (signal-infinite-loop-variable var)
+ (recoverable-error 'infinite-loop-variable
+ "Variable ~s has an infinite loop."
+ var))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-const (object varlist stack)
+ (declare (ignore object varlist stack))
+ '#f)
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-pack (object varlist stack)
+ (declare (ignore object varlist stack))
+ '#f)
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-case-block (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (car (flic-case-block-exps object)) varlist stack)
+ (dolist (exp (cdr (flic-case-block-exps object)))
+ (var-strictness-walk exp '() '())))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-return-from (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-return-from-exp object) varlist stack))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-and (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (car (flic-and-exps object)) varlist stack)
+ (dolist (exp (cdr (flic-and-exps object)))
+ (var-strictness-walk exp '() '())))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-if (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-if-test-exp object) varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-if-then-exp object) '() '())
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-if-else-exp object) '() '()))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-sel (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-sel-exp object) varlist stack))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-is-constructor (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-is-constructor-exp object) varlist stack))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-con-number (object varlist stack)
+ (var-strictness-walk (flic-con-number-exp object) varlist stack))
+(define-var-strictness-walk flic-void (object varlist stack)
+ (declare (ignore object varlist stack))
+ '#f)
+;;; Printer support
+(define (strictness-analysis-printer big-let)
+ (print-strictness big-let 0))
+(define (print-strictness-list list depth)
+ (dolist (o list)
+ (print-strictness o depth)))
+(define (print-strictness-indent depth)
+ (dotimes (i (* 2 depth))
+ (declare (ignorable i))
+ (write-char #\space)))
+(define (strictness-string bool)
+ (if bool "#t" "#f"))
+(define-flic-walker print-strictness (object depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-lambda (object depth)
+ (print-strictness-indent depth)
+ (format '#t "In anonymous function:~%")
+ (print-strictness (flic-lambda-body object) (1+ depth)))
+(define-print-strictness flic-let (object depth)
+ (dolist (var (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (let ((val (var-value var)))
+ (if (is-type? 'flic-lambda val)
+ (begin
+ (print-strictness-indent depth)
+ (format '#t "Function ~s has argument strictness ~a.~%"
+ var
+ (map (function strictness-string) (var-strictness var)))
+ (print-strictness (flic-lambda-body val) (1+ depth)))
+ (begin
+ (print-strictness-indent depth)
+ (format '#t "Variable ~s has strictness ~a.~%"
+ var
+ (strictness-string (var-strict? var)))
+ (print-strictness val depth)))))
+ (print-strictness (flic-let-body object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-app (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-app-fn object) depth)
+ (print-strictness-list (flic-app-args object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-ref (object depth)
+ (declare (ignore object depth))
+ '#f)
+(define-print-strictness flic-const (object depth)
+ (declare (ignore object depth))
+ '#f)
+(define-print-strictness flic-pack (object depth)
+ (declare (ignore object depth))
+ '#f)
+(define-print-strictness flic-case-block (object depth)
+ (print-strictness-list (flic-case-block-exps object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-return-from (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-return-from-exp object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-and (object depth)
+ (print-strictness-list (flic-and-exps object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-if (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-if-test-exp object) depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-if-then-exp object) depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-if-else-exp object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-sel (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-sel-exp object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-is-constructor (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-is-constructor-exp object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-con-number (object depth)
+ (print-strictness (flic-con-number-exp object) depth))
+(define-print-strictness flic-void (object depth)
+ (declare (ignore object depth))
+ '#f)
diff --git a/bin/cmu-clx-haskell b/bin/cmu-clx-haskell
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dba0998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cmu-clx-haskell
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# run cmu clx haskell
+if (`arch -k` == "sun4c") then
+ $CMUCLBIN -core $HASKELL/bin/sun4c-clx-haskell.core
+ $CMUCLBIN -core $HASKELL/bin/sun4m-clx-haskell.core
diff --git a/bin/cmu-haskell b/bin/cmu-haskell
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff82dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cmu-haskell
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# run cmu haskell
+if (`arch -k` == "sun4c") then
+ $CMUCLBIN -core $HASKELL/bin/sun4c-haskell.core
+ $CMUCLBIN -core $HASKELL/bin/sun4m-haskell.core
diff --git a/bin/magic.scm b/bin/magic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..999e8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/magic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;; magic.scm -- magic support file for dumping compiled code files.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 8 Jul 1992
+;;; This file is used to dump compiled code files. The macro call below
+;;; expands into the code being dumped. See dump-interface.scm for more
+;;; details.
diff --git a/cfn/README b/cfn/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a25c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/README
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Whats what in the cfn.
+Language generated by cfn contains these ast node types:
+ lambda
+ let
+ if
+ case -- restriction: all patterns must be either literals or
+ a constructor with var and wildcard args
+ app
+ var-ref
+ con-ref
+ const
+ con-number
+ sel
+ is-constructor
+Transformations to do:
+ Convert lists to explicit calls to cons
+ Simplify patterns
+ Remove sequences
+ Remove list comprehensions
+ Remove sections
+ Reduce patterns on lhs of decls
+ Reduce patterns in function args
+ Convert where decls to let statements
+ Convert guarded-expressions to if - then - else form
+Done earlier:
+ signdecls are removed in scoping
+ exp-signs are removed in typechecker
+ prec parser removes `negate' & pp-* nodes
diff --git a/cfn/cfn.scm b/cfn/cfn.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf43be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/cfn.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; cfn.scm -- module definition for CFN phase
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 11 Mar 1992
+(define-compilation-unit cfn
+ (source-filename "$Y2/cfn/")
+ (require ast haskell-utils)
+ (unit main
+ (source-filename "main.scm"))
+ (unit misc
+ (source-filename "misc.scm")
+ (require main))
+ (unit pattern
+ (source-filename "pattern.scm")
+ (require main)))
diff --git a/cfn/main.scm b/cfn/main.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3853b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/main.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+;;; main.scm -- main entry point for CFN pass
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; Basic support
+;;; Define the basic walker and some helper functions.
+(define-walker cfn ast-td-cfn-walker)
+(define (cfn-ast-1 x)
+ (call-walker cfn x))
+(define (cfn-ast/list l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (cfn-ast-1 x)) l))
+;;; This is the main entry point. It is called by the driver on
+;;; each top-level decl in the module.
+(define (cfn-ast x)
+ (let ((result (cfn-ast-1 x)))
+; (pprint result) ;*** debug
+ result))
+;;; Default traversal methods
+(define-local-syntax (make-cfn-code slot type)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot)))
+ (cond ((and (symbol? stype)
+ (or (eq? stype 'exp)
+ (subtype? stype 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (symbol? (cadr stype))
+ (or (eq? (cadr stype) 'exp)
+ (subtype? (cadr stype) 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-ast/list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (eq? (cadr stype) 'decl))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-valdef-list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Cfn: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; (sd-name slot)
+; type)
+ '#f))))
+(define-modify-walker-methods cfn
+ (let if
+ exp-sign
+ app
+ var-ref con-ref
+ integer-const float-const char-const string-const
+ con-number sel is-constructor
+ void
+ case-block return-from and-exp
+ )
+ (object)
+ make-cfn-code)
+;;; These have specialized walkers:
+;;; lambda, case, valdef, list-comp (pattern.scm)
+;;; list-exp, list-comp, section-l, section-r, dict-placeholder,
+;;; recursive-placeholder, save-old-exp (misc.scm)
diff --git a/cfn/misc.scm b/cfn/misc.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bcba64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/misc.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+;;; misc.scm -- random other transformations done during CFN processing
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; This file contains specialized CFN walkers that implement rewrite rules
+;;; for list-exp, sequence-xxx, list-comp, section-l, and section-r.
+;;; Turn list-exps into cons chains.
+(define-walker-method cfn list-exp (object)
+ (do-cfn-list-exp (list-exp-exps object)))
+(define (do-cfn-list-exp exps)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ ;; Make a con-ref for []
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ ;; Otherwise make an app of :
+ (let ((first (cfn-ast-1 (car exps)))
+ (rest (do-cfn-list-exp (cdr exps))))
+ (**app (**con/def (core-symbol ":")) first rest))))
+;;; Sections get turned into lambda expressions.
+(define-walker-method cfn section-l (object)
+ (let ((def (create-temp-var 'section-arg)))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def def))
+ (**app (cfn-ast-1 (section-l-op object))
+ (**var/def def)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (section-l-exp object))))))
+(define-walker-method cfn section-r (object)
+ (let ((def (create-temp-var 'section-arg)))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def def))
+ (**app (cfn-ast-1 (section-r-op object))
+ (cfn-ast-1 (section-r-exp object))
+ (**var/def def)))))
+;;; Do list comprehensions.
+;;; rewrite in terms of build and foldr so that we can apply
+;;; deforestation techniques later.
+(define-walker-method cfn list-comp (object)
+ (let ((c (create-temp-var 'c))
+ (n (create-temp-var 'n)))
+ (cfn-ast-1
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "build"))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def c) (**var-pat/def n))
+ (do-cfn-list-comp
+ (list-comp-exp object) (list-comp-quals object) c n))))))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c n)
+ (if (null? quals)
+ (**app (**var/def c) exp (**var/def n))
+ (let ((qual (car quals)))
+ (if (is-type? 'qual-generator qual)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp-generator exp qual (cdr quals) c n)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp-filter exp qual (cdr quals) c n)))))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp-filter exp qual quals c n)
+ (**if (qual-filter-exp qual)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c n)
+ (**var/def n)))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp-generator exp qual quals c n)
+ (let ((gen-pat (qual-generator-pat qual))
+ (gen-exp (qual-generator-exp qual))
+ (l (create-temp-var 'list))
+ (b (create-temp-var 'rest)))
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def l) (**var-pat/def b))
+ (**case (**var/def l)
+ (list (**alt/simple
+ gen-pat
+ (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c b))
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**wildcard-pat)
+ (**var/def b)))))
+ (**var/def n)
+ gen-exp)))
+;;; Placeholders just get eliminated
+(define-walker-method cfn dict-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (dict-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a dict placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (dict-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn method-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (method-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a method placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (method-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn recursive-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (recursive-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a recursive placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (recursive-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn cast (object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (cast-exp object)))
+;;; Eliminate saved old expressions
+(define-walker-method cfn save-old-exp (object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (save-old-exp-new-exp object)))
diff --git a/cfn/pattern.scm b/cfn/pattern.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64badbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/pattern.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+;;; pattern.scm -- cfn processing of pattern-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; This file contains specialized CFN walkers for lambda, case, and valdef
+;;; structures.
+;;; Top-level walkers
+;;; The calls to remember-context are so an appropriate error message
+;;; can be produced for pattern-matching failures.
+(define-walker-method cfn lambda (object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (do-cfn-lambda (lambda-pats object) (lambda-body object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn case (object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (do-cfn-case
+ (case-exp object)
+ (case-alts object))))
+;;; Valdefs are always processed as a list.
+(define (cfn-valdef-list list-of-valdefs)
+ (if (null? list-of-valdefs)
+ '()
+ (nconc (cfn-valdef (car list-of-valdefs))
+ (cfn-valdef-list (cdr list-of-valdefs)))))
+(define (cfn-valdef object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (if (null? (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions object))))
+ ;; This is a pattern binding.
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object)
+ ;; This is a function binding.
+ ;; Branch on single-headed/multi-headed definition.
+ (list (add-dict-params
+ object
+ (if (null? (cdr (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (do-cfn-function-def-simple object)
+ (do-cfn-function-def-general object))))
+ )))
+;;; This adds the dictionary parameters needed by the type system. A valdef
+;;; structure has a dictionary-args field which contains the variables to be
+;;; bound to dicationary arguments.
+(define (add-dict-params original-valdef generated-valdef)
+ (let ((vars (valdef-dictionary-args original-valdef)))
+ (when (not (null? vars))
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions generated-valdef)))
+ (rhs (car (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)))
+ (exp (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs))
+ (pats (map (function **var-pat/def) vars)))
+ (if (is-type? 'lambda exp)
+ (setf (lambda-pats exp)
+ (nconc pats (lambda-pats exp)))
+ (setf (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)
+ (**lambda/pat pats exp))))))
+ generated-valdef)
+;;; Lambda rewriting
+;;; For lambda, make all the argument patterns into var pats.
+;;; Rewrite the body as a CASE to do any more complicated pattern
+;;; matching.
+;;; The CFN output for lambda is a modified lambda expression with
+;;; all var-pats as arguments.
+(define (do-cfn-lambda pats body)
+ (let ((new-args '())
+ (new-vars '())
+ (new-pats '()))
+ (dolist (p pats)
+ (typecase p
+ (wildcard-pat
+ (push (**var-pat/def (create-temp-var 'arg)) new-args))
+ (var-pat
+ (push p new-args))
+ (as-pat
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var (as-pat-var p))))
+ (push (**var-pat/def var) new-args)
+ (push (**var/def var) new-vars)
+ (push (as-pat-pattern p) new-pats)))
+ (else
+ (let ((var (create-temp-var 'arg)))
+ (push (**var-pat/def var) new-args)
+ (push (**var/def var) new-vars)
+ (push p new-pats)))))
+ (setf new-args (nreverse new-args))
+ (setf new-vars (nreverse new-vars))
+ (setf new-pats (nreverse new-pats))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ new-args
+ (cond ((null? new-vars)
+ ;; No fancy pattern matching necessary.
+ (cfn-ast-1 body))
+ ((null? (cdr new-vars))
+ ;; Exactly one argument to match on.
+ (do-cfn-case (car new-vars)
+ (list (**alt/simple (car new-pats) body))))
+ (else
+ ;; Multiple arguments to match on.
+ (do-cfn-case-tuple
+ new-vars
+ (list (**alt/simple (**tuple-pat new-pats) body))))
+ ))))
+;;; Function definitions
+;;; The output of the CFN for function definitions is a simple
+;;; valdef which binds a variable to a lambda expression.
+;;; The simple case: there is only one set of arguments.
+(define (do-cfn-function-def-simple object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (sfd (car (valdef-definitions object))))
+ (**valdef/pat
+ pat
+ (do-cfn-lambda
+ (single-fun-def-args sfd)
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f)))))
+;;; The general case: generate new variables as the formal parameters
+;;; to the resulting lambda, then use case to do the pattern matching.
+(define (do-cfn-function-def-general object)
+ (let ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (vars (map (lambda (p)
+ (declare (ignore p))
+ (create-temp-var 'arg))
+ (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions object)))))
+ (alts (map (lambda (sfd)
+ (**alt (**tuple-pat (single-fun-def-args sfd))
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)))
+ (valdef-definitions object))))
+ (**valdef/pat
+ pat
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (map (function **var-pat/def) vars)
+ (if (null? (cdr vars))
+ ;; one-argument case
+ (do-cfn-case (**var/def (car vars)) alts)
+ ;; multi-argument case
+ (do-cfn-case-tuple (map (function **var/def) vars) alts))))
+ ))
+;;; Case
+;;; For case, add failure alt, then call helper function to generate
+;;; pattern matching tests.
+;;; The CFN output for case is a case-block construct.
+(define (do-cfn-case exp alts)
+ (setf alts
+ (append alts
+ (list (**alt/simple (**wildcard-pat) (make-failure-exp)))))
+ (let ((list-of-pats (map (lambda (a) (list (alt-pat a))) alts)))
+ (if (is-type? 'var-ref exp)
+ (match-pattern-list (list exp) list-of-pats alts)
+ (let ((temp (create-temp-var 'cfn)))
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def temp (cfn-ast-1 exp)))
+ (match-pattern-list
+ (list (**var/def temp))
+ list-of-pats
+ alts)))
+ )))
+;;; Here's a special case, for when the exp being matched is a tuple
+;;; of var-refs and all the alts also have tuple pats.
+(define (do-cfn-case-tuple exps alts)
+ (setf alts
+ (append alts
+ (list
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**tuple-pat
+ (map (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) (**wildcard-pat))
+ exps))
+ (make-failure-exp)))))
+ (match-pattern-list
+ exps
+ (map (lambda (a) (pcon-pats (alt-pat a))) alts)
+ alts))
+(define (match-pattern-list exps list-of-pats alts)
+ (let ((block-name (gensym "PMATCH")))
+ (**case-block
+ block-name
+ (map (lambda (a p) (match-pattern exps p a block-name))
+ alts
+ list-of-pats))))
+;;; Produce an exp that matches the given alt against the exps.
+;;; If the match succeeds, it will return-from the given block-name.
+(define (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)
+ (if (null pats)
+ ;; No more patterns to match.
+ ;; Return an exp that handles the guards and where-decls.
+ (cfn-ast-1
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (alt-where-decls alt) (alt-rhs-list alt) block-name))
+ ;; Otherwise dispatch on type of first pattern.
+ (let ((pat (pop pats))
+ (exp (pop exps)))
+ (funcall
+ (typecase pat
+ (wildcard-pat (function match-wildcard-pat))
+ (var-pat (function match-var-pat))
+ (pcon (function match-pcon))
+ (as-pat (function match-as-pat))
+ (irr-pat (function match-irr-pat))
+ (const-pat (function match-const-pat))
+ (plus-pat (function match-plus-pat))
+ (list-pat (function match-list-pat))
+ (else (error "Unrecognized pattern ~s." pat)))
+ pat
+ exp
+ pats
+ exps
+ alt
+ block-name))))
+;;; Wildcard patterns add no pattern matching test.
+;;; Just recurse on the next pattern to be matched.
+(define (match-wildcard-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (declare (ignore pat exp))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+;;; A variable pattern likewise does not add any test. However,
+;;; a binding of the variable to the corresponding exp must be added.
+(define (match-var-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (push (**valdef/pat pat exp)
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+;;; Pcons are the hairy case because they may have subpatterns that need
+;;; to be matched.
+;;; If there are subpats and the exp is not a var-ref, make a let binding.
+;;; If the con is a tuple type, there is no need to generate a test
+;;; since the test would always succeed anyway.
+;;; Do not generate let bindings here for subexpressions; do this lazily
+;;; if and when necessary.
+(define (match-pcon pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let* ((var? (is-type? 'var-ref exp))
+ (var (if var?
+ (var-ref-var exp)
+ (create-temp-var 'conexp)))
+ (con (pcon-con pat))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (subpats (pcon-pats pat))
+ (subexps '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push (**sel con (**var/def var) i) subexps))
+ (setf exps (nconc (nreverse subexps) exps))
+ (setf pats (append subpats pats))
+ (let ((tail (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+ (when (not tuple?)
+ (setf tail
+ (**and-exp (**is-constructor (**var/def var) con) tail)))
+ (when (not var?)
+ (setf tail
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var (cfn-ast-1 exp))) tail)))
+ tail)))
+;;; For as-pat, add a variable binding.
+;;; If the expression being matched is not already a variable reference,
+;;; take this opportunity to make the let binding. Otherwise push the
+;;; let-binding onto the where-decls.
+(define (match-as-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var (as-pat-var pat)))
+ (subpat (as-pat-pattern pat)))
+ (if (is-type? 'var-ref exp)
+ (begin
+ (push (**valdef/def var (**var/def (var-ref-var exp)))
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons exp exps)
+ (cons subpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name))
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var (cfn-ast-1 exp)))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons (**var/def var) exps)
+ (cons subpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name)))))
+;;; An irrefutable pattern adds no test to the pattern matching,
+;;; but adds a pattern binding to the where-decls.
+(define (match-irr-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((subpat (irr-pat-pattern pat)))
+ (push (**valdef/pat subpat exp) (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+;;; A const pat has a little piece of code inserted by the typechecker
+;;; to do the test.
+;;; For matches against string constants, generate an inline test to match
+;;; on each character of the string.
+(define (match-const-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((const (const-pat-value pat)))
+ (**and-exp
+ (if (is-type? 'string-const const)
+ (let ((string (string-const-value const)))
+ (if (string=? string "")
+ (**is-constructor exp (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "primStringEq")) const exp)))
+ (cfn-ast-1 (**app (const-pat-match-fn pat) exp)))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+ ))
+;;; Plus pats have both a magic test and a piece of code to
+;;; make a binding in the where-decls. Make a variable binding
+;;; for the exp if it's not already a variable.
+(define (match-plus-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let* ((var? (is-type? 'var-ref exp))
+ (var (if var? (var-ref-var exp) (create-temp-var 'plusexp))))
+ (push (**valdef/pat (plus-pat-pattern pat)
+ (**app (plus-pat-bind-fn pat) (**var/def var)))
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (let ((tail (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+ (setf tail
+ (**and-exp
+ (cfn-ast-1 (**app (plus-pat-match-fn pat) (**var/def var)))
+ tail))
+ (if var?
+ tail
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var exp)) tail)))))
+;;; Rewrite list pats as pcons, then process recursively.
+(define (match-list-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((newpat (rewrite-list-pat (list-pat-pats pat))))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons exp exps)
+ (cons newpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name)))
+(define (rewrite-list-pat subpats)
+ (if (null? subpats)
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol "Nil") '())
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol ":")
+ (list (car subpats)
+ (rewrite-list-pat (cdr subpats))))))
+;;; Pattern definitions
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object)
+ (typecase (valdef-lhs object)
+ (var-pat
+ ;; If the pattern definition is a simple variable assignment, it
+ ;; may have dictionary parameters that need to be messed with.
+ ;; Complicated pattern bindings can't be overloaded in this way.
+ (list (add-dict-params object (do-cfn-pattern-def-simple object))))
+ (irr-pat
+ ;; Irrefutable patterns are redundant here.
+ (setf (valdef-lhs object) (irr-pat-pattern (valdef-lhs object)))
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object))
+ (wildcard-pat
+ ;; Wildcards are no-ops.
+ '())
+ (pcon
+ ;; Special-case because it's frequent and general case creates
+ ;; such lousy code
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-pcon object))
+ (else
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object))))
+;;; Do a "simple" pattern definition, e.g. one that already has a
+;;; var-pat on the lhs.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-simple object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f)))
+ (**valdef/pat pat (cfn-ast-1 exp))))
+;;; Destructure a pcon.
+;;; Note that the simplified expansion is only valid if none of
+;;; the subpatterns introduce tests. Otherwise we must defer to
+;;; the general case.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-pcon object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (subpats (pcon-pats pat)))
+ (if (every (function irrefutable-pat?) subpats)
+ (let* ((con (pcon-con pat))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (temp (create-temp-var 'pbind))
+ (result '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (setf result
+ (nconc result
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top
+ (**valdef/pat (pop subpats)
+ (**sel con (**var/def temp) i))))))
+ (if (null? result)
+ '()
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (cfn-ast-1
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f))))
+ (when (not tuple?)
+ (let ((temp1 (create-temp-var 'cfn)))
+ (setf exp
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def temp1 exp))
+ (**if (**is-constructor (**var/def temp1) con)
+ (**var/def temp1)
+ (make-failure-exp))))))
+ (cons (**valdef/def temp exp) result))))
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object))))
+;;; Turn a complicated pattern definition into a list of simple ones.
+;;; The idea is to use case to match the pattern and build a tuple of
+;;; all the values which are being destructured into the pattern
+;;; variables.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object)
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (valdef-lhs object))
+ (if (not (null? vars))
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f))
+ (arity (length vars)))
+ (if (eqv? arity 1)
+ (list (**valdef/def
+ (var-ref-var (car vars))
+ (do-cfn-case
+ exp
+ (list (**alt/simple new-pat (car new-vars))))))
+ (let ((temp (create-temp-var 'pbind))
+ (bindings '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push (**valdef/def (var-ref-var (pop vars))
+ (**tuple-sel arity i (**var/def temp)))
+ bindings))
+ (cons (**valdef/def
+ temp
+ (do-cfn-case
+ exp
+ (list (**alt/simple new-pat (**tuple/l new-vars)))))
+ bindings))))
+ '())))
+;;; Helper function for above.
+;;; All the variables in the pattern must be replaced with temporary
+;;; variables.
+(define (copy-pattern-variables pat)
+ (typecase pat
+ (wildcard-pat
+ (values pat '() '()))
+ (var-pat
+ (let ((new (create-temp-var (var-ref-name (var-pat-var pat)))))
+ (values (**var-pat/def new)
+ (list (var-pat-var pat))
+ (list (**var/def new)))))
+ (pcon
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pats vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables-list (pcon-pats pat))
+ (values (**pcon/def (pcon-con pat) new-pats)
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (as-pat
+ (let ((new (create-temp-var (var-ref-name (as-pat-var pat)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (as-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make as-pat
+ (var (**var/def new))
+ (pattern new-pat))
+ (cons (as-pat-var pat) vars)
+ (cons (**var/def new) new-vars)))))
+ (irr-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (irr-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make irr-pat (pattern new-pat))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (const-pat
+ (values pat '() '()))
+ (plus-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (plus-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make plus-pat
+ (pattern new-pat)
+ (k (plus-pat-k pat))
+ (match-fn (plus-pat-match-fn pat))
+ (bind-fn (plus-pat-bind-fn pat)))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (list-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pats vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables-list (list-pat-pats pat))
+ (values (make list-pat (pats new-pats))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (else
+ (error "Unrecognized pattern ~s." pat))))
+(define (copy-pattern-variables-list pats)
+ (let ((new-pats '())
+ (vars '())
+ (new-vars '()))
+ (dolist (p pats)
+ (multiple-value-bind (p v n) (copy-pattern-variables p)
+ (push p new-pats)
+ (setf vars (nconc vars v))
+ (setf new-vars (nconc new-vars n))))
+ (values (nreverse new-pats)
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+;;; Helper functions for processing guards and where-decls
+;;; Process guards and where-decls into a single expression.
+;;; If block-name is non-nil, wrap the exp with a return-from.
+;;; If block-name is nil, add a failure exp if necessary.
+;;; Note that this does NOT do the CFN traversal on the result or
+;;; any part of it.
+(define (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls where-decls rhs-list block-name)
+ (if (null? where-decls)
+ (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name)
+ (**let where-decls
+ (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name))))
+(define (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name)
+ (if (null? rhs-list)
+ (if block-name
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "False"))
+ (make-failure-exp))
+ (let* ((rhs (car rhs-list))
+ (guard (guarded-rhs-guard rhs))
+ (exp (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)))
+ (when block-name
+ (setf exp (**return-from block-name exp)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard (car rhs-list)))
+ exp)
+ ((and block-name (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (**and-exp guard exp))
+ (else
+ (**if guard
+ exp
+ (rewrite-guards (cdr rhs-list) block-name)))
+ ))))
+(define (make-failure-exp)
+ (let ((c (dynamic *context*)))
+ (**abort
+ (if (not c)
+ "Pattern match failed."
+ (let* ((stuff (ast-node-line-number c))
+ (line (source-pointer-line stuff))
+ (file (source-pointer-file stuff)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'valdef c)
+ (is-type? 'var-pat (valdef-lhs c)))
+ (format
+ '#f
+ "Pattern match failed in function ~a at line ~s in file ~a."
+ (valdef-lhs c) line file)
+ (format
+ '#f
+ "Pattern match failed at line ~s in file ~a."
+ line file)))))))
diff --git a/cl-support/PORTING b/cl-support/PORTING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2114be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/PORTING
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Here are the steps involved in porting to a new Common Lisp implementation.
+(0) Find the executable you want to use. If possible, use an image
+ that doesn't have stuff like CLX, CLOS, a snazzy editor, and the
+ like loaded, since we don't use any of that stuff.
+ Put an environment variable in the haskell-development script to point
+ to the lisp you want to run.
+(1) You must add appropriate conditionalizations to cl-init.lisp and
+ cl-definitions.lisp in this directory. Look for places where there
+ are #+ things for the other dialects.
+ As a matter of style, try to make an explicit case for each Lisp
+ instead of using #- to test for it *not* being a particular dialect.
+ This will prevent confusion on future ports.
+ You may also need/want to add conditionals to the primitive
+ implementation files in the runtime directory.
+ Do not add #+/#- conditionalizations to any other random .scm
+ files, since we want to keep this implementation-dependent stuff
+ centralized.
+(2) Make subdirectories to hold compiled files in each of the source
+ directories. The name of the subdirectory must match the constant
+ lisp-implementation-name in cl-definitions.lisp.
+(3) Try compiling the Haskell system (by loading cl-init.lisp) and
+ fix any compilation warnings that happen. (Hopefully there won't
+ be any.)
+ You probably want to build a system initially with the default
+ compiler settings and verbose compiler diagnostics. This will make
+ any problems that show up later easier to debug. Also, it is
+ helpful to capture all the messages in a dribble file to make it
+ easier to verify that everything went OK.
+(4) Try compiling the prelude using (compile/prelude *prelude-unit*).
+ You need to create a subdirectory in the progs/prelude directory
+ to hold the output files, and define $PRELUDEBIN to point at
+ this directory (see the haskell-setup script).
+ The important thing at this point is that the prelude makes it all
+ the way through the codegen phase and produces Lisp code. Don't worry
+ too much now if the Lisp compiler has trouble digesting the output.
+ Once you get to this stage, it's time to start messing with
+ compiler optimize proclamations. We generally use (speed 3) and
+ (safety 0). Also, you should figure out how to suppress any
+ compiler messages (e.g., set *compile-print* and *compile-verbose*
+ to false). We usually leave *compile-verbose* on during compilation
+ of the Haskell compiler, but turn it off later so that people don't
+ get messages from the Lisp compiler when running Haskell programs.
+(5) Make a subdirectory in the com directory and make the following set
+ of scripts there:
+ clean -- remove all binary files. Also change the main com/clean
+ script to invoke this.
+ compile -- recompile everything with the right compiler flags (see
+ step 5).
+ build-prelude -- run the prelude through the haskell compiler.
+ This should save the old compiled prelude files as old-prelude.*
+ case something goes wrong.
+ savesys -- load the compiled prelude and save a core file.
+ This should also be careful not to overwrite an existing file.
+ Look at the scripts that have already been written for other Lisps
+ for hints.
+ At some point you also need to put a README file in this directory.
+(6) Now it's time to get serious about getting the prelude to compile.
+ Use the clean, compile, and build-prelude scripts you just wrote.
+ Some compilers have a hard time dealing with the large pieces of
+ Lisp code produced for the prelude. You will probably need to do
+ something to make the heap bigger. (And, make sure the machine
+ you are using to do the build on has plenty of swap space.) You
+ may also need to tweak the chunk-size parameters to force the
+ output to be split up into smaller pieces.
+ It's OK to leave the prelude interface file as a source file, or
+ to compile it with low speed optimizations. On the other hand,
+ the prelude code file ought to be processed with as many speed
+ optimizations as possible.
+(7) Build a new executable using the "savesys" script and take it for
+ a test drive.
+(8) You must also hack the emacs interface file, emacs-tools/haskell.el,
+ to recognize when it's gotten into the debugger or break loop.
+ To test your new executable with the emacs stuff, you must
+ define the environment variable HASKELLPROG to point at it, or
+ set the emacs variable haskell-program-name.
+(9) If you want to use the Haskell->CLX interface, you'll have to
+ mess with equivalents of the build-xlib and savesys-xlib scripts.
+ There is some system-dependent code in xlibclx.scm to set up an
+ error handler -- make sure you have conditionalized this appropriately
+ for your Lisp system.
diff --git a/cl-support/README b/cl-support/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5553e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains Common-Lisp-syntax files to set up a more
+Scheme-like environment. Load cl-init.lisp and it will suck in all
+the rest.
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-definitions.lisp b/cl-support/cl-definitions.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8727679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-definitions.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@
+;;; cl-definitions.lisp -- mumble compatibility package for Common Lisp
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 11 Oct 1991
+;;; You must load cl-setup and cl-support before trying to compile this
+;;; file.
+;;; Syntax
+(define-mumble-import quote)
+(define-mumble-import function)
+;;; Lambda lists have to have dot syntax converted to &rest.
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::lambda (lambda-list &rest body)
+ `(function (lambda ,(mung-lambda-list lambda-list) ,@body)))
+(defun mung-lambda-list (lambda-list)
+ (cond ((consp lambda-list)
+ (let ((last (last lambda-list)))
+ (if (null (cdr last))
+ lambda-list
+ `(,@(ldiff lambda-list last) ,(car last) &rest ,(cdr last)))))
+ ((null lambda-list)
+ '())
+ (t
+ `(&rest ,lambda-list))))
+;;; We only funcall and apply things that are real functions.
+;;; Gag. Lucid needs to see the procedure declaration to avoid putting
+;;; a coerce-to-procedure check in, but there's a compiler bug that causes
+;;; it to barf if the function is a lambda form.
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::funcall (fn . args)
+ (if (and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'mumble::lambda))
+ `(funcall ,fn ,@args)
+ `(funcall (the system::procedure ,fn) ,@args)))
+#+(or cmu allegro akcl lispworks mcl)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::funcall (fn . args)
+ `(funcall (the function ,fn) ,@args))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::funcall (fn . args)
+ `(funcall (the lisp:procedure ,fn) ,@args))
+#-(or lucid cmu allegro akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::funcall)
+;;; Could make this declare its fn argument too
+(define-mumble-import apply)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::map mapcar)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::for-each mapc)
+(define-mumble-import some)
+(define-mumble-import every)
+(define-mumble-import notany)
+(define-mumble-import notevery)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::procedure? functionp)
+(define-mumble-import if)
+(define-mumble-import when)
+(define-mumble-import unless)
+;;; COND and CASE differ from Common Lisp because of using "else" instead
+;;; of "t" as the fall-through case.
+(define-mumble-import mumble::else)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::cond (&rest cases)
+ (let ((last (car (last cases))))
+ (if (eq (car last) 'mumble::else)
+ `(cond ,@(butlast cases) (t ,@(cdr last)))
+ `(cond ,@cases))))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::case (data &rest cases)
+ (let ((last (car (last cases))))
+ (if (eq (car last) 'mumble::else)
+ `(case ,data ,@(butlast cases) (t ,@(cdr last)))
+ `(case ,data ,@cases))))
+(define-mumble-import and)
+(define-mumble-import or)
+(define-mumble-import not)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::set! (variable value)
+ `(setq ,variable ,value))
+(define-mumble-import setf)
+;;; AKCL's SETF brokenly tries to macroexpand the place
+;;; form before looking for a define-setf-method. Redefine the
+;;; internal function to do the right thing.
+(defun system::setf-expand-1 (place newvalue env)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars vals stores store-form access-form)
+ (get-setf-method place env)
+ (declare (ignore access-form))
+ `(let* ,(mapcar #'list
+ (append vars stores)
+ (append vals (list newvalue)))
+ ,store-form)))
+;;; Allegro has renamed this stuff as per ANSI CL.
+(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (setf (macro-function 'define-setf-method)
+ (macro-function 'define-setf-expander))
+ (setf (symbol-function 'get-setf-method)
+ (symbol-function 'get-setf-expansion))
+ )
+(define-mumble-import let)
+(define-mumble-import let*)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::letrec (bindings &rest body)
+ `(let ,(mapcar #'car bindings)
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (b) (cons 'setq b)) bindings)
+ (locally ,@body)))
+(define-mumble-import flet)
+(define-mumble-import labels)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::dynamic-let (bindings &rest body)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ (declare (special ,@(mapcar #'car bindings)))
+ ,@body))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::dynamic (name)
+ `(locally (declare (special ,name)) ,name))
+(define-setf-method mumble::dynamic (name)
+ (let ((store (gensym)))
+ (values nil
+ nil
+ (list store)
+ `(locally (declare (special ,name)) (setf ,name ,store))
+ `(locally (declare (special ,name)) ,name))))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::begin (&rest body)
+ `(progn ,@body))
+(define-mumble-import block)
+(define-mumble-import return-from)
+(define-mumble-import do)
+(define-mumble-import dolist)
+(define-mumble-import dotimes)
+(define-mumble-import values)
+(define-mumble-import multiple-value-bind)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::let/cc (variable &rest body)
+ (let ((tagvar (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,tagvar (gensym))
+ (,variable (let/cc-aux ,tagvar)))
+ (catch ,tagvar (locally ,@body)))))
+(defun let/cc-aux (tag)
+ #'(lambda (&rest values)
+ (throw tag (values-list values))))
+(define-mumble-import unwind-protect)
+(define-mumble-import declare)
+(define-mumble-import ignore)
+;;; IGNORABLE is part of ANSI CL but not implemented by Lucid yet.
+;;; IGNORE in Lucid seems to behave like what ANSI CL says IGNORABLE
+;;; should do, but there doesn't seem to be any way to rename it.
+#+(or lucid akcl lispworks wcl)
+ (proclaim '(declaration mumble::ignorable))
+ (define-mumble-import mumble::ignorable))
+#+(or cmu mcl allegro)
+(define-mumble-import cl:ignorable)
+#-(or lucid cmu allegro akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::ignorable)
+(define-mumble-import type)
+;;; Definitions
+;;; *** This shouldn't really do a DEFPARAMETER, since that proclaims
+;;; *** the variable SPECIAL and makes any LETs of the variable do
+;;; *** special binding rather than lexical binding. But if you just
+;;; *** SETF the variable, you'll get a compiler warning about an
+;;; *** undeclared free variable on every reference!!! Argggh.
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::define (pattern &rest value)
+ (if (consp pattern)
+ `(defun ,(car pattern) ,(mung-lambda-list (cdr pattern)) ,@value)
+ `(defparameter ,pattern ,(car value))))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::define-integrable (pattern &rest value)
+ (if (consp pattern)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (proclaim '(inline ,(car pattern))))
+ (defun ,(car pattern) ,(mung-lambda-list (cdr pattern)) ,@value))
+ `(defconstant ,pattern ,(car value))))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::define-syntax (pattern . body)
+ `(defmacro ,(car pattern) ,(mung-lambda-list (cdr pattern)) ,@body))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::define-local-syntax (pattern . body)
+ `(eval-when (eval compile)
+ (defmacro ,(car pattern) ,(mung-lambda-list (cdr pattern)) ,@body)))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::define-setf (getter setter)
+ `(define-setf-method ,getter (&rest subforms)
+ (define-setf-aux ',setter ',getter subforms)))
+(defun define-setf-aux (setter getter subforms)
+ (let ((temps nil)
+ (tempvals nil)
+ (args nil)
+ (store (gensym)))
+ (dolist (x subforms)
+ (if (constantp x)
+ (push x args)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ (push temp temps)
+ (push x tempvals)
+ (push temp args))))
+ (setq temps (nreverse temps))
+ (setq tempvals (nreverse tempvals))
+ (setq args (nreverse args))
+ (values temps
+ tempvals
+ (list store)
+ `(,setter ,store ,@args)
+ `(,getter ,@args))))
+;;; Declaring variables special will make the compiler not proclaim
+;;; about references to them.
+;;; A proclamation works to disable undefined function warnings in
+;;; most Lisps. Harlequin seems to offer no way to shut up these warnings.
+;;; In allegro, we have to work around a bug in the compiler's handling
+;;; of PROCLAIM.
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::predefine (pattern)
+ `(eval-when (eval compile)
+ #+allegro (let ((excl::*compiler-environment* nil))
+ (do-predefine ',pattern))
+ #-allegro (do-predefine ',pattern)
+ ))
+(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (defun do-predefine (pattern)
+ (if (consp pattern)
+ (proclaim `(ftype (function ,(mung-decl-lambda-list (cdr pattern)) t)
+ ,(car pattern)))
+ (proclaim `(special ,pattern))))
+ (defun mung-decl-lambda-list (lambda-list)
+ (cond ((consp lambda-list)
+ (cons 't (mung-decl-lambda-list (cdr lambda-list))))
+ ((null lambda-list)
+ '())
+ (t
+ '(&rest t))))
+ )
+;;; CMUCL doesn't complain about function redefinitions, but Lucid does.
+#+(or cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine (pattern . value)
+ `(mumble::define ,pattern ,@value))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine (pattern . value)
+ `(let ((lcl:*redefinition-action* nil))
+ (mumble::define ,pattern ,@value)))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine (pattern . value)
+ `(let ((excl:*redefinition-warnings* nil))
+ (mumble::define ,pattern ,@value)))
+#-(or cmu lucid allegro akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::redefine)
+#+(or cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine-syntax (pattern . body)
+ `(mumble::define-syntax ,pattern ,@body))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine-syntax (pattern . body)
+ `(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (let ((lcl:*redefinition-action* nil))
+ (mumble::define-syntax ,pattern ,@body))))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::redefine-syntax (pattern . body)
+ `(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (let ((excl:*redefinition-warnings* nil))
+ (mumble::define-syntax ,pattern ,@body))))
+#-(or cmu lucid allegro akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::redefine-syntax)
+;;; Equivalence
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::eq? (x y)
+ (eq x y))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::eqv? (x y)
+ (eql x y))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::equal? (x1 x2)
+ (cond ((eql x1 x2)
+ t)
+ ((consp x1)
+ (and (consp x2)
+ (mumble::equal? (car x1) (car x2))
+ (mumble::equal? (cdr x1) (cdr x2))))
+ ((simple-string-p x1)
+ (and (simple-string-p x2)
+ (string= x1 x2)))
+ ((simple-vector-p x1)
+ (and (simple-vector-p x2)
+ (eql (length (the simple-vector x1))
+ (length (the simple-vector x2)))
+ (every #'mumble::equal?
+ (the simple-vector x1)
+ (the simple-vector x2))))
+ (t nil)))
+;;; Lists
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::pair? (x)
+ (consp x))
+(define-mumble-import cons)
+;;; Can't import this directly because of type problems.
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::list list)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::make-list (length &optional (init nil))
+ (the list
+ (make-list length :initial-element init)))
+(define-mumble-import car)
+(define-mumble-import cdr)
+(define-mumble-import caar)
+(define-mumble-import cadr)
+(define-mumble-import cadr)
+(define-mumble-import cddr)
+(define-mumble-import caaar)
+(define-mumble-import caadr)
+(define-mumble-import caadr)
+(define-mumble-import caddr)
+(define-mumble-import cdaar)
+(define-mumble-import cdadr)
+(define-mumble-import cdadr)
+(define-mumble-import cdddr)
+(define-mumble-import caaaar)
+(define-mumble-import caaadr)
+(define-mumble-import caaadr)
+(define-mumble-import caaddr)
+(define-mumble-import cadaar)
+(define-mumble-import cadadr)
+(define-mumble-import cadadr)
+(define-mumble-import cadddr)
+(define-mumble-import cdaaar)
+(define-mumble-import cdaadr)
+(define-mumble-import cdaadr)
+(define-mumble-import cdaddr)
+(define-mumble-import cddaar)
+(define-mumble-import cddadr)
+(define-mumble-import cddadr)
+(define-mumble-import cddddr)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::null? (x)
+ (null x))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::list? (x)
+ (cond ((null x) t)
+ ((consp x) (mumble::list? (cdr x)))
+ (t nil)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::length (x)
+ (the fixnum (length (the list x))))
+(define-mumble-import append)
+(define-mumble-import nconc)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::reverse (x)
+ (the list (reverse (the list x))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::nreverse (x)
+ (the list (nreverse (the list x))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::list-tail (list n)
+ (nthcdr n list))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::list-ref (list n)
+ (nth n list))
+(define-mumble-import last)
+(define-mumble-import butlast)
+(define-setf-method mumble::list-ref (list n)
+ (get-setf-method `(nth ,n ,list)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::memq (object list)
+ (member object list :test #'eq))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::memv (object list)
+ (member object list))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::member (object list)
+ (member object list :test #'mumble::equal?))
+;;; *** The Lucid compiler is not doing anything inline for assq so
+;;; *** I'm rewriting this -- jcp
+(define-mumble-function mumble::assq (object list)
+ (if (null list)
+ nil
+ (if (eq object (caar list))
+ (car list)
+ (mumble::assq object (cdr list)))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::assv (object list)
+ (assoc object list))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::assoc (object list)
+ (assoc object list :test #'mumble::equal?))
+(define-mumble-import push)
+(define-mumble-import pop)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::list-copy copy-list)
+;;; Symbols
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::symbol? (x)
+ (symbolp x))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::symbol->string symbol-name)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string->symbol (x)
+ (intern x))
+;;; We want a gensym that follows the new ANSI CL gensym-name-stickiness
+;;; decision.
+#+(or lucid akcl wcl)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gensym (&optional (prefix "G"))
+ (gensym prefix))
+#+(or cmu allegro mcl lispworks)
+(define-mumble-import gensym)
+#-(or lucid akcl wcl cmu allegro mcl lispworks)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::gensym)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gensym? (x)
+ (and (symbolp x)
+ (not (symbol-package x))))
+(defun symbol-append (&rest symbols)
+ (intern (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'symbol-name symbols))))
+(define-mumble-import symbol-append)
+;;; Characters
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::char? (x)
+ (characterp x))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char=? char=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char<? char<)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char>? char>)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char>=? char>=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char<=? char<=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-ci=? char-equal)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-ci<? char-lessp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-ci>? char-greaterp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-ci>=? char-not-lessp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-ci<=? char-not-greaterp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-alphabetic? alpha-char-p)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-numeric? digit-char-p)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::char-whitespace? (c)
+ (member c '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\linefeed #\page #\return)))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-upper-case? upper-case-p)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char-lower-case? lower-case-p)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char->integer char-code)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::integer->char code-char)
+(define-mumble-import char-upcase)
+(define-mumble-import char-downcase)
+(define-mumble-import char-name)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::char->digit digit-char-p)
+;;; Strings
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string? (x)
+ (simple-string-p x))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::make-string
+ (length &optional (init nil init-p))
+ (the simple-string
+ (if init-p
+ (make-string length :initial-element init)
+ (make-string length))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string (char &rest more-chars)
+ (the simple-string (coerce (cons char more-chars) 'string)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string-length (string)
+ (the fixnum (length (the simple-string string))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string-ref (x n)
+ (the character (schar (the simple-string x) (the fixnum n))))
+(define-setf-method mumble::string-ref (string n)
+ (get-setf-method `(schar ,string ,n)))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string=? string=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string<? string<)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string>? string>)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string<=? string<=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string>=? string>=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string-ci=? string-equal)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string-ci<? string-lessp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string-ci>? string-greaterp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string-ci<=? string-not-greaterp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::string-ci>=? string-not-lessp)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::substring (string start end)
+ (the simple-string (subseq (the simple-string string) start end)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string-append
+ (string &rest more-strings)
+ (declare (type simple-string string))
+ (the simple-string (apply #'concatenate 'string string more-strings)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string->list (string)
+ (the list (coerce (the simple-string string) 'list)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::list->string (list)
+ (the simple-string (coerce (the list list) 'string)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::string-copy (string)
+ (the simple-string (copy-seq (the simple-string string))))
+(define-mumble-import string-upcase)
+(define-mumble-import string-downcase)
+;;; Vectors
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::vector? (x)
+ (simple-vector-p x))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::make-vector
+ (length &optional (init nil init-p))
+ (declare (type fixnum length))
+ (the simple-vector
+ (if init-p
+ (make-array length :initial-element init)
+ (make-array length))))
+;;; Can't import directly because types are incompatible.
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::vector vector)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::vector-length (vector)
+ (the fixnum (length (the simple-vector vector))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::vector-ref (x n)
+ (svref (the simple-vector x) (the fixnum n)))
+(define-setf-method mumble::vector-ref (vector n)
+ (get-setf-method `(svref ,vector ,n)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::vector->list (vector)
+ (the list (coerce (the simple-vector vector) 'list)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::list->vector (list)
+ (the simple-vector (coerce (the list list) 'simple-vector)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::vector-copy (vector)
+ (the simple-vector (copy-seq (the simple-vector vector))))
+;;; Numbers
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::number? numberp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::integer? integerp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::rational? rationalp)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::float? floatp)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::fixnum? (x)
+ (typep x 'fixnum))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exact->inexact float)
+(define-mumble-import =)
+(define-mumble-import <)
+(define-mumble-import >)
+(define-mumble-import <=)
+(define-mumble-import >=)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::zero? zerop)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::positive? (x)
+ (> x 0))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::negative? (x)
+ (< x 0))
+(define-mumble-import min)
+(define-mumble-import max)
+(define-mumble-import +)
+(define-mumble-import *)
+(define-mumble-import -)
+(define-mumble-import /)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::quotient floor)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::remainder rem)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::modulo mod)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::floor (x)
+ (if (floatp x) (ffloor x) (floor (the rational x))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::ceiling (x)
+ (if (floatp x) (fceiling x) (ceiling (the rational x))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::truncate (x)
+ (if (floatp x) (ftruncate x) (truncate (the rational x))))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::round (x)
+ (if (floatp x) (fround x) (round (the rational x))))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::floor->exact floor)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::ceiling->exact ceiling)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::truncate->exact truncate)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::round->exact round)
+(define-mumble-import 1+)
+(define-mumble-import 1-)
+(define-mumble-import incf)
+(define-mumble-import decf)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::number->string (number &optional (radix 10))
+ (let ((*print-base* radix))
+ (prin1-to-string number)))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::string->number (string &optional (radix 10))
+ (let ((*read-base* radix))
+ (read-from-string string)))
+(define-mumble-import expt)
+;;; Tables
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::table? hash-table-p)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::make-table ()
+ (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::table-entry (table key)
+ (gethash key table))
+(define-setf-method mumble::table-entry (table key)
+ (get-setf-method `(gethash ,key ,table)))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::table-for-each maphash)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::copy-table (old-table)
+ (let ((new-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq
+ :size (1+ (hash-table-count old-table)))))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (setf (gethash key new-table) val))
+ old-table)
+ new-table))
+;;; I/O
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::call-with-input-file (string proc)
+ (with-open-file (stream (expand-filename string) :direction :input)
+ (funcall (the function proc) stream)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::call-with-output-file (string proc)
+ (with-open-file (stream (expand-filename string)
+ :direction :output :if-exists :new-version)
+ (funcall (the function proc) stream)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::call-with-input-string (string proc)
+ (with-input-from-string (stream string)
+ (funcall (the function proc) stream)))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::call-with-output-string (proc)
+ (with-output-to-string (stream)
+ (funcall (the function proc) stream)))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::input-port? input-stream-p)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::output-port? output-stream-p)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::current-input-port ()
+ *standard-input*)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::current-output-port ()
+ *standard-output*)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::open-input-file (string)
+ (open (expand-filename string) :direction :input))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::open-output-file (string)
+ (open (expand-filename string) :direction :output :if-exists :new-version))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::close-input-port close)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::close-output-port close)
+(defvar *eof-object* (make-symbol "EOF"))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::read
+ (&optional (port *standard-input*))
+ (read port nil *eof-object*))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::read-char
+ (&optional (port *standard-input*))
+ (read-char port nil *eof-object*))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::peek-char
+ (&optional (port *standard-input*))
+ (peek-char nil port nil *eof-object*))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::read-line
+ (&optional (port *standard-input*))
+ (read-line port nil *eof-object*))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::eof-object? (x)
+ (eq x *eof-object*))
+;;; Printer
+(define-mumble-function mumble::internal-write (object port)
+ (write object :stream port))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::internal-output-width (port)
+ (declare (ignore port))
+ nil)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::internal-output-position (port)
+ (declare (ignore port))
+ nil)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-write-char write-char)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::internal-write-string
+ (string port start end)
+ (write-string string port :start start :end end))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-newline terpri)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-fresh-line fresh-line)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-finish-output finish-output)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-force-output force-output)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::internal-clear-output clear-output)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::internal-write-to-string (object)
+ (write-to-string object))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::internal-warning (string)
+ (warn "~a" string))
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::internal-error (string)
+ (error "~a" string))
+;;; Printer stuff used directly by the pretty printer
+(define-mumble-import *print-escape*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-circle*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-pretty*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-level*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-length*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-base*)
+(define-mumble-import *print-radix*)
+;;; These functions and variables are all defined with the XP stuff. But,
+;;; let's export all the symbols from the mumble package.
+(define-mumble-import mumble::write)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::print)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::prin1)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::princ)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::prin1-to-string)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::princ-to-string)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::write-char)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::write-string)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::write-line)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::terpri)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::fresh-line)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::finish-output)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::force-output)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::clear-output)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::display)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::newline)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-shared*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-dispatch*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-right-margin*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-miser-width*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-lines*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*default-right-margin*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*last-abbreviated-printing*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-structure*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::*print-structure-slots*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::standard-print-dispatch)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-newline)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-logical-block)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-pop)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-indent)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-tab)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-fill)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-linear)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::pprint-tabular)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::format)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::warning)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::error)
+;;; These are keywords for pprint-newline.
+(define-mumble-import mumble::linear)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::fill)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::miser)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::mandatory)
+;;; These are keywords for pprint-indent
+;; (define-mumble-import mumble::block) ; already imported as special form
+(define-mumble-import mumble::current)
+;;; These are keywords for pprint-tab
+(define-mumble-import mumble::line)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::section)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::line-relative)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::section-relative)
+;;; System Interface
+(define-mumble-import macroexpand-1)
+(define-mumble-import macroexpand)
+;;; WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT is an ANSI CL feature that isn't yet
+;;; supported by all Lisps.
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::with-compilation-unit (options &body body)
+ (declare (ignore options))
+ `(lcl:with-deferred-warnings ,@body))
+#+(or cmu mcl allegro lispworks)
+(define-mumble-import with-compilation-unit)
+#+(or akcl wcl)
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::with-compilation-unit (options &body body)
+ (declare (ignore options))
+ `(progn ,@body))
+#-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::with-compilation-unit)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::eval (form &optional compile-p)
+ (if compile-p
+ (mumble::with-compilation-unit ()
+ (eval-compiling-functions form))
+ (eval form)))
+;;; Simply doing (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form))) would work
+;;; except that top-level-ness actions would be lost (causing extraneous
+;;; warning messages about global variables whose references are compiled
+;;; before a previous predefine is executed, etc). So make an attempt
+;;; to process nested top-level forms in order. This doesn't look for
+;;; all of the common-lispy things that might show up in macro expansions,
+;;; but it's close enough.
+(defun eval-compiling-functions (form)
+ (if (atom form)
+ (eval form)
+ (let ((fn (car form)))
+ (cond ((or (eq fn 'mumble::begin)
+ (eq fn 'progn))
+ (do ((forms (cdr form) (cdr forms)))
+ ((null (cdr forms)) (eval-compiling-functions (car forms)))
+ (eval-compiling-functions (car forms))))
+ ((eq fn 'mumble::define)
+ (if (consp (cadr form))
+ (compile-define form)
+ (compile-other form)))
+ ((eq fn 'mumble::define-integrable)
+ (if (consp (cadr form))
+ (progn
+ (proclaim `(inline ,(car (cadr form))))
+ (compile-define form))
+ (compile-other form)))
+ ((eq fn 'mumble::predefine)
+ (do-predefine (cadr form)))
+ ((macro-function fn)
+ (eval-compiling-functions (macroexpand-1 form)))
+ (t
+ (compile-other form))))))
+(defun compile-define (form)
+ (let ((name (car (cadr form)))
+ (args (mung-lambda-list (cdr (cadr form))))
+ (body (cddr form)))
+ (compile name `(lambda ,args ,@body))
+ name))
+(defun compile-other (form)
+ (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form))))
+;;; Load and compile-file aren't directly imported from the host
+;;; Common Lisp because we want to do our own defaulting of file
+;;; name extensions.
+(define-mumble-function mumble::load (filename)
+ (setq filename (expand-filename filename))
+ (if (string= (mumble::filename-type filename) "")
+ (let ((source-file (build-source-filename filename))
+ (binary-file (build-binary-filename filename)))
+ (if (and (probe-file binary-file)
+ (> (file-write-date binary-file)
+ (file-write-date source-file)))
+ (load binary-file)
+ (load source-file)))
+ (load filename)))
+;;; This is used to control OPTIMIZE declarations in a somewhat more
+;;; portable way -- different implementations may need slightly different
+;;; combinations.
+;;; 0 = do as little as possible when compiling code
+;;; 1 = use "default" compiler settings
+;;; 2 = omit safety checks and do "easy" speed optimizations.
+;;; 3 = do as much as possible; type inference, inlining, etc. May be slow.
+;;; #f = don't mess with optimize settings.
+(defvar *code-quality* nil)
+(define-mumble-import *code-quality*)
+(defun code-quality-hack (q)
+ (cond ((eql q 0)
+ (proclaim '(optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (compilation-speed 3)
+ #+cmu (ext:debug 1)
+ #+(or mcl allegro lispworks) (debug 1)
+ )))
+ ((eql q 1)
+ (proclaim '(optimize (speed 1) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 3)
+ #+cmu (ext:debug 1)
+ #+(or mcl allegro lispworks) (debug 1)
+ )))
+ ((eql q 2)
+ (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 3)
+ #+cmu (ext:debug 0)
+ #+(or mcl allegro lispworks) (debug 0)
+ )))
+ ((eql q 3)
+ (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)
+ #+cmu (ext:debug 0)
+ #+(or mcl allegro lispworks) (debug 0)
+ )))
+ (t
+ (warn "Bogus *code-quality* setting ~s." q))))
+;;; If we don't do this, code generated with high code-quality settings
+;;; can't be interrupted with ^C.
+(setf compiler:generate-interrupt-checks-switch
+ #'(lambda (safety space speed debug)
+ (declare (ignore safety space speed debug))
+ t))
+;;; Note that we expect the binary filename (if supplied) to be
+;;; relative to the current directory, not to the source filename.
+;;; Lucid and AKCL (and maybe other implementations) merge the :output-file
+;;; pathname with the source filename, but the merge by expand-filename
+;;; should prevent it from doing anything.
+(define-mumble-function mumble::compile-file (filename &optional binary)
+ (if *code-quality* (code-quality-hack *code-quality*))
+ (setq filename (expand-filename filename))
+ (if (string= (mumble::filename-type filename) "")
+ (setq filename (build-source-filename filename)))
+ (if binary
+ (compile-file filename :output-file (expand-filename binary))
+ (compile-file filename)))
+;;; See cl-init.lisp for initialization of *lisp-binary-file-type*.
+(defconstant source-file-type ".scm")
+(defconstant binary-file-type *lisp-binary-file-type*)
+(define-mumble-import source-file-type)
+(define-mumble-import binary-file-type)
+(defun build-source-filename (filename)
+ (mumble::assemble-filename filename filename source-file-type))
+(defun build-binary-filename (filename)
+ (mumble::assemble-filename filename filename binary-file-type))
+(proclaim '(ftype (function (simple-string) simple-string)
+ mumble::filename-place
+ mumble::filename-name
+ mumble::filename-type
+ expand-filename))
+(proclaim '(ftype (function (simple-string simple-string simple-string)
+ simple-string)
+ mumble::assemble-filename))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::assemble-filename (place name type)
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (mumble::filename-place place)
+ (mumble::filename-name name)
+ (mumble::filename-type type)))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::filename-place (filename)
+ (declare (simple-string filename))
+ (let ((slash (position #\/ filename :from-end t)))
+ (if slash
+ (subseq filename 0 (1+ slash))
+ "")))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::filename-name (filename)
+ (declare (simple-string filename))
+ (let* ((slash (position #\/ filename :from-end t))
+ (beg (if slash (1+ slash) 0))
+ (dot (position #\. filename :start beg)))
+ (if (or slash dot)
+ (subseq filename beg (or dot (length filename)))
+ filename)))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::filename-type (filename)
+ (declare (simple-string filename))
+ (let* ((slash (position #\/ filename :from-end t))
+ (beg (if slash (1+ slash) 0))
+ (dot (position #\. filename :start beg)))
+ (if dot
+ (subseq filename dot (length filename))
+ "")))
+;;; This function is called by all functions that pass filenames down
+;;; to the operating system. It does environment variable substitution
+;;; and merging with *default-pathname-defaults* (set by the cd function).
+;;; Since this function translates mumble's notion of pathnames into
+;;; a lower-level representation, this function should never need to
+;;; be called outside of this file.
+(defun expand-filename (filename)
+ (declare (simple-string filename))
+ (namestring
+ (merge-pathnames
+ (fix-filename-syntax
+ (if (eql (schar filename 0) #\$)
+ (let* ((end (length filename))
+ (slash (or (position #\/ filename) end))
+ (new (mumble::getenv (subseq filename 1 slash))))
+ (if new
+ (concatenate 'string new (subseq filename slash end))
+ filename))
+ filename)
+ ))))
+;;; On non-unix machines, may need to change the mumble unix-like filename
+;;; syntax to whatever the normal syntax used by the implementation is.
+(defun fix-filename-syntax (filename)
+ (substitute #\: #\/ filename))
+(defun fix-filename-syntax (filename)
+ filename)
+;;; AKCL's compile-file merges the output pathname against the input
+;;; pathname. If the output pathname doesn't have an explicit directory
+;;; but the input pathname does, the wrong thing will happen. This
+;;; hack is so that expand-filename will always put a directory
+;;; specification on both pathnames.
+;;; Lucid CL does similar merging, but *default-pathname-defaults*
+;;; already defaults to the truename of the current directory.
+(setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename "./"))
+;;; WCL's *default-pathname-defaults* is OK except that it has a
+;;; type of .lisp, which is inappropriate.
+(setf *default-pathname-defaults*
+ (make-pathname :directory
+ (pathname-directory *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+#+(or mcl lispworks)
+(setf *default-pathname-defaults*
+ (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::file-exists? (filename)
+ (probe-file (expand-filename filename)))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::file-write-date (filename)
+ (file-write-date (expand-filename filename)))
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::current-date get-universal-time)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::get-run-time ()
+ (/ (get-internal-run-time) (float internal-time-units-per-second)))
+;;; Get environment variables
+ (mumble::predefine (mumble::getenv string))
+ (define-mumble-synonym mumble::getenv lcl:environment-variable))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::getenv (string)
+ (let ((symbol (intern string (find-package "KEYWORD"))))
+ (cdr (assoc symbol extensions:*environment-list*))))
+#+(or akcl allegro lispworks)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::getenv (string)
+ (system::getenv string))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::getenv (string)
+ (lisp:getenv string))
+;;; Hmmm. The Mac doesn't have environment variables, so we'll have to
+;;; roll our own.
+ (defvar *environment-alist* '())
+ (define-mumble-function mumble::getenv (string)
+ (cdr (assoc string *environment-alist* :test #'string=)))
+ )
+#-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::getenv)
+;;; Change working directory.
+;;; This stores a directory pathname in *default-pathname-defaults*.
+;;; See also expand-filename.
+(define-mumble-function mumble::cd (filename)
+ (if (not (eql (schar filename (1- (length filename))) #\/))
+ (setq filename (concatenate 'string filename "/")))
+ (setq *default-pathname-defaults* (pathname (expand-filename filename))))
+;;; Leave Lisp
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit lcl:quit)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit excl:exit)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit extensions:quit)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit lisp:bye)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit ccl:quit)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit lw:bye)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::exit lisp:quit)
+#-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::exit)
+;;; Reader support
+;;; Make the default readtable recognize #f and #t.
+;;; CMUCL's loader rebinds *readtable* when loading file, so can't
+;;; setq it here; hack the default readtable instead.
+#+(or cmu mcl allegro lispworks)
+(defparameter *mumble-readtable* *readtable*)
+#+(or lucid akcl wcl)
+ (defparameter *mumble-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+ (setq *readtable* *mumble-readtable*)
+ )
+#-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition *mumble-readtable*)
+;;; Lucid's debugger uses the standard readtable rather than *readtable*
+;;; unless you do this magic trick.
+(sys:add-debugger-binding '*readtable* *mumble-readtable*)
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\f
+ #'(lambda (stream subchar arg)
+ (declare (ignore stream subchar arg))
+ nil))
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\t
+ #'(lambda (stream subchar arg)
+ (declare (ignore stream subchar arg))
+ t))
+;;; Random stuff
+(defconstant mumble::lisp-implementation-name *lisp-implementation-name*)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::lisp-implementation-name)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::identify-system ()
+ (format nil "~a version ~a on ~a"
+ (or (lisp-implementation-type)
+ "Generic Common Lisp")
+ (or (lisp-implementation-version)
+ "Generic")
+ (or (machine-type)
+ "Generic Machine")))
+(defconstant mumble::left-to-right-evaluation t)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::left-to-right-evaluation)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gc-messages (onoff)
+ (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :print) onoff))
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gc-messages (onoff)
+ (setf extensions:*gc-verbose* onoff))
+#+(or lispworks akcl wcl mcl)
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gc-messages (onoff)
+ onoff) ; can't figure out if they have a hook or not
+(define-mumble-function mumble::gc-messages (onoff)
+ (setf lcl:*gc-silence* (not onoff))
+ onoff)
+#-(or lucid cmu allegro akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition mumble::gc-messages)
+(define-mumble-import identity)
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-init.lisp b/cl-support/cl-init.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d78cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-init.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+;;; cl-init.lisp -- initialize Common Lisp, loading cl-specific files.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 23 Oct 1991
+;;; All of the files loaded here are assumed to be regular Common Lisp
+;;; files.
+;;; Turn off bogus warnings and messages!!!
+;;; Lucid complains if files don't start with IN-PACKAGE.
+(setq lcl:*warn-if-no-in-package* '())
+;;; CMU CL prints too many compiler progress messages.
+ (setq *compile-print* '())
+ (setq *load-verbose* t)
+ )
+;;; AKCL complains if any package operations appear at top-level
+;;; after any other code.
+;;; Also prints useless notes about when it does tail recursion elimination.
+ (setq compiler:*suppress-compiler-notes* t)
+ (setq compiler:*compile-verbose* t)
+ (setq *load-verbose* t)
+ (setq compiler::*compile-ordinaries* t)
+ (si:putprop 'make-package nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'shadow nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'shadowing-import nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'export nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'unexport nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'use-package nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'unuse-package nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'import nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'provide nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ (si:putprop 'require nil 'compiler::package-operation)
+ )
+;;; Allegro also issues too many messages.
+;;; ***We really ought to rename the defstructs that give the package
+;;; locked errors....
+ (setf *compile-print* nil)
+ (setf compiler:*cltl1-compile-file-toplevel-compatibility-p* nil)
+ (setq excl:*enable-package-locked-errors* nil)
+ (setf excl:*load-source-file-info* nil)
+ (setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+ (setf excl:*load-xref-info* nil)
+ (setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+ )
+;;; Harlequin Lispworks prints too many messages too.
+ (setf *compile-print* nil)
+ (setf *load-print* nil)
+ (lw:toggle-source-debugging nil)
+ )
+;;; Load up definitions
+(defvar *lisp-source-file-type* ".lisp")
+(defvar *lisp-binary-file-type*
+ #+lucid
+ (namestring (make-pathname :type (car lcl:*load-binary-pathname-types*)))
+ #+allegro
+ (concatenate 'string "." excl:*fasl-default-type*)
+ #+cmu
+ (concatenate 'string "." (c:backend-fasl-file-type c:*backend*))
+ #+akcl
+ ".o"
+ #+mcl
+ ".fasl"
+ #+lispworks
+ ".wfasl"
+ #+wcl
+ ".o"
+ #-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+ (error "Don't know how to initialize *LISP-BINARY-FILE-TYPE*.")
+ )
+(defvar *lisp-implementation-name*
+ #+lucid "lucid"
+ #+(and allegro next) "allegro-next"
+ #+(and allegro (not next)) "allegro"
+ #+cmu "cmu"
+ #+akcl "akcl"
+ #+mcl "mcl"
+ #+lispworks "lispworks"
+ #+wcl "wcl"
+ #-(or lucid allegro cmu akcl mcl lispworks wcl)
+ (error "Don't know how to initialize *LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-NAME*.")
+ )
+;;; Note that this assumes that the current directory is $Y2.
+;;; Environment variables in pathnames may not be supported by the
+;;; host Lisp.
+#-mcl (progn
+ (defvar *support-directory* "cl-support/")
+ (defvar *support-binary-directory*
+ (concatenate 'string
+ *support-directory*
+ *lisp-implementation-name*
+ "/")))
+(defun load-compiled-cl-file (filename)
+ (let ((source-file (concatenate 'string
+ *support-directory*
+ filename
+ *lisp-source-file-type*))
+ (binary-file (concatenate 'string
+ *support-binary-directory*
+ filename
+ *lisp-binary-file-type*)))
+ (if (or (not (probe-file binary-file))
+ (< (file-write-date binary-file) (file-write-date source-file)))
+ (compile-file source-file :output-file (merge-pathnames binary-file)))
+ (load binary-file)))
+;;; Do NOT change the load order of these files.
+(load-compiled-cl-file "cl-setup")
+(load-compiled-cl-file "cl-support")
+(load-compiled-cl-file "cl-definitions")
+(load-compiled-cl-file "cl-types")
+(load-compiled-cl-file "cl-structs")
+;;; It would be nice if at this point we could switch *package*
+;;; over to the right package. But because *package* is rebound while
+;;; this file is being loaded, it will get set back to whatever it was
+;;; anyway. Bummer. Well, let's at least make the package that we want
+;;; to use.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-USER" :use '("MUMBLE"))
+;;; Compile and load the rest of the system. (The Lucid compiler is fast
+;;; enough to make it practical to compile things all the time.)
+(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (setf *package* (find-package "MUMBLE-USER")))
+(load "$Y2/support/system")
+;;; All done
+(write-line "Remember to do (in-package \"MUMBLE-USER\")!")
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-setup.lisp b/cl-support/cl-setup.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..361963c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-setup.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+;;; cl-setup.lisp -- set up mumble environment in Common Lisp
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 10 Oct 1991
+;;; This file must be loaded before either compiling or loading
+;;; the cl-definitions file.
+;;; The mumble package exports only those symbols that have definitions
+;;; in mumble. Many of these symbols shadow built-in CL definitions.
+;;; Programs that use mumble should use the mumble package in place of
+;;; (rather than in addition to) the CL package.
+(unless (find-package "MUMBLE")
+ (make-package "MUMBLE" :use nil))
+;;; The actual implementation of the mumble compatibility library happens
+;;; in the MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION package. We'll explicitly package-qualify
+;;; all symbols from the MUMBLE package that it references, and rely
+;;; on the definitional macros to arrange to export them from the MUMBLE
+;;; package.
+(unless (find-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION")
+ (make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP")))
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp b/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d57693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+;;; cl-structs.lisp -- extended structure definitions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 19 Aug 1992
+;;; Basic structure types
+;;; Use this hash table for mapping names -> type descriptors
+(defvar *struct-lookup-table* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defmacro lookup-type (name)
+ `(gethash ,name *struct-lookup-table*))
+;;; Do NOT add or remove slots from these DEFSTRUCTS without also
+;;; changing the bootstrap code below!!!
+;;; Do NOT try to give these structs complicated defaulting behavior!!!
+;;; All of our objects are subtypes of STRUCT.
+(mumble::predefine (mumble::write object . maybe-stream))
+(defun print-struct-object (object stream depth)
+ (declare (ignore depth))
+ (mumble::write object stream)
+; (format stream "#<Struct ~a>" (td-name (struct-type-descriptor object)))
+ )
+;;; Note that non-exported slots are prefixed with % to prevent
+;;; accidental slot name collisions.
+(defstruct (struct
+ (:print-function print-struct-object)
+ (:predicate struct?)
+ (:constructor nil) ; never instantiated directly
+ (:copier nil))
+ (type-descriptor nil :type t)
+ (%bits 0 :type fixnum)
+ )
+(defstruct (type-descriptor
+ (:include struct
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type 'type-descriptor)))
+ (:conc-name td-)
+ (:constructor create-type-descriptor ())
+ (:predicate nil)
+ (:copier nil))
+ (name nil :type symbol)
+ (slots nil :type list) ; all slots, including inherited
+ (parent-type nil :type t)
+ (printer nil :type t)
+ (%local-slots nil :type list) ; "real" structure slots
+ (%bits-used 0 :type fixnum)
+ (%constructor nil :type symbol)
+ )
+(defstruct (slot-descriptor
+ (:include struct
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type 'slot-descriptor)))
+ (:conc-name sd-)
+ (:constructor create-slot-descriptor ())
+ (:predicate nil)
+ (:copier nil))
+ (name nil :type symbol)
+ (type nil :type t)
+ (default nil :type t)
+ (getter nil :type symbol)
+ (%bit nil :type (mumble::maybe fixnum))
+ (%read-only? nil :type mumble::bool)
+ (%required? nil :type mumble::bool)
+ (%uninitialized? nil :type mumble::bool))
+;;; Helper function for bootstrapping.
+(defun create-slot-simple (prefix name type default
+ &optional read-only? required? uninitialized?)
+ (let ((sd (create-slot-descriptor)))
+ (setf (sd-name sd) name)
+ (setf (sd-type sd) type)
+ (setf (sd-default sd) default)
+ (setf (sd-getter sd) (symbol-append prefix name))
+ (setf (sd-%read-only? sd) read-only?)
+ (setf (sd-%required? sd) required?)
+ (setf (sd-%uninitialized? sd) uninitialized?)
+ sd))
+;;; Initialize descriptors for the predefined struct types.
+(let ((struct-td (setf (lookup-type 'struct)
+ (create-type-descriptor)))
+ (type-td (setf (lookup-type 'type-descriptor)
+ (create-type-descriptor)))
+ (slot-td (setf (lookup-type 'slot-descriptor)
+ (create-type-descriptor))))
+ ;; struct
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor struct-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name struct-td) 'struct)
+ (setf (td-%bits-used struct-td) 0)
+ ;; type-descriptor
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor type-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name type-td) 'type-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-%local-slots type-td)
+ (list (create-slot-simple 'td- 'name 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'slots 'list nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'parent-type 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'printer 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%local-slots 'list nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%bits-used 'fixnum 0)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%constructor 'symbol nil)
+ ))
+ (setf (td-slots type-td) (td-%local-slots type-td))
+ (setf (td-%bits-used type-td) 0)
+ (setf (td-%constructor type-td) 'create-type-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-parent-type type-td) struct-td)
+ ;; slot-descriptor
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor slot-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name slot-td) 'slot-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-%local-slots slot-td)
+ (list (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'name 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'type 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'default 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'getter 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%bit '(mumble::maybe fixnum) nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%read-only? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%required? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%uninitialized? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ ))
+ (setf (td-slots slot-td) (td-%local-slots slot-td))
+ (setf (td-%bits-used slot-td) 0)
+ (setf (td-%constructor slot-td) 'create-slot-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-parent-type type-td) struct-td)
+ )
+;;; Support for bit slots
+(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (defconstant max-bits (integer-length most-positive-fixnum)))
+(defvar *bit-slot-getters* (make-array max-bits))
+(defvar *bit-slot-setters* (make-array max-bits))
+(defmacro bit-slot-getter (i) `(svref *bit-slot-getters* ,i))
+(defmacro bit-slot-setter (i) `(svref *bit-slot-setters* ,i))
+(defmacro define-bit-accessors ()
+ (let ((results nil))
+ (dotimes (i max-bits)
+ (let ((getter (intern (format nil "GET-BIT-~a" i)))
+ (setter (intern (format nil "SET-BIT-~a" i)))
+ (mask (ash 1 i)))
+ (push
+ `(progn
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,getter x)
+ (not (eql (the fixnum
+ (logand (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))
+ 0)))
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,setter v x)
+ (setf (struct-%bits x)
+ (if v
+ (the fixnum
+ (logior (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))
+ (the fixnum
+ (logandc2 (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))))
+ v)
+ (setf (bit-slot-getter ,i) ',getter)
+ (setf (bit-slot-setter ,i) ',setter))
+ results)))
+ `(progn ,@results)))
+;;; Random helper functions
+(defun quoted? (x)
+ (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'quote)))
+(defun quoted-value (x)
+ (cadr x))
+(defun unknown-type-error (type)
+ (error "Struct type ~s has not been defined." type))
+(defun unknown-slot-error (type slot)
+ (error "Struct type ~s has no slot named ~s." type slot))
+(defun lookup-type-descriptor (type)
+ (or (lookup-type type)
+ (unknown-type-error type)))
+(defun lookup-slot-descriptor (type slot)
+ (let ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type)))
+ (or (find slot (td-slots td) :key #'sd-name)
+ (unknown-slot-error type slot))))
+(defun slot-getter-name (type slot)
+ (sd-getter (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+(defun sd-getter-function (sd)
+ (symbol-function (sd-getter sd)))
+;;; Struct-slot macro
+;;; Note that this can be SETF'ed only if type and slot are quoted.
+(defmacro struct-slot (type slot object)
+ (if (and (quoted? type) (quoted? slot))
+ (struct-slot-compiletime (quoted-value type) (quoted-value slot) object)
+ (progn
+ (warn "Type and/or slot argument to STRUCT-SLOT not constant.")
+ `(struct-slot-runtime ,type ,slot ,object))))
+(defun struct-slot-compiletime (type slot object)
+ (let ((sd (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+ `(the ,(sd-type sd) (,(sd-getter sd) (the ,type ,object)))))
+(defun struct-slot-runtime (type slot object)
+ (let ((sd (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+ ;; *** Could insert explicit type checks here.
+ (funcall (sd-getter-function sd) object)))
+;;; Make macro and support
+(defmacro make (type . inits)
+ (make-aux type inits))
+;;; Turn the call to MAKE into a call to the boa constructor.
+;;; The arguments to the BOA constructor are those slots that have
+;;; the required? flag set to true. If initializers for other slots
+;;; are provided, turn these into SETFs. Bit attributes are always
+;;; handled via SETF.
+(defun make-aux (type inits)
+ (let* ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type))
+ (boa (td-%constructor td))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (tempvar (gensym))
+ (setfs '())
+ (bits-inits '())
+ (slot-inits '()))
+ (check-slot-inits type inits)
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (let* ((name (sd-name s))
+ (supplied? (mumble::assq name inits))
+ (required? (sd-%required? s))
+ (uninitialized? (sd-%uninitialized? s))
+ (init (if supplied?
+ (progn
+ ;; *** Maybe want to suppress this warning.
+ ;;(when (not required?)
+ ;; (override-slot-init-warning type name))
+ (cadr supplied?))
+ (progn
+ ;; *** Maybe want to suppress this warning.
+ (when (and required? (not uninitialized?))
+ (missing-slot-init-warning type name))
+ (sd-default s)))))
+ (cond ((sd-%bit s)
+ (cond ((or (eq init 'nil) (equal init '(quote nil)))
+ ;; do nothing, bit already defaults to 0
+ )
+ ((and uninitialized? (not supplied?) required?)
+ ;; no default or init supplied, leave uninitialized
+ )
+ ((constantp init)
+ ;; it must be a non-false constant, set bit to 1
+ (push (ash 1 (sd-%bit s)) bits-inits))
+ (t
+ ;; have to do runtime test
+ (push `(the fixnum (if ,init ,(ash 1 (sd-%bit s)) 0))
+ bits-inits))))
+ ((and required? (not uninitialized?))
+ ;; The constructor takes the value as a positional argument.
+ (push init slot-inits))
+ (supplied?
+ ;; Make a setf.
+ ;; No point in putting the same value in twice.
+ (unless (and (constantp init) (equal init (sd-default s)))
+ (push `(setf (,(sd-getter s) ,tempvar) ,init) setfs)))
+ (t nil))))
+ (unless (null bits-inits)
+ (push `(setf (struct-%bits ,tempvar)
+ ,(cond ((null (cdr bits-inits))
+ (car bits-inits))
+ ((every #'constantp bits-inits)
+ (apply #'logior bits-inits))
+ (t
+ `(the fixnum (logior ,@(nreverse bits-inits))))))
+ setfs))
+ (if (null setfs)
+ `(,boa ,@(nreverse slot-inits))
+ `(let ((,tempvar (,boa ,@(nreverse slot-inits))))
+ ,@(nreverse setfs)
+ ,tempvar))))
+(defun override-slot-init-warning (type name)
+ (warn "Overriding default for slot ~s in MAKE ~s."
+ name type))
+(defun missing-slot-init-warning (type name)
+ (warn "No initializer or default for slot ~s in MAKE ~s."
+ name type))
+(defun check-slot-inits (type inits)
+ (dolist (i inits)
+ (lookup-slot-descriptor type (car i))))
+;;; Update-slots macro
+;;; Note that type is a literal here.
+;;; *** Could be smarter about merging setters for bit slots.
+(defmacro update-slots (type exp . inits)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,exp))
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (i)
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',(car i) ,temp) ,(cadr i)))
+ inits))))
+;;; With-slots macro
+;;; Note that type is a literal here.
+;;; ***Could be smarter about merging accesses for bit slots.
+(defmacro mumble::with-slots (type slots exp . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,temp ,exp)
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+ `(,s (struct-slot ',type ',s ,temp)))
+ slots))
+ ,@body)))
+;;; Define-struct macro
+;;; The rather strange division here is so that the call to MAKE
+;;; works right.
+;;; All INSTALL-STRUCT-TYPE does is fill in and install the type
+;;; descriptor object.
+(defmacro define-struct (name . fields)
+ (multiple-value-bind (include type-template slots prefix predicate)
+ (parse-struct-fields name fields)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (install-struct-type
+ ',name
+ ',include
+ ',prefix
+ (make ,type-template)
+ ',slots))
+ (define-struct-aux ,name ,include ,prefix ,predicate))))
+;;; This is the macro that actually creates the DEFSTRUCT expansion.
+(defmacro define-struct-aux (name include prefix predicate)
+ (let* ((td (lookup-type name))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (local-slots (td-%local-slots td))
+ (bit-slots (remove-if-not #'sd-%bit slots)))
+ `(progn
+ ;; Make the struct definition.
+ ;; *** could put the type descriptor for the default in a
+ ;; *** global variable; it might speed up reference.
+ (defstruct (,name
+ (:include ,include
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type ',name)))
+ (:conc-name ,prefix)
+ ;; Disable the default keyword constructor.
+ ;; If you do this in AKCL, it will complain about
+ ;; the BOA constructor. Bogus!!!
+ ;; If you do this in WCL, it will just quietly ignore
+ ;; the BOA.
+ #-(or akcl wcl) (:constructor nil)
+ (:constructor ,(td-%constructor td) ,(make-boa-args slots))
+ (:predicate ,predicate)
+ (:copier nil))
+ ,@(mapcar
+ #'(lambda (s)
+ `(,(sd-name s) ,(sd-default s)
+ ;; CMU common lisp initializes &aux boa constructor
+ ;; slots to NIL instead of leaving them uninitialized,
+ ;; and then complains if this doesn't match the declared
+ ;; slot type. I think this is a bug, not a feature, but
+ ;; here's a workaround for it.
+ :type
+ #+cmu ,(if (sd-%uninitialized? s)
+ `(or ,(sd-type s) null)
+ (sd-type s))
+ #-cmu ,(sd-type s)
+ ;; Can make slots read-only only if a setf-er is not
+ ;; required by MAKE.
+ :read-only ,(and (sd-%read-only? s) (sd-%required? s))))
+ local-slots))
+ ;; Make accessor functions for bit slots.
+ ,@(mapcar
+ #'(lambda (s)
+ (let ((place (symbol-append prefix (sd-name s)))
+ (getter (bit-slot-getter (sd-%bit s)))
+ (setter (bit-slot-setter (sd-%bit s))))
+ `(progn
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,place x) (,getter x))
+ ,@(unless (sd-%read-only? s)
+ `((mumble::define-setf ,place ,setter))))
+ ))
+ bit-slots)
+ ',name)
+ ))
+;;; Determine which arguments to make explicit to the boa constructor.
+;;; Basically, expect an explicit initializer for any slot that does not
+;;; have a default supplied.
+;;; Supplying slot names as &aux parameters to a boa constructor is
+;;; supposed to suppress initialization.
+(defun make-boa-args (slots)
+ (let ((required-args '())
+ (uninitialized-args '()))
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (when (and (sd-%required? s) (not (sd-%bit s)))
+ (if (sd-%uninitialized? s)
+ (push (sd-name s) uninitialized-args)
+ (push (sd-name s) required-args))))
+ ;; Gag. AKCL does the wrong thing with &AUX arguments; defstruct sticks
+ ;; another &AUX at the end of the lambda list. Looks like it will do
+ ;; the right thing if you just omit the uninitialized arguments from
+ ;; the boa arglist entirely.
+ #+akcl (nreverse required-args)
+ #-akcl
+ (if (null uninitialized-args)
+ (nreverse required-args)
+ `(,@(nreverse required-args) &aux ,@(nreverse uninitialized-args)))
+ ))
+;;; Install the type descriptor, filling in all the slots.
+(defun install-struct-type (name include prefix td slots)
+ (let* ((parent-type (lookup-type-descriptor include))
+ (bits-used (td-%bits-used parent-type))
+ (local-slots '())
+ (all-slots '()))
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (slot-name type default bit read-only? required? uninitialized?)
+ (parse-slot-fields name s)
+ (let ((sd (create-slot-simple
+ prefix slot-name type default
+ read-only? required? uninitialized?)))
+ (push sd all-slots)
+ (cond (bit
+ (if (eql bits-used max-bits)
+ (error "Too many bit slots in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." name))
+ (setf (sd-%bit sd) bits-used)
+ (incf bits-used))
+ (t
+ (push sd local-slots))))))
+ (setf local-slots (nreverse local-slots))
+ (setf (td-name td) name)
+ (setf (td-slots td) (append (td-slots parent-type) (nreverse all-slots)))
+ (setf (td-%local-slots td) local-slots)
+ (setf (td-%bits-used td) bits-used)
+ (setf (td-%constructor td) (symbol-append '%create- name))
+ (setf (td-parent-type td) parent-type)
+ (setf (lookup-type name) td)))
+;;; Struct field parsing.
+(defun parse-struct-fields (name fields)
+ (when (not (symbolp name))
+ (error "Structure name ~s is not a symbol." name))
+ (let ((include nil)
+ (type-template nil)
+ (slots nil)
+ (prefix nil)
+ (predicate nil))
+ (dolist (f fields)
+ (cond ((not (consp f))
+ (unknown-field-error f name))
+ ((eq (car f) 'include)
+ (if include
+ (duplicate-field-error 'include name)
+ (setf include (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'type-template)
+ (if type-template
+ (duplicate-field-error 'type-template name)
+ (setf type-template (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'slots)
+ (if slots
+ (duplicate-field-error 'slots name)
+ (setf slots (cdr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'prefix)
+ (if prefix
+ (duplicate-field-error 'prefix name)
+ (setf prefix (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'predicate)
+ (if predicate
+ (duplicate-field-error 'predicate name)
+ (setf predicate (cadr f))))
+ (t
+ (unknown-field-error f name))))
+ (values
+ (or include 'struct)
+ (or type-template
+ (and include
+ (td-name (td-type-descriptor (lookup-type-descriptor include))))
+ 'type-descriptor)
+ (or slots '())
+ (or prefix (symbol-append name '-))
+ predicate)))
+(defun unknown-field-error (f name)
+ (error "Unknown field ~s in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." f name))
+(defun duplicate-field-error (f name)
+ (error "Field ~s appears more than once in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." f name))
+;;; Parsing for slot specifications.
+(defun parse-slot-fields (struct-name slot)
+ (let ((name nil)
+ (type t)
+ (default '*default-slot-default*)
+ (bit nil)
+ (read-only? nil)
+ (required? t)
+ (uninitialized? nil))
+ (if (or (not (consp slot))
+ (not (symbolp (setf name (car slot)))))
+ (invalid-slot-error slot struct-name))
+ (dolist (junk (cdr slot))
+ (cond ((eq (car junk) 'type)
+ (setf type (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'default)
+ (setf default (cadr junk))
+ (setf required? nil))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'bit)
+ (setf bit (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'read-only?)
+ (setf read-only? (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'uninitialized?)
+ (setf uninitialized? (cadr junk)))
+ (t
+ (invalid-slot-error slot struct-name))))
+ (values
+ name
+ type
+ default
+ bit
+ read-only?
+ required?
+ uninitialized?
+ )))
+;;; Some implementations of DEFSTRUCT complain if the default value
+;;; for a slot doesn't match the declared type of that slot, even if
+;;; the default is never used.
+;;; Using this variable as the default init form for such slots should
+;;; suppress such warnings.
+(defvar *default-slot-default* nil)
+(defun invalid-slot-error (slot struct-name)
+ (error "Invalid slot syntax ~s in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." slot struct-name))
+;;; Printer hooks
+;;; Here is the macro for associating a printer with a structure type.
+(defmacro define-struct-printer (type function)
+ `(define-struct-printer-aux ',type (function ,function)))
+(defun define-struct-printer-aux (type function)
+ (let ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type)))
+ (setf (td-printer td) function)
+ type))
+;;; Imports
+;;; Generic stuff
+(define-mumble-import struct)
+(define-mumble-import struct?)
+(define-mumble-import struct-type-descriptor)
+;;; Predefined types, slots, and accessors
+;;; Note: not all slots are exported.
+(define-mumble-import type-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import name)
+(define-mumble-import slots)
+(define-mumble-import parent-type)
+(define-mumble-import printer)
+(define-mumble-import td-name)
+(define-mumble-import td-slots)
+(define-mumble-import td-parent-type)
+(define-mumble-import td-printer)
+(define-mumble-import slot-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import name)
+(define-mumble-import type)
+(define-mumble-import default)
+(define-mumble-import getter)
+(define-mumble-import sd-name)
+(define-mumble-import sd-type)
+(define-mumble-import sd-default)
+(define-mumble-import sd-getter)
+;;; Utility functions
+(define-mumble-import lookup-type-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import lookup-slot-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import sd-getter-function)
+;;; Macros
+(define-mumble-import make)
+(define-mumble-import struct-slot)
+(define-mumble-import define-struct)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::with-slots)
+(define-mumble-import update-slots)
+(define-mumble-import define-struct-printer)
+;;; Field names for define-struct
+(define-mumble-import include)
+(define-mumble-import type-template)
+(define-mumble-import slots)
+(define-mumble-import prefix)
+(define-mumble-import predicate)
+;;; Field names for slot options
+(define-mumble-import type)
+(define-mumble-import default)
+(define-mumble-import bit)
+(define-mumble-import read-only?)
+(define-mumble-import uninitialized?)
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-support.lisp b/cl-support/cl-support.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f82ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-support.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;;; cl-support.lisp -- compile-time support for building mumble
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 10 Oct 1991
+;;; This file must be loaded before compiling the cl-definitions file.
+;;; However, it is not needed when loading the compiled file.
+;;; Use this macro for defining an exported mumble function.
+(defmacro define-mumble-function (name &rest stuff)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (defun ,name ,@stuff)))
+;;; This is similar, but also does some stuff to try to inline the
+;;; function definition.
+(defmacro define-mumble-function-inline (name &rest stuff)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (lcl:defsubst ,name ,@stuff)
+ (progn
+ (proclaim '(inline ,name))
+ (defun ,name ,@stuff))
+ ',name))
+;;; Use this macro for defining an exported mumble macro.
+(defmacro define-mumble-macro (name &rest stuff)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (defmacro ,name ,@stuff)))
+;;; Use this macro for importing a random symbol into the MUMBLE
+;;; package. This is useful for things that can share directly with
+;;; built-in Common Lisp definitions.
+(defmacro define-mumble-import (name)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (import (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ ',name))
+;;; Use this macro for defining a function in the MUMBLE package that
+;;; is a synonym for some Common Lisp function. Try to do some stuff
+;;; to make the function compile inline.
+(defmacro define-mumble-synonym (name cl-name)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (setf (symbol-function ',name) (symbol-function ',cl-name))
+ (lcl:def-compiler-macro ,name (&rest args)
+ (cons ',cl-name args))
+ ',name))
+;;; Use this macro to define a type synonym.
+(defmacro define-mumble-type (name &rest stuff)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load) (export (list ',name) "MUMBLE"))
+ (deftype ,name ,@stuff)))
+;;; This macro is used to signal a compile-time error in situations
+;;; where an implementation-specific definition is missing.
+(defmacro missing-mumble-definition (name)
+ (error "No definition has been provided for ~s." name))
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-types.lisp b/cl-support/cl-types.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb625e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-types.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;;; cl-types.lisp -- type-related stuff
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 5 Oct 1992
+;;; Export CL symbols for type names
+(define-mumble-import t)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::procedure () 'system::procedure)
+#+(or cmu akcl allegro mcl lispworks)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::procedure () 'function)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::procedure () 'lisp:procedure)
+#-(or lucid cmu akcl allegro mcl lispworks wcl)
+(missing-mumble-definition procedure)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::pair () 'cons)
+(define-mumble-import null)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::list (&optional element-type)
+ ;; *** Common Lisp provides no way to make use of the element type
+ ;; *** without using SATISFIES.
+ (declare (ignore element-type))
+ 'list)
+(define-mumble-import symbol)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::char () 'character)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::string () 'simple-string)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::vector () 'simple-vector)
+(define-mumble-import number)
+(define-mumble-import integer)
+(define-mumble-import rational)
+(define-mumble-import float)
+(define-mumble-import fixnum)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::int () 'fixnum)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::table (&optional key-type value-type)
+ ;; *** Common Lisp provides no way to make use of the element type
+ ;; *** without using SATISFIES.
+ (declare (ignore key-type value-type))
+ 'hash-table)
+;;; Extensions
+(define-mumble-type mumble::enum (&rest values)
+ `(member ,@values))
+(define-mumble-type mumble::tuple (&rest element-types)
+ ;; *** Common Lisp provides no way to make use of the element type
+ ;; *** without using SATISFIES.
+ (let ((n (length element-types)))
+ (cond ((< n 2)
+ (error "Too few arguments to TUPLE type specifier."))
+ ((eql n 2)
+ 'cons)
+ (t
+ 'simple-vector))))
+(define-mumble-type mumble::bool () 't)
+(define-mumble-type mumble::alist (&optional key-type value-type)
+ `(mumble::list (tuple ,key-type ,value-type)))
+(define-mumble-type mumble::maybe (type)
+ `(or ,type null))
+;;; Functions, etc.
+(define-mumble-import the)
+(define-mumble-synonym mumble::subtype? subtypep)
+(define-mumble-function-inline mumble::is-type? (type object)
+ (typep object type))
+(define-mumble-macro mumble::typecase (data &rest cases)
+ (let ((last (car (last cases))))
+ (if (eq (car last) 'mumble::else)
+ `(typecase ,data ,@(butlast cases) (t ,@(cdr last)))
+ `(typecase ,data ,@cases))))
diff --git a/cl-support/wcl-patches.lisp b/cl-support/wcl-patches.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9395c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/wcl-patches.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(in-package "LISP")
+;;; The default version of this function has a bug with relative
+;;; pathnames.
+(defun pathname->string (p)
+ (let ((dirlist (pathname-directory p)))
+ (format nil "~A~{~A/~}~A~A~A"
+ (case (car dirlist)
+ (:absolute "/")
+ (:relative "./")
+ (:up "../")
+ (t ""))
+ (cdr dirlist)
+ (nil->empty-string (pathname-name p))
+ (if (null (pathname-type p)) "" ".")
+ (nil->empty-string (pathname-type p)))))
+;;; The default version of this function defaults the C file to the
+;;; wrong directory -- LOAD can't find it.
+(defun my-comf (file &key
+ (output-file (merge-pathnames ".o" file))
+ (c-file (merge-pathnames ".c" output-file))
+ (verbose *compile-verbose*)
+ (print *compile-print*)
+ (config *config*)
+ (pic? *pic?*)
+ only-to-c?)
+ (old-comf file
+ :output-file output-file
+ :c-file c-file
+ :verbose verbose
+ :print print
+ :config config
+ :pic? pic?
+ :only-to-c? only-to-c?))
+(when (not (fboundp 'old-comf))
+ (setf (symbol-function 'old-comf) #'comf)
+ (setf (symbol-function 'comf) #'my-comf))
+;;; WCL's evaluator tries to macroexpand everything before executing
+;;; anything. Unfortunately, this does the wrong thing with
+;;; top-level PROGN's -- it tries to expand macros in subforms before
+;;; executing earlier subforms that set up stuff required to do the
+;;; the expansion properly.
+(defun eval-1 (form venv fenv tenv benv)
+ (let ((new-form (macroexpand form *eval-macro-env*)))
+ (if (and (consp new-form)
+ (eq (car new-form) 'progn))
+ (do ((forms (cdr new-form) (cdr forms)))
+ ((null (cdr forms)) (eval-1 (car forms) venv fenv tenv benv))
+ (eval-1 (car forms) venv fenv tenv benv))
+ (let ((expansion (expand new-form)))
+ (when (and (listp expansion)
+ (eq (car expansion) 'define-function))
+ (setf (get (second (second expansion))
+ :function-definition)
+ form))
+ (eval/5 expansion venv fenv tenv benv))
+ )))
diff --git a/com/README b/com/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..806c62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This directory contains various useful command scripts. Scripts
+that are specific to a particular host Lisp are found in the appropriate
+subdirectories. Scripts for building release distribution are in the
+distrib subdirectory.
diff --git a/com/akcl/README b/com/akcl/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e997d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/akcl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under AKCL. We have been using
+AKCL version 1.615 on a Sparc, but we don't expect that there would
+be difficulties in building with AKCL on other platforms.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2 and AKCL to point to the
+ appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/akcl.
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files are
+ put in the "akcl" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to build a new executable.
+* The new executable is initially called "bin/new-akcl-haskell". Try
+ it out. If it works, you should rename it to "bin/akcl-haskell".
+ Make sure that HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script) is correct.
+A word of warning: we have noticed that AKCL is slower by a factor of
+three or four than the other Common Lisps we've ported Yale Haskell
+to. We don't really support AKCL and we encourage you to buy one of
+the commercial Lisp products instead.
+We do not support our Haskell-to-CLX interface under AKCL, either.
diff --git a/com/akcl/build-prelude b/com/akcl/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f61827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/akcl/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/akcl
+rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.o) then
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{o,scm})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+;(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 10000000)
+;; If you want to recompile
+;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
+;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init.lisp")
+;; Use the same compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; The compiler barfs while compiling the interface file for the prelude,
+;; so set the flag for writing it as a source file.
+;; Also have it break up the prelude code file into many small pieces
+;; to avoid overwhelming the C compiler.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 100)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/akcl/clean b/com/akcl/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aba58af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/akcl/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# delete AKCL binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/akcl/*.o
diff --git a/com/akcl/compile b/com/akcl/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ed28f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/akcl/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+;; Default optimize settings for AKCL are (speed 3) (safety 0)
+(load "support/cl-support/cl-init.lisp")
diff --git a/com/akcl/savesys b/com/akcl/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c01db2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/akcl/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-cmu-haskell.core
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/akcl
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.o) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init.lisp")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf compiler:*compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 100)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+;;; AKCL doesn't have the new CL condition system, so define the
+;;; restart function using catch and throw.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (setf lisp:*package* (lisp:find-package :mumble-user))
+ (setf lisp:*default-pathname-defaults* (lisp:truename "./"))
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:catch 'restart-haskell
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:throw 'restart-haskell '#f))
+;;; Have to do garbage collection and set-up of top-level function
+;;; by hand before calling save.
+;;; AKCL exits automatically after calling save.
+(lisp:gbc 3)
+(setf system::*top-level-hook* (function haskell-toplevel))
+(lisp:save "bin/new-akcl-haskell")
diff --git a/com/allegro/README b/com/allegro/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9dc676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/README
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under Franz Allegro Common Lisp. We've
+been using version 4.1 on both NeXT and Sparc platforms -- don't
+expect our code to work without modifications under earlier versions.
+Be sure you load the Allegro patches -- the scripts do this
+automatically. If you're trying to build on some other kind of
+platform, you'll have to get the equivalent patches from Franz Inc.
+Our code won't work without these bug fixes.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2 and ALLEGRO to point to the
+ appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/allegro (or $PRELUDE/allegro-next,
+ as appropriate).
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files are
+ put in the "allegro" or "allegro-next" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to build a new executable.
+* The new executable is initially called "bin/new-allegro-haskell". Try
+ it out. If it works, you should rename it to "bin/allegro-haskell".
+ Make sure that HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script) is correct.
+* If you want to build an executable with the X support, you'll also
+ need to run the "build-xlib" and "savesys-xlib" scripts. You may
+ need to edit these scripts to change the pathname of the file
+ containing the CLX library (or suppress the load entirely if you
+ are using a Lisp executable with CLX pre-loaded.).
diff --git a/com/allegro/build-prelude b/com/allegro/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44fb422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/$ALLEGRODIR
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.fasl) then
+ rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{fasl,scm})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+;;(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512 :growth-limit 2048)
+#+next (progn (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl")
+ (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl"))
+#+sparc (load "com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; Set appropriate compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+;; Don't try to compile the interface.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 300)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/allegro/build-xlib b/com/allegro/build-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a805308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/build-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# build-xlib -- recompile the xlib stuff
+# note that allegro's loader will look in its lib directory automagically
+# for the clx library
+cd $Y2
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/X11/$ALLEGRODIR
+rm $LIBRARYBIN/xlib*.sbin
+bin/allegro-haskell <<EOF
+:(lisp:load "clx")
+:(setf *code-quality* 3)
+:compile \$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib
diff --git a/com/allegro/clean b/com/allegro/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dadab0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# delete Allegro CL binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/$ALLEGRODIR/*.fasl
diff --git a/com/allegro/compile b/com/allegro/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6aadee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+#+next (progn (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl")
+ (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl"))
+#+sparc (load "com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
diff --git a/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl b/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da10254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl b/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c954667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/com/allegro/savesys b/com/allegro/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d3abd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-allegro-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/$ALLEGRODIR
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.fasl) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+#+next (progn (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl")
+ (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl"))
+#+sparc (load "com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf excl:*load-source-file-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*load-xref-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define *saved-readtable* (lisp:copy-readtable lisp:*readtable*))
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ ;; Saved system always starts up in USER package.
+ (setf lisp:*package* (lisp:find-package :mumble-user))
+ ;; Saved system seems to forget about our readtable hacks.
+ (setf lisp:*readtable* *saved-readtable*)
+ ;; Set printer variables w/implementation-defined initial values
+ ;; to known values
+ (setf *print-pretty* '#f)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (cl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (cl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+ :name #+next "bin/new-allegro-next-haskell" #-next "bin/new-allegro-haskell"
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel)
diff --git a/com/allegro/savesys-xlib b/com/allegro/savesys-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8443a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/savesys-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-allegro-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/$ALLEGRODIR
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.fasl) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/X11/$ALLEGRODIR
+if !(-e $LIBRARYBIN/xlib.fasl) then
+ echo "Build the xlib stuff first, silly..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+#+next (progn (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0149.fasl")
+ (load "com/allegro/next-patches/patch0151.fasl"))
+#+sparc (load "com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf excl:*load-source-file-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*load-xref-info* nil)
+(setf excl:*record-source-file-info* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Load the X support.
+(lisp:load "clx")
+(compile/load "\$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib")
+(setf *haskell-compiler-update*
+ (string-append *haskell-compiler-update* "-X11"))
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define *saved-readtable* (lisp:copy-readtable lisp:*readtable*))
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ ;; Saved system always starts up in USER package.
+ (setf lisp:*package* (lisp:find-package :mumble-user))
+ ;; Saved system seems to forget about our readtable hacks.
+ (setf lisp:*readtable* *saved-readtable*)
+ ;; Set printer variables w/implementation-defined initial values
+ ;; to known values
+ (setf *print-pretty* '#f)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (cl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (cl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+ :name #+next "bin/new-allegro-next-clx-haskell"
+ #-next "bin/new-allegro-clx-haskell"
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel)
diff --git a/com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl b/com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbc48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/allegro/sparc-patches/patch0151.fasl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/com/clean b/com/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91918e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# clean -- delete binaries
+# T stuff
+'rm' $Y2/*/t/*.{si,sd,sn,so}
+'rm' $Y2/support/t-support/*.{si,sd,sn,so}
diff --git a/com/cmu/README b/com/cmu/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3653d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/README
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under CMU Common Lisp on the sparc.
+We have been using version 16f of CMU Common Lisp to build Haskell.
+You can ftp this from (
+There is a known problem with this version of CMU CL: core files built
+under SunOS 4.1.2 won't work under 4.1.3, and vice versa. There are
+also apparently compatibility problems with 4.1.3 between sun4c and
+sun4m architectures. Anyway, we have built under 4.1.2 on a sun4c
+and 4.1.3 on a sun4m.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2, CMUCL, and CMUCLLIB to
+ point to the appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development
+ script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/cmu.
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files
+ are put in the "cmu" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to save a core file.
+* The new core file is initially called "bin/new-cmu-haskell.core".
+ Use the -core command line argument to cmucl to test it. If it
+ works, you should rename it to "bin/sun4c-haskell.core" (or
+ "bin/sun4m-haskell.core") and use the "bin/cmu-haskell" script
+ to execute it. Make sure HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script)
+ is correct. Depending on where you have cmucl this script may need
+ editing.
+* If you want to build an executable with the X support, you'll also
+ need to run the "build-xlib" and "savesys-xlib" scripts. You
+ need to edit these scripts to change the pathname of the file
+ containing the CLX library (or suppress the load entirely if you
+ are using a Lisp executable with CLX pre-loaded.).
diff --git a/com/cmu/build-prelude b/com/cmu/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68d2621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/cmu
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sparcf) then
+ rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{scm,sparcf})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 10000000)
+;; If you want to recompile
+;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
+;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;; Use the same compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; The compiler barfs while compiling the interface file for the prelude,
+;; so set the flag for writing it as a source file.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 300)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/cmu/build-xlib b/com/cmu/build-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df6eb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/build-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# build-xlib -- recompile the xlib stuff
+cd $Y2
+setenv CLXFILE /net/nebula/homes/systems/hcompile/cmu/lib/subsystems/clx-library.sparcf
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/cmu
+rm $LIBRARYBIN/xlib*.sparcf
+bin/cmu-haskell <<EOF
+:(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 8000000)
+:(load "\$CLXFILE")
+:(setf *code-quality* 3)
+:compile \$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib
diff --git a/com/cmu/clean b/com/cmu/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..370ed36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# delete CMU CL binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/cmu/*.sparcf
diff --git a/com/cmu/compile b/com/cmu/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4126ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 4000000)
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
diff --git a/com/cmu/savesys b/com/cmu/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3b0672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-cmu-haskell.core
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/cmu
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sparcf) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 4000000)
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(gc-messages '#f)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(ext:save-lisp "bin/new-cmu-haskell.core"
+ :purify '#t
+ :root-structures '()
+ :init-function 'haskell-toplevel
+ :load-init-file '#f
+ :site-init '#f
+ :print-herald '#f
+ )
diff --git a/com/cmu/savesys-xlib b/com/cmu/savesys-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..763e680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/cmu/savesys-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# savesys-xlib -- build a saved executable in bin/new-cmu-clx-haskell.core
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/cmu
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sparcf) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+setenv CLXFILE /net/nebula/homes/systems/hcompile/cmu/lib/subsystems/clx-library.sparcf
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/cmu
+if !(-e $LIBRARYBIN/xlib.sparcf) then
+ echo "Build the xlib stuff first, silly..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(setf ext:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 4000000)
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(gc-messages '#f)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Load the X support.
+(load "\$CLXFILE")
+(compile/load "\$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib")
+(setf *haskell-compiler-update*
+ (string-append *haskell-compiler-update* "-X11"))
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(ext:save-lisp "bin/new-cmu-clx-haskell.core"
+ :purify '#t
+ :root-structures '()
+ :init-function 'haskell-toplevel
+ :load-init-file '#f
+ :site-init '#f
+ :print-herald '#f
+ )
diff --git a/com/lispworks/README b/com/lispworks/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7aab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/README
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under Lispworks from Harlequin. We have
+been using version 3.1.1 on a Sparc.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+Important: Make sure you load the stuff in the patches directory
+before trying to build the system (the command files do this for you).
+If you're building on some platform other than a sparc, you'll have to
+get equivalent patches from Harlequin before proceeding.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2 and LISPWORKS to point to the
+ appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/lispworks.
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files are
+ put in the "lispworks" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to build a new executable.
+* The new executable is initially called "bin/new-lispworks-haskell". Try
+ it out. If it works, you should rename it to "bin/lispworks-haskell".
+ Make sure that HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script) is correct.
+* If you want to build an executable with the X support, you'll also
+ need to run the "build-xlib" and "savesys-xlib" scripts. You may
+ need to edit these scripts to load the CLX library explicitly if
+ you are using a Lisp executable that doesn't have CLX pre-loaded.
+When you compile things with the Lispworks compiler, you'll see a
+bunch of messages complaining about forward references to things that
+haven't yet been defined. We haven't been able to figure out how to
+suppress these messages, so unless something else goes wrong you should
+just ignore them.
diff --git a/com/lispworks/build-prelude b/com/lispworks/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cde5619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lispworks
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.wfasl) then
+ rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{wfasl,scm})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+(load "com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+;; Need a bigger than normal stack for compiling the prelude.
+(setf system::*stack-overflow-behaviour* :warn)
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+;(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512 :growth-limit 2048)
+;; If you want to recompile
+;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
+;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; Set appropriate compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+;; Don't try to compile the interface files.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 300)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/lispworks/build-xlib b/com/lispworks/build-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..612820e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/build-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# build-xlib -- recompile the xlib stuff
+# note that lispworks comes with clx pre-loaded!
+cd $Y2
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/X11/lispworks
+rm $LIBRARYBIN/xlib*.wfasl
+bin/lispworks-haskell <<EOF
+:(setf *code-quality* 3)
+:compile \$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib
diff --git a/com/lispworks/clean b/com/lispworks/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7eb1459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# delete lispworks binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/lispworks/*.{wfasl}
diff --git a/com/lispworks/compile b/com/lispworks/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de0b459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+(load "com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
diff --git a/com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl b/com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c9a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/com/lispworks/savesys b/com/lispworks/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f97b6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lispworks-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lispworks
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.wfasl) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(load "com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ ;; Need to reset pathname defaults
+ (setf lisp:*default-pathname-defaults* (lisp:truename ""))
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lw:save-image "bin/new-lispworks-haskell"
+ :gc '#t
+ :normal-gc '#f ; don't reset gc parameters
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel)
diff --git a/com/lispworks/savesys-xlib b/com/lispworks/savesys-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1e81a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/savesys-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lispworks-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lispworks
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.wfasl) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/X11/lispworks
+if !(-e $LIBRARYBIN/xlib.wfasl) then
+ echo "Build the xlib stuff first, silly..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(load "com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Load the X support.
+(compile/load "\$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib")
+(setf *haskell-compiler-update*
+ (string-append *haskell-compiler-update* "-X11"))
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ ;; Need to reset pathname defaults
+ (setf lisp:*default-pathname-defaults* (lisp:truename ""))
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lw:save-image "bin/new-lispworks-clx-haskell"
+ :gc '#t
+ :normal-gc '#f ; don't reset gc parameters
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel)
diff --git a/com/locked b/com/locked
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f98fd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/locked
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# identify locked source files
+cd $Y2
+foreach i (*/*.scm */*.lisp)
+ if (-e $i:h/RCS/$i:t,v) then
+ foreach j (`rlog -R -L $i:h/RCS/$i:t,v`)
+ ls -l $i
+ end
+ endif
diff --git a/com/lookfor b/com/lookfor
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b07f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lookfor
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# look for the argument in source files.
+# useful for finding all references of a function, etc.
+cd $Y2
+fgrep -i $1 */*.scm
diff --git a/com/lucid/README b/com/lucid/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508ed40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under Lucid Common Lisp. We have been using
+Lucid version 4.0.0 on a Sparc, but we don't expect that there would
+be difficulties in building with Lucid on other platforms.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2 and LUCID to point to the
+ appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/lucid.
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files are
+ put in the "lucid" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to build a new executable.
+* The new executable is initially called "bin/new-lucid-haskell". Try
+ it out. If it works, you should rename it to "bin/lucid-haskell".
+ Make sure that HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script) is correct.
+* If you want to build an executable with the X support, you'll also
+ need to run the "build-xlib" and "savesys-xlib" scripts. You
+ need to edit these scripts to change the pathname of the file
+ containing the CLX library (or suppress the load entirely if you
+ are using a Lisp executable with CLX pre-loaded.).
+Important note for Emacs users: We've been told that Lucid provides
+some patches to GNU Emacs that cause the Haskell Emacs mode not to work.
+(Apparently these patches redefine some of the interprocess communication
+functions in an incompatible way.) Use a standard Emacs.
diff --git a/com/lucid/build-prelude b/com/lucid/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aee2274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{sbin,scm})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512 :growth-limit 2048)
+;; This will make sure any files that need to get compiled will be
+;; compiled with Lucid's production compiler. If you want to recompile
+;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
+;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; Set appropriate compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+;; Use production compiler on prelude code and split it up into pieces.
+;; Use fast development compiler on interface.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 2)
+(setf *interface-chunk-size* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/lucid/build-xlib b/com/lucid/build-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..960bd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/build-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# build-xlib -- recompile the xlib stuff
+cd $Y2
+setenv CLXFILE /cs/licensed/sclisp-4.0/windows-x.sbin
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/lucid
+rm $LIBRARYBIN/xlib*.sbin
+bin/haskell <<EOF
+:(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512)
+:(load "\$CLXFILE")
+:(setf *code-quality* 3)
+:compile \$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib
diff --git a/com/lucid/clean b/com/lucid/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c72d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# delete lucid binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/lucid/*.{sbin,rbin}
diff --git a/com/lucid/compile b/com/lucid/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..115156a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+;; To get Lucid's development mode compiler, remove (compilation-speed 0)
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
diff --git a/com/lucid/savesys b/com/lucid/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..786f44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lucid-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(setf lcl:*record-source-files* nil)
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(lcl:compiler-options :file-messages nil)
+(setf lcl:*redefinition-action* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 1)
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lcl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lcl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lcl:disksave "bin/new-lucid-haskell"
+ :reserved-free-segments 64 :dynamic-free-segments 25
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel :full-gc '#t)
diff --git a/com/lucid/savesys-xlib b/com/lucid/savesys-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d5a959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/savesys-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# savesys-xlib -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lucid-clx-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+setenv CLXFILE /cs/licensed/sclisp-4.0/windows-x.sbin
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/lucid
+if !(-e $LIBRARYBIN/xlib.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the xlib stuff first, silly..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(setf lcl:*record-source-files* nil)
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(lcl:compiler-options :file-messages nil)
+(setf lcl:*redefinition-action* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 1)
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Load the X support.
+(load "\$CLXFILE")
+(compile/load "\$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib")
+(setf *haskell-compiler-update*
+ (string-append *haskell-compiler-update* "-X11"))
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lcl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lcl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lcl:disksave "bin/new-lucid-clx-haskell"
+ :reserved-free-segments 64 :dynamic-free-segments 25
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel :full-gc '#t)
diff --git a/com/unchecked b/com/unchecked
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b80d166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/unchecked
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# identify unchecked-in source files
+cd $Y2
+foreach i (*/*.scm)
+ if !(-e $i:h/RCS/$i:t,v) ls -l $i
diff --git a/command-interface-help b/command-interface-help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d015a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface-help
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Commands used by the Y2.0 command interface:
+Commands to dispose of the current extension:
+:eval Evaluate dialogues in the current extension
+:save Save the current extension
+:kill Forget about the current extension
+:list Print the current extension
+Commands to load & run files (compilation units)
+:load file Load a file into the system
+:compile file Compile a file to native code and save the binary
+:run file Load a file and run `main'
+Commands to control the current module:
+:clear Remove all saved definitions in the current module
+:module name Set the current module
+:Main Switch to an empty module named Main
+Other commands:
+:cd directory Set the current directory
+:p? Describe available printers
+:p= p1 p2 ... Set the printers
+:p+ p1 p2 ... Enable selected printers
+:p- p1 p2 ... Disable selected printers
+:o? Describe available optimizers
+:o= o1 o2 ... Set the optimizers
+:o+ o1 o2 ... Enable selected optimizers
+:o- o1 o2 ... Disable selected optimizers
+:(fn ...) Evaluate a Lisp expression
+Abbreviations within the current extension:
+=exp Creates a dialogue to print the expression under :e
+@exp Creates a definition which will run the dialogue under :e
diff --git a/command-interface/README b/command-interface/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4991af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains code to implement the command interface and
+incremental compiler. See the doc directory for details.
diff --git a/command-interface/command-interface.scm b/command-interface/command-interface.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eebde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command-interface.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;; csys.scm -- compilation unit definition for the compilation system
+(define-compilation-unit command-interface
+ (source-filename "$Y2/command-interface/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit command
+ (source-filename "command.scm"))
+ (unit command-utils
+ (source-filename "command-utils.scm"))
+ (unit incremental-compiler
+ (source-filename "incremental-compiler.scm")))
diff --git a/command-interface/command-utils.scm b/command-interface/command-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d46663f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+;;; command-interface/command-utils.scm
+;;; These are utilities used by the command interface.
+;;; These send output to the user
+;;; This is used in emacs mode
+(define (say/em . args)
+ (say1 args))
+;;; This is for both ordinary text to emacs and output to the command interface
+(define (say . args)
+ (say1 args))
+(define (say1 args)
+ (apply (function format) (cons (current-output-port) args)))
+;;; This is for non-emacs output
+(define (say/ne . args)
+ (when (not *emacs-mode*)
+ (say1 args)))
+;;; These random utilities should be elsewhere
+;;; This determines whether the current module is loaded & available.
+;;; If the module is Main, an empty Main module is created.
+(define (cm-available?)
+ (cond ((table-entry *modules* *current-mod*)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? *current-mod* '|Main|)
+ (make-empty-main)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; This creates a empty module named Main to use as a scratch pad.
+(define (make-empty-main)
+ (compile/load "$PRELUDE/Prelude")
+ (setf *unit* '|Main|)
+ (setf *current-mod* '|Main|)
+ (let ((mods (parse-from-string
+ "module Main where {import Prelude}"
+ (function parse-module-list)
+ "foo")))
+ ;;; This should generate no code at all so the returned code is ignored.
+ (modules->lisp-code mods)
+ (setf (table-entry *modules* *current-mod*) (car mods))
+ (clear-extended-modules)))
+(define (eval-fragment eval?)
+ (cond ((not (cm-available?))
+ (say "~&Module ~A is not loaded.~%" *current-mod*)
+ 'error)
+ ((memq *fragment-status* '(Compiled Saved))
+ (when eval?
+ (eval-module *extension-module*))
+ 'ok)
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say/ne "~&Errors exist in current fragment.~%")
+ 'error)
+ ((string=? *current-string* "")
+ (say/ne "~&Current extension is empty.~%")
+ 'error)
+ (else
+ (let ((res (compile-fragment
+ *current-mod* *current-string*
+ *extension-file-name*)))
+ (cond ((eq? res 'error)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (notify-error))
+ (else
+ (setf *extension-module* res)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (when eval?
+ (eval-module *extension-module*))))))))
+(define (set-current-file file)
+ (cond ((null? file)
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr file))
+ (setf *remembered-file* (car file)))
+ (else
+ (say "~&Invalid file spec ~s.~%" file)
+ (funcall *abort-command*))))
+(define (select-current-mod mods)
+ (when (pair? mods)
+ (when (not (memq *current-mod* mods))
+ (setf *current-mod* (car mods))
+ (say/ne "~&Now in module ~A.~%" *current-mod*))))
+;;; Emacs mode stuff
+;;; *** bogus alert!!! This coercion may fail to produce a
+;;; *** real character in some Lisps.
+(define *emacs-notify-char* (integer->char 1))
+(define (notify-ready)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ar" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-input-request)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ai" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-error)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ae" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-printers printers)
+ (notify-settings "p" printers))
+(define (notify-optimizers optimizers)
+ (notify-settings "o" optimizers))
+(define (notify-settings flag values)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~A~A(" *emacs-notify-char* flag)
+ (dolist (p values)
+ (say/em " ~A" (string-downcase (symbol->string p))))
+ (say/em ")~%")
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-status-line str)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~As~A~%" *emacs-notify-char* str)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+;;; These are used to drive the real compiler.
+(define *compile/compile-cflags*
+ (make cflags
+ (load-code? '#t)
+ (compile-code? '#t)
+ (write-code? '#t)
+ (write-interface? '#t)))
+(define (compile/compile file)
+ (haskell-compile file *compile/compile-cflags*))
+(define *compile/load-cflags*
+ (make cflags
+ (load-code? '#t)
+ (compile-code? '#f)
+ (write-code? '#f)
+ (write-interface? '#f)))
+(define (compile/load file)
+ (haskell-compile file *compile/load-cflags*))
+;;; Printer setting support
+(define (set-printers args mode)
+ (set-switches *printers* (strings->syms args)
+ mode *all-printers* "printers"))
+(define (set-optimizers args mode)
+ (set-switches *optimizers* (strings->syms args)
+ mode *all-optimizers* "optimizers"))
+(define (set-switches current new mode all name)
+ (dolist (s new)
+ (when (and (not (eq? s 'all)) (not (memq s all)))
+ (signal-invalid-value s name all)))
+ (let ((res (cond ((eq? mode '+)
+ (set-union current new))
+ ((eq? mode '-)
+ (set-difference current new))
+ ((eq? mode '=)
+ (if (equal? new '(all))
+ all
+ new)))))
+ res))
+(define (signal-invalid-value s name all)
+ (recoverable-error 'invalid-value
+ "~A is not one of the valid ~A. Possible values are: ~%~A"
+ s name all))
+(define (print-file file)
+ (call-with-input-file file (function write-all-chars)))
+(define (write-all-chars port)
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ 'ok
+ (begin
+ (write-line line)
+ (write-all-chars port)))))
+(define (strings->syms l)
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (string->symbol (string-upcase x)))
+ l))
diff --git a/command-interface/command.scm b/command-interface/command.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b98991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+;;; Globals used by the command interpreter
+(define *current-string* "")
+(define *current-mod* '|Main|)
+(define *current-command* '())
+(define *remembered-file* "Foo")
+(define *fragment-status* '())
+(define *temp-counter* 0)
+(define *last-compiled* "")
+(define *abort-command* '())
+(define *command-dispatch* '())
+(define *extension-module* '())
+(define *extension-file-name* "interactive")
+(define (prompt mod)
+ (format '#f "~A> " mod))
+(define-local-syntax (define-command name&args helpstr . body)
+ (let* ((str (car name&args))
+ (args (cdr name&args))
+ (fname (string->symbol (string-append "CMD-" str))))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,fname arguments)
+ (verify-command-args ',args arguments ',helpstr)
+ (apply (lambda ,args ,@body) arguments))
+ (setf *command-dispatch*
+ (nconc *command-dispatch*
+ (list (cons ',str (function ,fname)))))
+ ',fname)))
+(define (heval)
+ (initialize-haskell-system)
+ (setf *current-string* "")
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (say "~&Yale Haskell ~A~A ~A~%Type :? for help.~%"
+ *haskell-compiler-version* *haskell-compiler-update* (identify-system))
+ (read-commands))
+;;; This loop reads commands until a quit
+(define (read-commands)
+ (do ((cmd-status (read-command) (read-command)))
+ ((eq? cmd-status 'quit-command-loop) (exit))))
+;;; This processes a single line of input.
+(define (read-command)
+ (let/cc abort-command
+ (setf *abort-command* (lambda () (funcall abort-command 'error)))
+ (setf *abort-compilation* *abort-command*)
+ (setf *phase* 'command-interface)
+ (setf *in-error-handler?* '#f)
+ (ready-for-input-line)
+ (let ((ch (peek-char)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? ch)
+ 'quit-command-loop)
+ ((char=? ch '#\:)
+ (read-char)
+ (execute-command))
+ ((and (char=? ch '#\newline)
+ (not (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building)))
+ (read-char)
+ 'Ignored)
+ (else
+ (when (not (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building))
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (setf *current-string* ""))
+ (cond ((eqv? ch '#\=)
+ (read-char)
+ (append-to-current-string (expand-print-abbr (read-line))))
+ ((eqv? ch '#\@)
+ (read-char)
+ (append-to-current-string (expand-exec-abbr (read-line))))
+ (else
+ (append-to-current-string (read-line))))
+ 'OK)
+ ))))
+(define (append-to-current-string string)
+ (setf *current-string*
+ (string-append *current-string*
+ string
+ (string #\newline))))
+(define (expand-print-abbr string)
+ (incf *temp-counter*)
+ (format '#f "temp_~a = print temp1_~a where temp1_~a = ~a"
+ *temp-counter* *temp-counter* *temp-counter* string))
+(define (expand-exec-abbr string)
+ (incf *temp-counter*)
+ (format '#f "temp_~a :: Dialogue~%temp_~a = ~a"
+ *temp-counter* *temp-counter* string))
+(define (ready-for-input-line)
+ (when (not *emacs-mode*)
+ (fresh-line (current-output-port))
+ (write-string (prompt *current-mod*) (current-output-port))
+ (force-output (current-output-port)))
+ (notify-ready))
+(define (execute-command)
+ (if (char=? (peek-char) '#\() ;this is the escape to the lisp evaluator
+ (let ((form (read)))
+ (eval form)
+ 'OK)
+ (let* ((string (read-line))
+ (length (string-length string))
+ (cmd+args (parse-command-args string 0 0 length)))
+ (cond ((null? cmd+args)
+ (say "~&Eh?~%")
+ 'OK)
+ (else
+ (let ((fn (assoc/test (function string-starts?)
+ (car cmd+args)
+ *command-dispatch*)))
+ (cond ((eq? fn '#f)
+ (say "~&~A: unknown command. Use :? for help.~%"
+ (car cmd+args))
+ 'OK)
+ (else
+ (funcall (cdr fn) (cdr cmd+args))))))))))
+;;; This parses the command into a list of substrings.
+;;; Args are separated by spaces.
+(define (parse-command-args string start next end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start next end)
+ (type string string))
+ (cond ((eqv? next end)
+ (if (eqv? start next)
+ '()
+ (list (substring string start next))))
+ ((char=? (string-ref string next) '#\space)
+ (let ((next-next (+ next 1)))
+ (if (eqv? start next)
+ (parse-command-args string next-next next-next end)
+ (cons (substring string start next)
+ (parse-command-args string next-next next-next end)))))
+ (else
+ (parse-command-args string start (+ next 1) end))))
+(define (verify-command-args template args help)
+ (cond ((and (null? template) (null? args))
+ '#t)
+ ((symbol? template)
+ '#t)
+ ((or (null? template) (null? args))
+ (say "~&Command error.~%~A~%" help)
+ (funcall *abort-command*))
+ (else
+ (verify-command-args (car template) (car args) help)
+ (verify-command-args (cdr template) (cdr args) help))))
+(define-command ("?")
+ ":? Print the help file."
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/command-interface-help"))
+(define-command ("eval")
+ ":eval Evaluate current extension."
+ (eval-fragment '#t)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("save")
+ ":save Save current extension"
+ (eval-fragment '#f)
+ (cond ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say/ne "~&Cannot save: errors encountered.~%"))
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (extend-module *current-mod* *extension-module*)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Saved)))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("quit")
+ ":quit Quit the Haskell evaluator."
+ 'quit-command-loop)
+(define-command ("module" mod)
+ ":module module-name Select module for incremental evaluation."
+ (setf *current-mod* (string->symbol mod))
+ (when (not (cm-available?))
+ (say/ne "~&Warning: module ~A is not currently loaded.~%" *current-mod*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("run" . file)
+ ":run <file> Compile, load, and run a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (let ((mods (compile/load *remembered-file*)))
+ (when (pair? mods)
+ (dolist (m mods)
+ (eval-module (table-entry *modules* m)))))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("compile" . file)
+ ":compile <file> Compile and load a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (select-current-mod (compile/compile *remembered-file*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("load" . file)
+ ":load <file> Load a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (select-current-mod (compile/load *remembered-file*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("Main")
+ ":Main Switch to an empty Main module."
+ (make-empty-main)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("clear")
+ ":clear Clear saved definitions from current module."
+ (remove-extended-modules *current-mod*)
+ (setf *current-string* "")
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building))
+(define-command ("list")
+ ":list List current extension."
+ (say "~&Current Haskell extension:~%~a" *current-string*)
+ (cond ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say "Extension contains errors.~%"))
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (say "Extension is compiled and ready.~%")))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("kill")
+ ":kill Clear the current fragment."
+ (when (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (setf *current-string* ""))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("p?")
+ ":p? Show available printers."
+ (if *emacs-mode*
+ (notify-printers (dynamic *printers*))
+ (begin
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt")
+ (say "~&Active printers: ~A~%" (dynamic *printers*)))
+ ))
+(define-command ("p=" . passes)
+ ":p= pass1 pass2 ... Set printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '=))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("p+" . passes)
+ ":p+ pass1 pass2 ... Add printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '+))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("p-" . passes)
+ ":p- pass1 pass2 ... Turn off printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '-))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("o?")
+ ":o? Show available optimizers."
+ (if *emacs-mode*
+ (notify-optimizers (dynamic *optimizers*))
+ (begin
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt")
+ (say "~&Active optimizers: ~A~%" (dynamic *optimizers*)))
+ ))
+(define-command ("o=" . optimizers)
+ ":o= optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Set optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '=))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("o+" . optimizers)
+ ":o+ optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Add optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '+))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("o-" . optimizers)
+ ":o- optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Turn off optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '-))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("cd" d)
+ ":cd directory Change the current directory."
+ (cd d)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("Emacs" mode)
+ ":Emacs on/off Turn on or off emacs mode."
+ (cond ((string=? mode "on")
+ (setf *emacs-mode* '#t))
+ ((string=? mode "off")
+ (setf *emacs-mode* '#f))
+ (else
+ (say "~&Use on or off.~%"))))
+(define-command ("file" name)
+ ":file name"
+ (setf *extension-file-name* name)
+ 'OK)
diff --git a/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm b/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207b79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This deals with incremental compilation as used by the command interface.
+;;; The basic theory is to create new modules which import the entire
+;;; symbol table of an existing module.
+;;; This adds a new module to the extension environment. This env is an alist
+;;; of module names & extended modules.
+(define *extension-env* '())
+(define (extend-module mod-name new-ast)
+ (push (tuple mod-name new-ast) *extension-env*))
+;;; This cleans out extensions for a module.
+(define (remove-extended-modules mod-name)
+ (setf *extension-env* (rem-ext1 *extension-env* mod-name)))
+(define (rem-ext1 env name)
+ (cond ((null? env)
+ '())
+ ((eq? (tuple-2-1 (car env)) name)
+ (rem-ext1 (cdr env) name))
+ (else
+ (cons (car env) (rem-ext1 (cdr env) name)))))
+(define (clear-extended-modules)
+ (setf *extension-env* '()))
+;;; This retrieves the current extension to a module (if any).
+(define (updated-module name)
+ (let ((name+mod (assq name *extension-env*)))
+ (if (not (eq? name+mod '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 name+mod)
+ (let ((mod-in-table (table-entry *modules* name)))
+ (cond ((eq? mod-in-table '#f)
+ (signal-module-not-ready name))
+ ((eq? (module-type mod-in-table) 'interface)
+ (signal-cant-eval-interface name))
+ (else mod-in-table))))))
+(define (signal-module-not-ready name)
+ (fatal-error 'module-not-ready
+ "Module ~A is not loaded and ready."
+ name))
+(define (signal-cant-eval-interface name)
+ (fatal-error 'no-evaluation-in-interface
+ "Module ~A is an interface: evaluation not allowed."
+ name))
+(define (compile-fragment module str filename)
+ (let ((mod-ast (updated-module module)))
+ (dynamic-let
+ ((*printers* (if (memq 'extension *printers*) *printers* '()))
+ (*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (mlet (((t-code new-ast) (compile-fragment1 module mod-ast str filename)))
+ (cond ((eq? t-code 'error)
+ 'error)
+ (else
+ (eval t-code)
+ new-ast))))))
+(define (compile-fragment1 mod-name mod-ast str filename)
+ (let/cc x
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-compilation* (lambda () (funcall x 'error '()))))
+ (let* ((mods (parse-from-string
+ (format '#f "module ~A where~%~A~%" mod-name str)
+ (function parse-module-list)
+ filename))
+ (new-mod (car mods)))
+ (when (not (null? (cdr mods)))
+ (signal-module-decl-in-extension))
+ (when (not (null? (module-imports new-mod)))
+ (signal-import-decl-in-extension))
+ (fragment-initialize new-mod mod-ast)
+ (values (modules->lisp-code mods) new-mod)))))
+(define (signal-module-decl-in-extension)
+ (fatal-error 'module-decl-in-extension
+ "Module declarations are not allowed in extensions."))
+(define (signal-import-decl-in-extension)
+ (fatal-error 'import-decl-in-extension
+ "Import declarations are not allowed in extensions."))
+;;; Copy stuff into the fragment module structure from its parent module.
+;;; The inverted symbol table is not necessary since the module contains
+;;; no imports.
+(define (fragment-initialize new old)
+ (setf (module-name new) (gensym))
+ (setf (module-type new) 'extension)
+ (setf (module-unit new) (module-unit old))
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? new)
+ (module-uses-standard-prelude? old))
+ (setf (module-inherited-env new) old)
+ (setf (module-fixity-table new)
+ (copy-table (module-fixity-table old)))
+ (setf (module-default new) (module-default old)))
+;;; This code deals with the actual evaluation of Haskell code.
+;;; This decides whether a variable has type `Dialogue'.
+(define (io-type? var)
+ (let ((type (var-type var)))
+ (when (not (gtype? type))
+ (error "~s is not a Gtype." type))
+ (and (null? (gtype-context type))
+ (is-dialogue? (gtype-type type)))))
+(define (is-dialogue? type)
+ (let ((type (expand-ntype-synonym type)))
+ (and (ntycon? type)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (let* ((args (ntycon-args type))
+ (a1 (expand-ntype-synonym (car args)))
+ (a2 (expand-ntype-synonym (cadr args))))
+ (and
+ (ntycon? a1)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon a1) (core-symbol "SystemState"))
+ (ntycon? a2)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon a2) (core-symbol "IOResult")))))))
+(define (is-list-of? type con)
+ (and (ntycon? type)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "List"))
+ (let ((arg (expand-ntype-synonym (car (ntycon-args type)))))
+ (and (ntycon? arg) (eq? (ntycon-tycon arg) con)))))
+(define (apply-exec var)
+ (initialize-io-system)
+ (mlet (((_ sec)
+ (time-execution
+ (lambda ()
+ (let/cc x
+ (setf *runtime-abort* (lambda () (funcall x 'error)))
+ (let ((fn (eval (fullname var))))
+ (unless (var-strict? var)
+ (setf fn (force fn)))
+ (funcall fn (box 'state))))))))
+ (say "~%")
+ (when (memq 'time *printers*)
+ (say "Execution time: ~A seconds~%" sec)))
+ 'done)
+(define (eval-module mod)
+ (dolist (v (module-vars mod))
+ (when (io-type? v)
+ (when (not (string-starts? "temp_" (symbol->string (def-name v))))
+ (say/ne "~&Evaluating ~A.~%" v))
+ (apply-exec v))))
+(define (run-program name)
+ (compile/load name)
+ (let ((main-mod (table-entry *modules* '|Main|)))
+ (if main-mod
+ (let ((main-var (table-entry (module-symbol-table main-mod) '|main|)))
+ (if main-var
+ (apply-exec main-var)
+ (error "Variable main missing")))
+ (error "module Main missing"))))
diff --git a/csys/README b/csys/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9c183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains everything relating to the compilation system,
+including stuff for parsing unit files, incremental recompilation, and
+reading and writing code and interface files.
diff --git a/csys/cache-structs.scm b/csys/cache-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba38840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/cache-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; these structures deal with the compilation system and the unit cache.
+;;; An entry in the unit cache:
+(define-struct ucache
+ (slots
+ (ufile (type string)) ; the name of the file containing the unit definition
+ (cifile (type string)) ; the filename of the (compiled) interface file
+ (sifile (type string)) ; the filename of the (uncompiled) interface file
+ (cfile (type string)) ; the filename of the (compiled) output file
+ (sfile (type string)) ; the filename of the (uncompiled) output file
+ (udate (type integer)) ; the write date of ufile
+ (idate (type integer)) ; the time stamp of the binary interface file
+ (stable? (type bool)) ; the stable flag
+ (load-prelude? (type bool)) ; true if unit uses standard prelude
+ ;; status is initially available (in cache). It is set to loading when
+ ;; requested and loaded once all imported units are loaded.
+ (status (type (enum loaded loading available)))
+ (ifile-loaded (type bool)) ; true when interface is loaded (modules)
+ (code-loaded (type bool)) ; true when the associated code is in memory
+ (source-files (type (list string))) ; source files in the unit
+ (imported-units (type (list string))) ; the filenames of imported unit files
+ (lisp-files (type (list (tuple string string)))) ; source/binary pairs
+ (modules (type (list module)))
+ (printers-set? (type bool))
+ (printers (type (list symbol)))
+ (optimizers-set? (type bool))
+ (optimizers (type (list symbol)))
+ (chunk-size (type (maybe int)))
+ ))
+;;; This is used to hold various flags used by the compilation system,
+;;; instead of passing them all as individual arguments.
+(define-struct cflags
+ (slots
+ ;; Whether to load code for unit into core
+ (load-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Whether to create an output code file.
+ (write-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Affects whether write-code? creates a source or compiled file,
+ ;; and whether load-code? uses the interpreter or compiler.
+ ;; Ignored if load-code? and write-code? are both false.
+ (compile-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Whether to create an output interface file.
+ (write-interface? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ))
diff --git a/csys/compiler-driver.scm b/csys/compiler-driver.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce5a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/compiler-driver.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+;;; compiler-driver.scm -- compilation unit management
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; Flags for controlling various low-level behaviors of the compiler.
+;;; You might want to tweak these in the system-building scripts for
+;;; different Lisps, but users don't normally need to mess with them.
+(define *compile-interface* '#f)
+(define *interface-code-quality* 2)
+(define *interface-chunk-size* '#f)
+(define *default-code-quality* 2)
+(define *optimized-code-quality* 3)
+(define *code-chunk-size* 300)
+;;; Main entry point
+;;; This is the top level driver for the compiler. It takes a file name
+;;; and output controls. It returns '#f if compilation fails.
+(define *codefile-cache* '())
+(define (haskell-compile filename cflags)
+ (initialize-haskell-system)
+ (let/cc abort-compile
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-compilation*
+ (lambda () (funcall abort-compile '#f))))
+ (initialize-compilation)
+ (let ((unit (find-cunit-name filename)))
+ (let ((res (load-compilation-unit unit cflags)))
+ (map (lambda (x) (module-name x)) (ucache-modules res)))))))
+;;; this is the initialization code that occurs at the start of compilation.
+(define (initialize-compilation)
+ (initialize-module-table)
+ (for-each-unit
+ (lambda (u)
+ (setf (ucache-status u) 'available))))
+;;; Filename utilities
+;;; File extensions
+(define *source-file-extensions* '(".hs" ".lhs"))
+(define *unit-file-extension* ".hu")
+(define *interface-file-extension* ".hi")
+(define *lisp-file-extensions* '(".lisp" ".scm"))
+(define (source-extension? x)
+ (mem-string x *source-file-extensions*))
+(define (unit-extension? x)
+ (string=? x *unit-file-extension*))
+(define (interface-extension? x)
+ (string=? x *interface-file-extension*))
+(define (lisp-extension? x)
+ (mem-string x *lisp-file-extensions*))
+;;; Build file names.
+(define (make-cifilename filename)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (string-append (filename-name filename) "-hci")))
+ (assemble-filename place name binary-file-type)))
+(define (make-sifilename filename)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (string-append (filename-name filename) "-hci")))
+ (assemble-filename place name source-file-type)))
+(define (make-cfilename filename)
+ (add-extension filename binary-file-type))
+(define (make-sfilename filename)
+ (add-extension filename source-file-type))
+;;; This take a file name (extension ignored) & searches for a unit file.
+(define (locate-existing-cunit name)
+ (locate-extension name (list *unit-file-extension*)))
+;;; This take a file name (extension ignored) & searches for a source file.
+(define (locate-existing-source-file name)
+ (locate-extension name *source-file-extensions*))
+(define (locate-extension name extensions)
+ (if (null? extensions)
+ '#f
+ (let ((name-1 (add-extension name (car extensions))))
+ (if (file-exists? name-1)
+ name-1
+ (locate-extension name (cdr extensions))))))
+;;; This delivers the name of a compilation unit. The extension of the name
+;;; is ignored & a test for the presence of a compilation unit with
+;;; the same name is done. If none is found, signal an error.
+(define (find-cunit-name name)
+ (or (locate-existing-cunit name)
+ (locate-existing-source-file name)
+ (signal-file-not-found name)))
+;;; Compilation unit file parsing
+;;; This parses a unit file. The file simply contains a list of file names.
+;;; The files are sorted into two catagories: other compilation units and
+;;; source files in the current unit. When a file has no extension, the system
+;;; checks for a unit file first and then a source file.
+(define (parse-compilation-unit filename)
+ (let ((unit-type (filename-type filename)))
+ (if (or (source-extension? unit-type) (interface-extension? unit-type))
+ (create-ucache filename filename (list filename) '() '() '#f '#t
+ '#f '() '#f '() '#f)
+ (parse-compilation-unit-aux
+ filename
+ (call-with-input-file filename (function gather-file-names))))))
+(define (create-ucache filename output-filename
+ source-files imports lisp-files
+ stable? load-prelude?
+ printers-set? printers optimizers-set? optimizers
+ chunk-size)
+ (let* ((cifilename
+ (make-cifilename output-filename))
+ (sifilename
+ (make-sifilename output-filename))
+ (all-imports
+ (if load-prelude?
+ (cons *prelude-unit-filename* imports)
+ imports))
+ (cache-entry
+ (make ucache
+ (ufile filename)
+ (sifile sifilename)
+ (cifile cifilename)
+ (sfile (make-sfilename output-filename))
+ (cfile (make-cfilename output-filename))
+ (udate (current-date))
+ (idate (get-latest-ifiledate cifilename sifilename))
+ (stable? stable?)
+ (load-prelude? load-prelude?)
+ (status 'loading)
+ (ifile-loaded '#f)
+ (code-loaded '#f)
+ (source-files source-files)
+ (imported-units all-imports)
+ (lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (modules '())
+ (printers-set? printers-set?)
+ (printers printers)
+ (optimizers-set? optimizers-set?)
+ (optimizers optimizers)
+ (chunk-size chunk-size))))
+ (install-compilation-unit filename cache-entry)
+ cache-entry))
+(define (get-latest-ifiledate cifilename sifilename)
+ (max (or (and (file-exists? cifilename)
+ (file-write-date cifilename))
+ 0)
+ (or (and (file-exists? sifilename)
+ (file-write-date sifilename))
+ 0)))
+;;; This returns a list of strings. Blank lines and lines starting in -
+;;; are ignored.
+(define (gather-file-names port)
+ (let ((char (peek-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? char)
+ '())
+ ((or (char=? char '#\newline) (char=? char '#\-))
+ (read-line port)
+ (gather-file-names port))
+ (else
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (cons line (gather-file-names port)))))))
+;;; Actually parse contents of the unit file.
+;;; These are in the command-interface stuff.
+(predefine (set-printers args mode))
+(predefine (set-optimizers args mode))
+(predefine (parse-command-args string start next end))
+(define (parse-compilation-unit-aux filename strings)
+ (let ((input-defaults filename)
+ (output-defaults filename)
+ (import-defaults filename)
+ (stable? '#f)
+ (load-prelude? '#t)
+ (filenames '())
+ (imports '())
+ (sources '())
+ (lisp-files '())
+ (printers '())
+ (printers-set? '#f)
+ (optimizers '())
+ (optimizers-set? '#f)
+ (chunk-size '#f)
+ (temp '#f))
+ ;;; First look for magic flags.
+ (dolist (s strings)
+ (cond ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":input" s))
+ (setf input-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":output" s))
+ (setf output-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":import" s))
+ (setf import-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((string=? ":stable" s)
+ (setf stable? '#t))
+ ((string=? ":prelude" s)
+ (setf load-prelude? '#f))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":p=" s))
+ (setf printers-set? '#t)
+ (setf printers
+ (set-printers
+ (parse-command-args temp 0 0 (string-length temp))
+ '=)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":o=" s))
+ (setf optimizers-set? '#t)
+ (setf optimizers
+ (set-optimizers
+ (parse-command-args temp 0 0 (string-length temp))
+ '=)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":chunk-size" s))
+ (setf chunk-size (string->number temp)))
+ (else
+ (push s filenames))))
+ ;;; Next sort filenames into imports and source files.
+ (dolist (s filenames)
+ (let ((type (filename-type s))
+ (fname '#f))
+ (cond ((string=? type "") ; punt for now on this issue
+ (signal-extension-needed s))
+; ((cond ((setf fname
+; (locate-existing-cunit
+; (merge-file-defaults s import-defaults)))
+; (push fname imports))
+; ((setf fname
+; (locate-existing-source-file
+; (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults)))
+; (push fname sources))
+; (else
+; (signal-unit-not-found s))))
+ ((unit-extension? type)
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s import-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push fname imports)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ ((or (source-extension? type) (interface-extension? type))
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push fname sources)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ ((lisp-extension? type)
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push (cons fname
+ (add-extension
+ (merge-file-defaults s output-defaults)
+ binary-file-type))
+ lisp-files)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ (else
+ (signal-unknown-file-type s)))))
+ ;; Finally create the unit object.
+ (create-ucache filename output-defaults
+ sources imports lisp-files
+ stable? load-prelude?
+ printers-set? printers optimizers-set? optimizers
+ chunk-size)))
+;;; Helper functions for the above.
+(define (string-match-prefix prefix s)
+ (let ((prefix-length (string-length prefix))
+ (s-length (string-length s)))
+ (if (>= s-length prefix-length)
+ (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length 0)
+ '#f)))
+(define (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length i)
+ (cond ((eqv? i prefix-length)
+ (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length i))
+ ((not (char=? (string-ref s i) (string-ref prefix i)))
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length (1+ i)))))
+(define (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length i)
+ (cond ((eqv? i s-length)
+ "")
+ ((let ((ch (string-ref s i)))
+ (or (char=? ch '#\space) (char=? ch #\tab)))
+ (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length (1+ i)))
+ (else
+ (substring s i s-length))))
+(define (merge-file-defaults filename defaults)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (filename-name filename))
+ (type (filename-type filename)))
+ (assemble-filename
+ (if (string=? place "") defaults place)
+ (if (string=? name "") defaults name)
+ (if (string=? type "") defaults type))))
+;;; Guts
+;;; This is the main entry to the compilation system. This causes a
+;;; unit to be compiled and/or loaded.
+(define (load-compilation-unit filename cflags)
+ (let ((cunit (lookup-compilation-unit filename)))
+ (cond ((eq? cunit '#f)
+ ;; Unit not found in cache.
+ (load-compilation-unit-aux
+ (parse-compilation-unit filename) cflags))
+ ((eq? (ucache-status cunit) 'loaded)
+ ;; Already loaded earlier in this compile.
+ cunit)
+ ((eq? (ucache-status cunit) 'loading)
+ (signal-circular-unit filename))
+ (else
+ (load-compilation-unit-aux cunit cflags))
+ )))
+(define (load-compilation-unit-aux c cflags)
+ (setf (ucache-status c) 'loading)
+ (load-imported-units c cflags)
+ (if (unit-valid? c cflags)
+ (load-compiled-unit c (cflags-load-code? cflags))
+ (locally-compile c cflags))
+ (setf (ucache-status c) 'loaded)
+ ;; Hack, hack. When loading the prelude, make sure magic symbol
+ ;; table stuff is initialized.
+ (when (string=? (ucache-ufile c) *prelude-unit-filename*)
+ (init-prelude-globals))
+ c)
+(define (load-compiled-unit c load-code?)
+ (when (and load-code? (not (ucache-code-loaded c)))
+ (when (memq 'loading *printers*)
+ (format '#t "~&Loading unit ~s.~%" (ucache-ufile c))
+ (force-output))
+ (load-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c))
+ (load-more-recent-file (ucache-cfile c) (ucache-sfile c))
+ (setf (ucache-code-loaded c) '#t))
+ (when (not (ucache-ifile-loaded c))
+ (read-binary-interface c))
+ (dolist (m (ucache-modules c))
+ (add-module-to-symbol-table m))
+ (link-instances (ucache-modules c)))
+;;; These globals save the Prelude symbol table to avoid copying it
+;;; into all modules which use the Prelude.
+;;; Danger! This assumes that every local symbol in the Prelude is
+;;; exported.
+(define *prelude-initialized* '#f)
+(define (init-prelude-globals)
+ (when (not *prelude-initialized*)
+ (let ((pmod (locate-module '|Prelude|)))
+ (setf *prelude-symbol-table* (module-symbol-table pmod))
+ (setf *prelude-fixity-table* (module-fixity-table pmod))
+ (when (eq? (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod) '#f)
+ (let ((table (make-table)))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (name def)
+ (setf (table-entry table def) name))
+ *prelude-symbol-table*)
+ (setf (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod) table)))
+ (setf *prelude-inverted-symbol-table*
+ (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod)))
+ (setf *prelude-initialized* '#t)))
+;;; This recursively loads all units imported by a given unit.
+(define (load-imported-units c cflags)
+ (dolist (filename (ucache-imported-units c))
+ (load-compilation-unit filename cflags)))
+;;; Load or compile lisp files.
+(define (load-lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (dolist (f lisp-files)
+ (load-more-recent-file (cdr f) (car f))))
+(define (compile-lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (dolist (f lisp-files)
+ (let ((source (car f))
+ (binary (cdr f)))
+ (when (not (lisp-binary-current source binary))
+ (compile-file source binary))
+ (load binary))))
+;;; This determines whether a unit is valid.
+(define (unit-valid? c cflags)
+ (and (or (ucache-stable? c)
+ ;; If the unit is not stable, make sure its source files
+ ;; haven't changed.
+ (and (all-imports-current (ucache-imported-units c)
+ (ucache-idate c))
+ (all-sources-current (ucache-source-files c)
+ (ucache-idate c))
+ (all-lisp-sources-current (ucache-lisp-files c)
+ (ucache-idate c))))
+ (or (ucache-ifile-loaded c)
+ ;; If the interface hasn't been loaded already, make sure
+ ;; that the interface file exists.
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cifile c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sifile c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-load-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we're going to load code, make sure that the code file
+ ;; exists.
+ (ucache-code-loaded c)
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cfile c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sfile c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-write-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to produce a code file, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't write files for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded, regardless of whether or not the file exists.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-code-loaded c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cfile c))
+ (and (not (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sfile c))))
+ (or (not (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to compile the lisp files, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't do this for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-code-loaded c))
+ (all-lisp-binaries-current (ucache-lisp-files c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-write-interface? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to produce an interface file, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't write files for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded, regardless of whether or not the file exists.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-ifile-loaded c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cifile c))
+ (and (not *compile-interface*)
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sifile c))))
+ ))
+(define (all-sources-current sources unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (let ((d (file-write-date s)))
+ (and d (> unit-write-date d))))
+ sources))
+(define (all-imports-current imports unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s) (> unit-write-date
+ (ucache-idate (lookup-compilation-unit s))))
+ imports))
+(define (all-lisp-sources-current lisp-files unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (let ((d (file-write-date (car s))))
+ (and d (> unit-write-date d))))
+ lisp-files))
+(define (all-lisp-binaries-current lisp-files)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (lisp-binary-current (car s) (cdr s)))
+ lisp-files))
+(define (lisp-binary-current source binary)
+ (and (file-exists? binary)
+ (let ((sd (file-write-date source))
+ (bd (file-write-date binary)))
+ (and sd bd (> bd sd)))))
+;;; This does the actual job of compilation.
+(define (locally-compile c cflags)
+ (dynamic-let ((*printers*
+ (if (ucache-printers-set? c)
+ (ucache-printers c)
+ (dynamic *printers*)))
+ (*optimizers*
+ (if (ucache-optimizers-set? c)
+ (ucache-optimizers c)
+ (dynamic *optimizers*))))
+ (when (memq 'compiling *printers*)
+ (format '#t "~&Compiling unit ~s.~%Optimizers: ~A~%"
+ (ucache-ufile c)
+ *optimizers*)
+ (force-output))
+ (if (cflags-compile-code? cflags)
+ (compile-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c))
+ (load-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (mods code)
+ (compile-haskell-files (ucache-source-files c))
+ ;; General bookkeeping to update module interface in cache.
+ (setf (ucache-modules c) mods)
+ (setf (ucache-idate c) (current-date))
+ (setf (ucache-ifile-loaded c) '#t)
+ ;; Write interface file if necessary.
+ (when (cflags-write-interface? cflags)
+ (let ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (icode (create-dump-code c mods (ucache-load-prelude? c))))
+ (if (dynamic *compile-interface*)
+ (write-compiled-code-file
+ (ucache-cifile c)
+ icode
+ (dynamic *interface-code-quality*)
+ (dynamic *interface-chunk-size*))
+ (write-interpreted-code-file (ucache-sifile c) icode '#f))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let* ((current-time (get-run-time))
+ (elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "Interface complete: ~A seconds~%" elapsed-time)
+ (force-output)))))
+ ;; Write code file if necessary.
+ (when (cflags-write-code? cflags)
+ (if (cflags-compile-code? cflags)
+ (write-compiled-code-file
+ (ucache-cfile c)
+ code
+ (if (memq 'lisp (dynamic *optimizers*))
+ (dynamic *optimized-code-quality*)
+ (dynamic *default-code-quality*))
+ (or (ucache-chunk-size c) (dynamic *code-chunk-size*)))
+ (write-interpreted-code-file (ucache-sfile c) code '#t)))
+ ;; Load or evaluate code if necessary.
+ ;; If we just wrote a compiled code file, load that; otherwise
+ ;; do eval or in-core compilation.
+ (when (cflags-load-code? cflags)
+ (if (and (cflags-write-code? cflags)
+ (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ (load (ucache-cfile c))
+ (eval code (cflags-compile-code? cflags)))
+ (setf (ucache-code-loaded c) '#t))
+ )))
+;;; Cache manager
+;;; This is the cache manager for compilation units. We use an alist at
+;;; the moment.
+(define *unit-cache* '())
+(define (reset-unit-cache)
+ (setf *unit-cache* '()))
+;;; This checks to make sure that the compilation unit it finds
+;;; in the cache has not been made out-of-date by updates to the unit file.
+(define (lookup-compilation-unit name)
+ (let ((r (ass-string name *unit-cache*)))
+ (if r
+ (let ((c (cdr r)))
+ (if (or (ucache-stable? c)
+ (> (ucache-udate c)
+ (or (file-write-date (ucache-ufile c)) 0)))
+ c
+ '#f))
+ '#f)))
+(define (install-compilation-unit name c)
+ (let ((r (ass-string name *unit-cache*)))
+ (if (eq? r '#f)
+ (push (cons name c) *unit-cache*)
+ (setf (cdr r) c))))
+(define (for-each-unit proc)
+ (dolist (c *unit-cache*)
+ (funcall proc (cdr c))))
+;;; Error utilities
+(define (signal-circular-unit filename)
+ (fatal-error 'circular-unit
+ "The compilation unit ~a has a circular dependency."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-unit-not-found filename)
+ (fatal-error 'unit-not-found
+ "The compilation unit file ~a was not found."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-extension-needed filename)
+ (fatal-error 'extension-needed
+ "You must provide an extension on the filename ~a in the .hu file."
+ filename))
diff --git a/csys/csys.scm b/csys/csys.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4683b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/csys.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;;; csys.scm -- compilation unit definition for the compilation system
+(define-compilation-unit csys
+ (source-filename "$Y2/csys/")
+ (require global runtime flic)
+ (unit cache-structs
+ (source-filename "cache-structs.scm"))
+ (unit compiler-driver
+ (require cache-structs)
+ (source-filename "compiler-driver.scm"))
+ (unit dump-params
+ (require cache-structs)
+ (source-filename "dump-params.scm"))
+ (unit dump-macros
+ (require dump-params)
+ (source-filename "dump-macros.scm"))
+ (unit dump-interface
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-interface.scm"))
+ (unit dump-flic
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-flic.scm"))
+ (unit dump-cse
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-cse.scm")))
diff --git a/csys/dump-cse.scm b/csys/dump-cse.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ec020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-cse.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+;;; This file handles common subexpressions in the interface file.
+;;; Common subexpressions are detected in two places: gtypes and strictness
+;;; properties.
+;;; Compressing strictness signatures
+;;; A strictness is represented by a list of booleans. We do two things to
+;;; compress strictnesses: all lists less than *pre-defined-strictness-size*
+;;; are pre-computed in a vector and the first *pre-defined-strictness-vars*
+;;; vector elements are cached in global vars. The strictness will dump as
+;;; as either a global or as a vector reference into the vector.
+(define (initialize-strictness-table)
+ (setf (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-table*)
+ (make-vector (expt 2 (1+ (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-size*)))))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* 1) '())
+ (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
+ (j 1 (* j 2))
+ (k 2 (* k 2)))
+ ((> i *pre-defined-strictness-size*))
+ (do ((l 0 (1+ l)))
+ ((>= l j))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ k l))
+ (cons '#f (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ j l))))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ k j l))
+ (cons '#t (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ j l))))))
+ (set-strictness-vars))
+(define (strictness-table-ref x)
+ (vector-ref (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-table*) x))
+(define (dump-strictness s)
+ (if (null? s)
+ ''()
+ (dump-strictness-1 s s 0 0)))
+(define (dump-strictness-1 s s1 n size)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ (if (> size *pre-defined-strictness-size*)
+ (dump-big-strictness (- size *pre-defined-strictness-size*) s)
+ (let ((k (+ n (expt 2 size))))
+ (if (< k *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ `(dynamic ,(vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* k))
+ `(strictness-table-ref ,k))))
+ (dump-strictness-1 s (cdr s1) (+ (* 2 n) (if (car s1) 1 0)) (1+ size))))
+(define (dump-big-strictness k s)
+ (if (= k 0)
+ (dump-strictness s)
+ `(cons ',(car s)
+ ,(dump-big-strictness (1- k) (cdr s)))))
+;;; This routine handles saving type signatures (gtypes).
+;;; common subexpressions are detected in two places: the type body
+;;; and the the contexts.
+(define (init-predefined-gtyvars)
+ (setf *saved-gtyvars* (make-vector *num-saved-gtyvars*))
+ (dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *saved-gtyvars* i) (**gtyvar i)))
+ (setup-gtyvar-vars))
+(define (init-cse-structs)
+ (initialize-strictness-table)
+ (init-predefined-gtyvars))
+(define (save-cse-value v)
+ (setf (vector-ref (dynamic *saved-cse-values*) (dynamic *cse-value-num*)) v)
+ (incf (dynamic *cse-value-num*)))
+(define (cse-init-code)
+ (let* ((n (length *cse-objects*))
+ (init-code '()))
+ (do ((i (1- n) (1- i))
+ (init *cse-objects* (cdr init)))
+ ((null? init))
+ (push `(save-cse-value ,(car init)) init-code))
+ `((setf *saved-cse-values* (make-vector ,n))
+ (setf *cse-value-num* 0)
+ ,@init-code)))
+(define (remember-dumped-object init-code)
+ (push init-code *cse-objects*)
+ (incf *cse-object-num*)
+ *cse-object-num*)
+(define (cse-value-ref x)
+ (vector-ref (dynamic *saved-cse-values*) x))
+(define (cse-ref-code n)
+ (cond ((eqv? n 0)
+ ''())
+ ((<= n *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ `(dynamic ,(vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* (1- n))))
+ (else
+ `(cse-value-ref ,(- n *num-saved-gtyvars* 1)))))
+(define (dump-gtyvar g)
+ (let ((n (gtyvar-varnum g)))
+ (if (< n *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (1+ n)
+ (remember-dumped-object `(**gtyvar ,n)))))
+(define (dump-context-list contexts)
+ (if (null? contexts)
+ 0
+ (let* ((rest (dump-context-list (cdr contexts)))
+ (classes (dump-class-list (car contexts)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l classes *gtype-class-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,(cse-ref-code classes) ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-class-list classes)
+ (if (null? classes)
+ 0
+ (let* ((rest (dump-class-list (cdr classes)))
+ (class (dump-class/n (car classes)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l class *context-class-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,class ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-gtype-1 g)
+ (cond ((gtyvar? g)
+ (dump-gtyvar g))
+ ((ntyvar? g)
+ (dump-gtype-1 (prune g)))
+ (else
+ (dump-gtycon g))))
+(define (dump-gtycon g)
+ (let* ((ty (ntycon-tycon g))
+ (tycon (if (algdata? ty) (dump-algdata/n ty) (dump-synonym/n ty)))
+ (l (dump-gtype-list (ntycon-args g)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l tycon *gtype-tycon-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert l (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(**ntycon ,tycon ,(cse-ref-code l)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res))))
+(define (dump-gtype-list l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ 0
+ (let* ((g (dump-gtype-1 (car l)))
+ (rest (dump-gtype-list (cdr l)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l g *gtype-list-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,(cse-ref-code g)
+ ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-gtype/cse g)
+ (cse-ref-code
+ (let* ((context (dump-context-list (gtype-context g)))
+ (type (dump-gtype-1 (gtype-type g)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l type *gtype-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert context (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(**gtype ,(cse-ref-code context)
+ ,(cse-ref-code type)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
diff --git a/csys/dump-flic.scm b/csys/dump-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc654d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+;;; dump-flic.scm -- general dump functions for flic structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 24 Feb 1993
+;;; This stuff is used to write inline expansions to the interface file.
+(define-flic-walker dump-flic (object var-renamings))
+(define (dump-flic-list objects var-renamings)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (o objects)
+ (push (dump-flic o var-renamings) result))
+ `(list ,@(nreverse result))))
+(define (dump-flic-top object)
+ (dump-flic object '()))
+(define (make-temp-bindings-for-dump oldvars var-renamings)
+ (let ((vars '())
+ (bindings '()))
+ (dolist (v oldvars)
+ (let ((var (def-name v))
+ (temp (gensym)))
+ (push temp vars)
+ (push `(,temp (create-temp-var ',var)) bindings)
+ (push (cons v temp) var-renamings)))
+ (setf bindings (nreverse bindings))
+ (setf vars (nreverse vars))
+ (values vars bindings var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-lambda (object var-renamings)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars bindings var-renamings)
+ (make-temp-bindings-for-dump (flic-lambda-vars object) var-renamings)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ (make-flic-lambda
+ (list ,@vars)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-lambda-body object) var-renamings)))
+ ))
+(define-dump-flic flic-let (object var-renamings)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars bindings var-renamings)
+ (make-temp-bindings-for-dump (flic-let-bindings object) var-renamings)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ ,@(map (lambda (temp v)
+ `(setf (var-value ,temp)
+ ,(dump-flic (var-value v) var-renamings)))
+ vars
+ (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (make-flic-let
+ (list ,@vars)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-let-body object) var-renamings)
+ ',(flic-let-recursive? object)))
+ ))
+(define-dump-flic flic-app (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-app
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-app-fn object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-app-args object) var-renamings)
+ ',(flic-app-saturated? object)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-ref (object var-renamings)
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var object))
+ (entry (assq var var-renamings)))
+ (if entry
+ `(make-flic-ref ,(cdr entry))
+ `(make-flic-ref ,(dump-object var)))))
+(define-dump-flic flic-const (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-const ',(flic-const-value object)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-pack (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-pack ,(dump-object (flic-pack-con object))))
+(define-dump-flic flic-case-block (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-case-block
+ ',(flic-case-block-block-name object)
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-case-block-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-return-from (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-return-from
+ ',(flic-return-from-block-name object)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-return-from-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-and (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-and
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-and-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-if (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-if
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-test-exp object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-then-exp object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-else-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-sel (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-sel
+ ,(dump-object (flic-sel-con object))
+ ,(flic-sel-i object)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-sel-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-is-constructor (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-is-constructor
+ ,(dump-object (flic-is-constructor-con object))
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-is-constructor-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-con-number (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-con-number
+ ,(dump-object (flic-con-number-type object))
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-con-number-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-void (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore object var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-void))
diff --git a/csys/dump-interface.scm b/csys/dump-interface.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b3bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-interface.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+;;; dump-interface.scm -- interface file writer/loader
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 8 Jul 1992
+;;; This writes binary interface files. A binary interface file is just
+;;; a lisp (mumble) source file which directly builds the ast structure
+;;; created by a compilation. These files could be stored in either
+;;; source or binary (compiled lisp) form.
+;;; An interface may reference entities defined in other interfaces.
+;;; To ensure consistancy between when an interface is written and
+;;; when it is read back in, a stamp is assigned to all interface files
+;;; which serves as a unique id. The stamps of all imported units are
+;;; saved and examined at load time.
+;;; Interface to compilation system
+;;; For compiled code, don't actually write out all the source code.
+;;; Use a magic macro to memoize the form to be compiled.
+(define *form-to-compile* '#f)
+(define *magic-file-to-compile* "$HASKELL/bin/magic.scm")
+;;; The output from compiling the prelude can completely overwhelm
+;;; the Lisp compiler. If this variable is a number, it specifies
+;;; a "reasonable" number of top-level forms which can be compiled
+;;; and write-compiled-code-file will try to break up the input
+;;; code automagically.
+(define *magic-chunk-size* '#f)
+;;; This is called to write both the code file and the interface file.
+(define (write-compiled-code-file filename code code-quality chunk-size)
+ (let ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (forms (flatten-forms code)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*magic-chunk-size*
+ (or chunk-size (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*)))
+ (*code-quality*
+ (or code-quality (dynamic *code-quality*))))
+ (if (or (not (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))
+ (<= (the fixnum (length forms))
+ (the fixnum (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))))
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux filename `(begin ,@forms))
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux
+ filename
+ `(begin
+ ,@(map (lambda (f) `(load ,f))
+ (write-compiled-code-file-split filename forms)))
+ ))))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let* ((current-time (get-run-time))
+ (elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "Lisp compilation complete: ~A seconds~%" elapsed-time)))
+ ))
+(define (write-compiled-code-file-split filename forms)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (filename-name filename))
+ (type (filename-type filename))
+ (result '()))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((null? forms))
+ (multiple-value-bind (head tail)
+ (split-list forms (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))
+ (let ((fname
+ (assemble-filename
+ place (format '#f "~a-part~a" name i) type)))
+ (push fname result)
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux fname `(begin ,@head))
+ (setf forms tail))))
+ (nreverse result)))
+(define (flatten-forms code)
+ (if (and (pair? code) (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (nreverse (flatten-forms-aux (cdr code) '()))
+ (list code)))
+(define (flatten-forms-aux forms result)
+ (dolist (f forms)
+ (if (and (pair? f) (eq? (car f) 'begin))
+ (setf result (flatten-forms-aux (cdr f) result))
+ (push f result)))
+ result)
+(define (write-compiled-code-file-aux filename code)
+ (dynamic-let ((*form-to-compile* code))
+ (compile-file (dynamic *magic-file-to-compile*) filename)))
+(define-syntax (magic-form-to-compile)
+ (dynamic *form-to-compile*))
+;;; Writing source code is good for debugging purposes, but slow.
+;;; The *print-circle* and *print-shared* flags have to be set because
+;;; the code printed out may contain gensyms, and this will ensure
+;;; that the code can be read in again.
+(define (write-interpreted-code-file filename code hairy?)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-circle* '#t)
+ (*print-shared* '#t))
+ (call-with-output-file
+ filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (if hairy?
+ (pprint-flatten code port)
+ (print-flatten code port))))))
+;;; This attempts to read a compiled interface for a unit. This is
+;;; done whenever the unit file is newer than the source file. If
+;;; imported units have changed, the load will fail and recompilation
+;;; will be attempted.
+;;; The caller is responsible for making sure that the interface file exists
+;;; and for making sure that the interface file is up-to-date with
+;;; respect to imported modules and that all the imported modules are
+;;; known.
+;;; These variables are assigned by the code in the dump file.
+(define *modules-loaded* '())
+(define *modules-imported* '())
+(define *defs-referenced* '())
+(define *saved-cse-values* '())
+(define *writer-version* '())
+(define (read-binary-interface unit)
+ (dynamic-let ((*modules-loaded* '())
+ (*modules-imported* '())
+ (*defs-referenced* '())
+ (*saved-cse-values* '())
+ (*writer-version* '()))
+ (let ((file-date
+ (load-more-recent-file (ucache-cifile unit) (ucache-sifile unit))))
+ (cond ((string=? *writer-version* *haskell-compiler-version*)
+ (setf (ucache-idate unit) file-date)
+ (setf (ucache-modules unit) (vector->list *modules-loaded*))
+ (setf (ucache-ifile-loaded unit) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (signal-incompatible-interface-file (ucache-cifile unit))
+ '#f)))))
+(define (signal-incompatible-interface-file filename)
+ (fatal-error 'incompatible-interface-file
+ "File ~A~%~
+ was written by a different version of the Haskell system.~%~
+ You must remove it and recompile."
+ filename))
+(define (load-more-recent-file cfile sfile)
+ (cond ((file-exists? cfile)
+ (if (or (not (file-exists? sfile))
+ (> (file-write-date cfile)
+ (file-write-date sfile)))
+ (load-compiled-interface-file cfile)
+ (load-interpreted-interface-file sfile)))
+ ((file-exists? sfile)
+ (load-interpreted-interface-file sfile))
+ (else
+ (signal-file-not-found cfile))))
+(define (load-interpreted-interface-file file)
+ (load file)
+ (file-write-date file))
+(define (load-compiled-interface-file file)
+ (load file)
+ (file-write-date file))
+;;; Dump code generator
+;;; Globals
+(define *dump-defs* '())
+(define *dump-slot-init-code* '())
+(define *dump-def-counter* 0)
+(define *dump-def-code-table* (make-table))
+(define *cse-objects* '())
+(define *cse-value-num* 0)
+(define *cse-object-num* '())
+(define *gtype-class-index* '())
+(define *context-class-index* '())
+(define *gtype-tycon-index* '())
+(define *gtype-list-index* '())
+(define *gtype-index* '())
+(define *number-vars-dumped* 0)
+(define-syntax (def-dump-code def)
+ `(table-entry *dump-def-code-table* ,def))
+;;; This saves slot initialization code.
+(define (add-dump-init code)
+ (push code *dump-slot-init-code*))
+;;; Here is the top-level call.
+(define (create-dump-code unit modules load-prelude?)
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-unit (car modules)))
+ (*dump-defs* '())
+ (*dump-slot-init-code* '())
+ (*dump-def-counter* 0)
+ (*dump-def-code-table* (make-table))
+ (*cse-objects* '())
+ (*cse-object-num* *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (*gtype-class-index* '())
+ (*context-class-index* '())
+ (*gtype-tycon-index* '())
+ (*gtype-list-index* '())
+ (*gtype-index* '())
+ (*number-vars-dumped* 0)
+ (*number-types-dumped* 0)
+ (*number-classes-dumped* 0))
+ (let ((res (create-dump-code-aux unit modules load-prelude?)))
+ (when (memq 'dumper (dynamic *printers*))
+ (pprint* res))
+ (when (memq 'dump-stat (dynamic *printers*))
+ (format '#t
+ "~&Dumped ~A definitions, ~A type objects, and ~A classes.~%"
+ *number-vars-dumped* *number-types-dumped*
+ *number-classes-dumped*)
+ (format '#t "Used ~A definitions and ~A type cells.~%"
+ *dump-def-counter* (length *cse-objects*)))
+ res)))
+;;; This assumes all modules are in the same compilation unit and that
+;;; *unit* is set to that unit.
+;;; imod-code establishes local bindings for all the imported modules.
+;;; dmod-code establishes local bindings for all the modules defined in
+;;; this compilation unit.
+(define (create-dump-code-aux unit modules load-prelude?)
+ (let* ((imod-counter 0)
+ (imod-alist '())
+ (explicit-imports (collect-all-imported-modules unit))
+ (all-imports (if load-prelude?
+ (append (collect-prelude-modules) explicit-imports)
+ explicit-imports))
+ (imod-code (map (lambda (m)
+ (push (cons (module-name m) imod-counter)
+ imod-alist)
+ (incf imod-counter)
+ `(locate-module ',(module-name m)))
+ all-imports))
+ (dmod-counter 0)
+ (dmod-alist '())
+ (dmod-code (map (lambda (m)
+ (push (cons (module-name m) dmod-counter)
+ dmod-alist)
+ (incf dmod-counter)
+ `(make module
+ (unit ',(module-unit m))
+ (name ',(module-name m))
+ (type ',(module-type m))))
+ modules)))
+ ;; This actually does most of the work. It dumps the module asts by
+ ;; placing inits for each slot into *dump-slot-init-code*. A list of
+ ;; definitions referenced is maintained in *dump-defs*.
+ (dolist (m modules)
+ (dump-module m (cdr (assq (module-name m) dmod-alist))))
+ ;; This creates the final code
+ `(begin
+ (setf *writer-version* ',*haskell-compiler-version*)
+ (setf *modules-imported* (vector ,@imod-code))
+ (setf *modules-loaded* (vector ,@dmod-code))
+ ;; This sets the elements individually instead of using the vector
+ ;; function, because the vector may be longer than
+ ;; call-arguments-limit.
+ (setf *defs-referenced*
+ (make-vector ,(dynamic *dump-def-counter*)))
+ ,@(map (lambda (d)
+ `(setf ,(def-dump-code d)
+ ,(make-def-init-code d imod-alist dmod-alist)))
+ *dump-defs*)
+ ,@(cse-init-code)
+ ,@(dynamic *dump-slot-init-code*)
+ )
+ ))
+;;; Runtime support
+(define-syntax (lookup-imported-mod i)
+ `(vector-ref *modules-imported* ,i))
+(define-syntax (lookup-defined-mod i)
+ `(vector-ref *modules-loaded* ,i))
+(define (set-export-from-def-vector table key index)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (list (cons key (vector-ref *defs-referenced* index)))))
+(define (set-export-from-def table key def)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (list (cons key def))))
+(define (set-symtab-from-def-vector table key index)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (vector-ref *defs-referenced* index)))
+(define (init-variable-slots var exported? toplevel? type simple? strict?)
+ (setf (def-exported? var) exported?)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-type var) type)
+ (setf (var-simple? var) simple?)
+ (setf (var-strict? var) strict?)
+ var)
+(define (init-function-slots var exported? toplevel? type simple? strict?
+ arity strictness opt-entry)
+ (setf (def-exported? var) exported?)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-type var) type)
+ (setf (var-simple? var) simple?)
+ (setf (var-strict? var) strict?)
+ (setf (var-arity var) arity)
+ (setf (var-strictness var) strictness)
+ (setf (var-optimized-entry var) opt-entry)
+ var)
+(define (init-method-var-slots var class default method-signature)
+ (setf (method-var-class var) class)
+ (setf (method-var-default var) default)
+ (setf (method-var-method-signature var) method-signature)
+ var)
+(define (init-constructor-slots
+ con arity types signature tag alg fixity infix?)
+ (setf (con-arity con) arity)
+ (setf (con-types con) types)
+ (setf (con-signature con) signature)
+ (setf (con-tag con) tag)
+ (setf (con-alg con) alg)
+ (setf (con-fixity con) fixity)
+ (setf (con-infix? con) infix?)
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push '#f (con-slot-strict? con)))
+ con)
+(define (make-new-instance algdata tyvars class context gcontext dictionary m)
+ (make instance
+ (algdata algdata)
+ (tyvars tyvars)
+ (class class)
+ (context context)
+ (gcontext gcontext)
+ (dictionary dictionary)
+ (methods m)
+ (ok? '#t)))
+;;; This computes the transitive closure of all modules available to
+;;; a unit.
+(define (collect-all-imported-modules unit)
+ (collect-all-modules-1 (ucache-imported-units unit) '() '()))
+(define (collect-all-modules-1 units mods-so-far units-seen)
+ (cond ((null? units)
+ mods-so-far)
+ ((mem-string (car units) units-seen)
+ (collect-all-modules-1 (cdr units) mods-so-far units-seen))
+ (else
+ (let ((u (lookup-compilation-unit (car units))))
+ (collect-all-modules-1
+ (append (ucache-imported-units u) (cdr units))
+ (append (ucache-modules u) mods-so-far)
+ (cons (ucache-ufile u) units-seen))))
+ ))
+(define (collect-prelude-modules)
+ (let ((prelude-unit (lookup-compilation-unit *prelude-unit-filename*)))
+ (append (ucache-modules prelude-unit)
+ (collect-all-imported-modules prelude-unit))))
+(define (def->core-name-string def)
+ (if (con? def)
+ (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name def)))
+ (symbol->string (def-name def))))
+;;; This code returns the load time definition for an object. When the
+;;; object is a core symbol or in a different unit, previously
+;;; created definitions are returned. Otherwise, a new definition is
+;;; created.
+(define (make-def-init-code d imod-alist dmod-alist)
+ (declare (ignore dmod-alist))
+ (cond ((def-core? d)
+ `(core-symbol ,(def->core-name-string d)))
+ ((eq? (def-unit d) *unit*)
+ `(create-definition/inner
+ ',(def-module d)
+ ',(def-name d)
+ ',(cond ((method-var? d) 'method-var)
+ ((var? d) 'var)
+ ((con? d) 'con)
+ ((synonym? d) 'synonym)
+ ((algdata? d) 'algdata)
+ ((class? d) 'class))))
+ ((is-tuple-constructor? d)
+ `(tuple-constructor ,(tuple-constructor-arity d)))
+ ((is-tuple-tycon? d)
+ `(tuple-tycon ,(tuple-constructor-arity (car (algdata-constrs d)))))
+ (else
+ (let ((m (assq (def-module d) imod-alist)))
+ ;; This is a bogus error message. The problem is that nothing
+ ;; so far ensures units are closed under import/export: some
+ ;; modules may be referenced that are accidentally in the symbol
+ ;; table. The unif file for the current module needs to be
+ ;; updated when this happens.
+ (when (eq? m '#f)
+ (fatal-error 'symbol-not-in-unit
+ "Reference to symbol ~A in module ~A: not in compilation unit.~%"
+ (def-name d) (def-module d)))
+ `(table-entry
+ (module-symbol-table
+ (lookup-imported-mod ,(tuple-2-2 m)))
+ ',(def-name d))))
+ ))
+;;; Once a module has been compiled, most of its slots are useless.
+;;; All we really need to save are the identifying information,
+;;; symbol table, and export table.
+;;; Instances also need to be dumped here instead of with class objects;
+;;; this is because links can go across compilation unit boundaries.
+;;; They are fixed up when pulling units out of the cache.
+;;; The identifying info is stored when the module variable is bound.
+(define (dump-module module index)
+ (let ((mod-exp `(lookup-defined-mod ,index))
+ (save-all-symbols (or (eq? (module-type module) 'standard)
+ (eq? (module-name module) '|Prelude|))))
+ ;; Dump symbol table entries only for defs for which this is
+ ;; the "home" module. (In other words, ignore imported defs.)
+ ;; The purpose of this is to allow references from other
+ ;; interface files to be resolved; see make-def-init-code.
+ ;; Jcp: we need to save the complete symbol table for incremental
+ ;; compilation to work.
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ (when (or save-all-symbols
+ (eq? (def-module val) (module-name module)))
+ (let ((def (dump-object val)))
+ (push
+ (if (and (pair? def)
+ (eq? (car def) 'vector-ref)
+ (eq? (cadr def) '*defs-referenced*))
+ `(set-symtab-from-def-vector table ',key ,(caddr def))
+ `(setf (table-entry table ',key) ,def))
+ code))))
+ (module-symbol-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-symbol-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table))))
+ ;; dump the fixity table - needed by the incremental compiler
+ (when save-all-symbols
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ (push `(setf (table-entry table ',key)
+ (make-fixity ',(fixity-associativity val)
+ ',(fixity-precedence val)))
+ code))
+ (module-fixity-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-fixity-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table)))))
+ ;; Dump all export table entries. This is used by the import/export
+ ;; phase to resolve references.
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ ;; val is an a-list of (sym . def) pairs.
+ ;; Look for shortcut to reduce size of generated code.
+ (push
+ (if (and (null? (cdr val))
+ (eq? (car (car val)) key))
+ (let ((def (dump-object (cdr (car val)))))
+ (if (and (pair? def)
+ (eq? (car def) 'vector-ref)
+ (eq? (cadr def) '*defs-referenced*))
+ `(set-export-from-def-vector table ',key ,(caddr def))
+ `(set-export-from-def table ',key ,def)))
+ `(setf (table-entry table ',key) ,(dump-object val)))
+ code))
+ (module-export-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-export-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table))))
+ ;; Dump the instances.
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-instance-defs ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object (module-instance-defs module))))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-default ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object (module-default module))))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object
+ (module-uses-standard-prelude? module))))
+ ))
+(define (make-fixity a p)
+ (make fixity (associativity a) (precedence p)))
+;;; Dump structure traversal
+;;; This is the general object dumper. It recognizes the basic Lisp
+;;; objects and dumps them. Given an object, this generates lisp code
+;;; to recreate the object at load time.
+(define (dump-object x)
+ (cond ((struct? x)
+ (dump x))
+ ((or (symbol? x) (null? x))
+ ;; Symbols and lists must be quoted.
+ `',x)
+ ((or (number? x)
+ (eq? x '#t)
+ (eq? x '#f)
+ (string? x) ; This makes dumped strings immutable.
+ (char? x))
+ ;; These objects are self-evaluating.
+ x)
+ ((list? x)
+ ;; True lists
+ `(list ,@(map (function dump-object) x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ `(cons ,(dump-object (car x))
+ ,(dump-object (cdr x))))
+ ((vector? x)
+ `(vector ,@(map (function dump-object) (vector->list x))))
+ ((table? x)
+ `(list->table ,@(dump-object (table->list x))))
+ (else
+ (error "Don't know how to dump ~A." x))))
+;;; *** Should install the walker in the type descriptor.
+(define-walker dump)
+(define (dump x)
+ (call-walker dump x))
+;;; Dumpers for defs
+;;; All walkers for def structures should call this macro. The body
+;;; is invoked only if the def belongs to the current compilation unit
+;;; and hasn't already been traversed. Within the body, the
+;;; variable "v" is bound to a form that will evaluate to the
+;;; corresponding def structure at run time. This is also
+;;; the return value from the macro.
+(define-local-syntax (with-new-def (v d stat-var) . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym))
+ (expvar (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,d)
+ (,expvar '#f))
+ (if (not (def-dump-code ,temp))
+ (begin
+ (cond ((not (def-core? ,temp))
+ (setf ,expvar
+ (list 'vector-ref
+ '*defs-referenced*
+ (dynamic *dump-def-counter*)))
+ (incf (dynamic *dump-def-counter*))
+ (push ,temp *dump-defs*))
+ (else
+ (setf ,expvar
+ (make-core-symbol-name
+ (def->core-name-string ,temp)))))
+ (setf (def-dump-code ,temp) ,expvar)
+ (when (eq? (def-unit ,temp) *unit*)
+ (incf (dynamic ,stat-var))
+ (let ((,v ,expvar))
+ ,@body))
+ ,expvar)
+ (def-dump-code ,temp)))))
+;;; This macro is used to save the value of a structure slot in the
+;;; initforms of the dump.
+(define-local-syntax (dump-def-slots obj-var type dexp slots)
+ `(add-dump-init
+ (list 'update-slots ',type ,dexp
+ ,@(map (lambda (s)
+ `(list ',s
+ (dump-object (struct-slot ',type ',s ,obj-var))))
+ slots)))
+ )
+(define-walker-method dump var (var)
+ (dump-var/n var))
+(define (dump-var/n var)
+ (with-new-def (dexp var *number-vars-dumped*)
+ (do-dump-var dexp var '#f)))
+(define (do-dump-var dexp var method-var?)
+ (let ((code '())
+ (exported? (def-exported? var))
+ (toplevel? (var-toplevel? var))
+ (type (var-type var))
+ (simple? (var-simple? var))
+ (strict? (var-strict? var))
+ (arity (var-arity var))
+ (strictness (var-strictness var))
+ (opt-entry (var-optimized-entry var))
+ (complexity (var-complexity var))
+ (fixity (var-fixity var))
+ (value (var-value var))
+ (inline-value (var-inline-value var))
+ (sel? (var-selector-fn? var)))
+ ;; Some slots are useless for vars that don't name functions.
+ (if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (push `(init-variable-slots var
+ ',exported?
+ ',toplevel?
+ ,(dump-object type)
+ ',simple?
+ ',strict?)
+ code)
+ (push `(init-function-slots var
+ ',exported?
+ ',toplevel?
+ ,(dump-object type)
+ ',simple?
+ ',strict?
+ ',arity
+ ,(dump-strictness strictness)
+ ',opt-entry)
+ code))
+ ;; These slots rarely need to be tweaked from the default.
+ (when sel?
+ (push `(setf (var-selector-fn? var) '#t) code))
+ (when complexity
+ (push `(setf (var-complexity var) ,complexity) code))
+ (when fixity
+ (push `(setf (var-fixity var) ,(dump-object fixity)) code))
+ ;; Save values of simple variables to permit inlining.
+ ;; Save values of structured constants to permit folding of flic-sel
+ ;; operations -- this is necessary to optimize dictionary lookups.
+ (when (or simple? sel?
+ (and value
+ (is-type? 'flic-app value)
+ (structured-constant-app?
+ (flic-app-fn value) (flic-app-args value))))
+ (push `(setf (var-value var) ,(dump-flic-top value)) code))
+ (when inline-value
+ (push `(setf (var-inline-value var) ,(dump-flic-top inline-value)) code))
+ ;; Save extra stuff for method vars
+ (when method-var?
+ (push `(init-method-var-slots var
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-class var))
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-default var))
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-method-signature var)))
+ code))
+ ;; Push the whole mess onto the init code.
+ (add-dump-init `(let ((var ,dexp)) ,@(nreverse code)))))
+(define-walker-method dump method-var (var)
+ (dump-method-var/n var))
+(define (dump-method-var/n var)
+ (with-new-def (dexp var *number-vars-dumped*)
+ (do-dump-var dexp var '#t)))
+(define-walker-method dump con (con)
+ (dump-con/n con))
+(define (dump-con/n con)
+ (with-new-def (dexp con *number-types-dumped*)
+ (add-dump-init
+ `(let ((con (init-constructor-slots
+ ,dexp
+ ,(con-arity con)
+ ,(dump-object (con-types con))
+ ,(dump-object (con-signature con))
+ ,(con-tag con)
+ ,(dump-object (con-alg con))
+ ,(dump-object (con-fixity con))
+ ',(con-infix? con))))
+ ,@(if (memq '#t (con-slot-strict? con))
+ `((setf (con-slot-strict? con) ',(con-slot-strict? con)))
+ '())
+ ,@(if (eq? (con-lisp-fns con) '())
+ '()
+ `((setf (con-lisp-fns con) ',(con-lisp-fns con))))
+ con))))
+;;; *** Could define similar init functions for other defs instead
+;;; *** of setting slots inline, but I'm lazy and they don't show up
+;;; *** nearly as often as the others.
+(define-walker-method dump algdata (alg)
+ (dump-algdata/n alg))
+(define (dump-algdata/n alg)
+ (with-new-def (dexp alg *number-types-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots alg algdata dexp
+ (arity n-constr constrs context tyvars signature
+ enum? tuple? real-tuple? implemented-by-lisp?))))
+(define-walker-method dump synonym (syn)
+ (dump-synonym/n syn))
+(define (dump-synonym/n syn)
+ (with-new-def (dexp syn *number-types-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots syn synonym dexp (arity args body))))
+(define-walker-method dump class (class)
+ (dump-class/n class))
+(define (dump-class/n class)
+ (with-new-def (dexp class *number-classes-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots class class dexp
+ (super super* tyvar method-vars selectors kind
+ n-methods dict-size))))
+;;; Dumpers for non-def AST structs
+;;; This section contains dumpers to handle type-related structs that
+;;; are referenced by the various def guys.
+(define-walker-method dump instance (o)
+ (if (not (instance-ok? o))
+ (error "Attempt to dump instance that's not ok!"))
+ `(make-new-instance
+ ,(dump-object (instance-algdata o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-tyvars o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-class o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-context o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-gcontext o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-dictionary o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-methods o))))
+(define-walker-method dump gtype (o)
+ (dump-gtype/cse o))
+(define-walker-method dump fixity (o)
+ `(**fixity ',(fixity-associativity o) ',(fixity-precedence o)))
+(define-walker-method dump tyvar (o)
+ `(**tyvar ',(tyvar-name o)))
+(define-walker-method dump class-ref (o)
+ `(**class/def ,(dump-object (class-ref-class o))))
+(define-walker-method dump context (o)
+ `(**context ,(dump-object (context-class o))
+ ,(dump-object (context-tyvar o))))
+(define-walker-method dump tycon (o)
+ `(**tycon/def ,(dump-object (tycon-def o))
+ ,(dump-object (tycon-args o))))
+(define-walker-method dump default-decl (o)
+ `(make default-decl (types ,(dump-object (default-decl-types o)))))
+(define-walker-method dump signature (o)
+ `(make signature (context ,(dump-object (signature-context o)))
+ (type ,(dump-object (signature-type o)))))
+;;; All ntyvars should be instantiated at this point
+; (define-walker-method dump ntyvar (o)
+; (dump-object (prune o)))
diff --git a/csys/dump-macros.scm b/csys/dump-macros.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404adf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-macros.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(define-syntax (set-strictness-vars)
+ (let ((res '()))
+ (dotimes (i *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ (push `(setf (dynamic ,(vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* i))
+ (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* ',i))
+ res))
+ `(begin ,@res)))
+(define-syntax (setup-gtyvar-vars)
+ (let ((res '()))
+ (dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (push `(setf (dynamic ,(vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* i))
+ (vector-ref *saved-gtyvars* ',i))
+ res))
+ `(begin ,@res)))
+(define-syntax (assq/insert x table)
+ `(let ((res (assq ,x ,table)))
+ (if (eqv? res '#f)
+ (begin
+ (let ((new-pair (cons ,x '#f)))
+ (push new-pair ,table)
+ new-pair))
+ res)))
+(define-syntax (assq/insert-l x table)
+ `(let ((res (assq ,x ,table)))
+ (if (eqv? res '#f)
+ (begin
+ (let ((new-pair (cons ,x '())))
+ (push new-pair ,table)
+ new-pair))
+ res)))
diff --git a/csys/dump-params.scm b/csys/dump-params.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cabbfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-params.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(define *num-saved-gtyvars* 19)
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-size* 7) ; length of max strictness list
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-table* '())
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-vars* 32) ; number of global vars
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-names*
+ (make-vector *pre-defined-strictness-vars*))
+(dotimes (i *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* i)
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "SAVED-STRICTNESS-~A" i))))
+(define *saved-gtyvars* '())
+(define *saved-gtyvar-varnames* (make-vector *num-saved-gtyvars*))
+(dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* i)
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "SAVED-GTYVAR-NAME~A" i))))
diff --git a/csys/magic.scm b/csys/magic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..999e8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/magic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;; magic.scm -- magic support file for dumping compiled code files.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 8 Jul 1992
+;;; This file is used to dump compiled code files. The macro call below
+;;; expands into the code being dumped. See dump-interface.scm for more
+;;; details.
diff --git a/depend/README b/depend/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e73262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depend/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains the dependency analysis phase. Its function
+is to sort out local variable bindings into sequential and recursive
diff --git a/depend/depend.scm b/depend/depend.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f42ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depend/depend.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;; depend.scm -- module definition for dependency analysis
+;;; author : John
+;;; date : 24 Mar 1992
+(define-compilation-unit depend
+ (source-filename "$Y2/depend/")
+ (require ast haskell-utils)
+ (unit dependency-analysis
+ (source-filename "dependency-analysis.scm")))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/depend/dependency-analysis.scm b/depend/dependency-analysis.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d259a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depend/dependency-analysis.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+;;; depend/depend.scm Author: John
+;;; This performs dependency analysis. All module definitions are gathered
+;;; into a single nested let/let*.
+(define-walker depend ast-td-depend-walker)
+;;; This extracts the declarations out of the top level of the modules and
+;;; creates a single let defining all values from the modules.
+(define (do-dependency-analysis modules)
+ (let ((all-decls '()))
+ (dolist (mod modules)
+ (setf all-decls (append (module-decls mod) all-decls)))
+ (analyze-dependency-top
+ (**let all-decls (make void)))))
+(define *depend-fn-table* (make-table))
+(define-syntax (var-depend-fn var)
+ `(table-entry *depend-fn-table* ,var))
+(define (analyze-dependency-top x)
+ (dynamic-let ((*depend-fn-table* (make-table)))
+ (analyze-dependency x)))
+;;; This is the entry point to dependency analysis for an expression or decl
+(define (analyze-dependency x)
+ (call-walker depend x))
+(define (analyze-dependency/list l)
+ (dolist (x l)
+ (analyze-dependency x)))
+;;; This makes default walkers for dependency analysis. Expressions are
+;;; walked into; declaration lists must be sorted.
+(define-local-syntax (make-depend-code slot type)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot))
+ (depend-exp-types '(exp alt qual single-fun-def guarded-rhs)))
+ (cond ((and (symbol? stype)
+ (memq stype depend-exp-types))
+ `(analyze-dependency (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (symbol? (cadr stype))
+ (memq (cadr stype) depend-exp-types)
+ `(analyze-dependency/list
+ (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ ((equal? stype '(list decl))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (restructure-decl-list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Depend: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; (sd-name slot)
+; type)
+ '#f))))
+(define-modify-walker-methods depend
+ (lambda let if case alt exp-sign app con-ref
+ integer-const float-const char-const string-const
+ list-exp sequence sequence-then sequence-to sequence-then-to
+ list-comp section-l section-r qual-generator qual-filter omitted-guard
+ con-number sel is-constructor cast void
+ single-fun-def guarded-rhs
+ case-block return-from and-exp
+ )
+ (object)
+ make-depend-code)
+;;; This sorts a list of decls. Recursive groups are placed in
+;;; special structures: recursive-decl-group
+(define (restructure-decl-list decls)
+ (let ((stack '())
+ (now 0)
+ (sorted-decls '())
+ (edge-fn '()))
+ (letrec ((visit (lambda (k)
+ (let ((minval 0)
+ (recursive? '#f)
+ (old-edge-fn edge-fn))
+ (incf now)
+; (format '#t "Visiting ~A: id = ~A~%" (valdef-lhs k) now)
+ (setf (valdef-depend-val k) now)
+ (setf minval now)
+ (push k stack)
+ (setf edge-fn
+ (lambda (tv)
+; (format '#t "Edge ~A -> ~A~%" (valdef-lhs k)
+; (valdef-lhs tv))
+ (let ((val (valdef-depend-val tv)))
+ (cond ((eq? tv k)
+ (setf recursive? '#t))
+ ((eqv? val 0)
+ (setf minval (min minval
+ (funcall visit tv))))
+ (else
+ (setf minval (min minval val))))
+; (format '#t "Min for ~A is ~A~%"
+; (valdef-lhs k) minval)
+ )))
+ (analyze-dependency/list (valdef-definitions k))
+ (setf edge-fn old-edge-fn)
+ (when (eqv? minval (valdef-depend-val k))
+ (let ((defs '()))
+ (do ((quit? '#f)) (quit?)
+ (push (car stack) defs)
+ (setf (valdef-depend-val (car stack)) 100000)
+ (setf quit? (eq? (car stack) k))
+ (setf stack (cdr stack)))
+; (format '#t "Popping stack: ~A~%"
+; (map (lambda (x) (valdef-lhs x)) defs))
+ (if (and (null? (cdr defs))
+ (not recursive?))
+ (push k sorted-decls)
+ (push (make recursive-decl-group (decls defs))
+ sorted-decls))))
+ minval))))
+ ;; for now assume all decl lists have only valdefs
+ (dolist (d decls)
+ (let ((decl d)) ; to force new binding for each closure
+ (setf (valdef-depend-val decl) 0)
+ (dolist (var (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl)))
+ (setf (var-depend-fn (var-ref-var var))
+ (lambda () (funcall edge-fn decl))))))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (when (eqv? (valdef-depend-val decl) 0)
+ (funcall visit decl)))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (dolist (var (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl)))
+ (setf (var-depend-fn (var-ref-var var)) '#f)))
+ (nreverse sorted-decls))))
+;;; This is the only non-default walker needed. When a reference to a
+;;; variable is encountered, the sort algorithm above is notified.
+(define-walker-method depend var-ref (object)
+ (let ((fn (var-depend-fn (var-ref-var object))))
+ (when (not (eq? fn '#f))
+ (funcall fn))))
+(define-walker-method depend overloaded-var-ref (object)
+ (let ((fn (var-depend-fn (overloaded-var-ref-var object))))
+ (when (not (eq? fn '#f))
+ (funcall fn))))
diff --git a/derived/README b/derived/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b461ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains code to generate AST structure for derived
diff --git a/derived/ast-builders.scm b/derived/ast-builders.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a16ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/ast-builders.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+;;; These functions build non-trivial ast structure.
+;;; Prelude functions: booleans
+(define (**== e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "==")) e1 e2))
+(define (**<= e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "<=")) e1 e2))
+(define (**< e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "<")) e1 e2))
+(define (**> e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol ">")) e1 e2))
+(define (**and e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "&&")) e1 e2))
+(define (**or e1 e2)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "||")) e1 e2))
+(define (**true) (**con/def (core-symbol "True")))
+(define (**false) (**con/def (core-symbol "False")))
+;; Tuples
+(define (**tuple2 x y)
+ (**app (**con/def (tuple-constructor 2)) x y))
+(define (**tupleN exps)
+ (**app/l (**con/def (tuple-constructor (length exps))) exps))
+;; Arithmetic
+(define (**+ x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "+")) x y))
+(define (**+/Int x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "primPlusInt")) x y))
+(define (**- x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "-")) x y))
+(define (**1+ x)
+ (**+ x (**int 1)))
+;; Lists
+(define (**cons x y)
+ (**app (**con/def (core-symbol ":")) x y))
+(define (**null)
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "Nil")))
+(define (**list . args)
+ (**list/l args))
+(define (**list/l args)
+ (if (null? args)
+ (**null)
+ (**cons (car args)
+ (**list/l (cdr args)))))
+(define (**list/pattern pats)
+ (if (null? pats)
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol "Nil") '())
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol ":")
+ (list (car pats) (**list/pattern (cdr pats))))))
+(define (**append . lists)
+ (**append/l lists))
+(define (**append/l lists)
+ (if (null? (cdr lists))
+ (car lists)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "++"))
+ (car lists)
+ (**append/l (cdr lists)))))
+(define (**take n l)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "take")) n l))
+(define (**drop n l)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "drop")) n l))
+;; Functionals
+(define (**dot fn . args)
+ (**dot/l fn args))
+(define (**dot/l fn args)
+ (if (null? args)
+ fn
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol ".")) fn (**dot/l (car args) (cdr args)))))
+;; Printing
+(define (**showChar x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "showChar")) x))
+(define (**space)
+ (**showChar (**char #\ )))
+(define (**comma)
+ (**showChar (**char #\,)))
+(define (**showsPrec x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "showsPrec")) x y))
+(define (**shows x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "shows")) x))
+(define (**showString x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "showString")) x))
+(define (**showParen x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "showParen")) x y))
+;; Reading
+(define (**readsPrec x y)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "readsPrec")) x y))
+(define (**lex x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "lex")) x))
+(define (**readParen bool fn r)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "readParen")) bool fn r))
+(define (**reads s)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "reads")) s))
+;;; Binary
+(define (**showBinInt i b)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "primShowBinInt")) i b))
+(define (**readBinSmallInt max b)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "primReadBinSmallInt")) max b))
+(define (**showBin x b)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "showBin")) x b))
+(define (**readBin b)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "readBin")) b))
+;;; Some higher level code generators
+;;; foldr (expanded inline)
+(define (**foldr build-fn terms init)
+ (if (null? terms)
+ init
+ (funcall build-fn (car terms) (**foldr build-fn (cdr terms) init))))
+;;; Unlike foldr, this uses two sets of args to avoid tupling
+(define (**foldr2 build-fn terms1 terms2 init-fn)
+ (if (null? (cdr terms1))
+ (funcall init-fn (car terms1) (car terms2))
+ (funcall build-fn (car terms1) (car terms2)
+ (**foldr2 build-fn (cdr terms1) (cdr terms2) init-fn))))
+;;; Enum
+(define (**enumFrom x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "enumFrom")) x))
+(define (**enumFromThen from then)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "enumFromThen")) from then))
+(define (**enumFromTo from to)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "enumFromTo")) from to))
+(define (**enumFromThenTo from then to)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "enumFromThenTo")) from then to))
+;;; Cast overrides the type system
+(define (**cast x)
+ (make cast (exp x)))
+;;; Case. This also generates the alts. All variants of case generate
+;;; an arm for each constructor in a datatype. This arm can be selected
+;;; by pattern matching a value of the type, with all fields bound to vars,
+;;; or with numbered or named selections.
+;;; The fn always generates the arms given the constructor. In the /con case,
+;;; the fn also gets the variable list of values bound in the fields.
+(define (**case/con alg exp fn)
+ (**case exp
+ (map (lambda (con)
+ (let* ((arity (con-arity con))
+ (vars (temp-vars "x" arity)))
+ (**alt/simple (**pat (cons con vars))
+ (funcall fn con vars))))
+ (algdata-constrs alg))))
+;;; Selectors are integers (used for Bin)
+(define (**case/int alg exp fn)
+ (**case exp
+ (map (lambda (con)
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**pat (con-tag con))
+ (funcall fn con)))
+ (algdata-constrs alg))))
+;;; Selectors are strings (Text)
+(define (**case/strings alg exp fn)
+ (**case exp
+ (map (lambda (con)
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**pat (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name con))))
+ (funcall fn con)))
+ (algdata-constrs alg))))
+;;; Definitions containing multi-body
+(define (**multi-define fname alg nullary-fn single-fn
+ combine-fn else-val)
+ (**define/multiple fname
+ (append
+ (map (lambda (con) (**define/2 con nullary-fn single-fn combine-fn))
+ (algdata-constrs alg))
+ (if (not (eq? else-val '#f))
+ `(((_ _) ,(funcall else-val)))
+ '()))))
+(define (**define/2 con nullary-fn single-fn combine-fn)
+ (let* ((arity (con-arity con))
+ (vars1 (temp-vars "l" arity))
+ (vars2 (temp-vars "r" arity)))
+ `(((,con ,@vars1) (,con ,@vars2))
+ ,(if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (funcall nullary-fn)
+ (**foldr2 combine-fn (suspend-vars vars1) (suspend-vars vars2)
+ single-fn)))))
+(define (**define/multiple fn args)
+ (make valdef
+ (lhs (**pat fn))
+ (definitions
+ (map (lambda (arg)
+ (make single-fun-def
+ (args (map (function **pat) (car arg)))
+ (rhs-list (list (make guarded-rhs
+ (guard (**omitted-guard))
+ (rhs (cadr arg)))))
+ (where-decls '())
+ (infix? '#f)))
+ args))))
+(define (suspend-vars vars) (map (lambda (v) (lambda () (**var v))) vars))
+(define (temp-vars root arity)
+ (temp-vars1 root 1 arity))
+(define (temp-vars1 root i arity)
+ (if (> i arity)
+ '()
+ (cons (string->symbol (string-append root (number->string i)))
+ (temp-vars1 root (1+ i) arity))))
+(define (tuple-con algdata)
+ (car (algdata-constrs algdata)))
+(define (con-string x)
+ (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name x))))
diff --git a/derived/derived-instances.scm b/derived/derived-instances.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c65084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/derived-instances.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+;;; Basic DI structure:
+;;; a. Create the set of instances
+;;; b. Expand the context of each potential instance.
+;;; c. Once b. reaches a fixpoint, fill in the ast for the generated instances
+(define *di-context-changed* '#f)
+(define (add-derived-instances modules)
+ (let ((insts '()))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (setf insts (append (find-derivable-instances) insts))))
+ (compute-di-fixpoint insts)
+ (dolist (inst insts)
+ (when (instance-ok? inst)
+ (create-instance-fns inst)
+ (push inst (module-instance-defs
+ (table-entry *modules*
+ (def-module (instance-algdata inst)))))))))
+(define (compute-di-fixpoint insts)
+ (setf *di-context-changed* '#f)
+ (dolist (inst insts)
+ (propagate-di-context inst))
+ (when *di-context-changed* (compute-di-fixpoint insts)))
+;;; Create instance decls for all derived instances in a module. Filter
+;;; out underivable instances (Ix & Enum only)
+(define (find-derivable-instances)
+ (let ((algs (module-alg-defs *module*))
+ (insts '()))
+ (dolist (alg algs)
+ (dolist (class (algdata-deriving alg))
+ (cond ((memq class (list (core-symbol "Eq")
+ (core-symbol "Ord")
+ (core-symbol "Text")
+ (core-symbol "Binary")))
+ (setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f)))
+ ((eq? class *printer-class*)
+ (setf insts (add-derivable-instance
+ insts alg (core-symbol "Text") '#t)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ix"))
+ (if (or (algdata-enum? alg)
+ (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f))
+ (signal-cant-derive-ix alg)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Enum"))
+ (if (algdata-enum? alg)
+ (setf insts (add-derivable-instance insts alg class '#f))
+ (signal-cant-derive-enum alg)))
+ (else
+ (signal-not-derivable class)))))
+ insts))
+(define (signal-cant-derive-ix alg)
+ (phase-error 'cant-derive-IX
+ "An Ix instance for ~A cannot be derived. It is not an enumeration~%~
+ or single-constructor datatype."
+ alg))
+(define (signal-cant-derive-enum alg)
+ (phase-error 'cant-derive-Enum
+ "An Enum instance for ~A cannot be derived. It is not an enumeration."
+ alg))
+(define (signal-not-derivable class)
+ (recoverable-error 'not-derivable
+ "Class ~A is not one of the classes that permits derived instances."
+ class))
+;; This adds a provisional instance template. Of course, there may already
+;;; be an instance (error!)
+(define (add-derivable-instance insts alg cls sp)
+ (let ((existing-inst (lookup-instance alg cls)))
+ (cond ((eq? existing-inst '#f)
+ (let ((inst (new-instance cls alg (algdata-tyvars alg))))
+ (setf (instance-context inst) (algdata-context alg))
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) '())
+ (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#t)
+ (setf (instance-suppress-readers? inst) sp)
+ (cons inst insts)))
+ (else
+ (signal-instance-exists alg cls)
+ insts))))
+(define (signal-instance-exists alg cls)
+ (recoverable-error 'instance-exists
+ "An instance for type ~A in class ~A already exists;~%~
+ the deriving clause is being ignored."
+ alg cls))
+;;; This updates all instance contexts for an algdata. Each derivable
+;;; instance generates a recursive context for every field. If a
+;;; component cannot satisfy the desired context, the ok? field is set to
+;;; #f to mark the instance as bogus.
+(define (propagate-di-context inst)
+ (when (instance-ok? inst)
+ (propagate-constructor-contexts inst
+ (algdata-constrs (instance-algdata inst)))))
+;;; These two functions propagate the context to ever field of every
+;;; constructor
+(define (propagate-constructor-contexts inst constrs)
+ (or (null? constrs)
+ (and (propagate-contexts inst (instance-class inst)
+ (con-types (car constrs)))
+ (propagate-constructor-contexts inst (cdr constrs)))))
+(define (propagate-contexts inst class types)
+ (or (null? types)
+ (and (propagate-type-context inst class (car types))
+ (propagate-contexts inst class (cdr types)))))
+;;; This propagates a context out to a given type. The type can only contain
+;;; the tyvars which are args to the algdata.
+(define (propagate-type-context inst class type)
+ (cond ((tyvar? type)
+ (cond ((single-ast-context-implies?
+ (instance-context inst) class (tyvar-name type))
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (setf *di-context-changed* '#t)
+ (setf (instance-context inst)
+ (augment-context (instance-context inst) class
+ (tyvar-name type)))
+ '#t)))
+ ((synonym? (tycon-def type))
+ (propagate-type-context inst class (expand-synonym type)))
+ (else
+ (let* ((algdata (tycon-def type)) ; must be a algdata
+ (args (tycon-args type))
+ (new-inst (lookup-instance algdata class)))
+ (cond ((or (eq? new-inst '#f)
+ (not (instance-ok? new-inst)))
+ (signal-cannot-derive-instance
+ (instance-class inst) (instance-algdata inst))
+ (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#f)
+ (setf *di-context-changed* '#t)
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (propagate-instance-contexts inst
+ (instance-context new-inst)
+ (instance-tyvars new-inst)
+ args)))))))
+(define (single-ast-context-implies? ast-context class tyvar)
+ (cond ((null? ast-context)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? tyvar (context-tyvar (car ast-context)))
+ (let ((class1 (class-ref-class (context-class (car ast-context)))))
+ (or (eq? class1 class)
+ (memq class (class-super* class1))
+ (single-ast-context-implies? (cdr ast-context) class tyvar))))
+ (else
+ (single-ast-context-implies? (cdr ast-context) class tyvar))))
+;;; *** This message makes no sense to me. What is the problem that
+;;; *** makes it impossible to derive the instance?
+(define (signal-cannot-derive-instance class alg)
+ (phase-error 'cannot-derive-instance
+ "Instance ~A(~A) cannot be derived."
+ class alg))
+;;; This propagates contexts into structure components. The context
+;;; changes due to the context associated with the various instance
+;;; decls encountered.
+;;; Here's the plan for expanding Cls(Alg t1 t2 .. tn) using
+;;; instance (Cls1(vx),Cls2(vy),...) => Cls(Alg(v1 v2 .. vn))
+;;; for each Clsx in the instance context, propagate Clsx to the
+;;; ti corresponding to vx, where vx must be in the set vi.
+(define (propagate-instance-contexts inst contexts tyvars args)
+ (or (null? contexts)
+ (and (propagate-type-context inst
+ (class-ref-class (context-class (car contexts)))
+ (find-corresponding-tyvar
+ (context-tyvar (car contexts)) tyvars args))
+ (propagate-instance-contexts inst (cdr contexts) tyvars args))))
+;;; Given the t(i) and the v(i), return the t corresponding to a v.
+(define (find-corresponding-tyvar tyvar tyvars args)
+ (if (eq? tyvar (car tyvars))
+ (car args)
+ (find-corresponding-tyvar tyvar (cdr tyvars) (cdr args))))
+;;; 1 level type synonym expansion
+(define (expand-synonym type)
+ (let* ((synonym (tycon-def type))
+ (args (synonym-args synonym))
+ (body (synonym-body synonym)))
+ (let ((alist (map (lambda (tyvar arg) (tuple tyvar arg))
+ args (tycon-args type))))
+ (copy-synonym-body body alist))))
+(define (copy-synonym-body type alist)
+ (if (tyvar? type)
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq (tyvar-name type) alist))
+ (make tycon (def (tycon-def type))
+ (name (tycon-name type))
+ (args (map (lambda (ty)
+ (copy-synonym-body ty alist))
+ (tycon-args type))))))
+;;; This fills in the body decls for an instance function.
+(define (create-instance-fns inst)
+ (let ((class (instance-class inst))
+ (alg (instance-algdata inst)))
+ (cond ((eq? class (core-symbol "Eq"))
+ (add-instance inst (eq-fns alg)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ord"))
+ (add-instance inst (ord-fns alg)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Ix"))
+ (add-instance inst (ix-fns alg)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Enum"))
+ (add-instance inst (enum-fns alg)))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Text"))
+ (add-instance inst (text-fns alg (instance-suppress-readers? inst))))
+ ((eq? class (core-symbol "Binary"))
+ (add-instance inst (binary-fns alg))))))
+(define (add-instance inst decls)
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) decls))
+;;; Add class(var) to a context, removing any contexts made redundant by
+;;; the new addition. Example: adding Ord a to (Eq a, Eq b) would yield
+;;; (Ord a,Eq b).
+(define (augment-context contexts cl var)
+ (cons (**context (**class/def cl) var)
+ (remove-implied-contexts cl var contexts)))
+(define (remove-implied-contexts class1 tyvar1 contexts)
+ (if (null? contexts)
+ '#f
+ (with-slots context (class tyvar) (car contexts)
+ (let ((rest (remove-implied-contexts class1 tyvar1 (cdr contexts)))
+ (class2 (class-ref-class class)))
+ (if (and (eq? tyvar1 tyvar)
+ (memq class2 (class-super* class1)))
+ rest
+ (cons (car contexts) rest))))))
diff --git a/derived/derived.scm b/derived/derived.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..975dab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/derived.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; -- compilation unit definition for derived instances
+;;; author : John
+(define-compilation-unit derived
+ (source-filename "$Y2/derived/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit derived-instances
+ (source-filename "derived-instances.scm"))
+ (unit ast-builders
+ (source-filename "ast-builders"))
+ (unit eq-ord
+ (source-filename "eq-ord"))
+ (unit ix-enum
+ (source-filename "ix-enum"))
+ (unit text-binary
+ (source-filename "text-binary"))
+ )
diff --git a/derived/eq-ord.scm b/derived/eq-ord.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b005b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/eq-ord.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Eq
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (Eq-fns algdata)
+ (list
+ (cond ((algdata-enum? algdata)
+ (**define '== '(|x| |y|)
+ (**== (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|y|) algdata))))
+ (else
+ (**multi-define '== algdata
+ ;; For nullary constructors
+ (function **true)
+ ;; For unary constructors
+ (lambda (v1 v2)
+ (**== (funcall v1) (funcall v2)))
+ ;; For n-ary constructors
+ (lambda (v1 v2 bool)
+ (**and (**== (funcall v1) (funcall v2)) bool))
+ ;; The else clause in case the constructors do
+ ;; not match.
+ (if (algdata-tuple? algdata)
+ '#f
+ (function **false)))))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Ord
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (Ord-fns algdata)
+ (list (ord-fn1 algdata '< (function **<))
+ (ord-fn1 algdata '<= (function **<=))))
+(define (Ord-fn1 algdata fn prim)
+ (cond ((algdata-enum? algdata)
+ (**define fn '(|x| |y|)
+ (funcall prim (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|y|) algdata))))
+ ((algdata-tuple? algdata)
+ (**multi-define fn algdata
+ (function **false)
+ (lambda (x y) (funcall prim (funcall x) (funcall y)))
+ (function combine-eq-<)
+ '#f))
+ (else
+ (**define fn '(|x| |y|)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**multi-define '|inner| algdata
+ (if (eq? fn '<) (function **false)
+ (function **true))
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (funcall prim (funcall x) (funcall y)))
+ (function combine-eq-<)
+ '#f)
+ (**define '|cx| '() (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata))
+ (**define '|cy| '() (**con-number (**var '|y|) algdata)))
+ (**or (**< (**var '|cx|) (**var '|cy|))
+ (**and (**== (**var `|cx|) (**var '|cy|))
+ (**app (**var '|inner|)
+ (**var '|x|)
+ (**var '|y|)))))))))
+(define (combine-eq-< v1 v2 rest)
+ (**or (**< (funcall v1) (funcall v2))
+ (**and (**== (funcall v1) (funcall v2))
+ rest)))
diff --git a/derived/ix-enum.scm b/derived/ix-enum.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb9a282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/ix-enum.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Ix
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (ix-fns algdata)
+ (if (algdata-enum? algdata)
+ (ix-fns/enum algdata)
+ (ix-fns/tuple algdata)))
+(define (ix-fns/enum algdata)
+ (list
+ (**define '|range| '((tuple |l| |u|))
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '|cl| '() (**con-number (**var '|l|) algdata))
+ (**define '|cu| '() (**con-number (**var '|u|) algdata)))
+ (**if (**< (**var '|cu|) (**var '|cl|))
+ (**null)
+ (**take (**+ (**- (**var '|cu|) (**var '|cl|)) (**int 1))
+ (**drop (**var '|cl|)
+ (**list/l
+ (map (function **con/def)
+ (algdata-constrs algdata))))))))
+ (**define '|index| '((tuple |l| |u|) |x|)
+ (**- (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|l|) algdata)))
+ (**define '|inRange| '((tuple |l| |u|) |x|)
+ (**and (**<= (**con-number (**var '|l|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata))
+ (**<= (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|u|) algdata))))))
+(define (ix-fns/tuple algdata)
+ (let* ((con (tuple-con algdata))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (llist (temp-vars "l" arity))
+ (ulist (temp-vars "u" arity))
+ (ilist (temp-vars "i" arity)))
+ (list
+ (**define '|range| `((tuple (,con ,@llist) (,con ,@ulist)))
+ (**listcomp (**app/l (**con/def con) (map (function **var) ilist))
+ (map (lambda (iv lv uv)
+ (**gen iv
+ (**app (**var '|range|)
+ (**tuple2 (**var lv)
+ (**var uv)))))
+ ilist llist ulist)))
+ (**define '|index| `((tuple (,con ,@llist) (,con ,@ulist))
+ (,con ,@ilist))
+ (index-body (reverse ilist) (reverse llist) (reverse ulist)))
+ (**define '|inRange| `((tuple (,con ,@llist) (,con ,@ulist))
+ (,con ,@ilist))
+ (inrange-body ilist llist ulist)))))
+(define (index-body is ls us)
+ (let ((i1 (**app (**var '|index|)
+ (**tuple2 (**var (car ls)) (**var (car us)))
+ (**var (car is)))))
+ (if (null? (cdr is))
+ i1
+ (**app (**var '|+|)
+ i1 (**app (**var '|*|)
+ (**1+ (**app (**var '|index|)
+ (**tuple2 (**var (car ls))
+ (**var (car us)))
+ (**var (car us))))
+ (index-body (cdr is) (cdr ls) (cdr us)))))))
+(define (inrange-body is ls us)
+ (let ((i1 (**app (**var '|inRange|)
+ (**tuple2 (**var (car ls)) (**var (car us)))
+ (**var (car is)))))
+ (if (null? (cdr is))
+ i1
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "&&"))
+ i1
+ (inrange-body (cdr is) (cdr ls) (cdr us))))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Enum
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+; Enum uses the Int methods since Enums are represented as Ints.
+(define (enum-fns algdata)
+ (list
+ (**define '|enumFrom| '(|x|)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '|from'| '(|x'|)
+ (**if (**> (**var '|x'|)
+ (**con-number (**con/def (last-con algdata)) algdata))
+ (**null)
+ (**cons (**var '|x'|)
+ (**app (**var '|from'|) (**1+ (**var '|x'|)))))))
+ (**cast (**app (**var '|from'|)
+ (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)))))
+ (**define '|enumFromThen| '(|x| |y|)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '|step| '()
+ (**- (**con-number (**var '|y|) algdata)
+ (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)))
+ (**define '|from'| '(|x'|)
+ (**if (**or (**> (**var '|x'|)
+ (**con-number (**con/def (last-con algdata)) algdata))
+ (**< (**var '|x'|) (**int 0)))
+ (**null)
+ (**cons (**var '|x'|)
+ (**app (**var '|from'|)
+ (**+ (**var '|x'|) (**var '|step|)))))))
+ (**cast (**app (**var '|from'|) (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)))))))
+(define (last-con algdata)
+ (car (reverse (algdata-constrs algdata))))
diff --git a/derived/text-binary.scm b/derived/text-binary.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1779d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/derived/text-binary.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Text
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (text-fns algdata suppress-reader?)
+ (let ((print+read
+ (cond ((algdata-enum? algdata)
+ (text-enum-fns algdata))
+ (else
+ (text-general-fns algdata)))))
+ (when suppress-reader?
+ (setf print+read (list (car print+read))))
+ print+read))
+(define (text-enum-fns algdata)
+ (list
+ (**define '|showsPrec| '(|d| |x|)
+ (**case/con algdata (**var '|x|)
+ (lambda (con vars)
+ (declare (ignore vars))
+ (**showString (**string (con-string con))))))
+ (**define '|readsPrec| '(|d| |str|)
+ (**listcomp
+ (**var '|s|)
+ (list
+ (**gen '(tuple |tok| |rest|) (**lex (**var '|str|)))
+ (**gen '|s|
+ (**case (**var '|tok|)
+ `(,@(map (lambda (con)
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**pat (con-string con))
+ (**list (**tuple2 (**con/def con)
+ (**var '|rest|)))))
+ (algdata-constrs algdata))
+ ,(**alt/simple (**pat '_) (**null))))))))))
+;;; This has been hacked to split up the read function for large
+;;; data types to avoid choking the lisp compiler.
+(define (text-general-fns algdata)
+ (let ((split-fn-def? (> (algdata-n-constr algdata) 6))) ;; pretty arbitrary!
+ (list
+ (**define '|showsPrec| '(|d| |x|)
+ (**case/con algdata (**var '|x|)
+ (lambda (con vars)
+ (if (con-infix? con)
+ (show-infix con vars)
+ (show-prefix con vars)))))
+ (**define '|readsPrec| '(|d| |str|)
+ (**append/l
+ (map (lambda (con)
+ (cond ((con-infix? con)
+ (read-infix con))
+ (else
+ (read-prefix con split-fn-def?))))
+ (algdata-constrs algdata)))))))
+(define (show-infix con vars)
+ (multiple-value-bind (p lp rp) (get-con-fixity con)
+ (**showParen
+ (**< (**Int p) (**var '|d|))
+ (**dot (**showsPrec (**int lp) (**var (car vars)))
+ (**showString
+ (**string (string-append " " (con-string con) " ")))
+ (**showsPrec (**int rp) (**var (cadr vars)))))))
+(define (show-prefix con vars)
+ (**showParen
+ (**<= (**int 10) (**var '|d|))
+ (**dot/l (**showString (**string (con-string con)))
+ (show-fields vars))))
+(define (show-fields vars)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ '()
+ `(,(**space) ,(**showsPrec (**int 10) (**var (car vars)))
+ ,@(show-fields (cdr vars)))))
+(define (read-infix con)
+ (multiple-value-bind (p lp rp) (get-con-fixity con)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '|readVal| '(|r|)
+ (**listcomp
+ (**tuple2 (**app (**con/def con) (**var '|u|) (**var '|v|))
+ (**var '|s2|))
+ (list
+ (**gen '(tuple |u| |s0|)
+ (**readsPrec (**int lp) (**var '|r|)))
+ (**gen `(tuple ,(con-string con) |s1|)
+ (**lex (**var '|s0|)))
+ (**gen '(tuple |v| |s2|)
+ (**readsprec (**int rp) (**var '|s1|)))))))
+ (**readParen (**< (**int p) (**var '|d|))
+ (**var '|readVal|) (**var '|str|)))))
+(define (read-prefix con split?)
+ (let ((res (read-prefix-1 con)))
+ (if (not split?)
+ res
+ (dynamic-let ((*module-name* (def-module con)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*module* (table-entry *modules* *module-name*)))
+ (let* ((alg (con-alg con))
+ (fn (make-new-var
+ (string-append (symbol->string (def-name alg))
+ "/read-"
+ (remove-con-prefix
+ (symbol->string (def-name con))))))
+ (new-code (**app (**var/def fn) (**var '|str|) (**var '|d|)))
+ (def (**define fn '(|str| |d|) res)))
+ (setf (module-decls *module*) (cons def (module-decls *module*)))
+ new-code))))))
+(define (read-prefix-1 con)
+ (let* ((arity (con-arity con))
+ (vars (temp-vars "x" arity))
+ (svars (cons '|rest| (temp-vars "s" arity))))
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '|readVal| '(|r|)
+ (**listcomp
+ (**tuple2 (**app/l (**con/def con) (map (function **var) vars))
+ (**var (car (reverse svars))))
+ (cons
+ (**gen `(tuple ,(con-string con) |rest|)
+ (**lex (**var '|r|)))
+ (read-fields vars svars (cdr svars))))))
+ (**readParen (**< (**int 9) (**var '|d|))
+ (**var '|readVal|) (**var '|str|)))))
+(define (read-fields vars s0 s1)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ '()
+ (cons
+ (**gen `(tuple ,(car vars) ,(car s1))
+ (**readsprec (**int 10) (**var (car s0))))
+ (read-fields (cdr vars) (cdr s0) (cdr s1)))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Binary
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (binary-fns algdata)
+ (let ((res
+ (cond ((algdata-enum? algdata)
+ (binary-enum-fns algdata))
+ ((algdata-tuple? algdata)
+ (binary-tuple-fns algdata))
+ (else
+ (binary-general-fns algdata)))))
+; (dolist (x res)
+; (fresh-line)
+; (pprint x))
+ res))
+(define (binary-enum-fns algdata)
+ (list
+ (**define '|showBin| '(|x| |b|)
+ (**showBinInt (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata) (**var '|b|)))
+ (**define '|readBin| '(|b|)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '(tuple |n| |b1|) '()
+ (**readBinSmallInt
+ (**var '|b|)
+ (**int (1- (algdata-n-constr algdata))))))
+ (**tuple2
+ (**case/int algdata (**var '|n|)
+ (lambda (con)
+ (**con/def con)))
+ (**var '|b1|))))))
+(define (binary-tuple-fns algdata)
+ (let* ((con (tuple-con algdata))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (vars (temp-vars "v" arity)))
+ (list
+ (**define '|showBin| `((,con ,@vars) |b|)
+ (show-binary-body vars '|b|))
+ (**define '|readBin| '(|b|)
+ (read-binary-body con)))))
+(define (show-binary-body vars b)
+ (**foldr (lambda (new-term prev-terms)
+ (**showBin new-term prev-terms))
+ (map (function **var) vars)
+ (**var b)))
+(define (read-binary-body con)
+ (let* ((arity (con-arity con))
+ (vars (temp-vars "v" arity))
+ (bvars (cons '|b| (temp-vars "b" arity))))
+ (**let
+ (map (lambda (v b nb)
+ (**define `(tuple ,v ,nb) '()
+ (**readBin (**var b))))
+ vars bvars (cdr bvars))
+ (**tuple2
+ (**app/l (**con/def con)
+ (map (function **var) vars))
+ (**var (car (reverse bvars)))))))
+(define (binary-general-fns algdata)
+ (list
+ (**define '|showBin| '(|x| |b|)
+ (**showBinInt
+ (**con-number (**var '|x|) algdata)
+ (**case/con algdata (**var '|x|)
+ (lambda (con vars)
+ (declare (ignore con))
+ (show-binary-body vars '|b|)))))
+ (**define '|readBin| '(|bin|)
+ (**let
+ (list
+ (**define '(tuple |i| |b|) '()
+ (**readBinSmallInt (**var '|bin|)
+ (**int (1- (algdata-n-constr algdata))))))
+ (**case/int algdata (**var '|i|) (function read-binary-body))))))
+(define (get-con-fixity con)
+ (let ((fixity (con-fixity con)))
+ (if (not (eq? fixity '#f))
+ (let ((p (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (a (fixity-associativity fixity)))
+ (values p (if (eq? a 'L) p (1+ p)) (if (eq? a 'R) p (1+ p))))
+ (values 9 10 9))))
diff --git a/doc/announcement b/doc/announcement
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9e8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/announcement
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ Announcing the release of Yale Haskell 2.0.5
+We are releasing the latest version of the Yale Haskell system,
+Y2.0.5, in source form. This fixes a number of minor problems in the
+2.0.5a release (for Sparc only) and should be relatively bug free.
+Yale Haskell can be built from sources using CMU Common Lisp, Lucid
+Common Lisp, Allegro Common Lisp, or Harlequin LispWorks. The system
+may also build on akcl but the performance is very poor.
+Compiled versions of the system are available for Sparc systems running
+SunOS 4.1.2 and Sparc 10's (sun4m) running 4.1.3. Anyone building a system
+using CMU lisp on a different platform should let us know and we will
+add more executables to the ftp area. Look at the README for further
+This release features an X window interface. Using CLX, the full
+functionality of X windows has been made available at the Haskell
+level. There is also a Haskell <-> Lisp interface similar to the C
+interface in the Glasgow system.
+Our system is available for anonymous ftp from the Yale Haskell ftp site:
+ Site Host name Raw IP address
+ Yale
+All files are in the directory pub/haskell/yale.
+haskell-source-205.tar.gz -- The full sources
+Compiling from scratch will take an hour or two, depending on system
+resources. The file $HASKELL/com/<your-lisp>/README will contain
+complete building instructions.
+To obtain Yale Haskell via ftp:
+ - Move to the directory where you intend to place Yale Haskell
+ - Ftp to nebula and login anonymously
+ - cd to pub/haskell/yale
+ - Get the tar file: get haskell-source-205.tar.gz (a .Z file is available
+ for those without gzip).
+ - Unzip the file: (your zip utility may have a different name)
+ gzip -d *.gz
+ - Untar the file: tar xf *.tar
+ - Consult the documentation for further instructions. Either print
+ out the reference manual in doc/manual/haskell.dvi or look at
+ install.verb in the same directory.
+Send any comments or questions to
+New features in this release include:
+ * Much better optimization
+ * Monadic I/O
+ * A general Haskell to Lisp interface
+ * An X window interface
+ * Strictness annotations and strict data constructors
+ * Lots of bugs fixed
+ * Improvements to the tutorial and Emacs interface
+ * Ported to all major Lisp systems
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+ Different Versions of Yale Haskell Compared
+ -------------------------------------------
+There are currently three different platforms running Yale Haskell.
+Yale Haskell runs on Lucid Common Lisp, CMU Common Lisp, and AKCL. This
+document describes the differences between these systems.
+Differences in performance between the different versions of Yale
+Haskell reflect the underlying Lisp systems. The better the Lisp
+system, the better the Haskell system built on it. However, getting
+optimal performance from our Haskell system on top of a Common Lisp
+system requires careful attention to the underlying compiler. Small
+changes in the optimization settings or the addition of crucial
+declarations can make significant differences in performance. We have
+been doing most of our work using the Lucid system and have tuned it
+more than the others. These comparisons are greatly influenced by the
+amount of time we have spent tuning the system: the CMU version has
+been tuned only a little and the AKCL version hardly at all.
+ Methodology
+The following timings are only approximate. They were obtained using
+the timing functions provided by the Common Lisp system. All timings
+were done on an unloaded Sparc 1. No attempt was made to account for
+garbage collection, differences in heap size, or similar factors. We
+don't intend these benchmark results to be taken as an exhaustive
+comparison of the different Lisp implementations involved.
+ Portability
+We have had no trouble moving our system to different hardware
+platforms under the same Lisp system. Since the release is in source
+form, we expect that users will be able to build on any hardware
+platform supported by one the Lisps we have ported to. Probably the
+only real constraint on portability is the requirement for a large
+virtual memory space.
+From the comp.lang.lisp FAQ:
+ Lucid Common Lisp runs on a variety of platforms, including PCs (AIX),
+ Apollo, HP, Sun-3, Sparc, IBM RT, IBM RS/6000, Decstation 3100,
+ Silicon Graphics, and Vax.
+ CMU Common Lisp is free, and runs on Sparcs (Mach and SunOs),
+ DecStation 3100 (Mach), IBM RT (Mach) and requires 16mb RAM, 25mb disk.
+ Kyoto Common Lisp (KCL) is free, but requires a license. Conforms to CLtL1.
+ It is available by anonymous ftp from [],
+ [], or [] (a machine in Japan)
+ in the directory /pub. AKCL is in the file akcl-xxx.tar.Z (take the
+ highest value of xxx). To obtain KCL, one must first sign and mail a
+ copy of the license agreement to: Special Interest Group in LISP,
+ c/o Taiichi Yuasa, Department of Computer Science, Toyohashi
+ University of Technology, Toyohashi 441, JAPAN. Runs on Sparc,
+ IBM RT, RS/6000, DecStation 3100, hp300, hp800, Macintosh II (under AUX),
+ mp386, IBM PS2, Silicon Graphics 4d, Sun3, Sun4, Sequent Symmetry,
+ IBM 370, NeXT and Vax. A port to DOS is in beta test as
+We have not yet completed ports of Yale Haskell to any other Lisp
+implementations, although we are likely to do so in the future.
+ System Size
+The overall size of the Haskell system depends on the size of the
+underlying Lisp system and how much unnecessary Lisp overhead has been
+removed for the system. We have removed large Lisp packages (like
+CLOS or CLX), but have not attempted to do any tree shaking. The size
+of the saved images (including the Lisp system, the Haskell compiler,
+and the compiled prelude) is
+Image Size:
+Lucid 10 meg
+CMU 18 meg
+AKCL 11 meg
+The larger size of the CMU system is probably an artifact of their way
+of saving the system.
+ Compilation Time
+There are three possible ways to compile a Haskell program. All
+Haskell programs must be translated into Lisp. The generated Lisp can
+then be interpreted, using no additional compilation time; compiled
+with a `fast' but nonoptimizing Lisp compiler; or compiled with the
+`slow' compiler that aggressively attempts to perform as many
+optimizations as possible.
+To time the `fast', nonoptimizing compiler, we have been using
+and for the `slow', fully optimizing compiler, we have been using
+so that the only difference is in the COMPILATION-SPEED quality.
+Lucid does, in fact, provide two completely different compilers that
+correspond to these optimize settings. For all three implementations,
+it appears that that the effect of a higher compilation speed setting
+is primarily in being less aggressive about inlining and making use of
+type declarations.
+The Haskell system itself (including the Prelude) is normally built
+with the fully optimizing compiler.
+To show just the Haskell to Lisp compilation time, here are the times
+needed to compile the Prelude (about 2500 lines of Haskell code).
+This does not include the time in the Lisp compiler or starting up the
+Time to compile the Prelude into Lisp: (CPU times)
+Lucid 111 sec
+CMU 87 sec
+AKCL 576 sec
+Running the Lisp compiler on the generated code takes far longer than
+running the Haskell compiler to produce the Lisp code. For example,
+the optimizing Lucid compiler takes 47 minutes to compile the Prelude
+(about x20 slower than Haskell -> Lisp). The nonoptimizing compiler
+is significantly faster but generates poorer code.
+The following times are the Lisp compilation time for the Prolog
+interpreter (found in the demo directory of our release):
+Lucid - interpreted 8.8 sec Haskell -> Lisp
+Lucid - nonopt 20.0 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+Lucid - optimizing 320.0 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+CMU - interpreted 12.4 sec Haskell -> Lisp
+CMU - nonopt 121.0 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+CMU - optimizing 152.8 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+AKCL - interpreted 47.8 sec Haskell -> Lisp
+AKCL - nonopt ~180 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+AKCL - optimizing ~360 sec Lisp -> Machine code
+The AKCL timings are only approximate, because the Lisp timing
+functions do not capture the time spent in the C compiler.
+Code Speed
+The speed of the Haskell program depends on whether the Lisp code
+has been compiled with the optimizing or nonoptimizing compiler, or
+is running interpretively.
+The first benchmark is nfib, which indicates the basic speed of
+function calling and Int arithmetic.
+module Main where
+nfib :: Int -> Int
+nfib 0 = 1
+nfib 1 = 1
+nfib n = nfib (n-1) + nfib (n-2)
+ nfib 20 nfib 30
+Lucid (Interpreted) 116 sec *
+Lucid (nonopt) 0.14 sec 9.4 sec
+Lucid (optimizing) 0.08 sec 4.8 sec
+CMU (Interpreted) 23.8 sec *
+CMU (nonopt) 0.24 sec 6.9 sec
+CMU (optimizing) 0.11 sec 7.0 sec
+AKCL (Interpreted) 141 sec *
+AKCL (nonopt) 0.20 sec 21.3 sec
+AKCL (optimizing) 0.15 sec 18.2 sec
+* Too slow to benchmark
+For other data types, there was no significant difference betwen
+optimizing and nonoptimizing compilation in any of the systems.
+Changing the signature of nfib to Integer -> Integer:
+ nfib 20 nfib 30
+Lucid (interpreted) 140 sec *
+Lucid (compiled) 0.18 sec 10.2 sec
+CMU (interpreted) 24.2 sec *
+CMU (compiled) 0.16 sec 10.5 sec
+AKCL (interpreted) 145 sec *
+AKCL (compiled) 1.07 sec 127 sec
+Nfib with signature Float -> Float:
+ nfib 20 nfib 30
+Lucid (interpreted) 222 sec *
+Lucid (compiled) 16.4 sec 2416 sec
+CMU (interpreted) 44.2 sec *
+CMU (compiled) 1.61 sec 352 sec
+AKCL (interpreted) 161 sec *
+AKCL (compiled) 103 sec *
+Overloaded functions run considerably slower than nonoverloaded
+functions. By allowing nfib to remain overloaded, Num a => a -> a,
+and using the Int overloading the same benchmarks run much slower.
+Again, there is no real difference between the different compiler
+optimization settings.
+ nfib 15 nfib 20
+Lucid (interpreted) 14.2 sec 156 sec
+Lucid (compiled) 0.97 sec 9.3 sec
+CMU (interpreted) 23.8 sec 155 sec
+CMU (compiled) 0.89 sec 15.6 sec
+AKCL (interpreted) 30.8 sec 387 sec
+AKCL (compiled) 10.3 sec 119 sec
+Basic Haskell data structuring operations (pattern matching and
+construction) can be tested using another version of nfib which uses
+natural numbers:
+ data Nat = Z | S Nat
+The difference betwen CMU and Lucid here is consistent with other
+benchmarks that manipulate structures.
+ nfib 10 nfib 15
+Lucid (Interpreted) 1.39 sec 26.7 sec
+Lucid (compiled) 0.26 sec 2.28 sec
+CMU (interpreted) 3.1 sec <stack overflow>
+CMU (compiled) 0.16 sec 0.54 sec
+AKCL (Interpreted) 4.25 sec <stack overflow>
+AKCL (compiled) 0.21 sec 13.9 sec
+ A Large Program
+For a final benchmark, we use the Prolog interpreter as a way of
+getting a feel for general performance of larger programs. This
+program is typical of symbolic (as opposed to numeric) computation.
+Time to solve append(X,Y,cons(a,cons(b,cons(c,nil)))):
+Lucid 12.2 sec
+CMU 12.0 sec
+AKCL 69.1 sec
+My interpretation of this result is that although Lucid is a bit
+slower on the previous small benchmarks, it makes up for this is
+larger programs where advantages like better instruction scheduling,
+register allocation, or memory usage may make a difference. In
+general, Lucid and CMU are very similar in performance for larger
+ Conclusions
+Briefly stated, the pluses and minuses of each system are as follows:
+Lucid (4.0.0):
+ + Development (nonoptimizing) compiler is very fast
+ + Fast Haskell -> Lisp compilation
+ + Generates good code
+ + Very robust
+ - Costs money
+ - Slow floating point code
+ - Fairly slow interpreter
+ - The production (optimizing) compiler is extremely slow.
+CMU (16e):
+ + Free
+ + As fast as Lucid for Haskell -> Lisp
+ + Good floating point performance
+ + Generated code is very fast
+ + Fast interpreter
+ - Slow Lisp -> machine code compilation
+ - Doesn't run on many systems
+AKCL (1.615):
+ + Free
+ + Widely portable
+ - Slow (generally 3 - 5 times slower, sometimes much worse)
+ - Flakey (tends to core dump on errors, choke on large programs, etc.)
+Generally, using the fully optimizing compiler seems to be useful only
+in code involving Int arithmetic.
+The fast compiler for Lucid is a big advantage, delivering by far the
+fastest compilation to machine code with relatively little loss in
+speed compared to the optimizing compiler.
+ Yale Haskell Group
+ September 25, 1992
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Binary files differ
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+(haracters\),)d Fi(Int->Int)h Fp(\(functions)i(mapping)g Fi(Int)f
+Fp(to)f Fi(Int)p Fp(\),)h(as)f(w)o(ell)j(as)d(the)i(structured)f(t)o(yp)q(es)
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+Fp(.)20 b(Using)15 b(the)0 1006 y(examples)h(of)f(v)m(alues)h(and)f(t)o(yp)q
+1115 y Fi(5)48 b(::)23 b(Int)667 1171 y('a')h(::)f(Char)643
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+Fo(typ)n(e)i(signatur)n(e)f(de)n(cla-)0 1859 y(r)n(ation)f
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+g(3.)71 2158 y(F)l(or)i(p)q(edagogical)i(purp)q(oses,)g(when)g(w)o(e)f(wish)h
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+Fp(F)l(or)15 b(example,)g(note)g(that:)712 2457 y Fi(succ)23
+b(\(succ)g(3\))73 b Fn(\))h Fi(5)71 2557 y Fp(Hask)o(ell's)17
+b Fo(static)h(typ)n(e)h(system)d Fp(de\014nes)j(the)e(formal)g(relationship)i
+(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)f(t)o(yp)q(es)f(and)h(v)m(alues)g(\()p Fn(x)p
+Fp(4.1.3\).)0 2614 y(The)11 b(static)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h(system)f(ensures)i(that)d
+(Hask)o(ell)j(programs)d(are)i Fo(typ)n(e)h(safe)p Fp(;)f(that)f(is,)i(that)e
+(the)h(programmer)e(has)p eop
+%%Page: 3 3
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(2.1)45 b(P)o(olymorphic)15 b(T)o(yp)q(es)1390
+b Fp(T-3)0 105 y(not)13 b(mismatc)o(hed)h(t)o(yp)q(es)f(in)h(some)f(w)o(a)o
+(y)l(.)19 b(F)l(or)12 b(example,)i(w)o(e)f(cannot)h(generally)g(add)g
+(together)e(t)o(w)o(o)g(c)o(haracters,)0 162 y(so)17 b(the)g(expression)h
+Fi('a'+'b')d Fp(is)j(ill-t)o(yp)q(ed.)28 b(The)17 b(main)g(adv)m(an)o(tage)g
+218 y(kno)o(wn:)g(All)c(t)o(yp)q(e)e(errors)g(are)g(detected)h(at)f
+(compile-time.)21 b(This)13 b(not)f(only)g(aids)h(the)g(user)f(in)i
+(reasoning)e(ab)q(out)0 274 y(programs,)17 b(but)h(also)g(p)q(ermits)g(a)f
+(example,)j(no)f(run-time)0 331 y(t)o(yp)q(e)d(tags)f(or)h(tests)g(are)g
+(required\).)71 410 y(The)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(system)f(also)h(ensures)h(that)e
+b(In)16 b(fact,)g(Hask)o(ell's)0 467 y(t)o(yp)q(e)h(system)f(is)h(p)q(o)o(w)o
+(t)o(yp)q(e)h(signatures)f(at)g(all,)1743 450 y Fm(2)1781 467
+y Fp(in)h(whic)o(h)0 523 y(case)d(w)o(e)h(sa)o(y)e(that)h(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f
+(system)g Fo(infers)g Fp(the)g(correct)g(t)o(yp)q(es)h(for)e(us.)20
+b(Nev)o(ertheless,)15 b(judicious)h(placemen)o(t)0 580 y(of)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fi(succ)p Fp(,)g(since)j(it)e(impro)o(v)o(es)g(readabilit)o(y)i(and)e(helps)h
+(bring)0 636 y(programming)f(errors)f(to)h(ligh)o(t.)71 715
+(as)f Fi(Int)0 772 y Fp(and)18 b Fi(Char)o Fp(,)g(but)g(not)g(iden)o
+(ti\014ers)h(that)e(denote)h(v)m(alues,)h(suc)o(h)f(as)g Fi(succ)o
+Fp(.)28 b(This)18 b(is)g(not)g(just)f(a)h(con)o(v)o(en)o(tion:)25
+b(it)0 828 y(is)16 b(enforced)g(b)o(y)g(Hask)o(ell's)g(lexical)i(syn)o(tax.)i
+(o:)20 b Fi(foo)o Fp(,)0 885 y Fi(fOo)p Fp(,)14 b(and)i Fi(fOO)e
+Fp(are)h(all)i(distinct)f(iden)o(ti\014ers.])0 1028 y Fg(2.1)56
+b(P)n(olymorphic)17 b(T)n(yp)r(es)0 1137 y Fp(Hask)o(ell)k(also)g(incorp)q
+(orates)f Fo(p)n(olymorphic)h Fp(t)o(yp)q(es|t)o(yp)q(es)g(that)f(are)g(univ)
+o(ersally)i(quan)o(ti\014ed)g(in)f(some)f(w)o(a)o(y)0 1194
+y(o)o(v)o(er)d Fo(al)r(l)g Fp(t)o(yp)q(es.)27 b(P)o(olymorphic)18
+Fo(families)e Fp(of)g(t)o(yp)q(es.)27 b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)0
+1250 y(\()p Fn(8)p Fi(a)p Fp(\))p Fi([a])21 b Fp(is)h(the)g(family)h(of)f(t)o
+Fi(a)p Fp(,)h(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g(lists)h(of)e Fi(a)p Fp(.)40
+b(Lists)22 b(of)0 1306 y(in)o(tegers)15 b(\(e.g.)f Fi([1,2,3])o
+Fp(\),)g(lists)i(of)f(c)o(haracters)f(\()p Fi(['a','b','c'])n
+1363 y(all)j(mem)o(b)q(ers)e(of)h(this)g(family)l(.)22 b(\(Note,)15
+b(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)f(that)h Fi([2,'b'])g Fp(is)h Fo(not)f
+Fp(a)h(v)m(alid)h(example,)f(since)h(there)f(is)g(no)0 1419
+y(single)h(t)o(yp)q(e)e(that)f(con)o(tains)i(b)q(oth)f Fi(2)g
+Fp(and)g Fi('b')p Fp(.\))71 1499 y([Iden)o(ti\014ers)21 b(suc)o(h)f(as)44
+b Fi(a)g Fp(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)20 b(are)g(called)i Fo(typ)n(e)f(variables)p
+Fp(,)g(and)f(are)g(uncapitalized)j(to)d(distinguish)0 1555
+Fi(Int)p Fp(.)26 b(F)l(urthermore,)17 b(since)i(Hask)o(ell)f(has)f(only)h
+(univ)o(ersally)h(quan)o(ti\014ed)0 1612 y(t)o(yp)q(es,)c(there)g(is)h(no)f
+(ersal)h(quan)o(ti\014cation,)g(and)f(th)o(us)g(w)o(e)0 1668
+y(simply)g(write)f Fi([a])f Fp(in)i(the)f(example)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e.)19
+(implicitly)k(univ)o(ersally)0 1725 y(quan)o(ti\014ed.])71
+1804 y(Lists)g(are)g(a)g(commonly)h(used)g(data)e(structure)i(in)g
+1860 y(explaining)f(the)e(principals)j(of)c(p)q(olymorphism.)27
+b(The)17 b(list)h Fi([1,2,3])e Fp(in)i(Hask)o(ell)f(is)h(actually)g
+(shorthand)f(for)0 1917 y(the)i(list)g Fi(1:\(2:\(3:[]\)\))o
+Fp(,)g(where)g Fi([])f Fp(is)i(the)e(empt)o(y)h(list)g(and)g
+Fi(:)g Fp(is)g(the)g(in\014x)h(op)q(erator)e(that)g(adds)g(its)h(\014rst)0
+1973 y(argumen)o(t)f(to)g(the)h(fron)o(t)f(of)h(its)g(second)g(argumen)o(t)f
+(\(a)g(list\).)1093 1957 y Fm(3)1145 1973 y Fp(Since)i Fi(:)f
+2030 y(write)c(this)h(list)g(as)f Fi(1:2:3:[])o Fp(.)71 2109
+2165 y(the)j(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)h(of)f(elemen)o(ts)g(in)h(a)f(list:)71
+2266 y Fi(length)428 b(::)24 b([a])f(->)h(Int)71 2322 y(length)46
+b([])334 b(=)24 b(0)71 2379 y(length)f(\(x:xs\))261 b(=)24
+b(1)g(+)f(length)h(xs)0 2488 y Fp(This)14 b(de\014nition)i(is)e(almost)g
+(self-explanatory)l(.)20 b(W)l(e)14 b(can)g(read)g(the)g(equations)g(as)f(sa)
+o(ying:)19 b(\\The)14 b(length)g(of)g(the)p 0 2525 780 2 v
+52 2552 a Fl(2)69 2568 y Fk(With)g(a)f(few)g(exceptions)i(to)d(b)q(e)i
+(describ)q(ed)h(later.)52 2598 y Fl(3)69 2614 y Ff(:)e Fk(and)g
+Ff([])f Fk(are)h(lik)o(e)i(Lisp's)e Ff(cons)f Fk(and)h Ff(nil)o
+Fk(,)g(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely)m(.)p eop
+%%Page: 4 4
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-4)906 b Fj(2)45 b(V)-5 b(ALUES,)16 b(TYPES,)e(AND)h(OTHER)h
+(GOODIES)0 105 y Fp(empt)o(y)g(list)i(is)f(0,)f(and)h(the)g(length)g(of)f(a)h
+(list)g(whose)g(\014rst)f(elemen)o(t)h(is)h Fi(x)e Fp(and)h(remainder)g(is)g
+Fi(xs)g Fp(is)g(1)f(plus)i(the)0 162 y(length)g(of)f Fi(xs)p
+Fp(.")26 b(\(Note)16 b(the)i(naming)f(con)o(v)o(en)o(tion)h(used)g(here;)g
+Fi(xs)f Fp(is)h(the)f(plural)i(of)e Fi(x)p Fp(,)g(and)h(should)g(b)q(e)g
+(read)0 218 y(that)c(w)o(a)o(y)l(.\))71 300 y(Although)20 b(in)o(tuitiv)o(e,)
+(Hask)o(ell)h(that)f(is)h(y)o(et)f(to)f(b)q(e)0 357 y(explained:)k
+Fo(p)n(attern)17 b(matching)p Fp(.)j(The)15 b(left-hand)i(sides)f(of)f(the)g
+(equations)h(con)o(tain)f Fo(p)n(atterns)g Fp(suc)o(h)h(as)f
+Fi([])g Fp(and)0 413 y Fi(x:xs)o Fp(.)28 b(In)19 b(a)e(function)i
+(application)g(these)f(patterns)g(are)f Fo(matche)n(d)i Fp(against)e(actual)h
+(parameters)f(in)i(a)e(fairly)0 469 y(in)o(tuitiv)o(e)c(w)o(a)o(y)d(\()p
+Fi([])h Fp(only)h(matc)o(hes)f(the)h(empt)o(y)f(list,)i(and)e
+Fi(x:xs)g Fp(will)i(successfully)h(matc)o(h)d(an)o(y)g(list)h(with)g(at)f
+(least)0 526 y(one)17 b(elemen)o(t,)g(binding)i Fi(x)d Fp(to)g(the)h(\014rst)
+f(elemen)o(t)i(and)e Fi(xs)h Fp(to)f(the)h(rest)f(of)g(the)h(list\).)24
+b(If)17 b(the)g(matc)o(h)f(succeeds,)0 582 y(the)h(righ)o(t-hand)g(side)g(is)
+(application.)26 b(If)17 b(it)g(fails,)g(the)g(next)0 639 y(equation)f(is)f
+721 y(De\014ning)e(functions)g(b)o(y)f(pattern)f(matc)o(hing)i(is)f(quite)h
+777 y(familiar)j(with)g(the)f(v)m(arious)h(kinds)g(of)f(patterns)g(that)g
+(Section)0 834 y(3.14.)71 916 y Fi(length)i Fp(is)i(also)f(an)g(example)i(of)
+e(a)g Fo(p)n(olymorphic)h(function)p Fp(.)32 b(It)20 b(can)f(b)q(e)h(applied)
+h(to)e(a)g(list)h(con)o(taining)0 972 y(elemen)o(ts)c(of)f(an)o(y)f(t)o(yp)q
+(e.)20 b(F)l(or)15 b(example:)600 1071 y Fi(length)23 b([1,2,3])245
+b Fn(\))102 b Fp(3)600 1128 y Fi(length)23 b(['a','b','c'])101
+b Fn(\))h Fp(3)600 1184 y Fi(length)23 b([[],[],[]])173 b Fn(\))102
+b Fp(3)71 1309 y(Here)15 b(are)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(other)h(useful)h(p)q(olymorphic)
+1418 y Fi(head)476 b(::)24 b([a])f(->)h(a)71 1475 y(head)f(\(x:xs\))309
+b(=)48 b(x)71 1554 y(tail)476 b(::)24 b([a])f(->)h([a])71 1611
+y(tail)f(\(x:xs\))309 b(=)48 b(xs)71 1770 y Fp(With)10 b(p)q(olymorphic)i(t)o
+(sense)g(strictly)g Fo(mor)n(e)h(gener)n(al)d Fp(than)i(others.)0
+1827 y(F)l(or)18 b(example,)h(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h Fi([a])e Fp(is)i(more)f
+(general)h(than)f Fi([Char])o Fp(.)29 b(In)19 b(other)f(w)o(ords,)f(the)i
+(latter)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(can)g(b)q(e)0 1883 y(deriv)o(ed)12 b(from)e(the)h
+(former)f(b)o(y)h(a)g(suitable)h(substitution)g(for)e Fi(a)p
+Fp(.)18 b(With)12 b(regard)e(to)g(this)i(generalization)g(ordering,)0
+1940 y(Hask)o(ell's)21 b(t)o(yp)q(e)g(system)g(p)q(ossesses)g(t)o(w)o(o)e
+(imp)q(ortan)o(t)h(prop)q(erties:)32 b(First,)22 b(ev)o(ery)e(w)o(ell-t)o(yp)
+q(ed)j(expression)e(is)0 1996 y(guaran)o(teed)16 b(to)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(a)g
+(unique)i Fo(princip)n(al)d Fp(t)o(yp)q(e)i(\(explained)g(b)q(elo)o(w\),)g
+(and)f(second,)h(the)f(principal)j(t)o(yp)q(e)d(can)0 2053
+y(b)q(e)k Fo(inferr)n(e)n(d)f Fp(automatically)h(\()p Fn(x)o
+Fp(4.1.3\).)31 b(In)20 b(comparison)g(to)f(a)g Fo(monomorphic)n(al)r(ly)i
+(typ)n(e)n(d)e Fp(language)h(suc)o(h)f(as)0 2109 y(P)o(ascal,)c(the)h(reader)
+g(will)i(\014nd)e(that)f Fo(p)n(olymorphism)i Fp(impro)o(v)o(es)e(expressiv)o
+(eness,)i(and)f Fo(typ)n(e)h(infer)n(enc)n(e)d Fp(lessens)0
+2166 y(the)h(burden)h(of)f(t)o(yp)q(es)g(on)h(the)f(programmer.)71
+2248 y(An)f(expression's)h(or)e(function's)i(principal)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(is)f
+(tains)0 2304 y(all)22 b(instances)f(of)f(the)h(expression.")37
+b(F)l(or)20 b(example,)j(the)e(principal)i(t)o(yp)q(e)d(of)h
+Fi(head)f Fp(is)h Fi([a]->a)o Fp(;)i(the)e(t)o(yp)q(es)0 2361
+y Fi([b]->a)o Fp(,)15 b Fi(a->a)o Fp(,)f(or)g(ev)o(en)39 b
+Fi(a)g Fp(are)14 b Fo(to)n(o)i(gener)n(al)p Fp(,)d(whereas)i(something)g(lik)
+o(e)g Fi([Int]->Int)f Fp(is)h Fo(to)n(o)h(sp)n(e)n(ci\014c)p
+Fp(.)i(The)0 2417 y(existence)c(of)e(unique)h(principal)i(t)o(yp)q(es)d(is)h
+(the)g(hallmark)g(feature)f(of)g(the)g Fo(Hind)r(ley-Milner)h(typ)n(e)g
+(system)p Fp(,)f(whic)o(h)0 2473 y(forms)g(the)g(basis)h(of)f(the)h(t)o(yp)q
+(e)f(systems)g(of)g(Hask)o(ell,)h(ML,)g(Miranda,)1191 2457
+y Fm(4)1223 2473 y Fp(and)g(sev)o(eral)f(other)g(\(mostly)g(functional\))0
+2530 y(languages.)p 0 2571 780 2 v 52 2598 a Fl(4)69 2614 y
+(Ltd.)p eop
+%%Page: 5 5
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(2.2)45 b(User-De\014ned)16 b(T)o(yp)q(es)1384
+b Fp(T-5)0 105 y Fg(2.2)56 b(User-De\014ned)17 b(T)n(yp)r(es)0
+217 y Fp(W)l(e)f(can)h(de\014ne)g(our)f(o)o(wn)f(t)o(yp)q(es)i(in)g(Hask)o
+(ell)g(using)g(a)f Fi(data)f Fp(declaration,)i(whic)o(h)g(w)o(e)f(in)o(tro)q
+(duce)h(via)f(a)g(series)0 273 y(of)f(examples)h(\()p Fn(x)p
+Fp(4.2.1\).)71 355 y(An)f(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(prede\014ned)i(t)o(yp)q(e)e(in)h
+(Hask)o(ell)g(is)g(that)e(of)h(truth)g(v)m(alues:)71 464 y
+Fi(data)23 b(Bool)357 b(=)24 b(False)f(|)h(True)0 573 y Fp(The)17
+b(t)o(yp)q(e)h(b)q(eing)g(de\014ned)h(here)e(is)h Fi(Bool)o
+b Fi(True)16 b Fp(and)i Fi(False)o Fp(.)26 b Fi(Bool)16 b Fp(is)i(an)0
+630 y(example)g(of)e(a)h(\(n)o(ullary\))g Fo(typ)n(e)h(c)n(onstructor)p
+Fp(,)f(and)h Fi(True)e Fp(and)h Fi(False)g Fp(are)f(\(also)h(n)o(ullary\))h
+Fo(data)g(c)n(onstructors)0 686 y Fp(\(or)c(just)h Fo(c)n(onstructors)p
+Fp(,)g(for)f(short\).)71 768 y(Similarly)l(,)j(w)o(e)e(migh)o(t)g(wish)g(to)g
+(de\014ne)h(a)f(color)g(t)o(yp)q(e:)71 877 y Fi(data)23 b(Color)333
+b(=)24 b(Red)f(|)h(Green)f(|)h(Blue)f(|)h(Indigo)f(|)h(Violet)0
+986 y Fp(Both)18 b Fi(Bool)f Fp(and)h Fi(Color)f Fp(are)g(examples)i(of)e
+Fo(enumer)n(ate)n(d)h(typ)n(es)p Fp(,)g(since)h(they)f(consist)g(of)f(a)h
+(\014nite)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)0 1043 y(n)o(ullary)e(data)f(constructors.)
+71 1125 y(Here)g(is)h(an)f(example)h(of)f(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(with)g(just)g(one)
+h(data)e(constructor:)71 1234 y Fi(data)23 b(Point)g(a)286
+b(=)24 b(Pt)g(a)f(a)0 1343 y Fp(Because)13 b(of)g(the)g(single)h
+(constructor,)e(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h(lik)o(e)h Fi(Point)e Fp(is)i(often)e(called)
+j(a)d Fo(tuple)i(typ)n(e)p Fp(,)f(since)h(it)f(is)g(essen)o(tially)0
+1399 y(just)h(a)h(cartesian)f(pro)q(duct)h(\(in)g(this)g(case)g(binary\))g
+(of)f(other)g(t)o(yp)q(es.)1189 1383 y Fm(5)1228 1399 y Fp(In)i(con)o(trast,)
+d(m)o(ulti-constructor)h(t)o(yp)q(es,)0 1456 y(suc)o(h)i(as)e
+Fi(Bool)h Fp(and)g Fi(Color)p Fp(,)f(are)h(called)i(\(disjoin)o(t\))e
+Fo(union)g Fp(t)o(yp)q(es.)71 1538 y(More)c(imp)q(ortan)o(tly)l(,)h(ho)o(w)o
+(ev)o(er,)f Fi(Point)g Fp(is)i(an)e(example)i(of)e(a)h Fo(p)n(olymorphic)g
+Fp(t)o(yp)q(e:)18 b(for)11 b(an)o(y)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fh(t)p Fp(,)i(it)f
+(de\014nes)0 1594 y(the)17 b(t)o(yp)q(e)h(of)f(cartesian)g(p)q(oin)o(ts)h
+(that)f(use)g Fh(t)h Fp(as)f(the)h(co)q(ordinate)f(t)o(yp)q(e.)27
+b Fi(Point)17 b Fp(can)g(no)o(w)g(b)q(e)h(seen)g(clearly)g(as)0
+1651 y(a)g(unary)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(constructor,)f(since)j(from)d(the)h(t)o(yp)q
+(e)g Fh(t)h Fp(it)f(constructs)g(a)f(new)i(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(Point)23
+b Fh(t)p Fp(.)29 b(\(In)18 b(the)g(same)0 1707 y(sense,)e(using)h(the)f(list)
+h(example)g(giv)o(en)g(earlier,)g Fi([)p 884 1707 14 2 v 16
+w(])f Fp(is)h(also)f(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)i(constructor)e(\(where)h(w)o(e)g(ha)o(v)
+o(e)f(used)i(\\)p 1914 1707 V 16 w(")0 1764 y(to)g(denote)i(the)f(missing)h
+(argumen)o(t\):)24 b(giv)o(en)19 b(an)o(y)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fh(t)g
+Fp(w)o(e)g(can)g(\\apply")h Fi([)p 1404 1764 V 16 w(])f Fp(to)f(yield)j(a)e
+(new)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi([)p Fh(t)p Fi(])p Fp(.)0 1820 y(Similarly)l(,)p
+203 1820 V 32 w Fi(->)p 267 1820 V 28 w Fp(is)c(a)e(t)o(yp)q(e)h
+(constructor:)18 b(giv)o(en)13 b(t)o(w)o(o)f(t)o(yp)q(es)g
+Fh(t)i Fp(and)f Fh(u)p Fp(,)f Fh(t)p Fi(->)q Fh(u)g Fp(is)i(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)
+f(of)h(functions)g(mapping)0 1876 y(elemen)o(ts)j(of)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fh(t)g Fp(to)g(elemen)o(ts)h(of)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fh(u)p Fp(.\))71
+1958 y(Note)f(that)g(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h(of)f(the)h(binary)g(constructor)f
+Fi(Pt)g Fp(is)h Fi(a)24 b(->)g(a)f(->)h(Point)f(a)p Fp(,)14
+b(and)h(th)o(us)g(the)f(follo)o(wing)0 2015 y(t)o(ypings)h(are)g(v)m(alid:)71
+2124 y Fi(Pt)47 b(2.0)g(3.0)286 b(::)24 b(Point)f(Float)71
+2180 y(Pt)47 b('a')g('b')286 b(::)24 b(Point)f(Char)71 2237
+y(Pt)g(True)g(False)262 b(::)24 b(Point)f(Bool)0 2346 y Fp(On)16
+b(the)f(other)g(hand,)g(an)g(expression)h(suc)o(h)g(as)f Fi(Pt)23
+b('a')h(1)15 b Fp(is)g(ill-t)o(yp)q(ed.)71 2428 y(It)h(is)h(imp)q(ortan)o(t)f
+(to)g(distinguish)i(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)f(applying)g(a)f Fo(c)n(onstructor)h
+Fp(to)f(yield)i(a)e Fo(value)p Fp(,)g(and)g(applying)i(a)0
+2484 y Fo(typ)n(e)i(c)n(onstructor)e Fp(to)h(yield)h(a)f Fo(typ)n(e)p
+h(compute)g(things)p 0 2525 780 2 v 52 2552 a Fl(5)69 2568
+y Fk(T)m(uples)13 b(are)g(somewhat)g(lik)o(e)h Fe(r)n(e)n(c)n(or)n(ds)d
+(ositional,)i(rather)e(than)g(ha)o(ving)0 2614 y(names)h(\(lab)q(els\))g
+(asso)q(ciated)h(with)f(them.)p eop
+%%Page: 6 6
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-6)906 b Fj(2)45 b(V)-5 b(ALUES,)16 b(TYPES,)e(AND)h(OTHER)h
+(GOODIES)0 105 y Fp(in)g(Hask)o(ell,)h(whereas)e(the)h(latter)f(happ)q(ens)i
+(pro)q(cess)g(of)0 162 y(ensuring)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(safet)o(y)l(.)0
+298 y Fg(2.3)56 b(Recursiv)n(e)17 b(T)n(yp)r(es)0 402 y Fp(T)o(yp)q(es)e(can)
+h(also)f(b)q(e)h(recursiv)o(e,)f(as)g(in:)71 511 y Fi(data)23
+b(Tree)g(a)310 b(=)24 b(Leaf)f(a)h(|)g(Branch)f(\(Tree)g(a\))h(\(Tree)f(a\))0
+620 y Fp(Here)11 b(w)o(e)g(ha)o(v)o(e)f(de\014ned)i(a)f(p)q(olymorphic)h
+q(des)g(con)o(taining)0 677 y(a)k(v)m(alue)h(of)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fi(a)p Fp(,)g(or)g(in)o(ternal)h(no)q(des)g(\(\\branc)o(hes"\))e(con)o
+(taining)i(\(recursiv)o(ely\))g(t)o(w)o(o)e(sub-trees.)71 751
+(er)f(that)f Fi(Tree)g Fp(is)h(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h(constructor,)f(whereas)0
+808 y Fi(Branch)k Fp(and)i Fi(Leaf)f Fp(are)g(data)f(constructors.)22
+(con-)0 864 y(structors,)d(the)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)g(declaration)h(is)g(essen)o
+Fi(Branch)f Fp(and)i Fi(Leaf)o Fp(:)71 973 y Fi(Branch)428
+b(::)24 b(Tree)f(a)h(->)g(Tree)f(a)h(->)f(Tree)g(a)71 1030
+y(Leaf)476 b(::)24 b(a)g(->)f(Tree)h(a)71 1182 y Fp(With)18
+(teresting)0 1238 y(\(recursiv)o(e\))f(functions)h(that)e(use)h(it.)26
+b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)i(supp)q(ose)g(w)o(e)e(wish)i(to)e(de\014ne)i(a)f
+(function)h Fi(fringe)e Fp(that)0 1295 y(returns)c(a)h(list)g(of)f(all)h(the)
+(righ)o(t.)18 b(It's)13 b(usually)g(helpful)i(to)d(write)0
+1351 y(do)o(wn)k(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g(new)g(functions)h(\014rst;)f(in)h
+Fi(Tree)23 b(a)h(->)g([a])o Fp(.)0 1408 y(That)16 b(is,)h Fi(fringe)e
+Fi(a)p Fp(,)h(maps)f(trees)g(of)g Fi(a)g Fp(in)o(to)g(lists)i(of)e
+Fi(a)o Fp(.)24 b(A)0 1464 y(suitable)16 b(de\014nition)h(follo)o(ws:)71
+1564 y Fi(fringe)23 b(::)g(Tree)h(a)f(->)h([a])71 1621 y(fringe)f(\(Leaf)g
+(x\))286 b(=)24 b([x])71 1677 y(fringe)f(\(Branch)g(left)g(right\))g(=)h
+(fringe)f(left)g(++)h(fringe)f(right)0 1789 y Fp(Where)13 b
+Fi(++)f Fp(is)i(the)f(in\014x)h(op)q(erator)e(that)g(concatenates)g(t)o(w)o
+(Section)0 1845 y(3.2\).)20 b(As)15 b(with)h(the)g Fi(length)e
+Fp(example)j(giv)o(en)f(earlier,)g Fi(fringe)f Fp(is)h(de\014ned)h(using)f
+(pattern)f(matc)o(hing,)g(except)0 1902 y(that)j(here)g(w)o(e)g(see)h
+b Fi(Leaf)18 b Fp(and)g Fi(Branch)o Fp(.)30 b([Note)17 b(that)h(the)0
+1958 y(formal)d(parameters)f(are)h(easily)h(iden)o(ti\014ed)i(as)c(the)i
+2095 y Fg(2.4)56 b(T)n(yp)r(e)18 b(Synon)n(yms)0 2199 y Fp(F)l(or)g(con)o(v)o
+Fo(typ)n(e)h(synonyms)p Fp(;)e(i.e.)g(names)h(for)f(commonly)g(used)0
+2255 y(t)o(yp)q(es.)i(T)o(yp)q(e)15 b(synon)o(yms)g(are)g(created)g(using)h
+(a)f Fi(type)g Fp(declaration)h(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(4.2.2\).)h(Here)f(are)f(sev)o
+(eral)g(examples:)71 2367 y Fi(type)23 b(String)309 b(=)24
+b([Char])71 2423 y(type)f(Person)309 b(=)24 b(\(Name,Address\))71
+2480 y(type)f(Name)357 b(=)24 b(String)71 2536 y(data)f(Address)285
+b(=)24 b(None)f(|)h(Addr)f(String)p eop
+%%Page: 7 7
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(2.5)45 b(Built-in)17 b(T)o(yp)q(es)e(Are)h(Not)e(Sp)q(ecial)
+1157 b Fp(T-7)71 105 y(T)o(yp)q(e)18 b(synon)o(yms)g(do)g(not)g(de\014ne)i
+(t)o(yp)q(es.)30 b(F)l(or)0 162 y(example,)15 b(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f
+Fi(Person)23 b(->)h(Name)14 b Fp(is)h(precisely)h(equiv)m(alen)o(t)h(to)d
+Fi(\(String,Address\))21 b(->)j(String)o Fp(.)c(The)0 218 y(new)f(names)f
+(ymous)f(with,)h(but)f(this)h(is)g(not)f(the)g(only)0 274 y(purp)q(ose)13
+b(of)e(t)o(yp)q(e)h(synon)o(yms:)18 b(they)12 b(can)g(also)g(impro)o(v)o(e)g
+331 y(indeed,)17 b(the)e(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)g(examples)h(highligh)o(t)g(this.)21
+b(W)l(e)15 b(can)g(ev)o(en)h(giv)o(e)f(new)h(names)f(to)f(p)q(olymorphic)j(t)
+o(yp)q(es:)71 440 y Fi(type)23 b(AssocList)g(a)g(b)334 b(=)24
+b([\(a,b\)])0 549 y Fp(This)16 b(is)f(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)g(\\asso)q
+Fi(a)g Fp(with)h(those)f(of)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(b)p Fp(.)0 723
+y Fg(2.5)56 b(Built-in)17 b(T)n(yp)r(es)h(Are)g(Not)g(Sp)r(ecial)0
+845 y Fp(Earlier)12 b(w)o(e)e(in)o(tro)q(duced)j(sev)o(eral)e(\\built-in")i
+(haracters.)17 b(W)l(e)11 b(ha)o(v)o(e)0 902 y(also)k(sho)o(wn)g(ho)o(w)g
+958 y(t)o(yp)q(es)e(in)h(an)o(y)f(w)o(a)o(y)f(more)h(sp)q(ecial)i(than)e(the)
+g(user-de\014ned)i(ones?)k(The)14 b(answ)o(er)g(is)h Fo(no)p
+Fp(.)k(The)14 b(sp)q(ecial)i(syn)o(tax)d(is)0 1015 y(for)i(con)o(v)o(enience)
+(has)f(no)g(seman)o(tic)g(consequence.)71 1104 y(W)l(e)d(can)h(emphasize)h
+1161 y(built-in)19 b(t)o(yp)q(es)e(if)g(in)h(fact)e(w)o(e)g(w)o(ere)h(allo)o
+24 b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)0 1217 y(the)f Fi(Char)g Fp(t)o(yp)q(e)g(migh)o(t)g
+(b)q(e)h(written)f(as:)71 1326 y Fi(data)23 b(Char)166 b(=)24
+b('a')g(|)f('b')h(|)f('c')h(|)g(...)214 b(--)24 b(This)f(is)h(not)f(valid)452
+1382 y(|)h('A')g(|)f('B')h(|)f('C')h(|)g(...)214 b(--)24 b(Haskell)f(code!)
+452 1439 y(|)h('1')g(|)f('2')h(|)f('3')h(|)g(...)452 1495 y(...)0
+1604 y Fp(These)14 b(constructor)f(names)h(are)g(not)f(syn)o(tactically)i(v)m
+(something)0 1661 y(lik)o(e:)71 1761 y Fi(data)23 b(Char)166
+b(=)24 b(Ca)g(|)f(Cb)h(|)g(Cc)f(|)h(...)452 1818 y(|)g(CA)g(|)f(CB)h(|)g(CC)f
+(|)h(...)452 1874 y(|)g(C1)g(|)f(C2)h(|)g(C3)f(|)h(...)452
+1930 y(...)0 2040 y Fp(Ev)o(en)18 b(though)g(these)g(constructors)f(are)g
+(represen)o(ting)0 2096 y(c)o(haracters.)71 2185 y(In)k(an)o(y)g(case,)h
+(us)f(to)g(see)g(through)g(the)g(sp)q(ecial)0 2242 y(syn)o(tax.)h(W)l(e)16
+b(see)g(no)o(w)g(that)f Fi(Char)h Fp(is)g(just)g(an)g(en)o(umerated)g(t)o(yp)
+2298 y(constructors.)j(Thinking)d(of)e Fi(Char)g Fp(in)i(this)f(w)o(a)o(y)e
+(pattern-matc)o(h)0 2355 y(against)j(c)o(haracters)g(in)i(function)f
+(to)g(do)f(so)h(for)f(an)o(y)g(of)g(a)0 2411 y(t)o(yp)q(e's)d(constructors.)
+71 2501 y([This)20 b(example)i(also)e(demonstrates)g(the)h(use)g(of)f
+Fo(c)n(omments)f Fp(in)j(Hask)o(ell;)i(the)c(c)o(haracters)g
+Fi(--)g Fp(and)h(all)0 2557 y(subsequen)o(t)f(c)o(haracters)e(to)g(the)h(end)
+g(of)g(the)g(line)h(are)f(ignored.)32 b(Hask)o(ell)19 b(also)g(p)q(ermits)h
+Fo(neste)n(d)e Fp(commen)o(ts)0 2614 y(whic)o(h)e(ha)o(v)o(e)f(the)g(form)g
+Fi({-)o Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)n Fi(-})15 b Fp(and)h(can)f(app)q(ear)g(an)o(ywhere)g
+(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(2.2\).])p eop
+%%Page: 8 8
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-8)906 b Fj(2)45 b(V)-5 b(ALUES,)16 b(TYPES,)e(AND)h(OTHER)h
+(GOODIES)71 105 y Fp(Similarly)l(,)h(w)o(e)e(could)h(de\014ne)g
+Fi(Int)f Fp(and)g Fi(Integer)f Fp(b)o(y:)71 215 y Fi(data)23
+b(Int)119 b(=)24 b(-65532)f(|)g(...)h(|)f(-1)h(|)g(0)g(|)f(1)h(|)g(...)f(|)h
+(65532)47 b(--)24 b(more)f(pseudo-code)71 272 y(data)g(Integer)g(=)167
+b(...)23 b(-2)h(|)f(-1)h(|)g(0)g(|)f(1)h(|)g(2)f(...)0 381
+y Fp(where)15 b Fi(-65532)g Fp(and)g Fi(65532)p Fp(,)f(sa)o(y)l(,)h(are)g
+(for)g(a)f(giv)o(en)0 437 y(implemen)o(tation.)22 b Fi(Int)15
+b Fp(is)h(a)f(m)o(uc)o(h)h(larger)f(en)o(umeration)h(than)f
+Fi(Char)p Fp(,)g(but)h(it's)f(still)i(\014nite!)22 b(In)16
+b(con)o(trast,)e(the)0 494 y(pseudo-co)q(de)h(for)f Fi(Integer)f
+o(tended)h(to)f(con)o(v)o(ey)g(an)f Fo(in\014nite)0 550 y Fp(en)o(umeration.)
+71 671 y(T)l(uples)j(are)f(also)g(easy)g(to)g(de\014ne)h(pla)o(ying)g(this)g
+(game:)71 780 y Fi(data)23 b(\(a,b\))333 b(=)24 b(\(a,b\))596
+b(--)24 b(more)f(pseudo-code)71 836 y(data)g(\(a,b,c\))285
+b(=)24 b(\(a,b,c\))71 893 y(data)f(\(a,b,c,d\))237 b(=)24 b(\(a,b,c,d\))94
+949 y(.)597 b(.)94 1006 y(.)g(.)94 1062 y(.)g(.)0 1171 y Fp(Eac)o(h)12
+h(particular)h(length,)g(with)f Fi(\(...\))g Fp(pla)o(ying)h(a)e(role)i(in)g
+(b)q(oth)0 1228 y(the)g(expresssion)g(syn)o(tax)f(\(as)f(data)h
+i(constructor\).)18 b(The)0 1284 y(v)o(ertical)11 b(dots)f(after)g(the)g
+1341 y(re\015ecting)16 b(the)f(fact)g(that)g(tuples)h(of)e(all)j(lengths)e
+(are)g(allo)o(w)o(ed)h(in)g(Hask)o(ell.)71 1461 y(Lists)f(are)g(also)g
+(recursiv)o(e:)94 1570 y Fi(data)24 b([a])357 b(=)24 b([])g(|)f(a)h(:)g([a])
+429 b(--)24 b(more)f(pseudo-code)0 1679 y Fp(W)l(e)13 b(can)g(no)o(w)g(see)g
+b Fi([])12 b Fp(is)i(the)f(empt)o(y)g(list,)h(and)f Fi(:)g
+Fp(is)h(the)f(in\014x)0 1736 y(list)20 b(constructor;)f(th)o(us)g
+Fi([1,2,3])f Fp(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)i(equiv)m(alen)o(t)g(to)e(the)h(list)h
+Fi(1:2:3:[])o Fp(.)31 b(\()p Fi(:)18 b Fp(is)i(righ)o(t)e(asso)q(ciativ)o
+(e.\))0 1792 y(The)d(t)o(yp)q(e)h(of)e Fi([])h Fp(is)h Fi([a])p
+Fp(,)e(and)i(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g Fi(:)g Fp(is)h Fi(a->[a]->[a])n
+Fp(.)71 1913 y([The)i(w)o(a)o(y)f Fi(:)h Fp(is)h(de\014ned)h(here)f(is)g
+(in)h Fi(data)0 1969 y Fp(declarations,)13 b(and)f(are)g(distinguished)j
+g(b)o(y)g(the)h(fact)0 2026 y(that)h(they)i(m)o(ust)e(b)q(egin)j(with)e(a)g
+Fi(:)g Fp(\(a)g(prop)q(ert)o(y)g(trivially)i(satis\014ed)e(b)o(y)g
+Fi(:)p Fp(\).])71 2146 y(A)o(t)i(this)i(p)q(oin)o(t)f(the)g(reader)g(should)h
+(lists,)h(whic)o(h)0 2203 y(the)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(de\014nitions)i(mak)o(e)e
+(abundan)o(tly)h(clear.)31 b(In)19 b(particular,)h(note)e(the)h(recursiv)o(e)
+g(nature)f(of)h(the)f(list)0 2259 y(t)o(yp)q(e)f(whose)g(elemen)o(ts)h(are)e
+h(nature)f(of)f(a)0 2316 y(\(particular\))g(tuple)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(whose)g
+b(The)17 b(t)o(yping)f(rules)h(for)0 2372 y(tuples)f(and)f(lists)h(should)h
+(no)o(w)d(also)h(b)q(e)h(clear:)71 2493 y(F)l(or)e Fi(\()p
+Fh(e)197 2500 y Fm(1)216 2493 y Fi(,)p Fh(e)261 2500 y Fm(2)281
+2493 y Fi(,)8 b Fh(:)g(:)g(:)d Fi(,)p Fh(e)418 2500 y Fd(n)442
+2493 y Fi(\))p Fh(;)22 b(n)13 b Fn(\025)g Fp(2,)h(if)h Fh(t)696
+2500 y Fd(i)725 2493 y Fp(is)h(the)e(t)o(yp)q(e)h(of)g Fh(e)1023
+2500 y Fd(i)1037 2493 y Fp(,)f(then)i(the)e(t)o(yp)q(e)h(of)g(the)g(tuple)g
+(is)h Fi(\()p Fh(t)1678 2500 y Fm(1)1698 2493 y Fi(,)p Fh(t)1738
+2500 y Fm(2)1758 2493 y Fi(,)7 b Fh(:)h(:)g(:)e Fi(,)p Fh(t)1890
+2500 y Fd(n)1914 2493 y Fi(\))o Fp(.)71 2614 y(F)l(or)14 b
+Fi([)p Fh(e)197 2621 y Fm(1)217 2614 y Fi(,)p Fh(e)262 2621
+y Fm(2)282 2614 y Fi(,)7 b Fh(:)h(:)g(:)e Fi(,)p Fh(e)419 2621
+y Fd(n)442 2614 y Fi(])p Fh(;)22 b(n)13 b Fn(\025)g Fp(0,)i(eac)o(h)g
+Fh(e)763 2621 y Fd(i)792 2614 y Fp(m)o(ust)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(the)g(same)g(t)o
+(yp)q(e)g Fh(t)p Fp(,)h(and)f(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g(the)h(list)g(is)f
+Fi([)p Fh(t)p Fi(])p Fp(.)p eop
+%%Page: 9 9
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(2.5)45 b(Built-in)17 b(T)o(yp)q(es)e(Are)h(Not)e(Sp)q(ecial)
+1157 b Fp(T-9)0 105 y Fc(2.5.1)52 b(List)18 b(Comprehensions)e(and)i
+(Arithmetic)g(Sequences)0 211 y Fp(As)13 b(with)g(Lisp)h(dialects,)h(lists)e
+(functional)i(languages,)f(there)g(is)0 268 y(y)o(et)e(more)g(syn)o(tactic)h
+(sugar)f(to)f(aid)j(in)f(their)g(creation.)19 b(Aside)12 b(from)f(the)h
+(constructors)e(for)h(lists)i(just)e(discussed,)0 324 y(Hask)o(ell)16
+b(pro)o(vides)g(an)f(expression)h(kno)o(wn)f(as)g(a)g Fo(list)g(c)n(ompr)n
+(ehension)f Fp(that)h(is)g(b)q(est)h(explained)h(b)o(y)e(example:)71
+433 y Fi([)23 b(f)h(x)g(|)f(x)h(<-)g(xs)f(])0 542 y Fp(This)17
+(of)g(all)h Fi(f)24 b(x)15 b Fp(suc)o(h)i(that)e Fi(x)h Fp(is)g(dra)o(wn)g
+(from)f Fi(xs)p Fp(.")22 b(The)0 599 y(similarit)o(y)d(to)f(set)g(notation)f
+(is)i(not)e(a)h(coincidence.)31 b(The)19 b(phrase)f Fi(x<-xs)f
+Fp(is)i(called)g(a)f Fo(gener)n(ator)p Fp(,)g(of)g(whic)o(h)0
+655 y(more)d(than)g(one)g(is)h(allo)o(w)o(ed,)f(as)g(in:)71
+764 y Fi([)23 b(\(x,y\))g(|)h(x<-xs,)f(y<-ys)g(])0 873 y Fp(This)17
+o(w)o(o)e(lists)j Fi(xs)f Fp(and)g Fi(ys)o Fp(.)22 b(The)17
+b(elemen)o(ts)f(are)0 930 y(selected)f(as)f(if)h(the)f(generators)g(w)o(ere)g
+(generator)g(v)m(arying)0 986 y(fastest\);)g(th)o(us,)i(if)h
+Fi(xs)f Fp(is)g Fi([1,2])g Fp(and)g Fi(ys)g Fp(is)h Fi([3,4])o
+Fp(,)f(the)g(result)h(is)g Fi([\(1,3\),\(1,4\),\(2,3\),\(2,4)o(\)])m
+Fp(.)71 1063 y(Besides)h(generators,)e(b)q(o)q(olean)i(expressions)g(called)g
+Fo(guar)n(ds)g Fp(are)e(p)q(ermitted.)24 b(Guards)15 b(place)i(constrain)o
+(ts)0 1119 y(on)d(the)g(elemen)o(ts)h(generated.)k(F)l(or)13
+(dy's)h(fa)o(v)o(orite)f(sorting)0 1176 y(algorithm:)71 1285
+y Fi(quicksort)46 b([])262 b(=)48 b([])71 1341 y(quicksort)22
+b(\(x:xs\))190 b(=)48 b(quicksort)23 b([y)g(|)h(y)g(<-)f(xs,)h(y<x)f(])643
+1398 y(++)h([x])643 1454 y(++)g(quicksort)f([y)g(|)h(y)g(<-)f(xs,)h(y>=x])71
+1609 y Fp(T)l(o)16 b(further)h(supp)q(ort)g(the)g(use)g(of)g(lists,)h(Hask)o
+(ell)f(has)g(sp)q(ecial)i(syn)o(tax)d(for)h Fo(arithmetic)h(se)n(quenc)n(es)p
+Fp(,)d(whic)o(h)0 1665 y(are)g(b)q(est)g(explained)j(b)o(y)d(a)g(series)g(of)
+g(examples:)360 1750 y Fi([1..10])133 b Fn(\))88 b Fi([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
+360 1806 y([1,3..10])d Fn(\))j Fi([1,3,5,7,9])360 1862 y([1,3..])133
+b Fn(\))88 b Fi([1,3,5,7,9,)22 b(...)76 b Fp(\(in\014nite)16
+b(sequence\))0 1947 y(More)f(will)h(b)q(e)g(said)g(ab)q(out)f(arithmetic)h
+(Section)g(3.4.)0 2085 y Fc(2.5.2)52 b(Strings)0 2192 y Fp(As)15
+(es,)d(w)o(e)h(note)f(that)g(the)g(literal)i(string)f Fi("hello")e
+Fp(is)0 2248 y(actually)h(shorthand)f(for)f(the)h(list)h(of)f(c)o(haracters)f
+Fi(['h','e','l','l','o'])m Fp(.)19 b(Indeed,)c(the)e(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g
+Fi("hello")0 2305 y Fp(is)j Fi(String)o Fp(,)f(where)g Fi(String)f
+o(e)f(as)h(an)g(earlier)h(example\):)71 2416 y Fi(type)23 b(String)309
+b(=)24 b([Char])0 2525 y Fp(This)16 b(means)f(w)o(e)g(can)g(use)h
+(strings.)20 b(F)l(or)14 b(example:)497 2614 y Fi("hello")23
+b(++)h(")f(world")73 b Fn(\))h Fi("hello)23 b(world")p eop
+%%Page: 10 10
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-10)1513 b Fj(3)45 b(FUNCTIONS)0 105 y Fq(3)69
+b(F)-6 b(unctions)0 266 y Fp(Since)15 b(Hask)o(ell)g(is)f(a)f(functional)i
+(jor)g(role,)g(and)h(indeed)0 323 y(they)h(do.)20 b(In)c(this)g(section,)f(w)
+(ell.)71 428 y(First,)e(consider)i(this)g(de\014nition)h(of)e(a)g(function)h
+(whic)o(h)g(adds)f(its)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(argumen)o(ts:)71 537 y
+Fi(add)500 b(::)24 b(Int)f(->)h(Int)f(->)h(Int)71 593 y(add)f(x)h(y)405
+b(=)24 b(x)g(+)f(y)0 709 y Fp(This)18 b(is)g(an)f(example)i(of)e(a)g
+Fo(currie)n(d)h Fp(function.)826 692 y Fm(6)873 709 y Fp(An)g(application)h
+(of)e Fi(add)g Fp(has)g(the)h(form)f Fi(add)23 b Fh(e)1720
+716 y Fm(1)1757 709 y Fh(e)1778 716 y Fm(2)1798 709 y Fp(,)18
+b(and)f(is)0 765 y(equiv)m(alen)o(t)c(to)d Fi(\(add)24 b Fh(e)404
+772 y Fm(1)423 765 y Fi(\))g Fh(e)492 772 y Fm(2)512 765 y
+Fp(,)12 b(since)g(function)g(application)h(asso)q(ciates)e(to)f(the)h
+Fo(left)p Fp(.)18 b(In)12 b(other)f(w)o(ords,)g(applying)0
+822 y Fi(add)k Fp(to)g(one)h(argumen)o(t)f(yields)i(a)f(new)g(function)g
+(is)0 878 y(consisten)o(t)g(with)h(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)f
+Fi(add)p Fp(,)h Fi(Int->Int->Int)n Fp(,)g(whic)o(h)h(is)f(equiv)m(alen)o(t)i
+(to)d Fi(Int->\(Int->Int\))n Fp(;)h(i.e.)g Fi(->)0 934 y Fp(asso)q(ciates)f
+(to)f(the)h Fo(right)p Fp(.)21 b(Indeed,)16 b(using)g Fi(add)o
+Fp(,)f(w)o(e)g(can)g(de\014ne)h Fi(succ)e Fp(in)i(a)f(di\013eren)o(t)g(w)o(a)
+o(y)f(from)h(what)f(w)o(e)h(did)0 991 y(earlier:)71 1091 y
+Fi(succ)476 b(=)24 b(add)f(1)0 1200 y Fp(This)16 b(is)h(an)f(example)g(of)g
+(the)g Fo(p)n(artial)h(applic)n(ation)f Fp(of)f(a)h(curried)h(function,)f
+(and)g(is)h(one)f(w)o(a)o(y)e(that)i(a)f(function)0 1257 y(can)20
+b(b)q(e)h(returned)g(as)f(a)f(v)m(alue.)36 b(Let's)20 b(consider)i(a)d(case)i
+1313 y(argumen)o(t.)f(The)d(w)o(ell-kno)o(wn)g Fi(map)e Fp(function)i(is)g(a)
+f(p)q(erfect)h(example:)71 1423 y Fi(map)500 b(::)24 b(\(a->b\))f(->)h([a])f
+(->)h([b])71 1480 y(map)f(f)48 b([])357 b(=)24 b([])71 1536
+y(map)f(f)h(\(x:xs\))285 b(=)24 b(f)g(x)f(:)h(map)g(f)f(xs)0
+1648 y Fp([F)l(unction)16 b(application)h(has)f(higher)g(precedence)i(than)d
+(side)0 1704 y(of)h(the)h(second)g(equation)f(parses)h(as)f
+Fi(\(f)23 b(x\))h(:)g(\(map)f(f)h(xs\))o Fp(.])52 b Fi(map)17
+b Fp(is)h(a)f(p)q(olymorphic)i(function,)f(and)g(its)0 1761
+h(a)f(function;)k(note)c(also)h(that)f(the)h(t)o(w)o(o)e Fi(a)p
+Fp('s)h(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)0 1817 y(instan)o(tiated)e(with)h(the)f(same)g(t)o
+(yp)q(e)g(\(lik)o(ewise)i(for)d(the)i Fi(b)p Fp('s\).)27 b(As)19
+b(an)f(example)h(of)e(the)i(use)f(of)g Fi(map)o Fp(,)h(w)o(e)f(can)0
+1874 y(incremen)o(t)e(the)f(elemen)o(ts)h(in)g(a)f(list:)569
+2011 y Fi(map)23 b(\(add)h(1\))f([1,2,3])72 b Fn(\))i Fi([2,3,4])71
+2197 y Fp(These)18 b(examples)h(demonstrate)e(the)h(\014rst-class)g(nature)g
+2254 y(are)d(usually)h(called)h Fo(higher-or)n(der)f Fp(functions.)p
+0 2341 780 2 v 52 2368 a Fl(6)69 2383 y Fk(The)i(name)h Fe(curry)e
+28 b(Hask)o(ell)20 b(Curry)m(.)32 b(T)m(o)18 b(get)g(the)g(e\013ect)h(of)e
+(an)0 2429 y Fe(uncurrie)n(d)11 b Fk(function,)j(w)o(e)e(could)j(use)e(a)g
+Fe(tuple)p Fk(,)e(as)i(in:)71 2518 y Ff(add)18 b(\(x,y\))292
+b(=)20 b(x)f(+)g(y)0 2614 y Fk(But)13 b(then)h(w)o(e)e(see)h(that)h(this)f(v)
+o(ersion)i(of)e Ff(add)e Fk(is)j(really)h(just)e(a)g(function)h(of)f(one)g
+(argumen)o(t!)p eop
+%%Page: 11 11
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(3.1)45 b(Lam)o(b)q(da)15 b(Abstractions)1324
+b Fp(T-11)0 105 y Fg(3.1)56 b(Lam)n(b)r(da)17 b(Abstractions)0
+215 y Fp(Instead)c(of)f(using)i(equations)e(to)g(de\014ne)i(functions,)g(w)o
+Fo(lamb)n(da)0 271 y(abstr)n(action)p Fp(.)19 b(F)l(or)c(example,)g(a)g
+(function)h(equiv)m(alen)o(t)g(to)f Fi(succ)f Fp(could)i(b)q(e)g(written)f
+(as)f Fi(\\x)24 b(->)g(x+1)o Fp(.)c(Similarly)l(,)0 328 y(the)15
+b(function)h Fi(add)f Fp(is)h(equiv)m(alen)o(t)h(to)e Fi(\\x)23
+b(->)h(\\y)f(->)h(x+y)p Fp(.)c(Nested)15 b(lam)o(b)q(da)h(abstractions)f(suc)
+o(h)g(as)g(this)h(ma)o(y)0 384 y(b)q(e)g(written)f(using)h(the)f(equiv)m
+(alen)o(t)i(shorthand)e(notation)g Fi(\\x)24 b(y)f(->)h(x+y)p
+Fp(.)19 b(In)d(fact,)e(the)i(equations:)71 494 y Fi(succ)23
+b(x)429 b(=)24 b(x+1)71 551 y(add)47 b(x)24 b(y)381 b(=)24
+b(x+y)0 660 y Fp(are)15 b(really)h(shorthand)f(for:)71 769
+y Fi(succ)476 b(=)24 b(\\x)71 b(->)24 b(x+1)71 825 y(add)500
+b(=)24 b(\\x)g(y)f(->)h(x+y)0 934 y Fp(W)l(e)15 b(will)i(ha)o(v)o(e)e(more)g
+1015 y(In)d(general,)h(giv)o(en)f(that)g Fi(x)g Fp(has)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fh(t)752 1022 y Fm(1)788 1015 y Fp(and)g Fi(exp)g Fp(has)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fh(t)1162 1022 y Fm(2)1182 1015 y Fp(,)g(then)g Fi(\\x->exp)g
+Fp(has)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fh(t)1695 1022 y Fm(1)1715 1015 y Fi(->)p
+Fh(t)1779 1022 y Fm(2)1799 1015 y Fp(.)0 1160 y Fg(3.2)56 b(In\014x)18
+b(Op)r(erators)0 1270 y Fp(In\014x)c(op)q(erators)d(are)i(really)h(just)e
+b(F)l(or)12 b(example,)i(here)0 1326 y(is)i(the)f(de\014nition)i(of)e(Hask)o
+(ell's)g(list)h(concatenation)g(op)q(erator:)71 1435 y Fi(\(++\))476
+b(::)24 b([a])f(->)h([a])f(->)h([a])71 1491 y([])119 b(++)23
+b(ys)286 b(=)48 b(ys)71 1548 y(\(x:xs\))23 b(++)g(ys)286 b(=)48
+b(x)24 b(:)f(\(xs++ys\))0 1660 y Fp([Lexically)l(,)17 b(in\014x)f(op)q
+(to)e(normal)g(iden)o(ti\014ers)j(whic)o(h)e(are)0 1716 y(alphan)o(umeric)20
+b(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(2.3\).)30 b(Hask)o(ell)20 b(has)e(no)h(pre\014x)h(op)q
+(erators,)e(with)h(the)g(exception)h(of)f(min)o(us)g(\()p Fi(-)p
+Fp(\),)g(whic)o(h)g(is)0 1772 y(b)q(oth)c(in\014x)i(and)e(pre\014x.])71
+1853 y(As)f(another)h(example,)g(an)f(imp)q(ortan)o(t)h(in\014x)g(op)q
+(erator)f(on)h(functions)g(is)g(that)f(for)g Fo(function)i(c)n(omp)n(osition)
+p Fp(:)71 1962 y Fi(\(.\))500 b(::)24 b(\(b->c\))f(->)h(\(a->b\))f(->)g
+(\(a->c\))71 2018 y(f)g(.)h(g)453 b(=)24 b(\\)g(x)f(->)h(f)g(\(g)f(x\))0
+2239 y Fc(3.2.1)52 b(Sections)0 2349 y Fp(Since)16 b(in\014x)g(op)q(erators)e
+(able)f(to)g(partially)h(apply)f(them)g(as)0 2405 y(w)o(ell.)21
+b(In)16 b(Hask)o(ell)g(the)f(partial)h(application)g(of)f(an)g(in\014x)i(op)q
+(erator)d(is)i(called)g(a)f Fo(se)n(ction)p Fp(.)k(F)l(or)c(example:)676
+2500 y Fi(\(x+\))102 b Fn(\021)126 b Fi(\\y)24 b(->)f(x+y)676
+2557 y(\(+y\))102 b Fn(\021)126 b Fi(\\x)24 b(->)f(x+y)688
+2613 y(\(+\))114 b Fn(\021)102 b Fi(\\x)24 b(y)g(->)f(x+y)p
+%%Page: 12 12
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-12)1513 b Fj(3)45 b(FUNCTIONS)0 105 y Fp([The)15
+b(paren)o(theses)g(are)g(mandatory)l(.])71 199 y(The)20 b(last)f(form)g(of)g
+255 y(functional)h(v)m(alue,)h(and)e(is)g(handy)g(when)h(passing)f(an)g
+312 y(in)i Fi(map)h(\(+\))g([1,2,3])d Fp(\(the)h(reader)f(should)i(v)o(erify)
+b(It)21 b(is)g(also)0 368 y(necessary)15 b(when)g(giving)g(a)g(function)g(t)o
+(yp)q(e)g(signature,)f(as)h(in)g(the)g(examples)g(of)f Fi(\(++\))g
+Fp(and)h Fi(\(.\))f Fp(giv)o(en)h(earlier.)71 462 y(W)l(e)20
+b(can)h(no)o(w)g(see)g(that)f Fi(add)g Fp(de\014ned)i(earlier)g(is)f(just)g
+Fi(\(+\))p Fp(,)g(and)g Fi(succ)f Fp(is)i(just)e Fi(\(+1\))p
+Fp(!)36 b(Indeed,)24 b(these)0 518 y(de\014nitions)17 b(w)o(ould)f(do)f(just)
+g(\014ne:)71 627 y Fi(succ)476 b(=)24 b(\(+1\))71 684 y(add)500
+b(=)24 b(\(+\))71 855 y Fp(W)l(e)14 b(can)g(co)q(erce)h(an)f(in\014x)h(op)q
+(the)h(other)g(w)o(a)o(y?)19 b(Y)l(es|w)o(e)0 912 y(simply)g(enclose)g(an)f
+(kquotes.)27 b(F)l(or)17 b(example,)i Fi(x)24 b(`add`)f(y)0
+968 y Fp(is)17 b(the)g(same)g(as)f Fi(add)23 b(x)h(y)p Fp(.)480
+952 y Fm(7)524 968 y Fp(Some)17 b(functions)h(read)e(b)q(etter)h(this)g(w)o
+(a)o(y)l(.)24 b(An)17 b(example)h(is)f(the)g(prede\014ned)h(list)0
+1025 y(mem)o(b)q(ership)13 b(predicate)g Fi(elem)p Fp(;)f(the)g(expression)h
+Fi(x)24 b(`elem`)f(xs)12 b Fp(can)g(b)q(e)h(read)f(in)o(tuitiv)o(ely)i(as)d
+(\\)p Fi(x)h Fp(is)g(an)g(elemen)o(t)0 1081 y(of)j Fi(xs)o
+Fp(.")71 1175 y([There)c(are)g(some)g(sp)q(ecial)i(rules)f(regarding)g
+Fi(-)g Fp(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(3.4,)p Fn(x)o Fp(3.3\).])71 1269 y(A)o(t)16
+b(The)0 1325 y(decision)18 b(to)d(pro)o(vide)h(these)g(mec)o(hanisms)g
+(re\015ects)g(the)0 1382 y(desire)g(for)f(consistency)h(\(for)e(example,)i
+b(functions\).)0 1568 y Fc(3.2.2)52 b(Fixit)o(y)17 b(Declarations)0
+1697 y Fp(A)f Fo(\014xity)g(de)n(clar)n(ation)f Fp(can)h(b)q(e)h(giv)o(en)f
+(those)e(made)g(from)0 1754 y(ordinary)j(iden)o(ti\014ers,)j(suc)o(h)d(as)g
+Fi(`elem`)o Fp(\).)754 1737 y Fm(8)805 1754 y Fp(This)h(declaration)g(sp)q
+1810 y(\(with)e(9)g(b)q(eing)i(the)e(strongest;)f(normal)i(application)h(is)e
+1867 y(left-,)g(righ)o(t-,)g(or)g(non-asso)q(ciativit)o(y)l(.)21
+b(F)l(or)14 b(example,)i(the)f(\014xit)o(y)h(declarations)f(for)g
+Fi(++)g Fp(and)g Fi(.)g Fp(are:)71 1976 y Fi(infixr)23 b(5)g(++)71
+2032 y(infixr)g(9)g(.)0 2141 y Fp(Both)18 b(of)g(these)g(sp)q(ecify)i(righ)o
+(el)g(of)d(5,)i(the)f(other)g(9.)29 b(Left)0 2198 y(asso)q(ciativit)o(y)15
+b(is)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)g(via)g Fi(infixl)o Fp(,)e(and)h(non-asso)q(ciativit)o
+(y)h(b)o(y)f Fi(infix)o Fp(.)20 b(Also,)14 b(the)h(\014xit)o(y)g(of)g(more)f
+(than)0 2254 y(one)h(op)q(erator)f(ma)o(y)g(b)q(e)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)i(with)f
+(the)e(same)h(\014xit)o(y)g(declaration.)21 b(If)15 b(no)f(\014xit)o(y)h
+(declaration)h(is)f(giv)o(en)h(for)0 2310 y(a)c(particular)h(op)q(erator,)f
+(it)h(defaults)g(to)f Fi(infixl)23 b(9)p Fp(.)c(\(See)13 b
+Fn(x)p Fp(5.7)e(for)h(a)g(detailed)i(de\014nition)h(of)d(the)h(asso)q
+(ciativit)o(y)0 2367 y(rules.\))p 0 2434 780 2 v 52 2461 a
+Fl(7)69 2477 y Fk(Note)g(carefully)i(that)e Ff(add)f Fk(is)i(enclosed)h(in)e
+Fe(b)n(ackquotes)p Fk(,)c(not)14 b Fe(ap)n(ostr)n(ophes)9 b
+Fk(as)14 b(used)f(in)h(the)g(syn)o(tax)g(of)e(c)o(haracters;)i(i.e.)j
+Ff('f')12 b Fk(is)0 2522 y(a)g(c)o(haracter,)h(whereas)g Ff(`f`)e
+(etter)f(than)0 2568 y(the)h(t)o(yp)q(efon)o(t)h(used)f(in)h(this)g(man)o
+(uscript.)52 2598 y Fl(8)69 2614 y Fk(Fixit)o(y)f(declarations)i(m)o(ust)c
+Fe(mo)n(dule)p Fk(,)c(as)h(will)i(b)q(e)f(describ)q(ed)i(in)e(Section)h(6.)p
+%%Page: 13 13
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(3.3)45 b(F)l(unctions)15 b(are)g(Non-strict)1269
+b Fp(T-13)0 105 y Fg(3.3)56 b(F)-5 b(unctions)19 b(are)f(Non-strict)0
+215 y Fp(Supp)q(ose)e Fi(bot)f Fp(is)h(de\014ned)g(b)o(y:)71
+324 y Fi(bot)500 b(=)24 b(bot)0 433 y Fp(In)c(other)e(w)o(ords,)h
+Fi(bot)g Fp(is)h(a)e(non-terminating)i(expression.)33 b(Abstractly)l(,)20
+b(w)o(e)e(denote)i(the)f Fo(value)g Fp(of)g(a)g(non-)0 489
+y(terminating)d(expression)h(as)f Fn(?)g Fp(\(read)g(\\b)q(ottom"\).)21
+b(Expressions)16 b(that)g(result)g(in)h(some)f(kind)h(of)e(a)h(run-time)0
+546 y(error,)e(suc)o(h)i(as)e Fi(1/0)p Fp(,)h(also)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(this)g(v)m
+(alue.)71 626 y(A)f(function)i Fi(f)e Fp(is)h(said)g(to)f(b)q(e)i
+Fo(strict)e Fp(if,)h(when)g(applied)h(to)e(a)h(non)o(terminating)g
+(expression,)g(it)g(also)f(fails)i(to)0 682 y(terminate.)j(In)14
+b(other)g(w)o(ords,)e Fi(f)i Fp(is)g(strict)f(i\013)h(the)f(v)m(alue)i(of)e
+Fi(f)24 b(bot)13 b Fp(is)h Fn(?)p Fp(.)20 b(F)l(or)13 b(most)f(programming)h
+(languages,)0 739 y Fo(al)r(l)k Fp(functions)h(are)e(strict.)25
+b(But)17 b(this)h(is)f(not)g(so)g(in)g(Hask)o(ell.)27 b(As)17
+b(a)f(simple)j(example,)f(consider)g Fi(const1)o Fp(,)f(the)0
+795 y(constan)o(t)d(1)h(function,)h(de\014ned)g(b)o(y:)71 904
+y Fi(const1)23 b(x)381 b(=)24 b(1)0 1013 y Fp(The)18 b(v)m(alue)h(of)f
+Fi(const1)23 b(bot)17 b Fp(in)i(Hask)o(ell)f(is)h Fi(1)p Fp(.)27
+b(Op)q(erationally)20 b(sp)q(eaking,)f(since)g Fi(const1)e
+Fp(do)q(es)h(not)g(\\need")0 1070 y(the)d(v)m(alue)g(of)f(its)h(argumen)o(t,)
+(er)h(gets)f(caugh)o(t)g(in)h(a)f(non)o(ter-)0 1126 y(minating)k
+(computation.)26 b(F)l(or)16 b(this)i(reason,)f(non-strict)h(functions)g(are)
+e(also)i(called)g(\\lazy)g(functions,")g(and)0 1183 y(are)d(said)h(to)e(ev)m
+1263 y(Since)e(error)e(and)h(non)o(terminating)h(v)m(alues)g(are)e(seman)o
+(t)0 1319 y(also)j(holds)h(for)f(errors.)k(F)l(or)14 b(example,)i
+Fi(const1)23 b(\(1/0\))15 b Fp(also)g(ev)m(aluates)h(prop)q(erly)g(to)e
+Fi(1)p Fp(.)71 1400 y(Non-strict)h(functions)i(are)f(extremely)g(useful)h(in)
+g(a)e(v)m(ariet)o(y)h(of)g(con)o(texts.)21 b(The)16 b(main)g(adv)m(an)o(tage)
+f(is)i(that)0 1456 y(they)d(free)f(the)h(programmer)f(from)f(man)o(y)i
+b(exp)q(ensiv)o(e)0 1513 y(v)m(alues)j(ma)o(y)f(b)q(e)h(passed)g(as)e
+(computed)g(if)g(they)f(are)0 1569 y(not)f(needed.)21 b(An)15
+Fo(in\014nite)d Fp(data)g(structure.)0 1714 y Fg(3.4)56 b(\\In\014nite")17
+b(Data)i(Structures)0 1824 y Fp(One)13 b(adv)m(an)o(tage)f(of)g(the)g
+(are)h(non-strict,)h(to)q(o.)18 b(This)0 1880 y(should)h(not)e(b)q(e)i
+(kind)g(of)e(function)i(\(the)e(distin-)0 1937 y(guishing)h(feature)e(b)q
+b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)h(the)g(constructor)0 1993 y(for)e(lists,)g
+Fi(\(:\))p Fp(,)g(is)g(non-strict.)71 2073 y(Non-strict)g(constructors)f(p)q
+(ermit)h(the)g(de\014nition)i(of)e(\(conceptually\))h Fo(in\014nite)d
+Fp(data)i(structures.)k(Here)c(is)0 2130 y(an)g(in\014nite)i(list)f(of)f
+(ones:)71 2230 y Fi(ones)476 b(=)24 b(1)g(:)f(ones)0 2339 y
+Fp(P)o(erhaps)15 b(more)g(in)o(teresting)h(is)f(the)h(function)g
+Fi(numsFrom)o Fp(:)71 2448 y Fi(numsFrom)22 b(n)334 b(=)24
+b(n)g(:)f(numsFrom)g(\(n+1\))0 2557 y Fp(Th)o(us)10 b Fi(numsFrom)23
+b(n)11 b Fp(is)g(the)f(in\014nite)j(list)e(of)f(successiv)o(e)i(in)o(tegers)e
+(b)q(eginning)j(with)e Fi(n)p Fp(.)18 b(F)l(rom)10 b(it)g(w)o(e)h(can)f
+(construct)0 2614 y(an)15 b(in\014nite)i(list)f(of)f(squares:)p
+%%Page: 14 14
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-14)1513 b Fj(3)45 b(FUNCTIONS)71 160 y Fi(squares)404
+b(=)24 b(map)f(\(^2\))h(\(numsfrom)e(0\))0 271 y Fp(\(Note)15
+b(the)g(use)g(of)g(a)g(section;)g Fi(^)g Fp(is)h(the)f(in\014x)i(exp)q(onen)o
+(tiation)f(op)q(erator.\))71 353 y(Of)c(course,)h(ev)o(en)o(tually)g(w)o(e)f
+(for)f(actual)g(computation,)0 409 y(and)17 b(there)f(are)h(lots)f(of)g
+(thing:)24 b Fi(take)o Fp(,)17 b Fi(takeWhile)n Fp(,)0 466
+y Fi(filter)o Fp(,)g(and)h(others)f(\(see)g(the)g(p)q(ortion)h(of)e(the)i
+(Standard)f(Prelude)h(called)h Fi(PreludeList)n Fp(\).)26 b(F)l(or)16
+b(example,)0 522 y Fi(take)f Fp(remo)o(v)o(es)f(the)h(\014rst)g
+Fi(n)g Fp(elemen)o(ts)h(from)e(a)h(list:)569 625 y Fi(take)23
+b(5)h(squares)72 b Fn(\))i Fi([0,1,4,9,16])71 753 y Fp(The)14
+b(de\014nition)i(of)d Fi(ones)g Fp(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)h(is)h(an)e(example)i(of)f
+(a)f Fo(cir)n(cular)j(list)p Fp(.)i(In)d(most)e(circumstances)i(this)f(has)g
+(an)0 809 y(imp)q(ortan)o(t)h(impact)h(on)g(e\016ciency)l(,)h(since)g(an)f
+(list)g(as)0 866 y(a)f(true)g(circular)h(structure,)f(th)o(us)g(sa)o(ving)g
+(space.)71 947 y(F)l(or)10 b(another)h(example)i(of)e(the)g(use)h(of)f
+g(e\016cien)o(tly)0 1004 y(as)j(the)g(follo)o(wing)h(in\014nite)h(sequence:)
+71 1113 y Fi(fib)309 b(=)24 b(1)g(:)g(1)f(:)h([)g(a+b)f(|)h(\(a,b\))f(<-)h
+(zip)f(fib)h(\(tail)f(fib\))g(])0 1222 y Fp(where)e Fi(zip)g
+(in)o(terlea)o(ving)g(of)e(its)i(t)o(w)o(o)d(list)0 1278 y(argumen)o(ts:)71
+1387 y Fi(zip)k(\(x:xs\))g(\(y:ys\))166 b(=)24 b(\(x,y\))f(:)h(zip)f(xs)h(ys)
+71 1444 y(zip)47 b(xs)119 b(ys)238 b(=)24 b([])0 1553 y Fp(Note)16
+b(ho)o(w)g Fi(fib)o Fp(,)g(an)h(in\014nite)h(list,)f(is)f(de\014ned)i(in)f
+24 b(Indeed,)0 1609 y(w)o(e)15 b(can)g(dra)o(w)g(a)g(picture)h(of)f(this)g
+(computation)g(as)g(sho)o(wn)g(in)h(Figure)g(1a.)71 1691 y(F)l(or)e(another)h
+1839 y Fg(3.5)56 b(The)18 b(Error)g(F)-5 b(unction)0 1950 y
+Fp(Hask)o(ell)20 b(has)f(a)g(built-in)i(function)f(called)h
+Fi(error)d Fp(whose)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)h Fi(String->a)o Fp(.)31
+b(This)20 b(is)f(a)g(somewhat)g(o)q(dd)0 2007 y(function:)k(F)l(rom)15
+2063 y(kno)o(ws)e(nothing,)g(since)h(it)g(nev)o(er)f(receiv)o(es)h(a)f(v)m
+2145 y(In)h(fact,)f(there)h Fo(is)g Fp(one)g(v)m(alue)h(\\shared")e(b)o(y)h
+(all)h(t)o(yp)q(es:)k Fn(?)p Fp(.)h(Indeed,)c(seman)o(tically)f(that)e(is)h
+(exactly)h(what)0 2201 y(v)m(alue)c(is)g(alw)o(a)o(ys)e(returned)h(b)o(y)g
+Fi(error)f Fp(\(recall)i(that)e(all)i(errors)e(ha)o(v)o(e)h(v)m(alue)h
+Fn(?)p Fp(\).)19 b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)11 b(w)o(e)h(can)g(exp)q(ect)h(that)0
+2258 y(a)g(reasonable)g(implemen)o(tation)i(will)g(prin)o(t)e(the)g(string)h
+(argumen)o(t)e(to)g Fi(error)h Fp(for)f(diagnostic)i(purp)q(oses.)20
+b(Th)o(us)0 2314 y(this)e(function)g(is)g(useful)g(when)g(w)o(e)f(wish)h(to)f
+2371 y(F)l(or)e(example,)g(the)h(actual)f(de\014nition)i(of)e
+Fi(head)f Fp(tak)o(en)h(from)f(the)i(Standard)f(Prelude)h(is:)71
+2480 y Fi(head)23 b(\(x:xs\))309 b(=)48 b(x)71 2536 y(head)f([])381
+b(=)48 b(error)23 b("head{PreludeList}:)e(head)j([]")p eop
+%%Page: 15 15
+bop 1857 -40 a Fp(T-15)33 869 y @beginspecial 5.156800 @llx
+435.382507 @lly 327.294495 @urx 781.187195 @ury 1800 @rwi @setspecial
+%%BeginDocument: fib.eps
+/FHIODict 30 dict def
+FHIODict begin
+/bdf{bind def}bind def
+dup where not
+3 1 roll exch put
+{end %. FreeHandDict
+/-save0- save def
+pop pop pop pop pop
+userdict begin
+/showpage {} def
+0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth
+0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath
+/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel 1 ne{false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint}if}if
+} bdf
+-save0- restore
+FreeHandDict begin
+/FreeHandDict 190 dict def
+FreeHandDict begin
+/currentpacking where{pop true setpacking}if
+/xdf{exch def}bdf
+/ndf{1 index where{pop pop pop}{dup xcheck{bind}if def}ifelse}bdf
+/min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf
+/max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf
+/isLino statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse def
+/dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add
+exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf
+/C{dr curveto}bdf
+/L{dr lineto}bdf
+/m{dr moveto}bdf
+matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix
+72 72 dtransform
+abs exch abs
+/maxsteps 256 def
+/calcgraysteps {
+currentscreen pop exch
+printerRes exch div exch
+2 copy
+sin mul round dup mul
+3 1 roll
+cos mul round dup mul
+add 1 add
+dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if
+} bdf
+/bottom -0 def
+/delta -0 def
+/frac -0 def
+/left -0 def
+/numsteps -0 def
+/numsteps1 -0 def
+/radius -0 def
+/right -0 def
+/top -0 def
+/xt -0 def
+/yt -0 def
+/df currentflat def
+/tempstr 1 string def
+/clipflatness currentflat def
+0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def
+systemdict/setcmykcolor known def
+/tc1 [0 0 0 1] def
+/tc2 [0 0 0 1] def
+/fc [0 0 0 1] def
+/sc [0 0 0 1] def
+/proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def
+/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
+newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval
+newproc cvx}bdf
+/storerect{/top xdf/right xdf/bottom xdf/left xdf}bdf
+/rectpath{newpath left bottom m left top L
+right top L right bottom L closepath}bdf
+/i{dup 0 eq
+{pop df dup}
+{dup} ifelse
+/clipflatness xdf setflat
+version cvr 38.0 le
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+/gettint{0 get}bdf
+/puttint{0 exch put}bdf
+/vms {/vmsv save def} bdf
+/vmr {vmsv restore} bdf
+/vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf
+{/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def}
+{/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def}
+/CD{/NF exch def{exch dup/FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and{exch NF 3 1 roll put}
+{pop pop}ifelse}forall NF}bdf
+/MN{1 index length/Len exch def
+dup length Len add string dup
+Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval}bdf
+/RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch
+{1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn
+findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup
+/Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf
+/RF{dup FontDirectory exch known{pop 3 -1 roll pop}{RC}ifelse}bdf
+/FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known
+{exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop}{pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup
+/Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont}ifelse}bdf
+userdict begin /BDFontDict 20 dict def end
+BDFontDict begin
+/setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def
+/fnt{pop pop pop}def
+/lin{pop pop}def
+/MacVec 256 array def
+MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont
+/Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval
+MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put
+MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop
+MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop
+dup 0 le{pop 1}if
+dup setflat 3 index stopped
+{1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if}
+pop setflat pop pop
+/fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf
+/W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness fps}bdf
+/fixtrans1 {
+dup{ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+dup{im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+dup{iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+{ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs
+/fixtrans2 {
+5 -1 roll exch concatprocs 7 1 roll
+4 -1 roll exch concatprocs 6 1 roll
+3 -1 roll exch concatprocs 5 1 roll
+concatprocs 4 1 roll
+end%. FreeHandDict
+end%. FHIODict
+FHIODict begin
+FreeHandDict begin
+5.1568 435.3825 327.2945 781.1872 storerect rectpath clip newpath
+/ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf
+/setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf
+/setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf
+/findcmykcustomcolor{5 /packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly}ifelse}ndf
+/setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf
+/setseparationgray{1 exch sub dup dup dup setcmykcolor}ndf
+/currentoverprint false ndf
+/colorimage{pop pop
+[5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx
+/cmykbufs2gray cvx]cvx image}
+version cvr 47.1 le isLino and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse
+/cci1 {
+{ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+/cci2 {
+{invbuf dup length magentabuf length ne
+{dup length dup dup
+/magentabuf exch string def
+/yellowbuf exch string def
+/blackbuf exch string def}if
+dup magentabuf copy yellowbuf copy blackbuf copy pop}concatprocs
+aload pop pop 4 array astore
+/magentabuf 0 string def
+/yellowbuf 0 string def
+/blackbuf 0 string def
+cci2 {magentabuf}{yellowbuf}{blackbuf}true 4 colorimage}
+{pop image}ifelse}ndf
+/newcmykcustomcolor{6 /packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly}ifelse}ndf
+/inkoverprint false ndf
+{spots exch get 0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor}ndf
+/currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf
+/setcolortransfer{systemdict begin settransfer end pop pop pop}ndf
+/getcmyk {
+dup length 4 eq
+{aload pop}
+{aload pop spots exch get 0 4 getinterval aload pop 4
+{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop} ifelse
+getcmyk/ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf
+/strokeopf false def
+/fillopf false def
+/R{0 ne /strokeopf xdf}bdf
+/O{0 ne /fillopf xdf}bdf
+/F{fc fhsetcolor fillopf setoverprint false autospread
+gsave /filler load fp grestore false setoverprint}bdf
+/f{closepath F}bdf
+/S{sc fhsetcolor strokeopf setoverprint true autospread {stroke}fp false setoverprint}bdf
+/s{closepath S}bdf
+/B{fc fhsetcolor fillopf setoverprint gsave /filler load fp grestore
+sc fhsetcolor strokeopf setoverprint true autospread {stroke}fp false setoverprint}bdf
+/b{closepath B}bdf
+colorexists not{/setcolorscreen {setscreen pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop}bdf}if
+/fhsetcolor{dup length 4 eq
+{aload overprintprocess setcmykcolor}
+{aload 1 get spots exch get 5 get setinkoverprint setspotcolor}
+/settextcolor{dup fhsetcolor dup length 4 eq
+{onlyk{3 get 1.0 eq{true setinkoverprint}if}{pop}ifelse}
+/ka{/fc xdf}bdf
+/Ka{/sc xdf}bdf
+/xa{/fc xdf} bdf
+/Xa{/sc xdf} bdf
+/bc2[0 0]def
+/bc4[0 0 0 0]def
+/absmax{2 copy abs exch abs gt{exch}if pop}bdf
+{ colorexists not and{calcgraysteps}{maxsteps}ifelse
+tc1 length 4 eq
+0 1 3
+{tc1 1 index get
+tc2 3 -1 roll get
+absmax absmax absmax
+bc2 tc1 1 get 1 exch put
+tc1 gettint tc2 gettint
+sub abs
+mul abs round dup 0 eq{pop 1}if
+dup /numsteps xdf 1 sub dup 0 eq{pop 1}if /numsteps1 xdf
+tc1 length 4 eq
+0 1 3
+{bc4 exch
+tc1 1 index get
+tc2 2 index get
+1 index sub
+frac mul add put
+}for bc4
+tc1 gettint
+tc2 gettint
+1 index sub
+frac mul add
+puttint bc2
+/logtaper{/frac frac 9 mul 1 add log def}bdf
+FHIODict begin
+/origmtx matrix currentmatrix def
+/iminv false def
+/invbuf{0 1 2 index length 1 sub{dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put}for}bdf
+/cyanrp{currentfile cyanbuf readhexstring pop iminv{invbuf}if}def
+/magentarp{cyanbuf magentabuf copy}bdf
+/yellowrp{cyanbuf yellowbuf copy}bdf
+/blackrp{cyanbuf blackbuf copy}bdf
+{fixtrans1 fixtrans2}
+{{dup 1 exch sub currentgray mul add}concatprocs
+currenttransfer exch concatprocs
+systemdict begin settransfer end}ifelse
+dup length 0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub
+{4 index 1 index get
+4 index 2 index get
+4 index 3 index get
+4 index 4 index get
+255 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop 5 mul exch 45 mul add exch 14 mul add -6 bitshift
+2 index 3 1 roll put}for
+4 1 roll pop pop pop
+/textopf false def
+/otw .25 def
+/msf{dup/curtextmtx xdf makefont setfont}bdf
+/makesetfont/msf load def
+/curtextheight{.707104 .707104 curtextmtx dtransform
+dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bdf
+/ta{1 index
+{tempstr 0 2 index put tempstr 2 index
+gsave exec grestore
+tempstr stringwidth rmoveto
+5 index eq{6 index 6 index rmoveto}if
+3 index 3 index rmoveto
+}forall 7{pop}repeat}bdf
+/sts{settextcolor textopf setoverprint/ts{awidthshow}def exec false setoverprint}bdf
+/stol{setlinewidth settextcolor textopf setoverprint newpath
+/ts{{false charpath stroke}ta}def exec false setoverprint}bdf
+/currentpacking where{pop false setpacking}if
+/spots[1 0 0 0 (Process Cyan) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 1 0 0 (Process Magenta) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 1 0 (Process Yellow) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 0 1 (Process Black) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 0 0 (White) false
+0 dict dup begin
+/f0 /Symbol FF def
+[] 0 d
+3.863708 M
+1 w
+0 j
+0 J
+0 O
+0 R
+0 i
+false eomode
+[0 0 0 1] Ka
+[0 0 0 1] ka
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [18 0 0 18 0 0] makesetfont
+9.656845 613.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (1) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+78.6568 699.0202 m
+78.6568 745.0202 L
+2 J
+78.6568 745.0202 m
+83.6568 745.0202 L
+78.6568 757.0202 L
+73.6568 745.0202 L
+78.6568 745.0202 L
+160.6568 624.0202 m
+162.6568 627.0202 L
+165.6568 631.0202 L
+168.6568 634.0202 L
+171.6568 636.0202 L
+175.6568 639.0202 L
+178.6568 641.0202 L
+180.6568 642.0202 L
+182.6568 643.0202 L
+184.6568 644.0202 L
+186.6568 645.0202 L
+188.6568 646.0202 L
+190.6568 647.0202 L
+192.6568 647.0202 L
+194.6568 648.0202 L
+196.6568 648.0202 L
+198.6568 649.0202 L
+200.6568 649.0202 L
+202.6568 650.0202 L
+205.6568 650.0202 L
+207.6568 650.0202 L
+209.6568 650.0202 L
+211.6568 651.0202 L
+213.6568 651.0202 L
+215.6568 651.0202 L
+217.6568 650.0202 L
+219.6568 650.0202 L
+221.6568 650.0202 L
+223.6568 650.0202 L
+225.6568 649.0202 L
+227.6568 649.0202 L
+231.6568 648.0202 L
+235.6568 646.0202 L
+238.6568 644.0202 L
+241.6568 642.0202 L
+244.6568 640.0202 L
+247.6568 637.0202 L
+249.6568 635.0202 L
+251.6568 632.0202 L
+253.6568 630.0202 L
+255.6568 628.0202 L
+257.6568 625.0202 L
+258.6568 623.0202 L
+260.6568 621.0202 L
+262.6568 618.0202 L
+263.6568 616.0202 L
+265.6568 613.0202 L
+267.6568 611.0202 L
+268.6568 608.0202 L
+270.6568 606.0202 L
+271.6568 603.0202 L
+272.6568 601.0202 L
+274.6568 598.0202 L
+275.6568 595.0202 L
+276.6568 593.0202 L
+277.6568 590.0202 L
+279.6568 588.0202 L
+280.6568 585.0202 L
+281.6568 582.0202 L
+282.6568 580.0202 L
+283.6568 577.0202 L
+284.6568 574.0202 L
+285.6568 572.0202 L
+286.6568 569.0202 L
+286.6568 566.0202 L
+287.6568 563.0202 L
+288.6568 561.0202 L
+289.6568 558.0202 L
+289.6568 555.0202 L
+290.6568 552.0202 L
+291.6568 550.0202 L
+291.6568 547.0202 L
+292.6568 544.0202 L
+292.6568 541.0202 L
+293.6568 538.0202 L
+293.6568 536.0202 L
+293.6568 533.0202 L
+294.6568 530.0202 L
+294.6568 527.0202 L
+294.6568 524.0202 L
+295.6568 521.0202 L
+295.6568 519.0202 L
+295.6568 516.0202 L
+295.6568 513.0202 L
+295.6568 510.0202 L
+295.6568 506.0202 L
+295.6568 503.0202 L
+295.6568 500.0202 L
+294.6568 498.0202 L
+294.6568 495.0202 L
+293.6568 493.0202 L
+293.6568 491.0202 L
+292.6568 489.0202 L
+291.6568 487.0202 L
+290.6568 486.0202 L
+289.6568 484.0202 L
+288.6568 483.0202 L
+286.6568 481.0202 L
+284.6568 480.0202 L
+281.6568 481.0202 L
+279.6568 481.0202 L
+276.6568 482.0202 L
+274.6568 484.0202 L
+235.6568 520.0202 L
+91.6568 694.0202 m
+93.6568 696.0202 L
+95.6568 698.0202 L
+97.6568 700.0202 L
+100.6568 702.0202 L
+102.6568 703.0202 L
+104.6568 705.0202 L
+107.6568 706.0202 L
+109.6568 708.0202 L
+112.6568 709.0202 L
+114.6568 710.0202 L
+117.6568 711.0202 L
+119.6568 713.0202 L
+122.6568 714.0202 L
+125.6568 715.0202 L
+128.6568 715.0202 L
+130.6568 716.0202 L
+133.6568 717.0202 L
+136.6568 718.0202 L
+139.6568 718.0202 L
+142.6568 719.0202 L
+145.6568 719.0202 L
+148.6568 720.0202 L
+151.6568 720.0202 L
+154.6568 720.0202 L
+156.6568 720.0202 L
+159.6568 720.0202 L
+162.6568 720.0202 L
+165.6568 720.0202 L
+168.6568 720.0202 L
+171.6568 720.0202 L
+174.6568 720.0202 L
+177.6568 720.0202 L
+180.6568 720.0202 L
+183.6568 719.0202 L
+186.6568 719.0202 L
+189.6568 719.0202 L
+192.6568 718.0202 L
+195.6568 718.0202 L
+198.6568 717.0202 L
+201.6568 716.0202 L
+203.6568 716.0202 L
+206.6568 715.0202 L
+209.6568 714.0202 L
+212.6568 714.0202 L
+214.6568 713.0202 L
+217.6568 712.0202 L
+220.6568 711.0202 L
+222.6568 710.0202 L
+225.6568 709.0202 L
+228.6568 707.0202 L
+232.6568 706.0202 L
+235.6568 704.0202 L
+238.6568 703.0202 L
+241.6568 701.0202 L
+244.6568 699.0202 L
+246.6568 697.0202 L
+249.6568 695.0202 L
+252.6568 693.0202 L
+255.6568 691.0202 L
+257.6568 689.0202 L
+260.6568 687.0202 L
+262.6568 684.0202 L
+265.6568 682.0202 L
+267.6568 679.0202 L
+270.6568 677.0202 L
+272.6568 674.0202 L
+274.6568 672.0202 L
+276.6568 669.0202 L
+278.6568 666.0202 L
+280.6568 663.0202 L
+282.6568 660.0202 L
+284.6568 657.0202 L
+286.6568 655.0202 L
+288.6568 652.0202 L
+290.6568 649.0202 L
+292.6568 646.0202 L
+294.6568 642.0202 L
+295.6568 639.0202 L
+297.6568 636.0202 L
+298.6568 633.0202 L
+300.6568 630.0202 L
+301.6568 626.0202 L
+303.6568 623.0202 L
+304.6568 620.0202 L
+305.6568 617.0202 L
+307.6568 613.0202 L
+308.6568 610.0202 L
+309.6568 607.0202 L
+310.6568 603.0202 L
+311.6568 600.0202 L
+312.6568 597.0202 L
+313.6568 593.0202 L
+314.6568 590.0202 L
+315.6568 587.0202 L
+315.6568 583.0202 L
+316.6568 580.0202 L
+316.6568 578.0202 L
+317.6568 575.0202 L
+318.6568 573.0202 L
+318.6568 570.0202 L
+319.6568 567.0202 L
+319.6568 564.0202 L
+320.6568 562.0202 L
+320.6568 559.0202 L
+321.6568 556.0202 L
+321.6568 553.0202 L
+322.6568 550.0202 L
+322.6568 547.0202 L
+323.6568 544.0202 L
+323.6568 541.0202 L
+324.6568 538.0202 L
+324.6568 534.0202 L
+324.6568 531.0202 L
+325.6568 528.0202 L
+325.6568 525.0202 L
+325.6568 522.0202 L
+325.6568 519.0202 L
+326.6568 515.0202 L
+326.6568 512.0202 L
+326.6568 509.0202 L
+326.6568 506.0202 L
+326.6568 503.0202 L
+325.6568 500.0202 L
+325.6568 497.0202 L
+325.6568 494.0202 L
+324.6568 491.0202 L
+324.6568 488.0202 L
+323.6568 486.0202 L
+323.6568 483.0202 L
+322.6568 480.0202 L
+321.6568 477.0202 L
+320.6568 475.0202 L
+319.6568 472.0202 L
+318.6568 470.0202 L
+317.6568 468.0202 L
+315.6568 466.0202 L
+314.6568 464.0202 L
+312.6568 462.0202 L
+311.6568 460.0202 L
+309.6568 458.0202 L
+307.6568 456.0202 L
+305.6568 455.0202 L
+302.6568 453.0202 L
+300.6568 452.0202 L
+297.6568 451.0202 L
+294.6568 449.0202 L
+291.6568 448.0202 L
+288.6568 447.0202 L
+285.6568 446.0202 L
+282.6568 445.0202 L
+279.6568 444.0202 L
+276.6568 443.0202 L
+273.6568 442.0202 L
+270.6568 441.0202 L
+267.6568 440.0202 L
+263.6568 439.0202 L
+260.6568 439.0202 L
+257.6568 438.0202 L
+253.6568 438.0202 L
+250.6568 437.0202 L
+247.6568 437.0202 L
+244.6568 437.0202 L
+240.6568 436.0202 L
+237.6568 436.0202 L
+234.6568 436.0202 L
+230.6568 436.0202 L
+227.6568 436.0202 L
+224.6568 436.0202 L
+221.6568 436.0202 L
+218.6568 437.0202 L
+214.6568 437.0202 L
+211.6568 437.0202 L
+208.6568 438.0202 L
+205.6568 439.0202 L
+202.6568 439.0202 L
+199.6568 440.0202 L
+196.6568 441.0202 L
+194.6568 442.0202 L
+191.6568 443.0202 L
+188.6568 444.0202 L
+185.6568 445.0202 L
+183.6568 447.0202 L
+180.6568 448.0202 L
+178.6568 450.0202 L
+176.6568 451.0202 L
+173.6568 453.0202 L
+171.6568 455.0202 L
+169.6568 456.0202 L
+167.6568 458.0202 L
+165.6568 461.0202 L
+164.6568 463.0202 L
+162.6568 465.0202 L
+161.6568 467.0202 L
+160.6568 469.0202 L
+160.6568 471.0202 L
+160.6568 473.0202 L
+160.6568 476.0202 L
+160.6568 478.0202 L
+161.6568 481.0202 L
+162.6568 483.0202 L
+163.6568 486.0202 L
+165.6568 488.0202 L
+166.6568 491.0202 L
+168.6568 494.0202 L
+170.6568 496.0202 L
+172.6568 499.0202 L
+174.6568 502.0202 L
+177.6568 505.0202 L
+179.6568 507.0202 L
+181.6568 510.0202 L
+184.6568 513.0202 L
+186.6568 515.0202 L
+188.6568 518.0202 L
+191.6568 520.0202 L
+193.6568 523.0202 L
+195.6568 525.0202 L
+134.6568 623.0202 m
+101.6568 657.0202 L
+101.6568 657.0202 m
+105.6568 661.0202 L
+93.6568 666.0202 L
+98.6568 653.0202 L
+101.6568 657.0202 L
+202.6568 554.0202 m
+171.6568 586.0202 L
+171.6568 586.0202 m
+174.6568 590.0202 L
+162.6568 595.0202 L
+167.6568 582.0202 L
+171.6568 586.0202 L
+60.1568 680.5202 m
+60.1568 691.0138 68.6633 699.5202 79.1568 699.5202 C
+89.6504 699.5202 98.1568 691.0138 98.1568 680.5202 C
+98.1568 670.0267 89.6504 661.5202 79.1568 661.5202 C
+68.6633 661.5202 60.1568 670.0267 60.1568 680.5202 C
+[0 0 0 0] ka
+0 dict dup begin
+/f2 /Symbol FF def
+f2 [36 0 0 36 0 0] makesetfont
+73.656845 672.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (:) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+129.1568 610.5202 m
+129.1568 621.0138 137.6633 629.5202 148.1568 629.5202 C
+158.6504 629.5202 167.1568 621.0138 167.1568 610.5202 C
+167.1568 600.0267 158.6504 591.5202 148.1568 591.5202 C
+137.6633 591.5202 129.1568 600.0267 129.1568 610.5202 C
+[0 0 0 0] ka
+2 J
+0 dict dup begin
+/f2 /Symbol FF def
+f2 [36 0 0 36 0 0] makesetfont
+142.656845 602.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (:) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+199.1568 541.5202 m
+199.1568 552.0138 207.6633 560.5202 218.1568 560.5202 C
+228.6504 560.5202 237.1568 552.0138 237.1568 541.5202 C
+237.1568 531.0267 228.6504 522.5202 218.1568 522.5202 C
+207.6633 522.5202 199.1568 531.0267 199.1568 541.5202 C
+[0 0 0 0] ka
+2 J
+0 dict dup begin
+/f2 /Symbol FF def
+f2 [36 0 0 36 0 0] makesetfont
+208.12738 532.080994 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (+) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+22.6568 624.0202 m
+55.6568 658.0202 L
+2 J
+55.6568 658.0202 m
+58.6568 654.0202 L
+63.6568 667.0202 L
+51.6568 662.0202 L
+55.6568 658.0202 L
+90.6568 551.0202 m
+123.6568 585.0202 L
+123.6568 585.0202 m
+126.6568 581.0202 L
+131.6568 594.0202 L
+119.6568 589.0202 L
+123.6568 585.0202 L
+192.6568 520.0202 m
+191.6568 519.0202 L
+191.6568 519.0202 m
+195.6568 515.0202 L
+200.6568 528.0202 L
+187.6568 523.0202 L
+191.6568 519.0202 L
+237.6568 518.0202 m
+240.6568 515.0202 L
+240.6568 515.0202 m
+244.6568 519.0202 L
+231.6568 524.0202 L
+236.6568 511.0202 L
+240.6568 515.0202 L
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [18 0 0 18 0 0] makesetfont
+76.656845 538.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (1) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [18 0 0 18 0 0] makesetfont
+126.656845 724.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (1,1,2,3,5,...) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [18 0 0 18 0 0] makesetfont
+164.656845 655.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (1,2,3,5,8,...) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f3 /|______Times-BoldItalic dup RF findfont def
+f3 [18 0 0 18 0 0] makesetfont
+69.656845 763.020248 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (fib) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+end % FreeHandDict
+end % FHIODict
+ @endspecial 1134 w @beginspecial 14.258400 @llx 620.398376
+@lly 377.258392 @urx 783.398376 @ury 1800 @rwi @setspecial
+%%BeginDocument: io.eps
+/FHIODict 30 dict def
+FHIODict begin
+/bdf{bind def}bind def
+dup where not
+3 1 roll exch put
+{end %. FreeHandDict
+/-save0- save def
+pop pop pop pop pop
+userdict begin
+/showpage {} def
+0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth
+0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath
+/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel 1 ne{false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint}if}if
+} bdf
+-save0- restore
+FreeHandDict begin
+/FreeHandDict 190 dict def
+FreeHandDict begin
+/currentpacking where{pop true setpacking}if
+/xdf{exch def}bdf
+/ndf{1 index where{pop pop pop}{dup xcheck{bind}if def}ifelse}bdf
+/min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf
+/max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf
+/isLino statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse def
+/dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add
+exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf
+/C{dr curveto}bdf
+/L{dr lineto}bdf
+/m{dr moveto}bdf
+matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix
+72 72 dtransform
+abs exch abs
+/maxsteps 256 def
+/calcgraysteps {
+currentscreen pop exch
+printerRes exch div exch
+2 copy
+sin mul round dup mul
+3 1 roll
+cos mul round dup mul
+add 1 add
+dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if
+} bdf
+/bottom -0 def
+/delta -0 def
+/frac -0 def
+/left -0 def
+/numsteps -0 def
+/numsteps1 -0 def
+/radius -0 def
+/right -0 def
+/top -0 def
+/xt -0 def
+/yt -0 def
+/df currentflat def
+/tempstr 1 string def
+/clipflatness currentflat def
+0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def
+systemdict/setcmykcolor known def
+/tc1 [0 0 0 1] def
+/tc2 [0 0 0 1] def
+/fc [0 0 0 1] def
+/sc [0 0 0 1] def
+/proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def
+/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
+newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval
+newproc cvx}bdf
+/storerect{/top xdf/right xdf/bottom xdf/left xdf}bdf
+/rectpath{newpath left bottom m left top L
+right top L right bottom L closepath}bdf
+/i{dup 0 eq
+{pop df dup}
+{dup} ifelse
+/clipflatness xdf setflat
+version cvr 38.0 le
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll
+/gettint{0 get}bdf
+/puttint{0 exch put}bdf
+/vms {/vmsv save def} bdf
+/vmr {vmsv restore} bdf
+/vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf
+{/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def}
+{/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def}
+/CD{/NF exch def{exch dup/FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and{exch NF 3 1 roll put}
+{pop pop}ifelse}forall NF}bdf
+/MN{1 index length/Len exch def
+dup length Len add string dup
+Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval}bdf
+/RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch
+{1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn
+findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup
+/Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf
+/RF{dup FontDirectory exch known{pop 3 -1 roll pop}{RC}ifelse}bdf
+/FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known
+{exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop}{pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup
+/Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont}ifelse}bdf
+userdict begin /BDFontDict 20 dict def end
+BDFontDict begin
+/setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def
+/fnt{pop pop pop}def
+/lin{pop pop}def
+/MacVec 256 array def
+MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont
+/Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval
+MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put
+MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop
+MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop
+dup 0 le{pop 1}if
+dup setflat 3 index stopped
+{1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if}
+pop setflat pop pop
+/fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf
+/W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness fps}bdf
+/fixtrans1 {
+dup{ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+dup{im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+dup{iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs exch
+{ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs
+/fixtrans2 {
+5 -1 roll exch concatprocs 7 1 roll
+4 -1 roll exch concatprocs 6 1 roll
+3 -1 roll exch concatprocs 5 1 roll
+concatprocs 4 1 roll
+end%. FreeHandDict
+end%. FHIODict
+FHIODict begin
+FreeHandDict begin
+14.2584 620.3984 377.2584 783.3984 storerect rectpath clip newpath
+/ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf
+/setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf
+/setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf
+/findcmykcustomcolor{5 /packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly}ifelse}ndf
+/setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf
+/setseparationgray{1 exch sub dup dup dup setcmykcolor}ndf
+/currentoverprint false ndf
+/colorimage{pop pop
+[5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx
+/cmykbufs2gray cvx]cvx image}
+version cvr 47.1 le isLino and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse
+/cci1 {
+{ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+{ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll
+/cci2 {
+{invbuf dup length magentabuf length ne
+{dup length dup dup
+/magentabuf exch string def
+/yellowbuf exch string def
+/blackbuf exch string def}if
+dup magentabuf copy yellowbuf copy blackbuf copy pop}concatprocs
+aload pop pop 4 array astore
+/magentabuf 0 string def
+/yellowbuf 0 string def
+/blackbuf 0 string def
+cci2 {magentabuf}{yellowbuf}{blackbuf}true 4 colorimage}
+{pop image}ifelse}ndf
+/newcmykcustomcolor{6 /packedarray where{pop packedarray}{array astore readonly}ifelse}ndf
+/inkoverprint false ndf
+{spots exch get 0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor}ndf
+/currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf
+/setcolortransfer{systemdict begin settransfer end pop pop pop}ndf
+/getcmyk {
+dup length 4 eq
+{aload pop}
+{aload pop spots exch get 0 4 getinterval aload pop 4
+{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop} ifelse
+getcmyk/ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf
+/strokeopf false def
+/fillopf false def
+/R{0 ne /strokeopf xdf}bdf
+/O{0 ne /fillopf xdf}bdf
+/F{fc fhsetcolor fillopf setoverprint false autospread
+gsave /filler load fp grestore false setoverprint}bdf
+/f{closepath F}bdf
+/S{sc fhsetcolor strokeopf setoverprint true autospread {stroke}fp false setoverprint}bdf
+/s{closepath S}bdf
+/B{fc fhsetcolor fillopf setoverprint gsave /filler load fp grestore
+sc fhsetcolor strokeopf setoverprint true autospread {stroke}fp false setoverprint}bdf
+/b{closepath B}bdf
+colorexists not{/setcolorscreen {setscreen pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop}bdf}if
+/fhsetcolor{dup length 4 eq
+{aload overprintprocess setcmykcolor}
+{aload 1 get spots exch get 5 get setinkoverprint setspotcolor}
+/settextcolor{dup fhsetcolor dup length 4 eq
+{onlyk{3 get 1.0 eq{true setinkoverprint}if}{pop}ifelse}
+/ka{/fc xdf}bdf
+/Ka{/sc xdf}bdf
+/xa{/fc xdf} bdf
+/Xa{/sc xdf} bdf
+/bc2[0 0]def
+/bc4[0 0 0 0]def
+/absmax{2 copy abs exch abs gt{exch}if pop}bdf
+{ colorexists not and{calcgraysteps}{maxsteps}ifelse
+tc1 length 4 eq
+0 1 3
+{tc1 1 index get
+tc2 3 -1 roll get
+absmax absmax absmax
+bc2 tc1 1 get 1 exch put
+tc1 gettint tc2 gettint
+sub abs
+mul abs round dup 0 eq{pop 1}if
+dup /numsteps xdf 1 sub dup 0 eq{pop 1}if /numsteps1 xdf
+tc1 length 4 eq
+0 1 3
+{bc4 exch
+tc1 1 index get
+tc2 2 index get
+1 index sub
+frac mul add put
+}for bc4
+tc1 gettint
+tc2 gettint
+1 index sub
+frac mul add
+puttint bc2
+/logtaper{/frac frac 9 mul 1 add log def}bdf
+FHIODict begin
+/origmtx matrix currentmatrix def
+/iminv false def
+/invbuf{0 1 2 index length 1 sub{dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put}for}bdf
+/cyanrp{currentfile cyanbuf readhexstring pop iminv{invbuf}if}def
+/magentarp{cyanbuf magentabuf copy}bdf
+/yellowrp{cyanbuf yellowbuf copy}bdf
+/blackrp{cyanbuf blackbuf copy}bdf
+{fixtrans1 fixtrans2}
+{{dup 1 exch sub currentgray mul add}concatprocs
+currenttransfer exch concatprocs
+systemdict begin settransfer end}ifelse
+dup length 0 1 3 -1 roll 1 sub
+{4 index 1 index get
+4 index 2 index get
+4 index 3 index get
+4 index 4 index get
+255 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop 5 mul exch 45 mul add exch 14 mul add -6 bitshift
+2 index 3 1 roll put}for
+4 1 roll pop pop pop
+/textopf false def
+/otw .25 def
+/msf{dup/curtextmtx xdf makefont setfont}bdf
+/makesetfont/msf load def
+/curtextheight{.707104 .707104 curtextmtx dtransform
+dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bdf
+/ta{1 index
+{tempstr 0 2 index put tempstr 2 index
+gsave exec grestore
+tempstr stringwidth rmoveto
+5 index eq{6 index 6 index rmoveto}if
+3 index 3 index rmoveto
+}forall 7{pop}repeat}bdf
+/sts{settextcolor textopf setoverprint/ts{awidthshow}def exec false setoverprint}bdf
+/stol{setlinewidth settextcolor textopf setoverprint newpath
+/ts{{false charpath stroke}ta}def exec false setoverprint}bdf
+/currentpacking where{pop false setpacking}if
+/spots[1 0 0 0 (Process Cyan) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 1 0 0 (Process Magenta) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 1 0 (Process Yellow) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 0 1 (Process Black) false newcmykcustomcolor
+0 0 0 0 (White) false
+0 dict dup begin
+/f0 /Symbol FF def
+[] 0 d
+3.863708 M
+1 w
+0 j
+0 J
+0 O
+0 R
+0 i
+false eomode
+[0 0 0 1] Ka
+[0 0 0 1] ka
+14.7584 767.5217 m
+119.7584 767.5217 L
+119.7584 710.5217 L
+14.7584 710.5217 L
+14.7584 767.5217 L
+[0 0 0 0] ka
+2 J
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [24 0 0 24 0 0] makesetfont
+34.258438 731.021698 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (client) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+271.7584 767.5217 m
+376.7584 767.5217 L
+376.7584 710.5217 L
+271.7584 710.5217 L
+271.7584 767.5217 L
+[0 0 0 0] ka
+2 J
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f1 /|______Helvetica-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f1 [24 0 0 24 0 0] makesetfont
+286.258438 732.021698 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (server) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+119.2584 756.0217 m
+254.2584 756.0217 L
+2 J
+254.2584 756.0217 m
+254.2584 751.0217 L
+266.2584 756.0217 L
+254.2584 761.0217 L
+254.2584 756.0217 L
+271.2584 721.0217 m
+135.2584 721.0217 L
+135.2584 721.0217 m
+135.2584 726.0217 L
+123.2584 721.0217 L
+135.2584 716.0217 L
+135.2584 721.0217 L
+65.2584 653.0217 m
+65.2584 694.0217 L
+65.2584 694.0217 m
+70.2584 694.0217 L
+65.2584 706.0217 L
+60.2584 694.0217 L
+65.2584 694.0217 L
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f2 /|______Courier-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f2 [24 0 0 24 0 0] makesetfont
+163.258438 760.021698 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (reqs) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f2 /|______Courier-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f2 [24 0 0 24 0 0] makesetfont
+158.258438 705.021698 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (resps) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+MacVec 256 array copy
+/f2 /|______Courier-Bold dup RF findfont def
+f2 [24 0 0 24 0 0] makesetfont
+38.258438 633.021698 m
+0 0 32 0 0 (init) ts
+[0 0 0 1]
+end % FreeHandDict
+end % FHIODict
+ @endspecial 106 967 a(Figure)15 b(1:)20 b(\(a\))14 b(Circular)i(Fib)q
+(onacci)h(Sequence)331 b(\(b\))15 b(Serv)o(er/Clien)o(t)h(Sim)o(ulation)0
+1093 y Fq(4)69 b(Case)23 b(Expressions)g(and)h(P)n(attern)f(Matc)n(hing)0
+1215 y Fp(Earlier)c(w)o(e)e(ga)o(v)o(e)g(sev)o(eral)h(examples)h(of)e
+Fi(length)0 1271 y Fp(and)f Fi(fringe)o Fp(.)28 b(In)19 b(this)f(section)g(w)
+(uc)o(h)f(greater)f(detail)0 1328 y(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(3.14\).)151
+1311 y Fm(9)71 1404 y Fp(P)o(atterns)e(are)i(not)f(\\\014rst-class;")h(there)
+(patterns.)24 b(W)l(e)17 b(ha)o(v)o(e)0 1461 y(already)c(seen)g(sev)o(eral)g
+(examples)h(of)e Fo(data)j(c)n(onstructor)e Fp(patterns;)f(b)q(oth)h
+Fi(length)f Fp(and)h Fi(fringe)f Fp(de\014ned)i(earlier)0 1517
+1574 y(de\014ned)e(t)o(yp)q(e)e(\()p Fi(Tree)o Fp(\).)19 b(Indeed,)14
+g(t)o(yp)q(e,)g(user-de\014ned)0 1630 y(or)19 b(not.)31 b(This)20
+32 b(F)l(or)18 b(example,)j(here's)e(a)g(con)o(triv)o(ed)0
+1686 y(function)d(that)f(matc)o(hes)f(against)h(a)g(tuple)h(of)f(\\constan)o
+(ts:")71 1795 y Fi(contrived)22 b(::)i(\([a],)f(Char,)g(\(Int,)g(Float\),)g
+(String,)g(Bool\))g(->)h(Bool)71 1852 y(contrived)94 b(\([],)47
+b('b',)g(\(1,)71 b(2.0\),)g("hi",)g(True\))23 b(=)h(False)0
+1964 y Fp(This)16 b(example)g(also)f(demonstrates)f(that)h
+Fo(nesting)f Fp(of)g(patterns)h(is)h(p)q(ermitted)g(\(to)e(arbitrary)h
+(depth\).)71 2040 y(T)l(ec)o(hnically)21 b(sp)q(eaking,)f Fo(formal)g(p)n(ar)
+n(ameters)881 2024 y Fm(10)937 2040 y Fp(are)f(also)f(patterns|it's)h(just)f
+(that)g(they)h Fo(never)g(fail)h(to)0 2097 y(match)f(a)g(value)p
+Fp(.)28 b(As)18 b(a)f(\\side)h(e\013ect")g(of)f(the)h(successful)h(matc)o(h,)
+e(the)h(formal)g(parameter)f(is)h(b)q(ound)h(to)e(the)0 2153
+b(F)l(or)18 b(this)g(reason)h(patterns)e(in)j(an)o(y)e(one)g(equation)h(are)f
+(not)h(allo)o(w)o(ed)0 2210 y(to)14 b(ha)o(v)o(e)h(more)f(than)h(one)f(o)q
+(called)i Fo(line)n(arity)e Fn(x)q Fp(3.14,)0 2266 y Fn(x)p
+Fp(3.2,)p Fn(x)o Fp(4.4.2\).)71 2343 y(P)o(atterns)c(suc)o(h)i(as)e(formal)h
+(e)i Fo(irr)n(efutable)p Fp(,)g(in)g(con)o(trast)0 2399 y(to)g
+Fo(r)n(efutable)h Fp(patterns)f(suc)o(h)h(as)f(the)h(ones)g(giv)o(en)g(in)h
+(the)e Fi(contrived)g Fp(example)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e.)19 b(There)13
+b(are)g(three)f(other)p 0 2434 780 2 v 52 2461 a Fl(9)69 2477
+y Fk(P)o(attern)k(matc)o(hing)h(in)f(Hask)o(ell)h(is)f(v)o(ery)g(di\013eren)o
+(as)g(Prolog;)0 2522 y(in)e(particular,)h(it)e(can)g(b)q(e)h(view)o(ed)g(as)f
+(o-w)o(a)o(y")f(matc)o(hing)i(\(via)e(uni\014cation\),)0 2568
+(mec)o(hanism.)37 2598 y Fl(10)69 2614 y Fk(The)d(Rep)q(ort)h(calls)g(these)g
+Fe(variables)p Fk(.)p eop
+%%Page: 16 16
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-16)700 b Fj(4)45 b(CASE)15 b(EXPRESSIONS)i(AND)e(P)l(A)l
+(TTERN)h(MA)l(TCHING)0 105 y Fp(kinds)k(of)f(irrefutable)i(patterns,)e(t)o(w)
+(other)f(w)o(e)g(will)i(dela)o(y)f(un)o(til)0 162 y(Section)c(4.4\).)0
+308 y Fc(As-patterns.)45 b Fp(Sometimes)16 b(it)h(is)f(con)o(v)o(enien)o(t)h
+b(F)l(or)0 365 y(example,)16 b(a)f(function)h(that)e(duplicates)j(the)e
+474 y Fi(f)23 b(\(x:xs\))381 b(=)24 b(x:x:xs)0 585 y Fp(\(Recall)17
+b(that)d Fi(:)h Fp(asso)q(ciates)g(to)g(the)g(righ)o(t.\))k(Note)c(that)g
+Fi(x:xs)f Fp(app)q(ears)i(b)q(oth)f(as)g(a)g(pattern)g(on)g(the)g(left-hand)0
+642 y(side,)k(and)f(an)f(expression)h(on)g(the)g(righ)o(t-hand)g(side.)28
+b(T)l(o)17 b(impro)o(v)o(e)g(readabilit)o(y)l(,)j(w)o(e)d(migh)o(t)g(prefer)h
+(to)f(write)0 698 y Fi(x:xs)e Fp(just)g(once,)g(whic)o(h)h(w)o(e)f(can)g(ac)o
+(hiev)o(e)h(using)g(an)f Fo(as-p)n(attern)g Fp(as)g(follo)o(ws:)1353
+682 y Fm(11)71 807 y Fi(f)23 b(s@\(x:xs\))309 b(=)24 b(x:s)0
+919 y Fp(T)l(ec)o(hnically)17 b(sp)q(eaking,)d(as-patterns)g(alw)o(a)o(ys)f
+(\(in)0 975 y(this)i(case)f Fi(x:xs)o Fp(\))g(could,)h(of)f(course,)g(fail.)0
+1122 y Fc(Wild-cards.)46 b Fp(Another)12 b(common)e(situation)i(is)g(matc)o
+0 1179 y(F)l(or)k(example,)g(the)h(functions)f Fi(head)g Fp(and)g
+Fi(tail)g Fp(de\014ned)i(in)f(Section)g(2.1)e(can)h(b)q(e)h(rewritten)f(as:)
+71 1288 y Fi(head)23 b(\(_:xs\))309 b(=)24 b(x)71 1344 y(tail)f(\(x:_\))333
+b(=)24 b(xs)0 1453 y Fp(in)14 b(whic)o(h)h(w)o(e)e(ha)o(v)o(e)g(\\adv)o
+(part)f(of)g(the)h(input)g(is.)20 b(Eac)o(h)0 1510 y(wild-card)15
+1566 y(nothing;)g(for)g(this)h(reason)e(more)h(than)g(one)g(are)g(allo)o(w)o
+(ed)h(in)g(an)f(equation.)0 1713 y Fc(n)p Fi(+)p Fc(k-patterns.)45
+b Fp(There)21 b(is)h(one)f(other)f(kind)i(of)e Fo(r)n(efutable)h
+Fp(pattern)f(in)i(Hask)o(ell,)h(called)f(an)f Fo(n)p Fi(+)o
+Fo(k-p)n(attern)p Fp(,)0 1769 y(whic)o(h)15 b(is)g(useful)h(when)f(writing)g
+b(F)l(or)13 b(example,)j(here's)e(a)g(de\014nition)i(of)0 1826
+y(an)f(in\014x)h(op)q(erator)f Fi(^)g Fp(that)f(raises)i(its)f(\014rst)g
+71 1935 y Fi(x)23 b(^)48 b(0)429 b(=)24 b(1)71 1991 y(x)f(^)h(\(n+1\))357
+b(=)24 b(x*\(x^n\))0 2103 y Fp(\(A)15 b(more)g(e\016cien)o(t)h(de\014nition)h
+(of)d Fi(^)h Fp(is)h(giv)o(en)g(in)g(the)f(Standard)g(Prelude.\))71
+2185 y(In)e(general,)h(the)f(pattern)g Fi(n+)p Fh(k)h Fp(matc)o(hes)f(an)o(y)
+g(in)o(teger)g(v)m(alue)i Fh(v)f Fn(\025)f Fh(k)q Fp(,)g(and)h(binds)g
+Fi(n)f Fp(to)g Fh(v)7 b Fn(\000)f Fh(k)q Fp(.)20 b(n)p Fi(+)p
+Fp(k-patterns)0 2241 y(ha)o(v)o(e)15 b(the)g(adv)m(an)o(tage)f(of)g(making)i
+(similar)h(to)e(the)h(corresp)q(onding)0 2298 y(mathematical)g(de\014nition:)
+858 2342 y Fh(x)884 2326 y Fm(0)945 2342 y Fp(=)42 b(1)809
+2399 y Fh(x)835 2382 y Fd(n)p Fm(+1)945 2399 y Fp(=)g Fh(x)10
+b Fn(\003)g Fh(x)1117 2382 y Fd(n)0 2482 y Fp(\(See)15 b Fn(x)q
+Fp(3.14)f(for)g(a)h(formal)g(translation)g(of)g(n)p Fi(+)p
+0 2525 780 2 v 37 2552 a Fl(11)69 2568 y Fk(Another)e(adv)n(an)o(tage)h(to)e
+(completely)g(reconstruct)g Ff(x:xs)c Fk(rather)j(than)0 2614
+%%Page: 17 17
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(4.1)45 b(P)o(attern-Matc)o(hing)14 b(Seman)o(tics)1187
+b Fp(T-17)0 105 y Fg(4.1)56 b(P)n(attern-Matc)n(hing)19 b(Seman)n(tics)0
+220 y Fp(So)e(far)f(w)o(e)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f(discussed)j(ho)o(w)d(individual)k
+(are)0 277 y(irrefutable,)i(etc.)26 b(But)17 b(what)g(driv)o(es)h(the)f(o)o
+(v)o(erall)g(pro)q(cess?)27 b(In)18 b(what)e(order)h(are)g(the)g(matc)o(hes)g
+(attempted?)0 333 y(What)e(if)g(none)h(succeed?)22 b(These)15
+418 y(A)c(particular)g(matc)o(h)g(of)g(a)f(pattern)h(to)f(a)h(v)m(alue)i(can)
+e(actually)h(yield)g(one)g(of)e(three)h(results:)19 b Fo(failur)n(e)p
+Fp(;)13 b Fo(suc)n(c)n(ess)0 474 y Fp(\(returning)h(a)f(binding)i(for)d(eac)o
+(h)i(formal)f(parameter)f(in)i(the)g(pattern\);)f(or)f Fo(diver)n(genc)n(e)g
+Fp(\(i.e.)h(non)o(termination\).)0 531 y(The)i(matc)o(hing)h(pro)q(cess)f
+587 y(equation)c(results)g(in)g(failure)h(of)e(the)h(whole)g(equation,)h(and)
+e(the)h(next)g(equation)g(is)g(then)g(tried.)19 b(If)12 b(all)h(equations)0
+644 y(fail,)j(the)f(v)m(alue)h(of)f(the)g(function)h(application)h(is)f
+Fn(?)p Fp(,)f(and)h(results)f(in)h(a)f(run-time)h(error.)71
+728 y(F)l(or)i(example,)k(if)e Fi([1,2])e Fp(is)i(matc)o(hed)g(against)f
+Fi([0,bot])o Fp(,)h(then)g Fi(1)f Fp(fails)i(to)e(matc)o(h)g
+Fi(0)o Fp(,)i(so)e(the)g(result)h(is)0 785 y(a)f(failed)j(matc)o(h.)33
+b(But)19 b(if)i Fi([1,2])e Fp(is)h(matc)o(hed)g(against)f Fi([bot,0])o
+Fp(,)i(then)f(matc)o(hing)f Fi(1)h Fp(against)f Fi(bot)h Fp(causes)0
+841 y(div)o(ergence)c(\(i.e.)f Fn(?)p Fp(\).)71 926 y(The)d(only)h(other)f(t)
+(ma)o(y)f(also)i(ha)o(v)o(e)e(a)h(b)q(o)q(olean)i Fo(guar)n(d)p
+Fp(,)0 982 y(as)h(in)h(this)f(de\014nition)i(of)e(a)g(function)h(that)f
+1091 y Fi(sign)23 b(x)h(|)47 b(x)24 b(>)48 b(0)190 b(=)72 b(1)238
+1147 y(|)47 b(x)24 b(==)g(0)190 b(=)72 b(0)238 1204 y(|)47
+b(x)24 b(<)48 b(0)190 b(=)48 b(-1)0 1313 y Fp(Note)16 b(that)f(a)h(sequence)i
+(as)g(with)g(patterns,)g(they)g(are)0 1370 y(ev)m(aluated)g(top-do)o(wn,)f
+(and)g(the)g(\014rst)g(that)g(ev)m(aluates)h(to)e Fi(True)h
+Fp(results)g(in)h(a)f(successful)i(matc)o(h.)0 1527 y Fg(4.2)56
+b(An)19 b(Example)0 1642 y Fp(The)i(pattern-matc)o(hing)f(rules)i(can)f(ha)o
+b(F)l(or)20 b(example,)0 1698 y(consider)c(this)g(de\014nition)h(of)e
+Fi(take)o Fp(:)71 1799 y Fi(take)47 b(0)119 b(_)262 b(=)48
+b([])71 1855 y(take)f(_)119 b([])238 b(=)48 b([])71 1912 y(take)23
+b(\(n+1\))g(\(x:xs\))166 b(=)48 b(x)24 b(:)f(take)h(n)f(xs)0
+2023 y Fp(and)15 b(this)h(sligh)o(tly)g(di\013eren)o(t)g(v)o(ersion)f(\(the)g
+2135 y Fi(take1)47 b(_)119 b([])214 b(=)48 b([])71 2191 y(take1)f(0)119
+b(_)238 b(=)48 b([])71 2248 y(take1)23 b(\(n+1\))g(\(x:xs\))142
+b(=)48 b(x)24 b(:)f(take1)h(n)f(xs)0 2357 y Fp(No)o(w)15 b(note)g(the)g
+(follo)o(wing:)698 2414 y Fi(take)47 b(0)24 b(bot)111 b Fn(\))87
+b Fi([])698 2470 y(take1)23 b(0)h(bot)111 b Fn(\))87 b(?)698
+2557 y Fi(take)47 b(bot)24 b([])87 b Fn(\))g(?)698 2613 y Fi(take1)23
+b(bot)h([])87 b Fn(\))g Fi([])p eop
+%%Page: 18 18
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-18)700 b Fj(4)45 b(CASE)15 b(EXPRESSIONS)i(AND)e(P)l(A)l
+(TTERN)h(MA)l(TCHING)0 105 y Fp(W)l(e)h(see)h(that)f Fi(take)g
+(argumen)o(t,)e(whereas)i Fi(take1)e Fp(is)i(more)0 162 y(de\014ned)h(with)f
+(resp)q(ect)g(to)f(its)h(\014rst.)27 b(It)18 b(is)g(di\016cult)h(to)f(sa)o(y)
+b(Just)0 218 y(remem)o(b)q(er)16 b(that)f(in)i(certain)g(applications,)g(it)g
+(ma)o(y)e(mak)o(e)g(a)h(di\013erence.)24 b(\(The)15 b(Standard)h(Prelude)i
+(includes)0 274 y(a)d(de\014nition)i(corresp)q(onding)f(to)f
+Fi(take)o Fp(.\))0 423 y Fg(4.3)56 b(Case)19 b(Expressions)0
+535 y Fp(P)o(attern)d(matc)o(hing)h(pro)o(vides)g(a)g(w)o(a)o(y)e(to)i
+(a)f(v)m(alue.)0 591 y(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)21 b(in)h(man)o(y)e(circumstances)i
+(w)o(e)f(don't)g(wish)g(to)f(de\014ne)j(a)d Fo(function)h Fp(ev)o(ery)g(time)
+g(w)o(e)g(need)h(to)e(do)0 648 y(this,)c(but)g(so)g(far)g(w)o(e)f(ha)o(v)o(e)
+f(de\014nitions.)25 b(Hask)o(ell's)0 704 y Fo(c)n(ase)16 b(expr)n(ession)e
+761 y(function)k(de\014nitions)i(is)e(sp)q(eci\014ed)h(in)g(the)e(Rep)q(ort)h
+817 y(more)c(primitiv)o(e.)21 b(In)16 b(particular,)f(a)g(function)h
+(de\014nition)h(of)e(the)g(form:)787 916 y Fi(f)h Fo(p)850
+923 y Fb(11)917 916 y Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)22 b Fo(p)1017 923 y Fb(1k)1074
+916 y Fi(=)16 b Fo(e)1135 923 y Fb(1)787 973 y Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)787
+1029 y Fi(f)16 b Fo(p)850 1036 y Fb(n1)919 1029 y Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)22
+b Fo(p)1019 1036 y Fb(nk)1077 1029 y Fi(=)16 b Fo(e)1138 1036
+y Fb(n)0 1129 y Fp(where)f(eac)o(h)h Fo(p)257 1136 y Fb(ij)301
+1129 y Fp(is)g(a)e(pattern,)h(is)g(seman)o(tically)i(equiv)m(alen)o(t)g(to:)
+288 1232 y Fi(f)23 b(x1)h(x2)g Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)21 b Fi(xk)j(=)g(case)f(\(x1,)
+31 b Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)e Fi(,)23 b(xk\))h(of)c(\()p Fo(p)1240
+1239 y Fb(11)1283 1232 y Fh(;)k(:)8 b(:)g(:)d(;)24 b Fo(p)1440
+1239 y Fb(1k)1480 1232 y Fi(\))g(->)16 b Fo(e)1613 1239 y Fb(1)1193
+1288 y Fh(:)8 b(:)g(:)1193 1344 y Fi(\()p Fo(p)1240 1351 y
+Fb(n1)1285 1344 y Fh(;)24 b(:)8 b(:)g(:)d(;)24 b Fo(p)1442
+1351 y Fb(nk)1484 1344 y Fi(\))g(->)16 b Fo(e)1617 1351 y Fb(n)0
+1446 y Fp(where)f(the)g Fi(xi)f Fp(are)h(new)g(iden)o(ti\014ers.)21
+b(\(F)l(or)14 b(a)g(more)h(general)g(translation)g(that)f(includes)j(guards,)
+d(see)h Fn(x)p Fp(4.4.2.\))0 1503 y(F)l(or)g(example,)g(the)h(de\014nition)h
+(of)d Fi(take)h Fp(giv)o(en)h(earlier)g(is)f(equiv)m(alen)o(t)i(to:)71
+1612 y Fi(take)23 b(m)h(ys)357 b(=)24 b(case)f(\(m,ys\))g(of)739
+1668 y(\(0,_\))166 b(->)48 b([])739 1725 y(\(_,[]\))142 b(->)48
+b([])739 1781 y(\(n+1,x:xs\))e(->)i(x)23 b(:)h(take)f(n)h(xs)71
+1941 y Fp(A)13 b(p)q(oin)o(t)g(not)g(made)g(earlier)h(is)g(that,)f(for)f(t)o
+(sides)h(of)f(a)g(case)0 1997 y(expression)h(or)e(set)h(of)f(equations)h
+(same;)g(more)f(precisely)l(,)0 2054 y(they)j(m)o(ust)g(all)h(share)f(a)g
+(common)g(principal)i(t)o(yp)q(e.)71 2136 y(The)j(pattern-matc)o(hing)g
+(e)f(giv)o(en)i(for)e(function)0 2192 y(de\014nitions,)h(so)d(there)h(is)g
+(the)f(con)o(v)o(enience)j(that)0 2248 y(case)d(expressions)g(o\013er.)24
+b(Indeed,)19 b(there's)d(one)h(use)g(of)g(a)f(case)h(expression)h(that)e(is)h
+(so)f(common)h(that)f(it)h(has)0 2305 y(sp)q(ecial)k(syn)o(tax:)27
+b(the)19 b Fo(c)n(onditional)g(expr)n(ession)p Fp(.)31 b(In)20
+2361 y(form:)756 2419 y Fi(if)c Fh(e)840 2426 y Fm(1)875 2419
+y Fi(then)g Fh(e)1007 2426 y Fm(2)1042 2419 y Fi(else)g Fh(e)1174
+2426 y Fm(3)0 2503 y Fp(whic)o(h)h(is)g(really)g(short-hand)f(for:)724
+2557 y Fi(case)f Fh(e)855 2564 y Fm(1)890 2557 y Fi(of)41 b(True)48
+b(->)15 b Fh(e)1207 2564 y Fm(2)979 2613 y Fi(False)24 b(->)15
+b Fh(e)1207 2620 y Fm(3)p eop
+%%Page: 19 19
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(4.4)45 b(Lazy)15 b(P)o(atterns)1473 b Fp(T-19)0
+105 y(F)l(rom)15 b(this)g(expansion)i(it)e(should)i(b)q(e)f(clear)g(that)e
+Fh(e)900 112 y Fm(1)936 105 y Fp(m)o(ust)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fi(Bool)o Fp(,)g(and)h Fh(e)1489 112 y Fm(2)1524 105 y Fp(and)g
+Fh(e)1634 112 y Fm(3)1669 105 y Fp(m)o(ust)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(the)0
+162 y(same)e(\(but)g(otherwise)h(arbitrary\))e(t)o(yp)q(e.)19
+b(In)14 b(other)f(w)o(ords,)f Fi(if)p 1104 162 14 2 v 16 w(then)p
+1216 162 V 16 w(else)p 1327 162 V 29 w Fp(when)i(view)o(ed)g(as)f(a)g
+(function)h(has)0 218 y(t)o(yp)q(e)h Fi(Bool->a->a->a)n Fp(.)0
+365 y Fg(4.4)56 b(Lazy)18 b(P)n(atterns)0 476 y Fp(There)e(is)f(one)h(other)f
+b(It)16 b(is)g(called)h(a)e Fo(lazy)h(p)n(attern)p Fp(,)e(and)i(has)f(the)h
+(form)0 533 y Fi(~)p Fh(pat)p Fp(.)28 b(Lazy)18 b(patterns)f(are)h
+Fo(irr)n(efutable)p Fp(:)25 b(matc)o(hing)18 b(a)f(v)m(alue)j
+Fh(v)f Fp(against)e Fi(~)p Fh(pat)h Fp(alw)o(a)o(ys)g(succeeds,)h(regardless)
+0 589 y(of)c Fh(pat)p Fp(.)20 b(Op)q(erationally)d(sp)q(eaking,)f(if)g(an)f
+(iden)o(ti\014er)i(in)f Fh(pat)f Fp(is)h(later)f(\\used")h(on)f(the)g(righ)o
+(t-hand-side,)i(it)e(will)0 646 y(b)q(e)g(b)q(ound)h(to)e(that)g(p)q(ortion)h
+(of)g(the)f(v)m(alue)i(that)f(w)o(ould)g(result)g(if)g Fh(v)h
+Fp(w)o(ere)f(to)f(successfully)j(matc)o(h)d Fh(pat)p Fp(,)h(and)g
+Fn(?)0 702 y Fp(otherwise.)71 784 y(Lazy)22 b(patterns)g(are)g(useful)i(in)f
+(recursiv)o(ely)l(.)44 b(F)l(or)0 840 y(example,)16 b(in\014nite)h(lists)e
+(are)g(an)g(excellen)o(t)i(v)o(ehicle)g(for)e(writing)g Fo(simulation)g
+Fp(programs,)f(and)h(in)h(this)g(con)o(text)0 897 y(the)h(in\014nite)j(lists)
+e(are)f(often)g(called)i Fo(str)n(e)n(ams)p Fp(.)25 b(Consider)18
+953 y(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)g(a)f(serv)o(er)g(pro)q(cess)h Fi(server)f
+Fp(and)g(a)h(clien)o(t)g(pro)q(cess)g Fi(client)o Fp(,)g(where)g
+Fi(client)e Fp(sends)i(a)g(sequence)g(of)0 1010 y Fo(r)n(e)n(quests)c
+Fp(to)h Fi(server)o Fp(,)g(and)g Fi(server)g Fp(replies)i(to)d(eac)o(h)i
+(request)f(with)h(some)f(kind)h(of)f Fo(r)n(esp)n(onse)p Fp(.)k(This)d
+(situation)0 1066 y(is)i(sho)o(wn)e(pictorially)j(in)f(Figure)f(1b,)g(just)g
+b(\(Note)17 b(that)f Fi(client)0 1122 y Fp(also)g(tak)o(es)f(an)h(initial)i
+(message)d(as)h(argumen)o(t.\))21 b(Using)c(streams)e(to)g(sim)o(ulate)h(the)
+h(message)e(sequences,)i(the)0 1179 y(Hask)o(ell)f(co)q(de)g(corresp)q
+(onding)g(to)f(this)g(diagram)g(is:)71 1288 y Fi(reqs)500 b(=)24
+b(client)f(init)g(resps)71 1344 y(resps)476 b(=)24 b(server)f(reqs)0
+1453 y Fp(These)16 b(recursiv)o(e)f(equations)h(are)f(a)g(direct)h(lexical)h
+(transliteration)e(of)g(the)g(diagram.)71 1535 y(Let)g(us)g(further)g(assume)
+(something)h(lik)o(e)g(this:)71 1644 y Fi(client)23 b(init)g(\(resp:resps\))f
+(=)i(init)f(:)h(client)f(\(next)g(resp\))g(resps)71 1700 y(server)142
+b(\(req:reqs\))70 b(=)24 b(process)f(req)g(:)h(server)f(reqs)0
+1809 y Fp(where)18 b(w)o(e)g(assume)g(that)g Fi(next)f Fp(is)i(a)f(function)h
+(the)0 1866 y(next)i(request,)g(and)g Fi(process)f Fp(is)h(a)g(function)g
+(an)0 1922 y(appropriate)15 b(resp)q(onse.)71 2004 y(Unfortunately)l(,)d
+(this)f(program)f(has)h(a)g(serious)h(problem:)18 b(it)12 b(will)h(not)e(pro)
+q(duce)h(an)o(y)e(output!)19 b(The)11 b(problem)0 2060 y(is)h(that)e
+Fi(client)o Fp(,)i(as)f(used)g(in)h(the)g(recursiv)o(e)g(setting)f(of)g
+Fi(reqs)f Fp(and)i Fi(resps)o Fp(,)f(attempts)g(a)f(matc)o(h)h(on)g(the)g
+(resp)q(onse)0 2117 y(list)18 b(b)q(efore)g(it)g(has)g(submitted)g(its)g
+(\014rst)f(request!)27 b(In)19 b(other)e(w)o(ords,)g(the)h(pattern)f(matc)o
+(hing)h(is)g(b)q(eing)h(done)0 2173 y(\\to)q(o)14 b(early)l(.")20
+Fi(client)d Fp(as)h(follo)o(ws:)71 2282 y Fi(client)23 b(init)g(resps)214
+b(=)24 b(init)f(:)h(client)f(\(next)g(\(head)g(resps\)\))g(\(tail)g(resps\))0
+2391 y Fp(Although)15 b(w)o(ork)m(able,)f(this)g(solution)h(do)q(es)g(not)e
+(read)h(as)g(w)o(ell)h(as)f(that)f(giv)o(en)i(earlier.)20 b(A)14
+b(b)q(etter)g(solution)h(is)g(to)0 2448 y(use)h(a)e(lazy)i(pattern:)71
+2557 y Fi(client)23 b(init)g(~\(resp:resps\))f(=)i(init)f(:)h(client)f
+(\(next)g(resp\))g(resps)p eop
+%%Page: 20 20
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-20)700 b Fj(4)45 b(CASE)15 b(EXPRESSIONS)i(AND)e(P)l(A)l
+(TTERN)h(MA)l(TCHING)0 105 y Fp(Because)22 b(lazy)h(patterns)e(are)g
+f(the)f(initial)0 162 y(request)17 b(to)f(b)q(e)i(\\submitted,")g(in)f(turn)g
+(engine)g(is)f(no)o(w)0 218 y(\\primed,")e(and)h(the)f(recursion)h(tak)o(es)e
+(care)h(of)g(the)g(rest.)71 306 y(As)g(an)g(example)h(of)f(this)g(program)f
+(in)i(action,)f(if)h(w)o(e)f(de\014ne:)71 415 y Fi(init)476
+b(=)24 b(0)71 472 y(next)f(resp)357 b(=)24 b(resp)71 528 y(process)e(req)310
+b(=)24 b(req+1)0 637 y Fp(then)16 b(w)o(e)e(see)i(that:)485
+704 y Fi(take)24 b(10)f(reqs)73 b Fn(\))h Fi([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])71
+830 y Fp(The)13 b(serv)o(er/clien)o(t)h(example)g(w)o(as)e(delib)q(erately)k
+887 y(and)19 b(streams,)f(and)g(also)h(to)f(aid)h(the)f(user)h(in)o(terested)
+g(in)g(using)h(Hask)o(ell's)f Fo(str)n(e)n(am-b)n(ase)n(d)f(I/O)p
+Fp(,)g(in)h(whic)o(h)g(a)0 943 y(Hask)o(ell)14 b(program)f(is)g(essen)o
+(as)f(serv)o(er)g(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(7\).)18 b(Although)0 1000
+y(in)d(this)g(tutorial)f(w)o(e)g(will)i(only)f(discuss)g Fo(c)n
+(ontinuation-b)n(ase)n(d)g(I/O)f Fp(\(see)g(Section)h(8\),)e(the)i
+(stream-based)f(alter-)0 1056 y(nativ)o(e)j(is)h(an)f(excellen)o(t)i(example)
+b(Indeed,)19 b(the)e(stream-based)0 1113 y(I/O)f(example)g(in)g(the)f(Rep)q
+(ort)h(uses)f(lazy)h(patterns.)71 1201 y(As)11 b(another)g(example)i(of)e
+(Fib)q(onacci)i(giv)o(en)f(earlier:)71 1310 y Fi(fib)309 b(=)24
+(])0 1419 y Fp(W)l(e)15 b(migh)o(t)g(try)g(rewriting)h(this)f(using)h(an)f
+(as-pattern:)71 1528 y Fi(fib@\(1:tfib\))70 b(=)23 b(1)h(:)g(1)f(:)h([)g(a+b)
+f(|)h(\(a,b\))f(<-)h(zip)f(fib)h(tfib)f(])0 1639 y Fp(This)16
+b(v)o(ersion)g(of)f Fi(fib)g Fp(has)h(the)f(\(small)h(adv)m(an)o(tage\))f(of)
+g(not)g(using)i Fi(tail)e Fp(on)g(the)h(righ)o(t-hand)g(side,)g(since)h(it)e
+(is)0 1696 y(a)o(v)m(ailable)i(in)f(\\destructured")f(form)f(on)i(the)f
+(left-hand)h(side)g(as)f Fi(tfib)o Fp(.)71 1784 y([This)f(kind)h(of)f
+(equation)g(is)h(called)h(a)e Fo(p)n(attern)h(binding)e Fp(b)q(ecause)i(it)g
+(is)f(a)g(top-lev)o(el)h(equation)g(in)g(whic)o(h)g(the)0 1840
+Fi(fib)g Fp(and)h Fi(tfib)e Fp(b)q(ecome)i(b)q(ound)g(within)h(the)e(scop)q
+(e)h(of)f(the)0 1897 y(declaration.])71 1985 y(No)o(w,)12 b(using)h(the)g
+(to)e(b)q(eliev)o(e)j(that)d(this)i(program)d(will)0 2041 y(not)j(generate)h
+(an)o(y)f(output.)19 b(Curiously)l(,)d(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)d(it)i
+Fo(do)n(es)p Fp(,)f(and)h(the)f(reason)h(is)g(simple:)21 b(in)15
+b(Hask)o(ell,)g(pattern)0 2098 y(bindings)i(are)e(assumed)g(to)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h
+(an)f(implicit)k Fi(~)d Fp(in)h(fron)o(t)e(of)g(them,)h(re\015ecting)h(the)f
+(most)f(common)g(b)q(eha)o(vior)0 2154 y(exp)q(ected)h(of)f(pattern)g
+h(are)f(b)q(ey)o(ond)h(the)f(scop)q(e)0 2211 y(of)f(this)h(tutorial.)19
+b(Th)o(us)14 b(w)o(e)f(see)h(that)e(lazy)i(patterns)f(pla)o(y)h(an)g(imp)q
+2380 y Fg(4.5)56 b(Lexical)16 b(Scoping)j(and)g(Nested)f(F)-5
+b(orms)0 2501 y Fp(It)14 b(is)h(often)f(desirable)i(to)e(create)g(a)g(nested)
+(creating)h(lo)q(cal)0 2557 y(bindings)i(not)f(seen)g(elsewhere|i.e.)23
+b(some)15 b(kind)h(of)g(\\blo)q(c)o(k-structuring")g(form.)k(In)c(Hask)o(ell)
+g(there)g(are)f(t)o(w)o(o)0 2614 y(w)o(a)o(ys)f(to)h(ac)o(hiev)o(e)g(this:)p
+%%Page: 21 21
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(4.6)45 b(La)o(y)o(out)1614 b Fp(T-21)0 105 y
+Fc(Let)23 b(Expressions.)44 b Fp(Hask)o(ell's)19 b Fo(let)h(expr)n(essions)d
+162 y(quired.)h(As)15 b(a)g(simple)i(example,)e(consider:)71
+271 y Fi(let)23 b(y)71 b(=)24 b(a*b)166 327 y(f)g(x)f(=)h(\(x+y\)/y)71
+383 y(in)f(f)h(c)g(+)f(f)h(d)0 493 y Fp(The)19 b(set)g(of)f(bindings)j
+(created)e(b)o(y)g(a)g Fi(let)f Fp(expression)i(is)f Fo(mutual)r(ly)i(r)n(e)n
+(cursive)p Fp(,)e(and)g(pattern)f(bindings)j(are)0 549 y(treated)c(as)g(lazy)
+i(patterns)e(\(i.e.)27 b(they)18 b(carry)f(an)h(implicit)i
+Fi(~)p Fp(\).)27 b(The)18 b(only)g(kind)h(of)e(declarations)h(p)q(ermitted)0
+605 y(are)d Fo(typ)n(e)h(signatur)n(es)p Fp(,)e Fo(function)i(bindings)p
+Fp(,)d(and)j Fo(p)n(attern)g(bindings)p Fp(.)0 780 y Fc(Where)j(Clauses.)45
+b Fp(Sometimes)18 b(it)f(is)h(con)o(v)o(enien)o(t)g(to)e(scop)q(e)i(bindings)
+h(o)o(v)o(er)d(sev)o(eral)i(guarded)f(equations,)0 836 y(whic)o(h)f(requires)
+g(a)f Fo(wher)n(e)h(clause)p Fp(:)71 945 y Fi(f)23 b(x)h(y)48
+b(|)f(y>z)262 b(=)48 b(...)238 1001 y(|)f(y==z)238 b(=)48 b(...)238
+1058 y(|)f(y<z)262 b(=)48 b(...)643 1114 y(where)23 b(z)h(=)g(x*x)0
+1224 y Fp(Note)14 b(that)h(this)g(cannot)f(b)q(e)i(done)f(with)g(a)g
+Fi(let)f Fp(expression,)h(whic)o(h)h(only)f(scop)q(es)h(o)o(v)o(er)e(the)g
+(expression)i(whic)o(h)0 1280 y(it)f(encloses.)20 b(A)15 b
+Fi(where)f Fp(clause)h(is)g(only)g(allo)o(w)o(ed)g(at)f(the)h(top)f(lev)o(el)
+1336 y(The)e(same)g(prop)q(erties)g(and)g(constrain)o(ts)g(on)g(bindings)h
+(in)g Fi(let)e Fp(expressions)i(apply)g(to)e(those)h(in)g Fi(where)g
+Fp(clauses.)71 1426 y(These)k(t)o(w)o(o)f(forms)g(of)h(nested)h(scop)q(e)f
+Fi(let)f Fp(expression)i(is)g(an)0 1483 y Fo(expr)n(ession)p
+Fp(,)12 b(whereas)h(a)g Fi(where)f Fp(clause)i(is)g(not|it)f(is)h(part)e(of)h
+1539 y(expressions.)0 1715 y Fg(4.6)56 b(La)n(y)n(out)0 1839
+y Fp(The)15 b(reader)g(ma)o(y)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(b)q(een)g(w)o(ondering)h(ho)o(w)
+(semicolons,)0 1895 y(or)e(some)h(other)f(kind)i(of)e(line)i(terminator,)e
+b(F)l(or)12 b(example,)0 1952 y(consider)k(this)g Fi(let)f
+Fp(expression)h(from)e(the)h(last)g(section:)71 2061 y Fi(let)23
+b(y)71 b(=)24 b(a*b)166 2117 y(f)g(x)f(=)h(\(x+y\)/y)71 2174
+y(in)f(f)h(c)g(+)f(f)h(d)0 2283 y Fp(Ho)o(w)15 b(do)q(es)g(the)g(parser)g
+(kno)o(w)g(not)g(to)f(parse)h(this)h(as:)71 2392 y Fi(let)23
+b(y)71 b(=)24 b(a*b)g(f)166 2448 y(x)71 b(=)24 b(\(x+y\)/y)71
+2504 y(in)f(f)h(c)g(+)f(f)h(d)0 2614 y Fp(?)p eop
+%%Page: 22 22
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-22)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")71 105 y Fp(The)j(answ)o(er)f(is)i(that)e(Hask)o(ell)i(uses)f
+(a)g(t)o(w)o(o-dimensional)h(syn)o(tax)e(called)i Fo(layout)g
+Fp(that)e(essen)o(tially)j(relies)0 162 y(on)e(declarations)h(b)q(eing)h
+(\\lined)g(up)f(in)g(columns.")30 b(In)19 b(the)f(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)g(example,)i
+(note)e(that)g Fi(y)g Fp(and)g Fi(f)g Fp(b)q(egin)i(in)0 218
+y(the)d(same)g(column.)27 b(The)17 b(rules)h(for)e(la)o(y)o(out)h(are)g(sp)q
+(elled)i(out)e(in)h(detail)g(in)g(the)f(Rep)q(ort)h(\()p Fn(x)p
+Fp(1.5,)p Fn(x)n Fp(B.4\),)f(but)g(in)0 274 y(practice,)e(use)h(of)f(la)o(y)o
+(out)f(is)i(rather)f(in)o(tuitiv)o(e.)21 b(Just)15 b(remem)o(b)q(er)h(t)o(w)o
+(o)e(things:)71 358 y(First,)j(the)g(next)g(c)o(haracter)g(follo)o(wing)h(an)
+o(y)f(of)g(the)g(k)o(eyw)o(ords)f Fi(where)p Fp(,)h Fi(let)p
+Fp(,)g(or)g Fi(of)g Fp(is)g(what)g(determines)0 415 y(the)c(starting)f
+(expression)g(b)q(eing)i(written)d(\(the)h(rule)0 471 y(also)i(applies)i(to)d
+Fi(where)g Fp(used)i(in)g(the)f(class)h(and)f(instance)h(declarations)f(to)g
+(b)q(e)h(de\014ned)g(in)g(Section)g(5\).)j(Th)o(us)0 528 y(w)o(e)c(can)g(b)q
+(ord,)f(the)h(next)h(line,)g(etc.)71 612 y(Second,)h(just)f(b)q(e)h(sure)f
+(the)g(starting)g(column)0 668 y(asso)q(ciated)f(with)g(the)g(immediately)i
+(biguous\).)j(The)c(\\ter-)0 725 y(mination")e(of)f(a)h(declaration)g(happ)q
+(starting)f(column)0 781 y(asso)q(ciated)j(with)h(that)e(binding)k(form.)689
+765 y Fm(12)71 865 y Fp(La)o(y)o(out)e(is)h(actually)h(shorthand)f(for)g(an)g
+Fo(explicit)f Fp(grouping)i(mec)o(hanism,)g(whic)o(h)f(deserv)o(es)h(men)o
+(tion)f(b)q(e-)0 921 y(cause)e(it)h(can)f(b)q(e)h(useful)g(under)g(certain)g
+(circumstances.)21 b(The)15 b Fi(let)g Fp(example)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(is)g
+(equiv)m(alen)o(t)i(to:)71 1030 y Fi(let)23 b({)h(y)71 b(=)24
+b(a*b;)214 1087 y(f)f(x)h(=)g(\(x+y\)/y)f(})71 1143 y(in)g(f)h(c)g(+)f(f)h(d)
+0 1252 y Fp(Note)15 b(the)h(explicit)i(curly)e(braces)g(and)g(semicolons.)22
+b(One)16 b(w)o(a)o(y)f(in)h(whic)o(h)h(this)f(explicit)h(notation)f(is)g
+(useful)g(is)0 1309 y(when)g(more)e(than)i(one)f(declaration)h(is)g(desired)g
+1418 y Fi(let)23 b(y)71 b(=)24 b(a*b;)47 b(z)24 b(=)g(a/b)166
+1474 y(f)g(x)f(=)h(\(x+y\)/z)71 1531 y(in)f(f)h(c)g(+)f(f)h(d)0
+1640 y Fp(F)l(or)15 b(another)f(example)i(of)f(the)g(expansion)i(of)d(la)o(y)
+o(out)h(in)o(to)g(explicit)i(delimiters,)g(see)f Fn(x)p Fp(1.5.)71
+1724 y(The)i(use)h(of)e(la)o(y)o(out)h(greatly)g(reduces)h(the)f(syn)o
+1780 y(enhancing)e(readabilit)o(y)l(.)k(It)15 b(is)h(easy)f(to)f(learn,)i
+(and)f(its)h(use)f(is)h(encouraged.)0 1957 y Fq(5)69 b(T)n(yp)r(e)23
+b(Classes,)f(Ov)n(erloading,)g(and)i(\\OOP")0 2087 y Fp(There)17
+2144 y(probably)h(the)f(most)f(inno)o(v)m(ativ)o(e)i(asp)q(ect)f(of)g(Hask)o
+(ell's)g(design.)24 b(The)16 b(kind)h(of)f(p)q(olymorphism)h(that)f(w)o(e)f
+(ha)o(v)o(e)0 2200 y(talk)o(ed)g(ab)q(out)h(so)e(far)h(is)h(commonly)f
+(called)i Fo(p)n(ar)n(ametric)f Fp(p)q(olymorphism.)21 b(There)16
+b(is)f(another)g(kind)i(called)g Fo(ad)0 2256 y(ho)n(c)c Fp(p)q(olymorphism,)
+i(b)q(etter)f(kno)o(wn)f(as)g Fo(overlo)n(ading)p Fp(.)19 b(Here)13
+2382 y Fn(\017)23 b Fp(The)15 b(literals)h Fi(1)p Fp(,)f Fi(2)p
+Fp(,)f(etc.)20 b(are)15 b(often)g(used)g(to)g(represen)o(t)g(b)q(oth)g
+(\014xed)h(and)f(arbitrary)g(precision)h(in)o(tegers.)68 2480
+y Fn(\017)23 b Fp(Numeric)16 b(op)q(erators)e(suc)o(h)i(as)e
+Fi(+)h Fp(are)g(often)g(de\014ned)i(to)d(w)o(ork)h(on)g(man)o(y)f(di\013eren)
+o(t)i(kinds)g(of)f(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers.)p 0 2525 780 2 v 37 2552
+a Fl(12)69 2568 y Fk(Hask)o(ell)e(observ)o(es)g(the)f(con)o(v)o(en)o(tion)h
+(e)g(tak)o(en)g(when)g(using)h(an)f(editor)h(whic)o(h)0 2614
+%%Page: 23 23
+bop 1857 -40 a Fp(T-23)68 105 y Fn(\017)23 b Fp(The)13 b(equalit)o(y)h(op)q
+(erator)e(\()p Fi(==)g Fp(in)i(Hask)o(ell\))g(usually)g(w)o(orks)e(on)h(n)o
+162 y(t)o(yp)q(es.)0 264 y(Note)i(that)g(these)h(o)o(v)o(erloaded)f(b)q(eha)o
+(viors)h(are)g Fo(di\013er)n(ent)f Fp(for)g(eac)o(h)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h(\(in)g
+(fact)f(the)h(b)q(eha)o(vior)g(is)g(sometimes)0 320 y(unde\014ned,)g(or)f
+(truly)g(do)q(es)g(not)f(matter)g(\()p Fi(fringe)n Fp(,)0 377
+b(In)13 b(Hask)o(ell,)0 433 y Fo(typ)n(e)j(classes)e Fp(pro)o(vide)i(a)e
+(or)f(o)o(v)o(erloading.)71 510 y(Let's)d(start)g(with)i(a)e(simple,)j(but)e
+(imp)q(ortan)o(t,)g(example:)19 b Fo(e)n(quality)p Fp(.)g(There)14
+b(are)e(man)o(y)h(t)o(yp)q(es)g(for)f(whic)o(h)i(w)o(e)0 566
+(h)i(w)o(e)f(w)o(ould)g(not.)18 b(F)l(or)13 b(example,)g(comparing)g(the)g
+(equalit)o(y)0 623 y(of)g(functions)g(is)h(generally)g(considered)h
+(to)g(compare)0 679 y(t)o(w)o(o)j(lists)i(for)e(equalit)o(y)l(.)418
+663 y Fm(13)480 679 y Fp(T)l(o)h(highligh)o(t)h(the)g(issue,)g(consider)g
+(this)f(de\014nition)i(of)e(the)g(function)h Fi(elem)f Fp(whic)o(h)0
+736 y(tests)f(for)f(mem)o(b)q(ership)j(in)f(a)e(list:)71 845
+y Fi(x)23 b(`elem`)47 b([])286 b(=)24 b(False)71 901 y(x)f(`elem`)g(\(y:ys\))
+214 b(=)24 b(x==y)f(||)h(\(x)g(`elem`)f(ys\))0 1013 y Fp([F)l(or)16
+(e)g(ha)o(v)o(e)h(c)o(hosen)g(to)g(de\014ne)h Fi(elem)e Fp(in)i(in\014x)g
+(form.)0 1069 y Fi(==)d Fp(and)g Fi(||)g Fp(are)g(the)g(in\014x)i(op)q
+0 1146 y(In)o(tuitiv)o(ely)h(sp)q(eaking,)f(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)g
+Fi(elem)g Fp(\\ough)o(t")f(to)g(b)q(e:)20 b Fi(a->[a]->Bool)n
+Fp(.)f(But)14 b(this)f(w)o(ould)h(imply)h(that)d Fi(==)0 1202
+y Fp(has)i(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(a->a->Bool)n Fp(,)g(ev)o(en)g(though)g(w)o(e)g
+(just)f(said)i(that)e(w)o(e)h(don't)f(exp)q(ect)i Fi(==)e Fp(to)g(b)q(e)i
+(de\014ned)g(for)e(all)i(t)o(yp)q(es.)71 1279 y(F)l(urthermore,)20
+Fi(==)f Fo(wer)n(e)g Fp(de\014ned)h(on)f(all)h(t)o(yp)q(es,)g(comparing)f(t)o
+(w)o(o)0 1335 y(lists)e(for)e(equalit)o(y)i(is)g Fo(very)g(di\013er)n(ent)e
+Fp(from)h(comparing)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(in)o(tegers.)25 b(In)18 b(this)g(sense,)f
+(w)o(e)g(exp)q(ect)h Fi(==)f Fp(to)f(b)q(e)0 1392 y Fo(overlo)n(ade)n(d)f
+Fp(to)g(carry)f(on)i(these)f(v)m(arious)h(tasks.)71 1468 y
+Fo(T)m(yp)n(e)h(classes)f Fp(con)o(v)o(enien)o(tly)j(solv)o(e)f(b)q(oth)g(of)
+(yp)q(es)0 1525 y(are)13 b Fo(instanc)n(es)e Fp(of)i(whic)o(h)i(class,)e(and)
+Fo(op)n(er)n(ations)g Fp(asso)q(ciated)h(with)0 1581 y(a)h(class.)20
+b(F)l(or)15 b(example,)g(let's)h(de\014ne)g(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(class)h(con)o
+(taining)g(an)f(equalit)o(y)h(op)q(erator:)71 1690 y Fi(class)23
+b(Eq)g(a)h(where)118 1747 y(\(==\))429 b(::)24 b(a)g(->)f(a)h(->)g(Bool)0
+1856 y Fp(Here)18 b Fi(Eq)g Fp(is)g(the)g(name)g(of)f(the)h(class)h(b)q(eing)
+g(de\014ned,)g(and)f Fi(==)g Fp(is)g(the)g(single)h(op)q(eration)f(in)h(the)f
+(class.)28 b(This)0 1912 y(declaration)13 b(ma)o(y)f(b)q(e)h(read)g(\\a)f(t)o
+(yp)q(e)g Fi(a)h Fp(is)g(an)f(instance)i(of)e(the)h(class)f
+Fi(Eq)h Fp(if)g(there)f(is)h(an)g(\(o)o(v)o(erloaded\))f(op)q(eration)0
+1969 y Fi(==)p Fp(,)i(of)g(the)h(appropriate)g(t)o(yp)q(e,)f(de\014ned)i(on)f
+(it.")20 b(\(Note)14 b(that)g Fi(==)g Fp(is)h(only)h(de\014ned)g(on)e(pairs)h
+(of)g(ob)s(jects)f(of)g(the)0 2025 y(same)h(t)o(yp)q(e.\))71
+2102 y(The)i(constrain)o(t)f(that)h(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)i Fi(a)e
+Fp(m)o(ust)h(b)q(e)h(an)f(instance)g(of)g(the)g(class)g Fi(Eq)g
+Fp(is)h(written)f Fi(Eq)23 b(a)p Fp(.)j(Th)o(us)17 b Fi(Eq)23
+b(a)0 2158 y Fp(is)c(not)g(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(expression,)h(but)f(rather)f(it)i
+(a)f Fo(c)n(ontext)p Fp(.)0 2215 y(Con)o(texts)14 b(are)h(app)q(ended)i(to)e
+(the)g(fron)o(t)f(of)h(t)o(yp)q(e)h(expressions.)21 b(F)l(or)14
+2271 y(declaration)h(is)g(to)e(assign)i(the)f(follo)o(wing)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(to)
+g Fi(==)o Fp(:)71 2380 y Fi(\(==\))476 b(::)24 b(\(Eq)f(a\))h(=>)g(a)f(->)h
+(a)g(->)f(Bool)p 0 2480 780 2 v 37 2506 a Fl(13)69 2522 y Fk(The)15
+(equalit)o(y")h(found,)0 2568 y(for)f(example,)h(in)g(Lisp's)g
+Ff(eq)o Fk(.)26 b(P)o(oin)o(ter)17 b(equalit)o(y)h(is)e(not)h(referen)o
+(in)f(a)g(purely)0 2614 y(functional)f(language.)p eop
+%%Page: 24 24
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-24)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")0 105 y Fp(This)e(should)g(b)q(e)g(read,)f(\\F)l(or)f(ev)o(ery)
+i(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(a)g Fp(that)f(is)i(an)f(instance)h(of)f(the)g(class)h
+Fi(Eq)o Fp(,)g Fi(==)f Fp(has)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(a->a->Bool)o
+Fp(.")0 162 y(This)i(is)g(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f(that)g(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)g(used)h
+(for)e Fi(==)g Fp(in)h(the)g Fi(elem)f Fp(example,)h(and)g(indeed)h(the)f
+(constrain)o(t)f(imp)q(osed)0 218 y(b)o(y)i(the)g(con)o(text)g(propagates)f
+(to)h(the)g(principal)j(t)o(yp)q(e)d(for)f Fi(elem)p Fp(:)71
+327 y Fi(elem)476 b(::)24 b(\(Eq)f(a\))h(=>)g(a)f(->)h([a])f(->)h(Bool)0
+436 y Fp(This)11 b(should)g(b)q(e)g(read,)f(\\F)l(or)g(ev)o(ery)g(t)o(yp)q(e)
+g Fi(a)g Fp(that)f(is)i(an)f(instance)h(of)f(the)g(class)g
+Fi(Eq)p Fp(,)h Fi(elem)e Fp(has)i(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(a->[a]->Bool)n
+Fp(.")0 493 y(This)18 b(is)f(just)g(what)f(w)o(e)h(w)o(an)o(t|it)g(expresses)
+g(the)g(fact)g(that)f Fi(elem)g Fp(is)i(not)e(de\014ned)j(on)e
+Fo(al)r(l)f Fp(t)o(yp)q(es,)i(just)e(those)0 549 y(for)f(whic)o(h)h(w)o(e)f
+71 625 y(So)f(far)h(so)f(go)q(o)q(d.)19 b(But)14 b(ho)o(w)g(do)f(w)o(e)h(sp)q
+Fi(Eq)p Fp(,)g(and)g(the)g(actual)0 682 y(b)q(eha)o(vior)i(of)f
+Fi(==)f Fp(on)i(eac)o(h)f(of)g(those)f(t)o(yp)q(es?)21 b(This)16
+b(is)g(done)f(with)h(an)f Fo(instanc)n(e)g(de)n(clar)n(ation)p
+Fp(.)k(F)l(or)c(example:)71 791 y Fi(instance)22 b(Eq)i(Int)f(where)118
+847 y(x)h(==)g(y)381 b(=)48 b(intEq)23 b(x)h(y)0 956 y Fp(The)15
+b(de\014nition)h(of)e Fi(==)g Fp(is)i(called)g(a)e Fo(metho)n(d)p
+Fp(.)20 b Fi(intEq)14 b Fp(happ)q(ens)h(to)f(b)q(e)i(the)e(primitiv)o(e)i
+(function)f(that)f(compares)0 1013 y(in)o(tegers)i(for)g(equalit)o(y)l(,)h
+(on)f(the)g(righ)o(t-hand)h(side,)f(just)g(as)0 1069 y(for)e(an)o(y)f(other)h
+(function)h(de\014nition.)21 b(The)15 b(o)o(v)o(erall)f(declaration)h(is)g
+(essen)o(tially)g(sa)o(ying:)k(\\The)c(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(Int)f
+Fp(is)i(an)0 1126 y(instance)j(of)f(the)h(class)g Fi(Eq)p Fp(,)f(and)h(here)g
+(the)h(op)q(eration)0 1182 y Fi(==)p Fp(.")31 b(Giv)o(en)19
+h(in)o(tegers)e(for)f(equalit)o(y)i(using)g Fi(==)o Fp(.)0
+1239 y(Similarly:)71 1347 y Fi(instance)i(Eq)i(Float)f(where)118
+1404 y(x)h(==)g(y)381 b(=)48 b(floatEq)23 b(x)h(y)0 1513 y
+Fp(allo)o(ws)15 b(us)h(to)e(compare)h(\015oating)g(p)q(oin)o(t)h(n)o(um)o(b)q
+(ers)f(using)h Fi(==)p Fp(.)71 1589 y(Recursiv)o(e)g(t)o(yp)q(es)f(suc)o(h)h
+(as)f Fi(Tree)f Fp(de\014ned)j(earlier)f(can)f(also)g(b)q(e)h(handled:)71
+1698 y Fi(instance)22 b(\(Eq)i(a\))f(=>)h(Eq)g(\(Tree)f(a\))g(where)118
+1755 y(Leaf)h(a)214 b(==)24 b(Leaf)f(b)239 b(=)47 b(a)24 b(==)g(b)118
+1811 y(\(Branch)f(l1)h(r1\))f(==)h(\(Branch)f(l2)g(r2\))48
+b(=)f(\(l1==l2\))23 b(&&)h(\(r1==r2\))118 1868 y(_)334 b(==)24
+b(_)358 b(=)47 b(False)0 1979 y Fp(Note)16 b(the)g(con)o(text)40
+b Fi(Eq)23 b(a)40 b Fp(in)17 b(the)g(\014rst)e(line|this)k(is)e(necessary)g
+2036 y(t)o(yp)q(e)e Fi(a)p Fp(\))f(are)h(compared)g(for)f(equalit)o(y)i(in)g
+(ying)f(that)f(w)o(e)0 2092 y(can)k(compare)f(trees)g(of)g
+Fi(a)p Fp('s)g(for)g(equalit)o(y)i(as)e(long)h(as)f(w)o(e)g(kno)o(w)g(ho)o(w)
+g(to)g(compare)g Fi(a)p Fp('s)g(for)g(equalit)o(y)l(.)28 b(If)18
+b(the)0 2149 y(con)o(text)d(w)o(ere)g(omitted,)f(a)h(static)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h
+(error)e(w)o(ould)i(result.)71 2225 y(The)h(Hask)o(ell)h(Rep)q(ort,)f(esp)q
+(useful)j(examples)e(of)0 2281 y(t)o(yp)q(e)e(classes.)21 b(Indeed,)16
+b(a)f(class)g Fi(Eq)g Fp(is)h(de\014ned)h(that)d(is)i(sligh)o(tly)g(larger)f
+(than)g(the)h(one)f(de\014ned)h(earlier:)71 2392 y Fi(class)47
+b(Eq)23 b(a)48 b(where)118 2448 y(\(==\),)23 b(\(/=\))286 b(::)24
+b(a)g(->)f(a)h(->)g(Bool)118 2504 y(x)g(/=)g(y)381 b(=)48 b(not)23
+b(\(x)h(==)g(y\))0 2614 y Fp(This)15 b(is)g(an)g(example)g(of)g(a)f(class)h
+(with)g Fo(two)g Fp(op)q(erations,)g(one)f(for)g(equalit)o(y)l(,)i(the)e
+(other)h(for)f(inequalit)o(y)l(.)21 b(It)15 b(also)p eop
+%%Page: 25 25
+bop 1857 -40 a Fp(T-25)0 105 y(demonstrates)14 b(the)h(use)g(of)f(a)h
+Fo(default)h(metho)n(d)p Fp(,)f(in)h(this)f(case)g(for)f(the)h(inequalit)o(y)
+i(op)q(eration)e Fi(/=)o Fp(.)20 b(If)15 b(a)g(metho)q(d)0
+162 y(for)k(a)f(particular)i(op)q(eration)g(is)f(omitted)h(in)g(an)f
+218 y(the)e(class)g(declaration,)h(if)g(it)f(exists,)g(is)h(used)f(instead.)
+29 b(F)l(or)17 b(example,)i(the)f(three)g(instances)h(of)e
+Fi(Eq)h Fp(de\014ned)0 274 y(earlier)d(will)g(w)o(ork)e(p)q(erfectly)i(w)o
+(the)g(righ)o(t)g(de\014nition)h(of)0 331 y(inequalit)o(y)i(that)d(w)o(e)h(w)
+408 y(Hask)o(ell)j(also)f(supp)q(orts)g(a)g(notion)g(of)g Fo(class)g
+(inclusion)p Fp(.)24 b(F)l(or)17 b(example,)h(w)o(e)f(ma)o(y)f(wish)i(to)e
+(de\014ne)j(a)e(class)0 464 y Fi(Ord)f Fp(whic)o(h)g Fo(inherits)g
+f(set)h(of)g(comparison)g(op)q(erations)0 520 y(and)f(minim)o(um)i(and)e
+(maxim)o(um)g(functions:)71 621 y Fi(class)47 b(\(Eq)23 b(a\))h(=>)f(Ord)h(a)
+47 b(where)118 677 y(\(<\),)24 b(\(<=\),)f(\(>=\),)g(\(>\))47
+b(::)24 b(a)g(->)f(a)h(->)g(Bool)118 733 y(max,)g(min)333 b(::)24
+b(a)g(->)f(a)h(->)g(a)0 845 y Fp(Note)16 b(the)g(con)o(text)f(in)i(the)f
+Fi(class)g Fp(declaration.)23 b(W)l(e)16 b(sa)o(y)f(that)h
+Fi(Eq)f Fp(is)i(a)f Fo(sup)n(er)n(class)e Fp(of)i Fi(Ord)f
+Fp(\(con)o(v)o(ersely)l(,)h Fi(Ord)0 902 y Fp(is)h(a)f Fo(sub)n(class)f
+Fp(of)g Fi(Eq)p Fp(\),)h(and)h(an)o(y)f(instance)h(of)f Fi(Ord)f
+Fp(m)o(ust)h(also)g(b)q(e)h(an)g(instance)g(of)f Fi(Eq)o Fp(.)24
+b(\(In)16 b(the)h(next)f(Section)0 958 y(w)o(e)f(giv)o(e)g(a)g(fuller)i
+(de\014nition)g(or)d Fi(Ord)h Fp(tak)o(en)g(from)f(the)i(Standard)f
+(Prelude.\))71 1035 y(One)24 b(b)q(ene\014t)h(of)e(suc)o(h)h(class)g
+(inclusions)i(is)e(shorter)f(con)o(texts:)36 b(A)24 b(t)o(yp)q(e)f
+(expression)i(for)e(a)g(function)0 1091 y(that)17 b(uses)g(op)q(erations)h
+(from)e(b)q(oth)h(the)h Fi(Eq)f Fp(and)g Fi(Ord)g Fp(classes)h(can)f(use)h
+(the)f(con)o(text)g Fi(\(Ord)23 b(a\))p Fp(,)17 b(rather)g(than)0
+1147 y Fi(\(Eq)23 b(a,)h(Ord)f(a\))p Fp(,)18 b(since)i Fi(Ord)d
+Fp(\\implies")j Fi(Eq)o Fp(.)28 b(More)18 b(imp)q(ortan)o(tly)l(,)g(metho)q
+(ds)g(for)g(sub)q(class)h(op)q(erations)f(can)0 1204 y(assume)13
+b(F)l(or)12 b(example,)i(the)g Fi(Ord)f Fp(declaration)h(in)g(the)0
+1260 y(Standard)h(Prelude)i(con)o(tains)e(this)g(default)h(metho)q(d)g(for)e
+Fi(\(<\))p Fp(:)166 1364 y Fi(x)24 b(<)f(y)358 b(=)48 b(x)24
+b(<=)f(y)h(&&)g(x)f(/=)h(y)71 1518 y Fp(As)15 b(an)g(example)h(of)f(the)g
+(use)g(of)g Fi(Ord)p Fp(,)g(the)g(principal)i(t)o(yping)f(of)f
+Fi(quicksort)f Fp(de\014ned)i(in)g(Section)g(2.5.1)e(is:)71
+1629 y Fi(quicksort)356 b(::)48 b(\(Ord)23 b(a\))h(=>)f([a])h(->)f([a])0
+1738 y Fp(In)g(other)g(w)o(ords,)g Fi(quicksort)e Fp(only)j(op)q(erates)e(on)
+h(lists)g(of)f(v)m(alues)i(of)f Fo(or)n(der)n(e)n(d)f Fp(t)o(yp)q(es.)42
+b(This)24 b(t)o(yping)f(for)0 1794 y Fi(quicksort)14 b Fp(arises)h(b)q
+Fi(<)g Fp(and)g Fi(>=)g Fp(in)h(its)f(de\014nition.)71 1871
+y(Hask)o(ell)21 b(also)g(p)q(ermits)g Fo(multiple)h(inheritanc)n(e)p
+(erclass.)0 1927 y(Name)16 b(con\015icts)g(are)g(a)o(v)o(oided)g(b)o(y)f(ha)o
+q(e)g(a)g(mem)o(b)q(er)0 1984 y(of)f(at)f(most)h(one)g(class)h(in)g(an)o(y)e
+(giv)o(en)i(scop)q(e.)71 2060 y(Con)o(texts)e(are)h(also)g(allo)o(w)o(ed)g
+(in)h Fi(data)f Fp(declarations;)h(see)f Fn(x)p Fp(4.2.1.)0
+2198 y Fc(A)k(Di\013eren)o(t)f(P)o(ersp)q(ectiv)o(e.)44 b Fp(Before)17
+(classes,)i(it)e(is)0 2255 y(w)o(orth)c(p)q(oin)o(ting)i(out)f(t)o(w)o(o)e
+b(The)13 b(\014rst)g(is)g(b)o(y)g(analogy)g(to)f(ob)s(ject-)0
+2311 y(orien)o(ted)j(programming)f(\(OOP\).)h(In)g(the)g(follo)o(wing)g
+2368 y Fo(typ)n(e)g(class)e Fp(for)h(class,)g(and)g Fo(typ)n(e)h
+(t)o(yp)q(e)f(class)h(mec)o(hanism:)71 2444 y(\\)p Fo(Classes)c
+Fp(capture)j(common)g(sets)f(of)h Fo(op)n(er)n(ations)p Fp(.)k(A)c
+(particular)g Fo(obje)n(ct)g Fp(ma)o(y)f(b)q(e)i(an)f Fo(instanc)n(e)e
+Fp(of)h(a)h(class,)0 2501 y(and)i(will)i(ha)o(v)o(e)d(a)h Fo(metho)n(d)g
+Fp(corresp)q(onding)h(to)e(eac)o(h)h(op)q(eration.)25 b(Classes)17
+b(ma)o(y)f(b)q(e)h(arranged)g(hierarc)o(hically)l(,)0 2557
+y(forming)e(notions)g(of)g Fo(sup)n(er)n(classes)e Fp(and)j
+Fo(sub)n(classes)p Fp(,)d(and)i(p)q(ermitting)h Fo(inheritanc)n(e)e
+Fp(of)h(op)q(erations/metho)q(ds.)0 2614 y(A)g Fo(default)i(metho)n(d)f
+%%Page: 26 26
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-26)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")71 105 y Fp(In)h Fo(c)n(ontr)n(ast)e Fp(to)h(OOP)l(,)h(it)g
+i(in)g(particular)g(there)g(is)g(no)0 162 y(notion)f(of)g(an)f(ob)s(ject's)g
+(tage)g(o)o(v)o(er)f(OOP)h(is)h(that)e(metho)q(ds)h(in)0 218
+(e)f(is)h(not)f(in)0 274 y(the)f(required)h(class)f(will)h(b)q(e)f(detected)h
+(at)e(compile)i(time)f(instead)g(of)f(at)g(run)o(time.)21 b(In)15
+b(other)f(w)o(ords,)g(metho)q(ds)0 331 y(are)h(not)g(\\lo)q(ok)o(ed)g(up")g
+(functions.)71 428 y(A)d(di\013eren)o(t)g(p)q(ersp)q(ectiv)o(e)h(can)f(b)q(e)
+(parametric)g(and)g(ad)0 485 y(ho)q(c)k(p)q(olymorphism.)21
+b(W)l(e)16 b(ha)o(v)o(e)f(sho)o(wn)g(ho)o(w)f(parametric)i(p)q(olymorphism)g
+(is)g(useful)h(in)f(de\014ning)h(families)f(of)0 541 y(t)o(yp)q(es)c(b)o(y)f
+(univ)o(ersally)j(quan)o(tifying)e(o)o(v)o(er)f Fo(al)r(l)h
+Fp(t)o(yp)q(es.)18 b(Sometimes,)13 b(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)e(that)g(univ)o(ersal)
+i(quan)o(ti\014cation)f(is)0 597 y(to)q(o)h(broad|w)o(e)h(wish)h(to)e(quan)o
+g(those)g(t)o(yp)q(es)f(whose)h(elemen)o(ts)0 654 y(can)j(b)q(e)h(compared)f
+(for)f(equalit)o(y)l(.)26 b(T)o(yp)q(e)17 b(classes)h(can)f(b)q(e)h(seen)f
+710 y(this.)j(Indeed,)c(w)o(e)f(can)g(think)g(of)f(parametric)h(p)q
+b(just)h(that)0 767 y(the)k(o)o(v)o(erloading)g(o)q(ccurs)g(implicitly)j(o)o
+(yp)q(es)h(\(i.e.)f(a)h(t)o(yp)q(e)0 823 y(class\).)71 920
+g(sev)o(eral)g(prede\014ned)i Fo(standar)n(d)e Fp(t)o(yp)q(e)g(classes)g(in)0
+977 y(Hask)o(ell.)0 1176 y Fg(5.1)56 b(Equalit)n(y)17 b(and)i(Ordered)f
+(Classes)0 1310 y Fp(Hask)o(ell's)c(standard)e(classes)i(form)e(the)h
+(2.)k(A)o(t)0 1367 y(the)e(top)f(of)g(the)g(\014gure,)h(w)o(e)f(see)h
+Fi(Eq)f Fp(with)h(its)g(sub)q(class)g Fi(Ord)f Fp(b)q(elo)o(w)h(it.)21
+b(These)16 b(w)o(ere)f(de\014ned)i(in)g(the)e(previous)0 1423
+y(section.)20 b(Con)o(tin)o(uing)c(do)o(wn,)f(w)o(e)g(encoun)o(ter)g(t)o(w)o
+(o)f(sub)q(classes)j(of)d Fi(Ord)p Fp(,)h Fi(Enum)f Fp(and)i
+Fi(Ix)o Fp(.)0 1623 y Fg(5.2)56 b(En)n(umeration)17 b(and)i(Index)f(Classes)0
+1757 y Fi(Enum)13 b Fp(has)g(a)h(set)f(of)g(op)q(erations)h(that)f(underlie)i
+1813 y(the)j(arithmetic)g(sequence)h(expression)f Fi([1,3..])f
+Fp(stands)h(for)f Fi(enumFromThen)22 b(1)i(3)14 b Fp(\(see)h
+Fn(x)p Fp(3.9)f(for)g(the)g(formal)0 1870 y(translation\).)29
+b(Arithmetic)20 b(sequences)f(are)g(ordered,)g(so)f(naturally)l(,)h
+Fi(Enum)f Fp(is)h(a)f(sub)q(class)i(of)e Fi(Ord)p Fp(.)29 b(W)l(e)19
+b(can)0 1926 y(no)o(w)d(see)h(that)f(arithmetic)i(sequence)f(expressions)h
+(that)f(is)h(an)0 1983 y(instance)f(of)g Fi(Enum)o Fp(.)21
+b(This)16 b(includes)i(not)e(only)g(most)f(n)o(umeric)h(t)o(yp)q(es,)f(but)h
+(also)g Fi(Char)o Fp(,)g(so)f(that,)g(for)g(instance,)0 2039
+y Fi(['a'..'z'])g Fp(denotes)h(the)g(list)h(of)f(lo)o(w)o(er-case)f(letters)i
+(in)g(alphab)q(etical)h(order.)k(F)l(urthermore,)15 b(user-de\014ned)0
+2096 y(en)o(umerated)g(t)o(yp)q(es)h(lik)o(e)g Fi(Color)e Fp(can)i(easily)g
+(b)q(e)g(giv)o(en)f Fi(Enum)g Fp(instance)h(declarations.)21
+b(If)15 b(so:)318 2221 y Fi([Red..Violet])72 b Fn(\))h Fi([Red,)24
+b(Green,)f(Blue,)g(Indigo,)g(Violet])0 2347 y Fp(Note)13 b(that)g(suc)o(h)h
+(a)g(sequence)h(is)f Fo(arithmetic)g Fp(in)h(the)f(sense)g(that)f(the)h
+2404 y(ev)o(en)i(though)f(the)g(v)m(alues)h(are)f(not)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers.)71
+2501 y(The)j(other)h(immediate)g(standard)f(sub)q(class)i(of)e
+Fi(Ord)g Fp(is)h Fi(Ix)p Fp(,)g(whic)o(h)g(is)g(the)g(class)g(of)f(t)o(yp)q
+(es)h(that)f(can)g(b)q(e)0 2557 y(used)d(as)g(arra)o(y)e(indices.)22
+b(Again,)15 b(it)g(is)g(natural)f(that)g Fi(Ix)h Fp(should)g(b)q(e)h(a)e(sub)
+q(class)i(of)e Fi(Ord)p Fp(,)g(since)i(w)o(e)e(exp)q(ect)i(the)0
+2614 y(elemen)o(ts)g(of)f(an)g(arra)o(y)f(to)g(ha)o(v)o(e)h(an)g(index)i
+(order.)i(W)l(e)d(deal)g(with)f(class)h Fi(Ix)e Fp(in)j(Section)f(6.9.)p
+%%Page: 27 27
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(5.3)45 b(T)l(ext)15 b(and)g(Binary)h(Classes)1267
+b Fp(T-27)793 675 y Fa(#)751 708 y(#)741 717 y(#)943 525 y(#)901
+558 y(#)891 567 y(#)1074 375 y(#)1033 409 y(#)1022 417 y(#)1093
+675 y(#)1051 708 y(#)1041 717 y(#)1187 825 y(#)1145 858 y(#)1134
+867 y(#)816 534 y(S)841 567 y(S)816 234 y(S)847 275 y(S)878
+317 y(S)909 358 y(S)940 400 y(S)953 417 y(S)1022 833 y(S)1047
+867 y(S)1041 534 y(S)1066 567 y(S)1153 684 y(S)1178 717 y(S)909
+684 y(S)934 717 y(S)546 609 y(S)577 650 y(S)608 692 y(S)627
+717 y(S)631 384 y(\023)600 425 y(\023)569 467 y(\023)549 492
+y(\023)728 234 y(\023)703 267 y(\023)703 384 y(S)728 417 y(S)1022
+923 y Fi(RealFloat)591 773 y(Integral)389 b(Floating)-473 b(RealFrac)1022
+623 y(Fractional)516 548 y(Ix)816 623 y(Real)966 473 y(Num)-279
+b(Enum)628 323 y(Ord)759 173 y(Eq)1097 323 y(Text)185 b(Binary)468
+1071 y Fp(Figure)16 b(2:)j(Hask)o(ell's)d(Standard)f(T)o(yp)q(e)g(Class)h
+(Hierarc)o(h)o(y)0 1254 y Fg(5.3)56 b(T)-5 b(ext)18 b(and)h(Binary)f(Classes)
+0 1438 y Fc(5.3.1)52 b(T)l(ext)17 b(Class)0 1622 y Fp(The)h(instances)h(of)e
+(class)h Fi(Text)f Fp(are)h(those)f(t)o(yp)q(es)h(that)f(can)h(b)q(e)g(con)o
+1678 y(for)e(I/O\))h(and)g(bac)o(k;)f(th)o(us,)h(this)g(class)g(pro)o(vides)g
+1735 y(v)m(alues)j(they)f(ma)o(y)f(represen)o(t)h(and)g(for)f(pro)q(ducing)j
+1791 y(v)m(alue.)i(As)14 b(these)g(primitiv)o(e)i(op)q(erations)e(are)g
+(higher-lev)o(el)0 1848 y(functions)h(that)e(is)i(de\014ned)h(in)f(terms)e
+(of)h(them:)71 1948 y Fi(show)476 b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(a)h(->)g
+(String)0 2057 y Fp(Naturally)16 b(enough,)f Fi(show)f Fp(tak)o(es)h(an)o(y)f
+(represen)o(tation)h(as)e(a)0 2113 y(c)o(haracter)i(string)g(\(list)h(of)f(c)
+o(haracters\),)f(as)h(in)h Fi(show)23 b(\(2+2\))o Fp(,)16 b(whic)o(h)i
+(results)e(in)h Fi("4")p Fp(.)23 b(This)17 b(is)g(\014ne)g(as)f(far)f(as)0
+2170 y(it)h(go)q(es,)e(but)i(w)o(e)f(t)o(ypically)i(need)f(to)f(pro)q(duce)h
+(tations)0 2226 y(of)g(man)o(y)g(v)m(alues)h(in)g(them,)f(as)f(in)71
+2335 y Fi("The)23 b(sum)g(of)h(")g(++)f(show)h(x)f(++)h(")g(and)f(")h(++)f
+2444 y Fp(and)18 b(after)f(a)g(while,)j(all)f(that)e(concatenation)h(gets)f
+(to)g(b)q(e)h(a)g(bit)g(ine\016cien)o(t.)29 b(Sp)q(eci\014call)q(y)l(,)21
+b(let's)d(consider)g(a)0 2501 y(function)h(to)f(represen)o(t)g(the)g(binary)h
+(to)g(sho)o(w)0 2557 y(the)d(nesting)h(of)e(subtrees)i(and)f(the)g
+f(elemen)o(t)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)0 2614 y(represen)o(table)h(as)f(a)g
+(string\):)p eop
+%%Page: 28 28
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-28)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")71 160 y Fi(showTree)380 b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(Tree)h
+(a)f(->)h(String)71 216 y(showTree)e(\(Leaf)i(x\))166 b(=)48
+b(show)23 b(x)71 272 y(showTree)f(\(Branch)h(l)h(r\))71 b(=)48
+b("<")23 b(++)h(showTree)f(l)g(++)h("|")f(++)h(showTree)f(r)h(++)f(">")0
+382 y Fp(Because)16 b Fi(\(++\))f Fp(has)g(time)h(complexit)o(y)g(linear)h
+(in)f(the)f(length)h(of)f(its)h(left)f(argumen)o(t,)g Fi(showTree)f
+Fp(is)i(quadratic)0 438 y(in)g(the)f(size)h(of)f(the)g(tree.)71
+531 y(T)l(o)f(restore)h(linear)h(complexit)o(y)l(,)g(the)g(function)g
+Fi(shows)e Fp(is)i(pro)o(vided:)71 640 y Fi(shows)452 b(::)24
+b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(a)h(->)g(String)f(->)g(String)0 749 y(shows)15
+b Fp(tak)o(es)g(a)h(prin)o(table)h(v)m(alue)g(and)f(a)f(string)h(and)g
+805 y(concatenated)f(at)g(the)g(fron)o(t.)22 b(The)16 b(second)h(argumen)o(t)
+e(serv)o(es)h(as)g(a)g(sort)f(of)h(string)g Fo(ac)n(cumulator,)h
+Fp(and)g Fi(show)0 862 y Fp(can)e(no)o(w)g(b)q(e)h(de\014ned)g(as)f
+Fi(shows)g Fp(with)g(the)h(n)o(ull)g(accum)o(ulator:)71 962
+y Fi(show)23 b(x)429 b(=)48 b(shows)23 b(x)h("")0 1071 y Fp(W)l(e)16
+b(can)g(use)g Fi(shows)f Fp(to)g(de\014ne)i(a)e(more)g(e\016cien)o(t)i(v)o
+(ersion)f(of)f Fi(showTree)o Fp(,)h(whic)o(h)g(also)g(has)f(a)h(string)g
+(accum)o(u-)0 1128 y(lator)f(argumen)o(t:)71 1237 y Fi(showsTree)356
+b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(Tree)h(a)f(->)h(String)f(->)h(String)71
+1293 y(showsTree)e(\(Leaf)h(x\))h(s)95 b(=)48 b(shows)23 b(x)h(s)71
+1349 y(showsTree)e(\(Branch)h(l)h(r\))f(s=)48 b('<')23 b(:)h(showsTree)f(l)g
+(\('|')h(:)f(showsTree)g(r)h(\('>')f(:)h(s\)\))0 1461 y Fp(This)16
+b(solv)o(es)f(our)g(e\016ciency)i(problem)f(\()p Fi(showsTree)e
+0 1518 y(function)h(\(and)f(others)g(lik)o(e)h(it\))f(can)h(b)q(e)g(impro)o
+(v)o(ed.)k(First,)14 b(let's)h(create)g(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(synon)o(ym:)71
+1629 y Fi(type)23 b(ShowS)333 b(=)48 b(String)23 b(->)h(String)0
+1738 y Fp(This)d(is)f(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)g(a)f(function)i(that)f(returns)f
+(an)0 1795 y(accum)o(ulator)15 b(string.)21 b(Second,)c(w)o(e)e(can)h(a)o(v)o
+(amassing)0 1851 y(paren)o(theses)g(at)g(the)g(righ)o(t)g(end)h(of)f(long)g
+1960 y Fi(showsTree)356 b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(Tree)h(a)f(->)h(ShowS)
+71 2016 y(showsTree)e(\(Leaf)h(x\))143 b(=)48 b(shows)23 b(x)71
+2073 y(showsTree)f(\(Branch)h(l)h(r\))47 b(=)h(\('<':\))23
+2182 y Fp(Something)16 b(more)g(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(than)f(just)h(tidying)h(up)
+2238 y(W)l(e)f(ha)o(v)o(e)f(raised)h(the)g(presen)o(tation)g(from)e(an)i
+Fo(obje)n(ct)g(level)f Fp(\(in)h(this)g(case,)g(strings\))f(to)g(a)g
+Fo(function)h(level.)21 b Fp(W)l(e)0 2295 y(can)16 b(think)h(of)e(the)h(t)o
+(yping)h(as)e(sa)o(ying)h(that)f Fi(showsTree)g Fp(maps)h(a)f(tree)h(in)o(to)
+g(a)g Fo(showing)g(function)p Fp(.)22 b(F)l(unctions)0 2351
+y(lik)o(e)16 b Fi(\('<')23 b(:\))14 b Fp(or)g Fi(\("a)23 b(string")g(++\))14
+b Fp(are)g(primitiv)o(e)i(sho)o(wing)e(functions,)h(and)g(w)o(e)f(build)i(up)
+f(more)f(complex)0 2408 y(functions)i(b)o(y)f(comp)q(osition.)71
+2501 y(No)o(w)i(that)g(w)o(e)h(can)g(turn)g(trees)g(in)o(to)g(strings,)g
+(let's)g(turn)g(to)g(the)g(in)o(v)o(erse)g(problem.)30 b(The)18
+b(basic)h(idea)f(is)0 2557 y(a)g Fo(p)n(arser)h Fp(for)f(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h
+Fi(a)p Fp(,)g(whic)o(h)g(is)h(a)e(function)h(that)f(tak)o(es)g(a)h(string)f
+(and)h(returns)f(a)h(list)g(of)g Fi(\(a,)k(String\))0 2614
+y Fp(pairs[7].)c(The)d(Standard)f(Prelude)h(pro)o(vides)g(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+(synon)o(ym)g(for)f(suc)o(h)i(functions:)p eop
+%%Page: 29 29
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(5.3)45 b(T)l(ext)15 b(and)g(Binary)h(Classes)1267
+b Fp(T-29)71 160 y Fi(type)23 b(ReadS)g(a)286 b(=)48 b(String)23
+b(->)h([\(a,String\)])0 269 y Fp(Normally)l(,)13 b(a)f(parser)f(returns)h(a)g
+Fi(a)f Fp(that)h(w)o(as)f(read)h(from)f(the)h(input)0 325 y(string)g(and)g
+b(If)12 b(no)g(parse)g(w)o(as)f(p)q(ossible,)j(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)e(the)0
+382 y(result)k(is)h(the)f(empt)o(y)f(list,)i(and)f(if)g(there)g(is)g(more)g
+(resulting)0 438 y(list)e(con)o(tains)g(more)f(than)g(one)h(pair.)20
+b(The)14 b(standard)f(function)h Fi(reads)f Fp(is)h(a)f(parser)g(for)g(an)o
+(y)g(instance)i(of)e Fi(Text)o Fp(:)71 547 y Fi(reads)452 b(::)24
+b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(ReadS)g(a)0 656 y Fp(W)l(e)16 b(can)h(use)g(this)f
+(represen)o(tation)g(of)g(binary)h(trees)0 713 y(pro)q(duced)k(b)o(y)f
+Fi(showsTree)n Fp(.)34 b(List)21 b(comprehensions)g(giv)o(e)f(us)g(a)f(con)o
+(v)o(enien)o(t)h(idiom)h(for)f(constructing)g(suc)o(h)0 769
+y(parsers:)71 878 y Fi(readsTree)356 b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(ReadS)g
+(\(Tree)h(a\))71 934 y(readsTree)e(\('<':s\))166 b(=)48 b([\(Branch)23
+991 y(\(r,)h('>':u\))f(<-)g(readsTree)g(t)h(])71 1047 y(readsTree)e(s)310
+b(=)48 b([\(Leaf)23 b(x,)h(t\))119 b(|)23 b(\(x,t\))143 b(<-)23
+b(reads)h(s])0 1156 y Fp(Let's)19 b(tak)o(e)f(a)g(momen)o(t)g(to)h(examine)g
+(this)h(function)f(de\014nition)i(in)f(detail.)31 b(There)20
+b(are)e(t)o(w)o(o)g(main)h(cases)g(to)0 1213 y(consider:)i(If)15
+(is)g Fi('<')p Fp(,)g(w)o(e)f(should)i(ha)o(v)o(e)f(the)g(represen)o(tation)0
+1269 y(of)e(a)g(branc)o(h;)g(otherwise,)h(w)o(e)f(ha)o(v)o(e)f(a)h(leaf.)20
+b(In)14 b(the)f(\014rst)g(case,)g(calling)i(the)e(rest)g(of)g(the)g(input)h
+(string)f(follo)o(wing)0 1326 y(the)j(op)q(ening)h(angle)f(brac)o(k)o(et)f
+Fi(s)p Fp(,)g(an)o(y)h(p)q(ossible)h(parse)f(m)o(ust)f(b)q(e)h(a)f(tree)h
+Fi(Branch)23 b(l)h(r)15 b Fp(with)h(remaining)h(string)0 1382
+y Fi(u)p Fp(,)e(sub)s(ject)g(to)f(the)i(follo)o(wing)f(conditions:)56
+1510 y(1.)22 b(The)15 b(tree)g Fi(l)g Fp(can)g(b)q(e)h(parsed)g(from)e(the)h
+(b)q(eginning)j(of)c(the)i(string)f Fi(s)p Fp(.)56 1611 y(2.)22
+b(The)14 b(string)f(remaining)i(\(follo)o(wing)f(the)g(represen)o(tation)g
+(of)f Fi(l)p Fp(\))g(b)q(egins)i(with)g Fi('|')o Fp(.)k(Call)c(the)f(tail)g
+(of)g(this)114 1668 y(string)h Fi(t)p Fp(.)56 1769 y(3.)22
+b(The)15 b(tree)g Fi(r)g Fp(can)g(b)q(e)h(parsed)g(from)e(the)h(b)q(eginning)
+j(of)c Fi(t)p Fp(.)56 1870 y(4.)22 b(The)15 b(string)g(remaining)h(from)f
+Fo(that)h Fp(parse)f(b)q(egins)h(with)g Fi('>')o Fp(,)f(and)h
+Fi(u)f Fp(is)g(the)h(tail.)0 1997 y(Notice)e(the)f(expressiv)o(e)h(p)q(o)o(w)
+(hing)g(with)h(list)g(comprehen-)0 2054 y(sion:)22 b(The)16
+(expression)h(of)e(the)h(list)h(comprehension,)g(the)0 2110
+(y)f(the)g(\014rst)f(generator)h(\(\\)p Fi(\(l,)22 b('|':t\))14
+b Fp(is)g(dra)o(wn)g(from)f(the)h(list)0 2167 y(of)h(parses)g(of)g
+Fi(s)o Fp(."\),)f(and)i(the)f(remaining)h(conditions)h(are)d(expressed)i(b)o
+(y)f(the)h(second)f(generator.)71 2252 y(The)e(second)g(de\014ning)h
+(represen)o(tation)g(of)f(a)g(leaf,)i(w)o(e)e(parse)0 2308
+(tree)g(and)h(apply)f(the)h(constructor)e Fi(Leaf)g Fp(to)h(the)g(v)m(alue)h
+(th)o(us)0 2365 y(obtained.)71 2450 y(W)l(e'll)f(accept)h(on)e(faith)h(for)g
+(the)g(momen)o(t)f(that)g(there)h(is)h(a)e Fi(Text)g Fp(instance)i(of)f
+Fi(Int)f Fp(\(among)g(man)o(y)g(other)0 2506 y(t)o(yp)q(es\),)g(pro)o(viding)
+h(a)f Fi(reads)f Fp(that)g(b)q(eha)o(v)o(es)i(as)f(one)g(w)o(ould)h(exp)q
+(ect,)f(e.g.:)115 2614 y Fi(\(reads)23 b("5)h(golden)f(rings"\))g(::)h
+([\(Int,String\)])71 b Fn(\))j Fi([\(5,)23 b(")h(golden)f(rings"\)])p
+%%Page: 30 30
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-30)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")0 105 y Fp(With)g(this)h(understanding,)g(the)f(reader)g
+194 y Fi(readsTree)22 b("<1|<2|3>>")101 b Fn(\))i Fi([\(Branch)22
+251 y(readsTree)f("<1|2")221 b Fn(\))103 b Fi([])71 362 y Fp(Because)19
+(trees)h(is)g(unam)o(biguous,)h Fi(readsTree)d Fp(will)0 418
+y(alw)o(a)o(ys)11 b(return)g(either)h(a)f(singleton)i(list)f(or)f(an)g(empt)o
+(elemen)o(t)0 474 y(t)o(yp)q(e)k(is)g(also)f(unam)o(biguous.)21
+b(Supp)q(ose,)15 b(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)f(that)f(w)o(e)i(w)o(ere)f(to)g(c)o
+(hange)h(our)f(textual)h(represen)o(tation)f(of)0 531 y(trees)h(to)g(omit)g
+(the)g(angle)h(brac)o(k)o(ets:)71 640 y Fi(readsTree)22 b(s)310
+b(=)48 b([\(Branch)23 b(l)g(r,)h(u\))g(|)f(\(l,)h('|':t\))f(<-)g(readsTree)g
+(s,)1168 696 y(\(r,)h(u\))119 b(<-)23 b(readsTree)g(t)h(])715
+753 y(++)715 809 y([\(Leaf)f(x,)h(t\))119 b(|)23 b(\(x,t\))143
+b(<-)23 b(reads)h(s])0 921 y Fp(\(The)16 b Fi(\(++\))g Fp(here)h(can)g(b)q(e)
+(is,)h(the)g(tree)f(parses)g(of)g Fi(s)g Fp(are)0 977 y(all)g(its)g(parses)f
+b(No)o(w,)14 b(w)o(e)h(see)h(that:)51 1069 y Fi(readsTree)22
+b("1|2|3")102 b Fn(\))g Fi([\(Branch)23 b(\(Branch)g(\(Leaf)g(1\))h(\(Leaf)f
+(2\)\))g(\(Leaf)g(3\),)h(""\),)730 1125 y(\(Branch)f(\(Leaf)g(1\))h(\(Branch)
+f(\(Leaf)g(2\))g(\(Leaf)g(3\)\),)h(""\)])71 1236 y Fp(Returning)15
+(of)f(shortcomings)g(to)g(deal)h(with.)0 1293 y(One)g(is)g(that)e(the)h
+h(or)e(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)i(the)f(elemen)o(ts)h(of)f(the)0 1349
+0 1406 y(from)10 b(the)g(w)o(a)o(y)g(w)o(e)g(parse)h(leaf)g(v)m(alues)g(and)g
+(de\014nition)0 1462 y(harder)16 b(to)g(read.)23 b(W)l(e)17
+(lexical)h(analyzer)f(pro)o(vided)g(b)o(y)0 1519 y(the)e(Standard)g(Prelude:)
+71 1619 y Fi(lex)500 b(::)24 b(ReadS)f(String)0 1728 y(lex)c
+e(strings:)30 b(the)20 b(\014rst)f(lexeme)i(in)g(the)f(input)0
+1784 y(string)d(and)g(the)g(remainder)g(of)g(the)g(input.)26
+b(The)17 b(lexical)i(rules)e(are)g(those)f(of)h(Hask)o(ell)g(programs,)f
+(including)0 1841 y(commen)o(ts,)h(whic)o(h)g Fi(lex)g Fp(skips,)h(along)f
+(with)g(whitespace.)26 b(If)18 b(the)f(input)h(string)f(is)g(empt)o(y)g(or)f
+(con)o(tains)h(only)0 1897 y(whitespace)e(and)f(commen)o(ts,)f
+Fi(lex)h Fp(returns)g Fi([\("",""\)])o Fp(;)g(if)g(the)g(input)h(is)g(not)e
+(empt)o(y)h(in)h(this)f(sense,)h(but)f(also)0 1954 y(do)q(es)i(not)e(b)q
+g(and)g(commen)o(ts,)e Fi(lex)h Fp(returns)g Fi([])o Fp(.)71
+2032 y(Using)g(the)h(lexical)h(analyzer,)e(our)g(tree)g(parser)g(no)o(w)g(lo)
+q(oks)g(lik)o(e)h(this:)71 2141 y Fi(readsTree)356 b(::)24
+b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f(ReadS)g(\(Tree)h(a\))71 2197 y(readsTree)e(s)310
+b(=)48 b([\(Branch)23 b(l)g(r,)h(x\))g(|)f(\("<",)g(t\))h(<-)g(lex)f(s,)1168
+2254 y(\(l,)71 b(u\))24 b(<-)g(readsTree)e(t,)1168 2310 y(\("|",)h(v\))h(<-)g
+(lex)f(u,)1168 2367 y(\(r,)71 b(w\))24 b(<-)g(readsTree)e(v,)1168
+2423 y(\(">",)h(x\))h(<-)g(lex)f(w)215 b(])715 2480 y(++)715
+2536 y([\(Leaf)23 b(x,)h(t\))119 b(|)23 b(\(x,)71 b(t\))24
+b(<-)g(reads)f(s)167 b(])p eop
+%%Page: 31 31
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(5.4)45 b(Deriv)o(ed)15 b(Instances)1402 b Fp(T-31)71
+105 y(W)l(e)10 b(ma)o(y)g(no)o(w)h(wish)g(to)f(use)h Fi(readsTree)f
+Fp(and)h Fi(showsTree)e Fp(to)h(declare)i Fi(\(Text)23 b(a\))h(=>)g(Tree)f(a)
+10 b Fp(an)h(instance)0 162 y(of)18 b Fi(Text)o Fp(.)30 b(This)19
+(functions)g(from)e(the)i(Prelude)g(to)f(parse)0 218 y(and)c(displa)o(y)g
+(trees.)19 b(Moreo)o(v)o(er,)12 b(w)o(e)i(w)o(ould)g(automatically)f(then)h
+274 y(t)o(yp)q(es)k(con)o(taining)g(trees)f(as)g(comp)q(onen)o(ts,)h(for)f
+(example,)h Fi([Tree)23 b(Int])p Fp(.)h(As)16 b(it)h(turns)f(out,)g
+Fi(readsTree)g Fp(and)0 331 y Fi(showsTree)c Fp(are)h(of)h(almost)f(the)g
+(righ)o(t)h(t)o(yp)q(es)f(to)g(b)q(e)h Fi(Text)f Fp(metho)q(ds,)h(needing)h
+(only)f(the)f(addition)i(of)e(an)h(extra)0 387 y(parameter)f(eac)o(h)g(that)g
+(constructors.)j(W)l(e)c(refer)f(the)0 444 y(in)o(terested)j(reader)f(to)f
+Fn(x)q Fp(E.2)g(for)h(details.)71 527 y(W)l(e)i(can)g(test)f(suc)o(h)h(a)g
+Fi(Text)f Fp(instance)i(b)o(y)f(applying)h Fi(\(read)24 b(.)f(show\))16
+b Fp(\(whic)o(h)i(should)g(b)q(e)g(the)f(iden)o(tit)o(y\))0
+584 y(to)e(some)f(trees,)h(where)g Fi(read)g Fp(is)h(a)f(sp)q(ecialization)i
+(of)e Fi(reads)p Fp(:)71 693 y Fi(read)476 b(::)24 b(\(Text)f(a\))h(=>)f
+(String)g(->)h(a)0 802 y Fp(This)c(function)g(fails)h(if)f(there)f(is)h(not)f
+(more)f(than)g(a)0 858 y(represen)o(tation)c(of)g(one)g(v)m(alue)i(of)e(t)o
+(yp)q(e)g Fi(a)g Fp(\(and)g(p)q(ossibly)l(,)h(commen)o(ts)f(and)g
+(whitespace\).)0 1010 y Fc(5.3.2)52 b(Binary)17 b(Class)0 1123
+y Fp(The)e Fi(Binary)f Fp(class)i(is)f(similar)h(to)f Fi(Text)o
+Fi(Bin)g Fp(instead)g(of)g Fi(String)o Fp(,)g(the)0 1180 y(purp)q(ose)f(of)g
+Fn(x)p Fp(7.\))19 b(Generally)l(,)c(only)f(deriv)o(ed)h(instances)f(of)g
+Fi(Binary)0 1236 y Fp(are)22 b(used)g(\(see)g(b)q(elo)o(w\),)h(whic)o(h)g
+(generate)e(implemen)o(tation-de\014ned)k(op)q(erations)d Fi(readBin)f
+Fp(and)h Fi(showBin)0 1293 y Fp(\(analogous)15 b(to)f Fi(reads)h
+Fp(and)g Fi(shows)o Fp(\).)0 1446 y Fg(5.4)56 b(Deriv)n(ed)17
+b(Instances)0 1560 y Fp(Recall)12 b(the)f Fi(Eq)f Fp(instance)i(for)e(trees)g
+(simple|and)i(b)q(oring|)0 1616 y(to)f(pro)q(duce:)20 b(W)l(e)12
+(are)0 1673 y(equal)18 b(i\013)f(they)h(con)o(tain)f(equal)h(elemen)o(ts,)g
+(righ)o(t)f(subtrees)0 1729 y(are)e(equal,)g(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely)l(.)22
+b(An)o(y)15 b(other)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(trees)h(are)g(unequal:)71
+1838 y Fi(instance)46 b(\(Eq)24 b(a\))f(=>)h(Eq)f(\(Tree)h(a\))47
+b(where)166 1895 y(\(Leaf)23 b(x\))119 b(==)24 b(\(Leaf)f(y\))191
+b(=)47 b(x)24 b(==)g(y)166 1951 y(\(Branch)f(l)h(r\))f(==)h(\(Branch)f(l')g
+(r'\))48 b(=)f(l)24 b(==)g(l')f(&&)h(r)f(==)h(r')166 2008 y(_)286
+b(==)24 b(_)358 b(=)47 b(False)71 2168 y Fp(F)l(ortunately)l(,)13
+g(w)o(e)f(need)i(equalit)o(y)f(op)q(erators)f(for)0 2225 y(a)f(new)i(t)o(yp)q
+(e;)f(the)g Fi(Eq)f Fp(instance)i(can)f(b)q(e)g Fo(derive)n(d)h(automatic)n
+(al)r(ly)g Fp(from)e(the)h Fi(data)f Fp(declaration)i(if)f(w)o(e)g(so)f(sp)q
+(ecify:)71 2335 y Fi(data)47 b(Tree)23 b(a)286 b(=)48 b(Leaf)23
+b(a)h(|)g(Branch)f(\(Tree)g(a\))g(\(Tree)h(a\))47 b(deriving)23
+b(Eq)0 2444 y Fp(The)16 b Fi(deriving)e Fp(clause)i(implicitly)i(pro)q(duces)
+e(an)g Fi(Eq)f Fp(instance)h(declaration)g(just)f(lik)o(e)h(the)g(one)f(in)h
+(Section)h(5.)0 2501 y(Instances)d(of)f Fi(Ord)o Fp(,)h Fi(Enum)o
+Fp(,)g Fi(Ix)o Fp(,)g Fi(Text)o Fp(,)f(and)h Fi(Binary)e Fp(can)i(also)f(b)q
+(e)h(generated)g(b)o(y)f(the)h Fi(deriving)e Fp(clause.)20
+b([More)0 2557 y(than)d(one)g(class)h(name)f(can)h(b)q(e)g(sp)q(eci\014ed,)h
+(thesized)h(and)0 2614 y(the)c(names,)g(separated)g(b)o(y)g(commas.])p
+%%Page: 32 32
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-32)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")71 105 y Fp(The)g(deriv)o(ed)h Fi(Ord)f Fp(instance)h(for)f
+Fi(Tree)f Fp(is)i(sligh)o(tly)g(more)f(complicated)h(than)g(the)f
+Fi(Eq)g Fp(instance:)71 215 y Fi(instance)46 b(\(Ord)24 b(a\))f(=>)h(Ord)f
+(\(Tree)g(a\))48 b(where)166 272 y(\(Leaf)23 b(_\))119 b(<=)24
+b(\(Branch)f(_\))143 b(=)47 b(True)166 328 y(\(Leaf)23 b(x\))119
+b(<=)24 b(\(Leaf)f(y\))191 b(=)47 b(x)24 b(<=)g(y)166 385 y(\(Branch)f(_\))71
+b(<=)24 b(\(Leaf)f(_\))191 b(=)47 b(False)166 441 y(\(Branch)23
+b(l)h(r\))f(<=)h(\(Branch)f(l')g(r'\))48 b(=)f(l)24 b(==)g(l')f(&&)h(r)f(<=)h
+(r')g(||)f(l)h(<=)g(l')0 550 y Fp(This)17 b(sp)q(eci\014es)i(a)d
+Fo(lexic)n(o)n(gr)n(aphic)g Fp(order:)23 b(Constructors)15
+607 y(the)f Fi(data)g Fp(declaration,)h(and)g(the)f(argumen)o(ts)g(of)g(a)g
+b(Recall)0 663 y(that)16 b(the)g(built-in)j(list)e(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)g(seman)o
+o(yp)q(e.)24 b(In)17 b(fact,)0 720 y(this)f(is)f(the)h(full)g(declaration:)71
+820 y Fi(data)23 b([a])190 b(=)24 b([])g(|)f(a)h(:)g([a])f(deriving)g(\(Eq,)g
+(Ord,)h(Binary\))118 b(--)24 b(pseudocode)0 931 y Fp(\(Lists)16
+b(also)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(a)g Fi(Text)g Fp(instance,)h(whic)o(h)g(is)g(not)f
+(deriv)o(ed.\))21 b(The)15 b(deriv)o(ed)i Fi(Eq)e Fp(and)g
+Fi(Ord)g Fp(instances)h(for)f(lists)0 988 y(are)e(the)h(usual)h(ones;)f(in)g
+(are)g(ordered)h(as)g(determined)0 1044 y(b)o(y)20 b(the)g(underlying)j
+Fi(Char)c Fp(t)o(yp)q(e,)i(with)g(an)f(initial)i(substring)f(comparing)f
+(less)h(than)f(a)g(longer)g(string;)j(for)0 1101 y(example,)16
+b Fi("cat")23 b(<)h("catalog")n Fp(.)71 1194 y(In)11 b(practice,)h
+Fi(Eq)f Fp(and)g Fi(Ord)f Fp(instances)i(are)f(almost)f(alw)o(a)o(ys)g(deriv)
+o(ed,)j(rather)d(than)h(user-de\014ned.)20 b(In)11 b(fact,)g(w)o(e)0
+1250 y(should)16 b(pro)o(vide)f(our)f(o)o(wn)g(de\014nitions)i(of)e(equalit)o
+1307 y(b)q(eing)i(careful)g(to)e(main)o(tain)h(the)g(exp)q(ected)h(algebraic)
+1363 y(total)h(orders.)28 b(An)19 b(in)o(transitiv)o(e)f Fi(\(==\))g
+(readers)0 1420 y(of)f(the)g(program)f(and)h(confounding)h(man)o(ual)g(or)e
+1476 y Fi(\(==\))i Fp(predicate's)h(b)q(eing)h(an)f(appro)o(ximation)f(to)g
+(de\014nitional)j(equalit)o(y)l(.)37 b(Nev)o(ertheless,)23
+b(it)e(is)g(sometimes)0 1533 y(necessary)16 b(to)f(pro)o(vide)h
+Fi(Eq)f Fp(or)g Fi(Ord)h Fp(instances)g(di\013eren)o(t)g(from)f(those)g(that)
+g(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)g(deriv)o(ed;)h(probably)f(the)0 1589 y(most)h(imp)q
+1645 y(represen)o(t)15 b(the)g(same)g(abstract)g(v)m(alue.)71
+1738 y(An)h(en)o(umerated)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(can)g(ha)o(v)o(e)f(a)h(deriv)o(ed)h
+Fi(Enum)e Fp(instance,)i(and)f(here)g(again,)g(the)g(ordering)g(is)g(that)f
+(of)0 1795 y(the)g(constructors)g(in)h(the)f Fi(data)g Fp(declaration.)20
+b(F)l(or)15 b(example:)71 1904 y Fi(data)23 b(Day)g(=)h(Sunday)f(|)h(Monday)f
+(|)h(Tuesday)f(|)g(Wednesday)285 1960 y(|)h(Thursday)f(|)h(Friday)f(|)g
+(Saturday)214 b(deriving)23 b(\(Eq,)g(Ord,)g(Enum\))272 2099
+y([Wednesday..Friday])141 b Fn(\))72 b Fi([Wednesday,)22 b(Thursday,)h
+(Friday])272 2156 y([Monday,)g(Wednesday)f(..])72 b Fn(\))g
+Fi([Monday,)23 b(Wednesday,)f(Friday])71 2295 y Fp(An)17 b(en)o(umerated)g(t)
+(whose)g(comp)q(onen)o(t)g(t)o(yp)q(es)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g Fi(Ix)0
+2351 y Fp(instances)f(can)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(a)g(deriv)o(ed)h Fi(Ix)f
+Fp(instance.)21 b(\(See)15 b(Section)h Fn(x)q Fp(6.9.\))71
+2444 y(Deriv)o(ed)j Fi(Text)f Fp(instances)i(are)e(p)q(ossible)i(for)f(en)o
+(com-)0 2501 y(p)q(onen)o(t)g(t)o(yp)q(es)f(also)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g
+Fi(Text)g Fp(instances.)30 b(\()p Fi(Text)17 b Fp(instances)i(for)f(most)f
+(of)h(the)g(standard)g(t)o(yp)q(es,)h(but)f(not)0 2557 y(functions,)d(are)f
+(pro)o(vided)h(b)o(y)f(the)h(Standard)f(Prelude.\))21 b(The)14
+2614 y Fi(Text)21 b Fp(instance)h(is)f(consisten)o(t)h(with)f(the)h(app)q
+(e)g(in)p eop
+%%Page: 33 33
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(5.5)45 b(Num)o(b)q(ers)1575 b Fp(T-33)0 105
+y(question.)20 b(F)l(or)15 b(example,)h(if)f(w)o(e)g(add)h
+Fi(Text)e Fp(to)h(the)g Fi(deriving)f Fp(clause)i(for)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+Fi(Day)p Fp(,)f(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e,)h(w)o(e)g(obtain)259 209 y
+Fi(show)23 b([Monday..Wednesday])71 b Fn(\))i Fi
+("[Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday]")0 361 y Fg(5.5)56 b(Num)n(b)r(ers)0
+474 y Fp(Hask)o(ell)21 b(pro)o(vides)f(a)g(ric)o(h)g(collection)i(of)d(n)o
+(in)h(turn)0 530 y(are)15 b(based)h(on)f(Common)g(Lisp[6)q(].)20
+b(\(Those)15 b(languages,)g(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)g(are)g(dynamically)i(t)o(yp)q
+(ed.\))k(The)15 b(standard)0 587 y(t)o(yp)q(es)j(include)j(\014xed-)e(and)f
+(ers\))i(formed)e(from)h(eac)o(h)0 643 y(in)o(teger)c(t)o(yp)q(e,)g(and)g
+(oin)o(t.)20 b(W)l(e)14 b(outline)h(here)f(the)0 700 y(basic)i(c)o
+(and)h(refer)f(the)g(reader)g(to)g Fn(x)p Fp(6.8)f(for)h(details.)0
+850 y Fc(5.5.1)52 b(Numeric)17 b(Class)g(Structure)0 963 y
+(t)o(yp)q(e)f(classes)g(\(class)g Fi(Num)g Fp(and)g(those)g(that)f(lie)i(b)q
+(elo)o(w)0 1019 y(it\))h(accoun)o(t)f(for)g(more)g(than)h(half)g(of)f(the)h
+(standard)f(classes.)24 b(W)l(e)17 b(also)g(note)f(that)g Fi(Num)g
+Fp(is)h(a)g(sub)q(class)g(of)g Fi(Eq)o Fp(,)0 1076 y(but)c(not)f(of)h
+Fi(Ord)o Fp(;)h(this)f(is)g(b)q(ecause)h(the)f(order)f(predicates)i(do)f(not)
+f(apply)i(to)e(complex)i(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers.)19 b(The)13 b(sub)q(class)0
+1132 y Fi(Real)i Fp(of)f Fi(Num)p Fp(,)h(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)f(is)h(a)g(sub)q
+(class)i(of)d Fi(Ord)h Fp(as)g(w)o(ell.)71 1215 y(The)k Fi(Num)f
+(all)i(n)o(umeric)g(t)o(yp)q(es;)h(these)e(include,)0 1271
+y(among)14 b(others,)h(addition,)h(subtraction,)f(negation,)g(m)o
+(ultiplication,)i(and)e(absolute)h(v)m(alue:)71 1380 y Fi(\(+\),)23
+b(\(-\),)g(\(*\))262 b(::)24 b(\(Num)f(a\))h(=>)f(a)h(->)g(a)f(->)h(a)71
+1437 y(negate,)e(abs)310 b(::)24 b(\(Num)f(a\))h(=>)f(a)h(->)g(a)0
+1548 y Fp([)p Fi(negate)10 b Fp(is)h(the)g(function)h(applied)h(b)o(y)e(Hask)
+(it)f Fi(\(-\))p Fp(,)g(b)q(ecause)0 1605 y(that)j(is)h(the)g(subtraction)g
+b(example,)i Fi(-x*y)e Fp(is)h(equiv)m(alen)o(t)0 1661 y(to)d
+Fi(negate)23 b(\(x*y\))o Fp(.)c(\(Pre\014x)12 b(min)o(us)h(has)f(the)g(same)g
+(course,)0 1718 y(is)k(lo)o(w)o(er)f(than)g(that)f(of)h(m)o
+(ultiplication.\)])71 1801 y(Note)d(that)h Fi(Num)g Fp(do)q(es)g
+Fo(not)h Fp(pro)o(vide)f(a)g(division)j(op)q(erator;)c(t)o(w)o(o)g
+1857 y(pro)o(vided)k(in)g(t)o(w)o(o)e(non-o)o(v)o(erlapping)i(sub)q(classes)g
+(of)f Fi(Num)p Fp(:)71 1940 y(The)i(class)h Fi(Integral)e Fp(pro)o(vides)i
+(w)o(ell)i(as)e(the)0 1996 y Fi(even)e Fp(and)h Fi(odd)g Fp(predicates.)23
+b(The)16 b(standard)f(instances)i(of)e Fi(Integral)g Fp(are)h
+Fi(Integer)f Fp(\(un)o(b)q(ounded)i(or)e(math-)0 2053 y(ematical)20
+Fi(Int)e Fp(\(b)q(ounded,)j(mac)o(hine)f(in)o(tegers,)f(with)h(a)e(range)0
+2109 y(equiv)m(alen)o(t)i(to)f(at)f(least)h(29-bit)f(signed)i(binary\).)31
+b(A)19 b(particular)g(Hask)o(ell)h(implemen)o(tation)g(migh)o(t)e(pro)o(vide)
+0 2166 y(other)d(in)o(tegral)g(t)o(yp)q(es)g(in)g(addition)h(to)f(these.)20
+b(Note)14 b(that)g Fi(Integral)g Fp(is)h(a)g(sub)q(class)h(of)e
+Fi(Real)p Fp(,)g(rather)h(than)f(of)0 2222 y Fi(Num)h Fp(directly;)h(this)g
+(tegers.)71 2305 y(All)23 b(other)e(n)o(umeric)i(t)o(yp)q(es)e(fall)i(in)g
+(the)f(class)g Fi(Fractional)n Fp(,)h(whic)o(h)g(pro)o(vides)f(the)g
+(ordinary)g(division)0 2361 y(op)q(erator)13 b Fi(\(/\))p Fp(.)19
+b(The)c(further)e(sub)q(class)j Fi(Floating)d Fp(con)o(tains)h
+2418 y(functions.)71 2501 y(The)j Fi(RealFrac)g Fp(sub)q(class)h(of)g
+Fi(Fractional)e Fp(and)i Fi(Real)f Fp(pro)o(vides)h(a)f(function)h
+Fi(properFraction)n Fp(,)g(whic)o(h)0 2557 y(decomp)q(oses)e(a)f(n)o(um)o(b)q
+(collection)j(of)d(functions)h(that)f(round)0 2614 y(to)g(in)o(tegral)g(v)m
+(alues)h(b)o(y)g(di\013ering)g(rules:)p eop
+%%Page: 34 34
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-34)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")71 160 y Fi(properFraction)236 b(::)24 b(\(Fractional)e(a,)i
+(Integral)f(b\))g(=>)h(a)g(->)f(\(b,a\))71 216 y(truncate,)f(round,)71
+272 y(floor,)h(ceiling:)213 b(::)24 b(\(Fractional)e(a,)i(Integral)f(b\))g
+(=>)h(a)g(->)f(b)71 453 y Fp(The)d Fi(RealFloat)f Fp(sub)q(class)j(of)e
+Fi(Floating)f Fp(and)i Fi(RealFrac)e Fp(pro)o(vides)i(some)f(sp)q(ecialized)j
+(functions)f(for)0 509 y(e\016cien)o(t)c(access)g(to)f(the)h(comp)q(onen)o
+Fo(exp)n(onent)f Fp(and)g Fo(signi\014c)n(and)p Fp(.)26 b(The)0
+566 y(standard)15 b(t)o(yp)q(es)g Fi(Float)f Fp(and)i Fi(Double)e
+Fp(fall)i(in)g(class)g Fi(RealFloat)o Fp(.)0 782 y Fc(5.5.2)52
+b(Constructed)17 b(Num)o(b)q(ers)0 924 y Fp(Of)h(the)g(standard)f(n)o(umeric)
+i(t)o(yp)q(es,)f Fi(Int)p Fp(,)g Fi(Integer)o Fp(,)g Fi(Float)o
+Fp(,)g(and)g Fi(Double)f Fp(are)h(primitiv)o(e.)29 b(The)18
+b(others)f(are)0 981 y(made)e(from)g(these)g(b)o(y)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+(constructors:)71 1083 y Fi(Complex)e Fp(is)i(a)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f(constructor)g
+Fi(Floating)f Fp(from)g(a)g Fi(RealFloat)0 1140 y Fp(t)o(yp)q(e:)71
+1249 y Fi(data)23 b(\(RealFloat)f(a\))i(=>)g(Complex)e(a)i(=)g(a)g(:+)f(a)48
+b(deriving)23 b(\(Eq,)g(Binary,)g(Text\))0 1358 y Fp(Notice)14
+b(the)f(con)o(text)g Fi(\(RealFloat)23 b(a\))g(=>)p Fp(,)13
+(standard)g(com-)0 1414 y(plex)18 b(t)o(yp)q(es)g(are)f Fi(Complex)23
+b(Float)17 b Fp(and)g Fi(Complex)23 b(Double)o Fp(.)k(W)l(e)17
+b(can)h(also)f(see)h(from)f(the)g Fi(data)g Fp(declaration)0
+1471 y(that)12 b(a)g(complex)i(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)e(is)h(written)g
+Fo(x)18 b Fi(:+)12 b Fo(y)t Fp(;)i(the)e(argumen)o(ts)g(are)g(the)h
+(cartesian)f(real)h(and)g(imaginary)g(parts,)0 1527 y(resp)q(ectiv)o(ely)l(.)
+22 b(Since)16 b Fi(:+)f Fp(is)h(a)f(data)f(constructor,)g(w)o(e)h(can)h(use)f
+(it)h(in)g(pattern)e(matc)o(hing:)71 1636 y Fi(conjugate)356
+b(::)24 b(\(RealFloat)e(a\))i(=>)g(Complex)e(a)i(->)g(Complex)f(a)71
+1693 y(conjugate)f(\(x:+y\))190 b(=)48 b(x)24 b(:+)f(\(-y\))71
+1873 y Fp(Similarly)l(,)15 b(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(constructor)f
+Fi(Ratio)f Fp(mak)o(es)h(a)h(rational)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h(in)g(class)g
+Fi(RealFrac)f Fp(from)g(an)g(instance)0 1929 y(of)k Fi(Integral)o
+Fp(.)26 b(\()p Fi(Rational)16 b Fp(is)i(a)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h(synon)o(ym)f(for)g
+Fi(Ratio)23 b(Integer)o Fp(.\))j Fi(Ratio)o Fp(,)18 b(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)f(is)
+h(an)f(abstract)0 1986 y(t)o(yp)q(e)h(constructor,)g(b)q(eing)h(de\014ned)h
+(in)f(the)f(Prelude)h(mo)q(dule)h Fi(PreludeRatio)n Fp(,)e(from)g(whic)o(h)h
+(it)f(is)h(exp)q(orted)0 2042 y(without)d(its)g(data)f(constructor;)g(th)o
+(us,)h(ratios)f(cannot)h(b)q(e)g(pattern-matc)o(hed.)22 b(Instead,)16
+b(a)g(function)g(to)g(form)0 2099 y(a)f(ratio)g(from)f(t)o(w)o(o)g(in)o
+(extraction)f(functions:)71 2208 y Fi(\(\045\))500 b(::)24
+b(\(Integral)f(a\))g(=>)h(a)f(->)h(a)g(->)f(Ratio)h(a)71 2264
+y(numerator,)e(denominator)46 b(::)24 b(\(Integral)f(a\))g(=>)h(Ratio)f(a)h
+(->)f(a)71 2444 y Fp(Wh)o(y)17 b(the)g(di\013erence?)29 b(Complex)19
+(non)o(trivial)0 2501 y(iden)o(tities)g(in)o(v)o(olving)g Fi(:+)p
+Fp(.)23 b(On)17 b(the)f(other)h(hand,)f(ratios)g(are)g(not)g(unique,)i(but)f
+(ha)o(v)o(e)f(a)g(canonical)h(\(reduced\))0 2557 y(form)h(that)f(the)i
+(main)o(tain;)i(it)f(is)g(not)f(necessarily)i(the)0 2614 y(case,)14
+b(for)h(instance,)g(that)f Fi(numerator)23 b(\(x\045y\))14
+b Fp(is)h(equal)g(to)f Fi(x)p Fp(,)h(although)g(the)g(real)g(part)f(of)g
+Fi(x:+y)g Fp(is)i(alw)o(a)o(ys)e Fi(x)o Fp(.)p eop
+%%Page: 35 35
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(5.5)45 b(Num)o(b)q(ers)1575 b Fp(T-35)0 105
+y Fc(5.5.3)52 b(Numeric)17 b(Co)q(ercions)h(and)g(Ov)o(erloaded)f(Literals)0
+269 y Fp(The)e(Standard)h(Prelude)g(pro)o(vides)g(sev)o(eral)f(o)o(v)o
+378 y Fi(fromInteger)308 b(::)24 b(\(Num)f(a\))h(=>)f(Integer)g(->)h(a)71
+435 y(fromRational)284 b(::)24 b(\(Fractional)e(a\))i(=>)f(Rational)g(->)h(a)
+71 491 y(toInteger)356 b(::)24 b(\(Integral)f(a\))g(=>)h(a)f(->)h(Integer)71
+548 y(toRational)332 b(::)24 b(\(RealFrac)f(a\))g(=>)h(a)f(->)h(Rational)71
+604 y(fromIntegral)284 b(::)24 b(\(Integral)f(a,)g(Num)h(b\))f(=>)h(a)f(->)h
+(b)71 661 y(fromRealFrac)284 b(::)24 b(\(RealFrac)f(a,)g(Fractional)g(b\))g
+(=>)h(a)g(->)f(b)71 740 y(fromIntegral)284 b(=)48 b(fromInteger)22
+b(.)i(toInteger)71 797 y(fromRealFrac)284 b(=)48 b(fromRational)22
+b(.)i(toRational)71 992 y Fp(Tw)o(o)18 b(of)h(these)g(are)g(implicitly)k
+b(An)20 b(in)o(teger)g(n)o(umeral)0 1049 y(\(without)c(a)g(decimal)i(p)q(oin)
+Fi(fromInteger)f Fp(to)g(the)i(v)m(alue)g(of)0 1105 y(the)i(n)o(umeral)g(as)f
+(an)h Fi(Integer)o Fp(.)31 b(Similarly)l(,)21 b(a)e(\015oating)g(n)o(umeral)g
+1162 y(an)e(application)h(of)e Fi(fromRational)g Fp(to)g(the)h(v)m(alue)h(of)
+e(the)h(n)o(umeral)g(as)f(a)h Fi(Rational)o Fp(.)21 b(Th)o(us,)16
+b Fi(7)f Fp(has)h(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)0 1218 y Fi(\(Num)23 b(a\))h(=>)f(a)p
+Fp(,)18 b(and)f Fi(7.3)g Fp(has)g(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(Fractional)23
+b(a)g(=>)h(a)p Fp(.)i(This)18 b(means)f(that)g(w)o(e)g(can)g(use)h(n)o
+(umeric)0 1274 y(literals)e(in)g(generic)h(n)o(umeric)f(functions,)f(for)g
+(example:)71 1383 y Fi(halve)452 b(::)24 b(\(Fractional)e(a\))i(=>)f(a)h(->)g
+(a)71 1440 y(halve)f(x)405 b(=)48 b(x)24 b(*)f(0.5)0 1549 y
+Fp(This)16 b(rather)e(indirect)i(w)o(a)o(y)e(of)h(o)o(v)o(erloading)g(n)o
+g(of)0 1605 y(in)o(terpreting)f(a)g(n)o(umeral)g(as)f(a)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)h
+Fi(Integral)e Fp(or)h Fi(Fractional)0 1662 y Fp(instance)j(declaration)g
+(\(since)g Fi(fromInteger)d Fp(and)i Fi(fromRational)f Fp(are)g(op)q(erators)
+g(of)h(those)g(classes,)g(resp)q(ec-)0 1718 y(tiv)o(ely\).)20
+b(F)l(or)15 b(example,)h(the)f Fi(Num)g Fp(instance)h(of)e
+Fi(\(RealFloat)23 b(a\))g(=>)h(Complex)f(a)15 b Fp(con)o(tains)g(this)h
+(metho)q(d:)71 1830 y Fi(fromInteger)22 b(x)262 b(=)48 b(fromInteger)22
+b(x)i(:+)g(0)0 1939 y Fp(This)15 b(sa)o(ys)f(that)g(a)h Fi(Complex)f
+Fp(instance)h(of)g Fi(fromInteger)e Fp(is)i(de\014ned)h(to)e(pro)q(duce)i(a)e
+(complex)i(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f(whose)0 1995 y(real)h(part)e(is)i(supplied)i(b)o
+(y)d(an)g(appropriate)g Fi(RealFloat)f Fp(instance)j(of)d Fi(fromInteger)o
+Fp(.)20 b(In)c(this)g(manner,)f(ev)o(en)0 2052 y(user-de\014ned)i(n)o(umeric)
+(v)o(erloaded)g(n)o(umerals.)71 2170 y(As)g(another)g(example,)g(recall)i
+(our)d(\014rst)h(de\014nition)i(of)e Fi(succ)g Fp(from)f(Section)i(2:)71
+2279 y Fi(succ)23 b(::)g(Int)h(->)g(Int)71 2335 y(succ)f(n)h(=)f(n+1)0
+2444 y Fp(Ignoring)15 b(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f(signature,)g(the)h(most)f(general)
+h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)g Fi(succ)g Fp(is)h Fi(\(Num)23 b(a\))h(=>)g(a->a)o
+Fp(.)c(The)14 b(explicit)j(t)o(yp)q(e)0 2501 y(signature)h(is)g(legal,)h(ho)o
+(w)o(ev)o(er,)e(since)i(it)f(is)g Fo(mor)n(e)g(sp)n(e)n(ci\014c)e
+2557 y(signature)e(w)o(ould)g(cause)g(a)f(static)g(error\).)20
+Fi(succ)o Fp('s)f(t)o(yp)q(e,)0 2614 y(and)g(in)h(this)g(case)f(w)o(ould)h
+(cause)f(something)h(lik)o(e)g Fi(succ)23 b(\(1::Float\))14
+b Fp(to)h(b)q(e)h(ill-t)o(yp)q(ed.)p eop
+%%Page: 36 36
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-36)771 b Fj(5)45 b(TYPE)15 b(CLASSES,)h(O)o(VERLO)o(ADING,)g
+(AND)f(\\OOP")0 105 y Fc(5.5.4)52 b(Default)18 b(Numeric)g(T)o(yp)q(es)0
+216 y Fp(Consider)e(the)f(follo)o(wing)h(function)g(de\014nition:)71
+325 y Fi(rms)500 b(::)24 b(\(Floating)f(a\))g(=>)h(a)f(->)h(a)g(->)f(a)71
+381 y(rms)g(x)h(y)405 b(=)48 b(sqrt)23 b(\(\(x^2)g(+)h(y^2\))f(*)h(0.5\))0
+493 y Fp(The)c(exp)q(onen)o(tiation)g(function)g Fi(\(^\))f
+(op)q(erators)f(with)0 549 y(di\013eren)o(t)13 b(t)o(ypings,)g(see)g
+Fn(x)p Fp(6.8.5\))e(has)h(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(\(Num)23 b(a,)h(Integral)e
+(b\))i(=>)g(a)f(->)h(b)g(->)f(a)p Fp(,)13 b(and)g(since)h Fi(2)e
+Fp(has)0 606 y(the)k(t)o(yp)q(e)f Fi(\(Num)24 b(a\))f(=>)h(a)p
+Fp(,)15 b(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)f Fi(x^2)g Fp(is)h Fi(\(Num)23
+b(a,)h(Integral)f(b\))g(=>)h(a)p Fp(.)d(This)16 b(is)g(a)g(problem;)g(there)0
+662 y(is)g(no)g(w)o(a)o(y)e(to)i(resolv)o(e)f(the)h(o)o(v)o(erloading)g(asso)
+q(ciated)g(with)g(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)f(v)m(ariable)i Fi(b)p Fp(,)f(since)g(it)g
+(is)h(in)f(the)g(con)o(text,)0 719 y(but)j(has)f(otherwise)h(v)m(anished)i
+(from)d(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h(expression.)31 b(Essen)o(tially)l(,)21
+b(the)e(programmer)e(has)i(sp)q(eci\014ed)0 775 y(that)e Fi(x)h
+(it)g(should)h(b)q(e)f(squared)g(with)g(an)g Fi(Int)f Fp(or)g(an)0
+832 y Fi(Integer)d Fp(v)m(alue)j(of)d(t)o(w)o(o.)19 b(Of)c(course,)g(w)o(e)g
+(can)g(\014x)h(this:)71 942 y Fi(rms)23 b(x)h(y)405 b(=)48
+b(sqrt)23 b(\(\(x)h(^)f(\(2::Int\))g(+)h(y)g(^)f(\(2::Int\)\))g(*)h(0.5\))0
+1051 y Fp(It's)15 b(ob)o(vious)g(that)g(this)g(sort)g(of)f(thing)i(will)h(so)
+q(on)e(gro)o(w)f(tiresome,)h(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er.)71 1132 y(In)g(fact,)g(this)g
+(to)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers:)71 1241 y Fi(show)23 b(\(read)g("xyz"\))0
+1350 y Fp(As)d(what)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h(is)g(the)g(string)f(supp)q(osed)i(to)e(b)q
+(e)h(read?)35 b(This)20 b(is)g(more)f(serious)h(than)g(the)g(exp)q(onen)o
+(tiation)0 1407 y(am)o(biguit)o(y)l(,)14 b(b)q(ecause)h(there,)f(an)o(y)f
+Fi(Integral)g Fp(instance)i(will)g(do,)f(whereas)g(here,)g(v)o(ery)f
+(di\013eren)o(t)h(b)q(eha)o(vior)h(can)0 1463 y(b)q(e)h(exp)q(ected)g(dep)q
+(ending)i(on)d(what)f(instance)i(of)f Fi(Text)g Fp(is)h(used)f(to)g(resolv)o
+(e)g(the)h(am)o(biguit)o(y)l(.)71 1545 y(Because)h(of)f(the)g(di\013erence)i
+(v)o(erloading)h(am)o(biguit)o(y)0 1601 y(problem,)24 b(Hask)o(ell)e(pro)o
+b(Eac)o(h)22 b(mo)q(dule)h(ma)o(y)e(con)o(tain)0 1658 y(a)h
+Fo(default)h(de)n(clar)n(ation,)g Fp(consisting)g(of)f(the)g(k)o(eyw)o(ord)g
+Fi(default)f Fp(follo)o(w)o(ed)i(b)o(y)f(a)g(paren)o(thesized,)i(comma-)0
+1714 y(separated)17 b(list)h(of)f(n)o(umeric)h(monot)o(yp)q(es)f(\(t)o(yp)q
+(es)h(with)f(no)h(v)m(ariables\).)27 b(When)18 b(an)f(am)o(bigous)g(t)o(yp)q
+(e)h(v)m(ariable)0 1770 y(is)h(disco)o(v)o(ered)f(\(suc)o(h)h(as)e
+Fi(b)p Fp(,)i(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e\),)f(if)g(at)g(least)g(one)g(of)g(its)h(classes)
+1827 y(standard,)d(the)g(default)h(list)h(is)f(consulted,)g(and)f(the)h
+(con)o(text)0 1883 y(of)g(the)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(v)m(ariable)h(is)f(used.)25
+b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)h(if)h(the)e(default)i(declaration)f
+Fi(default)23 b(\(Int,)g(Float\))16 b Fp(is)h(in)0 1940 y(e\013ect,)e(the)g
+g(as)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(Int)p Fp(.)k(\(See)d Fn(x)p Fp(4.3.4)e(for)g(more)h
+(details.\))71 2021 y(The)f(\\default)h(default")g(is)g Fi(\(Int,)23
+b(Double\))o Fp(,)15 b(but)f Fi(\(Integer,)23 b(Rational,)g(Double\))13
+b Fp(ma)o(y)h(also)h(b)q(e)g(ap-)0 2078 y(propriate.)20 b(V)l(ery)15
+b(cautious)h(programmers)e(ma)o(y)g(prefer)i Fi(default)22
+b(\(\))p Fp(,)15 b(whic)o(h)h(pro)o(vides)g(no)f(defaults.)p
+%%Page: 37 37
+bop 1857 -40 a Fp(T-37)0 105 y Fq(6)69 b(Mo)r(dules)0 237 y
+Fp(A)o(t)14 b(the)h(top)f(lev)o(el,)i(a)f(Hask)o(ell)g(program)f(consists)h
+(of)f(a)h(collection)h(of)f Fo(mo)n(dules)p Fp(.)k(A)c(mo)q(dule)h(in)g(Hask)
+o(ell)f(serv)o(es)0 294 y(the)g(dual)h(purp)q(ose)g(of)f(con)o(trolling)h
+379 y(The)19 b(top)f(lev)o(el)i(of)f(a)g(mo)q(dule)h(con)o(tains)f(an)o(y)f
+b(\014xit)o(y)0 435 y(declarations,)15 b(data)f(and)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+(signatures,)f(function)0 492 y(de\014nitions,)k(and)e(pattern)f(bindings.)25
+b(Except)16 b(for)f(the)h(fact)g(that)f(\014xit)o(y)h(declarations)h(and)f
+(imp)q(ort)g(declara-)0 548 y(tions)i(\(to)f(b)q(e)i(describ)q(ed)h
+(app)q(ear)g(in)h(an)o(y)e(order)h(\(the)0 605 y(top-lev)o(el)e(scop)q(e)g
+(is)g(m)o(utually)g(recursiv)o(e\).)71 690 y(Hask)o(ell's)d(mo)q(dule)g
+(design)h(is)f(relativ)o(ely)g(conserv)m(ativ)o(e:)19 b(The)13
+746 y(and)h(mo)q(dules)i(are)d(in)j(no)e(w)o(a)o(y)f(\\\014rst-class.")19
+(with)e(an)0 803 y(upp)q(ercase)g(letter.)20 b(There)14 b(is)h(no)f(formal)f
+(\014le)h(system)f(that)0 859 y(w)o(ould)i(\(t)o(ypically\))h(supp)q(ort)f
+(it.)22 b(In)17 b(particular,)f(there)g(is)h(no)f(connection)h(b)q(et)o(w)o
+(een)f(mo)q(dule)h(names)f(and)g(\014le)0 916 y(names,)g(and)g(more)g(than)g
+(\014le)g(\(one)f(mo)q(dule)h(ma)o(y)f(ev)o(en)0 972 y(span)g(sev)o(eral)f
+(\014les\).)22 b(Of)15 b(course,)h(a)f(particular)h(implemen)o(tation)h(will)
+1029 y(mak)o(e)f(the)g(connection)h(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)g(mo)q(dules)g(and)f
+(\014les)i(more)d(stringen)o(t.)71 1114 y(T)l(ec)o(hnically)h(sp)q(eaking,)f
+q(egins)g(with)g(the)f(k)o(eyw)o(ord)0 1170 y Fi(module)o Fp(;)i(here's)g(an)
+g(example)h(for)f(a)g(mo)q(dule)h(whose)f(name)g(is)h Fi(Tree)p
+Fp(:)71 1279 y Fi(module)23 b(Tree)g(\()h(Tree\(Leaf,Branch\),)d(fringe)i(\))
+h(where)71 1359 y(data)f(Tree)g(a)382 b(=)24 b(Leaf)f(a)h(|)f(Branch)g
+(\(Tree)h(a\))f(\(Tree)g(a\))71 1439 y(fringe)g(::)g(Tree)h(a)f(->)h([a])71
+1495 y(fringe)f(\(Leaf)g(x\))286 b(=)24 b([x])71 1551 y(fringe)f(\(Branch)g
+1661 y Fp(The)14 b(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(Tree)f Fp(and)h(the)g(function)h
+Fi(fringe)e Fp(should)i(b)q(e)g(familiar;)f(they)g(w)o(ere)g(giv)o(en)g(as)g
+(examples)g(in)h(Section)0 1717 y(2.3.)29 b([Because)19 b(of)f(the)h
+Fi(where)f Fp(k)o(eyw)o(ord,)g(la)o(y)o(out)g(is)h(activ)o(e)g(at)e(the)i
+1773 y(declarations)f(m)o(ust)e(all)i(line)g(up)f(in)h(the)f(same)f(column)i
+(\(t)o(ypically)g(the)f(\014rst\).)24 b(Also)17 b(note)g(that)f(the)h(mo)q
+(dule)0 1830 y(name)e(is)h(the)f(same)g(as)g(that)f(of)h(the)g(t)o(yp)q(e;)g
+(this)h(is)g(allo)o(w)o(ed.])71 1915 y(This)e(mo)q(dule)h(explicitly)i
+Fo(exp)n(orts)d Fi(Tree)o Fp(,)g Fi(Leaf)o Fp(,)g Fi(Branch)o
+Fp(,)g(and)g Fi(fringe)o Fp(.)20 b(If)14 b(the)g(exp)q(ort)g(list)g(follo)o
+(wing)h(the)0 1972 y Fi(module)10 b Fp(k)o(eyw)o(ord)g(is)h(omitted,)g
+Fo(al)r(l)g Fp(of)f(the)h(names)g(b)q(ound)h(at)e(the)h(top)f(lev)o(el)i(of)f
+(the)f(mo)q(dule)i(w)o(ould)g(b)q(e)f(exp)q(orted.)0 2028 y(\(In)h(the)h(ab)q
+(the)i(e\013ect)e(w)o(ould)i(b)q(e)g(the)f(same.\))18 b(Note)12
+b(that)0 2084 y(the)k(name)f(of)g(a)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(and)h(its)g(constructors)f
+(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)h(group)q(ed)g(together,)f(as)g(in)h Fi(Tree\(Leaf,Branch\))
+n Fp(.)21 b(As)0 2141 y(short-hand,)15 b(w)o(e)g(could)h(also)f(write)g
+Fi(Tree\(..\))f Fp(\(exp)q(orting)i(a)f(subset)g(of)g(the)g(constructors)f
+(is)i(not)f(allo)o(w)o(ed\).)71 2226 y(The)g Fi(Tree)g Fp(mo)q(dule)h(ma)o(y)
+e(no)o(w)h(b)q(e)h Fo(imp)n(orte)n(d)g Fp(in)o(to)f(some)g(other)f(mo)q
+(dule:)71 2335 y Fi(module)23 b(Main)g(\(main\))g(where)71
+2392 y(import)g(Tree)g(\()h(Tree\(Leaf,Branch\),)d(fringe)i(\))71
+2448 y(main)g(::)g(Dialogue)71 2504 y(main)g(=)h(print)f(\(fringe)g(\(Branch)
+g(\(Leaf)g(1\))g(\(Leaf)h(2\)\)\))0 2614 y Fp(The)16 b(v)m(arious)g(items)g
+(dule)i(are)e(called)i Fo(entities)p Fp(.)j(Note)15 b(the)p
+%%Page: 38 38
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-38)1557 b Fj(6)46 b(MODULES)0 105 y Fp(explicit)21
+o(ould)g(cause)f(all)i(en)o(tities)f(exp)q(orted)g(from)0 162
+y Fi(Tree)c Fp(to)f(b)q(e)i(imp)q(orted.)71 244 y(The)c(en)o(tit)o(y)h
+Fi(main)e Fp(\(and)i(its)f(t)o(yping\))h(and)f(the)h(mo)q(dule)g(name)g
+Fi(Main)o Fp(,)g(in)g(the)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(example,)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f(sp)q
+(ecial)0 300 y(signi\014cance,)17 b(as)e(sp)q(eci\014ed)i(in)f(the)f(Rep)q
+(ort:)71 383 y(\\A)d(Hask)o(ell)i Fo(pr)n(o)n(gr)n(am)g Fp(is)f(a)g
+o(tion,)h(m)o(ust)e(b)q(e)i(called)h Fi(Main)0 439 y Fp(and)j(m)o(ust)f(exp)q
+(ort)g(the)h(v)m(alue)h Fi(main)o Fp(.)27 b(The)18 b Fo(value)g
+Fi(main)e Fp(in)0 496 y(mo)q(dule)f Fi(Main)p Fp(,)f(and)g
+Fi(main)g Fp(m)o(ust)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(Dialogue)o
+Fp(.")71 578 y(\(The)e(t)o(yp)q(e)g Fi(Dialogue)f Fp(relates)h(to)g(I/O,)g
+(and)h(is)f(discussed)i(in)f(Section)g(8.\))19 b(Th)o(us)13
+b(the)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)g(t)o(w)o(o)f(mo)q(dules)0 634 y(together)i
+(constitute)i(a)f(v)m(alid)i(Hask)o(ell)f(program.)0 784 y
+Fg(6.1)56 b(Original)17 b(Names)h(and)h(Renaming)0 896 y Fp(Abstractly)d
+Fo(original)g(name)p Fp(|a)f(pair)h(consisting)g(of)f(the)g(name)h(of)f(the)0
+953 y(en)o(tit)o(y)d(and)h(the)f(name)g(of)g(the)h(mo)q(dule)g(in)h(whic)o(h)
+f(it)f(w)o(as)g(originally)i(de\014ned.)20 b(This)14 b(concept)g(is)g(useful)
+g(in)h(that)0 1009 y(it)f(allo)o(ws)g(an)f(en)o(tit)o(y)h(with)g(the)g(same)f
+(di\013eren)o(t)h(mo)q(dules,)h(without)0 1066 y(con\015ict,)h(as)f(long)g
+(as)g(the)g(original)h(name)g(is)f(the)h(same.)71 1148 y(En)o(tities)f(b)q
+(eing)i(imp)q(orted)f(can)f(also)g(b)q(e)h Fo(r)n(ename)n(d)p
+Fp(;)e(for)h(example:)71 1257 y Fi(import)23 b(Tree)g(\()h
+(Tree\(Leaf,Branch\),)d(fringe)i(\))238 1313 y(renaming)f(\(Leaf)i(to)f
+(Root,)g(Branch)g(to)h(Twig\))0 1541 y Fg(6.2)56 b(In)n(terfaces)18
+b(and)h(Impleme)o(n)n(tations)0 1653 y Fp(The)d(mo)q(dules)h
+Fi(Tree)e Fp(and)g Fi(Main)g Fp(sho)o(wn)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(are)g(in)i
+(actualit)o(y)f(mo)q(dule)g Fo(implementations)p Fp(|they)g(con)o(tain)0
+1709 y(all)j(of)e(the)h(Hask)o(ell)g(co)q(de)g(to)g(completely)h(de\014ne)f
+(a)g(mo)q(dule.)28 b(The)18 b(information)g(passed)g(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)g(mo)q
+(dules)0 1766 y(during)f(exp)q(ort)e(and)h(imp)q(ort,)g(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)f
+i Fo(inter-)0 1822 y(fac)n(e)p Fp(.)i(The)c(in)o(terface)g(for)f(a)g(mo)q
+(dule)i Fi(M)e Fp(con)o(tains)h(all)g(of)f(the)h(information)f(ab)q(out)h
+(the)f(en)o(tities)i(exp)q(orted)f(from)0 1879 y Fi(M)h Fp(that)f(is)i
+(dule)h Fi(N)f Fp(that)g(ma)o(y)f(imp)q(ort)i Fi(M)p Fp(.)22
+b(The)17 b(prop)q(er)0 1935 y(in)o(terfaces)e(for)g(the)g(mo)q(dules)i
+Fi(Tree)d Fp(and)i Fi(Main)e Fp(are:)71 2035 y Fi(interface)22
+2092 y(data)g(Tree)g(a)h(=)g(Leaf)f(a)h(|)f(Branch)g(\(Tree)h(a\))f(\(Tree)g
+(a\))71 2148 y(fringe)g(::)g(Tree)h(a)f(->)h([a])71 2228 y(interface)e(Main)i
+(\(main\))f(where)71 2284 y(import)g(Tree)g(\()h(Tree\(Leaf,Branch\),)d
+(fringe)i(\))71 2341 y(main)g(::)g(Dialogue)71 2501 y Fp(Normally)12
+(terfaces,)g(since)h(they)f(are)f(usually)i(deriv)o(ed)0 2557
+b(On)17 b(the)g(other)f(hand,)i(it)f(is)g(not)g(un)o(usual)h(to)e(w)o(an)o(t)
+g(to)0 2614 y(statically)f(debug)h(a)e(mo)q(dule)i(implemen)o(tation)g(that)e
+%%Page: 39 39
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(6.3)45 b(Abstract)14 b(Data)g(T)o(yp)q(es)1332
+b Fp(T-39)0 105 y(do)q(es)21 b(not)g(exist)g(y)o(et;)i(b)q(eing)f(able)g(to)e
+(dule)i(w)o(ould)0 162 y(p)q(ermit)f(this.)41 b(Indeed,)24
+(t,)g(soft)o(w)o(are)d(dev)o(elopmen)o(t)0 218 y(metho)q(dologies,)c(in)g
+(whic)o(h)g Fo(al)r(l)f Fp(in)o(terfaces)g(are)g(ideally)i(written)e
+Fo(\014rst)p Fp(.)0 493 y Fg(6.3)56 b(Abstract)19 b(Data)f(T)n(yp)r(es)0
+661 y Fp(Aside)j(from)f(con)o(trolling)h(namespaces,)g(mo)q(dules)g(pro)o
+717 y(\(ADTs\))c(in)i(Hask)o(ell.)27 b(F)l(or)17 b(example,)h(the)g(c)o
+Fo(r)n(epr)n(esentation)0 774 y(typ)n(e)i Fp(is)h Fo(hidden)p
+830 y(on)f(the)h(represen)o(tation.)26 b(F)l(or)16 b(example,)j(although)e
+(the)g Fi(Tree)g Fp(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)h(simple)h(enough)f(that)e(w)o(e)h(migh)o
+(t)g(not)0 886 y(normally)e(mak)o(e)g(it)g(abstract,)e(a)h(suitable)i(ADT)f
+(h)g(w)o(e)0 943 y(sp)q(ecify)i(in)f(the)f(form)f(of)h(an)g(in)o(terface:)71
+1052 y Fi(interface)22 b(TreeADT)h(\(Tree,)g(leaf,)g(branch,)g(cell,)524
+1108 y(left,)g(right,)g(isLeaf,)g(isBranch\))g(where)71 1165
+y(data)g(Tree)g(a)71 1221 y(leaf)476 b(::)24 b(a)g(->)f(Tree)h(a)71
+1278 y(branch)428 b(::)24 b(Tree)f(a)h(->)g(Tree)f(a)h(->)f(Tree)g(a)71
+1334 y(cell)476 b(::)24 b(Tree)f(a)h(->)g(a)71 1391 y(left,)f(right)309
+b(::)24 b(Tree)f(a)h(->)g(Tree)f(a)71 1447 y(isLeaf)428 b(::)24
+b(Tree)f(a)h(->)g(Bool)0 1556 y Fp(A)15 b(mo)q(dule)i(implemen)o(tation)f
+(supp)q(orting)g(this)g(is:)71 1665 y Fi(module)23 b(TreeADT)g(\(Tree,)g
+(leaf,)g(branch,)g(cell,)452 1722 y(left,)h(right,)f(isLeaf\))g(where)71
+1801 y(data)g(Tree)g(a)310 b(=)24 b(Leaf)f(a)h(|)g(Branch)f(\(Tree)g(a\))h
+(\(Tree)f(a\))71 1881 y(leaf)476 b(=)24 b(Leaf)71 1937 y(branch)428
+b(=)24 b(Branch)71 1994 y(cell)47 b(\(Leaf)23 b(a\))238 b(=)24
+b(a)71 2050 y(left)47 b(\(Branch)23 b(l)g(r\))143 b(=)24 b(l)71
+2107 y(right)f(\(Branch)g(l)g(r\))143 b(=)24 b(r)71 2163 y(isLeaf)70
+b(\(Leaf)24 b(_\))166 b(=)24 b(True)71 2220 y(isLeaf)70 b(_)334
+b(=)24 b(False)0 2331 y Fp(Note)d(in)h(the)g(exp)q(ort)f(list)i(that)d(the)i
+(t)o(yp)q(e)f(name)h Fi(Tree)f Fp(app)q(ears)g(alone)h(\(i.e.)f(without)h
+(its)g(constructors\);)0 2388 y(similarly)l(,)e(in)f(the)e(in)o(terface)h
+(the)g Fi(data)f Fp(declaration)i(for)e Fi(Tree)g Fp(do)q(es)h(not)f(include)
+k(the)c(constructors.)27 b(Th)o(us)0 2444 y Fi(Leaf)17 b Fp(and)h
+Fi(Branch)f Fp(are)h(not)f(exp)q(orted,)h(and)g(the)g(only)h(w)o(a)o(y)d(to)h
+2501 y(mo)q(dule)f(is)f(b)o(y)g(using)h(the)f(v)m(arious)g(\(abstract\))e(op)
+q(erations.)20 b(Of)15 b(course,)g(the)g(adv)m(an)o(tage)f(of)h(this)g
+(information)0 2557 y(hiding)20 b(is)e(that)f(at)h(a)g(later)g(time)g(w)o(e)g
+(could)h Fo(change)e Fp(the)h(represen)o(tation)g(t)o(yp)q(e)g(without)g
+(a\013ecting)g(users)g(of)0 2614 y(the)d(t)o(yp)q(e.)p eop
+%%Page: 40 40
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-40)1368 b Fj(7)45 b(TYPING)15 b(PITF)-5 b(ALLS)0
+105 y Fg(6.4)56 b(Rules,)17 b(Rules,)g(and)j(More)e(Rules)0
+227 y Fp(Although)f(Hask)o(ell's)h(mo)q(dule)g(system)e(is)i(relativ)o(ely)g
+283 y(imp)q(ort)g(and)g(exp)q(ort)g(of)g(v)m(alues.)29 b(Most)17
+(imp)q(ort)h(t)o(w)o(o)0 340 y(di\013eren)o(t)f(en)o(tities)h(ha)o(ving)f
+(the)f(same)h(name)f(in)o(to)h(the)g(same)f(scop)q(e.)25 b(Other)17
+b(rules)h(are)e(not)h(so)f(ob)o(vious|for)0 396 y(example,)f(an)e
+Fi(instance)g Fp(declaration)i(can)f(only)g(app)q(ear)g(in)h(the)f(mo)q(dule)
+g(in)h(whic)o(h)g(the)f(corresp)q(onding)h Fi(data)0 453 y
+Fp(or)g Fi(class)f Fp(declaration)i(app)q(ears.)k(The)c(reader)f(should)h
+(read)f(the)g(Rep)q(ort)h(for)e(details)j(\()p Fn(x)o Fp(5\).)0
+646 y Fq(7)69 b(T)n(yping)23 b(Pitfalls)0 783 y Fp(This)c(short)e(section)i
+(problems)g(that)g(no)o(vices)h(run)f(in)o(to)0 840 y(using)e(Hask)o(ell's)g
+(t)o(yp)q(e)f(system.)0 1011 y Fg(7.1)56 b(Let-Bound)17 b(P)n(olymorphism)0
+1133 y Fp(An)o(y)i(language)h(using)g(the)f(Hindley-Milne)q(r)j(t)o(yp)q(e)d
+(system)g(has)g(what)f(is)i(called)h Fo(let-b)n(ound)f(p)n(olymorphism)p
+Fp(,)0 1189 y(b)q(ecause)g(iden)o(ti\014ers)g(not)e(b)q(ound)i(using)g(a)e
+Fi(let)g Fp(or)h Fi(where)f Fp(clause)h(\(or)f(at)g(the)h(top)g(lev)o(el)h
+(of)e(a)h(mo)q(dule\))g(are)0 1246 y(limited)14 b(with)e(resp)q(ect)h(to)e
+(their)h(p)q(olymorphism.)20 b(In)13 b(particular,)g(a)f Fo(lamb)n(da-b)n
+(ound)g Fp(function)h(\(i.e.,)f(one)g(passed)0 1302 y(as)k(argumen)o(t)g(to)f
+(di\013eren)o(t)i(w)o(a)o(ys.)22 b(F)l(or)15 b(example,)j(this)0
+1359 y(program)c(is)i(illegal:)71 1468 y Fi(let)23 b(f)h(g)47
+b(=)h(\(g)24 b([],)f(g)h('a'\))548 b(--)24 b(ill-typed)e(expression)71
+1524 y(in)h(f)h(\(\\x->x\))0 1633 y Fp(b)q(ecause)19 b Fi(g)p
+(t)o(yp)q(e)e(is)h Fi(a->a)o Fp(,)f(is)h(used)f(within)i Fi(f)d
+Fp(in)i(t)o(w)o(o)0 1690 y(di\013eren)o(t)c(w)o(a)o(ys:)k(once)d(with)f(t)o
+(yp)q(e)h Fi([a]->[a])n Fp(,)f(and)h(once)f(with)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f
+Fi(Char->Char)o Fp(.)0 1861 y Fg(7.2)56 b(Numeric)16 b(Ov)n(erloading)0
+1983 y Fp(It)f(is)g(easy)g(to)f(forget)g(at)g(times)h(that)g(n)o(umerals)g
+(are)f Fo(overlo)n(ade)n(d,)h Fp(and)g Fo(not)h(implicitly)g(c)n(o)n(er)n(c)n
+(e)n(d)d Fp(to)i(the)f(v)m(arious)0 2040 y(n)o(umeric)k(t)o(yp)q(es,)g(as)e
+(in)j(man)o(y)d(other)h(languages.)26 b(More)17 b(general)h(n)o(umeric)g
+(expressions)g(sometimes)f(cannot)0 2096 y(b)q(e)f(quite)g(so)f(generic.)20
+(the)f(follo)o(wing:)71 2205 y Fi(average)22 b(xs)334 b(=)48
+b(sum)23 b(xs)h(/)g(length)f(xs)262 b(--)24 b(Wrong!)0 2314
+y(\(/\))c Fp(requires)h(fractional)f(argumen)o(ts,)g(but)h
+Fi(length)o Fp('s)f(result)g(is)h(an)f Fi(Int)p Fp(.)35 b(The)20
+b(t)o(yp)q(e)h(mismatc)o(h)f(m)o(ust)f(b)q(e)0 2371 y(corrected)c(with)h(an)f
+(explicit)i(co)q(ercion:)71 2480 y Fi(average)404 b(::)24 b(\(Fractional)e
+(a\))i(=>)f([a])h(->)f(a)71 2536 y(average)f(xs)334 b(=)48
+b(sum)23 b(xs)h(/)g(fromIntegral)e(\(length)h(xs\))p eop
+%%Page: 41 41
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(7.3)45 b(The)15 b(Monomorphism)g(Restriction)1118
+b Fp(T-41)0 105 y Fg(7.3)56 b(The)18 b(Monomorphism)e(Restriction)0
+213 y Fp(The)e(Hask)o(ell)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(system)e(con)o(tains)i(a)f
+i(in)g(ordinary)0 269 y(Hindley-Milne)q(r)23 b(t)o(yp)q(e)d(systems:)29
+b(the)20 b Fo(monomorphism)i(r)n(estriction)p Fp(.)34 b(The)21
+b(reason)f(for)f(this)i(restriction)f(is)0 326 y(related)c(to)e(a)h(subtle)h
+(in)g(the)f(Rep)q(ort)h(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(4.5.4\).)i(A)d(simpler)0
+382 y(explanation)h(follo)o(ws:)71 461 y(The)g(monomorphism)f(restriction)i
+(binding)j(\(whic)o(h)e(in-)0 517 y(cludes)e(bindings)g(to)e(a)g(single)i
+(signature,)f(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)h Fo(monomorphic)p Fp(.)0 574
+(one)0 630 y(sp)q(eci\014c)k(o)o(v)o(erloading)e(and)h(is)f(not)g(exp)q
+(orted.)71 709 y(Violations)e(of)e(this)i(restriction)g(result)f(in)h(a)f
+(static)g(t)o(yp)q(e)h(error.)18 b(The)12 b(simplest)h(w)o(a)o(y)f(to)f(a)o
+(v)o(oid)h(the)g(problem)0 765 y(is)18 b(to)g(pro)o(vide)g(an)g(explicit)i(t)
+o(yp)q(e)e(signature.)28 b(Note)17 b(that)g Fo(any)h Fp(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+822 y(correct\).)71 900 y(A)12 b(common)h(violation)g(of)g(the)f(restriction)
+(manner,)0 957 y(as)i(in)h(this)f(de\014nition)i(of)e Fi(sum)g
+Fp(from)f(the)i(Standard)f(Prelude:)71 1057 y Fi(sum)500 b(=)48
+b(foldl)23 b(\(+\))h(0)0 1166 y Fp(As)15 b(is,)h(this)f(w)o(ould)h(cause)f(a)
+f(adding)h(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)g(signature:)71 1275 y Fi(sum)500
+b(::)24 b(\(Num)f(a\))h(=>)f([a])h(->)f(a)0 1384 y Fp(Also)16
+(w)o(e)f(had)g(written:)71 1493 y Fi(sum)23 b(xs)429 b(=)48
+b(foldl)23 b(\(+\))h(0)f(xs)0 1602 y Fp(b)q(ecause)16 b(the)f(restriction)h
+(only)g(applies)h(to)d(pattern)h(bindings.)0 1766 y Fq(8)69
+b(Input/Output)0 1890 y Fp(The)17 b(I/O)h(system)e(in)i(Hask)o(ell)g(is)g
+o(er)f(of)f(that)h(found)g(in)0 1946 y(con)o(v)o(en)o(tional)h(programming)f
+(languages.)27 b(T)l(o)18 b(ac)o(hiev)o(e)g(this,)g(Hask)o(ell)g(relies)h
+(critically)h(on)e(lazy)g(ev)m(aluation)0 2002 y(and)d(higher-order)h
+(functional)h(program.)j(\()p Fn(x)p Fp(7\))71 2081 y(The)13
+(do)h(I/O)g(in)g(Hask)o(ell:)20 b(the)14 b Fo(str)n(e)n(am-b)n(ase)n(d)e
+Fp(approac)o(h)i(and)0 2137 y(the)f Fo(c)n(ontinuation-b)n(ase)n(d)e
+Fp(approac)o(h.)19 b(The)13 b(former)f(is)h(probably)g(easier)g(to)f(explain)
+j(conceptually)l(,)f(and)f(indeed)0 2194 y(the)19 b(latter)f(is)h(de\014ned)h
+b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)18 b(for)g(practical)h(programming,)0 2250
+2307 y(concen)o(trate)d(on)g(in)h(this)g(section.)k(\()p Fn(x)p
+Fp(7.5\))0 2449 y Fg(8.1)56 b(In)n(tro)r(duction)18 b(to)g(Con)n(tin)n
+(uations)0 2557 y Fp(T)l(o)13 b(understand)g(this)h(metho)q(dology)l(,)f(it)g
+(of)e(a)h Fo(c)n(ontin-)0 2614 y(uation)p Fp(.)20 b(A)13 b(con)o(tin)o
+Fo(function)e Fp(that)h(maps)g(an)g(\\in)o(termediate)h(v)m(alue")p
+%%Page: 42 42
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-42)1417 b Fj(8)45 b(INPUT/OUTPUT)0 105 y Fp(\(p)q(ossibly)20
+b(In)19 b(this)g(w)o(a)o(y)l(,)g(con)o(tin)o(uations)g(are)f(used)h(to)f
+(explicitly)0 162 y(manage)d(\\\015o)o(w)h(of)f(con)o(trol,")h(and)g(th)o(us)
+(returning)i(with)f(an)0 218 y(answ)o(er,)g(will)j(apply)e(a)f(con)o(tin)o
+b(Because)17 b(of)g(this,)g(the)0 274 y(resulting)f(programming)f(st)o(yle)g
+(is)h(often)f(called)i Fo(c)n(ontinuation)e(p)n(assing)g(style)p
+Fp(,)f(or)h(CPS)g(for)g(short.)71 359 y(T)l(o)e(giv)o(e)h(an)g(example)g(of)f
+(use)g(of)g(con)o(tin)o(uations)0 416 y(to)i(manage)g(errors|i.e.,)g(to)f
+(an)g(error-handler.)24 b(A)17 b(con-)0 472 y(v)o(en)o(tional)f(w)o(a)o(y)e
+(the)h(follo)o(wing:)71 581 y Fi(data)23 b(Maybe)g(a)286 b(=)24
+b(Ok)g(a)f(|)h(Oops)f(String)71 638 y(f)548 b(::)24 b(Int)f(->)h(Maybe)f(Int)
+71 694 y(f)g(x)501 b(=)24 b(let)f(y)h(=)g(...)691 751 y(in)47
+b(if)24 b(y==0)47 b(then)g(Oops)24 b("divide)f(by)g(zero")786
+807 y(else)48 b(Ok)23 b(\(x/y\))0 916 y Fp(Here)c(the)g Fi(Maybe)f
+b(No)o(w)0 973 y(supp)q(ose)14 b Fi(f)f Fp(is)h(used)g(in)g(con)o(text)e
+(error)e(o)q(ccurs)0 1029 y(there)i(is)h(some)f(default)h(v)m(alue)g
+Fi(d)f Fp(that)g(is)g(appropriate)g(to)g(use)h(instead:)118
+1138 y Fi(case)24 b(f)f(z)h(of)166 1195 y(Ok)g(x)71 b(->)24
+b(x)166 1251 y(Oops)f(s)h(->)g(d)71 1414 y Fp(In)16 b(con)o(trast)f(to)h
+(con)o(tin)o(uations)f(migh)o(t)f(lo)q(ok)0 1470 y(something)f(lik)o(e)i
+(this:)71 1579 y Fi(f)548 b(::)24 b(Int)f(->)h(\(String)f(->)g(Int\))h(->)f
+(Int)71 1635 y(f)g(x)h(c)453 b(=)24 b(let)f(y)h(=)g(...)691
+1692 y(in)47 b(if)24 b(x==0)47 b(then)g(c)24 b("divide)f(by)h(zero")786
+1748 y(else)48 b(x/y)0 1864 y Fp(Note)17 b(that)f(an)h(error)f(con)o(tin)o
+(uation)i Fi(c)f Fp(is)g(explicitly)j(supplied)g(to)c Fi(f)h
+Fp(as)f(an)h(argumen)o(t.)1546 1847 y Fm(14)1608 1864 y Fp(No)o(w,)g(to)f
+(sim)o(ulate)0 1920 y(the)f(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)g Fo(use)g Fp(of)g
+Fi(f)p Fp(,)g(w)o(e)f(w)o(ould)i(simply)g(write:)118 2029 y
+Fi(f)24 b(z)g(\(\\s)f(->)h(d\))71 2192 y Fp(The)12 b(trade-o\013s)f(b)q(et)o
+(hes)f(to)f(handling)j(suc)o(h)f(things)0 2248 y(as)i(errors)f(are)h(sub)s
+(jectiv)o(e.)20 b(The)c(passing)f(of)g(con)o(tin)o(uations)g(can)h(b)q(e)f
+(cum)o(b)q(ersome,)h(but)f(on)g(the)g(other)g(hand,)p 0 2295
+780 2 v 37 2322 a Fl(14)69 2338 y Fk(As)h(an)h(aside,)h(w)o(e)e(p)q(oin)o(t)h
+(the)h(primitiv)o(e)h(arithmetic)g(functions)g(to)q(ok)0 2383
+y(con)o(tin)o(uation)e(argumen)o(ts)e(to)q(o!)j(If)12 b Ff(divide)f
+Fk(w)o(ere)h(suc)o(h)i(a)f(function)h(for)f Ff(/)g Fk(then)g(w)o(e)g(could)h
+(simply)h(write:)71 2472 y Ff(f)k(x)g(c)372 b(=)20 b(let)e(y)h(=)g(...)581
+2518 y(in)38 b(divide)17 b(x)j(y)f(c)p eop
+%%Page: 43 43
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(8.2)45 b(Con)o(tin)o(uation)15 b(Based)g(I/O)1271
+b Fp(T-43)0 105 y(the)12 b(enco)q(ding)g(of)f(error)g(in)o(to)h(sp)q(ecial)h
+(t)o(yp)q(es)e(is)h(also)g(cum)o(b)q(ersome.)18 b(The)12 b(programmer)e(m)o
+(ust)h(mak)o(e)g(a)g(judicious)0 162 y(c)o(hoice)16 b(based)g(on)f(her)g
+(particular)h(circumstances.)71 259 y(Before)e(mo)o(ving)g(on)g(to)f(I/O,)h
+(tage)f(of)f(con)o(tin)o(uations)i(b)o(y)f(noting)0 316 y(that)g(if)h
+Fi(f)g Fp(w)o(ere)f Fo(r)n(e)n(cursive)p Fp(,)g(the)h(error)f(v)m(alue)i(in)f
+(e)i(propagated)0 372 y(bac)o(k)c(through)f(ev)o(ery)h(lev)o(el)i(of)d
+(the)i(con)o(tin)o(uation)0 429 y(is)f(called)h(directly)l(,)g(m)o(uc)o(h)f
+b(This)12 b(ma)o(y)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(an)h(imp)q(ortan)o(t)f(impact)0
+485 y(on)k(e\016ciency)l(.)0 688 y Fg(8.2)56 b(Con)n(tin)n(uation)19
+b(Based)g(I/O)0 823 y Fp(Giv)o(en)12 b(this)f(bac)o(kground,)h(understanding)
+(straigh)o(tforw)o(ard;)0 879 y(there)k(are)g(only)h(t)o(w)o(o)e(small)i(t)o
+(wists.)71 977 y(First,)11 b(a)h(program)f(engaged)h(in)h(I/O)f(\\comm)o
+(erating)0 1033 y(system\))19 b(using)h(con)o(tin)o(uations.)32
+b(A)20 b(Hask)o(ell)g(program)e(engaged)i(in)g(I/O)g(is)g(required)g(to)f(ha)
+o(v)o(e)g(a)g(top-lev)o(el)0 1090 y(iden)o(ti\014er)j Fi(main)d
+Fp(whose)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)h Fi(Dialogue)o Fp(;)h(this)e(is)h(the)f(t)o(yp)q
+1146 y(system)15 b(is)g(exp)q(ecting.)71 1244 y(The)j(other)g(t)o(wist)f(is)i
+(that)f(not)f(only)i(is)g Fo(failur)n(e)f Fp(enco)q(ded)h(as)f(a)g(con)o(tin)
+o(uation,)h(but)g(so)e(is)i Fo(suc)n(c)n(ess)p Fp(,)e(since)0
+1301 y(w)o(e)d(need)i(to)e(con)o(trol)h(the)f(\015o)o(w)h(of)f(all)i(asp)q
+(ell|functions)0 1357 y(called)h Fo(tr)n(ansactions)p Fp(|tak)o(e)d
+Fo(two)h Fp(con)o(tin)o(uation)h(argumen)o(ts,)e(one)h(for)g(success)h(and)f
+(the)g(other)g(for)g(failure.)71 1455 y(The)d(simplest)h(thing)g(a)f(program)
+f(could)i(do)f(is)g Fo(halt)p Fp(.)19 b(T)l(o)12 b(do)g(that,)g(w)o(e)g(use)g
+(the)g(sp)q(ecial)i Fi(done)e Fp(con)o(tin)o(uation,)0 1512
+y(whose)j(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)h Fi(Dialogue)o Fp(:)71 1622 y Fi(main)476
+b(=)48 b(done)71 1797 y Fp(F)l(or)18 b(a)g(little)i(more)f(sophistication,)h
+(supp)q(ose)f(w)o(e)g(wish)g(to)f(write)h(a)g(string)f Fi(s)h
+Fp(to)f(a)g(\014le)i(whose)f(name)f(is)0 1854 y Fi("ReadMe")o
+Fp(.)i(W)l(e)15 b(w)o(ould)h(do)f(this)g(in)h(Hask)o(ell)g(using)g(the)g
+Fi(writeFile)e Fp(transaction:)71 1963 y Fi(main)476 b(=)24
+b(writeFile)f("ReadMe")f(s)i(failCont)f(succCont)0 2072 y Fp(where)12
+b Fi(failCont)f Fp(and)h Fi(succCont)f Fp(are)h(failure)h(and)f(success)g
+(en)0 2128 y(sp)q(eci\014c)17 b(v)m(alues)f(later.)k(The)c(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)g
+Fi(writeFile)f Fp(is:)71 2237 y Fi(writeFile)356 b(::)24 b(Name)f(->)h
+2294 y(type)g(Name)357 b(=)24 b(String)0 2403 y Fp(So)15 b(w)o(e)g(see)h
+(that)e(the)h(result)h(of)f(the)g(application)i(of)e Fi(writeFile)f
+Fp(has)h(the)g(appropriate)g(t)o(yp)q(e:)20 b Fi(Dialogue)o
+Fp(.)71 2501 y(But)g(what)f(exactly)h(are)g Fi(FailCont)e Fp(and)j
+Fi(SuccCont)n Fp(?)35 b(T)l(o)20 b(answ)o(er)f(that,)h(w)o(e)g(m)o(ust)f
+(understand)i(what)0 2557 y(kinds)16 b(of)e(\\in)o(termediate)h(v)m(alues")h
+b(example,)i Fo(failur)n(e)e Fp(of)g(a)0 2614 y(transaction)h(ma)o(y)f
+%%Page: 44 44
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-44)1417 b Fj(8)45 b(INPUT/OUTPUT)71 160 y
+Fi(data)23 b(IOError)285 b(=)24 b(WriteError)46 b(String)643
+216 y(|)24 b(ReadError)70 b(String)643 272 y(|)24 b(SearchError)e(String)643
+329 y(|)i(FormatError)e(String)643 385 y(|)i(OtherError)46
+b(String)0 494 y Fp(and)15 b(th)o(us)g Fi(FailCont)f Fp(is)i(de\014ned)h(as:)
+71 595 y Fi(type)23 b(FailCont)261 b(=)24 b(IOError)f(->)h(Dialogue)0
+704 y Fp(In)16 b(con)o(trast)e(to)g(failure,)i Fo(suc)n(c)n(ess)e
+Fp(of)g Fi(writeFile)g Fp(do)q(esn't)h(really)h(return)g Fo(anything)p
+Fp(,)e(so)h Fi(SuccCont)f Fp(is)i(simply:)71 813 y Fi(type)23
+b(SuccCont)261 b(=)24 b(Dialogue)0 922 y Fp(A)19 b(simple)h(failure)f(con)o
+g(ignores)h(the)g(error)e(message)0 978 y(and)e(halts:)71 1078
+y Fi(abort)452 b(::)24 b(FailCont)71 1135 y(abort)f(err)357
+b(=)24 b(done)0 1244 y Fp(A)15 b(b)q(etter)g(one,)g(also)h(prede\014ned,)g
+(prin)o(ts)f(the)h(error)e(message)h(to)g Fi(stderror)f Fp(b)q(efore)h
+(halting:)71 1353 y Fi(exit)476 b(::)48 b(FailCont)71 1409
+y(exit)23 b(err)381 b(=)48 b(appendChan)22 b(stderr)h(msg)h(abort)f(done)715
+1466 y(where)g(msg)h(=)f(case)h(err)f(of)h(ReadError)70 b(s)24
+b(->)f(s)1288 1522 y(WriteError)46 b(s)24 b(->)f(s)1288 1579
+y(SearchError)f(s)i(->)f(s)1288 1635 y(FormatError)f(s)i(->)f(s)1288
+1692 y(OtherError)46 b(s)24 b(->)f(s)71 1850 y Fp(Returning)18
+g(is)i(simply)g(to)e(halt)g(after)g(writing)i(to)0 1906 y(the)c(\014le,)h
+(e)g(w)o(ould)g(write:)71 2015 y Fi(main)476 b(=)24 b(writeFile)f("ReadMe")f
+(s)i(exit)f(done)71 2173 y Fp(The)15 b(transaction)g Fi(readFile)f
+(t)o(yp)q(e)g(is)h(giv)o(en)g(b)o(y:)71 2282 y Fi(readFile)380
+b(::)24 b(Name)f(->)h(FailCont)f(->)g(StrCont)g(->)h(Dialogue)71
+2339 y(type)f(StrCont)285 b(=)24 b(String)f(->)h(Dialogue)0
+2448 y Fp(F)l(or)15 b(example,)g(w)o(e)g(could)h(use)g(it)f(to)g(read)g(the)g
+(\014le)i(previously)f(written:)71 2557 y Fi(main)476 b(=)24
+b(readFile)f("ReadMe")g(exit)g(\(\\s->...\))p eop
+%%Page: 45 45
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(8.2)45 b(Con)o(tin)o(uation)15 b(Based)g(I/O)1271
+b Fp(T-45)0 105 y(where)15 b(the)h Fi(...)e Fp(re\015ects)i(whatev)o(er)e(it)
+183 y(Pragmatically)l(,)f(it)h(ma)o(y)e(seem)i(that)e Fi(readFile)g
+(space)h(and)0 240 y(time)k(p)q(erformance)g(under)h(certain)g
+(circumstances.)32 b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)18 b(this)i(is)f(not)g(the)g(case.)31
+b(The)19 b(k)o(ey)g(p)q(oin)o(t)g(is)0 296 y(that)c Fi(readFile)g
+Fp(returns)h(a)g(\\lazy")g(\(i.e.)23 b(non-strict\))16 b(list)h(of)f(c)o
+353 y(of)e(c)o(haracters)g(in)i(Hask)o(ell\),)f(whose)g(elemen)o(ts)g(are)f
+b(An)15 b(imple-)0 409 y(men)o(tation)f(can)g(b)q(e)h(exp)q(ected)h(to)e
+(one)f(c)o(haracter)g(at)0 465 y(a)h(time)g(from)g(the)g(\014le.)71
+543 y(There)k(are)g(lots)h(of)f(other)g(transactions)g(a)o(v)m(ailable)i(in)f
+600 y(\015ects)d(the)g(desire)h(for)e(compatibilit)o(y)j(with)e(con)o(v)o(en)
+o(tional)g(op)q(erating)g(systems.)27 b(F)l(or)18 b(example,)h(there)f(is)g
+(an)0 656 y Fi(appendFile)e Fp(transaction)g(whic)o(h)i(writes)f(a)f(string)h
+(to)g(the)g(end)g(of)g(a)f(\014le.)26 b(There)18 b(are)e(also)h
+Fo(binary)g Fp(v)o(ersions)0 713 y(of)e Fi(readFile)o Fp(,)f
+Fi(writeFile)o Fp(,)h(and)g Fi(appendFile)f Fp(\()p Fn(x)p
+Fp(7\).)71 791 y(Also)h(included)j(among)c(the)h(standard)f(op)q(erations)i
+(are)e(those)h(whic)o(h)h(in)o(teract)f(with)g Fo(channels)p
+Fp(,)e(whic)o(h)j(in)0 847 y(Unix-land)k(includes)g(things)e(lik)o(e)h
+(standard-input,)g(standard-output,)f(etc.)27 b(The)19 b(t)o(w)o(o)d(most)h
+(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(of)0 904 y(these)e(are:)71 1004 y Fi(readChan)380
+b(::)24 b(Name)f(->)262 b(FailCont)23 b(->)h(StrCont)47 b(->)23
+b(Dialogue)71 1060 y(appendChan)332 b(::)24 b(Name)f(->)h(String)f(->)g
+(FailCont)g(->)h(SuccCont)f(->)g(Dialogue)0 1169 y Fp(There)12
+b(is)g(no)g Fi(writeChan)f Fp(transaction,)h(since)h(the)f(output)f(is)i(alw)
+1226 y(written)k(\(th)o(us)g Fi(appendChan)f Fp(is)h(akin)h(to)f
+Fi(appendFile)n Fp(\).)71 1304 y(Note)g(that)h(c)o(hannel)h(names)f(are)g
+(just)f(strings)h(\(lik)o(e)h(\014le)g(names\).)23 b(There)16
+b(are)g(four)f(c)o(hannel)j(names)e(that)0 1360 y(are)f(alw)o(a)o(ys)f(supp)q
+(to)f(the)g(follo)o(wing)h(iden)o(ti\014ers:)71 1469 y Fi(stdin)452
+b(=)48 b("stdin")71 1526 y(stdout)428 b(=)48 b("stdout")71
+1582 y(stderr)428 b(=)48 b("stderr")71 1639 y(stdecho)404 b(=)48
+b("stdecho")0 1750 y Fp(On)12 b(most)f(systems,)g Fi(stdout)p
+Fp(,)g Fi(stderr)p Fp(,)h(and)f Fi(stdecho)g Fp(all)h(represen)o(t)g(the)g
+(same)f(ph)o(ysical)i(c)o(hannel)g(\(nominally)l(,)0 1807 y(the)i(user's)g
+(terminal)h(displa)o(y\).)71 1885 y(Let's)k(no)o(w)g(consider)h(a)f(sligh)o
+h(\014le)g(bac)o(k,)0 1941 y(compares)15 b(the)h(con)o(ten)o(ts)e(for)h
+(suitable)i(message)e(to)0 1998 y(standard)g(output,)f(and)i(halts:)71
+2107 y Fi(main)94 b(=)24 b(writeFile)f("ReadMe")g(s1)g(exit)h(\()309
+2163 y(readFile)47 b("ReadMe")94 b(exit)24 b(\(\\s2->)309 2220
+2276 y(else)i("something)e(intervened!"\))g(exit)309 2333 y(done\)\))0
+2444 y Fp(This)f(program)e(demonstrates)g(an)h(imp)q(ortan)o(t)f(asp)q(ect)i
+(of)e(Hask)o(ell)i(I/O|it)g(p)q(ermits)g Fo(nondeterminism)e
+Fp(in)0 2501 y(the)e(op)q(erating)g(system)f(\(if)h(it)g(didn't,)g(it)g(w)o
+(are)i(still)0 2557 y(referen)o(tially)d(transparen)o(t.)k(In)13
+(small\))f(that)f(the)h(test)f Fi(s1==s2)0 2614 y Fp(will)17
+(read.)p eop
+%%Page: 46 46
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-46)1417 b Fj(8)45 b(INPUT/OUTPUT)71 105 y
+Fp(Also)16 b(note)g(ho)o(w)g(this)g(program)f(is)i(formatted,)e(giving)i(it)f
+(an)g(\\imp)q(erativ)o(e)h(feel.")24 b(W)l(e)16 b(can)g(enhance)i(this)0
+162 y(st)o(yle)d(b)o(y)g(using)h(an)g(in\014x)g(apply)g(op)q(erator:)71
+271 y Fi(infixr)23 b(0)g($)71 327 y(f)g($)h(a)71 b(=)24 b(f)g(a)71
+407 y(main)94 b(=)24 b(writeFile)47 b("ReadMe")22 b(s1)i(exit)f($)309
+463 y(readFile)71 b("ReadMe")94 b(exit)23 b($)h(\\s2->)309
+520 y(appendChan)f(stdout)g(\(if)g(s1==s2)g(then)h("contents)e(match")1001
+576 y(else)i("somebody)e(intervened!"\))g(exit)i($)309 632
+y(done)0 742 y Fp(This)12 b(v)o(ersion)h(has)e(the)h(adv)m(an)o(tage)g(of)f
+(larger)g(programs)0 798 y(can)j(b)q(ecome)h(quite)g(anno)o(ying.)0
+1050 y Fg(8.3)56 b(T)-5 b(erminal)16 b(I/O)0 1208 y Fp(Sp)q(ecial)h(men)o
+g(that)f(what)g(is)h(returned)g(is)g(a)f(lazy)0 1264 y(string,)f(just)g(as)g
+(for)g(a)g(\014le.)20 b(The)13 b(\014rst)g(issue)h(that)f(arises)g(is)h
+1320 y(or)e(whether)h(the)g(user)f(is)h(required)h(to)e(do)h(so)f(explicitly)
+l(.)22 b(The)13 b(answ)o(er)f(is)h(that)f(w)o(e)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(a)h(c)o
+(hoice!)20 b(The)12 b(default)0 1377 y(is)k(that)f(ec)o(hoing)i(is)f(\\on,")f
+Fi(echo)f Fp(transaction,)g(whic)o(h)h(tak)o(es)f(a)0 1433
+(failure)g(and)f(success)h(con)o(tin)o(uations:)71 1545 y Fi(echo)476
+b(::)24 b(Bool)f(->)h(FailCont)f(->)g(SuccCont)g(->)h(Dialogue)0
+1654 y Fp(T)l(urning)19 b(ec)o(hoing)f(o\013)f(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)g(required)h
+o(ted)g(text)0 1710 y(editor.)71 1823 y(Since)13 b(the)f(result)g(of)f
+(reading)i(from)e Fi(stdin)g Fp(is)h(a)g(lazy)g(string,)g(that)f(means)h(it)g
+(only)g(has)g(to)f(b)q(e)h(done)h Fo(onc)n(e)e Fp(for)0 1880
+f(it)h(is)g(done)g(more)f(than)g(once.)21 b(But)16 b(this)g(raises)0
+1936 y(the)f(follo)o(wing)g(question:)20 b(if)c(ec)o(hoing)f(is)g(enabled,)h
+(the)f(input)h(stream)d(will)k(app)q(ear)e(on)f(the)h Fi(stdecho)f
+Fp(c)o(hannel)0 1993 y(\(whic)o(h)k(on)g(most)f(systems)h(is)g(synon)o(ymous)
+g(with)g Fi(stdout)o Fp(\);)h(but)f(then)g(ho)o(w)f(is)i(this)f(output)g
+(\\in)o(terlea)o(v)o(ed")0 2049 y(with)e(explicit)h(output)e(to)f(the)i(same)
+f(c)o(hannel?)71 2162 y(T)l(o)c(giv)o(e)h(a)g(formal)g(answ)o(er)f(to)h(this)
+(the)g(op)q(erating)0 2218 y(system;)j(that's)g(wh)o(y)g(in)i(the)e(App)q
+(erating)g(system)f(is)h(giv)o(en)0 2275 y(in)g(Hask)o(ell)g(co)q(de.)21
+b(Here,)15 b(w)o(e)g(simply)h(giv)o(e)f(an)h(op)q(erational)f(description)i
+(of)e(the)g(exp)q(ected)i(b)q(eha)o(vior.)71 2388 y(First,)e(w)o(e)h(m)o(ust)
+b(With)16 b(ec)o(ho)g(enabled,)i(w)o(e)e(w)o(ould)0 2444 y(exp)q(ect)h(line)h
+Fo(b)n(efor)n(e)e Fp(the)g(program)f(is)h(allo)o(w)o(ed)h(to)e(see)i(the)0
+2501 y(result,)i(and)f(indeed)i(that's)d(what)g(happ)q(ens)i(in)g(Hask)o
+(ell.)29 b(This)19 b(means)f(that)f(the)h(user)g(input)h(is)g(e\013ectiv)o
+(ely)0 2557 y(seen)e(\\line-at-a-time,")h(since)f(a)f(series)h(of)f(rub)q
+b(Consider,)17 b(for)0 2614 y(example,)f(this)f(program:)p
+%%Page: 47 47
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(8.4)45 b(Finer)15 b(Lev)o(el)i(of)d(Con)o(trol)1311
+b Fp(T-47)71 160 y Fi(main)285 b(=)24 b(echo)f(flag)h(exit)262
+b($)500 216 y(readChan)23 b(stdin)g(exit)143 b($)23 b(\\s->)500
+272 y(appendChan)g(stdout)g(s)g(exit)h($)500 329 y(done)0 438
+y Fp(If)13 b Fi(flag)e Fp(is)i Fi(True)p Fp(,)f(ec)o(hoing)h(will)h(b)q(e)f
+(en)o(tire)h(line,)h(with)f(correc-)0 494 y(tions)k(b)q(eing)h(dutifully)h
+(pro)q(cessed.)25 b(When)17 b(a)f(new-line)j(c)o(haracter)d(is)h(t)o(yp)q
+(ed,)g(the)g Fi(appendChan)e Fp(transaction)0 551 y(will)20
+607 y(This)d(pro)q(cess)f(will)i(then)f(rep)q(eat)f(for)g(subsequen)o(t)h
+(output)0 664 y(are)f(in)o(terlea)o(v)o(ed)h(line-at-a-time.)26
+b(Note)16 b(that)g(this)h(program)e(is)i(essen)o(tially)h(in)f(an)g
+(in\014nite)h(lo)q(op,)f(unless)h(the)0 720 y(user)h(terminates)h(the)f
+(vironmen)o(t\),)g(in)g(whic)o(h)g(case)0 777 y Fi(appendChan)14
+b Fp(can)h(\014nish)i(its)e(task.)71 858 y(On)j(the)h(other)f(hand,)h(if)f
+Fi(flag)g Fp(is)h Fi(False)o Fp(,)g(ec)o(hoing)g(is)f(disabled,)j(and)d
+Fi(appendChan)f Fp(will)j(see)f(the)f(input)0 915 y(c)o(haracter-b)o(y-c)o
+(haracter.)g(Th)o(us)12 b(the)g(e\013ect)f(of)h Fi(appendChan)e
+996 y(The)17 b(other)f(factor)g(in)i(determining)g(the)g(in)o(terlea)o(ving)g
+1052 y Fo(dep)n(ends)j Fp(on)h(the)g(input)h(stream.)36 b(F)l(or)20
+b(example,)j(a)e(program)f(that)g(prin)o(ts)h(one)g Fi("X")g
+Fp(for)f(ev)o(ery)h(10)f(input)0 1109 y(c)o(haracters)14 b(will)j(b)q(eha)o
+1218 y Fi(main)94 b(=)24 b(readChan)f(stdin)g(exit)g($)h(\\s->)309
+1274 y(let)g(loop)f(n)48 b([])310 b(=)23 b(done)405 1331 y(loop)g(n)h
+(\(x:xs\))f(|)g(n==10)48 b(=)23 b(appendChan)g(stdout)g("X")g(exit)h($)1001
+1387 y(loop)95 b(1)48 b(xs)739 1444 y(|)23 b(True)72 b(=)23
+b(loop)h(\(n+1\))f(xs)309 1500 y(in)h(loop)f(1)h(s)0 1612 y
+Fp(This)19 b(program)e(also)h(demonstrates)g(ho)o(w)f(to)h(write)g(a)g(lo)q
+b(\(See)0 1668 y Fn(x)p Fp(7.7)14 b(for)h(another)g(example)h(of)f(sync)o
+(hronizing)h(input)h(with)e(output.\))71 1750 y(There)g(are)g(sev)o(eral)g(v)
+f(in)o(teractions)i(with)f(stan-)0 1806 y(dard)20 b(input)h(and)f(output)g
+(relativ)o(ely)h(painless.)36 b(These)21 b(are)e Fi(print)p
+Fp(,)h Fi(prints)p Fp(,)g(and)h Fi(interact)o Fp(,)f(whic)o(h)h(are)0
+1862 y(describ)q(ed)c(in)f(Section)g Fn(x)p Fp(7.5)f(of)f(the)i(Rep)q(ort.)0
+2009 y Fg(8.4)56 b(Finer)18 b(Lev)n(el)f(of)i(Con)n(trol)0
+2120 y Fp(Sometimes)c(\(although)f(rarely\))g(the)h(user)f(will)i(need)g(a)e
+o(vided)0 2176 y(b)o(y)g(the)f(standard)h(set)f(of)g(I/O)h(transactions)f
+(necessary)0 2233 y(to)f(explicitly)k(op)q(en)e(and)f(close)h(\014les\).)20
+b(This)15 b(fact)e(is)i(recognized)g(in)g(App)q(endix)h Fn(x)p
+Fp(C,)e(where)g(an)g(alternativ)o(e)g(set)0 2289 y(of)h(I/O)g(op)q(erations)h
+(ort.)p eop
+%%Page: 48 48
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-48)1597 b Fj(9)45 b(ARRA)l(YS)0 105 y Fq(9)69
+b(Arra)n(ys)0 236 y Fp(Ideally)l(,)13 b(arra)o(ys)d(in)i(a)f(functional)h
+(indices)j(to)d(v)m(alues,)0 292 y(but)16 b(pragmatically)l(,)g(in)h(order)e
+f(need)i(to)e(b)q(e)h(sure)g(w)o(e)g(can)0 349 y(tak)o(e)h(adv)m(an)o(tage)g
+(functions,)h(whic)o(h)f(are)g(isomorphic)0 405 y(to)h(\014nite)i(con)o
+(tiguous)f(subsets)g(of)f(the)h(in)o(tegers.)34 b(Hask)o(ell,)21
+462 y(functions)d(with)f(an)h(application)g(op)q(eration,)g(but)f(as)g
+546 y(Tw)o(o)11 b(main)h(approac)o(hes)g(to)f(functional)j(arra)o(ys)c(ma)o
+(y)i(b)q(e)g(discerned:)20 b Fo(incr)n(emental)11 b Fp(and)h
+Fo(monolithic)g Fp(de\014ni-)0 603 y(tion.)20 b(In)15 b(the)f(incremen)o(tal)
+o(y)e(arra)o(y)g(of)h(a)g(giv)o(en)h(size)g(and)0 659 y(another)f(that)f(tak)
+716 y(one)i(only)g(at)f(the)h(giv)o(en)h(index.)23 b(Ob)o(viously)l(,)17
+(tics)h(w)o(ould)0 772 y(b)q(e)h(in)o(tolerably)g(ine\016cien)o(t,)g
+(incremen)o(tal)h(rede\014nition;)h(th)o(us,)0 829 y(serious)13
+(static)f(analysis)g(and)h(clev)o(er)g(run-time)f(de-)0 885
+b(The)15 b(monolithic)h(approac)o(h,)e(on)g(the)h(other)f(hand,)h(constructs)
+f(an)g(arra)o(y)0 941 y(all)k(at)f(once,)g(without)g(reference)h(to)f(in)o
+(termediate)g(arra)o(y)f(v)m(alues.)27 b(Although)18 b(Hask)o(ell)g(has)f(an)
+g(incremen)o(tal)0 998 y(arra)o(y)d(up)q(date)i(op)q(erator,)e(the)h(main)h
+1155 y Fg(9.1)56 b(Index)18 b(t)n(yp)r(es)0 1270 y Fp(The)d(Standard)h
+1379 y Fi(class)47 b(\(Ord)23 b(a\))h(=>)f(Ix)h(a)47 b(where)166
+1436 y(range)166 b(::)24 b(\(a,a\))f(->)h([a])166 1492 y(index)166
+b(::)24 b(\(a,a\))f(a)h(->)f(Int)166 1549 y(inRange)118 b(::)24
+b(\(a,a\))f(->)h(a)f(->)h(Bool)0 1658 y Fp(Instance)12 b(declarations)g(are)e
+(pro)o(vided)i(for)f Fi(Int)o Fp(,)h Fi(Integer)o Fp(,)f Fi(Char)p
+Fp(,)g Fi(Bool)p Fp(,)g(and)h(tuples)g(of)e Fi(Ix)h Fp(t)o(yp)q(es;)h(in)g
+(addition,)0 1714 y(instances)17 b(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)i(automatically)f(deriv)o
+(ed)h(for)f(en)o(umerated)g(and)g(tuple)h(t)o(yp)q(es.)23 b(W)l(e)16
+b(regard)f(the)i(primitiv)o(e)0 1771 y(t)o(yp)q(es)j(as)f(v)o(ector)g
+(rectangular)e(arra)o(ys.)31 b(Note)20 b(that)0 1827 y(the)c(\014rst)g
+Fi(Ix)g Fp(is)h(a)e(pair)i(of)e(indices;)j(these)f(are)e(t)o(ypically)j(the)0
+1883 y Fo(b)n(ounds)g Fp(\(\014rst)f(and)h(last)g(indices\))i(of)e(an)g(arra)
+o(y)l(.)28 b(F)l(or)17 b(example,)j(the)e(b)q(ounds)h(of)f(a)f(10-elemen)o
+(t,)i(zero-origin)0 1940 y(v)o(ector)13 b(with)h Fi(Int)f Fp(indices)j(w)o
+(ould)e(b)q(e)h Fi(\(0,9\))o Fp(,)f(while)h(a)e(100)g(b)o(y)h(100)f(1-origin)
+h(matrix)f(migh)o(t)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f(the)h(b)q(ounds)0 1996 y
+Fi(\(\(1,1\),\(100,100\)\))n Fp(.)38 b(\(In)22 b(man)o(y)e(other)h
+(form)g(lik)o(e)0 2053 y Fi(1:100,)i(1:100)o Fp(,)17 b(but)g(the)g(presen)o
+(h)g(b)q(ound)h(is)f(of)f(the)h(same)0 2109 y(t)o(yp)q(e)e(as)g(a)g(general)h
+(index.\))71 2194 y(The)g Fi(range)g Fp(op)q(eration)g(tak)o(es)g(a)f(b)q
+(et)o(w)o(een)e(those)0 2250 y(b)q(ounds,)g(in)g(index)g(order.)k(F)l(or)14
+b(example,)617 2357 y Fi(range)23 b(\(0,4\))72 b Fn(\))i Fi([0,1,2,3,4])151
+2468 y(range)23 b(\(\(0,0\),\(1,2\)\))72 b Fn(\))i Fi([\(0,0\),)22
+b(\(0,1\),)h(\(0,2\),)h(\(1,0\),)f(\(1,1\),)g(\(1,2\)])0 2557
+y Fp(The)17 b Fi(inRange)g Fp(predicate)h(determines)g(whether)f(an)g(index)i
+b(\(F)l(or)16 b(a)0 2614 y(tuple)d(t)o(yp)q(e,)f(this)g(test)f(is)h(p)q
+(erformed)g(comp)q(onen)o(t)o(wise.\))19 b(Finally)l(,)14 b(the)e
+Fi(index)f Fp(op)q(eration)h(is)g(what)f(is)i(needed)g(to)p
+%%Page: 49 49
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(9.2)45 b(Arra)o(y)14 b(Creation)1451 b Fp(T-49)0
+105 y(address)13 b(a)g(particular)h(elemen)o(t)g(of)f(an)g(arra)o(y:)k(Giv)o
+(eration)0 162 y(yields)j(the)e(zero-origin)h(ordinal)g(of)f(the)g(index)i
+(within)f(the)f(range;)g(for)g(example:)712 259 y Fi(index)23
+b(\(1,9\))g(2)73 b Fn(\))h Fi(1)569 357 y(index)23 b(\(\(0,0\),\(1,2\)\))f
+(\(1,1\))73 b Fn(\))g Fi(5)0 501 y Fg(9.2)56 b(Arra)n(y)19
+b(Creation)0 610 y Fp(Hask)o(ell's)h(monolithic)h(arra)o(y)d(creation)i
+(a)f(list)h(of)0 666 y(index-v)m(alue)e(pairs)d(\(an)g Fo(asso)n(ciation)h
+(list)p Fp(\):)71 778 y Fi(array)452 b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a\))h(=>)g(\(a,a\))f
+(->)g([Assoc)g(a)h(b])g(->)f(Array)g(a)h(b)0 887 y Fp(Notice)15
+b(the)f(t)o(yp)q(e)h Fi(Assoc)o Fp(;)f(to)g(impro)o(v)o(e)g(the)h(readabilit)
+0 944 y(list)h(are)f(not)g(of)f(the)i(ordinary)f(sort,)f(but)h(of)g(another)g
+(tuple)h(t)o(yp)q(e)f(with)h(the)f(data)g(constructor)f Fi(\(:=\))p
+Fp(:)71 1053 y Fi(data)47 b(Assoc)23 b(a)h(b)214 b(=)48 b(a)24
+b(:=)f(b)0 1162 y Fp(Here,)15 b(for)g(example,)g(is)h(a)f(de\014nition)i(of)e
+(100:)71 1271 y Fi(squares)404 b(=)48 b(array)23 b(\(1,100\))g([i)h(:=)f(i)h
+(*)g(i)f(|)h(i)g(<-)f([1..100]])0 1380 y Fp(This)17 b(arra)o(y)e(expression)j
+(ciation)g(list;)g(in)h(fact,)e(this)0 1436 y(usage)e(results)h(in)g(arra)o
+(y)e(expressions)i(m)o(uc)o(h)f(lik)o(e)h(the)g Fo(arr)n(ay)g(c)n(ompr)n
+(ehensions)e Fp(of)h(the)g(language)h(Id[4].)k(Arra)o(y)0 1493
+Fi(!)p Fp(,)g(and)h(the)g(b)q(ounds)g(of)f(an)h(arra)o(y)e(can)i(b)q(e)g
+(extracted)0 1549 y(with)f(the)f(function)h Fi(bounds)o Fp(:)748
+1606 y Fi(squares!7)72 b Fn(\))h Fi(49)628 1687 y(bounds)24
+b(squares)72 b Fn(\))h Fi(\(1,100\))0 1768 y Fp(W)l(e)15 b(migh)o(t)f
+(and)f(the)g(function)g(to)g(b)q(e)g(applied)i(to)0 1824 y(eac)o(h)e(index:)
+71 1924 y Fi(mkArray)404 b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a\))h(=>)g(\(a)f(->)h(b\))f(->)h
+(\(a,a\))f(->)h(Array)f(a)h(b)71 1981 y(mkArray)e(f)i(bnds)238
+b(=)48 b(array)23 b(bnds)g([i)h(:=)g(f)f(i)h(|)g(i)f(<-)h(range)f(bnds])0
+2090 y Fp(Th)o(us,)15 b(w)o(e)g(could)h(de\014ne)g Fi(squares)e
+Fp(as)h Fi(mkArray)23 b(\(\\i)h(->)f(i)h(*)g(i\))f(\(1,100\))o
+Fp(.)71 2170 y(Man)o(y)12 b(arra)o(ys)g(are)h(de\014ned)i(recursiv)o(ely;)g
+(ending)i(on)d(the)0 2226 y(v)m(alues)j(of)f(others.)20 b(Here,)15
+o(y)f(of)h(Fib)q(onacci)i(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers:)71 2335 y Fi(fibs)94
+b(::)24 b(Int)g(->)f(Array)g(Int)h(Int)71 2392 y(fibs)f(n)47
+b(=)h(a)g(where)23 b(a)h(=)f(array)g(\(0,n\))h(\([0)f(:=)h(1,)f(1)h(:=)g(1])f
+(++)954 2448 y([i)g(:=)h(a!\(i-2\))f(+)g(a!\(i-1\))g(|)h(i)g(<-)f([2..n]]\))0
+2557 y Fp(Another)18 b(example)i(of)e(suc)o(h)h(a)f(recurrence)h(is)g(the)g
+Fo(n)i Fp(b)o(y)e Fo(n)i(wavefr)n(ont)d Fp(matrix,)h(in)g(whic)o(h)h(elemen)o
+(ts)f(of)f(the)0 2614 y(\014rst)f(ro)o(w)e(and)j(\014rst)e(column)i(all)g(ha)
+o(v)o(e)e(the)h(v)m(alue)h Fo(1)24 b Fp(and)17 b(other)f(elemen)o(ts)i(are)e
+(sums)h(of)g(their)g(neigh)o(b)q(ors)h(to)p eop
+%%Page: 50 50
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-50)1597 b Fj(9)45 b(ARRA)l(YS)0 105 y Fp(the)15
+b(w)o(est,)f(north)o(w)o(est,)g(and)h(north:)71 214 y Fi(wavefront)165
+b(::)24 b(Int)f(->)h(Array)f(\(Int,Int\))g(Int)71 271 y(wavefront)f(n)119
+b(=)48 b(a)g(where)524 327 y(a)24 b(=)f(array)h(\(\(1,1\),\(n,n\)\))643
+383 y(\([\(1,j\))f(:=)h(1)g(|)f(j)h(<-)g([1..n]])e(++)667 440
+y([\(i,1\))h(:=)h(1)g(|)f(i)h(<-)g([2..n]])e(++)667 496 y([\(i,j\))h(:=)h
+(a!\(i,j-1\))e(+)i(a!\(i-1,j-1\))f(+)g(a!\(i-1,j\))954 553
+y(|)g(i)h(<-)g([2..n],)e(j)i(<-)g([2..n]]\))0 662 y Fp(The)13
+718 y(the)f(computation)h(can)f(b)q(egin)h(with)g(the)f(\014rst)g(ro)o(w)f
+(ed)0 775 y(w)o(a)o(v)o(e,)17 b(tra)o(v)o(elling)i(from)e(north)o(w)o(est)g
+(to)g(southeast.)28 b(It)18 b(is)g(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(to)f(note,)h(ho)o(w)o
+(ev)o(er,)g(that)f(no)h(order)f(of)0 831 y(computation)e(is)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)
+h(b)o(y)e(the)h(asso)q(ciation)f(list.)71 959 y(In)h(eac)o(h)h(of)e(our)h
+(ciation)g(for)e(eac)o(h)i(index)g(of)f(the)g(arra)o(y)0 1015
+1072 y(for)14 b(an)h(arra)o(y)f(b)q(e)i(fully)h(de\014ned.)k(An)15
+(error;)f(if)i(an)0 1128 y(index)g(is)e(missing)i(or)d(app)q(ears)i(more)f
+(but)h(the)h(v)m(alue)g(of)0 1185 y(the)g(arra)o(y)f(at)g(that)g(index)i(is)g
+(suc)o(h)g(an)g(index)h(yields)0 1241 y(an)f(error.)0 1542
+y Fg(9.3)56 b(Accum)n(ulation)0 1721 y Fp(W)l(e)14 b(can)g(relax)g(the)g
+(asso)q(ciation)h(list)f(b)o(y)g(sp)q(ecifying)0 1777 y(ho)o(w)h(to)g(com)o
+h(the)f(result)g(is)g(called)h(an)f Fo(ac)n(cumulate)n(d)0
+1834 y(arr)n(ay)p Fp(:)71 1943 y Fi(accumArray)22 b(::)i(\(Ix)f(a\))h(->)f
+h(Array)f(a)h(b)0 2054 y Fp(The)15 b(\014rst)g(argumen)o(t)g(of)g
+Fi(accumArray)e Fp(is)j(the)g Fo(ac)n(cumulating)g(function)p
+2111 y(same)g(for)f(eac)o(h)i(elemen)o(t)g(of)e(the)i(arra)o(y\),)d(and)i
+(ciation)0 2167 y(list,)e(as)f(with)h(the)g Fi(array)e Fp(function.)21
+b(T)o(ypically)l(,)16 b(the)f(accum)o(ulating)g(function)g(is)g
+Fi(\(+\))p Fp(,)f(and)h(the)f(initial)j(v)m(alue,)0 2224 y(zero;)f(for)g
+2280 y(yields)h(a)e(histogram;)f(that)g(is,)i(a)e(table)i(of)f(the)g(n)o(um)o
+(ounds:)71 2389 y Fi(hist)285 b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a,)h(Integral)f(b\))g(=>)h
+(\(a,a\))f(->)h([a])f(->)h(Array)f(a)h(b)71 2446 y(hist)f(bnds)g(is)95
+b(=)48 b(accumArray)22 b(\(+\))i(0)g(bnds)f([i)h(:=)f(1)h(|)g(i)f(<-)h(is,)f
+(inRange)g(bnds)h(i])0 2557 y Fp(Supp)q(ose)c(w)o(e)e(ha)o(v)o(e)h(a)f
+Fo(a)s Fh(;)8 b Fo(b)s Fp(\))o(,)20 b(and)f(w)o(e)f(w)o(an)o(t)g(to)g(divide)
+j(the)0 2614 y(in)o(terv)m(al)16 b(in)o(to)f(decades)h(and)g(coun)o(t)f(the)g
+%%Page: 51 51
+bop 0 -40 a Fj(9.4)45 b(Incremen)o(tal)16 b(up)q(dates)1348
+b Fp(T-51)71 160 y Fi(decades)213 b(::)24 b(\(RealFrac)f(a\))g(=>)h(a)g(->)f
+(a)h(->)f([a])h(->)f(Array)h(Int)f(Int)71 216 y(decades)f(a)i(b)119
+b(=)48 b(hist)23 b(\(0,9\))g(.)h(map)g(decade)524 272 y(where)f(decade)g(x)h
+(=)g(floor)f(\(\(x)g(-)h(a\))g(*)f(s\))667 329 y(s)191 b(=)24
+b(10)f(/)h(\(b)g(-)f(a\))0 572 y Fg(9.4)56 b(Incremen)n(tal)16
+b(up)r(dates)0 691 y Fp(In)d(addition)g(to)e(the)i(monolithic)g(arra)o(y)e
+(arra)o(y)c(up)q(date)0 747 y(function,)15 b(written)g(as)f(the)h(in\014x)g
+(op)q(erator)f Fi(//)p Fp(;)g(the)h(simplest)h(case,)e(an)h(arra)o(y)e
+Fi(a)h Fp(with)h(elemen)o(t)h Fi(i)e Fp(up)q(dated)i(to)0 804
+y Fi(v)p Fp(,)e(is)i(written)e Fi(a)24 b(//)g([i)f(:=)h(v])p
+Fp(.)19 b(The)c(reason)g(for)f(the)g(square)h(brac)o(k)o(ets)f(is)h(that)f
+(the)h(left)g(argumen)o(t)f(of)h Fi(\(//\))0 860 y Fp(is)h(an)f(asso)q
+(the)g(indices)j(of)c(the)i(arra)o(y:)71 969 y Fi(\(//\))285
+b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a\))h(=>)g(Array)f(a)h(b)f(->)h([Assoc)f(a)h(b])f(->)h
+(Array)f(a)h(b)0 1078 y Fp(As)15 b(with)h(the)f Fi(array)g
+(b)q(e)i(unique)h(for)e(the)g(v)m(alues)i(to)d(b)q(e)0 1135
+y(de\014ned.)21 b(F)l(or)15 b(example,)g(here)h(is)g(a)f(function)h(to)e(in)o
+(terc)o(hange)i(t)o(w)o(o)e(ro)o(ws)g(of)h(a)f(matrix:)71 1243
+y Fi(swapRows)22 b(::)i(\(Ix)f(a,)h(Ix)g(b,)f(Enum)g(b\))h(=>)g(a)f(->)h(a)g
+(->)f(Array)g(\(a,b\))h(c)f(->)h(Array)f(\(a,b\))g(c)71 1300
+y(swapRows)f(i)i(i')g(a)f(=)48 b(a)24 b(//)f(\([\(i,j\))47
+b(:=)24 b(a!\(i',j\))e(|)i(j)g(<-)f([jLo..jHi]])g(++)667 1356
+1413 y(where)g(\(\(iLo,jLo\),\(iHi,jHi\)\))e(=)j(bounds)f(a)0
+1522 y Fp(The)15 b(concatenation)f(here)h(of)g(t)o(w)o(o)e(separate)h(list)h
+(comprehensions)h(o)o(v)o(er)d(the)i(same)f(list)i(of)e Fi(j)g
+Fp(indices)j(is,)d(ho)o(w-)0 1578 y(ev)o(er,)i(a)h(sligh)o(t)g
+1635 y(Nev)o(er)e(fear,)g(w)o(e)f(can)i(p)q(erform)f(the)g(equiv)m(alen)o(t)i
+1744 y Fi(swapRows)22 b(i)i(i')g(a)f(=)48 b(a)24 b(//)f([assoc)g(|)h(j)g(<-)f
+([jLo..jHi],)858 1800 y(assoc)g(<-)h([\(i,)f(j\))h(:=)f(a!\(i',j\),)1097
+1857 y(\(i',j\))g(:=)g(a!\(i,)h(j\)])f(])524 1913 y(where)g
+(\(\(iLo,jLo\),\(iHi,jHi\)\))e(=)j(bounds)f(a)0 2156 y Fg(9.5)56
+b(An)19 b(example:)j(Matrix)c(Multiplication)0 2275 y Fp(W)l(e)13
+2331 y(taking)k(adv)m(an)o(tage)f(of)g(o)o(v)o(erloading)h(to)f(de\014ne)i(a)
+e(fairly)i(general)f(function.)25 b(Since)18 b(only)g(m)o(ultiplication)h
+(and)0 2388 y(addition)c(on)f(the)f(elemen)o(t)i(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)f(the)h
+(ultiplies)j(matrices)0 2444 y(of)h(an)o(y)g(n)o(umeric)h(t)o(yp)q(e)g
+(unless)h(w)o(e)e(try)g(hard)g(not)g(to.)26 b(Additionally)l(,)20
+b(if)e(w)o(e)f(are)g(careful)h(to)f(apply)h(only)g Fi(\(!\))0
+2501 y Fp(and)f(the)h(op)q(erations)f(of)g Fi(Ix)g Fp(to)g(indices,)i(w)o(e)e
+(the)g(four)g(ro)o(w)0 2557 y(and)e(column)h(index)f(t)o(yp)q(es)g(need)h
+(not)e(all)i(b)q(e)f(the)g(same.)k(F)l(or)14 b(simplicit)o(y)l(,)j(ho)o(w)o
+(ev)o(er,)d(w)o(e)g(require)i(that)e(the)h(left)0 2614 y(column)g(indices)g
+%%Page: 52 52
+bop 0 -40 a Fp(T-52)1597 b Fj(9)45 b(ARRA)l(YS)71 160 y Fi(matMult)213
+b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a,)h(Ix)g(b,)f(Ix)h(c,)f(Num)h(d\))f(=>)524
+216 y(Array)g(\(a,b\))g(d)h(->)g(Array)f(\(b,c\))g(d)h(->)f(Array)h(\(a,c\))f
+(d)71 272 y(matMult)f(x)i(y)119 b(=)48 b(array)23 b(resultBounds)667
+329 y([\(i,j\))g(:=)h(sum)f([x!\(i,k\))g(*)h(y!\(k,j\))f(|)g(k)h(<-)g(range)f
+(\(lj,uj\)])1025 385 y(|)h(i)g(<-)f(range)g(\(li,ui\),)1073
+442 y(j)h(<-)f(range)g(\(lj',uj'\))g(])261 498 y(where)h
+(\(\(li,lj\),\(ui,uj\)\))212 b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(x)405 555
+y(\(\(li',lj'\),\(ui',uj'\)\))116 b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(y)405
+611 y(resultBounds)452 668 y(|)h(\(lj,uj\)==\(li',ui'\))93
+b(=)48 b(\(\(li,lj'\),\(ui,uj'\)\))452 724 y(|)24 b(otherwise)309
+b(=)24 b(error)f("matMult:)g(incompatible)f(bounds")0 833 y
+Fp(As)16 b(an)h(aside,)g(w)o(e)f(can)g(also)h(de\014ne)g Fi(matMult)f
+Fp(using)h Fi(accumArray)n Fp(,)g(resulting)g(in)g(a)f(presen)o(tation)h
+(that)e(more)0 890 y(closely)h(resem)o(bles)g(the)g(usual)g(form)o(ulation)f
+(in)h(an)f(imp)q(erativ)o(e)h(language:)71 999 y Fi(matMult)22
+b(x)i(y)119 b(=)48 b(accumArray)22 b(\(+\))i(0)g(resultBounds)786
+1055 y([\(i,j\))g(:=)f(x!\(i,k\))g(*)h(y!\(k,j\))977 1112 y(|)g(i)g(<-)f
+(range)h(\(li,ui\),)1025 1168 y(j)g(<-)f(range)h(\(lj',uj'\))1025
+1224 y(k)g(<-)f(range)h(\(lj,uj\))46 b(])261 1281 y(where)24
+b(\(\(li,lj\),\(ui,uj\)\))212 b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(x)405 1337
+y(\(\(li',lj'\),\(ui',uj'\)\))116 b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(y)405
+1394 y(resultBounds)452 1450 y(|)h(\(lj,uj\)==\(li',ui'\))93
+b(=)48 b(\(\(li,lj'\),\(ui,uj'\)\))452 1507 y(|)24 b(otherwise)309
+b(=)24 b(error)f("matMult:)g(incompatible)f(bounds")71 1718
+y Fp(W)l(e)16 b(can)h(generalize)h(further)e(b)o(y)h(making)g(the)f(function)
+i(higher-order,)f(simply)h(replacing)g Fi(sum)e Fp(and)g Fi(\(*\))0
+1775 y Fp(b)o(y)f(functional)i(parameters:)71 1883 y Fi(genMatMult)141
+b(::)24 b(\(Ix)f(a,)h(Ix)g(b,)f(Ix)h(c\))f(=>)524 1940 y(\([f])g(->)h(g\))f
+(->)h(\(d)g(->)f(e)h(->)g(f\))f(->)524 1996 y(Array)g(\(a,b\))g(d)h(->)g
+(Array)f(\(b,c\))g(e)h(->)f(Array)h(\(a,c\))f(g)71 2053 y(genMatMult)f(f)i(g)
+g(x)f(y)48 b(=)f(array)24 b(resultBounds)643 2109 y([\(i,j\))f(:=)h(f)g
+2166 y(|)h(i)g(<-)f(range)g(\(li,ui\),)906 2222 y(j)h(<-)f(range)g
+(\(lj',uj'\))g(])261 2279 y(where)h(\(\(li,lj\),\(ui,uj\)\))212
+b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(x)405 2335 y(\(\(li',lj'\),\(ui',uj'\)\))116
+b(=)48 b(bounds)23 b(y)405 2392 y(resultBounds)452 2448 y(|)h
+(\(lj,uj\)==\(li',ui'\))93 b(=)48 b(\(\(li,lj'\),\(ui,uj'\)\))452
+2504 y(|)24 b(otherwise)309 b(=)24 b(error)f("matMult:)g(incompatible)f
+(bounds")0 2614 y Fp(APL)16 b(fans)f(will)h(recognize)g(the)g(usefulness)g
+(of)f(functions)h(lik)o(e)g(the)g(follo)o(wing:)p eop
+%%Page: 53 53
+bop 1857 -40 a Fp(T-53)71 160 y Fi(genMatMult)22 b(maximum)h(\(-\))71
+216 y(genMatMult)f(and)i(\(==\))0 328 y Fp(With)15 b(the)g(\014rst)f(of)g
+p Fo(i)5 b Fh(;)j Fo(j)f Fp(\))m(-th)15 b(elemen)o(t)g(of)g(the)g(result)0
+384 y(is)g(the)g(maxim)o(um)f(di\013erence)i(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)f(corresp)q
+(onding)h(elemen)o(ts)f(of)f(the)h Fo(i)5 b Fp(-th)14 b(ro)o(w)g(and)h
+Fo(j)6 b Fp(-th)15 b(column)h(of)e(the)0 441 y(inputs.)30 b(In)18
+497 y(Bo)q(olean)d(matrix)f(in)h(whic)o(h)g(elemen)o(t)g(\()p
+Fo(i)5 b Fh(;)j Fo(j)f Fp(\))k(is)k Fi(True)f Fp(if)g(and)h(only)g(if)f(the)g
+Fo(i)5 b Fp(-th)14 b(ro)o(w)g(of)f(the)i(\014rst)e(argumen)o(t)h(and)0
+553 y Fo(j)7 b Fp(-th)15 b(column)h(of)f(the)g(second)h(are)e(equal)i(as)f(v)
+o(ectors.)71 629 y(Notice)k(that)f(the)h(elemen)o(t)g(t)o(yp)q(es)g(of)g
+Fi(genMatMult)e Fp(need)j(not)e(b)q(e)i(the)e(same,)i(but)e(merely)i
+(appropriate)0 685 y(for)c(the)i(function)f(parameter)g Fi(g)p
+Fp(.)25 b(W)l(e)17 b(could)h(generalize)h(still)f(further)f(b)o(y)g(dropping)
+h(the)f(requiremen)o(t)h(that)0 742 y(the)i(\014rst)f(column)i(index)f(and)g
+(t)o(w)o(o)c(matrices)i(could)g(b)q(e)0 798 y(considered)14
+855 y(are)k(equal.)28 b(The)18 b(reader)g(ma)o(y)f(wish)h(to)f(deriv)o(e)h
+(this)h(still)g(more)e(general)h(v)o(ersion.)27 b(\()p Fc(Hin)o(t:)e
+Fp(Use)18 b(the)g Fi(index)0 911 y Fp(op)q(eration)d(to)g(determine)h(the)f
+(lengths.\))0 1070 y Fq(10)69 b(Ac)n(kno)n(wledgemen)n(ts)0
+1190 y Fp(Thanks)20 b(to)g(P)o(atricia)h(F)l(asel)f(and)h(Mark)f(Mundt)g(at)g
+1247 y(Amir)f(Kishon,)h(Sandra)e(Lo)q(osemore,)h(Martin)f(Odersky)l(,)h(John)
+1303 y(Univ)o(ersit)o(y)i(for)f(their)g(quic)o(k)i(readings)e(of)g(earlier)h
+(drafts)f(of)g(this)h(man)o(uscript.)35 b(Sp)q(ecial)23 b(thanks)d(to)f(John)
+0 1360 y(P)o(eterson)c(for)f(getting)h(the)h(bugs)f(out)g(of)f(our)h(Hask)o
+(ell)h(co)q(de.)0 1519 y Fq(References)0 1636 y Fp([1])22 b(R.)d(Bird)h(and)f
+(P)l(.)g(W)l(adler.)32 b Fo(Intr)n(o)n(duction)19 b(to)h(F)m(unctional)f(Pr)n
+(o)n(gr)n(amming)p Fp(.)31 b(Pren)o(tice)20 b(Hall,)g(New)g(Y)l(ork,)71
+1692 y(1988.)0 1780 y([2])i(P)l(.)14 b(Hudak.)20 b(Conception,)c(ev)o
+b Fo(A)o(CM)71 1836 y(Computing)c(Surveys)p Fp(,)e(21\(3\):359{411,)d(1989.)0
+1924 y([3])22 b(P)l(.)c(Hudak,)h(S.)f(P)o(eyton)f(Jones,)i(and)g(P)l(.)f(W)l
+(adler)g(\(editors\).)29 b(Rep)q(ort)18 b(on)g(the)h(Programming)e(Language)
+71 1981 y(Hask)o(ell,)23 b(A)e(Non-strict)g(Purely)h(Functional)g(Language)f
+(\(Version)g(1.2\).)36 b Fo(A)o(CM)20 b(SIGPLAN)g(Notic)n(es)p
+Fp(,)71 2037 y(27\(5\),)13 b(Ma)o(y)h(1992.)0 2125 y([4])22
+b(R.S.)c(Nikhil.)30 b(Id)18 b(\(v)o(ersion)g(90.0\))f(reference)h(man)o(ual.)
+29 b(T)l(ec)o(hnical)19 b(rep)q(ort,)f(Massac)o(h)o(usetts)f(Institute)h(of)
+71 2181 y(T)l(ec)o(hnology)l(,)d(Lab)q(oratory)f(for)h(Computer)g(Science,)i
+(Septem)o(b)q(er)e(1990.)0 2269 y([5])22 b(J.)15 b(Rees)h(and)g(W.)f(Clinger)
+h(\(eds.\).)k(The)c(revised)928 2252 y Fm(3)964 2269 y Fp(rep)q(ort)f(on)h
+(the)f(algorithmic)h(language)g(Sc)o(heme.)21 b Fo(SIG-)71
+2325 y(PLAN)15 b(Notic)n(es)p Fp(,)f(21\(12\):37{79)o(,)e(Decem)o(b)q(er)k
+(1986.)0 2413 y([6])22 b(G.L.)14 b(Steele)j(Jr.)i Fo(Common)e(Lisp:)j(The)c
+(L)n(anguage)p Fp(.)j(Digital)d(Press,)e(Burlington,)i(Mass.,)e(1984.)0
+2501 y([7])22 b(P)l(.)f(W)l(adler.)39 b(Ho)o(w)21 b(to)g(replace)i(failure)g
+(b)o(y)e(a)h(list)g(of)f(successes.)40 b(In)22 b Fo(Pr)n(o)n(c)n(e)n(e)n
+(dings)e(of)i(Confer)n(enc)n(e)e(on)71 2557 y(F)m(unctional)e(Pr)n(o)n(gr)n
+(V)m(ol.)h(201)p Fp(,)h(pages)f(113{)71 2614 y(128.)14 b(Springer)i(V)l
+(erlag,)f(1985.)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/doc/xinterface/xman.dvi b/doc/xinterface/xman.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0306db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/xinterface/xman.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/emacs-tools/README b/emacs-tools/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb22105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This directory contains GNU Emacs support for editing Haskell files.
+We don't yet have a fancy editing mode, but haskell.el contains stuff
+for running Haskell as an inferior process from Emacs with key bindings
+for evaluating code from buffers, etc. Look at the comments in haskell.el
+for more information.
diff --git a/emacs-tools/comint.el b/emacs-tools/comint.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e690005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/comint.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+;;; -*-Emacs-Lisp-*- General command interpreter in a window stuff
+;;; Copyright Olin Shivers (1988).
+;;; Please imagine a long, tedious, legalistic 5-page gnu-style copyright
+;;; notice appearing here to the effect that you may use this code any
+;;; way you like, as long as you don't charge money for it, remove this
+;;; notice, or hold me liable for its results.
+;;; The changelog is at the end of this file.
+;;; Please send me bug reports, bug fixes, and extensions, so that I can
+;;; merge them into the master source.
+;;; - Olin Shivers (
+;;; This hopefully generalises shell mode, lisp mode, tea mode, soar mode,...
+;;; This file defines a general command-interpreter-in-a-buffer package
+;;; (comint mode). The idea is that you can build specific process-in-a-buffer
+;;; modes on top of comint mode -- e.g., lisp, shell, scheme, T, soar, ....
+;;; This way, all these specific packages share a common base functionality,
+;;; and a common set of bindings, which makes them easier to use (and
+;;; saves code, implementation time, etc., etc.).
+;;; Several packages are already defined using comint mode:
+;;; - cmushell.el defines a shell-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; - cmulisp.el defines a simple lisp-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; Cmushell and cmulisp mode are similar to, and intended to replace,
+;;; their counterparts in the standard gnu emacs release (in shell.el).
+;;; These replacements are more featureful, robust, and uniform than the
+;;; released versions. The key bindings in lisp mode are also more compatible
+;;; with the bindings of Hemlock and Zwei (the Lisp Machine emacs).
+;;; - The file cmuscheme.el defines a scheme-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; - The file tea.el tunes scheme and inferior-scheme modes for T.
+;;; - The file soar.el tunes lisp and inferior-lisp modes for Soar.
+;;; - cmutex.el defines tex and latex modes that invoke tex, latex, bibtex,
+;;; previewers, and printers from within emacs.
+;;; - background.el allows csh-like job control inside emacs.
+;;; It is pretty easy to make new derived modes for other processes.
+;;; For documentation on the functionality provided by comint mode, and
+;;; the hooks available for customising it, see the comments below.
+;;; For further information on the standard derived modes (shell,
+;;; inferior-lisp, inferior-scheme, ...), see the relevant source files.
+;;; For hints on converting existing process modes (e.g., tex-mode,
+;;; background, dbx, gdb, kermit, prolog, telnet) to use comint-mode
+;;; instead of shell-mode, see the notes at the end of this file.
+(provide 'comint)
+(defconst comint-version "2.01")
+;;; Brief Command Documentation:
+;;; Comint Mode Commands: (common to all derived modes, like cmushell & cmulisp
+;;; mode)
+;;; m-p comint-previous-input Cycle backwards in input history
+;;; m-n comint-next-input Cycle forwards
+;;; m-s comint-previous-similar-input Previous similar input
+;;; c-c r comint-previous-input-matching Search backwards in input history
+;;; return comint-send-input
+;;; c-a comint-bol Beginning of line; skip prompt.
+;;; c-d comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof Delete char unless at end of buff.
+;;; c-c c-u comint-kill-input ^u
+;;; c-c c-w backward-kill-word ^w
+;;; c-c c-c comint-interrupt-subjob ^c
+;;; c-c c-z comint-stop-subjob ^z
+;;; c-c c-\ comint-quit-subjob ^\
+;;; c-c c-o comint-kill-output Delete last batch of process output
+;;; c-c c-r comint-show-output Show last batch of process output
+;;; Not bound by default in comint-mode
+;;; send-invisible Read a line w/o echo, and send to proc
+;;; (These are bound in shell-mode)
+;;; comint-dynamic-complete Complete filename at point.
+;;; comint-dynamic-list-completions List completions in help buffer.
+;;; comint-replace-by-expanded-filename Expand and complete filename at point;
+;;; replace with expanded/completed name.
+;;; comint-kill-subjob No mercy.
+;;; comint-continue-subjob Send CONT signal to buffer's process
+;;; group. Useful if you accidentally
+;;; suspend your process (with C-c C-z).
+;;; Bound for RMS -- I prefer the input history stuff, but you might like 'em.
+;;; m-P comint-msearch-input Search backwards for prompt
+;;; m-N comint-psearch-input Search forwards for prompt
+;;; C-cR comint-msearch-input-matching Search backwards for prompt & string
+;;; comint-mode-hook is the comint mode hook. Basically for your keybindings.
+;;; comint-load-hook is run after loading in this package.
+;;; Buffer Local Variables:
+;;; Comint mode buffer local variables:
+;;; comint-prompt-regexp - string comint-bol uses to match prompt.
+;;; comint-last-input-end - marker For comint-kill-output command
+;;; input-ring-size - integer For the input history
+;;; input-ring - ring mechanism
+;;; input-ring-index - marker ...
+;;; comint-last-input-match - string ...
+;;; comint-get-old-input - function Hooks for specific
+;;; comint-input-sentinel - function process-in-a-buffer
+;;; comint-input-filter - function modes.
+;;; comint-input-send - function
+;;; comint-eol-on-send - boolean
+(defvar comint-prompt-regexp "^"
+ "Regexp to recognise prompts in the inferior process.
+Defaults to \"^\", the null string at BOL.
+Good choices:
+ Canonical Lisp: \"^[^> ]*>+:? *\" (Lucid, franz, kcl, T, cscheme, oaklisp)
+ Lucid Common Lisp: \"^\\(>\\|\\(->\\)+\\) *\"
+ franz: \"^\\(->\\|<[0-9]*>:\\) *\"
+ kcl: \"^>+ *\"
+ shell: \"^[^#$%>]*[#$%>] *\"
+ T: \"^>+ *\"
+This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.")
+(defvar input-ring-size 30
+ "Size of input history ring.")
+;;; Here are the per-interpreter hooks.
+(defvar comint-get-old-input (function comint-get-old-input-default)
+ "Function that submits old text in comint mode.
+This function is called when return is typed while the point is in old text.
+It returns the text to be submitted as process input. The default is
+comint-get-old-input-default, which grabs the current line, and strips off
+leading text matching comint-prompt-regexp")
+(defvar comint-input-sentinel (function ignore)
+ "Called on each input submitted to comint mode process by comint-send-input.
+Thus it can, for instance, track cd/pushd/popd commands issued to the csh.")
+(defvar comint-input-filter
+ (function (lambda (str) (not (string-match "\\`\\s *\\'" str))))
+ "Predicate for filtering additions to input history.
+Only inputs answering true to this function are saved on the input
+history list. Default is to save anything that isn't all whitespace")
+(defvar comint-input-sender (function comint-simple-send)
+ "Function to actually send to PROCESS the STRING submitted by user.
+Usually this is just 'comint-simple-send, but if your mode needs to
+massage the input string, this is your hook. This is called from
+the user command comint-send-input. comint-simple-send just sends
+the string plus a newline.")
+(defvar comint-eol-on-send 'T
+ "If non-nil, then jump to the end of the line before sending input to process.
+(defvar comint-mode-hook '()
+ "Called upon entry into comint-mode")
+(defvar comint-mode-map nil)
+(defun comint-mode ()
+ "Major mode for interacting with an inferior interpreter.
+Interpreter name is same as buffer name, sans the asterisks.
+Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
+Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
+Setting mode variable comint-eol-on-send means jump to the end of the line
+before submitting new input.
+This mode is typically customised to create inferior-lisp-mode,
+shell-mode, etc.. This can be done by setting the hooks
+comint-input-sentinel, comint-input-filter, comint-input-sender and
+comint-get-old-input to appropriate functions, and the variable
+comint-prompt-regexp to the appropriate regular expression.
+An input history is maintained of size input-ring-size, and
+can be accessed with the commands comint-next-input [\\[comint-next-input]] and
+comint-previous-input [\\[comint-previous-input]]. Commands not keybound by
+default are send-invisible, comint-dynamic-complete, and
+If you accidentally suspend your process, use \\[comint-continue-subjob]
+to continue it.
+Entry to this mode runs the hooks on comint-mode-hook"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((old-ring (and (assq 'input-ring (buffer-local-variables))
+ (boundp 'input-ring)
+ input-ring))
+ (old-ptyp comint-ptyp)) ; preserve across local var kill. gross.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'comint-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Comint")
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s"))
+ (use-local-map comint-mode-map)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-last-input-end)
+ (setq comint-last-input-end (make-marker))
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-last-input-match)
+ (setq comint-last-input-match "")
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp) ; Don't set; default
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring-size) ; global val.
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring)
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring-index)
+ (setq input-ring-index 0)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-get-old-input)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-sentinel)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-filter)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-sender)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-eol-on-send)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-ptyp)
+ (setq comint-ptyp old-ptyp)
+ (run-hooks 'comint-mode-hook)
+ ;Do this after the hook so the user can mung INPUT-RING-SIZE w/his hook.
+ ;The test is so we don't lose history if we run comint-mode twice in
+ ;a buffer.
+ (setq input-ring (if (ring-p old-ring) old-ring
+ (make-ring input-ring-size)))))
+;;; The old-ptyp stuff above is because we have to preserve the value of
+;;; comint-ptyp across calls to comint-mode, in spite of the
+;;; kill-all-local-variables that it does. Blech. Hopefully, this will all
+;;; go away when a later release fixes the signalling bug.
+(if comint-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq comint-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\ep" 'comint-previous-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\en" 'comint-next-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\es" 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-m" 'comint-send-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-d" 'comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-a" 'comint-bol)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-u" 'comint-kill-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-w" 'backward-kill-word)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'comint-interrupt-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'comint-stop-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-\\" 'comint-quit-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-o" 'comint-kill-output)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-cr" 'comint-previous-input-matching)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'comint-show-output)
+ ;;; Here's the prompt-search stuff I installed for RMS to try...
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\eP" 'comint-msearch-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\eN" 'comint-psearch-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-cR" 'comint-msearch-input-matching))
+;;; This function is used to make a full copy of the comint mode map,
+;;; so that client modes won't interfere with each other. This function
+;;; isn't necessary in emacs 18.5x, but we keep it around for 18.4x versions.
+(defun full-copy-sparse-keymap (km)
+ "Recursively copy the sparse keymap KM"
+ (cond ((consp km)
+ (cons (full-copy-sparse-keymap (car km))
+ (full-copy-sparse-keymap (cdr km))))
+ (t km)))
+(defun comint-check-proc (buffer-name)
+ "True if there is a process associated w/buffer BUFFER-NAME, and
+it is alive (status RUN or STOP)."
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer-name)))
+ (and proc (memq (process-status proc) '(run stop)))))
+;;; Note that this guy, unlike shell.el's make-shell, barfs if you pass it ()
+;;; for the second argument (program).
+(defun make-comint (name program &optional startfile &rest switches)
+ (let* ((buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*" name "*")))
+ (proc (get-buffer-process buffer)))
+ ;; If no process, or nuked process, crank up a new one and put buffer in
+ ;; comint mode. Otherwise, leave buffer and existing process alone.
+ (cond ((or (not proc) (not (memq (process-status proc) '(run stop))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (comint-mode)) ; Install local vars, mode, keymap, ...
+ (comint-exec buffer name program startfile switches)))
+ buffer))
+(defvar comint-ptyp t
+ "True if communications via pty; false if by pipe. Buffer local.
+This is to work around a bug in emacs process signalling.")
+(defun comint-exec (buffer name command startfile switches)
+ "Fires up a process in buffer for comint modes.
+Blasts any old process running in the buffer. Doesn't set the buffer mode.
+You can use this to cheaply run a series of processes in the same comint
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer))) ; Blast any old process.
+ (if proc (delete-process proc)))
+ ;; Crank up a new process
+ (let ((proc (comint-exec-1 name buffer command switches)))
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-ptyp)
+ (setq comint-ptyp process-connection-type) ; T if pty, NIL if pipe.
+ ;; Jump to the end, and set the process mark.
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))
+ ;; Feed it the startfile.
+ (cond (startfile
+ ;;This is guaranteed to wait long enough
+ ;;but has bad results if the comint does not prompt at all
+ ;; (while (= size (buffer-size))
+ ;; (sleep-for 1))
+ ;;I hope 1 second is enough!
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert-file-contents startfile)
+ (setq startfile (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+ (comint-send-string proc startfile)))
+ buffer))
+;;; This auxiliary function cranks up the process for comint-exec in
+;;; the appropriate environment. It is twice as long as it should be
+;;; because emacs has two distinct mechanisms for manipulating the
+;;; process environment, selected at compile time with the
+;;; MAINTAIN-ENVIRONMENT #define. In one case, process-environment
+;;; is bound; in the other it isn't.
+(defun comint-exec-1 (name buffer command switches)
+ (if (boundp 'process-environment) ; Not a completely reliable test.
+ (let ((process-environment
+ (comint-update-env process-environment
+ (list (format "TERMCAP=emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown"
+ (screen-width))
+ "TERM=emacs"
+ "EMACS=t"))))
+ (apply 'start-process name buffer command switches))
+ (let ((tcapv (getenv "TERMCAP"))
+ (termv (getenv "TERM"))
+ (emv (getenv "EMACS")))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn (setenv "TERMCAP" (format "emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown"
+ (screen-width)))
+ (setenv "TERM" "emacs")
+ (setenv "EMACS" "t")
+ (apply 'start-process name buffer command switches))
+ (setenv "TERMCAP" tcapv)
+ (setenv "TERM" termv)
+ (setenv "EMACS" emv)))))
+;; This is just (append new old-env) that compresses out shadowed entries.
+;; It's also pretty ugly, mostly due to elisp's horrible iteration structures.
+(defun comint-update-env (old-env new)
+ (let ((ans (reverse new))
+ (vars (mapcar (function (lambda (vv)
+ (and (string-match "^[^=]*=" vv)
+ (substring vv 0 (match-end 0)))))
+ new)))
+ (while old-env
+ (let* ((vv (car old-env)) ; vv is var=value
+ (var (and (string-match "^[^=]*=" vv)
+ (substring vv 0 (match-end 0)))))
+ (setq old-env (cdr old-env))
+ (cond ((not (and var (comint-mem var vars)))
+ (if var (setq var (cons var vars)))
+ (setq ans (cons vv ans))))))
+ (nreverse ans)))
+;;; This should be in emacs, but it isn't.
+(defun comint-mem (item list &optional elt=)
+ "Test to see if ITEM is equal to an item in LIST.
+Option comparison function ELT= defaults to equal."
+ (let ((elt= (or elt= (function equal)))
+ (done nil))
+ (while (and list (not done))
+ (if (funcall elt= item (car list))
+ (setq done list)
+ (setq list (cdr list))))
+ done))
+;;; Ring Code
+;;; This code defines a ring data structure. A ring is a
+;;; (hd-index tl-index . vector)
+;;; list. You can insert to, remove from, and rotate a ring. When the ring
+;;; fills up, insertions cause the oldest elts to be quietly dropped.
+;;; HEAD = index of the newest item on the ring.
+;;; TAIL = index of the oldest item on the ring.
+;;; These functions are used by the input history mechanism, but they can
+;;; be used for other purposes as well.
+(defun ring-p (x)
+ "T if X is a ring; NIL otherwise."
+ (and (consp x) (integerp (car x))
+ (consp (cdr x)) (integerp (car (cdr x)))
+ (vectorp (cdr (cdr x)))))
+(defun make-ring (size)
+ "Make a ring that can contain SIZE elts"
+ (cons 1 (cons 0 (make-vector (+ size 1) nil))))
+(defun ring-plus1 (index veclen)
+ "INDEX+1, with wraparound"
+ (let ((new-index (+ index 1)))
+ (if (= new-index veclen) 0 new-index)))
+(defun ring-minus1 (index veclen)
+ "INDEX-1, with wraparound"
+ (- (if (= 0 index) veclen index) 1))
+(defun ring-length (ring)
+ "Number of elts in the ring."
+ (let ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (siz (length (cdr (cdr ring)))))
+ (let ((len (if (<= hd tl) (+ 1 (- tl hd)) (+ 1 tl (- siz hd)))))
+ (if (= len siz) 0 len))))
+(defun ring-empty-p (ring)
+ (= 0 (ring-length ring)))
+(defun ring-insert (ring item)
+ "Insert a new item onto the ring. If the ring is full, dump the oldest
+item to make room."
+ (let* ((vec (cdr (cdr ring))) (len (length vec))
+ (new-hd (ring-minus1 (car ring) len)))
+ (setcar ring new-hd)
+ (aset vec new-hd item)
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) ;overflow -- dump one off the tail.
+ (setcar (cdr ring) (ring-minus1 (car (cdr ring)) len)))))
+(defun ring-remove (ring)
+ "Remove the oldest item retained on the ring."
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) (error "Ring empty")
+ (let ((tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))))
+ (set-car (cdr ring) (ring-minus1 tl (length vec)))
+ (aref vec tl))))
+;;; This isn't actually used in this package. I just threw it in in case
+;;; someone else wanted it. If you want rotating-ring behavior on your history
+;;; retrieval (analagous to kill ring behavior), this function is what you
+;;; need. I should write the yank-input and yank-pop-input-or-kill to go with
+;;; this, and not bind it to a key by default, so it would be available to
+;;; people who want to bind it to a key. But who would want it? Blech.
+(defun ring-rotate (ring n)
+ (if (not (= n 0))
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) ;Is this the right error check?
+ (error "ring empty")
+ (let ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))))
+ (let ((len (length vec)))
+ (while (> n 0)
+ (setq tl (ring-plus1 tl len))
+ (aset ring tl (aref ring hd))
+ (setq hd (ring-plus1 hd len))
+ (setq n (- n 1)))
+ (while (< n 0)
+ (setq hd (ring-minus1 hd len))
+ (aset vec hd (aref vec tl))
+ (setq tl (ring-minus1 tl len))
+ (setq n (- n 1))))
+ (set-car ring hd)
+ (set-car (cdr ring) tl)))))
+(defun comint-mod (n m)
+ "Returns N mod M. M is positive. Answer is guaranteed to be non-negative,
+and less than m."
+ (let ((n (% n m)))
+ (if (>= n 0) n
+ (+ n
+ (if (>= m 0) m (- m)))))) ; (abs m)
+(defun ring-ref (ring index)
+ (let ((numelts (ring-length ring)))
+ (if (= numelts 0) (error "indexed empty ring")
+ (let* ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring)))
+ (index (comint-mod index numelts))
+ (vec-index (comint-mod (+ index hd)
+ (length vec))))
+ (aref vec vec-index)))))
+;;; Input history retrieval commands
+;;; M-p -- previous input M-n -- next input
+;;; C-c r -- previous input matching
+;;; ===========================================================================
+(defun comint-previous-input (arg)
+ "Cycle backwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (let ((len (ring-length input-ring)))
+ (cond ((<= len 0)
+ (message "Empty input ring")
+ (ding))
+ ((not (comint-after-pmark-p))
+ (message "Not after process mark")
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (cond ((eq last-command 'comint-previous-input)
+ (delete-region (mark) (point)))
+ ((eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (delete-region
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (point)))
+ (t
+ (setq input-ring-index
+ (if (> arg 0) -1
+ (if (< arg 0) 1 0)))
+ (push-mark (point))))
+ (setq input-ring-index (comint-mod (+ input-ring-index arg) len))
+ (message "%d" (1+ input-ring-index))
+ (insert (ring-ref input-ring input-ring-index))
+ (setq this-command 'comint-previous-input)))))
+(defun comint-next-input (arg)
+ "Cycle forwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (comint-previous-input (- arg)))
+(defvar comint-last-input-match ""
+ "Last string searched for by comint input history search, for defaulting.
+Buffer local variable.")
+(defun comint-previous-input-matching (str)
+ "Searches backwards through input history for substring match."
+ (interactive (let* ((last-command last-command) ; preserve around r-f-m
+ (s (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "Command substring (default %s): "
+ comint-last-input-match))))
+ (list (if (string= s "") comint-last-input-match s))))
+; (interactive "sCommand substring: ")
+ (setq comint-last-input-match str) ; update default
+ (if (not (eq last-command 'comint-previous-input))
+ (setq input-ring-index -1))
+ (let ((str (regexp-quote str))
+ (len (ring-length input-ring))
+ (n (+ input-ring-index 1)))
+ (while (and (< n len) (not (string-match str (ring-ref input-ring n))))
+ (setq n (+ n 1)))
+ (cond ((< n len)
+ (comint-previous-input (- n input-ring-index)))
+ (t (if (eq last-command 'comint-previous-input)
+ (setq this-command 'comint-previous-input))
+ (message "Not found.")
+ (ding)))))
+;;; These next three commands are alternatives to the input history commands --
+;;; comint-next-input, comint-previous-input and
+;;; comint-previous-input-matching. They search through the process buffer
+;;; text looking for occurrences of the prompt. RMS likes them better;
+;;; I don't. Bound to M-P, M-N, and C-c R (uppercase P, N, and R) for
+;;; now. Try'em out. Go with what you like...
+;;; comint-msearch-input-matching prompts for a string, not a regexp.
+;;; This could be considered to be the wrong thing. I decided to keep it
+;;; simple, and not make the user worry about regexps. This, of course,
+;;; limits functionality.
+(defun comint-psearch-input ()
+ "Search forwards for next occurrence of prompt and skip to end of line.
+\(prompt is anything matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp)"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp (point-max) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (error "No occurrence of prompt found")))
+(defun comint-msearch-input ()
+ "Search backwards for previous occurrence of prompt and skip to end of line.
+Search starts from beginning of current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((p (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp (point-min) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (t nil)))))
+ (if p (goto-char p)
+ (error "No occurrence of prompt found"))))
+(defun comint-msearch-input-matching (str)
+ "Search backwards for occurrence of prompt followed by STRING.
+STRING is prompted for, and is NOT a regular expression."
+ (interactive (let ((s (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "Command (default %s): "
+ comint-last-input-match))))
+ (list (if (string= s "") comint-last-input-match s))))
+; (interactive "sCommand: ")
+ (setq comint-last-input-match str) ; update default
+ (let* ((r (concat comint-prompt-regexp (regexp-quote str)))
+ (p (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((re-search-backward r (point-min) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (t nil)))))
+ (if p (goto-char p)
+ (error "No match"))))
+;;; Similar input -- contributed by ccm and highly winning.
+;;; Reenter input, removing back to the last insert point if it exists.
+(defvar comint-last-similar-string ""
+ "The string last used in a similar string search.")
+(defun comint-previous-similar-input (arg)
+ "Reenters the last input that matches the string typed so far. If repeated
+successively older inputs are reentered. If arg is 1, it will go back
+in the history, if -1 it will go forward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (not (comint-after-pmark-p))
+ (error "Not after process mark"))
+ (if (not (eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input))
+ (setq input-ring-index -1
+ comint-last-similar-string
+ (buffer-substring
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (point))))
+ (let* ((size (length comint-last-similar-string))
+ (len (ring-length input-ring))
+ (n (+ input-ring-index arg))
+ entry)
+ (while (and (< n len)
+ (or (< (length (setq entry (ring-ref input-ring n))) size)
+ (not (equal comint-last-similar-string
+ (substring entry 0 size)))))
+ (setq n (+ n arg)))
+ (cond ((< n len)
+ (setq input-ring-index n)
+ (if (eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (delete-region (mark) (point)) ; repeat
+ (push-mark (point))) ; 1st time
+ (insert (substring entry size)))
+ (t (message "Not found.") (ding) (sit-for 1)))
+ (message "%d" (1+ input-ring-index))))
+(defun comint-send-input ()
+ "Send input to process. After the process output mark, sends all text
+from the process mark to point as input to the process. Before the
+process output mark, calls value of variable comint-get-old-input to retrieve
+old input, copies it to the end of the buffer, and sends it. A terminal
+newline is also inserted into the buffer and sent to the process. In either
+case, value of variable comint-input-sentinel is called on the input before
+sending it. The input is entered into the input history ring, if value of
+variable comint-input-filter returns non-nil when called on the input.
+If variable comint-eol-on-send is non-nil, then point is moved to the end of
+line before sending the input.
+comint-get-old-input, comint-input-sentinel, and comint-input-filter are chosen
+according to the command interpreter running in the buffer. E.g.,
+If the interpreter is the csh,
+ comint-get-old-input is the default: take the current line, discard any
+ initial string matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp.
+ comint-input-sentinel monitors input for \"cd\", \"pushd\", and \"popd\"
+ commands. When it sees one, it cd's the buffer.
+ comint-input-filter is the default: returns T if the input isn't all white
+ space.
+If the comint is Lucid Common Lisp,
+ comint-get-old-input snarfs the sexp ending at point.
+ comint-input-sentinel does nothing.
+ comint-input-filter returns NIL if the input matches input-filter-regexp,
+ which matches (1) all whitespace (2) :a, :c, etc.
+Similarly for Soar, Scheme, etc.."
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Note that the input string does not include its terminal newline.
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not proc) (error "Current buffer has no process")
+ (let* ((pmark (process-mark proc))
+ (pmark-val (marker-position pmark))
+ (input (if (>= (point) pmark-val)
+ (progn (if comint-eol-on-send (end-of-line))
+ (buffer-substring pmark (point)))
+ (let ((copy (funcall comint-get-old-input)))
+ (goto-char pmark)
+ (insert copy)
+ copy))))
+ (insert ?\n)
+ (if (funcall comint-input-filter input) (ring-insert input-ring input))
+ (funcall comint-input-sentinel input)
+ (funcall comint-input-sender proc input)
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
+ (set-marker comint-last-input-end (point))))))
+(defun comint-get-old-input-default ()
+ "Default for comint-get-old-input: take the current line, and discard
+any initial text matching comint-prompt-regexp."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (comint-skip-prompt)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (buffer-substring beg (point)))))
+(defun comint-skip-prompt ()
+ "Skip past the text matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp.
+If this takes us past the end of the current line, don't skip at all."
+ (let ((eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
+ (if (and (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)
+ (<= (match-end 0) eol))
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
+(defun comint-after-pmark-p ()
+ "Is point after the process output marker?"
+ ;; Since output could come into the buffer after we looked at the point
+ ;; but before we looked at the process marker's value, we explicitly
+ ;; serialise. This is just because I don't know whether or not emacs
+ ;; services input during execution of lisp commands.
+ (let ((proc-pos (marker-position
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))))
+ (<= proc-pos (point))))
+(defun comint-simple-send (proc string)
+ "Default function for sending to PROC input STRING.
+This just sends STRING plus a newline. To override this,
+set the hook COMINT-INPUT-SENDER."
+ (comint-send-string proc string)
+ (comint-send-string proc "\n"))
+(defun comint-bol (arg)
+ "Goes to the beginning of line, then skips past the prompt, if any.
+If a prefix argument is given (\\[universal-argument]), then no prompt skip
+-- go straight to column 0.
+The prompt skip is done by skipping text matching the regular expression
+comint-prompt-regexp, a buffer local variable.
+If you don't like this command, reset c-a to beginning-of-line
+in your hook, comint-mode-hook."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (null arg) (comint-skip-prompt)))
+;;; These two functions are for entering text you don't want echoed or
+;;; saved -- typically passwords to ftp, telnet, or somesuch.
+;;; Just enter m-x send-invisible and type in your line.
+(defun comint-read-noecho (prompt)
+ "Prompt the user with argument PROMPT. Read a single line of text
+without echoing, and return it. Note that the keystrokes comprising
+the text can still be recovered (temporarily) with \\[view-lossage]. This
+may be a security bug for some applications."
+ (let ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+ (answ "")
+ tem)
+ (if (and (stringp prompt) (not (string= (message prompt) "")))
+ (message prompt))
+ (while (not(or (= (setq tem (read-char)) ?\^m)
+ (= tem ?\n)))
+ (setq answ (concat answ (char-to-string tem))))
+ (message "")
+ answ))
+(defun send-invisible (str)
+ "Read a string without echoing, and send it to the process running
+in the current buffer. A new-line is additionally sent. String is not
+saved on comint input history list.
+Security bug: your string can still be temporarily recovered with
+; (interactive (list (comint-read-noecho "Enter non-echoed text")))
+ (interactive "P") ; Defeat snooping via C-x esc
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not proc) (error "Current buffer has no process")
+ (comint-send-string proc
+ (if (stringp str) str
+ (comint-read-noecho "Enter non-echoed text")))
+ (comint-send-string proc "\n"))))
+;;; Low-level process communication
+(defvar comint-input-chunk-size 512
+ "*Long inputs send to comint processes are broken up into chunks of this size.
+If your process is choking on big inputs, try lowering the value.")
+(defun comint-send-string (proc str)
+ "Send PROCESS the contents of STRING as input.
+This is equivalent to process-send-string, except that long input strings
+are broken up into chunks of size comint-input-chunk-size. Processes
+are given a chance to output between chunks. This can help prevent processes
+from hanging when you send them long inputs on some OS's."
+ (let* ((len (length str))
+ (i (min len comint-input-chunk-size)))
+ (process-send-string proc (substring str 0 i))
+ (while (< i len)
+ (let ((next-i (+ i comint-input-chunk-size)))
+ (accept-process-output)
+ (process-send-string proc (substring str i (min len next-i)))
+ (setq i next-i)))))
+(defun comint-send-region (proc start end)
+ "Sends to PROC the region delimited by START and END.
+This is a replacement for process-send-region that tries to keep
+your process from hanging on long inputs. See comint-send-string."
+ (comint-send-string proc (buffer-substring start end)))
+;;; Random input hackage
+(defun comint-kill-output ()
+ "Kill all output from interpreter since last input."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))
+ (kill-region comint-last-input-end pmark)
+ (goto-char pmark)
+ (insert "*** output flushed ***\n")
+ (set-marker pmark (point))))
+(defun comint-show-output ()
+ "Display start of this batch of interpreter output at top of window.
+Also put cursor there."
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char comint-last-input-end)
+ (backward-char)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) (point))
+ (end-of-line))
+(defun comint-interrupt-subjob ()
+ "Interrupt the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (interrupt-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-kill-subjob ()
+ "Send kill signal to the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-quit-subjob ()
+ "Send quit signal to the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (quit-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-stop-subjob ()
+ "Stop the current subjob.
+WARNING: if there is no current subjob, you can end up suspending
+the top-level process running in the buffer. If you accidentally do
+this, use \\[comint-continue-subjob] to resume the process. (This
+is not a problem with most shells, since they ignore this signal.)"
+ (interactive)
+ (stop-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-continue-subjob ()
+ "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group.
+Useful if you accidentally suspend the top-level process."
+ (interactive)
+ (continue-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-kill-input ()
+ "Kill all text from last stuff output by interpreter to point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (p-pos (marker-position pmark)))
+ (if (> (point) p-pos)
+ (kill-region pmark (point)))))
+(defun comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof (arg)
+ "Delete ARG characters forward, or send an EOF to process if at end of buffer."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (eobp)
+ (process-send-eof)
+ (delete-char arg)))
+;;; Support for source-file processing commands.
+;;; Many command-interpreters (e.g., Lisp, Scheme, Soar) have
+;;; commands that process files of source text (e.g. loading or compiling
+;;; files). So the corresponding process-in-a-buffer modes have commands
+;;; for doing this (e.g., lisp-load-file). The functions below are useful
+;;; for defining these commands.
+;;; Alas, these guys don't do exactly the right thing for Lisp, Scheme
+;;; and Soar, in that they don't know anything about file extensions.
+;;; So the compile/load interface gets the wrong default occasionally.
+;;; The load-file/compile-file default mechanism could be smarter -- it
+;;; doesn't know about the relationship between filename extensions and
+;;; whether the file is source or executable. If you compile foo.lisp
+;;; with compile-file, then the next load-file should use foo.bin for
+;;; the default, not foo.lisp. This is tricky to do right, particularly
+;;; because the extension for executable files varies so much (.o, .bin,
+;;; .lbin, .mo, .vo, .ao, ...).
+;;; COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT -- determines defaults for source-file processing
+;;; commands.
+;;; COMINT-CHECK-SOURCE -- if FNAME is in a modified buffer, asks you if you
+;;; want to save the buffer before issuing any process requests to the command
+;;; interpreter.
+;;; COMINT-GET-SOURCE -- used by the source-file processing commands to prompt
+;;; for the file to process.
+;;; (COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT previous-dir/file source-modes)
+;;; This function computes the defaults for the load-file and compile-file
+;;; commands for tea, soar, cmulisp, and cmuscheme modes.
+;;; - PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is a pair (directory . filename) from the last
+;;; source-file processing command. NIL if there hasn't been one yet.
+;;; - SOURCE-MODES is a list used to determine what buffers contain source
+;;; files: if the major mode of the buffer is in SOURCE-MODES, it's source.
+;;; Typically, (lisp-mode) or (scheme-mode).
+;;; If the command is given while the cursor is inside a string, *and*
+;;; the string is an existing filename, *and* the filename is not a directory,
+;;; then the string is taken as default. This allows you to just position
+;;; your cursor over a string that's a filename and have it taken as default.
+;;; If the command is given in a file buffer whose major mode is in
+;;; SOURCE-MODES, then the the filename is the default file, and the
+;;; file's directory is the default directory.
+;;; If the buffer isn't a source file buffer (e.g., it's the process buffer),
+;;; then the default directory & file are what was used in the last source-file
+;;; processing command (i.e., PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE). If this is the first time
+;;; the command has been run (PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is nil), the default directory
+;;; is the cwd, with no default file. (\"no default file\" = nil)
+;;; SOURCE-REGEXP is typically going to be something like (tea-mode)
+;;; for T programs, (lisp-mode) for Lisp programs, (soar-mode lisp-mode)
+;;; for Soar programs, etc.
+;;; The function returns a pair: (default-directory . default-file).
+(defun comint-source-default (previous-dir/file source-modes)
+ (cond ((and buffer-file-name (memq major-mode source-modes))
+ (cons (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
+ (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+ (previous-dir/file)
+ (t
+ (cons default-directory nil))))
+;;; Prior to loading or compiling (or otherwise processing) a file (in the CMU
+;;; process-in-a-buffer modes), this function can be called on the filename.
+;;; If the file is loaded into a buffer, and the buffer is modified, the user
+;;; is queried to see if he wants to save the buffer before proceeding with
+;;; the load or compile.
+(defun comint-check-source (fname)
+ (let ((buff (get-file-buffer fname)))
+ (if (and buff
+ (buffer-modified-p buff)
+ (y-or-n-p (format "Save buffer %s first? "
+ (buffer-name buff))))
+ ;; save BUFF.
+ (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer buff)
+ (save-buffer)
+ (set-buffer old-buffer)))))
+;;; (COMINT-GET-SOURCE prompt prev-dir/file source-modes mustmatch-p)
+;;; COMINT-GET-SOURCE is used to prompt for filenames in command-interpreter
+;;; commands that process source files (like loading or compiling a file).
+;;; It prompts for the filename, provides a default, if there is one,
+;;; and returns the result filename.
+;;; See COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT for more on determining defaults.
+;;; PROMPT is the prompt string. PREV-DIR/FILE is the (directory . file) pair
+;;; from the last source processing command. SOURCE-MODES is a list of major
+;;; modes used to determine what file buffers contain source files. (These
+;;; two arguments are used for determining defaults). If MUSTMATCH-P is true,
+;;; then the filename reader will only accept a file that exists.
+;;; A typical use:
+;;; (interactive (comint-get-source "Compile file: " prev-lisp-dir/file
+;;; '(lisp-mode) t))
+;;; This is pretty stupid about strings. It decides we're in a string
+;;; if there's a quote on both sides of point on the current line.
+(defun comint-extract-string ()
+ "Returns string around point that starts the current line or nil."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* ((point (point))
+ (bol (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
+ (eol (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
+ (start (progn (goto-char point)
+ (and (search-backward "\"" bol t)
+ (1+ (point)))))
+ (end (progn (goto-char point)
+ (and (search-forward "\"" eol t)
+ (1- (point))))))
+ (and start end
+ (buffer-substring start end)))))
+(defun comint-get-source (prompt prev-dir/file source-modes mustmatch-p)
+ (let* ((def (comint-source-default prev-dir/file source-modes))
+ (stringfile (comint-extract-string))
+ (sfile-p (and stringfile
+ (file-exists-p stringfile)
+ (not (file-directory-p stringfile))))
+ (defdir (if sfile-p (file-name-directory stringfile)
+ (car def)))
+ (deffile (if sfile-p (file-name-nondirectory stringfile)
+ (cdr def)))
+ (ans (read-file-name (if deffile (format "%s(default %s) "
+ prompt deffile)
+ prompt)
+ defdir
+ (concat defdir deffile)
+ mustmatch-p)))
+ (list (expand-file-name (substitute-in-file-name ans)))))
+;;; I am somewhat divided on this string-default feature. It seems
+;;; to violate the principle-of-least-astonishment, in that it makes
+;;; the default harder to predict, so you actually have to look and see
+;;; what the default really is before choosing it. This can trip you up.
+;;; On the other hand, it can be useful, I guess. I would appreciate feedback
+;;; on this.
+;;; -Olin
+;;; Simple process query facility.
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; This function is for commands that want to send a query to the process
+;;; and show the response to the user. For example, a command to get the
+;;; arglist for a Common Lisp function might send a "(arglist 'foo)" query
+;;; to an inferior Common Lisp process.
+;;; This simple facility just sends strings to the inferior process and pops
+;;; up a window for the process buffer so you can see what the process
+;;; responds with. We don't do anything fancy like try to intercept what the
+;;; process responds with and put it in a pop-up window or on the message
+;;; line. We just display the buffer. Low tech. Simple. Works good.
+;;; Send to the inferior process PROC the string STR. Pop-up but do not select
+;;; a window for the inferior process so that its response can be seen.
+(defun comint-proc-query (proc str)
+ (let* ((proc-buf (process-buffer proc))
+ (proc-mark (process-mark proc)))
+ (display-buffer proc-buf)
+ (set-buffer proc-buf) ; but it's not the selected *window*
+ (let ((proc-win (get-buffer-window proc-buf))
+ (proc-pt (marker-position proc-mark)))
+ (comint-send-string proc str) ; send the query
+ (accept-process-output proc) ; wait for some output
+ ;; Try to position the proc window so you can see the answer.
+ ;; This is bogus code. If you delete the (sit-for 0), it breaks.
+ ;; I don't know why. Wizards invited to improve it.
+ (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p proc-pt proc-win))
+ (let ((opoint (window-point proc-win)))
+ (set-window-point proc-win proc-mark) (sit-for 0)
+ (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p opoint proc-win))
+ (push-mark opoint)
+ (set-window-point proc-win opoint)))))))
+;;; Filename completion in a buffer
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; Useful completion functions, courtesy of the Ergo group.
+;;; M-<Tab> will complete the filename at the cursor as much as possible
+;;; M-? will display a list of completions in the help buffer.
+;;; Three commands:
+;;; comint-dynamic-complete Complete filename at point.
+;;; comint-dynamic-list-completions List completions in help buffer.
+;;; comint-replace-by-expanded-filename Expand and complete filename at point;
+;;; replace with expanded/completed name.
+;;; These are not installed in the comint-mode keymap. But they are
+;;; available for people who want them. Shell-mode installs them:
+;;; (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)))
+;;; Commands like this are fine things to put in load hooks if you
+;;; want them present in specific modes. Example:
+;;; (setq cmushell-load-hook
+;;; '((lambda () (define-key lisp-mode-map "\M-\t"
+;;; 'comint-replace-by-expanded-filename))))
+(defun comint-match-partial-pathname ()
+ "Returns the string of an existing filename or causes an error."
+ (if (save-excursion (backward-char 1) (looking-at "\\s ")) ""
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "[^~/A-Za-z0-9---_.$#,]+")
+ (re-search-forward "[~/A-Za-z0-9---_.$#,]+")
+ (substitute-in-file-name
+ (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))
+(defun comint-replace-by-expanded-filename ()
+"Replace the filename at point with an expanded, canonicalised, and
+completed replacement.
+\"Expanded\" means environment variables (e.g., $HOME) and ~'s are
+replaced with the corresponding directories. \"Canonicalised\" means ..
+and \. are removed, and the filename is made absolute instead of relative.
+See functions expand-file-name and substitute-in-file-name. See also
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completion (file-name-completion pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completion)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ ((eql completion t)
+ (message "Unique completion."))
+ (t ; this means a string was returned.
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+ (insert (expand-file-name (concat pathdir completion)))))))
+(defun comint-dynamic-complete ()
+ "Dynamically complete the filename at point.
+This function is similar to comint-replace-by-expanded-filename, except
+that it won't change parts of the filename already entered in the buffer;
+it just adds completion characters to the end of the filename."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completion (file-name-completion pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completion)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ ((eql completion t)
+ (message "Unique completion."))
+ (t ; this means a string was returned.
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (insert (substring completion (length pathnondir)))))))
+(defun comint-dynamic-list-completions ()
+ "List in help buffer all possible completions of the filename at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completions
+ (file-name-all-completions pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completions)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (let ((conf (current-window-configuration)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (display-completion-list completions))
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (message "Hit space to flush.")
+ (let ((ch (read-char)))
+ (if (= ch ?\ )
+ (set-window-configuration conf)
+ (setq unread-command-char ch))))))))
+; Ergo bindings
+; (global-set-key "\M-\t" 'comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
+; (global-set-key "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)
+; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; Converting process modes to use comint mode
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; Several gnu packages (tex-mode, background, dbx, gdb, kermit, prolog,
+;;; telnet are some) use the shell package as clients. Most of them would
+;;; be better off using the comint package, but they predate it.
+;;; Altering these packages to use comint mode should greatly
+;;; improve their functionality, and is fairly easy.
+;;; Renaming variables
+;;; Most of the work is renaming variables and functions. These are the common
+;;; ones:
+;;; Local variables:
+;;; last-input-end comint-last-input-end
+;;; last-input-start <unnecessary>
+;;; shell-prompt-pattern comint-prompt-regexp
+;;; shell-set-directory-error-hook <no equivalent>
+;;; Miscellaneous:
+;;; shell-set-directory <unnecessary>
+;;; shell-mode-map comint-mode-map
+;;; Commands:
+;;; shell-send-input comint-send-input
+;;; shell-send-eof comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
+;;; kill-shell-input comint-kill-input
+;;; interrupt-shell-subjob comint-interrupt-subjob
+;;; stop-shell-subjob comint-stop-subjob
+;;; quit-shell-subjob comint-quit-subjob
+;;; kill-shell-subjob comint-kill-subjob
+;;; kill-output-from-shell comint-kill-output
+;;; show-output-from-shell comint-show-output
+;;; copy-last-shell-input Use comint-previous-input/comint-next-input
+;;; LAST-INPUT-START is no longer necessary because inputs are stored on the
+;;; input history ring. SHELL-SET-DIRECTORY is gone, its functionality taken
+;;; over by SHELL-DIRECTORY-TRACKER, the shell mode's comint-input-sentinel.
+;;; Comint mode does not provide functionality equivalent to
+;;; shell-set-directory-error-hook; it is gone.
+;;; If you are implementing some process-in-a-buffer mode, called foo-mode, do
+;;; *not* create the comint-mode local variables in your foo-mode function.
+;;; This is not modular. Instead, call comint-mode, and let *it* create the
+;;; necessary comint-specific local variables. Then create the
+;;; foo-mode-specific local variables in foo-mode. Set the buffer's keymap to
+;;; be foo-mode-map, and its mode to be foo-mode. Set the comint-mode hooks
+;;; (comint-prompt-regexp, comint-input-filter, comint-input-sentinel,
+;;; comint-get-old-input) that need to be different from the defaults. Call
+;;; foo-mode-hook, and you're done. Don't run the comint-mode hook yourself;
+;;; comint-mode will take care of it. The following example, from cmushell.el,
+;;; is typical:
+;;; (defun shell-mode ()
+;;; (interactive)
+;;; (comint-mode)
+;;; (setq comint-prompt-regexp shell-prompt-pattern)
+;;; (setq major-mode 'shell-mode)
+;;; (setq mode-name "Shell")
+;;; (cond ((not shell-mode-map)
+;;; (setq shell-mode-map (full-copy-sparse-keymap comint-mode-map))
+;;; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-?"
+;;; 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)))
+;;; (use-local-map shell-mode-map)
+;;; (make-local-variable 'shell-directory-stack)
+;;; (setq shell-directory-stack nil)
+;;; (setq comint-input-sentinel 'shell-directory-tracker)
+;;; (run-hooks 'shell-mode-hook))
+;;; Note that make-comint is different from make-shell in that it
+;;; doesn't have a default program argument. If you give make-shell
+;;; a program name of NIL, it cleverly chooses one of explicit-shell-name,
+;;; $ESHELL, $SHELL, or /bin/sh. If you give make-comint a program argument
+;;; of NIL, it barfs. Adjust your code accordingly...
+;;; Do the user's customisation...
+(defvar comint-load-hook nil
+ "This hook is run when comint is loaded in.
+This is a good place to put keybindings.")
+(run-hooks 'comint-load-hook)
+;;; Change log:
+;;; 9/12/89
+;;; - Souped up the filename expansion procedures.
+;;; Doc strings are much clearer and more detailed.
+;;; Fixed a bug where doing a filename completion when the point
+;;; was in the middle of the filename instead of at the end would lose.
+;;; 2/17/90
+;;; - Souped up the command history stuff so that text inserted
+;;; by comint-previous-input-matching is removed by following
+;;; command history recalls. comint-next/previous-input-matching
+;;; is now much more smoothly integrated w/the command history stuff.
+;;; - Added comint-eol-on-send flag and comint-input-sender hook.
+;;; Comint-input-sender based on code contributed by Jeff Peck
+;;; (
+;;; 3/13/90
+;;; - Added comint-previous-similar-input for looking up similar inputs.
+;;; - Added comint-send-and-get-output to allow snarfing input from
+;;; buffer.
+;;; - Added the ability to pick up a source file by positioning over
+;;; a string in comint-get-source.
+;;; - Added add-hook to make it a little easier for the user to use
+;;; multiple hooks.
+;;; 5/22/90 shivers
+;;; - Moved Chris' multiplexed ipc stuff to comint-ipc.el.
+;;; - Altered Chris' comint-get-source string feature. The string
+;;; is only offered as a default if it names an existing file.
+;;; - Changed comint-exec to directly crank up the process, instead
+;;; of calling the env program. This made background.el happy.
+;;; - Added new buffer-local var comint-ptyp. The problem is that
+;;; the signalling functions don't work as advertised. If you are
+;;; communicating via pipes, the CURRENT-GROUP arg is supposed to
+;;; be ignored, but, unfortunately it seems to be the case that you
+;;; must pass a NIL for this arg in the pipe case. COMINT-PTYP
+;;; is a flag that tells whether the process is communicating
+;;; via pipes or a pty. The comint signalling functions use it
+;;; to determine the necessary CURRENT-GROUP arg value. The bug
+;;; has been reported to the Gnu folks.
+;;; - comint-dynamic-complete flushes the help window if you hit space
+;;; after you execute it.
+;;; - Added functions comint-send-string, comint-send-region and var
+;;; comint-input-chunk-size. comint-send-string tries to prevent processes
+;;; from hanging when you send them long strings by breaking them into
+;;; chunks and allowing process output between chunks. I got the idea from
+;;; Eero Simoncelli's Common Lisp package. Note that using
+;;; comint-send-string means that the process buffer's contents can change
+;;; during a call! If you depend on process output only happening between
+;;; toplevel commands, this could be a problem. In such a case, use
+;;; process-send-string instead. If this is a problem for people, I'd like
+;;; to hear about it.
+;;; - Added comint-proc-query as a simple mechanism for commands that
+;;; want to query an inferior process and display its response. For a
+;;; typical use, see lisp-show-arglist in cmulisp.el.
+;;; - Added constant comint-version, which is now "2.01".
+;;; 6/14/90 shivers
+;;; - Had comint-update-env defined twice. Removed extra copy. Also
+;;; renamed mem to be comint-mem, for modularity. The duplication
+;;; was reported by Michael Meissner.
+;;; 6/16/90 shivers
+;;; - Emacs has two different mechanisms for maintaining the process
+;;; environment, determined at compile time by the MAINTAIN-ENVIRONMENT
+;;; #define. One uses the process-environment global variable, and
+;;; one uses a getenv/setenv interface. comint-exec assumed the
+;;; process-environment interface; it has been generalised (with
+;;; comint-exec-1) to handle both cases. Pretty bogus. We could,
+;;; of course, skip all this and just use the etc/env program to
+;;; handle the environment tweaking, but that obscures process
+;;; queries that other modules (like background.el) depend on. etc/env
+;;; is also fairly bogus. This bug, and some of the fix code was
+;;; reported by Dan Pierson.
+;;; 9/5/90 shivers
+;;; - Changed make-variable-buffer-local's to make-local-variable's.
+;;; This leaves non-comint-mode buffers alone. Stephane Payrard
+;;; reported the sloppy useage.
+;;; - You can now go from comint-previous-similar-input to
+;;; comint-previous-input with no problem.
diff --git a/emacs-tools/comint.elc b/emacs-tools/comint.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b9bf63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/comint.elc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/emacs-tools/haskell.el b/emacs-tools/haskell.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4130aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/haskell.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2198 @@
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; File: haskell.el ;;;
+;;; ;;;
+;;; Author: A. Satish Pai ;;;
+;;; Maria M. Gutierrez ;;;
+;;; Dan Rabin (Jul-1991) ;;;
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Description: Haskell mode for GNU Emacs.
+;;; Related files: comint.el
+;;; Contents:
+;;; Update Log
+;;; Known bugs / problems
+;;; - the haskell editing mode (indentation, etc) is still missing.
+;;; - the handling for errors from haskell needs to be rethought.
+;;; - general cleanup of code.
+;;; Errors generated
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Haskell mode for editing files, and an Inferior Haskell mode to
+;;; run a Haskell process. This file contains stuff snarfed and
+;;; modified from tea.el, scheme.el, etc. This file may be freely
+;;; modified; however, if you have any bug-corrections or useful
+;;; improvements, I'd appreciate it if you sent me the mods so that
+;;; I can merge them into the version I maintain.
+;;; The inferior Haskell mode requires comint.el.
+;;; You might want to add this to your .emacs to go automagically
+;;; into Haskell mode while finding .hs files.
+;;; (setq auto-mode-alist
+;;; (cons '("\\.hs$" . haskell-mode)
+;;; auto-mode-alist)_)
+;;; To use this file, set up your .emacs to autoload this file for
+;;; haskell-mode. For example:
+;;; (autoload 'haskell-mode "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/haskell.elc"
+;;; "Load Haskell mode" t)
+;;; (autoload 'run-mode "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/haskell.elc"
+;;; "Load Haskell mode" t)
+;;; [Note: The path name given above is Yale specific!! Modify as
+;;; required.]
+;;; ================================================================
+;;; Announce your existence to the world at large.
+(provide 'haskell)
+;;; Load these other files.
+(require 'comint) ; Olin Shivers' comint mode is the substratum
+;;; ================================================================
+;;; Declare a bunch of variables.
+;;; ================================================================
+;;; User settable (via M-x set-variable and M-x edit-options)
+(defvar haskell-program-name (getenv "HASKELLPROG")
+ "*Program invoked by the haskell command")
+(defvar *haskell-buffer* "*haskell*"
+ "*Name of the haskell process buffer")
+(defvar *haskell-show-error* 1
+ "*If not nil move to the buffer where the error was found")
+(defvar haskell-auto-create-process t
+ "*If not nil, create a Haskell process automatically when required to evaluate or compile Haskell code")
+(defvar *haskell-debug-in-lisp* nil
+ "*If not nil, enter Lisp debugger on error; otherwise, automagically return
+to Haskell top-level.")
+;;; Command interface related variables
+(defvar *emacs* nil
+ "When not nil means haskell is in emacs mode")
+;;; Pad/buffer Initialization variables
+(defvar haskell-main-pad "\*Main-pad\*"
+ "Scratch pad associated with module Main")
+(defvar haskell-main-file "Main")
+(defvar haskell-main-module "Main")
+(defvar *last-loaded* haskell-main-file
+ "Last file loaded with a :load command - Defaults to Main")
+(defvar *last-loaded-modtime* nil
+ "Modification time of last file loaded, used to determine whether it
+needs to be reloaded.")
+(defvar *last-module* haskell-main-module
+ "Last module set with a :module command - Defaults to Main")
+(defvar *last-pad* haskell-main-pad
+ "Last pad saved with a :save command - Defaults to Main")
+;;; These are used for haskell-tutorial mode.
+(defvar *ht-source-file* "$HASKELL/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs")
+(defvar *ht-temp-buffer* nil)
+(defvar *ht-file-buffer* "Haskell-Tutorial-Master")
+;;; ================================================================
+;;; Haskell editing mode stuff
+;;; ================================================================
+;;; Leave this place alone...
+;;; The definitions below have been pared down to the bare
+;;; minimum; they will be restored later.
+;;; -Satish 2/5.
+;;; Keymap for Haskell mode
+(defvar haskell-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap used for haskell-mode")
+(defun haskell-establish-key-bindings (keymap)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-ce" 'haskell-eval)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cr" 'haskell-run)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cm" 'haskell-run-main)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-r" 'haskell-run-file)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cp" 'haskell-get-pad)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-o" 'haskell-optimizers)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c\C-p" 'haskell-printers)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cc" 'haskell-compile)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cl" 'haskell-load)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-ch" 'haskell-switch)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c:" 'haskell-command)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cq" 'haskell-exit)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-ci" 'haskell-interrupt)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cu" 'haskell-edit-unit)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-cd" 'haskell-please-recover)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c(" 'haskell-ensure-lisp-mode)
+ (define-key keymap "\C-c)" 'haskell-resume-command-loop))
+(if haskell-mode-map
+ nil
+ (progn
+ (setq haskell-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ ;; Compiler commands
+ (haskell-establish-key-bindings haskell-mode-map)
+ ))
+(defvar haskell-mode-syntax-table nil
+ "Syntax table used for haskell-mode")
+(if haskell-mode-syntax-table
+ nil
+ (setq haskell-mode-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table)))
+;;; Command for invoking the Haskell mode
+(defun haskell-mode nil
+ "Major mode for editing Haskell code to run in Emacs
+The following commands are available:
+A Haskell process can be fired up with \"M-x haskell\".
+Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks that are the value of variable
+There are 3 types of windows associated with Haskell mode. They are:
+ *haskell*: which is the process window.
+ Pad: which are buffers available for each module. It is here
+ where you want to test things before preserving them in a
+ file. Pads are always associated with a module.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The pad and its associated module are sent to the Haskell
+ process prior to the execution of the command.
+ .hs: These are the files where Haskell programs live. They
+ have .hs as extension.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The file is sent to the Haskell process prior to the
+ execution of the command.
+Each command behaves differently according to the type of the window in which
+the cursor is positioned when the command is issued .
+haskell-eval: \\[haskell-eval]
+ Always promts user for a Haskell expression to be evaluated. If in a
+ .hs file buffer, then the cursor tells which module is the current
+ module and the pad for that module (if any) gets loaded as well.
+haskell-run: \\[haskell-run]
+ Always queries for a variable of type Dialogue to be evaluated.
+haskell-run-main: \\[haskell-run-main]
+ Run Dialogue named main.
+haskell-run-file: \\[haskell-run-file]
+ Runs a file. Ideally the file has a set of variable of type Dialogue
+ that get evaluated.
+haskell-mode: \\[haskell-mode]
+ Puts the current buffer in haskell mode.
+haskell-compile: \\[haskell-compile]
+ Compiles file in current buffer.
+haskell-load: \\[haskell-load]
+ Loads file in current buffer.
+haskell-pad: \\[haskell-pad]
+ Creates a scratch pad for the current module.
+haskell-optimizers: \\[haskell-optimizers]
+ Shows the list of available optimizers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-printers: \\[haskell-printers]
+ Shows the list of available printers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-command: \\[haskell-command]
+ Prompts for a command to be sent to the command interface. You don't
+ need to put the : before the command.
+haskell-quit: \\[haskell-quit]
+ Terminates the haskell process.
+switch-to-haskell: \\[switch-to-haskell]
+ Switchs to the inferior Haskell buffer (*haskell*) and positions the
+ cursor at the end of the buffer.
+haskell-interrupt: \\[haskell-interrupt]
+ Interrupts haskell process and resets it.
+haskell-edit-unit: \\[haskell-edit-unit]
+ Edit the .hu file for the unit containing this file.
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map haskell-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'haskell-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Haskell")
+ (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
+ (setq indent-line-function 'indent-relative-maybe)
+ ;(setq local-abbrev-table haskell-mode-abbrev-table)
+ (set-syntax-table haskell-mode-syntax-table)
+ ;(setq tab-stop-list haskell-tab-stop-list) ;; save old list??
+ (run-hooks 'haskell-mode-hook))
+;;; Inferior Haskell stuff
+(defvar inferior-haskell-mode-map nil)
+(if inferior-haskell-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq inferior-haskell-mode-map
+ (full-copy-sparse-keymap comint-mode-map))
+ ;;; Haskell commands
+ (haskell-establish-key-bindings inferior-haskell-mode-map)
+ (define-key inferior-haskell-mode-map "\C-m" 'haskell-send-input))
+(defvar haskell-source-modes '(haskell-mode)
+ "*Used to determine if a buffer contains Haskell source code.
+If it's loaded into a buffer that is in one of these major modes,
+it's considered a Haskell source file.")
+(defvar haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file nil
+ "Caches the (directory . file) pair used in the last invocation of
+(defvar haskell-prompt-pattern "^[A-Z]\\([A-Z]\\|[a-z]\\|[0-9]\\)*>\\s-*"
+ "Regular expression capturing the Haskell system prompt.")
+(defvar haskell-prompt-ring ()
+ "Keeps track of input to haskell process from the minibuffer")
+(defvar tea-prompt-pattern "^>+\\s-*"
+ "Regular expression capturing the T system prompt.")
+(defvar haskell-version "Yale University Haskell Version 0.8, 1991"
+ "Current Haskell system version")
+(defun inferior-haskell-mode-variables ()
+ nil)
+;;; INFERIOR-HASKELL-MODE (adapted from comint.el)
+(defun inferior-haskell-mode ()
+ "Major mode for interacting with an inferior Haskell process.
+The following commands are available:
+A Haskell process can be fired up with \"M-x haskell\".
+Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on comint-mode-hook and
+inferior-haskell-mode-hook (in that order).
+You can send text to the inferior Haskell process from other buffers containing
+Haskell source.
+There are 3 types of windows in the inferior-haskell-mode. They are:
+ *haskell*: which is the process window.
+ Pad: which are buffers available for each module. It is here
+ where you want to test things before preserving them in a
+ file. Pads are always associated with a module.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The pad and its associated module are sent to the Haskell
+ process prior to the execution of the command.
+ .hs: These are the files where Haskell programs live. They
+ have .hs as extension.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The file is sent to the Haskell process prior to the
+ execution of the command.
+Each command behaves differently according to the type of the window in which
+the cursor is positioned when the command is issued.
+haskell-eval: \\[haskell-eval]
+ Always promts user for a Haskell expression to be evaluated. If in a
+ .hs file, then the cursor tells which module is the current module and
+ the pad for that module (if any) gets loaded as well.
+haskell-run: \\[haskell-run]
+ Always queries for a variable of type Dialogue to be evaluated.
+haskell-run-main: \\[haskell-run-main]
+ Run Dialogue named main.
+haskell-run-file: \\[haskell-run-file]
+ Runs a file. Ideally the file has a set of variable of type Dialogue
+ that get evaluated.
+haskell-mode: \\[haskell-mode]
+ Puts the current buffer in haskell mode.
+haskell-compile: \\[haskell-compile]
+ Compiles file in current buffer.
+haskell-load: \\[haskell-load]
+ Loads file in current buffer.
+haskell-pad: \\[haskell-pad]
+ Creates a scratch pad for the current module.
+haskell-optimizers: \\[haskell-optimizers]
+ Shows the list of available optimizers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-printers: \\[haskell-printers]
+ Shows the list of available printers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-command: \\[haskell-command]
+ Prompts for a command to be sent to the command interface. You don't
+ need to put the : before the command.
+haskell-quit: \\[haskell-quit]
+ Terminates the haskell process.
+switch-to-haskell: \\[switch-to-haskell]
+ Switchs to the inferior Haskell buffer (*haskell*) and positions the
+ cursor at the end of the buffer.
+haskell-interrupt: \\[haskell-interrupt]
+ Interrupts haskell process and resets it.
+haskell-edit-unit: \\[haskell-edit-unit]
+ Edit the .hu file for the unit containing this file.
+The usual comint functions are also available. In particular, the
+following are all available:
+comint-bol: Beginning of line, but skip prompt. Bound to C-a by default.
+comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof: Delete char, unless at end of buffer, in
+ which case send EOF to process. Bound to C-d by default.
+Note however, that the default keymap bindings provided shadow some of
+the default comint mode bindings, so that you may want to bind them
+to your choice of keys.
+Comint mode's dynamic completion of filenames in the buffer is available.
+(Q.v. comint-dynamic-complete, comint-dynamic-list-completions.)
+If you accidentally suspend your process, use \\[comint-continue-subjob]
+to continue it."
+ (interactive)
+ (comint-mode)
+ (setq comint-prompt-regexp haskell-prompt-pattern)
+ ;; Customise in inferior-haskell-mode-hook
+ (inferior-haskell-mode-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'inferior-haskell-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Inferior Haskell")
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s : busy"))
+ (use-local-map inferior-haskell-mode-map)
+ (setq comint-input-filter 'haskell-input-filter)
+ (setq comint-input-sentinel 'ignore)
+ (setq comint-get-old-input 'haskell-get-old-input)
+ (run-hooks 'inferior-haskell-mode-hook)
+ ;Do this after the hook so the user can mung INPUT-RING-SIZE w/his hook.
+ ;The test is so we don't lose history if we run comint-mode twice in
+ ;a buffer.
+ (setq haskell-prompt-ring (make-ring input-ring-size)))
+;;; Install the process communication commands in the
+;;; inferior-haskell-mode keymap.
+(defvar inferior-haskell-mode-hook 'haskell-fresh-start
+ "*Hook for customizing inferior-Haskell mode")
+(defun haskell-input-filter (str)
+ "Don't save whitespace."
+ (not (string-match "\\s *" str)))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Handle output from Haskell process
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This keeps track of the status of the haskell process.
+;;; Values are:
+;;; busy -- The process is busy.
+;;; ready -- The process is ready for a command.
+;;; input -- The process is waiting for input.
+;;; dead -- The process is dead (exited or not started yet).
+(defvar *haskell-status* 'dead
+ "Status of the haskell process")
+(defun set-haskell-status (value)
+ (setq *haskell-status* value)
+ (update-mode-line))
+(defun get-haskell-status ()
+ *haskell-status*)
+(defun update-mode-line ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (cond ((eq *haskell-status* 'ready)
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s: ready")))
+ ((eq *haskell-status* 'input)
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s: input")))
+ ((eq *haskell-status* 'busy)
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s: busy")))
+ ((eq *haskell-status* 'dead)
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s: dead")))
+ (t
+ (haskell-mode-error "Confused about status of haskell process!")))
+ ;; Yes, this is the officially sanctioned technique for forcing
+ ;; a redisplay of the mode line.
+ (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))))
+;;; Filter
+;;; The haskell process produces output with embedded control codes.
+;;; These control codes are used to keep track of what kind of input
+;;; the haskell process is expecting. Ordinary output is just displayed.
+;;; This is kind of complicated because control sequences can be broken
+;;; across multiple batches of text received from the haskell process.
+;;; If the string ends in the middle of a control sequence, save it up
+;;; for the next call.
+(defvar *haskell-saved-output* nil)
+(defun process-haskell-output (process str)
+ "Filter for output from Yale Haskell command interface"
+ (let ((idx 0)
+ (lastidx 0)
+ (data (match-data)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ;; If there was saved output from last time, glue it in front of the
+ ;; newly received input.
+ (if *haskell-saved-output*
+ (progn
+ (setq str (concat *haskell-saved-output* str))
+ (setq *haskell-saved-output* nil)))
+ ;; Loop, looking for complete command sequences.
+ ;; Set idx to point to the first one.
+ ;; lastidx points to next character to be processed.
+ (while (setq idx (ci-response-start str lastidx))
+ ;; Display any intervening ordinary text.
+ (if (not (eq idx lastidx))
+ (haskell-display-output (substring str lastidx idx)))
+ ;; Now dispatch on the particular command sequence found.
+ ;; Handler functions are called with the string and start index
+ ;; as arguments, and should return the index of the "next"
+ ;; character -- usually (match-end 0).
+ (setq lastidx (funcall (ci-response-handler str idx) str idx)))
+ ;; Look to see whether the string ends with an incomplete
+ ;; command sequence.
+ ;; If so, save the tail of the string for next time.
+ (if (setq idx (ci-prefix-start str lastidx))
+ (setq *haskell-saved-output* (substring str idx))
+ (setq idx (length str)))
+ ;; Display any leftover ordinary text.
+ (if (not (eq idx lastidx))
+ (haskell-display-output (substring str lastidx idx))))
+ (store-match-data data))))
+;;; Here is code for matching command sequences from haskell.
+;;; The first entry of each item is the full regexp; the second is a prefix
+;;; regexp; the third is a handler function to call.
+(defvar *ci-responses*
+ '(("\C-Ar" "\C-A" haskell-got-ready)
+ ("\C-Ai" "\C-A" haskell-got-input-request)
+ ("\C-Ae" "\C-A" haskell-got-error)
+ ("\C-Ap.*\n" "\C-A\\(p.*\\)?" haskell-got-printers)
+ ("\C-Ao.*\n" "\C-A\\(o.*\\)?" haskell-got-optimizers)
+ ("\C-As.*\n" "\C-A\\(s.*\\)?" haskell-got-message)
+ ;; This is the error string for T
+; ("^\\*\\* Error"
+; "^\\*\\(\\*\\( \\(E\\(r\\(r\\(or?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?"
+; haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ;; This is the prompt for Lucid's break loop
+ ("\n-> " "\n\\(-\\(> ?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ;; This is the prompt for CMU CL's break loop
+ ("0\\] " "0\\(\\] ?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ;; This is the prompt for AKCL's break loop
+ ("USER>>" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\(>>?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ;; This is the prompt for Allegro CL
+ ("USER(.*):" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\((.*)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ;; This is the prompt for Harlequin Lispworks
+ ("USER .* : .* >" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\( .*\\( \\(:\\( .*\\( >?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error)
+ ))
+(defun command-match-regexp (x) (car x))
+(defun command-prefix-regexp (x) (car (cdr x)))
+(defun command-handler (x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
+(defun glue-together (extractor)
+ (let ((result (concat "\\(" (funcall extractor (car *ci-responses*)) "\\)"))
+ (stuff (cdr *ci-responses*)))
+ (while stuff
+ (setq result
+ (concat result "\\|\\(" (funcall extractor (car stuff)) "\\)"))
+ (setq stuff (cdr stuff)))
+ result))
+(defvar *ci-response-regexp* (glue-together 'command-match-regexp))
+(defvar *ci-prefix-regexp*
+ (concat "\\(" (glue-together 'command-prefix-regexp) "\\)\\'"))
+(defun ci-response-start (str idx)
+ (string-match *ci-response-regexp* str idx))
+(defun ci-prefix-start (str idx)
+ (string-match *ci-prefix-regexp* str idx))
+(defun ci-response-handler (str idx)
+ (let ((list *ci-responses*)
+ (result nil))
+ (while (and list (null result))
+ (if (eq (string-match (command-match-regexp (car list)) str idx) idx)
+ (setq result (command-handler (car list)))
+ (setq list (cdr list))))
+ (if (null result)
+ (haskell-mode-error "Failed to find command handler!!!"))
+ result))
+;;; Here are the low-level handler functions. Basically, these
+;;; guys just parse the input for the command sequence and then call some
+;;; other function to do the real work.
+(defun haskell-got-ready (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (haskell-reset)
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-input-request (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (get-user-input)
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-error (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (haskell-error-handler)
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-printers (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (update-printers-list (substring str (+ idx 2) (- result 1)))
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-optimizers (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (update-optimizers-list (substring str (+ idx 2) (- result 1)))
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-message (str idx)
+ (let ((result (match-end 0)))
+ (message (substring str (+ idx 2) (- result 1)))
+ result))
+(defun haskell-got-lisp-error (str idx)
+ (haskell-handle-lisp-error idx str)
+ (length str))
+;;; Something really bad happened and we got a Lisp error.
+;;; Either let the user mess around in the Lisp debugger, or else
+;;; just get out of it and go back into the Haskell command loop.
+(defun haskell-handle-lisp-error (location str)
+ (haskell-display-output (substring str location))
+ (if *emacs*
+ ;; Don't ding if we were already in the break loop when the
+ ;; error happened.
+ (progn
+ (ding)
+ (if *haskell-debug-in-lisp*
+ (haskell-talk-to-lisp)
+ (haskell-flush-commands-and-reset)))))
+(defun loaded-tutorial-p ()
+ (and *ht-temp-buffer*
+ (get-buffer *ht-temp-buffer*)
+ (equal *last-loaded* (buffer-file-name (get-buffer *ht-temp-buffer*)))))
+(defun haskell-flush-commands-and-reset ()
+ (haskell-flush-command-queue)
+ (save-excursion
+ (switch-to-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (haskell-ensure-lisp-mode)
+ (haskell-resume-command-loop)))
+(defun haskell-talk-to-lisp ()
+ (pop-to-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (haskell-ensure-lisp-mode))
+(defun haskell-resume-command-loop ()
+ "Resumes Haskell command processing after debugging in Lisp. \\[haskell-resume-command-loop]"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not *emacs*)
+ (progn
+ (process-send-string "haskell" "(mumble-user::restart-haskell)\n")
+ (haskell-ensure-emacs-mode))))
+;;; Displays output at end of given buffer.
+;;; This function only ensures that the output is visible, without
+;;; selecting the buffer in which it is displayed.
+;;; Note that just using display-buffer instead of all this rigamarole
+;;; won't work; you need to temporarily select the window containing
+;;; the *haskell-buffer*, or else the display won't be scrolled to show
+;;; the new output.
+;;; *** This should really position the window in the buffer so that
+;;; *** the point is on the last line of the window.
+(defun haskell-display-output (str)
+ (if (eq (get-haskell-status) 'dead)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (haskell-display-output-aux str))
+ (let ((window (selected-window)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (pop-to-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (haskell-display-output-aux str))
+ (select-window window)))))
+(defun haskell-display-output-aux (str)
+ (haskell-move-marker)
+ (insert str)
+ (haskell-move-marker))
+;;; The haskell process says it's expecting the user to type in some input.
+;;; Switch to the *haskell-buffer* so the user can type things.
+;;; Once we have received an input message, stay in input mode until
+;;; we get a ready message back from haskell. This permits multiple
+;;; data messages to be sent to haskell from a single input request.
+;;; This user interface isn't really ideal. You can be typing
+;;; away in some other buffer and all of a sudden have Haskell decide
+;;; it wants some input, and bingo! You're switched into the Haskell
+;;; buffer behind your back. There's also the problem that you're
+;;; left in the Haskell buffer afterwards, instead of getting swapped
+;;; back into the buffer that was current when the input request was
+;;; received.
+;;; Not sure how to fix this -- seems like a totally synchronous interface
+;;; would be worse....
+(defun get-user-input ()
+ (message "Haskell is waiting for input...")
+ (pop-to-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (set-haskell-status 'input)
+ (haskell-pop-data-queue))
+;;; The haskell process says it encountered an error.
+;;; Remember to flush the command queue before continuing.
+(defun haskell-error-handler ()
+ (ding)
+ (haskell-flush-command-queue)
+ ;; *** See comments below for why this is disabled.
+; (if *haskell-show-error*
+; (haskell-show-error))
+ (set-haskell-status 'ready)
+ (haskell-end-interaction nil))
+;;; Pop up a buffer containing the file with the error, and put the
+;;; point on the line where the error was reported.
+;;; *** This code does the wrong thing in some situations. For example,
+;;; *** if you type in garbage to C-c e, it thinks that it should
+;;; *** show you the last pad sent to the haskell process, which is
+;;; *** clearly bogus.
+;;; *** I also think it would be better interaction style to have to
+;;; *** request to be shown the error explicitly, instead of unexpectedly
+;;; *** being thrown into some other buffer.
+;;; Error handling Variables
+(defvar *yh-error-def* "Error occured in definition of\\s *")
+(defvar *yh-error-line* "at line\\s *")
+(defvar *yh-error-file* "of file\\s *")
+(defvar *haskell-line* "\\([0-9]\\)*")
+(defun haskell-show-error ()
+ "Point out error to user if possible"
+ (set-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((function-name nil)
+ (line-number nil)
+ (filename nil))
+ (if (and (setq function-name (get-function-name))
+ (setq line-number (get-line-number))
+ (setq filename (get-filename)))
+ (point-error-to-user function-name line-number filename)))))
+(defvar *haskell-function-name*
+ "\\([a-z]\\|[A-Z]\\|[0-9]\\|'\\|_\\|\-\\)*")
+(defun get-function-name ()
+ (if (and (re-search-backward *yh-error-def* (point-min) t)
+ (re-search-forward *yh-error-def* (point-max) t))
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (if (re-search-forward *haskell-function-name* (point-max) t)
+ (buffer-substring beg (point))
+ nil))
+ nil))
+(defun get-line-number ()
+ (if (re-search-forward *yh-error-line* (point-max) t)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (if (re-search-forward *haskell-line* (point-max) t)
+ (string-to-int (buffer-substring beg (point)))
+ nil))
+ nil))
+(defun get-filename ()
+ (if (re-search-forward *yh-error-file* (point-max) t)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (if (re-search-forward "\\($\\| \\|\t\\)" (point-max) t)
+ (buffer-substring beg (point))
+ nil))
+ nil))
+(defun point-error-to-user (function-name line-number filename)
+ (if (equal filename "Interactive")
+ (pop-to-buffer *last-pad*)
+ (let ((fname (strip-fext filename)))
+ (if (get-buffer fname)
+ (pop-to-buffer fname)
+ (find-file-other-window filename))))
+ (goto-line line-number))
+;;; The haskell process says it is ready to execute another command.
+;;; Tell the user the last command has finished and execute the next
+;;; command from the queue, if there is one.
+(defun haskell-reset ()
+ (set-haskell-status 'ready)
+ (haskell-pop-command-queue))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Command queue utilities
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Here's the stuff for managing the command queue.
+;;; There are three kinds of things that show up in the queue:
+;;; * Strings to be sent as commands to the haskell process. These
+;;; are queued with haskell-send-command.
+;;; * Other stuff to be sent to the haskell process (e.g., text to
+;;; be read as dialogue input). These are queued with
+;;; haskell-send-data.
+;;; * Messages indicating start of an interaction sequence. These
+;;; are just shown to the user. These are added to the queue with
+;;; haskell-begin-interaction.
+;;; * Messages indicating end of an interaction sequence. These are
+;;; queued with haskell-end-interaction.
+;;; Representationally, the queue is just a list of conses. The car of each
+;;; entry is a symbol that identifies the kind of queue entry, and the cdr
+;;; is associated data. Only the functions in this section need to know
+;;; about the internal format of the queue.
+(defvar *command-interface-queue* nil
+ "Contains the commands to be sent to the Haskell command interface")
+;;; Here's a helper function.
+(defun haskell-queue-or-execute (fn request data)
+ (cond (*command-interface-queue*
+ (setq *command-interface-queue*
+ (nconc *command-interface-queue* (list (cons request data)))))
+ ((eq (get-haskell-status) 'ready)
+ (funcall fn data))
+ (t
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* (list (cons request data))))))
+;;; Queue a command.
+(defun haskell-send-command (str)
+ "Queues STRING for transmission to haskell process."
+ (haskell-queue-or-execute 'haskell-send-command-aux 'command str))
+(defun haskell-send-command-aux (str)
+ (process-send-string "haskell" str)
+ (process-send-string "haskell" "\n")
+ (if (not (eq (get-haskell-status) 'input))
+ (set-haskell-status 'busy)))
+;;; Queue a begin-interaction message.
+(defvar *begin-interaction-delimiter* nil ;; "-------------\n"
+ "*Delimiter showing an interaction has begun")
+(defun haskell-begin-interaction (msg)
+ (haskell-queue-or-execute 'haskell-begin-interaction-aux 'begin msg))
+(defun haskell-begin-interaction-aux (msg)
+ (if *begin-interaction-delimiter*
+ (haskell-display-output *begin-interaction-delimiter*))
+ (if msg
+ (haskell-display-output (concat "\n" msg "\n"))))
+;;; Queue an end-interaction message.
+(defvar *end-interaction-delimiter* nil ;; "\n--- ready ---\n\n"
+ "*Delimiter showing an interaction has ended")
+(defun haskell-end-interaction (msg)
+ (haskell-queue-or-execute 'haskell-end-interaction-aux 'end msg))
+(defun haskell-end-interaction-aux (msg)
+ (if *end-interaction-delimiter*
+ (haskell-display-output *end-interaction-delimiter*))
+ (if msg
+ (message "%s" msg)))
+;;; Queue data. This is treated a little differently because we want
+;;; text typed in as input to the program to be sent down the pipe to
+;;; the process before processing end-interaction messages and additional
+;;; commands in the queue.
+(defun haskell-send-data (str)
+ (cond ((assoc 'data *command-interface-queue*)
+ (setq *command-interface-queue*
+ (merge-data-into-queue
+ (list (cons 'data str))
+ *command-interface-queue*
+ *command-interface-queue*
+ nil)))
+ ((or (eq (get-haskell-status) 'ready) (eq (get-haskell-status) 'input))
+ (haskell-send-command-aux str))
+ (t
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* (list (cons 'data str))))))
+(defun merge-data-into-queue (new head tail lasttail)
+ (cond ((null tail)
+ (rplacd lasttail new)
+ head)
+ ((eq (car (car tail)) 'data)
+ (merge-data-into-queue new head (cdr tail) tail))
+ (lasttail
+ (rplacd lasttail new)
+ (rplacd new tail)
+ head)
+ (t
+ (rplacd new tail)
+ new)))
+;;; This function is called when the haskell process reports that it
+;;; has finished processing a command. It sends the next queued
+;;; command (if there is one) down the pipe.
+(defun haskell-pop-command-queue ()
+ (if *command-interface-queue*
+ (let ((entry (car *command-interface-queue*)))
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* (cdr *command-interface-queue*))
+ (cond ((eq (car entry) 'command)
+ (haskell-send-command-aux (cdr entry)))
+ ((eq (car entry) 'begin)
+ (haskell-begin-interaction-aux (cdr entry))
+ (haskell-pop-command-queue))
+ ((eq (car entry) 'end)
+ (haskell-end-interaction-aux (cdr entry))
+ (haskell-pop-command-queue))
+ ((eq (car entry) 'data)
+ (haskell-send-command-aux (cdr entry)))
+ (t
+ (haskell-mode-error "Invalid command in queue!!!"))
+ ))))
+;;; This function is called when the haskell process reports that it
+;;; wants to read some input. If there's queued data, send it; but
+;;; don't do commands or messages on the queue.
+;;; Remember, we can send multiple pieces of input data for one input
+;;; request from haskell.
+(defun haskell-pop-data-queue ()
+ (if *command-interface-queue*
+ (let ((entry (car *command-interface-queue*)))
+ (if (eq (car entry) 'data)
+ (progn
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* (cdr *command-interface-queue*))
+ (haskell-send-command-aux (cdr entry))
+ (haskell-pop-data-queue))))))
+;;; This is called when there is an error.
+(defun haskell-flush-command-queue ()
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* nil))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Interactive commands
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; These are the two functions that start a Haskell process.
+;;; Rewritten to avoid doing anything if a Haskell process
+;;; already exists. 1991-Sep-09 Dan Rabin.
+;;; *** Dan says:
+;;; *** If the *haskell* buffer still exists, and the process has status
+;;; *** `dead', the usual evaluation commands don't create a new one, so no
+;;; *** evaluation happens.
+(defun haskell ()
+ "Run an inferior Haskell process with input and output via buffer *haskell*.
+Takes the program name from the variable haskell-program-name.
+Runs the hooks from inferior-haskell-mode-hook
+(after the comint-mode-hook is run).
+\(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((haskell-buffer (get-buffer *haskell-buffer*)))
+ (if (not (and haskell-buffer (comint-check-proc haskell-buffer)))
+ (progn
+ (setq haskell-buffer
+ (apply 'make-comint
+ "haskell"
+ haskell-program-name
+ nil
+ nil))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer haskell-buffer)
+ (inferior-haskell-mode))
+ (display-buffer haskell-buffer)))))
+;;; Fresh start
+(defun haskell-fresh-start ()
+ (set-haskell-status 'busy)
+ (setq *command-interface-queue* nil)
+ (setq *last-loaded* haskell-main-file)
+ (setq *last-pad* haskell-main-pad)
+ (setq *emacs* nil)
+ (setq *haskell-saved-output* nil)
+ (haskell-ensure-emacs-mode))
+;;; Called from evaluation and compilation commands to start up a Haskell
+;;; process if none is already in progress.
+(defun haskell-maybe-create-process ()
+ (if haskell-auto-create-process
+ (haskell)))
+;;; This is called from HASKELL-FRESH-START to ensure that
+;;; there is a pad when starting up a Haskell interaction.
+(defun haskell-ensure-emacs-mode ()
+ (create-main-pad)
+ (setq *emacs* t)
+ (ci-emacs))
+;;; This is called when a Lisp error has been detected.
+(defun haskell-ensure-lisp-mode ()
+ "Switch to talking to Lisp. \\[haskell-ensure-lisp-mode]"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq *emacs* nil))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; This always puts the pad buffer in the "other" window.
+;;; Having it wipe out the .hs file window is clearly the wrong
+;;; behavior.
+(defun haskell-get-pad ()
+ "Creates a new scratch pad for the current module.
+Signals an error if the current buffer is not a .hs file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((fname (buffer-file-name)))
+ (if fname
+ (do-get-pad fname (current-buffer))
+ (haskell-mode-error "Not in a .hs buffer"))))
+(defun do-get-pad (fname buff)
+ (let* ((mname (or (get-modname buff)
+ (read-no-blanks-input "Scratch pad for module? " nil)))
+ (pname (lookup-pad mname fname))
+ (pbuff nil))
+ ;; Generate the base name of the pad buffer, then create the
+ ;; buffer. The actual name of the pad buffer may be something
+ ;; else because of name collisions.
+ (if (or (not pname) (not (setq pbuff (get-buffer pname))))
+ (progn
+ (setq pname (get-padname mname))
+ (setq pbuff (generate-new-buffer pname))
+ (setq pname (buffer-name pbuff))
+ (record-pad-mapping pname mname fname)
+ ))
+ ;; Make sure the pad buffer is in haskell mode.
+ (pop-to-buffer pbuff)
+ (haskell-mode)))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-switch ()
+ "Switches to \*haskell\* buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (switch-to-haskell t))
+(defun switch-to-haskell (eob-p)
+ "Really switch to the \*haskell\* buffer.
+With argument, positions cursor at end of buffer."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (pop-to-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (cond (eob-p
+ (push-mark)
+ (goto-char (point-max)))))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-command (str)
+ "Format STRING as a haskell command and send it to haskell process. \\[haskell-command]"
+ (interactive "sHaskell command: ")
+ (if (eq ?Q (capitalize (aref str 0)))
+ (ci-quit)
+ (progn
+ (haskell-begin-interaction
+ (concat "Executing command: :" str))
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":" str))
+ (haskell-end-interaction
+ (concat "Executing command: :" str " ...done.")))))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-eval ()
+ "Evaluate expression in current module. \\[haskell-eval]"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (haskell-eval-aux (get-haskell-expression "Haskell expression: ")
+ nil
+ "Evaluating"))
+(defun haskell-run ()
+ "Run Haskell Dialogue in current module"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (haskell-eval-aux (get-haskell-expression "Haskell dialogue: ")
+ t
+ "Running"))
+(defun haskell-run-main ()
+ "Run Dialogue named main in current module"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (haskell-eval-aux "main" t "Running"))
+(defun haskell-eval-aux (exp dialogue-p what)
+ (cond ((equal *haskell-buffer* (buffer-name))
+ (let* ((pname *last-pad*)
+ (mname *last-module*)
+ (fname *last-loaded*)
+ (msg (format "%s: %s" what exp)))
+ (haskell-eval-aux-aux exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p)))
+ ((equal *ht-temp-buffer* (buffer-name))
+ (let* ((fname (buffer-file-name))
+ (mname (get-modname (current-buffer)))
+ (pname (lookup-pad mname fname))
+ (msg (format "%s (in tutorial): %s" what exp)))
+ (haskell-eval-aux-aux exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p)))
+ ((buffer-file-name)
+ (let* ((fname (buffer-file-name))
+ (mname (get-modname (current-buffer)))
+ (pname (lookup-pad mname fname))
+ (msg (format "%s (in file %s): %s"
+ what (file-name-nondirectory fname) exp)))
+ (haskell-eval-aux-aux exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p)))
+ (t
+ (let* ((pname (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
+ (mname (get-module-from-pad pname))
+ (fname (get-file-from-pad pname))
+ (msg (format "%s (in pad %s): %s" what pname exp)))
+ (haskell-eval-aux-aux exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p)))
+ ))
+(defun haskell-eval-aux-aux (exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p)
+ (haskell-begin-interaction msg)
+ (ci-kill)
+ (haskell-load-file-if-modified fname)
+ (ci-module mname)
+ (if pname (haskell-save-pad-if-modified pname))
+ (if dialogue-p
+ (ci-send-name exp)
+ (ci-print-exp exp))
+ (ci-eval)
+ (haskell-end-interaction (concat msg " ...done.")))
+;;; Save pad only if modified. Keep track of *last-pad* sent to process.
+(defun haskell-save-pad-if-modified (pad)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer pad)
+ (if (or (equal pad haskell-main-pad) (buffer-modified-p))
+ (progn
+ (setq *last-pad* pad)
+ (ci-clear)
+ (ci-set-file pad)
+ (ci-send-buffer pad)
+; (set-buffer-modified-p t) ;***???
+ (ci-save)))))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-run-file ()
+ "Run all Dialogues in current file"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (cond ((equal *haskell-buffer* (buffer-name))
+ ;; When called from the haskell process buffer, prompt for
+ ;; a file to run.
+ (call-interactively 'haskell-run-file/process))
+ ((buffer-file-name)
+ ;; When called from a .hs file buffer, run that file.
+ (haskell-run-file-aux (buffer-file-name)))
+ (t
+ ;; When called from a pad, run the file that the module the
+ ;; pad belongs to lives in.
+ (haskell-run-file-aux
+ (get-file-from-pad (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
+ ))
+(defun haskell-run-file/process (filename)
+ (interactive (comint-get-source "Haskell file to run: "
+ haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file
+ haskell-source-modes t))
+ (comint-check-source filename)
+ (setq haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file
+ (cons (file-name-directory filename)
+ (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+ (haskell-run-file-aux filename))
+(defun haskell-run-file-aux (fname)
+ (let ((msg (concat "Running file: " fname)))
+ (haskell-begin-interaction msg)
+ (ci-kill)
+ (save-modified-source-files buffer-file-name)
+ (ci-run (strip-fext fname))
+ (haskell-end-interaction (concat msg " ...done."))))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-load ()
+ "Load current file"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (let* ((fname (buffer-file-name))
+ (msg (concat "Loading file: " fname)))
+ (cond (fname
+ (haskell-begin-interaction msg)
+ (haskell-load-file-if-modified fname)
+ (haskell-end-interaction (concat msg " ...done.")))
+ (t
+ (haskell-mode-error "Must be in a file to load")))))
+;;; Load file only if modified or not *last-loaded*.
+;;; For now, this just loads the file unconditionally.
+(defun haskell-load-file-if-modified (filename)
+ (save-modified-source-files buffer-file-name)
+ (cond ((string= filename haskell-main-file)
+ (setq *last-loaded* haskell-main-file)
+ (ci-load-main))
+ (t
+ (setq *last-loaded* filename)
+ (ci-load (strip-fext filename)))))
+;;; ***This isn't used any more.
+;(defun file-modification-time (file)
+; "Get modification time for FILE from filesystem information."
+; (car (cdr (car (nthcdr 5 (file-attributes file))))))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-compile ()
+ "Compile current file"
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (let ((fname (buffer-file-name)))
+ (cond (fname
+ (haskell-begin-interaction (concat "Compiling: " fname))
+ (haskell-compile-file-if-modified fname)
+ (haskell-end-interaction
+ (concat "Compiling: " fname " ...done.")))
+ (t
+ (haskell-mode-error "Must be in a file to compile")))))
+(defun haskell-compile-file-if-modified (fname)
+ ;; *** For now it unconditionally compiles the file.
+ (save-modified-source-files buffer-file-name)
+ (ci-compile (strip-fext fname)))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-exit ()
+ "Quit the haskell process"
+ (interactive)
+ (ci-quit)
+ ;; If we were running the tutorial, mark the temp buffer as unmodified
+ ;; so we don't get asked about saving it later.
+ (if (and *ht-temp-buffer*
+ (get-buffer *ht-temp-buffer*))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer *ht-temp-buffer*)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+ ;; Try to remove the haskell output buffer from the screen.
+ (bury-buffer *haskell-buffer*)
+ (replace-buffer-in-windows *haskell-buffer*))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-interrupt ()
+ "Interrupt the haskell process"
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Do not queue the interrupt character; send it immediately.
+ (haskell-send-command-aux "\C-c") ; interrupt Haskell
+ (haskell-end-interaction "done.") ; send a reset to Lisp
+ )
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-edit-unit ()
+ "Edit the .hu file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((fname (buffer-file-name)))
+ (if fname
+ (let ((find-file-not-found-hooks (list 'haskell-new-unit))
+ (file-not-found nil)
+ (units-fname (haskell-get-unit-file)))
+ (find-file-other-window units-fname)
+ (if file-not-found
+ ;; *** this is broken.
+ (units-add-source-file
+ (if (string= (file-name-directory fname)
+ (file-name-directory units-fname))
+ (file-name-nondirectory fname)
+ fname))))
+ (haskell-mode-error "Not in a .hs buffer"))))
+(defun haskell-new-unit ()
+ (setq file-not-found t))
+(defun units-add-source-file (file)
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert (strip-fext file) "\n")))
+;;; Look for a comment like "-- unit:" at top of file.
+;;; If not found, assume unit file has same name as the buffer but
+;;; a .hu extension.
+(defun haskell-get-unit-file ()
+ (let ((name nil))
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-buffer)
+ (if (re-search-forward "-- unit:[ \t]*" (point-max) t)
+ (let ((beg (match-end 0)))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (setq name (buffer-substring beg (point))))
+ (setq name (concat (strip-fext (buffer-file-name)) ".hu"))))
+ name))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun haskell-please-recover ()
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-flush-commands-and-reset)
+ (haskell-end-interaction "done."))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Support for printers/optimizers menus
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This code was adapted from the standard buff-menu.el code.
+(defvar haskell-menu-mode-map nil "")
+(if (not haskell-menu-mode-map)
+ (progn
+ (setq haskell-menu-mode-map (make-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap haskell-menu-mode-map t)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "m" 'haskell-menu-mark)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "u" 'haskell-menu-unmark)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "x" 'haskell-menu-exit)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "q" 'haskell-menu-exit)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map " " 'next-line)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "\177" 'haskell-menu-backup-unmark)
+ (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)))
+;; Printers Menu mode is suitable only for specially formatted data.
+(put 'haskell-menu-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(defun haskell-menu-mode ()
+ "Major mode for editing Haskell flags.
+Each line describes a flag.
+Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.
+m -- mark flag (turn it on)
+u -- unmark flag (turn it off)
+x -- exit; tell the Haskell process to update the flags, then leave menu.
+q -- exit; same as x.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map haskell-menu-mode-map)
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (setq major-mode 'haskell-menu-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Haskell Flags Menu")
+ ;; These are all initialized elsewhere
+ (make-local-variable 'haskell-menu-current-flags)
+ (make-local-variable 'haskell-menu-request-fn)
+ (make-local-variable 'haskell-menu-update-fn)
+ (run-hooks 'haskell-menu-mode-hook))
+(defun haskell-menu (help-file buffer request-fn update-fn)
+ (haskell-maybe-create-process)
+ (if (get-buffer buffer)
+ (progn
+ (pop-to-buffer buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (progn
+ (pop-to-buffer buffer)
+ (insert-file-contents help-file)
+ (haskell-menu-mode)
+ (setq haskell-menu-request-fn request-fn)
+ (setq haskell-menu-update-fn update-fn)
+ ))
+ (haskell-menu-mark-current)
+ (message "m = mark; u = unmark; x = execute; q = quit; ? = more help."))
+;;; A line that starts with *haskell-menu-marked* is a menu item turned on.
+;;; A line that starts with *haskell-menu-unmarked* is turned off.
+;;; A line that starts with anything else is just random text and is
+;;; ignored by commands that deal with menu items.
+(defvar *haskell-menu-marked* " on")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-unmarked* " ")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-marked-regexp* " on \\w")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp* " \\w")
+(defun haskell-menu-mark ()
+ "Mark flag to be turned on."
+ (interactive)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((looking-at *haskell-menu-marked-regexp*)
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ((looking-at *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp*)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (delete-char (length *haskell-menu-unmarked*))
+ (insert *haskell-menu-marked*)
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (t
+ (forward-line 1))))
+(defun haskell-menu-unmark ()
+ "Unmark flag."
+ (interactive)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((looking-at *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp*)
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ((looking-at *haskell-menu-marked-regexp*)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (delete-char (length *haskell-menu-marked*))
+ (insert *haskell-menu-unmarked*)
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (t
+ (forward-line 1))))
+(defun haskell-menu-backup-unmark ()
+ "Move up and unmark."
+ (interactive)
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (haskell-menu-unmark)
+ (forward-line -1))
+;;; Actually make the changes.
+(defun haskell-menu-exit ()
+ "Update flags, then leave menu."
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-menu-execute)
+ (haskell-menu-quit))
+(defun haskell-menu-execute ()
+ "Tell haskell process to tweak flags."
+ (interactive)
+ (start-setting-flags)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eq (point) (point-max)))
+ (cond ((looking-at *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp*)
+ (funcall haskell-menu-update-fn (haskell-menu-flag) nil))
+ ((looking-at *haskell-menu-marked-regexp*)
+ (funcall haskell-menu-update-fn (haskell-menu-flag) t))
+ (t
+ nil))
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (finish-setting-flags))
+(defun haskell-menu-quit ()
+ (interactive)
+ "Make the menu go away."
+ (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (replace-buffer-in-windows (current-buffer)))
+(defun haskell-menu-flag ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (forward-char 6)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ ;; End of flag name marked by tab or two spaces.
+ (re-search-forward "\t\\| ")
+ (buffer-substring beg (match-beginning 0)))))
+(defun start-setting-flags ()
+ nil)
+(defun finish-setting-flags ()
+ (haskell-end-interaction "Setting flags....done."))
+;;; Update the menu to mark only those items currently turned on.
+(defun haskell-menu-mark-current ()
+ (funcall haskell-menu-request-fn)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eq (point) (point-max)))
+ (cond ((and (looking-at *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp*)
+ (menu-item-currently-on-p (haskell-menu-flag)))
+ (haskell-menu-mark))
+ ((and (looking-at *haskell-menu-marked-regexp*)
+ (not (menu-item-currently-on-p (haskell-menu-flag))))
+ (haskell-menu-unmark))
+ (t
+ (forward-line 1))))))
+;;; See if a menu item is turned on.
+(defun menu-item-currently-on-p (item)
+ (member-string= item haskell-menu-current-flags))
+(defun member-string= (item list)
+ (cond ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((string= item (car list))
+ list)
+ (t
+ (member-string= item (cdr list)))))
+;;; Make the menu for printers.
+(defvar *haskell-printers-help*
+ (concat (getenv "HASKELL") "/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt")
+ "Help file for printers.")
+(defvar *haskell-printers-buffer* "*Haskell printers*")
+(defun haskell-printers ()
+ "Set printers interactively."
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-menu
+ *haskell-printers-help*
+ *haskell-printers-buffer*
+ 'get-current-printers
+ 'set-current-printers))
+(defun get-current-printers ()
+ (setq haskell-menu-current-flags t)
+ (haskell-send-command ":p?")
+ (while (eq haskell-menu-current-flags t)
+ (sleep-for 1)))
+(defun update-printers-list (data)
+ (setq haskell-menu-current-flags (read data)))
+(defun set-current-printers (flag on)
+ (let ((was-on (menu-item-currently-on-p flag)))
+ (cond ((and on (not was-on))
+ (haskell-send-command (format ":p+ %s" flag)))
+ ((and (not on) was-on)
+ (haskell-send-command (format ":p- %s" flag)))
+ (t
+ nil))))
+;;; Equivalent stuff for the optimizers menu
+(defvar *haskell-optimizers-help*
+ (concat (getenv "HASKELL") "/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt")
+ "Help file for optimizers.")
+(defvar *haskell-optimizers-buffer* "*Haskell optimizers*")
+(defun haskell-optimizers ()
+ "Set optimizers interactively."
+ (interactive)
+ (haskell-menu
+ *haskell-optimizers-help*
+ *haskell-optimizers-buffer*
+ 'get-current-optimizers
+ 'set-current-optimizers))
+(defun get-current-optimizers ()
+ (setq haskell-menu-current-flags t)
+ (haskell-send-command ":o?")
+ (while (eq haskell-menu-current-flags t)
+ (sleep-for 1)))
+(defun update-optimizers-list (data)
+ (setq haskell-menu-current-flags (read data)))
+(defun set-current-optimizers (flag on)
+ (let ((was-on (menu-item-currently-on-p flag)))
+ (cond ((and on (not was-on))
+ (haskell-send-command (format ":o+ %s" flag)))
+ ((and (not on) was-on)
+ (haskell-send-command (format ":o- %s" flag)))
+ (t
+ nil))))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Random utilities
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Keep track of the association between pads, modules, and files.
+;;; The global variable is a list of (pad-buffer-name module-name file-name)
+;;; lists.
+(defvar *pad-mappings* ()
+ "Associates pads with their corresponding module and file.")
+(defun record-pad-mapping (pname mname fname)
+ (setq *pad-mappings*
+ (cons (list pname mname fname) *pad-mappings*)))
+(defun get-module-from-pad (pname)
+ (car (cdr (assoc pname *pad-mappings*))))
+(defun get-file-from-pad (pname)
+ (car (cdr (cdr (assoc pname *pad-mappings*)))))
+(defun lookup-pad (mname fname)
+ (lookup-pad-aux mname fname *pad-mappings*))
+(defun lookup-pad-aux (mname fname list)
+ (cond ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((and (equal mname (car (cdr (car list))))
+ (equal fname (car (cdr (cdr (car list))))))
+ (car (car list)))
+ (t
+ (lookup-pad-aux mname fname (cdr list)))))
+;;; Save any modified .hs and .hu files.
+;;; Yes, the two set-buffer calls really seem to be necessary. It seems
+;;; that y-or-n-p makes emacs forget we had temporarily selected some
+;;; other buffer, and if you just do save-buffer directly it will end
+;;; up trying to save the current buffer instead. The built-in
+;;; save-some-buffers function has this problem....
+(defvar *ask-before-saving* t)
+(defun save-modified-source-files (filename)
+ (let ((buffers (buffer-list))
+ (found-any nil))
+ (while buffers
+ (let ((buffer (car buffers)))
+ (if (and (buffer-modified-p buffer)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (and buffer-file-name
+ (source-file-p buffer-file-name)
+ (setq found-any t)
+ (or (null *ask-before-saving*)
+ (string= buffer-file-name filename)
+ (y-or-n-p
+ (format "Save file %s? " buffer-file-name))))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (save-buffer))))
+ (setq buffers (cdr buffers)))
+ (if found-any
+ (message "")
+ (message "(No files need saving)"))))
+(defun source-file-p (filename)
+ (or (string-match "\\.hs$" filename)
+ (string-match "\\.lhs$" filename)
+ (string-match "\\.hu$" filename)
+ (string-match "\\.shu$" filename)
+ (string-match "\\.hsp$" filename)
+ (string-match "\\.prim$" filename)))
+;;; Buffer utilities
+(defun haskell-move-marker ()
+ "Moves the marker and point to the end of buffer"
+ (set-marker comint-last-input-end (point-max))
+ (set-marker (process-mark (get-process "haskell")) (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+;;; Pad utils
+(defun create-main-pad ()
+ (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create haskell-main-pad)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (haskell-mode))
+ (record-pad-mapping haskell-main-pad haskell-main-module haskell-main-file)
+ buffer))
+;;; Extract the name of the module the point is in, from the given buffer.
+(defvar *re-module* "^module\\s *\\|^>\\s *module\\s *")
+(defvar *re-modname* "[A-Z]\\([a-z]\\|[A-Z]\\|[0-9]\\|'\\|_\\)*")
+(defun get-modname (buff)
+ "Get module name in BUFFER that point is in."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buff)
+ (if (or (looking-at *re-module*)
+ (re-search-backward *re-module* (point-min) t)
+ (re-search-forward *re-module* (point-max) t))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (if (looking-at *re-modname*)
+ (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+ (haskell-mode-error "Module name not found!!")))
+ "Main")))
+;;; Build the base name for a pad buffer.
+(defun get-padname (m)
+ "Build padname from module name"
+ (concat "*" m "-pad*"))
+;;; Strip file extensions.
+;;; Only strip off extensions we know about; e.g.
+;;; "foo.hs" -> "foo" but "" -> "".
+(defvar *haskell-filename-regexp* "\\(.*\\)\\.\\(hs\\|lhs\\)$")
+(defun strip-fext (filename)
+ "Strip off the extension from a filename."
+ (if (string-match *haskell-filename-regexp* filename)
+ (substring filename (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+ filename))
+;;; Haskell mode error
+(defun haskell-mode-error (msg)
+ "Show MSG in message line as an error from the haskell mode"
+ (error (concat "Haskell mode: " msg)))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Command generators
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Generate Haskell command interface commands. These are very simple
+;;; routines building the string commands to be sent to the haskell
+;;; process.
+(defun ci-send-buffer (buff)
+ "Send BUFFER to haskell process."
+ (let ((str (buffer-string)))
+ (if (not (string-match "\\`\\s *\\'" str)) ; ignore if all whitespace
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buff)
+ (haskell-send-command str)))))
+(defun ci-kill ()
+ (haskell-send-command ":kill"))
+(defun ci-clear ()
+ (haskell-send-command ":clear"))
+(defun ci-set-file (file-name)
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":file " file-name)))
+(defun ci-module (modname)
+ (setq *last-module* modname)
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":module " modname)))
+;;; Keeps track of the last file loaded.
+;;; Change to do a :compile (temporary until new csys)
+;;; 2-Aug-91 Dan Rabin.
+(defun ci-load (filename)
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":load " filename)))
+(defun ci-load-main ()
+ (haskell-send-command ":Main"))
+(defun ci-save ()
+ (haskell-send-command ":save"))
+(defun ci-compile (filename)
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":compile " filename)))
+(defun ci-run (filename)
+ (haskell-send-command (concat ":run " filename)))
+(defun ci-print-exp (exp)
+ (ci-set-file "interactive-expression-buffer")
+ (haskell-send-command (concat "= " exp)))
+(defun ci-send-name (name)
+ (let ((temp (make-temp-name "etemp")))
+ (ci-set-file "interactive-expression-buffer")
+ (haskell-send-command (concat temp " = " name))))
+(defun ci-eval ()
+ (haskell-send-command ":eval"))
+(defun ci-quit ()
+ (cond ((not (get-buffer-process *haskell-buffer*))
+ (message "No process currently running."))
+ ((y-or-n-p "Do you really want to quit Haskell? ")
+ (process-send-string "haskell" ":quit\n")
+ (set-haskell-status 'dead))
+ (t
+ nil)))
+;;; When setting emacs mode (on/off)
+;;; (a) Set process-filter
+;;; (b) Send :Emacs command to Haskell process
+(defun ci-emacs ()
+ (haskell-reset)
+ (set-process-filter (get-process "haskell") 'process-haskell-output)
+ (haskell-send-command ":Emacs on"))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Handle input in haskell process buffer; history commands.
+;;; ==================================================================
+(defun haskell-get-old-input ()
+ "Get old input text from Haskell process buffer."
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (re-search-forward haskell-prompt-pattern (point-max) 'move)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
+ (cond ((re-search-backward haskell-prompt-pattern (point-min) t)
+ (comint-skip-prompt)
+ (let ((temp (point)))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (buffer-substring temp (point)))))))
+;;; Modified for Haskell (taken from comint-send-input)
+(defun haskell-send-input ()
+ "Send input to Haskell while in the process buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (if *emacs*
+ (haskell-send-input-aux)
+ (comint-send-input)))
+(defun haskell-send-input-aux ()
+ ;; Note that the input string does not include its terminal newline.
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not proc)
+ (haskell-mode-error "Current buffer has no process")
+ (let* ((pmark (process-mark proc))
+ (pmark-val (marker-position pmark))
+ (input (if (>= (point) pmark-val)
+ (buffer-substring pmark (point))
+ (let ((copy (funcall comint-get-old-input)))
+ (goto-char pmark)
+ (insert copy)
+ copy))))
+ (insert ?\n)
+ (if (funcall comint-input-filter input)
+ (ring-insert input-ring input))
+ (funcall comint-input-sentinel input)
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
+ (set-marker comint-last-input-end (point))
+ (haskell-send-data input)))))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Minibuffer input stuff
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Haskell input history retrieval commands (taken from comint.el)
+;;; M-p -- previous input M-n -- next input
+(defvar haskell-minibuffer-local-map nil
+ "Local map for minibuffer when in Haskell")
+(if haskell-minibuffer-local-map
+ nil
+ (progn
+ (setq haskell-minibuffer-local-map
+ (full-copy-sparse-keymap minibuffer-local-map))
+ ;; Haskell commands
+ (define-key haskell-minibuffer-local-map "\ep" 'haskell-previous-input)
+ (define-key haskell-minibuffer-local-map "\en" 'haskell-next-input)
+ ))
+(defun haskell-previous-input (arg)
+ "Cycle backwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (let ((len (ring-length haskell-prompt-ring)))
+ (cond ((<= len 0)
+ (message "Empty input ring")
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (cond ((eq last-command 'haskell-previous-input)
+ (delete-region (mark) (point))
+ (set-mark (point)))
+ (t
+ (setq input-ring-index
+ (if (> arg 0) -1
+ (if (< arg 0) 1 0)))
+ (push-mark (point))))
+ (setq input-ring-index (comint-mod (+ input-ring-index arg) len))
+ (insert (ring-ref haskell-prompt-ring input-ring-index))
+ (setq this-command 'haskell-previous-input))
+ (t (ding)))))
+(defun haskell-next-input (arg)
+ "Cycle forwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (haskell-previous-input (- arg)))
+(defvar haskell-last-input-match ""
+ "Last string searched for by Haskell input history search, for defaulting.
+Buffer local variable.")
+(defun haskell-previous-input-matching (str)
+ "Searches backwards through input history for substring match"
+ (interactive (let ((s (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "Command substring (default %s): "
+ haskell-last-input-match))))
+ (list (if (string= s "") haskell-last-input-match s))))
+ (setq haskell-last-input-match str) ; update default
+ (let ((str (regexp-quote str))
+ (len (ring-length haskell-prompt-ring))
+ (n 0))
+ (while (and (<= n len)
+ (not (string-match str (ring-ref haskell-prompt-ring n))))
+ (setq n (+ n 1)))
+ (cond ((<= n len) (haskell-previous-input (+ n 1)))
+ (t (haskell-mode-error "Not found.")))))
+;;; Actually read an expression from the minibuffer using the new keymap.
+(defun get-haskell-expression (prompt)
+ (let ((exp (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil haskell-minibuffer-local-map)))
+ (ring-insert haskell-prompt-ring exp)
+ exp))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; User customization
+;;; ==================================================================
+(defvar haskell-load-hook nil
+ "This hook is run when haskell is loaded in.
+This is a good place to put key bindings."
+ )
+(run-hooks 'haskell-load-hook)
+;;; Tutorial mode setup
+;;; Set up additional key bindings for tutorial mode.
+(defvar ht-mode-map nil)
+(if ht-mode-map
+ nil
+ (progn
+ (setq ht-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (haskell-establish-key-bindings ht-mode-map)
+ (define-key ht-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'ht-next-page)
+ (define-key ht-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'ht-prev-page)
+ (define-key ht-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'ht-restore-page)
+ (define-key ht-mode-map "\C-c?" 'describe-mode)))
+(defun haskell-tutorial-mode ()
+ "Major mode for running the Haskell tutorial.
+You can use these commands:
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map ht-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'haskell-tutorial-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Haskell Tutorial")
+ (set-syntax-table haskell-mode-syntax-table)
+ (run-hooks 'haskell-mode-hook))
+(defun haskell-tutorial ()
+ "Run the haskell tutorial."
+ (interactive)
+ (ht-load-tutorial)
+ (ht-make-buffer)
+ (ht-display-page))
+;;; Load the tutorial file into a read-only buffer. Do not display this
+;;; buffer.
+(defun ht-load-tutorial ()
+ (let ((buffer (get-buffer *ht-file-buffer*)))
+ (if buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (setq buffer (get-buffer-create *ht-file-buffer*)))
+ (let ((fname (substitute-in-file-name *ht-source-file*)))
+ (if (file-readable-p fname)
+ (ht-load-tutorial-aux fname)
+ (call-interactively 'ht-load-tutorial-aux)))))))
+(defun ht-load-tutorial-aux (filename)
+ (interactive "fTutorial file: ")
+ (insert-file filename)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+;;; Create a buffer to use for messing about with each page of the tutorial.
+;;; Put the buffer into haskell-tutorial-mode.
+(defun ht-make-buffer ()
+ (find-file (concat "/tmp/" (make-temp-name "ht") ".hs"))
+ (setq *ht-temp-buffer* (buffer-name))
+ (haskell-tutorial-mode))
+;;; Commands for loading text into the tutorial pad buffer
+(defun ht-next-page ()
+ "Go to the next tutorial page."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (ht-goto-next-page)
+ (ht-display-page)
+ (beep)))
+(defun ht-goto-next-page ()
+ (let ((buff (current-buffer)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer *ht-file-buffer*)
+ (search-forward "\C-l" nil t))
+ (set-buffer buff))))
+(defun ht-prev-page ()
+ "Go to the previous tutorial page."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (ht-goto-prev-page)
+ (ht-display-page)
+ (beep)))
+(defun ht-goto-prev-page ()
+ (let ((buff (current-buffer)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer *ht-file-buffer*)
+ (search-backward "\C-l" nil t))
+ (set-buffer buff))))
+(defun ht-goto-page (arg)
+ "Go to the tutorial page specified as the argument."
+ (interactive "sGo to page: ")
+ (if (ht-searchfor-page (format "-- Page %s " arg))
+ (ht-display-page)
+ (beep)))
+(defun ht-goto-section (arg)
+ "Go to the tutorial section specified as the argument."
+ (interactive "sGo to section: ")
+ (if (ht-searchfor-page (format "-- Section %s " arg))
+ (ht-display-page)
+ (beep)))
+(defun ht-searchfor-page (search-string)
+ (let ((buff (current-buffer)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer *ht-file-buffer*)
+ (let ((point (point)))
+ (beginning-of-buffer)
+ (if (search-forward search-string nil t)
+ t
+ (progn
+ (goto-char point)
+ nil))))
+ (set-buffer buff))))
+(defun ht-restore-page ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((old-point (point)))
+ (ht-display-page)
+ (goto-char old-point)))
+(defun ht-display-page ()
+ (set-buffer *ht-file-buffer*)
+ (let* ((beg (progn
+ (if (search-backward "\C-l" nil t)
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+ (point)))
+ (end (progn
+ (if (search-forward "\C-l" nil t)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (end-of-buffer))
+ (point)))
+ (text (buffer-substring beg end)))
+ (set-buffer *ht-temp-buffer*)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert text)
+ (beginning-of-buffer)))
diff --git a/emacs-tools/haskell.elc b/emacs-tools/haskell.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165e126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/haskell.elc
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+(provide (quote haskell))
+(require (quote comint))
+(defvar haskell-program-name (getenv "HASKELLPROG") "\
+*Program invoked by the haskell command")
+(defvar *haskell-buffer* "*haskell*" "\
+*Name of the haskell process buffer")
+(defvar *haskell-show-error* 1 "\
+*If not nil move to the buffer where the error was found")
+(defvar haskell-auto-create-process t "\
+*If not nil, create a Haskell process automatically when required to evaluate or compile Haskell code")
+(defvar *haskell-debug-in-lisp* nil "\
+*If not nil, enter Lisp debugger on error; otherwise, automagically return
+to Haskell top-level.")
+(defvar *emacs* nil "\
+When not nil means haskell is in emacs mode")
+(defvar haskell-main-pad "*Main-pad*" "\
+Scratch pad associated with module Main")
+(defvar haskell-main-file "Main")
+(defvar haskell-main-module "Main")
+(defvar *last-loaded* haskell-main-file "\
+Last file loaded with a :load command - Defaults to Main")
+(defvar *last-loaded-modtime* nil "\
+Modification time of last file loaded, used to determine whether it
+needs to be reloaded.")
+(defvar *last-module* haskell-main-module "\
+Last module set with a :module command - Defaults to Main")
+(defvar *last-pad* haskell-main-pad "\
+Last pad saved with a :save command - Defaults to Main")
+(defvar *ht-source-file* "$HASKELL/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs")
+(defvar *ht-temp-buffer* nil)
+(defvar *ht-file-buffer* "Haskell-Tutorial-Master")
+(defvar haskell-mode-map nil "\
+Keymap used for haskell-mode")
+(defun haskell-establish-key-bindings (keymap) (byte-code "ÁÂÃ#ˆÁÄÅ#ˆÁÆÇ#ˆÁÈÉ#ˆÁÊË#ˆÁÌÍ#ˆÁÎÏ#ˆÁÐÑ#ˆÁÒÓ#ˆÁÔÕ#ˆÁÖ×#ˆÁØÙ#ˆÁÚÛ#ˆÁÜÝ#ˆÁÞß#ˆÁàá#ˆÁâã#‡" [keymap define-key "e" haskell-eval "r" haskell-run "m" haskell-run-main "" haskell-run-file "p" haskell-get-pad "" haskell-optimizers "" haskell-printers "c" haskell-compile "l" haskell-load "h" haskell-switch ":" haskell-command "q" haskell-exit "i" haskell-interrupt "u" haskell-edit-unit "d" haskell-please-recover "(" haskell-ensure-lisp-mode ")" haskell-resume-command-loop] 20))
+(if haskell-mode-map nil (progn (setq haskell-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (haskell-establish-key-bindings haskell-mode-map)))
+(defvar haskell-mode-syntax-table nil "\
+Syntax table used for haskell-mode")
+(if haskell-mode-syntax-table nil (setq haskell-mode-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table)))
+(defun haskell-mode nil "\
+Major mode for editing Haskell code to run in Emacs
+The following commands are available:
+A Haskell process can be fired up with \"M-x haskell\".
+Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks that are the value of variable
+There are 3 types of windows associated with Haskell mode. They are:
+ *haskell*: which is the process window.
+ Pad: which are buffers available for each module. It is here
+ where you want to test things before preserving them in a
+ file. Pads are always associated with a module.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The pad and its associated module are sent to the Haskell
+ process prior to the execution of the command.
+ .hs: These are the files where Haskell programs live. They
+ have .hs as extension.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The file is sent to the Haskell process prior to the
+ execution of the command.
+Each command behaves differently according to the type of the window in which
+the cursor is positioned when the command is issued .
+haskell-eval: \\[haskell-eval]
+ Always promts user for a Haskell expression to be evaluated. If in a
+ .hs file buffer, then the cursor tells which module is the current
+ module and the pad for that module (if any) gets loaded as well.
+haskell-run: \\[haskell-run]
+ Always queries for a variable of type Dialogue to be evaluated.
+haskell-run-main: \\[haskell-run-main]
+ Run Dialogue named main.
+haskell-run-file: \\[haskell-run-file]
+ Runs a file. Ideally the file has a set of variable of type Dialogue
+ that get evaluated.
+haskell-mode: \\[haskell-mode]
+ Puts the current buffer in haskell mode.
+haskell-compile: \\[haskell-compile]
+ Compiles file in current buffer.
+haskell-load: \\[haskell-load]
+ Loads file in current buffer.
+haskell-pad: \\[haskell-pad]
+ Creates a scratch pad for the current module.
+haskell-optimizers: \\[haskell-optimizers]
+ Shows the list of available optimizers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-printers: \\[haskell-printers]
+ Shows the list of available printers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-command: \\[haskell-command]
+ Prompts for a command to be sent to the command interface. You don't
+ need to put the : before the command.
+haskell-quit: \\[haskell-quit]
+ Terminates the haskell process.
+switch-to-haskell: \\[switch-to-haskell]
+ Switchs to the inferior Haskell buffer (*haskell*) and positions the
+ cursor at the end of the buffer.
+haskell-interrupt: \\[haskell-interrupt]
+ Interrupts haskell process and resets it.
+haskell-edit-unit: \\[haskell-edit-unit]
+ Edit the .hu file for the unit containing this file.
+" (interactive) (byte-code "ÅˆÆ ˆÇ!ˆÈ‰ˆÉ‰ˆÊÃ!ˆË‰ˆÌ !ˆÍÎ!‡" [haskell-mode-map major-mode mode-name indent-line-function haskell-mode-syntax-table nil kill-all-local-variables use-local-map haskell-mode "Haskell" make-local-variable indent-relative-maybe set-syntax-table run-hooks haskell-mode-hook] 6))
+(defvar inferior-haskell-mode-map nil)
+(if inferior-haskell-mode-map nil (setq inferior-haskell-mode-map (full-copy-sparse-keymap comint-mode-map)) (haskell-establish-key-bindings inferior-haskell-mode-map) (define-key inferior-haskell-mode-map " " (quote haskell-send-input)))
+(defvar haskell-source-modes (quote (haskell-mode)) "\
+*Used to determine if a buffer contains Haskell source code.
+If it's loaded into a buffer that is in one of these major modes,
+it's considered a Haskell source file.")
+(defvar haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file nil "\
+Caches the (directory . file) pair used in the last invocation of
+(defvar haskell-prompt-pattern "^[A-Z]\\([A-Z]\\|[a-z]\\|[0-9]\\)*>\\s-*" "\
+Regular expression capturing the Haskell system prompt.")
+(defvar haskell-prompt-ring nil "\
+Keeps track of input to haskell process from the minibuffer")
+(defvar tea-prompt-pattern "^>+\\s-*" "\
+Regular expression capturing the T system prompt.")
+(defvar haskell-version "Yale University Haskell Version 0.8, 1991" "\
+Current Haskell system version")
+(defun inferior-haskell-mode-variables nil (byte-code "À‡" [nil] 1))
+(defun inferior-haskell-mode nil "\
+Major mode for interacting with an inferior Haskell process.
+The following commands are available:
+A Haskell process can be fired up with \"M-x haskell\".
+Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on comint-mode-hook and
+inferior-haskell-mode-hook (in that order).
+You can send text to the inferior Haskell process from other buffers containing
+Haskell source.
+There are 3 types of windows in the inferior-haskell-mode. They are:
+ *haskell*: which is the process window.
+ Pad: which are buffers available for each module. It is here
+ where you want to test things before preserving them in a
+ file. Pads are always associated with a module.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The pad and its associated module are sent to the Haskell
+ process prior to the execution of the command.
+ .hs: These are the files where Haskell programs live. They
+ have .hs as extension.
+ When issuing a command:
+ The file is sent to the Haskell process prior to the
+ execution of the command.
+Each command behaves differently according to the type of the window in which
+the cursor is positioned when the command is issued.
+haskell-eval: \\[haskell-eval]
+ Always promts user for a Haskell expression to be evaluated. If in a
+ .hs file, then the cursor tells which module is the current module and
+ the pad for that module (if any) gets loaded as well.
+haskell-run: \\[haskell-run]
+ Always queries for a variable of type Dialogue to be evaluated.
+haskell-run-main: \\[haskell-run-main]
+ Run Dialogue named main.
+haskell-run-file: \\[haskell-run-file]
+ Runs a file. Ideally the file has a set of variable of type Dialogue
+ that get evaluated.
+haskell-mode: \\[haskell-mode]
+ Puts the current buffer in haskell mode.
+haskell-compile: \\[haskell-compile]
+ Compiles file in current buffer.
+haskell-load: \\[haskell-load]
+ Loads file in current buffer.
+haskell-pad: \\[haskell-pad]
+ Creates a scratch pad for the current module.
+haskell-optimizers: \\[haskell-optimizers]
+ Shows the list of available optimizers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-printers: \\[haskell-printers]
+ Shows the list of available printers. Commands for turning them on/off.
+haskell-command: \\[haskell-command]
+ Prompts for a command to be sent to the command interface. You don't
+ need to put the : before the command.
+haskell-quit: \\[haskell-quit]
+ Terminates the haskell process.
+switch-to-haskell: \\[switch-to-haskell]
+ Switchs to the inferior Haskell buffer (*haskell*) and positions the
+ cursor at the end of the buffer.
+haskell-interrupt: \\[haskell-interrupt]
+ Interrupts haskell process and resets it.
+haskell-edit-unit: \\[haskell-edit-unit]
+ Edit the .hu file for the unit containing this file.
+The usual comint functions are also available. In particular, the
+following are all available:
+comint-bol: Beginning of line, but skip prompt. Bound to C-a by default.
+comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof: Delete char, unless at end of buffer, in
+ which case send EOF to process. Bound to C-d by default.
+Note however, that the default keymap bindings provided shadow some of
+the default comint mode bindings, so that you may want to bind them
+to your choice of keys.
+Comint mode's dynamic completion of filenames in the buffer is available.
+(Q.v. comint-dynamic-complete, comint-dynamic-list-completions.)
+If you accidentally suspend your process, use \\[comint-continue-subjob]
+to continue it." (interactive) (byte-code "ËˆÌ ˆ ‰ˆÍ ˆÎ‰ˆÏ‰ˆÐ‰ˆÑ !ˆÒ‰ˆÓ‰ˆÔ‰ˆÕÖ!ˆ×
+!‰ ‡" [comint-prompt-regexp haskell-prompt-pattern major-mode mode-name mode-line-process inferior-haskell-mode-map comint-input-filter comint-input-sentinel comint-get-old-input haskell-prompt-ring input-ring-size nil comint-mode inferior-haskell-mode-variables inferior-haskell-mode "Inferior Haskell" (": %s : busy") use-local-map haskell-input-filter ignore haskell-get-old-input run-hooks inferior-haskell-mode-hook make-ring] 7))
+(defvar inferior-haskell-mode-hook (quote haskell-fresh-start) "\
+*Hook for customizing inferior-Haskell mode")
+(defun haskell-input-filter (str) "\
+Don't save whitespace." (byte-code "ÁÂ\"?‡" [str string-match "\\s *"] 3))
+(defvar *haskell-status* (quote dead) "\
+Status of the haskell process")
+(defun set-haskell-status (value) (byte-code " ‰ˆÂ ‡" [*haskell-status* value update-mode-line] 2))
+(defun get-haskell-status nil (byte-code "‡" [*haskell-status*] 1))
+(defun update-mode-line nil (byte-code "Šqˆ Ä=ƒ
+(defvar *haskell-saved-output* nil)
+(defun process-haskell-output (process str) "\
+Filter for output from Yale Haskell command interface" (byte-code "ÆÆÇ ÈŽ …
+(defvar *ci-responses* (quote (("r" "" haskell-got-ready) ("i" "" haskell-got-input-request) ("e" "" haskell-got-error) ("p.*
+" "\\(p.*\\)?" haskell-got-printers) ("o.*
+" "\\(o.*\\)?" haskell-got-optimizers) ("s.*
+" "\\(s.*\\)?" haskell-got-message) ("
+-> " "
+\\(-\\(> ?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error) ("0\\] " "0\\(\\] ?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error) ("USER>>" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\(>>?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error) ("USER(.*):" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\((.*)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error) ("USER .* : .* >" "U\\(S\\(E\\(R\\( .*\\( \\(:\\( .*\\( >?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)?" haskell-got-lisp-error))))
+(defun command-match-regexp (x) (byte-code "@‡" [x] 1))
+(defun command-prefix-regexp (x) (byte-code "A@‡" [x] 1))
+(defun command-handler (x) (byte-code "AA@‡" [x] 1))
+(defun glue-together (extractor) (byte-code "ÄÅ
+A …$
+(defvar *ci-response-regexp* (glue-together (quote command-match-regexp)))
+(defvar *ci-prefix-regexp* (concat "\\(" (glue-together (quote command-prefix-regexp)) "\\)\\'"))
+(defun ci-response-start (str idx) (byte-code "Ã
+#‡" [*ci-response-regexp* str idx string-match] 4))
+(defun ci-prefix-start (str idx) (byte-code "Ã
+#‡" [*ci-prefix-regexp* str idx string-match] 4))
+(defun ci-response-handler (str idx) (byte-code " Ã…
+*‡" [list *ci-responses* result nil str idx string-match command-match-regexp command-handler haskell-mode-error "Failed to find command handler!!!"] 6))
+(defun haskell-got-ready (str idx) (byte-code "ÁÂ!Ã ˆ)‡" [result match-end 0 haskell-reset] 3))
+(defun haskell-got-input-request (str idx) (byte-code "ÁÂ!Ã ˆ)‡" [result match-end 0 get-user-input] 3))
+(defun haskell-got-error (str idx) (byte-code "ÁÂ!Ã ˆ)‡" [result match-end 0 haskell-error-handler] 3))
+(defun haskell-got-printers (str idx) (byte-code "ÃÄ!Å
+Æ\\ÇZO!ˆ)‡" [result str idx match-end 0 update-printers-list 2 1] 6))
+(defun haskell-got-optimizers (str idx) (byte-code "ÃÄ!Å
+Æ\\ÇZO!ˆ)‡" [result str idx match-end 0 update-optimizers-list 2 1] 6))
+(defun haskell-got-message (str idx) (byte-code "ÃÄ!Å
+Æ\\ÇZO!ˆ)‡" [result str idx match-end 0 message 2 1] 6))
+(defun haskell-got-lisp-error (str idx) (byte-code "Â \"ˆ G‡" [idx str haskell-handle-lisp-error] 3))
+(defun haskell-handle-lisp-error (location str) (byte-code "Ä ÅO!ˆ
+(defun loaded-tutorial-p nil (byte-code "…
+(defun haskell-flush-commands-and-reset nil (byte-code "Á ˆŠÂ!ˆÃ ˆÄ )‡" [*haskell-buffer* haskell-flush-command-queue switch-to-buffer haskell-ensure-lisp-mode haskell-resume-command-loop] 5))
+(defun haskell-talk-to-lisp nil (byte-code "Á!ˆdbˆÂ ‡" [*haskell-buffer* pop-to-buffer haskell-ensure-lisp-mode] 3))
+(defun haskell-resume-command-loop nil "\
+Resumes Haskell command processing after debugging in Lisp. \\[haskell-resume-command-loop]" (interactive) (byte-code "Áˆ?…
+" haskell-ensure-emacs-mode] 3))
+(defun haskell-display-output (str) (byte-code "Ã Ä=ƒ
+(defun haskell-display-output-aux (str) (byte-code "Á ˆcˆÁ ‡" [str haskell-move-marker] 3))
+(defun get-user-input nil (byte-code "ÁÂ!ˆÃ!ˆdbˆÄÅ!ˆÆ ‡" [*haskell-buffer* message "Haskell is waiting for input..." pop-to-buffer set-haskell-status input haskell-pop-data-queue] 5))
+(defun haskell-error-handler nil (byte-code "Á ˆÂ ˆÃÄ!ˆÅÀ!‡" [nil ding haskell-flush-command-queue set-haskell-status ready haskell-end-interaction] 5))
+(defvar *yh-error-def* "Error occured in definition of\\s *")
+(defvar *yh-error-line* "at line\\s *")
+(defvar *yh-error-file* "of file\\s *")
+(defvar *haskell-line* "\\([0-9]\\)*")
+(defun haskell-show-error nil "\
+Point out error to user if possible" (byte-code "qˆŠÂÂÂÅ ‰…
+(defvar *haskell-function-name* "\\([a-z]\\|[A-Z]\\|[0-9]\\|'\\|_\\|-\\)*")
+(defun get-function-name nil (byte-code "ÅeÁ#…
+(defun get-line-number nil (byte-code "ÅdÁ#ƒ
+(defun get-filename nil (byte-code "ÄdÁ#ƒ
+(defun point-error-to-user (function-name line-number filename) (byte-code "ÄÅ\"ƒ
+(defun haskell-reset nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!ˆÂ ‡" [set-haskell-status ready haskell-pop-command-queue] 3))
+(defvar *command-interface-queue* nil "\
+Contains the commands to be sent to the Haskell command interface")
+(defun haskell-queue-or-execute (fn request data) (byte-code "ƒ
+BC‰‡" [*command-interface-queue* request data fn t nconc get-haskell-status ready funcall] 5))
+(defun haskell-send-command (str) "\
+Queues STRING for transmission to haskell process." (byte-code "ÁÂÃ#‡" [str haskell-queue-or-execute haskell-send-command-aux command] 4))
+(defun haskell-send-command-aux (str) (byte-code "ÁÂ\"ˆÁÂÃ\"ˆÄ Å=?…
+" get-haskell-status input set-haskell-status busy] 5))
+(defvar *begin-interaction-delimiter* nil "\
+*Delimiter showing an interaction has begun")
+(defun haskell-begin-interaction (msg) (byte-code "ÁÂÃ#‡" [msg haskell-queue-or-execute haskell-begin-interaction-aux begin] 4))
+(defun haskell-begin-interaction-aux (msg) (byte-code "…
+"] 5))
+(defvar *end-interaction-delimiter* nil "\
+*Delimiter showing an interaction has ended")
+(defun haskell-end-interaction (msg) (byte-code "ÁÂÃ#‡" [msg haskell-queue-or-execute haskell-end-interaction-aux end] 4))
+(defun haskell-end-interaction-aux (msg) (byte-code "…
+(defun haskell-send-data (str) (byte-code "ÄÅ\"ƒ
+(defun merge-data-into-queue (new head tail lasttail) (byte-code "?ƒ
+\"ˆ ‚8
+ A$‚8
+\"ˆ ‚8
+‡" [tail lasttail new head t rplacd data merge-data-into-queue] 7))
+(defun haskell-pop-command-queue nil (byte-code "…N
+(defun haskell-pop-data-queue nil (byte-code "…
+(defun haskell-flush-command-queue nil (byte-code "Á‰‡" [*command-interface-queue* nil] 2))
+(defun haskell nil "\
+Run an inferior Haskell process with input and output via buffer *haskell*.
+Takes the program name from the variable haskell-program-name.
+Runs the hooks from inferior-haskell-mode-hook
+(after the comint-mode-hook is run).
+(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)" (interactive) (byte-code "ÃˆÄ !…
+ÃÃ%‰ˆŠqˆÉ )ˆÊ!)‡" [haskell-buffer *haskell-buffer* haskell-program-name nil get-buffer comint-check-proc apply make-comint "haskell" inferior-haskell-mode display-buffer] 8))
+(defun haskell-fresh-start nil (byte-code "ÈÉ!ˆÁ‰ˆ ‰ˆ ‰ˆÁ‰ˆÁ‰ˆÊ ‡" [*command-interface-queue* nil *last-loaded* haskell-main-file *last-pad* haskell-main-pad *emacs* *haskell-saved-output* set-haskell-status busy haskell-ensure-emacs-mode] 3))
+(defun haskell-maybe-create-process nil (byte-code "…
+(defun haskell-ensure-emacs-mode nil (byte-code " ˆÁ‰ˆÃ ‡" [*emacs* t create-main-pad ci-emacs] 3))
+(defun haskell-ensure-lisp-mode nil "\
+Switch to talking to Lisp. \\[haskell-ensure-lisp-mode]" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÁ‰‡" [*emacs* nil] 2))
+(defun haskell-get-pad nil "\
+Creates a new scratch pad for the current module.
+Signals an error if the current buffer is not a .hs file." (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÂ ƒ
+(defun do-get-pad (fname buff) (byte-code "Æ !†
+(defun haskell-switch nil "\
+Switches to *haskell* buffer" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÂ ˆÃÀ!‡" [t nil haskell-maybe-create-process switch-to-haskell] 3))
+(defun switch-to-haskell (eob-p) "\
+Really switch to the *haskell* buffer.
+With argument, positions cursor at end of buffer." (interactive "P") (byte-code "ˆÃ!ˆ …
+(defun haskell-command (str) "\
+Format STRING as a haskell command and send it to haskell process. \\[haskell-command]" (interactive "sHaskell command: ") (byte-code "ÁˆÂÃÄH!=ƒ
+(defun haskell-eval nil "\
+Evaluate expression in current module. \\[haskell-eval]" (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ˆÂÃÄ!ÀÅ#‡" [nil haskell-maybe-create-process haskell-eval-aux get-haskell-expression "Haskell expression: " "Evaluating"] 6))
+(defun haskell-run nil "\
+Run Haskell Dialogue in current module" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÂ ˆÃÄÅ!ÀÆ#‡" [t nil haskell-maybe-create-process haskell-eval-aux get-haskell-expression "Haskell dialogue: " "Running"] 6))
+(defun haskell-run-main nil "\
+Run Dialogue named main in current module" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÂ ˆÃÄÀÅ#‡" [t nil haskell-maybe-create-process haskell-eval-aux "main" "Running"] 5))
+(defun haskell-eval-aux (exp dialogue-p what) (byte-code "ÍÎ \"ƒ(
+ ÏÐ #Ñ 
+&,‡" [*haskell-buffer* pname *last-pad* mname *last-module* fname *last-loaded* msg what exp dialogue-p *ht-temp-buffer* t equal buffer-name format "%s: %s" haskell-eval-aux-aux buffer-file-name get-modname lookup-pad "%s (in tutorial): %s" "%s (in file %s): %s" file-name-nondirectory get-module-from-pad get-file-from-pad "%s (in pad %s): %s"] 29))
+(defun haskell-eval-aux-aux (exp pname mname fname msg dialogue-p) (byte-code "Æ!ˆÇ ˆÈ !ˆÉ
+!ˆ …
+(defun haskell-save-pad-if-modified (pad) (byte-code "ŠqˆÃ \"†
+(defun haskell-run-file nil "\
+Run all Dialogues in current file" (interactive) (byte-code "ˆà ˆÄÅ \"ƒ
+(defun haskell-run-file/process (filename) (interactive (byte-code "ÃÄ Â$‡" [haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file haskell-source-modes t comint-get-source "Haskell file to run: "] 5)) (byte-code "ĈŠ!ˆÆ !Ç !B‰ˆÈ !‡" [haskell-prev-l/c-dir/file haskell-source-modes t filename nil comint-check-source file-name-directory file-name-nondirectory haskell-run-file-aux] 5))
+(defun haskell-run-file-aux (fname) (byte-code "à PÄ!ˆÅ ˆÆ
+!ˆÇÈ !!ˆÉÊP!)‡" [msg fname buffer-file-name "Running file: " haskell-begin-interaction ci-kill save-modified-source-files ci-run strip-fext haskell-end-interaction " ...done."] 8))
+(defun haskell-load nil "\
+Load current file" (interactive) (byte-code "ÃˆÄ ˆÅ ÆPƒ
+(defun haskell-load-file-if-modified (filename) (byte-code "Å!ˆÆ
+‰ˆÇ ‚
+(defun haskell-compile nil "\
+Compile current file" (interactive) (byte-code "ˆà ˆÄ ƒ
+(defun haskell-compile-file-if-modified (fname) (byte-code "Â!ˆÃÄ !!‡" [buffer-file-name fname save-modified-source-files ci-compile strip-fext] 4))
+(defun haskell-exit nil "\
+Quit the haskell process" (interactive) (byte-code "ÁˆÃ ˆ…
+!‡" [*ht-temp-buffer* nil *haskell-buffer* ci-quit get-buffer set-buffer-modified-p bury-buffer replace-buffer-in-windows] 6))
+(defun haskell-interrupt nil "\
+Interrupt the haskell process" (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁÂ!ˆÃÄ!‡" [nil haskell-send-command-aux "" haskell-end-interaction "done."] 3))
+(defun haskell-edit-unit nil "\
+Edit the .hu file." (interactive) (byte-code "ÈŠƒ1
+(defun haskell-new-unit nil (byte-code "Á‰‡" [file-not-found t] 2))
+(defun units-add-source-file (file) (byte-code "ŠÁÂ!Ã\")‡" [file insert strip-fext "
+"] 4))
+(defun haskell-get-unit-file nil (byte-code "ÁŠÄ ˆÅÆdÂ#ƒ
+(defun haskell-please-recover nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ˆÂÃ!‡" [nil haskell-flush-commands-and-reset haskell-end-interaction "done."] 3))
+(defvar haskell-menu-mode-map nil "\
+(if (not haskell-menu-mode-map) (progn (setq haskell-menu-mode-map (make-keymap)) (suppress-keymap haskell-menu-mode-map t) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "m" (quote haskell-menu-mark)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "u" (quote haskell-menu-unmark)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "x" (quote haskell-menu-exit)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "q" (quote haskell-menu-exit)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map " " (quote next-line)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "" (quote haskell-menu-backup-unmark)) (define-key haskell-menu-mode-map "?" (quote describe-mode))))
+(put (quote haskell-menu-mode) (quote mode-class) (quote special))
+(defun haskell-menu-mode nil "\
+Major mode for editing Haskell flags.
+Each line describes a flag.
+Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.
+m -- mark flag (turn it on)
+u -- unmark flag (turn it off)
+x -- exit; tell the Haskell process to update the flags, then leave menu.
+q -- exit; same as x.
+Precisely,\\{haskell-menu-mode-map}" (byte-code "Æ ˆÇ!ˆÂ‰ˆÂ‰ˆÈ‰ˆÉ‰ˆÊË!ˆÊÌ!ˆÊÍ!ˆÎÏ!‡" [haskell-menu-mode-map truncate-lines t buffer-read-only major-mode mode-name kill-all-local-variables use-local-map haskell-menu-mode "Haskell Flags Menu" make-local-variable haskell-menu-current-flags haskell-menu-request-fn haskell-menu-update-fn run-hooks haskell-menu-mode-hook] 7))
+(defun haskell-menu (help-file buffer request-fn update-fn) (byte-code "Æ ˆÇ!ƒ
+(defvar *haskell-menu-marked* " on")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-unmarked* " ")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-marked-regexp* " on \\w")
+(defvar *haskell-menu-unmarked-regexp* " \\w")
+(defun haskell-menu-mark nil "\
+Mark flag to be turned on." (interactive) (byte-code "ÃˆÇ ˆÈ!ƒ
+(defun haskell-menu-unmark nil "\
+Unmark flag." (interactive) (byte-code "ÃˆÇ ˆÈ!ƒ
+(defun haskell-menu-backup-unmark nil "\
+Move up and unmark." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁÂ!ˆÃ ˆÁÂ!‡" [nil forward-line -1 haskell-menu-unmark] 4))
+(defun haskell-menu-exit nil "\
+Update flags, then leave menu." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ˆÂ ‡" [nil haskell-menu-execute haskell-menu-quit] 3))
+(defun haskell-menu-execute nil "\
+Tell haskell process to tweak flags." (interactive) (byte-code "ˆŠˆŠebˆ`d=?…7
+(defun haskell-menu-quit nil (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁˆÂp!ˆÃp!‡" [nil "Make the menu go away." bury-buffer replace-buffer-in-windows] 3))
+(defun haskell-menu-flag nil (byte-code "ŠÁ ˆÂÃ!ˆ`ÄÅ!ˆÆÇÈ!\"))‡" [beg beginning-of-line forward-char 6 re-search-forward " \\| " buffer-substring match-beginning 0] 7))
+(defun start-setting-flags nil (byte-code "À‡" [nil] 1))
+(defun finish-setting-flags nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-end-interaction "Setting flags....done."] 2))
+(defun haskell-menu-mark-current nil (byte-code "Ä!ˆŠebˆ`d=?…;
+(defun menu-item-currently-on-p (item) (byte-code "Â \"‡" [item haskell-menu-current-flags member-string=] 3))
+(defun member-string= (item list) (byte-code "?ƒ
+A\"‡" [list nil item t string= member-string=] 4))
+(defvar *haskell-printers-help* (concat (getenv "HASKELL") "/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt") "\
+Help file for printers.")
+(defvar *haskell-printers-buffer* "*Haskell printers*")
+(defun haskell-printers nil "\
+Set printers interactively." (interactive) (byte-code "ˆÃ ÄÅ$‡" [*haskell-printers-help* *haskell-printers-buffer* nil haskell-menu get-current-printers set-current-printers] 5))
+(defun get-current-printers nil (byte-code "Á‰ˆÂÃ!ˆÁ=…
+(defun update-printers-list (data) (byte-code " !‰‡" [haskell-menu-current-flags data read] 3))
+(defun set-current-printers (flag on) (byte-code "Å !
+(defvar *haskell-optimizers-help* (concat (getenv "HASKELL") "/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt") "\
+Help file for optimizers.")
+(defvar *haskell-optimizers-buffer* "*Haskell optimizers*")
+(defun haskell-optimizers nil "\
+Set optimizers interactively." (interactive) (byte-code "ˆÃ ÄÅ$‡" [*haskell-optimizers-help* *haskell-optimizers-buffer* nil haskell-menu get-current-optimizers set-current-optimizers] 5))
+(defun get-current-optimizers nil (byte-code "Á‰ˆÂÃ!ˆÁ=…
+(defun update-optimizers-list (data) (byte-code " !‰‡" [haskell-menu-current-flags data read] 3))
+(defun set-current-optimizers (flag on) (byte-code "Å !
+(defvar *pad-mappings* nil "\
+Associates pads with their corresponding module and file.")
+(defun record-pad-mapping (pname mname fname) (byte-code "
+ EB‰‡" [*pad-mappings* pname mname fname] 3))
+(defun get-module-from-pad (pname) (byte-code "Â \"A@‡" [pname *pad-mappings* assoc] 3))
+(defun get-file-from-pad (pname) (byte-code "Â \"AA@‡" [pname *pad-mappings* assoc] 3))
+(defun lookup-pad (mname fname) (byte-code "Ã
+#‡" [mname fname *pad-mappings* lookup-pad-aux] 4))
+(defun lookup-pad-aux (mname fname list) (byte-code "?ƒ
+ A#‡" [list nil mname fname t equal lookup-pad-aux] 6))
+(defvar *ask-before-saving* t)
+(defun save-modified-source-files (filename) (byte-code "È Â…O
+(defun source-file-p (filename) (byte-code "ÁÂ\"†'
+(defun haskell-move-marker nil "\
+Moves the marker and point to the end of buffer" (byte-code "Ád\"ˆÁÂÃÄ!!d\"ˆdb‡" [comint-last-input-end set-marker process-mark get-process "haskell"] 6))
+(defun create-main-pad nil (byte-code "Ä !ŠqˆÅ )ˆÆ
+ #ˆ)‡" [buffer haskell-main-pad haskell-main-module haskell-main-file get-buffer-create haskell-mode record-pad-mapping] 6))
+(defvar *re-module* "^module\\s *\\|^>\\s *module\\s *")
+(defvar *re-modname* "[A-Z]\\([a-z]\\|[A-Z]\\|[0-9]\\|'\\|_\\)*")
+(defun get-modname (buff) "\
+Get module name in BUFFER that point is in." (byte-code "ŠqˆÄ !†
+(defun get-padname (m) "\
+Build padname from module name" (byte-code "ÁÂQ‡" [m "*" "-pad*"] 3))
+(defvar *haskell-filename-regexp* "\\(.*\\)\\.\\(hs\\|lhs\\)$")
+(defun strip-fext (filename) "\
+Strip off the extension from a filename." (byte-code "Â \"ƒ
+(defun haskell-mode-error (msg) "\
+Show MSG in message line as an error from the haskell mode" (byte-code "ÁÂP!‡" [msg error "Haskell mode: "] 3))
+(defun ci-send-buffer (buff) "\
+Send BUFFER to haskell process." (byte-code "Â ÃÄ\"?…
+(defun ci-kill nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-send-command ":kill"] 2))
+(defun ci-clear nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-send-command ":clear"] 2))
+(defun ci-set-file (file-name) (byte-code "ÁÂP!‡" [file-name haskell-send-command ":file "] 3))
+(defun ci-module (modname) (byte-code " ‰ˆÂà P!‡" [*last-module* modname haskell-send-command ":module "] 3))
+(defun ci-load (filename) (byte-code "ÁÂP!‡" [filename haskell-send-command ":load "] 3))
+(defun ci-load-main nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-send-command ":Main"] 2))
+(defun ci-save nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-send-command ":save"] 2))
+(defun ci-compile (filename) (byte-code "ÁÂP!‡" [filename haskell-send-command ":compile "] 3))
+(defun ci-run (filename) (byte-code "ÁÂP!‡" [filename haskell-send-command ":run "] 3))
+(defun ci-print-exp (exp) (byte-code "ÁÂ!ˆÃÄP!‡" [exp ci-set-file "interactive-expression-buffer" haskell-send-command "= "] 4))
+(defun ci-send-name (name) (byte-code "ÂÃ!ÄÅ!ˆÆÇ Q!)‡" [temp name make-temp-name "etemp" ci-set-file "interactive-expression-buffer" haskell-send-command " = "] 6))
+(defun ci-eval nil (byte-code "ÀÁ!‡" [haskell-send-command ":eval"] 2))
+(defun ci-quit nil (byte-code "Ã!?ƒ
+" set-haskell-status dead] 6))
+(defun ci-emacs nil (byte-code "À ˆÁÂÃ!Ä\"ˆÅÆ!‡" [haskell-reset set-process-filter get-process "haskell" process-haskell-output haskell-send-command ":Emacs on"] 5))
+(defun haskell-get-old-input nil "\
+Get old input text from Haskell process buffer." (byte-code "ŠÃdÄ#…
+`\"))‡" [haskell-prompt-pattern t temp re-search-forward move match-beginning 0 re-search-backward comint-skip-prompt end-of-line buffer-substring] 8))
+(defun haskell-send-input nil "\
+Send input to Haskell while in the process buffer" (interactive) (byte-code "Áˆƒ
+(defun haskell-send-input-aux nil (byte-code "Êp!?ƒ
+(defvar haskell-minibuffer-local-map nil "\
+Local map for minibuffer when in Haskell")
+(if haskell-minibuffer-local-map nil (progn (setq haskell-minibuffer-local-map (full-copy-sparse-keymap minibuffer-local-map)) (define-key haskell-minibuffer-local-map "p" (quote haskell-previous-input)) (define-key haskell-minibuffer-local-map "n" (quote haskell-next-input))))
+(defun haskell-previous-input (arg) "\
+Cycle backwards through input history." (interactive "*p") (byte-code "ÇˆÈ !ÉXƒ
+(defun haskell-next-input (arg) "\
+Cycle forwards through input history." (interactive "*p") (byte-code "ÁˆÂ[!‡" [arg nil haskell-previous-input] 2))
+(defvar haskell-last-input-match "" "\
+Last string searched for by Haskell input history search, for defaulting.
+Buffer local variable.")
+(defun haskell-previous-input-matching (str) "\
+Searches backwards through input history for substring match" (interactive (byte-code "ÂÃÄ \"!ÅÆ\"ƒ
+!É !Ê X…
+Ì \"\"?…*
+(defun get-haskell-expression (prompt) (byte-code "Å Â #Æ \"ˆ)‡" [exp prompt nil haskell-minibuffer-local-map haskell-prompt-ring read-from-minibuffer ring-insert] 4))
+(defvar haskell-load-hook nil "\
+This hook is run when haskell is loaded in.
+This is a good place to put key bindings.")
+(run-hooks (quote haskell-load-hook))
+(defvar ht-mode-map nil)
+(if ht-mode-map nil (progn (setq ht-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (haskell-establish-key-bindings ht-mode-map) (define-key ht-mode-map "" (quote ht-next-page)) (define-key ht-mode-map "" (quote ht-prev-page)) (define-key ht-mode-map " " (quote ht-restore-page)) (define-key ht-mode-map "?" (quote describe-mode))))
+(defun haskell-tutorial-mode nil "\
+Major mode for running the Haskell tutorial.
+You can use these commands:
+\\{ht-mode-map}" (interactive) (byte-code "ĈŠˆÆ!ˆÇ‰ˆÈ‰ˆÉ !ˆÊË!‡" [ht-mode-map major-mode mode-name haskell-mode-syntax-table nil kill-all-local-variables use-local-map haskell-tutorial-mode "Haskell Tutorial" set-syntax-table run-hooks haskell-mode-hook] 5))
+(defun haskell-tutorial nil "\
+Run the haskell tutorial." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ˆÂ ˆÃ ‡" [nil ht-load-tutorial ht-make-buffer ht-display-page] 4))
+(defun ht-load-tutorial nil (byte-code "Ä !ƒ
+(defun ht-load-tutorial-aux (filename) (interactive "fTutorial file: ") (byte-code "ÁˆÄ!ˆÅÁ!ˆÃ‰ˆÆ ‡" [filename nil buffer-read-only t insert-file set-buffer-modified-p beginning-of-buffer] 4))
+(defun ht-make-buffer nil (byte-code "ÁÂÃÄ!ÅQ!ˆÆ ‰ˆÇ ‡" [*ht-temp-buffer* find-file "/tmp/" make-temp-name "ht" ".hs" buffer-name haskell-tutorial-mode] 5))
+(defun ht-next-page nil "\
+Go to the next tutorial page." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ƒ
+(defun ht-goto-next-page nil (byte-code "pÄŽ qˆÅÆÂÃ#))‡" [buff *ht-file-buffer* nil t ((byte-code "q‡" [buff] 1)) search-forward " "] 4))
+(defun ht-prev-page nil "\
+Go to the previous tutorial page." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀˆÁ ƒ
+(defun ht-goto-prev-page nil (byte-code "pÄŽ qˆÅÆÂÃ#))‡" [buff *ht-file-buffer* nil t ((byte-code "q‡" [buff] 1)) search-backward " "] 4))
+(defun ht-goto-page (arg) "\
+Go to the tutorial page specified as the argument." (interactive "sGo to page: ") (byte-code "ÁˆÂÃÄ\"!ƒ
+(defun ht-goto-section (arg) "\
+Go to the tutorial section specified as the argument." (interactive "sGo to section: ") (byte-code "ÁˆÂÃÄ\"!ƒ
+(defun ht-searchfor-page (search-string) (byte-code "pÆŽ qˆ`Ç ˆÈ ÄÅ#ƒ
+bˆÄ)))‡" [buff *ht-file-buffer* point search-string nil t ((byte-code "q‡" [buff] 1)) beginning-of-buffer search-forward] 5))
+(defun ht-restore-page nil (interactive) (byte-code "Áˆ` ˆb)‡" [old-point nil ht-display-page] 2))
+(defun ht-display-page nil (byte-code "qˆÇÈÂÃ#ƒ
diff --git a/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt b/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed2ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Optimizer switches
+ inline Aggressively inline functions
+ constant Hoist constant expressions to top-level
+ foldr Perform foldr/build deforestation
+ lisp Tell the Lisp compiler to work hard to produce best code
diff --git a/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt b/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a525ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+General messages
+ compiling Printed when the compilation system starts a compilation
+ loading Printed when a previously compiled unit is loaded
+ reading Prints the name of the file being parsed
+ extension Enables printing withinn extensions
+ time Prints the time that it takes to execute a computation
+ phase-time Prints the time of each phase of compilation
+Compiler passes
+ parse Prints the program recreated from ast
+ import Lists all symbols imported and exported for each module
+ scope Print the program after scoping and precedence parsing
+ depend Prints entire program in nested let's
+ type Prints signatures during inference
+ cfn Prints entire program after context free normalization
+ depend2 Like depend
+ flic Prints entire program as flic code
+ optimize Prints entire program as optimized flic code
+ optimize-extra Prints extra verbose information during optimization
+ strictness Print strictness of all functions and variables
+ codegen Prints generated Lisp code
+ codegen-flic Prints generated Lisp code and associated flic code
+ dumper Prints the code in the interface
+ dump-stat Prints statistics for the interface file
diff --git a/flic/README b/flic/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51af8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains code to define FLIC structures and associated
+pretty-printers, and the traversal to convert AST to FLIC structures.
diff --git a/flic/ast-to-flic.scm b/flic/ast-to-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d756723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/ast-to-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+;;; ast-to-flic.scm -- convert AST to flic structures.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 3 Apr 1992
+;;; ====================================================================
+;;; Support
+;;; ====================================================================
+(define-walker ast-to-flic ast-td-ast-to-flic-walker)
+(define-local-syntax (define-ast-to-flic ast-type lambda-list . body)
+ `(define-walker-method ast-to-flic ,ast-type ,lambda-list ,@body))
+(define (ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (ast-to-flic-let-aux (let-decls big-let) (make-flic-void) '#t))
+(define (ast-to-flic-1 ast-node)
+ (call-walker ast-to-flic ast-node))
+(define (ast-to-flic/list l)
+ (map (function ast-to-flic-1) l))
+(define (init-flic-var var value toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-value var) value)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-simple? var)
+ (and value
+ (or (is-type? 'flic-const value)
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack value))))
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#f)
+ ;; Remember the strictness annotation.
+ (let ((strictness-ann (lookup-annotation var '|Strictness|)))
+ (setf (var-strictness var)
+ (if strictness-ann
+ (adjust-annotated-strictness var
+ (parse-strictness (car (annotation-value-args strictness-ann))))
+ '#f)))
+ ;; If the variable has an inline annotation, rewrite its value
+ ;; from var = value
+ ;; to var = let temp = value in temp
+ ;; (Necessary for inlining recursive definitions.)
+ (let ((inline-ann (lookup-annotation var '|Inline|)))
+ (when inline-ann
+ (setf (var-force-inline? var) '#t)
+ (setf (var-value var) (wrap-with-let var value))))
+ var)
+(define (wrap-with-let var value)
+ (let ((temp (copy-temp-var (def-name var))))
+ (init-flic-var temp (copy-flic value (list (cons var temp))) '#f)
+ (make-flic-let (list temp) (make-flic-ref temp) '#t)))
+;;; ====================================================================
+;;; ast expression structs
+;;; ====================================================================
+(define-ast-to-flic lambda (object)
+ (make-flic-lambda
+ (map (lambda (pat)
+ (init-flic-var
+ (cond ((var-pat? pat)
+ (var-ref-var (var-pat-var pat)))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad lambda pattern: ~s." pat)))
+ '#f
+ '#f))
+ (lambda-pats object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (lambda-body object))))
+;;; For LET, the CFN has turned all of the definitions into
+;;; simple assignments to a variable. The dependency analyzer
+;;; adds recursive-decl-groups for things which need to be bound
+;;; with LETREC.
+(define-ast-to-flic let (object)
+ (ast-to-flic-let-aux
+ (let-decls object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (let-body object))
+ '#f))
+(define (ast-to-flic-let-aux decls body toplevel?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (bindings newbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings decls body toplevel?)
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ newbody
+ (make-flic-let bindings newbody toplevel?))))
+(define (ast-to-flic-bindings decls body toplevel?)
+ (if (null? decls)
+ (values '() body)
+ (multiple-value-bind (bindings newbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings (cdr decls) body toplevel?)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'valdef (car decls))
+ ;; Continue collecting bindings.
+ (let* ((decl (car decls))
+ (pat (valdef-lhs decl))
+ (exp (single-definition-rhs decl)))
+ (values
+ (cond ((var-pat? pat)
+ (cons
+ (init-flic-var
+ (var-ref-var (var-pat-var pat))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 exp)
+ toplevel?)
+ bindings))
+ (else
+ (error "Definition has invalid pattern: ~s." decl)))
+ newbody)))
+ ((not (is-type? 'recursive-decl-group (car decls)))
+ (error "Decl has weird value: ~s." (car decls)))
+ (toplevel?
+ ;; We don't do any of this mess with top level bindings.
+ ;; Turn it into one big letrec.
+ (multiple-value-bind (more-bindings newerbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings
+ (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ newbody
+ toplevel?)
+ (values (nconc more-bindings bindings)
+ newerbody)))
+ (else
+ ;; Otherwise, turn remaining bindings into a nested
+ ;; let or letrec, and put that in the body of a new
+ ;; letrec.
+ (multiple-value-bind (more-bindings newerbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings
+ (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ newbody
+ (make-flic-let bindings newbody '#f))
+ toplevel?)
+ (values
+ '()
+ (if (null? more-bindings)
+ newerbody
+ (make-flic-let more-bindings newerbody '#t)))))
+ ))))
+(define (single-definition-rhs decl)
+ (let* ((def-list (valdef-definitions decl))
+ (def (car def-list))
+ (rhs-list (single-fun-def-rhs-list def))
+ (rhs (car rhs-list)))
+ ;; All of this error checking could be omitted for efficiency, since
+ ;; none of these conditions are supposed to happen anyway.
+ (cond ((not (null? (cdr def-list)))
+ (error "Decl has multiple definitions: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (null? (single-fun-def-where-decls def)))
+ (error "Definition has non-null where-decls list: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (error "Definition has multiple right-hand-sides: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard rhs)))
+ (error "Definition has a guard: ~s." decl)))
+ (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)))
+;;; These are all straightforward translations.
+(define-ast-to-flic if (object)
+ (make-flic-if
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-test-exp object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-then-exp object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-else-exp object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic case-block (object)
+ (make-flic-case-block
+ (case-block-block-name object)
+ (ast-to-flic/list (case-block-exps object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic return-from (object)
+ (make-flic-return-from
+ (return-from-block-name object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (return-from-exp object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic and-exp (object)
+ (make-flic-and (ast-to-flic/list (and-exp-exps object))))
+;;; Applications. Uncurry here. It's more convenient to do the
+;;; optimizer on fully uncurried applications. After the optimizer
+;;; has run, all applications are adjusted based on observed arity
+;;; of the functions and the saturated? flag is set correctly.
+(define-ast-to-flic app (object)
+ (ast-to-flic-app-aux object '()))
+(define (ast-to-flic-app-aux object args)
+ (if (is-type? 'app object)
+ (ast-to-flic-app-aux
+ (app-fn object)
+ (cons (ast-to-flic-1 (app-arg object)) args))
+ (make-flic-app (ast-to-flic-1 object) args '#f)))
+;;; References
+(define-ast-to-flic var-ref (object)
+ (make-flic-ref (var-ref-var object)))
+(define-ast-to-flic con-ref (object)
+ (make-flic-pack (con-ref-con object)))
+;;; Constants
+(define-ast-to-flic integer-const (object)
+ (make-flic-const (integer-const-value object)))
+;;; We should probably add a type field to flic-const but at the moment
+;;; I'll force the value to be a list of numerator, denominator.
+(define-ast-to-flic float-const (object)
+ (let ((e (float-const-exponent object))
+ (n (float-const-numerator object))
+ (d (float-const-denominator object)))
+ (make-flic-const
+ (if (> e 0)
+ (list (* n (expt 10 e)) d)
+ (list n (* d (expt 10 (- e))))))))
+(define-ast-to-flic char-const (object)
+ (make-flic-const (char-const-value object)))
+(define-ast-to-flic string-const (object)
+ (let ((value (string-const-value object)))
+ (if (equal? value "")
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (make-flic-const value))))
+;;; Random stuff
+(define-ast-to-flic con-number (object)
+ (make-flic-con-number
+ (con-number-type object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (con-number-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic sel (object)
+ (make-flic-sel
+ (sel-constructor object)
+ (sel-slot object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (sel-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic is-constructor (object)
+ (make-flic-is-constructor
+ (is-constructor-constructor object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (is-constructor-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic void (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (make-flic-void))
+;;; This hack make strictness annotations work. It adds #t's which correspond
+;;; to the strictness of the dict params.
+(define (adjust-annotated-strictness v s)
+ (let* ((ty (var-type v))
+ (c (gtype-context ty)))
+ (dolist (c1 c)
+ (dolist (c2 c1)
+ (declare (ignorable c2))
+ (push '#t s)))
+ s))
diff --git a/flic/copy-flic.scm b/flic/copy-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..373fbd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/copy-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+;;; copy-flic.scm -- general copy functions for flic structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 23 Feb 1993
+;;; The var-renamings argument is an a-list. It's used to map local vars
+;;; in the input expression to new, gensymed vars.
+(define-flic-walker copy-flic (object var-renamings))
+(define (copy-flic-list objects var-renamings)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (o objects)
+ (push (copy-flic o var-renamings) result))
+ (nreverse result)))
+(define (copy-flic-top object)
+ (copy-flic object '()))
+(define-copy-flic flic-lambda (object var-renamings)
+ (let ((new-vars (map (lambda (v)
+ (let ((new (copy-temp-var (def-name v))))
+ (push (cons v new) var-renamings)
+ (when (var-force-strict? v)
+ (setf (var-force-strict? new) '#t))
+ (init-flic-var new '#f '#f)))
+ (flic-lambda-vars object))))
+ (make-flic-lambda
+ new-vars
+ (copy-flic (flic-lambda-body object) var-renamings))))
+;;; Hack to avoid concatenating multiple gensym suffixes.
+(define (copy-temp-var sym)
+ (if (gensym? sym)
+ (let* ((string (symbol->string sym))
+ (n (string-length string))
+ (root (find-string-prefix string 0 n)))
+ (create-temp-var root))
+ (create-temp-var sym)))
+(define (find-string-prefix string i n)
+ (declare (type string string) (type fixnum i n))
+ (cond ((eqv? i n)
+ string)
+ ((char-numeric? (string-ref string i))
+ (substring string 0 i))
+ (else
+ (find-string-prefix string (+ i 1) n))))
+(define-copy-flic flic-let (object var-renamings)
+ (let ((new-vars (map (lambda (v)
+ (let ((new (copy-temp-var (def-name v))))
+ (when (var-force-inline? v)
+ (setf (var-force-inline? new) '#t))
+ (push (cons v new) var-renamings)
+ new))
+ (flic-let-bindings object))))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (new old)
+ (init-flic-var new (copy-flic (var-value old) var-renamings) '#f))
+ new-vars
+ (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (make-flic-let
+ new-vars
+ (copy-flic (flic-let-body object) var-renamings)
+ (flic-let-recursive? object))))
+(define-copy-flic flic-app (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-app
+ (copy-flic (flic-app-fn object) var-renamings)
+ (copy-flic-list (flic-app-args object) var-renamings)
+ (flic-app-saturated? object)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-ref (object var-renamings)
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var object))
+ (entry (assq var var-renamings)))
+ (if entry
+ (make-flic-ref (cdr entry))
+ (make-flic-ref var)))) ; don't share structure
+(define-copy-flic flic-const (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ (make-flic-const (flic-const-value object))) ; don't share structure
+(define-copy-flic flic-pack (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ (make-flic-pack (flic-pack-con object))) ; don't share structure
+;;; Don't have to gensym new block names; these constructs always
+;;; happen in pairs.
+(define-copy-flic flic-case-block (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-case-block
+ (flic-case-block-block-name object)
+ (copy-flic-list (flic-case-block-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-return-from (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-return-from
+ (flic-return-from-block-name object)
+ (copy-flic (flic-return-from-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-and (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-and
+ (copy-flic-list (flic-and-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-if (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-if
+ (copy-flic (flic-if-test-exp object) var-renamings)
+ (copy-flic (flic-if-then-exp object) var-renamings)
+ (copy-flic (flic-if-else-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-sel (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-sel
+ (flic-sel-con object)
+ (flic-sel-i object)
+ (copy-flic (flic-sel-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-is-constructor (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-is-constructor
+ (flic-is-constructor-con object)
+ (copy-flic (flic-is-constructor-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-con-number (object var-renamings)
+ (make-flic-con-number
+ (flic-con-number-type object)
+ (copy-flic (flic-con-number-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-copy-flic flic-void (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore object var-renamings))
+ (make-flic-void)) ; don't share structure
diff --git a/flic/flic-structs.scm b/flic/flic-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aab75c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/flic-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+;;; flic-structs.scm -- structures to define FLIC intermediate language
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 24 Mar 1992
+(define-struct flic-exp
+ (type-template flic-td)
+ (slots
+ (unboxed? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))
+ (cheap? (type bool) (default '#f) (bit #t))))
+;;; Use a macro to define each subtype and a BOA constructor.
+;;; Maybe eventually the constructors will need to do additional
+;;; initialization and have to be defined by hand.
+(define-local-syntax (define-flic name . slots)
+ (let* ((maker (symbol-append 'make- name))
+ (pred (symbol-append name '?))
+ (args (map (function car) slots))
+ (inits (map (lambda (x) (list x x)) args)))
+ `(begin
+ (define-struct ,name
+ (include flic-exp)
+ (predicate ,pred)
+ (slots ,@slots))
+ (define (,maker ,@args) (make ,name ,@inits))
+ ',name)))
+(define-flic flic-lambda
+ (vars (type (list var)))
+ (body (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-let
+ ;; value exp is stored in var-value slot
+ (bindings (type (list var)))
+ (body (type flic-exp))
+ (recursive? (type bool) (bit #t)))
+(define-flic flic-app
+ (fn (type flic-exp))
+ (args (type (list flic-exp)))
+ ;; true if number of args exactly matches arity of fn
+ (saturated? (type bool) (bit #t)))
+(define-flic flic-ref
+ (var (type var)))
+(define-flic flic-const
+ (value (type t)))
+(define-flic flic-pack
+ (con (type con)))
+(define-flic flic-case-block
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exps (type (list flic-exp))))
+(define-flic flic-return-from
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exp (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-and
+ (exps (type (list flic-exp))))
+(define-flic flic-if
+ (test-exp (type flic-exp))
+ (then-exp (type flic-exp))
+ (else-exp (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-sel
+ (con (type con))
+ (i (type int))
+ (exp (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-is-constructor
+ (con (type con))
+ (exp (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-con-number
+ (type (type algdata))
+ (exp (type flic-exp)))
+(define-flic flic-void
+ )
diff --git a/flic/flic-td.scm b/flic/flic-td.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01253b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/flic-td.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; flic-td.scm -- define type descriptor for flic structs
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 6 Oct 1992
+(define-struct flic-td
+ (include type-descriptor)
+ (slots
+ (codegen-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (optimize-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (postoptimize-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (fun-strictness-walk-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (var-strictness-walk-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (compute-strictness-walk-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (print-strictness-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (box-analysis-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (copy-flic-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (dump-flic-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ (flic-invariant?-walker (type (maybe procedure)) (default '#f))
+ ))
diff --git a/flic/flic-walker.scm b/flic/flic-walker.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..846d89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/flic-walker.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; flic-walker.scm -- macros for defining code walkers for flic
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 7 May 1992
+;;; (define-flic-walker foo (object))
+;;; creates a macro (define-foo type (object) . body)
+;;; and a function (foo object) that dispatches on the type of object.
+(define-syntax (define-flic-walker name args)
+ (let ((accessor-name (symbol-append 'flic-td- name '-walker))
+ (definer-name (symbol-append 'define- name)))
+ `(begin
+ (define-walker ,name ,accessor-name)
+ (define-local-syntax (,definer-name type args . body)
+ `(define-walker-method ,',name ,type ,args ,@body))
+ (define (,name ,@args)
+ (call-walker ,name ,@args)))))
diff --git a/flic/flic.scm b/flic/flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aa389a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;;; flic.scm -- compilation unit for flic stuff
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 7 Apr 1992
+(define-compilation-unit flic
+ (source-filename "$Y2/flic/")
+ (unit flic-td
+ (source-filename "flic-td.scm"))
+ (unit flic-structs
+ (source-filename "flic-structs.scm")
+ (require flic-td))
+ (unit print-flic
+ (source-filename "print-flic.scm")
+ (require flic-structs printer-support))
+ (unit ast-to-flic
+ (source-filename "ast-to-flic.scm")
+ (require flic-structs ast haskell-utils))
+ (unit flic-walker
+ (source-filename "flic-walker.scm"))
+ (unit copy-flic
+ (source-filename "copy-flic.scm")
+ (require flic-walker flic-structs))
+ (unit invariant
+ (source-filename "invariant.scm")
+ (require flic-walker flic-structs))
+ )
diff --git a/flic/invariant.scm b/flic/invariant.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c0486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/invariant.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+;;; invariant.scm -- look for invariant expressions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 12 Mar 1993
+;;; The function flic-invariant? returns true if the expression is
+;;; invariant with respect to a set of local variable bindings.
+(define-flic-walker flic-invariant? (object local-bindings))
+(define (flic-invariant-list? objects local-bindings)
+ (if (null objects)
+ '#t
+ (and (flic-invariant? (car objects) local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant-list? (cdr objects) local-bindings))))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-lambda (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-lambda-body object)
+ (cons (flic-lambda-vars object) local-bindings)))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-let (object local-bindings)
+ (let* ((bindings (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (body (flic-let-body object))
+ (recursive? (flic-let-recursive? object))
+ (inner-stuff (cons bindings local-bindings)))
+ (and (flic-invariant-list? (map (function var-value) bindings)
+ (if recursive? inner-stuff local-bindings))
+ (flic-invariant? body inner-stuff))))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-app (object local-bindings)
+ (and (flic-invariant? (flic-app-fn object) local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant-list? (flic-app-args object) local-bindings)))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-ref (object local-bindings)
+ (let ((var (flic-ref-var object)))
+ (or (var-toplevel? var)
+ (flic-local-var? var local-bindings))))
+(define (flic-local-var? var local-bindings)
+ (cond ((null? local-bindings)
+ '#f)
+ ((memq var (car local-bindings))
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (flic-local-var? var (cdr local-bindings)))))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-const (object local-bindings)
+ (declare (ignore object local-bindings))
+ '#t)
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-pack (object local-bindings)
+ (declare (ignore object local-bindings))
+ '#t)
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-case-block (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant-list? (flic-case-block-exps object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-return-from (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-return-from-exp object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-and (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant-list? (flic-and-exps object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-if (object local-bindings)
+ (and (flic-invariant? (flic-if-test-exp object) local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-if-then-exp object) local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-if-else-exp object) local-bindings)))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-sel (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-sel-exp object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-is-constructor (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-is-constructor-exp object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-con-number (object local-bindings)
+ (flic-invariant? (flic-con-number-exp object) local-bindings))
+(define-flic-invariant? flic-void (object local-bindings)
+ (declare (ignore object local-bindings))
+ '#t)
diff --git a/flic/print-flic.scm b/flic/print-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6077f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/print-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+;;; print-flic.scm -- printers for FLIC structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 30 Mar 1992
+;;; For now, printing of FLIC structures is controlled by the same
+;;; *print-ast-syntax* variable as for AST structures.
+;;; Maybe eventually this should use its own variable.
+(define-syntax (define-flic-printer type lambda-list . body)
+ `(define-ast-printer ,type ,lambda-list ,@body))
+(define-flic-printer flic-lambda (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "\\ " xp)
+ (write-ordinary-list (flic-lambda-vars object) xp)
+ (write-string " ->" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-lambda-body object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-let (object xp)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "" "") ; no extra indentation
+ (write-string "let " xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (flic-let-bindings object) xp
+ (lambda (v xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write v xp)
+ (write-string " =" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (var-value v) xp))))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "in " xp)
+ (write (flic-let-body object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-app (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (maybe-paren-flic-object (flic-app-fn object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-flic-list (flic-app-args object) xp)))
+(define (maybe-paren-flic-object object xp)
+ (cond ((or (flic-ref? object)
+ (flic-const? object)
+ (flic-pack? object))
+ (write object xp))
+ (else
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define (write-flic-list objects xp)
+ (write-delimited-list objects xp (function maybe-paren-flic-object) "" "" ""))
+(define-flic-printer flic-ref (object xp)
+ (write (flic-ref-var object) xp))
+(define-flic-printer flic-const (object xp)
+ (write (flic-const-value object) xp))
+(define-flic-printer flic-pack (object xp)
+ (write-string "pack/" xp)
+ (write (flic-pack-con object) xp))
+(define-flic-printer flic-case-block (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "case-block " xp)
+ (write (flic-case-block-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (flic-case-block-exps object) xp (function write))))
+(define-flic-printer flic-return-from (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "return-from " xp)
+ (write (flic-return-from-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-return-from-exp object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-and (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "and " xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (flic-and-exps object) xp (function write))))
+(define-flic-printer flic-if (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "if " xp)
+ (write (flic-if-test-exp object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "then" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-if-then-exp object) xp))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "else" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-if-else-exp object) xp))
+ ))
+(define-flic-printer flic-sel (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "sel/" xp)
+ (write (flic-sel-con object) xp)
+ (write-char #\/ xp)
+ (write (flic-sel-i object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-sel-exp object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-is-constructor (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "is-constructor/" xp)
+ (write (flic-is-constructor-con object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-is-constructor-exp object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-con-number (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "con/" xp)
+ (write (flic-con-number-type object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (flic-con-number-exp object) xp)))
+(define-flic-printer flic-void (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "Void" xp))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/haskell-development b/haskell-development
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf318af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haskell-development
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Set up for Yale Haskell 2.x development
+source $HASKELL/haskell-setup
+# You need to set this environment variable to point to the root
+# directory where you have installed the Yale Haskell sources.
+setenv Y2 $HASKELL
+# Define some aliases for getting the right RCS options.
+# These aliases are only for use at Yale.
+alias rco 'co -l'
+alias rci 'ci -u'
+# Find the "right" lisp executable.
+# You really only need to set up for the particular lisp implementation(s)
+# you are going to build the system under (you can comment out the rest).
+# The Lucid CL executable we've been using is the one without fancy
+# stuff like CLOS loaded.
+setenv LUCID /cs/licensed/sclisp-4.0/lisp-4-0-base
+# Setup for CMUCL. We have this aliased to a script that will select
+# the right core file for the machine you are running on.
+setenv CMUCL $Y2/bin/run-cmucl
+setenv CMUCLBIN $Y2/bin/cmucl
+setenv CMUCLLIB $Y2/bin
+# This is AKCL, not ordinary KCL (which is too brain-damaged).
+setenv AKCL /net/nebula/homes/systems/hcompile/akcl/xbin/kcl
+# Set up for Franz Allegro.
+# This is a hack; we run Allegro on both sparc and next boxes, and
+# we need to be able to tell which kind of machine we're running on so
+# the binaries don't get jumbled up together.
+if (-e /vmunix) then
+ setenv ALLEGRODIR allegro
+ setenv ALLEGRO /usr/licensed/allegro/cl
+else if (-e /mach) then
+ setenv ALLEGRODIR allegro-next
+ setenv ALLEGRO /usr/local/bin/lisp
+ echo "Can't figure out what kind of machine you're on!"
+# Set up for Harlequin Lispworks.
+setenv LISPWORKS /usr/licensed/bin/lispworks
+# Set up for WCL
+# This is not supported!
+# setenv WCL /net/nebula/homes/systems/hcompile/wcl-2.14/bin/wcl
+# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /net/nebula/homes/systems/hcompile/wcl-2.14/lib
diff --git a/haskell-setup b/haskell-setup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16d6dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haskell-setup
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Set up for Yale Haskell 2.x users.
+setenv PRELUDE $HASKELL/progs/prelude
+setenv HASKELL_LIBRARY $HASKELL/progs/lib
+# You may need to change this to point at the appropriate subdirectory,
+# depending on which Lisp is being used.
+# You may need to change this to point at the appropriate subdirectory,
+# depending on which Lisp is being used.
+# You may need to change this to point at the appropriate executable,
+# depending on which Lisp is being used.
+setenv HASKELLPROG $HASKELL/bin/haskell
+#setenv HASKELLPROG $HASKELL/bin/cmu-haskell
+# You only need this next definition if you are using the CMU CL version
+# of haskell and you have /tmp mounted on a tmpfs file system (it won't
+# be able to initialize itself otherwise).
+setenv CMUCL_EMPTYFILE /var/tmp/empty
diff --git a/import-export/README b/import-export/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd3bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This is the import / export phase. This process is accomplished as follows:
+a) Local definitions are created in each module. These are entered into the
+ local symbol table.
+b) Imports to non-local modules are completely resolved.
+c) Local import/export is performed via a fixpoint:
+ 1) Export: definitions added in the previous round are filtered by the
+ export list and placed in a fresh export list.
+ 2) Each module imports from the fresh export list of the other modules.
+ Any import not already present is placed on a new fresh export list.
+ When no fresh exports are generated, the iteration is complete.
+d) Missing exports and imports are checked for.
diff --git a/import-export/ie-errors.scm b/import-export/ie-errors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16180f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie-errors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+;;; Error checks & calls for the import-export code
+;;; this is called at the end of import-export to look for
+;;; a) exported entities that were never found
+;;; b) imported entities that were never found
+;;; c) renamed entities that were never found
+;;; d) hidden entities that were never found
+(define (check-missing-names)
+ (dolist (export (module-exports *module*))
+ (remember-context export
+ (signal-missing-export export)))
+ (dolist (import-decl (module-imports *module*))
+ (remember-context import-decl
+ (with-slots import-decl (mode specs renamings) import-decl
+ ;; *** I'm confused. Aren't these errors already detected
+ ;; *** by import-all-entities and import-named-entities?
+ ;; jcp: no - a final check is needed after all symbols have moved.
+ (cond ((eq? mode 'all)
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (signal-unused-hiding
+ (entity-name entity)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl))))
+ (else
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (signal-entity-not-found
+ (entity-name entity)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl)))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl)))))
+(define (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl)
+ (dolist (r renamings)
+ (when (not (renaming-referenced? r))
+ (remember-context r
+ (signal-unused-renaming (renaming-from r)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl))))))
+(define (check-duplicates l entity)
+ (when (not (null? (find-duplicates l)))
+ (signal-duplicate-names-in-entity entity)))
+;;; There are a ton of possible errors in import-export. All error
+;;; calls are found here:
+(define (signal-missing-export export)
+ (recoverable-error 'missing-export
+ "Module ~A exports ~A, but provides no definition for it."
+ *module-name* export))
+(define (signal-unused-renaming name module-name)
+ (recoverable-error 'unused-renaming
+ "The name ~a is included in the renaming list of an import declaration,~%~
+ but is not among the entities being imported from module ~a."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-unused-hiding name module-name)
+ (recoverable-error 'unused-hiding
+ "The name ~a is included in the hiding list of an import declaration,~%~
+ but is not among the entities exported from module ~a."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-multiple-name-conflict name old-local-name def)
+ (recoverable-error 'multiple-name-conflict
+ "In module ~A, the symbol ~A from module ~A is known as both ~A and ~A."
+ *module-name* (def-name def) (def-module def) name old-local-name))
+(define (signal-undefined-module-import name)
+ (fatal-error 'undefined-module-import
+ "Cannot find module ~A, imported by module ~A."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-undefined-module-export name)
+ (fatal-error 'undefined-module-export
+ "Cannot find module ~A, exported by module ~A."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-self-import name)
+ (fatal-error 'self-import
+ "Module ~A cannot import itself."
+ name))
+(define (signal-missing-prelude)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-prelude "Can't find module Prelude."))
+(define (signal-missing-prelude-core)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-prelude "Can't find module PreludeCore."))
+(define (signal-export-not-imported name)
+ (recoverable-error 'export-not-imported
+ "Module ~A is exported from ~A,~%~
+ but is not also imported into that module."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-entity-not-found name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'entity-not-found
+ "The entity ~a is not exported from module ~a." name module-name))
+(define (signal-synonym-needs-dots name module-name)
+ (declare (ignore module-name))
+ (fatal-error 'synonym-needs-dots
+ "The entity ~a is a type synonym; to name it in an import or export~%~
+ list, you must use `~a(..)' as the entity."
+ name name))
+(define (signal-wrong-definition expected name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'wrong-definition
+ "The entity ~a does not name a ~a in module ~a."
+ name expected module-name))
+(define (signal-abstract-type name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'abstract-type
+ "The entity ~a names an abstract type in module ~a;~%~
+ you cannot import or export its constructors."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-extra-constituent entity name what)
+ (fatal-error 'extra-constituent
+ "The entity specification ~a includes the ~a name ~a,~%~
+ which is not present in its definition."
+ entity what name))
+(define (signal-missing-constituent entity name what)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-constituent
+ "The entity specification ~a does not include the ~a name ~a,~%~
+ which is part of its definition."
+ entity what name))
+(define (signal-duplicate-names-in-entity entity)
+ (fatal-error 'duplicate-names-in-entity
+ "The entity specification ~a includes duplicate names."
+ entity))
+(define (signal-export-method-var name)
+ (fatal-error 'export-method-var
+ "You can't export the method ~a like an ordinary variable."
+ name))
+(define (signal-prelude-renaming def name)
+ (recoverable-error 'cant-rename-core
+ "Names in PreludeCore cannot be renamed: ~a was renamed to ~a"
+ (def-name def) name))
+(define (signal-non-local-fixity op)
+ (recoverable-error 'fixity-must-be-local
+ "The fixity for ~A will be ignored since it is not defined in this module"
+ op))
+(define (signal-fixity-not-var/con op)
+ (recoverable-error 'fixity-requires-var-or-con
+ "The fixity for ~A will be ignored since it is not a value or constructor"
+ op))
diff --git a/import-export/ie-utils.scm b/import-export/ie-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b6c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+;;; This file contains utilities, globals, and macros used by the
+;;; import-export system.
+(define *new-exports-found?* '#f) ; used by the fixpoint iteration
+;;; A group is a collection of related symbols. It is represented
+;;; by a list of (name,def) pairs. The first element is the head
+;;; of the group; the group is entered in the export table under the
+;;; name of the head only. Groups for vars and synonyms have only the
+;;; head. Data types and classes have the constructors or methods in
+;;; the tail of the group.
+(define (group-name x) ; name of the head
+ (tuple-2-1 (car x)))
+(define (group-definition x) ; definition of the head
+ (tuple-2-2 (car x)))
+;;; The name & entry are the head of the group. Others is a list of
+;;; name - definition pairs.
+(define (make-group name entry . others)
+ (if (null? others)
+ (list (cons name entry))
+ (cons (cons name entry) (car others))))
+(define (hidden-constructors? group)
+ (null? (cdr group)))
+(define (strip-constructors group)
+ (list (car group)))
+;;; rename-group applies the current renaming to every
+;;; name in a group. When uses, a renaming is marked to allow unused
+;;; renamings to be detected.
+(define (rename-group g renamings)
+ (if (null? renamings)
+ g
+ (map (lambda (n-d)
+ (let* ((def (tuple-2-2 n-d))
+ (keep-name? (or (con? def) (var? def)))
+ (n (tuple-2-1 n-d))
+ (name (if keep-name? n (add-con-prefix/symbol n)))
+ (renaming (locate-renaming name renamings)))
+ (cond (renaming
+ (let ((new-name
+ (if keep-name?
+ (renaming-to renaming)
+ (remove-con-prefix/symbol
+ (renaming-to renaming)))))
+ (when (and (def-prelude? def)
+ (not (eq? (def-name def) new-name)))
+ (signal-prelude-renaming def new-name)
+ (setf new-name (def-name def)))
+ (setf (renaming-referenced? renaming) '#t)
+ (tuple new-name def)))
+ (else n-d))))
+ g)))
+(define (locate-renaming name renamings)
+ (if (null? renamings)
+ '#f
+ (if (eq? name (renaming-from (car renamings)))
+ (car renamings)
+ (locate-renaming name (cdr renamings)))))
+(define (gather-algdata-group name def)
+ (cons (tuple name def)
+ (gather-group (algdata-constrs def))))
+(define (gather-class-group name def)
+ (cons (tuple name def)
+ (gather-group (class-method-vars def))))
+(define (gather-group defs)
+ (if (null? defs)
+ '()
+ (let ((local-name (local-name (car defs))))
+ (if (eq? local-name '#f)
+ '()
+ (cons (tuple local-name (car defs))
+ (gather-group (cdr defs)))))))
+;;; These deal with `hiding' lists.
+;;; Note: as per the new report, no need to worry about anything but the
+;;; group head and the entity name since only var, Class(..),Alg(..) allowed
+(define (in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (cond ((null? hiding)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? (entity-name (car hiding)) (group-name group))
+ '#t)
+ (else (in-hiding-list? group (cdr hiding)))))
+(define (remove-entity group hiding)
+ (cond ((eq? (entity-name (car hiding)) (group-name group))
+ (cdr hiding))
+ (else (cons (car hiding) (remove-entity group (cdr hiding))))))
+;;; This moves fixity information to the local symbols. This must be
+;;; called after local symbols are installed but before imported
+;;; symbols arrive.
+(define (attach-fixities)
+ (dolist (fixity-decl (module-fixities *module*))
+ (let ((fixity (fixity-decl-fixity fixity-decl)))
+ (dolist (op (fixity-decl-names fixity-decl))
+ (let ((def (resolve-toplevel-name op)))
+ (cond ((or (eq? def '#f) (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module def))))
+ ;;; ***This is WRONG! Inner fixities may be found.
+ (signal-non-local-fixity op))
+ ((var? def)
+ (setf (var-fixity def) fixity)
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* op) fixity))
+ ((con? def)
+ (setf (con-fixity def) fixity)
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* op) fixity))
+ (else (signal-fixity-not-var/con op))))))))
diff --git a/import-export/ie.scm b/import-export/ie.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd6de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(define-compilation-unit ie
+ (source-filename "$Y2/import-export/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit ie-utils
+ (source-filename "ie-utils"))
+ (unit import-export
+ (source-filename "import-export"))
+ (unit init-modules
+ (source-filename "init-modules"))
+ (unit top-definitions
+ (source-filename "top-definitions"))
+ (unit locate-entity
+ (source-filename "locate-entity"))
+ (unit ie-errors
+ (source-filename "ie-errors")))
diff --git a/import-export/import-export.scm b/import-export/import-export.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25fdfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/import-export.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; This is the main driver for the import / export routine
+(define (import-export modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (add-module-to-symbol-table *module*)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (init-module-structure)))
+ (import-export/fixpoint modules '#t)
+ (walk-modules modules (lambda () (check-missing-names)))
+ (when (memq 'import (dynamic *printers*))
+ (show-export-tables modules))
+ modules)
+(define (import-export/interface modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (add-module-to-symbol-table *module*)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (init-module-structure)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (create-top-definitions)
+ (attach-fixities))))
+(define (import-export/fixpoint modules initial-cycle?)
+ (setf *new-exports-found?* '#f)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-fresh-exports *module*) '())
+ (when initial-cycle?
+ (create-top-definitions)
+ (attach-fixities)
+ (import-non-local))
+ (locally-import)
+ (locally-export)))
+ (when *new-exports-found?*
+ (import-export/fixpoint modules '#f)))
+;;; This does the non-local importing from previously defined modules
+(define (import-non-local)
+ (setf (module-imports *module*)
+ (process-non-local-imports (module-imports *module*))))
+(define (process-non-local-imports imports)
+ (if (null? imports)
+ '()
+ (let* ((import (car imports)))
+ (with-slots import-decl (module mode specs renamings) import
+ (cond ((eq? *unit* (module-unit module))
+ (cons import (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports))))
+ ((eq? mode 'all)
+ (import-all-entities module specs renamings import)
+ (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports)))
+ (else
+ (import-named-entities module specs renamings import)
+ (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports))))))))
+(define (import-all-entities module hiding renamings import-decl)
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (name group)
+ (declare (ignore name))
+ (cond ((in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (setf hiding (remove-entity group hiding)))
+ (else
+ (import-group (rename-group group renamings) module))))
+ (module-export-table module))
+ (when (not (null? hiding))
+ (remember-context import-decl
+ (dolist (h hiding)
+ (signal-unused-hiding (entity-name h) (module-name module)))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl))
+(define (import-named-entities mod specs renamings import-decl)
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (let ((group (locate-entity/export-table entity mod '#t)))
+ (when (not (eq? group 'error))
+ (setf group (rename-group group renamings))
+ (import-group group mod))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl))
+;;; This takes a module and processes the import declarations, moving as
+;;; many entities from the freshly exported components of other modules into
+;;; the current module.
+(define (locally-import)
+ (dolist (import (module-imports *module*))
+ (with-slots import-decl (module mode specs renamings) import
+ (if (eq? mode 'all)
+ (import-fresh-entities import module specs renamings)
+ (setf (import-decl-specs import)
+ (import-entities specs module renamings))))))
+(define (import-fresh-entities import module hiding renamings)
+ (dolist (group (module-fresh-exports module))
+ (cond ((in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (setf hiding (remove-entity group hiding)))
+ (else
+ (import-group (rename-group group renamings) module))))
+ (setf (import-decl-specs import) hiding))
+(define (import-entities entities module renamings)
+ (if (null? entities)
+ '()
+ (let ((group (locate-entity/export-table (car entities) module '#f)))
+ (cond ((eq? group 'not-found)
+ (cons (car entities)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings)))
+ ((eq? group 'error)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings))
+ (else
+ (setf group (rename-group group renamings))
+ (import-group group module)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings))))))
+;;; This imports a group into *module*. module is the place the group is
+;;; taken from.
+(define (import-group group module)
+ (when (memq module (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (export-group group))
+ (dolist (n-d group)
+ (insert-top-definition (tuple-2-1 n-d) (tuple-2-2 n-d))))
+;;; This takes as yet unresolved exports and moves them to the export table.
+(define (locally-export)
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (export-entities (module-exports *module*))))
+(define (export-entities entities)
+ (if (null? entities)
+ '()
+ (let* ((entity (car entities))
+ (group (locate-entity entity)))
+ (cond ((eq? group 'error)
+ (export-entities (cdr entities)))
+ ((eq? group 'not-found)
+ (cons entity (export-entities (cdr entities))))
+ (else
+ (export-group group)
+ (export-entities (cdr entities)))))))
+;;; This moves a group into the export table. If this export is new,
+;;; a flag is set.
+(define (export-group group)
+ (let* ((export-table (module-export-table *module*))
+ (old-group (table-entry export-table (group-name group))))
+ (when (or (eq? old-group '#f)
+ (and (hidden-constructors? old-group)
+ (not (hidden-constructors? group))))
+ (setf (table-entry export-table (group-name group)) group)
+ (dolist (n-d group)
+ (setf (def-exported? (tuple-2-2 n-d)) '#t))
+ (push group (module-fresh-exports *module*))
+ (setf *new-exports-found?* '#t))))
+(define (show-export-tables modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (format '#t "~%Exports from module ~A~%" *module-name*)
+ (let ((exports '()))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (key val)
+ (push (cons key val) exports))
+ (module-export-table *module*))
+ (setf exports (sort-list exports
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (string-ci<? (symbol->string (car x))
+ (symbol->string (car y))))))
+ (dolist (e exports)
+ (print-exported-group (car e) (group-definition (cdr e))
+ (cdr (cdr e))))))))
+(define (print-exported-group name def extras)
+ (if (eq? (def-module def) *module-name*)
+ (format '#t " ")
+ (format '#t "*"))
+ (cond ((synonym? def)
+ (format '#t "type "))
+ ((algdata? def)
+ (format '#t "data "))
+ ((class? def)
+ (format '#t "class "))
+ (else
+ (format '#t " ")))
+ (format '#t "~A" name)
+ (when (not (eq? name (def-name def)))
+ (format '#t "[~A]" (def-name def)))
+ (when extras
+ (format '#t " (")
+ (print-exported-group-1 extras (algdata? def)))
+ (format '#t "~%"))
+(define (print-exported-group-1 extras alg?)
+ (let* ((name (tuple-2-1 (car extras)))
+ (ns (symbol->string name))
+ (def (tuple-2-2 (car extras))))
+ (format '#t "~A" (if alg? (remove-con-prefix ns) ns))
+ (when (not (eq? name (def-name def)))
+ (let ((name1 (symbol->string (def-name def))))
+ (format '#t "[~A]" (if alg? (remove-con-prefix name1) name1))))
+ (if (null? (cdr extras))
+ (format '#t ")")
+ (begin
+ (format '#t ",")
+ (print-exported-group-1 (cdr extras) alg?)))))
diff --git a/import-export/init-modules.scm b/import-export/init-modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5198c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/init-modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;;; This initializes the module ast structures.
+;;; This requires that the module table be created and updated with new
+;;; modules first. *unit* must also be defined.
+;;; Things initialized there:
+;;; all tables in the module structure
+;;; the module slot of all import declarations and entity-modules
+;;; The import Prelude is added when necessary
+;;; Empty export lists are explicated
+(define (init-module-structure)
+ (when (not (eq? (module-type *module*) 'extension))
+ ;; If this is an extension, the incremental compiler has already
+ ;; filled in the compilation unit.
+ (setf (module-unit *module*) *unit*))
+ ;;; This processes the annotations. Annotations used at the top
+ ;;; level of the module:
+ ;;; {-#PRELUDE#-} : this contains definitions in the Haskell prelude
+ (setf (module-prelude? *module*) '#f)
+ (setf (module-interface-codefile *module*) '())
+ (dolist (a (module-annotations *module*))
+ (when (annotation-value? a)
+ (let ((name (annotation-value-name a)))
+ (cond ((eq? name '|Prelude|)
+ (setf (module-prelude? *module*) '#t))))))
+ (cond ((eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (setf (module-exported-modules *module*) (list *module*))
+ (process-interface-imports *module*))
+ ((eq? (module-type *module*) 'standard)
+ (init-standard-module))))
+(define (init-standard-module)
+ (let ((seen-prelude? '#f))
+ (dolist (import (module-imports *module*))
+ (let* ((name (import-decl-module-name import))
+ (imported-mod (locate-module name)))
+ (when (eq? name '|Prelude|)
+ (setf seen-prelude? '#t))
+ (if (eq? imported-mod '#f)
+ (signal-undefined-module-import name)
+ (setf (import-decl-module import) imported-mod))
+ (when (eq? name *module-name*)
+ (signal-self-import name))))
+ (when (null? (module-exports *module*))
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (list (make entity-module (name *module-name*)
+ (module *module*)))))
+ (when (not seen-prelude?)
+ (let ((prelude (locate-module '|Prelude|)))
+ (cond ((eq? prelude '#f)
+ (signal-missing-prelude))
+ ((module-prelude? *module*)
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*) '#f)
+ (add-imported-module prelude))
+ (else
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*) '#t)
+ (let ((fix-table (module-fixity-table *module*)))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (k v)
+ (setf (table-entry fix-table k) v))
+ *prelude-fixity-table*))))))
+ (let ((prelude-core (locate-module '|PreludeCore|)))
+ (if (eq? prelude-core '#f)
+ (signal-missing-prelude-core)
+ (when (module-prelude? *module*)
+ (add-imported-module prelude-core))))
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (filter-complete-module-exports (module-exports *module*))))
+ )
+(define (add-imported-module module)
+ (setf (module-imports *module*)
+ (cons (make import-decl
+ (module-name (module-name module))
+ (module module)
+ (mode 'all)
+ (specs '())
+ (renamings '()))
+ (module-imports *module*))))
+(define (filter-complete-module-exports exports)
+ (if (null? exports)
+ '()
+ (let ((export (car exports))
+ (others (filter-complete-module-exports (cdr exports))))
+ (if (is-type? 'entity-module export)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name export))
+ (exported-mod (locate-module name)))
+ (when (eq? exported-mod '#f)
+ (signal-undefined-module-export name))
+ (push exported-mod (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (when (not (memq name
+ (cons *module-name*
+ (map
+ (lambda (import)
+ (import-decl-module-name import))
+ (module-imports *module*)))))
+ (signal-export-not-imported name))
+ others)
+ (cons export others)))))
+(define (process-interface-imports module)
+ (let ((imports '()))
+ (dolist (i (module-imports module))
+ (let ((module (import-decl-module-name i))
+ (renamings (import-decl-renamings i)))
+ (dolist (s (import-decl-specs i))
+ (let* ((n (entity-name s))
+ (n1 (do-interface-rename n renamings)))
+ (when (assq n1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports n1))
+ (push (tuple n1 (tuple module n)) imports)
+ (cond ((entity-class? s)
+ (dolist (m (entity-class-methods s))
+ (let ((m1 (do-interface-rename m renamings)))
+ (when (assq m1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports m1))
+ (push (tuple m1 (tuple module m)) imports))))
+ ((entity-datatype? s)
+ (dolist (m (entity-datatype-constructors s))
+ (let ((m1 (do-interface-rename m renamings)))
+ (when (assq m1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports m1))
+ (push (tuple m1 (tuple module m)) imports)))))))))
+ (setf (module-interface-imports module) imports)))
+(define (signal-multiple-imports name)
+ (phase-error 'multuple-interface-import
+ "Interface file has more than one definition of ~A~%" name))
+(define (do-interface-rename name renamings)
+ (if (has-con-prefix? (symbol->string name))
+ (let* ((n1 (remove-con-prefix/symbol name))
+ (res (locate-renaming n1 renamings)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ name
+ (add-con-prefix/symbol (renaming-to res))))
+ (let ((res (locate-renaming name renamings)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ name
+ (renaming-to res)))))
diff --git a/import-export/locate-entity.scm b/import-export/locate-entity.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a001b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/locate-entity.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+;;; This file deals with entities in import / export lists
+;;; This resolves an entity with the export table of a
+;;; module. It returns either a group, the symbol 'error, or the symbol
+;;; 'not-found. When force-error? is true, signal an error when
+;;; the module is not found & return 'error.
+(define (locate-entity/export-table entity mod force-error?)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name entity))
+ (group (table-entry (module-export-table mod) name)))
+ (if (eq? group '#f)
+ (if (not force-error?)
+ 'not-found
+ (signal-entity-not-found name (module-name mod)))
+ (let ((def (group-definition group)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'entity-var entity)
+ group)
+ ((is-type? 'entity-con entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (strip-constructors group))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (signal-synonym-needs-dots name (module-name mod)))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor" name (module-name mod)))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-abbreviated entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (cond ((hidden-constructors? group)
+ (if force-error?
+ (signal-abstract-type
+ name (module-name mod))
+ 'not-found))
+ (else
+ group)))
+ ((or (class? def) (synonym? def))
+ group)
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "class or datatype" name (module-name mod)))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-class entity)
+ (if (class? def)
+ (match-constituents group (entity-class-methods entity)
+ entity "method")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "class" name (module-name mod))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-datatype entity)
+ (if (algdata? def)
+ (match-constituents group
+ (entity-datatype-constructors entity)
+ entity "constructor")
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "data type" name (module-name mod))))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad entity ~s." entity))
+ )))))
+(define (match-constituents group names entity what)
+ (check-duplicates names entity)
+ (dolist (n-d (cdr group))
+ (when (not (memq (tuple-2-1 n-d) names))
+ (signal-extra-constituent entity (tuple-2-1 n-d) what)))
+ (dolist (name names)
+ (when (not (assq name (cdr group)))
+ (signal-missing-constituent entity name what)))
+ group)
+;;; The following routine locates an entity in the current module.
+;;; It may return 'error, 'not-found, or a group.
+(define (locate-entity entity)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name entity))
+ (def (resolve-toplevel-name name)))
+ (cond ((eq? def '#f)
+ 'not-found)
+ ((is-type? 'entity-var entity)
+ (if (method-var? def)
+ (signal-export-method-var name)
+ (make-group name def)))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-con entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (make-group name def))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (signal-synonym-needs-dots name *module-name*))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor" name *module-name*))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-abbreviated entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (require-complete-algdata
+ (gather-algdata-group name def)))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (make-group name def))
+ ((class? def)
+ (gather-class-group name def))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor or class" name *module-name*))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-class entity)
+ (if (class? def)
+ (match-group-names
+ (gather-class-group name def)
+ (entity-class-methods entity)
+ entity
+ "method")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "class" name *module-name*)))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-datatype entity)
+ (if (algdata? def)
+ (match-group-names
+ (require-complete-algdata (gather-algdata-group name def))
+ (entity-datatype-constructors entity)
+ entity "constructor")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "data type" name *module-name*)))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad entity ~s." entity)))))
+(define (require-complete-algdata group)
+ (if (hidden-constructors? group)
+ 'not-found
+ group))
+(define (match-group-names group names entity what)
+ (when (not (eq? group 'not-found))
+ (match-constituents group names entity what))
+ group)
diff --git a/import-export/top-definitions.scm b/import-export/top-definitions.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07722dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/top-definitions.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+;;; File: top-definitions.scm
+;;; Description: This creates definitions for all top level (exportable)
+;;; object in a module.
+(define (create-top-definitions)
+ (dolist (decl (module-decls *module*))
+ (if (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (when (signdecl? decl)
+ (create-var-definitions decl (signdecl-vars decl)))
+ (when (valdef? decl)
+ (create-var-definitions
+ decl (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl))))))
+ (dolist (algdata (module-algdatas *module*))
+ (create-alg-definitions algdata))
+ (dolist (synonym (module-synonyms *module*))
+ (create-syn-definitions synonym))
+ (dolist (class (module-classes *module*))
+ (create-class-definitions class)))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; creation of definitions
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (create-var-definitions decl vars)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (dolist (v vars)
+ (let* ((var-name (var-ref-name v))
+ (def (create-top-definition var-name 'var)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var v) def)
+ (push def (module-vars *module*))
+ (add-new-group var-name def)))))
+;;; This also creates definitions for the constructors
+(define (create-alg-definitions algdata)
+ (remember-context algdata
+ (with-slots data-decl (simple constrs) algdata
+ (let* ((alg-name (tycon-name simple))
+ (def (create-top-definition alg-name 'algdata)))
+ (setf (tycon-def simple) def)
+ (let ((constr-group
+ (map (lambda (constr)
+ (let* ((con-ref (constr-constructor constr))
+ (con-name (con-ref-name con-ref))
+ (con-def (create-top-definition con-name 'con)))
+ (setf (con-ref-con con-ref) con-def)
+ (tuple con-name con-def)))
+ constrs)))
+ (setf (algdata-constrs def) (map (function tuple-2-2) constr-group))
+ (setf (tycon-def-arity def) (length (tycon-args simple)))
+ (add-new-group alg-name def constr-group))))))
+(define (create-class-definitions class-decl)
+ (remember-context class-decl
+ (with-slots class-decl (class decls) class-decl
+ (let* ((class-name (class-ref-name class))
+ (class-def (create-top-definition class-name 'class)))
+ (setf (class-ref-class class) class-def)
+ (let ((method-group
+ (concat
+ (map
+ (lambda (decl)
+ (if (is-type? 'signdecl decl)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (map (lambda (method-var)
+ (let* ((var-name (var-ref-name method-var))
+ (def (create-top-definition
+ var-name 'method-var)))
+ (setf (method-var-class def) class-def)
+ (setf (method-var-default def) '#f)
+ (setf (var-ref-var method-var) def)
+ (tuple var-name def)))
+ (signdecl-vars decl)))
+ '()))
+ decls))))
+ (setf (class-method-vars class-def)
+ (map (function tuple-2-2) method-group))
+ (add-new-group class-name class-def method-group))))))
+(define (create-syn-definitions synonym-decl)
+ (remember-context synonym-decl
+ (let* ((simple (synonym-decl-simple synonym-decl))
+ (syn-name (tycon-name simple))
+ (def (create-top-definition syn-name 'synonym)))
+ (setf (tycon-def simple) def)
+ (setf (tycon-def-arity def) (length (tycon-args simple)))
+ (add-new-group syn-name def))))
+(define (add-new-group name def . others)
+ (when (memq *module* (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (export-group (cons (tuple name def)
+ (if (null? others)
+ '()
+ (car others))))))
diff --git a/parser/README b/parser/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2facd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This directory contains the lexer and parser.
diff --git a/parser/annotation-parser.scm b/parser/annotation-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae33cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/annotation-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+(define *annotation-escape* '())
+(define (parse-annotations)
+ (let ((save-layout (dynamic *layout-stack*)))
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) '())
+ (advance-token)
+ (let/cc annotation-escape
+ (setf *annotation-escape* (lambda ()
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) save-layout)
+ (advance-to-annotation-end)
+ (funcall annotation-escape '())))
+ (let ((res (start-layout (function parse-annotation-list-1))))
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) save-layout)
+ (token-case
+ (end-annotation res)
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))))
+(define (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)
+ (let ((kind (get-annotation-kind)))
+ (cond ((eq? kind 'decl)
+ (let ((d (parse-annotation-decl)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (cons d (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list d)))))
+ ((eq? kind 'value)
+ (let ((d (parse-annotation-value)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (cons d (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list d)))))
+ (else
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ '()))))
+(define (get-annotation-kind)
+ (token-case
+ ((no-advance end-annotation) 'end)
+ ((no-advance \() 'decl)
+ ((var con)
+ (let ((next (peek-1-type)))
+ (cond ((eq? next '|,|)
+ 'decl)
+ ((eq? next '|::|)
+ 'decl)
+ (else
+ 'value))))
+ (else 'error)))
+(define (parse-annotation-decl)
+ (let* ((names (parse-aname-list))
+ (decls (parse-aval-list)))
+ (make annotation-decl (names names) (annotations decls))))
+(define (parse-aname-list)
+ (let ((name 'foo))
+ (token-case
+ (var
+ (setf name (var->symbol)))
+ (con
+ (setf name (con->symbol)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons name (parse-aname-list)))
+ (|::| (list name))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+(define (parse-aval-list)
+ (let ((ann (parse-annotation-value)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons ann (parse-aval-list)))
+ (else (list ann)))))
+(define (parse-annotation-value)
+ (token-case
+ (name (let* ((name (token->symbol))
+ (args (parse-annotation-args name)))
+ (make annotation-value (name name) (args args))))))
+(define (parse-annotation-args name)
+ (token-case
+ (\( (parse-annotation-args-1 name 0))
+ (else '())))
+;;; This routine can invoke special parsers for the arguments
+(define (parse-annotation-args-1 name i)
+ (let* ((argtype (get-annotation-arg-description name i))
+ (arg (parse-annotation-arg argtype)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list arg))
+ (\, (cons arg (parse-annotation-args-1 name (1+ i))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+(define (parse-annotation-arg type)
+ (cond ((eq? type 'string)
+ (token-case
+ ((string no-advance)
+ (let ((res (car *token-args*)))
+ (advance-token)
+ res))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+ ;; The following is for a datatype import/export. It is
+ ;; Type(Con1(strs),Con2(strs),...)
+ ((eq? type 'integer)
+ (token-case
+ ((integer no-advance) (token->integer))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+ ((eq? type 'constr-list)
+ (parse-annotation-constr-list))
+ (else
+ (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (signal-annotation-error)
+ (parser-error/recoverable 'annotation-error "Error in annotation syntax")
+ (funcall *annotation-escape*))
+(define (parse-annotation-constr-list)
+ (token-case
+ (tycon (let ((type-name (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case (\( (let* ((args (parse-acl1))
+ (res (tuple type-name args)))
+ (token-case ; leave the ) to end the args
+ ((no-advance \)) (list res))
+ (\, (cons res (parse-annotation-constr-list)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (parse-acl1)
+ (token-case
+ (con (let ((con-name (con->symbol)))
+ (token-case (\( (let ((str-args (parse-string-list)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons (tuple con-name str-args)
+ (parse-acl1)))
+ (\) (list (tuple con-name str-args)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (parse-string-list)
+ (token-case
+ ((string no-advance)
+ (let ((res (read-lisp-object (car *token-args*))))
+ (advance-token)
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list res))
+ (\, (cons res (parse-string-list)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (advance-to-annotation-end)
+ (token-case
+ (eof '())
+ (end-annotation
+ (advance-token))
+ (else
+ (advance-token)
+ (advance-to-annotation-end))))
+(define *known-annotations* '(
+ (|LispName| string)
+ (|Prelude|)
+ (|Strictness| string)
+ (|Strict|)
+ (|NoConversion|)
+ (|Inline|)
+ (|STRICT|)
+ (|ImportLispType| constr-list)
+ (|ExportLispType| constr-list)
+ (|Complexity| integer)
+ ))
+(define (get-annotation-arg-description annotation i)
+ (let ((s (assq annotation *known-annotations*)))
+ (cond ((eq? s '#f)
+ (parser-error/recoverable 'unknown-annotation
+ "Annotation ~A is not defined in this system - ignored."
+ annotation)
+ 'unknown)
+ ((>= i (length s))
+ 'error)
+ (else (list-ref s (1+ i))))))
diff --git a/parser/decl-parser.scm b/parser/decl-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf924b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/decl-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+;;; File: decl-parser Author: John
+(define (parse-decl)
+ (let ((decl-type (find-decl-type)))
+ (cond ((eq? decl-type 'signdecl)
+ (parse-signdecl))
+ ((eq? decl-type 'pat-or-op)
+ (parse-pat-or-op))
+ ((eq? decl-type 'fundef)
+ (parse-fundef))
+ ((eq? decl-type 'plus-def)
+ (parse-plus-def))
+ ((eq? decl-type 'annotation)
+ (make annotation-decls (annotations (parse-annotations)))))))
+;;; This looks at the first tokens in a definition to determine it's type.
+;;; var (:: | ,) - signdecl
+;;; var apat-start - function definition
+;;; (var | _) + - definition of infix +
+;;; anything alse - pattern binding or infix definition
+(define (find-decl-type)
+ (let* ((saved-excursion (save-scanner-state))
+ (decl-type
+ (token-case
+ (var (scan-var)
+ (token-case
+ ((\, \:\:) 'signdecl)
+ (apat-start 'fundef)
+ (+ 'plus-def)
+ (else 'pat-or-op)))
+ (_ (token-case
+ (+ 'plus-def)
+ (else 'pat-or-op)))
+ (begin-annotation 'annotation)
+ (else 'pat-or-op))))
+ (restore-excursion saved-excursion)
+ decl-type))
+;;; These are the different flavors of decl parsers
+(define (parse-signdecl)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (trace-parser signdecl
+ (let ((vars (parse-signdecl-vars)))
+ (require-token \:\:
+ (signal-missing-token "`::'" "signature declaration"))
+ (let ((signature (parse-signature)))
+ (make signdecl (vars vars) (signature signature)))))))
+(define (parse-signdecl-vars)
+ (token-case
+ (var (let ((var (var->ast)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons var (parse-signdecl-vars)))
+ (else (list var)))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<var>" "signature declaration"))))
+(define (parse-pat-or-op)
+ (trace-parser patdef
+ (let* ((line-number (capture-current-line))
+ (pat (parse-pat)))
+ (token-case
+ (varop (parse-infix-def pat line-number))
+ (else (add-rhs pat '() '#f line-number))))))
+(define (parse-infix-def pat1 line-number)
+ (let* ((op (make var-pat (var (varop->ast))))
+ (pat2 (parse-pat)))
+ (add-rhs op (list pat1 pat2) '#t line-number)))
+(define (parse-fundef)
+ (trace-parser fundef
+ (let* ((start-line (capture-current-line))
+ (fn (parse-apat)) ; must be a single variable
+ (args (parse-apat-list)))
+ (add-rhs fn args '#f start-line))))
+(define (parse-plus-def)
+ (trace-parser plus-def
+ (let* ((start-line (capture-current-line))
+ (var (parse-apat)))
+ (parse-infix-def var start-line))))
+(define (add-rhs pat args infix? start-line)
+ (let* ((rhs (parse-rhs))
+ (decls (parse-where-decls))
+ (single (make single-fun-def
+ (args args)
+ (rhs-list rhs)
+ (where-decls decls)
+ (infix? infix?)))
+ (valdef (make valdef (lhs pat) (definitions (list single)))))
+ (setf (ast-node-line-number single) start-line)
+ (setf (ast-node-line-number valdef) start-line)
+ valdef))
+(define (parse-rhs)
+ (token-case
+ (= (let ((rhs (parse-exp)))
+ (list (make guarded-rhs (guard (make omitted-guard)) (rhs rhs)))))
+ (\| (parse-guarded-rhs))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "`=' or `|'" "rhs of valdef"))))
+(define (parse-guarded-rhs) ; assume just past |
+ (trace-parser guard
+ (let ((guard (parse-exp-i))) ; 1.2 change
+ (require-token = (signal-missing-token "`='" "guarded rhs"))
+ (let* ((exp (parse-exp))
+ (res (make guarded-rhs (guard guard) (rhs exp))))
+ (token-case
+ (\| (cons res (parse-guarded-rhs)))
+ (else (list res)))))))
+(define (parse-where-decls)
+ (token-case
+ (|where|
+ (parse-decl-list))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-decl-list)
+ (start-layout (function parse-decl-list-1)))
+(define (parse-decl-list-1 in-layout?)
+ (token-case
+ ((apat-start begin-annotation)
+ (let ((decl (parse-decl)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (decl-cons decl (parse-decl-list-1 in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list decl)))))
+ (else
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ '())))
+;;; This adds a new decl to a decl list. Successive decls for the same fn
+;;; are combined.
+(define (decl-cons decl decl-list)
+ (cond ((null? decl-list)
+ (list decl))
+ (else (nconc (combine-decls decl (car decl-list)) (cdr decl-list)))))
+(define (decl-push decl decl-stack)
+ (cond ((null? decl-stack)
+ (list decl))
+ (else (nconc (nreverse (combine-decls (car decl-stack) decl))
+ (cdr decl-stack)))))
+(define (combine-decls decl1 decl2)
+ (if (and (is-type? 'valdef decl1)
+ (is-type? 'valdef decl2)
+ (same-decl-var? (valdef-lhs decl1) (valdef-lhs decl2)))
+ (if (eqv? (length (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions decl1))))
+ (length (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions decl2)))))
+ (begin
+ (setf (valdef-definitions decl1)
+ (nconc (valdef-definitions decl1)
+ (valdef-definitions decl2)))
+ (list decl1))
+ (signal-multiple-definitions-arity-mismatch (valdef-lhs decl1)))
+ (list decl1 decl2)))
+(define (same-decl-var? pat1 pat2)
+ (and (is-type? 'var-pat pat1)
+ (is-type? 'var-pat pat2)
+ (eq? (var-ref-name (var-pat-var pat1))
+ (var-ref-name (var-pat-var pat2)))))
+(define (signal-multiple-definitions-arity-mismatch pat)
+ (parser-error 'multiple-definitions-arity-mismatch
+ "Definition of ~a does not match arity of previous definition."
+ pat))
diff --git a/parser/exp-parser.scm b/parser/exp-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f941ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/exp-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+;;; File: expr-parser Author: John
+(define (parse-exp)
+ (trace-parser exp
+ (parse-exp-0)))
+(define (parse-exp-0) ;; This picks up expr type signatures
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp-i)))
+ (token-case
+ (\:\: (let ((signature (parse-signature)))
+ (make exp-sign (exp exp) (signature signature))))
+ (else exp))))
+(define (parse-exp-i) ;; This collects a list of exps for later prec parsing
+ (let ((exps (parse-infix-exps)))
+ (if (null? (cdr exps))
+ (car exps)
+ (make pp-exp-list (exps exps)))))
+(define (parse-infix-exps)
+ (token-case
+ (- (cons (make negate) (parse-infix-exps)))
+ (\\ (list (parse-lambda)))
+ (|let| (list (parse-let)))
+ (|if| (list (parse-if)))
+ (|case| (parse-possible-app (parse-case)))
+ (else (let ((aexp (parse-aexp)))
+ (parse-possible-app aexp)))))
+(define (parse-possible-app exp)
+ (token-case
+ (aexp-start
+ (let ((exp2 (parse-aexp)))
+ (parse-possible-app (make app (fn exp) (arg exp2)))))
+ (varop
+ (let ((varop (varop->ast)))
+ (if (eq-token? '\))
+ (list exp varop)
+ `(,exp ,varop ,@(parse-infix-exps)))))
+ (conop
+ (let ((conop (conop->ast)))
+ (if (eq-token? '\))
+ (list exp conop)
+ `(,exp ,conop ,@(parse-infix-exps)))))
+ (else (list exp))))
+(define (parse-lambda)
+ (trace-parser lambda
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((pats (parse-apat-list)))
+ (require-token -> (signal-missing-token "`->'" "lambda expression"))
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (make lambda (pats pats) (body exp)))))))
+(define (parse-let)
+ (trace-parser let
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((decls (parse-decl-list)))
+ (require-token |in| (signal-missing-token "`in'" "let expression"))
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (make let (decls decls) (body exp)))))))
+(define (parse-if)
+ (trace-parser if
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((test-exp (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token |then| (signal-missing-token "`then'" "if expression"))
+ (let ((then-exp (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token |else| (signal-missing-token "`else'" "if expression"))
+ (let ((else-exp (parse-exp)))
+ (make if (test-exp test-exp)
+ (then-exp then-exp)
+ (else-exp else-exp))))))))
+(define (parse-case)
+ (trace-parser case
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token |of| (signal-missing-token "`of'" "case expression"))
+ (let ((alts (start-layout (function parse-alts))))
+ (make case (exp exp) (alts alts)))))))
+(define (parse-alts in-layout?)
+ (token-case
+ (pat-start
+ (let ((alt (parse-alt)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (cons alt (parse-alts in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list alt)))))
+ (else
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ '())))
+(define (parse-alt)
+ (trace-parser alt
+ (let* ((pat (parse-pat))
+ (rhs-list (token-case
+ (-> (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (list (make guarded-rhs (guard (make omitted-guard))
+ (rhs exp)))))
+ (\| (parse-guarded-alt-rhs))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`->' or `|'" "rhs of alt"))))
+ (decls (parse-where-decls)))
+ (make alt (pat pat) (rhs-list rhs-list) (where-decls decls)))))
+(define (parse-guarded-alt-rhs)
+ (let ((guard (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token -> (signal-missing-token "`->'" "alt"))
+ (let* ((exp (parse-exp))
+ (res (make guarded-rhs (guard guard) (rhs exp))))
+ (token-case
+ (\| (cons res (parse-guarded-alt-rhs)))
+ (else (list res))))))
+(define (parse-aexp)
+ (trace-parser aexp
+ (token-case
+ (var (save-parser-context (var->ast)))
+ (con (save-parser-context (con->ast)))
+ (literal (literal->ast))
+ (\(
+ (token-case
+ (\) (**con/def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor")))
+ ((no-advance -) (parse-exp-or-tuple))
+ (varop
+ (let ((varop (varop->ast)))
+ (make-right-section varop)))
+ (conop
+ (let ((conop (conop->ast)))
+ (make-right-section conop)))
+ (else
+ (parse-exp-or-tuple))))
+ (\[
+ (token-case
+ (\] (make list-exp (exps '())))
+ (else
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (let ((exp2 (parse-exp)))
+ (token-case
+ (\] (make list-exp (exps (list exp exp2))))
+ (\.\. (token-case
+ (\] (make sequence-then (from exp) (then exp2)))
+ (else
+ (let ((exp3 (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token
+ \]
+ (signal-missing-token
+ "`]'" "sequence expression"))
+ (make sequence-then-to (from exp) (then exp2)
+ (to exp3))))))
+ (else
+ (make list-exp
+ (exps `(,exp ,exp2 ,@(parse-exp-list))))))))
+ (\.\. (token-case
+ (\] (make sequence (from exp)))
+ (else
+ (let ((exp2 (parse-exp)))
+ (require-token
+ \]
+ (signal-missing-token "`]'" "sequence expression"))
+ (make sequence-to (from exp) (to exp2))))))
+ (\] (make list-exp (exps (list exp))))
+ (\| (parse-list-comp exp))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax
+ "a list, sequence, or list comprehension")))))))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "an aexp")))))
+(define (make-right-section op)
+ (let ((exps (parse-infix-exps)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (make pp-exp-list (exps (cons op exps))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)'" "right section expression")))))
+(define (parse-exp-list)
+ (token-case
+ (\] '())
+ (\, (let ((exp (parse-exp))) (cons exp (parse-exp-list))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`]' or `,'" "list expression"))))
+(define (parse-exp-or-tuple)
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) exp) ; Note - sections ending in an op are parsed elsewhere
+ (else (make-tuple-cons (cons exp (parse-tuple-exp)))))))
+(define (parse-tuple-exp)
+ (token-case
+ (\) '())
+ (\, (let ((exp (parse-exp))) (cons exp (parse-tuple-exp))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token
+ "`)' or `,'" "tuple or parenthesized expression"))))
+;;; List comprehensions
+;;; Assume | has been consumed
+(define (parse-list-comp exp)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((quals (parse-qual-list)))
+ (make list-comp (exp exp) (quals quals)))))
+(define (parse-qual-list)
+ (let ((qual (parse-qual)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons qual (parse-qual-list)))
+ (\] (list qual))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`]' or `,'" "list comprehension")))))
+(define (parse-qual)
+ (trace-parser qual
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let* ((saved-excursion (save-scanner-state))
+ (is-gen? (and (scan-pat) (eq-token? '<-))))
+ (restore-excursion saved-excursion)
+ (cond (is-gen?
+ (let ((pat (parse-pat)))
+ (advance-token) ; past the <-
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (make qual-generator (pat pat) (exp exp)))))
+ (else
+ (let ((exp (parse-exp)))
+ (make qual-filter (exp exp)))))))))
+(define (make-tuple-cons args)
+ (let ((tuple-con (**con/def (tuple-constructor (length args)))))
+ (**app/l tuple-con args)))
diff --git a/parser/interface-parser.scm b/parser/interface-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184fdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/interface-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+;;; This is the parser for interface files.
+(define (parse-tokens/interface tokens)
+ (init-token-stream tokens)
+ (let ((interface (token-case
+ (|interface| (parse-interface))
+ (|module| (interface-required-error))
+ (else (crud-in-interface-error)))))
+ (cons interface (parse-interface-list))))
+(define (interface-required-error)
+ (parser-error 'interface-required "Expecting `interface' keyword"))
+(define (crud-in-interface-error)
+ (parser-error 'unexpected-interface-crud "Junk after interface"))
+(define (parse-interface-list)
+ (token-case
+ (|interface|
+ (let ((interface (parse-interface)))
+ (cons interface (parse-interface-list))))
+ (|module| (interface-required-error))
+ (eof '())
+ (else (crud-in-interface-error))))
+(define (parse-interface)
+ (token-case
+ (modid
+ (let ((module-name (token->symbol)))
+ (require-token |where|
+ (signal-missing-token "`where'" "interface definition"))
+ (let ((mod-ast (make module (name module-name)
+ (type 'interface)
+ (exports '()))))
+ (start-layout (lambda (in-layout?)
+ (parse-interface-decls mod-ast in-layout? 'import))))))))
+(define (parse-interface-decls mod-ast in-layout? state)
+ (token-case
+ (|import| (let ((import (parse-import)))
+ (when (not (eq? (import-decl-mode import) 'by-name))
+ (phase-error 'illegal-import
+ "Imports in interfaces must specify specific entities"))
+ (if (eq? state 'import)
+ (push-decl-list import (module-imports mod-ast))
+ (signal-misplaced-import)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (|infix| (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'n mod-ast state)))
+ (|infixl| (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'l mod-ast state)))
+ (|infixr| (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'r mod-ast state)))
+ (|data| (let ((data-decl (parse-type-decl '#t)))
+ (push-decl-list data-decl (module-algdatas mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|type| (let ((synonym-decl (parse-synonym-decl)))
+ (push-decl-list synonym-decl (module-synonyms mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|class| (let ((class-decl (parse-class-decl)))
+ (check-class-default-decls class-decl)
+ (push-decl-list class-decl (module-classes mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|instance| (let ((instance-decl (parse-instance-decl '#t)))
+ (push-decl-list instance-decl (module-instances mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (var (let ((decl (parse-signdecl)))
+ (setf (module-decls mod-ast)
+ (decl-push decl (module-decls mod-ast))))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ ((begin-annotation no-advance)
+ (let ((annotations (parse-annotations)))
+ (setf (module-annotations mod-ast)
+ (append (module-annotations mod-ast) annotations)))
+ (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (else
+ (maybe-end-interface mod-ast in-layout?))))
+(define (maybe-end-interface mod-ast in-layout?)
+ (cond ((or (eq-token? '|interface|) (eq-token? 'eof) (eq-token? '\})
+ (eq-token? '$\}))
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (wrapup-module mod-ast)
+ mod-ast)
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "a topdecl"))))
+(define (terminate-interface-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state)
+ (token-case
+ (\; (parse-interface-decls mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (else (maybe-end-interface mod-ast in-layout?))))
+(define (check-class-default-decls class-decl)
+ (dolist (d (class-decl-decls class-decl))
+ (when (valdef? d)
+ (remember-context d
+ (recoverable-error 'no-defaults-in-interface
+ "Class defaults should not be put in interface files")))))
diff --git a/parser/lexer.scm b/parser/lexer.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7230613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/lexer.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+;;; File: parser/lexer Author: John
+;;; token data structure: a list with the token type in the
+;;; car and other information in the rest of the list. Symbols
+;;; designate the token type.
+;;; Reserved tokens use the name as the type and have no args.
+;;; Reserved tokens:
+;;; case class data default deriving else hiding if import in infix
+;;; infixl infixr instance interface let module of renaming then to
+;;; type where .. :: => = @ \ | ~ <- -> `
+;;; Other tokens:
+;;; (file string)
+;;; (newline line indent-column)
+;;; (conid string)
+;;; (varid string)
+;;; (consym string)
+;;; (varsym string)
+;;; (comment string) ;;; not used at the moment
+;;; (integer integer)
+;;; (float integer fraction exponent)
+;;; (string string)
+;;; (eof)
+;;; *** All of the stuff for lexing character and string literals is
+;;; *** broken because it assumes that the host Lisp uses the ASCII
+;;; *** encoding for characters and supports at least 255 characters.
+;;; *** I have marked the specific places in the code where these
+;;; *** assumptions are made, but fixing the problem will probably
+;;; *** require more drastic changes anyway -- such as using integers
+;;; *** instead of characters and vectors of integers instead of characters
+;;; *** throughout the compiler.
+(define *max-char* 255) ; highest char-code allowed.
+;;; This defines the long names of the control chars. Note that some of
+;;; this duplicates the table above & the reader.
+(define *control-char-names* '(
+ ("NUL" . 0) ("SOH" . 1) ("STX" . 2) ("ETX" . 3)
+ ("EOT" . 4) ("ENQ" . 5) ("ACK" . 6) ("BEL" . 7)
+ ("BS" . 8) ("HT" . 9) ("LF" . 10) ("VT" . 11)
+ ("FF" . 12) ("CR" . 13) ("SO" . 14) ("SI" . 15)
+ ("DLE" . 16) ("DC1" . 17) ("DC2" . 18) ("DC3" . 19)
+ ("DC4" . 20) ("NAK" . 21) ("SYN" . 22) ("ETB" . 23)
+ ("CAN" . 24) ("EM" . 25) ("SUB" . 26) ("ESC" . 27)
+ ("FS" . 28) ("GS" . 29) ("RS" . 30) ("US" . 31)
+ ("SP" . 32) ("DEL" . 127)))
+;;; This defines the short names for a few control chars. This
+;;; is keyed off the previous table
+(define *short-control-char-names* '(
+ (#\a . "BEL") (#\b . "BS") (#\f . "FF") (#\n . "LF")
+ (#\r . "CR") (#\t . "HT") (#\v . "VT")))
+;;; This is used in the ^X construct. Assume that ^X = code for ^A + X-A
+;;; *** This is an invalid assumption.
+(define *control-A* 1)
+;;; This function is the interface between the lexer and the rest
+;;; of the system. Note that the `file' reported in error messages
+;;; must be bound in an outer context.
+;;; *** I think this function should be binding these variables and not
+;;; *** just assigning them.
+(define (lex-port port literate?)
+ (setf *lex-literate?* literate?)
+ (setf *current-line* 1)
+ (setf *current-col* 0)
+ (setf *on-new-line?* '#t)
+ (setf *save-col?* '#f)
+ (setf *port* port)
+ (setf *tokens* '())
+ (setf *char* (read-char *port*))
+ (setf *peek-char* (read-char *port*))
+ (when (eof-object? *char*)
+ (setf *char* '#\space))
+ (when (eof-object? *peek-char*)
+ (setf *peek-char* '#\space))
+ (setf *at-eof/p?* '#f)
+ (setf *at-eof?* '#f)
+ (when *lex-literate?*
+ (process-literate-comments '#t))
+ (parse-till-eof)
+ (nreverse *tokens*))
+(define (parse-till-eof)
+ (cond (*at-eof?*
+ (emit-token 'eof)
+ '())
+ (else
+ (lex-one-token)
+ (parse-till-eof))))
+;;; There is an assumption that the scanner never peeks beyond a newline.
+;;; In literate mode, this may reveal the wrong thing.
+(define (advance-char)
+ (if (and *lex-literate?* (eqv? *char* #\newline))
+ (process-literate-comments '#f)
+ (advance-char-1)))
+(define (advance-char-1)
+ (cond ((eqv? *char* #\newline)
+ (setf *on-new-line?* '#t)
+ (incf (the fixnum *current-line*))
+ (setf *current-col* 0))
+ ((eqv? *char* #\tab)
+ (incf (the fixnum *current-col*) (- 8 (modulo *current-col* 8))))
+ (else
+ (incf (the fixnum *current-col*))))
+ (setf *char* *peek-char*)
+ (setf *at-eof?* *at-eof/p?*)
+ (setf *peek-char* (read-char *port*))
+ (when (eof-object? *peek-char*)
+ (setf *at-eof/p?* '#t)
+ (setf *peek-char* '#\space))
+ *char*)
+(define (peek-char-2)
+ (let ((ch (peek-char *port*)))
+ (if (eof-object? ch)
+ '#\space
+ ch)))
+(define (lex-one-token)
+ (setf *start-line* *current-line*) ; capture the loc at the start of the token
+ (setf *start-col* *current-col*)
+ (unless *at-eof?*
+ (char-case *char*
+ (whitechar
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-one-token))
+ (#\- (char-case *peek-char*
+ (#\- (lex-comment))
+ (#\> (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\-\>))
+ (#\} (signal-missing-begin-comment)
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-one-token))
+ (else
+ (lex-varsym))))
+ (#\{ (cond ((char=? *peek-char* '#\-)
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (cond ((char=? *char* '#\#)
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token 'begin-annotation))
+ (else
+ (lex-ncomment)
+ (lex-one-token))))
+ (else
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\{ ))))
+ (small (lex-varid))
+ (large (lex-conid))
+ (#\( (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\())
+ (#\: (lex-consym))
+ (#\` (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\`))
+ ((symbol presymbol) (lex-varsym))
+ (digit (lex-numeric))
+ (#\' (lex-char))
+ (#\" (lex-string))
+ (#\) (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\)))
+ (#\, (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\,))
+ (#\; (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\;))
+ (#\[ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\[))
+ (#\] (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\]))
+ (#\_ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\_))
+ (#\} (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\}))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-character *char*)
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-one-token)))))
+(define (signal-missing-begin-comment)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-begin-comment
+ "`-}' appears outside of a nested comment."))
+(define (signal-invalid-character ch)
+ (lexer-error 'invalid-character
+ "Invalid character `~a' appears in source program." ch))
+(define (advance-past-white)
+ (unless *at-eof?*
+ (char-case *char*
+ (whitechar
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-past-white))
+ (else
+ '()))))
+(define (process-literate-comments at-start?)
+ (unless at-start? (advance-char-1))
+ (let ((l (classify-line)))
+ (cond ((or *at-eof?* (eq? l 'program))
+ '())
+ ((eq? l 'blank)
+ (skip-literate-comment '#t))
+ (else
+ (when (not at-start?)
+ (lexer-error 'blank-line-needed
+ "Literate comments must be preceeded by a blank line"))
+ (skip-literate-comment '#f)))))
+(define (skip-literate-comment prev-blank)
+ (skip-past-line)
+ (let ((l (classify-line)))
+ (cond (*at-eof?*
+ '())
+ ((eq? l 'comment)
+ (skip-literate-comment '#f))
+ ((eq? l 'blank)
+ (skip-literate-comment '#t))
+ (else
+ (when (not prev-blank)
+ (lexer-error 'blank-line-needed
+ "Literate comments must be followed by a blank line"))))))
+(define (classify-line)
+ (if *at-eof?*
+ 'blank
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\>
+ (advance-char-1)
+ 'program)
+ (#\newline 'blank)
+ (whitechar
+ (classify-line-1))
+ (else 'comment))))
+(define (classify-line-1)
+ (advance-char-1)
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\newline 'blank)
+ (whitechar (classify-line-1))
+ (else 'comment)))
+(define (skip-past-line)
+ (when (not *at-eof?*)
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\newline
+ (advance-char-1))
+ (else
+ (advance-char-1)
+ (skip-past-line)))))
+(define (lex-comment) ;; a -- style comment
+ (advance-char)
+ (cond (*at-eof?* (lexer-eof-in-comment *current-line*))
+ ((char=? *char* #\newline)
+ (lex-one-token))
+ (else
+ (lex-comment))))
+(define (lexer-eof-in-comment start-line)
+ (signal-eof-in-comment start-line)
+ (lex-one-token)) ; will return the eof token
+(define (signal-eof-in-comment start-line)
+ (lexer-error 'eof-in-comment
+ "End of file in comment starting at line ~A." start-line))
+;;; Here *char* and *peek-char* are the first two chars on a line.
+(define (scan-symbol)
+ (scan-list-of (symbol #\:)))
+(define (scan-var-con)
+ (scan-list-of (large small digit #\' #\_)))
+(define (lex-ncomment)
+ (lex-ncomment-1 *current-line*))
+(define (lex-ncomment-1 start-line)
+ (if *at-eof?*
+ (lexer-eof-in-comment start-line)
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\- (cond ((char=? *peek-char* #\})
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char))
+ (else
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-ncomment-1 start-line))))
+ (#\{ (cond ((char=? *peek-char* #\-)
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-ncomment)
+ (lex-ncomment-1 start-line))
+ (else
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-ncomment-1 start-line))))
+ (else
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-ncomment-1 start-line)))))
+(define (lex-varid)
+ (let ((sym (scan-var-con)))
+ (parse-reserved sym varid
+ "case" "class"
+ "data" "default" "deriving"
+ "else"
+ "hiding"
+ "if" "import" "in" "infix" "infixl" "infixr" "instance" "interface"
+ "let"
+ "module"
+ "of"
+ "renaming"
+ "then" "to" "type"
+ "where")))
+(define (lex-conid)
+ (let ((sym (scan-var-con)))
+ (emit-token/string 'conid sym)))
+(define (lex-consym)
+ (let ((sym (scan-symbol)))
+ (cond ((string=/list? (cdr sym) ":")
+ (emit-token '\:\:))
+ (else
+ (emit-token/string 'consym sym)))))
+(define (lex-varsym)
+ (let ((sym (scan-symbol)))
+ (cond ((and (string=/list? sym "<") (char=? *char* #\-))
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token '\<\-))
+ ((and (string=/list? sym "#")
+ (char=? *char* #\-)
+ (char=? *peek-char* #\}))
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token 'end-annotation))
+ (else
+ (parse-reserved sym varsym
+ ".."
+ "=>" "="
+ "@"
+ "\\"
+ "|"
+ "~")))))
+(define (lex-integer radix)
+ (lex-integer-1 radix 0))
+(define (lex-integer-1 radix psum)
+ (declare (type fixnum radix)
+ (type integer psum))
+ (let ((d (char->digit *char* radix)))
+ (if d
+ (begin
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-integer-1 radix (+ (* psum radix) (the fixnum d))))
+ psum)))
+(define (lex-fraction int-part denominator)
+ (declare (type integer int-part denominator))
+ (let ((d (char->digit *char* 10)))
+ (if d
+ (begin
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-fraction
+ (+ (* int-part 10) (the fixnum d)) (* denominator 10)))
+ (values int-part denominator))))
+(define (lex-numeric)
+ (let ((int-part (lex-integer 10)))
+ (if (and (char=? *char* #\.)
+ (char->digit *peek-char* 10))
+ (lex-float int-part)
+ (emit-token 'integer int-part))))
+(define (lex-float int-part)
+ (advance-char)
+ (multiple-value-bind (numerator denominator) (lex-fraction int-part 1)
+ (let ((no-exponent
+ (lambda () (emit-token 'float numerator denominator 0))))
+ (char-case *char*
+ (exponent
+ (char-case *peek-char*
+ (digit
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-float/exp numerator denominator 1))
+ ((#\+ #\-)
+ (cond ((char->digit (peek-char-2) 10)
+ (let ((sign (if (char=? *peek-char* '#\+) 1 -1)))
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-float/exp numerator denominator sign)))
+ (else
+ (funcall no-exponent))))
+ (else
+ (funcall no-exponent))))
+ (else
+ (emit-token 'float numerator denominator 0))))))
+(define (lex-float/exp numerator denominator sign)
+ (let ((exponent (lex-integer 10)))
+ (emit-token 'float numerator denominator (* sign exponent))))
+(define (lex-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (let ((c
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\' (signal-null-character)
+ '#\?)
+ (#\\ (lex-escaped-char '#f))
+ ((#\space graphic)
+ (let ((ch *char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ ch))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-character-constant *char*)
+ (advance-char)
+ `#\?))))
+ (cond ((char=? *char* '#\')
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token 'char c))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-char-quote)
+ (skip-to-quote-or-eol)))))
+(define (signal-null-character)
+ (lexer-error 'null-character
+ "Null character '' is illegal - use '\\'' for a quote."))
+(define (signal-bad-character-constant ch)
+ (lexer-error 'bad-character-constant
+ "The character `~a' may not appear in a character literal." ch))
+(define (signal-missing-char-quote)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-char-quote
+ "Character constant has more than one character."))
+(define (skip-to-quote-or-eol)
+ (if *at-eof?*
+ (lex-one-token)
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\' (advance-char)
+ (lex-one-token))
+ (#\newline (advance-char)
+ (lex-one-token))
+ (else
+ (advance-char)
+ (skip-to-quote-or-eol)))))
+(define (lex-string)
+ (advance-char)
+ (emit-token 'string (list->string (gather-string-chars))))
+(define (gather-string-chars)
+ (char-case *char*
+ (#\\
+ (let ((ch (lex-escaped-char '#t)))
+ (if (eq? ch 'null)
+ (gather-string-chars)
+ (cons ch (gather-string-chars)))))
+ (#\"
+ (advance-char)
+ '())
+ ((graphic #\space)
+ (let ((ch *char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ (cons ch (gather-string-chars))))
+ (#\newline
+ (signal-missing-string-quote)
+ '())
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-string-constant *char*)
+ (advance-char)
+ (gather-string-chars))))
+(define (signal-missing-string-quote)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-string-quote
+ "String continued over end of line."))
+(define (signal-bad-string-constant ch)
+ (lexer-error 'bad-string-constant
+ "The character `~a' may not appear in a string literal." ch))
+(define (convert-stupid-control-character-names)
+ (let ((c1 *char*)
+ (c2 *peek-char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ (advance-char)
+ (let ((s2 (string c1 c2))
+ (s3 (string c1 c2 *char*)))
+ (let ((srch3 (assoc s3 *control-char-names*)))
+ (cond (srch3
+ (advance-char)
+ (integer->char (cdr srch3)))
+ (else
+ (let ((srch2 (assoc s2 *control-char-names*)))
+ (cond (srch2
+ (integer->char (cdr srch2)))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-control-char s3)
+ `#\?)))))))))
+(define (signal-bad-control-char name)
+ (lexer-error 'invalid-control-char
+ "`~a' is not a recognized control character name." name))
+(define (lex-escaped-char in-string?)
+ (advance-char)
+ (char-case *char*
+ ((#\a #\b #\f #\n #\r #\t #\v)
+ (let* ((ccode (cdr (assoc *char* *short-control-char-names*)))
+ (ccode1 (cdr (assoc ccode *control-char-names*))))
+ (advance-char)
+ (integer->char ccode1)))
+ ((#\\ #\' #\")
+ (let ((ch *char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ ch))
+ (#\&
+ (advance-char)
+ (cond (in-string? 'null)
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-&-escape)
+ '#\?)))
+ (#\^
+ ;; *** This code is problematic because it assumes
+ ;; *** (1) that you can do the arithmetic on the character codes
+ ;; *** (2) that the resulting integer can actually be coerced to
+ ;; *** the right character object in the host Lisp.
+ (advance-char)
+ (char-case *char*
+ ((large #\@ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_)
+ (let ((code (+ (- (char->integer *char*)
+ (char->integer '#\A))
+ *control-A*)))
+ (advance-char)
+ (integer->char code)))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-^-escape *char*)
+ '#\?)))
+ (large
+ (convert-stupid-control-character-names))
+ (digit
+ (convert-num-to-char (lex-integer 10)))
+ (#\o
+ (advance-char)
+ (cond ((char->digit *char* 8)
+ (convert-num-to-char (lex-integer 8)))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-octal-digits)
+ '#\?)))
+ (#\x
+ (advance-char)
+ (cond ((char->digit *char* 16)
+ (convert-num-to-char (lex-integer 16)))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-hex-digits)
+ `#\?)))
+ (whitechar
+ (cond (in-string?
+ (lex-gap))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-gap)
+ `#\?)))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-escape *char*)
+ `#\?)))
+(define (signal-bad-&-escape)
+ (lexer-error 'bad-&-escape
+ "The escape `\\&' is not allowed inside a character literal."))
+(define (signal-bad-^-escape ch)
+ (lexer-error 'bad-^-escape
+ "The escape `\\^~a' is not recognized." ch))
+(define (signal-missing-octal-digits)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-octal-digits
+ "No digits provided for `\\o' escape."))
+(define (signal-missing-hex-digits)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-hex-digits
+ "No digits provided for `\\x' escape."))
+(define (signal-bad-gap)
+ (lexer-error 'invalid-gap
+ "Gaps are not allowed inside character literals."))
+(define (signal-bad-escape ch)
+ (lexer-error 'bad-escape
+ "The escape `\\~a' is not recognized." ch))
+;;; *** This code is problematic because it assumes that integers
+;;; *** between 0 and 255 map on to characters with the corresponding
+;;; *** ASCII encoding in the host Lisp, and that the host Lisp actually
+;;; *** supports 255 characters.
+(define (convert-num-to-char num)
+ (cond ((and (>= num 0) (>= *max-char* num))
+ (integer->char num))
+ (else
+ (signal-char-out-of-range num)
+ '#\?)))
+(define (signal-char-out-of-range num)
+ (lexer-error 'char-out-of-range
+ "There is no character corresponding to code ~s." num))
+(define (lex-gap)
+ (cond (*at-eof?*
+ (signal-eof-in-gap)
+ 'null)
+ (else
+ (char-case *char*
+ (whitechar
+ (advance-char)
+ (lex-gap))
+ (#\\
+ (advance-char)
+ 'null)
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-gap)
+ 'null)))))
+(define (signal-eof-in-gap)
+ (lexer-error 'eof-in-gap
+ "End of file encountered inside gap."))
+(define (signal-missing-gap)
+ (lexer-error 'missing-gap
+ "Missing gap delimiter, or junk inside gap."))
diff --git a/parser/module-parser.scm b/parser/module-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffa391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/module-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+;;; File: module-parser Author: John
+;;; This is for using the parser to parse strings.
+(define (parse-from-string string parse-proc filename)
+ (dynamic-let ((*current-file* filename))
+ (call-with-input-string string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((tokens (lex-port port '#f)))
+ (init-token-stream tokens)
+ (let ((res (funcall parse-proc)))
+ (if (not (eq-token? 'eof))
+ (signal-leftover-tokens)
+ res)))))))
+(define (signal-leftover-tokens)
+ (fatal-error 'leftover-tokens
+ "Leftover tokens after parsing."))
+;;; This file deals with the basic structure of a module. It also adds
+;;; the `module Main where' required by abbreviated modules.
+(define (parse-tokens tokens)
+ (init-token-stream tokens)
+ (let ((mod (token-case
+ (|module| (parse-module))
+ (else (parse-modules/named '|Main| '())))))
+ (cons mod (parse-module-list))))
+(define (parse-module)
+ (token-case
+ (modid (let* ((mod-name (token->symbol))
+ (exports (parse-exports)))
+ (require-token
+ |where|
+ (signal-missing-token "`where'" "module definition"))
+ (parse-modules/named mod-name exports)))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<modid>" "module definition"))))
+(define (parse-module-list)
+ (token-case
+ (|module|
+ (let ((mod (parse-module)))
+ (cons mod (parse-module-list))))
+ (eof '())
+ (else (signal-missing-module))))
+(define (signal-missing-module)
+ (parser-error 'missing-module
+ "Missing `module', or leftover junk after module definition."))
+(define (parse-exports)
+ (token-case
+ (\( (parse-export-list))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-export-list)
+ (let ((entity (parse-entity 'export)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list entity))
+ (\, (cons entity (parse-export-list)))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or ','" "export list")))))
+(define (parse-modules/named mod-name exports)
+ (trace-parser module
+ (let ((mod-ast (make module
+ (name mod-name)
+ (type 'standard)
+ (exports exports)
+ (default *standard-module-default*))))
+ (start-layout (lambda (in-layout?)
+ (parse-module-decls mod-ast in-layout? 'import))))))
+;;; The mod-ast fields are kept in non-reversed order by appending
+;;; each decl to the end of the appropriate list. This loses for
+;;; value decls, so these are in reversed order!!
+(define (parse-module-decls mod-ast in-layout? state)
+ (token-case
+ (|import| (let ((import (parse-import)))
+ (if (eq? state 'import)
+ (push-decl-list import (module-imports mod-ast))
+ (signal-misplaced-import)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (|infix| (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'n mod-ast state)))
+ (|infixl| (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'l mod-ast state)))
+ (|infixr| (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout?
+ (parse-fixity 'r mod-ast state)))
+ (|data| (let ((data-decl (parse-type-decl '#f)))
+ (push-decl-list data-decl (module-algdatas mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|type| (let ((synonym-decl (parse-synonym-decl)))
+ (push-decl-list synonym-decl (module-synonyms mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|class| (let ((class-decl (parse-class-decl)))
+ (push-decl-list class-decl (module-classes mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|instance| (let ((instance-decl (parse-instance-decl '#f)))
+ (push-decl-list instance-decl (module-instances mod-ast)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (|default| (let ((types
+ (token-case
+ (\( (token-case (\) '())
+ (else (parse-type-list))))
+ (else (list (parse-type))))))
+ (if (eq? (module-default mod-ast) *standard-module-default*)
+ (setf (module-default mod-ast)
+ (make default-decl (types types)))
+ (signal-multiple-defaults)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ ((begin-annotation no-advance)
+ (let ((annotations (parse-annotations)))
+ (setf (module-annotations mod-ast)
+ (append (module-annotations mod-ast) annotations)))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (pat-start (let ((decl (parse-decl)))
+ (setf (module-decls mod-ast)
+ (decl-push decl (module-decls mod-ast))))
+ (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? 'topdecl))
+ (else
+ (maybe-end-module mod-ast in-layout? state))))
+(define (signal-misplaced-import)
+ (parser-error 'misplaced-import
+ "The import declaration is misplaced."))
+(define (signal-multiple-defaults)
+ (parser-error 'multiple-defaults
+ "There are multiple default declarations."))
+(define (terminate-topdecl mod-ast in-layout? state)
+ (token-case
+ (\; (parse-module-decls mod-ast in-layout? state))
+ (else (maybe-end-module mod-ast in-layout? state))))
+(define (maybe-end-module mod-ast in-layout? state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (cond ((or (eq-token? '|module|) (eq-token? 'eof) (eq-token? '\})
+ (eq-token? '$\}))
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (wrapup-module mod-ast)
+ mod-ast)
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "a topdecl"))))
+(define (wrapup-module mod-ast)
+ (setf (module-decls mod-ast)
+ (nreverse (module-decls mod-ast)))
+ (when (and (null? (module-imports mod-ast))
+ (null? (module-decls mod-ast))
+ (null? (module-algdatas mod-ast))
+ (null? (module-synonyms mod-ast))
+ (null? (module-instances mod-ast))
+ (null? (module-classes mod-ast)))
+ (signal-empty-module)))
+(define (signal-empty-module)
+ (parser-error 'empty-module "Module definition is empty."))
+(define (parse-import)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (token-case
+ (modid (let ((mod (token->symbol))
+ (mode 'all)
+ (specs '()))
+ (token-case
+ (\( (setf mode 'by-name)
+ (token-case
+ (\) (setf specs '()))
+ (else (setf specs (parse-import-list)))))
+ (|hiding| (require-token
+ \(
+ (signal-missing-token "`('" "hiding clause"))
+ (setf specs (parse-import-list)))
+ (else '()))
+ (let ((renamings (token-case (|renaming|
+ (require-token
+ \(
+ (signal-missing-token
+ "`('" "renaming clause"))
+ (parse-renamings))
+ (else '()))))
+ (make import-decl (module-name mod) (mode mode) (specs specs)
+ (renamings renamings)))))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "<modid>" "import declaration")))))
+(define (parse-import-list)
+ (let ((import (parse-entity 'import)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons import (parse-import-list)))
+ (\) (list import))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "import list")))))
+(define (parse-renamings)
+ (let ((renaming
+ (save-parser-context
+ (token-case
+ (var (let ((name1 (var->symbol)))
+ (require-token
+ |to|
+ (signal-missing-token "`to'" "import renaming clause"))
+ (token-case
+ (var (let ((name2 (var->symbol)))
+ (make renaming (from name1) (to name2)
+ (referenced? '#f))))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "import renaming clause")))))
+ (con (let ((name1 (con->symbol)))
+ (require-token
+ |to|
+ (signal-missing-token "`to'" "import renaming clause"))
+ (token-case
+ (con (let ((name2 (con->symbol)))
+ (make renaming (from name1) (to name2)
+ (referenced? '#f))))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "import renaming clause")))))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "import renaming clause"))))))
+ (token-case (\, (cons renaming (parse-renamings)))
+ (\) (list renaming)))))
+(define (parse-fixity associativity mod-ast state)
+ (let ((fixity-decl
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let* ((prec (token-case
+ (k (let ((p (token->integer)))
+ (cond ((<= p 9)
+ p)
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-fixity)
+ 9))))
+ (else 9)))
+ (ops (parse-op-list))
+ (fixity (make fixity (associativity associativity)
+ (precedence prec))))
+ (make fixity-decl (fixity fixity) (names ops))))))
+ (push-decl-list fixity-decl (module-fixities mod-ast))
+ (cond ((or (eq? state 'import)
+ (eq? state 'fixity))
+ 'fixity)
+ (else
+ (signal-misplaced-fixity)
+ state))))
+(define (signal-bad-fixity)
+ (parser-error 'bad-fixity
+ "Expecting fixity value of 0 - 9."))
+(define (signal-misplaced-fixity)
+ (parser-error 'misplaced-fixity "The fixity declaration is misplaced."))
+(define (parse-op-list)
+ (let ((name (token-case
+ (op (op->symbol))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<op>" "fixity declaration")))))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons name (parse-op-list)))
+ (else (list name)))))
+(define (parse-entity context)
+ (trace-parser entity
+ (save-parser-context
+ (token-case
+ (var (var->entity))
+ (tycon
+ (let ((name (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\( (token-case
+ (\.\. (require-token
+ '\)
+ (signal-missing-token "`)'" "class or datatype entity"))
+ (make entity-abbreviated (name name)))
+ (var (parse-entity-class name))
+ (con (parse-entity-datatype name))
+ (\) (make entity-class (name name) (methods '())))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "an entity"))))
+ (\.\. (if (eq? context 'export)
+ (make entity-module (name name))
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "an entity")))
+ (else
+ (make entity-con (name name))))))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "an entity"))))))
+(define (parse-entity-class class-name)
+ (let ((vars (parse-var-list)))
+ (make entity-class (name class-name) (methods vars))))
+(define (parse-entity-datatype type-name)
+ (let ((constrs (parse-con-list)))
+ (make entity-datatype (name type-name) (constructors constrs))))
+(define (parse-var-list)
+ (token-case
+ (var (let ((name (var->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list name))
+ (\, (cons name (parse-var-list)))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "class entity")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<var>" "class entity"))))
+(define (parse-con-list)
+ (token-case
+ (con (let ((name (con->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list name))
+ (\, (cons name (parse-con-list)))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "datatype entity")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<con>" "datatype entity"))))
diff --git a/parser/parser-debugger.scm b/parser/parser-debugger.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d9382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser-debugger.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;;; These routines are strictly for debugging the parser. They could
+;;; be removed from the system later.
+;;; define some debugging stuff
+;;; Here's the debugging control:
+;;; Capabilities:
+;;; record start (line,token,production,k)
+;;; record end (line,token,prodection,k)
+;;; print end (line,token,prodection,k,value)
+;;; break start
+;;; break end
+(define *parser-debug-options* '())
+(define *parser-debug-lines* '())
+(define *parser-debug-id* 0)
+(define (watch-lines . lines)
+ (setf *parser-debug-lines* lines))
+(define (watching-this-line?)
+ (and (not (eq? *parser-debug-lines* 'none))
+ (or (null? *parser-debug-lines*)
+ (and (>= *current-line* (car *parser-debug-lines*))
+ (or (null? (cdr *parser-debug-lines*))
+ (<= *current-line* (cadr *parser-debug-lines*)))))))
+(define (ptrace-print-obj x)
+ (pprint x))
+(define (ptrace-breakpoint)
+ (error "Breakpoint~%"))
+(define (parser-show-context id tag msg)
+ (format '#t "~A parse of ~A(~A) Line: ~A Token: ~A"
+ msg tag id *current-line* *token*)
+ (when (not (null? *token-args*))
+ (format '#t " ~A" *token-args*))
+ (format '#t "~%"))
+(define (ptrace-clear)
+ (setf *parser-debug-options* '()))
+(define (ptrace-pop)
+ (pop *parser-debug-options*))
+(define (ptrace-watch . things)
+ (dolist (x things)
+ (push (cons x 'watch) *parser-debug-options*)))
+(define (ptrace-show . things)
+ (dolist (x things)
+ (push (cons x 'show) *parser-debug-options*)))
+(define (ptrace-break . things)
+ (dolist (x things)
+ (push (cons x 'break) *parser-debug-options*)))
+;;; Routines called by the trace-parser macro
+(define (tracing-parse/entry tag)
+ (let ((all? (assq 'all *parser-debug-options*))
+ (this? (assq tag *parser-debug-options*)))
+ (cond ((or all? this?)
+ (incf *parser-debug-id*)
+ (parser-show-context *parser-debug-id* tag "Entering")
+ (when (and this? (eq? (cdr this?) 'break))
+ (ptrace-breakpoint))
+ *parser-debug-id*)
+ (else 0))))
+(define (tracing-parse/exit tag id res)
+ (let ((all? (assq 'all *parser-debug-options*))
+ (this? (assq tag *parser-debug-options*)))
+ (when (and (or all? this?) (not (eq? tag 0)))
+ (setf (dynamic *returned-obj*) res)
+ (parser-show-context id tag "Exiting")
+ (when (and this? (eq? (cdr this?) 'show))
+ (ptrace-print-obj res))
+ (when (and this? (eq? (cdr this?) 'break))
+ (ptrace-breakpoint)))))
diff --git a/parser/parser-driver.scm b/parser/parser-driver.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd42d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser-driver.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; This is the top level entry to the parse. The input is a list of file
+;;; names to be parsed and the output is a list of modules. Interface files
+;;; generate modules similar to ordinary files.
+(define (parse-files filenames)
+ (let ((all-mods '()))
+ (dolist (file filenames)
+ (let* ((ext (filename-type file))
+ (mods (cond ((string=? ext ".hs")
+ (parse-single-file file))
+ ((string=? ext ".lhs")
+ (parse-single-file/literate file))
+ ((string=? ext ".hi")
+ (parse-single-file/interface file)))))
+ (setf all-mods (append all-mods mods))))
+ all-mods))
+(define (parse-single-file filename)
+ (parse-single-file-1 filename '#f '#f))
+(define (parse-single-file/literate filename)
+ (parse-single-file-1 filename '#t '#f))
+(define (parse-single-file/interface filename)
+ (parse-single-file-1 filename '#f '#t))
+(define (parse-single-file-1 filename literate? interface?)
+ (when (memq 'reading *printers*)
+ (format '#t "Reading Haskell source file ~s.~%" filename))
+ (when (not (file-exists? filename))
+ (signal-file-not-found filename))
+ (dynamic-let ((*current-file* filename))
+ (let ((mods '()))
+ (call-with-input-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let* ((tokens (lex-port port literate?))
+ (module-asts (if interface?
+ (parse-tokens/interface tokens)
+ (parse-tokens tokens))))
+ (setf mods module-asts))))
+ (when (memq 'parse *printers*)
+ (dolist (m mods)
+ (format '#t "~%")
+ (print-full-module m)))
+ mods)))
diff --git a/parser/parser-errors.scm b/parser/parser-errors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae4d097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser-errors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;;; This contains parser error handlers. They, in turn, call the
+;;; system error handlers.
+(define (lexer-error id . msgs)
+ (parser-error/common id 'recoverable msgs '#t)
+ `#\?)
+(define (parser-error id . msgs)
+ (parser-error/common id 'phase msgs '#f)
+ (if (null? *layout-stack*)
+ (abort-compilation)
+ (recover-to-next-decl *token-stream*)))
+(define (parser-error/recoverable id . args)
+ (parser-error/common id 'recoverable args '#f))
+(define (parser-error/common id type msgs in-lexer?)
+ (let ((place
+ (if in-lexer?
+ (list "Error occured at in file ~A at line ~A, column ~A."
+ *current-file* *current-line* *current-col*)
+ (list "Error occured at in file ~A at line ~A, token ~A."
+ *current-file* *current-line*
+ (cond ((null? *token-args*)
+ *token*)
+ ((null? (cdr *token-args*))
+ (car *token-args*))
+ (else *token-args*)))))) ; could be better
+ (haskell-error id type (list place msgs))))
+(define (recover-to-next-decl tokens)
+ (cond ((null? tokens)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ((eq? (car (car tokens)) 'line)
+ (search-layout-stack *layout-stack* tokens (caddr (car tokens))))
+ (else (recover-to-next-decl (cdr tokens)))))
+(define (search-layout-stack layouts tokens column)
+ (cond ((null? layouts)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ((> column (layout-col (car layouts)))
+ (recover-to-next-decl (cdr tokens)))
+ ((= column (layout-col (car layouts)))
+ (setf *current-col* column)
+ (setf *current-line* (cadr (car tokens)))
+ (setf *token-stream* (cdr tokens))
+ (advance-token) ; loads up *token*
+ ;; *** layout-recovery-fn is not defined anywhere!
+ (funcall (layout-recovery-fn (car layouts))))
+ (else
+ (setf *layout-stack* (cdr *layout-stack*))
+ (search-layout-stack (cdr layouts) tokens column))))
+;;; Here are some very commonly used signalling functions.
+;;; Other (more specific) signalling functions are defined near
+;;; the places where they are called.
+;;; This is used when a particular token isn't found.
+(define (signal-missing-token what where)
+ (parser-error 'missing-token
+ "Missing ~a in ~a." what where))
+;;; This is used to signal more complicated parse failures involving
+;;; failure to match a nonterminal.
+(define (signal-invalid-syntax where)
+ (parser-error 'invalid-syntax
+ "Invalid syntax appears where ~a is expected." where))
diff --git a/parser/parser-globals.scm b/parser/parser-globals.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..528e582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser-globals.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;;; Global vars used in the parser
+(define *current-line* '()) ; current line the scanner is on
+(define *current-col* '()) ; current col; valid at start of line &
+ ; after where,let,of
+;;; Lexer
+(define *lex-literate?* '#f)
+(define *start-line* 0)
+(define *start-col* 0)
+(define *on-new-line?* '#t)
+(define *save-col?* '#f)
+(define *port* '())
+(define *tokens* '())
+(define *char* 0)
+(define *peek-char* 0)
+(define *at-eof/p?* 0)
+(define *at-eof?* 0)
+(define *on-new-line? '#f)
+;;; Parser
+(define *token-stream* '()) ; remaining tokens to be parsed
+(define *token* '()) ; current token type
+(define *token-args* '()) ; current token arguments
+(define *layout-stack* '()) ; columns at which layout is being done
diff --git a/parser/parser-macros.scm b/parser/parser-macros.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f5a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser-macros.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+;;; Macro definitions for the parser & lexer.
+;;; This macro allows debugging of the lexer. Before releasing, this can
+;;; be replaced by (begin ,@body) for faster code.
+(define-syntax (trace-parser tag . body)
+; `(begin
+; (let* ((k (tracing-parse/entry ',tag))
+; (res (begin ,@body)))
+; (tracing-parse/exit ',tag k res)
+; res))
+ (declare (ignore tag))
+ `(begin ,@body)
+ )
+;;; Macros used by the lexer.
+;;; The lexer used a macro, char-case, to dispatch on the syntactic catagory of
+;;; a character. These catagories (processed at compile time) are defined
+;;; here. Note that some of these definitions use the char-code
+;;; directly and would need updating for different character sets.
+(define *lex-definitions*
+ '((vtab 11) ; define by ascii code to avoid relying of the reader
+ (formfeed 12)
+ (whitechar #\newline #\space #\tab formfeed vtab)
+ (small #\a - #\z)
+ (large #\A - #\Z)
+ (digit #\0 - #\9)
+ (symbol #\! #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\+ #\. #\/ #\< #\= #\> #\? #\@
+ #\\ #\^ #\|)
+ (presymbol #\- #\~)
+ (exponent #\e #\E)
+ (graphic large small digit
+ #\! #\" #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\' #\( #\) #\* #\+
+ #\, #\- #\. #\/ #\: #\; #\< #\= #\> #\? #\@
+ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_ #\` #\{ #\| #\} #\~)
+ (charesc #\a #\b #\f #\n #\r #\t #\v #\\ #\" #\' #\&)
+ (cntrl large #\@ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_)))
+;;; The char-case macro is similar to case using characters to select.
+;;; The following capabilities are added by char-case:
+;;; pre-defined constants are denoted by symbols (defined above)
+;;; ranges of characters are represented using -. For example,
+;;; (#\a - #\z #\A - #\Z) denotes all alphabetics.
+;;; numbers refer to the char code of a character.
+;;; The generated code is optimized somewhat to take advantage of
+;;; consecutive character ranges. With a little work, this could be
+;;; implemented using jump tables someday.
+(define-syntax (char-case exp . alts)
+ (expand-char-case exp alts))
+(define (expand-char-case exp alts)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,exp))
+ ,(expand-char-case1 temp alts))))
+(define (expand-char-case1 temp alts)
+ (if (null? alts)
+ '()
+ (let* ((alt (car alts))
+ (test (car alt))
+ (body (cons 'begin (cdr alt)))
+ (rest (expand-char-case1 temp (cdr alts))))
+ (cond ((eq? test 'else)
+ body)
+ (else
+ `(if (or ,@(gen-char-tests temp
+ (if (pair? test) test (list test))))
+ ,body
+ ,rest))))))
+(define (gen-char-tests temp tests)
+ (gen-char-tests-1 temp
+ (sort-list (gather-char-tests tests) (function char<?))))
+(define (gen-char-tests-1 temp chars)
+ (cond ((null? chars)
+ '())
+ ((long-enough-run? chars 3)
+ (gen-range-check temp (car chars) (car chars) (cdr chars)))
+ (else
+ `((char=? ,temp ',(car chars))
+ ,@(gen-char-tests-1 temp (cdr chars))))))
+(define (gen-range-check temp first current chars)
+ (if (and (pair? chars) (consec-chars? current (car chars)))
+ (gen-range-check temp first (car chars) (cdr chars))
+ `((and (char>=? ,temp ',first)
+ (char<=? ,temp ',current))
+ ,@(gen-char-tests-1 temp chars))))
+(define (consec-chars? c1 c2)
+ (eqv? (+ 1 (char->integer c1)) (char->integer c2)))
+(define (long-enough-run? l n)
+ (or (eqv? n 1)
+ (and (pair? (cdr l))
+ (consec-chars? (car l) (cadr l))
+ (long-enough-run? (cdr l) (1- n)))))
+(define (gather-char-tests tests)
+ (cond ((null? tests)
+ '())
+ ((symbol? (car tests))
+ (let ((new-test (assq (car tests) *lex-definitions*)))
+ (if new-test
+ (gather-char-tests (append (cdr new-test) (cdr tests)))
+ (error "Unknown character class: ~A~%" (car tests)))))
+ ((integer? (car tests))
+ (cons (integer->char (car tests))
+ (gather-char-tests (cdr tests))))
+ ((and (pair? (cdr tests)) (eq? '- (cadr tests)))
+ (letrec ((fn (lambda (a z)
+ (if (char>? a z)
+ (gather-char-tests (cdddr tests))
+ (cons a (funcall
+ fn (integer->char
+ (+ 1 (char->integer a))) z))))))
+ (funcall fn (car tests) (caddr tests))))
+ ((char? (car tests))
+ (cons (car tests) (gather-char-tests (cdr tests))))
+ (else
+ (error "Invalid selector in char-case: ~A~%" (car tests)))))
+;;; This macro scans a list of characters on a given syntaxtic catagory.
+;;; The current character is always included in the resulting list.
+(define-syntax (scan-list-of char-type)
+ `(letrec ((test-next (lambda ()
+ (char-case *char*
+ (,char-type
+ (let ((c *char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ (cons c (funcall test-next))))
+ (else '())))))
+ (let ((c *char*))
+ (advance-char)
+ (cons c (funcall test-next)))))
+;;; This macro tests for string equality in which the strings are
+;;; represented by lists of characters. The comparisons are expanded
+;;; inline (really just a little partial evaluation going on here!) for
+;;; fast execution. The tok argument evaluate to a list of chars. The string
+;;; argument must be a string constant, which is converted to characters
+;;; as the macro expands.
+(define-syntax (string=/list? tok string)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,tok))
+ ,(expand-string=/list? temp (string->list string)))))
+(define (expand-string=/list? var chars)
+ (if (null? chars)
+ `(null? ,var)
+ (let ((new-temp (gensym)))
+ `(and (pair? ,var)
+ (char=? (car ,var) ',(car chars))
+ (let ((,new-temp (cdr ,var)))
+ ,(expand-string=/list? new-temp (cdr chars)))))))
+;;; This macro extends the string equality defined above to search a
+;;; list of reserved words quickly for keywords. It does this by a case
+;;; dispatch on the first character of the string and then processing
+;;; the remaining characters wirh string=/list. This would go a little
+;;; faster with recursive char-case statements, but I'm a little too
+;;; lazy at for this at the moment. If a keyword is found is emitted
+;;; as a symbol. If not, the token string is emitted with the token
+;;; type indicated. Assume the string being scanned is a list of
+;;; chars assigned to a var. (Yeah - I know - I should add a gensym
+;;; var for this argument!!).
+(define-syntax (parse-reserved var token-type . reserved-words)
+ (let ((sorted-rws (sort-list reserved-words (function string<?))))
+ `(let ((thunk (lambda () (emit-token/string ',token-type ,var))))
+ (char-case (car ,var)
+ ,@(expand-parse-reserved var
+ (group-by-first-char (list (car sorted-rws)) (cdr sorted-rws)))
+ (else (funcall thunk))))))
+(define (group-by-first-char group rest)
+ (cond ((null? rest)
+ (list group))
+ ((char=? (string-ref (car group) 0)
+ (string-ref (car rest) 0))
+ (group-by-first-char (append group (list (car rest))) (cdr rest)))
+ (else
+ (cons group (group-by-first-char (list (car rest)) (cdr rest))))))
+(define (expand-parse-reserved var groups)
+ (if (null? groups)
+ '()
+ `((,(string-ref (caar groups) 0)
+ (cond ,@(expand-parse-reserved/group var (car groups))
+ (else (funcall thunk))))
+ ,@(expand-parse-reserved var (cdr groups)))))
+(define (expand-parse-reserved/group var group)
+ (if (null? group)
+ '()
+ `(((string=/list? (cdr ,var)
+ ,(substring (car group) 1 (string-length (car group))))
+ (emit-token ',(string->symbol (car group))))
+ ,@(expand-parse-reserved/group var (cdr group)))))
+;;; The following macros are used by the parser.
+;;; The primary macro used by the parser is token-case, which dispatches
+;;; on the type of the current token (this is always *token* - unlike the
+;;; lexer, no lookahead is provided; however, some of these dispatches are
+;;; procedures that do a limited lookahead. The problem with lookahead is that
+;;; the layout rule adds tokens which are not visible looking into the
+;;; token stream directly.
+;;; Unlike char-case, the token is normally advanced unless the selector
+;;; includes `no-advance'. The final else also avoids advancing the token.
+;;; In addition to raw token types, more complex types can be used. These
+;;; are defined here. The construct `satisfies fn' calls the indicated
+;;; function to determine whether the current token matches.
+;;; If the token type to be matched is not a constant, the construct
+;;; `unquote var' matches the current token against the type in the var.
+(define *predefined-syntactic-catagories* '(
+ (+ satisfies at-varsym/+?)
+ (- satisfies at-varsym/-?)
+ (tycon no-advance conid)
+ (tyvar no-advance varid)
+ (var no-advance varid satisfies at-varsym/paren?)
+ (con no-advance conid satisfies at-consym/paren?)
+ (name no-advance var con)
+ (consym/paren no-advance satisfies at-consym/paren?)
+ (varsym? no-advance varsym)
+ (consym? no-advance consym)
+ (varid? no-advance varid)
+ (conid? no-advance conid)
+ (op no-advance varsym consym \`)
+ (varop no-advance varsym satisfies at-varid/quoted?)
+ (conop no-advance consym satisfies at-conid/quoted?)
+ (modid no-advance conid)
+ (literal no-advance integer float char string)
+ (numeric no-advance integer float)
+ (k no-advance integer)
+ (+k no-advance satisfies at-+k?)
+ (-n no-advance satisfies at--n?)
+ (apat-start no-advance varid conid literal _ \( \[ \~)
+ (pat-start no-advance - apat-start)
+ (atype-start no-advance tycon tyvar \( \[)
+ (aexp-start no-advance varid conid \( \[ literal)
+ ))
+;;; The format of token-case is
+;;; (token-case
+;;; (sel1 . e1) (sel2 . e2) ... [(else . en)])
+;;; If the sel is a symbol it is the same as a singleton list: (@ x) = ((@) x)
+;;; Warning: this generates rather poor code! Should be fixed up someday.
+(define-syntax (token-case . alts)
+ `(cond ,@(map (function gen-token-case-alt) alts)))
+(define (gen-token-case-alt alt)
+ (let ((test (car alt))
+ (code (cdr alt)))
+ (cond ((eq? test 'else)
+ `(else ,@code))
+ ((symbol? test)
+ (gen-token-case-alt-1 (expand-catagories (list test)) code))
+ (else
+ (gen-token-case-alt-1 (expand-catagories test) code)))))
+(define (expand-catagories terms)
+ (if (null? terms)
+ terms
+ (let ((a (assq (car terms) *predefined-syntactic-catagories*))
+ (r (expand-catagories (cdr terms))))
+ (if (null? a)
+ (cons (car terms) r)
+ (expand-catagories (append (cdr a) r))))))
+(define (gen-token-case-alt-1 test code)
+ `((or ,@(gen-token-test test))
+ ,@(if (memq 'no-advance test) '() '((advance-token)))
+ ,@code))
+(define (gen-token-test test)
+ (cond ((null? test)
+ '())
+ ((eq? (car test) 'no-advance)
+ (gen-token-test (cdr test)))
+ ((eq? (car test) 'unquote)
+ (cons `(eq? *token* ,(cadr test)) (gen-token-test (cddr test))))
+ ((eq? (car test) 'satisfies)
+ (cons (list (cadr test)) (gen-token-test (cddr test))))
+ (else
+ (cons `(eq? *token* ',(car test)) (gen-token-test (cdr test))))))
+;;; require-tok requires a specific token to be at the scanner. If it
+;;; is found, the token is advanced over. Otherwise, the error
+;;; routine is called.
+(define-syntax (require-token tok error-handler)
+ `(token-case
+ (,tok '())
+ (else ,error-handler)))
+;;; The save-parser-context macro captures the current line & file and
+;;; attaches it to the ast node generated.
+(define-syntax (save-parser-context . body)
+ (let ((temp1 (gensym))
+ (temp2 (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp1 (capture-current-line))
+ (,temp2 (begin ,@body)))
+ (setf (ast-node-line-number ,temp2) ,temp1)
+ ,temp2)))
+(define (capture-current-line)
+ (make source-pointer (line *current-line*) (file *current-file*)))
+(define-syntax (push-decl-list decl place)
+ `(setf ,place (nconc ,place (list ,decl))))
diff --git a/parser/parser.scm b/parser/parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a91930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+;;; parser.scm -- compilation unit definition for the lexer and parser
+;;; author : John
+;;; date : 10 Dec 1991
+(define-compilation-unit parser
+ (source-filename "$Y2/parser/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit parser-globals
+ (source-filename "parser-globals.scm"))
+ (unit parser-macros
+ (source-filename "parser-macros.scm")
+ (require parser-globals))
+ (unit parser-errors
+ (source-filename "parser-errors.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit lexer
+ (source-filename "lexer.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit token
+ (source-filename "token.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit parser-driver
+ (source-filename "parser-driver.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit module-parser
+ (source-filename "module-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit interface-parser
+ (source-filename "interface-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit decl-parser
+ (source-filename "decl-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit type-parser
+ (source-filename "type-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit typedecl-parser
+ (source-filename "typedecl-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit exp-parser
+ (source-filename "exp-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit annotation-parser
+ (source-filename "annotation-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit pattern-parser
+ (source-filename "pattern-parser.scm")
+ (require parser-macros))
+ (unit parser-debugger
+ (source-filename "parser-debugger.scm")
+ (require parser-macros)))
diff --git a/parser/pattern-parser.scm b/parser/pattern-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a82cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/pattern-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+;;; File: pattern-parser Author: John
+;;; This parses the pattern syntax except for the parts which need to be
+;;; resolved by precedence parsing.
+;;; This parses a list of alternating pats & conops.
+(define (parse-pat)
+ (trace-parser pat
+ (let ((res (parse-pat/list)))
+ (if (null? (cdr res))
+ (car res)
+ (make pp-pat-list (pats res))))))
+;;; This parses a list of patterns with intervening conops and + patterns
+(define (parse-pat/list)
+ (token-case
+ (con (let ((pcon (pcon->ast)))
+ (setf (pcon-pats pcon) (parse-apat-list))
+ (cons pcon (parse-pat/tail))))
+ (-n
+ (advance-token) ; past -
+ (token-case
+ (numeric (let ((val (literal->ast)))
+ (cons (make pp-pat-negated)
+ (cons (make const-pat (value val))
+ (parse-pat/tail)))))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "<number>" "negative literal pattern"))))
+ (var
+ (let ((var (var->ast)))
+ (token-case
+ (+k (cons (make var-pat (var var))
+ (parse-+k-pat)))
+ (@ (let ((pattern (parse-apat)))
+ (cons (make as-pat (var var) (pattern pattern))
+ (parse-pat/tail))))
+ (else (cons (make var-pat (var var)) (parse-pat/tail))))))
+ (_
+ (let ((pat (make wildcard-pat)))
+ (token-case
+ (+k (cons pat (parse-+k-pat)))
+ (else (cons pat (parse-pat/tail))))))
+ (else (let ((apat (parse-apat)))
+ (cons apat (parse-pat/tail))))))
+(define (parse-+k-pat)
+ (advance-token) ; past +
+ (token-case
+ (k (let ((val (literal->ast)))
+ (cons (make pp-pat-plus)
+ (cons (make const-pat (value val))
+ (parse-pat/tail)))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<integer>" "successor pattern"))))
+(define (parse-pat/tail)
+ (token-case
+ (conop
+ (let ((con (pconop->ast)))
+ (cons con (parse-pat/list))))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-apat)
+ (trace-parser apat
+ (token-case
+ (var (let ((var (var->ast)))
+ (token-case
+ (@
+ (let ((pattern (parse-apat)))
+ (make as-pat (var var) (pattern pattern))))
+ (else (make var-pat (var var))))))
+ (con (pcon->ast))
+ (literal (let ((value (literal->ast)))
+ (make const-pat (value value))))
+ (_ (make wildcard-pat))
+ (\( (token-case
+ (\) (**pcon/def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor") '()))
+ (else
+ (let ((pat (parse-pat)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (**pcon/tuple (cons pat (parse-pat-list '\)))))
+ (\) pat)
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "pattern")))))))
+ (\[ (token-case
+ (\] (make list-pat (pats '())))
+ (else (make list-pat (pats (parse-pat-list '\]))))))
+ (\~ (let ((pattern (parse-apat)))
+ (make irr-pat (pattern pattern))))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "an apat")))))
+(define (parse-pat-list term) ;; , separated
+ (let ((pat (parse-pat)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons pat (parse-pat-list term)))
+ ((unquote term) (list pat))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token
+ (if (eq? term '\)) "`)'" "`]'")
+ "pattern")))))
+(define (parse-apat-list) ;; space separated
+ (token-case
+ (apat-start
+ (let ((pat (parse-apat)))
+ (cons pat (parse-apat-list))))
+ (else
+ '())))
+;;; The following routine scans patterns without creating ast structure.
+;;; They return #t or #f depending on whether a valid pattern was encountered.
+;;; The leave the scanner pointing to the next token after the pattern.
+(define (scan-pat) ; same as parse-pat/list
+ (and
+ (token-case
+ (con (scan-con)
+ (scan-apat-list))
+ (-n (advance-token)
+ (token-case
+ (numeric (advance-token)
+ '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (var (and (scan-var)
+ (token-case
+ (@ (scan-apat))
+ (+k (scan-+k))
+ (else '#t))))
+ (_ (scan-+k))
+ (else (scan-apat)))
+ (scan-pat/tail)))
+(define (scan-pat/tail)
+ (token-case
+ (conop (and (scan-conop)
+ (scan-pat)))
+ (else '#t)))
+(define (scan-apat)
+ (token-case
+ (var (scan-var)
+ (token-case
+ (@ (scan-apat))
+ (else '#t)))
+ (con (scan-con))
+ (literal (advance-token)
+ '#t)
+ (_ '#t)
+ (\( (token-case
+ (\) '#t)
+ (else
+ (and (scan-pat)
+ (token-case
+ (\, (scan-pat-list '\)))
+ (\) '#t)
+ (else '#f))))))
+ (\[ (token-case
+ (\] '#t)
+ (else (scan-pat-list '\]))))
+ (\~ (scan-apat))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define (scan-pat-list term)
+ (and (scan-pat)
+ (token-case
+ (\, (scan-pat-list term))
+ ((unquote term) '#t)
+ (else '#f))))
+(define (scan-apat-list)
+ (token-case
+ (apat-start
+ (and (scan-apat)
+ (scan-apat-list)))
+ (else '#t)))
+(define (scan-var)
+ (token-case
+ (varid '#t)
+ (\( (token-case
+ (varsym
+ (token-case
+ (\) '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define (scan-con)
+ (token-case
+ (conid '#t)
+ (\( (token-case
+ (consym
+ (token-case
+ (\) '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define (scan-conop)
+ (token-case
+ (consym '#t)
+ (\` (token-case
+ (conid
+ (token-case
+ (\` '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define (scan-+k)
+ (token-case
+ (+k (advance-token) ; past the +
+ (token-case
+ (integer '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#t)))
diff --git a/parser/token.scm b/parser/token.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca9981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/token.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+;;; This file abstracts the representation of tokens. It is used by both
+;;; the lexer & parser. This also contains routines for converting
+;;; individual tokens to ast structure. Routines used by the
+;;; token-case macro in `satisfies' clauses are here too.
+;;; Lexer routines for emitting tokens:
+(define (emit-token type . args)
+ (cond (*on-new-line?*
+ (push (list 'line *start-line* *start-col*) *tokens*))
+ (*save-col?*
+ (push (list 'col *start-col*) *tokens*)))
+ (push (cons type args) *tokens*)
+ (setf *on-new-line?* '#f)
+ (setf *save-col?* (memq type '(|where| |of| |let|))))
+(define (emit-token/string type string-as-list)
+ (emit-token type (list->string string-as-list)))
+;;; Parser routines:
+;;; These routines take care of the token stream in the parser. They
+;;; maintain globals for the current token and its location.
+;;; Globals used:
+;;; *token-stream* remaining tokens to be parsed
+;;; *token* current token type
+;;; *token-args* current token arguments
+;;; *layout-stack* columns at which layout is being done
+;;; *current-line* current line the scanner is on
+;;; *current-col* current col; valid at start of line & after where,let,of
+;;; *current-file*
+(define (init-token-stream tokens)
+ (setf *token-stream* tokens)
+ (setf *layout-stack* '())
+ (advance-token))
+(define (advance-token)
+ (cond ((null? *token-stream*)
+ (setf *token* 'eof))
+ (else
+ (let* ((token (car *token-stream*)))
+ (setf *token-stream* (cdr *token-stream*))
+ (advance-token-1 (car token) (cdr token))))))
+(define (advance-token-1 type args)
+ (cond ((eq? type 'file)
+ (setf *current-file* (car args))
+ (advance-token))
+ ((eq? type 'col)
+ (setf *current-col* (car args))
+ (advance-token))
+ ((eq? type 'line) ;; assume blank lines have been removed
+ (let ((line (car args))
+ (col (cadr args)))
+ (setf *current-line* line)
+ (setf *current-col* col)
+ (setf *token-stream*
+ (resolve-layout *token-stream* *layout-stack*)))
+ (advance-token))
+ (else
+ (setf *token* type)
+ (setf *token-args* args)
+ type)))
+(define (insert-extra-token tok-type stream) ; used by layout
+ (cons (list tok-type) stream))
+;;; This looks for the { to decide of layout will apply. If so, the layout
+;;; stack is pushed. The body function, fn, is called with a boolean which
+;;; tells it the whether layout rule is in force.
+;;; *** The CMU CL compiler barfs with some kind of internal error
+;;; *** on this function. See the revised definition below.
+;(define (start-layout fn)
+; (token-case
+; (\{ (funcall fn '#f))
+; (else
+; (let/cc recovery-fn
+; (push (cons *current-col* (lambda ()
+; (let ((res (funcall fn '#t)))
+; (funcall recovery-fn res))))
+; *layout-stack*)
+; (funcall fn '#t)))))
+(define (start-layout fn)
+ (token-case
+ (\{ (funcall fn '#f))
+ (else
+ (let/cc recovery-fn
+ (start-layout-1 fn recovery-fn)))))
+(define (start-layout-1 fn recovery-fn)
+ (push (cons *current-col*
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((res (funcall fn '#t)))
+ (funcall recovery-fn res))))
+ *layout-stack*)
+ (funcall fn '#t))
+(define (layout-col x)
+ (car x))
+(define (layout-recovery-fn x)
+ (cdr x))
+(define (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (cond (in-layout?
+ (setf *layout-stack* (cdr *layout-stack*))
+ (token-case
+ ($\} '()) ; the advance-token routine may have inserted this
+ (else '())))
+ (else
+ (token-case
+ (\} '())
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-brace))))))
+(define (signal-missing-brace)
+ (parser-error 'missing-brace
+ "Missing `}'."))
+(define (resolve-layout stream layout-stack)
+ (if (null? layout-stack)
+ stream
+ (let ((col (layout-col (car layout-stack))))
+ (declare (type fixnum col))
+ (cond ((= (the fixnum *current-col*) col)
+ (insert-extra-token '\; stream))
+ ((< (the fixnum *current-col*) col)
+ (insert-extra-token
+ '$\} (resolve-layout stream (cdr layout-stack))))
+ (else
+ stream)
+ ))))
+;;; The following routines are used for backtracking. This is a bit of
+;;; a hack at the moment.
+(define (save-scanner-state)
+ (vector *token* *token-args* *token-stream* *layout-stack* *current-line*
+ *current-col*))
+(define (restore-excursion state)
+ (setf *token* (vector-ref state 0))
+ (setf *token-args* (vector-ref state 1))
+ (setf *token-stream* (vector-ref state 2))
+ (setf *layout-stack* (vector-ref state 3))
+ (setf *current-line* (vector-ref state 4))
+ (setf *current-col* (vector-ref state 5)))
+(define (eq-token? type)
+ (eq? type *token*))
+(define (eq-token-arg? str)
+ (string=? str (car *token-args*)))
+;;; lookahead into the token stream
+(define (peek-1-type)
+ (peek-toks 0 *token-stream*))
+(define (peek-2-type)
+ (peek-toks 1 *token-stream*))
+;;; This is a Q&D way of looking ahead. It does not expand the layout
+;;; as it goes so there may be missing } and ;. This should not matter
+;;; in the places where this is used since these would be invalid anyway.
+;;; To be safe, token types are rechecked while advancing to verify the
+;;; lookahead.
+(define (peek-toks n toks)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (cond ((null? toks)
+ 'eof)
+ ((memq (caar toks) '(col line))
+ (peek-toks n (cdr toks)))
+ ((eqv? n 0)
+ (caar toks))
+ (else (peek-toks (1- n) (cdr toks)))))
+;; These routines handle the `satisfies' clauses used in token-case.
+(define (at-varsym/+?)
+ (and (eq? *token* 'varsym)
+ (string=? (car *token-args*) "+")))
+(define (at-varsym/-?)
+ (and (eq? *token* 'varsym)
+ (string=? (car *token-args*) "-")))
+(define (at-varsym/paren?)
+ (and (eq? *token* '\()
+ (eq? (peek-1-type) 'varsym)
+ (eq? (peek-2-type) '\))))
+(define (at-consym/paren?)
+ (and (eq? *token* '\()
+ (eq? (peek-1-type) 'consym)
+ (eq? (peek-2-type) '\))))
+(define (at-varid/quoted?)
+ (and (eq? *token* '\`)
+ (eq? (peek-1-type) 'varid)))
+(define (at-conid/quoted?)
+ (and (eq? *token* '\`)
+ (eq? (peek-1-type) 'conid)))
+(define (at-+k?)
+ (and (at-varsym/+?)
+ (eq? (peek-1-type) 'integer)))
+(define (at--n?)
+ (and (at-varsym/-?)
+ (memq (peek-1-type) '(integer float))))
+;;; The following routines convert the simplest tokens to AST structure.
+(define-local-syntax (return+advance x)
+ `(let ((x ,x))
+ (advance-token)
+ x))
+(define (token->symbol)
+ (return+advance
+ (string->symbol (car *token-args*))))
+(define (token->symbol/con) ; for conid, aconid
+ (return+advance
+ (string->symbol (add-con-prefix (car *token-args*)))))
+(define (var->symbol)
+ (token-case
+ (\( (token-case
+ (varsym?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)'" "var")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<varsym>" "var"))))
+ (varid? (token->symbol))))
+(define (var->ast)
+ (let ((vname (var->symbol)))
+ (make var-ref (name vname) (infix? '#f) (var *undefined-def*))))
+(define (var->entity)
+ (let ((vname (var->symbol)))
+ (make entity-var (name vname))))
+(define (con->symbol)
+ (token-case
+ (\( (token-case
+ (consym?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol/con)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)'" "con")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<consym>" "con"))))
+ (conid? (token->symbol/con))))
+(define (varop->symbol)
+ (token-case
+ (\` (token-case
+ (varid?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\` res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "``'" "varop")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<varid>" "varop"))))
+ (varsym? (token->symbol))))
+(define (varop->ast)
+ (let ((varop-name (varop->symbol)))
+ (make var-ref (name varop-name) (infix? '#t) (var *undefined-def*))))
+(define (conop->symbol)
+ (token-case
+ (\` (token-case
+ (conid?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol/con)))
+ (token-case
+ (\` res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "``'" "conop")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<conid>" "conop"))))
+ (consym? (token->symbol/con))))
+(define (conop->ast)
+ (let ((conop-name (conop->symbol)))
+ (make con-ref (name conop-name) (infix? '#t) (con *undefined-def*))))
+(define (op->symbol)
+ (token-case
+ (\` (token-case
+ (conid?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol/con)))
+ (token-case
+ (\` res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "``'" "op")))))
+ (varid?
+ (let ((res (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case
+ (\` res)
+ (else (signal-missing-token "``'" "op")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<conid> or <varid>" "op"))))
+ (consym? (token->symbol/con))
+ (varsym? (token->symbol))))
+(define (con->ast) ; for conid, aconid
+ (let ((name (con->symbol)))
+ (make con-ref (name name) (con *undefined-def*) (infix? '#f))))
+(define (pcon->ast) ; for aconid, conid
+ (let ((name (con->symbol)))
+ (make pcon (name name) (con *undefined-def*) (pats '()) (infix? '#f))))
+(define (pconop->ast) ; for aconop, conop
+ (let ((name (conop->symbol)))
+ (make pcon (name name) (con *undefined-def*) (pats '()) (infix? '#t))))
+(define (tycon->ast) ; for aconid
+ (let ((name (token->symbol)))
+ (make tycon (name name) (def *undefined-def*) (args '()))))
+(define (class->ast) ; for aconid
+ (let ((name (token->symbol)))
+ (make class-ref (name name) (class *undefined-def*))))
+(define (tyvar->ast) ; for avarid
+ (let ((name (token->symbol)))
+ (make tyvar (name name))))
+(define (token->integer) ; for integer
+ (return+advance
+ (car *token-args*)))
+(define (integer->ast) ; for integer
+ (return+advance
+ (make integer-const (value (car *token-args*)))))
+(define (float->ast)
+ (return+advance
+ (make float-const (numerator (car *token-args*))
+ (denominator (cadr *token-args*))
+ (exponent (caddr *token-args*)))))
+(define (string->ast)
+ (return+advance
+ (make string-const (value (car *token-args*)))))
+(define (char->ast)
+ (return+advance
+ (make char-const (value (car *token-args*)))))
+(define (literal->ast)
+ (token-case
+ ((no-advance integer) (integer->ast))
+ ((no-advance float) (float->ast))
+ ((no-advance string) (string->ast))
+ ((no-advance char) (char->ast))))
diff --git a/parser/type-parser.scm b/parser/type-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c5dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/type-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;;; File: type-parser Author: John
+(define (parse-type)
+ (let ((type (parse-btype)))
+ (token-case
+ (->
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "Arrow") (list type (parse-type))))
+ (else type))))
+(define (parse-btype)
+ (token-case
+ (tycon (let* ((tycon (tycon->ast))
+ (tycon-args (parse-atype-list)))
+ (setf (tycon-args tycon) tycon-args)
+ tycon))
+ (else
+ (parse-atype))))
+(define (parse-atype-list)
+ (token-case
+ (atype-start
+ (let ((atype (parse-atype)))
+ (cons atype (parse-atype-list))))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-atype)
+ (token-case
+ (tyvar (tyvar->ast))
+ (tycon (tycon->ast))
+ (\( (token-case
+ (\) (**tycon/def (core-symbol "UnitType") '()))
+ (else
+ (let ((type (parse-type)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) type)
+ (\, (let ((types (cons type (parse-type-list))))
+ (**tycon/def (tuple-tycon (length types)) types)))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "type expression")))))))
+ (\[ (let ((type (parse-type)))
+ (require-token \] (signal-missing-token "`]'" "type expression"))
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "List") (list type))))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "an atype"))))
+(define (parse-type-list)
+ (let ((type (parse-type)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons type (parse-type-list)))
+ (\) (list type))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "type expression")))))
+;;; This is used to determine whether a type is preceded by a context
+(define (has-optional-context?)
+ (let* ((saved-excursion (save-scanner-state))
+ (res (token-case
+ (conid
+ (token-case
+ (varid (eq-token? '=>))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (\( (scan-context))
+ (else '#f))))
+ (restore-excursion saved-excursion)
+ res))
+(define (scan-context)
+ (token-case
+ (conid
+ (token-case
+ (varid
+ (token-case
+ (\) (eq-token? '=>))
+ (\, (scan-context))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define (parse-context)
+ (let ((contexts (token-case
+ (tycon
+ (list (parse-single-context)))
+ (\( (parse-contexts))
+ (else
+ (signal-invalid-syntax "a context")))))
+ (require-token => (signal-missing-token "`=>'" "context"))
+ contexts))
+(define (parse-single-context)
+ (let ((class (class->ast)))
+ (token-case
+ (tyvar
+ (let ((tyvar (token->symbol)))
+ (make context (class class) (tyvar tyvar))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<tyvar>" "class assertion")))))
+(define (parse-contexts)
+ (token-case
+ (tycon (let ((context (parse-single-context)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons context (parse-contexts)))
+ (\) (list context))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "context")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<tycon>" "class assertion"))))
+(define (parse-optional-context)
+ (if (has-optional-context?)
+ (parse-context)
+ '()))
+(define (parse-signature)
+ (let* ((contexts (parse-optional-context))
+ (type (parse-type)))
+ (make signature (context contexts) (type type))))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/parser/typedecl-parser.scm b/parser/typedecl-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4995dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/typedecl-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+;;; File: parser/typedecl-parser Author: John
+(define (parse-type-decl interface?)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let* ((sig (parse-signature))
+ (contexts (signature-context sig))
+ (simple (signature-type sig))
+ (deriving '())
+ (constrs '()))
+ ;; #t = builtins ([] (,,) ->) not allowed
+ (check-simple simple '#t "type declaration")
+ (let ((annotations (parse-constr-annotations)))
+ (token-case
+ (= (setf constrs (parse-constrs))
+ (token-case
+ (|deriving|
+ (setf deriving
+ (token-case
+ (\(
+ (token-case
+ (\) '())
+ (else (parse-class-list))))
+ (tycon (list (class->ast)))
+ (else (signal-invalid-syntax "a deriving clause")))))))
+ (else
+ (when (not interface?)
+ (signal-missing-constructors))))
+ (make data-decl (context contexts) (simple simple)
+ (constrs constrs) (deriving deriving)
+ (annotations annotations))))))
+(define (signal-missing-constructors)
+ (parser-error 'missing-constructors
+ "Data type definition requires constructors"))
+(define (check-simple simple fresh? where)
+ (when (not (tycon? simple))
+ (signal-not-simple where))
+ (when (and fresh? (not (eq? (tycon-def simple) *undefined-def*)))
+ (signal-not-simple where))
+ (let ((tyvars (map (lambda (arg)
+ (when (not (tyvar? arg))
+ (signal-not-simple where))
+ (tyvar-name arg))
+ (tycon-args simple))))
+ (when (not (null? (find-duplicates tyvars)))
+ (signal-unique-tyvars-required))))
+(define (signal-unique-tyvars-required)
+ (parser-error 'unique-tyvars-required
+ "Duplicate type variables appear in simple."))
+(define (signal-not-simple where)
+ (parser-error 'not-simple "Simple type required in ~a." where))
+(define (parse-constrs)
+ (let ((constr (parse-constr)))
+ (token-case
+ (\| (cons constr (parse-constrs)))
+ (else (list constr)))))
+(define (parse-constr)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((saved-excursion (save-scanner-state)))
+ (token-case
+ (consym/paren
+ (parse-prefix-constr))
+ (else
+ (let ((type1 (parse-btype))
+ (anns (parse-constr-annotations)))
+ (token-case
+ (conop
+ (parse-infix-constr (tuple type1 anns)))
+ (else
+ (restore-excursion saved-excursion)
+ (parse-prefix-constr)))))))))
+(define (parse-prefix-constr)
+ (token-case
+ (con
+ (let* ((con (con->ast))
+ (types (parse-constr-type-list)))
+ (make constr (constructor con) (types types))))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "<con>" "constrs list"))))
+(define (parse-constr-type-list)
+ (token-case
+ (atype-start
+ (let* ((atype (parse-atype))
+ (anns (parse-constr-annotations)))
+ (cons (tuple atype anns)
+ (parse-constr-type-list))))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-infix-constr t+a1)
+ (let* ((con (conop->ast))
+ (type2 (parse-btype))
+ (anns (parse-constr-annotations)))
+ (make constr (constructor con) (types (list t+a1 (tuple type2 anns))))))
+(define (parse-class-list)
+ (token-case
+ (tycon (let ((class (class->ast)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons class (parse-class-list)))
+ (\) (list class))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "`)' or `,'" "deriving clause")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<tycon>" "deriving clause"))))
+(define (parse-constr-annotations)
+ (token-case
+ ((begin-annotation no-advance)
+ (let ((annotations (parse-annotations)))
+ (append annotations (parse-constr-annotations))))
+ (else '())))
+(define (parse-synonym-decl)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let* ((sig (parse-signature))
+ (contexts (signature-context sig))
+ (simple (signature-type sig)))
+ (check-simple simple '#t "type synonym declaration")
+ (when (not (null? contexts))
+ (signal-no-context-in-synonym))
+ (require-token = (signal-missing-token "`='" "type synonym declaration"))
+ (let ((body (parse-type)))
+ (make synonym-decl (simple simple) (body body))))))
+(define (signal-no-context-in-synonym)
+ (parser-error 'no-context-in-synonym
+ "Context is not permitted in type synonym declaration."))
+(define (parse-class-decl)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((supers (parse-optional-context)))
+ (token-case
+ (tycon
+ (let ((class (class->ast)))
+ (token-case
+ (tyvar
+ (let* ((class-var (token->symbol))
+ (decls (parse-where-decls)))
+ (make class-decl (class class) (super-classes supers)
+ (class-var class-var) (decls decls))))
+ (else
+ (signal-missing-token "<tyvar>" "class declaration")))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<tycon>" "class declaration"))))))
+(define (parse-instance-decl interface?)
+ (save-parser-context
+ (let ((contexts (parse-optional-context))
+ (decls '()))
+ (token-case
+ (tycon
+ (let* ((class (class->ast))
+ (simple (parse-type)))
+ (when (not interface?)
+ (setf decls (parse-where-decls)))
+ (check-simple simple '#f "instance declaration")
+ (make instance-decl (context contexts) (class class)
+ (simple simple) (decls decls))))
+ (else (signal-missing-token "<tycon>" "instance declaration"))))))
diff --git a/prec/README b/prec/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea455c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prec/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains the code walker for the scoping and
+precedence parsing phase of the compiler.
diff --git a/prec/prec-parse.scm b/prec/prec-parse.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9df06a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prec/prec-parse.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+;;; prec-parse.scm -- do precedence parsing of expressions and patterns
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 04 Feb 1992
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Handling for pp-exp-list
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This function is called during the scope phase after all of the
+;;; exps in a pp-exp-list have already been walked. Basically, the
+;;; purpose is to turn the original pp-exp-list into something else.
+;;; Look for the section cases first and treat them specially.
+;;; Sections are handled by inserting a magic cookie (void) into the
+;;; list where the `missing' operand of the section would be and then
+;;; making sure the cookie stays at the top.
+;;; Unary minus needs checking to avoid things like a*-a.
+(define (massage-pp-exp-list exps)
+ (let* ((first-term (car exps))
+ (last-term (car (last exps)))
+ (type (cond ((infix-var-or-con? first-term) 'section-l)
+ ((infix-var-or-con? last-term) 'section-r)
+ (else 'exp)))
+ (exps1 (cond ((eq? type 'section-l)
+ (cons (make void) exps))
+ ((eq? type 'section-r)
+ (append exps (list (make void))))
+ (else exps)))
+ (parsed-exp (parse-pp-list '#f exps1)))
+ (if (eq? type 'exp)
+ parsed-exp
+ (if (or (not (app? parsed-exp))
+ (not (app? (app-fn parsed-exp))))
+ (begin
+ (signal-section-precedence-conflict
+ (if (eq? type 'section-l) first-term last-term))
+ (make void))
+ (let ((rhs (app-arg parsed-exp))
+ (op (app-fn (app-fn parsed-exp)))
+ (lhs (app-arg (app-fn parsed-exp))))
+ (if (eq? type 'section-l)
+ (if (void? lhs)
+ (make section-l (op op) (exp rhs))
+ (begin
+ (signal-section-precedence-conflict first-term)
+ (make void)))
+ (if (void? rhs)
+ (make section-r (op op) (exp lhs))
+ (begin
+ (signal-section-precedence-conflict last-term)
+ (make void)))))))))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Handling for pp-pat-list
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; In this case, we have to do an explicit walk of the pattern looking
+;;; at all of its subpatterns.
+;;; ** This is a crock - the scope walker needs fixing.
+(define (massage-pattern pat)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'as-pat pat)
+ (setf (as-pat-pattern pat) (massage-pattern (as-pat-pattern pat)))
+ pat)
+ ((is-type? 'irr-pat pat)
+ (setf (irr-pat-pattern pat) (massage-pattern (irr-pat-pattern pat)))
+ pat)
+ ((is-type? 'plus-pat pat)
+ (setf (plus-pat-pattern pat) (massage-pattern (plus-pat-pattern pat)))
+ pat)
+ ((is-type? 'pcon pat)
+ (when (eq? (pcon-con pat) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (pcon-con pat) (lookup-toplevel-name (pcon-name pat))))
+ (setf (pcon-pats pat) (massage-pattern-list (pcon-pats pat)))
+ pat)
+ ((is-type? 'list-pat pat)
+ (setf (list-pat-pats pat) (massage-pattern-list (list-pat-pats pat)))
+ pat)
+ ((is-type? 'pp-pat-list pat)
+ (parse-pp-list '#t (massage-pattern-list (pp-pat-list-pats pat))))
+ (else
+ pat)))
+(define (massage-pattern-list pats)
+ (map (function massage-pattern) pats))
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; Shared support
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This is the main routine.
+(define (parse-pp-list pattern? l)
+ (mlet (((stack terms) (push-pp-stack '() l)))
+ (pp-parse-next-term pattern? stack terms)))
+(define (pp-parse-next-term pattern? stack terms)
+ (if (null? terms)
+ (reduce-complete-stack pattern? stack)
+ (let ((stack (reduce-stronger-ops pattern? stack (car terms))))
+ (mlet (((stack terms)
+ (push-pp-stack (cons (car terms) stack) (cdr terms))))
+ (pp-parse-next-term pattern? stack terms)))))
+(define (reduce-complete-stack pattern? stack)
+ (if (pp-stack-op-empty? stack)
+ (car stack)
+ (reduce-complete-stack pattern? (reduce-pp-stack pattern? stack))))
+(define (reduce-pp-stack pattern? stack)
+ (let ((term (car stack))
+ (op (cadr stack)))
+ (if pattern?
+ (cond ((pp-pat-plus? op)
+ (let ((lhs (caddr stack)))
+ (cond ((or (not (const-pat? term))
+ (and (not (var-pat? lhs))
+ (not (wildcard-pat? lhs))))
+ (signal-plus-precedence-conflict term)
+ (cddr stack))
+ (else
+ (cons (make plus-pat (pattern lhs)
+ (k (integer-const-value
+ (const-pat-value term))))
+ (cdddr stack))))))
+ ((pp-pat-negated? op)
+ (cond ((const-pat? term)
+ (let ((v (const-pat-value term)))
+ (if (integer-const? v)
+ (setf (integer-const-value v)
+ (- (integer-const-value v)))
+ (setf (float-const-numerator v)
+ (- (float-const-numerator v)))))
+ (cons term (cddr stack)))
+ (else
+ (signal-minus-precedence-conflict term)
+ (cons term (cddr stack)))))
+ (else
+ (setf (pcon-pats op) (list (caddr stack) term))
+ (cons op (cdddr stack))))
+ (cond ((negate? op)
+ (cons (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "negate")) term)
+ (cddr stack)))
+ (else
+ (cons (**app op (caddr stack) term) (cdddr stack)))))))
+(define (pp-stack-op-empty? stack)
+ (null? (cdr stack)))
+(define (top-stack-op stack)
+ (cadr stack))
+(define (push-pp-stack stack terms)
+ (let ((term (car terms)))
+ (if (or (negate? term) (pp-pat-negated? term))
+ (begin
+ (when (and stack (stronger-op? (car stack) term))
+ (unary-minus-prec-conflict term))
+ (push-pp-stack (cons term stack) (cdr terms)))
+ (values (cons term stack) (cdr terms)))))
+(define (reduce-stronger-ops pattern? stack op)
+ (cond ((pp-stack-op-empty? stack) stack)
+ ((stronger-op? (top-stack-op stack) op)
+ (reduce-stronger-ops pattern? (reduce-pp-stack pattern? stack) op))
+ (else stack)))
+(define (stronger-op? op1 op2)
+ (let ((fixity1 (get-op-fixity op1))
+ (fixity2 (get-op-fixity op2)))
+ (cond ((> (fixity-precedence fixity1) (fixity-precedence fixity2))
+ '#t)
+ ((< (fixity-precedence fixity1) (fixity-precedence fixity2))
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (let ((a1 (fixity-associativity fixity1))
+ (a2 (fixity-associativity fixity2)))
+ (if (eq? a1 a2)
+ (cond ((eq? a1 'l)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? a1 'r)
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (signal-precedence-conflict op1 op2)
+ '#t))
+ (begin
+ (signal-precedence-conflict op1 op2)
+ '#t))))
+ )))
+(define (get-op-fixity op)
+ (cond ((var-ref? op)
+ (pp-get-var-fixity (var-ref-var op)))
+ ((con-ref? op)
+ (pp-get-con-fixity (con-ref-con op)))
+ ((pcon? op)
+ (pp-get-con-fixity (pcon-con op)))
+ ((or (negate? op) (pp-pat-negated? op))
+ (pp-get-var-fixity (core-symbol "-")))
+ ((pp-pat-plus? op)
+ (pp-get-var-fixity (core-symbol "+")))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad op ~s in pp-parse." op))))
+(define (pp-get-var-fixity def)
+ (if (eq? (var-fixity def) '#f)
+ default-fixity
+ (var-fixity def)))
+(define (pp-get-con-fixity def)
+ (if (eq? (con-fixity def) '#f)
+ default-fixity
+ (con-fixity def)))
+;;; Error handlers
+(define (signal-section-precedence-conflict op)
+ (phase-error 'section-precedence-conflict
+ "Operators in section body have lower precedence than section operator ~A."
+ op))
+(define (signal-precedence-conflict op1 op2)
+ (phase-error 'precedence-conflict
+ "The operators ~s and ~s appear consecutively, but they have the same~%~
+ precedence and are not either both left or both right associative.~%
+ You must add parentheses to avoid a precedence conflict."
+ op1 op2))
+(define (signal-plus-precedence-conflict term)
+ (phase-error 'plus-precedence-conflict
+ "You need to put parentheses around the plus-pattern ~a~%~
+ to avoid a precedence conflict."
+ term))
+(define (signal-minus-precedence-conflict arg)
+ (phase-error 'minus-precedence-conflict
+ "You need to put parentheses around the negative literal ~a~%~
+ to avoid a precedence conflict."
+ arg))
+(define (unary-minus-prec-conflict arg)
+ (recoverable-error 'minus-precedence-conflict
+ "Operator ~A too strong for unary minus - add parens please!~%"
+ arg))
diff --git a/prec/prec.scm b/prec/prec.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7948f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prec/prec.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;; prec.scm -- module definition for scoping/precedence-parsing phase
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 13 Feb 1992
+(define-compilation-unit prec
+ (source-filename "$Y2/prec/")
+ (require ast haskell-utils)
+ (unit scope
+ (source-filename "scope.scm"))
+ (unit prec-parse
+ (source-filename "prec-parse.scm")))
diff --git a/prec/scope.scm b/prec/scope.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57ed64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prec/scope.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+;;; scope.scm -- variable scoping and precedence parsing phase
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 11 Feb 1992
+;;; Basic support
+(define (scope-modules modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-decls *module*) (scope-ast-decls (module-decls *module*)))
+ (dolist (a (module-annotations *module*))
+;;; This is currently bogus since it assumes only vars are annotated.
+ (when (annotation-decl? a)
+ (dolist (n (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (let ((v (table-entry *symbol-table* n)))
+ (when (or (eq? v '#f) (not (var? v)))
+ (fatal-error 'unknown-annotation-name
+ "~A: not a var in annotation decl~%" n))
+ (when (not (eq? (def-module v) *module-name*))
+ (fatal-error 'non-local-name-in-annotation
+ "~A: not a local var in annotation decl~%" n))
+ (setf (var-annotations v)
+ (append (var-annotations v)
+ (annotation-decl-annotations a))))))))))
+;;; Define the basic walker and some helper functions.
+(define-walker scope ast-td-scope-walker)
+(define (scope-ast-1 x env)
+; (call-walker scope x env))
+ (remember-context x
+ (call-walker scope x env)))
+(define (scope-ast/list l env)
+ (scope-ast/list-aux l env)
+ l)
+(define (scope-ast/list-aux l env)
+ (when (not (null? l))
+ (setf (car l) (scope-ast-1 (car l) env))
+ (scope-ast/list-aux (cdr l) env)))
+;;; This filters out signdecls from decl lists. These declarations are moved
+;;; into the var definitions.
+(define (scope-ast/decl-list l env)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (let ((x (scope-ast-1 (car l) env))
+ (rest (scope-ast/decl-list (cdr l) env)))
+ (if (or (annotation-decls? x)
+ (and (signdecl? x)
+ (not (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface))))
+ rest
+ (begin
+ (setf (car l) x)
+ (setf (cdr l) rest)
+ l)))))
+;;; This is the main entry point. It is called by the driver
+;;; on each top-level decl in the module.
+(define (scope-ast-decls x)
+ (let ((result (scope-ast/decl-list x '())))
+; (pprint result) ;*** debug
+ result))
+;;; All top-level names are entered in the *symbol-table* hash table.
+;;; This is done by the import/export phase of the compiler before
+;;; we get here.
+;;; The env is a list of a-lists that associates locally-defined names with
+;;; their definitions. Each nested a-list corresponds to a "level" or
+;;; scope.
+;;; *** If many variables are being added in each scope, it might be
+;;; *** better to use a table instead of an alist to represent each contour.
+(define (lookup-name name env)
+ (if (null? env)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (let ((info (assq name (car env))))
+ (if info
+ (cdr info)
+ (lookup-name name (cdr env))))))
+;;; Some kinds of names (e.g. type definitions) appear only at top-level,
+;;; so use this to look for them directly.
+(define (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (or (resolve-toplevel-name name)
+ (begin
+ (signal-undefined-symbol name)
+ *undefined-def*)))
+;;; Some kinds of lookups (e.g., matching a signature declaration)
+;;; require that the name be defined in the current scope and not
+;;; an outer one. Use this function.
+(define (lookup-local-name name env)
+ (if (null? env)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (let ((info (assq name (car env))))
+ (if info
+ (cdr info)
+ (begin
+ (signal-undefined-local-symbol name)
+ *undefined-def*)))))
+;;; Add local declarations to the environment, returning a new env.
+;;; Do not actually walk the local declarations here.
+(define *scope-info* '())
+(define (add-local-declarations decls env)
+ (if (null? decls)
+ env
+ (let ((contour '()))
+ (dolist (d decls)
+ (if (is-type? 'valdef d)
+ (setf contour
+ (add-bindings (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs d))
+ contour))))
+ (cons contour env))))
+;;; Similar, but for adding lambda and function argument bindings to the
+;;; environment.
+(define (add-pattern-variables patterns env)
+ (if (null? patterns)
+ env
+ (let ((contour '()))
+ (dolist (p patterns)
+ (setf contour (add-bindings (collect-pattern-vars p) contour)))
+ (cons contour env))))
+;;; Given a list of var-refs, create defs for them and add them to
+;;; the local environment.
+;;; Also check to see that there are no duplicates.
+(define (add-bindings var-refs contour)
+ (dolist (v var-refs)
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var v) *undefined-def*)
+ (let* ((name (var-ref-name v))
+ (def (create-local-definition name)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var v) def)
+ (if (assq name contour)
+ (signal-multiple-bindings name)
+ (push (cons name def) contour)))))
+ contour)
+;;; Error signalling utilities.
+(define (signal-undefined-local-symbol name)
+ (phase-error 'undefined-local-symbol
+ "The name ~a has no definition in the current scope."
+ name))
+(define (signal-multiple-signatures name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-signatures
+ "There are multiple signatures for the name ~a."
+ name))
+(define (signal-multiple-bindings name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-bindings
+ "The name ~a appears more than once in a function or pattern binding."
+ name))
+;;; Default traversal methods
+(define-local-syntax (make-scope-code slot type)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot)))
+ (cond ((and (symbol? stype)
+ (or (eq? stype 'exp)
+ (subtype? stype 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (scope-ast-1 (struct-slot ',type ',sname object) env)))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (symbol? (cadr stype))
+ (or (eq? (cadr stype) 'exp)
+ (subtype? (cadr stype) 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (scope-ast/list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object) env)))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Scope: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; (sd-name slot)
+; type)
+ '#f))))
+(define-modify-walker-methods scope
+ (guarded-rhs ; exp slots
+ if ; exp slots
+ app ; exp slots
+ integer-const float-const char-const string-const ; no slots
+ list-exp ; (list exp) slot
+ sequence sequence-to sequence-then sequence-then-to ; exp slots
+ section-l section-r ; exp slots
+ omitted-guard overloaded-var-ref ; no slots
+ negate ; no slots
+ sel
+ prim-definition
+ con-number cast
+ )
+ (object env)
+ make-scope-code)
+;;; valdef-structs
+;;; Signature declarations must appear at the same level as the names
+;;; they apply to. There must not be more than one signature declaration
+;;; applying to a given name.
+(define-walker-method scope signdecl (object env)
+ (let ((signature (signdecl-signature object)))
+ (resolve-signature signature)
+ (let ((gtype (ast->gtype (signature-context signature)
+ (signature-type signature))))
+ (dolist (v (signdecl-vars object))
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var v) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (var-ref-var v)
+ (lookup-local-name (var-ref-name v) env)))
+ (let ((def (var-ref-var v)))
+ (when (not (eq? def *undefined-def*))
+ ;; The lookup-local-name may fail if there is a program error.
+ ;; In that case, skip this.
+ (if (var-signature def)
+ (signal-multiple-signatures (var-ref-name v))
+ (setf (var-signature def) gtype))))))
+ object))
+;;; This attaches annotations to locally defined vars in the same
+;;; manner as signdecl annotations.
+(define-walker-method scope annotation-decls (object env)
+ (let ((anns (annotation-decls-annotations object)))
+ (dolist (a anns)
+ (cond ((annotation-value? a)
+ (recoverable-error 'unknown-annotation "Unknown annotation: ~A" a))
+ ((annotation-decl? a)
+ (dolist (v (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (let ((name (lookup-local-name v env)))
+ (when (not (eq? name *undefined-def*))
+ (setf (var-annotations name)
+ (append (var-annotations name)
+ (annotation-decl-annotations a))))))))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope exp-sign (object env)
+ (resolve-signature (exp-sign-signature object))
+ (setf (exp-sign-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (exp-sign-exp object) env))
+ object)
+;;; By the time we get to walking a valdef, all the variables it
+;;; declares have been entered into the environment. All we need to
+;;; do is massage the pattern and recursively walk the definitions.
+(define-walker-method scope valdef (object env)
+ (setf (valdef-module object) *module-name*)
+ (setf (valdef-lhs object) (massage-pattern (valdef-lhs object)))
+ (setf (valdef-definitions object)
+ (scope-ast/list (valdef-definitions object) env))
+ object)
+;;; For a single-fun-def, do the where-decls first, and then walk the
+;;; rhs in an env that includes both the where-decls and the args.
+(define-walker-method scope single-fun-def (object env)
+ (setf env (add-pattern-variables (single-fun-def-args object) env))
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (single-fun-def-where-decls object) env))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-where-decls object)
+ (scope-ast/decl-list (single-fun-def-where-decls object) env))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-args object)
+ (massage-pattern-list (single-fun-def-args object)))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-rhs-list object)
+ (scope-ast/list (single-fun-def-rhs-list object) env))
+ object)
+;;; exp-structs
+(define-walker-method scope lambda (object env)
+ (setf env (add-pattern-variables (lambda-pats object) env))
+ (setf (lambda-pats object) (massage-pattern-list (lambda-pats object)))
+ (setf (lambda-body object) (scope-ast-1 (lambda-body object) env))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope let (object env)
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (let-decls object) env))
+ (setf (let-decls object) (scope-ast/decl-list (let-decls object) env))
+ (setf (let-body object) (scope-ast-1 (let-body object) env))
+ object)
+;;; Case alts are treated very much like single-fun-defs.
+(define-walker-method scope case (object env)
+ (setf (case-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (case-exp object) env))
+ (dolist (a (case-alts object))
+ (let ((env (add-pattern-variables (list (alt-pat a)) env)))
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (alt-where-decls a) env))
+ (setf (alt-where-decls a)
+ (scope-ast/decl-list (alt-where-decls a) env))
+ (setf (alt-pat a) (massage-pattern (alt-pat a)))
+ (setf (alt-rhs-list a)
+ (scope-ast/list (alt-rhs-list a) env))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope var-ref (object env)
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var object) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (var-ref-var object)
+ (lookup-name (var-ref-name object) env)))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope con-ref (object env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (when (eq? (con-ref-con object) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (con-ref-con object)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name (con-ref-name object))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope list-comp (object env)
+ (dolist (q (list-comp-quals object))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'qual-generator q)
+ (setf (qual-generator-exp q)
+ (scope-ast-1 (qual-generator-exp q) env))
+ (setf env
+ (add-pattern-variables (list (qual-generator-pat q)) env))
+ (setf (qual-generator-pat q)
+ (massage-pattern (qual-generator-pat q))))
+ ((is-type? 'qual-filter q)
+ (setf (qual-filter-exp q)
+ (scope-ast-1 (qual-filter-exp q) env)))))
+ (setf (list-comp-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (list-comp-exp object) env))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope pp-exp-list (object env)
+ (massage-pp-exp-list (scope-ast/list (pp-exp-list-exps object) env)))
diff --git a/printers/README b/printers/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36530ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This directory contains print routines for the structures defined in
+the ast/ directory.
+The global *print-structure* controls printing of objects in the
+structure system. Values are:
+ haskell -- Prints haskell format expressions from ast
+ struct -- Prints the raw structs (with circularity check)
+ top -- Prints top level only of the struct
+The file defs.scm has the basic hooks to the printer mechanism. The
+idea is that when *print-structure* is 'haskell, the print function stored
+in the type descriptor will get used. If there isn't a print function,
+or if *print-structure* is false, then the thing will print out in
+some generic way that's good for debugging purposes.
+The macro define-printer is used to associate a print function with a
+structure type. Since these can be defined on the fly, the print
+dispatching routine has to look up the inheritance chain of type
+descriptors looking for the first inherited type that has a printer.
diff --git a/printers/print-exps.scm b/printers/print-exps.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9d89b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-exps.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+;;; print-exps.scm -- print expression AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 10 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to ast/exp-structs.scm.
+(define-ast-printer lambda (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "\\ " xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (lambda-pats object) xp (function write-apat) "" "" "")
+ (write-string " ->" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (lambda-body object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer let (object xp)
+ (write-lets-body "let " (let-decls object) (let-body object) xp))
+(define (write-lets-body let-name decls body xp)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "" "") ; no extra indentation
+ (write-string let-name xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (remove-recursive-grouping decls) xp (function write))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "in " xp)
+ (write body xp)))
+(define-ast-printer if (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "if " xp)
+ (write (if-test-exp object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "then" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (if-then-exp object) xp))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "else" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (if-else-exp object) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer case (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "case " xp)
+ (write (case-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " of" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (case-alts object) xp (function write))))
+(define-ast-printer alt (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (alt-pat object) xp)
+ (dolist (r (alt-rhs-list object))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (unless (is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard r))
+ (write-string "| " xp)
+ (write (guarded-rhs-guard r) xp))
+ (write-string " -> " xp)
+ (write (guarded-rhs-rhs r) xp))
+ (write-wheredecls (alt-where-decls object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer exp-sign (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (exp-sign-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " ::" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (exp-sign-signature object) xp)))
+;;; Have to look for application of special-case constructors before
+;;; doing the normal prefix/infix cases.
+(define-ast-printer app (object xp)
+ (let* ((fn (app-fn object))
+ (arg (app-arg object)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (con args) (extract-constructor fn (list arg))
+ (cond ;; ((eq? con (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ ;; *** Does this ever happen?
+ ;; (write-string "()" xp))
+ ((and con (is-tuple-constructor? con))
+ (write-commaized-list args xp))
+ (else
+ (multiple-value-bind (fixity op arg1) (extract-infix-operator fn)
+ (if fixity
+ (write-infix-application fixity op arg1 arg xp)
+ (write-prefix-application fn arg xp))))
+ ))))
+(define (write-infix-application fixity op arg1 arg2 xp)
+ (let ((precedence (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (associativity (fixity-associativity fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence
+ arg1 (1+ precedence) (if (eq? associativity 'l) 'l '#f) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence
+ arg2 (1+ precedence) (if (eq? associativity 'r) 'r '#f) xp))))
+(define (write-prefix-application fn arg xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence fn 10 '#f xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp arg xp)))
+;;; Write an expression with at least the given precedence. If the
+;;; actual precedence is lower, put parens around it.
+(define *print-exp-parens* '#f)
+(define (write-exp-with-precedence exp precedence associativity xp)
+ (if *print-exp-parens*
+ (write-aexp exp xp)
+ (if (< (precedence-of-exp exp associativity) precedence)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write exp xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))
+ (write exp xp))))
+;;; Similar to the above: write an aexp.
+(define *print-original-code* '#t)
+(define (write-aexp object xp)
+ (if (is-type? 'save-old-exp object)
+ (write-aexp (if *print-original-code*
+ (save-old-exp-old-exp object)
+ (save-old-exp-new-exp object))
+ xp)
+ (if (or (is-type? 'aexp object)
+ (pp-exp-list-section? object)
+ (is-type? 'negate object))
+ (write object xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp)))))
+;;; The infix? slot on var-ref and con-ref structs refers to whether
+;;; the thing appears as an infix operator or not, not whether the name
+;;; has operator or identifier syntax.
+(define-ast-printer var-ref (object xp)
+ (let ((name (var-ref-name object)))
+ (if (var-ref-infix? object)
+ (write-varop name xp)
+ (write-varid name xp))))
+(define-ast-printer con-ref (object xp)
+ (if (eq? (con-ref-con object) (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (write-string "()" xp)
+ (let ((name (con-ref-name object)))
+ (if (con-ref-infix? object)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)))))
+(define-ast-printer integer-const (object xp)
+ (write (integer-const-value object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer float-const (object xp)
+ (let* ((numerator (float-const-numerator object))
+ (denominator (float-const-denominator object))
+ (exponent (float-const-exponent object))
+ (whole (quotient numerator denominator))
+ (fraction (remainder numerator denominator)))
+ (write whole xp)
+ (write-char #\. xp)
+ (write-precision-integer fraction denominator xp)
+ (unless (zero? exponent)
+ (write-char #\E xp)
+ (write exponent xp))))
+(define (write-precision-integer fraction denominator xp)
+ (cond ((eqv? denominator 1)
+ ; no fraction
+ )
+ ((eqv? denominator 10)
+ (write-digit fraction xp))
+ (else
+ (write-digit (quotient fraction 10) xp)
+ (write-precision-integer (remainder fraction 10)
+ (quotient denominator 10)
+ xp))
+ ))
+(define (write-digit n xp)
+ (write-char (string-ref "0123456789" n) xp))
+;;; Character and string printers need to handle weird escapes.
+;;; Fortunately we can just choose one canonical style for printing
+;;; unprintable characters.
+(define-ast-printer char-const (object xp)
+ (write-char #\' xp)
+ (write-char-literal (char-const-value object) xp #\')
+ (write-char #\' xp))
+(define-ast-printer string-const (object xp)
+ (write-char #\" xp)
+ (let ((s (string-const-value object)))
+ (dotimes (i (string-length s))
+ (write-char-literal (string-ref s i) xp #\")))
+ (write-char #\" xp))
+(define (write-char-literal c xp special)
+ (cond ((eqv? c special)
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write c xp))
+ ((eqv? c #\newline)
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write-char #\n xp))
+ (else
+ (let ((code (char->integer c)))
+ (if (and (>= code 32) (< code 128))
+ ;; printing ascii characters
+ (write-char c xp)
+ ;; "control" characters print in \ddd notation
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write code xp)))))
+ ))
+(define-ast-printer list-exp (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-exp-exps object) xp (function write) "," "[" "]"))
+(define-ast-printer sequence (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "..]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-to (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-to-from object) xp)
+ (write-string " .." xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-to-to object) xp)
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-then (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "," xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-then object) xp)
+ (write-string "..]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-then-to (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "," xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-then object) xp)
+ (write-string " .." xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-to object) xp)
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer list-comp (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (list-comp-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " |" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-comp-quals object) xp (function write) "," "" "")
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer section-l (object xp)
+ (let* ((exp (section-l-exp object))
+ (op (section-l-op object))
+ (fixity (operator-fixity op))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "(" xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence exp (1+ precedence) '#f xp)
+ (write-string ")" xp))))
+(define-ast-printer section-r (object xp)
+ (let* ((exp (section-r-exp object))
+ (op (section-r-op object))
+ (fixity (operator-fixity op))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "(" xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence exp (1+ precedence) '#f xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-string ")" xp))))
+(define-ast-printer qual-generator (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (qual-generator-pat object) xp)
+ (write-string " <-" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (qual-generator-exp object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer qual-filter (object xp)
+ (write (qual-filter-exp object) xp))
+;;; A pp-exp-list with an op as the first or last element is really
+;;; a section. These always get parens and are treated like aexps.
+;;; Other pp-exp-lists are treated as exps with precedence 0.
+;;; Bleah... Seems like the parser ought to recognize this up front....
+;;; Yeah but I'm lazy ...
+(define-ast-printer pp-exp-list (object xp)
+ (let ((section? (pp-exp-list-section? object)))
+ (if section? (write-char #\( xp))
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (pp-exp-list-exps object) xp (function write-aexp) "" "" "")
+ (if section? (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer negate (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "-" xp))
+(define-ast-printer def (object xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (def-name object)) xp))
+(define-ast-printer con (object xp)
+ (write-string (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name object))) xp))
+(define-ast-printer con-number (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "con-number/" xp)
+ (write (con-number-type object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (con-number-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sel (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "sel/" xp)
+ (write (sel-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sel-slot object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (sel-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer is-constructor (object xp)
+(with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "is-constructor/" xp)
+ (write (is-constructor-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (is-constructor-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer void (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "Void" xp))
+;;; Special cfn constructs
+(define-ast-printer case-block (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "case-block " xp)
+ (write (case-block-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (case-block-exps object) xp (function write))))
+(define-ast-printer return-from (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "return-from " xp)
+ (write (return-from-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (return-from-exp object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer and-exp (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "and " xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (and-exp-exps object) xp (function write))))
+;;; Expression types used by the type checker.
+(define-ast-printer dict-placeholder (object xp)
+ (cond ((not (eq? (dict-placeholder-exp object) '#f))
+ (write (dict-placeholder-exp object) xp))
+ (else
+ (write-string "%" xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string
+ (def-name (dict-placeholder-class object))) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer recursive-placeholder (object xp)
+ (cond ((not (eq? (recursive-placeholder-exp object) '#f))
+ (write (recursive-placeholder-exp object) xp))
+ (else
+ (write-varid (def-name (recursive-placeholder-var object)) xp))))
+;;; This should probably have a flag to allow the dictionary converted code
+;;; to be printed during debugging.
+(define-ast-printer save-old-exp (object xp)
+ (write (save-old-exp-old-exp object) xp))
diff --git a/printers/print-modules.scm b/printers/print-modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2372714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+;;; print-modules.scm -- print routines for module-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 6 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to the file ast/modules.scm.
+;;; Note: by default, only the module name is printed. To print the
+;;; full module, the function print-full-module must be called.
+(define *print-abbreviated-modules* '#t)
+(define-ast-printer module (object xp)
+ (if *print-abbreviated-modules*
+ (begin
+ (write-string "Module " xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (module-name object)) xp))
+ (do-print-full-module object xp)))
+(define (print-full-module object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-abbreviated-modules* '#f))
+ (pprint object stream))))
+(define (do-print-full-module object xp)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-abbreviated-modules* '#t))
+ (let ((modid (module-name object))
+ (exports (module-exports object))
+ (body (append (module-imports object)
+ (module-fixities object)
+ (module-synonyms object)
+ (module-algdatas object)
+ (module-classes object)
+ (module-instances object)
+ (if (or (not (module-default object))
+ (eq? (module-default object)
+ *standard-module-default*))
+ '()
+ (list (module-default object)))
+ (module-decls object))))
+ (write-string "module " xp)
+ (write-modid modid xp)
+ (when (not (null? exports))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-commaized-list exports xp))
+ (write-wheredecls body xp))))
+(define-ast-printer import-decl (object xp)
+ (let ((modid (import-decl-module-name object))
+ (mode (import-decl-mode object))
+ (specs (import-decl-specs object))
+ (renamings (import-decl-renamings object)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "import " xp)
+ (write-modid modid xp)
+ (if (eq? mode 'all)
+ (when (not (null? specs))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "hiding " xp)
+ (write-commaized-list specs xp))
+ (begin
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-commaized-list specs xp)))
+ (when (not (null? renamings))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "renaming " xp)
+ (write-commaized-list renamings xp))
+ )))
+(define-ast-printer entity-module (object xp)
+ (write-modid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-string ".." xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-var (object xp)
+ (write-varid (entity-name object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-con (object xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-abbreviated (object xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-string "(..)" xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-class (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-tyclsid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (entity-class-methods object) xp
+ (function write-varid) "," "(" ")")))
+(define-ast-printer entity-datatype (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (entity-datatype-constructors object) xp
+ (function write-conid) "," "(" ")")))
+(define-ast-printer renaming (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-varid-conid (renaming-from object) xp)
+ (write-string " to" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-varid-conid (renaming-to object) xp)))
+;;; *** Should it omit precedence if it's 9?
+(define-ast-printer fixity-decl (object xp)
+ (let* ((fixity (fixity-decl-fixity object))
+ (associativity (fixity-associativity fixity))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (ops (fixity-decl-names object)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (cond ((eq? associativity 'l)
+ (write-string "infixl " xp))
+ ((eq? associativity 'r)
+ (write-string "infixr " xp))
+ ((eq? associativity 'n)
+ (write-string "infix " xp)))
+ (write precedence xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list ops xp (function write-varop-conop) "," "" ""))))
diff --git a/printers/print-ntypes.scm b/printers/print-ntypes.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c018f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-ntypes.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+;;; These printers deal with ntype structures.
+;;; Too much of this file is copied from print-types!
+(define-ast-printer ntyvar (object xp)
+ (let ((object (prune object)))
+ (if (ntyvar? object)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\t xp)
+ (write (tyvar->number object) xp))
+ (write object xp))))
+;;; Various type special cases have a magic cookie in the def field.
+(define-ast-printer ntycon (object xp)
+ (let ((tycon (ntycon-tycon object)))
+ (if (eq? tycon '#f)
+ (write-string "<Bogus tycon>" xp)
+ (print-general-tycon tycon (ntycon-args object) object xp))))
+(define-ast-printer gtype (object xp)
+ (let ((var 0)
+ (res '()))
+ (dolist (classes (gtype-context object))
+ (let ((v (gtyvar->symbol var)))
+ (dolist (class classes)
+ (push (**context (**class/def class) v) res)))
+ (incf var))
+ (write-contexts (reverse res) xp)
+ (write (gtype-type object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer gtyvar (object xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (gtyvar->symbol (gtyvar-varnum object))) xp))
+(define (gtyvar->symbol n)
+ (cond ((< n 26)
+ (list-ref '(|a| |b| |c| |d| |e| |f| |g|
+ |h| |i| |j| |k| |l| |m| |n|
+ |o| |p| |q| |r| |s| |t| |u|
+ |v| |w| |x| |y| |z|)
+ n))
+ (else
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "g~A" (- n 25))))))
+(define-ast-printer recursive-type (object xp)
+ (write (recursive-type-type object) xp))
+(define (tyvar->number tyvar)
+ (tyvar->number-1 tyvar (dynamic *printed-tyvars*) 1))
+(define (tyvar->number-1 tyvar vars n)
+ (cond ((null? vars)
+ (setf (dynamic *printed-tyvars*)
+ (nconc (dynamic *printed-tyvars*) (list tyvar)))
+ n)
+ ((eq? tyvar (car vars))
+ n)
+ (else
+ (tyvar->number-1 tyvar (cdr vars) (1+ n)))))
diff --git a/printers/print-types.scm b/printers/print-types.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d3bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-types.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+;;; print-types.scm -- print type-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 15 Jan 1991
+;;; This file corresponds to the stuff in ast/type-structs.scm
+(define-ast-printer tyvar (object xp)
+ (write-avarid (tyvar-name object) xp))
+;;; Various type special cases have a magic cookie in the def field.
+(define-ast-printer tycon (object xp)
+ (print-general-tycon (tycon-def object) (tycon-args object) object xp))
+(define (print-general-tycon def args object xp)
+ (cond ((eq? def (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (write-arrow-tycon args xp))
+ ((eq? def (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (write-unit-tycon xp))
+ ((eq? def (core-symbol "List"))
+ (write-list-tycon args xp))
+ ((is-tuple-tycon? def)
+ (write-tuple-tycon args xp))
+ (else
+ (write-ordinary-tycon def args object xp))))
+(define (write-arrow-tycon args xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-btype (car args) xp)
+ (write-string " ->" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (cadr args) xp)))
+(define (write-unit-tycon xp)
+ (write-string "()" xp))
+(define (write-list-tycon args xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-char #\[ xp)
+ (write (car args) xp)
+ (write-char #\] xp)))
+(define (write-tuple-tycon args xp)
+ (write-commaized-list args xp))
+(define (write-ordinary-tycon def args object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (if (tycon? object)
+ (write-tyconid (tycon-name object) xp)
+ (write-tyconid (def-name def) xp))
+ (when (not (null? args))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ args xp (function write-atype) "" "" ""))))
+;;; All of the special cases above except "Arrow" are atypes, as is
+;;; a tyvar or a tycon with no arguments.
+(define (write-atype object xp)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (if (or (tyvar? object)
+ (gtyvar? object)
+ (ntyvar? object)
+ (is-some-tycon? object
+ (lambda (def)
+ (or (eq? def (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (eq? def (core-symbol "List"))
+ (is-tuple-tycon? def)))))
+ (write object xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp)))))
+;;; A btype is any type except the arrow tycon.
+(define (write-btype object xp)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (if (or (and (tycon? object)
+ (eq? (tycon-def object) (core-symbol "Arrow")))
+ (and (ntycon? object)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon object) (core-symbol "Arrow"))))
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))
+ (write object xp))))
+(define (maybe-prune object)
+ (if (ntyvar? object)
+ (prune object)
+ object))
+(define (is-some-tycon? object fn)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (or (and (tycon? object)
+ (or (null? (tycon-args object))
+ (funcall fn (tycon-def object))))
+ (and (ntycon? object)
+ (or (null? (ntycon-args object))
+ (funcall fn (ntycon-tycon object)))))))
+(define-ast-printer context (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (context-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-avarid (context-tyvar object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer signature (object xp)
+ (write-contexts (signature-context object) xp)
+ (write (signature-type object) xp))
+(define (write-contexts contexts xp)
+ (when (not (null? contexts))
+ (if (null? (cdr contexts))
+ (write (car contexts) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list contexts xp))
+ (write-string " =>" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)))
+(define-ast-printer synonym-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "type " xp)
+ (write (synonym-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-string " =" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (synonym-decl-body object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer data-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "data " xp)
+ (write-contexts (data-decl-context object) xp)
+ (write (data-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-char #\= xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (data-decl-constrs object) xp (function write) " |" "" "")
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (let ((deriving (data-decl-deriving object)))
+ (when (not (null? deriving))
+ (write-string "deriving " xp)
+ (if (null? (cdr deriving))
+ (write (car deriving) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list deriving xp))))))
+(define-ast-printer constr (object xp)
+ (if (con-ref-infix? (constr-constructor object))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-btype (car (constr-types object)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (constr-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-btype (cadr (constr-types object)) xp))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (constr-constructor object) xp)
+ (when (not (null? (constr-types object)))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (constr-types object) xp (function write-atype) "" "" "")))))
+(define-ast-printer class-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "class " xp)
+ (write-contexts (class-decl-super-classes object) xp)
+ (write (class-decl-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-avarid (class-decl-class-var object) xp)
+ (write-wheredecls (class-decl-decls object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer instance-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "instance " xp)
+ (write-contexts (instance-decl-context object) xp)
+ (write (instance-decl-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-atype (instance-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-wheredecls (instance-decl-decls object) xp)))
+;;; Don't print out default decl if the value is the default.
+(define-ast-printer default-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "default " xp)
+ (let ((types (default-decl-types object)))
+ (if (null? (cdr types))
+ (write (car types) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list types xp)))))
+(define-ast-printer class-ref (object xp)
+ (write-tyclsid (class-ref-name object) xp))
diff --git a/printers/print-valdefs.scm b/printers/print-valdefs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908adea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-valdefs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+;;; print-valdefs.scm -- print AST structures for local declarations
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 14 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to ast/valdef-structs.scm.
+(define-ast-printer signdecl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (signdecl-vars object) xp (function write) "," "" "")
+ (write-string " ::" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (signdecl-signature object) xp)))
+;;; This interacts with the layout rule stuff. See util.scm.
+(define-ast-printer valdef (object xp)
+ (let ((lhs (valdef-lhs object))
+ (definitions (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (write-definition lhs (car definitions) xp)
+ (dolist (d (cdr definitions))
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp)
+ (write-string "; " xp))
+ (write-definition lhs d xp))))
+(define (write-definition lhs d xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (let ((args (single-fun-def-args d))
+ (rhs-list (single-fun-def-rhs-list d))
+ (where-decls (single-fun-def-where-decls d))
+ (infix? (single-fun-def-infix? d)))
+ (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)
+ (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
+ (write-wheredecls where-decls xp)
+ )))
+(define (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ ;; pattern definition
+ (write-apat lhs xp)
+ )
+ ;; If there are args, the lhs is always a var-pat pointing to a
+ ;; var-ref. The infix? slot from the single-fun-def must override
+ ;; the slot on the var-ref, since there can be a mixture of
+ ;; infix and prefix definitions for the same lhs.
+ (infix?
+ ;; operator definition
+ (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
+ (write-char #\( xp))
+ (write-apat (car args) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-varop (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-apat (cadr args) xp)
+ (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
+ (write-char #\) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (cddr args) xp (function write-apat)
+ "" "" "")))
+ (else
+ ;; normal prefix function definition
+ (write-varid (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list args xp (function write-apat) "" "" ""))
+ ))
+(define (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
+ (let ((guard (guarded-rhs-guard (car rhs-list)))
+ (rhs (guarded-rhs-rhs (car rhs-list))))
+ (when (not (is-type? 'omitted-guard guard))
+ (write-string " | " xp)
+ (write guard xp))
+ (write-string " =" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write rhs xp)
+ (when (not (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (write-newline xp)
+ (write-rhs (cdr rhs-list) xp))))
+;;; Pattern printers
+;;; As per jcp suggestion, don't put whitespace after @; line break comes
+;;; before, not after (as is the case for other infix-style punctuation).
+(define-ast-printer as-pat (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (as-pat-var object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "@" xp)
+ (write-apat (as-pat-pattern object) xp)))
+(define (write-apat pat xp)
+ (if (or (is-type? 'apat pat)
+ (is-type? 'pp-pat-plus pat) ; hack per jcp
+ (and (is-type? 'pcon pat)
+ (or (null? (pcon-pats pat))
+ (eq? (pcon-con pat) (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (is-tuple-constructor? (pcon-con pat)))))
+ (write pat xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write pat xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer irr-pat (object xp)
+ (write-string "~" xp)
+ (write-apat (irr-pat-pattern object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer var-pat (object xp)
+ (write (var-pat-var object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer wildcard-pat (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-char #\_ xp))
+(define-ast-printer const-pat (object xp)
+ (write (const-pat-value object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer plus-pat (object xp)
+ (write (plus-pat-pattern object) xp)
+ (write-string " + " xp)
+ (write (plus-pat-k object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer pcon (object xp)
+ (let ((name (pcon-name object))
+ (pats (pcon-pats object))
+ (infix? (pcon-infix? object))
+ (def (pcon-con object)))
+ (cond ((eq? def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (write-string "()" xp))
+ ((is-tuple-constructor? def)
+ (write-commaized-list pats xp))
+ ((null? pats)
+ (if infix?
+ ;; infix pcon with no arguments can happen inside pp-pat-list
+ ;; before precedence parsing happens.
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)))
+ (infix?
+ ;; This could be smarter about dealing with precedence of patterns.
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-apat (car pats) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-apat (cadr pats) xp)))
+ (else
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list pats xp (function write-apat) "" "" "")))
+ )))
+(define-ast-printer list-pat (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-pat-pats object) xp (function write) "," "[" "]"))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-list (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (pp-pat-list-pats object) xp (function write-apat)
+ "" "" ""))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-plus (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "+ " xp))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-negated (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "-" xp))
diff --git a/printers/printers.scm b/printers/printers.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac4fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/printers.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;;; printers.scm -- compilation unit definition for structure printers
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 3 Jan 1992
+(define-compilation-unit printer-support
+ (source-filename "$Y2/printers/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit util
+ (source-filename "util.scm")))
+(define-compilation-unit printers
+ (source-filename "$Y2/printers/")
+ (require printer-support)
+ (unit print-exps
+ (source-filename "print-exps.scm"))
+ (unit print-modules
+ (source-filename "print-modules.scm"))
+ (unit print-types
+ (source-filename "print-types.scm"))
+ (unit print-ntypes
+ (source-filename "print-ntypes.scm"))
+ (unit print-valdefs
+ (source-filename "print-valdefs.scm"))
+ )
diff --git a/printers/util.scm b/printers/util.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498aa25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/util.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+;;; util.scm -- utilities for printing AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 15 Jan 1992
+;;; The AST syntax printers are only used if this variable is true.
+(define *print-ast-syntax* '#t)
+;;; Here's a macro for defining AST printers.
+(define-syntax (define-ast-printer type lambda-list . body)
+ (let ((printer (symbol-append 'write- type)))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,printer ,@lambda-list) ,@body)
+ (define-struct-printer ,type ,printer))
+ ))
+;;; This variable controls how much indentation to perform on block
+;;; bodies.
+(define *print-ast-indent* 2)
+;;; Begin a logical block with the default indentation.
+(define-syntax (with-ast-block xp-stuff . body)
+ (let ((xp (car xp-stuff)))
+ `(pprint-logical-block (,xp '() "" "")
+ (pprint-indent 'block (dynamic *print-ast-indent*) ,xp)
+ (pprint-pop) ; prevents unused variable warning
+ ,@body)))
+;;; Write a space and maybe a fill line break.
+(define (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (pprint-newline 'fill xp))
+;;; Write a space and maybe a mandatory line break.
+(define (write-newline xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp))
+;;; Write a list of things separated by delimiters and maybe
+;;; surrounded by delimiters.
+(define (write-delimited-list objects xp fn delim prefix suffix)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() prefix suffix)
+ (do ((objects objects (cdr objects)))
+ ((null? objects) '#f)
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (funcall fn (car objects) xp)
+ (when (cdr objects)
+ (write-string delim xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)))))
+;;; Here's a couple common special cases of the above.
+(define (write-commaized-list objects xp)
+ (write-delimited-list objects xp (function write) "," "(" ")"))
+(define (write-ordinary-list objects xp)
+ (write-delimited-list objects xp (function write) "" "" ""))
+;;; Here's another helper function that's used to implement the layout
+;;; rule. The layout rule is only used to format output if *print-pretty*
+;;; is true.
+;;; *** should do pprint-indent here?
+(define (write-layout-rule objects xp fn)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '()
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*) "" "{")
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*) "" "}"))
+ (do ((objects objects (cdr objects)))
+ ((null? objects) '#f)
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (funcall fn (car objects) xp)
+ (when (cdr objects)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp)
+ (write-string "; " xp))))))
+;;; This filters a list of decls, removing the recursive marker added by
+;;; dependency analysis.
+(define (remove-recursive-grouping decls)
+ (cond ((null? decls) '())
+ ((is-type? 'recursive-decl-group (car decls))
+ (append (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ (remove-recursive-grouping (cdr decls))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car decls) (remove-recursive-grouping (cdr decls))))))
+;;; Write where-decls, using the layout rule if appropriate.
+(define (write-wheredecls decls xp)
+ (when (not (null? decls))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "where" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (remove-recursive-grouping decls) xp (function write))))
+;;; Write an ordinary variable name.
+(define (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string name) xp))
+;;; Constructor name symbols have a funny prefix attached; have to strip
+;;; this off, so can't just print the symbol using write-avarid.
+(define (write-aconid name xp)
+ (let ((s (symbol->string name)))
+ (write-string (substring s 1 (string-length s)) xp)))
+;;; There are a couple places where conids and varids are mixed up
+;;; together.
+(define (conid? name)
+ (eqv? (string-ref (symbol->string name) 0) #\;))
+(define (write-varop-conop name xp)
+ (if (conid? name)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-varop name xp)))
+(define (write-varid-conid name xp)
+ (if (conid? name)
+ (write-conid name xp)
+ (write-varid name xp)))
+;;; Stuff for writing a variable name as either an operator or an ordinary
+;;; variable ID. This is necessary because some kinds of symbol names
+;;; default to being operators and others default to being ordinary names.
+;;; Bleah....
+(define (write-varop name xp)
+ (if (avarid? name)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\` xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-char #\` xp))
+ (write-avarid name xp)))
+(define (write-varid name xp)
+ (if (avarid? name)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+;;; This tests for alphabetic rather than lower-case characters
+;;; so that gensym'ed variables with uppercase names don't print funny.
+(define (avarid? name)
+ (let ((ch (string-ref (symbol->string name) 0)))
+ (char-alphabetic? ch)))
+;;; Similar stuff for doing constructor names. Moby bleah....
+(define (write-conop name xp)
+ (if (aconid? name)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\` xp)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (write-char #\` xp))
+ (write-aconid name xp)))
+(define (write-conid name xp)
+ (if (aconid? name)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define (aconid? name)
+ (let ((ch (string-ref (symbol->string name) 1)))
+ (char-upper-case? ch)))
+;;; These are officially aconid in the syntax, but they aren't
+;;; prefixed so write them using write-avarid instead. Barf.
+(define (write-modid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))
+(define (write-tyconid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))
+(define (write-tyclsid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))
diff --git a/progs/README b/progs/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b28d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/README
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+This directory contains Haskell source code.
+prelude The prelude used in this system
+tutorial The online supplement to the Hudak & Fasel tutorial
+demo A set of random demo programs
+lib Various random extensions
+Other programs can be found in the Haskell program library on the
+official Haskell ftp sites.
diff --git a/progs/demo/Calendar.hs b/progs/demo/Calendar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2e4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/Calendar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+-- This is a modification of the calendar program described in section 4.5
+-- of Bird and Wadler's ``Introduction to functional programming'', with
+-- two ways of printing the calendar ... as in B+W, or like UNIX `cal':
+-- Use from within Yale Haskell:
+-- Main> :l Calendar
+-- Now in module Calendar.
+-- Calendar> @ do cal 1992
+-- Calendar> :e
+-- ... Unix style calendar ...
+-- Calendar> @ do calendar 1992
+-- Calendar> :e
+-- ... Bird and Wadler style calendar ...
+-- Calendar>
+module Calendar(cal,calendar) where
+infixr 5 `above`, `beside`
+do cal year = appendChan stdout (cal year) exit done
+-- Picture handling:
+type Picture = [[Char]]
+height, width :: Picture -> Int
+height p = length p
+width p = length (head p)
+above, beside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
+above = (++)
+beside = zipWith (++)
+stack, spread :: [Picture] -> Picture
+stack = foldr1 above
+spread = foldr1 beside
+empty :: (Int,Int) -> Picture
+empty (h,w) = copy h (copy w ' ')
+block, blockT :: Int -> [Picture] -> Picture
+block n = stack . map spread . group n
+blockT n = spread . map stack . group n
+group :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
+group n [] = []
+group n xs = take n xs : group n (drop n xs)
+lframe :: (Int,Int) -> Picture -> Picture
+lframe (m,n) p = (p `beside` empty (h,n-w)) `above` empty (m-h,n)
+ where h = height p
+ w = width p
+-- Information about the months in a year:
+monthLengths year = [31,feb,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
+ where feb | leap year = 29
+ | otherwise = 28
+leap year = if year`mod`100 == 0 then year`mod`400 == 0
+ else year`mod`4 == 0
+monthNames = ["January","February","March","April",
+ "May","June","July","August",
+ "September","October","November","December"]
+jan1st year = (year + last`div`4 - last`div`100 + last`div`400) `mod` 7
+ where last = year - 1
+firstDays year = take 12
+ (map (`mod`7)
+ (scanl (+) (jan1st year) (monthLengths year)))
+-- Producing the information necessary for one month:
+dates fd ml = map (date ml) [1-fd..42-fd]
+ where date ml d | d<1 || ml<d = [" "]
+ | otherwise = [rjustify 3 (show d)]
+-- The original B+W calendar:
+calendar :: Int -> String
+calendar = unlines . block 3 . map picture . months
+ where picture (mn,yr,fd,ml) = title mn yr `above` table fd ml
+ title mn yr = lframe (2,25) [mn ++ " " ++ show yr]
+ table fd ml = lframe (8,25)
+ (daynames `beside` entries fd ml)
+ daynames = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]
+ entries fd ml = blockT 7 (dates fd ml)
+ months year = zip4 monthNames
+ (copy 12 year)
+ (firstDays year)
+ (monthLengths year)
+-- In a format somewhat closer to UNIX cal:
+cal :: Int -> String
+cal year = unlines (banner year `above` body year)
+ where banner yr = [cjustify 75 (show yr)] `above` empty (1,75)
+ body = block 3 . map (pad . pic) . months
+ pic (mn,fd,ml) = title mn `above` table fd ml
+ pad p = (side`beside`p`beside`side)`above`end
+ side = empty (8,2)
+ end = empty (1,25)
+ title mn = [cjustify 21 mn]
+ table fd ml = daynames `above` entries fd ml
+ daynames = [" Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"]
+ entries fd ml = block 7 (dates fd ml)
+ months year = zip3 monthNames
+ (firstDays year)
+ (monthLengths year)
+-- Additional (B+W)-isms: these really ought to go in a separate module,
+-- in a spearate file. But for ease of packaging this simple application,
+-- it doesn't seem worth the trouble!
+copy :: Int -> a -> [a]
+copy n x = take n (repeat x)
+space :: Int -> String
+space n = copy n ' '
+-- Simple string formatting:
+cjustify, ljustify, rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+cjustify n s = space halfm ++ s ++ space (m - halfm)
+ where m = n - length s
+ halfm = m `div` 2
+ljustify n s = s ++ space (n - length s)
+rjustify n s = space (n - length s) ++ s
+-- End of calendar program
diff --git a/progs/demo/README b/progs/demo/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a683cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This directory contains Haskell demo programs. All of these programs
+compile and execute properly.
+This directory contains:
+fact.hs factorial
+merge.hs merge sort
+pfac.hs parallel factorial
+primes.hs prime number generator
+qs.hs quick sort
+queens.hs N queens
+symalg/ A symbolic algebra program
+prolog/ A prolog interpreter
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/README b/progs/demo/X11/animation/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14b867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/README
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+In his paper "A Functional Animation Starter Kit" [ARYA88], Kevi Arya
+proposes an approach to animation that uses functional languages. As
+Arya describes, the cost of computing power is falling. This is making
+the use of computer animation much more prevalent. However, languages
+such as C make it difficult to program animations. What is needed is
+a simpler, faster and more accessible way to program graphics. Functional
+languages are a very effective means for this, due to their higher order
+ Kevi Arya goes on to provide such a functional animation package in
+the language Miranda. Haskell in particular is good functional language for
+two reasons. It is a completely functional language, doing even I/O in a
+functional manner. Variables are evaluated in a lazy manner allowing infinite
+lists to be manipulated easily, which suits the infinite frames format
+of animation.
+The following animations are provided here:
+ seaside.hs - a seaside scene
+ planets.hs - planets in orbit
+ palm.hs - another seaside scene
+ birds.hs - flying birds
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/animation.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/animation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c0750c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/animation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- This bundles all the animation stuff into a single module.
+module Animation(R_Ptypes..,R_Constants..,R_Utility..,R_Picture..,R_Behaviour..,
+ R_Movie..,R_Shapes..,R_Defaults..,R_Inbetween..,
+ R_Display..) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+import R_Movie
+import R_Shapes
+import R_Defaults
+import R_Inbetween
+import R_Display
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd71ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daba730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Birds where
+import Animation
+bird :: Movie
+--bird = osc [bird1,bird2]
+bird = rOVERLAY
+ [apply (bPar [right,right,right,right]) bm1,
+ apply (bPar [up,right,right,right]) bm2]
+ where bm1 = osc [bird1]
+ bm2 = osc [bird2]
+bird1 = [(black,b1)]
+ where b1 = [(0,90),(20,100),(30,110),(40,110),(50,100),(110,120),
+ (130,100),(120,90),(80,90),(0,90),
+ (80,90),(90,70),(140,50),(120,90),(80,90),
+ (80,90),(70,70),(80,60),(90,70)]
+bird2 = [(red,b2)]
+ where b2 = [(0,60),(20,70),(30,80),(40,80),(50,70),(110,70),
+ (140,30),(110,35),(100,35),(70,50),(50,60),(0,60),
+ (70,50),(100,90),(150,100),(120,60),(110,35),
+ (70,50),(65,100),(85,115),(97,86)]
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 bird)
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd94b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
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+% This is obsolete regarding the X system -- jcp
+% -*-latex-*-
+% Creator: John Tinmouth
+% Creation Date: Thu May 9 1991
+\title{A Functional Animation Package in Haskell}
+ John Tinmouth\\
+ Computer Science Senior Project\\
+ Yale University\\
+ Professor Paul Hudak }
+\date{9 May 1991}
+ In his paper "A Functional Animation Starter Kit" [ARYA88], Kevi Arya
+proposes an approach to animation that uses functional languages. As
+Arya describes, the cost of computing power is falling. This is making
+the use of computer animation much more prevalent. However, languages
+such as C make it difficult to program animations. What is needed is
+a simpler, faster and more accessible way to program graphics. Functional
+languages are a very effective means for this, due to their higher order
+ Kevi Arya goes on to provide such a functional animation package in
+the language Miranda. Haskell in particular is good functional language for
+two reasons. It is a completely functional language, doing even I/O in a
+functional manner. Variables are evaluated in a lazy manner allowing infinite
+lists to be manipulated easily, which suits the infinite frames format
+of animation. As it is now possible to complete the implementation of
+this package is Haskell, my work has been converting these Miranda programs
+to Haskell version 1.0-0, Yale Haskell Group.
+\section{How to Use the Graphics: Overview}
+ By using higher order functions, it becomes very easy to do rapid
+prototyping of animations. You can quickly throw out an animation of
+simple images manipulated in simple ways. For example, if there was
+an image of a car, and you wanted it to move left, you could almost
+just describe it in english, and that would be the animation.
+ movie = apply left car
+ After the simple model is done, converting it to a more complex model
+is simple. Simply make the image, "car" in this case, more complex, and
+then modify the "left" function, and you are done.
+ There are three stages in making a movie. First of all, you must
+define your basic images. These will tend to be Pics put into lists, either
+finite or infinite, to be basic Movies. Second, you decide precisely
+what kind of motion you want in animation. These are behaviours. A behaviour
+modifies a movie over time, changing each successive frame. This includes
+motion, changing size, changing from one image to another and so forth. These
+are applied to your basic Movies. Third, you must combine your basic Movies
+into your final Movie. If you want a scene of clouds and a man walking, you
+must overlay your basic Movie of clouds with your Movie of a walking man.
+\section {Original Images or Pics}
+ A Movie is a list of frames called Pics. Each of these Pics is a list
+of colored polygons. The Pic is a Color followed by a list of Vectors,
+representing the vertices of the Polygon. The original Pic usually must
+be entered by hand, although simple generation routines for boxes,
+triangles and circles are available. You need to produce some of these
+basic images in one way or another, so that you have something to
+ To make a Movie, you need a list of these Pics. With a single Pic, you
+can generate a sequence of that Pic. With several Pics, you can oscillate
+through the Pics in an inifinite list. To generate an infinite list of
+Pics of p1, define a Movie, m1 = i p1.
+ The following datatypes are used in this package:
+type Vec = (Int,Int)
+type Color = Int
+type Poly = (Color,[Vec])
+type Pic = [Poly]
+type Movie = [Pic]
+type Behaviour = [Pic -> Pic]
+\subsection {Modifying Pics}
+ Starting with a single Pic, it is possible to create a short list of
+Pics to oscillate on. You can flip it, scale it, or otherwise modify the
+original Pic (p1) in some way to create another Pic (p2). You can either
+keep doing this and produce N images for a Movie of [p1,p2,...,pN], or use
+the interpolation functions available to shift from p1 to p2 in N frames,
+resulting in a Movie [p1,interp1,interp2,...,interpN-2,p2].
+ The list of specific Pic-to-Pic functions is included in the next section,
+along with short explanations of what they do.
+\subsection {Pic-to-Pic Functions Available}
+overlay_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This takes 2 Pics and just puts them together into one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+put_Pic Args: Vec Pic Pic
+ This overlays the two Pics, putting Pic-1's center the Vec
+ distance away from Pic-2's center.
+ module: R_Picture
+over_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts two images on top of one another, explicitly
+ centering the first on top of the second and forms one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+above_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts the first Pic above the second Pic, at a distance
+ of half the combined heights of the Pics and overlays them
+ to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+beside_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts the first Pic to the right of the second Pic, at
+ a distance of half the combined widths of the Pics and
+ overlays them to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+beside2_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ Withouth analysing the widths of the Pics, it puts the
+ first Pic the width of the second Pic to the right and
+ overlays them to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+scale_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This scales the picture in elevenths around its own origin
+ and returns that Pic. So if the Int is 22, the Pic will
+ scaled by a factor of 2 (22/11).
+ module: R_Picture
+scale_rel_Pic Args: Vev Int Pic
+ This is another scaling function, but it scales the image
+ from the Vec, treating it as the origin.
+ module: R_Picture
+mov_Pic Args: Vec Pic
+ This moves the Pic by the amount of the vector.
+ module: R_Picture
+movto_Pic Args: Vec Pic
+ This moves the Pic's center to the Vec.
+ module: R_Picture
+to_orig Args: Pic
+ This moves the Pic's center to the lower,left side of
+ the Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+rot_Pic Args: Vec Float Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by the Float in radians, using the Vec
+ as the origin of rotation.
+ module: R_Picture
+twist_Pic Args: Float Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by the Float amount of radians around
+ its own center.
+ module: R_Picture
+rot_Pic' Args: Vec Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by a certain amount (set in R_Constants)
+ using the Vec as the center of rotation. The set amount of
+ rotation makes it faster than rot_Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+twist_Pic' Args: Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by a certain amoutn (set in R_Constants)
+ around the Pic's origin. The set amount of rotation makes
+ it faster than twist_Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+flipx_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This flips the Pic around the line x=Int, essentially giving
+ a mirror image of the Pic, reversing right and left.
+ module: R_Picture
+flipy_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This flips the Pic around the line y=Int, mirror-imaging the
+ Pic, reversing up and down.
+ module: R_Picture
+flip_Pic Args: Pic
+ This flips the Pic around its own x-origin, reversing
+ left and right.
+ module: R_Picture
+flock_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This takes the image Pic and copies it out Int*Int times in
+ a Int by Int grid pattern, and returns that as an Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+set_Color Args: Int Pic
+ This takes an Int standing for a color, and changes the
+ color of the Pic to that.
+ module: R_Picture
+\subsection{Other Functions for Manipulating Pics}
+i Args: Any
+ This will take anything and return an infinite stream of them.
+ module: R_Utility
+osc Args: [Any]
+ This will take a Movie, which is a list of Pics and
+ oscillate them.
+ [p1] will give [p1,p1,p1,p1....]
+ [p1,p2,p3,p4] will give [p1,p2,p3,p4,p3,p2,p1,p2...]
+ module: R_Utility
+\section{Behaviours and their Application to Movies}
+ A Behaviour is a list of functions that will convert one Pic to
+another Pic. This list then can be applied to any Movie with one
+of the application functions (most often apply). The beauty of the Behaviour
+is that once you have a behaviour for moving left, you can move any
+Movie left without rewriting the routine every time.
+ There are specific functions that take a Behaviour and a Movie and
+return a new Movie. These are apply and while. If you had a Movie of a
+man walking in place, and a Behaviour called left that moves Pics ever
+increasing distances left, then you could create a man walking left by:
+ apply left man
+ If you want to apply more than one Behaviour to a Movie, you must first
+decide whether to do that in sequence or in parallel, and use bSeq and bPar
+to reduce the list of Behaviours to a single Behaviour, and then apply
+that to a movie. For example:
+ apply (bPar left up) gull
+will take a Movie of a gull and move the Pics up and left.
+ Most of the basic Behaviours are defined in R\_Behaviour.
+\subsection{Defining Customized Packages of Behaviours}
+ Often you will have more specialized, or just simpler Behaviours you
+want to use. Using the Behaviours and Pic-to-Pic functions, it is very
+easy to create your own small library of Behaviours. R\_Defaults is a
+module of such Behaviours. For example, to create a Behaviour to move
+a Movie right, you would create a list of mov\_Pic's, each taking a
+everincreasingly large x-coordinate.
+ right = [ mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y) <- zip [0,10,..] [0,..] ]
+ Or if you wanted a behavour to place a Movie at (100,100) twice as
+large as before, you could create a new Behaviour from old ones as:
+ scaleat= bPar [movto (i (100,100)), scale (i 22)]
+\subsection{Behaviours Available}
+flip Args: none
+ This will flip every Pic around its x-origin, resulting in
+ mirror images reversing left and right.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+twist' Args: none
+ This will rotate each Pic by the amount rotunit (see
+ R_Constants) around its origin.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+mov Args: [Vec]
+ This will move each Pic by its corresponding vector.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+movto Args: [Vec]
+ This will move each Pic's origin to its corresponding vector.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+circ_mov Args: Float Float
+ This will move each Pic in a circle, of radius of the first
+ Float and by an increment of the second Float, using (0,0)
+ as the origin of rotation.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+scale Args: [Int]
+ Scales every Pic on its origin by the the corresponding Int
+ in the list. These Ints represents elevenths, so that a
+ [2,2,...] will scale every Pic by 2/11 .
+ module: R_Behaviour
+scale_rel Args: Vec [Int]
+ Same as scale, except that the Pics are all scaled using the
+ Vec as the point of origin.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+twist Args: [Float]
+ This will rotate every Pic by its corresponding Float from
+ the list in radians.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+set_color Args: [Int]
+ This sets each Pic to the color indicated by its
+ corresponding int in the list.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+rot Args: [Vec] [Float]
+ This will rotate each Pic around its corresponding Vec by
+ its corresponding Float in radians.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+big Args: none
+ Scales every Pic up by scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+huge Args: none
+ This scales every Pic up by 2*scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+small Args: none
+ This scales every Pic down by 10/11
+ module: R_Defaults
+tiny Args: none
+ This scale every Pic down by 5/11
+ module: R_Defaults
+bigger Args: none
+ This scales every Pic in the list by scaleunit more
+ than the previous Pic, so that the n-th element is
+ scaled up by (n-1)*scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+smaller Args: none
+ This scales every Pic down, so that the n-th element
+ is scaled down by (n-1)*(10/11)
+ module: R_Defaults
+ccw Args: none
+ This rotates every Pic by one rotunit more than the
+ previous Pic, in a counterclockwise fashion.
+ module: R_Defaults
+cw Args: none
+ This rotates every Pic by one rotunit more than the
+ previous Pic, in a clockwise fashion.
+ module: R_Defaults
+up Args: none
+ This moves every Pic up by one unit more than the
+ Previous Pic, so that the n-th element is moved up
+ (n-1) units.
+ module: R_Defaults
+down Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move down.
+ module: R_Defaults
+right Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move right.
+ module: R_Defaults
+left Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move left.
+ module: R_Defaults
+\subsection{Functions For Behaviours}
+do Args: Int Behaviour
+ This takes the first Int elements of the Behaviour and
+ return that.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+rpt Args: Int Behaviour
+ This takes an Int and returns a Behaviour of length Int.
+ However, the n-th Pic-to-Pic in the Behaviour returned
+ is made up of the first through (n-1)the Pic-to-Pics of
+ the input list.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+forever Args: Behaviour
+ This makes a finite Behaviour list an infinite one by
+ appending the list to itself endlessly.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+apply Args: Behaviour Movie
+ This takes a Behaviour and applies it to a Movie
+ module: R_Behaviour
+while Args: (Boolean function) Behaviour Movie
+ As long as the Boolean function evaluates true, this
+ takes a Behaviour and applies it to a Movie. When it
+ evaluates to false, no more Pics are produced and
+ the Movie is cut short there.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bseq Args: Behaviour Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in sequence.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bSeq Args: [Behaviour] Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in sequence.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bpar Args: Behaviour Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in parallel.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bPar Args: [Behaviour] Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in parallel.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+\section{Creating the Final Movie}
+ Finally, you have your basic Movies made up of Pictures and Behaviours.
+Now you need to combine them into one Movie. The functions that do this
+are found in the module R\_Movie. These functions will take a list of
+Movies and return a single Movie combining all the Movies in the list.
+How they are combined can be controlled to some extent. Usually they are
+just overlayed, but they can be put beside one another, or on top of
+one another, or put a Vec distance apart.
+ It is also possible to use a combination of these forms. If you wanted
+to overaly M1 and M2, and then put that beside M3, you would do:
+ rBESIDE [M3, rOVERLAY [M1,M2] ]
+This is acceptable as rOVERLAY will return a single Movie.
+\subsection{Movie Combining Functions}
+rABOVE Args: [Movie]
+ Puts all the Movies into one movie, all above one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rBESIDE Args: [Movie]
+ Puts all the Movies into one movie, all beside one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rBESIDE2 Args: [Movie]
+ Using their absolute coordinates, puts all the Movies
+ beside one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rOVER Args: [Movie]
+ This lays the Movies on top of one another, centering
+ each Pic so that they share the same origin.
+ module: R_Movie
+rOVERLAY Args: [Movie]
+ This lays the Movies on top of one another, centering
+ each Pic so that they share the smae origin.
+ module: R_Movie
+pUT Args: [Vec] Movie Movie
+ This takes a list of Vec, and puts each Pic of the
+ first Movie in the location of the corresponding
+ Vec on top of the Pic of the second Movie and
+ returns that list as the new Movie.
+ module: R_Movie
+\section{Displaying Your Movie}
+ Once you have your function for the Movie defined, you need to output
+it in some way. Currently, this is done by outputting characters to a file and
+running a C Program in X-Windows that displays the contents of the file
+as a graphic in the X system. First of all, you must convert the
+Movie variable to a stream of characters. This is done by running
+"showm" on the Movie. Be carefull you don't try to convert an infinite list
+into characters as the compiler will take awhile to do this. Instead, take
+a certain number of frames and convert them with "showm".
+ man\_vm = rOVERLAY [man,vm]
+ man\_vmstring = showm (take 20 man&vm)
+ Now that you have this string, you need to write it to disk. The
+"writetofile" function does this. It takes a characater string(ie [Char] )
+as an argument, and then prompts you for a filename. It then writes the
+string to the filename. So to put man\_vm string into a file:
+ main = writetofile man_vmstring
+and run the program, where you will prompted for the filename. Or you could:
+ main = writetofile (showm (take 20 man_vm))
+to make it more compact.
+\subsection{Miscellaneous Usefull Functions}
+inbetween Args: Int Pic Pic
+ This takes an Int and two Pics and returns a Movie
+ with Int Pics interpolating between the two Pics.
+ module: R_Inbetween
+tween Args: Int Movie Movie
+ This takes an Int and two Movies and returns one
+ Movie made up of the first Movie, Int number of
+ frames of Pics interpolating between the last
+ Pic of the first Movie and the first Pic of the
+ second Movie, followed by the second Movie
+ module: R_Inbetween
+box Args: Int Int Int
+ This takes 3 Ints, the color, width and height of
+ the box and returns a Pic of a box
+ module: R_Shapes
+tri Args: Int Vec Vec Vec
+ This takes a color and three vectors and returns a
+ Pic of a triangle of that colour with those vertices.
+ module: R_Shapes
+circ Args: Int Int Int
+ This takes a color, the radius and the number of points
+ around the circle, and returns a circle with origin at
+ (0,0).
+ module: R_Shapes
+\large {\bf Appendix: C Programs to Display on X-Windows}
+ The program currently used to run these graphics is called "xcshow".
+This takes one argument, the name of the file to be run. When run
+in X-Windows, it will produce a window with the first Pic. To run it, click
+on the left mouse button inside the window. Clicking again will freeze it.
+This will keep cycling through the file, replaying again when it hits the
+end of the file, until the window is killed.
+ There is also "xshow" which is used to run the monochrome Movies, as
+"xcshow" is used to run the color Movies. As this animation package
+only produces color Movies, it isn't too usefull.
+\large {\bf References}
+[ARYA88] "The Formal Analysis of a Functiona Animation System", Kevi Arya,
+ DPhil,Thesis,Oxford University, Programming Research Group,
+ April 1988
+[ARYA89] "Processes In A Functional Animation System", Kevi Arya,IBM
+ T.J. Research Center, 1989
+[HASK90] "Report On The Programming Language Haskell, Version 1.0",
+ YALEU/DCS/RR-777,Yale University,1990
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs
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index 0000000..9deef12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module Palm (main) where
+import Animation
+import SeaFigs
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 trans)
+trans :: Movie
+trans = manright++change++gull2
+manright = mirrorx (take 10 (apply left man))
+gull2 = apply (bPar [right,up,huge,huge,huge,(mov (i (275,0)))]) gull
+change = inbetween 5 manf1 gull1
+ where gull1 = head gull2
+ manf1 = last manright
+mirrorx :: Movie -> Movie
+mirrorx m = map (flipx_Pic x) m
+ where (x,_)=orig_Movie m
+orig_Movie :: Movie -> Vec
+orig_Movie m = ((x2-x1) `div` 2,(y2-y1) `div` 2)
+ where x2 = reduce max (map maxx m)
+ x1 = reduce min (map minx m)
+ y2 = reduce max (map maxy m)
+ y1 = reduce min (map miny m)
+maxx :: Pic -> Int
+maxx p = reduce max [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+minx :: Pic -> Int
+minx p = reduce min [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+maxy :: Pic -> Int
+maxy p = reduce max [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+miny :: Pic -> Int
+miny p = reduce min [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
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index 0000000..a86fcb9
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+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
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index 0000000..38f278a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/planets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module Planets (main) where
+import Animation
+planets:: Float -> Float -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Movie
+planets i1 i2 r1 r2 c1 c2
+ [ apply f1 earth,
+ apply (bpar f1 f2) moon
+ ]
+ where f1 = circ_mov (fromIntegral r1) i1
+ f2 = circ_mov (fromIntegral r2) i2
+ earth = osc [mov_Pic (vplus center (r1,0)) (box c1 30 30)]
+ moon = osc [mov_Pic (vplus center (r1+r2,0)) (box c2 15 15)]
+gen a b c d = c :(gen a b (c+b) d)
+planet_scene:: Movie
+planet_scene = rOVERLAY
+ [apply (bpar (set_color (i yellow)) (movto (i center))) orb,
+ planets (pi/40.0) (pi/10.0) 450 80 darkblue lightblue,
+ planets (pi/20.0) (pi/8.0) 300 50 brown black,
+ planets (pi/10.0) (pi/4.0) 150 40 green red
+ ]
+orb = osc [circ red 50 10]
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 60 planet_scene)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3473372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f58e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ This module defines the basic Behaviours available to manipulate
+ Movies. These functions can either be used directly, or used to
+ easily create personnalized Behaviours (see R_Defaults).
+ There are the Behaviours that affect one Movie, which are mov,movto
+ circ_mov,scale,scale_rel,rot,flip and set_color. These change some
+ aspect of the movie over time.
+ There are functions that combine several movies into one, namely
+ bseq,bSeq,bpar and bPar.
+ Some functions modify the Behaviours. These are do, rpt and forever.
+ They put limits on how long the Behaviour is.
+ Finally, there are the functions that apply the Behaviours to a Movie.
+ These are apply and while. Apply applies a Behaviour to a Movie until
+ it runs out of Movie or Behaviour. While takes a conditional and
+ applies the Behaviour to it until that condition is fullfilled.
+module R_Behaviour (mov,movto,circ_mov,scale,scale_rel,rot,flipb,
+ set_color,
+ bseq,bSeq,bpar,bPar,
+ do,rpt,forever,
+ apply,while ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+ -- takes a Pic to Pic and makes an infinite list Behaviour out of it
+makeb1 :: (Pic->Pic) -> Behaviour
+makeb1 f = f : makeb1 f
+ -- takes a movie and flips it around the x-origin using flip_Pic
+flipb :: Behaviour
+flipb = makeb1 flip_Pic
+ -- twist makes twist_Pic into a Behaviour, rotating the image by rotunit
+twist' :: Behaviour
+twist' = makeb1 twist_Pic'
+ -- makeb2 makes a Behaviour out of a function that takes a list and a
+ -- function and outputs a Behaviour.
+makeb2 :: (a->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> Behaviour
+makeb2 f [] = []
+makeb2 f (v:vs) = f v : makeb2 f vs
+ -- mov takes a list of Vec's and applies each Pic-to-Pic in the Behaviour
+ -- list to its corresponding Vec, and gives back a new Behaviour
+mov :: [Vec] ->Behaviour
+mov = makeb2 mov_Pic
+ -- movto creates a list of Pic-to-Pic Behaviours that move each Pic to its
+ -- corresponding Vec
+movto :: [Vec] -> Behaviour
+movto = makeb2 movto_Pic
+ -- produces a Behaviour that produces movement in a circle, taking
+ -- the radius and the increment as arguments.
+circ_mov :: Float -> Float -> Behaviour
+circ_mov r inc = mov (map (vmin' (head vs')) vs')
+ where vs = [ (r*(cos theta),r*(sin theta)) |
+ theta <- gen inc 0.0 ]
+ vmin' x y = vmin y x
+ vs' = map vftov vs
+gen :: Float -> Float -> [Float]
+gen b c = c : (gen b (c+b) )
+ -- scale outputs a list of Pic-to-Pic's that scale according to its
+ -- corresponding Int in the input list
+scale :: [Int] -> Behaviour
+scale = makeb2 scale_Pic
+ -- scale_rel does the same thing, but centers on the lower-left corner of
+ -- the image
+scale_rel :: Vec -> [Int] -> Behaviour
+scale_rel v = makeb2 (scale_rel_Pic v)
+ -- twist outputs a list of Behaviours that rotate each pick by its
+ -- corresponding Float in the list
+twist :: [Float] -> Behaviour
+twist = makeb2 twist_Pic
+ -- set_color takes a list of Colors, and returns a list of Pic-to-Pic's
+ -- that change to the corresponding color in the list
+set_color :: [Color] -> Behaviour
+set_color = makeb2 set_Color_Pic
+ -- makeb3 takes a function with two inputs, and two input lists and
+ -- returns a behaviour made up of functions with inputs fromt the lists
+makeb3 :: (a->b->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> [b] -> Behaviour
+makeb3 f [] (p:ps) = []
+makeb3 f (v:vs) [] = []
+makeb3 f (v:vs) (p:ps) = f v p : makeb3 f vs ps
+ -- rot produces behaviours rotating by the Float, around the point
+ -- of the Vec, both provided by lists.
+rot :: [Vec] -> [Float] -> Behaviour
+rot = makeb3 rot_Pic
+ -- bseq takes two Behaviours and combines them into one, in sequence.
+ -- It first applies all of the first Behaviour, then all of the second
+bseq :: Behaviour -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+bseq ps [] = []
+bseq [] qs = []
+bseq ps qs = ps ++ (mapc (last ps) qs)
+ -- bSeq takes a list of Behaviour and makes them into one Behaviour, in
+ -- sequence.
+bSeq :: [Behaviour] -> Behaviour
+bSeq = reduce bseq
+ -- bpar takes two behaviours and applies them both simultaneously,
+ -- producing a list of Pic-to-Pic's, each one made up of a function
+ -- from the first list combined with a function from the second list
+bpar :: Behaviour -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+bpar [] (q:qs) = []
+bpar (p:ps) [] = []
+bpar (p:ps) (q:qs) = (p.q):(bpar ps qs)
+ -- bPar takes a list of Behaviours and makes them all into one Behaviour,
+ -- in paralell
+bPar :: [Behaviour] -> Behaviour
+bPar = reduce bpar
+ -- takes the first n POic-to-Pics in a Behaviour and returns that Behaviour
+do :: Int -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+do n f = take n f
+ -- applies bseq to the list of behaviours, so that the nth element of
+ -- the returned list has n-1 behaviours in it, applied in sequence
+rpt :: Int -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+rpt n f = replicate n bseq [] f
+ -- takes the behaviour and applies all the behaviours up the nth element
+ -- to the nth element, in an infinite list
+forever :: Behaviour -> Behaviour
+forever f = bseq f (forever f)
+ -- takes a behaviour, applies each from to a Pic in a Movie and returns
+ -- the new Movie
+apply :: Behaviour -> Movie -> Movie
+apply [] ms = []
+apply fs [] = []
+apply (f:fs) (m:ms) = (f m):(apply fs ms)
+ -- applies the Behaviour to the Movie until the condition is fullfilled,
+ -- then returns the movie to that point
+while :: (Pic -> Bool) -> Behaviour -> Movie -> Movie
+while c [] ms = []
+while c fs [] = []
+while c (f:fs) (m:ms) = if (c m) then ( (f m):(while c fs ms))
+ else []
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa52bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36e3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ This module sets up all the constants used in this functional
+ animation package.
+ Defined here are the basic units of movement, scale and rotation.
+ The screen height and width are set, and the various parts of
+ the screen such as the top-middle, lower-left and center are
+ all set. Finally the color values used by xcshow, the c-program
+ that displays the movies in X, are set.
+module R_Constants (fps, unit, hf, qt, scaleunit, rotunit,
+ nullpic, nullseq,
+ sinunit,cosunit,
+ screenwid, screenht, botl, leftm, topl, topm, topr,
+ rightm, botr, botm, center,
+ white,black,red,green,darkblue,lightblue,brown,yellow,
+ colorName, allColors
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+ -- units are set. The scaleunit is in 11th, so that the 12 is
+ -- actually 12/11'ths
+fps :: Int
+unit :: Int
+hf :: Int
+qt :: Int
+scaleunit :: Int
+fps = 25
+unit = 15
+hf = unit `div` 2
+qt = unit `div`4
+scaleunit = 12
+ --scaleunit is div'ed by 12 later
+rotunit :: Float
+rotunit = pi/18
+sinunit = sin rotunit
+cosunit = cos rotunit
+nullpic :: Pic
+nullpic = []
+nullseq :: Movie
+nullseq= nullpic : [ nullseq2 | nullseq2 <- nullseq]
+ -- Screen Parameters
+screenwid :: Int
+screenwid = 800
+screenht :: Int
+screenht = 800
+botl :: Vec
+leftm :: Vec
+topl :: Vec
+topm :: Vec
+topr :: Vec
+rightm :: Vec
+botr :: Vec
+botm :: Vec
+center :: Vec
+leftmb :: Vec
+leftmt :: Vec
+topml :: Vec
+topmr :: Vec
+rightmt :: Vec
+rightmb :: Vec
+botml :: Vec
+botmr :: Vec
+botl = ( 0, 0 )
+leftm = ( 0, screenht `div` 2)
+topl = ( 0, screenht )
+topm = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht )
+topr = ( screenwid, screenht )
+rightm = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 2 )
+botr = ( screenwid, 0 )
+botm = ( screenwid `div` 2, 0 )
+center = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht `div` 2 )
+leftmb = ( 0, screenht `div` 4 )
+leftmt = ( 0, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+topml = ( screenwid `div` 4, screenht )
+topmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, screenht )
+rightmt = ( screenwid, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+rightmb = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 4 )
+botml = ( screenwid `div` 4, 0 )
+botmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, 0 )
+ -- Colors values set to names
+white :: Color
+white = 1
+black :: Color
+black = 2
+red :: Color
+red = 4
+green :: Color
+green = 6
+darkblue :: Color
+darkblue = 8
+lightblue :: Color
+lightblue = 10
+yellow :: Color
+yellow = 12
+brown :: Color
+brown = 14
+colorName :: Color -> String
+colorName 1 = "white"
+colorName 2 = "black"
+colorName 4 = "red"
+colorName 6 = "green"
+colorName 8 = "blue"
+colorName 10 = "lightblue"
+colorName 12 = "yellow"
+colorName 14 = "brown"
+allColors :: [Color]
+allColors = [1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d288c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ This module produces sequences of numbers to be used by
+ Behaviours. The sequences used for moving or scaling can
+ be produced here, in either linear sequences or accelerating
+ and decelerating sequences.
+ The acceleration functions produce floats, so the vftov function
+ would have to be used to convert floating point vectors to integer
+ vectors.
+module R_Curve(lnr,hold, acc, dec, accdec, decacc) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- lnr takes the start, finish and the number of intervals and
+ -- produces a linear list of ints going from the start to finish.
+lnr :: Int -> Int -> Int ->[Int]
+lnr start fin n = take n [start,(start+step)..]
+ where step = ((fin-start)`div`(n-1))
+ -- hold produces an infinite number of ints starting at v, modified
+ -- by step every time.
+hold :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
+hold v step = [v,v+step..]
+ -- acc accelerates from 0 to the max in n steps.
+acc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+acc min max n = min:acc' min (max-min) n 1
+acc' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+acc' min max n c | (c>n) = []
+acc' min max n c = (min + (((max*c*c) `div` (n*n))))
+ : (acc' min max n (c+1))
+ -- dec decelerates from the max to 0 in n steps.
+dec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+dec min max n = reverse (acc min max n)
+ -- accdec accelerates from start up to max and back to fin, in an steps
+ -- accelerating and dn steps decelerating
+accdec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+accdec start max fin an dn = (acc start max an)++(tail (dec fin max dn))
+ -- decacc decelerates from start to min in dn steps and then accelerates
+ -- back up to fin in an more steps
+decacc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+decacc start min fin dn an = (dec min start dn)++(tail (acc min fin an))
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa9629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ This module uses the R_Behaviour module to define convient and
+ easy to use behaviours. These aren't very sophistated, but they
+ can be used to quickly animate a movie. For more sophistated
+ animation, a similiar library of sophistocated personnalized
+ functions can be created.
+module R_Defaults (big, huge, bigger, smaller, ccw, cw,
+ up, down, left, right,small,tiny)
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- big scales everything up by the scaleunit (now 12/11ths)
+big :: Behaviour
+big = [scale_Pic x | x <- [scaleunit,scaleunit..]]
+ -- huge scales everything up by twice the scaleunit (24/11ths)
+huge :: Behaviour
+huge= [scale_Pic x | x <- [scaleunit*2,(scaleunit*2)..]]
+ -- small scales everything down by 10/11ths
+small :: Behaviour
+small = [scale_Pic x | x <- [s,s..]]
+ where s = 10
+ -- tiny scales everything down by 5/11ths
+tiny :: Behaviour
+tiny = [scale_Pic x | x <- [s,s..]]
+ where s = 5
+ -- bigger causes the Pics to be scaled up by 12/11ths,24/11ths,36/11ths
+ -- and so on, everincreasing.
+bigger :: Behaviour
+bigger = [scale_Pic x | x <- (rept (\x -> div (x*scaleunit) 11) 1)]
+ -- smaller causes the Pics to be scaled downwards in ever decreasing
+ -- amounts.
+smaller :: Behaviour
+smaller = [scale_Pic x | x <- (rept (\x -> div (x*10) 11) 1)]
+ -- a hardwired version of ccw that rotates the Pics by one rotunit
+ -- more every Pic, counterclockwise.
+ccw :: Behaviour
+ccw = [twist_Pic x | x <- [0.0,rotunit..]]
+ -- same as ccw, but rotates the Pics clockwise
+cw :: Behaviour
+cw = [twist_Pic x | x <- [0.0,-rotunit..]]
+ -- moves the Pic up by one more unit every Pic.
+up :: Behaviour
+up = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,0..] [0,unit..]]
+ -- moves the Pic down by one more unit every Pic.
+down :: Behaviour
+down = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<-zip2 [0,0..] [0,-unit]]
+ -- moves the Pic left by one more unit every Pic.
+left :: Behaviour
+left = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,-unit..] [0,0..]]
+ -- moves the Pic right by one more unit every Pic.
+right :: Behaviour
+right = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,unit..] [0,0..]]
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f945bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f1d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+module R_Display (displaym) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import Xlib
+import R_Constants
+displaym :: String -> Int -> Movie -> IO ()
+displaym host n movie =
+ let
+ movie' = cycle (take n (map (map translatePoly) movie))
+ in
+ xOpenDisplay host
+ `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ color_map = xScreenDefaultColormap screen
+ getPixels [] = returnIO []
+ getPixels (c:cs) =
+ xLookupColor color_map c `thenIO` \ (xc, _) ->
+ xAllocColor color_map xc `thenIO` \ (p,_,_) ->
+ getPixels cs `thenIO` \ ps ->
+ returnIO (p:ps)
+ in
+ getPixels (map colorName allColors)
+ `thenIO` \ pixels ->
+ let
+ lookupPixel c = lookupPixel1 c allColors pixels
+ lookupPixel1 x [] _ = head pixels
+ lookupPixel1 x (c:cs) (p:ps) =
+ if x == c then p
+ else lookupPixel1 x cs ps
+ parent = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xMArrayCreate [lookupPixel i | i <- [0..15]]
+ `thenIO` \ pixelArray ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow parent)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color]
+ `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow parent)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground bg_color]
+ `thenIO` \ blank_gcontext ->
+ xCreateWindow parent
+ (XRect 100 100 500 500)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonPress])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ let depth = xDrawableDepth (XDrawWindow window)
+ in
+ xCreatePixmap (XSize 500 500) depth (XDrawWindow parent)
+ `thenIO` \ pixmap ->
+ xMapWindow window
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ let
+ dispFrame m =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawPixmap pixmap)
+ blank_gcontext
+ (XRect 0 0 500 500)
+ True
+ `thenIO_`
+ dispPic m
+ `thenIO_`
+ xCopyArea (XDrawPixmap pixmap) gcontext (XRect 0 0 500 500)
+ (XDrawWindow window) (XPoint 0 0)
+ `thenIO_`
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ dispPic [] = returnIO ()
+ dispPic (p:ps) = dispPoly p `thenIO_` dispPic ps
+ dispPoly (c, vec) =
+-- xLookupColor color_map (colorName c) `thenIO` \ ec ->
+-- xAllocColor color_map ec `thenIO` \ p ->
+ xMArrayLookup pixelArray c `thenIO` \p ->
+ xUpdateGcontext gcontext [XGCForeground p] `thenIO` \ () ->
+-- xSetGcontextForeground gcontext (lookupPixel c) `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLines (XDrawPixmap pixmap) gcontext vec True
+ untilButton3 (frame:frames) =
+ let
+ action = dispFrame frame `thenIO_` untilButton3 frames
+ in
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \count ->
+ if count == 0 then action else
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ case (xEventCode event) of
+ 3 -> returnIO ()
+ _ -> action
+ _ -> action
+ in
+ printString ("Click right button to end.\n") `thenIO_`
+ untilButton3 movie' `thenIO_`
+ xFreePixmap pixmap `thenIO_`
+ xCloseDisplay display
+type Movie' = [Pic']
+type Pic' = [Poly']
+type Poly' = (Int, [XPoint])
+translatePoly :: Poly -> Poly'
+translatePoly (c, vs) = (c, flatten_2 vs)
+flatten_2 [] = []
+flatten_2 ((a,b):r) = (XPoint (a `div` 2) (b `div` 2)):(flatten_2 r)
+printString :: String -> IO ()
+printString s = appendChan "stdout" s abort (returnIO ())
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f2c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7fb7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ This module takes care of interpolation functions. Basically,
+ given two Pics, inbetween will give you a movie gradually
+ converting from one Pic to the other Pic, using linear interpolation.
+ Tween will take two Movies, and append them, interpolating n
+ frames between the last Pic of the first Movie and the first Pic of
+ the last Movie.
+module R_Inbetween (inbetween,tween) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- inbetween takes an int and two Pics, and interpolates n Pics
+ -- of interpolated Pics.
+inbetween :: Int -> Pic -> Pic -> Movie
+inbetween n p1 p2 | (length p1 == length p2) =
+ ((zip1.(map (inbetweenp n))).zip1) [p1,p2]
+inbetween n p1 p2 = inbetween n [(col,p1')] [(col,p2')]
+ where p1' = concat [ vs | (c,vs) <- p1]
+ p2' = concat [ vs | (c,vs) <- p2]
+ col = head [ c | (c,vs) <- p1 ]
+ -- inbetweenp takes a list of 2 Polygons ([[Vec]]) and returns a
+ -- sequence of interpolated Polygons. Should the Number of vertices
+ -- of one Polygon be less than those in the other, it splits it so
+ -- as to have two Polygons of the same length.
+inbetweenp :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+inbetweenp n [(c1,vs),(c2,ws)] =
+ if ((length vs) < (length ws)) then
+ inbetween1 (split (length ws) (c1,vs)) (c2,ws) 0 n
+ else if ((length vs) > (length ws)) then
+ inbetween1 (c1,vs) (split (length vs) (c2,ws)) 0 n
+ else inbetween1 (c1,vs) (c2,ws) 0 n
+ -- inbetween1 returns a sequence of interpolated Polygons.
+inbetween1 :: Poly -> Poly -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+inbetween1 p1 p2 m n | m>n || n<=0 = []
+inbetween1 p1 p2 m n = inbetween2 p1 p2 m n
+ :inbetween1 p1 p2 (m+1) n
+ -- inbetween2 returns ONE of the required sequence of
+ -- interpolated Polygons.
+inbetween2 :: Poly -> Poly -> Int -> Int -> Poly
+inbetween2 (c1,vs) (c2,ws) p q = (c1, map (partway p q) (zip1 [vs,ws]))
+ -- split splits up a Polygon so as to have the given #vertices.
+split :: Int -> Poly -> Poly
+split n (c,vs) = (c, split' n vs)
+split' :: Int -> [Vec] -> [Vec]
+split' n vs | n<= (length vs) = vs
+split' n vs = if (n>double) then
+ split' n (split' double vs)
+ else
+ v1:(mid v1 v2):(split' (n-2) (v2:vss))
+ where double = 2*((length vs)) - 1
+ (v1:v2:vss) = vs
+ -- tween will interpolate n Pics transforming the last Pic of
+ -- the first Movie into the first Pic of the second Movie, and
+ -- then run the second Movie
+tween :: Int -> Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+tween n m1 [] = m1
+tween n m1 m2 = m1 ++ (inbetween n (last m1) (head m2')) ++ (tail m2')
+ where m2' = apply (mov (repeat v)) m2
+ v = vmin (orig_Pic (last m1)) (orig_Pic (head m2))
+ -- tweens will take a list of Movies and append them all, interpolating
+ -- n frames between every Movie.
+tweens :: Int -> [Movie] -> Movie
+tweens n = foldr (tween n) []
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52771d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ This module contains necessary functions for editing Movies. There
+ are several that give information on a Movie, such as the heights or
+ wirdths of its Pics. The others all deal with the various ways of
+ combining various Movies into one Movie, a vital set of functions.
+module R_Movie (ht, wid, orig,
+ above, rABOVE, beside, rBESIDE,rBESIDE2, over, rOVER,
+ overlay, rOVERLAY, pUT,
+ uncurry, curry
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+ -- takes a function and a list and returns a new list of element operated
+ -- on by the function.
+promote:: (a->b)->[a]->[b]
+promote f [] = []
+promote f [p] = f p:promote f [p]
+promote f (p:ps) = f p:promote f ps
+ -- promote1 takes a function that analyzes a Pic, and then applies it
+ -- to analyse a movie, returning a list.
+promote1:: (Pic->a) -> Movie -> [a]
+promote1 f ps = [f p | p <- ps]
+ -- ht takes a Movie and returns a list of the heights of the Pics
+ht :: Movie -> [Int]
+ht = promote1 ht_Pic
+ -- wid takes a Movie and returns a list of the widths of the Pics
+wid :: Movie -> [Int]
+wid = promote1 wid_Pic
+ -- orig takes a Movie and returns a list of vectors that are the
+ -- origins of the Pics
+orig:: Movie -> [Vec]
+orig = promote1 orig_Pic
+ -- promote2 takes a function accepting an element and a Pic, and
+ -- applies the function to the Movie and list, producing a new Movie
+promote2:: (a->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote2 f ps qs = [f p q | (p,q) <- zip2 ps qs]
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them above one another
+above:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+above = promote2 above_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all above one another
+rABOVE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rABOVE = reduce above
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them beside one another
+beside:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside = promote2 beside_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all beside one another
+rBESIDE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE = reduce beside
+ -- same as beside, but with absolute coordinates.
+beside2:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside2 = promote2 beside2_Pic
+ -- same as rBESIDE, but with absolute coordinates.
+rBESIDE2:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE2 = reduce beside2
+ -- puts one Movie on top of the other Movie
+over:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+over = promote2 over_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies, and puts the n-th on top of the first
+ -- through 9n-1)th.
+rOVER:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVER = reduce over
+ -- just overlays the two Movies by appending the Pics.
+overlay:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+overlay = promote2 overlay_Pic
+ -- overlays a list of Movies by appending the Pics
+rOVERLAY:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVERLAY = reduce overlay
+ -- promote3 takes a function that takes two items and a Pic and
+ -- returns a Pic, and then applies it to two input lists and a Movie,
+ -- producing a new Movie.
+promote3:: (a->b->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> [b] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote3 f ps qs rs = [f p q r | (p,q,r) <- zip3 ps qs rs]
+ -- pUT takes a list of Vectors, and puts each Pic of the first Movie
+ -- in the location of the corresponding vector, on top of the Pic of
+ -- the second Movie, and returns that list as a new Movie.
+pUT:: [Vec] -> Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+pUT = promote3 put_Pic
+ -- uncurry takes a function that takes two elements and a list of
+ -- two elements and applies the function to them.
+uncurry:: (a->a->b) -> [a] -> b
+uncurry f [a,b] = f a b
+ -- curry takes a function that takes a list, and two elements, and
+ -- then applies the function to the elements in a list.
+curry:: ([a]->b) -> a -> a -> b
+curry f a b = f [a,b]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0023a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed3a50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ This module contains all the functions that can be used to manipulate
+ Pic's. The user will probably never use any of these functions. They
+ are used by Behaviours and such higher-order functions, which apply
+ these routines to all the Pic's in the list.
+module R_Picture (close_Pic, ht_Pic, wid_Pic, orig_Pic,
+ overlay_Pic, put_Pic, over_Pic, above_Pic, beside_Pic,
+ map_Pic,beside2_Pic,
+ scale_Pic, scale_rel_Pic, mov_Pic, rot_Pic, twist_Pic,
+ twist_Pic', flipx_Pic, flipy_Pic, flip_Pic, {- flock_Pic, -}
+ set_Color_Pic,
+ to_orig_Pic,
+ movto_Pic
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+ -- close_Pic makes sure that the polygon is closed
+close_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+close_Pic p = map close_Poly p
+ where
+ close_Poly (c,ply) | (head ply) == (last ply) = (c,ply)
+ close_Poly (c,ply) = (c,ply++(tail (reverse ply)))
+ --these functions find the max and min x and y coordinates of a Pic
+maxx :: Pic -> Int
+maxx p = reduce max [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+minx :: Pic -> Int
+minx p = reduce min [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+maxy :: Pic -> Int
+maxy p = reduce max [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+miny :: Pic -> Int
+miny p = reduce min [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+ -- these functions find the height, width and origin of a Pic
+ht_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+ht_Pic p = (maxy p) - (miny p)
+wid_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+wid_Pic p = (maxx p) - (minx p)
+orig_Pic:: Pic -> Vec
+orig_Pic p = ( (maxx p + minx p) `div` 2, (maxy p + miny p) `div` 2 )
+ -- overlay_Pic just takes 2 Pics and puts them together into one
+overlay_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+overlay_Pic p q = p ++ q
+ -- put_Pic overlays the Pics, offsetting the first Pic by a vector
+ -- amount from the origin of the second
+put_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+put_Pic v p q = overlay_Pic
+ (movto_Pic (vplus (orig_Pic q) v) p )
+ q
+ -- over_Pic puts one Pic directly on top of the other
+over_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+over_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,0) p q
+ -- above_Pic puts the first Pic on top of the second
+above_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+above_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,(((ht_Pic q) + (ht_Pic p)) `div` 2)) p q
+ -- beside_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second. The width of
+ -- the Pic is defined as the max x minus the min x, so a moving
+ -- figure will stand still in this implementation
+beside_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside_Pic p q = put_Pic (((wid_Pic q)+(wid_Pic p)) `div` 2, 0) p q
+ -- beside2_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second, without
+ -- shifting to the width of the Pic. It uses the absolute coordinates.
+beside2_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside2_Pic p q = put ((wid_Pic q), 0) p q
+ where put v p q = overlay_Pic (mov_Pic v p) q
+ -- The following maps a given function over the Vector-list of each Polygon:
+map_Pic:: (Vec -> Vec) -> Pic -> Pic
+map_Pic f p = map f' p
+ where f' (c,vs) = (c, map f vs)
+ -- scales the Pic by r, where r is in units of 11th. ie r=1, the Pic is
+ -- scaled by 1/11 to its origin.
+scale_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_Pic r p
+ = map_Pic (scalep r) p
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst (orig_Pic p)
+ dy = snd (orig_Pic p)
+ -- this is another scaling function, but it centers the image at the Vec
+scale_rel_Pic :: Vec -> Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_rel_Pic v r
+ = map_Pic (scalep r)
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst v
+ dy = snd v
+ -- moves a Pic by the vector amount
+mov_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+mov_Pic v = map_Pic (vplus v)
+ -- moves a Pic to the vector
+movto_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+movto_Pic v p = mov_Pic (vmin v (orig_Pic p)) p
+ -- moves the origin of the Pic to the lower left side of the Pic
+to_orig_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+to_orig_Pic p = mov_Pic (-mx,-my) p
+ where mx = minx p
+ my = miny p
+ -- rotates the Pic about the Vector by theta
+rot_Pic :: Vec -> Float -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic (a,b) theta
+ = map_Pic (rotp (a,b) theta)
+ where rotp (a,b) t (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cos theta - v * sin theta),
+ b2+ (u * sin theta + v * cos theta))
+ where u = u1 -a2
+ v = u2 -b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- rotates a Pic about its origin by theta
+twist_Pic :: Float -> Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic theta p = rot_Pic (orig_Pic p) theta p
+ -- hardwired version of rot_Pic that runs faster by rotating a set
+ -- unit, the rotunit, every time
+rot_Pic':: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic' (a,b) = map_Pic (rotp (a,b))
+ where rotp (a,b) (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cosunit - v * sinunit),
+ b2+ (u * sinunit + v * cosunit))
+ where u = u1-a2
+ v = u2-b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- hardwired version of twist_Pic that runs faster using rot_Pic'
+twist_Pic':: Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic' p = rot_Pic' (orig_Pic p) p
+ -- flips the Pic about the line x=n (x-coordinates change)
+flipx_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipx_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvx n)
+ where
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- flips the Pic about the line y=n (y-coordinates change)
+flipy_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipy_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvy n)
+ where
+ flipvy n (a,b) = (a, 2*(n-b)+b)
+ -- flips the Pic about its own x origin.
+flip_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+flip_Pic p = map_Pic (flipvx x) p
+ where (x,y) = orig_Pic p
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- copies the Pic into another Pic n*n times in an n by n array pattern
+flock_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flock_Pic 1 p = p
+flock_Pic (n+2) p = beside_Pic (flock_Pic (n-1) p) (row n p)
+ where row n p = replicate n above_Pic nullpic p
+ -- changes the color of the Pic
+set_Color_Pic:: Color -> Pic -> Pic
+set_Color_Pic c p = map f p
+ where f (c',vs) = (c,vs)
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+ This module contains the definitions for all the basic datatypes used to
+ create functional movies.
+ The basis of all the images is the Poly, which is a tuple of a color
+ and a list of points. This is displayed as a polygon of that color. The
+ form is a line drawn to each of the points, in order.
+ A list of these Poly's is a Pic, or picture. Each picture is a single
+ frame of the movie. A list of Pic's makes up a Movie, which is a series
+ of Pic's displayed in order.
+ Behaviours affect the movies, such as moving them left, or right.
+ PictoPic's affect a single picture.
+ The other functions simply convert regular values such as integers
+ and floats to the datatypes used by the functional programming.
+module R_Ptypes (Vec(..), Color(..), Pic(..), Poly(..), Movie(..), Behaviour(..), PictoPic(..), Process(..),
+ Vecfloat(..),
+ Msg(..), Chan(..),
+ Val (..),
+ ntov, vtov, nstov, vstov, pstov, bstov
+ ) where
+ --These are the basic data types for storing and manipulating the movies.
+type Vec = (Int,Int)
+type Color = Int
+type Pic = [Poly]
+type Poly = (Color,[Vec])
+type Movie = [Pic]
+type Behaviour = [Pic -> Pic]
+type PictoPic = Pic -> Pic
+type Process = [Msg] -> [Msg]
+type Msg = [(Chan,Val)]
+type Chan = [Char]
+data Val = N Int | V (Int,Int) | P Pic | B PictoPic
+type Vecfloat = (Float,Float)
+--Those convert from the various regular values to Val's.
+ntov n = N n
+vtov:: Vec -> Val
+vtov v = V v
+ptov:: Pic -> Val
+ptov p = P p
+nstov ns = [N n|n<-ns]
+vstov:: [Vec] -> [Val]
+vstov vs = [V v|v<-vs]
+pstov:: [Pic] -> [Val]
+pstov ps = [P p|p<-ps]
+bstov:: [PictoPic] -> [Val]
+bstov bs = [B b|b<-bs]
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+ This modules produces Pic's of boxes and triangles to help build
+ Pic's to animate.
+module R_Shapes (box, tri, circ_mov, circ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- box takes four three ints, the color, width and height of the box and
+ -- returns a Pic of a box
+box :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+box c width height= [(c,[(0,0),(width,0),(width,height),(0,height),(0,0)])]
+ -- tri takes a color and three vectors, and returns a Pic of a triangle
+ -- with the vectors as vertices
+tri:: Color -> Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Pic
+tri c (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) = [(c,[(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x1,y1)])]
+ -- circ takes a color, the radius
+circ :: Color -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+circ c r inc = [(c,(r+r,r):(circ' r' inc' 1.0))]
+ where r' = (fromIntegral r)
+ inc' = (fromIntegral inc)
+circ' :: Float -> Float -> Float -> [Vec]
+circ' r inc c | c>inc = []
+circ' r inc c = vftov (x+r,y+r) : (circ' r inc (c+1.0))
+ where x = r*(cos((2*c*pi)/inc))
+ y = r*(sin((2*c*pi)/inc))
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index 0000000..9dfcc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_utility.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ This module contains all the basic utility functions that the other
+ modules need to have to write their code. These are made generally
+ low level functions, manipulating vectors or defining very
+ general functions
+module R_Utility (vtovf,vftov,
+ vplus, vmin, mid, partway,
+ mag,
+ reduce, power, i,
+ member, repeat, zip1, zip2, zip3, rept, replicate,
+ mapc,
+ append, flatten, rptseq, osc
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+ -- vtovf takes a vector of integers, and converts it to a vector of floats
+vtovf :: Vec -> Vecfloat
+vtovf (x,y) = (fromIntegral x,fromIntegral y)
+ -- vftov takes a vector of floats and converts it to a vector of integers.
+ -- It rounds the floats off to do this.
+vftov :: Vecfloat -> Vec
+vftov (x,y) = (round x,round y)
+ -- vector addition
+vplus:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+vplus (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
+ -- vector substraction
+vmin:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+vmin (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)
+ -- finds the midpoint between two vectors
+mid:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+mid (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (div (x1+x2) 2,div (y1+y2) 2 )
+ -- finds a point p/q along the way between two vectors
+partway :: Int -> Int -> [Vec] -> Vec
+partway p q [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]
+ = vplus (x1,y1) ( div (p*(x2-x1)) q, div (p*(y2-y1)) q )
+ -- finds the magnitude of two vectors
+mag :: Vec -> Int
+mag p = round (magfloat (vtovf p))
+magfloat :: Vecfloat -> Float
+magfloat (x,y) = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
+ -- returns a vector at right angles to the input vector
+normal:: Vec -> Vec
+normal (x,y) = (-y,x)
+ -- returns the first vector projected onto the second
+project:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+project (vx,vy) (wx,wy) = partway (vx*wx+vy*wy) (mw*mw) [(0,0),(wx,wy)]
+ where mw = mag (wx,wy)
+ -- just foldr1. It applies a function of two inputs to an entire list
+ -- recursively, and displays the single element result
+reduce :: (a->a->a) -> [a] -> a
+reduce = foldr1
+ -- power applies a single function n times to a seed
+power :: Int -> (a->a) -> a -> a
+power 0 f seed = seed
+power (n+1) f seed = f (power n f seed)
+ -- i takes an element and returns an infinite list of them
+i :: a -> [a]
+i x = x: (i x)
+ -- checks to see if x is in the list of xs
+member :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+member [] x = False
+member (y:ys) x = x == y || member ys x
+ -- zip1 takes lists of lists, and rearranges them so that all the first
+ -- elements are in the first list, all the second in the second and so on.
+zip1 :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
+zip1 xs | member xs [] = []
+zip1 xs = (map head xs):(zip1 (map tail xs))
+ -- takes two lists and makes a list of tuples.
+zip2 :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+ -- rept takes a function and a list of elements, and applies the function
+ -- n-1 times to the n-th element
+rept :: (a->a) -> a -> [a]
+rept f x = x:(rept f (f x))
+ -- replicate creates an list n elements long of a, with the function
+ -- applies to the n-th element n-1 times.
+replicate :: Int -> (a->a->a) -> a -> a -> a
+replicate 0 f zero a = zero
+replicate 1 f zero a = a
+replicate (n+2) f zero a = f a (replicate (n+1) f zero a)
+ -- mapc is a map function for lists of functions (behaviours)
+mapc :: (a->b) -> [c->a] -> [c->b]
+mapc f as = [f.a | a <- as]
+ -- append takes a list of lists, and makes them into one giant happy list.
+append :: [[a]] -> [a]
+append = foldr (++) []
+ -- flatten takes a list of lists of tuples and gives one giant happy list
+ -- of single elements back.
+flatten:: [[(a,a)]] -> [a]
+flatten s = foldr f [] (append s)
+ where f (x,y) [] = [x,y]
+ f (x,y) (z:zs) = x:y:(z:zs)
+ -- rptseq takes a list of elements and applies a function to them,
+ -- n-1 times for the n-th element, but using map
+rptseq :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
+rptseq f [] = []
+rptseq f (x:xs) = x:rptseq f (map f xs)
+ -- osc takes a list, and makes sure it oscillates. If the head is
+ -- equal to the tail, it simply repeats the sequence infinitely. If
+ -- the head is not equal to the tail, it adds the sequence then adds
+ -- the reversed sequence minus the first and last elements, and then repeats
+osc :: [a] -> [a]
+osc s | (length s) == 0 = []
+osc s | (length s) == 1 = head s: osc s
+osc s = (s ++ (((tail.reverse).tail) s)) ++ (osc s)
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index 0000000..6fac189
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+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
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index 0000000..c216a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+module Seafigs (sky,blue_sky,clouds,clouds2,gull,man,sun,vm,windmill,palm) where
+import Animation
+blue_sky:: Movie
+blue_sky = osc [box lightblue 1000 1000]
+sky:: Color -> Movie
+sky c = osc [box c 1000 1000]
+clouds2:: Movie
+clouds2 = apply (mov (i (cld_wid,0))) (rBESIDE[cld,cld])
+ where cld_wid = -(wid_Pic (cld!!0))
+ cld= apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cldm1
+ cldm1=osc[cloud1]
+clouds:: Movie
+ [apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (0,-50))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-75))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (200,-100))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (300,-125))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,right,mov (repeat (-50,50))]) cloudm1]
+ where cloudm1 = osc [cloud1]
+ cloudm2 = osc [cloud2]
+cloud1 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(142,301),(169,309),(180,315),(192,312),
+ (196,308),(202,302),(216,300),(224,308),
+ (238,312),(258,311),(274,301),(278,283),
+ (265,279),(246,279),(230,281),(197,286),
+ (185,288),(167,287),(148,287),(136,292),
+ (136,292),(142,301)]
+cloud2 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(51,262), (56,266),
+ (66,265), (90,264), (92,266), (98,270),
+ (111,268),(137,268),(155,266),(174,266),
+ (183,262),(183,253),(162,251),(136,254),
+ (132,250),(126,248),(115,252),(109,253),
+ (98,252), (90,253), (88,254), (67,254),
+ (56,252), (49,254), (47,259), (51,262)]
+gull :: Movie
+gull = osc [gull1,gull2]
+gull1 = [(black,[(2,4),(6,4),(9,2),(10,0),(11,2),
+ (16,4),(20,4)])]
+gull2 = [(black,[(0,0),(2,2),(6,3),(9,2),(12,3),
+ (16,2),(18,0)])]
+man :: Movie
+man = osc [man1,man2,man3]
+man1 = [(black,[(0,0),(10,0),(20,40),(30,60),(40,20),
+ (60,0),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,40),(20,60),(30,80),(50,70),(60,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(30,100)]),
+ (black,[(30,100),(25,100),(20,105),(23,112),
+ (20,115),(30,120),(35,120),(40,115),
+ (40,110),(35,105),(30,100)])
+ ]
+man2 = [(black,[(20,0),(30,0),(20,40),(30,60),(45,30),
+ (60,20),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,60),(20,60),(20,80),(40,80),(50,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(15,100),(10,105),(13,112),
+ (10,115),(20,120),(30,120),(30,115),
+ (30,110),(25,105),(20,100)])
+ ]
+man3 = [(black,[(0,15),(5,10),(15,45),(30,60),(35,25),
+ (44,10),(35,0)]),
+ (black,[(10,40),(22,60),(20,80),(40,75),(45,44)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(19,100),(14,105),(17,112),
+ (14,115),(24,120),(34,120),(34,115),
+ (34,110),(29,105),(200,100)])
+ ]
+sun :: Movie
+sun = osc [sun']
+ where
+ sun' = reduce overlay_Pic [sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/24.0) sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/12.0) sun1]
+sun1 = [(yellow,[(43,16),(18,27),(9,51),(20,71),(42,81),
+ (66,73),(76,47),(69,25),(43,15),(43,16)])]
+vm :: Movie
+vm = osc[vm1,vm2]
+vm1 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (above_Pic light1 (box brown 40 80))
+ where light1 = box yellow 10 10
+vm2 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (reduce above_Pic [light,light2,box brown 40 80])
+ where light2 = over_Pic (box red 10 10) (box white 5 5)
+ light = [ (red,[(5,5), (10,2), (0,30),(5,5)]),
+ (red,[(20,2),(25,5),(30,30),(20,2)]),
+ (red,[(15,15),(20,15),(15,50),(10,25)])]
+windmill :: Movie
+ = apply
+ (bpar (mov (repeat (unit*3,0))) (scale_rel (0,0) (repeat 3)))
+ (overlay body (apply (movto (repeat (100,400))) prop))
+blade = osc [tri red (0,0) (100,0) (50,300)]
+prop = apply cw fan
+fan = rOVERLAY [fan1,fan2,fan3,fan4]
+fan1 = blade
+fan2 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan1
+fan3 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan2
+fan4 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan3
+body = osc [ [(brown,[(0,0),(200,0),(170,300),
+ (100,400),(30,300),(0,0)]) ] ]
+palm :: Movie
+ = osc palms
+ where palms = inbetween 3 palm1 (flipx_Pic 100 palm1)
+ palm1 = reduce overlay_Pic [trunk,frond1,frond2,frond3,frond4]
+ where frond1 = [ (green,[(50,60),(60,70),(80,60)]),
+ (green,[(50,70),(60,80),(80,70)]),
+ (green,[(50,80),(55,90),(70,80)]),
+ (green,[(60,70),(55,90),(50,100)]) ]
+ frond2 = flipx_Pic 50 frond1
+ frond3 = [ (green,[(10,70),(5,80)]),
+ (green,[(10,80),(10,90)]),
+ (green,[(20,90),(20,100)]),
+ (green,[(30,95),(40,104)]),
+ (green,[(5,80),(20,100),(40,104),
+ (50,100)])]
+ frond4 = [(green,[(0,100),(5,110)]),
+ (green,[(15,105),(15,115)]),
+ (green,[(25,105),(30,115)]),
+ (green,[(35,105),(40,115)]),
+ (green,[(5,110),(30,115),(50,110),
+ (50,100)])]
+ trunk = [(brown,[(100,0),(95,40),(80,80),
+ (70,90),(60,97),(50,100)])]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe11e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seaside.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Seaside (main) where
+import Animation
+import Seafigs
+seaside :: Movie
+seaside = rOVERLAY [blue_sky,
+ apply (bPar [up,cw,movto (repeat botm)]) sun,
+ apply right clouds,
+ apply (bPar [right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [right,right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [up,up,right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [up,right,right,right]) gull,
+ windm,
+ apply (mov (repeat botm)) palm,
+ man_and_vm
+ ]
+ where man_and_vm = rBESIDE2 [manfig, vm]
+ manfig = apply left (apply (mov (i (700,0)))
+ man)
+ windm = apply (mov (i (500,0))) windmill
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 (map (flipy_Pic 500) seaside))
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2c4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/draw/README b/progs/demo/X11/draw/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b844d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/draw/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is the draw program used in the X window documentation
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/draw/draw.hs b/progs/demo/X11/draw/draw.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba68ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/draw/draw.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Draw where
+import Xlib
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit (\ host -> draw host)
+draw :: String -> IO ()
+draw host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 100 100 400 400)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonMotion,
+ XButtonPress,
+ XKeyPress])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow root)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color] `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ let
+ handleEvent :: XPoint -> IO ()
+ handleEvent last =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ let pos = xEventPos event
+ in
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent -> handleEvent pos
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext last pos `thenIO` \() ->
+ handleEvent pos
+ XKeyPressEvent -> xCloseDisplay display
+ _ -> handleEvent last
+ in
+ appendChan stdout "Press any key to quit.\n" exit done `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ handleEvent (XPoint 0 0)
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/draw/ b/progs/demo/X11/draw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09a72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/draw/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5634a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+gobang Weiming Wu & Niping Wu
+Our final project is to design and implement a Gobang game under
+X-Window3.2 environment, using the Haskell programming language. Users
+can play the game human-vs-human. The program also provides a robot
+player with whom the user can play the game with. We wrote altogether
+ten modules which were saved in different files to control the whole
+About Gobang
+The checkerboard of Gobang consists of 19 vertical lines and 19
+horizontal lines. Two players in turn place a unit on the
+checkerboard. Each unit should be put on an unoccupied intersection
+of a vertical and a horizontal line. The winner is the player who
+first makes five consecutive units on either vertical, horizontal or
+diagonal direction.
+The program is able to perform the following tasks: 1) Use a new
+window under X-Window interface to display the checkerboard. Players
+will use a mouse to place units onto the chessboard, where a unit is a
+circle with the color black or white. 2) Prompt for the names of both
+players and display them. 3) Calculate the time both players have
+used up. 4) Supervise the progress of the game, declare winner and
+end the game once one player wins. 5) At each point of the game,
+store the progress of the game, so players can review each step during
+the game. 6) There are five buttons on the screen which would provide
+some special services such as starting a new game, quitting the game,
+saving the game, importing the saved game, or reviewing the game as
+soon as the user selects the corresponding buttons. 7) Provide a
+moderately well robot player for that game (using minimum-maximum
+Running Gobang
+A window titled "gobang" will appear on the screen. On it is a
+checkerboard, clocks and buttons. There will be an instruction saying
+"Please enter the name of player-1". The user can do two things:
+either enter the name of a player or choose the "import" button. Once
+the "import" button is selected, an unfinished game, which was saved
+in the file "###go.bhs###" will be imported. Please notice that the
+character "@" is reserved for the robot player, so if the user types
+in @ as the name of the first player, it is assumed that player-1 is
+the robot player. Then the name of player 2 is prompted. The game
+starts and at each turn an instruction like "Please enter your play."
+would appear on the screen. The user should put a unit onto the
+checkerboard. If the button is clicked on a wrong place or a unit is
+put onto an occupied position, an error message saying "Wrong Point.
+Please reenter." will appear on the screen and the user should reenter
+his play. The marker next to the name of a player indicates whose
+turn it is. At any point of the game the user can choose the other
+four buttons. If the "new" button is selected, the present game will
+be terminated and a new blank checkerboard will be displayed on the
+screen; if the "review" button is selected, one step of the previous
+plays will be displayed each time after the user hits any key; if the
+"save" button is selected, the steps so far will be saved into the
+file "###go.bhs###"; if the "quit" button is selected, the game will
+be terminated.
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4844dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+module Gobang where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+import Redraw
+import Weights
+getXInfo :: String -> IO XInfo
+getXInfo host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_pixel = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_pixel = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 900 600)
+ [XWinBackground bg_pixel,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonPress,
+ XKeyPress,
+ XExposure])]
+ `thenIO` \ window ->
+ xSetWmName window "Gobang" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xOpenFont display "10x20" `thenIO` \ playerfont ->
+ xOpenFont display "6x13" `thenIO` \ genericfont ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel] `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground fg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground bg_pixel,
+ XGCFont genericfont] `thenIO` \ gcontext2 ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel,
+ XGCFont playerfont] `thenIO` \ gcontextp ->
+ returnIO (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+demo = main
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError (\(XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ gobang host
+gobang :: String -> IO ()
+gobang host =
+ getXInfo host `thenIO` \ xinfo ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ board ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..722] `thenIO` \ steps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..4] `thenIO` \ time ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ numbersteps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ promptString ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ next_player ->
+ let state = GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player
+ in
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptPlayers xinfo state =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ promptFor "player 1:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player1_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 65) player1_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player1 0 player1_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptFor "player 2:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player2_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 205) player2_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player2 0 player2_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state
+initGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+initGame xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) =
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 0 2 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray numbersteps 0 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray board 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight1 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight2 0 361 0 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ initArray next_player 0 1 1 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ redraw xinfo state
+handleButton :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+handleButton (XPoint x y)
+ xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont
+ | buttonPress 700 330 x y = initArray player1 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initArray player2 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 360 x y = initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 390 x y = undoGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 420 x y = loadGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 450 x y = saveGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 480 x y = quitGame xinfo state cont
+ | ishelp x y = helpGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | otherwise = cont xinfo state
+when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
+when cond action = if cond then action else returnIO ()
+undoGame xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont =
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ let undoStep n =
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n) `thenIO` \ x ->
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n+1) `thenIO` \ y ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board ((x-1)*19 + y-1) 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ (if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (x*30-15) (y*30-15) 30 30) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+-- drawBoard xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+-- drawPieces 1 1 board xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let x30 = x * 30
+ y30 = y * 30
+ c = XPoint x30 y30
+ w = XPoint (x30-15) y30
+ e = XPoint (x30+15) y30
+ no = XPoint x30 (y30-15)
+ s = XPoint x30 (y30+15)
+ m = XArc (x30-3) (y30-3) 6 6 (-1.0) 6.283
+ in
+ when (x > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext w c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (x < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c e)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext no c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c s)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when ((x `elem` [4,10,16]) && (y `elem` [4,10,16]))
+ (xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext m True)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 n `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_p == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ cur_name = if next_p == 1 then name1 else name2
+ last_name = if next_p == 1 then name2 else name1
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ n ->
+ if n==0 then drawCmd "No more steps to undo!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ else
+ if cur_name == "computer" then cont xinfo state
+ else
+ (undoStep (n-1) `thenIO` \_ ->
+ if (last_name == "computer" && n /= 1) then undoStep (n-2)
+ else
+ returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptFile xinfo state cont =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ readFile name
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't read file:" ++ name) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont XNull)
+ (\ content -> cont (XSome content))
+loadGame xinfo state cont =
+ promptFile xinfo state $ \ file ->
+ case file of
+ XNull -> cont xinfo state
+ XSome file_content ->
+ readGameState file_content `thenIO` \ new_state ->
+ let (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ time _ _ _) = new_state
+ in
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ redraw xinfo new_state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo new_state
+saveGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+saveGame xinfo state =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ showGameState state `thenIO` \ str ->
+ writeFile name str
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't write file: " ++ name) xinfo state)
+ done
+quitGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+quitGame xinfo state cont =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ promptFor "Are you sure? (y/n)" xinfo state `thenIO` \ reps ->
+ if (reps == "y" || reps == "Y") then xCloseDisplay display
+ else clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+playGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+playGame xinfo state =
+ let
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ (\cont -> if x == 361
+ then drawCmd "It's a tie!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else cont) $
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 0 `thenIO` \ lstm0 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 1 `thenIO` \ lstm1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 2 `thenIO` \ lstm2 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 3 `thenIO` \ lstm3 ->
+ drawCmd ("Waiting for player # " ++ (show next_player_num)) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ if (next_player_num == 1)
+ then xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 70)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 180 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 2 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 1 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 270 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+ else xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 210)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 40 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 3 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 0 (lstm0+curtime-lstm2) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 130 (lstm0+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+waitButton xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state cont =
+ let
+ loop xinfo state =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XExposureEvent -> may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let pos = xEventPos event
+ in
+ handleButton pos xinfo state (cont pos)
+ _ -> xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ in
+ loop xinfo state
+updateboard :: XInfo -> GameState -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+updateboard xinfo state x y =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_player_num == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ z ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 (z+1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z) x `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z+1) y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board (19*(x-1)+y-1) next_player_num
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ human_unit board x y `thenIO` \ win ->
+ if win
+ then drawCmd ("Player " ++ (show next_player_num) ++ " has won!")
+ xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight1 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight2 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ else playGame xinfo state
+choice :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+choice (XPoint x y) xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ case (getposition x y) of
+ XNull -> humanplay xinfo state
+ XSome (x, y) ->
+ xMArrayLookup board (19*(x-1)+y-1) `thenIO` \ z ->
+ if (z>0)
+ then xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawCmd "Wrong point, please re-enter" xinfo state `thenIO` \() ->
+ humanplay xinfo state
+ else xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y
+humanplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+humanplay xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state choice
+computerplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+computerplay xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state =
+ let process_events xinfo state cont =
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \ n_event ->
+ if n_event == 0 then cont xinfo state
+ else xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ handleButton (xEventPos event) xinfo state cont
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0)
+ xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ in
+ process_events xinfo state $
+ \ xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState _ _ _ _ weight1 weight2 _ numbersteps _ next_player) ->
+ robot numbersteps weight1 weight2 `thenIO` \pt ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = pt
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d228bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a29be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+interface Misc where
+random :: Int -> IO Int
+random :: LispName("lisp:random")
+#-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a9c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec772f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+module Redraw where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+may_redraw :: Bool -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+may_redraw ok xinfo state = if ok then redraw xinfo state else returnIO ()
+redraw :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+redraw xinfo state =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2 (XRect 0 0 900 600) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawBoard xinfo `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 610 65) "Player 1"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 620 125) "Clock 1"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 610 205) "Player 2"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 620 265) "Clock 2"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 45 130 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 105 90 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 185 130 30) False
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 245 90 30) False
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 330 "New players" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 360 "New game" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 390 "Undo" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 420 "Load" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 450 "Save" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 480 "Quit" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ helpButton xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 615 535 250 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup time 0 `thenIO` \ lstm0 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 1 `thenIO` \ lstm1 ->
+ showtime 705 270 (lstm1) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 130 (lstm0) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ player1_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 65) player1_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ player2_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 205) player2_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup promptString 0 `thenIO` \ ps ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 620 550) ps
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ (if (next_player_num == 1)
+ then xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 70) '<'
+ else xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 210) '<')
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawPieces 1 1 board xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+drawHelp (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2 (XRect 100 100 300 200) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 100 100 300 200) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 102 102 296 196) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 200 230 100 60) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 202 232 96 56) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 240 265) "OK"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 120)
+ "Two players in turn place black and white"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 135)
+ "pieces on the board. The winner is the"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 150)
+ "player who first makes five consecutive"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 165)
+ "pieces in either vertical, horizontal or"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 180)
+ "diagonal directions."
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 200)
+ "To play with a robot, type \"computer\" as"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 215)
+ "the name of another player."
+drawBoard (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ drawvlines 30 30 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawhlines 30 30 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawmarks where
+ drawvlines :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+ drawvlines x y z
+ | z <= 19
+ = xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint x y) (XPoint x (y+30*18)) `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawvlines (x+30) y (z+1)
+ | otherwise
+ = returnIO ()
+ drawhlines :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+ drawhlines x y z
+ | z <= 19
+ = xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint x y) (XPoint (x+30*18) y) `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawhlines x (y+30) (z+1)
+ | otherwise
+ = returnIO ()
+ drawmarks :: IO ()
+ drawmarks =
+ map2IO (\x y ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc x y 6 6 (-1.0) 6.283) True)
+ (map (\x -> 30 + x*30-3) [3,9,15,3,9,15,3,9,15])
+ (map (\x -> 30 + x*30-3) [3,3,3,9,9,9,15,15,15])
+ `thenIO` \ _ -> returnIO ()
+map2IO :: (a -> b -> IO c) -> [a] -> [b] -> IO [c]
+map2IO f [] [] = returnIO []
+map2IO f (x:xs) (z:zs) = f x z `thenIO` \ y ->
+ map2IO f xs zs `thenIO` \ ys ->
+ returnIO (y:ys)
+drawPieces 20 _ board xinfo = returnIO ()
+drawPieces x 20 board xinfo = drawPieces (x+1) 1 board xinfo
+drawPieces x y board xinfo =
+ xMArrayLookup board ((x-1)*19 + y-1) `thenIO` \ piece ->
+ (if (piece == 1 || piece == 2)
+ then drawPiece x y xinfo (piece == 1)
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawPieces x (y+1) board xinfo
+drawPiece x y (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 _ ) is_black =
+ (if is_black then returnIO ()
+ else xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XArc (30*x-10) (30*y-10) 20 20
+ (-1.0) 6.283)
+ True) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (30*x-10) (30*y-10) 20 20
+ (-1.0) 6.283)
+ is_black `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5aa14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2483b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+module Utilities where
+import Xlib
+import Weights
+import Redraw
+import Misc
+data XInfo = XInfo XDisplay XWindow XGcontext XGcontext XGcontext
+data GameState = GameState (XMArray String) (XMArray String) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray Int) (XMArray Int) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray Integer) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray String) (XMArray Int)
+type GameCont = XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+xMArrayToList :: XMArray a -> IO [a]
+xMArrayToList a =
+ let la = xMArrayLength a
+ loop i a = if i == la then returnIO []
+ else xMArrayLookup a i `thenIO` \ x ->
+ loop (i+1) a `thenIO` \ xs ->
+ returnIO (x:xs)
+ in
+ loop 0 a
+readGameState str =
+ let
+ [(board_lst, r1)] = reads str
+ [(weight1_lst, r2)] = reads r1
+ [(weight2_lst, r3)] = reads r2
+ [(steps_lst, r4)] = reads r3
+ [(player1_lst, r5)] = reads r4
+ [(player2_lst, r6)] = reads r5
+ [(time_lst, r7)] = reads r6
+ [(numbersteps_lst, r8)] = reads r7
+ [(promptString_lst, r9)] = reads r8
+ [(next_player_lst, [])] = reads r9
+ in
+ xMArrayCreate board_lst `thenIO` \ board ->
+ xMArrayCreate weight1_lst `thenIO` \ weight1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate weight2_lst `thenIO` \ weight2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate steps_lst `thenIO` \ steps ->
+ xMArrayCreate player1_lst `thenIO` \ player1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate player2_lst `thenIO` \ player2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate time_lst `thenIO` \ time ->
+ xMArrayCreate numbersteps_lst `thenIO` \ numbersteps ->
+ xMArrayCreate promptString_lst `thenIO` \ promptString ->
+ xMArrayCreate next_player_lst `thenIO` \ next_player ->
+ returnIO (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+showGameState (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) =
+ xMArrayToList board `thenIO` \ board_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList weight1 `thenIO` \ weight1_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList weight2 `thenIO` \ weight2_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList steps `thenIO` \ steps_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList player1 `thenIO` \ player1_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList player2 `thenIO` \ player2_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList time `thenIO` \ time_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList numbersteps `thenIO` \ numbersteps_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList promptString `thenIO` \ promptString_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList next_player `thenIO` \ next_player_lst ->
+ let
+ str =(shows board_lst .
+ shows weight1_lst .
+ shows weight2_lst .
+ shows steps_lst .
+ shows player1_lst .
+ shows player2_lst .
+ shows time_lst .
+ shows numbersteps_lst .
+ shows promptString_lst .
+ shows next_player_lst) []
+ in
+ returnIO str
+xMod :: Int -> Int -> Int
+xMod x y | x >= y = xMod (x-y) y
+ | otherwise = x
+xRes :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+xRes x y z | x >= y = xRes (x-y) y (z+1)
+ | otherwise = z
+drawCmd :: String -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+drawCmd a (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ str _)
+ = xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint 620 550) a `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate str 0 a `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+clearCmd :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+clearCmd (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ str _)
+ = xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate str 0 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+xPosition :: Int -> XPoint
+xPosition a = (XPoint (xRes a 19 1) (1+ (xMod a 19)))
+initArray :: XMArray a -> Int -> Int -> a -> IO ()
+initArray mary x y z | x<y = xMArrayUpdate mary x z `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray mary (x+1) y z
+ | otherwise = returnIO ()
+getposition :: Int -> Int -> XMaybe (Int, Int)
+getposition x y = let x1 = round ((fromIntegral x) / 30.0)
+ y1 = round ((fromIntegral y) / 30.0)
+ in
+ if (x1 < 1 || x1 > 19 || y1 < 1 || y1 > 19) then XNull
+ else XSome (x1, y1)
+addZero :: Int -> String
+addZero a | a < 10 = "0"
+ | otherwise = ""
+printTime :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> XInfo -> IO()
+printTime x y zs (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ = let s = head zs
+ m = head (tail zs)
+ h = head (tail (tail zs))
+ in xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (x-4) (y-24) 88 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint x y)
+ ((addZero h)++(show h)++":"++(addZero m)++(show m)++
+ ":"++(addZero s)++(show s))
+ `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+showtime :: Int -> Int -> Integer -> XInfo -> IO()
+showtime x y z a =
+ let (curtm, c) = (decodeTime z (WestOfGMT 0))
+ in printTime x y curtm a
+helpButton :: XInfo -> IO ()
+helpButton (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 800 420 70 70)
+ False `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 802 422 66 66)
+ False `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 810 450) "About"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 820 470) "Gobang"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+ishelp :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+ishelp x y = (x > 800 && x < 870 && y > 420 && y < 490)
+button :: Int -> Int -> String -> XInfo -> IO()
+button x y a (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (x-40) (y-10) 20 20 1.5708 4.7124) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (x-30) (y-10) 60 20) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (x+20) (y-10) 20 20 (-1.0) 6.283) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XPoint (x-(length a * 3)) (y+4)) a `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+-- a b are the location of the button, c d are the point where we press the
+-- button.
+buttonPress :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+buttonPress a b c d | (abs (c-a))<=30 && (abs (d-b))<=10 = True
+ | (c-a+30)*(c-a+30)+(d-b)*(d-b)<=100 = True
+ | (c-a-30)*(c-a-30)+(d-b)*(d-b)<=100 = True
+ | otherwise = False
+randmax :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> IO Int
+randmax a ind max mi | ind > 360 =
+ let lmi = length mi
+ in case lmi of
+ 0 -> returnIO (-1)
+ 1 -> returnIO (head mi)
+ _ -> random lmi `thenIO` \ i ->
+ returnIO (mi !! i)
+ | otherwise = xMArrayLookup a ind `thenIO` \ tt3 ->
+ if (tt3 > max)
+ then randmax a (ind+1) tt3 [ind]
+ else if (tt3 == max)
+ then randmax a (ind+1) max (ind:mi)
+ else randmax a (ind+1) max mi
+robot :: XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> IO XPoint
+robot numbersteps weight1 weight2
+ = xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \(tt5) ->
+ if (tt5 == 0)
+ then returnIO (XPoint 10 10)
+ else
+ randmax weight1 0 0 [] `thenIO` \ tmp1 ->
+ randmax weight2 0 0 [] `thenIO` \ tmp2 ->
+ xMArrayLookup weight1 tmp1 `thenIO` \ tmp3 ->
+ xMArrayLookup weight2 tmp2 `thenIO` \ tmp4 ->
+ if (tmp3 >= 200)
+ then returnIO (xPosition tmp1)
+ else if (tmp3 > tmp4)
+ then returnIO (xPosition tmp1)
+ else returnIO (xPosition tmp2)
+promptFor prompt xinfo state =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate promptString 0 prompt `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 620 550) prompt
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let h_base = (length prompt + 1) * 6 + 620
+ getString :: Int -> String -> IO String
+ getString h_pos sofar =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = xEventPos event
+ in
+ (if ishelp x y then helpGame xinfo state
+ else xBell display 0)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString h_pos sofar
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint h_base 550) sofar
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos) (550-10) 6 13) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ -> getString h_pos sofar
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ let code = xEventCode event
+ state = xEventState event
+ bs = if (sofar == "") then getString h_pos sofar
+ else xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos)
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * (h_pos - 1))
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString (h_pos-1) (take (length sofar - 1) sofar)
+ in
+ xKeycodeCharacter display code state `thenIO` \ char ->
+ case char of
+ (XSome '\r') -> returnIO sofar
+ (XSome '\DEL') -> bs
+ (XSome '\BS') -> bs
+ XNull -> getString h_pos sofar
+ (XSome c) -> xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos)
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint (h_base + 6 * h_pos) 550) c
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * (h_pos + 1))
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString (h_pos + 1) (sofar ++ [c])
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect h_base (550-10) 6 13) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString 0 ""
+helpGame xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) state =
+ drawHelp xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let
+ loop xinfo state =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XExposureEvent -> may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawHelp xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = xEventPos event
+ in
+ if (x > 200 && x < 300 && y > 230 && y < 290)
+ then redraw xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+ else loop xinfo state
+ _ -> xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ in
+ loop xinfo state
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfccbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b55553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+module Weights where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+xlookup :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+xlookup keyboard x y =
+ if (x < 1 || x > 19 || y < 1 || y > 19)
+ then returnIO (-2)
+ else xMArrayLookup keyboard ((x-1)*19+(y-1))
+draw_unit :: XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()
+draw_unit keyboard weight1 weight2 x y =
+ let
+ update_weight :: XMArray Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->IO()
+ update_weight weight counter player x y incr_x incr_y
+ | x>=1 && x<=19 && y>=1 && y<=19 && counter<=4 =
+ cpt_weight x y player `thenIO` \wt ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight ((x-1)*19+(y-1)) wt `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight (counter+1) player (x+incr_x) (y+incr_y)
+ incr_x incr_y
+ | otherwise = returnIO ()
+ pattern0 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern0 a b c d e p | a==p && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==p = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern1 a b c d e f p | (a==0) && (b==p) && (c==p) && (d==p) && (e==p) &&
+ (f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern2 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==p)||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern3 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern4 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern4 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern5 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern5 a b c d e f p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0 && e==p &&
+ f==0) ||
+ (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==p &&
+ f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern6 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern6 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0 && e==p) ||
+ (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern7 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int-> Bool
+ pattern7 a b c d e f g p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0 &&
+ f==p && g==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern8 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern8 a b c d e f p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0 &&
+ f==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==0 && e==p &&
+ f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern9 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern9 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern10 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern10 a b c p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern11 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern11 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern12 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern12 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ direct1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+ direct1 x y pl ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 ptN5 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 200
+ | (pattern1 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 40
+ | (pattern2 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 13
+ | (pattern3 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern3 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 10
+ | (pattern4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern4 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern4 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 8
+ | (pattern5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 9
+ | (pattern6 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 7
+ | (pattern7 ptN5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5 pl) = 6
+ | (pattern8 ptN5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5 pl) = 5
+ | (pattern9 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern9 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 4
+ | (pattern10 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern10 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern10 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 2
+ | (pattern11 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern11 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern11 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 3
+ | (pattern12 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern12 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern12 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern12 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 1
+ | otherwise = 0
+ direct2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+ direct2 x y pl ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 ptN5 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 200
+ | otherwise = 0
+ cpt_weight :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+ cpt_weight x y player =
+ xMArrayLookup keyboard ((x-1)*19+(y-1)) `thenIO` \(unit) ->
+ if (unit /= 0)
+ then returnIO (-1)
+ else xlookup keyboard x (y-1) `thenIO` \(xyN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-2) `thenIO` \(xyN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-3) `thenIO` \(xyN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-4) `thenIO` \(xyN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-5) `thenIO` \(xyN5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+1) `thenIO` \(xyP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+2) `thenIO` \(xyP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+3) `thenIO` \(xyP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+4) `thenIO` \(xyP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+5) `thenIO` \(xyP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) y `thenIO` \(xN1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) y `thenIO` \(xN2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) y `thenIO` \(xN3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) y `thenIO` \(xN4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) y `thenIO` \(xN5y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) y `thenIO` \(xP5y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xN1yN1)->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xN2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xN3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xN4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) (y-5) `thenIO` \(xN5yN5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xP1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xP2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xP3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xP4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) (y+5) `thenIO` \(xP5yP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xN1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xN2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xN3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xN4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) (y+5) `thenIO` \(xN5yP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xP1yN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xP2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xP3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xP4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) (y-5) `thenIO` \(xP5yN5) ->
+ returnIO ( (direct1 x y player xyN1 xyN2 xyN3 xyN4 xyN5 player
+ xyP1 xyP2 xyP3 xyP4 xyP5) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1y xN2y xN3y xN4y xN5y player
+ xP1y xP2y xP3y xP4y xP5y) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1yN1 xN2yN2 xN3yN3 xN4yN4
+ xN5yN5 player xP1yP1 xP2yP2 xP3yP3 xP4yP4
+ xP5yP5) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1yP1 xN2yP2 xN3yP3 xN4yP4
+ xN5yP5 player xP1yN1 xP2yN2 xP3yN3 xP4yN4
+ xP5yN5) )
+-- | 1111 && no_block = 20
+-- | 1111 && one_block = 13
+-- | 111 && no_block = 10
+-- | 111 && one_block = 8
+-- | 11 1 or 1 11 && no_block = 9
+-- | 11 1 or 1 11 && one_block =7
+-- | 1 1 1 && no_block = 6
+-- | 1 1 1 && one_block= 5
+-- | 11 && no_block = 4
+-- | 11 && one_block =2
+-- | 1 1 && no_block =3
+-- | 1 1 && one_block=1
+ in
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 0 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 0 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 0 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 0 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ returnIO ()
+human_unit :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO(Bool)
+human_unit keyboard x y =
+ let
+ pattern0 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern0 a b c d e | a==b && b==c && c==d && d==e = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ direct3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int
+ direct3 ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4) = 200
+ | otherwise = 0
+ in
+ xlookup keyboard x y `thenIO` \(xy) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-1) `thenIO` \(xyN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-2) `thenIO` \(xyN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-3) `thenIO` \(xyN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-4) `thenIO` \(xyN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+1) `thenIO` \(xyP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+2) `thenIO` \(xyP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+3) `thenIO` \(xyP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+4) `thenIO` \(xyP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) y `thenIO` \(xN1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) y `thenIO` \(xN2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) y `thenIO` \(xN3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) y `thenIO` \(xN4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xN1yN1)->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xN2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xN3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xN4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xP1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xP2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xP3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xP4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xN1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xN2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xN3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xN4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xP1yN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xP2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xP3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xP4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ if ((direct3 xyN1 xyN2 xyN3 xyN4 xy xyP1 xyP2 xyP3 xyP4) +
+ (direct3 xN1y xN2y xN3y xN4y xy xP1y xP2y xP3y xP4y) +
+ (direct3 xN1yN1 xN2yN2 xN3yN3 xN4yN4 xy xP1yP1 xP2yP2 xP3yP3 xP4yP4) +
+ (direct3 xN1yP1 xN2yP2 xN3yP3 xN4yP4 xy xP1yN1 xP2yN2 xP3yN3 xP4yN4))
+ >=200
+ then returnIO (True)
+ else returnIO (False) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13aba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/README b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a2d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/README
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+by Syam Gadde
+and Bo Whong
+To use the Henderson Library, run emacs with a module that
+imports HendersonLib, such as "sqrlmt.hs". For "sqrlmt.hs",
+run the dialogue "final" or "skewedfinal".
+henderson.hs - Haskell source for the Henderson library.
+sqrlmt.hs - Haskell source for dialogue that draws "Square Limit".
+p.pic - First of four pictures used to construct "Square Limit".
+q.pic - Second of four pictures used to construct "Square Limit".
+r.pic - Third of four pictures used to construct "Square Limit".
+s.pic - Four of four pictures used to construct "Square Limit".
+new.pic - Hudak's house
+stop.pic - A "hand-drawn" stop sign border
+text.pic - The word "STOP!" (hand-drawn)
+strange.pic - Overlays stop.pic and Flip of text.pic
+squarebox.xwd - A window dump of a box-like structure made of four
+ square limits. Use "xwud -in squarebox.xwd" to view.
+sksl.xwd - A window dump of "squarelimit" in a skewed bounding box.
+ ("skewedfinal" from sqrlmt.hs.)
+sl.xwd - A window dump of Square Limit.
+ ("squarelimit" from sqrlmt.hs.)
+manual - The manual in Island Write format.
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/henderson.hs b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/henderson.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b7e4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/henderson.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+-- Peter Henderson's Recursive Geometry
+-- Syam Gadde and Bo Whong
+-- full set of modules
+-- CS429 Project
+-- 4/30/93
+module HendersonLib (Hostname(..), Filename(..), VTriple(..), HendQuartet(..),
+ Picture(..), sendToDraw, draw, create, modify, plot) where
+import Xlib
+-- ADTs and Type Synonyms --------------------------------------------------
+data Picture = Nil
+ | Flip Picture
+ | Beside Float Picture Float Picture
+ | Above Float Picture Float Picture
+ | Rot Picture
+ | File String
+ | Overlay Picture Picture
+ | Grid Int Int SegList
+ deriving Text
+data Plot = Plot Picture VTriple
+ | Union Plot Plot
+type Hostname = String
+type Filename = String
+type IntPoint = (Int,Int)
+type IntSegment = (IntPoint, IntPoint)
+type IntSegList = [IntSegment]
+type Point = (Float,Float)
+type Segment = (Point, Point)
+type SegList = [Segment]
+type Vector = Point
+type VTriple = (Vector, Vector, Vector)
+type HendQuartet = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
+type PEnv = [(Filename, Picture)]
+-- vector Functions --------------------------------------------------------
+-- for adding, negating, multiplying, and dividing vectors
+addV :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
+addV (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
+negateV :: Vector -> Vector
+negateV (x,y) = (-x,-y)
+multV :: Float-> Vector -> Vector
+multV a (x,y) = (a*x, a*y)
+divV :: Float -> Vector -> Vector
+divV a (x,y) = (x/a, y/a)
+-- plot Function -----------------------------------------------------------
+-- picture manipulation function
+plot :: Picture -> VTriple -> PEnv -> ((Plot, PEnv) -> IO()) -> IO()
+-- the Nil Picture is just "nothingness" so choose an abritrary representation
+-- of nothingness.
+plot Nil (v1, v2, v3) env cont =
+ plot (Grid 1 1 []) (v1,v2,v3) env cont
+-- Flipping a Picture
+plot (Flip p1) (v1, v2, v3) env cont =
+ plot p1 (addV v1 v2, negateV v2, v3) env cont
+-- Rotate a Picture 90 degrees counterclockwise
+plot (Rot p1) (v1, v2, v3) env cont =
+ plot p1 (addV v1 v3, negateV v3, v2) env cont
+-- Overlay one Picture over another Picture
+plot (Overlay p q) (a,b,c) env cont =
+ plot p (a,b,c) env $ \ (plot1, env1) ->
+ plot q (a,b,c) env1 $ \ (plot2, env2) ->
+ cont ((Union plot1 plot2), env2)
+-- Place p1 Beside p2 with width ratio m to n
+plot (Beside m p1 n p2) (v1, v2, v3) env cont =
+ plot p1 (v1, multV (m/(m+n)) v2, v3) env $ \ (plot1, env1) ->
+ plot p2 ((addV (multV (m/(m+n)) v2) v1),
+ (multV (n/(m+n)) v2),
+ v3) env1 $ \ (plot2, env2) ->
+ cont ((Union plot1 plot2), env2)
+-- Place p Above q with height ratio m to n
+plot (Above m p n q) (a,b,c) env cont =
+ plot q (addV a (multV (m/(n+m)) c), b, multV (n/(m+n)) c) env
+ $ \ (plot1, env1) ->
+ plot p (a, b, multV (m/(m+n)) c) env1 $ \ (plot2, env2) ->
+ cont ((Union plot1 plot2), env2)
+-- the 'real' Picture
+plot (Grid x y s) (a,b,c) env cont =
+ cont ((Plot (Grid x y s) (a,b,c)), env)
+-- this picture is located in a File with name name
+-- lookup table: thanks to Sheng
+plot (File name) (a,b,c) env cont =
+ case (lookupEnv env name) of
+ ((_, pic):_) -> plot pic (a,b,c) env cont
+ [] ->
+ readFile name (\s -> appendChan stdout ("File "++name++" not able to be read\n") exit done)
+ $ \s ->
+ let
+ pic = read s
+ newenv = (name,pic):env
+ in
+ plot pic (a,b,c) newenv cont
+lookupEnv :: PEnv -> Filename -> PEnv
+lookupEnv [] _ = []
+lookupEnv ((a,b):es) name | a==name = ((a,b):es)
+ | otherwise = lookupEnv es name
+-- Draw Function -----------------------------------------------------------
+-- user function to draw pictures
+draw :: Hostname -> Picture -> VTriple -> HendQuartet -> IO()
+-- opens a display, screen, and window (of size specified in HendQuartet)
+-- and draws Picture in the window
+draw host p (a,b,c) (hm,hn,ho,hp) =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \display -> -- opens display
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root -- opens window
+ (XRect hm hn ho hp)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XKeyPress,
+ XExposure,
+ XButtonPress])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ xSetWmName window "Henderson Graphics" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xSetWmIconName window "Henderson Graphics" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() -> -- show window
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ () -> -- show window NOW
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow (xScreenRoot screen)) -- open a GC
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color] `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ plot p (a,b,c) [] $ \(plt,_) -> -- make pic easier to work with
+ let
+ handleEvent =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ -- Has a part of the window been uncovered?
+ XExposureEvent -> sendToDraw window screen display gcontext plt
+ `thenIO` \() -> handleEvent
+ _ -> xCloseDisplay display
+ in
+ handleEvent
+-- SendToDraw Function -----------------------------------------------------
+-- called by draw to actually draw the lines onto the window
+sendToDraw :: XWindow -> XScreen -> XDisplay -> XGcontext -> Plot -> IO()
+-- have a Union. so do one, and then the other. simple.
+sendToDraw win screen display gcontext (Union p1 p2) =
+ sendToDraw win screen display gcontext p1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ sendToDraw win screen display gcontext p2
+-- have just a Plot. have to do some dirty work.
+sendToDraw window screen display gcontext (Plot (Grid x y s) (a,b,c)) =
+ let
+ v2p :: Vector -> XPoint
+ v2p (e,f) = XPoint (round e) (round f) -- convert Vector to an XPoint
+ fx :: Float
+ fx = fromIntegral x
+ fy :: Float
+ fy = fromIntegral y
+ drawit :: SegList -> IO()
+ -- draw the Grid one line at a time
+ drawit [] = done
+ drawit (((x0,y0),(x1,y1)):ss) =
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window)
+ gcontext
+ (v2p (addV (addV a (multV (x0/fx) b))
+ (multV (y0/fy) c)))
+ (v2p (addV (addV a (multV (x1/fx) b))
+ (multV (y1/fy) c))) `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawit ss
+ in
+ drawit s `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+-- create function ---------------------------------------------------------
+-- opens up a window to allow the user to create a file
+-- and save it onto a file
+create :: Hostname -> Filename -> Int -> Int -> IO()
+create host filename x y =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let
+ (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 (x+1) (y+1))
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XExposure,
+ XKeyPress,
+ XButtonPress,
+ XPointerMotion])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ xSetWmName window filename `thenIO` \() ->
+ xSetWmIconName window filename `thenIO` \() ->
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 100 40)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color] `thenIO` \window2 ->
+ xSetWmName window2 "pos" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xSetWmIconName window2 "pos" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window2 `thenIO` \() ->
+ xListFonts display "*times*bold*r*normal*18*" `thenIO` \fontlist ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow root)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color,
+ XGCFont (head fontlist)] `thenIO` \gcontext ->
+ let
+ handleEvent :: IntSegList -> IO()
+ handleEvent list =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ let
+ point = xEventPos event
+ XPoint pointx pointy = point
+ handleEvent' :: XPoint -> IO()
+ handleEvent' last =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event2 ->
+ let
+ pos = xEventPos event2
+ XPoint posx posy = pos
+ in
+ case (xEventType event2) of
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ appendChan stdout ((show (tup pos))++ "\n") abort $
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext point pos
+ `thenIO` \() -> handleEvent (store list point pos)
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ redraw window gcontext list `thenIO` \() -> handleEvent' last
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xDrawImageGlyphs (XDrawWindow window2)
+ gcontext
+ (XPoint 2 18)
+ ((show posx)++", "++(show posy)++" ")
+ `thenIO` \dummy -> handleEvent' last
+ _ ->
+ handleEvent' last
+ in
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ putFile display filename list x y "create"
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (tup point)) abort $
+ handleEvent' point
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ redraw window gcontext list `thenIO` \() -> handleEvent list
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xDrawImageGlyphs (XDrawWindow window2)
+ gcontext
+ (XPoint 2 18)
+ ((show pointx)++", "++(show pointy)++" ")
+ `thenIO` \dummy -> handleEvent list
+ _ ->
+ handleEvent list
+ in
+ case (checkFile filename) of
+ True -> handleEvent []
+ False -> appendChan stdout picTypeError abort $
+ xCloseDisplay display
+-- modify function ---------------------------------------------------------
+-- allows the user to add onto an already existing picture file
+modify :: Hostname -> Filename -> IO()
+modify host filename =
+ case (checkFile filename) of
+ False -> appendChan stdout picTypeError abort done
+ True ->
+ readFile filename (\s -> appendChan stdout
+ readError abort done) $ \s->
+ let
+ dat = read s
+ origlist = fFloat (getlist dat)
+ x = getx dat
+ y = gety dat
+ in
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let
+ (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 (x + 1) (y + 1))
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XExposure, XKeyPress,
+ XButtonPress, XPointerMotion])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ xSetWmName window filename `thenIO` \() ->
+ xSetWmIconName window filename `thenIO` \() ->
+ xCreateWindow root (XRect 0 0 100 40)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color] `thenIO` \window2 ->
+ xSetWmName window2 "pos" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xSetWmIconName window2 "pos" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window2 `thenIO` \() ->
+ xListFonts display "*times*bold*r*normal*18*" `thenIO` \fontlist ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow root) [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color,
+ XGCFont (head fontlist)]
+ `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ let
+ handleEvent :: IntSegList -> IO()
+ handleEvent list =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ let
+ point = xEventPos event
+ XPoint pointx pointy = point
+ handleEvent' :: XPoint -> IO()
+ handleEvent' last = xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event2 ->
+ let
+ pos = xEventPos event2
+ XPoint posx posy = pos
+ in
+ case (xEventType event2) of
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ redraw window gcontext list `thenIO` \() ->
+ handleEvent' last
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ appendChan stdout ((show (tup pos))++ "\n") abort $
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext point pos
+ `thenIO` \() -> handleEvent (store list point pos)
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xDrawImageGlyphs (XDrawWindow window2) gcontext
+ (XPoint 2 18) ((show posx)++", "++(show posy)++" ")
+ `thenIO` \dummy -> handleEvent' last
+ _ -> handleEvent' last
+ in
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ putFile display filename list x y "modify"
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (tup point)) abort $
+ handleEvent' point
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ redraw window gcontext list `thenIO` \() ->
+ handleEvent list
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xDrawImageGlyphs (XDrawWindow window2)
+ gcontext (XPoint 2 18)
+ ((show pointx)++", "++(show pointy)++" ")
+ `thenIO` \dummy -> handleEvent list
+ _ ->
+ handleEvent list
+ in
+ redraw window gcontext origlist `thenIO` \() ->
+ handleEvent origlist
+-- Miscellaneous functions -------------------------------------------------
+-- shared by the create and modify functions
+checkFile :: Filename -> Bool
+checkFile name =
+ case (take 4 (reverse name)) of
+ "cip." -> True
+ _ -> False
+store :: IntSegList -> XPoint -> XPoint -> IntSegList
+store l a b = [((xof a,yof a),(xof b,yof b))] ++ l
+xof :: XPoint -> Int
+xof (XPoint x y) = x
+yof :: XPoint -> Int
+yof (XPoint x y) = y
+tup :: XPoint -> IntPoint
+tup (XPoint a b) = (a,b)
+ll:: IntSegment -> Int
+ll ((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) = a1
+lr:: IntSegment -> Int
+lr ((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) = a2
+rl:: IntSegment -> Int
+rl ((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) = b1
+rr:: IntSegment -> Int
+rr ((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) = b2
+getx :: Picture -> Int
+getx (Grid m n o) = m
+gety :: Picture -> Int
+gety(Grid m n o) = n
+getlist :: Picture -> SegList
+getlist (Grid m n o) = o
+fFloat :: SegList -> IntSegList
+fFloat = map (\ ((ix,iy),(jx,jy)) ->
+ ((round ix,round iy), (round jx,round jy)))
+readError :: String
+readError = "Error: reading an invalid file\n"
+picTypeError :: String
+picTypeError = "Error: files need to be of .pic type\n"
+deleteError :: String
+deleteError = "Error: file can not be deleted\n"
+writeError :: String
+writeError = "Error: file can not be written\n"
+modError :: String
+modError = "Error: file can not be modified\n"
+redraw :: XWindow-> XGcontext -> IntSegList -> IO()
+redraw window gcontext [] = done
+redraw window gcontext (l:ls) =
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint (ll l) (lr l))
+ (XPoint (rl l) (rr l))
+ `thenIO` \() -> redraw window gcontext ls
+changeList :: IntSegList -> SegList
+changeList =
+ map (\ ((ix,iy),(jx,jy)) -> ((fromIntegral ix,fromIntegral iy),
+ (fromIntegral jx,fromIntegral jy)))
+putFile :: XDisplay -> Filename -> IntSegList ->
+ Int -> Int -> String -> IO()
+putFile display name list x y flag =
+ let
+ text = show (Grid x y (changeList list))
+ finishMsg = name ++ ": Done...Process completed\n"
+ modMsg = name ++ ": Modifying file\n"
+ createMsg = name ++ ": Creating file\n"
+ continue =
+ deleteFile name (\s -> appendChan stdout deleteError abort done) $
+ writeFile name text (\s -> appendChan stdout writeError abort done) $
+ appendChan stdout finishMsg abort $
+ xCloseDisplay display
+ in
+ case (flag == "create") of
+ False -> appendChan stdout modMsg
+ (\s -> appendChan stdout modError abort done) $
+ continue
+ True -> readFile name (\s -> appendChan stdout createMsg abort $
+ writeFile name text abort
+ (xCloseDisplay display)) $ \s ->
+ continue
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92b66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17772f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+104 pgscriptver
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+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
+TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0 TAB_LEFT 24480 DefTab 0 46 0
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+DefNumberingRestart 1 DefNumberingLevel 0 DefNumberingStyle 0
+DefNumberingTabAfter 1 DefNumberingShowAllLevels 1 DefNumberingStart 1
+DefNumberingIncrement () DefNumberingPrefix () DefNumberingSuffix (.)
+DefNumberingSeparator (*default) DefParaResource
+0 DefLineWidth TRANSPARENT DefPenColor TRANSPARENT DefFillColor 1 DefIG 300
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+0 DefFirstLeft 0 DefDocSetup 1 DefNumPages 1 AutoPage 1
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+1 DefAutoPage
+0 (%default) 1 DefPage
+1 DefAutoPage
+0 (%default) 2 DefPage
+0 DefLineWidth TRANSPARENT DefPenColor TRANSPARENT DefFillColor 1 DefIG 300
+DefResolution 100 DefYScale 100 DefXScale (=default) DefPolyResId 0
+1440 1080 11160 1080 11160 14760 1440 14760 4
+POLY_OBJECT POLY_EMPTY | (%default) 0 1 TextPolygon
+0 DefLineWidth TRANSPARENT DefPenColor TRANSPARENT DefFillColor 1 DefIG 300
+DefResolution 100 DefYScale 100 DefXScale (=default) DefPolyResId 1
+DefSLinksFlags 4 DefStreamSucc 0 DefStreamPred 3 DefTextHandle
+1440 1080 11160 1080 11160 14760 1440 14760 4
+POLY_OBJECT POLY_TEXT | (1) 0 2 TextPolygon
+3 asciitextstream
+<(Courier) cf ><9 cs>The Henderson Library--<eop>
+by Syam Gadde<eop>
+and Bo Whong<eop>
+The Henderson Library is a toolkit with which one can use Functional Geometry,
+as proposed by Peter Henderson in his paper "Functional Geometry". This is a s
+cheme by which "Picture"s can be described in an abstract data type, and a numb
+er of functions can be applied to it. This results in a very elegant method to
+ produce complex pictures from simple ones. The example Henderson uses is "Squ
+are Limit" by M. C. Escher, which can be constructed with four simple pictures
+ADTs and Type Synonyms<eop>
+The Picture data type is composed of eight different types of pictures. They a
+Picture = Nil - empty picture<eop>
+ | Flip Picture - picture flipped on the y-axis<e
+ | Beside Float Picture Float Picture - two pictures placed side by sid
+e <eop>
+ - in accordance to the ratio of t
+ - two floats<eop>
+ | Above Float Picture Float Picture - two pictures placed one on top
+ - another in accordance to the ra
+ - of the two floats<eop>
+ | Rot Picture - picture is rotated 90 degrees <
+ - counterclockwise<eop>
+ | File String - picture is stored as an externa
+ - file<eop>
+ | Overlay Picture Picture - two pictures are drawn such tha
+ - one lays on top of the other<eo
+ | Grid Int Int SegList - picture type that contains the
+ - of picture's line segments alon
+ - with the size of the inital pic
+The type synonyms are pretty much self explanatory.<eop>
+ Hostname<tab><tab><tab>- a string of the hostname<eop>
+ Filename <tab>- a string of the filename<e
+ IntPoint <tab>- a tuple of integers repres
+ <tab>- the coordinates of a point
+ IntSegment <tab>- a tuple of Intpoints repre
+ <tab>- the endpoints of a line se
+ IntSegList <tab>- a list of IntSegments <eop
+ Point <tab>- same as IntPoint except in
+ place of<eop>
+<tab><tab><tab> <tab>- intergers, they are floating points<eop>
+ Segment <tab>- same as IntSegment except
+in place<eop>
+ <tab><tab> <tab>- of intergers, they are floating <eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- points<eop>
+ SegList <tab>- same as IntsegList except
+in place<eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab><tab>- of intergers, they are floating <eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- points<eop>
+ Vector <tab>- a tuple of floating points
+ to<eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- to represent a vector<eop>
+ Vtriple - a 3-tuple of Vectors<eop>
+ HendQuartet - a 4-tuple of Integers for the s
+ - of the Henderson window<eop>
+ PEnv - a tuple of a Filename and a Pic
+ - for storing already opened file
+s in<eop>
+ - in order to save time and memor
+ - when a file needs to be opened
+ - than once<eop>
+Function: create (an exported function from the HendersonLib)<eop>
+The purpose of the create function is to provide the user with a function to <e
+draw a picture from a graphics interface. The user may choose to create a pict
+file by inputing the the lines and points manually into a file or (s)he may cho
+to use the create function.<eop>
+Functionality of create:<eop>
+ create :: Hostname -<ra> Filaname -<ra> Int -<ra> Int -<ra> IO()<eop
+create takes as input a hostname, a filename, and two integers for the size of
+the <eop>
+window to be opened. Two windows should appear, one for the input of lines and
+another showing the current position of the mouse. These windows will be label
+To draw a line on the file window, move the cursor to the desired position, the
+hit any key on the keybroad. This point will be the beginning of the line segme
+Next move the cursor to the position of where the user wants the end of the lin
+segment to be, then hit any key from the keyboard again. A line should appear.
+The coordinates of the endpoints of each line drawn will also be printed out o
+nto <eop>
+standard output.<eop>
+To signal completion of a file, press any button on the mouse. The user must <
+remember though that this is only applicable after a completed drawing of a lin
+For example, pressing the mouse button will not work if one of the endpoints of
+ a<eop>
+line is drawn but the other endpoint is not. create will not recognize the mous
+e <eop>
+button press event until a second endpoint is drawn.<eop>
+Advantages of create:<eop>
+ provides a quick and fun way to create a picture file.<eop>
+Disadvantages of create:<eop>
+ If the file does not exist, create will create the file and then store the pic
+ to it. However, if the file exists, create will automatically delete the cont
+ of that file before storing the new picture.<eop>
+Function: modify (an exported function from the HendersonLib)<eop>
+The purpose of the modify function is to provide the user with a function make
+additions to an already existing picture file using a graphics interface. The
+may choose to modify the picture file by adding the the lines and points manual
+ly <eop>
+into the file or (s)he may choose to use the modify function.<eop>
+Functionality of modify:<eop>
+ modify :: Hostname -<ra> Filaname -<ra> IO()<eop>
+modify takes as input a hostname and a filename. Tow windows should appear. Th
+e <eop>
+size of the draw window will be the same as the x and y coordinates already in
+file. These windows will be labeled accordingly. The existing picture will app
+first before any input is allowed.<eop>
+To draw a line on the file window, move the cursor to the desired position, the
+hit any key on the keybroad. This point will be the beginning of the line segme
+Next move the cursor to the position of where the user wants the end of the lin
+segment to be, then hit any key from the keyboard again. A line should appear.
+The coordinates of the endpoints of each line drawn will also be printed out o
+nto <eop>
+standard output.<eop>
+To signal completion of a file, press any button on the mouse. The user must <
+remember though that this is only applicable after a completed drawing of a lin
+For example, pressing the mouse button will not work if one of the endpoints of
+ a<eop>
+line is drawn but the other endpoint is not. modify will not recognize the mou
+se <eop>
+button press event until a second endpoint is drawn.<eop>
+Advantages of modify:<eop>
+ provides a quick and fun way to modify a picture file without having to go int
+ the file and manually add on the coordinates of the additional lines<eop>
+Disadvantages of modify:<eop>
+ Existing lines can not be deleted and any additional lines, whether intentiona
+l or<eop>
+ unintentional, will be appended to the picture and stored in the file.<eop>
+Function: sendToDraw<eop>
+Type of sendToDraw:<eop>
+ sendToDraw :: XWindow -<ra> XScreen -<ra> XDisplay -<ra> <eop>
+ XPixel -<ra> XPixel -<ra> Plot -<ra> IO()<eop>
+ sendToDraw win scn dis fg_color bg_color plt<eop>
+'sendToDraw' is the most primitive function in the part of the Henderson<eop>
+library that deals with X windows, and therefore, can be used as a very<eop>
+powerful tool. It draws a Plot plt (see 'plot' function) in the given XWindow<
+win, and on the given XScreen and XDisplay scn and dis, drawing the lines in<eo
+the foreground color. This function allows the programmer to draw more than<eo
+one Picture to the same window.<eop>
+ win - the XWindow in which to draw plt<eop>
+ scn - the screen which contains win<eop>
+ dis - the display which contains scn<eop>
+ fg_color - an XPixel the color of which the plt will be drawn in. Note that<
+<tab>this allows the programmer to draw different plt's in different colors.<eo
+ bg_color - unused, but required.<eop>
+Function: plot<eop>
+Type of 'plot':<eop>
+ plot :: Picture -<ra> VTriple -<ra> PEnv -<ra> ((Plot, PEnv) -<ra> IO()) -<ra
+> IO()<eop>
+ plot pic (a,b,c) env func<eop>
+The 'plot' function is needed to create a Plot which would be normally sent to<
+a function such as sendToDraw. 'plot' converts a Picture pic into a format<eop
+that sendToDraw can deal with.<eop>
+'plot' also takes three vectors which specify the bounding box in which the<eop
+Picture is to be drawn. The first vector (a) specifies the upper left corner<e
+of the bounding box. The next two vectors specify the bounding box itself,<eop
+with respect to the first vector. This allows for non-rectangular bounding<eop
+boxes. For example, the vector triple ((50,50), (100,0), (0,100)) specifies<eo
+the following bounding box:<eop>
+ (0,0)----------------------------------<eop>
+ |<eop>
+ | (50,50)<eop>
+ | _______________ (150,0) <eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | |_____________| (150,150)<eop>
+ | (0,150)<eop>
+A vector triple of ((0,0), (100,300), (0,100)) would specify:<eop>
+ (0,0)-------------------------------------<eop>
+ ||\<eop>
+ || \<eop>
+ || \<eop>
+ (0,100)|| \<eop>
+ |\ \<eop>
+ | \ \<eop>
+ | \ \<eop>
+ | \ \ (100,300)<eop>
+ | \ | <eop>
+ | \ |<eop>
+ | \ |<eop>
+ | \| (100,400)<eop>
+Arguments: <eop>
+ pic - the Picture to be converted<eop>
+ a - a vector specifying the upper left corner of the bounding box<eop>
+<tab>of the picture.<eop>
+ b - a vector understood to start at 'a' and specifying the upper edge of<eop>
+<tab>the bounding box.<eop>
+ c - a vector understood to start at 'a' and specifying the left edge of<eop>
+<tab>the bounding box.<eop>
+Function: draw<eop>
+Type of draw:<eop>
+ draw :: Hostname -<ra> Picture -<ra> VTriple -<ra> HendQuartet -<ra> IO()<eop
+ draw host pic (a,b,c) (m,n,p,q)<eop>
+'draw' is a higher-level function than sendToDraw, and is useful to use when<eo
+the programmer wishes only to draw one Picture on the screen. This function<eo
+does most of the work that the programmer would normally have to do when using<
+sendToDraw. 'draw' opens a window at host with upper left coordinates m and n<
+(on an X server that lets the user position any child window of the root<eop>
+window, these coordinates mean nothing), and with width p and height q.<eop>
+'draw' then calls 'plot' on pic and (a,b,c) and sends the result to sendToDraw,
+which finally draws the picture to the window.<eop>
+ host - host on which to open a display, i.e. "tucan:0"<eop>
+ pic - the Picture to be drawn<eop>
+ (a,b,c) - the vector triple specifying the bounding box to be sent to<eop>
+<tab>plot (see 'plot' function)<eop>
+ (m,n,p,q) - upper left corner x (m), upper left corner y (n), width (p),<eop>
+<tab>and height (q), of window to be opened.<eop>
+Module: SquareLimit<eop>
+This module is a sample user module that can be used to draw Square Limit, a wo
+odcut by M. C. Escher. To draw "SquareLimit" on your host, run the dialogue:<e
+<tab>final host<eop>
+where 'host' is the host running X, such as "turtle:0".<eop>
+To draw a slightly more interesting picture, tun the dialogue:<eop>
+<tab>skewedfinal host<eop>
+and it will draw "SquareLimit" in a bounding box shaped as a diamond.<eop>
+0 DefLineWidth TRANSPARENT DefPenColor TRANSPARENT DefFillColor 1 DefIG 300
+DefResolution 100 DefYScale 100 DefXScale (=default) DefPolyResId 1
+DefSLinksFlags 0 DefStreamSucc 2 DefStreamPred 3 DefTextHandle
+1440 1080 11160 1080 11160 14760 1440 14760 4
+POLY_OBJECT POLY_TEXT | (2) 0 4 TextPolygon
+(Number of Pages) (5) DefProfileString
+(Language) (ENGLISH) DefProfileString
+(Version) (IslandWrite Version 2.3) DefProfileString
+(Creation Date) (gadde May 7, 1993 3:55 PM) DefProfileString
+(Text Formats) (default) DefProfileString
+(Container Formats) (default) DefProfileString
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+(Preparer) () DefProfileString
+(Owner) () DefProfileString
+(Author) () DefProfileString
+(Superseded Documents) () DefProfileString
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/p.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/p.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240b386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/p.pic
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Grid 640 640 [((560.00000000000000,560.00000000000000),(440.00000000000000,640.00000000000000)), ((640.00000000000000,560.00000000000000),(560.00000000000000,560.00000000000000)), ((520.00000000000000,440.00000000000000),(640.00000000000000,480.00000000000000)), ((400.00000000000000,480.00000000000000),(520.00000000000000,440.00000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,360.00000000000000),(360.00000000000000,400.00000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,360.00000000000000),(640.00000000000000,400.00000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,280.00000000000000),(640.00000000000000,320.00000000000000)), ((320.00000000000000,320.00000000000000),(480.00000000000000,280.00000000000000)), ((280.00000000000000,400.00000000000000),(160.00000000000000,440.00000000000000)), ((160.00000000000000,240.00000000000000),(280.00000000000000,400.00000000000000)), ((160.00000000000000,440.00000000000000),(160.00000000000000,240.00000000000000)), ((120.00000000000000,480.00000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,320.00000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,320.00000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,520.00000000000000)), ((120.00000000000000,480.00000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,520.00000000000000)), ((240.00000000000000,640.00000000000000),(160.00000000000000,480.00000000000000)), ((400.00000000000000,480.00000000000000),(440.00000000000000,640.00000000000000)), ((320.00000000000000,320.00000000000000),(400.00000000000000,480.00000000000000)), ((160.00000000000000,120.00000000000000),(320.00000000000000,320.00000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(160.00000000000000,120.00000000000000)), ((640.00000000000000,240.00000000000000),(320.00000000000000,160.00000000000000)), ((640.00000000000000,40.000000000000000),(560.00000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((520.00000000000000,40.000000000000000),(640.00000000000000,80.000000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(520.00000000000000,40.000000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,80.000000000000000),(400.00000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((640.00000000000000,120.00000000000000),(480.00000000000000,80.000000000000000)), ((480.00000000000000,160.00000000000000),(640.00000000000000,160.00000000000000)), ((320.00000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(480.00000000000000,160.00000000000000)), ((240.00000000000000,40.000000000000000),(320.00000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(240.00000000000000,40.000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/q.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/q.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e27a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/q.pic
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Grid 16 16
+[((10.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(9.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)), ((12.000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(10.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000)), ((9.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(12.000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(7.0000000000000000,5.0000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)), ((15.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,14.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,12.000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((13.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,10.000000000000000)), ((13.000000000000000,12.000000000000000),(12.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(13.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((15.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(15.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000)), ((10.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,5.0000000000000000)), ((10.000000000000000,10.000000000000000),(10.000000000000000,7.0000000000000000)), ((8.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(10.000000000000000,10.000000000000000)), ((8.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000),(8.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(8.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000),(6.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000)), ((4.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000)), ((2.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,11.000000000000000)), ((4.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000)), ((12.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(6.0000000000000000,9.0000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(12.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000)), ((9.0000000000000000,3.0000000000000000),(8.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)), ((11.000000000000000,1.0000000000000000),(9.0000000000000000,3.0000000000000000)), ((8.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000),(11.000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)), ((8.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(7.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)), ((5.0000000000000000,2.0000000000000000),(7.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(7.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)), ((5.0000000000000000,2.0000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((3.0000000000000000,3.0000000000000000),(5.0000000000000000,2.0000000000000000)), ((3.0000000000000000,3.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)), ((2.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(3.0000000000000000,3.0000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/r.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/r.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e37979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/r.pic
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Grid 32 32
+[((32.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(30.000000000000000,2.0000000000000000)), ((28.000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,12.000000000000000),(26.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((22.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((22.000000000000000,12.000000000000000),(12.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,20.000000000000000),(22.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,26.000000000000000),(10.000000000000000,22.000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,32.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,26.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,28.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,32.000000000000000)), ((6.0000000000000000,26.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,28.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,32.000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,28.000000000000000)), ((2.0000000000000000,30.000000000000000),(8.0000000000000000,32.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,32.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,24.000000000000000),(10.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((4.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((28.000000000000000,20.000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,24.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(28.000000000000000,20.000000000000000)), ((4.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((2.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((2.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(0.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(2.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/s.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/s.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74659b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/s.pic
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Grid 32 32 [((24.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((30.000000000000000,14.000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(28.000000000000000,10.000000000000000)), ((26.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)), ((26.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((30.000000000000000,14.000000000000000),(26.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(30.000000000000000,14.000000000000000)), ((30.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(26.000000000000000,18.000000000000000)), ((30.000000000000000,22.000000000000000),(30.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((26.000000000000000,18.000000000000000),(30.000000000000000,22.000000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,24.000000000000000),(20.000000000000000,20.000000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,18.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,24.000000000000000)), ((20.000000000000000,20.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,18.000000000000000)), ((20.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000),(22.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((14.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,0.0000000000000000)), ((14.000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,20.000000000000000)), ((14.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((20.000000000000000,24.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,20.000000000000000)), ((32.000000000000000,32.000000000000000),(20.000000000000000,24.000000000000000)), ((16.000000000000000,28.000000000000000),(32.000000000000000,32.000000000000000)), ((8.0000000000000000,28.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,28.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,32.000000000000000),(8.0000000000000000,28.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,24.000000000000000),(4.0000000000000000,30.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,20.000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,24.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,16.000000000000000),(16.000000000000000,20.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,12.000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,16.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,8.0000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,12.000000000000000)), ((0.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000),(14.000000000000000,6.0000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/sqrlmt.hs b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/sqrlmt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662cdfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/sqrlmt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+-- Peter Henderson's Recursive Geometry
+-- Syam Gadde and Bo Whong
+-- CS429 Project
+-- SquareLimit User Program
+module SqrLimit where
+import HendersonLib
+import Xlib
+p = File "p.pic"
+q = File "q.pic"
+r = File "r.pic"
+s = File "s.pic"
+p = Grid 640 640 [((560.0,560.0),(440.0,640.0)),
+ ((640.0,560.0),(560.0,560.0)),
+ ((520.0,440.0),(640.0,480.0)),
+ ((400.0,480.0),(520.0,440.0)),
+ ((480.0,360.0),(360.0,400.0)),
+ ((480.0,360.0),(640.0,400.0)),
+ ((480.0,280.0),(640.0,320.0)),
+ ((320.0,320.0),(480.0,280.0)),
+ ((280.0,400.0),(160.0,440.0)),
+ ((160.0,240.0),(280.0,400.0)),
+ ((160.0,440.0),(160.0,240.0)),
+ ((120.0,480.0),(0.0,320.0)),
+ ((0.0,320.0),(0.0,520.0)),
+ ((120.0,480.0),(0.0,520.0)),
+ ((240.0,640.0),(160.0,480.0)),
+ ((400.0,480.0),(440.0,640.0)),
+ ((320.0,320.0),(400.0,480.0)),
+ ((160.0,120.0),(320.0,320.0)),
+ ((0.0,0.0),(160.0,120.0)),
+ ((640.0,240.0),(320.0,160.0)),
+ ((640.0,40.0),(560.0,0.0)),
+ ((520.0,40.0),(640.0,80.0)),
+ ((480.0,0.0),(520.0,40.0)),
+ ((480.0,80.0),(400.0,0.0)),
+ ((640.0,120.0),(480.0,80.0)),
+ ((480.0,160.0),(640.0,160.0)),
+ ((320.0,0.0),(480.0,160.0)),
+ ((240.0,40.0),(320.0,0.0)),
+ ((0.0,0.0),(240.0,40.0))]
+q = Grid 16 16 [((10.0,6.0),(9.0,4.0)),
+ ((12.0,4.0),(10.0,6.0)),
+ ((9.0,4.0),(12.0,4.0)),
+ ((0.0,6.0),(7.0,5.0)),
+ ((0.0,8.0),(0.0,16.0)),
+ ((0.0,0.0),(0.0,4.0)),
+ ((15.0,16.0),(16.0,14.0)),
+ ((16.0,12.0),(14.0,16.0)),
+ ((13.0,16.0),(16.0,10.0)),
+ ((13.0,12.0),(12.0,16.0)),
+ ((16.0,8.0),(13.0,12.0)),
+ ((15.0,6.0),(16.0,8.0)),
+ ((16.0,0.0),(15.0,6.0)),
+ ((10.0,16.0),(14.0,5.0)),
+ ((10.0,10.0),(10.0,7.0)),
+ ((8.0,16.0),(10.0,10.0)),
+ ((8.0,11.0),(8.0,8.0)),
+ ((6.0,16.0),(8.0,11.0)),
+ ((6.0,11.0),(4.0,16.0)),
+ ((6.0,9.0),(6.0,11.0)),
+ ((4.0,11.0),(4.0,9.0)),
+ ((2.0,16.0),(4.0,11.0)),
+ ((4.0,9.0),(0.0,8.0)),
+ ((6.0,9.0),(4.0,9.0)),
+ ((12.0,6.0),(6.0,9.0)),
+ ((16.0,0.0),(12.0,6.0)),
+ ((9.0,3.0),(8.0,1.0)),
+ ((11.0,1.0),(9.0,3.0)),
+ ((8.0,1.0),(11.0,1.0)),
+ ((8.0,0.0),(7.0,1.0)),
+ ((5.0,2.0),(7.0,1.0)),
+ ((6.0,0.0),(7.0,1.0)),
+ ((5.0,2.0),(4.0,0.0)),
+ ((3.0,3.0),(5.0,2.0)),
+ ((3.0,3.0),(0.0,4.0)),
+ ((2.0,0.0),(3.0,3.0))]
+r = Grid 32 32 [((32.0,0.0),(24.0,8.0)),
+ ((32.0,4.0),(30.0,2.0)),
+ ((28.0,4.0),(32.0,8.0)),
+ ((32.0,12.0),(26.0,6.0)),
+ ((24.0,8.0),(32.0,16.0)),
+ ((22.0,0.0),(24.0,8.0)),
+ ((22.0,12.0),(12.0,0.0)),
+ ((32.0,20.0),(22.0,12.0)),
+ ((24.0,26.0),(10.0,22.0)),
+ ((32.0,32.0),(24.0,26.0)),
+ ((16.0,28.0),(24.0,32.0)),
+ ((6.0,26.0),(16.0,28.0)),
+ ((16.0,32.0),(4.0,28.0)),
+ ((2.0,30.0),(8.0,32.0)),
+ ((0.0,32.0),(16.0,16.0)),
+ ((0.0,24.0),(10.0,12.0)),
+ ((4.0,8.0),(0.0,16.0)),
+ ((28.0,20.0),(32.0,24.0)),
+ ((16.0,16.0),(28.0,20.0)),
+ ((4.0,8.0),(16.0,16.0)),
+ ((2.0,4.0),(4.0,8.0)),
+ ((2.0,4.0),(0.0,8.0)),
+ ((0.0,0.0),(2.0,4.0))]
+s = Grid 32 32 [((24.0,0.0),(32.0,0.0)),
+ ((0.0,0.0),(16.0,0.0)),
+ ((30.0,14.0),(32.0,12.0)),
+ ((32.0,8.0),(28.0,10.0)),
+ ((26.0,6.0),(32.0,4.0)),
+ ((26.0,6.0),(24.0,0.0)),
+ ((30.0,14.0),(26.0,6.0)),
+ ((32.0,16.0),(30.0,14.0)),
+ ((30.0,16.0),(26.0,18.0)),
+ ((30.0,22.0),(30.0,16.0)),
+ ((26.0,18.0),(30.0,22.0)),
+ ((24.0,24.0),(20.0,20.0)),
+ ((24.0,18.0),(24.0,24.0)),
+ ((20.0,20.0),(24.0,18.0)),
+ ((20.0,0.0),(22.0,12.0)),
+ ((14.0,6.0),(16.0,0.0)),
+ ((14.0,16.0),(16.0,20.0)),
+ ((14.0,6.0),(14.0,16.0)),
+ ((20.0,24.0),(16.0,20.0)),
+ ((32.0,32.0),(20.0,24.0)),
+ ((16.0,28.0),(32.0,32.0)),
+ ((8.0,28.0),(16.0,28.0)),
+ ((0.0,32.0),(8.0,28.0)),
+ ((0.0,24.0),(4.0,30.0)),
+ ((0.0,20.0),(14.0,24.0)),
+ ((0.0,16.0),(16.0,20.0)),
+ ((0.0,12.0),(14.0,16.0)),
+ ((0.0,8.0),(14.0,12.0)),
+ ((0.0,4.0),(14.0,6.0))]
+quartet p1 p2 p3 p4 =
+ Above 1 (Beside 1 p1 1 p2) 1 (Beside 1 p3 1 p4)
+cyc p1 =
+ quartet p1 (Rot (Rot (Rot p1))) (Rot p1) (Rot (Rot p1))
+t = quartet p q r s
+u = cyc (Rot q)
+side1 = quartet Nil Nil (Rot t) t
+side2 = quartet side1 side1 (Rot t) t
+corner1 = quartet Nil Nil Nil u
+corner2 = quartet corner1 side1 (Rot side1) u
+pseudocorner = quartet corner2 side2 (Rot side2) (Rot t)
+pseudolimit = cyc pseudocorner
+nonet p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 =
+ Above 1 (Beside 1 p1 2 (Beside 1 p2 1 p3))
+ 2 (Above 1 (Beside 1 p4 2 (Beside 1 p5 1 p6))
+ 1 (Beside 1 p7 2 (Beside 1 p8 1 p9)))
+corner = nonet corner2 side2 side2
+ (Rot side2) u (Rot t)
+ (Rot side2) (Rot t) (Rot q)
+squarelimit = cyc corner
+final host = draw host corner ((0,0),(500,0),(0,500)) (0,0,500,500)
+skewedfinal host = draw host squarelimit ((0,0),(600,200),(200,600)) (0,0,800,800)
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError ( \ (XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ final host
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d46b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/stop.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/stop.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ed7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/stop.pic
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Grid 200 200 [((110.00000000000000,28.000000000000000),(48.000000000000000,39.000000000000000)), ((143.00000000000000,45.000000000000000),(118.00000000000000,32.000000000000000)), ((165.00000000000000,97.000000000000000),(143.00000000000000,45.000000000000000)), ((149.00000000000000,142.00000000000000),(166.00000000000000,98.000000000000000)), ((80.000000000000000,155.00000000000000),(153.00000000000000,146.00000000000000)), ((31.000000000000000,124.00000000000000),(80.000000000000000,156.00000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,64.000000000000000),(31.000000000000000,124.00000000000000)), ((52.000000000000000,34.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,64.000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/strange.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/strange.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5484b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/strange.pic
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Overlay (Grid 200 200 [((110.00000000000000,28.000000000000000),(48.000000000000000,39.000000000000000)), ((143.00000000000000,45.000000000000000),(118.00000000000000,32.000000000000000)), ((165.00000000000000,97.000000000000000),(143.00000000000000,45.000000000000000)), ((149.00000000000000,142.00000000000000),(166.00000000000000,98.000000000000000)), ((80.000000000000000,155.00000000000000),(153.00000000000000,146.00000000000000)), ((31.000000000000000,124.00000000000000),(80.000000000000000,156.00000000000000)), ((24.000000000000000,64.000000000000000),(31.000000000000000,124.00000000000000)), ((52.000000000000000,34.000000000000000),(24.000000000000000,64.000000000000000))]) (Flip (File "text.pic"))
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/text.pic b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/text.pic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87fd55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/text.pic
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Grid 200 200 [((177.00000000000000,91.000000000000000),(177.00000000000000,91.000000000000000)), ((172.00000000000000,63.000000000000000),(175.00000000000000,79.000000000000000)), ((164.00000000000000,73.000000000000000),(148.00000000000000,77.000000000000000)), ((159.00000000000000,63.000000000000000),(164.00000000000000,71.000000000000000)), ((148.00000000000000,63.000000000000000),(159.00000000000000,62.000000000000000)), ((146.00000000000000,61.000000000000000),(149.00000000000000,92.000000000000000)), ((122.00000000000000,61.000000000000000),(115.00000000000000,61.000000000000000)), ((130.00000000000000,62.000000000000000),(122.00000000000000,61.000000000000000)), ((133.00000000000000,75.000000000000000),(130.00000000000000,63.000000000000000)), ((124.00000000000000,89.000000000000000),(131.00000000000000,79.000000000000000)), ((111.00000000000000,81.000000000000000),(124.00000000000000,89.000000000000000)), ((114.00000000000000,61.000000000000000),(108.00000000000000,78.000000000000000)), ((88.000000000000000,64.000000000000000),(91.000000000000000,91.000000000000000)), ((73.000000000000000,62.000000000000000),(96.000000000000000,60.000000000000000)), ((65.000000000000000,97.000000000000000),(49.000000000000000,100.00000000000000)), ((61.000000000000000,80.000000000000000),(65.000000000000000,97.000000000000000)), ((46.000000000000000,79.000000000000000),(61.000000000000000,80.000000000000000)), ((45.000000000000000,61.000000000000000),(46.000000000000000,79.000000000000000)), ((61.000000000000000,63.000000000000000),(41.000000000000000,62.000000000000000))] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/logo/EXAMPLES.LOGO b/progs/demo/X11/logo/EXAMPLES.LOGO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb89632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/EXAMPLES.LOGO
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+(to nth :index :lst
+ (if (equal :index 1)
+ then (first :lst)
+ else (nth (difference :index 1) (butfirst :lst))))
+(to makelist :begin :end
+ (fput :begin (if (equal :begin :end)
+ then [[]]
+ else (makelist (sum :begin 1) :end))))
+(to wheel :centerright
+ [(hideturtle)
+ (pendown)
+ (setangle 90)
+ (setxy :centerright 350)
+ (repeat 72 times
+ [(forward 2)
+ (left 5)])])
+(to car
+ [(pendown)
+ (hideturtle)
+ (setxy 400 350)
+ (setangle 90)
+ (forward 70)
+ (left 90)
+ (forward 100)
+ (right 60)
+ (forward 80)
+ (left 60)
+ (forward 100)
+ (left 60)
+ (forward 80)
+ (right 60)
+ (forward 70)
+ (left 90)
+ (forward 70)
+ (left 90)
+ (forward 350)
+ (wheel 350)
+ (wheel 150)])
+(to docar?
+ [(local "ans)
+ (print [do you want a car?])
+ (make "ans (read))
+ (if (equal (first ans) "yes)
+ then (car)
+ else [[oh well]])])
+(to poly :size :angles
+ [(hideturtle)
+ (pendown)
+ (setangle 90)
+ (repeat :angles times
+ [(forward :size)
+ (right (div 360 :angles))])])
+(make "x (makelist 3 12))
+(while (less (first x) 12)
+ [(make "x (butfirst x))
+ (print x)])
+(poly 100 5)
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/logo/README b/progs/demo/X11/logo/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b483e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/README
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Ki-Wing Ho and Eric Fox
+Computer Science 429b
+Professor Hudak
+Final Project: User Manual
+Control Commands:
+(DO <clause> WHILE <cond>)
+ Loop, executing a list of commands, then checking a condition and
+looping again if the condition is true.
+ WHILE cn cl
+ IF cn THEN cl1 [ELSE cl2]
+Load a file:
+ USE "filename
+Environment Commands:
+ MAKE "nm v
+ LOCAL "nm
+ TO :nm1 :nm2 :nm3 ... cl
+Text I/O:
+Graphics Commands:
+ SETXY n1 n2
+ LEFT n
+Graphics Functions:
+ SUM n1 n2
+ PRODUCT n1 n2
+ MOD n1 n2
+ DIV n1 n2
+ POWER n1 n2
+ AND b1 b2
+ OR b1 b2
+ NOT b
+ GREATER n1 n2
+ LESS n1 n2
+ EQUAL v1 v2
+ LAST t
+ FPUT t l
+ WORD w1 w2 w3 ...
+ LIST t1 t2 t3 ...
+ CONCAT l1 l2
+ SENTENCE t1 t2 t3 ...
+Our Logo interpreter will only support one of the three windowing
+modes: window mode, where the turtle, if it walks off the end of the
+screen, just continues going and does not wrap. The two (unsupported)
+modes are fence mode where the turtle cannot walk off the end, and
+wrap mode. The initial turtle state will be with the turtle hidden,
+the pen down, and the turtle in the center of the screen facing
+All input (both for commands as well as user-input) will be
+case-insensitive, and the interpreter needs to handle lists, words,
+integers, and boolean values. Also, typing "GoodBye" at the LOGO>
+prompt exits the interpreter.
+All commands will be enclosed in parentheses, and all lists of
+commands will be enclosed in square brackets, so that there is no
+longer any need for the keyword "End". Also, all procedures will
+return the value of their last command, so that there are no Stop or
+Output commands. IF statements should return the value of the last
+statement executed, but all looping constructs should return no value.
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs b/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458eca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+Ki-Wing Ho and Eric Fox
+Computer Science 429b
+Professor Hudak
+Final Project: LOGO Interpreter
+module REPLoop where
+REPLoop has two main parts: the first part (function logo) sets up the
+graphics window, prints a welcome message, initializes the variable
+and procedure environments and the turtle, accepts and lines's the
+user input, runs the read-eval-print loop (part two), and then closes
+the graphics window and exists; the second part (function repLoop)
+lexes and parses each command, prints an error message if there was a
+syntax error and evaluates (or tries to) if there wasn't, and then
+either prints the value or an error message or exits if the value
+returnd by the evaluator is "GoodBye".
+import Lexer
+import Parser
+import Evaluator
+import Xlib
+demo = main
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError ( \ (XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ logo host
+logo :: String -> IO ()
+logo host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 100 100 500 500)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinBackingStore XAlwaysBackStore]
+ `thenIO` \ graphWindow ->
+ xSetWmName graphWindow "Logo" `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xSetWmIconName graphWindow "Logo" `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xMapWindow graphWindow `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow root)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color] `thenIO` \ graphContext ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ () ->
+ appendChan stdout ("Welcome to LOGO!\n" ++ prompt) exit $
+ readChan stdin exit $ \userInput ->
+ repLoop
+ (varEnvsInit,procEnvsInit,turtleInit)
+ ((lines userInput,Lexer),
+ (graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg_color,fg_color)) $
+ xCloseDisplay display
+-- Initial Environments --
+varEnvsInit :: VarsType
+varEnvsInit = [[("GOODBYE",GoodBye)]]
+-- all user-defined commands must have dummy entries
+procEnvsInit :: ProcsType
+procEnvsInit = (map (makeFakeProc)
+ [("XCOR",0),("YCOR",0),("GETANGLE",0),("GETPEN",0),
+ ("GETTURTLE",0),
+ ("SUM",2),("DIFFERENCE",2),("PRODUCT",2),("MOD",2),
+ ("DIV",2),("POWER",2),
+ ("AND",2),("OR",2),("NOT",1),
+ ("WORDP",1),("LISTP",1),("NUMBERP",1),("GREATER",2),
+ ("EQUAL",2),("LESS",2),
+ ("BUTFIRST",1),("FPUT",2),("CONCAT",2),
+ ("FIRST",1),("LAST",1),("WORD",-2),("LIST",-2),
+ ("SENTENCE",-2), ("USE",1)]):[]
+turtleInit :: TurtleType
+turtleInit = (500 `div` 2,500 `div` 2,90,True,False)
+-- makes a dummy procedure
+makeFakeProc :: (NameType , Int) -> (NameType , ProcType)
+makeFakeProc (name,num) = (name,(makeArgs num,[]))
+makeArgs :: Int -> [NameType]
+makeArgs n | n > 0 = "" : makeArgs (n-1)
+ | otherwise = []
+-- keep running Read-Eval-Print Loop until user types GoodBye
+-- repLoop keeps running until user types "GoodBye", alternately
+-- lexing, parsing, and evaluating each command
+-- after a syntax error, the lex state is reset
+repLoop :: EnvsType -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+repLoop e1 (inS1,gs1) end =
+ let fail1 msg (is1,ls1) = errorOutput msg $
+ repLoop e1 ((is1,Lexer),gs1) end
+ -- parser fail continuation doesn't contain graphics state
+ fail2 msg ((is2,ls2),gs2) = errorOutput msg $
+ repLoop e1 ((is2,Lexer),gs1) end
+ -- evaluator fail continuation does contain graphics state
+ in
+ parse [] inS1 fail1 $ \a ts inS2 ->
+ if (null ts)
+ then
+ evaluate e1 a (inS2,gs1) fail2 $ \v e2 ((is3,ls3),gs3) ->
+ output v end $
+ repLoop e2 ((is3,Lexer),gs3) end
+ else
+ fail1 "Syntax error: expected end of line" inS2
+ -- repLoop will still be rerun
+-- print error message
+errorOutput :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
+errorOutput error = appendChan stdout (error ++ prompt) abort
+-- print expression value, exiting if GoodBye
+output :: Value -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
+output GoodBye end succ
+ = appendChan stdout "\nGoodbye!\n"abort end
+output v end succ
+ = appendChan stdout ((valueToString v) ++ prompt) abort succ
+prompt :: String
+prompt = "\nLOGO> "
+module Evaluator where
+Evaluator takes an Abstract Syntax Tree and evaluates it in the
+current environment, returning both the resultant value and the new
+environment (as well as the updated state, of which only the user
+input can actually be changed in the evaluator).
+A value can be of one of six types: integer, string, list, and
+boolean, as well as null (for commands which don't return anything and
+newly-declared local variables), and goodbye, which allows logo to
+The environment consists of three parts. The variable environment and
+the procedure environment are separate (so that a name can refer both
+to a variable and a procedure: Logo syntax is such that there is
+never any ambiguity) are both lists of name-value association lists.
+Each association list representes a "local environment", with each
+successive one being more "global", so that the last environment in
+the list is the global environment. Local environments are produced
+by user-function invocations and removed at the end of those
+import Lexer
+import Parser
+import Xlib
+type NameType = [Char]
+type WordType = [Char]
+type Error = [Char]
+type StateType = (InputState , GraphicsState)
+type GraphicsState = (XWindow , XDisplay , XGcontext , XPixel , XPixel)
+type EnvsType = (VarsType,ProcsType,TurtleType)
+type VarsType = [[(NameType , Value)]]
+type ProcsType = [[(NameType , ProcType)]]
+type TurtleType = (Int , Int , Int , Bool , Bool)
+type ProcType = ([NameType] , ClauseType)
+data Value = Null
+ | Num Int
+ | Word WordType
+ | List ListType
+ | Boolean Bool
+ | GoodBye
+ deriving Text
+data ListType = NullList | Value :* ListType
+ deriving Text
+type EvalFailType = Error -> StateType -> IO ()
+type EvalSuccType = Value -> EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()
+type EvalResType = StateType -> EvalFailType -> EvalSuccType -> IO ()
+type EvaluateType = EnvsType -> AST -> EvalResType
+evaluate :: EvaluateType
+evaluate (vs,p:ps,ttl) (To newName newProc) ss fail succ
+ = succ Null (vs,((newName,newProc):p):ps,ttl) ss
+ -- procedures
+evaluate e (Read) ((i:is,ls),gs) fail succ
+ = succ (List (makeReadList (lexerReadLine i))) e ((is,ls),gs)
+ -- user input
+evaluate e1 (Print [a]) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ appendChan stdout ((valueToString v)++"\n") abort $
+ succ Null e2 ss2
+ -- user output
+evaluate e (Argument (Val (Word n))) ss fail succ
+ = lookup e n ss fail $ \v ->
+ succ v e ss
+ -- variable reference
+evaluate e (Argument (Val v)) ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+ -- constant
+evaluate e (Argument (QuotedWordArg n)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word n) e ss
+ -- string constant
+evaluate (v:vs,ps,ttl) (Local n) ss fail succ
+ = succ Null (((n,Null):v):vs,ps,ttl) ss
+ -- local variable declaraion
+ -- local returns null, and sets the new local variable to null also
+evaluate e (ParseList l) ss fail succ
+ = succ (List l) e ss
+ -- lists (also constant)
+evaluate e (Loop l cond insts) ss fail succ
+ = evalLoop l e cond insts ss fail succ
+ -- loops
+evaluate e (If cond thens elses) ss fail succ
+ = evalIf e cond thens elses ss fail succ
+ -- if-then[-eles] conditionals
+evaluate e1 (Command name as1) ss fail succ
+ | ((na == length as1) || (na == -2))
+ = evalArgs e1 as1 ss fail $ \e2 as2 ss2 ->
+ apply name as2 e2 ss2 fail $ \v e3 ss3 ->
+ succ v e3 ss3
+ | na == -1
+ = fail ("Function does not exist: " ++ name) ss
+ | otherwise
+ = fail ("Wrong number of arguments to " ++ name) ss
+ where na = numArgs e1 name
+ -- function applications
+evaluate e1 (Make n a) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ update e2 n v $ \e3 ->
+ succ v e3 ss2
+ -- assignment statements, which return the assigned value
+evaluate e1 (Graphics name as1) ss fail succ
+ = evalArgs e1 as1 ss fail $ \e2 as2 ss2 ->
+ doGraphics name as2 e2 ss2 fail $ \e3 ss3 ->
+ succ Null e3 ss3
+ -- side-effecting graphics statements, which all return null
+-- end evaluate
+-- evaluate a list of actual parameters, returning the corresponding
+-- list of values
+evalArgs :: EnvsType -> ParseArgs -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (EnvsType -> EvalArgs -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+evalArgs e [] ss fail succ
+ = succ e [] ss
+evalArgs e1 (a:as1) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalArgs e2 as1 ss2 fail $ \e3 as2 ss3 ->
+ succ e3 (v:as2) ss3
+-- evaluate a list of commands, returning the value of the last one
+evalClause :: EnvsType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalClause e [] ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+evalClause e (a:[]) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e a ss fail succ
+evalClause e1 (a:as) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalClause e2 as ss2 fail succ
+-- convert a lexed user-input list to a list constant
+makeReadList :: [WordType] -> ListType
+makeReadList [] = NullList
+makeReadList (w:ws) = (Word w) :* (makeReadList ws)
+-- Variable routines --
+-- look up a variable reference in the variable environment
+-- search the most-local environments first
+-- return an error if not found
+lookup :: EnvsType -> NameType -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (Value -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+lookup ([],ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ = fail ("Unbound variable: " ++ name) ss
+lookup ([]:vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ = lookup (vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+lookup (((n,v):vs):vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ | n == name = succ v
+ | otherwise = lookup (vs:vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+-- update the variable environment
+-- replace the most-local occurrance first; if none are found,
+-- create a new variable and place it in the most-global environment
+update :: EnvsType -> NameType -> Value -> (EnvsType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+update ([]:[],ps,ttl) name value succ
+ = succ (((name,value):[]):[],ps,ttl)
+update ([]:vss,ps,ttl) name value succ
+ = update (vss,ps,ttl) name value $ \(vss2,ps2,ttl2) ->
+ succ ([]:vss2,ps2,ttl2)
+update (((n,v):vs):vss,ps,ttl) name value succ
+ | n == name = succ (((n,value):vs):vss,ps,ttl)
+ | otherwise = update (vs:vss,ps,ttl) name value $ \(vs2:vss2,ps2,ttl2) ->
+ succ (((n,v):vs2):vss2,ps2,ttl2)
+-- Control structures --
+-- evaluate loops
+evalLoop :: LoopType -> EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType ->
+ EvalResType
+evalLoop Do = evalDo
+evalLoop While = evalWhile
+evalLoop Repeat = evalRepeat
+-- evaluate while statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate condition; if true, evaluate clause, then loop
+-- while returns null
+evalWhile :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalWhile e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evalCond e1 cond ss fail $ \b e2 ss2 ->
+ if b
+ then
+ evalClause e2 insts ss2 fail $ \v e3 ss3 ->
+ evalWhile e3 cond insts ss3 fail succ
+ else
+ succ Null e2 ss2
+-- evaluate do-while statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate clause then evaluate condition; if true, loop
+evalDo :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalDo e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evalClause e1 insts ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalCond e2 cond ss2 fail $ \b e3 ss3 ->
+ if b
+ then
+ evalDo e3 cond insts ss3 fail succ
+ else
+ succ Null e3 ss3
+-- evaluate repeat statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate loop number as n; evaluate clause n times
+-- evaluate loop number and print error if it is negative or not an integer
+evalRepeat :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalRepeat e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 cond ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ case v of
+ Num n -> if (n >= 0)
+ then doIterations e2 n insts ss2 fail succ
+ else fail "Repeat: Iteration count cannot be negative" ss2
+ otherwise -> fail "Repeat: Invalid iteration count" ss2
+-- perform loop interations: evaluate "insts" "n" times
+doIterations :: EnvsType -> Int -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+doIterations e 0 insts ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+doIterations e1 (n+1) insts ss fail succ
+ = evalClause e1 insts ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ doIterations e2 n insts ss2 fail succ
+-- evaluates conditions and returns either true, false, or an error
+evalCond :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (Bool -> EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+evalCond e1 cond ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 cond ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ case v of
+ Boolean b -> succ b e2 ss2
+ otherwise -> fail "Invalid condition" ss2
+-- evaluate if-then[-else] statements
+evalIf :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalIf e1 cond thens elses ss fail succ
+ = evalCond e1 cond ss fail $ \b e2 ss2 ->
+ if b
+ then evalClause e2 thens ss2 fail succ
+ else evalClause e2 elses ss2 fail succ
+-- Function application --
+-- returns the number of arguments to a user-defined or built-in function
+-- -1 means the function wasn't found
+-- -2 means the function can take any number of arguments
+numArgs :: EnvsType -> CommandName -> Int
+numArgs (vs,[],ttl) name
+ = -1
+numArgs (vs,[]:pss,ttl) name
+ = numArgs (vs,pss,ttl) name
+numArgs (vs,((n,(formals,body)):ps):pss,ttl) name
+ | inList ["WORD","SENTENCE","LIST"] name = -2
+ | n == name = length formals
+ | otherwise = numArgs (vs,ps:pss,ttl) name
+-- apply a function to its arguments
+-- mostly just decides if it's user-defined or built-in, then dispatches
+apply :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+apply n as e ss fail succ
+ | isBuiltIn n = applyPrimProc n as e ss fail succ
+ | otherwise = applyUserProc (getProc e n) as e ss fail succ
+-- returns procedure "name" from the procedure environment
+-- searches most-local environments first
+-- precondition: procedure does exist somewhere
+getProc :: EnvsType -> CommandName -> ProcType
+getProc (vss,[]:pss,ttl) name
+ = getProc (vss,pss,ttl) name
+getProc (vs,((n,p):ps):pss,ttl) name
+ | n == name = p
+ | otherwise = getProc (vs,ps:pss,ttl) name
+-- apply user function:
+-- bind formal parameters
+-- create local enviroments
+-- evaluate body of function
+-- destroy local environments
+-- return value of body
+applyUserProc :: ProcType -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+applyUserProc (formals,body) actuals e1 ss fail succ
+ = bind formals actuals e1 $ \e2 ->
+ evalClause e2 body ss fail $ \v (vs:vss,ps:pss,ts) ss2 ->
+ succ v (vss,pss,ts) ss2
+-- bind formal parameters to actuals in local environment
+bind :: [NameType] -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> (EnvsType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+bind formals actuals (vss,pss,ttl) succ
+ = succ ((zip formals actuals):vss,[]:pss,ttl)
+-- Built-in functions --
+-- returns true for built-in functions
+isBuiltIn :: CommandName -> Bool
+ "AND","OR","NOT",
+-- applies a built-in function to its arguments
+applyPrimProc :: CommandName -> [Value] -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+applyPrimProc "XCOR" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num x) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "YCOR" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num y) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETANGLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num a) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETPEN" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean p) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETTURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean t) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "SUM" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a+b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "DIFFERENCE" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a-b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "PRODUCT" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a*b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "MOD" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a `mod` b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "DIV" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a `div` b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "POWER" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ | b >= 0 = succ (Num (a^b)) e ss
+ | otherwise = fail ("Negative exponent: " ++ (show b)) ss
+applyPrimProc "AND" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a && b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "OR" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a || b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NOT" [Boolean a] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (not a)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORDP" [Word w] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORDP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NUMBERP" [Num n] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NUMBERP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LISTP" [List l] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LISTP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "GREATER" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a > b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Word a , Word b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LESS" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a < b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [Word ""] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word "") e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word cs) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [List NullList] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List vs) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FPUT" [v , List l] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List (v :* l)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "CONCAT" [List l1 , List l2] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List (listConcatenate l1 l2)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FIRST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word (c:[])) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FIRST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word (c:[])] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word (c:[])) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word ""] e ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LAST" [(Word cs)] e ss fail succ
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [List (v :* NullList)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LAST" [(List vs)] e ss fail succ
+applyPrimProc "WORD" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word "") e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORD" ((Word w):ws) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "WORD" ws e ss fail $ \(Word wsc) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (Word (w ++ wsc)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "LIST" (v:vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LIST" vs e ss fail $ \(List l) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (List (v :* l)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "LIST" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" ((List l):[]) e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List l) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" ((List l):vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" [List l] e ss fail $ \(List s1) e2 ss2 ->
+ applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" vs e2 ss2 fail $ \(List s2) e3 ss3 ->
+ succ (List (listConcatenate s1 s2)) e3 ss3
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" (v:vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" vs e ss fail $ \(List ws) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (List (v :* ws)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "USE" [Word filename]
+ e
+ ss@((ins, ls), gs)
+ fail succ
+ = readFile filename (\ _ -> fail ("Can't read file: " ++ filename) ss)
+ $ \filecontents ->
+ useRepLoop e ((lines filecontents, Lexer), gs)
+ (\ msg s -> fail msg ss) $ \ v e s ->
+ succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc n _ _ ss fail _
+ = fail ("Incorrect arguments: " ++ n) ss
+useRepLoop :: EnvsType -> EvalResType
+useRepLoop e s@(([], ls), gs) fail succ = succ (Word "OK") e s
+useRepLoop e1 s1@(inS1,gs1) fail succ =
+ parse [] inS1 (\ msg ins -> fail msg (ins, gs1)) $ \a ts inS2 ->
+ if (null ts)
+ then
+ evaluate e1 a (inS2,gs1) fail $ \v e2 s3 ->
+ useRepLoop e2 s3 fail succ
+ else
+ fail "Syntax error: expected end of line" (inS2, gs1)
+-- concatenates two lists
+listConcatenate :: ListType -> ListType -> ListType
+listConcatenate NullList l2 = l2
+listConcatenate (v :* l1) l2 = (v :* (listConcatenate l1 l2))
+-- Graphics --
+type EvalArgs = [Value]
+type GraphEnv = (Int,Int,Int,Bool)
+-- evaluates side-effecting graphics functions
+-- note: none of them return values
+doGraphics :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> StateType ->
+ EvalFailType -> (EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+doGraphics "HIDETURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = hideTurtle x y a ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,False)) ss
+ -- hide turtle, appropriately adjust environment
+doGraphics "SHOWTURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = showTurtle x y a ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,True)) ss
+ -- show turtle, appropriately adjust environment
+doGraphics name as (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,True)) ss fail succ
+ = hideTurtle x y a ss $
+ moveTurtle name as (x,y,a,p) ss $ \(x2,y2,a2,p2) ->
+ showTurtle x2 y2 a2 ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x2,y2,a2,p2,True)) ss
+ -- executes graphics commands if turtle is shownn
+doGraphics name as (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,False)) ss fail succ
+ = moveTurtle name as (x,y,a,p) ss $ \(x2,y2,a2,p2) ->
+ succ (vs,ps,(x2,y2,a2,p2,False)) ss
+ -- executes graphics commands if turtle is not shown
+-- converts an integer to a float
+toFloat :: Int -> Float
+toFloat = fromInteger . toInteger
+newmod a b = let c = a `mod` b
+ in if (c < 0) then (c + b) else c
+-- shows the turtle, but returns nothing
+showTurtle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+showTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = let dx1 = round (12 * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dx2 = round (4 * sin (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dy1 = round (12 * sin (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dy2 = round (4 * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ in
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint (x-dx1-dx2) (y+dy1-dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint (x-dx1+dx2) (y+dy1+dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint (x-dx1-dx2) (y+dy1-dy2))
+ (XPoint (x-dx1+dx2) (y+dy1+dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO_`
+ succ
+-- hides the turtle, but returns nothing
+hideTurtle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+hideTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xUpdateGcontext graphContext [XGCForeground bg]
+ `thenIO_`
+ (showTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) $
+ (xUpdateGcontext graphContext [XGCForeground fg]
+ `thenIO_`
+ succ))
+-- performs all graphics commands that don't involve hiding/showing
+-- the turtle
+moveTurtle :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> GraphEnv -> StateType ->
+ (GraphEnv -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+moveTurtle "SETXY" [Num xp,Num yp] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (xp,yp,a,p)
+-- move the turtle forward "d" times, drawing a line if pen is down
+moveTurtle "FORWARD" [Num d] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,fg,bg)) succ
+ = let xp = x + round (toFloat d * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ yp = y - round (toFloat d * sin (toFloat a * pi/180)) in
+ (if p
+ then (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint xp yp))
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ () ->
+ succ (xp,yp,a,p)
+-- move the turtle backward "d" pixels, drawing a line if pen is down
+moveTurtle "BACKWARD" [Num d] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = moveTurtle "FORWARD" [Num (-d)] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+-- rotate turtle to "ap" degrees from facing due east
+moveTurtle "SETANGLE" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,ap,p)
+-- rotate turtle counterclockwise "ap" degrees
+moveTurtle "LEFT" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y, (a + ap) `newmod` 360 ,p)
+-- rotate turtle clockwise "ap" degrees
+moveTurtle "RIGHT" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y, (a - ap) `newmod` 360 ,p)
+-- pick pen up
+moveTurtle "PENUP" [] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,a,False)
+-- put pen down
+moveTurtle "PENDOWN" [] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,a,True)
+-- clear screen but don't otherwise alter turtle state
+moveTurtle "CLEARSCREEN" [] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xClearArea graphWindow (XRect 0 0 500 500) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ succ (x,y,a,p)
+-- pick pen up and reset turtle
+moveTurtle "CLEAN" [] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xClearArea graphWindow (XRect 0 0 500 500) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ succ (500 `div` 2,500 `div` 2,90,True)
+-- do nothing if arguments are incorrect
+moveTurtle _ _ e _ succ = succ e
+-- valueToString, etc. --
+-- convert a value to a string
+valueToString :: Value -> String
+valueToString (Word w) = w
+valueToString (Num n) = show n
+valueToString (Boolean True) = "TRUE"
+valueToString (Boolean False) = "FALSE"
+valueToString Null = ""
+valueToString (List l) = "[" ++ (listToString l) ++ "]"
+valueToString GoodBye = "Don't play around with this variable!"
+-- convert a list to a string
+listToString :: ListType -> String
+listToString NullList = ""
+listToString (v :* NullList) = valueToString v
+listToString (v :* l) = (valueToString v) ++ " " ++ (listToString l)
+module Lexer where
+Lexer takes as input a line from standard input and returns an ordered
+pair containing the translation of that list into tokens as well as
+the current state of the lexer (how many parentheses and brackets are
+still open). The state is necessary because some commands may take
+multiple lines, so a bracket (say) may be left open on one line to be
+closed later on.
+All unmatched close brackets and parentheses are treated as spaces
+(and therefore ignored).
+The method for tokenizing commands is:
+ All words are delimited by spaces, parenthesis, or brackets.
+ All words beginning with a double quote are returned as quoted words
+ rather than normal words.
+ Any character preceded by a backslash is taken as is, rather than
+ tokenized normally.
+ All words are translated to upper case..
+The method for tokenizing user input is:
+ All words are delimited by spaces and translated to upper case.
+import Parser
+import Evaluator
+data LexState = Lexer | LexerBracket Int LexState | LexerParen Int LexState
+ deriving Text
+type LexerType = [Char] -> ([Token] , LexState)
+data Token = OpenBracket
+ | CloseBracket
+ | OpenParen
+ | CloseParen
+ | QuotedWord WordType
+ | Normal WordType deriving (Text,Eq)
+-- call appropriate lex procedure depending upon the current lex state
+lexDispatch :: LexState -> LexerType
+lexDispatch (Lexer) = lexer
+lexDispatch (LexerBracket n s) = lexerBracket n s
+lexDispatch (LexerParen n s) = lexerParen n s
+-- handle commands
+lexer :: LexerType
+lexer [] = ([] , Lexer)
+lexer (' ':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer ('[':cs) = let (ts , s) = lexerBracket 1 (Lexer) cs
+ in (OpenBracket : ts , s)
+lexer ('(':cs) = let (ts , s) = lexerParen 1 (Lexer) cs
+ in (OpenParen : ts , s)
+lexer (')':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer (']':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer ('"':cs) = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s) = lexer cs2
+ in ((QuotedWord (upWord t)):ts , s)
+lexer cs = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s) = lexer cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s)
+lexerWord :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> (WordType , [Char])
+lexerWord endCond []
+ = ([] , [])
+lexerWord endCond (c:cs)
+ | c == '\\' = if cs == []
+ then ("\\" , cs)
+ else
+ let (t , cs2) = lexerWord endCond (tail cs)
+ in ((head cs):t , cs2)
+ | endCond c = ([] , (c:cs))
+ | otherwise = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord endCond cs
+ in ((toUpper c):t , cs2)
+-- performs lexing inside brackets
+lexerBracket :: Int -> LexState -> LexerType
+lexerBracket n s []
+ = ([] , LexerBracket n s)
+lexerBracket n s (' ':cs)
+ = lexerBracket n s cs
+lexerBracket 1 s (']':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexDispatch s cs
+ in (CloseBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s (']':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket (n-1) s cs
+ in (CloseBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s ('[':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket (n+1) s cs
+ in (OpenBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s ('(':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen 1 (LexerBracket n s) cs
+ in (OpenParen:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s (')':cs)
+ = lexerBracket n s cs
+lexerBracket n s cs
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerBracket n s cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+-- performs lexing inside parentheses
+lexerParen :: Int -> LexState -> LexerType
+lexerParen n s []
+ = ([] , LexerParen n s)
+lexerParen n s (' ':cs)
+ = lexerParen n s cs
+lexerParen 1 s (')':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexDispatch s cs
+ in (CloseParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s (')':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen (n-1) s cs
+ in (CloseParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s ('(':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen (n+1) s cs
+ in (OpenParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s ('[':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket 1 (LexerParen n s) cs
+ in (OpenBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s (']':cs)
+ = lexerParen n s cs
+lexerParen n s ('"':cs)
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerParen n s cs2
+ in ((QuotedWord (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s cs
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerParen n s cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+-- returns true for delimiters
+isDelimiter :: Char -> Bool
+isDelimiter = inList " []()"
+-- returns true of p is in cs
+inList :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+inList [] p = False
+inList (c:cs) p = (c == p) || (inList cs p)
+-- handle user input
+lexerReadLine :: [Char] -> [WordType]
+lexerReadLine []
+ = []
+lexerReadLine (' ':cs)
+ = lexerReadLine cs
+lexerReadLine cs
+ = let (firstWord,restOfWords) = span (/= ' ') cs
+ in (upWord firstWord) : lexerReadLine restOfWords
+-- translate a word to upper case
+upWord :: WordType -> WordType
+upWord = map (toUpper)
+module Parser where
+Parser takes a list of tokens, the input state, and fail and success
+continuations and returns an Abstract Syntax Tree, the remaining
+tokens (hopefully none), and the new input state. The input state
+will be changed every time Parser runs out of tokens: it simply grabs
+(and lexes) the next line of user-input. It therefore doesn't return
+anything until the entire AST has been be read in, even if it spans
+several lines, though parse may catch some errors before all lines
+have been input. In this case, it ceases taking input and returns the
+An Abstract Syntax Tree represents one command, and breaks those
+commands into Ifs, Loops, Tos, Locals, Makes, Reads, Prints,
+Constants, List constants, Graphics commands (which produce
+side-effects), and function applications. All built-in commands that
+don't fit into one of those categories are lumped into function
+applications along with user-defined functions. Each type of AST is
+parsed into subcommands, subclauses (lists of commands), command
+arguments (also subcommands), and any other values that will be
+immediately-evaluatable (such as function names).
+import Lexer
+import Evaluator
+type CommandName = [Char]
+type ClauseType = [AST]
+type ConditionType = AST
+type ParseArgs = [AST]
+data ArgType = Val Value | QuotedWordArg WordType
+ deriving Text
+data AST = ParseList ListType
+ | If ConditionType ClauseType ClauseType
+ | Loop LoopType ConditionType ClauseType
+ | To NameType ProcType
+ | Make NameType AST
+ | Local NameType
+ | Read
+ | Print ParseArgs
+ | Argument ArgType
+ | Graphics CommandName ParseArgs
+ | Command CommandName ParseArgs deriving Text
+data LoopType = Do | While | Repeat
+ deriving Text
+type ParseFailType = Error -> InputState -> IO ()
+type ParseType = [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (AST -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+type ParseClauseType = [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (ClauseType -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+type InputState = ([[Char]] , LexState)
+parse :: ParseType
+parse [] (i:is , ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts , ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parse ts (is , ls2) fail succ
+parse ((QuotedWord s) : ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Argument (QuotedWordArg s)) ts inS
+parse ((Normal s) : ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Argument (Val (process s))) ts inS
+parse (OpenParen : []) (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parse (OpenParen:ts) (is,ls2) fail succ
+parse (OpenParen : (Normal t) : ts) inS fail succ
+ | t == "TO" = makeProc ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "MAKE" = makeMake ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "LOCAL" = makeLocal ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "READ" = makeRead ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "PRINT" = makePrint ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "IF" = makeIf ts inS fail succ
+ | isLoop t = makeLoop t ts inS fail succ
+ | isGraphics t = makeGraphics t ts inS fail succ
+ | otherwise = makeCommand t ts inS fail succ
+parse (OpenBracket : ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail succ
+parse ts inS@([], _) _ succ = succ (Argument (Val (Word "GOODBYE"))) ts inS
+parse _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Syntax error" inS
+-- returns true for all loop names
+isLoop :: CommandName -> Bool
+isLoop = inList ["DO","WHILE","REPEAT"]
+-- returns true for all side-effecting graphics command names
+isGraphics :: CommandName -> Bool
+isGraphics = inList ["FORWARD","BACKWARD","LEFT","RIGHT",
+-- Parse lists --
+-- parses a list constant
+parseList :: ParseType
+parseList [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseList ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseList (CloseBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (ParseList NullList) ts inS
+parseList (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l1) ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseList ts2 inS2 fail $ \(ParseList l2) ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((List l1) :* l2)) ts3 inS3
+parseList ((Normal w):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((process w) :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList (OpenParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word "(") :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word ")") :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList ((QuotedWord w):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word w) :* l)) ts2 inS2
+-- parses constant values, distinguishing words from integers and booleans
+process :: WordType -> Value
+process "TRUE" = Boolean True
+process "FALSE" = Boolean False
+process ('-':w)
+ | all isDigit w = Num (- (stringToNum (reverse w)))
+ | otherwise = Word ('-':w)
+process w
+ | all isDigit w = Num (stringToNum (reverse w))
+ | otherwise = Word w
+-- converts a string to a positive integer
+stringToNum :: String -> Int
+stringToNum (d:[]) = charToDigit d
+stringToNum (d:ds) = (charToDigit d) + 10 * stringToNum ds
+-- converts a character to a digit
+charToDigit :: Char -> Int
+charToDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
+-- Parse command statements --
+-- parses commands
+-- format: (<name> <arg1> <arg2> ...)
+makeCommand :: CommandName -> ParseType
+makeCommand n ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (Command n as) ts2 inS2
+-- parses a list of commands that are terminated by token "term""
+parseArgs :: Token -> ParseClauseType
+parseArgs term [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseArgs term ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseArgs term (t:ts) inS fail succ
+ | t == term = succ [] ts inS
+ | otherwise = parse (t:ts) inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseArgs term ts2 inS2 fail $ \as ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (a:as) ts3 inS3
+-- Parse I/O statements --
+-- parses read statements
+-- format: (READ)
+makeRead :: ParseType
+makeRead (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ Read ts inS
+makeRead _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Read: too many arguments" inS
+-- parses print statements
+-- format: (PRINT <arg1>)
+makePrint :: ParseType
+makePrint ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ if (length as) == 1
+ then succ (Print as) ts2 inS2
+ else fail "Print: too many arguments" inS
+-- Parse TO statements --
+-- parses to statements
+-- format: (TO <name> <fpname1> <fpname2> ... <clause>)
+-- note: all formal parameter names must begin with a colon
+makeProc :: ParseType
+makeProc [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeProc ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeProc ((Normal t):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseFormals ts inS fail $ \p ts2 inS2 ->
+ getParen ts2 inS2 fail $ \ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (To t p) ts3 inS3
+makeProc _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Invalid procedure name" inS
+-- parses the formal parameters
+-- takes all words beginning with a colon, and assumes everything
+-- after that is part of the body
+parseFormals :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (([NameType] , ClauseType) -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ())
+ -> IO ()
+parseFormals [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseFormals ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseFormals (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail $ \pb ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ([],pb) ts2 inS2
+parseFormals ((Normal (':':c:cs)):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseFormals ts inS fail $ \(formals,pb) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ((':':c:cs):formals , pb) ts2 inS2
+parseFormals ts inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \pb ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ([],pb) ts2 inS2
+-- Parse MAKE statements --
+-- parses make statements
+-- format: (MAKE <name> <arg>)
+-- note: <name> must be quoted
+makeMake :: ParseType
+makeMake [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeMake ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeMake ((QuotedWord s):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ getParen ts2 inS2 fail $ \ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (Make s a) ts3 inS3
+makeMake _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Make: Improper variable name" inS
+-- Parse LOCAL statements --
+-- parses local statements
+-- format: (LOCAL <name>)
+-- note: <name> must be quoted
+makeLocal :: ParseType
+makeLocal [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeLocal ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeLocal (t:[]) (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeLocal (t:ts) (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeLocal ((QuotedWord s):CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Local s) ts inS
+makeLocal _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Local: improper variable name" inS
+-- Parse IF statements --
+-- parses if-then and if-then-else statements
+-- format: (IF <cond> then <clause> [else <clause>])
+makeIf :: ParseType
+makeIf [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeIf ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeIf ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \cond ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseThen ts2 inS2 fail $ \thens elses ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (If cond thens elses) ts4 inS4
+-- parses then clauses
+parseThen :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (ClauseType -> ClauseType -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) ->
+ IO ()
+parseThen [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseThen ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseThen ((Normal "THEN"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \thens ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseElse ts2 inS2 fail $ \elses ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ thens elses ts3 inS3
+parseThen _ inS fail _
+ = fail "IF: improper THEN clause" inS
+-- parses (optional) else clauses
+parseElse :: ParseClauseType
+parseElse [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseElse ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseElse (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ [] (CloseParen:ts) inS
+parseElse ((Normal "ELSE"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail succ
+parseElse _ inS fail _
+ = fail "IF: improper ELSE clause" inS
+-- parses clauses
+-- a clause is either a list of commands enclosed in brackets, or a
+-- single command
+parseClause :: ParseClauseType
+parseClause [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseClause ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseClause (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseBracket ts inS fail succ
+parseClause ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ [a] ts2 inS2
+-- Parse Loop Statements --
+-- parses loop statements
+-- basically a dispatcher for other parse functions
+makeLoop :: NameType -> ParseType
+makeLoop "DO" = makeDo
+makeLoop "WHILE" = makeWhile
+makeLoop "REPEAT" = makeRepeat
+-- parses do statements
+-- format: (DO <clause> WHILE <cond>)
+makeDo :: ParseType
+makeDo ts inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \insts ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseWhileCond ts2 inS2 fail $ \cond ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop Do cond insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses while conditions (both in while and do-while loops)
+-- a condition is simply a command that (hopefully) returns a boolean
+parseWhileCond :: ParseType
+parseWhileCond [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseWhileCond ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseWhileCond ((Normal "WHILE"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail succ
+-- parses while statements
+-- format: (WHILE <cond> <clause>)
+makeWhile :: ParseType
+makeWhile ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \cond ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseClause ts2 inS fail $ \insts ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop While cond insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses repeat statements
+-- format: (REPEAT <num> TIMES <clause>)
+-- note: <num> is simply a command that (hopefully) returns an integer
+makeRepeat :: ParseType
+makeRepeat ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \num ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseRepeatBody ts2 inS fail $ \insts ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop Repeat num insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses repeat body (just a clause)
+parseRepeatBody :: ParseClauseType
+parseRepeatBody [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseRepeatBody ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseRepeatBody ((Normal "TIMES"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail succ
+parseRepeatBody _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Repeat: invalid format" inS
+-- Parse Graphics Statements --
+-- parses all side-effecting graphics statements
+makeGraphics :: CommandName -> ParseType
+makeGraphics n ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (Graphics n as) ts2 inS2
+-- Parse Trailing Parenthesis --
+-- parses the closing paren terminating most commands
+getParen :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ ([Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+getParen [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in getParen ts (is,ls) fail succ
+getParen (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ ts inS
+getParen _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Expected )" inS
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/logo/ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388e926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/README b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c78f7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is a multiple screen version of the draw program.
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/mdraw.hs b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/mdraw.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4bb508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/mdraw.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+module MDraw where
+import Xlib
+mapIO :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
+mapIO f [] = returnIO []
+mapIO f (x:xs) = f x `thenIO` \ y ->
+ mapIO f xs `thenIO` \ ys ->
+ returnIO (y:ys)
+map2IO :: (a -> b -> IO c) -> [a] -> [b] -> IO [c]
+map2IO f [] [] = returnIO []
+map2IO f (x:xs) (z:zs) = f x z `thenIO` \ y ->
+ map2IO f xs zs `thenIO` \ ys ->
+ returnIO (y:ys)
+xGetEventMul :: XMArray XDisplay -> IO (Int, XEvent)
+xGetEventMul displays =
+ let n_displays = xMArrayLength displays
+ loop :: Int -> IO (Int, XEvent)
+ loop i = if i == n_displays then loop 0
+ else xMArrayLookup displays i `thenIO` \ display ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \ n_events ->
+ if n_events == 0 then loop (i + 1)
+ else xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ returnIO (i, event)
+ in loop 0
+-- takes a list of host names
+mdraw :: [String] -> IO ()
+mdraw hosts =
+ xHandleError (\ (XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ mapIO xOpenDisplay hosts `thenIO` \ displays ->
+ let screens = map (head . xDisplayRoots) displays
+ fg_colors = map xScreenBlackPixel screens
+ bg_colors = map xScreenWhitePixel screens
+ roots = map xScreenRoot screens
+ in
+ map2IO (\ root color ->
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 100 100 400 400)
+ [XWinBackground color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonMotion,
+ XButtonPress])])
+ roots
+ bg_colors
+ `thenIO` \windows ->
+ mapIO xMapWindow windows `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ map2IO xCreateGcontext
+ (map XDrawWindow roots)
+ (map (\ color -> [XGCForeground color]) fg_colors)
+ `thenIO` \ gcontexts ->
+ xMArrayCreate displays `thenIO` \ displayArr ->
+ let
+ handleEvent lasts =
+ xGetEventMul displayArr `thenIO` \ (idx, event) ->
+ let pos = xEventPos event
+ in
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ xMArrayUpdate lasts idx pos `thenIO` \ () ->
+ handleEvent lasts
+ XMotionNotifyEvent ->
+ xMArrayLookup lasts idx `thenIO` \ last ->
+ map2IO (\ window gcontext -> xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window)
+ gcontext
+ last
+ pos)
+ windows
+ gcontexts
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate lasts idx pos `thenIO` \ () ->
+ handleEvent lasts
+ _ -> handleEvent lasts
+ in
+ xMArrayCreate (map (\ _ -> XPoint 0 0) hosts) `thenIO` \ lasts ->
+ handleEvent lasts `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16296d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/t.hs b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/t.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f2baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/t.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Test where
+import Xlib
+xGetEventMul :: XMArray XDisplay -> IO (Int, XEvent)
+xGetEventMul displays =
+ let n_displays = xMArrayLength displays
+ loop :: Int -> IO (Int, XEvent)
+ loop i = if i == n_displays then loop 0
+ else xMArrayLookup displays i `thenIO` \ display ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \ n_events ->
+ if n_events == 0 then loop (i + 1)
+ else xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ returnIO (i, event)
+ in loop 0
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657234c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/mdraw/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/add.hs b/progs/demo/add.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdfcc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/add.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- this is an interactive program to read in two numbers and print their sum.
+module Main where
+main = readChan stdin abort $ \userInput ->
+ let inputLines = lines userInput in
+ readInt "Enter first number: " inputLines $ \num1 inputLines1 ->
+ readInt "Enter second number: " inputLines1 $ \ num2 _ ->
+ appendChan stdout ("Their sum is: " ++ show (num1 + num2)) abort done
+readInt :: String -> [String] -> (Integer -> [String] -> Dialogue) -> Dialogue
+readInt prompt inputLines succ =
+ appendChan stdout prompt abort $
+ case inputLines of
+ (l1 : rest) -> case (reads l1) of
+ [(x,"")] -> succ x rest
+ _ -> appendChan stdout
+ "Error - retype the number\n" abort $
+ readInt prompt rest succ
+ _ -> appendChan stdout "Early EOF" abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/eliza.hs b/progs/demo/eliza.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7bf975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/eliza.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+-- Eliza: an implementation of the classic pseudo-psychoanalyst ---------------
+-- Gofer version by Mark P. Jones, January 12 1992
+-- Adapted from a pascal implementation provided as part of an experimental
+-- package from James Risner (, Univ. of KY. with original
+-- pascal code apparently provided by Robert Migliaccio (
+import Prelude hiding (conjugate)
+main :: Dialogue
+main = interact (("\n\
+ \Hi! I'm Eliza. I am your personal therapy computer.\n\
+ \Please tell me your problem.\n\
+ \\n" ++)
+ . session initial []
+ . filter (not.null)
+ . map (words . trim)
+ . lines)
+trim :: String -> String -- strip punctuation characters
+trim = foldr cons "" . dropWhile (`elem` punct)
+ where x `cons` xs | x `elem` punct && null xs = []
+ | otherwise = x : xs
+ punct = [' ', '.', '!', '?', ',']
+-- Read a line at a time, and produce some kind of response -------------------
+session :: State -> Words -> [Words] -> String
+session rs prev [] = []
+session rs prev (l:ls) = response ++ "\n\n" ++ session rs' l ls
+ where (response, rs') | prev == l = repeated rs
+ | otherwise = answer rs l
+answer :: State -> Words -> (String, State)
+answer st l = (response, newKeyTab kt st)
+ where (response, kt) = ans (keyTabOf st)
+ e `cons` (r, es) = (r, e:es)
+ ans (e:es) | null rs = e `cons` ans es
+ | otherwise = (makeResponse a (head rs), (key,as):es)
+ where rs = replies key l
+ (key,(a:as)) = e
+-- Find all possible replies (without leading string for given key ------------
+replies :: Words -> Words -> [String]
+replies key l = ( map (conjugate l . drop (length key))
+ . filter (prefix key . map ucase)
+ . tails) l
+prefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+[] `prefix` xs = True
+(x:xs) `prefix` [] = False
+(x:xs) `prefix` (y:ys) = x==y && (xs `prefix` ys)
+tails :: [a] -> [[a]] -- non-empty tails of list
+tails [] = []
+tails xs = xs : tails (tail xs)
+ucase :: String -> String -- map string to upper case
+ucase = map toUpper
+-- Replace keywords in a list of words with appropriate conjugations ----------
+conjugate :: Words -> Words -> String
+conjugate d = unwords . trailingI . map conj . maybe d -- d is default input
+ where maybe d xs = if null xs then d else xs
+ conj w = head ([m | (w',m)<-conjugates, uw==w'] ++ [w])
+ where uw = ucase w
+ trailingI = foldr cons []
+ where x `cons` xs | x=="I" && null xs = ["me"]
+ | otherwise = x:xs
+conjugates :: [(Word, Word)]
+conjugates = prepare (oneways ++ concat [[(x,y), (y,x)] | (x,y) <- bothways])
+ where oneways = [ ("me", "you") ]
+ bothways = [ ("are", "am"), ("we're", "was"),
+ ("you", "I"), ("your", "my"),
+ ("I've", "you've"), ("I'm", "you're") ]
+ prepare = map (\(w,r) -> (ucase w, r))
+-- Response data --------------------------------------------------------------
+type Word = String
+type Words = [Word]
+type KeyTable = [(Key, Replies)]
+type Replies = [String]
+type State = (KeyTable, Replies)
+type Key = Words
+repeated :: State -> (String, State)
+repeated (kt, (r:rp)) = (r, (kt, rp))
+newKeyTab :: KeyTable -> State -> State
+newKeyTab kt' (kt, rp) = (kt', rp)
+keyTabOf :: State -> KeyTable
+keyTabOf (kt, rp) = kt
+makeResponse :: String -> String -> String
+makeResponse ('?':cs) us = cs ++ " " ++ us ++ "?"
+makeResponse ('.':cs) us = cs ++ " " ++ us ++ "."
+makeResponse cs us = cs
+initial :: State
+initial = ([(words k, cycle rs) | (k,rs) <-respMsgs], cycle repeatMsgs)
+respMsgs = [ ("CAN YOU", canYou),
+ ("CAN I", canI),
+ ("YOU ARE", youAre),
+ ("YOU'RE", youAre),
+ ("I DON'T", iDont),
+ ("I FEEL", iFeel),
+ ("WHY DON'T YOU", whyDont),
+ ("WHY CAN'T I", whyCant),
+ ("ARE YOU", areYou),
+ ("I CAN'T", iCant),
+ ("I AM", iAm),
+ ("I'M", iAm),
+ ("YOU", you),
+ ("YES", yes),
+ ("NO", no),
+ ("COMPUTER", computer),
+ ("COMPUTERS", computer),
+ ("I WANT", iWant),
+ ("WHAT", question),
+ ("HOW", question),
+ ("WHO", question),
+ ("WHERE", question),
+ ("WHEN", question),
+ ("WHY", question),
+ ("NAME", name),
+ ("BECAUSE", because),
+ ("CAUSE", because),
+ ("SORRY", sorry),
+ ("DREAM", dream),
+ ("DREAMS", dream),
+ ("HI", hello),
+ ("HELLO", hello),
+ ("MAYBE", maybe),
+ ("YOUR", your),
+ ("ALWAYS", always),
+ ("THINK", think),
+ ("ALIKE", alike),
+ ("FRIEND", friend),
+ ("FRIENDS", friend),
+ ("", nokeyMsgs) ]
+canYou = [ "?Don't you believe that I can",
+ "?Perhaps you would like to be able to",
+ "?You want me to be able to" ]
+canI = [ "?Perhaps you don't want to",
+ "?Do you want to be able to" ]
+youAre = [ "?What makes you think I am",
+ "?Does it please you to believe I am",
+ "?Perhaps you would like to be",
+ "?Do you sometimes wish you were" ]
+iDont = [ "?Don't you really",
+ "?Why don't you",
+ "?Do you wish to be able to",
+ "Does that trouble you?" ]
+iFeel = [ "Tell me more about such feelings.",
+ "?Do you often feel",
+ "?Do you enjoy feeling" ]
+whyDont = [ "?Do you really believe I don't",
+ ".Perhaps in good time I will",
+ "?Do you want me to" ]
+whyCant = [ "?Do you think you should be able to",
+ "?Why can't you" ]
+areYou = [ "?Why are you interested in whether or not I am",
+ "?Would you prefer if I were not",
+ "?Perhaps in your fantasies I am" ]
+iCant = [ "?How do you know you can't",
+ "Have you tried?",
+ "?Perhaps you can now" ]
+iAm = [ "?Did you come to me because you are",
+ "?How long have you been",
+ "?Do you believe it is normal to be",
+ "?Do you enjoy being" ]
+you = [ "We were discussing you --not me.",
+ "?Oh,",
+ "You're not really talking about me, are you?" ]
+yes = [ "You seem quite positive.",
+ "Are you Sure?",
+ "I see.",
+ "I understand." ]
+no = [ "Are you saying no just to be negative?",
+ "You are being a bit negative.",
+ "Why not?",
+ "Are you sure?",
+ "Why no?" ]
+computer = [ "Do computers worry you?",
+ "Are you talking about me in particular?",
+ "Are you frightened by machines?",
+ "Why do you mention computers?",
+ "What do you think machines have to do with your problems?",
+ "Don't you think computers can help people?",
+ "What is it about machines that worries you?" ]
+iWant = [ "?Why do you want",
+ "?What would it mean to you if you got",
+ "?Suppose you got",
+ "?What if you never got",
+ ".I sometimes also want" ]
+question = [ "Why do you ask?",
+ "Does that question interest you?",
+ "What answer would please you the most?",
+ "What do you think?",
+ "Are such questions on your mind often?",
+ "What is it that you really want to know?",
+ "Have you asked anyone else?",
+ "Have you asked such questions before?",
+ "What else comes to mind when you ask that?" ]
+name = [ "Names don't interest me.",
+ "I don't care about names --please go on." ]
+because = [ "Is that the real reason?",
+ "Don't any other reasons come to mind?",
+ "Does that reason explain anything else?",
+ "What other reasons might there be?" ]
+sorry = [ "Please don't apologise!",
+ "Apologies are not necessary.",
+ "What feelings do you have when you apologise?",
+ "Don't be so defensive!" ]
+dream = [ "What does that dream suggest to you?",
+ "Do you dream often?",
+ "What persons appear in your dreams?",
+ "Are you disturbed by your dreams?" ]
+hello = [ "How do you...please state your problem." ]
+maybe = [ "You don't seem quite certain.",
+ "Why the uncertain tone?",
+ "Can't you be more positive?",
+ "You aren't sure?",
+ "Don't you know?" ]
+your = [ "?Why are you concerned about my",
+ "?What about your own" ]
+always = [ "Can you think of a specific example?",
+ "When?",
+ "What are you thinking of?",
+ "Really, always?" ]
+think = [ "Do you really think so?",
+ "?But you are not sure you",
+ "?Do you doubt you" ]
+alike = [ "In what way?",
+ "What resemblence do you see?",
+ "What does the similarity suggest to you?",
+ "What other connections do you see?",
+ "Cound there really be some connection?",
+ "How?" ]
+friend = [ "Why do you bring up the topic of friends?",
+ "Do your friends worry you?",
+ "Do your friends pick on you?",
+ "Are you sure you have any friends?",
+ "Do you impose on your friends?",
+ "Perhaps your love for friends worries you." ]
+repeatMsgs = [ "Why did you repeat yourself?",
+ "Do you expect a different answer by repeating yourself?",
+ "Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.",
+ "Please don't repeat yourself!" ]
+nokeyMsgs = [ "I'm not sure I understand you fully.",
+ "What does that suggest to you?",
+ "I see.",
+ "Can you elaborate on that?",
+ "Say, do you have any psychological problems?" ]
diff --git a/progs/demo/fact.hs b/progs/demo/fact.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..054183e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/fact.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{- This is a simple factorial program which uses the I/O system
+ to read the input and print the result -}
+module Main where
+fact :: Integer -> Integer
+fact 0 = 1
+fact (n+1) = (n+1)*fact n
+fact _ = error "Negative argument to factorial"
+main = appendChan stdout "Type in N: " abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \ input ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (fact (read (head (lines input))))) abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/improved-add.hs b/progs/demo/improved-add.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdfcc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/improved-add.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- this is an interactive program to read in two numbers and print their sum.
+module Main where
+main = readChan stdin abort $ \userInput ->
+ let inputLines = lines userInput in
+ readInt "Enter first number: " inputLines $ \num1 inputLines1 ->
+ readInt "Enter second number: " inputLines1 $ \ num2 _ ->
+ appendChan stdout ("Their sum is: " ++ show (num1 + num2)) abort done
+readInt :: String -> [String] -> (Integer -> [String] -> Dialogue) -> Dialogue
+readInt prompt inputLines succ =
+ appendChan stdout prompt abort $
+ case inputLines of
+ (l1 : rest) -> case (reads l1) of
+ [(x,"")] -> succ x rest
+ _ -> appendChan stdout
+ "Error - retype the number\n" abort $
+ readInt prompt rest succ
+ _ -> appendChan stdout "Early EOF" abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/merge.hs b/progs/demo/merge.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf61f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/merge.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{- This is a simple merge sort -}
+module Merge where
+merge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
+merge [] x = x
+merge x [] = x
+merge l1@(a:b) l2@(c:d) | a < c = a:(merge b l2)
+ | otherwise = c:(merge l1 d)
+half [] = []
+half [x] = [x]
+half (x:y:z) = x:r where r = half z
+sort [] = []
+sort [x] = [x]
+sort l = merge (sort odds) (sort evens) where
+ odds = half l
+ evens = half (tail l)
+main =
+ appendChan stdout "Enter a list of integers separated by \",\"\n" abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \ input ->
+ appendChan stdout
+ (show (sort (read ("[" ++ (head (lines input)) ++ "]"))))
+ abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/pascal.hs b/progs/demo/pascal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26e9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/pascal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{- This uses lazy evaluation to define Pascals triangle -}
+module Main where
+pascal :: [[Int]]
+pascal = [1] : [[x+y | (x,y) <- zip ([0]++r) (r++[0])] | r <- pascal]
+tab :: Int -> ShowS
+tab 0 = id
+tab (n+1) = showChar ' ' . tab n
+showRow :: [Int] -> ShowS
+showRow [] = showChar '\n'
+showRow (n:ns) = shows n . showChar ' ' . showRow ns
+showTriangle 1 (t:_) = showRow t
+showTriangle (n+1) (t:ts) = tab n . showRow t . showTriangle n ts
+main = appendChan stdout "Number of rows: " abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \input ->
+ appendChan stdout
+ (showTriangle (read (head (lines input))) pascal "")
+ abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/pfac.hs b/progs/demo/pfac.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516fc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/pfac.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- This is a parallel varient of factorial
+module Main where
+fac :: Int -> Int
+fac 0 = 1
+fac n = pfac 1 n
+pfac :: Int -> Int -> Int
+pfac low high | low == high = low
+ | low + 1 == high = (low * high)
+ | otherwise = pfac low mid * pfac (mid + 1) high
+ where
+ mid = (high + low) `div` 2
+main = appendChan stdout "Type in N: " abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \ input ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (fac (read (head (lines input))))) abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/primes.hs b/progs/demo/primes.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c8fe79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/primes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- This program implements Eratosthenes Sieve
+-- to generate prime numbers.
+module Main where
+primes :: [Int]
+primes = map head (iterate sieve [2 ..])
+sieve :: [Int] -> [Int]
+sieve (p:ps) = [x | x <- ps, (x `mod` p) /= 0]
+main = appendChan stdout "How many primes? " abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \ input ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (take (read (head (lines input))) primes))
+ abort done
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a269503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- Stack based Prolog inference engine
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Engine(prove) where
+import PrologData
+import Subst
+--- Calculation of solutions:
+-- the stack based engine maintains a stack of triples (s,goal,alts)
+-- corresponding to backtrack points, where s is the substitution at that
+-- point, goal is the outstanding goal and alts is a list of possible ways
+-- of extending the current proof to find a solution. Each member of alts
+-- is a pair (tp,u) where tp is a new subgoal that must be proved and u is
+-- a unifying substitution that must be combined with the substitution s.
+-- the list of relevant clauses at each step in the execution is produced
+-- by attempting to unify the head of the current goal with a suitably
+-- renamed clause from the database.
+type Stack = [ (Subst, [Term], [Alt]) ]
+type Alt = ([Term], Subst)
+alts :: Database -> Int -> Term -> [Alt]
+alts db n g = [ (tp,u) | (tm:*tp) <- renClauses db n g, u <- unify g tm ]
+-- The use of a stack enables backtracking to be described explicitly,
+-- in the following `state-based' definition of prove:
+prove :: Database -> [Term] -> [Subst]
+prove db gl = solve 1 nullSubst gl []
+ where
+ solve :: Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ solve n s [] ow = s : backtrack n ow
+ solve n s (g:gs) ow
+ | g==theCut = solve n s gs (cut ow)
+ | otherwise = choose n s gs (alts db n (apply s g)) ow
+ choose :: Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> [Alt] -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ choose n s gs [] ow = backtrack n ow
+ choose n s gs ((tp,u):rs) ow = solve (n+1) (u@@s) (tp++gs) ((s,gs,rs):ow)
+ backtrack :: Int -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ backtrack n [] = []
+ backtrack n ((s,gs,rs):ow) = choose (n-1) s gs rs ow
+--- Special definitions for the cut predicate:
+theCut :: Term
+theCut = Struct "!" []
+cut :: Stack -> Stack
+cut (top:(s,gl,_):ss) = top:(s,gl,[]):ss
+cut ss = ss
+--- End of Engine.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a64277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Interact.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Interact.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8bf516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Interact.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+-- Interactive utility functions
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Interact(Interactive(..), skip, end, readln, writeln, readch) where
+-- The functions defined in this module provide basic facilities for
+-- writing line-oriented interactive programs (i.e. a function mapping
+-- an input string to an appropriate output string). These definitions
+-- are an enhancement of thos in B+W 7.8
+-- skip p is an interactive program which consumes no input, produces
+-- no output and then behaves like the interactive program p.
+-- end is an interactive program which ignores the input and
+-- produces no output.
+-- writeln txt p is an interactive program which outputs the message txt
+-- and then behaves like the interactive program p
+-- readch act def is an interactive program which reads the first character c
+-- from the input stream and behaves like the interactive
+-- program act c. If the input character stream is empty,
+-- readch act def prints the default string def and terminates.
+-- readln p g is an interactive program which prints the prompt p and
+-- reads a line (upto the first carriage return, or end of
+-- input) from the input stream. It then behaves like g line.
+-- Backspace characters included in the input stream are
+-- interpretted in the usual way.
+type Interactive = String -> String
+--- Interactive program combining forms:
+skip :: Interactive -> Interactive
+skip p inn = p inn -- a dressed up identity function
+end :: Interactive
+end inn = ""
+writeln :: String -> Interactive -> Interactive
+writeln txt p inn = txt ++ p inn
+readch :: (Char -> Interactive) -> String -> Interactive
+readch act def "" = def
+readch act def (c:cs) = act c cs
+readln :: String -> (String -> Interactive) -> Interactive
+readln prompt g inn = prompt ++ lineOut 0 line ++ "\n"
+ ++ g (noBackSpaces line) input'
+ where line = before '\n' inn
+ input' = after '\n' inn
+ after x = tail . dropWhile (x/=)
+ before x = takeWhile (x/=)
+--- Filter out backspaces etc:
+rubout :: Char -> Bool
+rubout c = (c=='\DEL' || c=='\BS')
+lineOut :: Int -> String -> String
+lineOut n "" = ""
+lineOut n (c:cs)
+ | n>0 && rubout c = "\BS \BS" ++ lineOut (n-1) cs
+ | n==0 && rubout c = lineOut 0 cs
+ | otherwise = c:lineOut (n+1) cs
+noBackSpaces :: String -> String
+noBackSpaces = reverse . delete 0 . reverse
+ where delete n "" = ""
+ delete n (c:cs)
+ | rubout c = delete (n+1) cs
+ | n>0 = delete (n-1) cs
+ | otherwise = c:delete 0 cs
+--- End of Interact.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41ebb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Main.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d83a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- Prolog interpreter top level module
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Main(main) where
+import PrologData
+import Parse
+import Interact
+import Subst
+import Engine
+import Version
+--- Command structure and parsing:
+data Command = Fact Clause | Query [Term] | Show | Error | Quit | NoChange
+command :: Parser Command
+command = just (sptok "bye" `orelse` sptok "quit") `do` (\quit->Quit)
+ `orelse`
+ just (okay NoChange)
+ `orelse`
+ just (sptok "??") `do` (\show->Show)
+ `orelse`
+ just clause `do` Fact
+ `orelse`
+ just (sptok "?-" `seq` termlist) `do` (\(q,ts)->Query ts)
+ `orelse`
+ okay Error
+--- Main program read-solve-print loop:
+signOn :: String
+signOn = "Mini Prolog Version 1.5 (" ++ version ++ ")\n\n"
+main :: Dialogue
+main = --echo False abort
+ (appendChan stdout signOn abort
+ (appendChan stdout ("Reading " ++ stdlib ++ "...") abort
+ (readFile stdlib
+ (\fail -> appendChan stdout "not found\n" abort
+ (interpreter ""))
+ (\lib -> appendChan stdout "done\n" abort
+ (interpreter lib))
+ )))
+stdlib :: String
+stdlib = "$HASKELL/progs/demo/prolog/stdlib"
+interpreter :: String -> Dialogue
+interpreter lib = readChan stdin abort
+ (\inn -> appendChan stdout (loop startDb inn) abort done)
+ where startDb = foldl addClause emptyDb clauses
+ clauses = [r | ((r,""):_)<-map clause (lines lib)]
+loop :: Database -> String -> String
+loop db = readln "> " (exec db . fst . head . command)
+exec :: Database -> Command -> String -> String
+exec db (Fact r) = skip (loop (addClause db r))
+exec db (Query q) = demonstrate db q
+exec db Show = writeln (show db) (loop db)
+exec db Error = writeln "I don't understand\n" (loop db)
+exec db Quit = writeln "Thank you and goodbye\n" end
+exec db NoChange = skip (loop db)
+--- Handle printing of solutions etc...
+solution :: [Id] -> Subst -> [String]
+solution vs s = [ show (Var i) ++ " = " ++ show v
+ | (i,v) <- [ (i,s i) | i<-vs ], v /= Var i ]
+demonstrate :: Database -> [Term] -> Interactive
+demonstrate db q = printOut (map (solution vs) (prove db q))
+ where vs = (nub . concat . map varsIn) q
+ printOut [] = writeln "no.\n" (loop db)
+ printOut ([]:bs) = writeln "yes.\n" (loop db)
+ printOut (b:bs) = writeln (doLines b) (nextReqd bs)
+ doLines = foldr1 (\xs ys -> xs ++ "\n" ++ ys)
+ nextReqd bs = writeln " "
+ (readch (\c->if c==';'
+ then writeln ";\n" (printOut bs)
+ else writeln "\n" (loop db)) "")
+--- End of Main.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a936ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Parse.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Parse.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0487432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Parse.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+-- General parsing library, based on Richard Bird's parselib.orw for Orwell
+-- (with a number of extensions)
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Parse(Parser(..), fail, okay, tok, sat, orelse, seq, do,
+ sptok, just, listOf, many, sp, many1) where
+infixr 6 `seq`
+infixl 5 `do`
+infixr 4 `orelse`
+--- Type definition:
+type Parser a = [Char] -> [(a,[Char])]
+-- A parser is a function which maps an input stream of characters into
+-- a list of pairs each containing a parsed value and the remainder of the
+-- unused input stream. This approach allows us to use the list of
+-- successes technique to detect errors (i.e. empty list ==> syntax error).
+-- it also permits the use of ambiguous grammars in which there may be more
+-- than one valid parse of an input string.
+--- Primitive parsers:
+-- fail is a parser which always fails.
+-- okay v is a parser which always succeeds without consuming any characters
+-- from the input string, with parsed value v.
+-- tok w is a parser which succeeds if the input stream begins with the
+-- string (token) w, returning the matching string and the following
+-- input. If the input does not begin with w then the parser fails.
+-- sat p is a parser which succeeds with value c if c is the first input
+-- character and c satisfies the predicate p.
+fail :: Parser a
+fail inn = []
+okay :: a -> Parser a
+okay v inn = [(v,inn)]
+tok :: [Char] -> Parser [Char]
+tok w inn = [(w, drop n inn) | w == take n inn]
+ where n = length w
+sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
+sat p [] = []
+sat p (c:inn) = [ (c,inn) | p c ]
+--- Parser combinators:
+-- p1 `orelse` p2 is a parser which returns all possible parses of the input
+-- string, first using the parser p1, then using parser p2.
+-- p1 `seq` p2 is a parser which returns pairs of values (v1,v2) where
+-- v1 is the result of parsing the input string using p1 and
+-- v2 is the result of parsing the remaining input using p2.
+-- p `do` f is a parser which behaves like the parser p, but returns
+-- the value f v wherever p would have returned the value v.
+-- just p is a parser which behaves like the parser p, but rejects any
+-- parses in which the remaining input string is not blank.
+-- sp p behaves like the parser p, but ignores leading spaces.
+-- sptok w behaves like the parser tok w, but ignores leading spaces.
+-- many p returns a list of values, each parsed using the parser p.
+-- many1 p parses a non-empty list of values, each parsed using p.
+-- listOf p s parses a list of input values using the parser p, with
+-- separators parsed using the parser s.
+orelse :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
+p1 `orelse` p2 = \inn->p1 inn ++ p2 inn
+seq :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b)
+p1 `seq` p2 = \inn->[((v1,v2),inn2) | (v1,inn1) <- p1 inn, (v2,inn2) <- p2 inn1]
+do :: Parser a -> (a -> b) -> Parser b
+p `do` f = \inn->[(f v, inn1) | (v,inn1) <- p inn]
+just :: Parser a -> Parser a
+just p inn = [ (v,"") | (v,inn')<- p inn, dropWhile (' '==) inn' == "" ]
+sp :: Parser a -> Parser a
+sp p = p . dropWhile (' '==)
+sptok :: [Char] -> Parser [Char]
+sptok = sp . tok
+many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
+many p = q
+ where q = ((p `seq` q) `do` makeList) `orelse` (okay [])
+many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
+many1 p = p `seq` many p `do` makeList
+listOf :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
+listOf p s = p `seq` many (s `seq` p) `do` nonempty
+ `orelse` okay []
+ where nonempty (x,xs) = x:(map snd xs)
+--- Internals:
+makeList :: (a,[a]) -> [a]
+makeList (x,xs) = x:xs
+-- an attempt to optimise the performance of the standard prelude function
+-- `take' in Haskell B 0.99.3 gives the wrong semantics. The original
+-- definition, given below works correctly and is used in the above.
+safetake :: (Integral a) => a -> [b] -> [b]
+safetake _ [] = []
+safetake 0 _ = []
+safetake (n+1) (x:xs) = x : safetake n xs
+--- End of Parse.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44cc302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff3173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- Representation of Prolog Terms, Clauses and Databases
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module PrologData(Id(..), Atom(..), Term(..), term, termlist, varsIn,
+ Clause((:*)), clause,
+ Database, emptyDb, renClauses, addClause) where
+import Parse
+infix 6 :*
+--- Prolog Terms:
+type Id = (Int,String)
+type Atom = String
+data Term = Var Id | Struct Atom [Term]
+ deriving Eq
+data Clause = Term :* [Term]
+data Database = Db [(Atom,[Clause])]
+--- Determine the list of variables in a term:
+varsIn :: Term -> [Id]
+varsIn (Var i) = [i]
+varsIn (Struct i ts) = (nub . concat . map varsIn) ts
+renameVars :: Int -> Term -> Term
+renameVars lev (Var (n,s)) = Var (lev,s)
+renameVars lev (Struct s ts) = Struct s (map (renameVars lev) ts)
+--- Functions for manipulating databases (as an abstract datatype)
+emptyDb :: Database
+emptyDb = Db []
+renClauses :: Database -> Int -> Term -> [Clause]
+renClauses db n (Var _) = []
+renClauses db n (Struct a _) = [ r tm:*map r tp | (tm:*tp)<-clausesFor a db ]
+ where r = renameVars n
+clausesFor :: Atom -> Database -> [Clause]
+clausesFor a (Db rss) = case dropWhile (\(n,rs) -> n<a) rss of
+ [] -> []
+ ((n,rs):_) -> if a==n then rs else []
+addClause :: Database -> Clause -> Database
+addClause (Db rss) r@(Struct a _ :* _)
+ = Db (initialPart ++
+ case lastPart of
+ [] -> [(a,[r])]
+ ((n,rs):rss') -> if a==n then (n,rs++[r]):rss'
+ else (a,[r]):lastPart)
+ where (initialPart,lastPart) = span (\(n,rs) -> n<a) rss
+--- Output functions (defined as instances of Text):
+instance Text Term where
+ showsPrec p (Var (n,s))
+ | n==0 = showString s
+ | otherwise = showString s . showChar '_' . shows n
+ showsPrec p (Struct a []) = showString a
+ showsPrec p (Struct a ts) = showString a . showChar '('
+ . showWithSep "," ts
+ . showChar ')'
+instance Text Clause where
+ showsPrec p (t:*[]) = shows t . showChar '.'
+ showsPrec p (t:*gs) = shows t . showString ":-"
+ . showWithSep "," gs
+ . showChar '.'
+instance Text Database where
+ showsPrec p (Db []) = showString "-- Empty Database --\n"
+ showsPrec p (Db rss) = foldr1 (\u v-> u . showChar '\n' . v)
+ [ showWithTerm "\n" rs | (i,rs)<-rss ]
+--- Local functions for use in defining instances of Text:
+showWithSep :: Text a => String -> [a] -> ShowS
+showWithSep s [x] = shows x
+showWithSep s (x:xs) = shows x . showString s . showWithSep s xs
+showWithTerm :: Text a => String -> [a] -> ShowS
+showWithTerm s xs = foldr1 (.) [shows x . showString s | x<-xs]
+--- String parsing functions for Terms and Clauses:
+--- Local definitions:
+letter :: Parser Char
+letter = sat (\c -> isAlpha c || isDigit c || c `elem` ":;+=-*&%$#@?/.~!")
+variable :: Parser Term
+variable = sat isUpper `seq` many letter `do` makeVar
+ where makeVar (initial,rest) = Var (0,(initial:rest))
+struct :: Parser Term
+struct = many letter `seq` (sptok "(" `seq` termlist `seq` sptok ")"
+ `do` (\(o,(ts,c))->ts)
+ `orelse`
+ okay [])
+ `do` (\(name,terms)->Struct name terms)
+--- Exports:
+term :: Parser Term
+term = sp (variable `orelse` struct)
+termlist :: Parser [Term]
+termlist = listOf term (sptok ",")
+clause :: Parser Clause
+clause = sp struct `seq` (sptok ":-" `seq` listOf term (sptok ",")
+ `do` (\(from,body)->body)
+ `orelse` okay [])
+ `seq` sptok "."
+ `do` (\(head,(goals,dot))->head:*goals)
+--- End of PrologData.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362d35f
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+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/README b/progs/demo/prolog/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73dbc1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This is a mini prolog interpreter written my Mark Jones. It
+was slightly adapted from version in the hbc release.
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f96e462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+-- Substitutions and Unification of Prolog Terms
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Subst(Subst(..), nullSubst, (>!), (@@), apply, unify) where
+import PrologData
+infixr 3 @@
+infix 4 >!
+--- Substitutions:
+type Subst = Id -> Term
+-- substitutions are represented by functions mapping identifiers to terms.
+-- apply s extends the substitution s to a function mapping terms to terms
+-- nullSubst is the empty substitution which maps every identifier to the
+-- same identifier (as a term).
+-- i >! t is the substitution which maps the identifier i to the term t,
+-- but otherwise behaves like nullSubst.
+-- s1 @@ s2 is the composition of substitutions s1 and s2
+-- N.B. apply is a monoid homomorphism from (Subst,nullSubst,(@@))
+-- to (Term -> Term, id, (.)) in the sense that:
+-- apply (s1 @@ s2) = apply s1 . apply s2
+-- s @@ nullSubst = s = nullSubst @@ s
+apply :: Subst -> Term -> Term
+apply s (Var i) = s i
+apply s (Struct a ts) = Struct a (map (apply s) ts)
+nullSubst :: Subst
+nullSubst i = Var i
+(>!) :: Id -> Term -> Subst
+(>!) i t j | j==i = t
+ | otherwise = Var j
+(@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
+s1 @@ s2 = apply s1 . s2
+--- Unification:
+-- unify t1 t2 returns a list containing a single substitution s which is
+-- the most general unifier of terms t1 t2. If no unifier
+-- exists, the list returned is empty.
+unify :: Term -> Term -> [Subst]
+unify (Var x) (Var y) = if x==y then [nullSubst] else [x>!Var y]
+unify (Var x) t2 = [ x >! t2 | not (x `elem` varsIn t2) ]
+unify t1 (Var y) = [ y >! t1 | not (y `elem` varsIn t1) ]
+unify (Struct a ts) (Struct b ss) = [ u | a==b, u<-listUnify ts ss ]
+listUnify :: [Term] -> [Term] -> [Subst]
+listUnify [] [] = [nullSubst]
+listUnify [] (r:rs) = []
+listUnify (t:ts) [] = []
+listUnify (t:ts) (r:rs) = [ u2 @@ u1 | u1<-unify t r,
+ u2<-listUnify (map (apply u1) ts)
+ (map (apply u1) rs) ]
+--- End of Subst.hs
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bb92fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Version.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Version.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c580f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Version.hs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module Version where version="tree based"
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/ b/progs/demo/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..244a511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/stdlib b/progs/demo/prolog/stdlib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76d2b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/stdlib
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+This file contains a list of predicate definitions that will automatically
+be read into Mini Prolog at the beginning of a session. Each clause in this
+file must be entered on a single line and lines containing syntax errors are
+always ignored. This includes the first few lines of this file and provides
+a simple way to include comments.
+End of stdlib
diff --git a/progs/demo/queens.hs b/progs/demo/queens.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f8de59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/queens.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+{- This is the n Queens problem. -}
+module Main where
+queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
+queens size = queens' size size
+queens' :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
+queens' 0 _ = [[]]
+queens' (n+1) size = [q:qs | qs <- queens' n size, q <- [1..size],
+ not (threatens q qs)]
+threatens :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
+threatens q qs = q `elem` qs || q `elem` (diagonals 1 qs)
+diagonals :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
+diagonals _ [] = []
+diagonals n (q:qs) = (q+n) : (q-n) : diagonals (n+1) qs
+main = appendChan stdout "Enter board size: " abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \input ->
+ let line1 : ~(line2 : _) = lines input
+ size = read line1
+ solns = read line2
+ in if size == 0 then done else -- This causes the size to actually read
+ appendChan stdout "Number of solutions: " abort $
+ appendChan stdout (concat (map (\x -> showBoard size x)
+ (take solns (queens size))))
+ abort done
+showBoard :: Int -> [Int] -> String
+showBoard size pos =
+ concat (map showRow pos) ++ "\n"
+ where
+ showRow n = concat [if i == n then "Q " else ". " | i <- [1..size]]
+ ++ "\n"
diff --git a/progs/demo/quicksort.hs b/progs/demo/quicksort.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b4ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/quicksort.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+-- Quick sort for Haskell.
+module Main where
+qs :: [Int] -> [Int]
+qs [] = []
+qs (a:as) = qs [x | x <- as, x <= a] ++ [a] ++ qs [x | x <- as, x > a]
+main =
+ appendChan stdout "Enter a list of integers separated by \",\"\n" abort $
+ readChan stdin abort $ \ input ->
+ appendChan stdout (show (qs (read ("[" ++ (head (lines input)) ++ "]"))))
+ abort done
diff --git a/progs/lib/README b/progs/lib/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910be2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This directory contains supported libraries for Yale Haskell.
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/README b/progs/lib/X11/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db748e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/README
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This directory contains the Haskell->CLX support code.
+If you see errors like "ID 42 is a :WM_RESIZE_HINTS, not a window",
+you can get rid of them by loading clx-patch.lisp. This seems to be a
+bug where CLX is not consistent with the protocol in some way; we've
+seen it on some machines and not others. The line
+(load "$HASKELL/progs/lib/X11/clx-patch.lisp")
+can be placed in your .yhaskell file to load the patch on startup.
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/clx-patch.lisp b/progs/lib/X11/clx-patch.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2a5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/clx-patch.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(lisp:in-package 'xlib)
+(defmacro generate-lookup-functions (useless-name &body types)
+ `(within-definition (,useless-name generate-lookup-functions)
+ ,@(mapcar
+ #'(lambda (type)
+ `(defun ,(xintern 'lookup- type)
+ (display id)
+ (declare (type display display)
+ (type resource-id id))
+ (declare (values ,type))
+ ,(if (member type *clx-cached-types*)
+ `(let ((,type (lookup-resource-id display id)))
+ (cond ((null ,type) ;; Not found, create and s
+ave it.
+ (setq ,type (,(xintern 'make- type)
+ :display display :id id))
+ (save-id display id ,type))
+ ;; Found. Check the type
+ ,(cond ((null '()) ;*type-check?*)
+ `(t ,type))
+ ((member type '(window pixmap))
+ `((type? ,type 'drawable) ,type)
+ (t `((type? ,type ',type) ,type))
+ ,@(when '() ;*type-check?*
+ `((t (x-error 'lookup-error
+ :id id
+ :display display
+ :type ',type
+ :object ,type))))))
+ ;; Not being cached. Create a new one each time.
+ `(,(xintern 'make- type)
+ :display display :id id))))
+ types)))
+ (generate-lookup-functions ignore
+ window))
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/xlib.hs b/progs/lib/X11/xlib.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716cc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/xlib.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+module Xlib(XLibTypes..,XLibPrims..) where
+import XLibTypes
+import XLibPrims
+module XLibTypes(XDisplay, XScreen, XWindow, XGcontext, XPixmap,
+ XColormap, XCursor, XFont, XImage, XMaybe(..), XError(..),
+ XBitmap(..), XKeysymTable(..), XBitVec(..),
+ XPixarray(..), XByteVec(..), XAtom(..), XProperty(..),
+ XPixel(..), XDrawable(..), XTime(..), XSwitch(..),
+ XWindowPlace(..), XEventMode(..), XEventKind(..),
+ XWindowVisibility(..), XWindowStackMode(..),
+ XPropertyState(..), XMapReqType(..), XGraphFun(..),
+ XEvent(..), XEventType(..), XEventSlot(..), XEventMask(..),
+ XEventMaskKey(..), XStateMask(..), XStateMaskKey(..),
+ XWinAttribute(..),XGCAttribute(..), XImAttribute(..),
+ XGrabAttribute(..), XArcMode(..), XCapStyle(..),
+ XClipMask(..), XFillRule(..), XFillStyle(..),
+ XFunction(..), XJoinStyle(..), XLineStyle(..),
+ XSubwindowMode(..), XPoint(..), XSize(..), XRect(..),
+ XArc(..), XBitmapFormat(..), XByteOrder(..),
+ XPixmapFormat(..), XVisualInfo(..), XVisualClass(..),
+ XFillContent(..), XBackingStore(..), XGravity(..),
+ XWindowClass(..), XMapState(..), XImageData(..),
+ XImageFormat(..), XImageType(..), XDrawDirection(..),
+ XColor(..), XInputFocus(..), XGrabStatus(..),
+ XKeysym(..), XCloseDownMode(..), XScreenSaver(..))
+ where
+data XMaybe a {-# STRICT #-} = XSome a
+ | XNull
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XDisplay = XDisplay --deriving (Printers)
+data XScreen = XScreen --deriving (Printers)
+data XWindow = XWindow --deriving (Printers)
+data XGcontext = XGcontext --deriving (Printers)
+data XPixmap = XPixmap --deriving (Printers)
+data XColormap = XColormap --deriving (Printers)
+data XCursor = XCursor --deriving (Printers)
+data XFont = XFont --deriving (Printers)
+data XImage = XImage --deriving (Printers)
+data XError {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XError String
+ --deriving Printers
+data XBitmap {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XBitmap [[Int]]
+instance Text(XBitmap) where
+ showsPrec p x = showString "<<XBitMap>>"
+data XKeysymTable {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XKeysymTable [[Integer]]
+instance Text(XKeysymTable) where
+ showsPrec p x = showString "<<XKeysymTable>>"
+data XBitVec {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XBitVec [Int]
+instance Text(XBitVec) where
+ showsPrec p x = showString "<<XBitVec>>"
+data XPixarray {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XPixarray [[Integer]]
+instance Text(XPixarray) where
+ showsPrec p x = showString "<<XPixarray>>"
+data XByteVec {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XByteVec [Int]
+instance Text(XByteVec) where
+ showsPrec p x = showString "<<XByteVec>>"
+data XAtom {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XAtom String
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XProperty {-#STRICT #-}
+ = XProperty [Integer] -- data
+ XAtom -- type
+ Int -- format
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XPixel {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XPixel Integer
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XDrawable {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XDrawWindow XWindow
+ | XDrawPixmap XPixmap
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XTime {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XTime Integer
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XSwitch = XOn
+ | XOff
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XWindowPlace = XTopPlace
+ | XBottomPlace
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XEventMode = XNormalMode
+ | XGrabMode
+ | XUngrabMode
+ | XWhileGrabbedMode
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XEventKind = XAncestorKind
+ | XVirtualKind
+ | XInferiorKind
+ | XNonlinearKind
+ | XNonlinearVirtualKind
+ | XPointerKind
+ | XPointerRootKind
+ | XNoneKind
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XWindowVisibility = XUnobscured
+ | XPartiallyObscured
+ | XFullyObscured
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XWindowStackMode = XStackAbove
+ | XStackBelow
+ | XStackTopIf
+ | XStackBottomIf
+ | XStackOpposite
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XPropertyState = XNewValueProperty
+ | XDeletedProperty
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XMapReqType = XModifierMapping
+ | XKeyboardMapping
+ | XPointerMapping
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XGraphFun {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XGraphFun Int -- major opcode
+ Int -- minor opcode
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XEvent {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XEvent XEventType
+ [XEventSlot]
+data XEventType = XKeyPressEvent
+ | XKeyReleaseEvent
+ | XButtonPressEvent
+ | XButtonReleaseEvent
+ | XMotionNotifyEvent
+ | XEnterNotifyEvent
+ | XLeaveNotifyEvent
+ | XFocusInEvent
+ | XFocusOutEvent
+ | XKeymapNotifyEvent
+ | XMappingNotifyEvent
+ | XExposureEvent
+ | XGraphicsExposureEvent
+ | XNoExposureEvent
+ | XCirculateNotifyEvent
+ | XConfigureNotifyEvent
+ | XCreateNotifyEvent
+ | XDestroyNotifyEvent
+ | XGravityNotifyEvent
+ | XMapNotifyEvent
+ | XReparentNotifyEvent
+ | XUnmapNotifyEvent
+ | XVisibilityNotifyEvent
+ | XCirculateRequestEvent
+ | XColormapNotifyEvent
+ | XConfigureRequestEvent
+ | XMapRequestEvent
+ | XResizeRequestEvent
+ | XClientMessageEvent
+ | XPropertyNotifyEvent
+ | XSelectionClearEvent
+ | XSelectionNotifyEvent
+ | XSelectionRequestEvent
+ | XOtherEvents
+ --deriving Printers
+data XEventSlot {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XEventWindow XWindow
+ | XEventEventWindow XWindow
+ | XEventCode Int
+ | XEventPos XPoint
+ | XEventState XStateMask
+ | XEventTime XTime
+ | XEventRoot XWindow
+ | XEventRootPos XPoint
+ | XEventChild (XMaybe XWindow)
+ | XEventSameScreenP Bool
+ | XEventHintP Bool
+ | XEventMode XEventMode
+ | XEventKind XEventKind
+ | XEventFocusP Bool
+ | XEventKeymap XBitVec
+ | XEventRequest XMapReqType
+ | XEventStart Int
+ | XEventCount Int
+ | XEventRect XRect
+ | XEventDrawable XDrawable
+ | XEventXGraphFun XGraphFun
+ | XEventPlace XWindowPlace
+ | XEventBorderWidth Int
+ | XEventAboveSibling (XMaybe XWindow)
+ | XEventOverrideRedirectP Bool
+ | XEventParent XWindow
+ | XEventConfigureP Bool
+ | XEventVisibility XWindowVisibility
+ | XEventNewP Bool
+ | XEventInstalledP Bool
+ | XEventStackMode XWindowStackMode
+ | XEventValueMask Int
+ | XEventSize XSize
+ | XEventMessage XProperty
+ | XEventPropertyState XPropertyState
+ | XEventAtom XAtom
+ | XEventSelection XAtom
+ | XEventTarget XAtom
+ | XEventProperty (XMaybe XAtom)
+ | XEventRequestor XWindow
+ --deriving Printers
+data XEventMask {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XEventMask [XEventMaskKey]
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XEventMaskKey
+ = XButton1Motion
+ | XButton2Motion
+ | XButton3Motion
+ | XButton4Motion
+ | XButton5Motion
+ | XButtonMotion
+ | XButtonPress
+ | XButtonRelease
+ | XColormapChange
+ | XEnterWindow
+ | XExposure
+ | XFocusChange
+ | XKeyPress
+ | XKeyRelease
+ | XKeymapState
+ | XLeaveWindow
+ | XOwnerGrabButton
+ | XPointerMotion
+ | XPointerMotionHint
+ | XPropertyChange
+ | XResizeRedirect
+ | XStructureNotify
+ | XSubstructureRedirect
+ | XVisibilityChange
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XStateMask {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XStateMask [XStateMaskKey]
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XStateMaskKey
+ = XShift
+ | XLock
+ | XControl
+ | XMod1
+ | XMod2
+ | XMod3
+ | XMod4
+ | XMod5
+ | XButton1
+ | XButton2
+ | XButton3
+ | XButton4
+ | XButton5
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XWinAttribute {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XWinBackground XPixel
+ | XWinEventMask XEventMask
+ | XWinDepth Int
+ | XWinBorderWidth Int
+ | XWinClass XWindowClass
+ | XWinVisual Int
+ | XWinBorder XFillContent
+ | XWinBackingStore XBackingStore
+ | XWinBackingPlanes XPixel
+ | XWinBackingPixel XPixel
+ | XWinSaveUnder XSwitch
+ | XWinDoNotPropagateMask XEventMask
+ | XWinOverrideRedirect XSwitch
+ | XWinColormap XColormap
+ | XWinCursor XCursor
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XGCAttribute {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XGCArcMode XArcMode
+ | XGCBackground XPixel
+ | XGCCapStyle XCapStyle
+ | XGCClipMask XClipMask
+ | XGCClipOrigin XPoint
+ | XGCDashOffset Int
+ | XGCDashes [Int]
+ | XGCExposures XSwitch
+ | XGCFillRule XFillRule
+ | XGCFillStyle XFillStyle
+ | XGCFont XFont
+ | XGCForeground XPixel
+ | XGCFunction XFunction
+ | XGCJoinStyle XJoinStyle
+ | XGCLineStyle XLineStyle
+ | XGCLineWidth Int
+ | XGCPlaneMask XPixel
+ | XGCStipple XPixmap
+ | XGCSubwindowMode XSubwindowMode
+ | XGCTile XPixmap
+ | XGCTileOrigin XPoint
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XImAttribute {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XImBitLsbFirstP Bool
+ | XImBitsPerPixel Int
+ | XImBlueMask XPixel
+ | XImByteLsbFirstP Bool
+ | XImBytesPerLine Int
+ | XImData XImageData
+ | XImDepth Int
+ | XImFormat XImageFormat
+ | XImGreenMask XPixel
+ | XImSize XSize
+ | XImName String
+ | XImRedMask XPixel
+ | XImHotSpot XPoint
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XGrabAttribute {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XGrabOwnerP Bool
+ | XGrabSyncPointerP Bool
+ | XGrabSyncKeyboardP Bool
+ | XGrabConfineTo XWindow
+ | XGrabCursor XCursor
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XArcMode = XChord
+ | XPieSlice
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XCapStyle = XButt
+ | XNotLast
+ | XProjecting
+ | XRound
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XClipMask {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XClipMaskPixmap XPixmap
+ | XClipMaskRects [XRect]
+ | XClipMaskNone
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XFillRule = XFillEvenOdd
+ | XFillWinding
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XFillStyle = XFillOpaqueStippled
+ | XFillSolid
+ | XFillStippled
+ | XFillTiled
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XFunction = XBoole1
+ | XBoole2
+ | XBooleAndC1
+ | XBooleAndC2
+ | XBooleAnd
+ | XBooleC1
+ | XBooleC2
+ | XBooleClr
+ | XBooleEqv
+ | XBooleIor
+ | XBooleNand
+ | XBooleNor
+ | XBooleOrc1
+ | XBooleOrc2
+ | XBooleSet
+ | XBooleXor
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XJoinStyle = XJoinBevel
+ | XJoinMiter
+ | XJoinRound
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XLineStyle = XLineSolid
+ | XLineDoubleDash
+ | XLineOnOffDash
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XSubwindowMode = XClipByChildren
+ | XIncludeInferiors
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XPoint {-# STRICT #-} = XPoint Int Int -- x,y
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XSize {-# STRICT #-} = XSize Int Int -- width, height
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XRect {-# STRICT #-} = XRect Int Int Int Int -- x, y, width, height
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XArc {-# STRICT #-} = XArc Int Int Int Int Float Float
+ --deriving (Printers) -- x, y, width, height, angle1, angle2
+data XBitmapFormat {-# STRICT #-} = XBitmapFormat Int Int Bool
+ --deriving (Printers) -- unit, pad, lsb-first-p
+data XByteOrder = XLsbFirst
+ | XMsbFirst
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XPixmapFormat {-# STRICT #-} = XPixmapFormat Int Int Int
+ --deriving (Printers) -- depth, bits-per-pixel, scanline-pad
+data XVisualInfo {-# STRICT #-} = XVisualInfo
+ Int -- id
+ XVisualClass -- class
+ XPixel -- red-mask
+ XPixel -- green-mask
+ XPixel -- blue-mask
+ Int -- bits-per-rgb
+ Int -- colormap-entries
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XVisualClass = XDirectColor
+ | XGrayScale
+ | XPseudoColor
+ | XStaticColor
+ | XStaticGray
+ | XTrueColor
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XFillContent {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XFillPixel XPixel
+ | XFillPixmap XPixmap
+ | XFillNone
+ | XFillParentRelative
+ | XFillCopy
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XBackingStore = XAlwaysBackStore
+ | XNeverBackStore
+ | XBackStoreWhenMapped
+ | XBackStoreNotUseful
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XGravity = XForget
+ | XStatic
+ | XCenter
+ | XEast
+ | XNorth
+ | XNorthEast
+ | XNorthWest
+ | XSouth
+ | XSouthEast
+ | XSouthWest
+ | XWest
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XWindowClass = XInputOutput
+ | XInputOnly
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XMapState = XUnmapped
+ | XUnviewable
+ | XViewable
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XImageData {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XBitmapData [XBitmap]
+ | XPixarrayData XPixarray
+ | XByteVecData XByteVec
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XImageFormat = XXyPixmapImage
+ | XZPixmapImage
+ | XBitmapImage
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XImageType = XImageX
+ | XImageXy
+ | XImageZ
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XDrawDirection = XLeftToRight
+ | XRightToLeft
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XColor {-# STRICT #-} = XColor Float Float Float
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XInputFocus {-# STRICT #-}
+ = XFocusWindow XWindow
+ | XFocusNone
+ | XFocusPointerRoot
+ | XFocusParent
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XGrabStatus = XAlreadyGrabbed
+ | XFrozen
+ | XInvalidTime
+ | XNotViewable
+ | XSuccess
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XKeysym {-# STRICT #-} = XKeysym Integer
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XCloseDownMode = XDestroy
+ | XRetainPermanent
+ | XRetainTemporary
+ --deriving (Printers)
+data XScreenSaver {-# STRICT #-} = XScreenSaver Int Int Bool Bool
+ --deriving (Printers)
+ImportLispType (
+ XMaybe (XSome ("not-null?", "identity", "identity"),
+ XNull ("null?", "'()")),
+ XError (XError ("cons-xerror", "x-error-string")),
+ XBitmap (XBitmap ("mk-bitmap", "sel-bitmap")),
+ XKeysymTable (XKeysymTable ("mk-keysym-table", "sel-keysym-table")),
+ XBitVec (XBitVec ("mk-bitvec", "sel-bitvec")),
+ XPixarray (XPixarray ("mk-pixarray", "sel-pixarray")),
+ XByteVec (XByteVec ("mk-bytevec", "sel-bytevec")),
+ XAtom (XAtom ("mk-atom", "sel-atom")),
+ XProperty (XProperty ("mk-xproperty", "sel-xproperty-data",
+ "sel-xproperty-type", "sel-xproperty-format")),
+ XDrawable (XDrawWindow ("xlib:window-p", "identity", "identity"),
+ XDrawPixmap ("xlib:pixmap-p", "identity", "identity")),
+ XSwitch ( XOn(":on"), XOff(":off")),
+ XWindowPlace (XTopPlace (":top"), XBottomPlace (":bottom")),
+ XEventMode (XNormalMode (":normal"),
+ XGrabMode (":grab"),
+ XUngrabMode (":ungrab"),
+ XWhileGrabbedMode (":while-grabbed")),
+ XEventKind (XAncestorKind (":ancestor"),
+ XVirtualKind (":virtual"),
+ XInferiorKind (":inferior"),
+ XNonlinearKind (":nonlinear"),
+ XNonlinearVirtualKind (":nonlinear-virtual"),
+ XPointerKind (":pointer"),
+ XPointerRootKind (":pointer-root"),
+ XNoneKind (":none")),
+ XWindowVisibility (XUnobscured (":unobscured"),
+ XPartiallyObscured (":partially-obscured"),
+ XFullyObscured (":fully-obscured")),
+ XWindowStackMode (XStackAbove (":above"),
+ XStackBelow (":below"),
+ XStackTopIf (":top-if"),
+ XStackBottomIf (":bottom-if"),
+ XStackOpposite (":opposite")),
+ XPropertyState (XNewValueProperty (":new-value"),
+ XDeletedProperty (":deleted")),
+ XMapReqType (XModifierMapping (":modifier"),
+ XKeyboardMapping (":keyboard"),
+ XPointerMapping (":pointer")),
+ XGraphFun (XGraphFun ("cons", "car", "cdr")),
+ XEvent (XEvent ("mk-event", "sel-event-type", "sel-event-slots")),
+ XEventType (XKeyPressEvent (":key-press"),
+ XKeyReleaseEvent (":key-release"),
+ XButtonPressEvent (":button-press"),
+ XButtonReleaseEvent (":button-release"),
+ XMotionNotifyEvent (":motion-notify"),
+ XEnterNotifyEvent (":enter-notify"),
+ XLeaveNotifyEvent (":leave-notify"),
+ XFocusInEvent (":focus-in"),
+ XFocusOutEvent (":focus-out"),
+ XKeymapNotifyEvent (":keymap-notify"),
+ XMappingNotifyEvent (":mapping-notify"),
+ XExposureEvent (":exposure"),
+ XGraphicsExposureEvent (":graphics-exposure"),
+ XNoExposureEvent (":no-exposure"),
+ XCirculateNotifyEvent (":circulate-notify"),
+ XConfigureNotifyEvent (":configure-notify"),
+ XCreateNotifyEvent (":create-notify"),
+ XDestroyNotifyEvent (":destroy-notify"),
+ XGravityNotifyEvent (":gravity-notify"),
+ XMapNotifyEvent (":map-notify"),
+ XReparentNotifyEvent (":reparent-notify"),
+ XUnmapNotifyEvent (":unmap-notify"),
+ XVisibilityNotifyEvent (":visibility-notify"),
+ XCirculateRequestEvent (":circulate-notify"),
+ XColormapNotifyEvent (":colormap-notify"),
+ XConfigureRequestEvent (":configure-request"),
+ XMapRequestEvent (":map-request"),
+ XResizeRequestEvent (":resize-request"),
+ XClientMessageEvent (":client-message"),
+ XPropertyNotifyEvent (":property-notify"),
+ XSelectionClearEvent (":selection-clear"),
+ XSelectionNotifyEvent (":selection-notify"),
+ XSelectionRequestEvent (":selection-request"),
+ XOtherEvents (":others")),
+ XEventSlot (XEventWindow ("is-window", "mk-window", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventEventWindow
+ ("is-event-window", "mk-event-window", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventCode ("is-code", "mk-code", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventPos ("is-pos", "mk-pos", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventState ("is-state", "mk-state", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventTime ("is-time", "mk-time", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventRoot ("is-root", "mk-root", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventRootPos ("is-root-pos", "mk-root-pos", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventChild ("is-child", "mk-child", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventSameScreenP
+ ("is-same-screen-p", "mk-same-screen-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventHintP ("is-hint-p", "mk-hint-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventMode ("is-mode", "mk-mode", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventKind ("is-kind", "mk-kind", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventFocusP ("is-focus-p", "mk-focus-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventKeymap ("is-keymap", "mk-keymap", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventRequest ("is-request", "mk-request", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventStart ("is-start", "mk-start", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventCount ("is-count", "mk-count", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventRect ("is-rect", "mk-rect", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventDrawable ("is-drawable", "mk-drawable", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventXGraphFun ("is-graph-fun", "mk-graph-fun", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventPlace ("is-place", "mk-place", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventBorderWidth
+ ("is-border-width", "mk-border-width", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventAboveSibling
+ ("is-above-sibling", "mk-above-sibling", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventOverrideRedirectP
+ ("is-override-redirect-p", "mk-override-redirect-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventParent ("is-parent", "mk-parent", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventConfigureP ("is-configure-p", "mk-configure-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventVisibility ("is-visibility", "mk-visibility", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventNewP ("is-new-p", "mk-new-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventInstalledP ("is-installed-p", "mk-installed-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventStackMode ("is-stack-mode", "mk-stack-mode", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventValueMask ("is-value-mask", "mk-value-mask", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventSize ("is-size", "mk-size", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventMessage ("is-message", "mk-message", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventPropertyState
+ ("is-property-state", "mk-property-state", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventAtom ("is-atom", "mk-atom", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventSelection ("is-selection", "mk-selection", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventTarget ("is-target", "mk-target", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventProperty ("is-property", "mk-property", "keyword-val"),
+ XEventRequestor ("is-requestor", "mk-requestor", "keyword-val")),
+ XEventMask (XEventMask ("x-make-event-mask", "x-event-mask-key-list")),
+ XEventMaskKey (XButton1Motion (":button-1-motion"),
+ XButton2Motion (":button-2-motion"),
+ XButton3Motion (":button-3-motion"),
+ XButton4Motion (":button-4-motion"),
+ XButton5Motion (":button-5-motion"),
+ XButtonMotion (":button-motion"),
+ XButtonPress (":button-press"),
+ XButtonRelease (":button-release"),
+ XColormapChange (":colormap-change"),
+ XEnterWindow (":enter-window"),
+ XExposure (":exposure"),
+ XFocusChange (":focus-change"),
+ XKeyPress (":key-press"),
+ XKeyRelease (":key-release"),
+ XKeymapState (":keymap-state"),
+ XLeaveWindow (":leave-window"),
+ XOwnerGrabButton (":owner-grab-button"),
+ XPointerMotion (":pointer-motion"),
+ XPointerMotionHint (":pointer-motion-hint"),
+ XPropertyChange (":property-change"),
+ XResizeRedirect (":resize-redirect"),
+ XStructureNotify (":structure-notify"),
+ XSubstructureRedirect (":substructure-notify"),
+ XVisibilityChange (":visibility-change")),
+ XStateMask (XStateMask ("x-make-state-mask", "x-state-mask-key-list")),
+ XStateMaskKey (XShift (":shift"),
+ XLock (":lock"),
+ XControl (":control"),
+ XMod1 (":mod-1"),
+ XMod2 (":mod-2"),
+ XMod3 (":mod-3"),
+ XMod4 (":mod-4"),
+ XMod5 (":mod-5"),
+ XButton1 (":button-1"),
+ XButton2 (":button-2"),
+ XButton3 (":button-3"),
+ XButton4 (":button-4"),
+ XButton5 (":button-5")),
+ XWinAttribute
+ (XWinBackground ("is-background","mk-background","keyword-val"),
+ XWinEventMask ("is-event-mask","mk-event-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XWinDepth ("is-depth","mk-depth","keyword-val"),
+ XWinBorderWidth ("is-border-width","mk-border-width","keyword-val"),
+ XWinClass ("is-class","mk-class","keyword-val"),
+ XWinVisual ("is-visual","mk-visual","keyword-val"),
+ XWinBorder ("is-border","mk-border","keyword-val"),
+ XWinBackingStore ("is-backing-store","mk-backing-store","keyword-val"),
+ XWinBackingPlanes ("is-backing-planes","mk-backing-planes","keyword-val"),
+ XWinBackingPixel ("is-backing-pixel","mk-backing-pixel","keyword-val"),
+ XWinSaveUnder ("is-save-under","mk-save-under","keyword-val"),
+ XWinDoNotPropagateMask ("is-do-not-propagate-mask",
+ "mk-do-not-propagate-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XWinOverrideRedirect("is-override-redirect",
+ "mk-override-redirect","keyword-val"),
+ XWinColormap ("is-colormap","mk-colormap","keyword-val"),
+ XWinCursor ("is-cursor","mk-cursor","keyword-val")),
+ XGCAttribute(
+ XGCArcMode ("is-arc-mode","mk-arc-mode","keyword-val"),
+ XGCBackground ("is-background","mk-background","keyword-val"),
+ XGCCapStyle ("is-cap-style","mk-cap-style","keyword-val"),
+ XGCClipMask ("is-clip-mask","mk-clip-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XGCClipOrigin ("is-clip-origin","mk-clip-origin","keyword-val"),
+ XGCDashOffset ("is-dash-offset","mk-dash-offset","keyword-val"),
+ XGCDashes ("is-dashes","mk-dashes","keyword-val"),
+ XGCExposures ("is-exposures","mk-exposures","keyword-val"),
+ XGCFillRule ("is-fill-rule","mk-fill-rule","keyword-val"),
+ XGCFillStyle ("is-fill-style","mk-fill-style","keyword-val"),
+ XGCFont ("is-font","mk-font","keyword-val"),
+ XGCForeground ("is-foreground","mk-foreground","keyword-val"),
+ XGCFunction ("is-function","mk-function","keyword-val"),
+ XGCJoinStyle ("is-join-style","mk-join-style","keyword-val"),
+ XGCLineStyle ("is-line-style","mk-line-style","keyword-val"),
+ XGCLineWidth ("is-line-width","mk-line-width","keyword-val"),
+ XGCPlaneMask ("is-plane-mask","mk-plane-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XGCStipple ("is-stipple","mk-stipple","keyword-val"),
+ XGCSubwindowMode ("is-subwindow-mode","mk-subwindow-mode","keyword-val"),
+ XGCTile ("is-tile","mk-tile","keyword-val"),
+ XGCTileOrigin ("is-tile-origin","mk-tile-origin","keyword-val")),
+ XImAttribute (
+ XImBitLsbFirstP ("is-bit-lsb-first-p","mk-bit-lsb-first-p","keyword-val"),
+ XImBitsPerPixel ("is-bits-per-pixel","mk-bits-per-pixel","keyword-val"),
+ XImBlueMask ("is-blue-mask","mk-blue-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XImByteLsbFirstP ("is-byte-lsb-first-p","mk-byte-lsb-first-p","keyword-val"),
+ XImBytesPerLine ("is-bytes-per-line","mk-bytes-per-line","keyword-val"),
+ XImData ("is-data","mk-data","keyword-val"),
+ XImDepth ("is-depth","mk-depth","keyword-val"),
+ XImFormat ("is-format","mk-format","keyword-val"),
+ XImGreenMask ("is-green-mask","mk-green-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XImSize ("is-size","mk-size","keyword-val"),
+ XImName ("is-name","mk-name","keyword-val"),
+ XImRedMask ("is-red-mask","mk-red-mask","keyword-val"),
+ XImHotSpot ("is-hot-spot","mk-hot-spot","keyword-val")),
+ XGrabAttribute (
+ XGrabOwnerP ("is-owner-p", "mk-owner-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XGrabSyncPointerP ("is-sync-pointer-p", "mk-sync-pointer-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XGrabSyncKeyboardP ("is-sync-keyboard-p", "mk-sync-keyboard-p", "keyword-val"),
+ XGrabConfineTo ("is-confine-to", "mk-confine-to", "keyword-val"),
+ XGrabCursor ("is-cursor", "mk-cursor", "keyword-val")),
+ XArcMode (XChord (":chord"),
+ XPieSlice (":pie-slice")),
+ XCapStyle (XButt (":butt"),
+ XNotLast (":not-last"),
+ XProjecting (":projecting"),
+ XRound (":round")),
+ XClipMask (XClipMaskPixmap ("xlib:pixmap-p","identity","identity"),
+ XClipMaskRects ("not-pixmap-and-list-p","mk-clip-mask-rects",
+ "sel-clip-mask-rects"),
+ XClipMaskNone ("null?", "()")),
+ XFillRule (XFillEvenOdd (":even-odd"),
+ XFillWinding (":winding")),
+ XFillStyle (XFillOpaqueStippled (":opaque-stippled"),
+ XFillSolid (":solid"),
+ XFillStippled (":stippled"),
+ XFillTiled (":tiled")),
+ XFunction (XBoole1 ("xlib::boole-1"),
+ XBoole2 ("xlib::boole-2"),
+ XBooleAndC1 ("xlib::boole-andc1"),
+ XBooleAndC2 ("xlib::boole-andc2"),
+ XBooleAnd ("xlib::boole-and"),
+ XBooleC1 ("xlib::boole-c1"),
+ XBooleC2 ("xlib::boole-c2"),
+ XBooleClr ("xlib::boole-clr"),
+ XBooleEqv ("xlib::boole-eqv"),
+ XBooleIor ("xlib::boole-ior"),
+ XBooleNand ("xlib::boole-nand"),
+ XBooleNor ("xlib::boole-nor"),
+ XBooleOrc1 ("xlib::boole-orc1"),
+ XBooleOrc2 ("xlib::boole-orc2"),
+ XBooleSet ("xlib::boole-set"),
+ XBooleXor ("xlib::boole-xor")),
+ XJoinStyle (XJoinBevel (":bevel"),
+ XJoinMiter (":miter"),
+ XJoinRound (":round")),
+ XLineStyle (XLineSolid (":solid"),
+ XLineDoubleDash (":double-dash"),
+ XLineOnOffDash (":on-off-dash")),
+ XSubwindowMode (XClipByChildren (":clip-by-children"),
+ XIncludeInferiors (":include-inferiors")),
+ XPoint(XPoint("mk-xpoint", "xpoint-x", "xpoint-y")),
+ XSize (XSize ("mk-xsize", "xsize-w", "xsize-h")),
+ XRect (XRect ("mk-xrect", "xrect-x", "xrect-y", "xrect-w", "xrect-h")),
+ XArc (XArc ("mk-xarc", "xarc-x", "xarc-y", "xarc-w", "xarc-h",
+ "xarc-a1", "xarc-a2")),
+ XBitmapFormat
+ (XBitmapFormat ("bitmap-format-p", "mk-bitmap-format",
+ "xlib:bitmap-format-unit",
+ "xlib:bitmap-format-pad",
+ "xlib:bitmap-format-lsb-first-p")),
+ XByteOrder (XLsbFirst (":lsbfirst"),
+ XMsbFirst (":msbfirst")),
+ XPixmapFormat (XPixmapFormat ("pixmap-format-p", "mk-pixmap-format",
+ "xlib:pixmap-format-depth",
+ "xlib:pixmap-format-bits-per-pixel",
+ "xlib:pixmap-format-scanline-pad")),
+ XVisualInfo
+ (XVisualInfo ( "visual-info-p", "mk-xvisual-info",
+ "xlib:visual-info-id",
+ "xlib:visual-info-class",
+ "xlib:visual-info-red-mask",
+ "xlib:visual-info-green-mask",
+ "xlib:visual-info-blue-mask",
+ "xlib:visual-info-bits-per-rgb",
+ "xlib:visual-info-colormap-entries")),
+ XVisualClass (XDirectColor (":direct-color"),
+ XGrayScale (":gray-scale"),
+ XPseudoColor (":pseudo-color"),
+ XStaticColor (":static-color"),
+ XStaticGray (":static-gray"),
+ XTrueColor (":true-color")),
+ XFillContent (XFillPixel ("is-fill-pixel", "identity","identity"),
+ XFillPixmap ("xlib:pixmap-p", "identity","identity"),
+ XFillNone (":none"),
+ XFillParentRelative (":parent-relative"),
+ XFillCopy (":copy")),
+ XBackingStore (XAlwaysBackStore (":always"),
+ XNeverBackStore (":never"),
+ XBackStoreWhenMapped (":when-mapped"),
+ XBackStoreNotUseful (":not-useful")),
+ XGravity (XForget (":forget"),
+ XStatic (":static"),
+ XCenter (":center"),
+ XEast (":east"),
+ XNorth (":north"),
+ XNorthEast (":north-east"),
+ XNorthWest (":north-west"),
+ XSouth (":south"),
+ XSouthEast (":south-east"),
+ XSouthWest (":south-west"),
+ XWest ("west")),
+ XWindowClass (XInputOutput (":input-output"),
+ XInputOnly (":input-only")),
+ XMapState (XUnmapped (":unmapped"),
+ XUnviewable (":unviewable"),
+ XViewable (":viewable")),
+ XImageData (XBitmapData ("bitmap-list-p", "haskell-list->list/identity", "list->haskell-list/identity"),
+ XPixarrayData ("pixarray-p", "identity", "identity"),
+ XByteVecData ("bytevec-p", "identity", "identity")),
+ XImageFormat (XXyPixmapImage (":xy-pixmap"),
+ XZPixmapImage (":z-pixmap"),
+ XBitmapImage (":bitmap")),
+ XImageType (XImageX ("'xlib:image-x"),
+ XImageXy ("'xlib:image-xy"),
+ XImageZ ("'xlib:image-z")),
+ XDrawDirection (XLeftToRight (":left-to-right"),
+ XRightToLeft (":right-to-left")),
+ XColor (XColor ("xlib:color-p", "mk-color",
+ "xlib:color-red", "xlib:color-green", "xlib:color-blue")),
+ XInputFocus (XFocusWindow ("xlib:window-p", "identity", "identity"),
+ XFocusNone (":none"),
+ XFocusPointerRoot (":pointer-root"),
+ XFocusParent (":parent")),
+ XGrabStatus (XAlreadyGrabbed (":already-grabbed"),
+ XFrozen (":frozen"),
+ XInvalidTime (":invalid-time"),
+ XSuccess (":success")),
+ XCloseDownMode (XDestroy (":destroy"),
+ XRetainPermanent (":retain-permanent"),
+ XRetainTemporary (":retain-temporary")),
+ XScreenSaver (XScreenSaver ("list", "car", "cadr", "caddr", "cadddr")))
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/ b/progs/lib/X11/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86b2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/xlibclx.scm b/progs/lib/X11/xlibclx.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f1fd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/xlibclx.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+;;; xlibclx.scm -- Lisp support for Haskell/CLX interface
+;; general
+(define-syntax (nth-value n form)
+ (cond ((eqv? n 0)
+ `(values ,form))
+ ((number? n)
+ (let ((temps '()))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (declare (ignorable i))
+ (push (gensym) temps))
+ `(multiple-value-bind ,(reverse temps) ,form
+ (declare (ignore ,@(reverse (cdr temps))))
+ ,(car temps))))
+ (else
+ `(lisp:nth ,n (lisp:multiple-value-list ,form)))
+ ))
+(define-local-syntax (keywordify string)
+ `(lisp:intern ,string (lisp:find-package "KEYWORD")))
+(define-local-syntax (xlibify string)
+ `(lisp:intern ,string (lisp:find-package "XLIB")))
+;;; This is stuff to support slots that consist of a keyword/value
+;;; pair. Note that the value is always unboxed.
+(define-syntax (make-keyword key value)
+ `(cons ,key ,value))
+(define-syntax (is-keyword? x key)
+ `(eq? (car ,x) ,key))
+(define-syntax (keyword-key x) `(car ,x))
+(define-syntax (keyword-val x) `(cdr ,x))
+(define-syntax (define-keyword-constructor name)
+ (let* ((name-str (symbol->string name))
+ (key (keywordify name-str))
+ (is-name (string->symbol (string-append "IS-" name-str)))
+ (mk-name (string->symbol (string-append "MK-" name-str))))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,mk-name x) (make-keyword ,key x))
+ (define (,is-name x) (is-keyword? x ,key)))
+ ))
+(define-syntax (define-event-slot-finder slot)
+ (let* ((slot-str (symbol->string slot))
+ (slot-key (keywordify slot-str))
+ (fun (string->symbol (string-append "X-EVENT-" slot-str))))
+ `(define (,fun event) (lookup-event-slot (cdr event) ,slot-key))))
+(define (lookup-event-slot event key)
+ (if (null? event)
+ (error "non-existent event slot: ~A" key)
+ (if (eq? key (car event))
+ (cadr event)
+ (lookup-event-slot (cddr event) key))))
+(define-syntax (define-attribute-setter entity attribute)
+ (let* ((entity-attr (string-append (symbol->string entity)
+ "-"
+ (symbol->string attribute)))
+ (fun-name (string->symbol (string-append "X-SET-" entity-attr)))
+ (xfun-name (xlibify entity-attr)))
+ `(define (,fun-name ,entity ,attribute)
+ (setf (,xfun-name ,entity) ,attribute))))
+(define-syntax (make-h-tuple . args)
+ (let ((nargs (map (lambda (arg) `(box ,arg)) args)))
+ `(make-tuple ,@nargs)))
+;; type XError
+(define (cons-xerror x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ (error "can't construct XError"))
+(define (x-error-string c)
+ (make-haskell-string (format '#f "~A" c)))
+;;; The forces here are necessary because the thing being funcalled
+;;; returns a data structure of type (IO a), and we need to do
+;;; an IO a -> a transformation.
+(define (x-handle-error handler body)
+ (lisp:catch 'x-error-handle
+ (lcl:handler-bind ((lisp:error (mk-handler handler)))
+ (force (funcall body (box 'state))))))
+#+(or cmu allegro lispworks)
+(define (x-handle-error handler body)
+ (lisp:catch 'x-error-handle
+ (lisp:handler-bind ((lisp:error (mk-handler handler)))
+ (force (funcall body (box 'state))))))
+(define (x-handle-error handler body)
+ (error "AKCL does not support HANDLER-BIND!"))
+(define (mk-handler handler)
+ (lambda (c)
+ (lisp:throw 'x-error-handle
+ (force (funcall handler
+ (box c)
+ (box 'state))))))
+;; for type XMaybe
+(define (not-null? x) (not (null? x)))
+;; For Bitmap, Pixarray, KeysymTable
+(define (array2->haskell-list a)
+ (let* ((dims (lisp:array-dimensions a))
+ (i1max (car dims))
+ (i2max (cadr dims)))
+ (declare (type fixnum i1max i2max))
+ (do ((i1 (the fixnum (1- i1max)) (the fixnum (1- i1)))
+ (outer '()))
+ ((< i1 0) outer)
+ (declare (type fixnum i1))
+ (setf outer
+ (cons
+ (box
+ (do ((i2 (the fixnum (1- i2max)) (the fixnum (1- i2)))
+ (inner '()))
+ ((< i2 0) inner)
+ (declare (type fixnum i2))
+ (setf inner
+ (cons (box (lisp:aref a i1 i2))
+ (box inner)))))
+ (box outer))))
+ ))
+;; Bitmap
+(define (mk-bitmap ll)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list #'haskell-list->list/identity ll)))
+ (lisp:make-array `(,(length l) , (length (car l)))
+ :element-type 'lisp:bit
+ :initial-contents l)))
+(define (sel-bitmap l)
+ (array2->haskell-list l))
+;; XKeysymTable
+(define (mk-keysym-table ll)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list #'haskell-list->list/identity ll)))
+ (lisp:make-array `(,(length l) , (length (car l)))
+ :element-type 'xlib:card32
+ :initial-contents l)))
+(define (sel-keysym-table l)
+ (array2->haskell-list l))
+;; XPixarray
+(define (mk-pixarray ll)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list #'haskell-list->list/identity ll)))
+ (let* ((max-num (find-max l))
+ (pix-type (cond ((<= max-num 1) 'lisp:bit)
+ ((<= max-num 15) '(lisp:unsigned-byte 4))
+ ((<= max-num 255) 'xlib:card8)
+ ((<= max-num 65535) 'xlib:card16)
+ (else 'xlib:card32))))
+ (declare (type integer max-num))
+ (lisp:make-array `(,(length l) , (length (car l)))
+ :element-type pix-type
+ :initial-contents l))))
+(define (find-max l)
+ (let ((max 0))
+ (dolist (ll l)
+ (dolist (lll ll)
+ (when (> (the integer lll) (the integer max))
+ (setf max lll))))
+ max))
+(define (sel-pixarray l)
+ (array2->haskell-list l))
+;;; Can't use mumble vector primitives on arrays of specialized types!
+(define (array1->haskell-list a)
+ (declare (type lisp:vector a))
+ (let ((imax (lisp:length a)))
+ (declare (type fixnum imax))
+ (do ((i (the fixnum (1- imax)) (the fixnum (1- i)))
+ (result '()))
+ ((< i 0) result)
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf result
+ (cons (box (lisp:aref a i))
+ (box result))))))
+;; BitVec
+(define (mk-bitvec ll)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list/identity ll)))
+ (lisp:make-array `(,(length l)) :element-type 'lisp:bit
+ :initial-contents l)))
+(define (sel-bitvec l)
+ (array1->haskell-list l))
+;; ByteVec
+(define (mk-bytevec ll)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list/identity ll)))
+ (lisp:make-array `(,(length l)) :element-type 'xlib:card8
+ :initial-contents l)))
+(define (sel-bytevec l)
+ (array1->haskell-list l))
+;; XAtom
+(define (mk-atom name)
+ (keywordify (haskell-string->string name)))
+(define (sel-atom atom)
+ (make-haskell-string (symbol->string atom)))
+;; XProperty
+;;; watch out for name conflict with :property keyword stuff
+(define (mk-xproperty d ty f) (list (haskell-list->list/identity d) ty f))
+(define (sel-xproperty-data p) (list->haskell-list/identity (car p)))
+(define (sel-xproperty-type p) (cadr p))
+(define (sel-xproperty-format p) (caddr p))
+(define (mk-event type slots)
+ (cons type (slots->keywords (haskell-list->list/identity slots))))
+(define (sel-event-type event) (car event))
+(define (sel-event-slots event)
+ (list->haskell-list/identity (keywords->slots (car event) (cdr event) event)))
+;; XEventSlot
+(define-keyword-constructor window)
+(define-keyword-constructor event-window)
+(define-keyword-constructor code)
+(define-keyword-constructor pos)
+(define-keyword-constructor state)
+(define-keyword-constructor time)
+(define-keyword-constructor root)
+(define-keyword-constructor root-pos)
+(define-keyword-constructor child)
+(define-keyword-constructor same-screen-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor hint-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor mode)
+(define-keyword-constructor kind)
+(define-keyword-constructor focus-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor keymap)
+(define-keyword-constructor request)
+(define-keyword-constructor start)
+(define-keyword-constructor count)
+(define-keyword-constructor rect)
+(define-keyword-constructor drawable)
+(define-keyword-constructor graph-fun)
+(define-keyword-constructor place)
+(define-keyword-constructor border-width)
+(define-keyword-constructor above-sibling)
+(define-keyword-constructor override-redirect-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor parent)
+(define-keyword-constructor configure-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor visibility)
+(define-keyword-constructor new-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor installed-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor stack-mode)
+(define-keyword-constructor value-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor size)
+(define-keyword-constructor message)
+(define-keyword-constructor property-state)
+(define-keyword-constructor atom)
+(define-keyword-constructor selection)
+(define-keyword-constructor target)
+(define-keyword-constructor property)
+(define-keyword-constructor requestor)
+(define-event-slot-finder window)
+(define-event-slot-finder event-window)
+(define-event-slot-finder code)
+(define-event-slot-finder x)
+(define-event-slot-finder y)
+(define-event-slot-finder state)
+(define-event-slot-finder time)
+(define-event-slot-finder root)
+(define-event-slot-finder root-x)
+(define-event-slot-finder root-y)
+(define-event-slot-finder child)
+(define-event-slot-finder same-screen-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder hint-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder mode)
+(define-event-slot-finder kind)
+(define-event-slot-finder focus-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder keymap)
+(define-event-slot-finder request)
+(define-event-slot-finder start)
+(define-event-slot-finder count)
+(define-event-slot-finder width)
+(define-event-slot-finder height)
+(define-event-slot-finder drawable)
+(define-event-slot-finder major)
+(define-event-slot-finder minor)
+(define-event-slot-finder place)
+(define-event-slot-finder border-width)
+(define-event-slot-finder above-sibling)
+(define-event-slot-finder override-redirect-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder parent)
+(define-event-slot-finder configure-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder new-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder installed-p)
+(define-event-slot-finder stack-mode)
+(define-event-slot-finder value-mask)
+(define-event-slot-finder data)
+(define-event-slot-finder type)
+(define-event-slot-finder format)
+(define-event-slot-finder atom)
+(define-event-slot-finder selection)
+(define-event-slot-finder target)
+(define-event-slot-finder property)
+(define-event-slot-finder requestor)
+(define (x-event-pos event) (mk-xpoint (x-event-x event) (x-event-y event)))
+(define (x-event-root-pos event)
+ (mk-xpoint (x-event-root-x event) (x-event-root-y event)))
+(define (x-event-size event)
+ (mk-xsize (x-event-width event) (x-event-height event)))
+(define (x-event-rect event)
+ (mk-xrect (x-event-x event) (x-event-y event)
+ (x-event-width event) (x-event-height event)))
+(define (x-event-graph-fun event)
+ (cons (x-event-major event) (x-event-minor event)))
+(define (x-event-message event)
+ (list (sequence->list (x-event-data event))
+ (x-event-type event)
+ (x-event-format event)))
+;; XEventMask
+(define (x-make-event-mask keys)
+ (apply (function xlib:make-event-mask) (haskell-list->list/identity keys)))
+(define (x-event-mask-key-list mask)
+ (list->haskell-list/identity (xlib:make-event-keys mask)))
+;; XStateMask
+(define (x-make-state-mask keys)
+ (apply (function xlib:make-state-mask) (haskell-list->list/identity keys)))
+(define (x-state-mask-key-list mask)
+ (list->haskell-list/identity (xlib:make-state-keys mask)))
+(define-keyword-constructor background)
+(define-keyword-constructor foreground)
+(define-keyword-constructor event-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor depth)
+(define-keyword-constructor border-width)
+(define-keyword-constructor class)
+(define-keyword-constructor visual)
+(define-keyword-constructor border)
+(define-keyword-constructor backing-store)
+(define-keyword-constructor backing-planes)
+(define-keyword-constructor backing-pixel)
+(define-keyword-constructor save-under)
+(define-keyword-constructor do-not-propagate-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor override-redirect)
+(define-keyword-constructor colormap)
+(define-keyword-constructor cursor)
+(define-keyword-constructor arc-mode)
+(define-keyword-constructor cap-style)
+(define-keyword-constructor clip-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor clip-origin)
+(define-keyword-constructor dash-offset)
+(define-keyword-constructor dashes)
+(define-keyword-constructor exposures)
+(define-keyword-constructor fill-rule)
+(define-keyword-constructor fill-style)
+(define-keyword-constructor font)
+(define-keyword-constructor function)
+(define-keyword-constructor join-style)
+(define-keyword-constructor line-style)
+(define-keyword-constructor line-width)
+(define-keyword-constructor plane-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor stipple)
+(define-keyword-constructor subwindow-mode)
+(define-keyword-constructor tile)
+(define-keyword-constructor tile-origin)
+(define-keyword-constructor bit-lsb-first-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor bits-per-pixel)
+(define-keyword-constructor blue-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor byte-lsb-first-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor bytes-per-line)
+(define-keyword-constructor data)
+(define-keyword-constructor format)
+(define-keyword-constructor green-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor size)
+(define-keyword-constructor name)
+(define-keyword-constructor red-mask)
+(define-keyword-constructor hot-spot)
+(define-keyword-constructor owner-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor sync-pointer-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor sync-keyboard-p)
+(define-keyword-constructor confine-to)
+;; XClipMask
+(define (not-pixmap-and-list-p x)
+ (and (pair? x) (not (xlib:pixmap-p x))))
+(define (mk-clip-mask-rects rects)
+ (rects->point-seq (haskell-list->list/identity rects)))
+(define (sel-clip-mask-rects point-seq)
+ (list->haskell-list/identity (point-seq->rects point-seq)))
+;; XPoint
+(define (mk-xpoint x y) (cons x y))
+(define (xpoint-x x) (car x))
+(define (xpoint-y x) (cdr x))
+;; XSize
+(define (mk-xsize x y) (cons x y))
+(define (xsize-w x) (car x))
+(define (xsize-h x) (cdr x))
+;; XRect
+(define (mk-xrect x y w h) (vector x y w h))
+(define (xrect-x x) (vector-ref x 0))
+(define (xrect-y x) (vector-ref x 1))
+(define (xrect-w x) (vector-ref x 2))
+(define (xrect-h x) (vector-ref x 3))
+;; XArc
+(define (mk-xarc x y w h a1 a2) (vector x y w h a1 a2))
+(define (xarc-x x) (vector-ref x 0))
+(define (xarc-y x) (vector-ref x 1))
+(define (xarc-w x) (vector-ref x 2))
+(define (xarc-h x) (vector-ref x 3))
+(define (xarc-a1 x) (vector-ref x 4))
+(define (xarc-a2 x) (vector-ref x 5))
+;; BitmapFormat
+(define (mk-bitmap-format u p l)
+ (xlib::make-bitmap-format :unit u :pad p :lsb-first-p l))
+;; PixmapFormat
+(define (mk-pixmap-format u p l)
+ (xlib::make-pixmap-format :depth u :bits-per-pixel p :scanline-pad l))
+;; XVisualInfo
+(define (mk-xvisual-info id cl rm gm bm bs es)
+ (xlib::make-visual-info :id id :class cl :red-mask rm :green-mask gm
+ :blue-mask bm :bits-per-rgb bs :colormap-entries es))
+;; XFillContent
+(define (is-fill-pixel x) (not (or (xlib:pixmap-p x) (symbol? x))))
+;; XBackingStore
+;; XImageData
+(define (bitmap-list-p x) (pair? x))
+(define (pixarray-p x) (and (not (pair? x)) (eq? (lisp:array-rank x) 2)))
+(define (bytevec-p x) (and (not (pair? x)) (eq? (lisp:array-rank x) 1)))
+;; XColor
+(define (mk-color r g b)
+ (xlib:make-color :red r :green g :blue b))
+(define (x-print x)
+ (print x))
+(define (x-set-event-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (lisp:logior mask (xlib:make-event-mask key-sym)))
+(define (x-clear-event-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (lisp:logand mask (lisp:lognot (xlib:make-event-mask key-sym))))
+(define (x-test-event-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (if (eqv? 0 (lisp:logand mask (xlib:make-event-mask key-sym))) '#f '#t))
+(define (x-set-state-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (lisp:logior mask (xlib:make-state-mask key-sym)))
+(define (x-clear-state-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (lisp:logand mask (lisp:lognot (xlib:make-state-mask key-sym))))
+(define (x-test-state-mask-key mask key-sym)
+ (if (eqv? 0 (lisp:logand mask (xlib:make-state-mask key-sym))) '#f '#t))
+;;; Display is a string of the format name:d.s
+;;; ignore s; if d is omitted, default it to zero.
+(define (x-open-display display)
+ (let* ((end (string-length display))
+ (colon (or (string-position #\: display 0 end) end))
+ (dot (or (string-position #\. display colon end) end)))
+ (declare (type fixnum end colon dot))
+ (xlib:open-display
+ (substring display 0 colon)
+ :display (if (eqv? colon dot)
+ 0
+ (string->number (substring display (1+ colon) dot))))))
+(define (x-set-display-error-handler display error-fun)
+ (declare (ignore display error-fun))
+ (error "not implemented"))
+(define (x-set-display-after-function display after-fun)
+ (declare (ignore display after-fun))
+ (error "not implemented"))
+(define (x-screen-depths screen)
+ (let ((depths (xlib:screen-depths screen)))
+ (map (lambda (l) (make-h-tuple (car l) (list->haskell-list/identity (cdr l))))
+ depths)))
+(define (x-screen-size screen)
+ (mk-xsize (xlib:screen-width screen) (xlib:screen-height screen)))
+(define (x-screen-mmsize screen)
+ (mk-xsize (xlib:screen-width-in-millimeters screen)
+ (xlib:screen-height-in-millimeters screen)))
+(define (x-create-window parent rect attrs)
+ (apply (function XLIB:CREATE-WINDOW)
+ `(:parent ,parent :x ,(xrect-x rect) :y ,(xrect-y rect)
+ :width ,(xrect-w rect) :height ,(xrect-h rect)
+ ,@(attrs->keywords attrs))))
+(define-attribute-setter drawable border-width)
+(define (x-drawable-size drawable)
+ (mk-xsize (xlib:drawable-width drawable) (xlib:drawable-height drawable)))
+(define (x-drawable-resize drawable size)
+ (setf (xlib:drawable-width drawable) (xsize-w size))
+ (setf (xlib:drawable-height drawable) (xsize-h size)))
+(define (x-window-pos window)
+ (mk-xpoint (xlib:drawable-x window) (xlib:drawable-y window)))
+(define (x-window-move window point)
+ (setf (xlib:drawable-x window) (xpoint-x point))
+ (setf (xlib:drawable-y window) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define-attribute-setter window background)
+(define-attribute-setter window backing-pixel)
+(define-attribute-setter window backing-planes)
+(define-attribute-setter window backing-store)
+(define-attribute-setter window bit-gravity)
+(define-attribute-setter window border)
+(define-attribute-setter window colormap)
+(define (x-set-window-cursor window cursor)
+ (let ((val (if (null? cursor) :none cursor)))
+ (setf (xlib:window-cursor window) val)))
+(define-attribute-setter window do-not-propagate-mask)
+(define-attribute-setter window event-mask)
+(define-attribute-setter window gravity)
+(define-attribute-setter window override-redirect)
+(define-attribute-setter window priority)
+(define-attribute-setter window save-under)
+(define (x-query-tree window)
+ (multiple-value-bind (children parent root)
+ (xlib:query-tree window)
+ (make-h-tuple (list->haskell-list/identity children) parent root)))
+(define (x-reparent-window window parent point)
+ (xlib:reparent-window window parent (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define (x-translate-coordinates source point dest)
+ (xlib:translate-coordinates source (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point) dest))
+(define (x-create-pixmap size depth drawable)
+ (xlib:create-pixmap :width (xsize-w size)
+ :height (xsize-h size)
+ :depth depth
+ :drawable drawable))
+(define (x-create-gcontext drawable attrs)
+ (apply (function XLIB:CREATE-GCONTEXT)
+ `(:drawable ,drawable ,@(attrs->keywords attrs))))
+(define (x-update-gcontext gcontext attrs)
+ (do ((keys (attrs->keywords attrs) (cddr keys)))
+ ((null? keys))
+ (x-update-gcontext-attr gcontext (car keys) (cadr keys))))
+(define (x-update-gcontext-attr gcontext key attr)
+ (case key
+ (:arc-mode (setf (xlib:gcontext-arc-mode gcontext) attr))
+ (:background (setf (xlib:gcontext-background gcontext) attr))
+ (:cap-style (setf (xlib:gcontext-cap-style gcontext) attr))
+ (:fill-style (setf (xlib:gcontext-fill-style gcontext) attr))
+ (:clip-mask (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-mask gcontext) attr))
+ (:clip-x (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-x gcontext) attr))
+ (:clip-y (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-y gcontext) attr))
+ (:dash-offset (setf (xlib:gcontext-dash-offset gcontext) attr))
+ (:dashes (setf (xlib:gcontext-dashes gcontext) attr))
+ (:exposures (setf (xlib:gcontext-exposures gcontext) attr))
+ (:fill-rule (setf (xlib:gcontext-fill-rule gcontext) attr))
+ (:font (setf (xlib:gcontext-font gcontext) attr))
+ (:foreground (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground gcontext) attr))
+; (:function (setf (xlib:gcontext-function gcontext) attr))
+ (:join-style (setf (xlib:gcontext-join-style gcontext) attr))
+ (:line-style (setf (xlib:gcontext-line-style gcontext) attr))
+; (:line-width (setf (xlib:gcontext-line-width gcontext) attr))
+; (:plane-mask (setf (xlib:gcontext-plane-mask gcontext) attr))
+; (:stipple (setf (xlib:gcontext-stipple gcontext) attr))
+ (:subwindow-mode (setf (xlib:gcontext-subwindow-mode gcontext) attr))
+; (:tile (setf (xlib:gcontext-tile gcontext) attr))
+; (:ts-x (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-x gcontext) attr))
+; (:ts-y (setf (xlib:gcontext-ts-y gcontext) attr))
+ (else (format '#t "Graphics context attribute ~A is not settable.~%"
+ key))))
+(define (x-query-best-stipple dsize drawable)
+ (multiple-value-bind (w h)
+ (xlib:query-best-stipple (xsize-w dsize) (xsize-h dsize) drawable)
+ (mk-xsize w h)))
+(define (x-query-best-tile dsize drawable)
+ (multiple-value-bind (w h)
+ (xlib:query-best-tile (xsize-w dsize) (xsize-h dsize) drawable)
+ (mk-xsize w h)))
+(define (x-clear-area window rect exposures-p)
+ (xlib:clear-area window
+ :x (xrect-x rect)
+ :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect)
+ :height (xrect-h rect)
+ :exposures-p exposures-p))
+(define (x-copy-area src gcontext rect dest point)
+ (xlib:copy-area src
+ gcontext
+ (xrect-x rect) (xrect-y rect)
+ (xrect-w rect) (xrect-h rect)
+ dest
+ (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define (x-copy-plane src gcontext plane rect dest point)
+ (xlib:copy-plane src
+ gcontext
+ plane
+ (xrect-x rect) (xrect-y rect)
+ (xrect-w rect) (xrect-h rect)
+ dest
+ (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define (x-draw-point drawable gcontext point)
+ (xlib:draw-point drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define (x-draw-points drawable gcontext points)
+ (xlib:draw-points drawable gcontext (points->point-seq points)))
+(define (points->point-seq points)
+ (if (null? points)
+ '()
+ (let ((point (car points)))
+ (lisp:list* (xpoint-x point)
+ (xpoint-y point)
+ (points->point-seq (cdr points))))))
+(define (segments->point-seq segments)
+ (if (null? segments)
+ '()
+ (let* ((first-pair (car segments))
+ (point-1 (force (tuple-select 2 0 first-pair)))
+ (point-2 (force (tuple-select 2 1 first-pair))))
+ (lisp:list* (xpoint-x point-1)
+ (xpoint-y point-1)
+ (xpoint-x point-2)
+ (xpoint-y point-2)
+ (segments->point-seq (cdr segments))))))
+(define (rects->point-seq rects)
+ (if (null? rects)
+ '()
+ (let ((rect (car rects)))
+ (lisp:list* (xrect-x rect)
+ (xrect-y rect)
+ (xrect-w rect)
+ (xrect-h rect)
+ (rects->point-seq (cdr rects))))))
+(define (point-seq->rects point-seq)
+ (if (null? point-seq)
+ '()
+ (cons (mk-xrect (car point-seq) (cadr point-seq)
+ (caddr point-seq) (cadddr point-seq))
+ (point-seq->rects (cddddr point-seq)))))
+(define (arcs->point-seq arcs)
+ (if (null? arcs)
+ '()
+ (let ((arc (car arcs)))
+ (lisp:list* (xarc-x arc)
+ (xarc-y arc)
+ (xarc-w arc)
+ (xarc-h arc)
+ (xarc-a1 arc)
+ (xarc-a2 arc)
+ (arcs->point-seq (cdr arcs))))))
+(define (x-draw-line drawable gcontext point-1 point-2)
+ (xlib:draw-line drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point-1) (xpoint-y point-1)
+ (xpoint-x point-2) (xpoint-y point-2)))
+(define (x-draw-lines drawable gcontext points fill-p)
+ (xlib:draw-lines drawable gcontext
+ (points->point-seq points) :fill-p fill-p))
+(define (x-draw-segments drawable gcontext segments)
+ (xlib:draw-segments drawable gcontext (segments->point-seq segments)))
+(define (x-draw-rectangle drawable gcontext rect fill-p)
+ (xlib:draw-rectangle drawable gcontext
+ (xrect-x rect) (xrect-y rect)
+ (xrect-w rect) (xrect-h rect)
+ fill-p))
+(define (x-draw-rectangles drawable gcontext rects fill-p)
+ (xlib:draw-rectangles drawable gcontext
+ (rects->point-seq rects)
+ fill-p))
+(define (x-draw-arc drawable gcontext arc fill-p)
+ (xlib:draw-arc drawable gcontext
+ (xarc-x arc) (xarc-y arc)
+ (xarc-w arc) (xarc-h arc)
+ (xarc-a1 arc) (xarc-a2 arc)
+ fill-p))
+(define (x-draw-arcs drawable gcontext arcs fill-p)
+ (xlib:draw-arcs drawable gcontext
+ (arcs->point-seq arcs)
+ fill-p))
+(define (x-draw-glyph drawable gcontext point element)
+ (nth-value 1
+ (xlib:draw-glyph drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point)
+ (xpoint-y point) element)))
+(define (x-draw-glyphs drawable gcontext point element)
+ (nth-value 1 (xlib:draw-glyphs drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point)
+ (xpoint-y point) element)))
+(define (x-draw-image-glyph drawable gcontext point element)
+ (nth-value 1 (xlib:draw-image-glyph drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point)
+ (xpoint-y point) element)))
+(define (x-draw-image-glyphs drawable gcontext point element)
+ (nth-value 1 (xlib:draw-image-glyphs drawable gcontext (xpoint-x point)
+ (xpoint-y point) element)))
+(define (x-image-size image)
+ (mk-xsize (xlib:image-width image) (xlib:image-height image)))
+(define (x-image-name image)
+ (let ((lisp-name (xlib:image-name image)))
+ (cond ((null? lisp-name) "")
+ ((symbol? lisp-name) (symbol->string lisp-name))
+ (else lisp-name))))
+(define-attribute-setter image name)
+(define (x-image-hot-spot image)
+ (mk-xpoint (xlib:image-x-hot image) (xlib:image-y-hot image)))
+(define (x-set-image-hot-spot image point)
+ (setf (xlib:image-x-hot image) (xpoint-x point))
+ (setf (xlib:image-y-hot image) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define-attribute-setter image xy-bitmap-list)
+(define-attribute-setter image z-bits-per-pixel)
+(define-attribute-setter image z-pixarray)
+(define (x-create-image attrs)
+ (apply (function xlib:create-image) (attrs->keywords attrs)))
+(define (x-copy-image image rect type)
+ (xlib:copy-image image :x (xrect-x rect) :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect) :height (xrect-h rect)
+ :result-type type))
+(define (x-get-image drawable rect pmask format type)
+ (xlib:get-image drawable :x (xrect-x rect) :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect) :height (xrect-h rect)
+ :plane-mask pmask :format format :result-type type))
+(define (x-put-image drawable gcontext image point rect)
+ (xlib:put-image drawable gcontext image
+ :src-x (xpoint-x point) :src-y (xpoint-y point)
+ :x (xrect-x rect) :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect) :height (xrect-h rect)))
+(define (x-get-raw-image drawable rect pmask format)
+ (xlib:get-raw-image drawable
+ :x (xrect-x rect) :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect) :height (xrect-h rect)
+ :plane-mask pmask :format format))
+(define (x-put-raw-image drawable gcontext data depth rect left-pad format)
+ (xlib:put-raw-image drawable gcontext data
+ :depth depth
+ :x (xrect-x rect) :y (xrect-y rect)
+ :width (xrect-w rect) :height (xrect-h rect)
+ :left-pad left-pad :format format))
+(define (x-font-name font)
+ (let ((lisp-name (xlib:font-name font)))
+ (cond ((null? lisp-name) "")
+ ((symbol? lisp-name) (symbol->string lisp-name))
+ (else lisp-name))))
+(define (x-alloc-color colormap color)
+ (multiple-value-bind (pixel screen-color exact-color)
+ (xlib:alloc-color colormap color)
+ (make-h-tuple pixel screen-color exact-color)))
+(define (x-alloc-color-cells colormap colors planes contiguous-p)
+ (multiple-value-bind (pixels mask)
+ (xlib:alloc-color-cells colormap colors :planes planes
+ :contiguous-p contiguous-p)
+ (make-h-tuple (list->haskell-list/identity pixels) (list->haskell-list/identity mask))))
+(define (x-alloc-color-planes colormap colors reds greens blues contiguous-p)
+ (multiple-value-bind (pixels red-mask green-mask blue-mask)
+ (xlib:alloc-color-planes colormap colors :reds reds :greens greens
+ :blues blues :contiguous-p contiguous-p)
+ (make-h-tuple (list->haskell-list/identity pixels)
+ red-mask
+ green-mask
+ blue-mask)))
+(define (x-lookup-color colormap name)
+ (multiple-value-bind (screen-color exact-color)
+ (xlib:lookup-color colormap name)
+ (make-h-tuple screen-color exact-color)))
+(define (unzip l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (let ((h (car l)))
+ (lisp:list* (force (tuple-select 2 0 h))
+ (force (tuple-select 2 1 h))
+ (unzip (cdr l))))))
+(define (x-store-colors colormap pixel-colors)
+ (xlib:store-colors colormap (unzip pixel-colors)))
+(define (x-create-cursor source mask point foreground background)
+ (apply (function xlib:create-cursor)
+ `(:source ,source
+ ,@(if mask `(:mask ,mask) '())
+ :x ,(xpoint-x point) :y ,(xpoint-y point)
+ :foreground ,foreground :background ,background)))
+(define (x-create-glyph-cursor src mask foreground background)
+ (apply (function xlib:create-glyph-cursor)
+ `(:source-font ,(force (tuple-select 2 0 src))
+ :source-char ,(integer->char (force (tuple-select 2 1 src)))
+ ,@(if mask
+ `(:mask-font ,(force (tuple-select 2 0 mask))
+ :mask-char ,(integer->char (force (tuple-select 2 1 mask))))
+ '())
+ :foreground ,foreground :background ,background)))
+(define (x-query-best-cursor size display)
+ (multiple-value-bind (w h)
+ (xlib:query-best-cursor (xsize-w size) (xsize-h size) display)
+ (mk-xsize w h)))
+(define (x-change-property window property content)
+ (xlib:change-property window property
+ (car content) (cadr content)
+ (caddr content)))
+(define (x-get-property window property)
+ (lisp:multiple-value-bind (data type format)
+ (xlib:get-property window property)
+ (list (sequence->list data) type format)))
+(define (x-convert-selection selection type requestor property time)
+ (apply (function xlib:convert-selection)
+ `(,selection ,type ,requestor ,property ,@(if time `(,time) '()))))
+(define (x-set-selection-owner display selection time owner)
+ (if time
+ (setf (xlib:selection-owner display selection time) owner)
+ (setf (xlib:selection-owner display selection) owner)))
+(define (sequence->list seq)
+ (if (list? seq) seq
+ (do ((i (1- (lisp:length seq)) (1- i))
+ (res '() (cons (lisp:elt seq i) res)))
+ ((< i 0) res))))
+(define *this-event* '())
+(define (translate-event lisp:&rest event-slots lisp:&key event-key
+ lisp:&allow-other-keys)
+ (setf *this-event* (cons event-key event-slots))
+ '#t)
+(define (x-get-event display)
+ (xlib:process-event display :handler #'translate-event :force-output-p '#t)
+ *this-event*)
+(define (x-queue-event display event append-p)
+ (apply (function xlib:queue-event)
+ `(,display ,(car event) ,@(cdr event) :append-p ,append-p)))
+(define (x-event-listen display)
+ (let ((res (xlib:event-listen display)))
+ (if (null? res) 0 res)))
+(define (x-send-event window event mask)
+ (apply (function xlib:send-event)
+ `(,window ,(car event) ,mask ,@(cdr event))))
+(define (x-global-pointer-position display)
+ (multiple-value-bind (x y) (xlib:global-pointer-position display)
+ (mk-xpoint x y)))
+(define (x-pointer-position window)
+ (multiple-value-bind (x y same) (xlib:pointer-position window)
+ (if same (mk-xpoint x y) '())))
+(define (x-motion-events window start stop)
+ (do ((npos '() (cons (mk-xpoint (car pos) (cadr pos)) npos))
+ (pos (xlib:motion-events window :start start :stop stop)
+ (cdddr pos)))
+ ((null? pos) (nreverse npos))))
+(define (x-warp-pointer dest-win point)
+ (xlib:warp-pointer dest-win (xpoint-x point) (xpoint-y point)))
+(define (x-set-input-focus display focus revert-to time)
+ (apply (function xlib:set-input-focus)
+ `(,display ,focus ,revert-to ,@(if time `(,time) '()))))
+(define (x-input-focus display)
+ (multiple-value-bind (focus revert-to) (xlib:input-focus display)
+ (make-h-tuple focus revert-to)))
+(define (x-grab-pointer window event-mask attrs time)
+ (apply (function xlib:grab-pointer)
+ `(,window ,event-mask
+ ,@(attrs->keywords attrs)
+ ,@(if time `(:time ,time) '()))))
+(define (x-ungrab-pointer display time)
+ (if time
+ (xlib:ungrab-pointer display :time time)
+ (xlib:ungrab-pointer display)))
+(define (x-change-active-pointer-grab display event-mask attrs time)
+ (apply (function xlib:change-active-pointer-grab)
+ `(,display ,event-mask
+ ,@(attrs->keywords attrs)
+ ,@(if time `(,time) '()))))
+(define (x-grab-button window button event-mask state-mask attrs)
+ (apply (function xlib:grab-button)
+ `(,window ,button ,event-mask :modifiers ,state-mask
+ ,@(attrs->keywords attrs))))
+(define (x-ungrab-button window button modifiers)
+ (xlib:ungrab-button window button :modifiers modifiers))
+(define (x-grab-keyboard window attrs time)
+ (apply (function xlib:grab-keyboard)
+ `(,window ,@(attrs->keywords attrs)
+ ,@(if time `(:time ,time) '()))))
+(define (x-ungrab-keyboard display time)
+ (if time
+ (xlib:ungrab-keyboard display :time time)
+ (xlib:ungrab-keyboard display)))
+(define (x-grab-key window key state-mask attrs)
+ (apply (function xlib:grab-key)
+ `(,window ,key :modifiers ,state-mask ,@(attrs->keywords attrs))))
+(define (x-ungrab-key window key modifiers)
+ (xlib:ungrab-button window key :modifiers modifiers))
+(define (x-set-pointer-acceleration display val)
+ (xlib:change-pointer-control display :acceleration val))
+(define (x-set-pointer-threshold display val)
+ (xlib:change-pointer-control display :threshold val))
+(define (x-pointer-acceleration display)
+ (lisp:coerce (nth-value 0 (xlib:pointer-control display))
+ 'lisp:single-float))
+(define (x-pointer-threshold display)
+ (lisp:coerce (nth-value 1 (xlib:pointer-control display))
+ 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-attribute-setter pointer mapping)
+(define (x-set-keyboard-key-click-percent display v)
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display :key-click-percent v))
+(define (x-set-keyboard-bell-percent display v)
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display :bell-percent v))
+(define (x-set-keyboard-bell-pitch display v)
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display :bell-pitch v))
+(define (x-set-keyboard-bell-duration display v)
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display :bell-duration v))
+;;; Yes, leds are really counted from 1 rather than 0.
+(define (x-set-keyboard-led display v)
+ (declare (type integer v))
+ (do ((led 1 (1+ led))
+ (vv v (lisp:ash vv -1)))
+ ((> led 32))
+ (declare (type fixnum led) (type integer vv))
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display
+ :led led
+ :led-mode (if (lisp:logand vv 1) :on :off))))
+(define (x-set-keyboard-auto-repeat-mode display v)
+ (do ((key 0 (1+ key)))
+ ((>= key (lisp:length v)))
+ (declare (type fixnum key))
+ (xlib:change-keyboard-control display
+ :key key
+ :auto-repeat-mode (if (eqv? (the fixnum (lisp:aref v key)) 1) :on :off)
+ )))
+(define (x-keyboard-key-click-percent display)
+ (nth-value 0 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-keyboard-bell-percent display)
+ (nth-value 1 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-keyboard-bell-pitch display)
+ (nth-value 2 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-keyboard-bell-duration display)
+ (nth-value 3 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-keyboard-led display)
+ (nth-value 4 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-keyboard-auto-repeat-mode display)
+ (nth-value 6 (xlib:keyboard-control display)))
+(define (x-modifier-mapping display)
+ (lisp:multiple-value-list (xlib:modifier-mapping display)))
+(define (x-set-modifier-mapping display l)
+ (let ((l1 (cddddr l)))
+ (xlib:set-modifier-mapping display
+ :shift (car l)
+ :lock (cadr l)
+ :control (caddr l)
+ :mod1 (cadddr l)
+ :mod2 (car l1)
+ :mod3 (cadr l1)
+ :mod4 (caddr l1)
+ :mod5 (cadddr l1))))
+(define (x-keysym-character display keysym state)
+ (let ((res (xlib:keysym->character display keysym state)))
+ (if (char? res) (char->integer res) '())))
+(define (x-keycode-character display keycode state)
+ (let ((res (xlib:keycode->character display keycode state)))
+ (if (char? res) (char->integer res) '())))
+(define-attribute-setter close-down mode)
+(define-attribute-setter access control)
+(define (x-screen-saver display)
+ (lisp:multiple-value-list (xlib:screen-saver display)))
+(define (x-set-screen-saver display ss)
+ (xlib:set-screen-saver display (car ss) (cadr ss) (caddr ss) (cadddr ss)))
+(define (slots->keywords slots)
+ (if (null slots) '()
+ `(,@(slot->keyword (car slots)) ,@(slots->keywords (cdr slots)))))
+(define (slot->keyword slot)
+ (let* ((tag (keyword-key slot))
+ (val (keyword-val slot)))
+ (case tag
+ (:pos `(:x ,(xpoint-x val) :y ,(xpoint-y val)))
+ (:root-pos `(:root-x ,(xpoint-x val) :root-y ,(xpoint-y val)))
+ (:size `(:width ,(xsize-w val) :height ,(xsize-h val)))
+ (:rect `(:x ,(xrect-x val) :y ,(xrect-y val)
+ :width ,(xrect-w val) :height ,(xrect-h val)))
+ (:graph-fun `(:major ,(car val) :minor ,(cdr val)))
+ (:visibility `(:state ,val))
+ (:property-state `(:state ,val))
+ (:message `(:data ,(car val) :type ,(cadr val) :format ,(caddr val)))
+ (else `(,tag ,val)))))
+(define (keywords->slots type keywords event)
+ (let* ((slots (keywords->slots1 type keywords))
+ (has-root-xy (memq type '(:key-press :key-release :button-press
+ :button-release :motion-notify
+ :enter-notify :leave-notify)))
+ (has-xy (or has-root-xy
+ (memq type '(:gravity-notify :reparent-notify))))
+ (has-graph-fun (memq type '(:graphics-exposure :no-exposure)))
+ (has-rect (memq type '(:exposure :graphics-exposure
+ :configure-notify
+ :create-notify :configure-request)))
+ (has-size (memq type '(:resize-request)))
+ (has-message (memq type '(:client-message))))
+ (when has-xy
+ (push (make-keyword :pos (x-event-pos event)) slots))
+ (when has-root-xy
+ (push (make-keyword :root-pos (x-event-root-pos event)) slots))
+ (when has-graph-fun
+ (push (make-keyword :graph-fun (x-event-graph-fun event)) slots))
+ (when has-rect
+ (push (make-keyword :rect (x-event-rect event)) slots))
+ (when has-size
+ (push (make-keyword :size (x-event-size event)) slots))
+ (when has-message
+ (push (make-keyword :message (x-event-message event)) slots))
+ slots))
+(define (keywords->slots1 type keywords)
+ (if (null? keywords)
+ '()
+ (if (memq (car keywords)
+ '(:x :y :width :height :root-x :root-y
+ :major :minor :type :data :format))
+ (keywords->slots1 type (cddr keywords))
+ (cons (keyword->slot type (car keywords) (cadr keywords))
+ (keywords->slots1 type (cddr keywords))))))
+(define (keyword->slot type slot val)
+ (if (eq? slot :state)
+ (case type
+ (:property-state (make-keyword :property-state val))
+ (:visibility (make-keyword :visibility val))
+ (else (make-keyword :state val)))
+ (make-keyword slot val)))
+(define (attrs->keywords attrs)
+ (if (null attrs)
+ '()
+ (nconc (attr->keyword (car attrs))
+ (attrs->keywords (cdr attrs)))))
+(define (attr->keyword attr)
+ (let* ((tag (keyword-key attr))
+ (val (keyword-val attr)))
+ (case tag
+ (:clip-origin `(:clip-x ,(xpoint-x val) :clip-y ,(xpoint-y val)))
+ (:dashes `(,tag ,(haskell-list->list/identity val)))
+ (:tile-origin `(:ts-x ,(xpoint-x val) :ts-y ,(xpoint-y val)))
+ (:size `(:width ,(xsize-w val) :height ,(xsize-h val)))
+ (:name `(:name ,(haskell-string->string val)))
+ (:hot-spot `(:x-hot ,(xpoint-x val) :y-hot ,(xpoint-y val)))
+ (else `(,tag ,val)))))
+(define (x-mutable-array-create inits)
+ (list->vector inits))
+(define (x-mutable-array-lookup a i)
+ (vector-ref a i))
+(define (x-mutable-array-update a i x)
+ (setf (vector-ref a i) x))
+(define (x-mutable-array-length a)
+ (vector-length a))
+(define (get-time-zone)
+ (nth-value 8 (lisp:get-decoded-time)))
+(define (decode-time time zone)
+ (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour date mon year week ds-p)
+ (if zone
+ (lisp:decode-universal-time time zone)
+ (lisp:decode-universal-time time))
+ (make-h-tuple
+ (list->haskell-list/identity (list sec min hour date mon year week))
+ ds-p)))
+(define (encode-time time zone)
+ (apply (function lisp:encode-universal-time)
+ (if (null? zone) time (append time (list zone)))))
+(define (get-run-time)
+ (/ (lisp:coerce (lisp:get-internal-run-time) 'lisp:single-float)
+ (lisp:coerce lisp:internal-time-units-per-second 'lisp:single-float)))
+(define (get-elapsed-time)
+ (/ (lisp:coerce (lisp:get-internal-real-time) 'lisp:single-float)
+ (lisp:coerce lisp:internal-time-units-per-second 'lisp:single-float)))
+(define (prim.thenio---1 x fn)
+ (lambda (state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (let ((res (funcall x (box 'state))))
+ (format '#t "~A~%" res)
+ (funcall fn res (box 'state)))))
+(define-attribute-setter wm name)
+(define-attribute-setter wm icon-name)
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/xlibprims.hi b/progs/lib/X11/xlibprims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d4163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/xlibprims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,1465 @@
+-- 4/13/93 add xTestEventMask, xTestStateMask
+-- 4/14/93 add xMArrayLength,
+-- xGetEventN
+-- 4/15/93 change xKeycodeCharacter
+-- add xKeysymCharacter
+-- add xHandleError
+-- add xError
+-- 4/27/93 Change Bool to XSwitch in XWinAttribute, XGCAttribute
+interface XLibPrims where
+import XLibTypes(
+ XDisplay, XScreen, XWindow, XGcontext, XPixmap,
+ XColormap, XCursor, XFont, XImage, XMaybe, XError,
+ XBitmap, XKeysymTable, XBitVec,
+ XPixarray, XByteVec, XAtom, XProperty,
+ XPixel, XDrawable, XTime, XSwitch,
+ XWindowPlace, XEventMode, XEventKind,
+ XWindowVisibility, XWindowStackMode,
+ XPropertyState, XMapReqType, XGraphFun,
+ XEvent, XEventType, XEventSlot, XEventMask,
+ XEventMaskKey, XStateMask, XStateMaskKey,
+ XWinAttribute,XGCAttribute, XImAttribute,
+ XGrabAttribute, XArcMode, XCapStyle,
+ XClipMask, XFillRule, XFillStyle,
+ XFunction, XJoinStyle, XLineStyle,
+ XSubwindowMode, XPoint, XSize, XRect,
+ XArc, XBitmapFormat, XByteOrder,
+ XPixmapFormat, XVisualInfo, XVisualClass,
+ XFillContent, XBackingStore, XGravity,
+ XWindowClass, XMapState, XImageData,
+ XImageFormat, XImageType, XDrawDirection,
+ XColor, XInputFocus, XGrabStatus,
+ XKeysym, XCloseDownMode, XScreenSaver)
+xHandleError :: (XError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
+xError :: String -> IO a
+xEventType :: XEvent -> XEventType
+xEventWindow :: XEvent -> XWindow
+xEventEventWindow :: XEvent -> XWindow
+xEventCode :: XEvent -> Int
+xEventPos :: XEvent -> XPoint
+xEventState :: XEvent -> XStateMask
+xEventTime :: XEvent -> XTime
+xEventRoot :: XEvent -> XWindow
+xEventRootPos :: XEvent -> XPoint
+xEventChild :: XEvent -> (XMaybe XWindow)
+xEventSameScreenP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventHintP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventMode :: XEvent -> XEventMode
+xEventKind :: XEvent -> XEventKind
+xEventFocusP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventKeymap :: XEvent -> XBitVec
+xEventRequest :: XEvent -> XMapReqType
+xEventStart :: XEvent -> Int
+xEventCount :: XEvent -> Int
+xEventRect :: XEvent -> XRect
+xEventDrawable :: XEvent -> XDrawable
+xEventXGraphFun :: XEvent -> XGraphFun
+xEventPlace :: XEvent -> XWindowPlace
+xEventBorderWidth :: XEvent -> Int
+xEventAboveSibling :: XEvent -> (XMaybe XWindow)
+xEventOverrideRedirectP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventParent :: XEvent -> XWindow
+xEventConfigureP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventVisibility :: XEvent -> XWindowVisibility
+xEventNewP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventInstalledP :: XEvent -> Bool
+xEventStackMode :: XEvent -> XWindowStackMode
+xEventValueMask :: XEvent -> Int
+xEventSize :: XEvent -> XSize
+xEventMessage :: XEvent -> XProperty
+xEventPropertyState :: XEvent -> XPropertyState
+xEventAtom :: XEvent -> XAtom
+xEventSelection :: XEvent -> XAtom
+xEventTarget :: XEvent -> XAtom
+xEventProperty :: XEvent -> (XMaybe XAtom)
+xEventRequestor :: XEvent -> XWindow
+xSetEventMaskKey :: XEventMask -> XEventMaskKey -> XEventMask
+xClearEventMaskKey :: XEventMask -> XEventMaskKey -> XEventMask
+xTestEventMaskKey :: XEventMask -> XEventMaskKey -> Bool
+xSetStateMaskKey :: XStateMask -> XStateMaskKey -> XStateMask
+xClearStateMaskKey :: XStateMask -> XStateMaskKey -> XStateMask
+xTestStateMaskKey :: XStateMask -> XStateMaskKey -> Bool
+-- open
+xOpenDisplay :: String -- host:display
+ -> IO XDisplay
+-- display attributes
+xDisplayAuthorizationData :: XDisplay -> String
+xDisplayAuthorizationName :: XDisplay -> String
+xDisplayBitmapFormat :: XDisplay -> XBitmapFormat
+xDisplayByteOrder :: XDisplay -> XByteOrder
+xDisplayDisplay :: XDisplay -> Int
+xSetDisplayErrorHandler :: XDisplay -> (XError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+xDisplayImageLsbFirstP :: XDisplay -> Bool
+xDisplayMaxKeycode :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayMaxRequestLength :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayMinKeycode :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayMotionBufferSize :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayPixmapFormats :: XDisplay -> [XPixmapFormat]
+xDisplayProtocolMajorVersion :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayProtocolMinorVersion :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayResourceIdBase :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayResourceIdMask :: XDisplay -> Int
+xDisplayRoots :: XDisplay -> [XScreen]
+xDisplayVendorName :: XDisplay -> String
+xDisplayReleaseNumber :: XDisplay -> Int
+-- output buffer
+xDisplayAfterFunction :: XDisplay -> XMaybe (IO ())
+xSetDisplayAfterFunction :: XDisplay -> XMaybe (IO ()) -> IO ()
+xDisplayForceOutput :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xDisplayFinishOutput :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+-- close
+xCloseDisplay :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xScreenBackingStores :: XScreen -> XBackingStore
+xScreenBlackPixel :: XScreen -> XPixel
+xScreenDefaultColormap :: XScreen -> XColormap
+xScreenDepths :: XScreen -> [(Int, [XVisualInfo])]
+xScreenEventMaskAtOpen :: XScreen -> XEventMask
+xScreenSize :: XScreen -> XSize
+xScreenMMSize :: XScreen -> XSize
+xScreenMaxInstalledMaps :: XScreen -> Int
+xScreenMinInstalledMaps :: XScreen -> Int
+xScreenRoot :: XScreen -> XWindow
+xScreenRootDepth :: XScreen -> Int
+xScreenRootVisual :: XScreen -> Int
+xScreenSaveUndersP :: XScreen -> Bool
+xScreenWhitePixel :: XScreen -> XPixel
+-- drawables
+xDrawableDisplay :: XDrawable -> XDisplay
+xDrawableEqual :: XDrawable -> XDrawable -> Bool
+xDrawableId :: XDrawable -> Int
+-- creating windows
+xCreateWindow :: XWindow -- parent
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> [XWinAttribute] -- optional arguments
+ -> IO XWindow
+-- window attributes
+xWindowBorderWidth :: XWindow -> IO Int
+xSetWindowBorderWidth :: XWindow -> Int -> IO ()
+xDrawableDepth :: XDrawable -> Int
+xDrawableSize :: XDrawable -> IO XSize
+xDrawableResize :: XDrawable -> XSize -> IO ()
+xWindowPos :: XWindow -> IO XPoint
+xWindowMove :: XWindow -> XPoint -> IO ()
+xWindowAllEventMasks :: XWindow -> IO XEventMask
+xSetWindowBackground :: XWindow -> XFillContent -> IO ()
+xWindowBackingPixel :: XWindow -> IO XPixel
+xSetWindowBackingPixel :: XWindow -> XPixel -> IO ()
+xWindowBackingPlanes :: XWindow -> IO XPixel
+xSetWindowBackingPlanes :: XWindow -> XPixel -> IO ()
+xWindowBackingStore :: XWindow -> IO XBackingStore
+xSetWindowBackingStore :: XWindow -> XBackingStore -> IO ()
+xWindowBitGravity :: XWindow -> IO XGravity
+xSetWindowBitGravity :: XWindow -> XGravity -> IO ()
+xSetWindowBorder :: XWindow -> XFillContent -> IO ()
+xWindowClass :: XWindow -> XWindowClass
+xWindowColorMap :: XWindow -> IO (XMaybe XColormap)
+xSetWindowColorMap :: XWindow -> XColormap -> IO ()
+xWindowColormapInstalledP :: XWindow -> IO Bool
+xSetWindowCursor :: XWindow -> (XMaybe XCursor) -> IO ()
+xWindowDisplay :: XWindow -> XDisplay
+xWindowDoNotPropagateMask :: XWindow -> IO XEventMask
+xSetWindowDoNotPropagateMask :: XWindow -> XEventMask -> IO ()
+xWindowEqual :: XWindow -> XWindow -> Bool
+xWindowEventMask :: XWindow -> IO XEventMask
+xSetWindowEventMask :: XWindow -> XEventMask -> IO ()
+xWindowGravity :: XWindow -> IO XGravity
+xSetWindowGravity :: XWindow -> XGravity -> IO ()
+xWindowId :: XWindow -> Int
+xWindowMapState :: XWindow -> IO XMapState
+xWindowOverrideRedirect :: XWindow -> IO XSwitch
+xSetWindowOverrideRedirect :: XWindow -> XSwitch -> IO ()
+xSetWindowPriority :: XWindow -> XWindowStackMode -> IO ()
+xWindowSaveUnder :: XWindow -> IO XSwitch
+xSetWindowSaveUnder :: XWindow -> XSwitch -> IO ()
+xWindowVisual :: XWindow -> Int
+-- stacking order
+xCirculateWindowDown :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xCirculateWindowUp :: XWindow -> IO ()
+-- window hierarchy
+xDrawableRoot :: XDrawable -> IO XWindow
+xQueryTree :: XWindow -> IO ([XWindow], -- children
+ XMaybe XWindow,-- parent
+ XWindow) -- root
+xReparentWindow :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XWindow -- parent
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> IO ()
+xTranslateCoordinates :: XWindow -- source
+ -> XPoint -- (source-x,source-y)
+ -> XWindow -- destination
+ -> IO (XMaybe XPoint) -- (dest-x,dest-y)
+-- mapping windows
+xMapWindow :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xMapSubwindows :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xUnmapWindow :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xUnmapSubwindows :: XWindow -> IO ()
+-- destroying windows
+xDestroyWindow :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xDestroySubwindows :: XWindow -> IO ()
+-- pixmaps
+xCreatePixmap :: XSize -- (width,height)
+ -> Int -- depth
+ -> XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> IO XPixmap
+xFreePixmap :: XPixmap -> IO ()
+xPixmapDisplay :: XPixmap -> XDisplay
+xPixmapEqual :: XPixmap -> XPixmap -> Bool
+xCreateGcontext :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> [XGCAttribute] -- optional arguments
+ -> IO XGcontext
+xUpdateGcontext :: XGcontext -- old gcontext
+ -> [XGCAttribute] -- changes
+ -> IO () -- new gcontext
+xFreeGcontext :: XGcontext -> IO ()
+xGcontextDisplay :: XGcontext -> XDisplay
+xGcontextEqual :: XGcontext -> XGcontext -> Bool
+xGcontextId :: XGcontext -> Int
+xQueryBestStipple :: XSize -> XDrawable -> XSize
+xQueryBestTile :: XSize -> XDrawable -> XSize
+xCopyGcontext :: XGcontext -- source
+ -> XGcontext -- destination
+ -> IO ()
+xClearArea :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> Bool -- exposure-p
+ -> IO ()
+xCopyArea :: XDrawable -- source
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XRect -- (src-x,src-y,w,h)
+ -> XDrawable -- destination
+ -> XPoint -- (dest-x,dest-y)
+ -> IO ()
+xCopyPlane :: XDrawable -- source
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPixel -- plane
+ -> XRect -- (src-x,src-y,w,h)
+ -> XDrawable -- destination
+ -> XPoint -- (dest-x,dest-y)
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawPoint :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawPoints :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> [XPoint] -- points
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawLine :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x1,y1)
+ -> XPoint -- (x2,y2)
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawLines :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> [XPoint] -- points
+ -> Bool -- fill-p
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawSegments :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> [(XPoint,XPoint)] -- segments
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawRectangle :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> Bool -- fill-p
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawRectangles :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> [XRect] -- rectangles
+ -> Bool -- fill-p
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawArc :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XArc -- (x,y,w,h,a1,a2)
+ -> Bool -- fill-p
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawArcs :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> [XArc] -- arcs
+ -> Bool -- fill-p
+ -> IO ()
+xDrawGlyph :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> Char -- element
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int) -- width
+xDrawGlyphs :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> String -- sequence
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int) -- width
+xDrawImageGlyph :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> Char -- element
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int) -- width
+xDrawImageGlyphs :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> String -- sequence
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int) -- width
+xImageBlueMask :: XImage -> XMaybe XPixel
+xImageDepth :: XImage -> Int
+xImageGreenMask :: XImage -> XMaybe XPixel
+xImageSize :: XImage -> XSize
+xImageName :: XImage -> String
+xSetImageName :: XImage -> String -> IO ()
+xImageRedMask :: XImage -> XMaybe XPixel
+xImageHotSpot :: XImage -> XMaybe XPoint
+xSetImageHotSpot :: XImage -> XPoint -> IO ()
+-- XY-format images
+xImageXYBitmaps :: XImage -> IO [XBitmap]
+xSetImageXYBitmaps :: XImage -> [XBitmap] -> IO ()
+-- Z-format images
+xImageZBitsPerPixel :: XImage -> IO Int
+xsetImageZBitsPerPixel :: XImage -> Int -> IO ()
+xImageZPixarray :: XImage -> IO XPixarray
+xSetImageZPixarray :: XImage -> XPixarray -> IO ()
+-- image functions
+xCreateImage :: [XImAttribute] -> IO XImage
+xCopyImage :: XImage -- image
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> XImageType -- result-type
+ -> XImage -- new-image
+xGetImage :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> XPixel -- plane-mask
+ -> XImageFormat -- format
+ -> XImageType -- result-type
+ -> IO XImage -- image
+xPutImage :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XImage -- ximage
+ -> XPoint -- (src-x,src-y)
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> IO ()
+-- image files
+xReadBitmapFile :: String -- pathname
+ -> IO XImage
+xWriteBitmapFile :: String -- pathname
+ -> XImage -> IO ()
+-- direct image transfer
+xGetRawImage :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> XPixel -- plane-mask
+ -> XImageFormat -- format
+ -> IO XImageData -- data
+xPutRawImage :: XDrawable -- drawable
+ -> XGcontext -- gcontext
+ -> XImageData -- data
+ -> Int -- depth
+ -> XRect -- (x,y,width,height)
+ -> Int -- left-pad
+ -> XImageFormat -- format
+ -> IO ()
+-- opening fonts
+xOpenFont :: XDisplay -> String -> IO XFont
+xCloseFont :: XFont -> IO ()
+xDiscardFontInfo :: XFont -> IO ()
+-- listing fonts
+xFontPath :: XDisplay -> IO [String]
+xListFontNames :: XDisplay -> String -- pattern
+ -> IO [String]
+xListFonts :: XDisplay -> String -- pattern
+ -> IO [XFont]
+-- font attriburtes
+xFontAllCharExistsP :: XFont -> Bool
+xFontAscent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontDefaultChar :: XFont -> Int
+xFontDescent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontDirection :: XFont -> XDrawDirection
+xFontDisplay :: XFont -> XDisplay
+xFontEqual :: XFont -> XFont -> Int
+xFontId :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxByte1 :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxByte2 :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxChar :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinByte1 :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinByte2 :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinChar :: XFont -> Int
+xFontName :: XFont -> String
+xFontMaxCharAscent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxCharAttributes :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxCharDescent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxCharLeftBearing :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxCharRightBearing :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMaxCharWidth :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharAscent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharAttributes :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharDescent :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharLeftBearing :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharRightBearing :: XFont -> Int
+xFontMinCharWidth :: XFont -> Int
+-- char attributes
+xCharAscent :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+xCharAttributes :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+xCharDescent :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+xCharLeftBearing :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+xCharRightBearing :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+xCharWidth :: XFont -> Int -> XMaybe Int
+-- querying text size
+xTextWidth :: XFont -- font
+ -> String -- sequence
+ -> Int -- width
+-- creating colormaps
+xCreateColormap :: XVisualInfo -- visual
+ -> XWindow -- window
+ -> Bool -- alloc-p
+ -> IO XColormap
+xCopyColormapAndFree :: XColormap -> IO XColormap
+xFreeColormap :: XColormap -> IO ()
+-- installing colormaps
+xInstallColormap :: XColormap -> IO ()
+xInstalledColormaps :: XWindow -> IO [XColormap]
+xUnInstallColormap :: XColormap -> IO ()
+-- allocating colors
+xAllocColor :: XColormap -> XColor
+ -> IO (XPixel, -- pixel
+ XColor, -- screen-color
+ XColor) -- exact-color
+xAllocColorCells :: XColormap -- pixel
+ -> Int -- colors
+ -> Int -- planes
+ -> Bool -- contiguous
+ -> IO ([XPixel], -- pixels
+ [XPixel]) -- mask
+xAllocColorPlanes :: XColormap -- colormap
+ -> Int -- colors
+ -> Int -- reds
+ -> Int -- greens
+ -> Int -- blues
+ -> Bool -- contiguous-p
+ -> IO ([XPixel], -- pixel
+ XPixel, -- red-mask
+ XPixel, -- green-mask
+ XPixel) -- blue-mask
+xFreeColors :: XColormap -> [XPixel] -- pixels
+ -> XPixel -- plane-mask
+ -> IO ()
+-- finding colors
+xLookupColor :: XColormap -> String -- name
+ -> IO (XColor, -- screen-color
+ XColor) -- exact-color
+xQueryColors :: XColormap -> [XPixel] -- pixels
+ -> IO [XColor]
+-- changing colors
+xStoreColor :: XColormap -> XPixel -- pixel
+ -> XColor -- color
+ -> IO ()
+xStoreColors :: XColormap -- colormap
+ -> [(XPixel, XColor)] -- pixel-colors
+ -> IO ()
+-- colormap attributes
+xColormapDisplay :: XColormap -> XDisplay
+xColormapEqual :: XColormap -> XColormap -> Bool
+xCreateCursor :: XPixmap -- source
+ -> (XMaybe XPixmap) -- mask
+ -> XPoint -- (x,y)
+ -> XColor -- foreground
+ -> XColor -- background
+ -> IO XCursor
+xCreateGlyphCursor :: (XFont, char) -- (src-font,src-char)
+ -> (XMaybe (XFont, Char)) -- (mask-font,mask-char)
+ -> XColor -- foreground
+ -> XColor -- background
+ -> IO XCursor
+xFreeCursor :: XCursor -> IO ()
+xQueryBestCursor :: XSize -- (width,height)
+ -> XDisplay -> IO XSize
+xRecolorCursor :: XCursor -> XColor -- foreground
+ -> XColor -- background
+ -> IO ()
+xCursorDisplay :: XCursor -> XDisplay
+xCursorEqual :: XCursor -> XCursor -> Bool
+-- atoms
+xAtomName :: XDisplay -> Int -- atom-id
+ -> XAtom
+xFindAtom :: XDisplay -> XAtom -- atom-name
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int)
+xInternAtom :: XDisplay -> XAtom -- atom-name
+ -> IO (XMaybe Int)
+-- properties
+xChangeProperty :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XAtom -- property
+ -> XProperty -- (data,type,format)
+ -> IO ()
+xDeleteProperty :: XWindow -> XAtom -> IO ()
+xGetProperty :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XAtom -- property
+ -> IO XProperty -- (data,type,format)
+xListProperties :: XWindow -> IO [XAtom]
+xRotateProperties :: XWindow -- window
+ -> [XAtom] -- properties
+ -> Int -- delta
+ -> IO ()
+-- selections
+xConvertSelection :: XAtom -- selection
+ -> XAtom -- type
+ -> XWindow -- requester
+ -> XAtom -- property
+ -> (XMaybe XTime) -- time
+ -> IO ()
+xSelectionOwner :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> XAtom -- selection
+ -> IO (XMaybe XWindow)
+xSetSelectionOwner :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> XAtom -- selection
+ -> (XMaybe XTime) -- time
+ -> XWindow -- owner
+ -> IO ()
+-- Wait for the next event
+xGetEvent :: XDisplay -> IO XEvent
+-- managing the event queue
+xQueueEvent :: XDisplay -> XEvent -> Bool -- append-p
+ -> IO ()
+xEventListen :: XDisplay -> IO Int -- # of events in queue
+-- sending events
+xSendEvent :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XEvent -- event key and slots
+ -> XEventMask -- event-mask
+ -> IO ()
+-- pointer position
+xGlobalPointerPosition :: XDisplay -> IO XPoint
+xPointerPosition :: XWindow -> IO (XMaybe XPoint)
+xMotionEvents :: XWindow -> XTime -> XTime -> IO [XPoint]
+xWarpPointer :: XWindow -> XPoint -> IO ()
+-- keyboard input focus
+xSetInputFocus :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> XInputFocus -- focus
+ -> XInputFocus -- revert-to
+ -> (XMaybe XTime) -- time
+ -> IO ()
+xInputFucus :: XDisplay -> IO (XInputFocus, -- focus
+ XInputFocus) -- revert-to
+-- grabbing the pointer
+xGrabPointer :: XWindow -- window
+ -> XEventMask -- event-mask
+ -> [XGrabAttribute] -- optional attributes
+ -> XMaybe XTime -- time
+ -> IO XGrabStatus
+xUngrabPointer :: XDisplay -> XMaybe XTime -> IO ()
+xChangeActivePointerGrab :: XDisplay -> XEventMask -- event-mask
+ -> [XGrabAttribute] -- cursor
+ -> XMaybe XTime -> IO ()
+-- grabbing a button
+xGrabButton :: XWindow -- window
+ -> Int -- button
+ -> XEventMask -- event-mask
+ -> XStateMask -- modifiers
+ -> [XGrabAttribute] -- optional attributes
+ -> IO ()
+xUngrabButton :: XWindow -> Int -- button
+ -> XStateMask -- modifiers
+ -> IO ()
+-- grabbing the keyboard
+xGrabKeyboard :: XWindow -- window
+ -> [XGrabAttribute] -- optional attributes
+ -> XMaybe XTime -- time
+ -> IO XGrabStatus
+xUngrabkeyboard :: XDisplay -> XMaybe XTime -> IO ()
+-- grabbing a key
+xGrabKey :: XWindow -- window
+ -> Int -- key
+ -> XStateMask -- modifiers
+ -> [XGrabAttribute] -- optional attributes
+ -> IO ()
+xUngrabKey :: XWindow -> Int -> XStateMask -- modifiers
+ -> IO ()
+-- grabbing the server
+xGrabServer :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xUngrabServer :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+-- pointer control
+xSetPointerAcceleration :: XDisplay -> Float -> IO ()
+xSetPointerThreshold :: XDisplay -> Float -> IO ()
+xPointerAcceleration :: XDisplay -> IO Float
+xPointerThreshold :: XDisplay -> IO Float
+xSetPointerMapping :: XDisplay -> [Int] -> IO ()
+xPointerMapping :: XDisplay -> IO [Int]
+-- keyboard control
+xBell :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardKeyClickPercent :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardBellPercent :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardBellPitch :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardBellDuration :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardLed :: XDisplay -> Integer -> IO ()
+xSetKeyboardAutoRepeatMode :: XDisplay -> XBitVec -> IO ()
+xKeyboardKeyClickPercent :: XDisplay -> IO Int
+xKeyboardBellPercent :: XDisplay -> IO Int
+xKeyboardBellPitch :: XDisplay -> IO Int
+xKeyboardBellDuration :: XDisplay -> IO Int
+xKeyboardLed :: XDisplay -> IO Integer
+xKeyboardAutoRepeatMode :: XDisplay -> IO XBitVec
+xModifierMapping :: XDisplay -> IO [[Int]]
+xSetModifierMapping :: XDisplay -> [[Int]] -> IO (XMaybe ())
+xQueryKeymap :: XDisplay -> IO XBitVec
+-- keyboard mapping
+xChangeKeyboardMapping :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> XKeysymTable -- keysyms
+ -> IO ()
+xKeyboardMapping :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> IO XKeysymTable -- mappings
+xKeycodeKeysym :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> Int -- keycode
+ -> Int -- keysym-index
+ -> IO XKeysym
+xKeysymCharacter :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> XKeysym -- keysym
+ -> XStateMask -- state
+ -> IO (XMaybe Char)
+xKeycodeCharacter :: XDisplay -- display
+ -> Int -- keycode
+ -> XStateMask -- state
+ -> IO (XMaybe Char)
+-- client termination
+xAddToSaveSet :: XWindow -> IO ()
+xCloseDownMode :: XDisplay -> IO XCloseDownMode
+xSetCloseDownMode :: XDisplay -> XCloseDownMode -> IO ()
+xKillClient :: XDisplay -> Int -> IO ()
+xKillTemporaryClients :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xRemoveFromSaveSet :: XWindow -> IO ()
+-- managing host access
+xAccessControl :: XDisplay -> IO Bool
+xSetAccessControl :: XDisplay -> Bool -> IO ()
+xAccessHosts :: XDisplay -> IO [String]
+xAddAccessHost :: XDisplay -> String -> IO ()
+xRemoveAccessHost :: XDisplay -> String -> IO ()
+-- screen saver
+xActivateScreenSaver :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xResetScreenSaver :: XDisplay -> IO ()
+xScreenSaver :: XDisplay -> IO XScreenSaver
+xSetScreenSaver :: XDisplay -> XScreenSaver -> IO ()
+xHandleError :: LispName("x-handle-error")
+xError :: LispName("xlib::x-error")
+xEventType :: LispName("sel-event-type")
+xEventWindow :: LispName ("x-event-window")
+xEventEventWindow :: LispName ("x-event-event-window")
+xEventCode :: LispName ("x-event-code")
+xEventPos :: LispName ("x-event-pos")
+xEventState :: LispName ("x-event-state")
+xEventTime :: LispName ("x-event-time")
+xEventRoot :: LispName ("x-event-root")
+xEventRootPos :: LispName ("x-event-root-pos")
+xEventChild :: LispName ("x-event-child")
+xEventSameScreenP :: LispName ("x-event-same-screen-p")
+xEventHintP :: LispName ("x-event-hint-p")
+xEventMode :: LispName ("x-event-mode")
+xEventKind :: LispName ("x-event-kind")
+xEventFocusP :: LispName ("x-event-focus-p")
+xEventKeymap :: LispName ("x-event-keymap")
+xEventRequest :: LispName ("x-event-request")
+xEventStart :: LispName ("x-event-start")
+xEventCount :: LispName ("x-event-count")
+xEventRect :: LispName ("x-event-rect")
+xEventDrawable :: LispName ("x-event-drawable")
+xEventXGraphFun :: LispName ("x-event-graph-fun")
+xEventPlace :: LispName ("x-event-place")
+xEventBorderWidth :: LispName ("x-event-border-width")
+xEventAboveSibling :: LispName ("x-event-above-sibling")
+xEventOverrideRedirectP :: LispName ("x-event-override-redirect-p")
+xEventParent :: LispName ("x-event-parent")
+xEventConfigureP :: LispName ("x-event-configure-p")
+xEventVisibility :: LispName ("x-event-state")
+xEventNewP :: LispName ("x-event-new-p")
+xEventInstalledP :: LispName ("x-event-installed-p")
+xEventStackMode :: LispName ("x-event-stack-mode")
+xEventValueMask :: LispName ("x-event-value-mask")
+xEventSize :: LispName ("x-event-size")
+xEventMessage :: LispName ("x-event-message")
+xEventPropertyState :: LispName ("x-event-state")
+xEventAtom :: LispName ("x-event-atom")
+xEventSelection :: LispName ("x-event-selection")
+xEventTarget :: LispName ("x-event-target")
+xEventProperty :: LispName ("x-event-property")
+xEventRequestor :: LispName ("x-event-requestor")
+xSetEventMaskKey :: LispName ("x-set-event-mask-key")
+xClearEventMaskKey :: LispName ("x-clear-event-mask-key")
+xTestEventMaskKey :: LispName ("x-test-event-mask-key")
+xSetStateMaskKey :: LispName ("x-set-state-mask-key")
+xClearStateMaskKey :: LispName ("x-clear-state-mask-key")
+xTestStateMaskKey :: LispName ("x-test-state-mask-key")
+-- open
+xOpenDisplay :: LispName("x-open-display")
+-- display attributes
+xDisplayAuthorizationData :: LispName("xlib:display-authorization-data")
+xDisplayAuthorizationName :: LispName("xlib:display-authorization-name")
+xDisplayBitmapFormat :: LispName("xlib:display-bitmap-format")
+xDisplayByteOrder :: LispName("xlib:display-byte-order")
+xDisplayDisplay :: LispName("xlib:display-display")
+xSetDisplayErrorHandler :: LispName("x-set-display-error-handler")
+xDisplayImageLsbFirstP :: LispName("xlib:display-image-lsb-first-p")
+xDisplayMaxKeycode :: LispName("xlib:display-max-keycode")
+xDisplayMaxRequestLength :: LispName("xlib:display-max-request-length")
+xDisplayMinKeycode :: LispName("xlib:display-min-keycode")
+xDisplayMotionBufferSize :: LispName("xlib:display-motion-buffer-size")
+xDisplayPixmapFormats :: LispName("xlib:display-pixmap-formats")
+xDisplayProtocolMajorVersion :: LispName("xlib:display-protocol-major-version")
+xDisplayProtocolMinorVersion :: LispName("xlib:display-protocol-minor-version")
+xDisplayResourceIdBase :: LispName("xlib:display-resource-id-base")
+xDisplayResourceIdMask :: LispName("xlib:display-resource-id-mask")
+xDisplayRoots :: LispName("xlib:display-roots")
+xDisplayVendorName :: LispName("xlib:display-vendor-name")
+xDisplayReleaseNumber :: LispName("xlib:display-release-number")
+-- output buffer
+xDisplayAfterFunction :: LispName("xlib:display-after-function")
+xSetDisplayAfterFunction :: LispName("x-set-display-after-function")
+xDisplayForceOutput :: LispName("xlib:display-force-output")
+xDisplayFinishOutput :: LispName("xlib:display-finish-output")
+-- close
+xCloseDisplay :: LispName("xlib:close-display")
+xScreenBackingStores :: LispName("xlib:screen-backing-stores")
+xScreenBlackPixel :: LispName("xlib:screen-black-pixel")
+xScreenDefaultColormap :: LispName("xlib:screen-default-colormap")
+xScreenDepths :: LispName("x-screen-depths")
+xScreenEventMaskAtOpen :: LispName("xlib:screen-event-mask-at-open")
+xScreenSize :: LispName("x-screen-size")
+xScreenMMSize :: LispName("x-screen-mmsize")
+xScreenMaxInstalledMaps :: LispName("xlib:screen-max-installed-maps")
+xScreenMinInstalledMaps :: LispName("xlib:screen-min-installed-maps")
+xScreenRoot :: LispName("xlib:screen-root")
+xScreenRootDepth :: LispName("xlib:screen-root-depth")
+xScreenRootVisual :: LispName("xlib:screen-root-visual")
+xScreenSaveUndersP :: LispName("xlib:screen-save-unders-p")
+xScreenWhitePixel :: LispName("xlib:screen-white-pixel")
+-- drawables
+xDrawableDisplay :: LispName("xlib:drawable-display")
+xDrawableEqual :: LispName("xlib:drawable-equal")
+xDrawableId :: LispName("xlib:drawable-id")
+-- creating windows
+xCreateWindow :: LispName("x-create-window")
+-- window attributes
+xWindowBorderWidth :: LispName("xlib:drawable-border-width")
+xSetWindowBorderWidth :: LispName("x-set-drawable-border-width")
+xDrawableDepth :: LispName("xlib:drawable-depth")
+xDrawableSize :: LispName("x-drawable-size")
+xDrawableResize :: LispName("x-drawable-resize")
+xWindowPos :: LispName("x-window-pos")
+xWindowMove :: LispName("x-window-move")
+xWindowAllEventMasks :: LispName("xlib:window-all-event-masks")
+xSetWindowBackground :: LispName("x-set-window-background")
+xWindowBackingPixel :: LispName("xlib:window-backing-pixel")
+xSetWindowBackingPixel :: LispName("x-set-window-backing-pixel")
+xWindowBackingPlanes :: LispName("xlib:window-backing-planes")
+xSetWindowBackingPlanes :: LispName("x-set-window-backing-planes")
+xWindowBackingStore :: LispName("xlib:window-backing-store")
+xSetWindowBackingStore :: LispName("x-set-window-backing-store")
+xWindowBitGravity :: LispName("xlib:window-bit-gravity")
+xSetWindowBitGravity :: LispName("x-set-window-bit-gravity")
+xSetWindowBorder :: LispName("x-set-window-border")
+xWindowClass :: LispName("xlib:window-class")
+xWindowColorMap :: LispName("xlib:window-colormap")
+xSetWindowColorMap :: LispName("x-set-window-colormap")
+xWindowColormapInstalledP :: LispName("xlib:window-colormap-installed-p")
+xSetWindowCursor :: LispName("x-set-window-cursor")
+xWindowDisplay :: LispName("xlib:window-display")
+xWindowDoNotPropagateMask :: LispName("xlib:window-do-not-propagate-mask")
+xSetWindowDoNotPropagateMask :: LispName("x-set-window-do-not-propagate-mask")
+xWindowEqual :: LispName("xlib:window-equal")
+xWindowEventMask :: LispName("xlib:window-event-mask")
+xSetWindowEventMask :: LispName("x-set-window-event-mask")
+xWindowGravity :: LispName("xlib:window-gravity")
+xSetWindowGravity :: LispName("x-set-window-gravity")
+xWindowId :: LispName("xlib:window-id")
+xWindowMapState :: LispName("xlib:window-map-state")
+xWindowOverrideRedirect :: LispName("xlib:window-override-redirect")
+xSetWindowOverrideRedirect :: LispName("x-set-window-override-redirect")
+xSetWindowPriority :: LispName("x-set-window-priority")
+xWindowSaveUnder :: LispName("xlib:window-save-under")
+xSetWindowSaveUnder :: LispName("x-set-window-save-under")
+xWindowVisual :: LispName("xlib:window-visual")
+-- stacking order
+xCirculateWindowDown :: LispName("xlib:circulate-window-down")
+xCirculateWindowUp :: LispName("xlib:circulate-window-up")
+-- window hierarchy
+xDrawableRoot :: LispName("xlib:drawable-root")
+xQueryTree :: LispName("x-query-tree")
+xReparentWindow :: LispName("x-reparent-window")
+xTranslateCoordinates :: LispName("x-translate-coordinates")
+-- mapping windows
+xMapWindow :: LispName("xlib:map-window")
+xMapSubwindows :: LispName("xlib:map-subwindows")
+xUnmapWindow :: LispName("xlib:unmap-window")
+xUnmapSubwindows :: LispName("xlib:unmap-subwindows")
+-- destroying windows
+xDestroyWindow :: LispName("xlib:destroy-window")
+xDestroySubwindows :: LispName("xlib:destroy-subwindows")
+-- pixmaps
+xCreatePixmap :: LispName("x-create-pixmap")
+xFreePixmap :: LispName("xlib:free-pixmap")
+xPixmapDisplay :: LispName("xlib:pixmap-display")
+xPixmapEqual :: LispName("xlib:pixmap-equal")
+xCreateGcontext :: LispName("x-create-gcontext")
+xUpdateGcontext :: LispName("x-update-gcontext")
+xFreeGcontext :: LispName("xlib:free-gcontext")
+xGcontextDisplay :: LispName("xlib:gcontext-display")
+xGcontextEqual :: LispName("xlib:gcontext-equal")
+xGcontextId :: LispName("xlib:gcontext-id")
+xQueryBestStipple :: LispName("x-query-best-stipple")
+xQueryBestTile :: LispName("x-query-best-tile")
+xCopyGcontext :: LispName("xlib:copy-gcontext")
+xClearArea :: LispName("x-clear-area")
+xCopyArea :: LispName("x-copy-area")
+xCopyPlane :: LispName("x-copy-plane")
+xDrawPoint :: LispName("x-draw-point")
+xDrawPoints :: LispName("x-draw-points")
+xDrawLine :: LispName("x-draw-line")
+xDrawLines :: LispName("x-draw-lines")
+xDrawSegments :: LispName("x-draw-segments")
+xDrawRectangle :: LispName("x-draw-rectangle")
+xDrawRectangles :: LispName("x-draw-rectangles")
+xDrawArc :: LispName("x-draw-arc")
+xDrawArcs :: LispName("x-draw-arcs")
+xDrawGlyph :: LispName("x-draw-glyph")
+xDrawGlyphs :: LispName("x-draw-glyphs")
+xDrawImageGlyph :: LispName("x-draw-image-glyph")
+xDrawImageGlyphs :: LispName("x-draw-image-glyphs")
+xImageBlueMask :: LispName("xlib:image-blue-mask")
+xImageDepth :: LispName("xlib:image-depth")
+xImageGreenMask :: LispName("xlib:image-green-mask")
+xImageSize :: LispName("x-image-size")
+xImageName :: LispName("x-image-name")
+xSetImageName :: LispName("x-set-image-name")
+xImageRedMask :: LispName("xlib:image-red-mask")
+xImageHotSpot :: LispName("x-image-hot-spot")
+xSetImageHotSpot :: LispName("x-set-image-hot-spot")
+-- XY-format images
+xImageXYBitmaps :: LispName("xlib:image-xy-bitmap-list")
+xSetImageXYBitmaps :: LispName("x-set-image-xy-bitmap-list")
+-- Z-format images
+xImageZBitsPerPixel :: LispName("xlib:image-z-bits-per-pixel")
+xsetImageZBitsPerPixel :: LispName("x-set-image-z-bits-per-pixel")
+xImageZPixarray :: LispName("xlib:image-z-pixarray")
+xSetImageZPixarray :: LispName("x-set-image-z-pixarray")
+-- image functions
+xCreateImage :: LispName("x-create-image")
+xCopyImage :: LispName("x-copy-image")
+xGetImage :: LispName("x-get-image")
+xPutImage :: LispName("x-put-image")
+-- image files
+xReadBitmapFile :: LispName("xlib:read-bitmap-file")
+xWriteBitmapFile :: LispName("xlib:write-bitmap-file")
+-- direct image transfer
+xGetRawImage :: LispName("x-get-raw-image")
+xPutRawImage :: LispName("x-put-raw-image")
+-- opening fonts
+xOpenFont :: LispName ("xlib:open-font")
+xCloseFont :: LispName ("xlib:close-font")
+xDiscardFontInfo :: LispName ("xlib:discard-font-info")
+-- listing fonts
+xFontPath :: LispName ("xlib:font-path")
+xListFontNames :: LispName ("xlib:list-font-names")
+xListFonts :: LispName ("xlib:list-fonts")
+-- font attriburtes
+xFontAllCharExistsP :: LispName ("xlib:font-all-chars-exist-p")
+xFontAscent :: LispName ("xlib:font-ascent")
+xFontDefaultChar :: LispName ("xlib:font-default-char")
+xFontDescent :: LispName ("xlib:font-descent")
+xFontDirection :: LispName ("xlib:font-direction")
+xFontDisplay :: LispName ("xlib:font-display")
+xFontEqual :: LispName ("xlib:font-equal")
+xFontId :: LispName ("xlib:font-id")
+xFontMaxByte1 :: LispName ("xlib:font-max-byte1")
+xFontMaxByte2 :: LispName ("xlib:font-max-byte2")
+xFontMaxChar :: LispName ("xlib:font-max-char")
+xFontMinByte1 :: LispName ("xlib:font-min-byte1")
+xFontMinByte2 :: LispName ("xlib:font-min-byte2")
+xFontMinChar :: LispName ("xlib:font-min-char")
+xFontName :: LispName ("x-font-name")
+xFontMaxCharAscent :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-ascent")
+xFontMaxCharAttributes :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-attributes")
+xFontMaxCharDescent :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-descent")
+xFontMaxCharLeftBearing :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-left-bearing")
+xFontMaxCharRightBearing :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-right-bearing")
+xFontMaxCharWidth :: LispName ("xlib:max-char-width")
+xFontMinCharAscent :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-ascent")
+xFontMinCharAttributes :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-attributes")
+xFontMinCharDescent :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-descent")
+xFontMinCharLeftBearing :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-left-bearing")
+xFontMinCharRightBearing :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-right-bearing")
+xFontMinCharWidth :: LispName ("xlib:min-char-width")
+-- char attributes
+xCharAscent :: LispName ("xlib:char-ascent")
+xCharAttributes :: LispName ("xlib:char-attributes")
+xCharDescent :: LispName ("xlib:char-descent")
+xCharLeftBearing :: LispName ("xlib:char-left-bearing")
+xCharRightBearing :: LispName ("xlib:char-right-bearing")
+xCharWidth :: LispName ("xlib:char-width")
+-- querying text size
+xTextWidth :: LispName ("xlib:text-width")
+-- creating colormaps
+xCreateColormap :: LispName ("xlib:create-colormap")
+xCopyColormapAndFree :: LispName ("xlib:copy-colormap-and-free")
+xFreeColormap :: LispName ("xlib:free-colormap")
+-- installing colormaps
+xInstallColormap :: LispName ("xlib:install-colormap")
+xInstalledColormaps :: LispName ("xlib:installed-colormaps")
+xUnInstallColormap :: LispName ("xlib:uninstall-colormap")
+-- allocating colors
+xAllocColor :: LispName ("x-alloc-color")
+xAllocColorCells :: LispName ("x-alloc-color-cells")
+xAllocColorPlanes :: LispName ("x-alloc-color-planes")
+xFreeColors :: LispName ("xlib:free-colors")
+-- finding colors
+xLookupColor :: LispName ("x-lookup-color")
+xQueryColors :: LispName ("xlib:query-colors")
+-- changing colors
+xStoreColor :: LispName ("xlib:store-color")
+xStoreColors :: LispName ("x-store-colors")
+-- colormap attributes
+xColormapDisplay :: LispName ("xlib:colormap-display")
+xColormapEqual :: LispName ("xlib:colormap-equal")
+xCreateCursor :: LispName ("x-create-cursor")
+xCreateGlyphCursor :: LispName ("x-create-glyph-cursor")
+xFreeCursor :: LispName ("xlib:free-cursor")
+xQueryBestCursor :: LispName ("x-query-best-cursor")
+xRecolorCursor :: LispName ("xlib:recolor-cursor")
+xCursorDisplay :: LispName ("xlib:cursor-display")
+xCursorEqual :: LispName ("xlib:cursor-equal")
+-- atoms
+xAtomName :: LispName ("xlib:atom-name")
+xFindAtom :: LispName ("xlib:find-atom")
+xInternAtom :: LispName ("xlib:intern-atom")
+-- properties
+xChangeProperty :: LispName ("x-change-property")
+xDeleteProperty :: LispName ("xlib:delete-property")
+xGetProperty :: LispName ("x-get-property")
+xListProperties :: LispName ("xlib:list-properties")
+xRotateProperties :: LispName ("xlib:rotate-properties")
+-- selections
+xConvertSelection :: LispName ("x-convert-selection")
+xSelectionOwner :: LispName ("xlib:selection-owner")
+xSetSelectionOwner :: LispName ("x-set-selection-owner")
+-- Wait for the next event
+xGetEvent :: LispName ("x-get-event")
+-- managing the event queue
+xQueueEvent :: LispName ("x-queue-event")
+xEventListen :: LispName ("x-event-listen")
+-- sending events
+xSendEvent :: LispName ("x-send-event")
+-- pointer position
+xGlobalPointerPosition :: LispName ("x-global-pointer-position")
+xPointerPosition :: LispName ("x-pointer-position")
+xMotionEvents :: LispName ("x-motion-events")
+xWarpPointer :: LispName ("x-warp-pointer")
+-- keyboard input focus
+xSetInputFocus :: LispName ("x-set-input-focus")
+xInputFucus :: LispName ("x-input-focus")
+-- grabbing the pointer
+xGrabPointer :: LispName ("x-grab-pointer")
+xUngrabPointer :: LispName ("x-ungrab-pointer")
+xChangeActivePointerGrab :: LispName ("x-change-active-pointer-grab")
+-- grabbing a button
+xGrabButton :: LispName ("x-grab-button")
+xUngrabButton :: LispName ("x-ungrab-button")
+-- grabbing the keyboard
+xGrabKeyboard :: LispName ("x-grab-keyboard")
+xUngrabkeyboard :: LispName ("x-ungrab-keyboard")
+-- grabbing a key
+xGrabKey :: LispName ("x-grab-key")
+xUngrabKey :: LispName ("x-ungrab-key")
+-- grabbing the server
+xGrabServer :: LispName ("xlib:grab-server")
+xUngrabServer :: LispName ("xlib:ungrab-server")
+-- pointer control
+xSetPointerAcceleration :: LispName ("x-set-pointer-acceleration")
+xSetPointerThreshold :: LispName ("x-set-pointer-threshold")
+xPointerAcceleration :: LispName ("x-pointer-acceleration")
+xPointerThreshold :: LispName ("x-pointer-threshold")
+xSetPointerMapping :: LispName ("x-set-pointer-mapping")
+xPointerMapping :: LispName ("xlib:pointer-mapping")
+-- keyboard control
+xBell :: LispName ("xlib:bell")
+xSetKeyboardKeyClickPercent :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-key-click-percent")
+xSetKeyboardBellPercent :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-bell-percent")
+xSetKeyboardBellPitch :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-bell-pitch")
+xSetKeyboardBellDuration :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-bell-duration")
+xSetKeyboardLed :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-led")
+xSetKeyboardAutoRepeatMode :: LispName ("x-set-keyboard-auto-repeat-mode")
+xKeyboardKeyClickPercent :: LispName ("x-keyboard-key-click-percent")
+xKeyboardBellPercent :: LispName ("x-keyboard-bell-percent")
+xKeyboardBellPitch :: LispName ("x-keyboard-bell-pitch")
+xKeyboardBellDuration :: LispName ("x-keyboard-bell-duration")
+xKeyboardLed :: LispName ("x-keyboard-led")
+xKeyboardAutoRepeatMode :: LispName ("x-keyboard-auto-repeat-mode")
+xModifierMapping :: LispName ("x-modifier-mapping")
+xSetModifierMapping :: LispName ("x-set-modifier-mapping")
+xQueryKeymap :: LispName ("xlib:query-keymap")
+-- keyboard mapping
+xChangeKeyboardMapping :: LispName ("xlib:change-keyboard-mapping")
+xKeyboardMapping :: LispName ("xlib:keyboard-mapping")
+xKeycodeKeysym :: LispName ("xlib:keycode->keysym")
+xKeysymCharacter :: LispName ("x-keysym-character")
+xKeycodeCharacter :: LispName ("x-keycode-character")
+-- client termination
+xAddToSaveSet :: LispName ("xlib:add-to-save-set")
+xCloseDownMode :: LispName ("xlib:close-down-mode")
+xSetCloseDownMode :: LispName ("x-set-close-down-mode")
+xKillClient :: LispName ("xlib:kill-client")
+xKillTemporaryClients :: LispName ("xlib:kill-temporary-clients")
+xRemoveFromSaveSet :: LispName ("xlib:remove-from-save-set")
+-- managing host access
+xAccessControl :: LispName ("xlib:access-control")
+xSetAccessControl :: LispName ("x-set-access-control")
+xAccessHosts :: LispName ("xlib:access-hosts")
+xAddAccessHost :: LispName ("xlib:add-access-host")
+xRemoveAccessHost :: LispName ("xlib:remove-access-host")
+-- screen saver
+xActivateScreenSaver :: LispName ("xlib:activate-screen-saver")
+xResetScreenSaver :: LispName ("xlib:reset-screen-saver")
+xScreenSaver :: LispName ("x-screen-saver")
+xSetScreenSaver :: LispName ("x-set-screen-saver")
+data XMArray a
+xMArrayCreate :: [a] -> IO (XMArray a)
+xMArrayLookup :: XMArray a -> Int -> IO a
+xMArrayUpdate :: XMArray a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
+xMArrayLength :: XMArray a -> Int
+xMArrayCreate :: LispName("x-mutable-array-create")
+xMArrayLookup :: LispName("x-mutable-array-lookup")
+xMArrayUpdate :: LispName("x-mutable-array-update")
+xMArrayLength :: LispName("x-mutable-array-length")
+xprint :: a -> IO ()
+xprint :: LispName ("x-print")
+-- decoded time format:
+-- ([second, minute, hour, date, month, year, day-of-week],
+-- daylight-saving-time-p)
+-- time format to encode:
+-- [second, minute, hour, date, month, year]
+data TimeZone = WestOfGMT Int {-# STRICT #-}
+ | CurrentZone
+getTime :: IO Integer
+getTimeZone :: IO Int
+decodeTime :: Integer -> TimeZone -> ([Int], Bool)
+encodeTime :: [Int] -> TimeZone -> Integer
+getRunTime :: IO Float
+getElapsedTime :: IO Float
+sleep :: Int -> IO ()
+ImportLispType (TimeZone (WestOfGMT ("number?", "identity", "identity")))
+ImportLispType (TimeZone (CurrentZone ("null?", "'()")))
+getTime :: LispName("lisp:get-universal-time")
+getTimeZone :: LispName("get-time-zone")
+decodeTime :: LispName("decode-time")
+encodeTime :: LispName("encode-time")
+getRunTime :: LispName("get-run-time")
+getElapsedTime :: LispName("get-elapsed-time")
+sleep :: LispName("lisp:sleep")
+xWmName :: XWindow -> IO String
+xSetWmName :: XWindow -> String -> IO ()
+xWmIconName :: XWindow -> IO String
+xSetWmIconName :: XWindow -> String -> IO ()
+xWmName :: LispName ("xlib:wm-name")
+xSetWmName :: LispName ("x-set-wm-name")
+xWmIconName :: LispName ("xlib:wm-icon-name")
+xSetWmIconName :: LispName ("x-set-wm-icon-name")
diff --git a/progs/lib/X11/ b/progs/lib/X11/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38138d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/X11/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/README b/progs/lib/cl/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8164257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains some libraries which allow you to use various
+Common Lisp primitives from Haskell.
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.hi b/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b120bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+-- logop-prims.hi -- interface to logical operations on numbers
+-- author : Sandra Loosemore
+-- date : 19 June 1993
+interface LogOpPrims where
+logiorInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logxorInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logandInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logeqvInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+lognandInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+lognorInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logandc1Integer :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logandc2Integer :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logorc1Integer :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logorc2Integer :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+lognotInteger :: Integer -> Integer
+logtestInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+logbitpInteger :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
+ashInteger :: Integer -> Int -> Integer
+logcountInteger :: Integer -> Int
+integerLengthInteger :: Integer -> Int
+logiorInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logxorInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logandInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logeqvInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+lognandInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+lognorInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logandc1Int :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logandc2Int :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logorc1Int :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logorc2Int :: Int -> Int -> Int
+lognotInt :: Int -> Int
+logtestInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logbitpInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ashInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+logcountInt :: Int -> Int
+integerLengthInt :: Int -> Int
+logiorInteger :: LispName("logop.logior-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logxorInteger :: LispName("logop.logxor-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logandInteger :: LispName("logop.logand-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logeqvInteger :: LispName("logop.logeqv-integer"), Complexity(4)
+lognandInteger :: LispName("logop.lognand-integer"), Complexity(4)
+lognorInteger :: LispName("logop.lognor-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logandc1Integer :: LispName("logop.logandc1-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logandc2Integer :: LispName("logop.logandc2-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logorc1Integer :: LispName("logop.logorc1-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logorc2Integer :: LispName("logop.logorc2-integer"), Complexity(4)
+lognotInteger :: LispName("logop.lognot-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logtestInteger :: LispName("logop.logtest-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logbitpInteger :: LispName("logop.logbitp-integer"), Complexity(4)
+ashInteger :: LispName("logop.ash-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logcountInteger :: LispName("logop.logcount-integer"), Complexity(4)
+integerLengthInteger :: LispName("logop.integer-length-integer"), Complexity(4)
+logiorInt :: LispName("logop.logior-int"), Complexity(2)
+logxorInt :: LispName("logop.logxor-int"), Complexity(2)
+logandInt :: LispName("logop.logand-int"), Complexity(2)
+logeqvInt :: LispName("logop.logeqv-int"), Complexity(2)
+lognandInt :: LispName("logop.lognand-int"), Complexity(2)
+lognorInt :: LispName("logop.lognor-int"), Complexity(2)
+logandc1Int :: LispName("logop.logandc1-int"), Complexity(2)
+logandc2Int :: LispName("logop.logandc2-int"), Complexity(2)
+logorc1Int :: LispName("logop.logorc1-int"), Complexity(2)
+logorc2Int :: LispName("logop.logorc2-int"), Complexity(2)
+lognotInt :: LispName("logop.lognot-int"), Complexity(2)
+logtestInt :: LispName("logop.logtest-int"), Complexity(2)
+logbitpInt :: LispName("logop.logbitp-int"), Complexity(2)
+ashInt :: LispName("logop.ash-int"), Complexity(2)
+logcountInt :: LispName("logop.logcount-int"), Complexity(2)
+integerLengthInt :: LispName("logop.integer-length-int"), Complexity(2)
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.scm b/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b846836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/logop-prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;;; logop-prims.scm -- primitives for logical operations on numbers
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 19 Jun 1993
+;;; Integer operations
+;;; Note that bit counts are still guaranteed to be fixnums....
+(define-syntax (logop.logior-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logior (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logxor-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logxor (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logand-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logand (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logeqv-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logeqv (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognand-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:lognand (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognor-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:lognor (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logandc1-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logandc1 (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logandc2-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logandc2 (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logorc1-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logorc1 (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logorc2-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logorc2 (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognot-integer i1)
+ `(the integer (lisp:lognot (the integer ,i1))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logtest-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logtest (the integer ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logbitp-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:logbitp (the fixnum ,i1) (the integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.ash-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the integer (lisp:ash (the integer ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logcount-integer i1)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logcount (the integer ,i1))))
+(define-syntax (logop.integer-length-integer i1)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:integer-length (the integer ,i1))))
+;;; Fixnum operations
+(define-syntax (logop.logior-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logior (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logxor-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logxor (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logand-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logand (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logeqv-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logeqv (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognand-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:lognand (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognor-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:lognor (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logandc1-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logandc1 (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logandc2-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logandc2 (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logorc1-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logorc1 (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logorc2-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logorc2 (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.lognot-int i1)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:lognot (the fixnum ,i1))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logtest-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logtest (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logbitp-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logbitp (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.ash-int i1 i2)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:ash (the fixnum ,i1) (the fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (logop.logcount-int i1)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:logcount (the fixnum ,i1))))
+(define-syntax (logop.integer-length-int i1)
+ `(the fixnum (lisp:integer-length (the fixnum ,i1))))
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/logop.hs b/progs/lib/cl/logop.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d0f9ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/logop.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- logop.hs -- logical operations on numbers
+-- author : Sandra Loosemore
+-- date : 19 June 1993
+module LogOp where
+import LogOpPrims -- from logop-prims.hi
+class LogOperand a where
+ logior :: a -> a -> a
+ logxor :: a -> a -> a
+ logand :: a -> a -> a
+ logeqv :: a -> a -> a
+ lognand :: a -> a -> a
+ lognor :: a -> a -> a
+ logandc1 :: a -> a -> a
+ logandc2 :: a -> a -> a
+ logorc1 :: a -> a -> a
+ logorc2 :: a -> a -> a
+ lognot :: a -> a
+ logtest :: a -> a -> a
+ logbitp :: Int -> a -> a
+ ash :: a -> Int -> a
+ logcount :: a -> Int
+ integerLength :: a -> Int
+instance LogOperand Integer where
+ logior = logiorInteger
+ logxor = logxorInteger
+ logand = logandInteger
+ logeqv = logeqvInteger
+ lognand = lognandInteger
+ lognor = lognorInteger
+ logandc1 = logandc1Integer
+ logandc2 = logandc2Integer
+ logorc1 = logorc1Integer
+ logorc2 = logorc2Integer
+ lognot = lognotInteger
+ logtest = logtestInteger
+ logbitp = logbitpInteger
+ ash = ashInteger
+ logcount = logcountInteger
+ integerLength = integerLengthInteger
+instance LogOperand Int where
+ logior = logiorInt
+ logxor = logxorInt
+ logand = logandInt
+ logeqv = logeqvInt
+ lognand = lognandInt
+ lognor = lognorInt
+ logandc1 = logandc1Int
+ logandc2 = logandc2Int
+ logorc1 = logorc1Int
+ logorc2 = logorc2Int
+ lognot = lognotInt
+ logtest = logtestInt
+ logbitp = logbitpInt
+ ash = ashInt
+ logcount = logcountInt
+ integerLength = integerLengthInt
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/ b/progs/lib/cl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe8209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/maybe.hs b/progs/lib/cl/maybe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce01e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/maybe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+-- maybe.hs -- "maybe" type
+-- author : Sandra Loosemore
+-- date : 22 June 1993
+module Maybe where
+data Maybe a = Some a | Null
+{-# ImportLispType (Maybe(Some("identity", "identity", "identity"),
+ Null("not", "'#f"))) #-}
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/ b/progs/lib/cl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2115c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/random-prims.hi b/progs/lib/cl/random-prims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e66d802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/random-prims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- random-prims.hi -- interface file to random number primitives
+-- author : Sandra Loosemore
+-- date : 22 June 1993
+interface RandomPrims where
+randomInt :: Int -> IO Int
+randomInteger :: Integer -> IO Integer
+randomFloat :: Float -> IO Float
+randomDouble :: Double -> IO Double
+randomInt :: LispName("lisp:random"), Complexity(5)
+randomInteger :: LispName("lisp:random"), Complexity(5)
+randomFloat :: LispName("lisp:random"), Complexity(5)
+randomDouble :: LispName("lisp:random"), Complexity(5)
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/random.hs b/progs/lib/cl/random.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d26e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/random.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- random.hs -- random number functions
+-- author : Sandra Loosemore
+-- date : 22 June 1993
+module Random where
+import RandomPrims -- from random-prims.hi
+class RandomOperand a where
+ random :: a -> IO a
+instance RandomOperand Int where
+ random = randomInt
+instance RandomOperand Integer where
+ random = randomInteger
+instance RandomOperand Float where
+ random = randomFloat
+instance RandomOperand Double where
+ random = randomDouble
diff --git a/progs/lib/cl/ b/progs/lib/cl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8e286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/cl/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Either.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Either.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad5af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Either.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Either(Either(..)) where
+data Either a b = Left a | Right b deriving (Eq, Ord, Text, Binary)
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3313235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Hash.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Hash.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f14c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Hash.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+module Hash where
+-- Hash a value. Hashing produces an Int of
+-- unspecified range.
+class Hashable a where
+ hash :: a -> Int
+instance Hashable Char where
+ hash x = ord x
+instance Hashable Int where
+ hash x = x
+instance Hashable Integer where
+ hash x = fromInteger x
+instance Hashable Float where
+ hash x = truncate x
+instance Hashable Double where
+ hash x = truncate x
+instance Hashable Bin where
+ hash x = 0
+{-instance Hashable File where
+ hash x = 0 -}
+instance Hashable () where
+ hash x = 0
+instance Hashable (a -> b) where
+ hash x = 0
+instance Hashable a => Hashable [a] where
+ hash x = sum (map hash x)
+instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (a,b) where
+ hash (a,b) = hash a + 3 * hash b
+instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c) => Hashable (a,b,c) where
+ hash (a,b,c) = hash a + 3 * hash b + 5 * hash c
+instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c, Hashable d) => Hashable (a,b,c,d) where
+ hash (a,b,c,d) = hash a + 3 * hash b + 5 * hash c + 7 * hash d
+instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c, Hashable d, Hashable e) => Hashable (a,b,c,d,e) where
+ hash (a,b,c,d,e) = hash a + hash b + hash c + hash d + hash e
+instance Hashable Bool where
+ hash False = 0
+ hash True = 1
+instance (Integral a, Hashable a) => Hashable (Ratio a) where
+ hash x = hash (denominator x) + hash (numerator x)
+instance (RealFloat a, Hashable a) => Hashable (Complex a) where
+ hash (x :+ y) = hash x + hash y
+instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (Assoc a b) where
+ hash (x := y) = hash x + hash y
+instance (Ix a) => Hashable (Array a b) where
+ hash x = 0 -- !!!
+instance Hashable Request where
+ hash x = 0 -- !!
+instance Hashable Response where
+ hash x = 0 -- !!
+instance Hashable IOError where
+ hash x = 0 -- !!
+hashToMax maxhash x =
+ let h = abs (hash x)
+ in if h < 0 then 0 else h `rem` maxhash
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c23c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560920e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module ListUtil(assoc, concatMap, unfoldr, mapAccuml, union, intersection, chopList, assocDef, lookup, Maybe..) where
+import Maybe
+-- Lookup an item in an association list. Apply a function to it if it is found, otherwise return a default value.
+assoc :: (Eq c) => (a -> b) -> b -> [(c, a)] -> c -> b
+assoc f d [] x = d
+assoc f d ((x',y):xys) x | x' == x = f y
+ | otherwise = assoc f d xys x
+-- Map and concatename results.
+concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+concatMap f [] = []
+concatMap f (x:xs) =
+ case f x of
+ [] -> concatMap f xs
+ ys -> ys ++ concatMap f xs
+-- Repeatedly extract (and transform) values until a predicate hold. Return the list of values.
+unfoldr :: (a -> (b, a)) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> [b]
+unfoldr f p x | p x = []
+ | otherwise = y:unfoldr f p x'
+ where (y, x') = f x
+-- Map, but plumb a state through the map operation.
+mapAccuml :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a, [c])
+mapAccuml f s [] = (s, [])
+mapAccuml f s (x:xs) = (s'', y:ys)
+ where (s', y) = f s x
+ (s'', ys) = mapAccuml f s' xs
+-- Union of sets as lists.
+union :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+union xs ys = xs ++ (ys \\ xs)
+-- Intersection of sets as lists.
+intersection :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+intersection xs ys = [x | x<-xs, x `elem` ys]
+--- Functions derived from those above
+chopList :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
+chopList f l = unfoldr f null l
+assocDef :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> b -> a -> b
+assocDef l d x = assoc id d l x
+lookup :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> Maybe b
+lookup l x = assoc Just Nothing l x
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7402cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Maybe.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Maybe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ada70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Maybe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Maybe(Maybe(..), thenM) where
+-- Maybe together with Just and thenM forms a monad, but is more
+-- by accident than by design.
+data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving (Eq, Ord, Text, Binary)
+Nothing `thenM` _ = Nothing
+Just a `thenM` f = f a
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55b652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d863ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+module Miranda(cjustify, lay, layn, limit, ljustify, merge, rep, rjustify, spaces,
+ {-force,seq,-}sort) where
+--import UnsafeDirty
+import QSort
+cjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+cjustify n s = spaces l ++ s ++ spaces r
+ where
+ m = n - length s
+ l = m `div` 2
+ r = m - l
+index :: [a] -> [Int]
+index xs = f xs 0
+ where f [] n = []
+ f (_:xs) n = n : f xs (n+1)
+lay :: [String] -> String
+lay = concat . map (++"\n")
+layn :: [String] -> String
+layn = concat . zipWith f [1..]
+ where
+ f :: Int -> String -> String
+ f n x = rjustify 4 (show n) ++ ") " ++ x ++ "\n"
+limit :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a
+limit (x:y:ys) | x == y = x
+ | otherwise = limit (y:ys)
+limit _ = error "Miranda.limit: bad use"
+ljustify :: Int -> String -> String
+ljustify n s = s ++ spaces (n - length s)
+merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+merge [] ys = ys
+merge xs [] = xs
+merge xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) | x <= y = x : merge xs yys
+ | otherwise = y : merge xxs ys
+rep :: Int -> b -> [b]
+rep n x = take n (repeat x)
+rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+rjustify n s = spaces (n - length s) ++ s
+spaces :: Int -> String
+spaces 0 = ""
+spaces n = ' ' : spaces (n-1)
+arctan x = atan x
+code c = ord c
+converse f a b = flip f a b
+decode n = chr n
+digit c = isDigit c
+e :: (Floating a) => a
+e = exp 1
+entier x = floor x
+filemode f = error "Miranda.filemode"
+hd xs = head xs
+hugenum :: (Floating a) => a
+hugenum = error "hugenum" --!!!
+integer x = x == truncate x
+letter c = isAlpha c
+map2 f xs ys = zipWith f xs ys
+max2 x y = max x y
+member xs x = x `elem` xs
+min2 x y = min x y
+mkset xs = nub xs
+neg x = negate x
+numval :: (Num a) => String -> a
+numval cs = read cs
+postfix xs x = xs ++ [x]
+scan f z l = scanl f z l
+--shownum !!!
+--showfloat !!!
+--showscaled !!!
+tinynum :: (Floating a) => a
+tinynum = error "tinynum"
+undef = error "undefined"
+zip2 xs ys = zip xs ys
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfa86ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Option.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Option.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b2423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Option.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Option(Option(..), thenO) where
+import Maybe renaming (Maybe to Option, Nothing to None, Just to Some, thenM to thenO)
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/ b/progs/lib/hbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..592a0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad63dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Pretty(text, separate, nest, pretty, (~.), (^.), IText(..), Context(..)) where
+infixr 8 ~.
+infixr 8 ^.
+type IText = Context -> [String]
+type Context = (Bool,Int,Int,Int)
+text :: String -> IText
+text s (v,w,m,m') = [s]
+(~.) :: IText -> IText -> IText
+(~.) d1 d2 (v,w,m,m') =
+ let t = d1 (False,w,m,m')
+ tn = last t
+ indent = length tn
+ sig = if length t == 1
+ then m' + indent
+ else length (dropWhile (==' ') tn)
+ (l:ls) = d2 (False,w-indent,m,sig)
+ in init t ++
+ [tn ++ l] ++
+ map (space indent++) ls
+space :: Int -> String
+space n = [' ' | i<-[1..n]]
+(^.) :: IText -> IText -> IText
+(^.) d1 d2 (v,w,m,m') = d1 (True,w,m,m') ++ d2 (True,w,m,0)
+separate :: [IText] -> IText
+separate [] _ = [""]
+separate ds (v,w,m,m') =
+ let hor = foldr1 (\d1 d2 -> d1 ~. text " " ~. d2) ds
+ ver = foldr1 (^.) ds
+ t = hor (v,w,m,m')
+ in if fits 1 t && fits (w `min` m-m') (head t)
+ then t
+ else ver (v,w,m,m')
+fits n xs = length xs <= n `max` 0 --null (drop n xs)
+nest :: Int -> IText -> IText
+nest n d (v,w,m,m') =
+ if v then
+ map (space n++) (d (v,w-n,m,if m'==0 then 0 else m'+n))
+ else
+ d (v,w,m,m')
+pretty :: Int->Int->IText->String
+pretty w m d = concat (map (++"\n") (d (False,w,m,0)))
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Printf.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Printf.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8291bd
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Printf.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+-- This code used a function in the lml library (fmtf) that I don't have.
+-- If someone makes this work for floats let me know -- jcp
+-- A C printf like formatter.
+-- Conversion specs:
+-- - left adjust
+-- num field width
+-- . separates width from precision
+-- Formatting characters:
+-- c Char, Int, Integer
+-- d Char, Int, Integer
+-- o Char, Int, Integer
+-- x Char, Int, Integer
+-- u Char, Int, Integer
+-- f Float, Double
+-- g Float, Double
+-- e Float, Double
+-- s String
+module Printf(UPrintf(..), printf) where
+-- import LMLfmtf
+data UPrintf = UChar Char |
+ UString String |
+ UInt Int |
+ UInteger Integer |
+ UFloat Float |
+ UDouble Double
+printf :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String
+printf "" [] = ""
+printf "" (_:_) = fmterr
+printf ('%':_) [] = argerr
+printf ('%':cs) us@(_:_) = fmt cs us
+printf (c:cs) us = c:printf cs us
+fmt :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String
+fmt cs us =
+ let (width, prec, ladj, zero, cs', us') = getSpecs False False cs us
+ adjust (pre, str) =
+ let lstr = length str
+ lpre = length pre
+ fill = if lstr+lpre < width then take (width-(lstr+lpre)) (repeat (if zero then '0' else ' ')) else ""
+ in if ladj then pre ++ str ++ fill else pre ++ fill ++ str
+ in
+ case cs' of
+ [] -> fmterr
+ c:cs'' ->
+ case us' of
+ [] -> argerr
+ u:us'' ->
+ (case c of
+ 'c' -> adjust ("", [chr (toint u)])
+ 'd' -> adjust (fmti u)
+ 'x' -> adjust ("", fmtu 16 u)
+ 'o' -> adjust ("", fmtu 8 u)
+ 'u' -> adjust ("", fmtu 10 u)
+ '%' -> "%"
+ 'e' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
+ 'f' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
+ 'g' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
+ 's' -> adjust ("", tostr u)
+ c -> perror ("bad formatting char " ++ [c])
+ ) ++ printf cs'' us''
+unimpl = perror "unimplemented"
+fmti (UInt i) = if i < 0 then
+ if i == -i then fmti (UInteger (toInteger i)) else ("-", itos (-i))
+ else
+ ("", itos i)
+fmti (UInteger i) = if i < 0 then ("-", itos (-i)) else ("", itos i)
+fmti (UChar c) = fmti (UInt (ord c))
+fmti u = baderr
+fmtu b (UInt i) = if i < 0 then
+ if i == -i then itosb b (maxi - toInteger (i+1) - 1) else itosb b (maxi - toInteger (-i))
+ else
+ itosb b (toInteger i)
+fmtu b (UInteger i) = itosb b i
+fmtu b (UChar c) = itosb b (toInteger (ord c))
+fmtu b u = baderr
+maxi :: Integer
+maxi = (toInteger maxInt + 1) * 2
+toint (UInt i) = i
+toint (UInteger i) = toInt i
+toint (UChar c) = ord c
+toint u = baderr
+tostr (UString s) = s
+tostr u = baderr
+todbl (UDouble d) = d
+todbl (UFloat f) = fromRational (toRational f)
+todbl u = baderr
+itos n =
+ if n < 10 then
+ [chr (ord '0' + toInt n)]
+ else
+ let (q, r) = quotRem n 10 in
+ itos q ++ [chr (ord '0' + toInt r)]
+chars = array (0,15) (zipWith (:=) [0..] "0123456789abcdef")
+itosb :: Integer -> Integer -> String
+itosb b n =
+ if n < b then
+ [chars!n]
+ else
+ let (q, r) = quotRem n b in
+ itosb b q ++ [chars!r]
+stoi :: Int -> String -> (Int, String)
+stoi a (c:cs) | isDigit c = stoi (a*10 + ord c - ord '0') cs
+stoi a cs = (a, cs)
+getSpecs :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> [UPrintf] -> (Int, Int, Bool, Bool, String, [UPrintf])
+getSpecs l z ('-':cs) us = getSpecs True z cs us
+getSpecs l z ('0':cs) us = getSpecs l True cs us
+getSpecs l z ('*':cs) us = unimpl
+getSpecs l z cs@(c:_) us | isDigit c =
+ let (n, cs') = stoi 0 cs
+ (p, cs'') = case cs' of
+ '.':r -> stoi 0 r
+ _ -> (-1, cs')
+ in (n, p, l, z, cs'', us)
+getSpecs l z cs us = (0, -1, l, z, cs, us)
+-- jcp: I don't know what the lml function fmtf does. Someone needs to
+-- rewrite this.
+dfmt c p d =
+ case fmtf ("1" ++ (if p < 0 then "" else '.':itos p) ++ [c]) d of
+ '-':cs -> ("-", cs)
+ cs -> ("" , cs)
+dfmt = error "fmtf not implemented"
+perror s = error ("Printf.printf: "++s)
+fmterr = perror "formatting string ended prematurely"
+argerr = perror "argument list ended prematurely"
+baderr = perror "bad argument"
+-- This is needed because standard Haskell does not have toInt
+toInt :: Integral a => a -> Int
+toInt x = fromIntegral x
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+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
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index 0000000..f19eb43
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/QSort.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ This module implements a sort function using a variation on
+ quicksort. It is stable, uses no concatenation and compares
+ only with <=.
+ sortLe sorts with a given predicate
+ sort uses the <= method
+ Author: Lennart Augustsson
+module QSort(sortLe, sort) where
+sortLe :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortLe le l = qsort le l []
+sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
+sort l = qsort (<=) l []
+-- qsort is stable and does not concatenate.
+qsort le [] r = r
+qsort le [x] r = x:r
+qsort le (x:xs) r = qpart le x xs [] [] r
+-- qpart partitions and sorts the sublists
+qpart le x [] rlt rge r =
+ -- rlt and rge are in reverse order and must be sorted with an
+ -- anti-stable sorting
+ rqsort le rlt (x:rqsort le rge r)
+qpart le x (y:ys) rlt rge r =
+ if le x y then
+ qpart le x ys rlt (y:rge) r
+ else
+ qpart le x ys (y:rlt) rge r
+-- rqsort is as qsort but anti-stable, i.e. reverses equal elements
+rqsort le [] r = r
+rqsort le [x] r = x:r
+rqsort le (x:xs) r = rqpart le x xs [] [] r
+rqpart le x [] rle rgt r =
+ qsort le rle (x:qsort le rgt r)
+rqpart le x (y:ys) rle rgt r =
+ if le y x then
+ rqpart le x ys (y:rle) rgt r
+ else
+ rqpart le x ys rle (y:rgt) r
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+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+These libraries are adapted from the lml library. Also included are a number
+of Common Lisp functions.
+The hbc library contains the following modules and functions:
+* module Either
+ binary sum data type
+ data Either a b = Left a | Right b
+ constructor Left typically used for errors
+* module Option
+ type for success or failure
+ data Option a = None | Some a
+ thenO :: Option a -> (a -> Option b) -> Option b apply a function that may fail
+* module ListUtil
+ Various useful functions involving lists that are missing from the Prelude
+ assoc :: (Eq c) => (a -> b) -> b -> [(c, a)] -> c -> b
+ assoc f d l k looks for k in the association list l, if it is found f is applied to the value, otherwise d is returned
+ concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+ flattening map (LMLs concmap)
+ unfoldr :: (a -> (b, a)) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> [b]
+ unfoldr f p x repeatedly applies f to x until (p x) holds. (f x) should give a list element and a new x
+ mapAccuml :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a, [c])
+ mapAccuml f s l maps f over l, but also threads the state s though (LMLs mapstate)
+ union :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+ unions of two lists
+ intersection :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+ intersection of two lists
+ chopList :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
+ LMLs choplist
+ assocDef :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> b -> a -> b
+ LMLs assocdef
+ lookup :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> Option b
+ lookup l k looks for the key k in the association list l and returns an optional value
+* module Pretty
+ John Hughes pretty printing library.
+ type Context = (Bool, Int, Int, Int)
+ type IText = Context -> [String]
+ text :: String -> IText just text
+ (~.) :: IText -> IText -> IText horizontal composition
+ (^.) :: IText -> IText -> IText vertical composition
+ separate :: [IText] -> IText separate by spaces
+ nest :: Int -> IText -> IText indent
+ pretty :: Int -> Int -> IText -> String format it
+* module QSort
+ Sort function using quicksort.
+ sortLe :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] sort le l sorts l with le as less than predicate
+ sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] sort l sorts l using the Ord class
+* module Random
+ Random numbers.
+ randomInts :: Int -> Int -> [Int] given two seeds gives a list of random Int
+ randomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double] given two seeds gives a list of random Double
+* module RunDialogue
+ Test run programs of type Dialogue.
+ Only a few Requests are implemented, unfortunately not ReadChannel.
+ run :: Dialogue -> String just run the program, showing the output
+ runTrace :: Dialogue -> String run the program, showing each Request and Response
+* module Miranda
+ Functions found in the Miranda(tm) library.
+* module Printf
+ C printf style formatting. Handles same types as printf in C, but requires the arguments
+ to be tagged. Useful for formatting of floating point values.
+ data UPrintf = UChar Char | UString String | UInt Int | UInteger Integer | UFloat Float | UDouble Double
+ printf :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String convert arguments in the list according to the formatting string
+* module Time
+ Manipulate time values (a Double with seconds since 1970).
+ -- year mon day hour min sec dec-sec weekday
+ data Time = Time Int Int Int Int Int Int Double Int
+ dblToTime :: Double -> Time convert a Double to a Time
+ timeToDbl :: Time -> Double convert a Time to a Double
+ timeToString :: Time -> String convert a Time to a readable String
+----- To add:
+IO Library
+Word oprtations
+Time clock stuff
+Lisp stuff: symbols
+ hashtables
+ strings
diff --git a/progs/lib/hbc/Random.hs b/progs/lib/hbc/Random.hs
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index 0000000..269d6af
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Random.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ This module implements a (good) random number generator.
+ The June 1988 (v31 #6) issue of the Communications of the ACM has an
+ article by Pierre L'Ecuyer called, "Efficient and Portable Combined
+ Random Number Generators". Here is the Portable Combined Generator of
+ L'Ecuyer for 32-bit computers. It has a period of roughly 2.30584e18.
+ Transliterator: Lennart Augustsson
+module Random(randomInts, randomDoubles) where
+-- Use seeds s1 in 1..2147483562 and s2 in 1..2147483398 to generate
+-- an infinite list of random Ints.
+randomInts :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
+randomInts s1 s2 =
+ if 1 <= s1 && s1 <= 2147483562 then
+ if 1 <= s2 && s2 <= 2147483398 then
+ rands s1 s2
+ else
+ error "randomInts: Bad second seed."
+ else
+ error "randomInts: Bad first seed."
+rands :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
+rands s1 s2 =
+ let
+ k = s1 `div` 53668
+ s1' = 40014 * (s1 - k * 53668) - k * 12211
+ s1'' = if s1' < 0 then s1' + 2147483563 else s1'
+ k' = s2 `div` 52774
+ s2' = 40692 * (s2 - k' * 52774) - k' * 3791
+ s2'' = if s2' < 0 then s2' + 2147483399 else s2'
+ z = s1'' - s2''
+ z' = if z < 1 then z + 2147483562 else z
+ in z' : rands s1'' s2''
+-- Use this instead; it is a little stricter and generates much better code
+ in if z < 1 then z + 2147483562 : rands s1'' s2''
+ else z : rands s1'' s2''
+-- For those of you who don't have fromInt
+fromInt = fromInteger . toInteger
+-- Same values for s1 and s2 as above, generates an infinite
+-- list of Doubles uniformly distibuted in (0,1).
+randomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double]
+randomDoubles s1 s2 = map (\x -> fromInt x * 4.6566130638969828e-10) (randomInts s1 s2)
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index 0000000..9fff34e
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+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
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index 0000000..29f3441
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/Time.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+module Time(Time(..), dblToTime, timeToDbl, timeToString) where
+-- year mon day hour min sec ... wday
+data Time = Time Int Int Int Int Int Int Double Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
+isleap :: Int -> Bool
+isleap n = n `rem` 4 == 0 -- good enough for the UNIX time span
+daysin :: Int -> Int
+daysin n = if isleap n then 366 else 365
+monthlen :: Array (Bool, Int) Int
+monthlen = array ((False, 1), (True, 12)) (zipWith3 (\ a b c -> (a,b):=c) (repeat False) [1..] [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] ++
+ zipWith3 (\ a b c -> (a,b):=c) (repeat True) [1..] [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])
+-- Time zone offset in minutes
+tzOffset = 120 -- Swedish DST
+dblToTime :: Double -> Time
+dblToTime d =
+ let t = truncate d :: Int
+ offset = tzOffset -- timezone
+ (days, rem) = (t+offset*60) `quotRem` (60*60*24)
+ (hour, rem') = rem `quotRem` (60*60)
+ (min, sec) = rem' `quotRem` 60
+ wday = (days+3) `mod` 7
+ (year, days')= until (\ (y, d) -> d < daysin y) (\ (y, d) -> (y+1, d - daysin y)) (1970, days)
+ (mon, day) = until (\ (m, d) -> d <= monthlen!(isleap year, m)) (\ (m, d) -> (m+1, d - monthlen!(isleap year, m))) (1, days')
+ in Time year mon (day+1) hour min sec (d - fromInt t) wday
+timeToDbl :: Time -> Double
+timeToDbl (Time year mon day hour min sec sdec _) =
+ let year' = year - 1970
+ offset = tzOffset -- timezone
+ days = year' * 365 + (year'+1) `div` 4 +
+ sum [monthlen!(isleap year, m) | m<-[1..mon-1]] + day - 1
+ secs = ((days*24 + hour) * 60 + min - offset) * 60 + sec
+ in fromInt secs + sdec
+show2 :: Int -> String
+show2 x = [chr (x `quot` 10 + ord '0'), chr (x `rem` 10 + ord '0')]
+weekdays = ["Mon","Tue","Wen","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]
+timeToString :: Time -> String
+timeToString (Time year mon day hour min sec sdec wday) =
+ show year ++ "-" ++ show2 mon ++ "-" ++ show2 day ++ " " ++
+ show2 hour ++ ":" ++ show2 min ++ ":" ++ show2 sec ++
+ tail (take 5 (show sdec)) ++ " " ++ weekdays!!wday
+-- For those of you who don't have fromInt
+fromInt = fromInteger . toInteger
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index 0000000..01c8f64
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+++ b/progs/lib/hbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:output $LIBRARYBIN/
+:o= all
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf20849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/Prelude.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+-- Standard value bindings
+module Prelude (
+ PreludeCore.., PreludeRatio.., PreludeComplex.., PreludeList..,
+ PreludeArray.., PreludeText.., PreludeIO..,
+ nullBin, isNullBin, appendBin,
+ (&&), (||), not, otherwise,
+ minChar, maxChar, ord, chr,
+ isAscii, isControl, isPrint, isSpace,
+ isUpper, isLower, isAlpha, isDigit, isAlphanum,
+ toUpper, toLower,
+ minInt, maxInt, subtract, gcd, lcm, (^), (^^),
+ fromIntegral, fromRealFrac, atan2,
+ fst, snd, id, const, (.), flip, ($), until, asTypeOf, error ) where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+import PreludePrims
+import PreludeCore
+import PreludeList
+import PreludeArray
+import PreludeRatio
+import PreludeComplex
+import PreludeText
+import PreludeIO
+infixr 9 .
+infixr 8 ^, ^^
+infixr 3 &&
+infixr 2 ||
+infixr 0 $
+-- Binary functions
+nullBin :: Bin
+nullBin = primNullBin
+isNullBin :: Bin -> Bool
+isNullBin = primIsNullBin
+appendBin :: Bin -> Bin -> Bin
+appendBin = primAppendBin
+-- Boolean functions
+(&&), (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
+True && x = x
+False && _ = False
+True || _ = True
+False || x = x
+not :: Bool -> Bool
+not True = False
+not False = True
+{-# (&&) :: Inline #-}
+{-# (||) :: Inline #-}
+{-# not :: Inline #-}
+otherwise :: Bool
+otherwise = True
+-- Character functions
+minChar, maxChar :: Char
+minChar = '\0'
+maxChar = '\255'
+ord :: Char -> Int
+ord = primCharToInt
+chr :: Int -> Char
+chr = primIntToChar
+isAscii, isControl, isPrint, isSpace :: Char -> Bool
+isUpper, isLower, isAlpha, isDigit, isAlphanum :: Char -> Bool
+isAscii c = ord c < 128
+isControl c = c < ' ' || c == '\DEL'
+isPrint c = c >= ' ' && c <= '~'
+isSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' ||
+ c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'
+isUpper c = c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'
+isLower c = c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'
+isAlpha c = isUpper c || isLower c
+isDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
+isAlphanum c = isAlpha c || isDigit c
+toUpper, toLower :: Char -> Char
+toUpper c | isLower c = chr ((ord c - ord 'a') + ord 'A')
+ | otherwise = c
+toLower c | isUpper c = chr ((ord c - ord 'A') + ord 'a')
+ | otherwise = c
+-- Numeric functions
+minInt, maxInt :: Int
+minInt = primMinInt
+maxInt = primMaxInt
+subtract :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
+subtract = flip (-)
+gcd :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
+gcd 0 0 = error "gcd{Prelude}: gcd 0 0 is undefined"
+gcd x y = gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
+ where gcd' x 0 = x
+ gcd' x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)
+lcm :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
+lcm _ 0 = 0
+lcm 0 _ = 0
+lcm x y = abs ((x `quot` (gcd x y)) * y)
+(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
+x ^ 0 = 1
+x ^ (n+1) = f x n x
+ where f _ 0 y = y
+ f x n y = g x n where
+ g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
+ | otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
+_ ^ _ = error "(^){Prelude}: negative exponent"
+(^^) :: (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
+x ^^ n = if n >= 0 then x^n else recip (x^(-n))
+fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+fromIntegral = fromInteger . toInteger
+fromRealFrac :: (RealFrac a, Fractional b) => a -> b
+fromRealFrac = fromRational . toRational
+atan2 :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> a
+atan2 y x = case (signum y, signum x) of
+ ( 0, 1) -> 0
+ ( 1, 0) -> pi/2
+ ( 0,-1) -> pi
+ (-1, 0) -> -pi/2
+ ( _, 1) -> atan (y/x)
+ ( _,-1) -> atan (y/x) + pi
+ ( 0, 0) -> error "atan2{Prelude}: atan2 of origin"
+-- Some standard functions:
+-- component projections for pairs:
+fst :: (a,b) -> a
+fst (x,y) = x
+snd :: (a,b) -> b
+snd (x,y) = y
+-- identity function
+id :: a -> a
+id x = x
+-- constant function
+const :: a -> b -> a
+const x _ = x
+-- function composition
+(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
+f . g = \ x -> f (g x)
+-- flip f takes its (first) two arguments in the reverse order of f.
+flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
+flip f x y = f y x
+-- right-associating infix application operator (useful in continuation-
+-- passing style)
+($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
+f $ x = f x
+-- until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
+until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+until p f x | p x = x
+ | otherwise = until p f (f x)
+-- asTypeOf is a type-restricted version of const. It is usually used
+-- as an infix operator, and its typing forces its first argument
+-- (which is usually overloaded) to have the same type as the second.
+asTypeOf :: a -> a -> a
+asTypeOf = const
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+:output $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude
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index 0000000..a501631
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+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeArray.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+module PreludeArray ( Array, Assoc((:=)), array, listArray, (!), bounds,
+ indices, elems, assocs, accumArray, (//), accum, amap,
+ ixmap
+ ) where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+-- This module uses some simple techniques with updatable vectors to
+-- avoid vector copying in loops where single threading is obvious.
+-- This is rather fragile and depends on the way the compiler handles
+-- strictness.
+import PreludeBltinArray
+infixl 9 !
+infixl 9 //
+infix 1 :=
+data Assoc a b = a := b deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text, Binary)
+data (Ix a) => Array a b = MkArray (a,a) {-#STRICT#-}
+ (Vector (Box b)) {-#STRICT#-}
+ deriving ()
+array :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> [Assoc a b] -> Array a b
+listArray :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> [b] -> Array a b
+(!) :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> a -> b
+bounds :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> (a,a)
+indices :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> [a]
+elems :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> [b]
+assocs :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> [Assoc a b]
+accumArray :: (Ix a) => (b -> c -> b) -> b -> (a,a) -> [Assoc a c]
+ -> Array a b
+(//) :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> [Assoc a b] -> Array a b
+accum :: (Ix a) => (b -> c -> b) -> Array a b -> [Assoc a c]
+ -> Array a b
+amap :: (Ix a) => (b -> c) -> Array a b -> Array a c
+ixmap :: (Ix a, Ix b) => (a,a) -> (a -> b) -> Array b c
+ -> Array a c
+-- Arrays are a datatype containing a bounds pair and a vector of values.
+-- Uninitialized array elements contain an error value.
+-- Primitive vectors now contain only unboxed values. This permits us to
+-- treat array indexing as an atomic operation without forcing the element
+-- being accessed. The boxing and unboxing of array elements happens
+-- explicitly using these operations:
+data Box a = MkBox a
+unBox (MkBox x) = x
+{-# unBox :: Inline #-}
+-- Array construction and update using index/value associations share
+-- the same helper function.
+array b@(bmin, bmax) ivs =
+ let size = (index b bmax) + 1
+ v = primMakeVector size uninitializedArrayError
+ in (MkArray b (updateArrayIvs b v ivs))
+{-# array :: Inline #-}
+a@(MkArray b v) // ivs =
+ let v' = primCopyVector v
+ in (MkArray b (updateArrayIvs b v' ivs))
+{-# (//) :: Inline #-}
+updateArrayIvs b v ivs =
+ let g (i := x) next = strict1 (primVectorUpdate v (index b i) (MkBox x))
+ next
+ in foldr g v ivs
+{-# updateArrayIvs :: Inline #-}
+uninitializedArrayError =
+ MkBox (error "(!){PreludeArray}: uninitialized array element.")
+-- when mapping a list onto an array, be smart and don't do full index
+-- computation
+listArray b@(bmin, bmax) vs =
+ let size = (index b bmax) + 1
+ v = primMakeVector size uninitializedArrayError
+ in (MkArray b (updateArrayVs size v vs))
+{-# listArray :: Inline #-}
+updateArrayVs size v vs =
+ let g x next j = if (j == size)
+ then v
+ else strict1 (primVectorUpdate v j (MkBox x))
+ (next (j + 1))
+ in foldr g (\ _ -> v) vs 0
+{-# updateArrayVs :: Inline #-}
+-- Array access
+a@(MkArray b v) ! i = unBox (primVectorSel v (index b i))
+{-# (!) :: Inline #-}
+bounds (MkArray b _) = b
+indices = range . bounds
+-- Again, when mapping array elements into a list, be smart and don't do
+-- the full index computation for every element.
+elems a@(MkArray b@(bmin, bmax) v) =
+ build (\ c n ->
+ let size = (index b bmax) + 1
+ g j = if (j == size)
+ then n
+ else c (unBox (primVectorSel v j)) (g (j + 1))
+ -- This strict1 is so size doesn't get inlined and recomputed
+ -- at every iteration. It should also force the array argument
+ -- to be strict.
+ in strict1 size (g 0))
+{-# elems :: Inline #-}
+assocs a@(MkArray b@(bmin, bmax) v) =
+ build (\ c n ->
+ let g i next j = let y = unBox (primVectorSel v j)
+ in c (i := y) (next (j + 1))
+ in foldr g (\ _ -> n) (range b) 0)
+{-# assocs :: Inline #-}
+-- accum and accumArray share the same helper function. The difference is
+-- that accum makes a copy of an existing array and accumArray creates
+-- a new one with all elements initialized to the given value.
+accum f a@(MkArray b v) ivs =
+ let v' = primCopyVector v
+ in (MkArray b (accumArrayIvs f b v' ivs))
+{-# accum :: Inline #-}
+accumArray f z b@(bmin, bmax) ivs =
+ let size = (index b bmax) + 1
+ v = primMakeVector size (MkBox z)
+ in (MkArray b (accumArrayIvs f b v ivs))
+{-# accumArray :: Inline #-}
+-- This is a bit tricky. We need to force the access to the array element
+-- before the update, but not force the thunk that is the value of the
+-- array element unless f is strict.
+accumArrayIvs f b v ivs =
+ let g (i := x) next =
+ let j = index b i
+ y = primVectorSel v j
+ in strict1
+ y
+ (strict1 (primVectorUpdate v j (MkBox (f (unBox y) x)))
+ next)
+ in foldr g v ivs
+{-# accumArrayIvs :: Inline #-}
+-- again, be smart and bypass full array indexing on array mapping
+amap f a@(MkArray b@(bmin, bmax) v) =
+ let size = (index b bmax) + 1
+ v' = primMakeVector size uninitializedArrayError
+ g j = if (j == size)
+ then v'
+ else let y = primVectorSel v j
+ in strict1 (primVectorUpdate v' j (MkBox (f (unBox y))))
+ (g (j + 1))
+ in (MkArray b (g 0))
+{-# amap :: Inline #-}
+-- can't bypass the index computation here since f needs it as an argument
+ixmap b f a = array b [i := a ! f i | i <- range b]
+{-# ixmap :: Inline #-}
+-- random other stuff
+instance (Ix a, Eq b) => Eq (Array a b) where
+ a == a' = assocs a == assocs a'
+instance (Ix a, Ord b) => Ord (Array a b) where
+ a <= a' = assocs a <= assocs a'
+instance (Ix a, Text a, Text b) => Text (Array a b) where
+ showsPrec p a = showParen (p > 9) (
+ showString "array " .
+ shows (bounds a) . showChar ' ' .
+ shows (assocs a) )
+ readsPrec p = readParen (p > 9)
+ (\r -> [(array b as, u) | ("array",s) <- lex r,
+ (b,t) <- reads s,
+ (as,u) <- reads t ]
+ ++
+ [(listArray b xs, u) | ("listArray",s) <- lex r,
+ (b,t) <- reads s,
+ (xs,u) <- reads t ])
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+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeArrayPrims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+-- These primitives are used to implement arrays with constant time
+-- access. There are destructive update routines for arrays for use
+-- internally in functions such as array. These are impure but are
+-- marked as pure to keep them out of the top level monad. This should
+-- be redone using lambda-var someday.
+interface PreludeBltinArray where
+data Vector a -- Used to represent vectors with delayed components
+data Delay a -- An explicit represenation of a delayed object
+-- Primitive vectors now always have strict components. This permits us
+-- to treat array indexing as an atomic operation without the explicit
+-- force on access.
+primVectorSel :: Vector a -> Int -> a
+primVectorUpdate :: Vector a -> Int -> a -> a
+primMakeVector :: Int -> a -> Vector a
+primCopyVector :: Vector a -> Vector a
+-- These functions are used for explicit sequencing of destructive ops
+strict1 :: a -> b -> b
+primForce :: Delay a -> a
+primVectorSel :: LispName("prim.vector-sel"), Complexity(1)
+primVectorUpdate :: LispName("prim.vector-update"), Complexity(1)
+primMakeVector :: LispName("prim.make-vector"), Complexity(4)
+primCopyVector :: LispName("prim.copy-vector"), Complexity(5)
+strict1 :: Strictness("S,N"),
+ LispName("prim.strict1")
+primForce :: LispName("prim.force")
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+:output $PRELUDEBIN/PreludeArrayPrims
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+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeComplex.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+-- Complex Numbers
+module PreludeComplex where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+infixl 6 :+
+data (RealFloat a) => Complex a = a {-#STRICT#-} :+ a {-#STRICT #-}
+ deriving (Eq,Binary,Text)
+instance (RealFloat a) => Num (Complex a) where
+ (x:+y) + (x':+y') = (x+x') :+ (y+y')
+ (x:+y) - (x':+y') = (x-x') :+ (y-y')
+ (x:+y) * (x':+y') = (x*x'-y*y') :+ (x*y'+y*x')
+ negate (x:+y) = negate x :+ negate y
+ abs z = magnitude z :+ 0
+ signum 0 = 0
+ signum z@(x:+y) = x/r :+ y/r where r = magnitude z
+ fromInteger n = fromInteger n :+ 0
+instance (RealFloat a) => Fractional (Complex a) where
+ (x:+y) / (x':+y') = (x*x''+y*y'') / d :+ (y*x''-x*y'') / d
+ where x'' = scaleFloat k x'
+ y'' = scaleFloat k y'
+ k = - max (exponent x') (exponent y')
+ d = x'*x'' + y'*y''
+ fromRational a = fromRational a :+ 0
+instance (RealFloat a) => Floating (Complex a) where
+ pi = pi :+ 0
+ exp (x:+y) = expx * cos y :+ expx * sin y
+ where expx = exp x
+ log z = log (magnitude z) :+ phase z
+ sqrt 0 = 0
+ sqrt z@(x:+y) = u :+ (if y < 0 then -v else v)
+ where (u,v) = if x < 0 then (v',u') else (u',v')
+ v' = abs y / (u'*2)
+ u' = sqrt ((magnitude z + abs x) / 2)
+ sin (x:+y) = sin x * cosh y :+ cos x * sinh y
+ cos (x:+y) = cos x * cosh y :+ (- sin x * sinh y)
+ tan (x:+y) = (sinx*coshy:+cosx*sinhy)/(cosx*coshy:+(-sinx*sinhy))
+ where sinx = sin x
+ cosx = cos x
+ sinhy = sinh y
+ coshy = cosh y
+ sinh (x:+y) = cos y * sinh x :+ sin y * cosh x
+ cosh (x:+y) = cos y * cosh x :+ sin y * sinh x
+ tanh (x:+y) = (cosy*sinhx:+siny*coshx)/(cosy*coshx:+siny*sinhx)
+ where siny = sin y
+ cosy = cos y
+ sinhx = sinh x
+ coshx = cosh x
+ asin z@(x:+y) = y':+(-x')
+ where (x':+y') = log (((-y):+x) + sqrt (1 - z*z))
+ acos z@(x:+y) = y'':+(-x'')
+ where (x'':+y'') = log (z + ((-y'):+x'))
+ (x':+y') = sqrt (1 - z*z)
+ atan z@(x:+y) = y':+(-x')
+ where (x':+y') = log (((1-y):+x) / sqrt (1+z*z))
+ asinh z = log (z + sqrt (1+z*z))
+ acosh z = log (z + (z+1) * sqrt ((z-1)/(z+1)))
+ atanh z = log ((1+z) / sqrt (1-z*z))
+realPart, imagPart :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
+realPart (x:+y) = x
+imagPart (x:+y) = y
+conjugate :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> Complex a
+conjugate (x:+y) = x :+ (-y)
+mkPolar :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> Complex a
+mkPolar r theta = r * cos theta :+ r * sin theta
+cis :: (RealFloat a) => a -> Complex a
+cis theta = cos theta :+ sin theta
+polar :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> (a,a)
+polar z = (magnitude z, phase z)
+magnitude, phase :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
+magnitude (x:+y) = scaleFloat k
+ (sqrt ((scaleFloat mk x)^2 + (scaleFloat mk y)^2))
+ where k = max (exponent x) (exponent y)
+ mk = - k
+phase (x:+y) = atan2 y x
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index 0000000..f8a7be2
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+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeCore.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+-- Standard types, classes, and instances
+module PreludeCore (
+ Eq((==), (/=)),
+ Ord((<), (<=), (>=), (>), max, min),
+ Num((+), (-), (*), negate, abs, signum, fromInteger),
+ Integral(quot, rem, div, mod, quotRem, divMod, even, odd, toInteger),
+ Fractional((/), recip, fromRational),
+ Floating(pi, exp, log, sqrt, (**), logBase,
+ sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan,
+ sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh),
+ Real(toRational),
+ RealFrac(properFraction, truncate, round, ceiling, floor),
+ RealFloat(floatRadix, floatDigits, floatRange,
+ encodeFloat, decodeFloat, exponent, significand, scaleFloat),
+ Ix(range, index, inRange),
+ Enum(enumFrom, enumFromThen, enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo),
+ Text(readsPrec, showsPrec, readList, showList), ReadS(..), ShowS(..),
+ Binary(readBin, showBin),
+-- List type: [_]((:), [])
+-- Tuple types: (_,_), (_,_,_), etc.
+-- Trivial type: ()
+ Bool(True, False),
+ Char, Int, Integer, Float, Double, Bin,
+ Ratio, Complex((:+)), Assoc((:=)), Array,
+ String(..), Rational(..) ) where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+import PreludePrims
+import PreludeText
+import PreludeRatio(Ratio, Rational(..))
+import PreludeComplex(Complex((:+)))
+import PreludeArray(Assoc((:=)), Array)
+import PreludeIO({-Request, Response,-} IOError,
+ Dialogue(..), SuccCont(..), StrCont(..),
+ StrListCont(..), BinCont(..), FailCont(..))
+infixr 8 **
+infixl 7 *, /, `quot`, `rem`, `div`, `mod`
+infixl 6 +, -
+infix 4 ==, /=, <, <=, >=, >
+infixr 5 :
+data Int = MkInt
+data Integer = MkInteger
+data Float = MkFloat
+data Double = MkDouble
+data Char = MkChar
+data Bin = MkBin
+data List a = a : (List a) | Nil deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data Arrow a b = MkArrow a b
+data UnitType = UnitConstructor deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Binary)
+-- Equality and Ordered classes
+class Eq a where
+ (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
+ x /= y = not (x == y)
+class (Eq a) => Ord a where
+ (<), (<=), (>=), (>):: a -> a -> Bool
+ max, min :: a -> a -> a
+ x < y = x <= y && x /= y
+ x >= y = y <= x
+ x > y = y < x
+ -- The following default methods are appropriate for partial orders.
+ -- Note that the second guards in each function can be replaced
+ -- by "otherwise" and the error cases, eliminated for total orders.
+ max x y | x >= y = x
+ | y >= x = y
+ |otherwise = error "max{PreludeCore}: no ordering relation"
+ min x y | x <= y = x
+ | y <= x = y
+ |otherwise = error "min{PreludeCore}: no ordering relation"
+-- Numeric classes
+class (Eq a, Text a) => Num a where
+ (+), (-), (*) :: a -> a -> a
+ negate :: a -> a
+ abs, signum :: a -> a
+ fromInteger :: Integer -> a
+ x - y = x + negate y
+class (Num a, Enum a) => Real a where
+ toRational :: a -> Rational
+class (Real a, Ix a) => Integral a where
+ quot, rem, div, mod :: a -> a -> a
+ quotRem, divMod :: a -> a -> (a,a)
+ even, odd :: a -> Bool
+ toInteger :: a -> Integer
+ n `quot` d = q where (q,r) = quotRem n d
+ n `rem` d = r where (q,r) = quotRem n d
+ n `div` d = q where (q,r) = divMod n d
+ n `mod` d = r where (q,r) = divMod n d
+ divMod n d = if signum r == - signum d then (q-1, r+d) else qr
+ where qr@(q,r) = quotRem n d
+ even n = n `rem` 2 == 0
+ odd = not . even
+class (Num a) => Fractional a where
+ (/) :: a -> a -> a
+ recip :: a -> a
+ fromRational :: Rational -> a
+ recip x = 1 / x
+class (Fractional a) => Floating a where
+ pi :: a
+ exp, log, sqrt :: a -> a
+ (**), logBase :: a -> a -> a
+ sin, cos, tan :: a -> a
+ asin, acos, atan :: a -> a
+ sinh, cosh, tanh :: a -> a
+ asinh, acosh, atanh :: a -> a
+ x ** y = exp (log x * y)
+ logBase x y = log y / log x
+ sqrt x = x ** 0.5
+ tan x = sin x / cos x
+ tanh x = sinh x / cosh x
+class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a where
+ properFraction :: (Integral b) => a -> (b,a)
+ truncate, round :: (Integral b) => a -> b
+ ceiling, floor :: (Integral b) => a -> b
+ truncate x = m where (m,_) = properFraction x
+ round x = let (n,r) = properFraction x
+ m = if r < 0 then n - 1 else n + 1
+ in case signum (abs r - 0.5) of
+ -1 -> n
+ 0 -> if even n then n else m
+ 1 -> m
+ ceiling x = if r > 0 then n + 1 else n
+ where (n,r) = properFraction x
+ floor x = if r < 0 then n - 1 else n
+ where (n,r) = properFraction x
+class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a where
+ floatRadix :: a -> Integer
+ floatDigits :: a -> Int
+ floatRange :: a -> (Int,Int)
+ decodeFloat :: a -> (Integer,Int)
+ encodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> a
+ exponent :: a -> Int
+ significand :: a -> a
+ scaleFloat :: Int -> a -> a
+ exponent x = if m == 0 then 0 else n + floatDigits x
+ where (m,n) = decodeFloat x
+ significand x = encodeFloat m (- floatDigits x)
+ where (m,_) = decodeFloat x
+ scaleFloat k x = encodeFloat m (n+k)
+ where (m,n) = decodeFloat x
+-- Index and Enumeration classes
+class (Ord a, Text a) => Ix a where -- This is a Yale modification
+ range :: (a,a) -> [a]
+ index :: (a,a) -> a -> Int
+ inRange :: (a,a) -> a -> Bool
+class (Ord a) => Enum a where
+ enumFrom :: a -> [a] -- [n..]
+ enumFromThen :: a -> a -> [a] -- [n,n'..]
+ enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a] -- [n..m]
+ enumFromThenTo :: a -> a -> a -> [a] -- [n,n'..m]
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+defaultEnumFromTo n m = takeWhile (<= m) (enumFrom n)
+defaultEnumFromThenTo n n' m
+ = takeWhile (if n' >= n then (<= m) else (>= m))
+ (enumFromThen n n')
+{-# defaultEnumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+{-# defaultEnumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+-- Text class
+type ReadS a = String -> [(a,String)]
+type ShowS = String -> String
+class Text a where
+ readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS a
+ showsPrec :: Int -> a -> ShowS
+ readList :: ReadS [a]
+ showList :: [a] -> ShowS
+ readList = readParen False (\r -> [pr | ("[",s) <- lex r,
+ pr <- readl s])
+ where readl s = [([],t) | ("]",t) <- lex s] ++
+ [(x:xs,u) | (x,t) <- reads s,
+ (xs,u) <- readl' t]
+ readl' s = [([],t) | ("]",t) <- lex s] ++
+ [(x:xs,v) | (",",t) <- lex s,
+ (x,u) <- reads t,
+ (xs,v) <- readl' u]
+ showList [] = showString "[]"
+ showList (x:xs)
+ = showChar '[' . shows x . showl xs
+ where showl [] = showChar ']'
+ showl (x:xs) = showString ", " . shows x . showl xs
+-- Binary class
+class Binary a where
+ readBin :: Bin -> (a,Bin)
+ showBin :: a -> Bin -> Bin
+-- Trivial type
+-- data () = () deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Binary)
+instance Text () where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r -> [((),t) | ("(",s) <- lex r,
+ (")",t) <- lex s ] )
+ showsPrec p () = showString "()"
+-- Binary type
+instance Text Bin where
+ readsPrec p s = error "readsPrec{PreludeText}: Cannot read Bin."
+ showsPrec p b = showString "<<Bin>>"
+-- Boolean type
+data Bool = False | True deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Enum, Text, Binary)
+-- Character type
+instance Eq Char where
+ (==) = primEqChar
+ (/=) = primNeqChar
+instance Ord Char where
+ (<) = primLsChar
+ (<=) = primLeChar
+ (>) = primGtChar
+ (>=) = primGeChar
+instance Ix Char where
+ range (c,c') = [c..c']
+ index b@(c,c') ci
+ | inRange b ci = ord ci - ord c
+ | otherwise = error "index{PreludeCore}: Index out of range."
+ inRange (c,c') ci = ord c <= i && i <= ord c'
+ where i = ord ci
+ {-# range :: Inline #-}
+instance Enum Char where
+ enumFrom = charEnumFrom
+ enumFromThen = charEnumFromThen
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+ {-# enumFrom :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+charEnumFrom c = map chr [ord c .. ord maxChar]
+charEnumFromThen c c' = map chr [ord c, ord c' .. ord lastChar]
+ where lastChar = if c' < c then minChar else maxChar
+{-# charEnumFrom :: Inline #-}
+{-# charEnumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+instance Text Char where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r -> [(c,t) | ('\'':s,t)<- lex r,
+ (c,_) <- readLitChar s])
+ showsPrec p '\'' = showString "'\\''"
+ showsPrec p c = showChar '\'' . showLitChar c . showChar '\''
+ readList = readParen False (\r -> [(l,t) | ('"':s, t) <- lex r,
+ (l,_) <- readl s ])
+ where readl ('"':s) = [("",s)]
+ readl ('\\':'&':s) = readl s
+ readl s = [(c:cs,u) | (c ,t) <- readLitChar s,
+ (cs,u) <- readl t ]
+ showList cs = showChar '"' . showl cs
+ where showl "" = showChar '"'
+ showl ('"':cs) = showString "\\\"" . showl cs
+ showl (c:cs) = showLitChar c . showl cs
+type String = [Char]
+-- Standard Integral types
+instance Eq Int where
+ (==) = primEqInt
+ (/=) = primNeqInt
+instance Eq Integer where
+ (==) = primEqInteger
+ (/=) = primNeqInteger
+instance Ord Int where
+ (<) = primLsInt
+ (<=) = primLeInt
+ (>) = primGtInt
+ (>=) = primGeInt
+ max = primIntMax
+ min = primIntMin
+instance Ord Integer where
+ (<) = primLsInteger
+ (<=) = primLeInteger
+ (>) = primGtInteger
+ (>=) = primGeInteger
+ max = primIntegerMax
+ min = primIntegerMin
+instance Num Int where
+ (+) = primPlusInt
+ (-) = primMinusInt
+ negate = primNegInt
+ (*) = primMulInt
+ abs = primAbsInt
+ signum = signumReal
+ fromInteger = primIntegerToInt
+instance Num Integer where
+ (+) = primPlusInteger
+ (-) = primMinusInteger
+ negate = primNegInteger
+ (*) = primMulInteger
+ abs = primAbsInteger
+ signum = signumReal
+ fromInteger x = x
+signumReal x | x == 0 = 0
+ | x > 0 = 1
+ | otherwise = -1
+instance Real Int where
+ toRational x = toInteger x % 1
+instance Real Integer where
+ toRational x = x % 1
+instance Integral Int where
+ quotRem = primQuotRemInt
+ toInteger = primIntToInteger
+instance Integral Integer where
+ quotRem = primQuotRemInteger
+ toInteger x = x
+instance Ix Int where
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ index b@(m,n) i
+ | inRange b i = i - m
+ | otherwise = error "index{PreludeCore}: Index out of range."
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+ {-# range :: Inline #-}
+instance Ix Integer where
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ index b@(m,n) i
+ | inRange b i = fromInteger (i - m)
+ | otherwise = error "index{PreludeCore}: Index out of range."
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+ {-# range :: Inline #-}
+instance Enum Int where
+ enumFrom = numericEnumFrom
+ enumFromThen = numericEnumFromThen
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+ {-# enumFrom :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+instance Enum Integer where
+ enumFrom = numericEnumFrom
+ enumFromThen = numericEnumFromThen
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+ {-# enumFrom :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+numericEnumFrom :: (Real a) => a -> [a]
+numericEnumFromThen :: (Real a) => a -> a -> [a]
+numericEnumFrom = iterate (+1)
+numericEnumFromThen n m = iterate (+(m-n)) n
+{-# numericEnumFrom :: Inline #-}
+{-# numericEnumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+instance Text Int where
+ readsPrec p = readSigned readDec
+ showsPrec = showSigned showInt
+instance Text Integer where
+ readsPrec p = readSigned readDec
+ showsPrec = showSigned showInt
+-- Standard Floating types
+instance Eq Float where
+ (==) = primEqFloat
+ (/=) = primNeqFloat
+instance Eq Double where
+ (==) = primEqDouble
+ (/=) = primNeqDouble
+instance Ord Float where
+ (<) = primLsFloat
+ (<=) = primLeFloat
+ (>) = primGtFloat
+ (>=) = primGeFloat
+ max = primFloatMax
+ min = primFloatMin
+instance Ord Double where
+ (<) = primLsDouble
+ (<=) = primLeDouble
+ (>) = primGtDouble
+ (>=) = primGeDouble
+ max = primDoubleMax
+ min = primDoubleMax
+instance Num Float where
+ (+) = primPlusFloat
+ (-) = primMinusFloat
+ negate = primNegFloat
+ (*) = primMulFloat
+ abs = primAbsFloat
+ signum = signumReal
+ fromInteger n = encodeFloat n 0
+instance Num Double where
+ (+) = primPlusDouble
+ (-) = primMinusDouble
+ negate = primNegDouble
+ (*) = primMulDouble
+ abs = primAbsDouble
+ signum = signumReal
+ fromInteger n = encodeFloat n 0
+instance Real Float where
+ toRational = primFloatToRational
+instance Real Double where
+ toRational = primDoubleToRational
+-- realFloatToRational x = (m%1)*(b%1)^^n
+-- where (m,n) = decodeFloat x
+-- b = floatRadix x
+instance Fractional Float where
+ (/) = primDivFloat
+ fromRational = primRationalToFloat
+-- fromRational = rationalToRealFloat
+instance Fractional Double where
+ (/) = primDivDouble
+ fromRational = primRationalToDouble
+-- fromRational = rationalToRealFloat
+-- rationalToRealFloat x = x'
+-- where x' = f e
+-- f e = if e' == e then y else f e'
+-- where y = encodeFloat (round (x * (1%b)^^e)) e
+-- (_,e') = decodeFloat y
+-- (_,e) = decodeFloat (fromInteger (numerator x) `asTypeOf` x'
+-- / fromInteger (denominator x))
+-- b = floatRadix x'
+instance Floating Float where
+ pi = primPiFloat
+ exp = primExpFloat
+ log = primLogFloat
+ sqrt = primSqrtFloat
+ sin = primSinFloat
+ cos = primCosFloat
+ tan = primTanFloat
+ asin = primAsinFloat
+ acos = primAcosFloat
+ atan = primAtanFloat
+ sinh = primSinhFloat
+ cosh = primCoshFloat
+ tanh = primTanhFloat
+ asinh = primAsinhFloat
+ acosh = primAcoshFloat
+ atanh = primAtanhFloat
+instance Floating Double where
+ pi = primPiDouble
+ exp = primExpDouble
+ log = primLogDouble
+ sqrt = primSqrtDouble
+ sin = primSinDouble
+ cos = primCosDouble
+ tan = primTanDouble
+ asin = primAsinDouble
+ acos = primAcosDouble
+ atan = primAtanDouble
+ sinh = primSinhDouble
+ cosh = primCoshDouble
+ tanh = primTanhDouble
+ asinh = primAsinhDouble
+ acosh = primAcoshDouble
+ atanh = primAtanhDouble
+instance RealFrac Float where
+ properFraction = floatProperFraction
+instance RealFrac Double where
+ properFraction = floatProperFraction
+floatProperFraction x
+ | n >= 0 = (fromInteger m * fromInteger b ^ n, 0)
+ | otherwise = (fromInteger w, encodeFloat r n)
+ where (m,n) = decodeFloat x
+ b = floatRadix x
+ (w,r) = quotRem m (b^(-n))
+instance RealFloat Float where
+ floatRadix _ = primFloatRadix
+ floatDigits _ = primFloatDigits
+ floatRange _ = (primFloatMinExp,primFloatMaxExp)
+ decodeFloat = primDecodeFloat
+ encodeFloat = primEncodeFloat
+instance RealFloat Double where
+ floatRadix _ = primDoubleRadix
+ floatDigits _ = primDoubleDigits
+ floatRange _ = (primDoubleMinExp,primDoubleMaxExp)
+ decodeFloat = primDecodeDouble
+ encodeFloat = primEncodeDouble
+instance Enum Float where
+ enumFrom = numericEnumFrom
+ enumFromThen = numericEnumFromThen
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+ {-# enumFrom :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+instance Enum Double where
+ enumFrom = numericEnumFrom
+ enumFromThen = numericEnumFromThen
+ enumFromTo = defaultEnumFromTo
+ enumFromThenTo = defaultEnumFromThenTo
+ {-# enumFrom :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThen :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromTo :: Inline #-}
+ {-# enumFromThenTo :: Inline #-}
+instance Text Float where
+ readsPrec p = readSigned readFloat
+ showsPrec = showSigned showFloat
+instance Text Double where
+ readsPrec p = readSigned readFloat
+ showsPrec = showSigned showFloat
+-- Lists
+-- data [a] = [] | a : [a] deriving (Eq, Ord, Binary)
+instance (Text a) => Text [a] where
+ readsPrec p = readList
+ showsPrec p = showList
+-- Tuples
+-- data (a,b) = (a,b) deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Binary)
+instance (Text a, Text b) => Text (a,b) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r -> [((x,y), w) | ("(",s) <- lex r,
+ (x,t) <- reads s,
+ (",",u) <- lex t,
+ (y,v) <- reads u,
+ (")",w) <- lex v ] )
+ showsPrec p (x,y) = showChar '(' . shows x . showChar ',' .
+ shows y . showChar ')'
+-- et cetera
+-- Functions
+instance Text (a -> b) where
+ readsPrec p s = error "readsPrec{PreludeCore}: Cannot read functions."
+ showsPrec p f = showString "<<function>>"
+-- Support for class Bin
+instance Binary Int where
+ showBin i b = primShowBinInt i b
+ readBin b = primReadBinInt b
+instance Binary Integer where
+ showBin i b = primShowBinInteger i b
+ readBin b = primReadBinInteger b
+instance Binary Float where
+ showBin f b = primShowBinFloat f b
+ readBin b = primReadBinFloat b
+instance Binary Double where
+ showBin d b = primShowBinDouble d b
+ readBin b = primReadBinDouble b
+instance Binary Char where
+ showBin c b = primShowBinInt (ord c) b
+ readBin b = (chr i,b') where
+ (i,b') = primReadBinSmallInt b primMaxChar
+instance (Binary a) => Binary [a] where
+ showBin l b = showBin (length l :: Int) (sb1 l b) where
+ sb1 [] b = b
+ sb1 (h:t) b = showBin h (sb1 t b)
+ readBin bin = rbl len bin' where
+ len :: Int
+ (len,bin') = readBin bin
+ rbl 0 b = ([],b)
+ rbl n b = (h:t,b'') where
+ (h,b') = readBin b
+ (t,b'') = rbl (n-1) b'
+instance (Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Array a b) where
+ showBin a = showBin (bounds a) . showBin (elems a)
+ readBin bin = (listArray b vs, bin'')
+ where (b,bin') = readBin bin
+ (vs,bin'') = readBin bin'
+instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (a,b) where
+ showBin (x,y) = (showBin x) . (showBin y)
+ readBin b = ((x,y),b'') where
+ (x,b') = readBin b
+ (y,b'') = readBin b'
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c) => Binary (a,b,c) where
+ showBin (x,y,z) = (showBin x) . (showBin y) . (showBin z)
+ readBin b = ((x,y,z),b3) where
+ (x,b1) = readBin b
+ (y,b2) = readBin b1
+ (z,b3) = readBin b2
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (a,b,c,d) where
+ showBin (a,b,c,d) = (showBin a) . (showBin b) . (showBin c) . (showBin d)
+ readBin b = ((a1,a2,a3,a4),b4) where
+ (a1,b1) = readBin b
+ (a2,b2) = readBin b1
+ (a3,b3) = readBin b2
+ (a4,b4) = readBin b3
+-- Instances for tuples
+-- This whole section should be handled in the support code. For now,
+-- only tuple instances expliticly provided here are available.
+-- Currently provided:
+-- 2,3 tuples: all classes (Eq, Ord, Ix, Bin, Text)
+-- 4 tuples: Eq, Bin, Text
+-- 5, 6 tuples: Text (printing only)
+rangeSize :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> Int
+rangeSize (l,u) = index (l,u) u + 1
+instance (Eq a1, Eq a2) => Eq (a1,a2) where
+ (a1,a2) == (z1,z2) = a1==z1 && a2==z2
+instance (Ord a1, Ord a2) => Ord (a1,a2) where
+ (a1,a2) <= (z1,z2) = a1<=z1 || a1==z1 && a2<=z2
+ (a1,a2) < (z1,z2) = a1<z1 || a1==z1 && a2<z2
+instance (Ix a1, Ix a2) => Ix (a1,a2) where
+ range ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) = [(i1,i2) | i1 <- range(l1,u1),
+ i2 <- range(l2,u2)]
+ index ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
+ index (l1,u1) i1 * rangeSize (l2,u2)
+ + index (l2,u2) i2
+ inRange ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2
+{- Apprears in Joe's code.
+instance (Text a1, Text a2) => Text (a1,a2) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r0 -> [((a1,a2), w) | ("(",r1) <- lex r0,
+ (a1,r2) <- reads r1,
+ (",",r3) <- lex r2,
+ (a2,r4) <- reads r3,
+ (")",w) <- lex r4 ])
+ showsPrec p (a1,a2) = showChar '(' . shows a1 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a2 . showChar ')'
+instance (Eq a1, Eq a2, Eq a3) => Eq (a1,a2,a3) where
+ (a1,a2,a3) == (z1,z2,z3) = a1==z1 && a2==z2 && a3==z3
+instance (Ord a1, Ord a2, Ord a3) => Ord (a1,a2,a3) where
+ (a1,a2,a3) <= (z1,z2,z3) = a1<=z1 || a1==z1 &&
+ (a2<=z2 || a2==z2 &&
+ a3<=z3)
+ (a1,a2,a3) < (z1,z2,z3) = a1<z1 || a1==z1 &&
+ (a2<z2 || a2==z2 &&
+ a3<z3)
+instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3) => Ix (a1,a2,a3) where
+ range ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) =
+ [(i1,i2,i3) | i1 <- range(l1,u1),
+ i2 <- range(l2,u2),
+ i3 <- range(l3,u3)]
+ index ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
+ (index (l1,u1) i1 * rangeSize (l2,u2)
+ + index (l2,u2) i2 ) * rangeSize (l3,u3)
+ + index (l3,u3) i3
+ inRange ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 && inRange (l3,u3) i3
+instance (Text a1, Text a2, Text a3) => Text (a1,a2,a3) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r0 -> [((a1,a2,a3), w) |
+ ("(",r1) <- lex r0,
+ (a1,r2) <- reads r1,
+ (",",r3) <- lex r2,
+ (a2,r4) <- reads r3,
+ (",",r5) <- lex r4,
+ (a3,r6) <- reads r5,
+ (")",w) <- lex r6 ])
+ showsPrec p (a1,a2,a3) =
+ showChar '(' . shows a1 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a2 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a3 . showChar ')'
+instance (Eq a1, Eq a2, Eq a3, Eq a4) => Eq (a1,a2,a3,a4) where
+ (a1,a2,a3,a4) == (z1,z2,z3,z4) = a1==z1 && a2==z2 && a3==z3 && a4 == z4
+instance (Text a1, Text a2, Text a3, Text a4) => Text (a1,a2,a3,a4) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen False
+ (\r0 -> [((a1,a2,a3,a4), w) |
+ ("(",r1) <- lex r0,
+ (a1,r2) <- reads r1,
+ (",",r3) <- lex r2,
+ (a2,r4) <- reads r3,
+ (",",r5) <- lex r4,
+ (a3,r6) <- reads r5,
+ (",",r7) <- lex r6,
+ (a4,r8) <- reads r7,
+ (")",w) <- lex r8 ])
+ showsPrec p (a1,a2,a3,a4) =
+ showChar '(' . shows a1 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a2 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a3 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a4 . showChar ')'
+instance (Text a1, Text a2, Text a3, Text a4, Text a5) =>
+ Text (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) where
+ readsPrec p = error "Read of 5 tuples not implemented"
+ showsPrec p (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) =
+ showChar '(' . shows a1 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a2 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a3 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a4 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a5 . showChar ')'
+instance (Text a1, Text a2, Text a3, Text a4, Text a5, Text a6) =>
+ Text (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) where
+ readsPrec p = error "Read of 6 tuples not implemented"
+ showsPrec p (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) =
+ showChar '(' . shows a1 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a2 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a3 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a4 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a5 . showChar ',' .
+ shows a6 . showChar ')'
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeIO.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeIO.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6173d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeIO.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+-- I/O functions and definitions
+module PreludeIO(stdin,stdout,stderr,stdecho,{-Request(..),Response(..),-}
+ IOError(..),Dialogue(..),IO(..),SystemState,IOResult,
+ SuccCont(..),StrCont(..),
+ StrListCont(..),BinCont(..),FailCont(..),
+ readFile, writeFile, appendFile, readBinFile,
+ writeBinFile, appendBinFile, deleteFile, statusFile,
+ readChan, appendChan, readBinChan, appendBinChan,
+ statusChan, echo, getArgs, getProgName, getEnv, setEnv,
+ done, exit, abort, print, prints, interact,
+ thenIO,thenIO_,seqIO,returnIO, doneIO)
+ where
+import PreludeBltinIO
+import PreludeBltinArray(strict1)
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+-- These datatypes are used by the monad.
+type IO a = SystemState -> IOResult a
+data SystemState = SystemState
+data IOResult a = IOResult a
+-- Operations in the monad
+-- This definition is needed to allow proper tail recursion of the Lisp
+-- code. The use of strict1 forces f1 s (since getState is strict) before
+-- the call to f2. The optimizer removed getState and getRes from the
+-- generated code.
+{-# thenIO :: Inline #-}
+thenIO f1 f2 s =
+ let g = f1 s
+ s' = getState g in
+ strict1 s' (f2 (getRes g) s')
+{-# thenIO_ :: Inline #-}
+x `thenIO_` y = x `thenIO` \_ -> y
+x `seqIO` y = x `thenIO` \_ -> y
+-- The returnIO function is implemented directly as a primitive.
+doneIO = returnIO ()
+-- File and channel names:
+stdin = "stdin"
+stdout = "stdout"
+stderr = "stderr"
+stdecho = "stdecho"
+-- Requests and responses:
+{- Not used since streams are no longer supported:
+data Request = -- file system requests:
+ ReadFile String
+ | WriteFile String String
+ | AppendFile String String
+ | ReadBinFile String
+ | WriteBinFile String Bin
+ | AppendBinFile String Bin
+ | DeleteFile String
+ | StatusFile String
+ -- channel system requests:
+ | ReadChan String
+ | AppendChan String String
+ | ReadBinChan String
+ | AppendBinChan String Bin
+ | StatusChan String
+ -- environment requests:
+ | Echo Bool
+ | GetArgs
+ | GetProgName
+ | GetEnv String
+ | SetEnv String String
+ deriving Text
+data Response = Success
+ | Str String
+ | StrList [String]
+ | Bn Bin
+ | Failure IOError
+ deriving Text
+data IOError = WriteError String
+ | ReadError String
+ | SearchError String
+ | FormatError String
+ | OtherError String
+ deriving Text
+-- Continuation-based I/O:
+type Dialogue = IO ()
+type SuccCont = Dialogue
+type StrCont = String -> Dialogue
+type StrListCont = [String] -> Dialogue
+type BinCont = Bin -> Dialogue
+type FailCont = IOError -> Dialogue
+done :: Dialogue
+readFile :: String -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+writeFile :: String -> String -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+appendFile :: String -> String -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+readBinFile :: String -> FailCont -> BinCont -> Dialogue
+writeBinFile :: String -> Bin -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+appendBinFile :: String -> Bin -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+deleteFile :: String -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+statusFile :: String -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+readChan :: String -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+appendChan :: String -> String -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+readBinChan :: String -> FailCont -> BinCont -> Dialogue
+appendBinChan :: String -> Bin -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+statusChan :: String -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+echo :: Bool -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+getArgs :: FailCont -> StrListCont -> Dialogue
+getProgName :: FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+getEnv :: String -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Dialogue
+setEnv :: String -> String -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+done = returnIO ()
+readFile name fail succ =
+ primReadStringFile name `thenIO` objDispatch fail succ
+writeFile name contents fail succ =
+ primWriteStringFile name contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+appendFile name contents fail succ =
+ primAppendStringFile name contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+readBinFile name fail succ =
+ primReadBinFile name `thenIO` objDispatch fail succ
+writeBinFile name contents fail succ =
+ primWriteBinFile name contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+appendBinFile name contents fail succ =
+ primAppendBinFile name contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+deleteFile name fail succ =
+ primDeleteFile name `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+statusFile name fail succ =
+ primStatusFile name `thenIO`
+ (\status -> case status of Succ s -> succ s
+ Fail msg -> fail (SearchError msg))
+readChan name fail succ =
+ if name == stdin then
+ primReadStdin `thenIO` succ
+ else
+ badChan fail name
+appendChan name contents fail succ =
+ if name == stdout then
+ primWriteStdout contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+ else
+ badChan fail name
+readBinChan name fail succ =
+ if name == stdin then
+ primReadBinStdin `thenIO` objDispatch fail succ
+ else
+ badChan fail name
+appendBinChan name contents fail succ =
+ if name == stdout then
+ primWriteBinStdout contents `thenIO` succDispatch fail succ
+ else
+ badChan fail name
+statusChan name fail succ =
+ if name == stdin || name == stdout then
+ succ "0 0"
+ else
+ fail (SearchError "Channel not defined")
+echo bool fail succ =
+ if bool then
+ succ
+ else
+ fail (OtherError "Echo cannot be turned off")
+getArgs fail succ =
+ succ [""]
+getProgName fail succ =
+ succ "haskell"
+getEnv name fail succ =
+ primGetEnv name `thenIO` objDispatch fail succ
+setEnv name val fail succ =
+ fail (OtherError "setEnv not implemented")
+objDispatch fail succ r =
+ case r of Succ s -> succ s
+ Fail msg -> fail (OtherError msg)
+succDispatch fail succ r =
+ case r of Succ _ -> succ
+ Fail msg -> fail (OtherError msg)
+badChan f name = f (OtherError ("Improper IO Channel: " ++ name))
+abort :: FailCont
+abort err = done
+exit :: FailCont
+exit err = appendChan stderr (msg ++ "\n") abort done
+ where msg = case err of ReadError s -> s
+ WriteError s -> s
+ SearchError s -> s
+ FormatError s -> s
+ OtherError s -> s
+print :: (Text a) => a -> Dialogue
+print x = appendChan stdout (show x) exit done
+prints :: (Text a) => a -> String -> Dialogue
+prints x s = appendChan stdout (shows x s) exit done
+interact :: (String -> String) -> Dialogue
+interact f = readChan stdin exit
+ (\x -> appendChan stdout (f x) exit done)
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeIOMonad.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeIOMonad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a45606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeIOMonad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+module IOMonad (State, IO(..)) where
+import IOMonadPrims
+{- I use data instead of type so that IO can be abstract. For efficiency,
+ IO can be annotated as a strict constructor.
+type IO a = State -> (State, a)
+data State = State
+-- The rest of this file is unnecessary at the moment since
+-- unitIO & bindIO are primitives and we're not using the rest of this
+{- Implemented as a primitives:
+bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
+bindIO (IO m) (IO k) = IO (\s0 -> let (s1, a) = m s0 in k a s1) -}
+unitIO :: a -> IO a
+unitIO x = IO (\s -> (s, x))
+{- Not currently used:
+pureIO :: IO a -> a
+pureIO (IO m) = let (s, x) = m State in x
+-- execIO executes a program of type IO ().
+execIO :: IO () -> State
+execIO (IO m) = let (s, x) = m State in s
+infixr 1 =:
+infixr 1 ?
+-- assignment
+(=:) :: a -> Var a -> IO ()
+x =: v = IO (\s -> (update v x s, ()))
+-- reader
+(?) :: Var a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
+v ? k = IO (\s -> (s, readVar v s)) `bindIO` k
+-- new
+newvar :: IO (Var a)
+newvar = IO allocVar
+instance Eq (Var a) where
+ x == y = eqVar x y
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeIOPrims.hi b/progs/prelude/PreludeIOPrims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c2e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeIOPrims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- These lisp functions implement the standard Haskell requests
+interface PreludeBltinIO where
+import PreludeCore(String,Bin)
+import PreludeIO(SystemState,IOResult,IO)
+data IOResponse a = Succ a | Fail String
+{-# Prelude #-}
+primReadStringFile :: String -> IO (IOResponse String)
+primWriteStringFile :: String -> String -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primAppendStringFile :: String -> String -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primReadBinFile :: String -> IO (IOResponse Bin)
+primWriteBinFile :: String -> Bin -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primAppendBinFile :: String -> Bin -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primDeleteFile :: String -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primStatusFile :: String -> IO (IOResponse String)
+primReadStdin :: IO String
+primWriteStdout :: String -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primReadBinStdin :: IO (IOResponse Bin)
+primWriteBinStdout :: Bin -> IO (IOResponse ())
+primGetEnv :: String -> IO (IOResponse String)
+primReadStringFile :: LispName("")
+primWriteStringFile :: LispName("prim.write-string-file"), NoConversion
+primAppendStringFile :: LispName("prim.append-string-file"), NoConversion
+primReadBinFile :: LispName("")
+primWriteBinFile :: LispName("prim.write-bin-file")
+primAppendBinFile :: LispName("prim.append-bin-file")
+primDeleteFile :: LispName("prim.delete-file")
+primStatusFile :: LispName("prim.status-file")
+primReadStdin :: LispName(""), NoConversion
+primWriteStdout :: LispName("prim.write-string-stdout"), NoConversion
+primReadBinStdin :: LispName("")
+primWriteBinStdout :: LispName("prim.write-bin-stdout")
+primGetEnv :: LispName("prim.getenv")
+-- Monad prims
+returnIO :: a -> IO a
+getState :: IOResult a -> SystemState
+getRes :: IOResult a -> a
+returnIO :: LispName("prim.returnio"),
+ Strictness("N,S"), NoConversion, Complexity(3)
+getState :: LispName("prim.getstate"),
+ Strictness("S"), NoConversion, Complexity(3)
+getRes :: LispName("prim.getres"),
+ Strictness("S"), NoConversion
diff --git a/progs/prelude/ b/progs/prelude/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66393c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $PRELUDEBIN/PreludeIOPrims
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeList.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeList.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e445c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeList.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+-- Standard list functions
+-- build really shouldn't be exported, but what the heck.
+-- some of the helper functions in this file shouldn't be
+-- exported either!
+module PreludeList (PreludeList.., foldr, build) where
+import PreludePrims(build, foldr)
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+infixl 9 !!
+infix 5 \\
+infixr 5 ++
+infix 4 `elem`, `notElem`
+-- These are primitives used by the deforestation stuff in the optimizer.
+-- the optimizer will turn references to foldr and build into
+-- inlineFoldr and inlineBuild, respectively, but doesn't want to
+-- necessarily inline all references immediately.
+inlineFoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+inlineFoldr f z l =
+ let foldr' [] = z
+ foldr' (x:xs) = f x (foldr' xs)
+ in foldr' l
+{-# inlineFoldr :: Inline #-}
+inlineBuild :: ((a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [b] -> [c]) -> [c]
+inlineBuild g = g (:) []
+{-# inlineBuild :: Inline #-}
+-- head and tail extract the first element and remaining elements,
+-- respectively, of a list, which must be non-empty. last and init
+-- are the dual functions working from the end of a finite list,
+-- rather than the beginning.
+head :: [a] -> a
+head (x:_) = x
+head [] = error "head{PreludeList}: head []"
+last :: [a] -> a
+last [x] = x
+last (_:xs) = last xs
+last [] = error "last{PreludeList}: last []"
+tail :: [a] -> [a]
+tail (_:xs) = xs
+tail [] = error "tail{PreludeList}: tail []"
+init :: [a] -> [a]
+init [x] = []
+init (x:xs) = x : init xs
+init [] = error "init{PreludeList}: init []"
+-- null determines if a list is empty.
+null :: [a] -> Bool
+null [] = True
+null (_:_) = False
+-- list concatenation (right-associative)
+(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+xs ++ ys = build (\ c n -> foldr c (foldr c n ys) xs)
+{-# (++) :: Inline #-}
+-- the first occurrence of each element of ys in turn (if any)
+-- has been removed from xs. Thus, (xs ++ ys) \\ xs == ys.
+(\\) :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+(\\) = foldl del
+ where [] `del` _ = []
+ (x:xs) `del` y
+ | x == y = xs
+ | otherwise = x : xs `del` y
+-- length returns the length of a finite list as an Int; it is an instance
+-- of the more general genericLength, the result type of which may be
+-- any kind of number.
+genericLength :: (Num a) => [b] -> a
+genericLength l = foldr (\ x n -> 1 + n) 0 l
+--genericLength [] = 0
+--genericLength (x:xs) = 1 + genericLength xs
+{-# genericLength :: Inline #-}
+length :: [a] -> Int
+length l = foldr (\ x n -> 1 + n) 0 l
+--length [] = 0
+--length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
+{-# length :: Inline #-}
+-- List index (subscript) operator, 0-origin
+(!!) :: (Integral a) => [b] -> a -> b
+l !! i = nth l (fromIntegral i)
+{-# (!!) :: Inline #-}
+nth :: [b] -> Int -> b
+nth l m = let f x g 0 = x
+ f x g i = g (i - 1)
+ fail _ = error "(!!){PreludeList}: index too large"
+ in foldr f fail l m
+{-# nth :: Inline #-}
+--nth _ n | n < 0 = error "(!!){PreludeList}: negative index"
+--nth [] n = error "(!!){PreludeList}: index too large"
+--nth (x:xs) n
+-- | n == 0 = x
+-- | otherwise = nth xs (n - 1)
+--{-# nth :: Strictness("S,S") #-}
+-- map f xs applies f to each element of xs; i.e., map f xs == [f x | x <- xs].
+map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+map f xs = build (\ c n -> foldr (\ a b -> c (f a) b) n xs)
+--map f [] = []
+--map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
+{-# map :: Inline #-}
+-- filter, applied to a predicate and a list, returns the list of those
+-- elements that satisfy the predicate; i.e.,
+-- filter p xs == [x | x <- xs, p x].
+filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+filter f xs = build (\ c n ->
+ foldr (\ a b -> if f a then c a b else b)
+ n xs)
+--filter p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs) []
+{-# filter :: Inline #-}
+-- partition takes a predicate and a list and returns a pair of lists:
+-- those elements of the argument list that do and do not satisfy the
+-- predicate, respectively; i.e.,
+-- partition p xs == (filter p xs, filter (not . p) xs).
+partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
+partition p = foldr select ([],[])
+ where select x (ts,fs) | p x = (x:ts,fs)
+ | otherwise = (ts,x:fs)
+{-# partition :: Inline #-}
+-- foldl, applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically the
+-- left-identity of the operator), and a list, reduces the list using
+-- the binary operator, from left to right:
+-- foldl f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == (...((z `f` x1) `f` x2) `f`...) `f` xn
+-- foldl1 is a variant that has no starting value argument, and thus must
+-- be applied to non-empty lists. scanl is similar to foldl, but returns
+-- a list of successive reduced values from the left:
+-- scanl f z [x1, x2, ...] == [z, z `f` x1, (z `f` x1) `f` x2, ...]
+-- Note that last (scanl f z xs) == foldl f z xs.
+-- scanl1 is similar, again without the starting element:
+-- scanl1 f [x1, x2, ...] == [x1, x1 `f` x2, ...]
+foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
+foldl f z xs = foldr (\ b g a -> g (f a b)) id xs z
+--foldl f z [] = z
+--foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
+{-# foldl :: Inline #-}
+foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
+foldl1 f (x:xs) = foldl f x xs
+foldl1 _ [] = error "foldl1{PreludeList}: empty list"
+{-# foldl1 :: Inline #-}
+scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]
+scanl f q xs = q : (case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ x:xs -> scanl f (f q x) xs)
+{-# scanl :: Inline #-}
+scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
+scanl1 f (x:xs) = scanl f x xs
+scanl1 _ [] = error "scanl1{PreludeList}: empty list"
+{-# scanl1 :: Inline #-}
+-- foldr, foldr1, scanr, and scanr1 are the right-to-left duals of the
+-- above functions.
+--foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+--foldr f z [] = z
+--foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
+foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
+foldr1 f [x] = x
+foldr1 f (x:xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)
+foldr1 _ [] = error "foldr1{PreludeList}: empty list"
+{-# foldr1 :: Inline #-}
+-- I'm not sure the build/foldr expansion wins.
+scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
+--scanr f q0 l = build (\ c n ->
+-- let g x qs@(q:_) = c (f x q) qs
+-- in foldr g (c q0 n) l)
+scanr f q0 [] = [q0]
+scanr f q0 (x:xs) = f x q : qs
+ where qs@(q:_) = scanr f q0 xs
+{-# scanr :: Inline #-}
+scanr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
+scanr1 f [x] = [x]
+scanr1 f (x:xs) = f x q : qs
+ where qs@(q:_) = scanr1 f xs
+scanr1 _ [] = error "scanr1{PreludeList}: empty list"
+{-# scanr1 :: Inline #-}
+-- iterate f x returns an infinite list of repeated applications of f to x:
+-- iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...]
+iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
+iterate f x = build (\ c n ->
+ let iterate' x' = c x' (iterate' (f x'))
+ in iterate' x)
+--iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
+{-# iterate :: Inline #-}
+-- repeat x is an infinite list, with x the value of every element.
+repeat :: a -> [a]
+repeat x = build (\ c n -> let r = c x r in r)
+--repeat x = xs where xs = x:xs
+{-# repeat :: Inline #-}
+-- cycle ties a finite list into a circular one, or equivalently,
+-- the infinite repetition of the original list. It is the identity
+-- on infinite lists.
+cycle :: [a] -> [a]
+cycle xs = xs' where xs' = xs ++ xs'
+-- take n, applied to a list xs, returns the prefix of xs of length n,
+-- or xs itself if n > length xs. drop n xs returns the suffix of xs
+-- after the first n elements, or [] if n > length xs. splitAt n xs
+-- is equivalent to (take n xs, drop n xs).
+take :: (Integral a) => a -> [b] -> [b]
+take n l = takeInt (fromIntegral n) l
+{-# take :: Inline #-}
+takeInt :: Int -> [b] -> [b]
+takeInt m l =
+ build (\ c n ->
+ let f x g i | i <= 0 = n
+ | otherwise = c x (g (i - 1))
+ in foldr f (\ _ -> n) l m)
+--takeInt 0 _ = []
+--takeInt _ [] = []
+--takeInt n l | n > 0 = primTake n l
+{-# takeInt :: Inline #-}
+-- Writing drop and friends in terms of build/foldr seems to lose
+-- way big since they cause an extra traversal of the list tail
+-- (except when the calls are being deforested).
+drop :: (Integral a) => a -> [b] -> [b]
+drop n l = dropInt (fromIntegral n) l
+{-# drop :: Inline #-}
+{-# drop :: Strictness("S,S") #-}
+dropInt :: Int -> [b] -> [b]
+dropInt 0 xs = xs
+dropInt _ [] = []
+dropInt (n+1) (_:xs) = dropInt n xs
+{-# dropInt :: Inline #-}
+splitAt :: (Integral a) => a -> [b] -> ([b],[b])
+splitAt n l = splitAtInt (fromIntegral n) l
+{-# splitAt :: Inline #-}
+splitAtInt :: Int -> [b] -> ([b],[b])
+splitAtInt 0 xs = ([],xs)
+splitAtInt _ [] = ([],[])
+splitAtInt (n+1) (x:xs) = (x:xs',xs'') where (xs',xs'') = splitAtInt n xs
+{-# splitAtInt :: Inline #-}
+-- takeWhile, applied to a predicate p and a list xs, returns the longest
+-- prefix (possibly empty) of xs of elements that satisfy p. dropWhile p xs
+-- returns the remaining suffix. Span p xs is equivalent to
+-- (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs), while break p uses the negation of p.
+takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+takeWhile p l = build (\ c n -> foldr (\ a b -> if p a then c a b else n) n l)
+--takeWhile p [] = []
+--takeWhile p (x:xs)
+-- | p x = x : takeWhile p xs
+-- | otherwise = []
+{-# takeWhile :: Inline #-}
+dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+dropWhile p [] = []
+dropWhile p xs@(x:xs')
+ | p x = dropWhile p xs'
+ | otherwise = xs
+{-# dropWhile :: Inline #-}
+span, break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
+span p [] = ([],[])
+span p xs@(x:xs')
+ | p x = let (ys,zs) = span p xs' in (x:ys,zs)
+ | otherwise = ([],xs)
+break p = span (not . p)
+{-# span :: Inline #-}
+{-# break :: Inline #-}
+-- lines breaks a string up into a list of strings at newline characters.
+-- The resulting strings do not contain newlines. Similary, words
+-- breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by
+-- white space. unlines and unwords are the inverse operations.
+-- unlines joins lines with terminating newlines, and unwords joins
+-- words with separating spaces.
+lines :: String -> [String]
+lines "" = []
+lines s = let (l, s') = break (== '\n') s
+ in l : case s' of
+ [] -> []
+ (_:s'') -> lines s''
+words :: String -> [String]
+words s = case dropWhile isSpace s of
+ "" -> []
+ s' -> w : words s''
+ where (w, s'') = break isSpace s'
+unlines :: [String] -> String
+unlines = concat . map (++ "\n")
+{-# unlines :: Inline #-}
+unwords :: [String] -> String
+unwords [] = ""
+unwords ws = foldr1 (\w s -> w ++ ' ':s) ws
+-- nub (meaning "essence") removes duplicate elements from its list argument.
+nub :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
+nub l = build (\ c n ->
+ let f x g [] = c x (g [x])
+ f x g xs = if elem x xs
+ then (g xs)
+ else c x (g (x:xs))
+ in foldr f (\ _ -> n) l [])
+{-# nub :: Inline #-}
+--nub [] = []
+--nub (x:xs) = x : nub (filter (/= x) xs)
+-- reverse xs returns the elements of xs in reverse order. xs must be finite.
+reverse :: [a] -> [a]
+reverse l = build (\ c n ->
+ let f x g tail = g (c x tail)
+ in foldr f id l n)
+{-# reverse :: Inline #-}
+--reverse x = reverse1 x [] where
+-- reverse1 [] a = a
+-- reverse1 (x:xs) a = reverse1 xs (x:a)
+-- and returns the conjunction of a Boolean list. For the result to be
+-- True, the list must be finite; False, however, results from a False
+-- value at a finite index of a finite or infinite list. or is the
+-- disjunctive dual of and.
+and, or :: [Bool] -> Bool
+and = foldr (&&) True
+or = foldr (||) False
+{-# and :: Inline #-}
+{-# or :: Inline #-}
+-- Applied to a predicate and a list, any determines if any element
+-- of the list satisfies the predicate. Similarly, for all.
+any, all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
+any p = or . map p
+all p = and . map p
+{-# any :: Inline #-}
+{-# all :: Inline #-}
+-- elem is the list membership predicate, usually written in infix form,
+-- e.g., x `elem` xs. notElem is the negation.
+elem, notElem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
+elem x ys = foldr (\ y t -> (x == y) || t) False ys
+--x `elem` [] = False
+--x `elem` (y:ys) = x == y || x `elem` ys
+{-# elem :: Inline #-}
+notElem x y = not (x `elem` y)
+-- sum and product compute the sum or product of a finite list of numbers.
+sum, product :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
+sum = foldl (+) 0
+product = foldl (*) 1
+{-# sum :: Inline #-}
+{-# product :: Inline #-}
+-- sums and products give a list of running sums or products from
+-- a list of numbers. For example, sums [1,2,3] == [0,1,3,6].
+sums, products :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a]
+sums = scanl (+) 0
+products = scanl (*) 1
+-- maximum and minimum return the maximum or minimum value from a list,
+-- which must be non-empty, finite, and of an ordered type.
+maximum, minimum :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
+maximum = foldl1 max
+minimum = foldl1 min
+{-# maximum :: Inline #-}
+{-# minimum :: Inline #-}
+-- concat, applied to a list of lists, returns their flattened concatenation.
+concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
+concat xs = build (\ c n -> foldr (\ x y -> foldr c y x) n xs)
+--concat [] = []
+--concat (l:ls) = l ++ concat ls
+{-# concat :: Inline #-}
+-- transpose, applied to a list of lists, returns that list with the
+-- "rows" and "columns" interchanged. The input need not be rectangular
+-- (a list of equal-length lists) to be completely transposable, but can
+-- be "triangular": Each successive component list must be not longer
+-- than the previous one; any elements outside of the "triangular"
+-- transposable region are lost. The input can be infinite in either
+-- dimension or both.
+transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
+transpose = foldr
+ (\xs xss -> zipWith (:) xs (xss ++ repeat []))
+ []
+{-# transpose :: Inline #-}
+-- zip takes two lists and returns a list of corresponding pairs. If one
+-- input list is short, excess elements of the longer list are discarded.
+-- zip3 takes three lists and returns a list of triples, etc. Versions
+-- of zip producing up to septuplets are defined here.
+zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+zip = zipWith (\a b -> (a,b))
+{-# zip :: Inline #-}
+zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a,b,c)]
+zip3 = zipWith3 (\a b c -> (a,b,c))
+{-# zip3 :: Inline #-}
+zip4 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [(a,b,c,d)]
+zip4 = zipWith4 (\a b c d -> (a,b,c,d))
+{-# zip4 :: Inline #-}
+zip5 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] -> [(a,b,c,d,e)]
+zip5 = zipWith5 (\a b c d e -> (a,b,c,d,e))
+{-# zip5 :: Inline #-}
+zip6 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] -> [f]
+ -> [(a,b,c,d,e,f)]
+zip6 = zipWith6 (\a b c d e f -> (a,b,c,d,e,f))
+{-# zip6 :: Inline #-}
+zip7 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] -> [f] -> [g]
+ -> [(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)]
+zip7 = zipWith7 (\a b c d e f g -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g))
+{-# zip7 :: Inline #-}
+-- The zipWith family generalises the zip family by zipping with the
+-- function given as the first argument, instead of a tupling function.
+-- For example, zipWith (+) is applied to two lists to produce the list
+-- of corresponding sums.
+zipWith :: (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c]
+zipWith z as bs =
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) = c' (z a b) (g' bs)
+ f' a g' _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ -> n') as bs)
+--zipWith z (a:as) (b:bs) = z a b : zipWith z as bs
+--zipWith _ _ _ = []
+{-# zipWith :: Inline #-}
+zipWith3 :: (a->b->c->d) -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]
+zipWith3 z as bs cs =
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) (c:cs) = c' (z a b c) (g' bs cs)
+ f' a g' _ _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ _ -> n') as bs cs)
+{-# zipWith3 :: Inline #-}
+--zipWith3 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs)
+-- = z a b c : zipWith3 z as bs cs
+--zipWith3 _ _ _ _ = []
+zipWith4 :: (a->b->c->d->e) -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]->[e]
+zipWith4 z as bs cs ds =
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) = c' (z a b c d) (g' bs cs ds)
+ f' a g' _ _ _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ _ _ -> n') as bs cs ds)
+{-# zipWith4 :: Inline #-}
+--zipWith4 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds)
+-- = z a b c d : zipWith4 z as bs cs ds
+--zipWith4 _ _ _ _ _ = []
+zipWith5 :: (a->b->c->d->e->f)
+ -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]->[e]->[f]
+zipWith5 z as bs cs ds es=
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) =
+ c' (z a b c d e) (g' bs cs ds es)
+ f' a g' _ _ _ _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ _ _ _ -> n') as bs cs ds es)
+{-# zipWith5 :: Inline #-}
+--zipWith5 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es)
+-- = z a b c d e : zipWith5 z as bs cs ds es
+--zipWith5 _ _ _ _ _ _ = []
+zipWith6 :: (a->b->c->d->e->f->g)
+ -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]->[e]->[f]->[g]
+zipWith6 z as bs cs ds es fs =
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) (f:fs) =
+ c' (z a b c d e f) (g' bs cs ds es fs)
+ f' a g' _ _ _ _ _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ _ _ _ _ -> n') as bs cs ds es fs)
+{-# zipWith6 :: Inline #-}
+--zipWith6 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) (f:fs)
+-- = z a b c d e f : zipWith6 z as bs cs ds es fs
+--zipWith6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = []
+zipWith7 :: (a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h)
+ -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]->[e]->[f]->[g]->[h]
+zipWith7 z as bs cs ds es fs gs =
+ build (\ c' n' ->
+ let f' a g' (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) (f:fs) (g:gs) =
+ c' (z a b c d e f g) (g' bs cs ds es fs gs)
+ f' a g' _ _ _ _ _ _ = n'
+ in foldr f' (\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> n') as bs cs ds es fs gs)
+{-# zipWith7 :: Inline #-}
+--zipWith7 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) (f:fs) (g:gs)
+-- = z a b c d e f g : zipWith7 z as bs cs ds es fs gs
+--zipWith7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = []
+-- unzip transforms a list of pairs into a pair of lists. As with zip,
+-- a family of such functions up to septuplets is provided.
+unzip :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
+unzip = foldr (\(a,b) ~(as,bs) -> (a:as,b:bs)) ([],[])
+{-# unzip :: Inline #-}
+unzip3 :: [(a,b,c)] -> ([a],[b],[c])
+unzip3 = foldr (\(a,b,c) ~(as,bs,cs) -> (a:as,b:bs,c:cs))
+ ([],[],[])
+{-# unzip3 :: Inline #-}
+unzip4 :: [(a,b,c,d)] -> ([a],[b],[c],[d])
+unzip4 = foldr (\(a,b,c,d) ~(as,bs,cs,ds) ->
+ (a:as,b:bs,c:cs,d:ds))
+ ([],[],[],[])
+{-# unzip4 :: Inline #-}
+unzip5 :: [(a,b,c,d,e)] -> ([a],[b],[c],[d],[e])
+unzip5 = foldr (\(a,b,c,d,e) ~(as,bs,cs,ds,es) ->
+ (a:as,b:bs,c:cs,d:ds,e:es))
+ ([],[],[],[],[])
+{-# unzip5 :: Inline #-}
+unzip6 :: [(a,b,c,d,e,f)] -> ([a],[b],[c],[d],[e],[f])
+unzip6 = foldr (\(a,b,c,d,e,f) ~(as,bs,cs,ds,es,fs) ->
+ (a:as,b:bs,c:cs,d:ds,e:es,f:fs))
+ ([],[],[],[],[],[])
+{-# unzip6 :: Inline #-}
+unzip7 :: [(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)] -> ([a],[b],[c],[d],[e],[f],[g])
+unzip7 = foldr (\(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) ~(as,bs,cs,ds,es,fs,gs) ->
+ (a:as,b:bs,c:cs,d:ds,e:es,f:fs,g:gs))
+ ([],[],[],[],[],[],[])
+{-# unzip7 :: Inline #-}
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeLocal.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeLocal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e52bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeLocal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module PreludeLocal where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+infixr 5 :
+data Int = MkInt
+data Integer = MkInteger
+data Float = MkFloat
+data Double = MkDouble
+data Char = MkChar
+data Bin = MkBin
+data List a = a : (List a) | Nil
+data Arrow a b = MkArrow a b
+data Triv = MkTriv
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeLocalIO.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeLocalIO.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2753071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeLocalIO.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+module PreludeLocalIO where
+import PreludeIOPrims
+import PreludeIOMonad
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+data IOResponse a = Succ a | Fail String deriving Text
+exec :: ([Response] -> [Request]) -> IO ()
+-- Sunderesh's original definition
+exec p = case (p bottom) of
+ [] -> unitIO ()
+ (q:qs) -> processRequest q `bindIO` \r ->
+ exec (\rs -> tail (p (r:rs)))
+bottom :: a
+bottom = error "Should never be evaluated"
+-- modified from the existing compiler. no quadratic behavior
+-- needs
+-- pure :: IO a -> a
+-- other alternatives:
+-- 1. use reference cells
+-- 2. implement exec in Lisp
+exec p = os requests `bindIO` \x -> unitIO () where
+ requests = p responses
+ responses = pureIO (os requests)
+os :: [Request] -> IO [Response]
+os [] = unitIO []
+os (q:qs) = processRequest q `bindIO` \r ->
+ os qs `bindIO` \rs ->
+ unitIO (r:rs)
+processRequest :: Request -> IO Response
+-- This needs to be rewritten in terms of the continuation based defs
+processRequest request =
+ case request of
+-- File system requests
+ ReadFile name ->
+ primReadStringFile name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ WriteFile name contents ->
+ primWriteStringFile name contents `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ AppendFile name contents ->
+ primAppendStringFile name contents `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ ReadBinFile name ->
+ primReadBinFile name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Bn s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ WriteBinFile name bin ->
+ primWriteBinFile name bin `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ AppendBinFile name bin ->
+ primAppendBinFile name bin `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ DeleteFile name ->
+ primDeleteFile name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ StatusFile name ->
+ primStatusFile name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+-- Channel system requests
+ ReadChan name ->
+ primReadChan name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ AppendChan name string ->
+ primAppendChan name string `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ ReadBinChan name ->
+ primReadBinChan name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Bn s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ AppendBinChan name bin ->
+ primAppendBinChan name bin `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ MaybeNot -> unitIO Success
+ Maybe e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ StatusChan name ->
+ primStatusChan name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+-- Environment requests
+ Echo status ->
+ primEcho status `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ GetArgs ->
+ primGetArgs `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ GetProgName ->
+ primProgArgs `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ GetEnv name ->
+ primGetEnv name `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ SetEnv name string ->
+ primGetEnv name string `bindIO` \a ->
+ case a of
+ Succ s -> unitIO (Str s)
+ Fail e -> unitIO (Failure e)
+ _ -> unitIO (Failure (OtherError "Unrecognized IO Feature"))
+-- Monadic Style IO
+-- Channel system requests
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludePrims.hi b/progs/prelude/PreludePrims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..737a448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludePrims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+-- interface.scm -- define interface to primitives
+-- author : Sandra & John
+-- date : 24 Apr 1992
+-- This file declares the interface to the runtime system primitives.
+-- The actual definitions for the Lisp functions all appear elsewhere;
+-- they all have names like (They can actually be macros
+-- instead of functions since they're never referenced by name.)
+interface PreludePrims where
+{-# Prelude #-}
+import PreludeCore(Int,Integer,Float,Double,Char,Bool)
+import PreludeRational(Rational)
+error :: String -> a
+primCharToInt :: Char -> Int
+primIntToChar :: Int -> Char
+primEqChar, primNeqChar, primLeChar, primGtChar, primLsChar, primGeChar
+ :: Char -> Char -> Bool
+primMaxChar :: Int
+primEqFloat, primNeqFloat, primLeFloat, primGtFloat, primLsFloat, primGeFloat
+ :: Float -> Float -> Bool
+primFloatMax, primFloatMin :: Float -> Float -> Float
+primEqDouble, primNeqDouble, primLeDouble, primGtDouble,
+ primLsDouble, primGeDouble
+ :: Double -> Double -> Bool
+primDoubleMax, primDoubleMin :: Double -> Double -> Double
+primPlusFloat, primMinusFloat, primMulFloat, primDivFloat
+ :: Float -> Float -> Float
+primPlusDouble, primMinusDouble, primMulDouble, primDivDouble
+ :: Double -> Double -> Double
+primNegFloat, primAbsFloat :: Float -> Float
+primNegDouble, primAbsDouble :: Double -> Double
+primExpFloat, primLogFloat, primSqrtFloat, primSinFloat, primCosFloat,
+ primTanFloat, primAsinFloat, primAcosFloat, primAtanFloat, primSinhFloat,
+ primCoshFloat, primTanhFloat, primAsinhFloat, primAcoshFloat, primAtanhFloat
+ :: Float -> Float
+primExpDouble, primLogDouble, primSqrtDouble, primSinDouble, primCosDouble,
+ primTanDouble, primAsinDouble, primAcosDouble, primAtanDouble, primSinhDouble,
+ primCoshDouble, primTanhDouble, primAsinhDouble, primAcoshDouble, primAtanhDouble
+ :: Double -> Double
+primPiFloat :: Float
+primPiDouble :: Double
+primRationalToFloat :: Rational -> Float
+primRationalToDouble :: Rational -> Double
+primFloatToRational :: Float -> Rational
+primDoubleToRational :: Double -> Rational
+primFloatDigits :: Int
+primFloatRadix :: Integer
+primFloatMinExp :: Int
+primFloatMaxExp :: Int
+primFloatRange :: Float -> (Int, Int)
+primDecodeFloat :: Float -> (Integer, Int)
+primEncodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> Float
+primDoubleDigits :: Int
+primDoubleRadix :: Integer
+primDoubleMinExp :: Int
+primDoubleMaxExp :: Int
+primDoubleRange :: Double -> (Int, Int)
+primDecodeDouble :: Double -> (Integer, Int)
+primEncodeDouble :: Integer -> Int -> Double
+primEqInt, primNeqInt, primLeInt, primGtInt, primLsInt, primGeInt
+ :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+primIntMax, primIntMin :: Int -> Int -> Int
+primEqInteger, primNeqInteger, primLeInteger, primGtInteger,
+ primLsInteger, primGeInteger
+ :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
+primIntegerMax, primIntegerMin :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+primPlusInt, primMinusInt, primMulInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+primMinInt,primMaxInt :: Int
+primNegInt, primAbsInt :: Int -> Int
+primPlusInteger, primMinusInteger, primMulInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+primNegInteger, primAbsInteger :: Integer -> Integer
+primQuotRemInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
+primQuotRemInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+primIntegerToInt :: Integer -> Int
+primIntToInteger :: Int -> Integer
+primNullBin :: Bin
+primIsNullBin :: Bin -> Bool
+primShowBinInt :: Int -> Bin -> Bin
+primShowBinInteger :: Integer -> Bin -> Bin
+primShowBinFloat :: Float -> Bin -> Bin
+primShowBinDouble :: Double -> Bin -> Bin
+primReadBinInt :: Bin -> (Int,Bin)
+primReadBinInteger :: Bin -> (Integer,Bin)
+primReadBinFloat :: Bin -> (Float,Bin)
+primReadBinDouble :: Bin -> (Double,Bin)
+primReadBinSmallInt :: Bin -> Int -> (Int,Bin)
+primAppendBin :: Bin -> Bin -> Bin
+primStringEq :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
+primAppend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+primTake :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+build :: ((a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [b] -> [c]) -> [c]
+-- I've assigned complexities for arithmetic primitives as follows:
+-- Int and Char comparisons and arithmetic are very cheap (complexity 1).
+-- Double and Float comparsions are also cheap, but most implementations
+-- need to box the results of floating-point arithmetic so I have given
+-- them a complexity of 3.
+-- Integer operations need to do an extra bignum check that has a fixed
+-- overhead. I assume that actual bignums will be rare and give them
+-- all a complexity of 2.
+error :: LispName("prim.abort")
+primCharToInt :: LispName("prim.char-to-int"), Complexity(0),NoConversion
+primIntToChar :: LispName(""), Complexity(0),NoConversion
+primEqChar :: LispName("prim.eq-char"), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primNeqChar:: LispName("prim.not-eq-char"), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primLeChar :: LispName("prim.le-char"), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primGtChar :: LispName("prim.not-le-char"), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primLsChar :: LispName(""), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primGeChar :: LispName("prim.not-lt-char"), Complexity(1), NoConversion
+primMaxChar :: LispName("prim.max-char"), NoConversion
+primEqFloat :: LispName("prim.eq-float"), Complexity(1)
+primNeqFloat :: LispName("prim.not-eq-float"), Complexity(1)
+primLeFloat :: LispName("prim.le-float"), Complexity(1)
+primGtFloat :: LispName("prim.not-le-float"), Complexity(1)
+primLsFloat :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primGeFloat :: LispName("prim.not-lt-float"), Complexity(1)
+primFloatMax :: LispName("prim.float-max"), Complexity(3)
+primFloatMin :: LispName("prim.float-min"), Complexity(3)
+primEqDouble :: LispName("prim.eq-double"), Complexity(1)
+primNeqDouble :: LispName("prim.not-eq-double"), Complexity(1)
+primLeDouble :: LispName("prim.le-double"), Complexity(1)
+primGtDouble :: LispName("prim.not-le-double"), Complexity(1)
+primLsDouble :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primGeDouble :: LispName("prim.not-lt-double"), Complexity(1)
+primDoubleMax :: LispName("prim.double-max"), Complexity(3)
+primDoubleMin :: LispName("prim.double-min"), Complexity(3)
+primPlusFloat :: LispName(""), Complexity(3)
+primMinusFloat :: LispName("prim.minus-float"), Complexity(3)
+primMulFloat :: LispName("prim.mul-float"), Complexity(3)
+primDivFloat :: LispName("prim.div-float"), Complexity(3)
+primPlusDouble :: LispName(""), Complexity(3)
+primMinusDouble :: LispName("prim.minus-double"), Complexity(3)
+primMulDouble :: LispName("prim.mul-double"), Complexity(3)
+primDivDouble :: LispName("prim.div-double"), Complexity(3)
+primNegFloat :: LispName("prim.neg-float"), Complexity(3)
+primAbsFloat :: LispName("prim.abs-float"), Complexity(3)
+primNegDouble :: LispName("prim.neg-double"), Complexity(3)
+primAbsDouble :: LispName("prim.abs-double"), Complexity(3)
+primExpFloat :: LispName("prim.exp-float")
+primLogFloat :: LispName("prim.log-float")
+primSqrtFloat :: LispName("prim.sqrt-float")
+primSinFloat :: LispName("prim.sin-float")
+primCosFloat :: LispName("prim.cos-float")
+primTanFloat :: LispName("prim.tan-float")
+primAsinFloat :: LispName("prim.asin-float")
+primAcosFloat :: LispName("prim.acos-float")
+primAtanFloat :: LispName("prim.atan-float")
+primSinhFloat :: LispName("prim.sinh-float")
+primCoshFloat :: LispName("prim.cosh-float")
+primTanhFloat :: LispName("prim.tanh-float")
+primAsinhFloat :: LispName("prim.asinh-float")
+primAcoshFloat :: LispName("prim.acosh-float")
+primAtanhFloat :: LispName("prim.atanh-float")
+primExpDouble :: LispName("prim.exp-double")
+primLogDouble :: LispName("prim.log-double")
+primSqrtDouble :: LispName("prim.sqrt-double")
+primSinDouble :: LispName("prim.sin-double")
+primCosDouble :: LispName("prim.cos-double")
+primTanDouble :: LispName("prim.tan-double")
+primAsinDouble :: LispName("prim.asin-double")
+primAcosDouble :: LispName("prim.acos-double")
+primAtanDouble :: LispName("prim.atan-double")
+primSinhDouble :: LispName("prim.sinh-double")
+primCoshDouble :: LispName("prim.cosh-double")
+primTanhDouble :: LispName("prim.tanh-double")
+primAsinhDouble :: LispName("prim.asinh-double")
+primAcoshDouble :: LispName("prim.acosh-double")
+primAtanhDouble :: LispName("prim.atanh-double")
+primPiFloat :: LispName("prim.pi-float")
+primPiDouble :: LispName("prim.pi-double")
+primRationalToFloat :: LispName("prim.rational-to-float"), Complexity(3)
+primRationalToDouble :: LispName("prim.rational-to-double"), Complexity(3)
+primFloatToRational :: LispName("prim.float-to-rational"), Complexity(3)
+primDoubleToRational :: LispName("prim.double-to-rational"), Complexity(3)
+primFloatDigits :: LispName("prim.float-digits")
+primFloatRadix :: LispName("prim.float-radix")
+primFloatMinExp :: LispName("prim.float-min-exp")
+primFloatMaxExp :: LispName("prim.float-max-exp")
+primFloatRange :: LispName("prim.float-range")
+primDecodeFloat :: LispName("prim.decode-float")
+primEncodeFloat :: LispName("prim.encode-float")
+primDoubleDigits :: LispName("prim.double-digits")
+primDoubleRadix :: LispName("prim.double-radix")
+primDoubleMinExp :: LispName("prim.double-min-exp")
+primDoubleMaxExp :: LispName("prim.double-max-exp")
+primDoubleRange :: LispName("prim.double-range")
+primDecodeDouble :: LispName("prim.decode-double")
+primEncodeDouble :: LispName("prim.encode-double")
+primEqInt :: LispName("prim.eq-int"), Complexity(1)
+primNeqInt:: LispName("prim.not-eq-int"), Complexity(1)
+primLeInt :: LispName("prim.le-int"), Complexity(1)
+primGtInt :: LispName("prim.not-le-int"), Complexity(1)
+primLsInt :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primGeInt :: LispName("prim.not-lt-int"), Complexity(1)
+primIntMax :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primIntMin :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primEqInteger :: LispName("prim.eq-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primNeqInteger:: LispName("prim.not-eq-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primLeInteger :: LispName("prim.le-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primGtInteger :: LispName("prim.not-le-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primLsInteger :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primGeInteger :: LispName("prim.not-lt-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primIntegerMax :: LispName("prim.integer-max"), Complexity(2)
+primIntegerMin :: LispName("prim.integer-min"), Complexity(2)
+primPlusInt :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primMinusInt :: LispName("prim.minus-int"), Complexity(1)
+primMulInt :: LispName("prim.mul-int"), Complexity(1)
+primMinInt :: LispName("prim.minint")
+primMaxInt :: LispName("prim.maxint")
+primNegInt :: LispName("prim.neg-int"), Complexity(1)
+primAbsInt :: LispName("prim.abs-int"), Complexity(1)
+primPlusInteger :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primMinusInteger :: LispName("prim.minus-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primMulInteger :: LispName("prim.mul-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primNegInteger :: LispName("prim.neg-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primAbsInteger :: LispName("prim.abs-integer"), Complexity(2)
+primQuotRemInt :: LispName("prim.div-rem-int")
+primQuotRemInteger :: LispName("prim.div-rem-integer")
+primIntegerToInt :: LispName("prim.integer-to-int"), Complexity(1)
+primIntToInteger :: LispName(""), Complexity(0)
+primNullBin :: LispName("prim.nullbin")
+primIsNullBin :: LispName(""), Complexity(1)
+primShowBinInt :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primShowBinInteger :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primShowBinFloat :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primShowBinDouble :: LispName(""), Complexity(2)
+primReadBinInt :: LispName("")
+primReadBinInteger :: LispName("")
+primReadBinFloat :: LispName("")
+primReadBinDouble :: LispName("")
+primReadBinSmallInt :: LispName("")
+primAppendBin :: LispName("prim.append-bin")
+primStringEq :: LispName("prim.string-eq"), Strictness("S,S"), NoConversion
+primAppend :: LispName("prim.append"), Strictness("S,N"), NoConversion
+primTake :: LispName("prim.take"), Strictness("S,S"), NoConversion
+foldr :: LispName("prim.foldr"), Strictness("N,N,S"), NoConversion
+build :: LispName(""), Strictness("S"), NoConversion
diff --git a/progs/prelude/ b/progs/prelude/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd2cdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $PRELUDEBIN/PreludePrims
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeRatio.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeRatio.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564558e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeRatio.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- Standard functions on rational numbers
+module PreludeRatio (
+ Ratio, Rational(..), (%), numerator, denominator, approxRational ) where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+infixl 7 %, :%
+prec = 7
+data (Integral a) => Ratio a = a {-# STRICT #-} :% a {-# STRICT #-}
+ deriving (Eq, Binary)
+type Rational = Ratio Integer
+(%) :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> Ratio a
+numerator, denominator :: (Integral a) => Ratio a -> a
+approxRational :: (RealFrac a) => a -> a -> Rational
+reduce _ 0 = error "(%){PreludeRatio}: zero denominator"
+reduce x y = (x `quot` d) :% (y `quot` d)
+ where d = gcd x y
+x % y = reduce (x * signum y) (abs y)
+numerator (x:%y) = x
+denominator (x:%y) = y
+instance (Integral a) => Ord (Ratio a) where
+ (x:%y) <= (x':%y') = x * y' <= x' * y
+ (x:%y) < (x':%y') = x * y' < x' * y
+instance (Integral a) => Num (Ratio a) where
+ (x:%y) + (x':%y') = reduce (x*y' + x'*y) (y*y')
+ (x:%y) * (x':%y') = reduce (x * x') (y * y')
+ negate (x:%y) = (-x) :% y
+ abs (x:%y) = abs x :% y
+ signum (x:%y) = signum x :% 1
+ fromInteger x = fromInteger x :% 1
+instance (Integral a) => Real (Ratio a) where
+ toRational (x:%y) = toInteger x :% toInteger y
+instance (Integral a) => Fractional (Ratio a) where
+ (x:%y) / (x':%y') = (x*y') % (y*x')
+ recip (x:%y) = if x < 0 then (-y) :% (-x) else y :% x
+ fromRational (x:%y) = fromInteger x :% fromInteger y
+instance (Integral a) => RealFrac (Ratio a) where
+ properFraction (x:%y) = (fromIntegral q, r:%y)
+ where (q,r) = quotRem x y
+instance (Integral a) => Enum (Ratio a) where
+ enumFrom = iterate ((+)1)
+ enumFromThen n m = iterate ((+)(m-n)) n
+instance (Integral a) => Text (Ratio a) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen (p > prec)
+ (\r -> [(x%y,u) | (x,s) <- reads r,
+ ("%",t) <- lex s,
+ (y,u) <- reads t ])
+ showsPrec p (x:%y) = showParen (p > prec)
+ (shows x . showString " % " . shows y)
+-- approxRational, applied to two real fractional numbers x and epsilon,
+-- returns the simplest rational number within epsilon of x. A rational
+-- number n%d in reduced form is said to be simpler than another n'%d' if
+-- abs n <= abs n' && d <= d'. Any real interval contains a unique
+-- simplest rational; here, for simplicity, we assume a closed rational
+-- interval. If such an interval includes at least one whole number, then
+-- the simplest rational is the absolutely least whole number. Otherwise,
+-- the bounds are of the form q%1 + r%d and q%1 + r'%d', where abs r < d
+-- and abs r' < d', and the simplest rational is q%1 + the reciprocal of
+-- the simplest rational between d'%r' and d%r.
+approxRational x eps = simplest (x-eps) (x+eps)
+ where simplest x y | y < x = simplest y x
+ | x == y = xr
+ | x > 0 = simplest' n d n' d'
+ | y < 0 = - simplest' (-n') d' (-n) d
+ | otherwise = 0 :% 1
+ where xr@(n:%d) = toRational x
+ (n':%d') = toRational y
+ simplest' n d n' d' -- assumes 0 < n%d < n'%d'
+ | r == 0 = q :% 1
+ | q /= q' = (q+1) :% 1
+ | otherwise = (q*n''+d'') :% n''
+ where (q,r) = quotRem n d
+ (q',r') = quotRem n' d'
+ (n'':%d'') = simplest' d' r' d r
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeText.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeText.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4e353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeText.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+module PreludeText (
+ reads, shows, show, read, lex,
+ showChar, showString, readParen, showParen, readLitChar, showLitChar,
+ readSigned, showSigned, readDec, showInt, readFloat, showFloat ) where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+reads :: (Text a) => ReadS a
+reads = readsPrec 0
+shows :: (Text a) => a -> ShowS
+shows = showsPrec 0
+read :: (Text a) => String -> a
+read s = case [x | (x,t) <- reads s, ("","") <- lex t] of
+ [x] -> x
+ [] -> error "read{PreludeText}: no parse"
+ _ -> error "read{PreludeText}: ambiguous parse"
+show :: (Text a) => a -> String
+show x = shows x ""
+showChar :: Char -> ShowS
+showChar = (:)
+showString :: String -> ShowS
+showString = (++)
+showParen :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
+showParen b p = if b then showChar '(' . p . showChar ')' else p
+readParen :: Bool -> ReadS a -> ReadS a
+readParen b g = if b then mandatory else optional
+ where optional r = g r ++ mandatory r
+ mandatory r = [(x,u) | ("(",s) <- lex r,
+ (x,t) <- optional s,
+ (")",u) <- lex t ]
+lex :: ReadS String
+lex "" = [("","")]
+lex (c:s) | isSpace c = lex (dropWhile isSpace s)
+lex ('-':'-':s) = case dropWhile (/= '\n') s of
+ '\n':t -> lex t
+ _ -> [] -- unterminated end-of-line
+ -- comment
+lex ('{':'-':s) = lexNest lex s
+ where
+ lexNest f ('-':'}':s) = f s
+ lexNest f ('{':'-':s) = lexNest (lexNest f) s
+ lexNest f (c:s) = lexNest f s
+ lexNest _ "" = [] -- unterminated
+ -- nested comment
+lex ('<':'-':s) = [("<-",s)]
+lex ('\'':s) = [('\'':ch++"'", t) | (ch,'\'':t) <- lexLitChar s,
+ ch /= "'" ]
+lex ('"':s) = [('"':str, t) | (str,t) <- lexString s]
+ where
+ lexString ('"':s) = [("\"",s)]
+ lexString s = [(ch++str, u)
+ | (ch,t) <- lexStrItem s,
+ (str,u) <- lexString t ]
+ lexStrItem ('\\':'&':s) = [("\\&",s)]
+ lexStrItem ('\\':c:s) | isSpace c
+ = [("\\&",t) | '\\':t <- [dropWhile isSpace s]]
+ lexStrItem s = lexLitChar s
+lex (c:s) | isSingle c = [([c],s)]
+ | isSym1 c = [(c:sym,t) | (sym,t) <- [span isSym s]]
+ | isAlpha c = [(c:nam,t) | (nam,t) <- [span isIdChar s]]
+ | isDigit c = [(c:ds++fe,t) | (ds,s) <- [span isDigit s],
+ (fe,t) <- lexFracExp s ]
+ | otherwise = [] -- bad character
+ where
+ isSingle c = c `elem` ",;()[]{}_"
+ isSym1 c = c `elem` "-~" || isSym c
+ isSym c = c `elem` "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|:"
+ isIdChar c = isAlphanum c || c `elem` "_'"
+ lexFracExp ('.':s) = [('.':ds++e,u) | (ds,t) <- lexDigits s,
+ (e,u) <- lexExp t ]
+ lexFracExp s = [("",s)]
+ lexExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE"
+ = [(e:c:ds,u) | (c:t) <- [s], c `elem` "+-",
+ (ds,u) <- lexDigits t] ++
+ [(e:ds,t) | (ds,t) <- lexDigits s]
+ lexExp s = [("",s)]
+lexDigits :: ReadS String
+lexDigits = nonnull isDigit
+nonnull :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadS String
+nonnull p s = [(cs,t) | (cs@(_:_),t) <- [span p s]]
+lexLitChar :: ReadS String
+lexLitChar ('\\':s) = [('\\':esc, t) | (esc,t) <- lexEsc s]
+ where
+ lexEsc (c:s) | c `elem` "abfnrtv\\\"'" = [([c],s)]
+ lexEsc ('^':c:s) | c >= '@' && c <= '_' = [(['^',c],s)]
+ lexEsc s@(d:_) | isDigit d = lexDigits s
+ lexEsc ('o':s) = [('o':os, t) | (os,t) <- nonnull isOctDigit s]
+ lexEsc ('x':s) = [('x':xs, t) | (xs,t) <- nonnull isHexDigit s]
+ lexEsc s@(c:_) | isUpper c
+ = case [(mne,s') | mne <- "DEL" : elems asciiTab,
+ ([],s') <- [match mne s] ]
+ of (pr:_) -> [pr]
+ [] -> []
+ lexEsc _ = []
+lexLitChar (c:s) = [([c],s)]
+lexLitChar "" = []
+isOctDigit c = c >= '0' && c <= '7'
+isHexDigit c = isDigit c || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'
+ || c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'
+match :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
+match (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = match xs ys
+match xs ys = (xs,ys)
+asciiTab = listArray ('\NUL', ' ')
+ ["NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",
+ "BS", "HT", "LF", "VT", "FF", "CR", "SO", "SI",
+ "DLE", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "NAK", "SYN", "ETB",
+ "CAN", "EM", "SUB", "ESC", "FS", "GS", "RS", "US",
+ "SP"]
+readLitChar :: ReadS Char
+readLitChar ('\\':s) = readEsc s
+ where
+ readEsc ('a':s) = [('\a',s)]
+ readEsc ('b':s) = [('\b',s)]
+ readEsc ('f':s) = [('\f',s)]
+ readEsc ('n':s) = [('\n',s)]
+ readEsc ('r':s) = [('\r',s)]
+ readEsc ('t':s) = [('\t',s)]
+ readEsc ('v':s) = [('\v',s)]
+ readEsc ('\\':s) = [('\\',s)]
+ readEsc ('"':s) = [('"',s)]
+ readEsc ('\'':s) = [('\'',s)]
+ readEsc ('^':c:s) | c >= '@' && c <= '_'
+ = [(chr (ord c - ord '@'), s)]
+ readEsc s@(d:_) | isDigit d
+ = [(chr n, t) | (n,t) <- readDec s]
+ readEsc ('o':s) = [(chr n, t) | (n,t) <- readOct s]
+ readEsc ('x':s) = [(chr n, t) | (n,t) <- readHex s]
+ readEsc s@(c:_) | isUpper c
+ = let table = ('\DEL' := "DEL") : assocs asciiTab
+ in case [(c,s') | (c := mne) <- table,
+ ([],s') <- [match mne s]]
+ of (pr:_) -> [pr]
+ [] -> []
+ readEsc _ = []
+readLitChar (c:s) = [(c,s)]
+showLitChar :: Char -> ShowS
+showLitChar c | c > '\DEL' = showChar '\\' . protectEsc isDigit (shows (ord c))
+showLitChar '\DEL' = showString "\\DEL"
+showLitChar '\\' = showString "\\\\"
+showLitChar c | c >= ' ' = showChar c
+showLitChar '\a' = showString "\\a"
+showLitChar '\b' = showString "\\b"
+showLitChar '\f' = showString "\\f"
+showLitChar '\n' = showString "\\n"
+showLitChar '\r' = showString "\\r"
+showLitChar '\t' = showString "\\t"
+showLitChar '\v' = showString "\\v"
+showLitChar '\SO' = protectEsc (== 'H') (showString "\\SO")
+showLitChar c = showString ('\\' : asciiTab!c)
+protectEsc p f = f . cont
+ where cont s@(c:_) | p c = "\\&" ++ s
+ cont s = s
+readDec, readOct, readHex :: (Integral a) => ReadS a
+readDec = readInt 10 isDigit (\d -> ord d - ord '0')
+readOct = readInt 8 isOctDigit (\d -> ord d - ord '0')
+readHex = readInt 16 isHexDigit hex
+ where hex d = ord d - (if isDigit d then ord '0'
+ else ord (if isUpper d then 'A' else 'a')
+ - 10)
+readInt :: (Integral a) => a -> (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Int) -> ReadS a
+readInt radix isDig digToInt s =
+ [(foldl1 (\n d -> n * radix + d) (map (fromIntegral . digToInt) ds), r)
+ | (ds,r) <- nonnull isDig s ]
+showInt :: (Integral a) => a -> ShowS
+showInt n r = let (n',d) = quotRem n 10
+ r' = chr (ord '0' + fromIntegral d) : r
+ in if n' == 0 then r' else showInt n' r'
+readSigned:: (Real a) => ReadS a -> ReadS a
+readSigned readPos = readParen False read'
+ where read' r = read'' r ++
+ [(-x,t) | ("-",s) <- lex r,
+ (x,t) <- read'' s]
+ read'' r = [(n,s) | (str,s) <- lex r,
+ (n,"") <- readPos str]
+showSigned:: (Real a) => (a -> ShowS) -> Int -> a -> ShowS
+showSigned showPos p x = if x < 0 then showParen (p > 6)
+ (showChar '-' . showPos (-x))
+ else showPos x
+-- The functions readFloat and showFloat below use rational arithmetic
+-- to insure correct conversion between the floating-point radix and
+-- decimal. It is often possible to use a higher-precision floating-
+-- point type to obtain the same results.
+readFloat:: (RealFloat a) => ReadS a
+readFloat r = [(fromRational ((n%1)*10^^(k-d)), t) | (n,d,s) <- readFix r,
+ (k,t) <- readExp s]
+ where readFix r = [(read (ds++ds'), length ds', t)
+ | (ds,'.':s) <- lexDigits r,
+ (ds',t) <- lexDigits s ]
+ readExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" = readExp' s
+ readExp s = [(0,s)]
+ readExp' ('-':s) = [(-k,t) | (k,t) <- readDec s]
+ readExp' ('+':s) = readDec s
+ readExp' s = readDec s
+-- The number of decimal digits m below is chosen to guarantee
+-- read (show x) == x. See
+-- Matula, D. W. A formalization of floating-point numeric base
+-- conversion. IEEE Transactions on Computers C-19, 8 (1970 August),
+-- 681-692.
+showFloat:: (RealFloat a) => a -> ShowS
+showFloat x =
+ if x == 0 then showString ("0." ++ take (m-1) (repeat '0'))
+ else if e >= m-1 || e < 0 then showSci else showFix
+ where
+ showFix = showString whole . showChar '.' . showString frac
+ where (whole,frac) = splitAt (e+1) (show sig)
+ showSci = showChar d . showChar '.' . showString frac
+ . showChar 'e' . shows e
+ where (d:frac) = show sig
+ (m, sig, e) = if b == 10 then (w, s, n+w-1)
+ else (m', sig', e' )
+ m' = ceiling
+ (fromIntegral w * log (fromInteger b) / log 10 :: Double)
+ + 1
+ (sig', e') = if sig1 >= 10^m' then (round (t/10), e1+1)
+ else if sig1 < 10^(m'-1) then (round (t*10), e1-1)
+ else (sig1, e1 )
+ sig1 :: Integer
+ sig1 = round t
+ t = s%1 * (b%1)^^n * 10^^(m'-e1-1)
+ e1 = floor (logBase 10 x)
+ (s, n) = decodeFloat x
+ b = floatRadix x
+ w = floatDigits x
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeTuple.hs b/progs/prelude/PreludeTuple.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f2637a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeTuple.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+module PreludeTuple where
+{-#Prelude#-} -- Indicates definitions of compiler prelude symbols
+import PreludeTuplePrims
+-- This module contains support routines which handle tuple instances.
+-- These are based on a implementation level data type which represents
+-- general tuples and a data type to hold the set of dictionaries which
+-- are associated with the tuple.
+-- Each of these functions takes the tupledicts as the first argument.
+-- Force all of these functions to take strict arguments because they'll
+-- never be called with 0-length tuples anyway.
+-- The following primitives operate on tuples.
+-- tupleSize :: TupleDicts -> Int
+-- tupleSel :: Tuple -> Int -> Int -> a
+-- dictSel :: TupleDicts -> method -> Int -> a
+-- listToTuple :: [a] -> Tuple
+-- Eq functions
+tupleEq :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Bool
+{-# tupleEq :: Strictness("S,S,S") #-}
+tupleEq dicts x y = tupleEq1 0 where
+ tupleEq1 i | i == size = True
+ | otherwise =
+ ((dictSel (cmpEq dicts i)) x' y') && tupleEq1 (i+1)
+ where
+ x' = tupleSel x i size
+ y' = tupleSel y i size
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+cmpEq x y = x == y
+tupleNeq dicts x y = not (tupleEq dicts x y)
+-- Ord functions
+tupleLe :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Bool
+{-# tupleLe :: Strictness("S,S,S") #-}
+tupleLe dicts x y = tupleLe1 0 where
+ tupleLe1 i | i == size = False
+ | (dictSel (cmpLs dicts i)) x' y' = True
+ | (dictSel (ordEq dicts i)) x' y' = tupleLe1 (i+1)
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ x' = tupleSel x i size
+ y' = tupleSel y i size
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+cmpLs x y = x < y
+ordEq :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
+ordEq x y = x == y
+tupleLeq :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Bool
+{-# tupleLeq :: Strictness("S,S,S") #-}
+tupleLeq dicts x y = tupleLeq1 0 where
+ tupleLeq1 i | i == size = True
+ | (dictSel (cmpLs dicts i)) x' y' = True
+ | (dictSel (ordEq dicts i)) x' y' = tupleLeq1 (i+1)
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ x' = tupleSel x i size
+ y' = tupleSel y i size
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+tupleGe :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Bool
+tupleGe d x y = tupleLe d y x
+tupleGeq :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Bool
+tupleGeq d x y = tupleLeq d y x
+tupleMax,tupleMin :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Tuple -> Tuple
+tupleMax d x y = if tupleGe d x y then x else y
+tupleMin d x y = if tupleLe d x y then x else y
+-- Ix functions
+tupleRange :: TupleDicts -> (Tuple,Tuple) -> [Tuple]
+{-# tupleRange :: Strictness("S,S") #-}
+tupleRange dicts (x,y) = map listToTuple (tupleRange' 0) where
+ tupleRange' i | i == size = [[]]
+ | otherwise =
+ [(i1 : i2) | i1 <- r, i2 <- tupleRange' (i+1)]
+ where
+ x' = tupleSel x i size
+ y' = tupleSel y i size
+ r = (dictSel (range' dicts i)) (x',y')
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+range' x = range x
+tupleIndex :: TupleDicts -> (Tuple,Tuple) -> Tuple -> Int
+{-# tupleIndex :: Strictness("S,S,S") #-}
+tupleIndex dicts (low,high) n = tupleIndex' (size-1) where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ tupleIndex' i | i == 0 = i'
+ | otherwise = i' + r' * (tupleIndex' (i-1))
+ where
+ low' = tupleSel low i size
+ high' = tupleSel high i size
+ n' = tupleSel n i size
+ i' = (dictSel (index' dicts i)) (low',high') n'
+ r' = (dictSel (rangeSize dicts i)) (low',high')
+index' x = index x
+rangeSize :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> Int
+rangeSize (l,u) = index (l,u) u + 1
+tupleInRange :: TupleDicts -> (Tuple,Tuple) -> Tuple -> Bool
+{-# tupleInRange :: Strictness("S,S,S") #-}
+tupleInRange dicts (low,high) n = tupleInRange' 0 where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ tupleInRange' i | i == size = True
+ | otherwise = (dictSel (inRange' dicts i)) (low',high') n'
+ && tupleInRange' (i+1)
+ where
+ low' = tupleSel low i size
+ high' = tupleSel high i size
+ n' = tupleSel n i size
+inRange' x = inRange x
+-- Text functions
+tupleReadsPrec :: TupleDicts -> Int -> ReadS Tuple
+tupleReadsPrec dicts p = readParen False
+ (\s -> map ( \ (t,w) -> (listToTuple t,w))
+ (tRP' s 0))
+ where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ tRP' s i | i == 0 = [(t':t,w) |
+ ("(",s1) <- lex s,
+ (t',s2) <- nextItem s1,
+ (t,w) <- tRP' s2 (i+1)]
+ | i == size = [([],w) | (")",w) <- lex s]
+ | otherwise =
+ [(t':t,w) |
+ (",",s1) <- lex s,
+ (t',s2) <- nextItem s1,
+ (t,w) <- tRP' s2 (i+1)]
+ where
+ nextItem s = (dictSel (reads dicts i)) s
+tupleShowsPrec :: TupleDicts -> Int -> Tuple -> ShowS
+tupleShowsPrec dicts p tuple =
+ showChar '(' . tSP' 0
+ where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ tSP' i | i == (size-1) =
+ showTup . showChar ')'
+ | otherwise =
+ showTup . showChar ',' . tSP' (i+1)
+ where
+ showTup = (dictSel (shows dicts i)) (tupleSel tuple i size)
+tupleReadList :: TupleDicts -> ReadS [Tuple]
+tupleReadList dicts =
+ readParen False (\r -> [pr | ("[",s) <- lex r,
+ pr <- readl s])
+ where readl s = [([],t) | ("]",t) <- lex s] ++
+ [(x:xs,u) | (x,t) <- tupleReads s,
+ (xs,u) <- readl' t]
+ readl' s = [([],t) | ("]",t) <- lex s] ++
+ [(x:xs,v) | (",",t) <- lex s,
+ (x,u) <- tupleReads t,
+ (xs,v) <- readl' u]
+ tupleReads s = tupleReadsPrec dicts 0 s
+tupleShowList :: TupleDicts -> [Tuple] -> ShowS
+tupleShowList dicts [] = showString "[]"
+tupleShowList dicts (x:xs)
+ = showChar '[' . showsTuple x . showl xs
+ where showl [] = showChar ']'
+ showl (x:xs) = showString ", " . showsTuple x
+ . showl xs
+ showsTuple x = tupleShowsPrec dicts 0 x
+-- Binary functions
+tupleShowBin :: TupleDicts -> Tuple -> Bin -> Bin
+tupleShowBin dicts t bin = tSB' 0
+ where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ tSB' i | i == size = bin
+ tSB' i | otherwise =
+ (dictSel (showBin' dicts i)) (tupleSel t i size) (tSB' (i+1))
+showBin' x = showBin x
+tupleReadBin :: TupleDicts -> Bin -> (Tuple,Bin)
+tupleReadBin dicts bin = (listToTuple t,b) where
+ size = tupleSize dicts
+ (t,b) = tRB' bin 0
+ tRB' b i | i == size = ([],b)
+ | otherwise = (t':ts,b') where
+ (t',b'') = (dictSel (readBin' dicts i)) b
+ (ts,b') = tRB' b'' (i+1)
+readBin' x = readBin x
diff --git a/progs/prelude/PreludeTuplePrims.hi b/progs/prelude/PreludeTuplePrims.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6af0dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/PreludeTuplePrims.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- This is the interface to the primitives used to implement arbitrary
+-- sized tuples.
+interface PreludeTuplePrims where
+{-# Prelude #-}
+-- The type checker fiddles around with the call to dictSel to use the
+-- dictionary to resolve the overloading of a subexpression. The call
+-- dictSel (exp dict i) will typecheck exp and use the ith component of
+-- the tupleDict dict to resolve the overloading. No check is made to ensure
+-- that the type of the dictionary matches the overloaded class! Beware!
+import PreludeData(Int)
+data Tuple
+data TupleDicts
+tupleSize :: TupleDicts -> Int
+tupleSel :: Tuple -> Int -> Int -> a
+dictSel :: TupleDicts -> Int -> a
+listToTuple :: [a] -> Tuple
+-- These are not called by haskell code directly; these are introduced
+-- during dictionary conversion by the type checker.
+tupleEqDict :: a
+tupleOrdDict :: a
+tupleIxDict :: a
+tupleTextDict :: a
+tupleBinaryDict :: a
+tupleSize :: LispName("prim.tupleSize"), Complexity(1)
+tupleSel :: LispName("prim.tupleSel")
+dictSel :: LispName("prim.dict-sel")
+listToTuple :: LispName("prim.list->tuple"), NoConversion
+tupleEqDict :: LispName("prim.tupleEqDict")
+tupleOrdDict :: LispName("prim.tupleOrdDict")
+tupleIxDict :: LispName("prim.tupleIxDict")
+tupleTextDict :: LispName("prim.tupleTextDict")
+tupleBinaryDict :: LispName("prim.tupleBinaryDict")
diff --git a/progs/prelude/ b/progs/prelude/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa0385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:output $PRELUDEBIN/PreludeTuplePrims
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2decc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/prelude/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This is the actual prelude used by the Yale system. This contains a many
+small changes to the standard prelude, mostly optimizer annotations.
+PreludeIO is totally different since we have flushed streams in favor
+of the monad. Primitives are defined using the Haskell to Lisp interface.
+Arrays are implemented internally using destructive updates - no array
+primitive involves more than one copy operation and lookup is constant
+The data constructors for Complex and Rational are strict.
diff --git a/progs/tutorial/README b/progs/tutorial/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defe248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/tutorial/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This is the text of the online version of the tutorial. It is set up to
+run under Emacs only. Form feeds divide the pages of the tutorial. Emacs
+has a special mode just for the tutorial which makes a local copy of each
+page for the user to scribble on without disturbing this source.
+It is possible that this could be adapted to the command interface by
+breaking it up into one file per page.
+This is still preliminary - we need to work on the text and examples.
+Please send comments to
diff --git a/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs b/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb6a78d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2143 @@
+-- Page 0 Introduction
+This is a programming supplement to `A Gentle Introduction to Haskell'
+by Hudak and Fasel. This supplement augments the tutorial by
+providing executable Haskell programs which you can run and
+experiment with. All program fragments in the tutorial are
+found here, as well as other examples not included in the tutorial.
+Using This Tutorial
+You should have a copy of both the `Gentle Introduction' and the
+report itself to make full use of this tutorial. Although the
+`Gentle Introduction' is meant to stand by itself, it is often easier
+to learn a language through actual use and experimentation than by
+reading alone. Once you finish this introduction, we recommend that
+you proceed section by section through the `Gentle Introduction' and
+after having read each section go back to this online tutorial. You
+should wait until you have finished the tutorial before attempting to
+read the report. We assume that you are familiar with the basics of
+Emacs and that Haskell has been installed at your site.
+This tutorial does not assume any familiarity with Haskell or other
+functional languages. However, knowledge of almost-functional
+languages such as ML or Scheme is very useful. Throughout the
+online component of this tutorial, we try to relate Haskell to
+other programming languages and clarify the written tutorial through
+additional examples and text.
+Organization of the Online Tutorial
+This online tutorial is divided into a series of pages. Each page
+covers one or more sections in the written tutorial. You can use
+special Emacs commands to move back and forth through the pages of the
+online tutorial. Each page is a single Haskell program. Comments in
+the program contain the text of the online tutorial. You can modify
+the program freely (this will not change the underlying tutorial
+file!) and ask the system to print the value of expressions defined in
+the program.
+At the beginning of each page, the sections covered by the page are
+listed. In addition, the start of each individual section is
+marked within each page. Emacs commands can take you directly to a
+specific page or section in the tutorial.
+To create useful, executable examples of Haskell code, some language
+constructs need to be revealed well before they are explained in the
+tutorial. We attempt to point these out when they occur. Some
+small changes have been made to the examples in the written tutorial;
+these are usually cosmetic and should be ignored. Don't feel you have
+to understand everything on a page before you move on -- many times
+concepts become clearer as you move on and can relate them to other
+aspect of the language.
+Each page of the tutorial defines a set of variables. Some of
+these are named e1, e2, and so on. These `e' variables are the ones
+which are meant for you to evaluate as you go through the tutorial.
+Of course you may evaluate any other expressions or variables you wish.
+The Haskell Report
+While the report is not itself a tutorial on the Haskell language, it
+can be an invaluable reference to even a novice user. A very
+important feature of Haskell is the prelude. The prelude is a
+rather large chunk of Haskell code which is implicitly a part of every
+Haskell program. Whenever you see functions used which are not
+defined in the current page, these come from the Prelude. Appendix A
+of the report lists the entire Prelude; the index has an entry for
+every function in the Prelude. Looking at the definitions in the
+Prelude is sometimes necessary to fully understand the programs in
+this tutorial.
+Another reason to look at the report is to understand the syntax of
+Haskell. Appendix B contains the complete syntax for Haskell. The
+tutorial treats the syntax very informally; the precise details are
+found only in the report.
+The Yale Haskell System
+This version of the tutorial runs under version Y2.0 of Yale Haskell.
+The Yale Haskell system is an interactive programming environment for
+the Haskell language. The system is best used in conjunction with the
+Emacs editor. Yale Haskell is available free of change via ftp.
+Using the Compiler
+Yale Haskell runs as a subprocess under Emacs. While many commands
+are available to the Yale Haskell user, a single command is the
+primary means of communicating with the compiler: C-c e. This command
+evaluates and prints an expression in the context of the program on
+the screen. Here is what this command does:
+a) You are prompted for an expression in the minibuffer. You can
+use M-p or M-n to move through a ring of previous inputs.
+b) If an inferior Haskell process is not running, a buffer named *haskell*
+is created and the Haskell compiler is started up. The *haskell* buffer
+pops onto your screen.
+c) If the program in the current page of the tutorial has not yet been
+compiled or the page has been modified after its most recent
+compilation, the entire page is compiled. This may result in a short delay.
+d) If there are no errors in the program, the expression entered in
+step a) is compiled in the context of the program. Any value defined
+in the current page can be referenced.
+e) If there are no errors in the expression, its value is printed in
+the *haskell* buffer.
+There are also a few other commands you can use. C-c i interrupts
+the Haskell program. Some tight loops cannot be interrupted; in this
+case you will have to kill the Haskell process. C-c q exits the Haskell
+Emacs Commands Used by the Tutorial
+These commands are specific to the tutorial. The tutorial is entered
+using M-x haskell-tutorial and is exited with C-c q. To move among
+the pages of the tutorial, use
+C-c C-f -- go forward 1 page
+C-c C-b -- go back 1 page
+M-x ht-goto-page - goto a specific page of the tutorial
+M-x ht-goto-section - goto a specific section of the tutorial
+Each page of the tutorial can be modified without changing the
+underlying text of the tutorial. Changes are not saved as you go
+between pages. To revert a page to its original form use C-c C-l.
+You can get help regarding the Emacs commands with C-c ?.
+Summary of Emacs commands used by the tutorial:
+ M-x haskell-tutorial - start the tutorial
+ C-c C-f - Go to the next page of the tutorial program
+ C-c C-b - Go back to the previous page of the tutorial program
+ C-c C-l - Restore the current page to its original form
+ C-c e - Evaluate a Haskell expression
+ C-c i - Interrupt a running Haskell program
+ C-c ? - Shows a help message
+ M-x ht-goto-page - goto a specific page of the tutorial
+ M-x ht-goto-section - goto a specific section of the tutorial
+You are now ready to start the tutorial. Start by reading the `Gentle
+Introduction' section 1 then proceed through the online tutorial using
+C-c C-f to advance to the next page. You should read about each topic
+first before turning to the associated programming example in the
+online tutorial.
+-- Page 1 Section 2
+-- Section 2 Values, Types, and Other Goodies
+-- Haskell uses `--' to designate end of line comments. We use these
+-- throughout the tutorial to place explanatory text in the program.
+-- Remember to use C-c e to evaluate expressions, C-c ? for help.
+-- All Haskell programs must start with a module declaration. Ignore this
+-- for now.
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- We will start by defining some identifiers (variables) using equations.
+-- You can print out the value of an identifier by typing C-c e and
+-- typing the name of the identifier you wish to evaluate. This will
+-- compile the entire program, not just the line with the definition
+-- you want to see. Not all definitions are very interesting to print out -
+-- by convention, we will use variables e1, e2, ... to denote values that
+-- are `interesting' to print.
+-- We'll start with some constants as well as their associated type.
+-- There are two ways to associate a type with a value: a type declaration
+-- and an expression type signature. Here is an equation and a type
+-- declaration:
+e1 :: Int -- This is a type declaration for the identifier e1
+e1 = 5 -- This is an equation defining e1
+-- You can evaluate the expression e1 and watch the system print `5'! Wow!
+-- Remember that C-c e is prompting for an expression. Expressions like
+-- e1 or 5 or 1+1 are all valid. However, `e1 = 5' is a definition,
+-- not an expression. Trying to evaluate it will result in a syntax error.
+-- The type declaration for e1 is not really necessary but we will try to
+-- always provide type declarations for values to help document the program
+-- and to ensure that the system infers the same type we do for an expression.
+-- If you change the value for e1 to `True', the program will no longer
+-- compile due to the type mismatch.
+-- We will briefly mention expression type signatures: these are attached to
+-- expressions instead of identifiers. Here are equivalent ways to do
+-- the previous definition:
+e2 = 5 :: Int
+e3 = (2 :: Int) + (3 :: Int)
+-- The :: has very low precedence in expressions and should usually be placed
+-- in parenthesis.
+-- Note that there are two completely separate languages: an expression
+-- language for values and a type language for type signatures. The type
+-- language is used only in the type declarations previously described and
+-- declarations of new types, described later. Haskell uses a
+-- uniform syntax so that values resemble their type signature as much as
+-- possible. However, you must always be aware of the difference between
+-- type expressions and value expressions.
+-- Here are some of the predefined types Haskell provides:
+-- type Value Syntax Type Syntax
+-- Small integers <digits> Int
+e4 :: Int
+e4 = 12345
+-- Characters '<character>' Char
+e5 :: Char
+e5 = 'a'
+-- Boolean True, False Bool
+e6 :: Bool
+e6 = True
+-- Floating point <digits.digits> Float
+e7 :: Float
+e7 = 123.456
+-- We will introduce these types now; there will be much more to say later.
+-- Homogenous List [<exp1>,<exp2>,...] [<constituant type>]
+e8 :: [Int]
+e8 = [1,2,3]
+-- Tuple (<exp1>,<exp2>,...) (<exp1-type>,<exp2-type>,...)
+e9 :: (Char,Int)
+e9 = ('b',4)
+-- Functional described later domain type -> range type
+succ :: Int -> Int -- a function which takes an Int argument and returns Int
+succ x = x + 1 -- test this by evaluating `succ 4'
+-- Here's a few leftover examples from section 2:
+e10 = succ (succ 3) -- you could also evaluate `succ (succ 3)' directly
+ -- by entering the entire expression to the C-c e
+-- If you want to evaluate something more complex than the `e' variables
+-- defined here, it is better to enter a complex expression, such as
+-- succ (succ 3), directly than to edit a new definition like e10 into
+-- the program. This is because any change to the program will require
+-- recompilation of the entire page. The expressions entered to C-c e are
+-- compiled separately (and very quickly!).
+-- Uncomment this next line to see a compile time type error.
+-- e11 = 'a'+'b'
+-- Don't worry about the error message - it will make more sense later.
+-- Proceed to the next page using C-c C-f
+-- Page 2 Section 2.1
+-- Section 2.1 Polymorphic Types
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- The following line allows us to redefine functions in the standard
+-- prelude. Ignore this for now.
+import Prelude hiding (length,head,tail,null)
+-- start with some sample lists to use in test cases
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = [1,2,3]
+list2 :: [Char] -- This is the really a string
+list2 = ['a','b','c'] -- This is the same as "abc"; evaluate list2 and see.
+list3 :: [[a]] -- The element type of the inner list is unknown
+list3 = [[],[],[],[]] -- so this list can't be printed
+list4 :: [Int]
+list4 = 1:2:3:4:[] -- Exactly the same as [1,2,3,4]; print it and see.
+-- This is the length function. You can test it by evaluating expressions
+-- such as `length list1'. Function application is written by
+-- simple juxtaposition: `f(x)' in other languages would be `f x' in Haskell.
+length :: [a] -> Int
+length [] = 0
+length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
+-- Function application has the highest precedence, so 1 + length xs is
+-- parsed as 1 + (length xs). In general, you have to surround
+-- non-atomic arguments to a function with parens. This includes
+-- arguments which are also function applications. For example,
+-- f g x is the function f applied to arguments g and x, similar to
+-- f(g,x) in other languages. However, f (g x) is f applied to (g x), or
+-- f(g(x)), which means something quite different! Be especially
+-- careful with infix operators: f x+1 y-2 would be parsed as (f x)+(1 y)-2.
+-- This is also true on the left of the `=': the parens around (x:xs) are
+-- absolutely necessary. length x:xs would be parsed as (length x):xs.
+-- Also be careful with prefix negation, -. The application `f -1' is
+-- f-1, not f(-1). Add parens around negative numbers to avoid this
+-- problem.
+-- Here are some other list functions:
+head :: [a] -> a -- returns the first element in a list (same as car in lisp)
+head (x:xs) = x
+tail :: [a] -> [a] -- removes the first element from a list (same as cdr)
+tail (x:xs) = xs
+null :: [a] -> Bool
+null [] = True
+null (x:xs) = False
+cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
+cons x xs = x:xs
+nil :: [a]
+nil = []
+-- Length could be defined using these functions too. This is
+-- not good Haskell style but does illustrate these other list functions.
+-- The if - then - else will be discussed later. Haskell programmers feel
+-- that the pattern matching style, as used in the previous version of
+-- length, is more natural and readable.
+length' :: [a] -> Int -- Note that ' can be part of a name
+length' x = if null x then 0 else 1 + length' (tail x)
+-- A test case for length', cons, and nil
+e1 = length' (cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
+-- We haven't said anything about errors yet. Each of the following
+-- examples illustrates a potential runtime or compile time error. The
+-- compile time error is commented out so that other examples will compile;
+-- you can uncomment them and see what happens.
+-- e2 = cons True False -- Why is this not possible in Haskell?
+e3 = tail (tail ['a']) -- What happens if you evaluate this?
+e4 = [] -- This is especially mysterious!
+-- This last example, e4, is something hard to explain but is often
+-- encountered early by novices. We haven't explained yet how the system
+-- prints out the expressions you type in - this will wait until later.
+-- However, the problem here is that e4 has the type [a]. The printer for
+-- the list datatype is complaining that it needs to know a specific type
+-- for the list elements even though the list has no elements! This can
+-- be avoided by giving e4 a type such as [Int]. (To further confuse you,
+-- try giving e4 the type [Char] and see what happens.)
+-- Page 3 Section 2.2
+-- Section 2.2 User-Defined Types
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- The type Bool is already defined in the Prelude so there is no
+-- need to define it here.
+data Color = Red | Green | Blue | Indigo | Violet deriving Text
+-- The `deriving Text' is necessary if you want to print a Color value.
+-- You can now evaluate these expressions.
+e1 :: Color
+e1 = Red
+e2 :: [Color]
+e2 = [Red,Blue]
+-- It is very important to keep the expression language and the type
+-- language in Haskell separated. The data declaration above defines
+-- the type constructor Color. This is a nullary constructor: it takes no
+-- arguments. Color is found ONLY in the type language - it can not be
+-- part of an expression. e1 = Color is meaningless. (Actually, Color could
+-- be both a data constructor and a type constructor but we'll ignore this
+-- possibility for now). On the other hand, Red, Blue, and so on are
+-- (nullary) data constructors. They can appear in expressions and
+-- in patterns (described later). The declaration e1 :: Blue would also
+-- be meaningless. Data constructors can be defined ONLY in a data
+-- declaration.
+-- In the next example, Point is a type constructor and Pt is a data
+-- constructor. Point takes one argument and Pt takes two. A data constructor
+-- like Pt is really just an ordinary function except that it can be used in
+-- a pattern. Type signatures can not be supplied directly for data
+-- constructors; their typing is completely defined by the data declaration.
+-- However, data constructors have a signature just like any variable:
+-- Pt :: a -> a -> Point a -- Not valid Haskell syntax
+-- That is, Pt is a function which takes two arguments with the same
+-- arbitrary type and returns a value containing the two argument values.
+data Point a = Pt a a deriving Text
+e3 :: Point Float
+e3 = Pt 2.0 3.0
+e4 :: Point Char
+e4 = Pt 'a' 'b'
+e5 :: Point (Point Int)
+e5 = Pt (Pt 1 2) (Pt 3 4)
+-- e6 = Pt 'a' True -- This is a typing error
+-- The individual components of a point do not have names.
+-- Let's jump ahead a little so that we can write functions using these
+-- data types. Data constructors (Red, Blue, ..., and Pt) can be used in
+-- patterns. When more than one equation is used to define a function,
+-- pattern matching occurs top down.
+-- A function to remove red from a list of colors.
+removeRed :: [Color] -> [Color]
+removeRed [] = []
+removeRed (Red:cs) = removeRed cs
+removeRed (c:cs) = c : removeRed cs -- c cannot be Red at this point
+e7 :: [Color]
+e7 = removeRed [Blue,Red,Green,Red]
+-- Pattern matching is capable of testing equality with a specific color.
+-- All equations defining a function must share a common type. A
+-- definition such as:
+-- foo Red = 1
+-- foo (Pt x y) = x
+-- would result in a type error since the argument to foo cannot be both a
+-- Color and a Point. Similarly, the right hand sides must also share a
+-- common type; a definition such as
+-- foo Red = Blue
+-- foo Blue = Pt Red Red
+-- would also result in a type error.
+-- Here's a couple of functions defined on points.
+dist :: Point Float -> Point Float -> Float
+dist (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = sqrt ((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)
+midpoint :: Point Float -> Point Float -> Point Float
+midpoint (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = Pt ((x1+x2)/2) ((y1+y2)/2)
+p1 :: Point Float
+p1 = Pt 1.0 1.0
+p2 :: Point Float
+p2 = Pt 2.0 2.0
+e8 :: Float
+e8 = dist p1 p2
+e9 :: Point Float
+e9 = midpoint p1 p2
+-- The only way to take apart a point is to pattern match.
+-- That is, the two values which constitute a point must be extracted
+-- by matching a pattern containing the Pt data constructor. Much
+-- more will be said about pattern matching later.
+-- Haskell prints values in the same syntax used in expressions. Thus
+-- Pt 1 2 would print as Pt 1 2 (of course, Pt 1 (1+1) would also print
+-- as Pt 1 2).
+-- Page 4 Section 2.3
+-- Section 2.3 Recursive Types
+module Test where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+-- The following typings are implied by this declaration. As before,
+-- this is not valid Haskell syntax.
+-- Leaf :: a -> Tree a
+-- Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
+fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right
+-- The following trees can be used to test functions:
+tree1 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 4))
+tree2 :: Tree Int
+tree2 = Branch (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 1)) (Branch (Leaf 4) (Leaf 1))
+tree3 :: Tree Int
+tree3 = Branch tree1 tree2
+-- Try evaluating `fringe tree1' and others.
+-- Here's another tree function:
+twist :: Tree a -> Tree a
+twist (Branch left right) = Branch right left
+twist x = x -- This equation only applies to leaves
+-- Here's a function which compares two trees to see if they have the
+-- same shape. Note the signature: the two trees need not contain the
+-- same type of values.
+sameShape :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Bool
+sameShape (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = True
+sameShape (Branch l1 r1) (Branch l2 r2) = sameShape l1 l2 && sameShape r1 r2
+sameShape x y = False -- One is a branch, the other is a leaf
+-- The && function is a boolean AND function.
+-- The entire pattern on the left hand side must match in order for the
+-- right hand side to be evaluated. The first clause requires both
+-- arguments to be a leaf' otherwise the next equation is tested.
+-- The last clause will always match: the final x and y match both
+-- leaves and branches.
+-- This compares a tree of integers to a tree of booleans.
+e1 = sameShape tree1 (Branch (Leaf True) (Leaf False))
+-- Page 5 Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
+-- Section 2.4 Type Synonyms
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Since type synonyms are part of the type language only, it's hard to
+-- write a program which shows what they do. Essentially, they are like
+-- macros for the type language. They can be used interchangably with their
+-- definition:
+e1 :: String
+e1 = "abc"
+e2 :: [Char] -- No different than String
+e2 = e1
+-- In the written tutorial the declaration of `Addr' is a data type
+-- declaration, not a synonym declaration. This shows that the data
+-- type declaration as well as a signature can reference a synonym.
+-- Section 2.5 Built-in Types
+-- Tuples are an easy way of grouping a set of data values. Here are
+-- a few tuples. Note the consistancy in notation between the values and
+-- types.
+e3 :: (Bool,Int)
+e3 = (True,4)
+e4 :: (Char,[Int],Char)
+e4 = ('a',[1,2,3],'b')
+-- Here's a function which returns the second component of a 3 tuple.
+second :: (a,b,c) -> b
+second (a,b,c) = b
+-- Try out `second e3' and `second e4' - what happens?
+-- Each different size of tuple is a completely distinct type. There is
+-- no general way to append two arbitrary tuples or randomly select the
+-- i'th component of an arbitrary tuple. Here's a function built using
+-- 2-tuples to represent intervals.
+-- Use a type synonym to represent homogenous 2 tuples
+type Interval a = (a,a)
+containsInterval :: Interval Int -> Interval Int -> Bool
+containsInterval (xmin,xmax) (ymin,ymax) = xmin <= ymin && xmax >= ymax
+p1 :: Interval Int
+p1 = (2,3)
+p2 :: Interval Int
+p2 = (1,4)
+e5 = containsInterval p1 p2
+e6 = containsInterval p2 p1
+-- Here's a type declaration for a type isomorphic to lists:
+data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving Text
+-- Except for the notation, this is completely equivalent to ordinary lists
+-- in Haskell.
+length' :: List a -> Int
+length' Nil = 0
+length' (Cons x y) = 1 + length' y
+e7 = length' (Cons 'a' (Cons 'b' (Cons 'c' Nil)))
+-- It's hard to demonstrate much about the `non-specialness' of built-in
+-- types. However, here is a brief summary:
+-- Numbers and characters, such as 1, 2.2, or 'a', are the same as nullary
+-- type constructors.
+-- Lists have a special type constructor, [a] instead of List a, and
+-- an odd looking data constructor, []. The other data constructor, :, is
+-- not `unusual', syntactically speaking. The notation [x,y] is just
+-- syntax for x:y:[] and "abc" for 'a' : 'b' : 'c' : [].
+-- Tuples use a special syntax. In a type expression, a 2 tuple containing
+-- types a and be would be written (a,b) instead of using a prefix type
+-- constructor such as Tuple2 a b. This same notation is used to build
+-- tuple values: (1,2) would construct a 2 tuple containing the values 1 and 2.
+-- Page 6 Sections 2.5.1, 2.5.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 2.5.1 List Comprehensions and Arithmetic Sequences
+-- Warning: brackets in Haskell are used in three different types
+-- of expressions: lists, as in [a,b,c], sequences (distinguished by
+-- the ..), as in [1..2], and list comprehensions (distinguished by the
+-- bar: |), as in [x+1 | x <- xs, x > 1].
+-- Before list comprehensions, let's start out with sequences:
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = [1..10] -- Step is 1
+e2 :: [Int]
+e2 = [1,3..10] -- Step is 3 - 1
+e3 :: [Int]
+e3 = [1,-1..-10]
+e4 :: [Char]
+e4 = ['a'..'z'] -- This works on chars too
+-- We'll avoid infinite sequences like [1..] for now. If you print one,
+-- use C-c i to interrupt the Haskell program.
+-- List comprehensions are very similar to nested loops. They return a
+-- list of values generated by the expression inside the loop. The filter
+-- expressions are similar to conditionals in the loop.
+-- This function does nothing at all! It just scans through a list and
+-- copies it into a new one.
+doNothing :: [a] -> [a]
+doNothing l = [x | x <- l]
+-- Adding a filter to the previous function allows only selected elements to
+-- be generated. This is similar to what is done in quicksort.
+positives :: [Int] -> [Int]
+positives l = [x | x <- l, x > 0]
+e5 = positives [2,-4,5,6,-5,3]
+-- Now the full quicksort function.
+quicksort :: [Char] -> [Char] -- Use Char just to be different!
+quicksort [] = []
+quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++
+ [x] ++
+ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]
+e6 = quicksort "Why use Haskell?"
+-- Now for some nested loops. Each generator, <-, adds another level of
+-- nesting to the loop. Note that the variable introduced by each generator
+-- can be used in each following generator; all variables can be used in the
+-- generated expression:
+e7 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e7 = [(x,y) | x <- [1..5], y <- [x..5]]
+-- Now let's add some guards: (the /= function is `not equal')
+e8 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e8 = [(x,y) | x <- [1..7], x /= 5, y <- [x..8] , x*y /= 12]
+-- This is the same as the loop: (going to a psuedo Algol notation)
+-- for x := 1 to 7 do
+-- if x <> 5 then
+-- for y := x to 8 do
+-- if x*y <> 12
+-- generate (x,y)
+-- Section 2.5.2 Strings
+e9 = "hello" ++ " world"
+-- Page 7 Sections 3, 3.1
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (map)
+-- Section 3 Functions
+add :: Int -> Int -> Int
+add x y = x+y
+e1 :: Int
+e1 = add 1 2
+-- This Int -> Int is the latter part of the signature of add:
+-- add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
+succ :: Int -> Int
+succ = add 1
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = succ 3
+map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
+map f [] = []
+map f (x:xs) = f x : (map f xs)
+e3 :: [Int]
+e3 = map (add 1) [1,2,3]
+-- This next definition is the equivalent to e3
+e4 :: [Int]
+e4 = map succ [1,2,3]
+-- Heres a more complex example. Define flist to be a list of functions:
+flist :: [Int -> Int]
+flist = map add [1,2,3]
+-- This returns a list of functions which add 1, 2, or 3 to their input.
+-- Warning: Haskell should print flist as something like
+-- [<<function>>,<<function>>,<<function>>]
+-- Now, define a function which takes a function and returns its value
+-- when applied to the constant 1:
+applyTo1 :: (Int -> a) -> a
+applyTo1 f = f 1
+e5 :: [Int]
+e5 = map applyTo1 flist -- Apply each function in flist to 1
+-- If you want to look at how the type inference works, figure out how
+-- the signatures of map, applyTo1, and flist combine to yield [Int].
+-- Section 3.1 Lambda Abstractions
+-- The symbol \ is like `lambda' in lisp or scheme.
+-- Anonymous functions are written as \ arg1 arg2 ... argn -> body
+-- Instead of naming every function, you can code it inline with this
+-- notation:
+e6 = map (\f -> f 1) flist
+-- Be careful with the syntax here. \x->\y->x+y parses as
+-- \ x ->\ y -> x + y. The ->\ is all one token. Use spaces!!
+-- This is identical to e5 except that the applyTo1 function has no name.
+-- Function arguments on the left of an = are the same as lambda on the
+-- right:
+add' = \x y -> x+y -- identical to add
+succ' = \x -> x+1 -- identical to succ
+-- As with ordinary function, the parameters to anonymous functions
+-- can be patterns:
+e7 :: [Int]
+e7 = map (\(x,y) -> x+y) [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]
+-- Functions defined by more than one equation, like map, cannot
+-- be converted to anonymous lambda functions quite as easily - a case
+-- statement is also required. This is discussed later.
+-- Page 8 Sections 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding ((++),(.))
+-- Section 3.2 Infix operators
+-- Haskell has both identifiers, like x, and operators, like +.
+-- These are just two different types of syntax for variables.
+-- However, operators are by default used in infix notation.
+-- Briefly, identifiers begin with a letter and may have numbers, _, and '
+-- in them: x, xyz123, x'', xYz'_12a. The case of the first letter
+-- distinguishes variables from data constructors (or type variables from
+-- type constructors). An operator is a string of symbols, where
+-- :!#$%&*+./<=>?@\^| are all symbols. If the first character is : then
+-- the operator is a data constructor; otherwise it is an ordinary
+-- variable operator. The - and ~ characters may start a symbol but cannot
+-- be used after the first character. This allows a*-b to parse as
+-- a * - b instead of a *- b.
+-- Operators can be converted to identifiers by enclosing them in parens.
+-- This is required in signature declarations. Operators can be defined
+-- as well as used in the infix style:
+(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+[] ++ y = y
+(x:xs) ++ y = x : (xs ++ y)
+-- Table 2 (Page 54) of the report is invaluable for sorting out the
+-- precedences of the many predefined infix operators.
+e1 = "Foo" ++ "Bar"
+-- This is the same function without operator syntax
+appendList :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+appendList [] y = y
+appendList (x:xs) y = x : appendList xs y
+(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
+f . g = \x -> f (g x)
+add1 :: Int -> Int
+add1 x = x+1
+e2 = (add1 . add1) 3
+-- Section 3.2.1 Sections
+-- Sections are a way of creating unary functions from infix binary
+-- functions. When a parenthesized expression starts or ends in an
+-- operator, it is a section. Another definition of add1:
+add1' :: Int -> Int
+add1' = (+ 1)
+e3 = add1' 4
+-- Here are a few section examples:
+e4 = map (++ "abc") ["x","y","z"]
+e5 = map ("abc" ++) ["x","y","z"]
+-- Section 3.2.2 Fixity Declarations
+-- We'll avoid any demonstration of fixity declarations. The Prelude
+-- contains numerous examples.
+-- Page 9 Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (take,zip)
+-- Section 3.3 Functions are Non-strict
+-- Observing lazy evaluation can present difficulties. The essential
+-- question is `does an expression get evaluated?'. While in theory using a
+-- non-terminating computation is the way evaluation issues are examined,
+-- we need a more practical approach. The `error' function serves as
+-- a bottom value. Evaluating this function prints an error message and
+-- halts execution.
+bot = error "Evaluating Bottom"
+e1 :: Bool -- This can be any type at all!
+e1 = bot -- evaluate this and see what happens.
+const1 :: a -> Int
+const1 x = 1
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = const1 bot -- The bottom is not needed and will thus not be evaluated.
+-- Section 3.4 "Infinite" Data Structures
+-- Data structures are constructed lazily. A constructor like : will not
+-- evaluate its arguments until they are demanded. All demands arise from
+-- the need to print the result of the computation -- components not needed
+-- to compute the printed result will not be evaluated.
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = (1:bot)
+e3 = head list1 -- doesnt evaluate bot
+e4 = tail list1 -- does evaluate bot
+-- Some infinite data structures. Don't print these! If you do, you will
+-- need to interrupt the system (C-c i) or kill the Haskell process.
+ones :: [Int]
+ones = 1 : ones
+numsFrom :: Int -> [Int]
+numsFrom n = n : numsFrom (n+1)
+-- An alternate numsFrom using series notation:
+numsFrom' :: Int -> [Int]
+numsFrom' n = [n..]
+squares :: [Int]
+squares = map (^2) (numsFrom 0)
+-- Before we start printing anything, we need a function to truncate these
+-- infinite lists down to a more manageable size. The `take' function
+-- extracts the first k elements of a list:
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take 0 x = [] -- two base cases: k = 0
+take k [] = [] -- or the list is empty
+take k (x:xs) = x : take (k-1) xs
+-- now some printable lists:
+e5 :: [Int]
+e5 = take 5 ones
+e6 :: [Int]
+e6 = take 5 (numsFrom 10)
+e7 :: [Int]
+e7 = take 5 (numsFrom' 0)
+e8 :: [Int]
+e8 = take 5 squares
+-- zip is a function which turns two lists into a list of 2 tuples. If
+-- the lists are of differing sizes, the result is as long as the
+-- shortest list.
+zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zip xs ys
+zip xs ys = [] -- one of the lists is []
+e9 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e9 = zip [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
+e10 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e10 = zip [1,2,3] ones
+fib :: [Int]
+fib = 1 : 1 : [x+y | (x,y) <- zip fib (tail fib)]
+e11 = take 5 fib
+-- Let's do this without the list comprehension:
+fib' :: [Int]
+fib' = 1 : 1 : map (\(x,y) -> x+y) (zip fib (tail fib))
+-- This could be written even more cleanly using a map function which
+-- maps a binary function over two lists at once. This is in the
+-- Prelude and is called zipWith.
+fib'' :: [Int]
+fib'' = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
+-- For more examples using infinite structures look in the demo files
+-- that come with Yale Haskell. Both the pascal program and the
+-- primes program use infinite lists.
+-- Section 3.5 The Error Function
+-- Too late - we already used it!
+-- Page 10 Sections 4, 4.1, 4.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (take,(^))
+-- Section 4 Case Expressions and Pattern Matching
+-- Now for details of pattern matching. We use [Int] instead of [a]
+-- since the only value of type [a] is [].
+contrived :: ([Int], Char, (Int, Float), String, Bool) -> Bool
+contrived ([], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True) = False
+contrived x = True -- add a second equation to avoid runtime errors
+e1 :: Bool
+e1 = contrived ([], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True)
+e2 :: Bool
+e2 = contrived ([1], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True)
+-- Contrived just tests its input against a big constant.
+-- Linearity in pattern matching implies that patterns can only compare
+-- values with constants. The following is not valid Haskell:
+-- member x [] = False
+-- member x (x:ys) = True -- Invalid since x appears twice
+-- member x (y:ys) = member x ys
+f :: [a] -> [a]
+f s@(x:xs) = x:s
+f _ = []
+e3 = f "abc"
+-- Another use of _:
+middle :: (a,b,c) -> b
+middle (_,x,_) = x
+e4 :: Char
+e4 = middle (True, 'a', "123")
+(^) :: Int -> Int -> Int
+x ^ 0 = 1
+x ^ (n+1) = x*(x^n)
+e5 :: Int
+e5 = 3^3
+e6 :: Int
+e6 = 4^(-2) -- Notice the behavior of the + pattern on this one
+-- Section 4.1 Pattern Matching Semantics
+-- Here's an extended example to illustrate the left -> right, top -> bottom
+-- semantics of pattern matching.
+foo :: (Int,[Int],Int) -> Int
+foo (1,[2],3) = 1
+foo (2,(3:_),3) = 2
+foo (1,_,3) = 3
+foo _ = 4
+bot = error "Bottom Evaluated"
+e7 = foo (1,[],3)
+e8 = foo (1,bot,3)
+e9 = foo (1,1:bot,3)
+e10 = foo (2,bot,2)
+e11 = foo (3,bot,bot)
+-- Now add some guards:
+sign :: Int -> Int
+sign x | x > 0 = 1
+ | x == 0 = 0
+ | x < 0 = -1
+e12 = sign 3
+-- The last guard is often `True' to catch all other cases. The identifier
+-- `otherwise' is defined as True for use in guards:
+max' :: Int -> Int -> Int
+max' x y | x > y = x
+ | otherwise = y
+-- Guards can refer to any variables bound by pattern matching. When
+-- no guard is true, pattern matching resumes at the next equation. Guards
+-- may also refer to values bound in an associated where declaration.
+inOrder :: [Int] -> Bool
+inOrder (x1:x2:xs) | x1 <= x2 = True
+inOrder _ = False
+e13 = inOrder [1,2,3]
+e14 = inOrder [2,1]
+-- Section 4.2 An Example
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take 0 _ = []
+take _ [] = []
+take (n+1) (x:xs) = x:take n xs
+take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take' _ [] = []
+take' 0 _ = []
+take' (n+1) (x:xs) = x:take' n xs
+e15, e16, e17, e18 :: [Int]
+e15 = take 0 bot
+e16 = take' 0 bot
+e17 = take bot []
+e18 = take' bot []
+-- Page 11 Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- import Prelude hiding (take,Request(..),Response(..)) -- Standard Haskell
+import Prelude hiding (take) -- Y2.0-b4 only
+-- Section 4.3 Case Expressions
+-- The function take using a case statement instead of multiple equations
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take m ys = case (m,ys) of
+ (0 ,_) -> []
+ (_ ,[]) -> []
+ (n+1,x:xs) -> x : take n xs
+-- The function take using if then else. We can also eliminate the n+k
+-- pattern just for fun. The original version of take is much easier to read!
+take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take' m ys = if m == 0 then [] else
+ if null ys then [] else
+ if m > 0 then head ys : take (m-1) (tail ys)
+ else error "m < 0"
+-- Section 4.4 Lazy Patterns
+-- Before the client-server example, here is a contrived example of lazy
+-- patterns. The first version will fail to pattern match whenever the
+-- the first argument is []. The second version will always pattern
+-- match initially but x will fail if used when the list is [].
+nonlazy :: [Int] -> Bool -> [Int]
+nonlazy (x:xs) isNull = if isNull then [] else [x]
+e1 = nonlazy [1,2] False
+e2 = nonlazy [] True
+e3 = nonlazy [] False
+-- This version will never fail the initial pattern match
+lazy :: [Int] -> Bool -> [Int]
+lazy ~(x:xs) isNull = if isNull then [] else [x]
+e4 = lazy [1,2] False
+e5 = lazy [] True
+e6 = lazy [] False
+-- The server - client example is a little hard to demonstrate. We'll avoid
+-- the initial version which loops. Here is the version with irrefutable
+-- patterns.
+type Response = Int
+type Request = Int
+client :: Request -> [Response] -> [Request]
+client init ~(resp:resps) = init : client (next resp) resps
+server :: [Request] -> [Response]
+server (req : reqs) = process req : server reqs
+-- Next maps the response from the previous request onto the next request
+next :: Response -> Request
+next resp = resp
+-- Process maps a request to a response
+process :: Request -> Response
+process req = req+1
+requests :: [Request]
+requests = client 0 responses
+responses :: [Response]
+responses = server requests
+e7 = take 5 responses
+-- The lists of requests and responses are infinite - there is no need to
+-- check for [] in this program. These lists correspond to streams in other
+-- languages.
+-- Here is fib again:
+fib :: [Int]
+fib@(1:tfib) = 1 : 1 : [ a+b | (a,b) <- zip fib tfib]
+e8 = take 10 fib
+-- Section 4.5 Lexical Scoping and Nested Forms
+-- One thing that is important to note is that the order of the
+-- definitions in a program, let expression, or where clauses is
+-- completely arbitrary. Definitions can be arranged 'top down'
+-- or `bottom up' without changing the program.
+e9 = let y = 2 :: Float
+ f x = (x+y)/y
+ in f 1 + f 2
+f :: Int -> Int -> String
+f x y | y > z = "y > x^2"
+ | y == z = "y = x^2"
+ | y < z = "y < x^2"
+ where
+ z = x*x
+e10 = f 2 5
+e11 = f 2 4
+-- Section 4.6 Layout
+-- There's nothing much to demonstrate here. We have been using layout all
+-- through the tutorial. The main thing is to be careful line up the
+-- first character of each definition. For example, if you
+-- change the indentation of the definition of f in e9 you will get a
+-- parse error.
+-- Page 12 Section 5
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (elem)
+-- Section 5 Type Classes
+-- Names in the basic class structure of Haskell cannot be hidden (they are
+-- in PreludeCore) so we have to modify the names used in the tutorial.
+-- Here is a new Eq class:
+class Eq' a where
+ eq :: a -> a -> Bool
+-- Now we can define elem using eq from above:
+elem :: (Eq' a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
+x `elem` [] = False
+x `elem` (y:ys) = x `eq` y || x `elem` ys
+-- Before this is of any use, we need to admit some types to Eq'
+instance Eq' Int where
+ x `eq` y = abs (x-y) < 3 -- Let's make this `nearly equal' just for fun
+instance Eq' Float where
+ x `eq` y = abs (x-y) < 0.1
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = [1,5,9,23]
+list2 :: [Float]
+list2 = [0.2,5.6,33,12.34]
+e1 = 2 `elem` list1
+e2 = 100 `elem` list1
+e3 = 0.22 `elem` list2
+-- Watch out! Integers in Haskell are overloaded - without a type signature
+-- to designate an integer as an Int, expressions like 3 `eq` 3 will be
+-- ambiguous. See 5.5.4 about this problem.
+-- Now to add the tree type:
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+instance (Eq' a) => Eq' (Tree a) where
+ (Leaf a) `eq` (Leaf b) = a `eq` b
+ (Branch l1 r1) `eq` (Branch l2 r2) = (l1 `eq` l2) && (r1 `eq` r2)
+ _ `eq` _ = False
+tree1,tree2 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)
+tree2 = Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 1)
+e4 = tree1 `eq` tree2
+-- Now make a new class with Eq' as a super class:
+class (Eq' a) => Ord' a where
+ lt,le :: a -> a -> Bool -- lt and le are operators in Ord'
+ x `le` y = x `eq` y || x `lt` y -- This is a default for le
+-- The typing of lt & le is
+-- le,lt :: (Ord' a) => a -> a -> Bool
+-- This is identical to
+-- le,lt :: (Eq' a,Ord' a) => a -> a -> Bool
+-- Make Int an instance of Ord
+instance Ord' Int where
+ x `lt` y = x < y+1
+i :: Int -- Avoid ambiguity
+i = 3
+e5 :: Bool
+e5 = i `lt` i
+-- Some constraints on instance declarations:
+-- A program can never have more than one instance declaration for
+-- a given combination of data type and class.
+-- If a type is declared to be a member of a class, it must also be
+-- declared in all superclasses of that class.
+-- An instance declaration does not need to supply a method for every
+-- operator in the class. When a method is not supplied in an
+-- instance declaration and no default is present in the class
+-- declaration, a runtime error occurs if the method is invoked.
+-- You must supply the correct context for an instance declaration --
+-- this context is not inferred automatically.
+-- Section 5.1 Equality and Ordered Classes
+-- Section 5.2 Enumeration and Index Classes
+-- No examples are provided for 5.1 or 5.2. The standard Prelude contains
+-- many instance declarations which illustrate the Eq, Ord, and Enum classes.
+-- Page 13 Section 5.3
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.3 Text and Binary Classes
+-- This is the slow showTree. The `show' function is part of the
+-- Text class and works with all the built-in types. The context `Text a'
+-- arises from the call to show for leaf values.
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+showTree :: (Text a) => Tree a -> String
+showTree (Leaf x) = show x
+showTree (Branch l r) = "<" ++ showTree l ++ "|" ++ showTree r ++ ">"
+tree1 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 6))
+e1 = showTree tree1
+-- Now the improved showTree; shows is already defined for all
+-- built in types.
+showsTree :: Text a => Tree a -> String -> String
+showsTree (Leaf x) s = shows x s
+showsTree (Branch l r) s = '<' : showsTree l ('|' : showsTree r ('>' : s))
+e2 = showsTree tree1 ""
+-- The final polished version. ShowS is predefined in the Prelude so we
+-- don't need it here.
+showsTree' :: Text a => Tree a -> ShowS
+showsTree' (Leaf x) = shows x
+showsTree' (Branch l r) = ('<' :) . showsTree' l . ('|' :) .
+ showsTree' r . ('>' :)
+e3 = showsTree' tree1 ""
+-- Page 14 This page break is just to keep recompilation from getting too
+-- long. The compiler takes a little longer to compile this
+-- page than other pages.
+module Test(Bool) where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+-- Now for the reading function. Again, ReadS is predefined and reads works
+-- for all built-in types. The generators in the list comprehensions are
+-- patterns: p <- l binds pattern p to successive elements of l which match
+-- p. Elements not matching p are skipped.
+readsTree :: (Text a) => ReadS (Tree a)
+readsTree ('<':s) = [(Branch l r, u) | (l, '|':t) <- readsTree s,
+ (r, '>':u) <- readsTree t ]
+readsTree s = [(Leaf x,t) | (x,t) <- reads s]
+e4 :: [(Int,String)]
+e4 = reads "5 golden rings"
+e5 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e5 = readsTree "<1|<2|3>>"
+e6 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e6 = readsTree "<1|2"
+e7 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e7 = readsTree "<1|<<2|3>|<4|5>>> junk at end"
+-- Before we do the next readTree, let's play with the lex function.
+e8 :: [(String,String)]
+e8 = lex "foo bar bletch"
+-- Here's a function to completely lex a string. This does not handle
+-- lexical ambiguity - lex would return more than one possible lexeme
+-- when an ambiguity is encountered and the patterns used here would not
+-- match.
+lexAll :: String -> [String]
+lexAll s = case lex s of
+ [("",_)] -> [] -- lex returns an empty token if none is found
+ [(token,rest)] -> token : lexAll rest
+e9 = lexAll "lexAll :: String -> [String]"
+e10 = lexAll "<1|<a|3>>"
+-- Finally, the `hard core' reader. This is not sensitive to
+-- white space as were the previous versions.
+readsTree' :: (Text a) => ReadS (Tree a)
+readsTree' s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lex s,
+ (l, u) <- readsTree' t,
+ ("|", v) <- lex u,
+ (r, w) <- readsTree' v,
+ (">", x) <- lex w ]
+ ++
+ [(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s]
+-- When testing this program, you must make sure the input conforms to
+-- Haskell lexical syntax. If you remove spaces between | and < or
+-- > and > they will lex as a single token.
+e11 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e11 = readsTree' "<1 | <2 | 3> >"
+e12 :: [(Tree Bool,String)]
+e12 = readsTree' "<True|False>"
+-- Finally, here is a simple version of read for trees only:
+read' :: (Text a) => String -> (Tree a)
+read' s = case (readsTree' s) of
+ [(tree,"")] -> tree -- Only one parse, no junk at end
+ [] -> error "Couldn't parse tree"
+ [_] -> error "Crud after the tree" -- unread chars at end
+ _ -> error "Ambiguous parse of tree"
+e13 :: Tree Int
+e13 = read' "foo"
+e14 :: Tree Int
+e14 = read' "< 1 | < 2 | 3 > >"
+e15 :: Tree Int
+e15 = read' "3 xxx"
+-- Page 15 Section 5.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.4 Derived Instances
+-- We have actually been using the derived Text instances all along for
+-- printing out trees and other structures we have defined. The code
+-- in the tutorial for the Eq and Ord instance of Tree is created
+-- implicitly by the deriving clause so there is no need to write it
+-- here.
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq,Ord,Text)
+-- Now we can fire up both Eq and Ord functions for trees:
+tree1, tree2, tree3, tree4 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3)
+tree2 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 5)
+tree3 = Leaf 4
+tree4 = Branch (Branch (Leaf 4) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 5)
+e1 = tree1 == tree1
+e2 = tree1 == tree2
+e3 = tree1 < tree2
+quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+quicksort [] = []
+quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++
+ [x] ++
+ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]
+e4 = quicksort [tree1,tree2,tree3,tree4]
+-- Now for Enum:
+data Day = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
+ Friday | Saturday deriving (Text,Eq,Ord,Enum)
+e5 = quicksort [Monday,Saturday,Friday,Sunday]
+e6 = [Wednesday .. Friday]
+e7 = [Monday, Wednesday ..]
+e8 = [Saturday, Friday ..]
+-- Page 16 Sections 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.5 Numbers
+-- Section 5.5.1 Numeric Class Structure
+-- Section 5.5.2 Constructed Numbers
+-- Here's a brief summary of Haskell numeric classes.
+-- Class Num
+-- Most general numeric class. Has addition, subtraction, multiplication.
+-- Integers can be coerced to any instance of Num with fromInteger.
+-- All integer constants are in this class.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer, Float, Double, Ratio a, Complex a
+-- Class Real
+-- This class contains ordered numbers which can be converted to
+-- rationals.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer, Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class Integral
+-- This class deals with integer division. All values in Integral can
+-- be mapped onto Integer.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer
+-- Class Fractional
+-- These are numbers which can be divided. Any rational number can
+-- be converted to a fractional. Floating point constants are in
+-- this class: 1.2 would be 12/10.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class Floating
+-- This class contains all the standard floating point functions such
+-- as sqrt and sin.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Complex a
+-- Class RealFrac
+-- These values can be rounded to integers and approximated by rationals.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class RealFloat
+-- These are floating point numbers constructed from a fixed precision
+-- mantissa and exponent.
+-- Instances: Float, Double
+-- There are only a few sensible combinations of the constructed numerics
+-- with built-in types:
+-- Ratio Integer (same as Rational): arbitrary precision rationals
+-- Ratio Int: limited precision rationals
+-- Complex Float: complex numbers with standard precision components
+-- Complex Double: complex numbers with double precision components
+-- The following function works for arbitrary numerics:
+fact :: (Num a) => a -> a
+fact 0 = 1
+fact n = n*(fact (n-1))
+-- Note the behavior when applied to different types of numbers:
+e1 :: Int
+e1 = fact 6
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = fact 20 -- Yale Haskell may not handle overflow gracefully!
+e3 :: Integer
+e3 = fact 20
+e4 :: Rational
+e4 = fact 6
+e5 :: Float
+e5 = fact 6
+e6 :: Complex Float
+e6 = fact 6
+-- Be careful: values like `fact 1.5' will loop!
+-- As a practical matter, Int operations are much faster than Integer
+-- operations. Also, overloaded functions can be much slower than non-
+-- overloaded functions. Giving a function like fact a precise typing:
+-- fact :: Int -> Int
+-- will yield much faster code.
+-- In general, numeric expressions work as expected. Literals are
+-- a little tricky - they are coerced to the appropriate value. A
+-- constant like 1 can be used as ANY numeric type.
+e7 :: Float
+e7 = sqrt 2
+e8 :: Rational
+e8 = ((4%5) * (1%2)) / (3%4)
+e9 :: Rational
+e9 = 2.2 * (3%11) - 1
+e10 :: Complex Float
+e10 = (2 * (3:+3)) / (1.1:+2.0 - 1)
+e11 :: Complex Float
+e11 = sqrt (-1)
+e12 :: Integer
+e12 = numerator (4%2)
+e13 :: Complex Float
+e13 = conjugate (4:+5.2)
+-- A function using pattern matching on complex numbers:
+mag :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
+mag (a:+b) = sqrt (a^2 + b^2)
+e14 :: Float
+e14 = mag (1:+1)
+-- Section 5.5.3 Numeric Coercions and Overloaded Literals
+-- The Haskell type system does NOT implicitly coerce values between
+-- the different numeric types! Although overloaded constants are
+-- coerced when the overloading is resolved, no implicit coercion goes
+-- on when values of different types are mixed. For example:
+f :: Float
+f = 1.1
+i1 :: Int
+i1 = 1
+i2 :: Integer
+i2 = 2
+-- All of these expressions would result in a type error (try them!):
+-- g = i1 + f
+-- h = i1 + i2
+-- i3 :: Int
+-- i3 = i2
+-- Appropriate coercions must be introduced by the user to allow
+-- the mixing of types in arithmetic expressions.
+e15 :: Float
+e15 = f + fromIntegral i1
+e16 :: Integer
+e16 = fromIntegral i1 + i2
+e17 :: Int
+e17 = i1 + fromInteger i2 -- fromIntegral would have worked too.
+-- Page 17 Section 5.5.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.5.4 Default Numeric Types
+-- Ambiguous contexts arise frequently in numeric expressions. When an
+-- expression which produces a value with a general type, such as
+-- `1' (same as `fromInteger 1'; the type is (Num a) => a), with
+-- another expression which `consumes' the type, such as `show' or
+-- `toInteger', ambiguity arises. This ambiguity can be resolved
+-- using expression type signatures, but this gets tedious fast!
+-- Assigning a type to the top level of an ambiguous expression does
+-- not help: the ambiguity does not propagate to the top level.
+e1 :: String -- This type does not influence the type of the argument to show
+e1 = show 1 -- Does this mean to show an Int or a Float or ...
+e2 :: String
+e2 = show (1 :: Float)
+e3 :: String
+e3 = show (1 :: Complex Float)
+-- The reason the first example works is that ambiguous numeric types are
+-- resolved using defaults. The defaults in effect here are Int and
+-- Double. Since Int `fits' in the expression for e1, Int is used.
+-- When Int is not valid (due to other context constraints), Double
+-- will be tried.
+-- This function defaults the type of the 2's to be Int
+rms :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
+rms x y = sqrt ((x^2 + y^2) * 0.5)
+-- The C-c e evaluation used to the Haskell system also makes use of
+-- defaulting. When you type an expression, the system creates a
+-- simple program to print the value of the expression using a function
+-- like show. If no type signature for the printed expression is given,
+-- defaulting may occur.
+-- One of the reasons for adding type signatures throughout these examples
+-- is to avoid unexpected defaulting. Many of the top level signatures are
+-- required to avoid ambiguity.
+-- Defaulting can lead to overflow problems when values exceed Int limits.
+-- Evaluate a very large integer without a type signature to observe this
+-- (unfortunately this may cause a core dump or other unpleasantness).
+-- Notice that defaulting applies only to numeric classes. The
+-- show (read "xyz") -- Try this if you want!
+-- example uses only class Text so no defaulting occurs.
+-- Ambiguity also arises with polymorphic types. As discussed previously,
+-- expressions like [] have a similar problem.
+-- e4 = [] -- Won't work since [] has type [a] and `a' is not known.
+-- Note the difference: even though the lists have no components, the type
+-- of component makes a difference in printing.
+e5 = ([] :: [Int])
+e6 = ([] :: [Char])
+-- Page 18 Sections 6, 6.1, 6.2
+-- Section 6 Modules
+module Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe ) where
+-- Tree(..) would work also
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
+fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right
+-- The Emacs interface to Haskell performs evaluation within the
+-- module containing the cursor. To evaluate e1 you must place the
+-- cursor in module Main.
+module Main (Tree) where
+import Tree ( Tree(Leaf, Branch), fringe)
+-- import Tree -- this would be the same thing
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
+-- This interactive Haskell environment can evaluate expressions in
+-- any module. The use of module Main is optional.
+-- Section 6.1 Original Names and Renaming
+module Renamed where
+import Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe)
+ renaming (Leaf to Root, Branch to Twig)
+e2 :: Tree Int
+e2 = Twig (Root 1) (Root 2) -- Printing always uses the original names
+-- Section 6.2 Interfaces and Implementations
+-- Yale Haskell allows separate compilation of modules using
+-- unit files. These are described in the user's guide.
+-- Page 19 Sections 6.3, 6.4
+-- Section 6.3 Abstract Data Types
+-- Since TreeADT does not import Tree it can use the name Tree without
+-- any conflict. Each module has its own separate namespace.
+module TreeADT (Tree, leaf, branch, cell, left,
+ right, isLeaf) where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+leaf = Leaf
+branch = Branch
+cell (Leaf a) = a
+left (Branch l r) = l
+right (Branch l r) = r
+isLeaf (Leaf _) = True
+isLeaf _ = False
+module Test where
+import TreeADT
+-- Since the constructors for type Tree are hidden, pattern matching
+-- cannot be used.
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe x = if isLeaf x then [cell x]
+ else fringe (left x) ++ fringe (right x)
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = fringe (branch (branch (leaf 3) (leaf 2)) (leaf 1))
+-- Section 6.4
+-- Page 20 Sections 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
+-- Section 7 Typing Pitfalls
+-- Section 7.1 Let-Bound Polymorphism
+module Test(e2) where
+-- f g = (g 'a',g []) -- This won't typecheck.
+-- Section 7.2 Overloaded Numerals
+-- Overloaded numerics were covered previously - here is one more example.
+-- sum is a prelude function which sums the elements of a list.
+average :: (Fractional a) => [a] -> a
+average xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
+e1 :: Float -- Note that e1 would default to Double instead of Int -
+ -- this is due to the Fractional context.
+e1 = average [1,2,3]
+-- Section 7.3 The Monomorphism Restriction
+-- The monomorphism restriction is usually encountered when functions
+-- are defined without parameters. If you remove the signature for sum'
+-- the monomorphism restriction will apply.
+-- This will generate an error if either:
+-- sum' is added to the module export list at the start of this section
+-- both sumInt and sumFloat remain in the program.
+-- If sum' is not exported and all uses of sum' have the same overloading,
+-- there is no type error.
+sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
+sum' = foldl (+) 0 -- foldl reduces a list with a binary function
+ -- 0 is the initial value.
+sumInt :: Int
+sumInt = sum' [1,2,3]
+sumFloat :: Float
+sumFloat = sum' [1,2,3]
+-- If you use overloaded constants you also may encounter monomorphism:
+x :: Num a => a
+x = 1 -- The type of x is Num a => a
+y :: Int
+y = x -- Uses x as an Int
+z :: Integer
+z = x -- Uses x as an Integer. A monomorphism will occur of the
+ -- signature for x is removed.
+ -- comments to see an error.
+-- Finally, if a value is exported it must not be overloaded unless bound
+-- by a function binding. e2 is the only value exported.
+e2 :: Int -- Remove this to get an error. Without this line e1 will
+ -- be overloaded.
+e2 = 1
+-- To prevent annoying error messages about exported monomorphic variables,
+-- most modules in this tutorial do not implicitly export everything - they
+-- only export a single value, Bool, which was chosen to keep the export
+-- list non-empty (a syntactic restriction!). In Haskell systems without
+-- the evaluator used here, a module which does not export any names would
+-- be useless.
+-- module Test where -- this would export everything in the module
+-- module Test(Bool) -- exports only Bool
+-- module Test() -- this is what we really want to do but is not valid.
+-- Page 21 Sections 8, 8.1
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 8 Input/Output
+-- Section 8.1 Introduction to Continuations
+-- Simplify f here to be 1/x.
+data Maybe a = Ok a | Oops String deriving Text
+f :: Float -> Maybe Float
+f x = if x == 0 then Oops "Divide by 0" else Ok (1/x)
+-- g is a `safe' call to x. The call to error could be replaced by
+-- some explicit value like Oops msg -> 0.
+g x = case f x of
+ Ok y -> y
+ Oops msg -> error msg
+e1 = f 0
+e2 = g 0
+e3 = g 1
+-- Here is the same example using continuations:
+f' :: Float -> (String -> Float) -> Float
+f' x c = if x == 0 then c "Divide by 0"
+ else 1/x
+g' x = f' x error -- calls error on divide by 0
+g'' x = f' x (\s -> 0) -- returns 0 on divide by 0
+e4 = g' 0
+e5 = g'' 0
+-- Page 22 Sections 8.2, 8.3
+module Test where
+-- Section 8.2 Continuation Based I/O
+-- We will skip the program fragments at the start of this section and
+-- move directly to the writeFile / readFile example.
+-- Before we can use Haskell I/O, we need to introduce a new Emacs command:
+-- C-c r. This command runs a dialogue instead of printing a value.
+-- (Actually C-c e creates a dialogue on the fly and runs it in the same
+-- manner as C-c r). As with C-c e you are prompted for an expression.
+-- In this case, the expression must be of type Dialogue and it is
+-- executed by the I/O system. We use d1,d2,... for dialogues to be
+-- executed by C-c r.
+-- We make the file name a parameter to allow for easier testing.
+-- Don't expect much error handling in exit.
+s1 = "This is a test of Haskell"
+main file = writeFile file s1 exit (
+ readFile file exit (\s2 ->
+ appendChan stdout (if s1==s2 then "contents match"
+ else "something intervened!") exit
+ done))
+d1,d2 :: Dialogue
+d1 = main "/tmp/ReadMe"
+d2 = main "/dev/null" -- this will read back as the empty string
+-- A simple IO program using $ for readability: ($ is defined in the Prelude)
+d3 = appendChan "stdout" "Type something: " exit $
+ readChan "stdin" exit $ \s2 ->
+ appendChan "stdout" ("You typed " ++ head (lines s2)) exit $
+ done
+-- This program suffers from a strictness problem. Strictness deals
+-- with when things get evaluated. In this program, the input is not
+-- needed until after the "You typed " is printed. Fixing this would
+-- require some operation to look at the string before the final
+-- appendChan. Here is one possible fix:
+d4 = appendChan "stdout" "Type something: " exit $
+ readChan "stdin" exit $ \s2 ->
+ let str = head (lines s2) in
+ if str == str then -- This evaluates str
+ appendChan "stdout" ("You typed " ++ head (lines s2)) exit $
+ done
+ else done
+-- Section 8.3 Terminal I/O
+-- Since this programming environment runs under Emacs, the issue of
+-- echoing does not really apply. However, the synchronization between
+-- input and output can be seen in the following example. Since the input
+-- comes a line at a time, the X's come in groups between input lines.
+-- The cursor will move into the haskell dialogue buffer when the program
+-- requests input. Use a ^D to stop the program (^Q^D actually). [Warning:
+-- some brain damaged lisps stop not only the Haskell program but also
+-- the entire compiler on ^D]
+d5 = readChan stdin exit processInput where
+ processInput s = loop 1 s
+ loop n [] = done
+ loop n (x:xs) | n == 10 = appendChan stdout "X" exit (loop 1 xs)
+ | True = loop (n+1) xs
+-- For more examples using the I/O system look in the demo programs
+-- that come with haskell (in $HASKELL/progs/demo) and the report.
+-- Page 23 Sections 9, 9.1, 9.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9 Arrays
+-- Section 9.1 Index Types
+-- Arrays are built on the class Ix. Here are some quick examples of Ix:
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = range (0,4)
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = index (0,4) 2
+low,high :: (Int,Int)
+low = (1,1)
+high = (3,4)
+e3 = range (low,high)
+e4 = index (low,high) (3,2)
+e5 = inRange (low,high) (4,3)
+-- Section 9.2 Array Creation
+squares :: Array Int Int
+squares = array (1,100) [i := i*i | i <- [1..100]]
+-- We can also parameterize this a little:
+squares' :: Int -> Array Int Int
+squares' n = array (1,n) [i := i*i | i <- [1..n]]
+e6 :: Int
+e6 = squares!6
+e7 :: (Int,Int)
+e7 = bounds squares
+e8 :: Array Int Int
+e8 = squares' 10
+-- Here is a function which corresponds to `take' for lists. It takes
+-- an arbitrary slice out of an array.
+atake :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> (a,a) -> Array a b
+atake a (l,u) | inRange (bounds a) l && inRange (bounds a) u =
+ array (l,u) [i := a!i | i <- range (l,u)]
+ | otherwise = error "Subarray out of range"
+e9 = atake squares (4,8)
+mkArray :: Ix a => (a -> b) -> (a,a) -> Array a b
+mkArray f bnds = array bnds [i := f i | i <- range bnds]
+e10 :: Array Int Int
+e10 = mkArray (\i -> i*i) (1,10)
+fibs :: Int -> Array Int Int
+fibs n = a where
+ a = array (0,n) ([0 := 1, 1 := 1] ++
+ [i := a!(i-1) + a!(i-2) | i <- [2..n]])
+e11 = atake (fibs 50) (3,10)
+wavefront :: Int -> Array (Int,Int) Int
+wavefront n = a where
+ a = array ((1,1),(n,n))
+ ([(1,j) := 1 | j <- [1..n]] ++
+ [(i,1) := 1 | i <- [2..n]] ++
+ [(i,j) := a!(i,j-1) + a!(i-1,j-1) + a!(i-1,j)
+ | i <- [2..n], j <- [2..n]])
+wave = wavefront 20
+e12 = atake wave ((1,1),(3,3))
+e13 = atake wave ((3,3),(5,5))
+-- Here are some errors in array operations:
+e14 :: Int
+e14 = wave ! (0,0) -- Out of bounds
+arr1 :: Array Int Int
+arr1 = array (1,10) [1 := 1] -- No value provided for 2..10
+e15,e16 :: Int
+e15 = arr1 ! 1 -- works OK
+e16 = arr1 ! 2 -- undefined by array
+-- Page 24 Sections 9.3, 9.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9.3 Accumulation
+hist :: (Ix a, Integral b) => (a,a) -> [a] -> Array a b
+hist bnds is = accumArray (+) 0 bnds [i := 1 | i <- is, inRange bnds i]
+e1 :: Array Char Int
+e1 = hist ('a','z') "This counts the frequencies of each lowercase letter"
+decades :: (RealFrac a) => a -> a -> [a] -> Array Int Int
+decades a b = hist (0,9) . map decade
+ where
+ decade x = floor ((x-a) * s)
+ s = 10 / (b - a)
+test1 :: [Float]
+test1 = map sin [0..100] -- take the sine of the 0 - 100
+e2 = decades 0 1 test1
+-- Section 9.4 Incremental Updates
+swapRows :: (Ix a, Ix b, Enum b) => a -> a -> Array (a,b) c -> Array (a,b) c
+swapRows i i' a = a // ([(i,j) := a!(i',j) | j <- [jLo..jHi]] ++
+ [(i',j) := a!(i,j) | j <- [jLo..jHi]])
+ where ((iLo,jLo),(iHi,jHi)) = bounds a
+arr1 :: Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
+arr1 = array ((1,1),(5,5)) [(i,j) := (i,j) | (i,j) <- range ((1,1),(5,5))]
+e3 = swapRows 2 3 arr1
+-- Printing the arrays in more readable form makes the results easier
+-- to view.
+-- This is a printer for 2d arrays
+aprint a width = shows (bounds a) . showChar '\n' . showRows lx ly where
+ showRows r c | r > ux = showChar '\n'
+ showRows r c | c > uy = showChar '\n' . showRows (r+1) ly
+ showRows r c = showElt (a!(r,c)) . showRows r (c+1)
+ showElt e = showString (take width (show e ++ repeat ' ')) . showChar ' '
+ ((lx,ly),(ux,uy)) = bounds a
+showArray a w = appendChan stdout (aprint a w "") abort done
+d1 = showArray e3 6
+swapRows' :: (Ix a, Ix b, Enum b) => a -> a -> Array (a,b) c -> Array (a,b) c
+swapRows' i i' a = a // [assoc | j <- [jLo..jHi],
+ assoc <- [(i,j) := a!(i',j),
+ (i',j) := a!(i,j)]]
+ where ((iLo,jLo),(iHi,jHi)) = bounds a
+d2 = showArray (swapRows' 1 5 arr1) 6
+-- Page 25 Section 9.5
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9.5 An example: Matrix Multiplication
+aprint a width = shows (bounds a) . showChar '\n' . showRows lx ly where
+ showRows r c | r > ux = showChar '\n'
+ showRows r c | c > uy = showChar '\n' . showRows (r+1) ly
+ showRows r c = showElt (a!(r,c)) . showRows r (c+1)
+ showElt e = showString (take width (show e ++ repeat ' ')) . showChar ' '
+ ((lx,ly),(ux,uy)) = bounds a
+showArray a w = appendChan stdout (aprint a w "") abort done
+matMult :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c, Num d) =>
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) d -> Array (a,c) d
+matMult x y =
+ array resultBounds
+ [(i,j) := sum [x!(i,k) * y!(k,j) | k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj')]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4 :: Array (Int,Int) Int
+mat1 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 0,(1,0) := 0,(1,1) := 1]
+mat2 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 1,(1,0) := 1,(1,1) := 1]
+mat3 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 2,(1,0) := 3,(1,1) := 4]
+mat4 = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 2,(0,2) := 3,
+ (1,0) := 4,(1,1) := 5,(1,2) := 6]
+d1 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat2) 4
+d2 = showArray (matMult mat2 mat3) 4
+d3 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat4) 4
+d4 = showArray (matMult mat4 mat1) 4
+matMult' :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c, Num d) =>
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) d -> Array (a,c) d
+matMult' x y =
+ accumArray (+) 0 ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ [(i,j) := x!(i,k) * y!(k,j)
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj'),
+ k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+d5 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat2) 4
+d6 = showArray (matMult mat2 mat3) 4
+genMatMul :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c) =>
+ ([f] -> g) -> (d -> e -> f) ->
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) e -> Array (a,c) g
+genMatMul f g x y =
+ array ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ [(i,j) := f [(x!(i,k)) `g` (y!(k,j)) | k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj')]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+d7 = showArray (genMatMul maximum (-) mat2 mat1) 4
+d8 = showArray (genMatMul and (==) mat1 mat2) 6
+d9 = showArray (genMatMul and (==) mat1 mat1) 6
+-- Page 26 More about Haskell
+This is the end of the tutorial. If you wish to see more examples of
+Haskell programming, Yale Haskell comes with a set of demo programs.
+These can be found in $HASKELL/progs/demo. Once you have mastered the
+tutorial, both the report and the user manual for Yale Haskell should
+be understandable. Many examples of Haskell programming can be found in
+the Prelude. The directory $HASKELL/progs/prelude contains the sources
+for the Prelude.
+We appreciate any comments you have on this tutorial. Send any comments
+ The Yale Haskell Group
diff --git a/runtime/README b/runtime/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d113a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This directory contains definitions of things that are used
+exclusively in code generated by the Haskell compiler. It contains
+implementations of some of the things declared in the prims files for
+the prelude, as well as some more generic things that the code
+generator knows about.
+Note that some of the files in this directory access some Common Lisp
+features directly.
diff --git a/runtime/array-prims.scm b/runtime/array-prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b553f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/array-prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; array-prims.scm -- array primitives
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 14 May 1993
+;;; Vector reference, returning unboxed value
+(define-syntax (prim.vector-sel vec i)
+ `(vector-ref ,vec ,i))
+;;; Destructive vector update. All arguments are unboxed.
+(define-syntax (prim.vector-update vec i newval)
+ `(setf (vector-ref ,vec ,i) ,newval))
+;;; Make a vector whose elements are initialized to val (which is boxed).
+(define-syntax (prim.make-vector size val)
+ `(make-vector ,size ,val))
+;;; Copy an existing vector.
+(define-syntax (prim.copy-vector vec)
+ `(vector-copy ,vec))
+;;; Explicit force operation
+(define-syntax (prim.force x)
+ `(force ,x))
+;;; The first parameter is forced first since this prim is declared to
+;;; be strict in the first arg.
+(define-syntax (prim.strict1 force-this leave-this)
+ `(begin
+ ;; Can't ignore the first argument entirely since doing so
+ ;; might result in variable-bound-but-not-referenced errors.
+ ;; Hopefully the Lisp compiler will be smart enough to get
+ ;; rid of this when appropriate.
+ ,force-this
+ ;; Don't generate a stupid (force (delay x)) sequence here if
+ ;; we don't need to.
+ ,(if (and (pair? leave-this)
+ (or (eq? (car leave-this) 'delay)
+ (eq? (car leave-this) 'box)))
+ (cadr leave-this)
+ `(force ,leave-this))))
diff --git a/runtime/debug-utils.scm b/runtime/debug-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5fa971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/debug-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;;; This has some diagnostic stuff
+;;; This forces all delays in a structure
+(define (force-all x)
+ (cond ((delay? x)
+ (force-all (force x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (force-all (car x))
+ (force-all (cdr x)))
+ ((vector? x)
+ (dotimes (i (vector-length x))
+ (force-all (vector-ref x i)))))
+ x)
+;;; This forces & removes all delays in a structure.
+(define (remove-delays x)
+ (cond ((delay? x)
+ (remove-delays (force x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (cons (remove-delays (car x))
+ (remove-delays (cdr x))))
+ ((vector? x)
+ (list->vector (map (function remove-delays) (vector->list x))))
+ (else x)))
+(define (delay? x)
+ (and (pair? x)
+ (or (eq? (car x) '#t)
+ (eq? (car x) '#f))))
diff --git a/runtime/io-primitives.scm b/runtime/io-primitives.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85bc51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/io-primitives.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+;;; These are the IO primitives used by PreludeIOPrims
+;;; Note: the box in write-string-stdout, write-string-file, and
+;;; append-string-file are due to the NoConversion in the .hi file.
+;;; The problem is that NoConversion applies to everything, not just
+;;; the input arg that the conversion is not needed or.
+(predefine (notify-input-request))
+(define *emacs-notified* '#f)
+(define *stdin-read* '#f)
+(define (initialize-io-system)
+ (setf *emacs-notified* '#f)
+ (setf *stdin-read* '#f))
+(define (io-success . res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0
+ (if (null? res)
+ (box 0)
+ (box (make-haskell-string (car res))))))
+(define (io-success/bin res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0 (box res)))
+(define (io-success/lazy res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0 res))
+(define (io-failure string)
+ (make-tagged-data 1 (box (make-haskell-string string))))
+; primReadStringFile
+(define ( filename)
+ (if (file-exists? filename)
+ (let ((str (call-with-input-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (port->string port)))))
+ (io-success str))
+ (io-failure (format '#f "File not found: ~A~%" filename))))
+(define (port->string port)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (string-port)
+ (copy-till-eof port string-port))))
+(define (copy-till-eof in-port out-port)
+ (do ((ch (read-char in-port) (read-char in-port)))
+ ((eof-object? ch))
+ (write-char ch out-port)))
+; primWriteStringFile
+(define (prim.write-string-file filename contents state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (box
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open (haskell-string->string filename)
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :overwrite
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (print-haskell-string contents stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success))))
+(define (prim.append-string-file filename contents state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (box
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open (haskell-string->string filename)
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :append
+ :if-does-not-exist '())))
+ (cond ((not (eq? stream '()))
+ (print-haskell-string contents stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success))
+ (else
+ (io-failure "Can't open file"))))))
+; primReadBinFile
+(define ( name)
+ (let ((bin (lisp-read name)))
+ (if (and (pair? bin) (eq? (car bin) ':binary))
+ (io-success/bin bin)
+ (io-failure "Not a bin file"))))
+; primWriteBinFile
+(define (prim.write-bin-file name contents)
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open name :direction :output
+ :if-exists :overwrite
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (write (cons ':binary contents) stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success)))
+; primAppendBinFile
+(define (prim.append-bin-file name contents)
+ (let ((bin (lisp-read name)))
+ (if (and (pair? bin) (eq? (car bin) ':binary))
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open name :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite)))
+ (write (append bin contents) stream)
+ (io-success))
+ (io-failure "Can't open Bin file"))))
+; primDeleteFile
+(define (prim.delete-file name)
+ (if (file-exists? name)
+ (if (lisp:delete-file name)
+ (io-success)
+ (io-failure "Can't delete file"))
+ (io-failure "File not found")))
+; primStatusFile
+(define (prim.status-file name)
+ (if (file-exists? name)
+ (io-success "frw")
+ (io-failure (format '#f "File ~A not found" name))))
+(define ( state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (cond (*stdin-read*
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Multiple ReadChan from stdin"))
+ (else
+ (setf *stdin-read* '#t)
+ (delay (read-next-char)))))
+(define (read-next-char)
+ (when (and *emacs-mode* (not *emacs-notified*))
+ (setf *emacs-notified* '#t)
+ (notify-input-request))
+ (let ((ch (read-char)))
+ (if (eof-object? ch)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (char->integer ch))
+ (delay (read-next-char))))))
+; primWriteStdout
+(define (prim.write-string-stdout string state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (print-haskell-string string (current-output-port))
+ (box (io-success)))
+; primReadBinStdin
+(define (
+ (haskell-runtime-error "ReadBinChan not implemented"))
+; primWriteBinStdout
+(define (prim.write-bin-stdout bin)
+ (declare (ignore bin))
+ (haskell-runtime-error "WriteBinChan not implemented"))
+;;; %%% probably bogus
+; primGetEnv
+(define (prim.getenv name)
+ (io-success (getenv name)))
+(define (lisp-read file)
+ (if (not (file-exists? file))
+ 'error
+ (call-with-input-file file
+ (lambda (port)
+ (lisp:read port '#f 'error '#f)))))
+(define-integrable (prim.returnio x s)
+ (declare (ignore s))
+ x)
+(define-integrable (prim.getstate x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ 'state)
+(define-integrable (prim.getres x)
+ (force x))
diff --git a/runtime/prims.scm b/runtime/prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797f21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+;;; prims.scm -- definitions for primitives
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 9 Jun 1992
+;;; WARNING!!! This file contains Common-Lisp specific code.
+;;; Helper stuff
+(define-integrable (is-fixnum? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:fixnum))
+(define-integrable (is-integer? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:integer))
+(define-integrable (is-single-float? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable (is-double-float? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:double-float))
+(define-syntax (the-fixnum x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:fixnum ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-integer x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:integer ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-single-float x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:single-float ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-double-float x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:double-float ,x))
+(define-syntax (make-haskell-tuple2 x y)
+ `(make-tuple (box ,x) (box ,y)))
+;;; Abort
+;;; *** Should probably do something other than just signal an error.
+(define (prim.abort s)
+ (haskell-runtime-error s))
+(define (haskell-string->list s)
+ (if (null? s)
+ '()
+ (cons (integer->char (force (car s)))
+ (haskell-string->list (force (cdr s))))))
+;;; Char
+(define-syntax (prim.char-to-int c)
+ `(the-fixnum ,c))
+(define-syntax ( i)
+ `(the-fixnum ,i))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-char i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-char i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-char i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-char i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-char i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-integrable prim.max-char 255)
+;;; Floating
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-float f1 f2)
+ `(= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-float f1 f2)
+ `(not (= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-float f1 f2)
+ `(<= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-float f1 f2)
+ `(> (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-float f1 f2)
+ `(>= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(< (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-double f1 f2)
+ `(= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-double f1 f2)
+ `(not (= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-double f1 f2)
+ `(<= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-double f1 f2)
+ `(> (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-double f1 f2)
+ `(>= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(< (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.float-max f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (max (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.float-min f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (min (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.double-max f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (max (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.double-min f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (min (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (+ (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (- (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (* (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.div-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (/ (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (+ (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (- (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (* (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.div-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (/ (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (- (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (- (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:abs (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:abs (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.exp-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:exp (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.log-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:log (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sqrt-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sqrt (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sin-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sin (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cos-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:cos (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tan-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:tan (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asin-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:asin (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acos-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:acos (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atan-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:atan (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sinh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sinh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cosh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:cosh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tanh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:tanh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asinh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:asinh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acosh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:acosh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atanh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:atanh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.exp-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:exp (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.log-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:log (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sqrt-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sqrt (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sin-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sin (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cos-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:cos (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tan-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:tan (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asin-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:asin (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acos-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:acos (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atan-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:atan (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sinh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sinh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cosh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:cosh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tanh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:tanh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asinh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:asinh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acosh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:acosh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atanh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:atanh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-integrable prim.pi-float (lisp:coerce lisp:pi 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable prim.pi-double (lisp:coerce lisp:pi 'lisp:double-float))
+;;; Assumes rationals are represented as a 2-tuple of integers
+(define (prim.rational-to-float x)
+ (let ((n (tuple-select 2 0 x))
+ (d (tuple-select 2 1 x)))
+ (if (eqv? d 0)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Divide by 0.")
+ (prim.rational-to-float-aux n d))))
+(define (prim.rational-to-float-aux n d)
+ (declare (type integer n d))
+ (/ (lisp:coerce n 'lisp:single-float)
+ (lisp:coerce d 'lisp:single-float)))
+(define (prim.rational-to-double x)
+ (let ((n (tuple-select 2 0 x))
+ (d (tuple-select 2 1 x)))
+ (if (eqv? d 0)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Divide by 0.")
+ (prim.rational-to-double-aux n d))))
+(define (prim.rational-to-double-aux n d)
+ (declare (type integer n d))
+ (/ (lisp:coerce n 'lisp:double-float)
+ (lisp:coerce d 'lisp:double-float)))
+(define (prim.float-to-rational x)
+ (let ((r (lisp:rational (the lisp:single-float x))))
+ (declare (type rational r))
+ (make-tuple (lisp:numerator r) (lisp:denominator r))))
+(define (prim.double-to-rational x)
+ (let ((r (lisp:rational (the lisp:double-float x))))
+ (declare (type rational r))
+ (make-tuple (lisp:numerator r) (lisp:denominator r))))
+(define-integrable prim.float-1 (lisp:coerce 1.0 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable prim.double-1 (lisp:coerce 1.0 'lisp:double-float))
+(define-integrable prim.float-digits
+ (lisp:float-digits prim.float-1))
+(define-integrable prim.double-digits
+ (lisp:float-digits prim.double-1))
+(define-integrable prim.float-radix
+ (lisp:float-radix prim.float-1))
+(define-integrable prim.double-radix
+ (lisp:float-radix prim.double-1))
+;;; Sometimes least-positive-xxx-float is denormalized.
+(define-integrable prim.float-min-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float
+ #+lucid lcl:least-positive-normalized-single-float
+ #-lucid lisp:least-positive-single-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.double-min-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float
+ #+lucid lcl:least-positive-normalized-double-float
+ #-lucid lisp:least-positive-double-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.float-max-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float lisp:most-positive-single-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.double-max-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float lisp:most-positive-double-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable (prim.float-range x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 prim.float-min-exp prim.float-max-exp))
+(define-integrable (prim.double-range x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 prim.double-min-exp prim.double-max-exp))
+;;; *** I'm not sure if these are correct. Should the exponent value
+;;; *** be taken as the value that lisp:integer-decode-float returns,
+;;; *** or as the value that lisp:decode-float returns? (They're
+;;; *** not the same because the significand is scaled differently.)
+;;; *** I'm guessing that Haskell's model is to use the actual numbers
+;;; *** that are in the bit fields
+;;; jcp - I removed this since Haskell requires an integer instead of a
+;;; fractional mantissa. My theory is that integer-decode-float returns
+;;; what Haskell wants without fiddling (except sign reattachment)
+(define (exponent-adjustment m)
+ (if (eqv? prim.float-radix 2)
+ ;; the usual case -- e.g. IEEE floating point
+ (lisp:integer-length m)
+ (lisp:ceiling (lisp:log m prim.float-radix))))
+(define (prim.decode-float f)
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e s)
+ (lisp:integer-decode-float (the-single-float f))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (* (the-integer m) (the-fixnum s))
+ (the-fixnum e))))
+(define (prim.decode-double f)
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e s)
+ (lisp:integer-decode-float (the-double-float f))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (* (the-integer m) (the-fixnum s))
+ (the-fixnum e))))
+(define (prim.encode-float m e)
+ (lisp:scale-float (lisp:coerce m 'lisp:single-float) (the-fixnum e)))
+(define (prim.encode-double m e)
+ (lisp:scale-float (lisp:coerce m 'lisp:double-float) (the-fixnum e)))
+;;; Integral
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-int i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-int i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-int i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-int i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-int i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (max (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (min (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-integer i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-integer i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-integer i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-integer i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-integer i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.integer-max i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (max (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.integer-min i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (min (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (+ (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-int i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (- (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-int i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (* (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-int i)
+ `(the-fixnum (- (the-fixnum ,i))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-int i)
+ `(the-fixnum (lisp:abs (the-fixnum ,i))))
+(define-integrable prim.minint lisp:most-negative-fixnum)
+(define-integrable prim.maxint lisp:most-positive-fixnum)
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (+ (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (- (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (* (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-integer i)
+ `(the-integer (- (the-integer ,i))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-integer i)
+ `(the-integer (lisp:abs (the-integer ,i))))
+(define (prim.div-rem-int i1 i2)
+ (multiple-value-bind (q r)
+ (lisp:truncate (the-fixnum i1) (the-fixnum i2))
+ (make-tuple (box (the-fixnum q)) (box (the-fixnum r)))))
+(define (prim.div-rem-integer i1 i2)
+ (multiple-value-bind (q r)
+ (lisp:truncate (the-integer i1) (the-integer i2))
+ (make-tuple (box (the-integer q)) (box (the-integer r)))))
+(define (prim.integer-to-int i)
+ (if (is-fixnum? i)
+ (the-fixnum i)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Integer -> Int overflow.")))
+(define-syntax ( i)
+ i)
+;;; Binary
+(define prim.nullbin '())
+(define ( x)
+ (null? x))
+(define ( i b)
+ (cons i b))
+(define ( i b)
+ (cons i b))
+(define ( f b)
+ (cons f b))
+(define ( f b)
+ (cons f b))
+(define (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Error: attempt to read from an incompatible Bin."))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-fixnum? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-integer? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-single-float? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-double-float? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b m)
+ (if (or (null? b)
+ (not (is-fixnum? (car b)))
+ (> (the-fixnum (car b)) (the-fixnum m)))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define (prim.append-bin x y)
+ (append x y))
+;;; String primitives
+;;; Calls to prim.string-eq are generated by the CFN to pattern match
+;;; against string constants. So normally one of the arguments will be
+;;; a constant string. Treat this case specially to avoid consing up
+;;; a haskell string whenever it's called.
+;;; This function is strict in both its arguments.
+(define-syntax (prim.string-eq s1 s2)
+ (cond ((and (pair? s1)
+ (eq? (car s1) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(prim.string-eq-inline ,(cadr s1) 0 ,(string-length (cadr s1)) ,s2))
+ ((and (pair? s2)
+ (eq? (car s2) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(prim.string-eq-inline ,(cadr s2) 0 ,(string-length (cadr s2)) ,s1))
+ (else
+ `(prim.string-eq-notinline ,s1 ,s2))))
+(define (prim.string-eq-inline lisp-string i n haskell-string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i n))
+ (cond ((eqv? i n)
+ ;; Reached end of Lisp string constant -- better be at the end
+ ;; of the Haskell string, too.
+ (if (null? haskell-string) '#t '#f))
+ ((null? haskell-string)
+ ;; The Haskell string is too short.
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (char->integer (string-ref lisp-string i)))
+ (the fixnum (force (car haskell-string))))
+ ;; Next characters match, recurse
+ (prim.string-eq-inline
+ lisp-string (the fixnum (+ i 1)) n (force (cdr haskell-string))))
+ (else
+ ;; No match
+ '#f)))
+(define (prim.string-eq-notinline s1 s2)
+ (cond ((null? s1)
+ ;; Reached end of first string.
+ (if (null? s2) '#t '#f))
+ ((null? s2)
+ ;; Second string too short.
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (force (car s1))) (the fixnum (force (car s2))))
+ (prim.string-eq-notinline (force (cdr s1)) (force (cdr s2))))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; List primitives
+;;; The first argument is strict and the second is a delay.
+(define-syntax (prim.append l1 l2)
+ (cond ((and (pair? l1)
+ (eq? (car l1) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(make-haskell-string-tail ,(cadr l1) ,l2))
+ ((equal? l1 ''())
+ `(force ,l2))
+ ((equal? l2 '(box '()))
+ l1)
+ ;; *** could also look for
+ ;; *** (append (cons x (box y)) z) => (cons x (box (append y z)))
+ ;; *** but I don't think this happens very often anyway
+ (else
+ `(prim.append-aux ,l1 ,l2))))
+(define (prim.append-aux l1 l2)
+ (cond ((null? l1)
+ (force l2))
+ ((and (forced? l2) (eq? (unbox l2) '()))
+ ;; Appending nil is identity.
+ l1)
+ ((forced? (cdr l1))
+ ;; Append eagerly if the tail of the first list argument has
+ ;; already been forced.
+ (cons (car l1)
+ (if (null? (unbox (cdr l1)))
+ l2 ; don't force this!!
+ (box (prim.append-aux (unbox (cdr l1)) l2)))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car l1) (delay (prim.append-aux (force (cdr l1)) l2))))
+ ))
+;;; Both arguments are forced here. Have to be careful not to call
+;;; recursively with an argument of 0.
+;;; *** This is no longer used.
+(define (prim.take n l)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (cond ((not (pair? l))
+ '())
+ ((eqv? n 1)
+ ;; Only one element to take.
+ (cons (car l) (box '())))
+ ((forced? (cdr l))
+ ;; Take eagerly if the tail of the list has already been forced.
+ (cons (car l) (box (prim.take (- n 1) (unbox (cdr l))))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car l) (delay (prim.take (- n 1) (force (cdr l))))))
+ ))
+;;; The optimizer gets rid of all first-order calls to these functions.
+(define (prim.foldr k z l)
+ ;; k and z are nonstrict, l is strict
+ (if (null? l)
+ (force z)
+ (funcall (force k)
+ (car l)
+ (delay (prim.foldr k z (force (cdr l)))))))
+(define ( g)
+ ;; g is strict
+ (funcall g
+ (box (function make-cons-constructor))
+ (box '())))
diff --git a/runtime/runtime-utils.scm b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43c930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+;;; runtime-utils.scm -- basic runtime support
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 9 Jun 1992
+;;; This file contains definitions (beyond the normal mumble stuff)
+;;; that is referenced directly in code built by the code generator.
+;;; See backend/codegen.scm.
+;;; (delay form)
+;;; returns a delay object with unevaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (delay form)
+ `(cons '#f (lambda () ,form)))
+;;; (box form)
+;;; returns a delay object with evaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (box form)
+ (cond ((number? form)
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t form)))
+ ((and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) 'quote))
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t (cadr form))))
+ (else
+ `(cons '#t ,form))))
+(define-syntax (unbox form)
+ `(cdr ,form))
+(define-syntax (forced? form)
+ `(car ,form))
+;;; (force delay)
+;;; return the value of the delay object.
+(define (force delay-object)
+ (declare (type pair delay-object))
+ (if (car delay-object)
+ (cdr delay-object)
+ (begin
+ (let ((result (funcall (cdr delay-object))))
+ (setf (car delay-object) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr delay-object) result)))))
+;;; Inline version of the above. Not good to use everywhere because
+;;; of code bloat problems, but handy for helper functions.
+(define-syntax (force-inline delay-object)
+ (let ((temp1 (gensym))
+ (temp2 (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp1 ,delay-object))
+ (declare (type pair ,temp1))
+ (if (car ,temp1)
+ (cdr ,temp1)
+ (let ((,temp2 (funcall (cdr ,temp1))))
+ (setf (car ,temp1) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr ,temp1) ,temp2))))))
+;;; (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+;;; The basic idea is to compare the number of arguments received against
+;;; the number expected.
+;;; If the same, call the optimized entry point opt-fn.
+;;; If more, apply the result of calling the optimized entry to the
+;;; leftover arguments.
+;;; If less, make a closure that accepts the additional arguments.
+(define (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+ (lambda args
+ (curried-fn-body '() args opt-fn strictness)))
+(define (curried-fn-body previous-args args opt-fn strictness)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (saturated? actual-args leftover-args leftover-strictness)
+ (process-curried-fn-args strictness args '())
+ (setf actual-args (append previous-args actual-args))
+ (if saturated?
+ (if (null? leftover-args)
+ (apply opt-fn actual-args)
+ (apply (apply opt-fn actual-args) leftover-args))
+ (lambda more-args
+ (curried-fn-body actual-args more-args opt-fn leftover-strictness)))
+ ))
+(define (process-curried-fn-args strictness args actual-args)
+ (cond ((null? strictness)
+ ;; At least as many arguments as expected.
+ (values '#t (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ ((null? args)
+ ;; Not enough arguments supplied.
+ (values '#f (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ (else
+ ;; Process the next argument.
+ (if (car strictness)
+ (push (force-inline (car args)) actual-args)
+ (push (car args) actual-args))
+ (process-curried-fn-args (cdr strictness) (cdr args) actual-args))
+ ))
+;;; Special cases of the above.
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-strict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (setf arg1 (force-inline arg1))
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-nonstrict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+;;; Here's a similar helper function used for making data constructors.
+(define (constructor-body previous-args args arity fn)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (let ((n (length args)))
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (setf args (append previous-args args))
+ (cond ((eqv? n arity)
+ (apply fn args))
+ ((< n arity)
+ (lambda more-args
+ (constructor-body args more-args (- arity n) fn)))
+ (else
+ (error "Too many arguments supplied to constructor.")))))
+;;; Special case for cons constructor
+(define (make-cons-constructor . args)
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons)))
+;;; (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+;;; return a function that makes an untagged data structure with "arity"
+;;; slots. "arity" is a constant.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tuple-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tuple-constructor-aux arity)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (lambda (x) x))))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons))))
+ (else
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args arity (function vector))))))
+(define *predefined-tuple-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ (push (make-tuple-constructor-aux i) result))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (if (< arity *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ `(vector-ref *predefined-tuple-constructors* ,arity)
+ `(make-tuple-constructor-aux ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tuple . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tuple . args)
+ (let ((arity (length args)))
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (car args))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ `(cons ,@args))
+ (else
+ `(vector ,@args)))))
+;;; (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+;;; return a function that makes a data structure with tag "n" and
+;;; "arity" slots.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag* 10)
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux n arity)
+ (if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (vector n)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body (list n) args arity (function vector)))))
+(define *predefined-tagged-data-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (let ((inner-result '()))
+ (dotimes (j *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*)
+ (push (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux j i) inner-result))
+ (push (list->vector (nreverse inner-result)) result)))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity n))
+ (if (and (< arity *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (< n *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*))
+ `(vector-ref (vector-ref *predefined-tagged-data-constructors* ,arity)
+ ,n)
+ `(make-tagged-data-constructor-aux ,n ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tagged-data n . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data n . args)
+ `(vector ,n ,@args))
+;;; (tuple-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from untagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tuple-select arity i object)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 1)
+ object)
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (if (eqv? i 0)
+ `(car ,object)
+ `(cdr ,object)))
+ (else
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,i)))))
+;;; (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from tagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+ (declare (ignore arity))
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,(1+ i))))
+;;; (constructor-number object)
+;;; return the tag from "object"
+(define-syntax (constructor-number object)
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) 0))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force fn . args)
+ (let* ((n (length args))
+ (junk (assv n '((1 . funcall-force-1)
+ (2 . funcall-force-2)
+ (3 . funcall-force-3)
+ (4 . funcall-force-4)))))
+ `(,(if junk (cdr junk) 'funcall-force-n) ,fn ,@args)))
+(define (funcall-force-1 fn a1)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1))
+(define (funcall-force-2 fn a1 a2)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2))
+(define (funcall-force-3 fn a1 a2 a3)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3))
+(define (funcall-force-4 fn a1 a2 a3 a4)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3 a4))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force-n fn . args)
+ `(funcall (force ,fn) ,@args))
+;;; (make-haskell-string string)
+;;; Converts a Lisp string lazily to a boxed haskell string (makes
+;;; a delay with a magic function). Returns an unboxed result.
+(define (make-haskell-string string)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ '())
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (box '())))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ (box '())
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+;;; Similar, but accepts an arbitrary tail (which must be a delay object)
+(define (make-haskell-string-tail string tail-delay)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ (force-inline tail-delay))
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ tail-delay))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ tail-delay
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+(define (haskell-string->string s)
+ (let ((length 0))
+ (declare (type fixnum length))
+ (do ((s s (force (cdr s))))
+ ((null? s))
+ (setf length (+ length 1)))
+ (let ((result (make-string length)))
+ (declare (type string result))
+ (do ((s s (unbox (cdr s)))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((null? s))
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf (string-ref result i) (integer->char (force (car s)))))
+ result)))
+(define (print-haskell-string s port)
+ (do ((s1 s (force (cdr s1))))
+ ((null? s1))
+ (write-char (integer->char (force (car s1))) port)))
+;;; This explicates the value returned by a proc (the IO () type).
+(define (insert-unit-value x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ 0)
+;;; These handle list conversions
+(define (haskell-list->list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (funcall fn (force (car l)))
+ (haskell-list->list fn (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (funcall fn (car l)))
+ (box (list->haskell-list fn (cdr l))))))
+(define (haskell-list->list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (force (car l))
+ (haskell-list->list/identity (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (car l))
+ (box (list->haskell-list/identity (cdr l))))))
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.scm b/runtime/runtime.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5713e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/runtime.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+;;; runtime.scm
+;;; author : John
+(define-compilation-unit runtime
+ (source-filename "$Y2/runtime/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit runtime-utils
+ (source-filename "runtime-utils.scm"))
+ (unit prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "prims.scm"))
+ (unit io-primitives
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "io-primitives.scm"))
+ (unit array-prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "array-prims.scm"))
+ (unit debug-utils
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "debug-utils.scm"))
+ (unit tuple-prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "tuple-prims.scm")))
diff --git a/runtime/tuple-prims.scm b/runtime/tuple-prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb0cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tuple-prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;; these primitives support arbitrary sized tuples.
+(define (prim.tupleSize x)
+ (vector-length x))
+(define (prim.tupleSel tuple i n)
+ (force
+ (if (eqv? n 2)
+ (if (eqv? i 0)
+ (car tuple)
+ (cdr tuple))
+ (vector-ref tuple i))))
+(define (prim.list->tuple l)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list/non-strict l)))
+ (if (null? (cddr l))
+ (cons (car l) (cadr l))
+ (list->vector l))))
+(define (haskell-list->list/non-strict l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (car l)
+ (haskell-list->list/non-strict (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (prim.dict-sel dicts i)
+ (force (vector-ref dicts i)))
+;;; These generate dictionaries.
+(define-local-syntax (create-dict dicts vars other-dicts)
+ `(let ((dict-vector (box (list->vector ,dicts))))
+ (make-tuple
+ ,@(map (lambda (v)
+ `(delay (funcall (dynamic ,v) dict-vector)))
+ vars)
+ ,@(map (lambda (sd)
+ `(delay (,(car sd)
+ (map (lambda (d)
+ (tuple-select ,(cadr sd) ,(caddr sd) (force d)))
+ ,dicts))))
+ other-dicts))))
+(define prim.tupleEqdict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleEqDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleEqDict/l dicts)
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleEq| |PreludeTuple:tupleNeq|)
+ ()))
+(define prim.tupleOrdDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleOrdDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleOrdDict/l d)
+ (create-dict d
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleLe| |PreludeTuple:tupleLeq|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleGe| |PreludeTuple:tupleGeq|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleMax| |PreludeTuple:tupleMin|)
+ ((tupleEqDict/l 7 6))))
+(define prim.tupleIxDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleRange| |PreludeTuple:tupleIndex|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleInRange|)
+ ((tupleEqDict/l 6 3) (tupleTextDict/l 6 4) (tupleOrdDict/l 6 5)))))
+(define prim.tupleTextDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleTextDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleTextDict/l d)
+ (create-dict d
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleReadsPrec| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowsPrec|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleReadList| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowList|)
+ ()))
+(define prim.tupleBinaryDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleReadBin| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowBin|)
+ ())))
diff --git a/support/README b/support/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6127bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This directory contains utilities that are layered on top of the basic
+mumble support stuff. There should be no T-specific or CL-specific
+code in this area.
diff --git a/support/compile.scm b/support/compile.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e222f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/compile.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+;;; compile.scm -- compilation utilities
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 24 Oct 1991
+;;; This file defines a makefile-like compilation system that supports
+;;; a hierarchy of dependencies.
+;;; The external entry points are define-compilation-unit, load-unit, and
+;;; compile-and-load-unit.
+;;; Parsing
+;;; Establish global defaults for filenames.
+(define compile.source-filename source-file-type)
+(define compile.binary-filename binary-file-type)
+(define compile.binary-subdir (string-append lisp-implementation-name "/"))
+(define compile.delayed-loads '())
+;;; Top level units are stored in this table.
+;;; This is really a slight wart on the whole scheme of things; this
+;;; is done instead of storing the top-level units in variables because
+;;; we were getting unintentional name collisions.
+(define compile.unit-table (make-table))
+(define-syntax (compile.lookup-unit name)
+ `(table-entry compile.unit-table ,name))
+(define (mung-global-units names lexical-units)
+ (map (lambda (n)
+ (if (memq n lexical-units)
+ n
+ `(compile.lookup-unit ',n)))
+ names))
+;;; Top-level compilation units are defined with define-compilation-unit.
+;;; The body can consist of the following clauses:
+;;; (source-filename <filename>)
+;;; (binary-filename <filename>)
+;;; Specify source and/or binary file names. For nested units, these
+;;; are merged with defaults from outer units. If you don't specify
+;;; an explicit binary filename, it's inherited from the source file
+;;; name.
+;;; (require ...)
+;;; Specify compile/load dependencies. Arguments are names of other
+;;; units/component files; these names have scoping like let*, so a unit
+;;; can require previously listed units at the same or outer level.
+;;; (unit name ....)
+;;; Specifies a nested unit. This can appear multiple times.
+;;; If a unit doesn't include any nested units, then it's a leaf
+;;; consisting of a single source file.
+;;; (load <boolean>)
+;;; If supplied and false, the unit isn't loaded unless it is needed
+;;; to satisfy a require clause. Used for files containing compilation
+;;; support stuff.
+;;; (compile <boolean>)
+;;; If supplied and false, the unit isn't compiled. Only useful for
+;;; leaf nodes. Typically used in combination with (load '#f) to suppress
+;;; compilation of stuff only used at compile time.
+(define-syntax (define-compilation-unit name . clauses)
+ `(begin
+ (let ((unit ,(compile.process-unit-spec name clauses '#t '())))
+ (setf (compile.lookup-unit ',name) unit)
+ (setf compilation-units (append compilation-units (list unit))))
+ ',name))
+;;; The basic approach is to turn the compilation unit definition into
+;;; a big LET*, and put calls to build the actual unit object inside
+;;; of this.
+(define (compile.process-unit-spec name clauses top-level? lexical-units)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (source-filename binary-filename require nested-units
+ load? compile?)
+ (compile.parse-unit-spec clauses lexical-units)
+ `(let* ((compile.source-filename ,source-filename)
+ (compile.binary-filename ,binary-filename)
+ (compile.unit-require (list ,@require))
+ (compile.delayed-loads (append compile.delayed-loads
+ (
+ compile.unit-require)))
+ ,@nested-units)
+ (make compile.unit
+ (name ',name)
+ (source-filename compile.source-filename)
+ (binary-filename compile.binary-filename)
+ (components (list ,@(map (function car) nested-units)))
+ (require compile.unit-require)
+ (top-level? ',top-level?)
+ (load? ,load?)
+ (compile? ,compile?)
+ (delayed-loads compile.delayed-loads)))))
+(define (compile.parse-unit-spec clauses lexical-units)
+ (let ((source-filename '#f)
+ (binary-filename '#f)
+ (require '#f)
+ (nested-units '())
+ (load? ''#t)
+ (compile? ''#t))
+ (dolist (c clauses)
+ (cond ((not (pair? c))
+ (compile.unit-syntax-error c))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'source-filename)
+ (if source-filename
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf source-filename (cadr c))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'binary-filename)
+ (if binary-filename
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf binary-filename (cadr c))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'require)
+ (if require
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf require (mung-global-units (cdr c) lexical-units))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'unit)
+ (push (list (cadr c)
+ (compile.process-unit-spec (cadr c) (cddr c)
+ '#f lexical-units))
+ nested-units)
+ (push (cadr c) lexical-units))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'load)
+ (setf load? (cadr c)))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'compile)
+ (setf compile? (cadr c)))
+ (else
+ (compile.unit-syntax-error c))))
+ (values
+ (if source-filename
+ `(compile.merge-filenames ,source-filename
+ compile.source-filename '#f)
+ 'compile.source-filename)
+ (if binary-filename
+ `(compile.merge-filenames ,binary-filename
+ compile.binary-filename '#f)
+ (if source-filename
+ '(compile.merge-filenames compile.binary-filename
+ compile.source-filename
+ compile.binary-subdir)
+ 'compile.binary-filename))
+ (or require '())
+ (nreverse nested-units)
+ load?
+ compile?)))
+(predefine (error format . args))
+(define (compile.unit-syntax-error c)
+ (error "Invalid compilation unit clause ~s." c))
+(define (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (error "Duplicate compilation unit clause ~s." c))
+;;; Representation and utilities
+;;; Here are constructors and accessors for unit objects.
+;;; Implementationally, the compilation unit has the following slots:
+;;; * The unit name.
+;;; * The source file name.
+;;; * The binary file name.
+;;; * A list of component file/units.
+;;; * A list of units/files to require.
+;;; * A load timestamp.
+;;; * A timestamp to keep track of the newest source file.
+;;; * Flags for compile and load.
+(define-struct compile.unit
+ (predicate compile.unit?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (source-filename (type string))
+ (binary-filename (type string))
+ (components (type list))
+ (require (type list))
+ (top-level? (type bool))
+ (load? (type bool))
+ (compile? (type bool))
+ (delayed-loads (type list))
+ (load-time (type (maybe integer)) (default '#f))
+ (source-time (type (maybe integer)) (default '#f))
+ (last-update (type (maybe integer)) (default 0))
+ ))
+(define (compile.newer? t1 t2)
+ (and t1
+ t2
+ (> t1 t2)))
+(define ( t1 t2)
+ (if (compile.newer? t1 t2) t1 t2))
+(define (compile.get-source-time u)
+ (let ((source-file (compile.unit-source-filename u)))
+ (if (file-exists? source-file)
+ (file-write-date source-file)
+ '#f)))
+(define (compile.get-binary-time u)
+ (let ((binary-file (compile.unit-binary-filename u)))
+ (if (file-exists? binary-file)
+ (file-write-date binary-file)
+ '#f)))
+(define (compile.load-source u)
+ (load (compile.unit-source-filename u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date)))
+(define (compile.load-binary u)
+ (load (compile.unit-binary-filename u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date)))
+(define (compile.compile-and-load u)
+ (let ((source-file (compile.unit-source-filename u))
+ (binary-file (compile.unit-binary-filename u)))
+ (compile-file source-file binary-file)
+ (load binary-file)
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date))))
+(define ( u)
+ u)
+;;; Runtime support for define-compilation-unit
+(define ( require)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (r require)
+ (if (not (compile.unit-load? r))
+ (push r result)))
+ (nreverse result)))
+(define (compile.merge-filenames fname1 fname2 add-subdir)
+ (let ((place1 (filename-place fname1))
+ (name1 (filename-name fname1))
+ (type1 (filename-type fname1)))
+ (assemble-filename
+ (if (string=? place1 "")
+ (if add-subdir
+ (string-append (filename-place fname2) add-subdir)
+ fname2)
+ place1)
+ (if (string=? name1 "") fname2 name1)
+ (if (string=? type1 "") fname2 type1))))
+;;; Load operation
+;;; Load-unit and compile-and-load-unit are almost identical. The only
+;;; difference is that load-unit will load source files as necessary, while
+;;; compile-and-load-unit will compile them and load binaries instead.
+(define (load-unit u)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f (current-date))
+ (compile.load-unit-aux u))
+(define (compile.load-unit-aux u)
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u '#f)))
+(define (compile-and-load-unit u)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f (current-date))
+ (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u))
+(define (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u)
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u '#t)))
+;;; Load a bunch of compilation units as a group. This is useful because
+;;; it can prevent repeated lookups of file timestamps. Basically, the
+;;; assumption is that none of the source files will change while the loading
+;;; is in progress.
+;;; In case of an error, store the units left to be compiled in a global
+;;; variable.
+(define remaining-units '())
+(define (load-unit-list l)
+ (let ((timestamp (current-date)))
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f timestamp))
+ (setf remaining-units l)
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.load-unit-aux u)
+ (pop remaining-units))))
+(define (compile-and-load-unit-list l)
+ (let ((timestamp (current-date)))
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f timestamp))
+ (setf remaining-units l)
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u)
+ (pop remaining-units))))
+;;; Walk the compilation unit, updating the source timestamps.
+(define (compile.update-unit-source-times u newest-require timestamp)
+ (unless (eqv? timestamp (compile.unit-last-update u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-last-update u) timestamp)
+ (dolist (r (compile.unit-require u))
+ (if (compile.unit-top-level? r)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times r '#f timestamp))
+ (setf newest-require
+ ( newest-require
+ (compile.unit-source-time r))))
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (let ((source-time newest-require))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times c newest-require timestamp)
+ (setf source-time
+ ( source-time
+ (compile.unit-source-time c))))
+ (setf (compile.unit-source-time u) source-time))
+ (setf (compile.unit-source-time u)
+ (
+ newest-require
+ (compile.get-source-time u)))))))
+;;; Load a compilation unit. Do this by first loading its require list,
+;;; then by recursively loading each of its components, in sequence.
+;;; Note that because of the way scoping of units works and the
+;;; sequential nature of the load operation, only top-level
+;;; units in the require list have to be loaded explicitly.
+(define (compile.load-unit-recursive u compile?)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ ;; First recursively load dependencies.
+ ;; No need to update time stamps again here.
+ (dolist (r (compile.unit-require u))
+ (if (compile.unit-top-level? r)
+ (compile.load-unit-aux r)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ ;; Now recursively load subunits.
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (unless (not (compile.unit-load? c))
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive c compile?)))
+ ;; For a leaf node, load either source or binary if necessary.
+ (let ((source-time (compile.unit-source-time u))
+ (binary-time (compile.get-binary-time u))
+ (load-time (compile.unit-load-time u)))
+ (cond ((compile.newer? load-time source-time)
+ ;; The module has been loaded since it was last changed,
+ ;; but maybe we want to compile it now.
+ (if (and compile?
+ (compile.unit-compile? u)
+ (compile.newer? source-time binary-time))
+ (begin
+ (
+ (compile.unit-delayed-loads u)
+ compile?)
+ (compile.compile-and-load u))
+ ( u)))
+ ((compile.newer? binary-time source-time)
+ ;; The binary is up-to-date, so load it.
+ (compile.load-binary u))
+ (else
+ ;; The binary is out-of-date, so either load source or
+ ;; recompile the binary.
+ (
+ (compile.unit-delayed-loads u)
+ compile?)
+ (if (and compile? (compile.unit-compile? u))
+ (compile.compile-and-load u)
+ (compile.load-source u)))
+ )))))
+(define ( units compile?)
+ (dolist (u units)
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u compile?)))
+;;; Extra stuff
+;;; Reload a unit without testing to see if any of its dependencies are
+;;; out of date.
+(define (reload-unit-source u)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (reload-unit-source c))
+ (compile.load-source u))))
+(define (reload-unit-binary u)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (reload-unit-binary c))
+ (compile.load-binary u))))
+;;; Find a (not necessarily top-level) compilation unit with the given
+;;; name.
+(define (find-unit name)
+ (compile.find-unit-aux name compilation-units))
+(define (compile.find-unit-aux name units)
+ (block find-unit-aux
+ (dolist (u units '#f)
+ (if (eq? name (compile.unit-name u))
+ (return-from find-unit-aux u)
+ (let* ((components (compile.unit-components u))
+ (result (compile.find-unit-aux name components)))
+ (if result
+ (return-from find-unit-aux result)))))))
+;;; Combine the two above: reload a compilation unit.
+(define-syntax (reload name)
+ `(reload-unit-source
+ (or (find-unit ',name)
+ (error "Couldn't find unit named ~s." ',name))))
diff --git a/support/format.scm b/support/format.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9dbb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/format.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+;;; format.scm -- format function for Scheme
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 29 Oct 1991
+;;; This code is adapted from the XP pretty printer originally written
+;;; in Common Lisp by Dick Waters. Here is the copyright notice attached
+;;; to the original XP source file:
+;;; Copyright 1989,1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+;;; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+;;; provided that this copyright and permission notice appear in all
+;;; copies and supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not
+;;; be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+;;; software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no
+;;; representations about the suitability of this software for any
+;;; purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+;;; The stream argument can be #f, in which case a string is returned.
+;;; If the stream is #t, (current-output-port) is used.
+;;; We compile a string argument into a function and call the function.
+;;; The only exception is if the string doesn't contain any ~ escapes;
+;;; then we can treat it as a literal and just write it to the stream.
+(define (format stream string-or-fn . args)
+ (cond ((not stream)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (apply (function format) stream string-or-fn args))))
+ (else
+ (if (eq? stream '#t)
+ (setf stream (current-output-port)))
+ (when (string? string-or-fn)
+ (setf string-or-fn (xp.process-format-string string-or-fn)))
+ (if (string? string-or-fn)
+ (write-string string-or-fn stream)
+ (xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing string-or-fn stream args))
+ '#f)))
+(define xp.format-string-cache (make-table))
+(define (xp.process-format-string string-or-fn)
+ (cond ((not (string? string-or-fn)) string-or-fn)
+ ((not xp.format-string-cache)
+ (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string-or-fn))
+ (else
+ (when (not (table? xp.format-string-cache))
+ (setf xp.format-string-cache (make-table)))
+ (let ((value
+ (table-entry xp.format-string-cache string-or-fn)))
+ (when (not value)
+ (setf value (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string-or-fn))
+ (setf (table-entry xp.format-string-cache string-or-fn)
+ value))
+ value))))
+(define (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string)
+ (let ((length (string-length string)))
+ (or (xp.simple-format-string? string 0 length)
+ (let ((fn (xp.parse-format-string string 0 length)))
+ (lambda (xp args)
+ (funcall fn xp args args))))))
+;;; Try to detect format strings without fancy directives, that can be
+;;; written with a call to write-string.
+;;; Can do simple transformations e.g. ~% => newline, ~~ => ~, etc.
+(define (xp.simple-format-string? s start end)
+ (let ((twiddle (string-position #\~ s start end)))
+ (if (not twiddle)
+ (if (eqv? start 0)
+ s
+ (substring s start end))
+ (let ((char (string-ref s (1+ twiddle))))
+ (cond ((eqv? char #\%)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string? s (+ twiddle 2) end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start twiddle)
+ (string #\newline)
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ ((eqv? char #\~)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string? s (+ twiddle 2) end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start (1+ twiddle))
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ ((eqv? char #\newline)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string?
+ s
+ (xp.skip-whitespace s (+ twiddle 2) end)
+ end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start twiddle)
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ (else
+ '#f))))))
+(define (warning string-or-fn . args)
+ (internal-warning (apply (function format) '#f string-or-fn args)))
+(define (error string-or-fn . args)
+ (internal-error (apply (function format) '#f string-or-fn args)))
+;;; Compiled format
+;;; Note that compiled format strings always print through xp streams even if
+;;; they don't have any xp directives in them. As a result, the compiled code
+;;; can depend on the fact that the stream being operated on is an xp
+;;; stream not an ordinary one.
+;;; Parse a format string, returning a function to do the printing.
+;;; The function is called with three arguments
+;;; * the xp stream
+;;; * the original argument list
+;;; * the argument list tail
+;;; It should return the list of leftover, unprocessed arguments.
+(define (xp.parse-format-string string start end)
+ (cond ((eqv? start end)
+ (function xp.format-finish))
+ ((eqv? (string-ref string start) #\~)
+ (xp.parse-format-string-dispatch string start end))
+ (else
+ (let* ((next (or (string-position #\~ string start end) end))
+ (literal (substring string start next))
+ (count (- next start))
+ (continue (xp.parse-format-string string next end))
+ (newline? (string-position #\newline literal 0 count)))
+ (if newline?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-string+ literal xp 0 count)
+ (funcall continue xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-string++ literal xp 0 count)
+ (funcall continue xp args tail)))))
+ ))
+(define (xp.format-finish xp args tail)
+ (declare (ignore xp args))
+ tail)
+;;; Functions for handling individual format specifiers are installed
+;;; in this table. They are called with these arguments:
+;;; * the format string
+;;; * the index of the next character
+;;; * the index of the end of the format string
+;;; * the list of parameters for the format specification
+;;; * a boolean indicating whether the colon modifier was present
+;;; * a boolean indicating whether the atsign modifier was present
+;;; The handler is responsible for calling xp.parse-format-string to parse
+;;; the rest of the format string, and returning a function. (This has
+;;; to be done by the individual handlers because some of them need to
+;;; scan the format string for matching delimiters, etc.)
+;;; *** This probably isn't right, we assume characters can be compared
+;;; *** with EQ? and used as table keys.
+(define xp.fn-table (make-table))
+(define (define-format char function)
+ (setf (table-entry xp.fn-table (char-upcase char)) function)
+ (setf (table-entry xp.fn-table (char-downcase char)) function))
+;;; Parse a ~ sequence from the format string and dispatch to the
+;;; appropriate handler.
+(define (xp.parse-format-string-dispatch string start end)
+ (multiple-value-bind (next params colon? atsign? char)
+ (xp.parse-format-descriptor string start end)
+ (let ((fn (table-entry xp.fn-table char)))
+ (if fn
+ (funcall fn string next end params colon? atsign?)
+ (error "Unrecognized format escape ~~~a." char)))))
+(define (xp.parse-format-descriptor string start end)
+ (multiple-value-bind (params start)
+ (xp.parse-format-parameters string start end)
+ (let ((colon? '#f)
+ (atsign? '#f)
+ (char '#f))
+ (block parse-format-descriptor
+ (do ()
+ ((xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end))
+ (setf char (string-ref string start))
+ (incf start)
+ (cond ((eqv? char #\:)
+ (setf colon? '#t))
+ ((eqv? char #\@)
+ (setf atsign? '#t))
+ (else
+ (return-from parse-format-descriptor
+ (values start params colon? atsign? char)))
+ ))))))
+;;; *** The stuff for V and # format parameters is disabled because
+;;; *** it makes the handler functions hairier. It's rarely used anyway,
+;;; *** and you can get the same effect by consing up a format string
+;;; *** on the fly if you really need to.
+(define (xp.parse-format-parameters string start end)
+ (let ((params '())
+ (char '#f))
+ (incf start) ; skip ~
+ (block parse-format-parameters
+ (do ()
+ ((xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end))
+ (setf char (string-ref string start))
+ (cond ((char-numeric? char)
+ (multiple-value-bind (next value)
+ (xp.parse-format-number string start end 0)
+ (setf start next)
+ (push value params)))
+ ((eqv? char #\')
+ (push (string-ref string (1+ start)) params)
+ (setf start (+ start 2)))
+ ((or (eqv? char #\v) (eqv? char #\V))
+ (error "V format parameter not supported.") ;***
+ (push 'value params)
+ (setf start (+ start 1)))
+ ((eqv? char #\#)
+ (error "# format parameter not supported.") ;***
+ (push 'count params)
+ (setf start (+ start 1)))
+ ((eqv? char #\,)
+ (push '#f params))
+ (else
+ (return-from parse-format-parameters
+ (values (nreverse params) start))))
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref string start) #\,)
+ (incf start))))))
+(define (xp.parse-format-number string start end value)
+ (xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end)
+ (let* ((char (string-ref string start))
+ (weight (string-position char "0123456789" 0 10)))
+ (if weight
+ (xp.parse-format-number string (1+ start) end (+ (* value 10) weight))
+ (values start value))))
+(define (xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end)
+ (if (eqv? start end)
+ (error "Incomplete format string ~s." string)
+ '#f))
+;;; *** All of these format handlers probably ought to do more checking
+;;; *** for the right number of parameters and not having colon? and
+;;; *** atsign? supplied when they are not allowed.
+;;; ~A and ~S are the basic format directives.
+(define (xp.format-a string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? '#f))
+(define-format #\a (function xp.format-a))
+(define (xp.format-s string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? '#t))
+(define-format #\s (function xp.format-s))
+(define (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? escape?)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?)) ;***
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if (null? params)
+ ;; Do the simple, common case.
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* escape?))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))
+ ;; Do the hard case.
+ (let* ((mincol (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (colinc (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (minpad (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (padchar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\space)))
+ (declare (ignore mincol colinc minpad padchar)) ;***
+;;; *** I'm confused. It seems like we have to print this to a string
+;;; *** and then write the string to the XP stream along with the padding
+;;; *** But won't switching to a new stream mess up circularity detection,
+;;; *** indentation, etc?
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string))
+ )))
+;;; ~W -> write
+(define (xp.format-w string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-level* '#f)
+ (*print-length* '#f))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-level* '#f)
+ (*print-length* '#f)
+ (*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ )))
+(define-format #\w (function xp.format-w))
+;;; Here are the directives for printing integers, ~D and friends.
+(define (xp.format-d string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 10))
+(define-format #\d (function xp.format-d))
+(define (xp.format-b string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 2))
+(define-format #\b (function xp.format-b))
+(define (xp.format-o string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 8))
+(define-format #\o (function xp.format-o))
+(define (xp.format-x string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 16))
+(define-format #\x (function xp.format-x))
+(define (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? radix)
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if (and (null? params) (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ ;; Do the simple, common case.
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f)
+ (*print-radix* '#f)
+ (*print-base* radix))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))
+ ;; Do the hard case.
+ (let* ((mincol (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (padchar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\space))
+ (commachar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\,))
+ (commaint (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 3)))
+ (declare (ignore mincol padchar commachar commaint)) ;***
+ ;; *** I'm too lazy to do this right now.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))))
+(define (xp.format-r string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (if (not (null? params))
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end (cdr params)
+ colon? atsign? (car params))
+ ;; *** The colon? and atsign? modifiers do weird things like
+ ;; *** printing roman numerals. I'm too lazy to do this until/unless
+ ;; *** we have a real need for it.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))
+(define-format #\r (function xp.format-r))
+;;; ~P -> plurals
+(define (xp.format-p string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (if (not (eqv? (car tail) 1))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (xp.back-up 1 args tail))
+ (if (not (eqv? (car tail) 1))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (if (eqv? (car tail) 1)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\y xp)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\i xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\e xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (xp.back-up 1 args tail))
+ (if (eqv? (car tail) 1)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\y xp)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\i xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\e xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))))))
+(define-format #\p (function xp.format-p))
+;;; ~C -> character
+(define (xp.format-c string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-char++ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))))
+ (else
+ ;; *** I don't know how to get at the character names.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))))
+(define-format #\c (function xp.format-c))
+;;; Newline directives, ~% and ~&
+(define (xp.format-percent string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign?
+ 'unconditional))
+(define-format #\% (function xp.format-percent))
+(define (xp.format-ampersand string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign?
+ 'fresh))
+(define-format #\& (function xp.format-ampersand))
+(define (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign? kind)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (if (eqv? n 1)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (dotimes (i (1- n))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ )))
+;;; ~_, Conditional newline
+(define (xp.format-underbar string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (kind (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'mandatory 'fill)
+ (if atsign? 'miser 'linear))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\_ (function xp.format-underbar))
+;;; Random character printing directives, ~| and ~~
+;;; *** commented out because #\page is not standard scheme
+; (define (xp.format-bar string start end params colon? atsign?)
+; (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? #\page))
+; (define-format #\| (function xp.format-bar))
+(define (xp.format-twiddle string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? #\~))
+(define-format #\~ (function xp.format-twiddle))
+(define (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? char)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (if (eqv? n 1)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail)))))
+;;; ~<newline> directive (ignore whitespace in format string)
+(define (xp.format-newline string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((newline? '#f)
+ (skip? '#f))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?)) ; skip both newline and whitespace
+ (setf skip? '#t))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))) ; skip newline, leave whitespace
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?) ; do newline, skip whitespace
+ (setf newline? '#t)
+ (setf skip? '#t))
+ (else
+ (error "~:@<newline> not allowed.")))
+ (if skip?
+ (setf start (xp.skip-whitespace string start end)))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if newline?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ continuation))))
+(define-format #\newline (function xp.format-newline))
+(define (xp.skip-whitespace string start end)
+ (if (eqv? start end)
+ start
+ (let ((char (string-ref string start)))
+ (if (and (char-whitespace? char)
+ (not (eqv? char #\newline)))
+ (xp.skip-whitespace string (1+ start) end)
+ start))))
+;;; ~T -> tab
+(define (xp.format-t string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (let* ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (colnum (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (colinc (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (kind (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'section-relative 'section)
+ (if atsign? 'line-relative 'line))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\t (function xp.format-t))
+;;; ~I -> indent
+(define (xp.format-i string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (kind (if colon? 'current 'block))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0)))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (pprint-indent kind n)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\i (function xp.format-i))
+;;; ~* -> skip or back up over arguments
+(define (xp.format-star string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (list-tail tail n))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (xp.back-up n args tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (declare (ignore tail))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (list-tail args n))))
+ (else
+ (error "~:@* not allowed.")))))
+(define-format #\* (function xp.format-star))
+(define (xp.back-up n head tail)
+ (if (eq? (list-tail head n) tail)
+ head
+ (xp.back-up n (cdr head) tail)))
+;;; ~? -> indirection
+;;; Normally uses two arguments, a string and a list.
+;;; With @, only uses a string, takes arguments from the tail.
+(define (xp.format-question string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params colon?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if atsign?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (apply (function format) xp (car tail) (cdr tail)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (apply (function format) xp (car tail) (cadr tail))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cddr tail))))))
+(define-format #\? (function xp.format-question))
+;;; ~(...~) -> case conversion.
+(define *xp.format-paren-next* '#f)
+(define (xp.format-paren string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let* ((handler (dynamic-let ((*xp.format-paren-next* '#t))
+ (let ((result (xp.parse-format-string
+ string start end)))
+ (if (eq? (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*) '#t)
+ (error "~( directive has no matching ~)."))
+ (setf start (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*))
+ result)))
+ (continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (mode (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'up 'cap1)
+ (if atsign? 'cap0 'down))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.push-char-mode xp mode)
+ (setf tail (funcall handler xp args tail))
+ (xp.pop-char-mode xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\( (function xp.format-paren))
+(define (xp.format-paren-end string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore string end params colon? atsign?))
+ (if (not (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*))
+ (error "~) directive has no matching ~(."))
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*) start)
+ (function xp.format-finish))
+(define-format #\) (function xp.format-paren-end))
+;;; ~F -> fixed-width *** unimplemented
+;;; ~E -> e-notation *** unimplemented
+;;; ~G -> general float *** unimplemented
+;;; ~$ -> dollars float *** unimplemented
+;;; ~[...~] -> conditional *** unimplemented
+;;; ~{...~} -> iteration *** unimplemented
+;;; ~<...~> -> justification *** unimplemented
+;;; ~; -> clause seperator *** unimplemented
+;;; ~^ -> up and out *** unimplemented
+;;; ~/.../ -> hook *** unimplemented
+(define (xp.unimplemented-format string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore start end params colon? atsign?))
+ (error "Unimplemented format directive in ~s." string))
+(define-format #\f (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\e (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\g (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\$ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\[ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\] (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\{ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\} (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\< (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\> (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\; (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\^ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\/ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
diff --git a/support/mumble.txt b/support/mumble.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca2f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mumble.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+(quote x)
+(function name)
+ You must use this to reference a global function, as in CL. (There
+ isn't a local function namespace.)
+(lambda lambda-list . body)
+ Equivalent to #'(lambda ...) in Common Lisp.
+ The lambda-list can be dotted, as in Scheme. CL lambda-list keywords
+ are not supported.
+function call
+ Order of evaluation is unspecified, as in Scheme.
+ You have to use FUNCALL if the function is bound with let.
+(funcall function . args)
+ As in Common Lisp, but might be a macro. (The function is guaranteed
+ to be a true function, not a symbol.)
+(apply procedure . args)
+ As in Common Lisp/Scheme.
+(map procedure . lists)
+ As in Scheme. Equivalent to MAPCAR in CL.
+(for-each procedure . lists)
+ As in Scheme. Equivalent to MAPC in CL.
+(every procedure . lists)
+(some procedure . lists)
+(notany procedure . lists)
+(notevery procedure . lists)
+ As in CL, but only work on lists.
+(procedure? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+ Note that we never use symbols or quoted lambda expressions as functions.
+(if test then . maybe-else)
+(when test . body)
+(unless test . body)
+(cond . tests)
+ As in Scheme, but the = syntax isn't supported. When no test is true, the
+ result is undefined.
+(case value . cases)
+ As in Scheme.
+ Stylistically, use this only when the case labels are symbols.
+(and . expressions)
+(or . expressions)
+(not value)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+(set! variable value)
+ As in Scheme; this doesn't return a useful value. Use setf instead.
+(setf place value)
+ Similar to SETF in Common Lisp. Returns value.
+ See define-setf below. Places that are macro calls are expanded
+ if they don't have their own setter.
+ Here is a list of the built-in setters:
+ dynamic
+ car
+ cdr
+ list-ref
+ string-ref
+ vector-ref
+ table-entry
+(let bindings . body)
+(let* bindings . body)
+(letrec bindings . body)
+ Note that each binding clause must be a list of the form (var init);
+ you can't just supply var or (var) as in Common Lisp. Also remember
+ that the order of evaluation for the init-forms is not specified for
+ let/letrec.
+ The Scheme named LET construct is not supported.
+(flet bindings . body)
+(labels bindings . body)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(dynamic-let bindings . body)
+(dynamic name)
+ As in Eulisp. Dynamic-let is equivalent to bind in T, or LET in
+ Common Lisp with all of the variables declared special. As a matter
+ of style, use dynamic to reference the value rather than just the name.
+(begin . body)
+ Like PROGN in Common Lisp.
+(block name . body)
+(return-from name result)
+ The intersection of the Eulisp and Common Lisp definitions. The "name"
+ may be bound as a lexical variable, but you should only refer to it
+ inside a return-from.
+ Don't depend on named functions (etc) establishing implicit blocks,
+ as they do in CL.
+(do bindings-and-steppers (end-test . results) . body)
+ As in Scheme. It doesn't necessarily establish an implicit BLOCK
+ as in CL so you can't RETURN from the loop.
+(dolist (variable init . maybe-result) . body)
+(dotimes (variable init . maybe-result) . body)
+ As in CL, except you can't RETURN from the loop.
+(values . values)
+(multiple-value-bind variables values-expression . body)
+ As in Common Lisp, except that the values-expression must explicitly
+ return multiple values.
+(let/cc variable . body)
+ As in EuLisp. This is the same as catch in T. The continuation
+ has dynamic extent within the body.
+ You call the continuation with an arbitrary number of arguments, which
+ are the multiple values to be returned.
+(unwind-protect protected-form . body)
+(declare ...)
+ Similar to Common Lisp declare. Declarations are allowed only in the
+ standard places that Common Lisp permits (in particular, at the
+ beginning of binding forms). For now, only the following declarations
+ are permitted:
+ (ignore . variables)
+ (ignorable . variables)
+ (type type-spec . variables) -- see info on type-specs below.
+(define pattern . value)
+ As in Scheme.
+(define-integrable pattern . value)
+ Like DEFINE, but also tells the compiler to try to inline the value.
+(define-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Similar to the equivalent T functionality. The lambda-list does not
+ support destructuring, as does Common Lisp's DEFMACRO.
+ The macro definition is made both when the file is loaded and when it
+ is compiled.
+(define-local-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Again, similar to the T functionality. In Common Lisp, equivalent to
+ a DEFMACRO wrapped in (eval-when (compile) ...).
+(define-setf getter-name setter-name)
+ Similar to the short form of DEFSETF in Common Lisp, except that the
+ calling convention for the setter differs: the value is passed as the
+ first argument rather than as the last. The setter must return this
+ value.
+(predefine pattern)
+ This is a forward definition for a function or variable. It doesn't
+ actually make a definition; its purpose is to try to get rid of compiler
+ warnings about calls to functions that haven't been defined yet. It can
+ be a no-op if the underlying Lisp system doesn't provide any way to do
+ this.
+(redefine pattern . value)
+ Like DEFINE, but hints to the compiler not to complain if this
+ function/variable was previously defined somewhere else.
+(redefine-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Like DEFINE-SYNTAX, but hints to the compiler not to complain if this
+ macro was previously defined somewhere else.
+(eq? x1 x2)
+(eqv? x1 x2)
+(equal? x1 x2)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+ Note that equal? is not the same as EQUAL in CL because it descends vectors.
+ eqv? is different from the T equiv? because it doesn't descent strings.
+(pair? x)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+(cons x y)
+(list . values)
+(make-list length . maybe-init)
+(cxxxxr x)
+(null? x)
+(list? x)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+ Note that this is a check for a proper (null-terminated) list, not
+ like LISTP in CL.
+(length x)
+(append list . more-lists)
+(nconc list . more-lists)
+(reverse x)
+(nreverse x)
+(list-tail list n)
+ Like NTHCDR in Common Lisp.
+(list-ref list n)
+ Like NTH in Common Lisp.
+(last list)
+(butlast list)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(memq object list)
+(memv object list)
+(member object list)
+(assq object list)
+(assv object list)
+(assoc object list)
+(push item place)
+(pop place)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(list-copy list)
+(symbol? object)
+(symbol->string object)
+(string->symbol object)
+(gensym . maybe-prefix)
+(gensym? object)
+(symbol-append . symbols)
+(char? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(char=? c1 c2)
+(char<? c1 c2)
+(char>? c1 c2)
+(char<=? c1 c2)
+(char>=? c1 c2)
+ As in Scheme, except that they can return an arbitrary truth value
+ instead of just #t.
+(char-ci=? c1 c2)
+(char-ci<? c1 c2)
+(char-ci>? c1 c2)
+(char-ci<=? c1 c2)
+(char-ci>=? c1 c2)
+ As in Scheme, except that they can return an arbitrary truth value
+ instead of just #t.
+(char-alphabetic? c)
+(char-numeric? c)
+(char-whitespace? c)
+(char-upper-case? c)
+(char-lower-case? c)
+(char->integer c)
+(integer->char n)
+(char-upcase c)
+(char-downcase c)
+(char-name c)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(char->digit c . maybe-radix)
+ Returns nil or the "weight" of the character as a fixnum in the given
+ radix (defaults to 10).
+(string? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(make-string length . maybe-init)
+(string char . more-chars)
+(string-length string)
+(string-ref string index)
+(string=? s1 s2)
+(string<? s1 s2)
+(string>? s1 s2)
+(string<=? s1 s2)
+(string>=? s1 s2)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(string-ci=? s1 s2)
+(string-ci<? s1 s2)
+(string-ci>? s1 s2)
+(string-ci<=? s1 s2)
+(string-ci>=? s1 s2)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(substring string start end)
+(string-append string . more-strings)
+(string->list string)
+(list->string list)
+(string-copy string)
+(string-upcase string)
+(string-downcase string)
+(vector? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(make-vector length . maybe-init)
+(vector object . more-objects)
+(vector-length vector)
+(vector-ref vector index)
+(vector->list vector)
+(list->vector list)
+(vector-copy vector)
+(number? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(integer? object)
+(rational? object)
+(float? object)
+ These test the representation of a number, not its mathematical
+ properties. They're equivalent to the CL integerp, rationalp, and floatp
+ predicates. We ignore complex numbers for now.
+(exact->inexact number)
+ Convert an exact-rational to a float.
+(= x1 x2)
+(< x1 x2)
+(> x1 x2)
+(<= x1 x2)
+(>= x1 x2)
+ As in Scheme, except they can return an arbitrary truth value.
+ They're restricted to being binary operators because that's all
+ that's supported in T.
+(zero? x)
+(positive? x)
+(negative? x)
+ As in Scheme, except they can return an arbitrary truth value.
+(min number . more-numbers)
+(max number . more-numbers)
+(+ . numbers)
+(* . numbers)
+(- n1 . more-numbers)
+(/ n1 . more-numbers)
+ As in Scheme.
+(quotient n1 n2)
+(remainder n1 n2)
+(modulo n1 n2)
+ quotient rounds towards zero.
+ remainder has the sign of the second argument, modulo has the sign of
+ the first argument.
+(floor x)
+(ceiling x)
+(truncate x)
+(round x)
+ As in Scheme. These return a number of the same type as the argument.
+(floor->exact x)
+(ceiling->exact x)
+(truncate->exact x)
+(round->exact x)
+ Like the above, but return an exact-integer result. Borrowed from
+ MIT Scheme.
+(1+ n)
+(1- n)
+(incf place . maybe-delta)
+(decf place . maybe-delta)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(number->string number . maybe-radix)
+(string->number string . maybe-radix)
+ As in Scheme.
+(expt base power)
+ As in Common Lisp. [our only use is when both args are integers]
+(table? object)
+(table-entry table key)
+(table-for-each proc table)
+(copy-table table)
+ More or less as in T. For now we only bother with tables that use
+ eq? as the comparison function -- mostly symbols are used as keys.
+(call-with-input-file string proc)
+(call-with-output-file string proc)
+ As in Scheme. The proc is called with one argument, the port.
+(call-with-input-string string proc)
+(call-with-output-string proc)
+ Similar, but for reading/writing to a string stream string.
+ Call-with-output-string returns the string.
+(input-port? object)
+(output-port? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value.
+(open-input-file filename)
+(open-output-file filename)
+(close-input-port port)
+(close-output-port port)
+(read . maybe-port)
+(read-char . maybe-port)
+(peek-char . maybe-port)
+(read-line . maybe-port)
+(eof-object? object)
+(internal-write object port)
+(internal-output-width port)
+(internal-output-position port)
+(internal-write-char char port)
+(internal-write-string string port start end)
+(internal-newline port)
+(internal-fresh-line port)
+(internal-finish-output port)
+(internal-force-output port)
+(internal-clear-output port)
+(internal-write-to-string object)
+(internal-warning string)
+(internal-error string)
+ These are all internal hooks. Don't use them directly if you can
+ avoid it.
+(write object . maybe-stream)
+(print object . maybe-stream)
+(prin1 object . maybe-stream)
+(princ object . maybe-stream)
+(pprint object . maybe-stream)
+(prin1-to-string object)
+(princ-to-string object)
+(write-char char . maybe-stream)
+(write-string string . maybe-stream-start-end)
+(write-line string . maybe-stream-start-end)
+(terpri . maybe-stream)
+(fresh-line . maybe-stream)
+(finish-output . maybe-stream)
+(force-output . maybe-stream)
+(clear-output . maybe-stream)
+ These are the standard Common Lisp print functions. All of them
+ accept either a port or an XP stream as a stream argument.
+(display object . maybe-stream)
+ Same as princ; for Scheme compatibility.
+(newline object . maybe-stream)
+ Same as terpri; for Scheme compatibility.
+ These are the standard Common Lisp printer control variables. The
+ functions listed above obey them.
+ These are more standard Common Lisp printer control variables, but
+ support for them hasn't been implemented yet. Maybe some day.
+ This is the hook for user customization of the printer. Its value is a
+ function that is passed an object as an argument, and returns another
+ function that takes a stream and the object as arguments.
+ If true, use standard structure printing syntax (overriding any special
+ print function for the structure type).
+ If true, recursively print structure slots when using standard structure
+ printing syntax; otherwise just print the structure type name.
+(standard-print-dispatch object)
+ This function is the initial value of *print-dispatch*.
+ These are the XP pretty-printer control variables. For more information
+ about the pretty-printer, read the XP document.
+(pprint-newline kind . maybe-stream)
+ The kind argument can be one of LINEAR, FILL, MISER, or MANDATORY.
+(pprint-logical-block (stream-symbol list . more-options) . body)
+ This is a macro. The body should contain code for printing a logical
+ block to the stream stream-symbol.
+ The format of the options is (stream-symbol list prefix suffix per-line?).
+ The list argument can be used with the pprint-pop macro.
+ The prefix is a string that is printed as the initial prefix of the logical
+ block. If per-line? is true, then the prefix is printed on every line.
+ The suffix is a string that is printed at the end of the logical block.
+ You can use this macro even when not pretty-printing, to get support
+ for *print-length* and *print-level*. In that case, you should have
+ the body forms put out only a minimal amount of whitespace.
+ Returns the next item from the list specified to an enclosing
+ pprint-logical-block. Checks for circular list tails and *print-length*
+ abbreviation.
+ Can be used inside pprint-logical-block to see if the list is empty.
+ Causes the block to be exited if so.
+(pprint-indent relative-to n . maybe-stream)
+ Specify the indentation level to use for a logical block.
+ The relative-to argument can be either BLOCK or CURRENT.
+(pprint-tab kind colnum colinc . maybe-stream)
+ Specify tabbing. The kind argument can be one of LINE, SECTION,
+(pprint-fill stream list . maybe-colon-atsign)
+(pprint-linear stream list . maybe-colon-atsign)
+(pprint-tabular stream list . maybe-colon-atsign-tabsize)
+ Pretty-print list to the stream in the given style.
+(format stream string-or-fn . args)
+ The standard Common Lisp format, except that some of the more esoteric
+ directives are unimplemented. (Specifically, watch out for specifying
+ field widths or using # or V parameters; most of the numeric formatting
+ options are unimplemented, as are complicated directives like ~{...~}.)
+ The stream parameter can be #f to output to a string, or #t to output
+ to the (current-output-port).
+ The string-or-fn argument can be a function as well as a string containing
+ embedded directives. The function is applied to the stream and the args.
+(warning string-or-fn . args)
+(error string-or-fn . args)
+System Interface
+(macroexpand-1 form . maybe-env)
+(macroexpand form . maybe-env)
+ As in Common Lisp. Since we don't have lexical macros and don't allow
+ syntax to be shadowed by local bindings, you can omit the environment
+ argument. These functions are provided mostly for debugging purposes.
+(eval form . maybe-compile)
+ As in Common Lisp. If the optional argument is supplied and is true,
+ try to compile the code in memory, not interpret it.
+(load filename)
+ A number between 0 and 3. 0 = minimal compilation, 1 = for debugging,
+ 2 = low safety, high speed, fast compilation, 3 = go all out.
+(compile-file source-filename . maybe-binary-filename)
+(with-compilation-unit options . forms)
+ This is the ANSI CL macro. We don't use any options.
+(filename-place filename)
+(filename-name filename)
+(filename-type filename)
+ We use a rather simplistic file system model. Filenames are strings
+ with place (or directory), name, and type components. These functions
+ pick apart filename strings. You shouldn't have to mess with string
+ operations on the components directly.
+(assemble-filename place-filename name-filename type-filename)
+ Build a new filename by combining the appropriate parts of the argument
+ filenames.
+ These constants hold appropriate default types for source and
+ compiled files. By convention, source-file-type is ".scm" but
+ the binary-file-type depends on the underlying Lisp system.
+(file-exists? filename)
+ Returns true if the file exists.
+(file-write-date filename)
+ Dates are represented as integers relative to an arbitrary base. These
+ functions are mostly useful for recording timestamps.
+ Return run time as a floating-point number relative to an arbitrary base.
+ Useful for doing timings.
+(getenv name)
+ Explicitly expand an environment variable. (Environment variables that
+ appear as filename prefixes are expanded automagically by the functions
+ that open files.)
+(cd filename)
+ Change the current directory.
+ Go away.
+Reader Support
+' => quote
+` => backquote; also , and ,@
+#t and #f
+Random Stuff
+ returns a string identifying the underlying lisp implementation; e.g.
+ "lucid", "t", etc.
+ return a longer string indentifying the lisp version and machine type.
+ True if the underlying Lisp always evaluates function arguments
+ left-to-right; false otherwise.
+(gc-messages onoff)
+ Turn garbage collection messages on/off, if possible.
+(identity x)
+ The identity function.
+Type specifiers
+list, (list element-type)
+fixnum, int
+table, (table key-type value-type)
+(enum . values)
+(tuple . component-types)
+alist, (alist key-type value-type)
+(maybe type)
+ These are the standard type specifiers.
+ As in Common Lisp.
+ Equivalent to CL subtypep
+ Equivalent to CL typep
+ As in Common Lisp, also recognizes "else" clause.
+(struct? object)
+ Returns true if the object is a struct.
+(struct-type-descriptor object)
+ Returns the type descriptor of a struct object.
+name, slots, parent-type, printer
+ Slots of type-descriptor object.
+(td-name td)
+(td-slots td)
+(td-parent-type td)
+(td-printer td)
+ Accessors for type-descriptors.
+name, type, default, getter
+ Slots of slot-descriptor object.
+(sd-name sd)
+(sd-type sd)
+(sd-default sd)
+(sd-getter sd)
+ Accessors for slot-descriptors.
+(sd-getter-function sd)
+ Returns a function which can be used to access a slot (as opposed to
+ the symbol that names the function).
+(lookup-type-descriptor type-name)
+(lookup-slot-descriptor type-name slot-name)
+ Name to descriptor mappings.
+(make type . initializers)
+ The type must name a struct type; it is not evaluated.
+ The initializers are of the form (slot-name value-form).
+(struct-slot type slot object)
+ Generalized slot access. Type and slot are symbols. If both are
+ quoted, can be used with SETF.
+(with-slots type slot-names object . body)
+ Binds the specified slots of object to local variables with the
+ same names. Bindings are read-only. Type is not evaluated.
+(update-slots type object . initializers)
+ Modifies the slots of object. Syntax of initializers is as for make.
+ Type is not evaluated.
+(define-struct name
+ (include parent-type-name)
+ (type-template subtype-of-type-descriptor)
+ (prefix prefix-symbol)
+ (predicate predicate-name)
+ (slots
+ (slot-name
+ (type type)
+ (default init-form)
+ (bit #t)
+ (read-only? #t)
+ (uninitialized? #t))
+ ...))
+ Defines name as a subtype of struct with the given slots.
+ All fields are optional.
+ Include specifies the immediate supertype. All accessors on the supertype
+ work on the newly defined type. It defaults to struct.
+ Type-template specifies the metaclass. It can be used to attach
+ additional information to the type descriptor. It defaults to
+ type-descriptor.
+ Prefix can be used to specify an alternate prefix for accessors. The
+ default is name-.
+ Predicate can be used to create a predicate function. The default is
+ not to create one.
+ If no default is specified for a slot, it's expected to have an
+ explicit initializer supplied with MAKE. You'll get a compilation
+ warning otherwise, unless you specify the uninitialized? option instead.
+ Bit is a hint for optimizing internal representation.
+ Read-only? says not to create a SETFer for the slot.
+(define-struct-printer struct-name printer-function)
+ Specifies a printer function to use when *print-structure* is false.
diff --git a/support/pprint.scm b/support/pprint.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b28ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pprint.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1788 @@
+;;; pprint.scm -- xp pretty-printer in Scheme
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 29 Oct 1991
+;;; This code is adapted from the XP pretty printer originally written
+;;; in Common Lisp by Dick Waters. Here is the copyright notice attached
+;;; to the original XP source file:
+;;; Copyright 1989,1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+;;; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+;;; provided that this copyright and permission notice appear in all
+;;; copies and supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not
+;;; be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+;;; software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no
+;;; representations about the suitability of this software for any
+;;; purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+;;; Variables
+;;; External variables. These may be specially bound by user code.
+(define *print-escape* '#t)
+(define *print-circle* '#f)
+(define *print-level* '#f)
+(define *print-length* '#f)
+(define *print-base* 10)
+(define *print-radix* '#f)
+(define *print-shared* '#f)
+(define *print-pretty* '#f)
+(define *print-right-margin* '#f)
+(define *print-miser-width* 40)
+(define *print-lines* '#f)
+(define *default-right-margin* 70)
+(define *last-abbreviated-printing*
+ (lambda maybe-stream
+ (declare (ignore maybe-stream))
+ '#f))
+(define *print-dispatch* '#f) ; initialized later
+(define *print-structure* '#f)
+(define *print-structure-slots* '#t)
+;;; *** These variables aren't really supported, but they should be.
+(define *print-readably* '#f)
+(define *print-case* 'upcase)
+;;; Internal variables. These are all specially rebound when we initiate
+;;; printing to an XP stream.
+(define *xp.current-level* 0)
+(define *xp.current-length* 0)
+(define *xp.abbreviation-happened* '#f)
+(define *xp.locating-circularities* '#f)
+(define *xp.parents* '())
+(define *xp.circularity-hash-table* '#f)
+(define *xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit*
+ (lambda values
+ (declare (ignore values))
+ (error "No line limit abbreviation exit in this extent.")))
+;;; Dispatching
+;;; Since Scheme doesn't have type specifiers or named structures,
+;;; the dispatch mechanism defined for the Common Lisp XP won't work
+;;; very well. A more general alternative might be to maintain a
+;;; sorted list of <priority predicate printer> tuples, but having to
+;;; try each of these in sequence could get very slow.
+;;; What I've decided to to instead is to have the value of
+;;; *print-dispatch* be a user-defined dispatcher
+;;; function: given an object, it should return a function to print it,
+;;; or #f. In the latter case, the object is printed in some default
+;;; way.
+;;; The standard dispatcher function is defined towards the bottom
+;;; of this file. If you are writing your own dispatcher, you should
+;;; probably call this function as the fall-through case.
+(define (xp.get-printer object)
+ (funcall (dynamic *print-dispatch*) object))
+;;; Internal data structures
+(define-integrable xp.block-stack-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-stack-entry-size 5)
+(define-integrable xp.queue-entry-size 7)
+(define-integrable xp.buffer-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.suffix-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.block-stack-min-size (* 35 xp.block-stack-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-stack-min-size (* 30 xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.queue-min-size (* 75 xp.queue-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.buffer-min-size 256)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-min-size 256)
+(define-integrable xp.suffix-min-size 256)
+;;; The xp stream structure.
+;;; Fields without defaults are initialized by xp.initialize-xp, below.
+(define-struct xp
+ (prefix xp.)
+ (predicate xp.xp-structure-p)
+ (slots
+ (base-stream (type t) (default '#f))
+ (linel (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ (line-limit (type (maybe fixnum)) (default '#f))
+ (line-no (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ (char-mode (type (enum #f up down cap0 cap1 capw)) (default '#f))
+ (char-mode-counter (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; number of logical blocks at qright that are started but not ended.
+ (depth-in-blocks (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stack is pushed and popped in accordance with the way blocks
+ ;; are nested at the moment they are entered into the queue.
+ (block-stack (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.block-stack-min-size)))
+ ;; Pointer into block-stack vector.
+ (block-stack-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This is a string that builds up the line images that will be printed out.
+ (buffer (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ;; The output character position of the first character in the buffer;
+ ;; nonzero only if a partial line has been output.
+ (charpos (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; The index in the buffer where the next character is to be inserted.
+ (buffer-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This is used in computing total lengths. It is changed to reflect
+ ;; all shifting and insertion of prefixes so that total length computes
+ ;; things as they would be if they were all on one line.
+ (buffer-offset (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; The queue of action descriptors. The value is a vector.
+ (queue (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.queue-min-size)))
+ ;; Index of next queue entry to dequeue.
+ (qleft (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; Index of last entry queued; queue is empty when (> qleft qright).
+ (qright (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stores the prefix that should be used at the start of the line.
+ (prefix (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ;; This stack is pushed and popped in accordance with the way blocks
+ ;; are nested at the moment things are taken off the queue and printed.
+ (prefix-stack (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.prefix-stack-min-size)))
+ ;; Index into prefix-stack.
+ (prefix-stack-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stores the suffixes that have to be pritned to close of the
+ ;; current open blocks. For convenience in popping, the whole suffix
+ ;; is stored in reverse order.
+ (suffix (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ))
+(define (xp.make-xp-structure)
+ (make xp))
+;;; Positions within the buffer are kept in three ways:
+;;; * Buffer position (eg BUFFER-PTR)
+;;; * Line position (eg (+ BUFFER-PTR CHARPOS)).
+;;; Indentations are stored in this form.
+;;; * Total position if all on one line (eg (+ BUFFER-PTR BUFFER-OFFSET))
+;;; Positions are stored in this form.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.lp<-bp xp . maybe-ptr)
+ (let ((ptr (if (not (null? maybe-ptr))
+ (car maybe-ptr)
+ `(xp.buffer-ptr ,xp))))
+ `(+ ,ptr (xp.charpos ,xp))))
+(define-local-syntax (<-bp xp)
+ `(+ (xp.buffer-ptr ,xp) (xp.buffer-offset ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.bp<-lp xp ptr)
+ `(- ,ptr (xp.charpos ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.bp<-tp xp ptr)
+ `(- ,ptr (xp.buffer-offset ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.lp<-tp xp ptr)
+ `(xp.lp<-bp ,xp (xp.bp<-tp ,xp ,ptr)))
+;;; Define some macros for growing the various stacks in the xp-structure.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-block-stack-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.block-stack ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.block-stack ,xp) ,ptr xp.block-stack-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-prefix-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.prefix ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.prefix ,xp) ,ptr xp.prefix-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-prefix-stack-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.prefix-stack ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) ,ptr xp.prefix-stack-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-queue-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.queue ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.queue ,xp) ,ptr xp.queue-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-buffer-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.buffer ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.buffer ,xp) ,ptr xp.buffer-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-suffix-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.suffix ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.suffix ,xp) ,ptr xp.suffix-entry-size)))
+(define (xp.grow-vector old ptr entry-size)
+ (let ((end (vector-length old)))
+ (if (> ptr (- end entry-size))
+ (let ((new (make-vector (+ ptr 50))))
+ (dotimes (i end)
+ (setf (vector-ref new i) (vector-ref old i)))
+ new)
+ old)))
+(define (xp.grow-string old ptr entry-size)
+ (let ((end (string-length old)))
+ (if (> ptr (- end entry-size))
+ (let ((new (make-string (+ ptr 50))))
+ (dotimes (i end)
+ (setf (string-ref new i) (string-ref old i)))
+ new)
+ old)))
+;;; Things for manipulating the block stack.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.section-start xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.block-stack ,xp) (xp.block-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+(define (xp.push-block-stack xp)
+ (incf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) xp.block-stack-entry-size)
+ (xp.check-block-stack-size xp (xp.block-stack-ptr xp)))
+(define (xp.pop-block-stack xp)
+ (decf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) xp.block-stack-entry-size))
+;;; Prefix stack manipulations
+(define-local-syntax (xp.prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.suffix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 1)))
+(define-local-syntax (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 2)))
+(define-local-syntax (initial-prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 3)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.section-start-line xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 4)))
+(define (xp.push-prefix-stack xp)
+ (let ((old-prefix 0)
+ (old-suffix 0)
+ (old-non-blank 0))
+ (when (not (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp)))
+ (setf old-prefix (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (setf old-suffix (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (setf old-non-blank (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)))
+ (incf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) xp.prefix-stack-entry-size)
+ (xp.check-prefix-stack-size xp (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) old-prefix)
+ (setf (xp.suffix-ptr xp) old-suffix)
+ (setf (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) old-non-blank)))
+(define (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)
+ (decf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+;;; The queue entries have several parts:
+;;; QPOS total position corresponding to this entry
+;;; QDEPTH depth in blocks of this entry.
+;;; QEND offset to entry marking end of section this entry starts.
+;; (NIL until known.)
+;;; Only :start-block and non-literal :newline entries can start sections.
+;;; QOFFSET offset to :END-BLOCK for :START-BLOCK (NIL until known).
+;;; QARG for :IND indentation delta
+;;; for :START-BLOCK suffix in the block if any.
+;;; or if per-line-prefix then cons of suffix and
+;;; per-line-prefix.
+;;; for :END-BLOCK suffix for the block if any.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qtype xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) ,index))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qkind xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (1+ ,index)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qpos xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 2)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qdepth xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 3)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qend xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 4)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qoffset xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 5)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qarg xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 6)))
+;;; we shift the queue over rather than using a circular queue because
+;;; that works out to be a lot faster in practice. Note, short printout
+;;; does not ever cause a shift, and even in long printout, the queue is
+;;; shifted left for free every time it happens to empty out.
+(define (xp.enqueue xp type kind . maybe-arg)
+ (incf (xp.qright xp) xp.queue-entry-size)
+ (when (> (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-min-size xp.queue-entry-size))
+ (vector-replace (xp.queue xp) (xp.queue xp) 0 (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- (xp.qright xp) (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0))
+ (xp.check-queue-size xp (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qtype xp (xp.qright xp)) type)
+ (setf (xp.qkind xp (xp.qright xp)) kind)
+ (setf (xp.qpos xp (xp.qright xp)) (<-bp xp))
+ (setf (xp.qdepth xp (xp.qright xp)) (xp.depth-in-blocks xp))
+ (setf (xp.qend xp (xp.qright xp)) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.qoffset xp (xp.qright xp)) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.qarg xp (xp.qright xp)) (car maybe-arg)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qnext index) `(+ ,index xp.queue-entry-size))
+;;; Print routine for xp structures
+;;; *** this is broken, it uses unimplemented format options.
+(define *xp.describe-xp-streams-fully* '#f)
+(define (xp.describe-xp xp . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((s (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (format s "#<XP stream ")
+ (if (not (xp.base-stream xp))
+ (format s "not currently in use")
+ (begin
+ (format s "outputting to ~S" (xp.base-stream xp))
+ (format s "~&buffer= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.buffer xp) 0 (max (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0)))
+ (if (not (dynamic *xp.describe-xp-streams-fully*))
+ (format s " ...")
+ (begin
+ (format s "~& pos _123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789")
+ (format s "~&depth-in-blocks= ~D linel= ~D line-no= ~D line-limit= ~D"
+ (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.linel xp)
+ (xp.line-no xp) (xp.line-limit xp))
+ (when (or (xp.char-mode xp) (not (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))))
+ (format s "~&char-mode= ~S char-mode-counter= ~D"
+ (xp.char-mode xp) (xp.char-mode-counter xp)))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.block-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&section-start")
+ (do ((save (xp.block-stack-ptr xp)))
+ ((negative? (xp.block-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) save))
+ (format s " ~D" (xp.section-start xp))
+ (xp.pop-block-stack xp)))
+ (format s "~&linel= ~D charpos= ~D buffer-ptr= ~D buffer-offset= ~D"
+ (xp.linel xp) (xp.charpos xp)
+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.buffer-offset xp))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&prefix= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.prefix xp) 0 (max (xp.prefix-ptr xp) 0)))
+ (format s "~&suffix= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.suffix xp) 0 (max (xp.suffix-ptr xp) 0))))
+ (unless (> (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (format s "~&ptr type kind pos depth end offset arg")
+ (do ((p (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext p)))
+ ((> p (xp.qright xp)))
+ (format s "~&~4A~13A~15A~4A~6A~4A~7A~A"
+ (/ (- p (xp.qleft xp)) xp.queue-entry-size)
+ (xp.qtype xp p)
+ (if (memq (xp.qtype xp p) '(newline ind))
+ (xp.qkind xp p)
+ "")
+ (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp p))
+ (xp.qdepth xp p)
+ (if (not (memq (xp.qtype xp p)
+ '(newline start-block)))
+ ""
+ (and (xp.qend xp p)
+ (/ (- (+ p (xp.qend xp p)) (xp.qleft xp))
+ xp.queue-entry-size)))
+ (if (not (eq? (xp.qtype xp p) 'start-block))
+ ""
+ (and (xp.qoffset xp p)
+ (/ (- (+ p (xp.qoffset xp p)) (xp.qleft xp))
+ xp.queue-entry-size)))
+ (if (not (memq (xp.qtype xp p)
+ '(ind start-block end-block)))
+ ""
+ (xp.qarg xp p)))))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&initial-prefix-ptr prefix-ptr suffix-ptr non-blank start-line")
+ (do ((save (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp)))
+ ((negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) save))
+ (format s "~& ~19A~11A~11A~10A~A"
+ (initial-prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.suffix-ptr xp)
+ (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.section-start-line xp))
+ (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)))))))
+ (format s ">")))
+;;; Allocation of XP structures
+;;; This maintains a list of XP structures. We save them
+;;; so that we don't have to create new ones all of the time.
+;;; We have separate objects so that many can be in use at once
+;;; (e.g. for printing to multiple streams).
+(define '())
+(define (xp.get-pretty-print-stream stream)
+ (xp.initialize-xp
+ (if (not (null?
+ (pop
+ (xp.make-xp-structure))
+ stream))
+;;; If you call this, the xp-stream gets efficiently recycled.
+(define ( xp)
+ (setf (xp.base-stream xp) '#f)
+ (if (not (memq xp
+ (push xp
+;;; This is called to initialize things when you start pretty printing.
+(define (xp.initialize-xp xp stream)
+ (setf (xp.base-stream xp) stream)
+ (setf (xp.linel xp)
+ (max 0
+ (cond ((dynamic *print-right-margin*))
+ ((internal-output-width stream))
+ (else (dynamic *default-right-margin*)))))
+ (setf (xp.line-limit xp) (dynamic *print-lines*))
+ (setf (xp.line-no xp) 1)
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.char-mode-counter xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.charpos xp) (or (internal-output-position stream) 0))
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-offset xp) (xp.charpos xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-entry-size))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) (- xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+ xp)
+;;; The char-mode stuff is a bit tricky.
+;;; one can be in one of the following modes:
+;;; NIL no changes to characters output.
+;;; :UP CHAR-UPCASE used.
+;;; :CAP0 capitalize next alphanumeric letter then switch to :DOWN.
+;;; :CAP1 capitalize next alphanumeric letter then switch to :CAPW
+;;; :CAPW downcase letters. When a word break letter found, switch to :CAP1.
+;;; It is possible for ~(~) to be nested in a format string, but note that
+;;; each mode specifies what should happen to every letter. Therefore, inner
+;;; nested modes never have any effect. You can just ignore them.
+(define (xp.push-char-mode xp new-mode)
+ (if (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) new-mode))
+ (incf (xp.char-mode-counter xp)))
+(define (xp.pop-char-mode xp)
+ (decf (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (if (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) '#f)))
+;;; Assumes is only called when char-mode is non-nil
+(define (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)
+ (case (xp.char-mode xp)
+ ((CAP0)
+ (cond ((not (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))) char)
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'DOWN) (char-upcase char))))
+ ((CAP1)
+ (cond ((not (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))) char)
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'CAPW) (char-upcase char))))
+ ((CAPW)
+ (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))
+ (char-downcase char))
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'CAP1) char)))
+ ((UP)
+ (char-upcase char))
+ (else
+ (char-downcase char)))) ;DOWN
+;;; All characters output are passed through the handler above. However,
+;;; it must be noted that on-each-line prefixes are only processed in the
+;;; context of the first place they appear. They stay the same later no
+;;; matter what. Also non-literal newlines do not count as word breaks.
+;;; This handles the basic outputting of characters. note + suffix means that
+;;; the stream is known to be an XP stream, all inputs are mandatory, and no
+;;; error checking has to be done. Suffix ++ additionally means that the
+;;; output is guaranteed not to contain a newline char.
+(define (xp.write-char+ char xp)
+ (if (eqv? char #\newline)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp)))
+(define (xp.write-string+ mystring xp start end)
+ (let ((next-newline (string-position #\newline mystring start end)))
+ (if next-newline
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start next-newline)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring xp (1+ next-newline) end))
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start end))))
+;;; note this checks (> BUFFER-PTR LINEL) instead of (> (xp.lp<-bp) LINEL)
+;;; this is important so that when things are longer than a line they
+;;; end up getting printed in chunks of size LINEL.
+(define (xp.write-char++ char xp)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp))
+ (xp.force-some-output xp))
+ (let ((new-buffer-end (1+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp))))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp new-buffer-end)
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (setf char (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)))
+ (setf (string-ref (xp.buffer xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp)) char)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) new-buffer-end)))
+(define (xp.force-some-output xp)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#f '#f)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp)) ;only if printing off end of line
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#t)))
+(define (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start end)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp))
+ (xp.force-some-output xp))
+ (xp.write-string+++ mystring xp start end))
+;;; never forces output; therefore safe to call from within xp.output-line.
+(define (xp.write-string+++ mystring xp start end)
+ (let ((new-buffer-end (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (- end start))))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp new-buffer-end)
+ (do ((buffer (xp.buffer xp))
+ (i (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (1+ i))
+ (j start (1+ j)))
+ ((= j end))
+ (let ((char (string-ref mystring j)))
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (setf char (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)))
+ (setf (string-ref buffer i) char)))
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) new-buffer-end)))
+(define (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc xp)
+ (let ((indented? '#f)
+ (relative? '#f))
+ (case kind
+ ((section) (setf indented? '#t))
+ ((line-relative) (setf relative? '#t))
+ ((section-relative) (setf indented? '#t) (setf relative? '#t)))
+ (let* ((current
+ (if (not indented?)
+ (xp.lp<-bp xp)
+ (- (<-bp xp) (xp.section-start xp))))
+ (new
+ (if (zero? colinc)
+ (if relative? (+ current colnum) (max colnum current))
+ (cond (relative?
+ (* colinc
+ (quotient (+ current colnum colinc -1) colinc)))
+ ((> colnum current) colnum)
+ (else
+ (+ colnum
+ (* colinc
+ (quotient (+ current (- colnum) colinc)
+ colinc)))))))
+ (end (- new current)))
+ (when (positive? end)
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (xp.handle-char-mode xp #\space))
+ (let ((end (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end)))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp end)
+ (string-fill (xp.buffer xp) #\space (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end))))))
+;;; note following is smallest number >= x that is a multiple of colinc
+;;; (* colinc (quotient (+ x (1- colinc)) colinc))
+(define (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'newline kind)
+ (do ((ptr (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext ptr))) ;find sections we are ending
+ ((not (< ptr (xp.qright xp)))) ;all but last
+ (when (and (not (xp.qend xp ptr))
+ (not (> (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.qdepth xp ptr)))
+ (memq (xp.qtype xp ptr) '(newline start-block)))
+ (setf (xp.qend xp ptr) (- (xp.qright xp) ptr))))
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) (<-bp xp))
+ (when (and (memq kind '(fresh unconditional)) (xp.char-mode xp))
+ (xp.handle-char-mode xp #\newline))
+ (when (memq kind '(fresh unconditional mandatory))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#f)))
+(define (xp.start-block xp prefix-string on-each-line? suffix-string)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix prefix-string xp)
+ (if (and (xp.char-mode xp) on-each-line?)
+ (setf prefix-string
+ (substring (xp.buffer xp)
+ (- (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (string-length prefix-string))
+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp))))
+ (xp.push-block-stack xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'start-block '#f
+ (if on-each-line? (cons suffix-string prefix-string) suffix-string))
+ (incf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp)) ;must be after enqueue
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) (<-bp xp)))
+(define (xp.end-block xp suffix)
+ (unless (and (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (eqv? (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (dynamic *print-lines*)))
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix suffix xp)
+ (decf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp))
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'end-block '#f suffix)
+ (block foundit
+ (do ((ptr (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext ptr))) ;look for start of block we are ending
+ ((not (< ptr (xp.qright xp)))) ;all but last
+ (when (and (= (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.qdepth xp ptr))
+ (eq? (xp.qtype xp ptr) 'start-block)
+ (not (xp.qoffset xp ptr)))
+ (setf (xp.qoffset xp ptr) (- (xp.qright xp) ptr))
+ (return-from foundit '#f))) ;can only be 1
+ )
+ (xp.pop-block-stack xp)))
+(define (xp.write-prefix-suffix mystring xp)
+ (when mystring
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp 0 (string-length mystring))))
+(define (xp.pprint-indent+ kind n xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'ind kind n))
+;;; attempt-to-output scans the queue looking for things it can do.
+;;; it keeps outputting things until the queue is empty, or it finds
+;;; a place where it cannot make a decision yet.
+;;; If flush-out? is T and force-newlines? is NIL then the buffer,
+;;; prefix-stack, and queue will be in an inconsistent state after the call.
+;;; You better not call it this way except as the last act of outputting.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.maybe-too-large xp Qentry)
+ `(let ((limit (xp.linel ,xp)))
+ (when (eqv? (xp.line-limit ,xp) (xp.line-no ,xp)) ;prevents suffix overflow
+ (decf limit 2) ;3 for " .." minus 1 for space (heuristic)
+ (when (not (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+ (decf limit (xp.suffix-ptr ,xp))))
+ (cond ((xp.qend ,xp ,Qentry)
+ (> (xp.lp<-tp ,xp (xp.qpos ,xp (+ ,Qentry (xp.qend ,xp ,Qentry)))) limit))
+ ((or force-newlines? (> (xp.lp<-bp ,xp) limit))
+ '#t)
+ (else ;wait until later to decide.
+ (return-from attempt-to-output '#f)))))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.misering? xp)
+ `(and (dynamic *print-miser-width*)
+ (<= (- (xp.linel ,xp) (initial-prefix-ptr ,xp))
+ (dynamic *print-miser-width*))))
+(define (xp.attempt-to-output xp force-newlines? flush-out?)
+ (block attempt-to-output
+ (do ()
+ ((> (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-entry-size))) ;saves shifting
+ (case (xp.qtype xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((ind)
+ (unless (xp.misering? xp)
+ (xp.set-indentation-prefix
+ xp
+ (case (xp.qkind xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((block)
+ (+ (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else ; current
+ (+ (xp.lp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp)))))))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ ((start-block)
+ (cond ((xp.maybe-too-large xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ (xp.push-prefix-stack xp)
+ (setf (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.set-indentation-prefix
+ xp (xp.lp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (let ((arg (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (when (pair? arg) (xp.set-prefix xp (cdr arg)))
+ (setf (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (cond ((not (list? arg)) (xp.set-suffix xp arg))
+ ((car arg) (xp.set-suffix xp (car arg)))))
+ (setf (xp.section-start-line xp) (xp.line-no xp)))
+ (else (incf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qoffset xp (xp.qleft xp)))))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ ((end-block)
+ (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else ; newline
+ (when (case (xp.qkind xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((fresh) (not (zero? (xp.lp<-bp xp))))
+ ((miser) (xp.misering? xp))
+ ((fill) (or (xp.misering? xp)
+ (> (xp.line-no xp) (xp.section-start-line xp))
+ (xp.maybe-too-large xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else '#t)) ;(linear unconditional mandatory)
+ (xp.output-line xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ (xp.setup-for-next-line xp (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp)))))))
+ (when flush-out? (xp.flush xp)))
+;;; this can only be called last!
+(define (xp.flush xp)
+ (unless (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (internal-write-string (xp.buffer xp) (xp.base-stream xp) 0 (xp.buffer-ptr xp)))
+ (incf (xp.buffer-offset xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (incf (xp.charpos xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0))
+;;; This prints out a line of stuff.
+(define (xp.output-line xp Qentry)
+ (let* ((out-point (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp Qentry)))
+ (last-non-blank (string-position-not-from-end
+ #\space (xp.buffer xp) 0 out-point))
+ (end (cond ((memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(fresh unconditional))
+ out-point)
+ (last-non-blank (1+ last-non-blank))
+ (else 0)))
+ (line-limit-exit (and (xp.line-limit xp)
+ (not (> (xp.line-limit xp) (xp.line-no xp))))))
+ (when line-limit-exit
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end) ;truncate pending output.
+ (xp.write-string+++ " .." xp 0 3)
+ (string-nreverse (xp.suffix xp) 0 (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.write-string+++ (xp.suffix xp) xp 0 (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qright xp)))
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) (dynamic *print-lines*))
+ (funcall (dynamic *xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit*) '#t))
+ (incf (xp.line-no xp))
+ (unless (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (internal-write-string (xp.buffer xp) (xp.base-stream xp) 0 end)
+ (newline (xp.base-stream xp)))))
+(define (xp.setup-for-next-line xp Qentry)
+ (let* ((out-point (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp Qentry)))
+ (prefix-end
+ (cond ((memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(unconditional fresh))
+ (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp))
+ (else (xp.prefix-ptr xp))))
+ (change (- prefix-end out-point)))
+ (setf (xp.charpos xp) 0)
+ (when (positive? change) ;almost never happens
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) change)))
+ (string-replace (xp.buffer xp) (xp.buffer xp)
+ prefix-end out-point (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (string-replace (xp.buffer xp) (xp.prefix xp) 0 0 prefix-end)
+ (incf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) change)
+ (decf (xp.buffer-offset xp) change)
+ (when (not (memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(unconditional fresh)))
+ (setf (xp.section-start-line xp) (xp.line-no xp)))))
+(define (xp.set-indentation-prefix xp new-position)
+ (let ((new-ind (max (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) new-position)))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) (initial-prefix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.check-prefix-size xp new-ind)
+ (when (> new-ind (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (string-fill (xp.prefix xp) #\space (xp.prefix-ptr xp) new-ind))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) new-ind)))
+(define (xp.set-prefix xp prefix-string)
+ (let ((end (string-length prefix-string)))
+ (string-replace (xp.prefix xp) prefix-string
+ (- (xp.prefix-ptr xp) end) 0 end))
+ (setf (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp)))
+(define (xp.set-suffix xp suffix-string)
+ (let* ((end (string-length suffix-string))
+ (new-end (+ (xp.suffix-ptr xp) end)))
+ (xp.check-suffix-size xp new-end)
+ (do ((i (1- new-end) (1- i))
+ (j 0 (1+ j)))
+ ((= j end))
+ (setf (string-ref (xp.suffix xp) i) (string-ref suffix-string j)))
+ (setf (xp.suffix-ptr xp) new-end)))
+;;; Basic interface functions
+;;; The internal functions in this file
+;;; use the '+' forms of these functions directly (which is faster) because,
+;;; they do not need error checking of fancy stream coercion. The '++' forms
+;;; additionally assume the thing being output does not contain a newline.
+(define (write object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (cond ((xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write+ object stream))
+ ((xp.get-printer object)
+ (xp.initiate-xp-printing
+ (lambda (s o) (xp.write+ o s))
+ stream
+ object))
+ (else
+ (internal-write object stream)))))
+(define (xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing fn stream . args)
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (apply fn stream args)
+ (apply (function xp.initiate-xp-printing) fn stream args)))
+(define (xp.initiate-xp-printing fn stream . args)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.abbreviation-happened*
+ '#f)
+ (*xp.locating-circularities*
+ (if (dynamic *print-circle*)
+ 0
+ '#f))
+ (*xp.circularity-hash-table*
+ (if (dynamic *print-circle*)
+ (make-table)
+ '#f))
+ (*xp.parents*
+ (if (not (dynamic *print-shared*))
+ (list '#f)
+ '())) ;*** is this right?
+ (*xp.current-level*
+ 0)
+ (*xp.current-length*
+ 0))
+ (let ((result (xp.xp-print fn stream args)))
+ (when (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (setf args (list-copy args))
+ (setf (dynamic *last-abbreviated-printing*)
+ (lambda maybe-stream
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ stream)))
+ (apply (function xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing)
+ fn stream args)))))
+ result)))
+(define (xp.xp-print fn stream args)
+ (let ((result ( fn stream args)))
+ (when (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*) '#f)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#f)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.parents*) '())
+ (setf result ( fn stream args)))
+ result))
+(define ( fn stream args)
+ (let ((xp (xp.get-pretty-print-stream stream))
+ (result '#f))
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.current-level* 0))
+ (let/cc catch
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit* catch))
+ (xp.start-block xp '#f '#f '#f)
+ (setf result (apply fn xp args))
+ (xp.end-block xp '#f)))
+ (when (and (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (zero? (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)) ;No circularities.
+ (= (xp.line-no xp) 1) ;Didn't suppress line.
+ (zero? (xp.buffer-offset xp))) ;Didn't suppress partial line.
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*) '#f)) ;print what you have got.
+ (when (let/cc catch
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit* catch))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#f '#t)
+ '#f))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#t))
+ ( xp)
+ result)))
+(define (xp.write+ object xp)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.parents* (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (unless (and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (eq? (xp.circularity-process xp object '#f) 'subsequent))
+ (when (and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) (pair? object))
+ ;; Must do this to avoid additional circularity detection by
+ ;; pprint-logical-block; otherwise you get stuff like #1=#1#.
+ (setf object (cons (car object) (cdr object))))
+ (funcall (or (xp.get-printer object) (function xp.print-default))
+ object
+ xp))
+ object))
+(define (xp.print-default object xp)
+ (let ((stuff (internal-write-to-string object)))
+ (xp.write-string+ stuff xp 0 (string-length stuff))))
+;;; It is vital that this function be called EXACTLY once for each occurrence
+;;; of each thing in something being printed.
+;;; Returns nil if printing should just continue on.
+;;; Either it is not a duplicate, or we are in the first pass and do not
+;;; know.
+;;; returns :FIRST if object is first occurrence of a DUPLICATE.
+;;; (This can only be returned on a second pass.)
+;;; After an initial code (printed by this routine on the second pass)
+;;; printing should continue on for the object.
+;;; returns :SUBSEQUENT if second or later occurrence.
+;;; Printing is all taken care of by this routine.
+;;; Note many (maybe most) lisp implementations have characters and small
+;;; numbers represented in a single word so that the are always eq when
+;;; they are equal and the reader takes care of properly sharing them
+;;; (just as it does with symbols). Therefore, we do not want circularity
+;;; processing applied to them. However, some kinds of numbers
+;;; (e.g., bignums) undoubtedly are complex structures that the reader
+;;; does not share. However, they cannot have circular pointers in them
+;;; and it is therefore probably a waste to do circularity checking on them.
+;;; In any case, it is not clear that it easy to tell exactly what kinds of
+;;; numbers a given implementation is going to have the reader
+;;; automatically share.
+(define (xp.circularity-process xp object interior-cdr?)
+ (unless (or (number? object)
+ (char? object)
+ (and (symbol? object) (not (gensym? object))))
+ (let ((id (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)))
+ (if (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ ;; This is the first pass.
+ (cond ((not id) ;never seen before
+ (when (not (null? (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (push object (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ 0)
+ '#f)
+ ((zero? id) ;possible second occurrence
+ (cond ((or (null? (dynamic *xp.parents*))
+ (memq object (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (setf (table-entry
+ (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ (incf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)))
+ 'subsequent)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else 'subsequent));third or later occurrence
+ ;; This is the second pass.
+ (cond ((or (not id) ;never seen before (note ~@* etc. conses)
+ (zero? id));no duplicates
+ '#f)
+ ((positive? id) ; first occurrence
+ (cond (interior-cdr?
+ (decf (dynamic *xp.current-level*))
+ (xp.write-string++ ". #" xp 0 3))
+ (else (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)))
+ (xp.print-integer id xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\= xp)
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ (- id))
+ 'first)
+ (else
+ (if interior-cdr?
+ (xp.write-string++ ". #" xp 0 3)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp))
+ (xp.print-integer(- id) xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)
+ 'subsequent))))))
+;;; Here are all the standard Common Lisp printing functions.
+(define (print object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (terpri stream)
+ (write object stream)
+ (write-char #\space stream)
+ object)))
+(define (prin1 object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (write object stream)
+ object)))
+(define (princ object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f))
+ (write object stream)
+ object)))
+(define (display object . maybe-stream)
+ (apply (function princ) object maybe-stream))
+(define (pprint object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t)
+ (*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (terpri stream)
+ (write object stream)
+ (values))))
+(define (prin1-to-string object)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (write object stream)))))
+(define (princ-to-string object)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f))
+ (write object stream)))))
+(define (write-char char . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write-char+ char stream)
+ (internal-write-char char stream))
+ char))
+(define (write-string mystring . maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (let* ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream-start-end))
+ (car maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ (start (if (not (null? (cdr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (cadr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ 0))
+ (end (if (not (null? (cddr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (caddr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (string-length mystring))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring stream start end)
+ (internal-write-string mystring stream start end))
+ mystring))
+(define (write-line mystring . maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (let* ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream-start-end))
+ (car maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ (start (if (not (null? (cdr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (cadr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ 0))
+ (end (if (not (null? (cddr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (caddr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (string-length mystring))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring stream start end)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional stream))
+ (begin
+ (internal-write-string mystring stream start end)
+ (internal-newline stream)))
+ mystring))
+(define (terpri . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional stream)
+ (internal-newline stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (newline . maybe-stream)
+ (apply (function terpri) maybe-stream))
+;;; This has to violate the XP data abstraction and fool with internal
+;;; stuff, in order to find out the right info to return as the result.
+(define (fresh-line . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (cond ((xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t) ;ok because we want newline
+ (when (not (zero? (xp.lp<-bp stream)))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fresh stream)
+ '#t))
+ (else
+ (internal-fresh-line stream)))))
+;;; Each of these causes the stream to be pessimistic and insert
+;;; newlines wherever it might have to, when forcing the partial output
+;;; out. This is so that things will be in a consistent state if
+;;; output continues to the stream later.
+(define (finish-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-finish-output stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (force-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-force-output stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (clear-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.locating-circularities* 0)) ;hack to prevent visible output
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-clear-output stream)))
+ '#f))
+;;; Functional interface to dynamic formatting
+;;; The internal functions in this file, and the (formatter "...") expansions
+;;; use the '+' forms of these functions directly (which is faster) because,
+;;; they do not need error checking or fancy stream coercion. The '++' forms
+;;; additionally assume the thing being output does not contain a newline.
+(define-syntax (pprint-logical-block stream-symbol-stuff . body)
+ (let* ((stream-symbol (car stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (mylist (cadr stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (rest (cddr stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (prefix (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) ""))
+ (suffix (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) ""))
+ (per-line? (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) '#f)))
+ `(xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing
+ (lambda (,stream-symbol)
+ (let ((+l ,mylist)
+ (+p ,prefix)
+ (+s ,suffix)
+ (+x ,stream-symbol))
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (+x +l +p +s ,per-line? '#t '#f)
+ ,@body
+ '#f)))
+ ,stream-symbol)))
+;;; Assumes var and args must be variables. Other arguments must be literals
+;;; or variables.
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-logical-block+ stuff . body)
+ (let* ((var (pop stuff))
+ (args (pop stuff))
+ (prefix (pop stuff))
+ (suffix (pop stuff))
+ (per-line? (pop stuff)))
+ `(unless (xp.check-abbreviation ,var ,args)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.current-level* (1+ (dynamic *xp.current-level*)))
+ (*xp.current-length* -1)
+ (*xp.parents* (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (block logical-block
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.start-block ,var ,prefix ,per-line? ,suffix)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix ,prefix ,var))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (begin ,@body)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.end-block ,var ,suffix)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix ,suffix ,var))))))
+ ))
+(define (xp.check-abbreviation xp object)
+ (cond ((and (dynamic *print-level*)
+ (>= (dynamic *xp.current-level*)
+ (dynamic *print-level*)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# XP)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (eq? (xp.circularity-process xp object '#f) 'subsequent))
+ '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+(define-syntax (pprint-pop)
+ `(xp.pprint-pop+ +l +x))
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-pop+ args xp)
+ `(if (xp.pprint-pop-check+ ,args ,xp)
+ (return-from logical-block '#f)
+ (if (null? ,args) '() (pop ,args))))
+(define (xp.pprint-pop-check+ args xp)
+ (incf (dynamic *xp.current-length*))
+ (cond ((not (or (pair? args) (null? args)))
+ ;; must be first to supersede length abbreviation
+ (xp.write-string++ ". " xp 0 2)
+ (xp.write+ args xp)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *print-length*)
+ (not (< *xp.current-length* (dynamic *print-length*))))
+ ;; must supersede circularity check
+ (xp.write-string++ "..." xp 0 3)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (not (zero? *xp.current-length*)))
+ (case (xp.circularity-process xp args '#t)
+ ((first)
+ (xp.write+ (cons (car args) (cdr args)) xp) '#t)
+ ((subsequent)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define-syntax (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ `(xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ +l))
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ mylist)
+ `(if (null? ,mylist) (return-from logical-block '#f)))
+(define (pprint-newline kind . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq kind '(linear miser fill mandatory)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-NEWLINE" kind))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (pprint-indent relative-to n . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq relative-to '(block current)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-INDENT" relative-to))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ relative-to n stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (pprint-tab kind colnum colinc . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq kind '(line section line-relative section-relative)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-TAB" kind))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc stream))
+ '#f))
+;;; Standard print dispatch function
+(define (xp.print-null object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "()" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-true object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "#t" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-false object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "#f" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-symbol object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (xp.print-default object xp)
+ (let ((mystring (symbol->string object)))
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring xp 0 (string-length mystring)))))
+(define (xp.print-number object xp)
+ (if (and (integer? object)
+ (eqv? (dynamic *print-base*) 10)
+ (not (dynamic *print-radix*)))
+ (begin
+ (when (negative? object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\- xp)
+ (setf object (- object)))
+ (xp.print-integer object xp))
+ (xp.print-default object xp)))
+(define (xp.print-integer n xp)
+ (let ((quot (quotient n 10))
+ (rem (remainder n 10)))
+ (unless (zero? quot)
+ (xp.print-integer quot xp))
+ (xp.write-char++ (string-ref "0123456789" rem) xp)))
+(define (xp.print-string object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\" xp)
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (n (string-length object)))
+ ((= i n))
+ (let ((c (string-ref object i)))
+ (if (or (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\\))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\\ xp))
+ (xp.write-char++ c xp)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\" xp))
+ (xp.write-string+ object xp 0 (string-length object))))
+(define (xp.print-character object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (let ((name (char-name object)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\\ xp)
+ (if name
+ (xp.write-string++ name xp 0 (string-length name))
+ (xp.write-char++ object xp)))
+ (xp.write-char+ object xp)))
+(define (xp.print-vector object xp)
+ (let* ((pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (end (vector-length object)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#(" ")")
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((eqv? i end) '#f)
+ (when (not (eqv? i 0))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (if pretty?
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp)))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (xp.write+ (vector-ref object i) xp)
+ ))))
+(define (xp.print-table object xp)
+ (let ((pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#<Table" ">")
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key value)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (if pretty?
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (xp.write+ (cons key value) xp))
+ object))))
+(define (xp.print-pair object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.pretty-print-list object xp)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (when (not (null? object)) (xp.write-char++ #\space xp))))))
+(define (xp.print-struct object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-structure*)
+ (print-structure-default object xp)
+ (funcall (get-structure-printer (struct-type-descriptor object))
+ object xp)))
+(define (get-structure-printer td)
+ (or (td-printer td)
+ (if (eq? (td-name td) 'struct)
+ (function print-structure-default)
+ (get-structure-printer (td-parent-type td)))))
+(define (print-structure-default object xp)
+ (let* ((td (struct-type-descriptor object))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#<Struct " ">")
+ (prin1 (td-name td) xp)
+ (when (dynamic *print-structure-slots*)
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (if pretty? (pprint-newline 'fill xp))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (prin1 (sd-name s) xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (write (funcall (sd-getter-function s) object) xp)))
+ )))
+;;; This table can't be initialized until after all the functions
+;;; have been defined.
+(define *standard-print-dispatch-table*
+ (list (cons (function null?) (function xp.print-null))
+ (cons (lambda (x) (eq? x '#t)) (function xp.print-true))
+ (cons (function not) (function xp.print-false))
+ (cons (function symbol?) (function xp.print-symbol))
+ (cons (function number?) (function xp.print-number))
+ (cons (function pair?) (function xp.print-pair))
+ (cons (function string?) (function xp.print-string))
+ (cons (function char?) (function xp.print-character))
+ (cons (function struct?) (function xp.print-struct))
+ (cons (function vector?) (function xp.print-vector))
+ (cons (function table?) (function xp.print-table))))
+(define (standard-print-dispatch object)
+ (standard-print-dispatch-aux
+ object (dynamic *standard-print-dispatch-table*)))
+(define (standard-print-dispatch-aux object table)
+ (cond ((null? table) (function xp.print-default))
+ ((funcall (car (car table)) object)
+ (cdr (car table)))
+ (else
+ (standard-print-dispatch-aux object (cdr table)))))
+(setf (dynamic *print-dispatch*) (function standard-print-dispatch))
+;;; Pretty printing formats for code
+;;; The standard prettyprinters for lists dispatch off the CAR of the list.
+(define *xp.pair-dispatch-table* (make-table))
+(define (xp.pretty-print-list object xp)
+ (funcall (or (table-entry (dynamic *xp.pair-dispatch-table*) (car object))
+ (if (symbol? (car object)) (function xp.fn-call) '#f)
+ (lambda (object xp)
+ (pprint-fill xp object)))
+ object
+ xp))
+;;; Must use pprint-logical-block (no +) in the following three, because they
+;;; are exported functions.
+;;; *** Note that the argument order on these is backwards; that's the
+;;; *** way it is in Common Lisp....
+(define (pprint-linear s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear s)))))
+(define (pprint-fill s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill s)))))
+(define (pprint-tabular s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f))
+ (tabsize (or (and (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs)) 16)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ 'section-relative 0 tabsize s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill s)))))
+(define (xp.fn-call object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+;;; Although idiosyncratic, I have found this very useful to avoid large
+;;; indentations when printing out code.
+(define (xp.alternative-fn-call object xp)
+ (if (> (string-length (symbol->string (car object))) 12)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~@{~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+ (xp.fn-call object xp)))
+(define (xp.bind-list object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~@{~:/xp:pprint-fill/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)))))
+(define (xp.fbind-list object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~@{~:/xp:pprint-fill/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.block-like (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)))))
+(define (xp.block-like object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~^~W~^ ~@_~W~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp template)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 1 xp)
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (in-first-section '#t))
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (when (eqv? i (car template))
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block (cadr template) xp)
+ (setf template (cddr template))
+ (setf in-first-section '#f))
+ (pprint-newline (cond ((zero? i) 'miser)
+ (in-first-section 'fill)
+ (else 'linear))
+ xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.let-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~W~^ ~@_~/xp:xp.bind-list/~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.bind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.flet-print object xp)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.fbind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.cond-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~:/xp:pprint-linear/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f))))
+(define ( object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~/xp:xp.bind-list/~^ ~_~:/xp:pprint-linear/ ~1I~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.bind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.mvb-print object xp)
+ (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp '(1 3 2 1)))
+(define (xp.setf-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~W~^ ~:_~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)))))
+(define (xp.quote-print object xp)
+ (if (and (pair? (cdr object)) (null? (cddr object)))
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\' xp)
+ (xp.write+ (cadr object) xp))
+ (pprint-fill xp object)))
+(define (xp.up-print object xp)
+ (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp '(0 3 1 1)))
+;;; Install printers for built-in macros and special forms into the
+;;; standard dispatch table.
+(define-local-syntax (define-printer symbol function)
+ `(setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.pair-dispatch-table*) ',symbol)
+ (function ,function)))
+;;; *** Missing support for backquote here.
+(define-printer quote xp.quote-print)
+(define-printer lambda xp.block-like)
+(define-printer when xp.block-like)
+(define-printer unless xp.block-like)
+(define-printer cond xp.cond-print)
+(define-printer case xp.block-like)
+(define-printer setf xp.setf-print)
+(define-printer set! xp.setf-print)
+(define-printer let xp.let-print)
+(define-printer let* xp.let-print)
+(define-printer letrec xp.let-print)
+(define-printer flet xp.flet-print)
+(define-printer labels xp.flet-print)
+(define-printer dynamic-let xp.let-print)
+(define-printer block xp.block-like)
+(define-printer do
+(define-printer dolist xp.block-like)
+(define-printer dotimes xp.block-like)
+(define-printer multiple-value-bind xp.mvb-print)
+(define-printer let/cc xp.block-like)
+(define-printer unwind-protect xp.up-print)
+(define-printer define xp.block-like)
+(define-printer define-syntax xp.block-like)
+(define-printer define-local-syntax xp.block-like)
+(define-printer pprint-logical-block xp.block-like)
+(define-printer xp.pprint-logical-block+ xp.block-like)
+;;; Here are some hacks for struct macros.
+(define-printer update-slots xp.mvb-print)
+(define-printer make xp.block-like)
diff --git a/support/support.scm b/support/support.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdecc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/support.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+;;; support.scm -- load support files shared by all systems
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 28 Oct 1991
+;;; Keep track of all compilation units defined.
+;;; This has to go here and not in compile.scm because we don't want this
+;;; list reinitialized every time that file is loaded.
+(define compilation-units '())
+;;; Load this file first; it defines the basic compilation system support.
+;;; It doesn't matter if this ends up loading source because we'll compile
+;;; and reload it below.
+(load "$Y2/support/compile.scm")
+;;; Define a real compilation unit for shared support files.
+(define-compilation-unit support
+ (source-filename "$Y2/support/")
+ (unit compile (source-filename "compile.scm"))
+ (unit utils (source-filename "utils.scm"))
+ (unit xp
+ (unit pprint (source-filename "pprint.scm"))
+ (unit format (source-filename "format.scm")
+ (require pprint)))
+ )
diff --git a/support/system.scm b/support/system.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac03b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/system.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+;;; system.scm -- haskell system setup
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 22 Nov 1991
+;;; This file loads in the compilation unit definition files for all
+;;; of the components of the haskell system.
+;;; (The compilation unit facility is defined in support/shared/compile.scm.)
+;;; First load the files containing module definitions.
+;;; *** Add more files to the end of this list.
+(load "$Y2/support/support")
+(load "$Y2/ast/ast")
+(load "$Y2/top/top")
+(load "$Y2/util/haskell-utils")
+(load "$Y2/printers/printers")
+(load "$Y2/parser/parser")
+(load "$Y2/import-export/ie.scm")
+(load "$Y2/tdecl/tdecl.scm")
+(load "$Y2/derived/derived.scm")
+(load "$Y2/prec/prec.scm")
+(load "$Y2/depend/depend.scm")
+(load "$Y2/type/type.scm")
+(load "$Y2/cfn/cfn.scm")
+(load "$Y2/flic/flic.scm")
+(load "$Y2/backend/backend.scm")
+(load "$Y2/runtime/runtime.scm")
+(load "$Y2/csys/csys")
+(load "$Y2/command-interface/command-interface")
+;;; Define some functions to actually do the work. The compilation unit
+;;; facility has conveniently kept a list of all of the unit definitions,
+;;; so we can just rip through them in sequence.
+(define (compile-haskell)
+ (compile-and-load-unit-list compilation-units))
+(define (recompile-haskell)
+ (unless (null? remaining-units)
+ (compile-and-load-unit-list remaining-units)))
+(define (load-haskell)
+ (load-unit-list compilation-units))
+(define (reload-haskell)
+ (unless (null? remaining-units)
+ (load-unit-list remaining-units)))
diff --git a/support/utils.scm b/support/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab93f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+;;; utils.scm -- utility functions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 18 Nov 1991
+;;; This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful.
+;;; If you find some missing feature from the base language, this is
+;;; a good place to put it. Common Lisp-style sequence functions are
+;;; an example of the sort of thing found here.
+;;; Sequence functions
+(define (vector-replace to-vec from-vec to start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum to start end)
+ (type vector to-vec from-vec))
+ (if (and (eq? to-vec from-vec)
+ (> to start))
+ ;; Right shift in place
+ (do ((from (1- end) (1- from))
+ (to (1- (+ to (- end start)))))
+ ((< from start) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from to))
+ (setf (vector-ref to-vec to) (vector-ref from-vec from))
+ (decf to))
+ ;; Normal case, left-to-right
+ (do ((from start (1+ from)))
+ ((= from end) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from))
+ (setf (vector-ref to-vec to) (vector-ref from-vec from))
+ (incf to))))
+(define (string-replace to-vec from-vec to start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum to start end)
+ (type string to-vec from-vec))
+ (if (and (eq? to-vec from-vec)
+ (> to start))
+ ;; Right shift in place
+ (do ((from (1- end) (1- from))
+ (to (1- (+ to (- end start)))))
+ ((< from start) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from to))
+ (setf (string-ref to-vec to) (string-ref from-vec from))
+ (decf to))
+ ;; Normal case, left-to-right
+ (do ((from start (1+ from)))
+ ((= from end) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from))
+ (setf (string-ref to-vec to) (string-ref from-vec from))
+ (incf to))))
+(define (string-fill string c start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (do ((i start (1+ i)))
+ ((= i end) string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf (string-ref string i) c)))
+(define (string-position c string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (cond ((= start end) '#f)
+ ((char=? (string-ref string start) c) start)
+ (else
+ (string-position c string (1+ start) end))))
+(define (string-position-not-from-end c string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (cond ((= start end) '#f)
+ ((not (char=? (string-ref string (setf end (1- end))) c))
+ end)
+ (else
+ (string-position-not-from-end c string start end))))
+(define (string-nreverse string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string))
+ (do ((i start (1+ i))
+ (j (1- end) (1- j)))
+ ((not (< i j)) string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i j))
+ (let ((c (string-ref string i)))
+ (setf (string-ref string i) (string-ref string j))
+ (setf (string-ref string j) c))))
+(define (string-starts? s1 s2) ; true is s1 begins s2
+ (and (>= (string-length s2) (string-length s1))
+ (string=? s1 (substring s2 0 (string-length s1)))))
+;;; Table utilities
+(define (table->list table)
+ (let ((l '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val) (push (cons key val) l)) table)
+ l))
+(define (list->table l)
+ (let ((table (make-table)))
+ (dolist (p l)
+ (setf (table-entry table (car p)) (cdr p)))
+ table))
+;;; Tuple utilities
+;;; For future compatibility with a typed language, define 2 tuples with
+;;; a few functions: (maybe add 3 tuples someday!)
+(define-integrable (tuple x y)
+ (cons x y))
+(define-integrable (tuple-2-1 x) (car x)) ; Flic-like notation
+(define-integrable (tuple-2-2 x) (cdr x))
+(define (map-tuple-2-1 f l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (tuple (funcall f (tuple-2-1 x)) (tuple-2-2 x))) l))
+(define (map-tuple-2-2 f l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (tuple (tuple-2-1 x) (funcall f (tuple-2-2 x)))) l))
+;;; List utilities
+;;; This does an assq using the second half of the tuple as the key.
+(define (rassq x l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '#f
+ (if (eq? x (tuple-2-2 (car l)))
+ (car l)
+ (rassq x (cdr l)))))
+;;; This is an assoc with an explicit test
+(define (assoc/test test-fn x l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '#f
+ (if (funcall test-fn x (tuple-2-1 (car l)))
+ (car l)
+ (assoc/test test-fn x (cdr l)))))
+;;; Stupid position function works only on lists, uses eqv?
+(define (position item list)
+ (position-aux item list 0))
+(define (position-aux item list index)
+ (declare (type fixnum index))
+ (cond ((null? list)
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? item (car list))
+ index)
+ (else
+ (position-aux item (cdr list) (1+ index)))
+ ))
+;;; Destructive delete-if function
+(define (list-delete-if f l)
+ (list-delete-if-aux f l l '#f))
+(define (list-delete-if-aux f head next last)
+ (cond ((null? next)
+ ;; No more elements.
+ head)
+ ((not (funcall f (car next)))
+ ;; Leave this element and do the next.
+ (list-delete-if-aux f head (cdr next) next))
+ (last
+ ;; Delete element from middle of list.
+ (setf (cdr last) (cdr next))
+ (list-delete-if-aux f head (cdr next) last))
+ (else
+ ;; Delete element from head of list.
+ (list-delete-if-aux f (cdr next) (cdr next) last))))
+;;; Same as the haskell function
+(define (concat lists)
+ (if (null? lists)
+ '()
+ (append (car lists) (concat (cdr lists)))))
+;;; This is a quick & dirty list sort function.
+(define (sort-list l compare-fn)
+ (if (or (null? l) (null? (cdr l)))
+ l
+ (insert-sorted compare-fn (car l) (sort-list (cdr l) compare-fn))))
+(define (insert-sorted compare-fn e l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ (list e)
+ (if (funcall compare-fn e (car l))
+ (cons e l)
+ (cons (car l) (insert-sorted compare-fn e (cdr l))))))
+(define (find-duplicates l)
+ (cond ((null? l)
+ '())
+ ((memq (car l) (cdr l))
+ (cons (car l)
+ (find-duplicates (cdr l))))
+ (else (find-duplicates (cdr l)))))
+;;; A simple & slow topsort routine.
+;;; Input: A list of lists. Each list is a object consed onto the
+;;; list of objects it preceeds.
+;;; Output: Two values: SORTED / CYCLIC & a list of either sorted objects
+;;; or a set of components containing the cycle.
+(define (topsort l)
+ (let ((changed? '#t)
+ (sorted '())
+ (next '()))
+ (do () ((not changed?)
+ (if (null? next)
+ (values 'sorted (nreverse sorted))
+ (values 'cyclic (map (function car) next))))
+ (setf changed? '#f)
+ (setf next '())
+ (dolist (x l)
+ (cond ((topsort-aux (cdr x) sorted)
+ (push (car x) sorted)
+ (setf changed? '#t))
+ (else
+ (push x next))))
+ (setf l next))))
+;;; Returns true if x doesn't contain any elements that aren't in sorted.
+;;; equivalent to (null? (set-intersection x sorted)), but doesn't cons
+;;; and doesn't traverse the whole list in the failure case.
+(define (topsort-aux x sorted)
+ (cond ((null? x)
+ '#t)
+ ((memq (car x) sorted)
+ (topsort-aux (cdr x) sorted))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (set-intersection s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (set-intersection (cdr s1) s2)))
+ (if (memq (car s1) s2)
+ (cons (car s1) rest)
+ rest))))
+;;; remove s2 elements from s1
+(define (set-difference s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (set-difference (cdr s1) s2)))
+ (if (memq (car s1) s2)
+ rest
+ (cons (car s1) rest)))))
+(define (set-union s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s2)
+ s1
+ (if (memq (car s2) s1)
+ (set-union s1 (cdr s2))
+ (cons (car s2) (set-union s1 (cdr s2))))))
+;;; Destructive list splitter
+(define (split-list list n)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (let ((tail1 (list-tail list (1- n))))
+ (if (null? tail1)
+ (values list '())
+ (let ((tail2 (cdr tail1)))
+ (setf (cdr tail1) '())
+ (values list tail2)))))
+;;; Some string utils
+(define (mem-string s l)
+ (and (not (null? l)) (or (string=? s (car l))
+ (mem-string s (cdr l)))))
+(define (ass-string k l)
+ (cond ((null? l)
+ '#f)
+ ((string=? k (caar l))
+ (car l))
+ (else
+ (ass-string k (cdr l)))))
+;;; Syntax extensions
+;;; The mlet macro combines let* and multiple-value-bind into a single
+;;; syntax.
+(define-syntax (mlet binders . body)
+ (mlet-body binders body))
+(define (mlet-body binders body)
+ (if (null? binders)
+ `(begin ,@body)
+ (let* ((b (car binders))
+ (var (car b))
+ (init (cadr b))
+ (inner-body (mlet-body (cdr binders) body)))
+ (if (pair? var)
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-vars ignore-decl)
+ (remove-underlines var)
+ `(multiple-value-bind ,new-vars
+ ,init ,@ignore-decl ,inner-body))
+ `(let ((,var ,init)) ,inner-body)))))
+(define (remove-underlines vars)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ (values '() '())
+ (multiple-value-bind (rest ignore-decl) (remove-underlines (cdr vars))
+ (if (not (eq? (car vars) '_))
+ (values (cons (car vars) rest) ignore-decl)
+ (let ((var (gensym)))
+ (values (cons var rest)
+ `((declare (ignore ,var)) ,@ignore-decl)))))))
+;;; Other utilities
+(define (add-extension name ext)
+ (assemble-filename (filename-place name) (filename-name name) ext))
+(define (time-execution thunk)
+ (let* ((start-time (get-run-time))
+ (res (funcall thunk))
+ (end-time (get-run-time)))
+ (values res (- end-time start-time))))
+(define (pprint-flatten code . maybe-port)
+ (pprint-flatten-aux
+ code
+ (if (null? maybe-port) (current-output-port) (car maybe-port))))
+(define (pprint-flatten-aux code port)
+ (if (and (pair? code)
+ (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (dolist (c (cdr code))
+ (pprint-flatten-aux c port))
+ (pprint*-aux code port)))
+(define (print-flatten code port)
+ (if (and (pair? code)
+ (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (dolist (c (cdr code))
+ (print-flatten c port))
+ (begin
+ (internal-write code port)
+ (internal-newline port))))
+;;; Like pprint, but print newline after instead of before.
+(define (pprint* object . maybe-port)
+ (pprint*-aux
+ object
+ (if (null? maybe-port) (current-output-port) (car maybe-port))))
+(define (pprint*-aux object port)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (prin1 object port))
+ (terpri port))
+;;; This reads stuff from a string. (Better error checks needed!)
+(define (read-lisp-object str)
+ (call-with-input-string str (lambda (port) (read port))))
diff --git a/tdecl/README b/tdecl/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e6b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains code to convert type-related declarations to
+definition form.
diff --git a/tdecl/alg-syn.scm b/tdecl/alg-syn.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b128486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/alg-syn.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+;;; Description: Convert algdata & synonym from ast to definition form.
+;;; Lots of error checking.
+;;; Algdata:
+;;; Errors detected:
+;;; Types & classes (deriving & context) resolved
+;;; context tyvars must be parameters
+;;; all parameter tyvars must be referenced
+;;; only parameter tyvars must be referenced
+(define (algdata->def data-decl)
+ (remember-context data-decl
+ (with-slots data-decl (context simple constrs deriving annotations) data-decl
+ (let* ((def (tycon-def simple))
+ (tyvars (simple-tyvar-list simple))
+ (enum? '#t)
+ (tag 0)
+ (derived-classes '())
+ (tyvars-referenced '())
+ (all-con-vars '())
+ (all-strict? (process-alg-strictness-annotation annotations))
+ (constr-defs
+ (map (lambda (constr)
+ (with-slots constr (constructor types) constr
+ (let ((constr-def (con-ref-con constructor))
+ (c-arity (length types))
+ (con-vars '())
+ (all-types '())
+ (strictness '()))
+ (when (not (eqv? c-arity 0))
+ (setf enum? '#f))
+ (dolist (type types)
+ (let* ((ty (tuple-2-1 type))
+ (anns (tuple-2-2 type))
+ (tyvars1 (resolve-type ty)))
+ (push ty all-types)
+ (push (get-constr-strictness anns all-strict?)
+ strictness)
+ (dolist (v tyvars1)
+ (if (not (memq v tyvars))
+ (signal-bad-algdata-tyvar v)))
+ (setf con-vars (append tyvars1 tyvars-referenced))
+ (setf tyvars-referenced
+ (append tyvars1 tyvars-referenced))))
+ (push (tuple constr con-vars) all-con-vars)
+ (update-slots con constr-def
+ (arity c-arity)
+ (types (reverse all-types))
+ (tag tag)
+ (alg def)
+ (infix? (con-ref-infix? constructor))
+ (slot-strict? (reverse strictness)))
+ (incf tag)
+ constr-def)))
+ constrs)))
+ (dolist (class deriving)
+ (if (eq? (class-ref-name class) '|Printers|)
+ (setf (class-ref-class class) *printer-class*)
+ (resolve-class class))
+ (when (not (eq? (class-ref-class class) *undefined-def*))
+ (push (class-ref-class class) derived-classes)))
+ (when (not (null? constrs))
+ (dolist (tyvar tyvars)
+ (when (not (memq tyvar tyvars-referenced))
+ (signal-unreferenced-tyvar-arg tyvar))))
+ (resolve-signature-aux tyvars context)
+ ;; This computes a signature for the datatype as a whole.
+ (let ((gtype (ast->gtype context simple)))
+ ;; This sets the signatures for the constructors
+ (dolist (con constr-defs)
+ (let* ((con-type (**arrow-type/l (append (con-types con)
+ (list simple))))
+ (con-context (restrict-context
+ context (tuple-2-2 (assq con all-con-vars))))
+ (con-signature (ast->gtype con-context con-type)))
+ (setf (con-signature con) con-signature)))
+ (update-slots algdata def
+ (n-constr (length constrs))
+ (constrs constr-defs)
+ (context context)
+ (tyvars tyvars)
+ (signature gtype)
+ (classes '())
+ (enum? enum?)
+ (tuple? (and (not (null? constrs)) (null? (cdr constrs))))
+ (real-tuple? '#f)
+ (deriving derived-classes)
+ ))
+ (process-alg-annotations def)
+ def))))
+(define (process-alg-strictness-annotation anns)
+ (let ((res '#f))
+ (dolist (a anns)
+ (if (and (annotation-value? a)
+ (eq? (annotation-value-name a) '|STRICT|)
+ (null? (annotation-value-args a)))
+ (setf res '#t)
+ (signal-unknown-annotation a)))
+ res))
+(define (get-constr-strictness anns all-strict?)
+ (let ((res all-strict?))
+ (dolist (a anns)
+ (cond ((annotation-value? a)
+ (if (and (eq? (annotation-value-name a) '|STRICT|)
+ (null? (annotation-value-args a)))
+ (setf res '#t)
+ (signal-unknown-annotation a)))
+ (else (signal-unknown-annotation a))))
+ res))
+(define (process-alg-annotations alg)
+ (dolist (a (module-annotations *module*))
+ (when (and (annotation-value? a)
+ (or (eq? (annotation-value-name a) '|ImportLispType|)
+ (eq? (annotation-value-name a) '|ExportLispType|))
+ (assq (def-name alg) (car (annotation-value-args a))))
+ (if (eq? (annotation-value-name a) '|ImportLispType|)
+ (setf (algdata-implemented-by-lisp? alg) '#t)
+ (setf (algdata-export-to-lisp? alg) '#t))
+ (let ((constrs (tuple-2-2 (assq (def-name alg)
+ (car (annotation-value-args a))))))
+ (dolist (c constrs)
+ (process-annotated-constr
+ alg
+ (lookup-alg-constr (tuple-2-1 c) (algdata-constrs alg))
+ (tuple-2-2 c)))))))
+(define (lookup-alg-constr name constrs)
+ (if (null? constrs)
+ (fatal-error 'bad-constr-name "Constructor ~A not in algdata~%"
+ name)
+ (if (eq? name (def-name (car constrs)))
+ (car constrs)
+ (lookup-alg-constr name (cdr constrs)))))
+(define (process-annotated-constr alg con lisp-fns)
+ ;; For nullary tuples, allow a single annotation to represent a constant
+ ;; and generate the test function by default.
+ (when (and (eqv? (con-arity con) 0)
+ lisp-fns
+ (null? (cdr lisp-fns)))
+ (push `(lambda (x) (eq? x ,(car lisp-fns))) lisp-fns))
+ ;; Insert an implicit test function for tuples (never used anyway!)
+ (when (and (algdata-tuple? alg)
+ (eqv? (+ 1 (con-arity con)) (length lisp-fns)))
+ (push '(lambda (x) '#t) lisp-fns))
+ (when (or (not (null? (con-lisp-fns con)))
+ (not (eqv? (length lisp-fns) (+ 2 (con-arity con)))))
+ (fatal-error 'bad-constr-annotation
+ "Bad annotation for ~A in ~A~%" con alg))
+ (setf (con-lisp-fns con) lisp-fns))
+(define (signal-unknown-annotation a)
+ (recoverable-error 'bad-annotation "Bad or misplaced annotation: ~A%"
+ a))
+(define (restrict-context context vars)
+ (if (null? context)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (restrict-context (cdr context) vars)))
+ (if (memq (context-tyvar (car context)) vars)
+ (cons (car context) rest)
+ rest))))
+(define (signal-bad-algdata-tyvar tyvar)
+ (phase-error 'bad-algdata-tyvar
+ "~a is referenced on the right-hand side of a data type declaration,~%~
+ but is not bound as a type variable."
+ tyvar))
+(define (signal-unreferenced-tyvar-arg tyvar)
+ (phase-error 'unreferenced-tyvar-arg
+ "~a is bound as a type variable in a data type declaration,~%~
+ but is not referenced on the right-hand side."
+ tyvar))
+;;; Synonyms
+;;; Errors detected:
+(define (synonym->def synonym-decl)
+ (remember-context synonym-decl
+ (with-slots synonym-decl (simple body) synonym-decl
+ (let* ((def (tycon-def simple))
+ (tyvars (simple-tyvar-list simple))
+ (tyvars-referenced (resolve-type body)))
+ (dolist (v tyvars)
+ (if (not (memq v tyvars-referenced))
+ (signal-unreferenced-synonym-arg v)))
+ (dolist (v tyvars-referenced)
+ (if (not (memq v tyvars))
+ (signal-bad-synonym-tyvar v)))
+ (update-slots synonym def
+ (args tyvars)
+ (body body))
+ (push (cons def (gather-synonyms body '())) *synonym-refs*)
+ def))))
+(define (signal-bad-synonym-tyvar tyvar)
+ (phase-error 'bad-synonym-tyvar
+ "~a is referenced on the right-hand side of a type synonym declaration,~%~
+ but is not bound as a type variable."
+ tyvar))
+(define (signal-unreferenced-synonym-arg tyvar)
+ (haskell-warning 'unreferenced-synonym-arg
+ "~a is bound as a type variable in a type synonym declaration,~%~
+ but is not referenced on the right-hand side."
+ tyvar))
+(define (gather-synonyms type acc)
+ (cond ((tyvar? type)
+ acc)
+ ((and (synonym? (tycon-def type))
+ (eq? *unit* (def-unit (tycon-def type))))
+ (gather-synonyms/list (tycon-args type)
+ (cons (tycon-def type) acc)))
+ (else
+ (gather-synonyms/list (tycon-args type) acc))))
+(define (gather-synonyms/list types acc)
+ (if (null? types)
+ acc
+ (gather-synonyms/list (cdr types) (gather-synonyms (car types) acc))))
diff --git a/tdecl/class.scm b/tdecl/class.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95bbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/class.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+;;; Before classes are converted, the super class relation is computed.
+;;; This sets up the super and super* field of each class and
+;;; checks for the following errors:
+;;; Wrong tyvar in context
+;;; cyclic class structure
+;;; Non-class in context
+(define (compute-super-classes modules)
+ (let ((all-classes '()))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (c (module-classes *module*))
+ (remember-context c
+ (with-slots class-decl (super-classes class class-var) c
+ (let* ((def (class-ref-class class))
+ (local-ctxts '())
+ (super '()))
+ (dolist (context super-classes)
+ (with-slots context (class tyvar) context
+ (when (not (eq? class-var tyvar))
+ (signal-super-class-tyvar-error class class-var tyvar))
+ (resolve-class class)
+ (let ((super-def (class-ref-class class)))
+ (when (not (eq? super-def *undefined-def*))
+ (push super-def super)
+ (when (eq? *unit* (def-unit super-def))
+ (push super-def local-ctxts))))))
+ (update-slots class def
+ (super super)
+ (tyvar class-var))
+ (push (cons def local-ctxts) all-classes)))))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (status sorted) (topsort all-classes)
+ (when (eq? status 'cyclic)
+ (signal-cyclic-class-structure sorted))
+ (dolist (c sorted)
+ (let* ((super (class-super c))
+ (super* super))
+ (dolist (s super)
+ (setf super* (set-union super* (class-super* s)))
+ (setf (class-super* c) super*)))))))
+(define (signal-super-class-tyvar-error class class-var tyvar)
+ (recoverable-error 'super-class-tyvar-error
+ "The context for class ~A must only refer to type variable ~A.~%~
+ Type variable ~A cannot be used here."
+ (class-ref-name class) class-var tyvar))
+(define (signal-cyclic-class-structure classes)
+ (fatal-error 'cyclic-class-structure
+ "There is a cycle in the superclass relation involving these classes:~%~a"
+ classes))
+;;; This sets up the following fields in the class entry:
+;;; instances '()
+;;; defaults = ast for defaults
+;;; kind
+;;; methods
+;;; signatures
+;;; method-vars
+;;; selectors
+;;; Each method is initialized with
+;;; class
+;;; signature
+;;; type
+;;; Errors detected:
+;;; signature doesnt reference class
+(define (class->def class-decl)
+ (remember-context class-decl
+ (let* ((class (class-ref-class (class-decl-class class-decl)))
+ (decls (class-decl-decls class-decl)))
+ (setf (class-instances class) '())
+ (setf (class-kind class) (find-class-kind class))
+ (init-methods class decls) ; sets up defaults, method signatures
+ (setf (class-n-methods class) (length (class-method-vars class)))
+ (setf (class-dict-size class)
+ (+ (class-n-methods class) (length (class-super* class))))
+ class)))
+(define (find-class-kind class)
+ (cond ((not (module-prelude? *module*))
+ 'other)
+ ((memq class
+ (list (core-symbol "Eq") (core-symbol "Ord")
+ (core-symbol "Text") (core-symbol "Binary")
+ (core-symbol "Ix") (core-symbol "Enum")))
+ 'Standard)
+ ((memq class
+ (list (core-symbol "Num") (core-symbol "Real")
+ (core-symbol "Integral") (core-symbol "Fractional")
+ (core-symbol "Floating") (core-symbol "RealFrac")
+ (core-symbol "RealFloat")))
+ 'Numeric)
+ (else
+ 'other)))
+(define (init-methods class decls)
+ (let* ((tyvar (class-tyvar class))
+ (class-context (**context (**class/def class) tyvar)))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (cond ((is-type? 'signdecl decl)
+ (let* ((signature (signdecl-signature decl))
+ (vars (resolve-signature signature)))
+ (when (not (memq tyvar vars))
+ (signal-class-sig-ignores-type signature))
+ ;; Note: signature does not include defined class yet
+ (dolist (context (signature-context signature))
+ (when (eq? tyvar (context-tyvar context))
+ (signal-method-constrains-class-tyvar context)))
+ (setf signature (rename-class-sig-vars signature tyvar))
+ (let ((gtype (ast->gtype (cons class-context
+ (signature-context signature))
+ (signature-type signature))))
+ (dolist (var-ref (signdecl-vars decl))
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var var-ref)))
+ (setf (var-type var) gtype)
+ (setf (method-var-method-signature var) signature))))))
+ (else ; decl must be a default definition
+ (let ((vars (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl))))
+ (dolist (var-ref vars)
+ (resolve-var var-ref)
+ (let* ((method-name (var-ref-name var-ref))
+ (method-var (var-ref-var var-ref)))
+ (when (not (eq? method-var *undefined-def*))
+ (if (and (method-var? method-var)
+ (eq? (method-var-class method-var) class))
+ (let ((default-var
+ (make-new-var
+ (string-append
+ "default-"
+ (symbol->string (def-name method-var))))))
+ (setf (var-ref-var var-ref) default-var)
+ (setf (var-ref-name var-ref) (def-name default-var))
+ (when (not (eq? (method-var-default method-var) '#f))
+ (signal-multiple-definition-of-default method-name))
+ (setf (method-var-default method-var) default-var)
+ (let* ((sig (method-var-method-signature method-var))
+ (context (cons class-context
+ (signature-context sig)))
+ (new-sig (**signature context
+ (signature-type sig))))
+ (add-new-module-signature default-var new-sig)))
+ (signal-default-not-in-class method-var class)))))
+ (add-new-module-decl decl))))))))
+(define (signal-class-sig-ignores-type signature)
+ (phase-error 'class-sig-ignores-type
+ "The method signature ~a does not reference the overloaded type."
+ signature))
+;;; *** I don't understand this message.
+(define (signal-method-constrains-class-tyvar context)
+ (phase-error 'method-constrains-class-tyvar
+ "Individual methods may not further constrain a class: ~A" context))
+;;; *** I don't understand this message.
+(define (signal-multiple-definition-of-default method-name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-definition-of-default
+ "More that one default for ~A."
+ method-name))
+;;; *** I don't understand this message.
+(define (signal-default-not-in-class method-var class)
+ (phase-error 'default-not-in-class
+ "~A is not a method in class ~A."
+ method-var class))
+(define (create-selector-functions class)
+ (let ((res '()))
+ (dolist (c (cons class (class-super* class)))
+ (dolist (m (class-method-vars c))
+ (let* ((var (make-new-var
+ (string-append "sel-"
+ (symbol->string (def-name class))
+ "/"
+ (symbol->string (def-name m)))))
+ (sel-body (create-selector-code class m)))
+ (setf (var-selector-fn? var) '#t)
+ (push (tuple m var) res)
+ (when (not (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface))
+ (add-new-module-def var sel-body)))))
+ res))
+(define (create-selector-code c m)
+ (let ((var (create-local-definition '|d|)))
+ (setf (var-force-strict? var) '#t)
+ (let ((body (create-selector-code-1 c m (**var/def var))))
+ (**lambda/pat (list (**var-pat/def var)) body))))
+(define (create-selector-code-1 class method d)
+ (let ((mcl (method-var-class method)))
+ (cond ((eq? mcl class)
+ (**dsel/method class method d))
+ (else
+ (**dsel/method mcl method (**dsel/dict class mcl d))))))
+;;; The following code is for the alpha conversion of method
+;;; signatures. The class tyvar is unchanged; all others are renamed.
+;;; This is needed because all method types are combined to form the
+;;; dictionary signature and aliasing among different tyvars should be
+;;; prevented.
+(define (rename-class-sig-vars signature tyvar)
+ (mlet (((new-context env1)
+ (rename-context-vars (signature-context signature)
+ (list (tuple tyvar tyvar))))
+ ((new-type _)
+ (rename-type-vars (signature-type signature) env1)))
+ (**signature new-context new-type)))
+(define (rename-context-vars contexts env)
+ (if (null? contexts)
+ (values '() env)
+ (mlet (((new-tyvar env1)
+ (rename-sig-tyvar (context-tyvar (car contexts)) env))
+ ((rest env2)
+ (rename-context-vars (cdr contexts) env1)))
+ (values (cons (**context (context-class (car contexts)) new-tyvar) rest)
+ env2))))
+(define (rename-type-vars type env)
+ (if (tyvar? type)
+ (mlet (((tyvar env1)
+ (rename-sig-tyvar (tyvar-name type) env)))
+ (values (**tyvar tyvar) env1))
+ (mlet (((new-types env1) (rename-type-vars/l (tycon-args type) env)))
+ (values (**tycon/def (tycon-def type) new-types) env1))))
+(define (rename-type-vars/l types env)
+ (if (null? types)
+ (values '() env)
+ (mlet (((type1 env1) (rename-type-vars (car types) env))
+ ((new-types env2) (rename-type-vars/l (cdr types) env1)))
+ (values (cons type1 new-types) env2))))
+(define (rename-sig-tyvar tyvar env)
+ (let ((res (assq tyvar env)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (let ((new-tyvar (gentyvar (symbol->string tyvar))))
+ (values new-tyvar (cons (tuple tyvar new-tyvar) env)))
+ (values (tuple-2-2 res) env))))
+(define *tyvar-counter* 0)
+;;; This generates a new interned tyvar name
+(define (gentyvar root)
+ (incf *tyvar-counter*)
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "~A-~A" root *tyvar-counter*)))
diff --git a/tdecl/instance.scm b/tdecl/instance.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1866339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/instance.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+;;; tdecl/instance.scm
+;;; Convert an instance decl to a definition
+;;; The treatment of instances is more complex than the treatment of other
+;;; type definitions due to the possibility of derived instances.
+;;; Here's the plan:
+;;; a) instance-decls are converted to instance structures. The type
+;;; information is verified but the decls are unchanged.
+;;; b) All instances are linked into the associated classes.
+;;; c) Derived instances are generated.
+;;; d) Instance dictionaries are generated from the decls in the instances.
+;;; Instances-decl to instance definition conversion
+;;; Errors detected:
+;;; Class must be a class
+;;; Data type must be an alg
+;;; Tyvars must be distinct
+;;; Correct number of tyvars
+;;; Context applies only to tyvars in simple
+;;; C-T restriction
+;;; Needs work for interface files.
+(define (instance->def inst-decl)
+ (recover-errors '#f
+ (remember-context inst-decl
+ (with-slots instance-decl (context class simple decls) inst-decl
+ (resolve-type simple)
+ (resolve-class class)
+ (let ((alg-def (tycon-def simple))
+ (class-def (class-ref-class class)))
+ (when (not (algdata? (tycon-def simple)))
+ (signal-datatype-required (tycon-def simple)))
+ (let ((tyvars (simple-tyvar-list simple)))
+ (resolve-signature-aux tyvars context)
+ (when (and (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module alg-def)))
+ (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module class-def))))
+ (signal-c-t-rule-violation class-def alg-def))
+ (let ((old-inst (lookup-instance alg-def class-def)))
+ (when (and (not (eq? old-inst '#f))
+ (not (instance-special? old-inst)))
+ (signal-multiple-instance class-def alg-def))
+ (let ((inst (new-instance class-def alg-def tyvars)))
+ (setf (instance-context inst) context)
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) decls)
+ (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#t)
+ inst))))))))
+(define (signal-datatype-required def)
+ (phase-error 'datatype-required
+ "The synonym type ~a cannot be declared as an instance."
+ (def-name def)))
+(define (signal-c-t-rule-violation class-def alg-def)
+ (phase-error 'c-t-rule-violation
+ "Instance declaration does not appear in the same module as either~%~
+ the class ~a or type ~a."
+ class-def alg-def))
+(define (signal-multiple-instance class-def alg-def)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-instance
+ "The type ~a has already been declared to be an instance of class ~a."
+ alg-def class-def))
+;;; This generates the dictionary for each instance and makes a few final
+;;; integrity checks in the instance context. This happens after derived
+;;; instances are inserted.
+(define (expand-instance-decls inst)
+ (when (instance-ok? inst)
+ (check-inst-type inst)
+ (with-slots instance (class algdata dictionary decls context tyvars) inst
+ (let ((simple (**tycon/def algdata (map (function **tyvar) tyvars))))
+ (setf (instance-gcontext inst)
+ (gtype-context (ast->gtype/inst context simple)))
+ (with-slots class (super* method-vars) class
+ ;; Before computing signatures uniquify tyvar names to prevent
+ ;; collision with method tyvar names
+ (let ((new-tyvars (map (lambda (tyvar) (tuple tyvar (gentyvar "tv")))
+ (instance-tyvars inst))))
+ (setf (instance-tyvars inst) (map (function tuple-2-2) new-tyvars))
+ (setf (instance-context inst)
+ (map (lambda (c)
+ (**context (context-class c)
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq (context-tyvar c) new-tyvars))))
+ (instance-context inst))))
+ ;; Now walk over the decls & rename each method with a unique name
+ ;; generated by combining the class, type, and method. Watch for
+ ;; multiple defs of methods and add defaults after all decls have
+ ;; been scanned.
+ (let ((methods-used '())
+ (new-instance-vars (map (lambda (m)
+ (tuple m (method-def-var m inst)))
+ method-vars)))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (setf methods-used
+ (process-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)))
+ ;; now add defaults when needed
+ (dolist (m-v new-instance-vars)
+ (let* ((method-var (tuple-2-1 m-v))
+ (definition-var (tuple-2-2 m-v))
+ (signature (generate-method-signature inst method-var '#t)))
+ (if (memq method-var methods-used)
+ (add-new-module-signature definition-var signature)
+ (let ((method-body
+ (if (eq? (method-var-default method-var) '#f)
+ (**abort (format '#f
+ "No method declared for method ~A in instance ~A(~A)."
+ method-var class algdata))
+ (**var/def (method-var-default method-var)))))
+ (add-new-module-def definition-var method-body)
+ (add-new-module-signature definition-var signature)))))
+ (setf (instance-methods inst) new-instance-vars)
+ (add-new-module-def dictionary
+ (**tuple/l (append (map (lambda (m-v)
+ (dict-method-ref
+ (tuple-2-1 m-v) (tuple-2-2 m-v) inst))
+ new-instance-vars)
+ (map (lambda (c)
+ (get-class-dict algdata c))
+ super*))))
+ (let ((dict-sig (generate-dictionary-signature inst)))
+ (add-new-module-signature dictionary dict-sig))
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) '())))))))
+(define (dict-method-ref method-var inst-var inst)
+ (if (null? (signature-context (method-var-method-signature method-var)))
+ (**var/def inst-var)
+ (let* ((sig (generate-method-signature inst method-var '#f))
+ (ctxt (signature-context sig))
+ (ty (signature-type sig)))
+ (make overloaded-var-ref
+ (sig (ast->gtype ctxt ty))
+ (var inst-var)))))
+(define (get-class-dict algdata class)
+ (let ((inst (lookup-instance algdata class)))
+ (if (eq? inst '#f)
+ (**abort "Missing super class")
+ (**var/def (instance-dictionary inst)))))
+(define (process-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (if (valdef? decl)
+ (rename-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (begin
+ (dolist (a (annotation-decls-annotations decl))
+ (cond ((annotation-value? a)
+ (recoverable-error 'misplaced-annotation
+ "Misplaced annotation: ~A~%" a))
+ (else
+ (dolist (name (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (attach-method-annotation
+ name (annotation-decl-annotations a) new-instance-vars)))))
+ methods-used)))
+(define (attach-method-annotation name annotations vars)
+ (cond ((null? vars)
+ (signal-no-method name))
+ ((eq? name (def-name (tuple-2-1 (car vars))))
+ (setf (var-annotations (tuple-2-2 (car vars)))
+ (append annotations (var-annotations (tuple-2-2 (car vars))))))
+ (else (attach-method-annotation name annotations (cdr vars)))))
+(define (signal-no-method name)
+ (recoverable-error 'no-method "~A is not a method in this class.~%"
+ name))
+(define (rename-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (let ((decl-vars (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl))))
+ (dolist (var decl-vars)
+ (resolve-var var)
+ (let ((method (var-ref-var var)))
+ (when (not (eq? method *undefined-def*))
+ (let ((m-v (assq method new-instance-vars)))
+ (cond ((memq method methods-used)
+ (signal-multiple-instance-def method))
+ ((eq? m-v '#f)
+ (signal-not-in-class method))
+ (else
+ (setf (var-ref-name var) (def-name (tuple-2-2 m-v)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var var) (tuple-2-2 m-v))
+ (push (tuple-2-1 m-v) methods-used)))))))
+ (add-new-module-decl decl)
+ methods-used))
+(define (signal-multiple-instance-def method)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-instance-def
+ "The instance declaration has multiple definitions of the method ~a."
+ method))
+(define (signal-not-in-class method)
+ (phase-error 'not-in-class
+ "The instance declaration includes a definition for ~a,~%~
+ which is not one of the methods for this class."
+ method))
+(define (method-def-var method-var inst)
+ (make-new-var
+ (string-append "i-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name (instance-class inst))) "-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name (instance-algdata inst))) "-"
+ (symbol->string (def-name method-var)))))
+(define (generate-method-signature inst method-var keep-method-context?)
+ (let* ((simple-type (make-instance-type inst))
+ (class-context (instance-context inst))
+ (class-tyvar (class-tyvar (instance-class inst)))
+ (signature (method-var-method-signature method-var)))
+ (make signature
+ (context (if keep-method-context?
+ (append class-context (signature-context signature))
+ class-context))
+ (type (substitute-tyvar (signature-type signature) class-tyvar
+ simple-type)))))
+(define (make-instance-type inst)
+ (**tycon/def (instance-algdata inst)
+ (map (function **tyvar) (instance-tyvars inst))))
+(define (generate-dictionary-signature inst)
+ (**signature (sort-inst-context-by-tyvar
+ (instance-context inst) (instance-tyvars inst))
+ (generate-dictionary-type inst (make-instance-type inst))))
+(define (sort-inst-context-by-tyvar ctxt tyvars)
+ (concat (map (lambda (tyvar)
+ (extract-single-context tyvar ctxt)) tyvars)))
+(define (extract-single-context tyvar ctxt)
+ (if (null? ctxt)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (extract-single-context tyvar (cdr ctxt))))
+ (if (eq? tyvar (context-tyvar (car ctxt)))
+ (cons (car ctxt) rest)
+ rest))))
+(define (generate-dictionary-type inst simple)
+ (let* ((class (instance-class inst))
+ (algdata (instance-algdata inst))
+ (tyvar (class-tyvar class)))
+ (**tuple-type/l (append (map (lambda (method-var)
+ ;; This ignores the context associated
+ ;; with a method
+ (let ((sig (method-var-method-signature
+ method-var)))
+ (substitute-tyvar (signature-type sig)
+ tyvar
+ simple)))
+ (class-method-vars class))
+ (map (lambda (super-class)
+ (generate-dictionary-type
+ (lookup-instance algdata super-class)
+ simple))
+ (class-super* class))))))
+;;; Checks performed here:
+;;; Instance context must include the following:
+;;; Context associated with data type
+;;; Context associated with instances for each super class
+;;; All super class instances must exist
+(define (check-inst-type inst)
+ (let* ((class (instance-class inst))
+ (algdata (instance-algdata inst))
+ (inst-context (instance-gcontext inst))
+ (alg-context (gtype-context (algdata-signature algdata))))
+ (when (not (full-context-implies? inst-context alg-context))
+ (signal-instance-context-needs-alg-context algdata))
+ (dolist (super-c (class-super class))
+ (let ((super-inst (lookup-instance algdata super-c)))
+ (cond ((eq? super-inst '#f)
+ (signal-no-super-class-instance class algdata super-c))
+ (else
+ (when (not (full-context-implies?
+ inst-context (instance-context super-inst)))
+ (signal-instance-context-insufficient-for-super
+ class algdata super-c))))))
+ ))
+(define (signal-instance-context-needs-alg-context algdata)
+ (phase-error 'instance-context-needs-alg-context
+ "The instance context needs to include context defined for data type ~A."
+ algdata))
+(define (signal-no-super-class-instance class algdata super-c)
+ (fatal-error 'no-super-class-instance
+ "The instance ~A(~A) requires that the instance ~A(~A) be provided."
+ class algdata super-c algdata))
+(define (signal-instance-context-insufficient-for-super class algdata super-c)
+ (phase-error 'instance-context-insufficient-for-super
+ "Instance ~A(~A) does not imply super class ~A instance context."
+ class algdata super-c))
diff --git a/tdecl/tdecl-utils.scm b/tdecl/tdecl-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0009eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/tdecl-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+;;; This file contains routines which generate the code for the
+;;; dictionaries used in the class system.
+(define (make-sel-node size i)
+ (**lambda '(x)
+ (if (eqv? size 1)
+ (**var 'x)
+ (**sel (tuple-constructor size) (**var 'x) i))))
+(define (make-compose f1 f2)
+ (**lambda '(x)
+ (**app f1 (**app f2 (**var 'x)))))
+(define (make-new-var name) ; name is a string
+ (create-definition *module* (string->symbol name) 'var))
diff --git a/tdecl/tdecl.scm b/tdecl/tdecl.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..227171e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/tdecl.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;; -- compilation unit definition for type declaration analysis
+;;; author : John
+(define-compilation-unit tdecl
+ (source-filename "$Y2/tdecl/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit type-declaration-analysis
+ (source-filename "type-declaration-analysis.scm"))
+ (unit tdecl-utils
+ (source-filename "tdecl-utils.scm"))
+ (unit alg-syn
+ (source-filename "alg-syn.scm"))
+ (unit class
+ (source-filename "class.scm"))
+ (unit instance
+ (source-filename "instance.scm")))
diff --git a/tdecl/type-declaration-analysis.scm b/tdecl/type-declaration-analysis.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffcb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/type-declaration-analysis.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;;; This processes type declarations (data, type, instance, class)
+;;; Static errors in type declarations are detected and type decls
+;;; are replaced by type definitions. All code (class and instance
+;;; definitions) is moved to the module decls.
+(define *synonym-refs* '())
+(predefine (add-derived-instances modules)) ; in derived/derived-instances.scm
+(define (process-type-declarations modules)
+;;; Convert data & type decls to definitions
+ (let ((interface? (eq? (module-type (car modules)) 'interface)))
+ (setf *synonym-refs* '())
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-alg-defs *module*)
+ (map (function algdata->def) (module-algdatas *module*)))
+ (setf (module-synonym-defs *module*)
+ (map (function synonym->def) (module-synonyms *module*)))
+ (when (not interface?)
+ (dolist (ty (default-decl-types (module-default *module*)))
+ (resolve-type ty))))
+ ;; A test to see that ty is in Num and is a monotype is needed here.
+ )
+ (multiple-value-bind (ty vals) (topsort *synonym-refs*)
+ (when (eq? ty 'cyclic) (signal-recursive-synonyms vals)))
+ ;; Build the class heirarchy
+ (compute-super-classes modules)
+ ;; Convert class declarations and instance declarations to definitions.
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-class-defs *module*)
+ (map (function class->def) (module-classes *module*)))))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (class (module-class-defs *module*))
+ (setf (class-selectors class) (create-selector-functions class)))))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-instance-defs *module*) '())
+ (dolist (inst-decl (module-instances *module*))
+ (let ((inst (instance->def inst-decl)))
+ (when (not (eq? inst '#f))
+ (push inst (module-instance-defs *module*)))))))
+ (add-derived-instances modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (inst (module-instance-defs *module*))
+ (expand-instance-decls inst))))
+ (when (not interface?)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (ty (default-decl-types (module-default *module*)))
+ (resolve-type ty)))))
+ ))
+(define (signal-recursive-synonyms vals)
+ (fatal-error 'recursive-synonyms
+ "There is a cycle in type synonym definitions involving these types:~%~a"
+ vals))
+(define (add-new-module-decl decl)
+ (setf (module-decls *module*) (cons decl (module-decls *module*))))
+(define (add-new-module-def var value)
+ (add-new-module-decl
+ (**define var '() value)))
+(define (add-new-module-signature var signature)
+ (add-new-module-decl
+ (**signdecl/def (list var) signature)))
diff --git a/top/README b/top/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6657292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This directory contains the top level of the compiler.
+Files found here:
+phases - the top level calls to the compiler phases; compilation init code
+errors - general error handlers
+globals - global variable definitions
+core-symbols - defines core symbols
+system-init - code to run once after the compiler is loaded.
+driver - top level functions which drive the compiler. There are called
+ from the command interface or directly from the user.
diff --git a/top/core-definitions.scm b/top/core-definitions.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86b355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/core-definitions.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+;;; This file defines core symbols - those in PreludeCore and
+;;; other Prelude symbols used in compilation.
+;;; This part is constructed from the export table of PreludeCore
+;;; by 'top/prelude-core-syms' and has been pasted in here.
+(DEFINE *haskell-prelude-vars*
+ '((CLASSES "Num"
+ "Integral"
+ "Eq"
+ "Text"
+ "Fractional"
+ "RealFloat"
+ "RealFrac"
+ "Enum"
+ "Ix"
+ "Floating"
+ "Ord"
+ "Real"
+ "Binary")
+ (METHODS "fromInteger"
+ "signum"
+ "abs"
+ "negate"
+ "*"
+ "-"
+ "+"
+ "toInteger"
+ "odd"
+ "even"
+ "divMod"
+ "quotRem"
+ "mod"
+ "div"
+ "rem"
+ "quot"
+ "/="
+ "=="
+ "showList"
+ "readList"
+ "showsPrec"
+ "readsPrec"
+ "fromRational"
+ "recip"
+ "/"
+ "scaleFloat"
+ "significand"
+ "exponent"
+ "encodeFloat"
+ "decodeFloat"
+ "floatRange"
+ "floatDigits"
+ "floatRadix"
+ "floor"
+ "ceiling"
+ "round"
+ "truncate"
+ "properFraction"
+ "enumFromThenTo"
+ "enumFromTo"
+ "enumFromThen"
+ "enumFrom"
+ "inRange"
+ "index"
+ "range"
+ "atanh"
+ "acosh"
+ "asinh"
+ "tanh"
+ "cosh"
+ "sinh"
+ "atan"
+ "acos"
+ "asin"
+ "tan"
+ "cos"
+ "sin"
+ "logBase"
+ "**"
+ "sqrt"
+ "log"
+ "exp"
+ "pi"
+ "min"
+ "max"
+ ">"
+ ">="
+ "<="
+ "<"
+ "toRational"
+ "showBin"
+ "readBin")
+ (TYPES "Char"
+ "Complex"
+ "Integer"
+ "Double"
+ "Bin"
+ "Array"
+ "Float"
+ "Bool"
+ "Int"
+ "Assoc"
+ "Ratio"
+ "SystemState"
+ "IOResult")
+ (CONSTRUCTORS ":+" "True" "False" ":=" ":")
+ (SYNONYMS "ShowS" "ReadS" "String" "Rational" "IO")
+ (VALUES)))
+;;; Non PreludeCore stuff
+;;; This table defines all symbols in the core used internally by the
+;;; compiler.
+(define *haskell-noncore-vars* '(
+ (types
+ "List"
+ "Arrow"
+ "Request"
+ "Response"
+ "UnitType"
+ "TupleDicts")
+ (constructors
+ "MkFloat"
+ "MkDouble"
+ "MkChar"
+ "MkInteger"
+ "MkInt"
+ "Nil"
+ "UnitConstructor")
+ (values
+ "&&" "||" "primPlusInt"
+ "++" "take" "drop" "." "showChar" "shows" "showString"
+ "showParen" "lex" "readParen" "reads"
+ "primShowBinInt" "primReadBinSmallInt"
+ "error"
+ "primIntegerToInt" "primIntToInteger"
+ "primRationalToFloat" "primRationalToDouble"
+ "primNegInt" "primNegInteger" "primNegFloat" "primNegDouble"
+ "foldr" "build" "inlineFoldr" "inlineBuild"
+ "primAppend" "primStringEq"
+ "dictSel" "tupleEqDict" "tupleOrdDict" "tupleIxDict"
+ "tupleTextDict" "tupleBinaryDict")))
diff --git a/top/core-init.scm b/top/core-init.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba9fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/core-init.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(define *core-symbols* '())
+(define *prelude-core-symbols* '())
+; expands into lots of (define *core-??* '())
+(define (init-core-symbols)
+ (setf *core-symbols* (make-table))
+ (setf *prelude-core-symbols* (make-table))
+ (create-core-globals))
diff --git a/top/core-symbols.scm b/top/core-symbols.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43de93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/core-symbols.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+;;; This defines all core symbols.
+;;; Core symbols are stored in global variables. The core-symbol
+;;; macro just turns a string into a variable name.
+(define-syntax (core-symbol str)
+ (make-core-symbol-name str))
+(define (make-core-symbol-name str)
+ (string->symbol (string-append "*core-" str "*")))
+(define (symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-symbol-name (symbol->string name)))
+(define (get-core-var-names vars type)
+ (let ((res (assq type vars)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ '()
+ (map (function string->symbol) (tuple-2-2 res)))))
+;;; This is just used to create a define for each var without a
+;;; value.
+(define-syntax (define-core-variables)
+ `(begin
+ ,@(define-core-variables-1 *haskell-prelude-vars*)
+ ,@(define-core-variables-1 *haskell-noncore-vars*)))
+(define (define-core-variables-1 vars)
+ (concat (map (lambda (ty)
+ (map (function init-core-symbol)
+ (get-core-var-names vars ty)))
+ '(classes methods types constructors synonyms values))))
+(define (init-core-symbol sym)
+ `(define ,(symbol->core-var sym) '()))
+(define-syntax (create-core-globals)
+ `(begin
+ (begin ,@(create-core-defs *haskell-prelude-vars* '#t))
+ (begin ,@(create-core-defs *haskell-noncore-vars* '#f))))
+(define (create-core-defs defs prelude-core?)
+ `(,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-value x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'values))
+ ,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-method x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'methods))
+ ,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-synonym x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'synonyms))
+ ,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-class x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'classes))
+ ,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-type x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'types))
+ ,@(map (lambda (x) (define-core-constr x prelude-core?))
+ (get-core-var-names defs 'constructors))))
+(define (define-core-value name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-value-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-value-definition name pc?)
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make var (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (define-core-method name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-method-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-method-definition name pc?)
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make method-var (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (define-core-class name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-class-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-class-definition name pc?)
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make class (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (define-core-synonym name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-synonym-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-synonym-definition name pc?)
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make synonym (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (define-core-type name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-type-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-type-definition name pc?)
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make algdata (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (define-core-constr name pc?)
+ `(setf ,(symbol->core-var name)
+ (make-core-constr-definition ',name ',pc?)))
+(define (make-core-constr-definition name pc?)
+ (setf name (add-con-prefix/symbol name))
+ (install-core-sym
+ (make con (name name) (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|))
+ name
+ pc?))
+(define (install-core-sym def name preludecore?)
+ (setf (def-core? def) '#t)
+ (when preludecore?
+ (setf (def-prelude? def) '#t))
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *core-symbols*) name) def)
+ (when preludecore?
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *prelude-core-symbols*) name) def))
+ def)
diff --git a/top/errors.scm b/top/errors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a2f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/errors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+;;; This file contains general error handling routines.
+;;; This is the general error handler. It has three arguments: an
+;;; id, error type, and an error message. The message is a list of
+;;; format, arglist combinations.
+;;; The error types are:
+;;; warning -> control returns and compilation proceeds
+;;; The message may be suppressed
+;;; recoverable -> control returns and compilation proceeds
+;;; phase -> control returns but compilation is aborted
+;;; after the phase in *abort-point*.
+;;; fatal -> control goes back to the top level
+;;; internal -> enters the break loop or does a fatal error
+;;; Two globals control error behavior:
+;;; *break-on-error?* enter the break loop on any error
+;;; *never-break?* never enter the break loop, even for internal errors.
+;;; The global *error-output-port* controls where errors are printer.
+;;; The strategy here is to first write a banner message based on the id and
+;;; type, write out the messages, and then take action depending on the type.
+(define *in-error-handler?* '#f)
+(define (haskell-error id type messages)
+ (format *error-output-port* "~&[~A] ~A in phase ~A:~%"
+ id (err-type->banner type) (dynamic *phase*))
+ (dolist (m messages)
+ (apply (function format) *error-output-port* m)
+ (fresh-line *error-output-port*))
+ (maybe-show-context (dynamic *context*))
+ (if (dynamic *in-error-handler?*)
+ (error "Recursive error in haskell-error.")
+ (begin
+ (dynamic-let ((*in-error-handler?* '#t))
+ (cond (*break-on-error?*
+ (haskell-breakpoint))
+ ((eq? type 'internal)
+ (if *never-break?*
+ (abort-compilation)
+ (haskell-breakpoint)))
+ ((eq? type 'fatal)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ((eq? type 'phase)
+ (halt-compilation))))
+ (when (and (memq type '(recoverable phase))
+ (dynamic *recoverable-error-handler*))
+ (funcall (dynamic *recoverable-error-handler*)))
+ 'ok)))
+(define (err-type->banner err-type)
+ (cond ((eq? err-type 'warning)
+ "Warning")
+ ((eq? err-type 'recoverable)
+ "Recoverable error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'phase)
+ "Phase error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'fatal)
+ "Fatal error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'internal)
+ "Internal-error")
+ (else "???")))
+(define (maybe-show-context context)
+ (when context
+ (with-slots source-pointer (line file) (ast-node-line-number context)
+ (fresh-line *error-output-port*)
+ (format *error-output-port* "Error occurred at line ~A in file ~A.~%"
+ line (filename-name file)))))
+;;; A few entry points into the error system.
+;;; As a matter of convention, there should be a signaling function defined
+;;; for each specific error condition that calls one of these functions.
+;;; Error messages should be complete sentences with proper punctuation
+;;; and capitalization. The signaling function should use the message
+;;; to report the error and not do any printing of its own.
+(define (fatal-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'fatal (list msg)))
+(define (haskell-warning id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'warning (list msg)))
+(define (recoverable-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'recoverable (list msg)))
+(define (compiler-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'internal (list msg)))
+(define (phase-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'phase (list msg)))
+;;; This function puts the compiler into the lisp breakloop. this may
+;;; want to fiddle the programming envoronment someday.
+(define (haskell-breakpoint)
+ (error "Haskell breakpoint."))
+;;; This deals with error at runtime
+(define (haskell-runtime-error msg)
+ (format '#t "~&Haskell runtime abort.~%~A~%" msg)
+ (funcall (dynamic *runtime-abort*)))
+;; Some common error handlers
+(define (signal-unknown-file-type filename)
+ (fatal-error 'unknown-file-type
+ "The filename ~a has an unknown file type."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-file-not-found filename)
+ (fatal-error 'file-not-found
+ "The file ~a doesn't exist."
+ filename))
diff --git a/top/globals.scm b/top/globals.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba139b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/globals.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+;;; These are global variables used throughout the compiler.
+;;; Configuration stuff
+(define *prelude-unit-filename* "$PRELUDE/")
+(define *haskell-compiler-version* "Y2.0.5")
+(define *haskell-compiler-update* "")
+;;; Control over the init process
+(define *haskell-initialized?* '#f)
+;;; Error control
+(define *break-on-error?* '#f)
+(define *never-break?* '#f)
+(define *runtime-abort* '())
+(define *recoverable-error-handler* '())
+(define *error-output-port* '()) ; initialized later
+(define *context* '#f) ; ast node being compiled.
+(define *unit* '())
+(define *standard-module-default* '())
+(define *undefined-def* '())
+(define *printer-class* '())
+(define *printers* '(phase-time))
+(define *all-printers*
+ '(phase-time time compiling loading reading extension
+ parse import type-decl scope depend
+ type cfn depend2
+ flic optimize optimize-extra strictness codegen codegen-flic
+ dumper dump-stat))
+;;; Global context stuff
+;;; ***This variable is actually only used by the parser.
+(define *current-file* '())
+(define *printed-tyvars* '())
+;;; Used by the symbol table routines
+(define *modules* '()) ; maps module name -> module structure
+(define *module* '()) ; current module
+(define *module-name* '())
+(define *symbol-table* '()) ; part of the current module
+(define *inverted-symbol-table* '()) ; maps def -> localname
+(define *fixity-table* '()) ; name -> fixity
+(define *suffix-table* '()) ; name -> int (for uniquifying names)
+(define *special-parse-for-type-macros* '#f)
+;;; These are for diagnostic purposes only
+(define *big-let* '())
+(define *show-end-of-phase* '#f)
+;;; This is used to configure error messages & responses.
+(define *emacs-mode* '#f)
+;;; This is used to stash the Prelude symbol environment
+(define *prelude-symbol-table* '())
+(define *prelude-fixity-table* '())
+(define *prelude-inverted-symbol-table* '())
diff --git a/top/has-macros.scm b/top/has-macros.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c75730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/has-macros.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+;;; General macros for the Haskell compiler
+(define-syntax (remember-context exp . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,exp))
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* (if (ast-node-line-number ,temp)
+ ,temp
+ (dynamic *context*))))
+ ,@body))))
+(define-syntax (maybe-remember-context exp . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,exp))
+ (if (ast-node-line-number ,temp)
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* ,temp)) ,@body)
+ (begin ,@body)))))
+(define-syntax (recover-errors error-value . body)
+ (let ((local-handler (gensym)))
+ `(let/cc ,local-handler
+ (dynamic-let ((*recoverable-error-handler*
+ (lambda () (funcall ,local-handler ,error-value))))
+ ,@body))))
+;;; This is for iterating a list of contexts over a list of types.
+(define-syntax (do-contexts cbinder tbinder . body)
+ (let ((cvar (car cbinder))
+ (cinit (cadr cbinder))
+ (tvar (car tbinder))
+ (tinit (cadr tbinder))
+ (cv (gensym))
+ (tv (gensym)))
+ `(do ((,cv ,cinit (cdr ,cv))
+ (,tv ,tinit (cdr ,tv)))
+ ((null? ,cv))
+ (let ((,tvar (car ,tv)))
+ (dolist (,cvar (car ,cv))
+ ,@body)))))
+;; dolist for 2 lists at once.
+(define-syntax (dolist2 a1 a2 . body)
+ (let ((a1var (car a1))
+ (a1init (cadr a1))
+ (a2var (car a2))
+ (a2init (cadr a2))
+ (a1l (gensym))
+ (a2l (gensym)))
+ `(do ((,a1l ,a1init (cdr ,a1l))
+ (,a2l ,a2init (cdr ,a2l)))
+ ((null? ,a1l))
+ (let ((,a1var (car ,a1l))
+ (,a2var (car ,a2l)))
+ ,@body))))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/top/has-utils.scm b/top/has-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a0c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/has-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; These utilities are specific to the Haskell language.
+(define (add-con-prefix str) ; should be in some utility file
+ (string-append ";" str))
+(define (remove-con-prefix string)
+ (substring string 1 (string-length string)))
+(define (has-con-prefix? string)
+ (char=? (string-ref string 0) '#\;))
+(define (add-con-prefix/symbol sym)
+ (string->symbol (add-con-prefix (symbol->string sym))))
+(define (remove-con-prefix/symbol sym)
+ (string->symbol (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string sym))))
+(define (has-con-prefix/symbol? sym)
+ (has-con-prefix? (symbol->string sym)))
diff --git a/top/phases.scm b/top/phases.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706c541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/phases.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+;;; This is the top-level phase structure of the compiler.
+;;; Compilation phase support
+(define *phase* '#f)
+(define *abort-phase* '#f) ; abort when this phase completes
+(define *abort-compilation*
+ (lambda ()
+ (error "No error continuation defined here!")))
+(define *module-asts* '()) ; a global only for debugging purposes
+;;; Later add the printing and timing stuff here
+(define-local-syntax (phase-body phase-name body printer)
+ `(dynamic-let ((*phase* ',phase-name))
+ (when (memq ',phase-name (dynamic *printers*))
+ (format '#t "~%Phase ~a:~%" ',phase-name)
+ (force-output))
+ (let* ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (result ,body)
+ (current-time (get-run-time)))
+ (when (eq? (dynamic *abort-phase*) ',phase-name)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ,@(if (eq? printer '#f)
+ '()
+ `((when (memq ',phase-name (dynamic *printers*))
+ (funcall ,printer result)
+ (force-output))))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let ((elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "~&~A complete: ~A seconds~%"
+ ',phase-name elapsed-time)
+ (force-output)))
+ result)))
+;;; Returns 2 values: module ast's and lisp code.
+(define (compile-haskell-files files)
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (let ((all-mods (haskell-parse-files files))
+ (interface-mods '())
+ (regular-mods '()))
+ (dolist (m all-mods)
+ (if (eq? (module-type m) 'interface)
+ (push m interface-mods)
+ (push m regular-mods)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-name (car all-mods))))
+ (values
+ all-mods
+ `(begin
+ ,(if interface-mods
+ (compile-interface-modules (nreverse interface-mods))
+ '#f)
+ ,(if regular-mods
+ (compile-modules (nreverse regular-mods))
+ '#f))
+ )))))
+(define (compile-modules mods)
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* '#f)
+ (*recoverable-error-handler* '#f)
+ (*abort-phase* '#f)
+ (*unique-name-counter* 1)
+ (*suffix-table* (make-table)))
+ (haskell-import-export mods '#f)
+ (haskell-process-type-declarations mods)
+ (haskell-scope mods)
+ (let ((big-let (haskell-dependency-analysis mods)))
+ (cond ((not (void? big-let))
+ (haskell-type-check big-let mods)
+ (setf big-let (haskell-cfn big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-dependency-reanalysis big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-ast-to-flic big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-optimize big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-strictness big-let))
+ (haskell-codegen big-let mods))
+ (else
+ ''#f)
+ ))))
+(define (modules->lisp-code modules)
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-name (car modules))))
+ (compile-modules modules)))
+(predefine (notify-error)) ; in command-interface/command-utils.scm
+(define (abort-compilation)
+ (notify-error)
+ (funcall (dynamic *abort-compilation*)))
+(define (halt-compilation)
+ (setf (dynamic *abort-phase*) (dynamic *phase*)))
+;;; Here are the actual phase bodies
+(predefine (parse-files files))
+(define (haskell-parse-files filenames)
+ (phase-body parse
+ (let ((mods (parse-files filenames)))
+ mods)
+ #f))
+(predefine (import-export modules)) ; in import-export/import-export.scm
+(predefine (import-export/interface modules))
+(define (haskell-import-export modules interface?)
+ (phase-body import
+ (if interface?
+ (import-export/interface modules)
+ (import-export modules))
+ #f))
+(predefine (process-type-declarations modules))
+ ; in tdecl/type-declaration-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-process-type-declarations modules)
+ (phase-body type-decl
+ (begin
+ (process-type-declarations modules))
+ #f))
+(predefine (scope-modules x)) ; in prec/scope.scm
+(predefine (print-full-module x . maybe-stream)) ; in the printers
+(define (haskell-scope modules)
+ (phase-body scope
+ (scope-modules modules)
+ (lambda (result)
+ (declare (ignore result))
+ (dolist (m modules) (print-full-module m)))
+ ))
+(predefine (do-dependency-analysis x)) ; in depend/dependency-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-dependency-analysis modules)
+ (phase-body depend
+ (do-dependency-analysis modules)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (do-haskell-type-check big-let mods))
+(define (haskell-type-check big-let modules)
+ (phase-body type
+ (do-haskell-type-check big-let modules)
+ #f))
+(predefine (cfn-ast x)) ; in cfn/main.scm
+(define (haskell-cfn big-let)
+ (phase-body cfn
+ (cfn-ast big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (analyze-dependency-top x)) ; in depend/dependency-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-dependency-reanalysis big-let)
+ (phase-body depend2
+ (begin
+ (analyze-dependency-top big-let)
+ big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (ast-to-flic x)) ; in flic/ast-to-flic.scm
+(define (haskell-ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (phase-body flic
+ (ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (optimize-top x)) ; in backend/optimize.scm
+(define (haskell-optimize big-let)
+ (phase-body optimize
+ (optimize-top big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (strictness-analysis-top x)) ; in backend/strictness.scm
+(predefine (strictness-analysis-printer x))
+(define (haskell-strictness big-let)
+ (phase-body strictness
+ (strictness-analysis-top big-let)
+ (function strictness-analysis-printer)))
+(predefine (codegen-top x)) ; in backend/codegen.scm
+(predefine (codegen-exported-types x)) ; "
+(predefine (codegen-prim-entries x)) ; ditto
+(define (haskell-codegen big-let mods)
+ (phase-body codegen
+ `(begin
+ ,(codegen-exported-types mods)
+ ,(codegen-top big-let))
+ #f))
+;;; This is for interface modules.
+(predefine (haskell-codegen/interface mods))
+(define (compile-interface-modules mods)
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* '#f)
+ (*recoverable-error-handler* '#f)
+ (*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (haskell-import-export mods '#t)
+ (haskell-process-type-declarations mods)
+ (haskell-scope mods)
+ (haskell-codegen/interface mods)))
diff --git a/top/prelude-core-syms.scm b/top/prelude-core-syms.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddae21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/prelude-core-syms.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+;;; This should be used to create core symbols for every name exported
+;;; by PreludeCore. This only needs to run when the Prelude definition
+;;; changes.
+(define (def->name-string x)
+ (symbol->string (def-name x)))
+(define (generate-prelude-core-symbols)
+ (initialize-compilation)
+ (load-compilation-unit *prelude-unit-filename* '#t '#f '#f '#f)
+ (let* ((core (table-entry *modules* '|PreludeCore|))
+ (export-table (module-export-table core))
+ (vars '())
+ (classes '())
+ (types '())
+ (constrs '())
+ (syns '())
+ (methods '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (k v)
+ (declare (ignore k))
+ (let ((def (tuple-2-2 (car v))))
+ (cond ((var? def)
+ (push (def->name-string def) vars))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (push (def->name-string def) syns))
+ ((algdata? def)
+ (push (def->name-string def) types)
+ (dolist (x (cdr v))
+ (push (remove-con-prefix (def->name-string (tuple-2-2 x)))
+ constrs)))
+ ((class? def)
+ (push (def->name-string def) classes)
+ (dolist (x (cdr v))
+ (push (def->name-string (tuple-2-2 x))
+ methods)))
+ (else (error "? strange def")))))
+ export-table)
+ (call-with-output-file "/tmp/prelude-syms"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (pprint `(define *haskell-prelude-vars*
+ '((classes ,@classes)
+ (methods ,@methods)
+ (types ,@types)
+ (constructors ,@constrs)
+ (synonyms ,@syns)
+ (values ,@vars)))
+ port)))))
+(define (create-prelude-init-code defs)
+ (let* ((name (def-name def))
+ (sym-name (make-core-symbol-name name)))
+ `(define sym-name '())))
diff --git a/top/symbol-table.scm b/top/symbol-table.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499bfb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/symbol-table.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+;;; These routines deal with the global symbol table. The symbol table
+;;; is represented in two stages: a module table which maps module names
+;;; onto module structures and local tables within each module which
+;;; map names (symbols) to definitions.
+;;; The following functions deal with the module table (*modules*):
+;;; (initialize-module-table) - this clears out all modules from the
+;;; symbol table. Every compilation should start with this.
+;;; (add-module-to-module-table module) - this takes a module ast,
+;;; either from a .exp file or previous compilation with the same
+;;; incarnation of the compiler and adds it to the set of `known'
+;;; modules. Incomplete module ast's in the process of compilation
+;;; are also added to this table.
+(define (initialize-module-table)
+ (setf *modules* (make-table)))
+(define (add-module-to-symbol-table module)
+ (let* ((name (module-name module))
+ (old-module (table-entry *modules* name)))
+ (when (not (eq? old-module '#f))
+ (if (eq? *unit* (module-unit old-module))
+ (signal-module-double-definition name)
+ (signal-module-already-defined name)))
+ (setf (table-entry *modules* name) module)))
+(define (remove-module-from-symbol-table module)
+ (let ((name (module-name module)))
+ (setf (table-entry *modules* name) '#f)))
+(define (locate-module name)
+ (table-entry *modules* name))
+;;; (walk-modules fn mod-list) - this calls fn for each module in the
+;;; mod-list. It also binds the global variable *module* to the
+;;; current module, *symbol-table* to the local symbol
+;;; table. The fixity table is also placed in a global.
+(define (walk-modules mods fn)
+ (dolist (mod mods)
+ (dynamic-let ((*module* mod)
+ (*module-name* (module-name mod))
+ (*symbol-table* (module-symbol-table mod))
+ (*fixity-table* (module-fixity-table mod))
+ (*inverted-symbol-table* (module-inverted-symbol-table mod)))
+ (funcall fn))))
+;;; create-definition makes a new definition object
+(define (create-definition module name type)
+ (cond ((module-prelude? module)
+ (let ((def (table-entry *core-symbols* name)))
+ (cond ((eq? def '#f)
+ (create-definition/non-core module name type))
+ (else
+ (setf (def-unit def) *unit*)
+ (setf (def-module def) (module-name module))
+ ;; *** Should any other properties be reinitialized here?
+ (cond ((or (eq? type 'var) (eq? type 'method-var))
+ (setf (var-fixity def) '#f)
+ (setf (var-signature def) '#f))
+ ((eq? type 'con)
+ (setf (con-fixity def) '#f)))
+ def))))
+ (else (create-definition/non-core module name type))))
+;(define (create-definition/non-core module name type)
+; (create-definition/new module name type)
+; (let* ((interface (module-interface-module module))
+; (old-def (table-entry (module-symbol-table interface) name)))
+; (if (eq? old-def '#f)
+; (create-definition/new module name type)
+; (cond ((eq? type 'var)
+; (unless (var? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def))
+; (setf (var-interface-type old-def) (var-type old-def)))
+; ((eq? type 'con)
+; (unless (con? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def)))
+; ((eq? type 'synonym)
+; (unless (synonym? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def)))
+; ((eq? type 'algdata)
+; (unless (algdata? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def)))
+; ((eq? type 'class)
+; (unless (class? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def)))
+; ((eq? type 'method-var)
+; (unless (method-var? old-def)
+; (def-conflict module name type old-def)))))
+; (setf (def-unit old-def) *unit*)
+; old-def)))
+;(define (def-conflict module name type def)
+; (phase-error 'interface-conflict
+; "The ~A ~A in module ~A was defined as a ~A in an interface."
+; (cond ((var? def) "variable")
+; ((class? def) "class")
+; ((algdata? def) "data type")
+; ((synonym? def) "synonym")
+; ((con? def) "constructor")
+; (else "widgit"))
+; name (module-name module) type))
+(define (create-definition/non-core module name type)
+ (let ((mname (module-name module)))
+ (when (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (mlet (((mod name1) (rename-interface-symbol name)))
+ (setf mname mod)
+ (setf name name1)))
+ (create-definition/inner mname name type)))
+(define (create-definition/inner mname name type)
+ (cond ((eq? type 'var)
+ (make var (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ ((eq? type 'con)
+ (make con (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ ((eq? type 'synonym)
+ (make synonym (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ ((eq? type 'algdata)
+ (make algdata (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ ((eq? type 'class)
+ (make class (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ ((eq? type 'method-var)
+ (make method-var (name name) (module mname) (unit *unit*)))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad type argument ~s." type))))
+(define (create-top-definition name type)
+ (let ((def (create-definition *module* name type)))
+ (insert-top-definition name def)
+ def))
+;;; Interfaces have a special table which resolves imports in the
+;;; interface. Given a name in an interface module this returns the
+;;; corresponding full name: a (module,original-name) pair. Symbols not
+;;; imported are assumed to be defined in the interface.
+(define (rename-interface-symbol name)
+ (let ((res (assq name (module-interface-imports *module*))))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (values *module-name* name)
+ (values (tuple-2-1 (tuple-2-2 res))
+ (tuple-2-2 (tuple-2-2 res))))))
+;;; This creates a locally defined var node.
+(define (create-local-definition name)
+ (let ((var (make var (name name) (module *module-name*) (unit *unit*))))
+ (setf (var-fixity var) (table-entry *fixity-table* name))
+ var))
+;;; This function creates a new variable.
+;;; The "root" may be either a symbol or a string.
+;;; *unit* defines the home module of the variable.
+;;; *** Maybe it would be possible to hack this so that it doesn't
+;;; *** create any symbol at all until the name is demanded by something,
+;;; *** but that seems like a rather sweeping change.
+(define (create-temp-var root)
+ (let* ((name (gensym (if (symbol? root) (symbol->string root) root)))
+ (module *unit*))
+ (make var (name name) (module module) (unit *unit*))))
+;;; The following routines install top level definitions into the symbol
+;;; table.
+(predefine (signal-multiple-name-conflict name old-local-name def))
+ ; in import-export/ie-errors.scm
+(define (insert-top-definition name def)
+ (let ((old-definition (resolve-toplevel-name name)))
+ (cond ((eq? old-definition '#f)
+ (when (not (def-prelude? def))
+ (setf (table-entry *symbol-table* name) def))
+ (when (and (var? def) (not (eq? (var-fixity def) '#f)))
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* name)
+ (var-fixity def)))
+ (when (and (con? def) (not (eq? (con-fixity def) '#f)))
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* name)
+ (con-fixity def)))
+ (when (not (def-prelude? def))
+ (if (eq? (local-name def) '#f)
+ (setf (table-entry *inverted-symbol-table* def) name)
+ (signal-multiple-name-conflict name (local-name def) def))))
+ ((eq? old-definition def)
+ 'OK)
+ ((def-prelude? old-definition)
+ (signal-core-redefinition name))
+ ((and (module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*)
+ (table-entry *prelude-symbol-table* name))
+ (if (eq? (def-module def) *module-name*)
+ (signal-prelude-redefinition name)
+ (signal-prelude-reimport name (def-module def))))
+ ((eq? (def-module def) *module-name*)
+ (signal-multiple-definition-in-module name *module-name*))
+ ((eq? (def-module old-definition) *module-name*)
+ (signal-redefinition-by-imported-symbol name *module-name*))
+ (else
+ (signal-multiple-import name *module-name*)))))
+;;; Gets the fixity of a name.
+(define (get-local-fixity name)
+ (table-entry *fixity-table* name))
+;;; These routines support general scoping issues. Only vars have local
+;;; definitions - all other names are resolved from the global symbol table.
+;;; This is used when the name must be in the top symbols.
+(define (fetch-top-def name type)
+ (let ((def (resolve-toplevel-name name)))
+ (cond ((eq? def '#f)
+ (cond ((eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (mlet (((mod name1) (rename-interface-symbol name)))
+ (if (eq? mod *module-name*)
+ (undefined-topsym name)
+ (let ((new-def (create-definition/inner
+ mod name1 type)))
+ (insert-top-definition name1 new-def)
+ (cond ((algdata? new-def)
+ (setf (algdata-n-constr new-def) 0)
+ (setf (algdata-constrs new-def) '())
+ (setf (algdata-context new-def) '())
+ (setf (algdata-tyvars new-def) '())
+ (setf (algdata-classes new-def) '#f)
+ (setf (algdata-enum? new-def) '#f)
+ (setf (algdata-tuple? new-def) '#f)
+ (setf (algdata-real-tuple? new-def) '#f)
+ (setf (algdata-deriving new-def) '()))
+ ((class? new-def)
+ (setf (class-method-vars new-def) '())
+ (setf (class-super new-def) '())
+ (setf (class-super* new-def) '())
+ (setf (class-tyvar new-def) '|a|)
+ (setf (class-instances new-def) '())
+ (setf (class-kind new-def) 'other)
+ (setf (class-n-methods new-def) 0)
+ (setf (class-dict-size new-def) 0)
+ (setf (class-selectors new-def) '())))
+ new-def))))
+ (else
+ (undefined-topsym name))))
+ (else def))))
+(define (undefined-topsym name)
+ (signal-undefined-symbol name)
+ *undefined-def*)
+(define (resolve-toplevel-name name)
+ (let ((pc (table-entry *prelude-core-symbols* name)))
+ (cond ((not (eq? pc '#f))
+ pc)
+ ((module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*)
+ (let ((res (table-entry *prelude-symbol-table* name)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (resolve-toplevel-name-1 name)
+ res)))
+ (else
+ (resolve-toplevel-name-1 name)))))
+(define (resolve-toplevel-name-1 name)
+ (cond ((eq? (module-inherited-env *module*) '#f)
+ (table-entry *symbol-table* name))
+ (else
+ (let ((res (search-inherited-tables
+ name (module-inherited-env *module*))))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (table-entry *symbol-table* name)
+ res)))))
+(define (search-inherited-tables name mod)
+ (if (eq? mod '#f)
+ '#f
+ (let ((res (table-entry (module-symbol-table mod) name)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (search-inherited-tables name (module-inherited-env mod))
+ res))))
+;;; Con-ref's are special in that the naming convention (;Name) ensures
+;;; that if a def is found it must be a con.
+(define (resolve-con con-ref)
+ (when (eq? (con-ref-con con-ref) *undefined-def*)
+ (remember-context con-ref
+ (let ((def (fetch-top-def (con-ref-name con-ref) 'con)))
+ (setf (con-ref-con con-ref) def)))))
+(define (resolve-class class-ref)
+ (when (eq? (class-ref-class class-ref) *undefined-def*)
+ (remember-context class-ref
+ (let ((def (fetch-top-def (class-ref-name class-ref) 'class)))
+ (when (not (class? def))
+ (signal-class-name-required def (class-ref-name class-ref)))
+ (setf (class-ref-class class-ref) def)))))
+(define (resolve-tycon tycon)
+ (when (eq? (tycon-def tycon) *undefined-def*)
+ (remember-context tycon
+ (let ((def (fetch-top-def (tycon-name tycon) 'algdata)))
+ (when (class? def)
+ (signal-tycon-name-required (tycon-name tycon)))
+ (setf (tycon-def tycon) def)))))
+;;; This should be used after the local environment has been searched.
+;;; Other routines dealing with variable scoping are elsewhere.
+(define (resolve-var var-ref)
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var var-ref) *undefined-def*)
+ (remember-context var-ref
+ (let ((def (fetch-top-def (var-ref-name var-ref) 'var)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var var-ref) def)))))
+;;; *** The inverted-symbol-table is the only table in the whole
+;;; *** system that is not keyed off of symbols. If this is a problem,
+;;; *** things that use it could probably be rewritten to do something
+;;; *** else, like store an a-list on the def itself.
+;;; This does not need to consult the inherited-env flag because when this
+;;; is used in extensions only new symbols get inserted.
+(define (local-name def)
+ (cond ((def-prelude? def)
+ (def-name def))
+ ((module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*)
+ (let ((res (table-entry *prelude-inverted-symbol-table* def)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (table-entry *inverted-symbol-table* def)
+ res)))
+ (else
+ (table-entry *inverted-symbol-table* def))))
+(define (print-name x)
+ (let ((res (local-name x)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (def-name x)
+ res)))
+;;; Error signalling routines.
+(define (signal-module-double-definition name)
+ (fatal-error 'module-double-definition
+ "Module ~s is defined more than once."
+ name))
+(define (signal-module-already-defined name)
+ (fatal-error 'module-already-defined
+ "Module ~a is defined more than once in the current unit."
+ name))
+(define (signal-multiple-definition-in-module name modname)
+ (if (eq? (module-type *module*) 'extension)
+ (phase-error 'cant-redefine-in-extension
+ "An extension for module ~A cannot redefine the symbol ~A"
+ modname name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-definition-in-module
+ "There is more than one definition for the name ~a in module ~a."
+ name modname)))
+(define (signal-redefinition-by-imported-symbol name modname)
+ (phase-error 'redefinition-by-imported-symbol
+ "The name ~a is defined in module ~a, and cannot be imported."
+ name modname))
+(define (signal-core-redefinition name)
+ (phase-error 'prelude-redefinition
+ "The name ~a is defined in the prelude core and cannot be redefined."
+ name))
+(define (signal-prelude-redefinition name)
+ (phase-error 'prelude-redefinition
+ "The name ~a is defined in the prelude.~%You must hide it if you wish to use this name."
+ name))
+(define (signal-prelude-reimport name modname)
+ (phase-error 'prelude-redefinition
+ "The name ~a is both imported from ~A and defined in the prelude.~%"
+ name modname))
+(define (signal-multiple-import name modname)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-import
+ "The name ~a is imported into module ~a multiple times."
+ name modname))
+(define (signal-undefined-symbol name)
+ (phase-error 'undefined-symbol
+ "The name ~A is undefined."
+ name))
+(define (signal-class-name-required name def)
+ (phase-error 'class-name-required
+ "The name ~A defines a ~A, but a class name is required."
+ name
+ (if (synonym? def) "synonym" "data type")))
+(define (signal-tycon-name-required name)
+ (phase-error 'tycon-required
+ "The name ~A defines a class, but a type constructor name is required."
+ name))
diff --git a/top/system-init.scm b/top/system-init.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c06cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/system-init.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+(define (initialize-haskell-system)
+ (when (not *haskell-initialized?*)
+ (initialize-haskell-system/forced))
+ 'haskell-ready)
+(predefine (**tycon/def def args)) ; in util/constructors.scm
+(predefine (init-cse-structs)) ; in csys/dump-cse.scm
+(define (initialize-haskell-system/forced)
+ (setf *haskell-initialized?* '#t)
+ (setf *error-output-port* (current-output-port))
+ (init-core-symbols)
+ (init-tuples)
+ (setf *standard-module-default*
+ (make default-decl
+ (types (list
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "Int") '())
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "Double") '())))))
+ (setf *undefined-def*
+ (make def
+ (name '*undefined*)
+ (unit '*undefined*)
+ (module '*undefined*)))
+ (setf *printer-class*
+ (make class
+ (name '|Printers|)
+ (module '|*Core|) (unit '|*Core|)))
+ (init-cse-structs))
+;;; This should be called in the system restart code generated by a
+;;; disk save
+(define (load-init-files)
+ (load-init-file "$HASKELL/.yhaskell")
+ (load-init-file "~/.yhaskell"))
+(define (load-init-file name)
+ (when (file-exists? name)
+ (load name)))
diff --git a/top/top.scm b/top/top.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a63923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/top.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;;; top.scm -- compilation unit definition for the top level
+;;; Global includes the ast definitions and all global data structures
+;;; used in the compiler.
+(define-compilation-unit global
+ (source-filename "$Y2/top/")
+ (require ast)
+ (unit has-utils
+ (source-filename "has-utils.scm"))
+ (unit core-definitions
+ (require has-utils)
+ (source-filename "core-definitions.scm"))
+ (unit core-symbols
+ (require core-definitions)
+ (source-filename "core-symbols.scm"))
+ (unit core-init
+ (require core-symbols)
+ (source-filename "core-init.scm"))
+ (unit globals
+ (require core-init)
+ (source-filename "globals.scm"))
+ (unit has-macros
+ (source-filename "has-macros.scm"))
+ )
+;;; These files do not need to be required by other units
+(define-compilation-unit top-level
+ (source-filename "$Y2/top/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit phases
+ (source-filename "phases.scm"))
+ (unit system-init
+ (source-filename "system-init.scm"))
+ (unit errors
+ (source-filename "errors.scm"))
+ (unit tuple
+ (source-filename "tuple.scm"))
+ (unit symbol-table
+ (source-filename "symbol-table.scm"))
+ )
diff --git a/top/tuple.scm b/top/tuple.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b736ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/tuple.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+;;; This file creates type definitions for tuples of arbitrary size.
+(define *tuple-definitions* '())
+(define (init-tuples)
+ (setf *tuple-definitions* '()))
+(define (tuple-tycon k)
+ (let ((tycon (assq k *tuple-definitions*)))
+ (if (eq? tycon '#f)
+ (new-tuple-tycon k)
+ (tuple-2-2 tycon))))
+(define (tuple-constructor k)
+ (car (algdata-constrs (tuple-tycon k))))
+(define (is-tuple-constructor? x)
+ (and (con? x) (is-tuple-tycon? (con-alg x))))
+(define (is-tuple-tycon? x)
+ (and (algdata? x) (algdata-real-tuple? x)))
+(define (tuple-constructor-arity x)
+ (con-arity x))
+(predefine (ast->gtype c t)) ; in util/type-utils.scm
+(predefine (**arrow-type/l args)) ; in util/constructors.scm
+(predefine (**tyvar x)) ; in util/constructors.scm
+(define (new-tuple-tycon k)
+ (cond ((eqv? k 0)
+ (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (else
+ (let* ((name (string->symbol (format '#f "Tuple~A" k)))
+ (cname (string->symbol (format '#f ";MkTuple~A" k)))
+ (dummy-vars (gen-dummy-names k))
+ (algdata (make algdata
+ (name name)
+ (module '*core*)
+ (unit '*core*)
+ (exported? '#t)
+ (arity k)
+ (n-constr 1)
+ (context '())
+ (tyvars dummy-vars)
+ (classes '()) ;; filled in later
+ (enum? '#f)
+ (tuple? '#t)
+ (real-tuple? '#t)
+ (deriving '())))
+ (constr (make con
+ (name cname)
+ (module '*core*)
+ (unit '*core*)
+ (exported? '#t)
+ (arity k)
+ (types (map (function **tyvar) dummy-vars))
+ (tag 0)
+ (alg algdata)
+ (slot-strict? '())
+ (infix? '#f)))
+ (tyvars (map (function **tyvar) dummy-vars))
+ (tuple-type (**tycon/def algdata tyvars)))
+ (dotimes (i k)
+ (push '#f (con-slot-strict? constr)))
+ (setf (algdata-signature algdata)
+ (ast->gtype '() tuple-type))
+ (setf (con-signature constr)
+ (ast->gtype '() (**arrow-type/l
+ (append tyvars (list tuple-type)))))
+ (setf (algdata-constrs algdata)
+ (list constr))
+ (push (tuple k algdata) *tuple-definitions*)
+ algdata))))
+(define (gen-dummy-names n)
+ (gen-dummy-names-1 n '()))
+(define (gen-dummy-names-1 n l)
+ (if (eqv? n 0)
+ l
+ (gen-dummy-names-1 (1- n)
+ (cons (string->symbol (format '#f "a~A" n)) l))))
diff --git a/type/README b/type/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc40c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This directory contains the type inference phase.
diff --git a/type/default.scm b/type/default.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529f4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/default.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;;; This handles the default rule.
+(define (maybe-default-ambiguous-tyvar type def module)
+ (let ((classes (ntyvar-context type)))
+ (and (not (null? classes)) ; this happens only during cleanup after an error
+ (let ((non-standard? '#f)
+ (numeric? '#f))
+ (dolist (class classes)
+ (cond ((eq? (class-kind class) 'numeric)
+ (setf numeric? '#t))
+ ((not (eq? (class-kind class) 'standard))
+ (setf non-standard? '#t))))
+ (cond ((or non-standard? (not numeric?))
+ (remember-context def
+ (phase-error 'Non-defaultable-ambiguous-context
+"An ambiguous context, ~A, cannot be defaulted.~%Ambiguity in call to ~A~%"
+ classes def))
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (find-default-type type classes classes
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq module *default-decls*)))))))))
+(define (find-default-type tyvar classes all-classes defaults)
+ (cond ((null? defaults)
+ (phase-error 'no-default-applies
+ "Ambiguous context: ~A~%No default applies.~%"
+ all-classes)
+ '#f)
+ ((null? classes)
+ (instantiate-tyvar tyvar (car defaults))
+ '#t)
+ ((type-in-class? (car defaults) (car classes))
+ (find-default-type tyvar (cdr classes) all-classes defaults))
+ (else
+ (find-default-type tyvar all-classes all-classes (cdr defaults)))))
+(define (type-in-class? ntype class)
+ (let* ((ntype (expand-ntype-synonym ntype))
+ (alg (ntycon-tycon ntype))
+ (inst (lookup-instance alg class)))
+ (if (eq? inst '#f)
+ '#f
+ (let ((res '#t))
+ (do-contexts (c (instance-context inst)) (ty (ntycon-args ntype))
+ (when (not (type-in-class? ty c))
+ (setf res '#f)))
+ res))))
diff --git a/type/dictionary.scm b/type/dictionary.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a0260e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/dictionary.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+;;; type/dictionary.scm
+;;; This function supports dictionary conversion. It creates lambda
+;;; variables to bind to the dictionary args needed by the context.
+;;; The actual conversion to lambda is done in the cfn. Each tyvar in
+;;; the context has an associated mapping from class to dictionary
+;;; variable. This mapping depends on the decl containing the placeholder
+;;; since different recursive decls share common tyvars. The mapping is
+;;; two levels: decl -> class -> var.
+;;; Due to language restrictions this valdef must be a simple variable
+;;; definition.
+(define (dictionary-conversion/definition valdef tyvars)
+ (let* ((var (decl-var valdef))
+ (type (var-type var))
+ (context (gtype-context type))
+ (dict-param-vars '()))
+ (dolist (c context)
+ (let ((tyvar (car tyvars))
+ (dparams '()))
+ (when (not (null? c))
+ (dolist (class c)
+ (let ((var (create-temp-var
+ (string-append "d_"
+ (symbol->string (def-name class))))))
+ (setf (var-force-strict? var) '#t)
+ (push (tuple class var) dparams)
+ (push var dict-param-vars)))
+ (push (tuple valdef dparams) (ntyvar-dict-params tyvar)))
+ (setf tyvars (cdr tyvars))))
+ (setf (valdef-dictionary-args valdef) (nreverse dict-param-vars))))
+;;; These routines deal with dict-var processing.
+;;; This discharges the tyvars associated with dictionaries. The dict-vars
+;;; to be processed at the next level are returned.
+(define (process-placeholders placeholders deferred decls)
+ (if (null? placeholders)
+ deferred
+ (let ((d1 (process-placeholder (car placeholders) deferred decls)))
+ (process-placeholders (cdr placeholders) d1 decls))))
+;;; This processes a placeholder. The following cases arise:
+;;; a) the variable has already been processed (no placeholders remain) -
+;;; ignore it. placeholders may contain duplicates so this is likely.
+;;; b) the type variable is from an outer type environment (in ng-list)
+;;; and should just be passed up to the next level (added to old-placeholders)
+;;; c) the type variable is associated with a dictionary parameter
+;;; d) the type variable is instantiated to a type constructor
+;;; e) the type variable is ambiguous (none of the above)
+(define (process-placeholder p deferred decls)
+ (let* ((tyvar (placeholder-tyvar p))
+ (type (prune tyvar)))
+ (cond ((ntycon? type)
+ (process-instantiated-tyvar
+ (expand-ntype-synonym type) p deferred decls))
+ ((non-generic? type)
+ (cons p deferred))
+ ((not (null? (ntyvar-dict-params type)))
+ (if (dict-placeholder? p)
+ (placeholder->dict-param p (ntyvar-dict-params type) decls)
+ (placeholder->method p (ntyvar-dict-params type) decls))
+ deferred)
+ (else
+ ;; Since default types are monotypes, no new vars will
+ ;; be added to old-placeholders
+ (when (maybe-default-ambiguous-tyvar
+ type (placeholder-overloaded-var p)
+ (valdef-module (car (placeholder-enclosing-decls p))))
+ (process-placeholder p deferred decls))
+ deferred))))
+;;; The type variable is associated with a dictionary parameter. The only
+;;; complication here is that the class needed may not be directly available -
+;;; it may need to be obtained from the super classes of the parameter
+;;; dictionaries.
+(define (placeholder->dict-param p param-vars decls)
+ (let ((class (dict-placeholder-class p))
+ (edecls (dict-placeholder-enclosing-decls p)))
+ (setf (placeholder-exp p)
+ (dict-reference-code class (locate-params param-vars edecls decls)))))
+(define (dict-reference-code class param-vars)
+ (let ((var (assq class param-vars)))
+ (if (not (eq? var '#f))
+ (**var/def (tuple-2-2 var))
+ (search-superclasses class param-vars))))
+(define (locate-params param-vars enclosing-decls decls)
+ (if (null? (cdr param-vars))
+ (tuple-2-2 (car param-vars))
+ (let ((decl (search-enclosing-decls enclosing-decls decls)))
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq decl param-vars)))))
+;;; This finds the first dictionary containing the needed class in its
+;;; super classes and generates a selector to get the needed dictionary.
+(define (search-superclasses class param-vars)
+ (let ((pclass (tuple-2-1 (car param-vars))))
+ (if (memq class (class-super* pclass))
+ (**dsel/dict pclass class (**var/def (tuple-2-2 (car param-vars))))
+ (search-superclasses class (cdr param-vars)))))
+(define (placeholder->method p param-vars decls)
+ (let* ((method (method-placeholder-method p))
+ (class (method-var-class method))
+ (edecls (placeholder-enclosing-decls p))
+ (params (locate-params param-vars edecls decls)))
+ (setf (placeholder-exp p)
+ (method-reference-code method class params))))
+(define (method-reference-code m c param-vars)
+ (let ((pclass (tuple-2-1 (car param-vars))))
+ (if (or (eq? c pclass)
+ (memq c (class-super* pclass)))
+ (let* ((msel (assq m (class-selectors pclass)))
+ (mvar (tuple-2-2 msel)))
+ (**app (**var/def mvar) (**var/def (tuple-2-2 (car param-vars)))))
+ (method-reference-code m c (cdr param-vars)))))
+;;; This is for tyvars instantiated to a tycon. A reference to the
+;;; appropriate dictionary is generated. This reference must be recursively
+;;; dictionary converted since dictionaries may need subdictionaries
+;;; when referenced.
+(define (process-instantiated-tyvar tycon p deferred decls)
+ (let* ((alg (ntycon-tycon tycon))
+ (edecls (placeholder-enclosing-decls p))
+ (var (placeholder-overloaded-var p))
+ (class (if (dict-placeholder? p)
+ (dict-placeholder-class p)
+ (method-var-class (method-placeholder-method p))))
+ (instance (lookup-instance alg class)))
+ (if (dict-placeholder? p)
+ (mlet (((code def1)
+ (generate-dict-ref instance tycon deferred decls edecls var)))
+ (setf (placeholder-exp p) code)
+ (setf deferred def1))
+ (let ((method (method-placeholder-method p)))
+ (if (every (function null?) (instance-gcontext instance))
+ (let ((mvar (tuple-2-2
+ (assq method (instance-methods instance)))))
+ (setf (placeholder-exp p) (**var/def mvar)))
+ (mlet (((code def1)
+ (generate-dict-ref
+ instance tycon deferred decls edecls var))
+ (sel (tuple-2-2 (assq method (class-selectors class)))))
+ (setf (method-placeholder-exp p) (**app (**var/def sel) code))
+ (setf deferred def1)))))
+ deferred))
+;;; This generates a reference to a specific dictionary and binds
+;;; needed subdictionaries. Since subdictionaries may be part of the outer
+;;; type environment new placeholders may be generated for later resolution.
+(define (generate-dict-ref instance type deferred decls edecls var)
+ (let* ((ctxt (instance-gcontext instance))
+ (dict (dict-ref-code instance)))
+ (do-contexts (class ctxt) (ty (ntycon-args type))
+ (let ((ntype (prune ty)))
+ (cond
+ ((ntycon? ntype)
+ (mlet ((ntype (expand-ntype-synonym ntype))
+ (alg (ntycon-tycon ntype))
+ (instance (lookup-instance alg class))
+ ((code dv1)
+ (generate-dict-ref
+ instance ntype deferred decls edecls var)))
+ (setf dict (**app dict code))
+ (setf deferred dv1)))
+ ((non-generic? ntype)
+ (let ((p (**dict-placeholder
+ class ntype edecls var)))
+ (setf dict (**app dict p))
+ (push p deferred)))
+ ((null? (ntyvar-dict-params ntype))
+ (let ((ref-code (**dict-placeholder
+ class ntype edecls var)))
+ (when (maybe-default-ambiguous-tyvar
+ ntype var (valdef-module (car edecls)))
+ (process-placeholder ref-code '() decls))
+ (setf dict (**app dict ref-code))))
+ (else
+ (let ((p (locate-params (ntyvar-dict-params ntype) edecls decls)))
+ (setf dict (**app dict (dict-reference-code class p))))))))
+ (values dict deferred)))
+;;; The following routines deal with recursive placeholders. The basic
+;;; strategy is to pass the entire context as a parameter with each
+;;; recursive call (this could be optimized later to make use of an
+;;; internal entry point). The basic complication is that the context
+;;; of each function in a letrec may be arranged differently.
+;;; This generates a call inside decl 'from' to the var 'to'. Vmap is an
+;;; alist from vars to a list of vars corresponding to the gtyvars of
+;;; the decl signature.
+(define (recursive-call-code from to vmap)
+ (let ((exp (**var/def to))
+ (tyvars (tuple-2-2 (assq to vmap)))
+ (contexts (gtype-context (var-type to))))
+ (do-contexts (class contexts) (tyvar tyvars)
+ (setf exp (**app exp (locate-param-var tyvar class from))))
+ exp))
+(define (locate-param-var tyvar class decl)
+ (let ((vmap (tuple-2-2 (assq decl (ntyvar-dict-params tyvar)))))
+ (**var/def (tuple-2-2 (assq class vmap)))))
+;;; This is used to get the code for a specific dictionary reference.
+(define (dict-ref-code instance)
+ (**var/def (instance-dictionary instance)))
+;;; This is used to locate the correct enclosing decl.
+(define (search-enclosing-decls decl-list decls)
+ (cond ((null? decl-list)
+ (error "Lost decl in search-enclosing-decls!"))
+ ((memq (car decl-list) decls)
+ (car decl-list))
+ (else
+ (search-enclosing-decls (cdr decl-list) decls))))
diff --git a/type/expression-typechecking.scm b/type/expression-typechecking.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4606d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/expression-typechecking.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+;;; This file contains typecheckers for all expressions except vars and
+;;; declarations.
+;;; From valdef-structs:
+;;; valdef, single-fun-def are in type-decls
+(define-type-checker guarded-rhs
+ (type-check guarded-rhs rhs rhs-type
+ (type-check guarded-rhs guard guard-type
+ (type-unify guard-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed (guarded-rhs-guard object)
+ "Guards must be of type Bool" guard-type))
+ (return-type object rhs-type))))
+;;; These type checkers deal with patterns.
+(define-type-checker as-pat
+ (type-check as-pat pattern as-type
+ (setf (var-type (var-ref-var (as-pat-var object))) as-type)
+ (return-type object as-type)))
+(define-type-checker irr-pat
+ (type-check irr-pat pattern pattern-type
+ (return-type object pattern-type)))
+(define-type-checker var-pat
+ (fresh-type var-type
+ (setf (var-type (var-ref-var (var-pat-var object))) var-type)
+ (return-type object var-type)))
+(define-type-checker wildcard-pat
+ (fresh-type pat-type
+ (return-type object pat-type)))
+;;; Constant patterns create a piece of code to actually to the
+;;; match: ((==) k), where k is the constant. This code is placed in the
+;;; match-fn slot of the const-pat and is used by the cfn.
+(define-type-checker const-pat
+ (let* ((val (const-pat-value object))
+ (match-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "==")) val)))
+ (setf (const-pat-match-fn object) match-fn)
+ (type-check const-pat match-fn match-type
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (type-unify match-type (**arrow res-type *bool-type*) #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define-type-checker plus-pat
+ (let* ((kp (**int (plus-pat-k object)))
+ (km (**int (- (plus-pat-k object))))
+ (match-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "<=")) kp))
+ (bind-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "+")) km)))
+ (setf (plus-pat-match-fn object) match-fn)
+ (setf (plus-pat-bind-fn object) bind-fn)
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (setf (ntyvar-context res-type) (list (core-symbol "Integral")))
+ (type-check plus-pat match-fn match-type
+ (type-check plus-pat bind-fn bind-type
+ (type-check plus-pat pattern pat-type
+ (type-unify match-type (**arrow pat-type *bool-type*) #f)
+ (type-unify bind-type (**arrow pat-type pat-type) #f)
+ (type-unify res-type pat-type #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))))
+(define-type-checker pcon
+ (type-check/list pcon pats arg-types
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (let ((con-type (instantiate-gtype (con-signature (pcon-con object)))))
+ (type-unify con-type (**arrow/l-2 arg-types res-type) #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define-type-checker list-pat
+ (if (null? (list-pat-pats object))
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (core-symbol "List"))))
+ (type-check/unify-list list-pat pats element-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "List elements have different types")
+ (return-type object (**list-of element-type)))))
+;;; These are in the order defined in exp-structs.scm
+(define-type-checker lambda
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (fresh-monomorphic-types (length (lambda-pats object)) arg-vars
+ (type-check/list lambda pats arg-types
+ (unify-list arg-types arg-vars)
+ (type-check lambda body body-type
+ (return-type object (**arrow/l-2 arg-vars body-type)))))))
+(define-type-checker let
+ (type-check/decls let decls
+ (type-check let body let-type
+ (return-type object let-type))))
+(define-type-checker if
+ (type-check if test-exp test-type
+ (type-unify test-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "The test in an if statement must be of type Bool"
+ test-type))
+ (type-check if then-exp then-type
+ (type-check if else-exp else-type
+ (type-unify then-type else-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "then and else clauses have different types"
+ then-type else-type))
+ (return-type object then-type)))))
+(define-type-checker case
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (let ((case-exp object)) ; needed since object is rebound later
+ (fresh-monomorphic-type arg-type
+ (type-check case exp exp-type
+ (type-unify arg-type exp-type #f) ; just to make it monomorphic
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (dolist (object (case-alts object))
+ (recover-type-error ;;; %%% Needs work
+ (type-check alt pat pat-type
+ (type-unify pat-type arg-type
+ (type-mismatch case-exp
+ "Case patterns type conflict."
+ pat-type arg-type))
+ (type-check/decls alt where-decls
+ (type-check/unify-list alt rhs-list rhs-type
+ (type-mismatch/list case-exp
+ "Guarded expressions must have the same type")
+ (type-unify rhs-type res-type
+ (type-mismatch case-exp
+ "Case expression alternatives must have the same type"
+ rhs-type res-type)))))))
+ (return-type case-exp res-type)))))))
+;;; Expressions with signatures are transformed into let expressions
+;;; with signatures.
+;;; exp :: type is rewritten as
+;;; let temp = exp
+;;; temp :: type
+;;; in temp
+(define-type-checker exp-sign
+ (type-rewrite
+ (let* ((temp-var (create-temp-var "TC"))
+ (decl (**valdef (**var-pat/def temp-var) '() (exp-sign-exp object)))
+ (let-exp (**let (list decl) (**var/def temp-var)))
+ (signature (exp-sign-signature object)))
+ (setf (var-signature temp-var)
+ (ast->gtype (signature-context signature)
+ (signature-type signature)))
+ let-exp)))
+;;; Rather than complicate the ast structure with a new node for dictSel
+;;; we recognize the dictSel primitive as an application and treat it
+;;; specially.
+(define-type-checker app
+ (if (and (var-ref? (app-fn object))
+ (eq? (var-ref-var (app-fn object)) (core-symbol "dictSel")))
+ (type-check-dict-sel (app-arg object))
+ (type-check app fn fn-type
+ (type-check app arg arg-type
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (fresh-type arg-type-1
+ (type-unify fn-type (**arrow arg-type-1 res-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Attempt to call a non-function"
+ fn-type))
+ (type-unify arg-type-1 arg-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" arg-type-1 arg-type))
+ (return-type object res-type)))))))
+;;; This is a special hack for typing dictionary selection as used in
+;;; generic tuple functions. This extracts a dictionary from a TupleDict
+;;; object and uses is to resolve the overloading of a designated
+;;; expression. The expresion must generate exactly one new context.
+(define (type-check-dict-sel arg)
+ (when (or (not (app? arg))
+ (not (app? (app-fn arg))))
+ (dict-sel-error))
+ (let* ((exp (app-fn (app-fn arg)))
+ (dict-var (app-arg (app-fn arg)))
+ (i (app-arg arg))
+ (p (dynamic *placeholders*)))
+ (mlet (((object exp-type) (dispatch-type-check exp)))
+ ; check for exactly one new context
+ (when (or (eq? (dynamic *placeholders*) p)
+ (not (eq? (cdr (dynamic *placeholders*)) p)))
+ (dict-sel-error))
+ (mlet ((placeholder (car (dynamic *placeholders*)))
+ (tyvar (placeholder-tyvar placeholder))
+ ((dict-var-ast dict-var-type) (dispatch-type-check dict-var))
+ ((index-ast index-type) (dispatch-type-check i)))
+ (setf (ntyvar-context tyvar) '()) ; prevent context from leaking out
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*) p)
+ (type-unify dict-var-type
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "TupleDicts") '()) #f)
+ (type-unify index-type *int-type* #f)
+ (cond ((method-placeholder? placeholder)
+ (dict-sel-error)) ; I am lazy. This means that
+ ; dictSel must not be passed a method
+ (else
+ (setf (placeholder-exp placeholder)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "dictSel"))
+ dict-var-ast index-ast))))
+ (return-type object exp-type)))))
+(define (dict-sel-error)
+ (fatal-error 'dict-sel-error "Bad dictSel usage."))
+(define-type-checker con-ref
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype (con-signature (con-ref-con object)))))
+(define-type-checker integer-const
+ (cond ((const-overloaded? object)
+ (setf (const-overloaded? object) '#f)
+ (type-rewrite (**fromInteger object)))
+ (else
+ (return-type object *Integer-type*))))
+(define-type-checker float-const
+ (cond ((const-overloaded? object)
+ (setf (const-overloaded? object) '#f)
+ (type-rewrite (**fromRational object)))
+ (else
+ (return-type object *Rational-type*))))
+(define-type-checker char-const
+ (return-type object *char-type*))
+(define-type-checker string-const
+ (return-type object *string-type*))
+(define-type-checker list-exp
+ (if (null? (list-exp-exps object))
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (core-symbol "List"))))
+ (type-check/unify-list list-exp exps element-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "List elements do not share a common type")
+ (return-type object (**list-of element-type)))))
+(define-type-checker sequence
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFrom (sequence-from object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-to
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromTo (sequence-to-from object)
+ (sequence-to-to object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-then
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromThen (sequence-then-from object)
+ (sequence-then-then object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-then-to
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromThenTo (sequence-then-to-from object)
+ (sequence-then-to-then object)
+ (sequence-then-to-to object))))
+(define-type-checker list-comp
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (dolist (object (list-comp-quals object))
+ (if (is-type? 'qual-generator object)
+ (fresh-type pat-type
+ (push pat-type (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))
+ (type-check qual-generator pat pat-type-1
+ (type-unify pat-type pat-type-1 #f)
+ (type-check qual-generator exp qual-exp-type
+ (type-unify (**list-of pat-type) qual-exp-type
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Generator expression is not a list" qual-exp-type)))))
+ (type-check qual-filter exp filter-type
+ (type-unify filter-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Filter must have type Bool" filter-type)))))
+ (type-check list-comp exp exp-type
+ (return-type object (**list-of exp-type)))))
+(define-type-checker section-l
+ (type-check section-l op op-type
+ (type-check section-l exp exp-type
+ (fresh-type a-type
+ (fresh-type b-type
+ (fresh-type c-type
+ (type-unify op-type (**arrow a-type b-type c-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Binary function required in section" op-type))
+ (type-unify b-type exp-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" b-type exp-type))
+ (return-type object (**arrow a-type c-type))))))))
+(define-type-checker section-r
+ (type-check section-r op op-type
+ (type-check section-r exp exp-type
+ (fresh-type a-type
+ (fresh-type b-type
+ (fresh-type c-type
+ (type-unify op-type (**arrow a-type b-type c-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Binary function required" op-type))
+ (type-unify exp-type a-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" a-type exp-type))
+ (return-type object (**arrow b-type c-type))))))))
+(define-type-checker omitted-guard
+ (return-type object *bool-type*))
+(define-type-checker con-number
+ (let ((arg-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (con-number-type object)))))
+ (type-check con-number value arg-type1
+ (type-unify arg-type arg-type1 #f)
+ (return-type object *int-type*))))
+(define-type-checker sel
+ (let ((con-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (con-signature (sel-constructor object)))))
+ (mlet (((res-type exp-type1) (get-ith-type con-type (sel-slot object))))
+ (type-check sel value exp-type
+ (type-unify exp-type exp-type1 #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define (get-ith-type type i)
+ (let ((args (ntycon-args type))) ; must be an arrow
+ (if (eq? i 0)
+ (values (car args) (get-ith-type/last (cadr args)))
+ (get-ith-type (cadr args) (1- i)))))
+(define (get-ith-type/last type)
+ (if (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (get-ith-type/last (cadr (ntycon-args type)))
+ type))
+(define-type-checker is-constructor
+ (let ((alg-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature
+ (con-alg (is-constructor-constructor object))))))
+ (type-check is-constructor value arg-type
+ (type-unify arg-type alg-type #f)
+ (return-type object *bool-type*))))
+(define-type-checker cast
+ (type-check cast exp _
+ (fresh-type res
+ (return-type object res))))
+;;; This is used for overloaded methods. The theory is to avoid supplying
+;;; the context at the class level. This type checks the variable as if it had
+;;; the supplied signature.
+(define-type-checker overloaded-var-ref
+ (let* ((var (overloaded-var-ref-var object))
+ (gtype (overloaded-var-ref-sig object))
+ (ovar-type (var-type var)))
+ (when (recursive-type? ovar-type)
+ (error
+ "Implementation error: overloaded method found a recursive type"))
+ (mlet (((ntype new-vars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars gtype))
+ (object1 (insert-dict-placeholders
+ (**var/def var) new-vars object)))
+ (return-type object1 ntype))))
diff --git a/type/pattern-binding.scm b/type/pattern-binding.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769e155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/pattern-binding.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+;;; This implements the pattern binding rule.
+(define (apply-pattern-binding-rule? decls)
+ (not
+ (every (lambda (decl)
+ (or (function-binding? decl)
+ (simple-pattern-binding-with-signature? decl)))
+ decls)))
+(define (function-binding? decl)
+ (let ((defs (valdef-definitions decl)))
+ (not (null? (single-fun-def-args (car defs))))))
+(define (simple-pattern-binding-with-signature? decl)
+ (let ((lhs (valdef-lhs decl))
+ (defs (valdef-definitions decl)))
+ (and (is-type? 'var-pat lhs)
+ (null? (single-fun-def-args (car defs)))
+ (not (eq? (var-signature (var-ref-var (var-pat-var lhs))) '#f)))))
+(define (do-pattern-binding-rule decls necessary-tyvars ng-list)
+ (setf ng-list (append necessary-tyvars ng-list))
+ (find-exported-pattern-bindings decls)
+ ng-list)
+(define (find-exported-pattern-bindings decls)
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (dolist (var-ref (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl)))
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var var-ref)))
+ (when (def-exported? var)
+ (recoverable-error 'exported-pattern-binding
+ "Can't export pattern binding of ~A~%" var-ref))
+ (when (not (eq? (var-signature var) '#f))
+ (recoverable-error 'entire-group-needs-signature
+ "Variable ~A signature declaration ignored~%" var-ref))))))
diff --git a/type/type-decl.scm b/type/type-decl.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790c0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type-decl.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+;;; This deals with declarations (let & letrec). The input is a list of
+;;; declarations (valdefs) which may contain recursive-decl-groups, as
+;;; introduced in dependency analysis. This function alters the list
+;;; of non-generic type variables. Expressions containing declarations
+;;; need to rebind the non-generic list around the decls and all expressions
+;;; within their scope.
+;;; This returns an updated decl list with recursive decl groups removed.
+(define (type-decls decls)
+ (cond ((null? decls)
+ '())
+ ((is-type? 'recursive-decl-group (car decls))
+ (let ((d (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))))
+ (type-recursive d)
+ (append d (type-decls (cdr decls)))))
+ (else
+ (type-non-recursive (car decls))
+ (cons (car decls)
+ (type-decls (cdr decls))))))
+;;; This typechecks a mutually recursive group of declarations (valdefs).
+;;; Generate a monomorphic variable for each declaration and unify it with
+;;; the lhs of the decl. The variable all-vars collects all variables defined
+;;; by the declaration group. Save the values of placeholders and ng-list
+;;; before recursing.
+;;; The type of each variable is marked as recursive.
+(define (type-recursive decls)
+ (let ((old-ng (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))
+ (old-placeholders (dynamic *placeholders*))
+ (all-vars '())
+ (new-tyvars '())
+ (decls+tyvars '()))
+ ;; on a type error set all types to `a' and give up.
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*) '())
+ (recover-type-error
+ (lambda (r)
+ (make-dummy-sigs decls)
+ (setf (dynamic *dict-placeholders*) old-placeholders)
+ (funcall r))
+ ;; Type the lhs of each decl and then mark each variable bound
+ ;; in the decl as recursive.
+ (dolist (d decls)
+ (fresh-type lhs-type
+ (push lhs-type (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))
+ (push lhs-type new-tyvars)
+ (type-decl-lhs d lhs-type)
+ (push (tuple d lhs-type) decls+tyvars))
+ (dolist (var-ref (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs d)))
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var var-ref)))
+ (push var all-vars)
+ (setf (var-type var)
+ (make recursive-type (type (var-type var))
+ (placeholders '()))))))
+;;; This types the decl right hand sides. Each rhs type is unified with the
+;;; tyvar corresponding to the lhs. Before checking the signatures, the
+;;; ng-list is restored.
+ (dolist (d decls+tyvars)
+ (let ((rhs-type (type-decl-rhs (tuple-2-1 d)))
+ (lhs-type (tuple-2-2 d)))
+ (type-unify lhs-type rhs-type
+ (type-mismatch (tuple-2-1 d)
+ "Decl type mismatch" lhs-type rhs-type))))
+ (setf (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*) old-ng)
+ (let ((sig-contexts (check-user-signatures all-vars)))
+;;; This generalizes the signatures of recursive decls. First, the
+;;; context of the declaration group is computed. Any tyvar in the
+;;; bodies with a non-empty context must appear in all signatures that
+;;; are non-ambiguous.
+ (let* ((all-tyvars (collect-tyvars/l new-tyvars))
+ (overloaded-tyvars '()))
+ (dolist (tyvar all-tyvars)
+ (when (and (ntyvar-context tyvar) (not (non-generic? tyvar)))
+ (push tyvar overloaded-tyvars)))
+ (reconcile-sig-contexts overloaded-tyvars sig-contexts)
+ ;; We should probably also emit a warning about inherently
+ ;; ambiguous decls.
+ (when (and overloaded-tyvars
+ (apply-pattern-binding-rule? decls))
+ (setf (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*)
+ (do-pattern-binding-rule
+ decls overloaded-tyvars old-ng))
+ (setf overloaded-tyvars '()))
+ ;; The next step is to compute the signatures of the defined
+ ;; variables and to define all recursive placeholders. When
+ ;; there is no context the placeholders become simple var refs.
+ ;; and the types are simply converted.
+ (cond ((null? overloaded-tyvars)
+ (dolist (var all-vars)
+ (let ((r (var-type var)))
+ (setf (var-type var) (recursive-type-type (var-type var)))
+ (dolist (p (recursive-type-placeholders r))
+ (setf (recursive-placeholder-exp p)
+ (**var/def var)))
+ (generalize-type var))))
+ ;; When the declaration has a context things get very hairy.
+ ;; First, grap the recursive placeholders before generalizing the
+ ;; types.
+ (else
+ ;; Mark the overloaded tyvars as read-only. This prevents
+ ;; signature unification from changing the set of tyvars
+ ;; defined in the mapping.
+ (dolist (tyvar overloaded-tyvars)
+ (setf (ntyvar-read-only? tyvar) '#t))
+ (let ((r-placeholders '()))
+ (dolist (var all-vars)
+ (let ((rt (var-type var)))
+ (dolist (p (recursive-type-placeholders rt))
+ (push p r-placeholders))
+ (setf (var-type var) (recursive-type-type rt))))
+ ;; Now compute a signature for each definition and do dictionary
+ ;; conversion. The var-map defines the actual parameter associated
+ ;; with each of the overloaded tyvars.
+ (let ((var-map (map (lambda (decl)
+ (tuple (decl-var decl)
+ (generalize-overloaded-type
+ decl overloaded-tyvars)))
+ decls)))
+ ;; Finally discharge each recursive placeholder.
+ (dolist (p r-placeholders)
+ (let ((ref-to (recursive-placeholder-var p))
+ (decl-from
+ (search-enclosing-decls
+ (recursive-placeholder-enclosing-decls p)
+ decls)))
+ (setf (recursive-placeholder-exp p)
+ (recursive-call-code decl-from ref-to var-map)))
+ )))))
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*)
+ (process-placeholders
+ (dynamic *placeholders*) old-placeholders decls)))))))
+;;; Non-recursive decls are easier. Save the placeholders, use a fresh type
+;;; for the left hand side, check signatures, and generalize.
+(define (type-non-recursive decl)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (fresh-type lhs-type
+ (let ((old-placeholders (dynamic *placeholders*))
+ (all-vars (map (lambda (x) (var-ref-var x))
+ (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl)))))
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*) '())
+ (recover-type-error
+ (lambda (r)
+ (make-dummy-sigs (list decl))
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*) old-placeholders)
+ (funcall r))
+ (type-decl-lhs decl lhs-type)
+ (let ((rhs-type (type-decl-rhs decl)))
+ (type-unify lhs-type rhs-type
+ (type-mismatch decl
+ "Decl type mismatch" lhs-type rhs-type)))
+ (check-user-signatures all-vars)
+ (let ((all-tyvars (collect-tyvars lhs-type))
+ (overloaded-tyvars '()))
+ (dolist (tyvar all-tyvars)
+ (when (ntyvar-context tyvar)
+ (push tyvar overloaded-tyvars)))
+ (when (and overloaded-tyvars
+ (apply-pattern-binding-rule? (list decl)))
+ (setf (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*)
+ (do-pattern-binding-rule
+ (list decl) overloaded-tyvars (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*)))
+ (setf overloaded-tyvars '()))
+ (if (null? overloaded-tyvars)
+ (dolist (var all-vars)
+ (generalize-type var))
+ (generalize-overloaded-type decl '()))
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*)
+ (process-placeholders
+ (dynamic *placeholders*) old-placeholders (list decl)))))))))
+;;; These functions type check definition components.
+;;; This unifies the type of the lhs pattern with a type variable.
+(define (type-decl-lhs object type)
+ (dynamic-let ((*enclosing-decls* (cons object (dynamic *enclosing-decls*))))
+ (remember-context object
+ (type-check valdef lhs pat-type
+ (type-unify type pat-type #f)))))
+;;; This types the right hand side. The *enclosing-decls* variable is
+;;; used to keep track of which decl the type checker is inside. This
+;;; is needed for both defaulting (to find which module defaults apply)
+;;; and recursive types to keep track of the dictionary parameter variables
+;;; for recursive references.
+(define (type-decl-rhs object)
+ (dynamic-let ((*enclosing-decls* (cons object (dynamic *enclosing-decls*))))
+ (remember-context object
+ (type-check/unify-list valdef definitions res-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "Right hand sides have different types")
+ res-type))))
+;;; This is similar to typing lambda.
+(define-type-checker single-fun-def
+ (fresh-monomorphic-types (length (single-fun-def-args object)) tyvars
+ (type-check/list single-fun-def args arg-types
+ (unify-list tyvars arg-types)
+ (type-check/decls single-fun-def where-decls
+ (type-check/unify-list single-fun-def rhs-list rhs-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "Bodies have incompatible types")
+ (return-type object (**arrow/l-2 arg-types rhs-type)))))))
+;;; These functions are part of the generalization process.
+;;; This function processes user signature declarations for the set of
+;;; variables defined in a declaration. Since unification of one signature
+;;; may change the type associated with a previously verified signature,
+;;; signature unification is done twice unless only one variable is
+;;; involved. The context of the signatures is returned to compare
+;;; with the overall context of the declaration group.
+(define (check-user-signatures vars)
+ (cond ((null? (cdr vars))
+ (let* ((var (car vars))
+ (sig (var-signature var)))
+ (if (eq? sig '#f)
+ '()
+ (list (tuple var (check-var-signature var sig))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((sigs '()))
+ (dolist (var vars)
+ (let ((sig (var-signature var)))
+ (unless (eq? sig '#f)
+ (check-var-signature var sig))))
+ (dolist (var vars)
+ (let ((sig (var-signature var)))
+ (unless (eq? sig '#f)
+ (push (tuple var (check-var-signature var sig)) sigs))))
+ sigs))))
+(define (check-var-signature var sig)
+ (mlet (((sig-type sig-vars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars sig)))
+ (dolist (tyvar sig-vars)
+ (setf (ntyvar-read-only? tyvar) '#t))
+ (type-unify (remove-recursive-type (var-type var)) sig-type
+ (signature-mismatch var))
+ (dolist (tyvar sig-vars)
+ (setf (ntyvar-read-only? tyvar) '#f))
+ sig-vars))
+;;; Once the declaration context is computed, it must be compared to the
+;;; contexts given by the user. All we need to check is that all tyvars
+;;; constrained in the user signatures are also in the decl-context.
+;;; All user supplied contexts are correct at this point - we just need
+;;; to see if some ambiguous portion of the context exists.
+;;; This error message needs work. We need to present the contexts.
+(define (reconcile-sig-contexts overloaded-tyvars sig-contexts)
+ (dolist (sig sig-contexts)
+ (let ((sig-vars (tuple-2-2 sig)))
+ (dolist (d overloaded-tyvars)
+ (when (not (memq d sig-vars))
+ (type-error
+"Declaration signature has insufficiant context in declaration~%~A~%"
+ (tuple-2-1 sig)))))))
+;;; This is used for noisy type inference
+(define (report-typing var)
+ (when (memq 'type (dynamic *printers*))
+ (let* ((name (symbol->string (def-name var))))
+ (when (not (or (string-starts? "sel-" name)
+ (string-starts? "i-" name)
+ (string-starts? "default-" name)
+ (string-starts? "dict-" name)))
+ (format '#t "~A :: ~A~%" var (var-type var))))))
+;;; This is used during error recovery. When a type error occurs, all
+;;; variables defined in the enclosing declaration are set to type `a'
+;;; and typing is resumed.
+(define (make-dummy-sigs decls)
+ (let ((dummy-type (make gtype (context '(()))
+ (type (**gtyvar 0)))))
+ (dolist (d decls)
+ (dolist (var-ref (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs d)))
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var var-ref)))
+ (setf (var-type var) dummy-type))))))
+;;; This is used to generalize the variable signatures. If there is
+;;; an attached signature, the signature is used. Otherwise the ntype
+;;; is converted to a gtype.
+(define (generalize-type var)
+ (if (eq? (var-signature var) '#f)
+ (setf (var-type var) (ntype->gtype (var-type var)))
+ (setf (var-type var) (var-signature var)))
+ (report-typing var))
+;;; For overloaded types, it is necessary to map the declaration context
+;;; onto the generalized type. User signatures may provide different but
+;;; equivilant contexts for different declarations in a decl goup.
+;;; The overloaded-vars argument allows ambiguous contexts. This is not
+;;; needed for non-recursive vars since the context cannot be ambiguous.
+(define (generalize-overloaded-type decl overloaded-vars)
+ (let* ((var (decl-var decl))
+ (sig (var-signature var))
+ (new-tyvars '()))
+ (cond ((eq? sig '#f)
+ (mlet (((gtype tyvars)
+ (ntype->gtype/env (var-type var) overloaded-vars)))
+ (setf (var-type var) gtype)
+ (setf new-tyvars tyvars)))
+ (else
+ (mlet (((ntype tyvars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars sig)))
+ (unify ntype (var-type var))
+ (setf (var-type var) sig)
+ (setf new-tyvars (prune/l tyvars)))))
+ (report-typing var)
+ (dictionary-conversion/definition decl new-tyvars)
+ new-tyvars))
+(define (remove-recursive-type ty)
+ (if (recursive-type? ty)
+ (recursive-type-type ty)
+ ty))
diff --git a/type/type-error-handlers.scm b/type/type-error-handlers.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7af9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type-error-handlers.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;; This file contains error handlers for the type checker.
+(define (type-error msg . args)
+ (apply (function phase-error) `(type-error ,msg ,@args))
+ (report-non-local-type-error)
+ (continue-from-type-error))
+(define (report-non-local-type-error)
+ (when (pair? (dynamic *type-error-handlers*))
+ (funcall (car (dynamic *type-error-handlers*)))))
+(define (continue-from-type-error)
+ (funcall (car (dynamic *type-error-recovery*))))
+(define (type-mismatch/fixed object msg type)
+ (format '#t "While typing ~A:~%~A~%Type: ~A~%" object msg type))
+(define (type-mismatch object msg type1 type2)
+ (format '#t "While type checking~%~A~%~A~%Types: ~A~% ~A~%"
+ object msg type1 type2))
+(define (type-mismatch/list types object msg)
+ (format '#t "While typing ~A:~%~A~%Types: ~%" object msg)
+ (dolist (type types)
+ (format '#t "~A~%" type)))
+;;; Error handlers
+(define (signature-mismatch var)
+ (format '#t
+ "Signature mismatch for ~A~%Inferred type: ~A~%Declared type: ~A~%"
+ var
+ (remove-type-wrapper (ntype->gtype (var-type var)))
+ (var-signature var)))
+(define (remove-type-wrapper ty)
+ (if (recursive-type? ty) (recursive-type-type ty) ty))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/type/type-macros.scm b/type/type-macros.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6dc168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type-macros.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;;; This file also contains some random globals for the type checker:
+(define-walker type ast-td-type-walker)
+;;; Some pre-defined types
+(define *bool-type* '())
+(define *char-type* '())
+(define *string-type* '())
+(define *int-type* '())
+(define *integer-type* '())
+(define *rational-type* '())
+;;; These two globals are used throughout the typechecker to avoid
+;;; passing lots of stuff in each function call.
+(define *placeholders* '())
+(define *non-generic-tyvars* '())
+(define *enclosing-decls* '())
+;;; Used by the defaulting mechanism
+(define *default-decls* '())
+;;; Used in error handling & recovery
+(define *type-error-handlers* '())
+(define *type-error-recovery* '())
+;;; This associates a type checker function with an ast type. The variable
+;;; `object' is bound to the value being types.
+(define-syntax (define-type-checker ast-type . cont)
+ `(define-walker-method type ,ast-type (object)
+ ,@cont))
+;;; This recursively type checks a structure slot in the current object.
+;;; This updates the ast in the slot (since type checking rewrites the ast)
+;;; and binds the computed type to a variable. The slot must contain an
+;;; expression.
+(define-syntax (type-check struct slot var . cont)
+ `(mlet ((($$$ast$$$ ,var)
+ (dispatch-type-check (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object))))
+ (setf (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object) $$$ast$$$)
+ ,@cont))
+;;; This is used to scope decls.
+(define-syntax (with-new-tyvars . cont)
+ `(dynamic-let ((*non-generic-tyvars* (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*)))
+ ,@cont))
+;;; Similar to type-check, the slot must contain a list of decls.
+;;; This must be done before any reference to a variable defined in the
+;;; decls is typechecked.
+(define-syntax (type-check/decls struct slot . cont)
+ `(with-new-tyvars
+ (let (($$$decls$$$
+ (type-decls (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object))))
+ (setf (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object) $$$decls$$$)
+ ,@cont)))
+;;; The type checker returns an expression / type pair. This
+;;; abstracts the returned value.
+(define-syntax (return-type object type)
+ `(values ,object ,type))
+;;; When an ast slot contains a list of expressions, there are two
+;;; possibilities: the expressions all share the same type or each has
+;;; an independant type. In the first case, a single type (computed
+;;; by unifying all types in the list) is bound to a variable.
+(define-syntax (type-check/unify-list struct slot var error-handler . cont)
+ `(mlet ((($$$ast$$$ $$$types$$$)
+ (do-type-check/list (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object))))
+ (setf (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object) $$$ast$$$)
+ (with-type-error-handler ,error-handler ($$$types$$$)
+ (unify-list/single-type $$$types$$$)
+ (let ((,var (car $$$types$$$)))
+ ,@cont))))
+;;; When a list of expressions does not share a common type, the result is
+;;; a list of types.
+(define-syntax (type-check/list struct slot var . cont)
+ `(mlet ((($$$ast$$$ ,var)
+ (do-type-check/list (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object))))
+ (setf (struct-slot ',struct ',slot object) $$$ast$$$)
+ ,@cont))
+;;; This creates a fresh tyvar and binds it to a variable.
+(define-syntax (fresh-type var . cont)
+ `(let ((,var (**ntyvar)))
+ ,@cont))
+;;; This drives the unification routine. Two types are unified and the
+;;; context is updated. Currently no error handling is implemented to
+;;; deal with unification errors.
+(define-syntax (type-unify type1 type2 error-handler)
+ `(with-type-error-handler ,error-handler ()
+ (unify ,type1 ,type2)))
+;;; This generates a fresh set of monomorphic type variables.
+(define-syntax (fresh-monomorphic-types n vars . cont)
+ `(with-new-tyvars
+ (let ((,vars '()))
+ (dotimes (i ,n)
+ (let ((tv (**ntyvar)))
+ (push tv ,vars)
+ (push tv (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))))
+ ,@cont)))
+;;; This creates a single monomorphic type variable.
+(define-syntax (fresh-monomorphic-type var . cont)
+ `(let* ((,var (**ntyvar)))
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (push ,var (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))
+ ,@cont)))
+;;; This is used to rewrite the current ast as a new ast and then
+;;; recursively type check the new ast. The original ast is saved for
+;;; error message printouts.
+(define-syntax (type-rewrite ast)
+ `(mlet (((res-ast type) (dispatch-type-check ,ast))
+ (res (**save-old-exp object res-ast)))
+ (return-type res type)))
+;;; These are the type error handlers
+(define-syntax (recover-type-error error-handler . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym))
+ (err-fn (gensym)))
+ `(let/cc ,temp
+ (let ((,err-fn ,error-handler))
+ (dynamic-let ((*type-error-recovery*
+ (cons (lambda ()
+ (funcall ,err-fn ,temp))
+ (dynamic *type-error-recovery*))))
+ ,@body)))))
+(define-syntax (with-type-error-handler handler extra-args . body)
+ (if (eq? handler '#f)
+ `(begin ,@body)
+ `(dynamic-let ((*type-error-handlers*
+ (cons (lambda ()
+ (,(car handler) ,@extra-args ,@(cdr handler)))
+ (dynamic *type-error-handlers*))))
+ ,@body)))
diff --git a/type/type-main.scm b/type/type-main.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ffe14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type-main.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+;;; This is the main entry point to the type checker.
+(define (do-haskell-type-check object modules)
+ (type-init modules)
+ (when (is-type? 'let object) ; may be void
+ (dynamic-let ((*non-generic-tyvars* '())
+ (*placeholders* '())
+ (*enclosing-decls* '()))
+ (type-check/decls let decls
+ (setf (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*) '())
+ (process-placeholders (dynamic *placeholders*) '() '()))))
+ 'done)
+;;; This is the main recursive entry to the type checker.
+(define (dispatch-type-check exp)
+ (remember-context exp
+ (call-walker type exp)))
+(define (do-type-check/list exps)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ (values '() '())
+ (mlet (((obj1 type1) (dispatch-type-check (car exps)))
+ ((objs types) (do-type-check/list (cdr exps))))
+ (values (cons obj1 objs) (cons type1 types)))))
+(define (type-init modules)
+ ;; Built in types
+ (setf *char-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "Char") '()))
+ (setf *string-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "List")
+ (list *char-type*)))
+ (setf *bool-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "Bool") '()))
+ (setf *int-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "Int") '()))
+ (setf *integer-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "Integer") '()))
+ (setf *rational-type* (**ntycon (core-symbol "Ratio")
+ (list *integer-type*)))
+ (setf *default-decls* '())
+ (dolist (m modules)
+ (let ((default-types '()))
+ (dolist (d (default-decl-types (module-default m)))
+ (let* ((ty (ast->gtype '() d))
+ (ntype (gtype-type ty)))
+ (cond ((not (null? (gtype-context ty)))
+ (recoverable-error 'not-monotype
+ "~A is not a monotype in default decl" ty))
+ ((not (type-in-class? ntype (core-symbol "Num")))
+ (recoverable-error 'not-Num-class
+ "~A is not in class Num" ty))
+ (else
+ (push ntype default-types)))))
+ (push (tuple (module-name m) (reverse default-types)) *default-decls*))))
+(define (remember-placeholder placeholder)
+ (push placeholder (dynamic *placeholders*)))
diff --git a/type/type-vars.scm b/type/type-vars.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4091ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type-vars.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+;;; This type checks a variable. Possible cases:
+;;; a) recursive variables
+;;; b) method variables
+;;; c) generalized variables
+;;; d) other variables
+(define-type-checker var-ref
+ (let* ((var (var-ref-var object))
+ (type (var-type var)))
+ (cond ((method-var? var)
+;;; The context of a method variable always has the carrier class
+;;; first.
+ (mlet (((ntype new-tyvars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars type))
+ (carrier-tyvar (car new-tyvars))
+ (extra-context (cdr new-tyvars))
+ (p (**method-placeholder
+ var carrier-tyvar (dynamic *enclosing-decls*) object))
+ (new-object (insert-dict-placeholders p extra-context object)))
+ (remember-placeholder p)
+ (return-type (**save-old-exp object new-object) ntype)))
+ ((recursive-type? type)
+ (let ((placeholder (**recursive-placeholder
+ var (dynamic *enclosing-decls*))))
+ (push placeholder (recursive-type-placeholders type))
+ (return-type placeholder (recursive-type-type type))))
+ ((gtype? type)
+ (mlet (((ntype new-vars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars type))
+ (object1 (insert-dict-placeholders object new-vars object)))
+ (return-type (if (eq? object1 object)
+ object
+ (**save-old-exp object object1))
+ ntype)))
+ (else
+ (return-type object type)))))
+;;; This takes an expression and a context and returns an updated
+;;; expression containing placeholders for the context information
+;;; implied by the context. Tyvars in the context are added to dict-vars.
+(define (insert-dict-placeholders object tyvars var)
+ (cond ((null? tyvars)
+ object)
+ ((null? (ntyvar-context (car tyvars)))
+ (insert-dict-placeholders object (cdr tyvars) var))
+ (else
+ (let ((tyvar (car tyvars)))
+ (insert-dict-placeholders
+ (insert-dict-placeholders/tyvar
+ tyvar (ntyvar-context tyvar) object var)
+ (cdr tyvars)
+ var)))))
+(define (insert-dict-placeholders/tyvar tyvar classes object var)
+ (if (null? classes)
+ object
+ (let ((p (**dict-placeholder
+ (car classes) tyvar (dynamic *enclosing-decls*) var)))
+ (remember-placeholder p)
+ (insert-dict-placeholders/tyvar tyvar (cdr classes)
+ (**app object p) var))))
diff --git a/type/type.scm b/type/type.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3a82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/type.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(define-compilation-unit type
+ (source-filename "$Y2/type/")
+ (require ast haskell-utils)
+ (unit type-macros
+ (source-filename "type-macros.scm"))
+ (unit unify
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "unify.scm"))
+ (unit type-main
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "type-main.scm"))
+ (unit type-decl
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "type-decl.scm"))
+ (unit dictionary
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "dictionary.scm"))
+ (unit default
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "default.scm"))
+ (unit pattern-binding
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "pattern-binding.scm"))
+ (unit type-vars
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "type-vars.scm"))
+ (unit expression-typechecking
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "expression-typechecking.scm"))
+ (unit type-error-handlers
+ (require type-macros)
+ (source-filename "type-error-handlers.scm")))
diff --git a/type/unify.scm b/type/unify.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59248c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/unify.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+;;; File: type/unify.scm Author: John
+;;; This is the basic unification algorithm used in type checking.
+;;; Unification failure invokes the current type error handler
+;;; Start by removing instantiated type variables from the type.
+(define (unify type1 type2)
+ (unify-1 (prune type1) (prune type2)))
+;;; The only real tweak here is the read-only bit on type variables.
+;;; The rule is that a RO tyvar can be unified only with a generic
+;;; non-RO tyvar which has the same or more general context.
+;;; Aside from this, this is standard unification except that context
+;;; propagation is needed when a tyvar with a non-empty context is
+;;; instantiated.
+;;; If type2 is a tyvar and type1 is not they are switched.
+(define (unify-1 type1 type2)
+ (cond ((eq? type1 type2) ;; this catches variable to variable unify
+ 'OK)
+ ((ntyvar? type1)
+ (cond ((occurs-in-type type1 type2)
+ (type-error "Circular type: cannot unify ~A with ~A"
+ type1 type2))
+ ((ntyvar-read-only? type1)
+ (cond ((or (not (ntyvar? type2)) (ntyvar-read-only? type2))
+ (type-error
+ "Signature too general: cannot unify ~A with ~A"
+ type1 type2))
+ (else
+ (unify-1 type2 type1))))
+ ((and (ntyvar? type2)
+ (ntyvar-read-only? type2)
+ (non-generic? type1))
+ (type-error
+ "Type signature cannot be used: monomorphic type variables present."))
+ (else
+ (instantiate-tyvar type1 type2)
+ (let ((classes (ntyvar-context type1)))
+ (if (null? classes)
+ 'OK
+ (propagate-contexts/ntype type1 type2 classes))))))
+ ((ntyvar? type2)
+ (unify-1 type2 type1))
+ ((eq? (ntycon-tycon type1) (ntycon-tycon type2))
+ (unify-list (ntycon-args type1) (ntycon-args type2)))
+ (else
+ (let ((etype1 (expand-ntype-synonym type1))
+ (etype2 (expand-ntype-synonym type2)))
+ (if (same-tycon? (ntycon-tycon etype1) (ntycon-tycon etype2))
+ (unify-list (ntycon-args etype1) (ntycon-args etype2))
+ ;; This error message should probably show both the original
+ ;; and the expanded types for clarity.
+ (type-error
+ "Type conflict: type ~A does not match ~A"
+ etype1 etype2))))))
+(define-integrable (instantiate-tyvar tyvar val)
+ (setf (ntyvar-value tyvar) val))
+;;; This is needed since interface files may leave multiple def's
+;;; for the same tycon sitting around.
+(define (same-tycon? ty1 ty2)
+ (or (eq? ty1 ty2)
+ (and (eq? (def-name ty1) (def-name ty2))
+ (eq? (def-module ty1) (def-module ty2)))))
+;;; unifies two lists of types pairwise. Used for tycon args.
+(define (unify-list args1 args2)
+ (if (null? args1)
+ 'OK
+ (begin (unify-list (cdr args1) (cdr args2))
+ (unify (car args1) (car args2)))))
+;;; combines a list of types into a single type. Used in constructs
+;;; such as [x,y,z] and case expressions.
+(define (unify-list/single-type types)
+ (when (not (null? types))
+ (let ((type (car types)))
+ (dolist (type2 (cdr types))
+ (unify type type2)))))
+;;; This propagates the context from a just instantiated tyvar to the
+;;; instantiated value. If the value is a tycon, instances must be
+;;; looked up. If the value is a tyvar, the context is added to that of
+;;; other tyvar.
+;;; This is used to back out of the unification on errors. This is a
+;;; poor mans trail stack! Without this, error messages get very
+;;; obscure.
+(define *instantiated-tyvar* '())
+(define (propagate-contexts/ntype tyvar type classes)
+ (dynamic-let ((*instantiated-tyvar* tyvar))
+ (propagate-contexts/inner type classes)))
+(define (propagate-contexts/inner type classes)
+ (let ((type (prune type)))
+ (if (ntyvar? type)
+ (if (ntyvar-read-only? type)
+ (if (context-implies? (ntyvar-context type) classes)
+ 'OK ; no need for context propagation here
+ (begin
+ (setf (ntyvar-value (dynamic *instantiated-tyvar*)) '#f)
+ (type-error "Signature context is too general")))
+ (if (null? (ntyvar-context type))
+ (setf (ntyvar-context type) classes)
+ (setf (ntyvar-context type)
+ (merge-contexts classes (ntyvar-context type)))))
+ (propagate-contexts-1 (expand-ntype-synonym type) classes))))
+;;; The type has now been expanded. This propagates each class constraint
+;;; in turn.
+(define (propagate-contexts-1 type classes)
+ (dolist (class classes)
+ (propagate-single-class type class)))
+;;; Now we have a single class & data type. Either an instance decl can
+;;; be found or a type error should be signalled. Once the instance
+;;; decl is found, contexts are propagated to the component types.
+(define (propagate-single-class type class)
+ (let ((instance (lookup-instance (ntycon-tycon type) class)))
+ (cond ((eq? instance '#f)
+ ;; This remove the instantiation which caused the type
+ ;; error - perhaps stop error propagation & make
+ ;; error message better.
+ (setf (ntyvar-value (dynamic *instantiated-tyvar*)) '#f)
+ (type-error "Type ~A is not in class ~A" type class))
+ (else
+ ;; The instance contains a list of class constraints for
+ ;; each argument. This loop pairs the argument to the
+ ;; type constructor with the context required by the instance
+ ;; decl.
+ (dolist2 (classes (instance-gcontext instance))
+ (arg (ntycon-args type))
+ (propagate-contexts/inner arg classes)))))
+ 'OK)
+;;; The routines which handle contexts (merge-contexts and context-implies?)
+;;; are in type-utils. The occurs check is also there.
diff --git a/util/README b/util/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39e4bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains random utilities that are used in various places
+around the compiler.
diff --git a/util/annotation-utils.scm b/util/annotation-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e2baf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/annotation-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;;; Some general utilities for dealing with annotations
+;;; Lookup an annotation on a var
+(define (lookup-annotation var aname)
+ (lookup-annotation-1 (var-annotations var) aname))
+(define (lookup-annotation-1 a aname)
+ (if (null? a)
+ '#f
+ (if (eq? aname (annotation-value-name (car a)))
+ (car a)
+ (lookup-annotation-1 (cdr a) aname))))
+;;; This parses a string denoting a strictness property into a list
+;;; of booleans. "S,N,S" -> (#t #f #t)
+(define (parse-strictness str)
+ (parse-strictness-1 str 0))
+(define (parse-strictness-1 str i)
+ (if (>= i (string-length str))
+ (signal-bad-strictness-annotation str)
+ (let* ((ch (char-downcase (string-ref str i)))
+ (s (cond ((char=? ch '#\s)
+ '#t)
+ ((char=? ch '#\n)
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-strictness-annotation str)))))
+ (cond ((eqv? (1+ i) (string-length str))
+ (list s))
+ ((char=? (string-ref str (1+ i)) '#\,)
+ (cons s (parse-strictness-1 str (+ i 2))))
+ (else
+ (signal-bad-strictness-annotation str))))))
+(define (signal-bad-strictness-annotation str)
+ (fatal-error 'bad-strictness "Bad strictness annotation: ~A~%" str))
diff --git a/util/constructors.scm b/util/constructors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa8bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/constructors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+;;; This file contains ast construction functions. These
+;;; functions are supplied for commonly used ast structures to
+;;; avoid the longer `make' normally required.
+;;; Function names are the type names with a `**' prefix. For reference
+;;; nodes, the /def for builds the node from a definition instead of a name.
+;;; Note: maybe these should be made automagicly someday.
+;;; from exp-structs:
+(define (**lambda args body)
+ (**lambda/pat (map (function **pat) args) body))
+(define (**lambda/pat pats body)
+ (if (null? pats)
+ body
+ (make lambda (pats pats) (body body))))
+;;; Make a case expression.
+(define (**case exp alts)
+ (make case (exp exp) (alts alts)))
+(define (**alt/simple pat exp)
+ (**alt pat
+ (list (make guarded-rhs
+ (guard (make omitted-guard))
+ (rhs exp)))
+ '()))
+(define (**alt pat rhs-list where-decls)
+ (make alt (pat pat) (rhs-list rhs-list) (where-decls where-decls)))
+(define (**let decls body)
+ (if decls
+ (make let (decls decls) (body body))
+ body))
+(define (**if test then-exp else-exp)
+ (make if (test-exp test) (then-exp then-exp) (else-exp else-exp)))
+(define (**app fn . args) ; any number of args
+ (**app/l fn args))
+(define (**app/l fn args) ; second args is a list
+ (if (null? args)
+ fn
+ (**app/l (make app (fn fn) (arg (car args)))
+ (cdr args))))
+(define (**var name)
+ (make var-ref (name name) (var (dynamic *undefined-def*)) (infix? '#f)))
+(define (**var/def def) ; arg is an entry
+ (make var-ref (var def) (name (def-name def)) (infix? '#f)))
+(define (**con/def def)
+ (make con-ref (name (def-name def)) (con def) (infix? '#f)))
+(define (**int x)
+ (make integer-const (value x)))
+(define (**char x)
+ (make char-const (value x)))
+(define (**string x)
+ (make string-const (value x)))
+(define (**listcomp exp quals)
+ (make list-comp (exp exp) (quals quals)))
+(define (**gen pat exp)
+ (make qual-generator (pat (**pat pat)) (exp exp)))
+(define (**omitted-guard)
+ (make omitted-guard))
+(define (**con-number exp algdata)
+ (make con-number (type algdata) (value exp)))
+(define (**sel con exp i)
+ (make sel (constructor con) (value exp) (slot i)))
+(define (**is-constructor exp con)
+ (make is-constructor (value exp) (constructor con)))
+;;; From valdef-structs
+(define (**signdecl vars type)
+ (make signdecl (vars (map (function **var) vars)) (signature type)))
+(define (**signdecl/def vars type)
+ (make signdecl (vars (map (function **var/def) vars)) (signature type)))
+(define (**define name args val)
+ (**valdef (**pat name) (map (function **pat) args) val))
+(define (**valdef/def var exp)
+ (**valdef/pat (**var-pat/def var) exp))
+(define (**valdef/pat pat exp)
+ (**valdef pat '() exp))
+(define (**valdef lhs args rhs)
+ (make valdef
+ (lhs lhs)
+ (definitions
+ (list (make single-fun-def
+ (args args)
+ (rhs-list
+ (list (make guarded-rhs
+ (guard (**omitted-guard))
+ (rhs rhs))))
+ (where-decls '())
+ (infix? '#f))))))
+;;; Patterns (still in valdef-structs)
+;;; The **pat function converts a very simple lisp-style pattern representation
+;;; into corresponding ast structure. The conversion:
+;;; a) _ => wildcard
+;;; b) a symbol => Var pattern
+;;; c) an integer / string => const pattern
+;;; d) a list of pats starting with 'tuple => Pcon
+;;; e) a list of pats starting with a con definition => Pcon
+(define (**pat v)
+ (cond ((eq? v '_) (**wildcard-pat))
+ ((symbol? v)
+ (make var-pat (var (**var v))))
+ ((var? v)
+ (make var-pat (var (**var/def v))))
+ ((integer? v)
+ (make const-pat (value (**int v))))
+ ((string? v)
+ (make const-pat (value (**string v))))
+ ((and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'tuple))
+ (**pcon/tuple (map (function **pat) (cdr v))))
+ ((and (pair? v) (con? (car v)))
+ (**pcon/def (car v) (map (function **pat) (cdr v))))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad pattern in **pat: ~A~%" v))))
+(define (**pcon name pats)
+ (make pcon (name (add-con-prefix/symbol name))
+ (con (dynamic *undefined-def*)) (pats pats) (infix? '#f)))
+(define (**pcon/def def pats)
+ (make pcon (name (def-name def)) (con def) (pats pats) (infix? '#f)))
+(define (**pcon/tuple pats)
+ (**pcon/def (tuple-constructor (length pats)) pats))
+;;; Make a variable pattern from the var
+(define (**var-pat/def var)
+ (make var-pat
+ (var (**var/def var))))
+(define (**wildcard-pat)
+ (make wildcard-pat))
+;;; Either make a tuple, or return the single element of a list.
+(define (**tuple-pat pats)
+ (cond ((null? pats)
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor") '()))
+ ((null? (cdr pats))
+ (car pats))
+ (else
+ (**pcon/tuple pats))))
+;;; From type-structs.scm
+(define (**tycon name args)
+ (make tycon (name name) (args args) (def (dynamic *undefined-def*))))
+(define (**tycon/def def args)
+ (make tycon (name (def-name def)) (def def) (args args)))
+(define (**tyvar name)
+ (make tyvar (name name)))
+(define (**signature context type)
+ (make signature (context context) (type type)))
+(define (**class/def def)
+ (make class-ref (name (def-name def)) (class def)))
+(define (**context tycls tyvar)
+ (make context (class tycls) (tyvar tyvar)))
+;;; From tc-structs
+(define (**ntyvar)
+ (make ntyvar (value '#f) (context '()) (dict-params '())))
+(define (**ntycon tycon args)
+ (make ntycon (tycon tycon) (args args)))
+(define (**arrow . args)
+ (**arrow/l args))
+(define (**arrow/l args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args))
+ (car args)
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "Arrow")
+ (list (car args) (**arrow/l (cdr args))))))
+(define (**arrow/l-2 args final-val)
+ (if (null? args)
+ final-val
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "Arrow")
+ (list (car args) (**arrow/l-2 (cdr args) final-val)))))
+(define (**list-of arg)
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "List") (list arg)))
+(define (**recursive-placeholder var edecls)
+ (make recursive-placeholder (var var) (exp '#f)
+ (enclosing-decls edecls)))
+(define (**dict-placeholder class tyvar edecls var)
+ (make dict-placeholder
+ (class class) (exp '#f) (overloaded-var var)
+ (tyvar tyvar) (enclosing-decls edecls)))
+(define (**method-placeholder method tyvar edecls var)
+ (make method-placeholder
+ (method method) (exp '#f) (overloaded-var var)
+ (tyvar tyvar) (enclosing-decls edecls)))
+;;; Some less primitive stuff
+(define (**tuple-sel n i exp) ;; 0 <= i < n
+ (if (eqv? n 1)
+ exp
+ (**sel (tuple-constructor n) exp i)))
+(define (**abort msg)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "error"))
+ (**string msg)))
+(define (**tuple/l args)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor")))
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (car args))
+ (else
+ (**app/l (**con/def (tuple-constructor (length args)))
+ args))))
+(define (**tuple . args)
+ (**tuple/l args))
+(define (**tuple-type/l args)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor") '()))
+ ((null? (cdr args))
+ (car args))
+ (else
+ (**tycon/def (tuple-tycon (length args)) args))))
+(define (**tuple-type . args)
+ (**tuple-type/l args))
+(define (**arrow-type . args)
+ (**arrow-type/l args))
+(define (**arrow-type/l args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args))
+ (car args)
+ (**tycon/def (core-symbol "Arrow") (list (car args)
+ (**arrow-type/l (cdr args))))))
+(define (**fromInteger x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "fromInteger")) x))
+(define (**fromRational x)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "fromRational")) x))
+(define (**gtyvar n)
+ (make gtyvar (varnum n)))
+(define (**gtype context type)
+ (make gtype (context context) (type type)))
+(define (**fixity a p)
+ (make fixity (associativity a) (precedence p)))
+(define (**ntycon/tuple . args)
+ (let ((arity (length args)))
+ (**ntycon (tuple-tycon arity) args)))
+(define (**ntycon/arrow . args)
+ (**ntycon/arrow-l args))
+(define (**ntycon/arrow-l args)
+ (let ((arg (if (integer? (car args))
+ (**gtyvar (car args))
+ (car args))))
+ (if (null? (cdr args))
+ arg
+ (**arrow arg (**ntycon/arrow-l (cdr args))))))
+(define (**save-old-exp old new)
+ (make save-old-exp (old-exp old) (new-exp new)))
+;;; These are used by the CFN.
+(define (**case-block block-name exps)
+ (make case-block
+ (block-name block-name)
+ (exps exps)))
+(define (**return-from block-name exp)
+ (make return-from
+ (block-name block-name)
+ (exp exp)))
+(define (**and-exp . exps)
+ (cond ((null? exps)
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "True")))
+ ((null? (cdr exps))
+ (car exps))
+ (else
+ (make and-exp (exps exps)))))
diff --git a/util/haskell-utils.scm b/util/haskell-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c851cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/haskell-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(define-compilation-unit haskell-utils
+ (source-filename "$Y2/util/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit constructors
+ (source-filename "constructors.scm"))
+ (unit prec-utils
+ (source-filename "prec-utils.scm"))
+ (unit walk-ast
+ (source-filename "walk-ast.scm"))
+ (unit pattern-vars
+ (source-filename "pattern-vars.scm")
+ (require walk-ast))
+ (unit instance-manager
+ (source-filename "instance-manager.scm"))
+ (unit signature
+ (source-filename "signature.scm"))
+ (unit type-utils
+ (source-filename "type-utils.scm"))
+ (unit annotation-utils
+ (source-filename "annotation-utils.scm"))
+ )
diff --git a/util/instance-manager.scm b/util/instance-manager.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..231e27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/instance-manager.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+;;; This file has some random utilities dealing with instances.
+;;; Right now, this is a linear search off the class.
+(define (lookup-instance alg-def class-def)
+ (let ((res (lookup-instance-1 alg-def (class-instances class-def))))
+ (if (and (eq? res '#f) (algdata-real-tuple? alg-def))
+ (lookup-possible-tuple-instances alg-def class-def)
+ res)))
+(define (lookup-instance-1 alg-def instances)
+ (cond ((null? instances)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? (instance-algdata (car instances)) alg-def)
+ (if (instance-ok? (car instances))
+ (car instances)
+ '#f))
+ (else
+ (lookup-instance-1 alg-def (cdr instances)))))
+(define (lookup-possible-tuple-instances alg-def class-def)
+ (cond ((eq? class-def (core-symbol "Eq"))
+ (get-tuple-eq-instance alg-def))
+ ((eq? class-def (core-symbol "Ord"))
+ (get-tuple-ord-instance alg-def))
+ ((eq? class-def (core-symbol "Ix"))
+ (get-tuple-ix-instance alg-def))
+ ((eq? class-def (core-symbol "Text"))
+ (get-tuple-text-instance alg-def))
+ ((eq? class-def (core-symbol "Binary"))
+ (get-tuple-binary-instance alg-def))
+ (else '#f)))
+(define *saved-eq-instances* '())
+(define *saved-ord-instances* '())
+(define *saved-ix-instances* '())
+(define *saved-text-instances* '())
+(define *saved-binary-instances* '())
+(define (get-tuple-eq-instance tpl)
+ (let ((res (assq tpl *saved-eq-instances*)))
+ (if (not (eq? res '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 res)
+ (let ((inst (make-tuple-instance
+ tpl (core-symbol "Eq") (core-symbol "tupleEqDict"))))
+ (push (tuple tpl inst) *saved-eq-instances*)
+ inst))))
+(define (get-tuple-ord-instance tpl)
+ (let ((res (assq tpl *saved-ord-instances*)))
+ (if (not (eq? res '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 res)
+ (let ((inst (make-tuple-instance
+ tpl (core-symbol "Ord") (core-symbol "tupleOrdDict"))))
+ (push (tuple tpl inst) *saved-ord-instances*)
+ inst))))
+(define (get-tuple-ix-instance tpl)
+ (let ((res (assq tpl *saved-ix-instances*)))
+ (if (not (eq? res '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 res)
+ (let ((inst (make-tuple-instance
+ tpl (core-symbol "Ix") (core-symbol "tupleIxDict"))))
+ (push (tuple tpl inst) *saved-ix-instances*)
+ inst))))
+(define (get-tuple-text-instance tpl)
+ (let ((res (assq tpl *saved-text-instances*)))
+ (if (not (eq? res '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 res)
+ (let ((inst (make-tuple-instance
+ tpl (core-symbol "Text") (core-symbol "tupleTextDict"))))
+ (push (tuple tpl inst) *saved-text-instances*)
+ inst))))
+(define (get-tuple-binary-instance tpl)
+ (let ((res (assq tpl *saved-binary-instances*)))
+ (if (not (eq? res '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 res)
+ (let ((inst (make-tuple-instance
+ tpl (core-symbol "Binary")
+ (core-symbol "tupleBinaryDict"))))
+ (push (tuple tpl inst) *saved-binary-instances*)
+ inst))))
+(define (make-tuple-instance algdata class dict)
+ (let* ((size (tuple-size algdata))
+ (tyvars (gen-symbols size))
+ (context (map (lambda (tyvar)
+ (**context (**class/def class) tyvar))
+ tyvars))
+ (sig (**tycon/def algdata (map (lambda (x) (**tyvar x)) tyvars)))
+ (gcontext (gtype-context (ast->gtype context sig))))
+ (make instance
+ (algdata algdata)
+ (tyvars tyvars)
+ (class class)
+ (context context)
+ (gcontext gcontext)
+ (methods '())
+ (dictionary dict)
+ (ok? '#t)
+ (special? '#t))))
+;;; I know these are somewhere else too ...
+(define (tuple-size alg)
+ (con-arity (car (algdata-constrs alg))))
+(define (gen-symbols n)
+ (gen-symbols-1 n '(|a| |b| |c| |d| |e| |f| |g| |h| |i| |j| |k| |l| |m|
+ |n| |o| |p| |q| |r| |s| |t| |u| |v| |w| |x| |y| |z|)))
+(define (gen-symbols-1 n vars)
+ (if (eqv? n 0)
+ '()
+ (if (null? vars)
+ (cons (string->symbol (format '#f "x~A" n))
+ (gen-symbols-1 (1- n) '()))
+ (cons (car vars) (gen-symbols-1 (1- n) (cdr vars))))))
+;;; This handles the dynamic linking of instances into classes
+(define (link-instances modules)
+ (dolist (m modules)
+ ;; clear out any instances sitting around from old compiles
+ (dolist (class (module-class-defs m))
+ (setf (class-instances class) '())))
+ (dolist (m modules)
+ (dolist (inst (module-instance-defs m))
+ (link-instance inst)))
+ )
+(define (link-instance inst) ; links an instance into the associated class
+ (push inst (class-instances (instance-class inst))))
+;;; This creates a new instance object and installs it.
+(predefine (make-new-var name)) ; in tdecl/tdecl-utils.scm
+(define (new-instance class algdata tyvars)
+ (let* ((dict-name
+ (string-append "dict-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name class)) "-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name algdata))))
+ (inst (make instance (algdata algdata)
+ (tyvars tyvars)
+ (class class)
+ (gcontext '())
+ (context '())
+ (dictionary (make-new-var dict-name)))))
+ (link-instance inst)
+ inst))
diff --git a/util/pattern-vars.scm b/util/pattern-vars.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78cb361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/pattern-vars.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;; This collects the vars bound in a pattern.
+(define-walker collect-pattern-vars ast-td-collect-pattern-vars-walker)
+(define (collect-pattern-vars x)
+ (collect-pattern-vars-1 x '()))
+(define (collect-pattern-vars-1 x vars-so-far)
+ (call-walker collect-pattern-vars x vars-so-far))
+(define (collect-pattern-vars/list l vars-so-far)
+ (if (null? l)
+ vars-so-far
+ (collect-pattern-vars/list (cdr l)
+ (collect-pattern-vars-1 (car l) vars-so-far))))
+(define-local-syntax (collect-pattern-vars-processor
+ slot type object-form accum-form)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot)))
+ (cond ((eq? stype 'var-ref)
+ `(cons (struct-slot ',type ',sname ,object-form) ,accum-form))
+ ((eq? stype 'pattern)
+ `(collect-pattern-vars-1
+ (struct-slot ',type ',sname ,object-form)
+ ,accum-form))
+ ((equal? stype '(list pattern))
+ `(collect-pattern-vars/list
+ (struct-slot ',type ',sname ,object-form) ,accum-form))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Collect-pattern-vars: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; sname
+; type)
+ accum-form)
+ )))
+(define-collecting-walker-methods collect-pattern-vars
+ (as-pat irr-pat var-pat wildcard-pat const-pat plus-pat pcon list-pat
+ pp-pat-list pp-pat-plus pp-pat-negated)
+ collect-pattern-vars-processor)
diff --git a/util/prec-utils.scm b/util/prec-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff7a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/prec-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;;; prec-util.scm -- utilities for precedence parsing and printing of
+;;; expressions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 15 Feb 1992
+;;; The functions in this file are used by the expression printers
+;;; and by precedence parsing.
+;;; Uncurry the function application, looking for a con-ref as the
+;;; actual function being applied. Return the con-ref-con and a list
+;;; of the arguments.
+(define (extract-constructor fn args)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'con-ref fn)
+ (values (con-ref-con fn) args))
+ ((is-type? 'app fn)
+ (extract-constructor (app-fn fn) (cons (app-arg fn) args)))
+ (else
+ (values '#f '()))))
+;;; If this is an infix operator application, there are really two nested
+;;; applications that we handle at once. The "fn" on the outer app
+;;; points to a nested app which is a var-ref or con-ref with the infix?
+;;; slot set to T.
+;;; Returns three values: the fixity info, the operator, and the first
+;;; argument (the arg to the outer application is the second argument).
+(define (extract-infix-operator fn)
+ (if (is-type? 'app fn)
+ (let* ((new-fn (app-fn fn))
+ (arg (app-arg fn))
+ (fixity (operator-fixity new-fn)))
+ (if fixity
+ (values fixity new-fn arg)
+ (values '#f '#f '#f)))
+ (values '#f '#f '#f)))
+;;; Return the fixity info for a reference to a var or con.
+;;; If it doesn't have an explicit fixity, use the default of
+;;; left associativity and precedence 9.
+(define default-fixity
+ (make fixity (associativity 'l) (precedence 9)))
+(define (operator-fixity fn)
+ (if (is-type? 'save-old-exp fn)
+ (operator-fixity (save-old-exp-old-exp fn))
+ (or (and (is-type? 'var-ref fn)
+ (var-ref-infix? fn)
+ (or (and (var-ref-var fn)
+ (not (eq? (var-ref-var fn) *undefined-def*))
+ (var-fixity (var-ref-var fn)))
+ default-fixity))
+ (and (is-type? 'con-ref fn)
+ (con-ref-infix? fn)
+ (or (and (con-ref-con fn)
+ (not (eq? (con-ref-con fn) *undefined-def*))
+ (con-fixity (con-ref-con fn)))
+ default-fixity))
+ (and (is-type? 'pcon fn)
+ (pcon-infix? fn)
+ (or (and (pcon-con fn)
+ (not (eq? (pcon-con fn) *undefined-def*))
+ (con-fixity (pcon-con fn)))
+ default-fixity))
+ '#f)))
+;;; Determine the precedence of an expression.
+;;; *** What about unary -?
+(define (precedence-of-exp exp associativity)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'save-old-exp exp)
+ (precedence-of-exp (save-old-exp-old-exp exp) associativity))
+ ((is-type? 'aexp exp) 10)
+ ((is-type? 'app exp)
+ (multiple-value-bind (fixity op arg1)
+ (extract-infix-operator (app-fn exp))
+ (declare (ignore op arg1))
+ (if fixity
+ (if (eq? associativity (fixity-associativity fixity))
+ (1+ (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ 10)))
+ ((is-type? 'lambda exp) 10)
+ ((is-type? 'let exp) 10)
+ ((is-type? 'if exp) 10)
+ ((is-type? 'case exp) 10)
+ ((pp-exp-list-section? exp) 10)
+ ((is-type? 'negate exp) 10) ; hack, hack
+ (else
+ 0)))
+;;; Determine whether a pp-exp-list is really a section -- the
+;;; first or last exp in the list is really an infix op.
+(define (pp-exp-list-section? object)
+ (if (is-type? 'pp-exp-list object)
+ (let ((exps (pp-exp-list-exps object)))
+ (or (infix-var-or-con? (car exps))
+ (infix-var-or-con? (list-ref exps (1- (length exps))))))
+ '#f))
+(define (infix-var-or-con? object)
+ (or (and (is-type? 'var-ref object)
+ (var-ref-infix? object))
+ (and (is-type? 'con-ref object)
+ (con-ref-infix? object))))
diff --git a/util/signature.scm b/util/signature.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aea41eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/signature.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;;; This file handles the scoping and error checking of signatures.
+;;; Possible errors:
+;;; Wrong arity in a tycon
+;;; Ambiguous context
+;;; Other errors may be present; these are detected at a higher level.
+;;; The list of variables used in the signature is returned.
+(define (resolve-signature signature)
+ (with-slots signature (context type) signature
+ (let ((tyvars (resolve-type type)))
+ (resolve-signature-aux tyvars context)
+ tyvars)))
+(define (resolve-signature-aux tyvars context)
+ (dolist (ctxt context)
+ (with-slots context (class tyvar) ctxt
+ (when (not (memq tyvar tyvars))
+ (signal-ambiguous-context tyvar))
+ (resolve-class class))))
+(define (resolve-type type)
+ (resolve-type-1 type '()))
+(define (resolve-type-1 type vars)
+ (cond ((tyvar? type)
+ (cons (tyvar-name type) vars))
+ (else
+ (resolve-tycon type)
+ (with-slots tycon (name def args) type
+ (when (not (eq? def *undefined-def*))
+ (if (eqv? (tycon-def-arity def) -1)
+ (setf (tycon-def-arity def) (length args))
+ (when (not (eqv? (length args) (tycon-def-arity def)))
+ (signal-tycon-arity name type))))
+ (resolve-type/list args vars)))))
+(define (resolve-type/list args vars)
+ (if (null? args)
+ vars
+ (resolve-type/list (cdr args) (resolve-type-1 (car args) vars))))
+;;; This returns the names of the tyvars in a simple tycon
+(define (simple-tyvar-list simple)
+ (remember-context simple
+ (let* ((res (map (lambda (x) (tyvar-name x)) (tycon-args simple)))
+ (dups (find-duplicates res)))
+ (when (not (null? dups))
+ (signal-non-linear-type-vars simple))
+ res)))
+;;; This is used to build the class dictionary signature.
+(define (substitute-tyvar type tyvar new)
+ (cond ((tyvar? type)
+ (if (eq? (tyvar-name type) tyvar)
+ new
+ (**tyvar (tyvar-name type))))
+ ((tycon? type)
+ (with-slots tycon (name def args) type
+ (make tycon (name name) (def def)
+ (args (map (lambda (x) (substitute-tyvar x tyvar new))
+ args)))))
+ (else
+ (**signature (signature-context type)
+ (substitute-tyvar (signature-type type) tyvar new)))))
+;;; Error signalling routines
+(define (signal-ambiguous-context tyvar)
+ (phase-error 'ambiguous-context
+ "~a is referenced in a context, but is not bound as a type variable."
+ tyvar))
+(define (signal-tycon-arity name type)
+ (phase-error 'tycon-arity
+ "The wrong number of arguments are supplied to the constructor ~a~%~
+ in the type ~a."
+ name type))
+(define (signal-non-linear-type-vars simple)
+ (phase-error 'non-linear-type-vars
+ "There are duplicate type variables in ~s."
+ simple))
diff --git a/util/type-utils.scm b/util/type-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b4504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/type-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+;;; The `prune' function removes instantiated type variables at the
+;;; top level of a type.
+;;; It returns an uninstantiated type variable or a type constructor.
+(define-integrable (prune ntype)
+ (if (ntyvar? ntype)
+ (if (instantiated? ntype)
+ (prune-1 (ntyvar-value ntype))
+ ntype)
+ ntype))
+;;; This is because lucid can't hack inlining recursive fns.
+(define (prune-1 x) (prune x))
+(define-integrable (instantiated? ntyvar)
+ (ntyvar-value ntyvar))
+; (not (eq? (ntyvar-value ntyvar) '#f))) ;*** Lucid compiler bug?
+(define (prune/l l)
+ (map (function prune) l))
+;;; These functions convert between AST types and gtypes. Care is taken to
+;;; ensure that the gtyvars are in the same order that they appear in the
+;;; context. This is needed to make dictionary conversion work right.
+(define (ast->gtype context type)
+ (mlet (((gcontext env) (context->gcontext context '() '()))
+ ((type env1) (type->gtype type env))
+ (gcontext-classes (arrange-gtype-classes env1 gcontext)))
+ (**gtype gcontext-classes type)))
+;;; This is similar except that the ordering of the tyvars is as defined in
+;;; the data type. This is used only for instance declarations and allows
+;;; for simple context implication checks. It also used by the signature
+;;; of the dictionary variable.
+(define (ast->gtype/inst context type)
+ (mlet (((type env) (type->gtype type '()))
+ ((gcontext env1) (context->gcontext context '() env))
+ (gcontext-classes (arrange-gtype-classes env1 gcontext)))
+ (**gtype gcontext-classes type)))
+;;; This converts a context into gtype form [[class]]: a list of classes
+;;; for each gtyvar. This returns the context and the gtyvar environment.
+(define (context->gcontext context gcontext env)
+ (if (null? context)
+ (values gcontext env)
+ (mlet ((sym (context-tyvar (car context)))
+ (class (class-ref-class (context-class (car context))))
+ ((n new-env) (ast->gtyvar sym env))
+ (old-context (get-gtyvar-context n gcontext))
+ (new-context (merge-single-class class old-context))
+ (new-gcontext (cons (tuple n new-context) gcontext)))
+ (context->gcontext (cdr context) new-gcontext new-env))))
+;;; This assigns a gtyvar number to a tyvar name.
+(define (ast->gtyvar sym env)
+ (let ((res (assq sym env)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ (let ((n (length env)))
+ (values n (cons (tuple sym n) env)))
+ (values (tuple-2-2 res) env))))
+(define (get-gtyvar-context n gcontext)
+ (cond ((null? gcontext)
+ '())
+ ((eqv? n (tuple-2-1 (car gcontext)))
+ (tuple-2-2 (car gcontext)))
+ (else (get-gtyvar-context n (cdr gcontext)))))
+(define (type->gtype type env)
+ (if (tyvar? type)
+ (mlet (((n env1) (ast->gtyvar (tyvar-name type) env)))
+ (values (**gtyvar n) env1))
+ (mlet (((types env1) (type->gtype/l (tycon-args type) env)))
+ (values (**ntycon (tycon-def type) types) env1))))
+(define (type->gtype/l types env)
+ (if (null? types)
+ (values '() env)
+ (mlet (((type env1) (type->gtype (car types) env))
+ ((other-types env2) (type->gtype/l (cdr types) env1)))
+ (values (cons type other-types) env2))))
+(define (arrange-gtype-classes env gcontext)
+ (arrange-gtype-classes-1 0 (length env) env gcontext))
+(define (arrange-gtype-classes-1 m n env gcontext)
+ (if (equal? m n)
+ '()
+ (cons (get-gtyvar-context m gcontext)
+ (arrange-gtype-classes-1 (1+ m) n env gcontext))))
+;;; These routines convert gtypes back to ordinary types.
+(define (instantiate-gtype g)
+ (mlet (((gtype _) (instantiate-gtype/newvars g)))
+ gtype))
+(define (instantiate-gtype/newvars g)
+ (if (null? (gtype-context g))
+ (values (gtype-type g) '())
+ (let ((new-tyvars (create-new-tyvars (gtype-context g))))
+ (values (copy-gtype (gtype-type g) new-tyvars) new-tyvars))))
+(define (create-new-tyvars ctxts)
+ (if (null? ctxts)
+ '()
+ (let ((tyvar (**ntyvar)))
+ (setf (ntyvar-context tyvar) (car ctxts))
+ (cons tyvar (create-new-tyvars (cdr ctxts))))))
+(define (copy-gtype g env)
+ (cond ((ntycon? g)
+ (**ntycon (ntycon-tycon g)
+ (map (lambda (g1) (copy-gtype g1 env))
+ (ntycon-args g))))
+ ((ntyvar? g)
+ g)
+ ((gtyvar? g)
+ (list-ref env (gtyvar-varnum g)))
+ ((const-type? g)
+ (const-type-type g))))
+;;; ntypes may contain synonyms. These are expanded here. Only the
+;;; top level synonym is expanded.
+(define (expand-ntype-synonym type)
+ (if (and (ntycon? type)
+ (synonym? (ntycon-tycon type)))
+ (let ((syn (ntycon-tycon type)))
+ (expand-ntype-synonym
+ (expand-ntype-synonym-1 (synonym-body syn)
+ (map (lambda (var val)
+ (tuple var val))
+ (synonym-args syn)
+ (ntycon-args type)))))
+ type))
+(define (expand-ntype-synonym-1 type env)
+ (if (tyvar? type)
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq (tyvar-name type) env))
+ (**ntycon (tycon-def type)
+ (map (lambda (ty) (expand-ntype-synonym-1 ty env))
+ (tycon-args type)))))
+;;; This is used in generalization. Note that ntyvars will remain when
+;;; non-generic tyvars are encountered.
+(define (ntype->gtype ntype)
+ (mlet (((res _) (ntype->gtype/env ntype '())))
+ res))
+(define (ntype->gtype/env ntype required-vars)
+ (mlet (((gtype env) (ntype->gtype-1 ntype required-vars)))
+ (values
+ (make gtype (type gtype) (context (map (lambda (x) (ntyvar-context x))
+ env)))
+ env)))
+(define (ntype->gtype-1 ntype env)
+ (let ((ntype (prune ntype)))
+ (cond ((ntycon? ntype)
+ (mlet (((args env1) (ntype->gtype/l (ntycon-args ntype) env)))
+ (values (**ntycon (ntycon-tycon ntype) args) env1)))
+ (else
+ (ntyvar->gtyvar ntype env)))))
+(define (ntype->gtype/l types env)
+ (if (null? types)
+ (values '() env)
+ (mlet (((type env1) (ntype->gtype-1 (car types) env))
+ ((types2 env2) (ntype->gtype/l (cdr types) env1)))
+ (values (cons type types2) env2))))
+(define (ntyvar->gtyvar ntyvar env)
+ (if (non-generic? ntyvar)
+ (values ntyvar env)
+ (let ((l (list-pos ntyvar env)))
+ (if (eq? l '#f)
+ (values (**gtyvar (length env)) (append env (list ntyvar)))
+ (values (**gtyvar l) env)))))
+(define (list-pos x l)
+ (list-pos-1 x l 0))
+(define (list-pos-1 x l n)
+ (cond ((null? l)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? x (car l))
+ n)
+ (else
+ (list-pos-1 x (cdr l) (1+ n)))))
+;;; These utils are used in dictionary conversion.
+(define (**dsel/method class method dict-code)
+ (let ((pos (locate-in-list method (class-method-vars class) 0)))
+ (**tuple-sel (class-dict-size class) pos dict-code)))
+(define (**dsel/dict class dict-class dict-code)
+ (let ((pos (locate-in-list
+ dict-class (class-super* class) (class-n-methods class))))
+ (**tuple-sel (class-dict-size class) pos dict-code)))
+(define (locate-in-list var l pos)
+ (if (null? l)
+ (error "Locate in list failed")
+ (if (eq? var (car l))
+ pos
+ (locate-in-list var (cdr l) (1+ pos)))))
+;;; These routines deal with contexts. A context is a list classes.
+;;; A context is normalized whenever class is a superclass of another.
+(define (merge-contexts ctxt1 ctxt2)
+ (if (null? ctxt1)
+ ctxt2
+ (merge-single-class (car ctxt1) (merge-contexts (cdr ctxt1) ctxt2))))
+;;; This could perhaps avoid some consing but I don't imagine it would
+;;; make much difference.
+(define (merge-single-class class ctxt)
+ (cond ((null? ctxt)
+ (list class))
+ ((eq? class (car ctxt))
+ ctxt)
+ ((memq class (class-super* (car ctxt)))
+ ctxt)
+ ((memq (car ctxt) (class-super* class))
+ (merge-single-class class (cdr ctxt)))
+ (else
+ (cons (car ctxt) (merge-single-class class (cdr ctxt))))))
+;;; This determines if ctxt2 is contained in ctxt1.
+(define (context-implies? ctxt1 ctxt2)
+ (or (null? ctxt2)
+ (and (single-class-implies? ctxt1 (car ctxt2))
+ (context-implies? ctxt1 (cdr ctxt2)))))
+(define (single-class-implies? ctxt class)
+ (and (not (null? ctxt))
+ (or (memq class ctxt)
+ (super-class-implies? ctxt class))))
+(define (super-class-implies? ctxt class)
+ (and (not (null? ctxt))
+ (or (memq class (class-super* (car ctxt)))
+ (super-class-implies? (cdr ctxt) class))))
+;;; This looks at the context of a full signature.
+(define (full-context-implies? ctxt1 ctxt2)
+ (or (null? ctxt1)
+ (and (context-implies? (car ctxt1) (car ctxt2))
+ (full-context-implies? (cdr ctxt1) (cdr ctxt2)))))
+;;; This is used to avoid type circularity on unification.
+(define (occurs-in-type tyvar type) ; Cardelli algorithm
+ (let ((type (prune type)))
+ (if (ntyvar? type)
+ (eq? type tyvar)
+ (occurs-in-type/l tyvar (ntycon-args type)))))
+; Does a tyvar occur in a list of types?
+(define (occurs-in-type/l tyvar types)
+ (if (null? types)
+ '#f
+ (or (occurs-in-type tyvar (car types))
+ (occurs-in-type/l tyvar (cdr types)))))
+(define-integrable (non-generic? tyvar)
+ (occurs-in-type/l tyvar (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*)))
+(define (collect-tyvars ntype)
+ (collect-tyvars-1 ntype '()))
+(define (collect-tyvars-1 ntype vars)
+ (let ((ntype (prune ntype)))
+ (if (ntyvar? ntype)
+ (if (or (memq ntype vars) (non-generic? ntype))
+ vars
+ (cons ntype vars))
+ (collect-tyvars/l-1 (ntycon-args ntype) vars))))
+(define (collect-tyvars/l types)
+ (collect-tyvars/l-1 types '()))
+(define (collect-tyvars/l-1 types vars)
+ (if (null? types)
+ vars
+ (collect-tyvars/l-1 (cdr types) (collect-tyvars-1 (car types) vars))))
+;;; Random utilities
+(define (decl-var decl)
+ (var-ref-var (var-pat-var (valdef-lhs decl))))
diff --git a/util/walk-ast.scm b/util/walk-ast.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aecffc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/walk-ast.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;;; walk-ast.scm -- general-purpose walkers for AST structures.
+;;; author : Sandra & John
+;;; date : 30 Jan 1992
+;;; Basic support, macros
+;;; Here is a macro for accessing the walker function for a particular
+;;; type.
+;;; The walk-type names the walker.
+;;; If an accessor argument is provided, it must name a SETF'able function
+;;; or macro that takes a type descriptor as an argument. This is used to
+;;; do the lookup of the walker function for the given type.
+;;; If no explicit accessor is provided, one will be created. It will
+;;; use a hash table keyed off the type names to store the walker functions.
+;;; In either case, the mapping between the walker name and accessor is
+;;; stored in the hash table ast-walker-table.
+(define ast-walker-table (make-table))
+(define-syntax (define-walker walk-type . maybe-accessor)
+ (let ((accessor-name (if (null? maybe-accessor)
+ (symbol-append walk-type '-walker)
+ (car maybe-accessor))))
+ (setf (table-entry ast-walker-table walk-type) accessor-name)
+ `(begin
+ ,@(if (null? maybe-accessor)
+ (let ((accessor-table (symbol-append '* walk-type '-table*)))
+ `((define ,accessor-table (make-table))
+ (define-syntax (,accessor-name td)
+ (list 'table-entry
+ ',accessor-table
+ (list 'td-name td)))))
+ '())
+ (setf (table-entry ast-walker-table ',walk-type)
+ ',accessor-name)
+ ',walk-type)))
+(define-syntax (ast-walker walk-type td)
+ (let ((accessor (table-entry ast-walker-table walk-type)))
+ `(,accessor ,td)))
+;;; This macro dispatches a walker on an object of type ast-node.
+(define-syntax (call-walker walk-type object . args)
+ (let ((temp (gensym "OBJ")))
+ `(let ((,temp ,object))
+ (funcall (or (ast-walker ,walk-type (struct-type-descriptor ,temp))
+ (walker-not-found-error ',walk-type ,temp))
+ ,temp
+ ,@args))
+ ))
+(define (walker-not-found-error walk-type object)
+ (error "There is no ~a walker for structure ~A defined."
+ walk-type (td-name (struct-type-descriptor object))))
+;;; Define an individual walker for a particular type. The body should
+;;; return either the original object or a replacement for it.
+(define-syntax (define-walker-method walk-type type args . body)
+ (let ((function-name (symbol-append walk-type '- type)))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,function-name ,@args) ,@body)
+ (setf (ast-walker ,walk-type (lookup-type-descriptor ',type))
+ (function ,function-name))
+ ',function-name)))
+;;; Support for default walker methods
+;;; Two kinds of walkers are supported: a collecting walker, which
+;;; walks over a tree collecting some sort of returned result while
+;;; not changing the tree itself, and a rewriting walker which maps
+;;; ast to ast.
+;;; The basic template for a collecting walk is:
+;;; (define-walker-method walk-type type (object accum)
+;;; (sf1 (sf2 object ... (sfn accum)))
+;;; where sfi = slot function for the ith slot.
+;;; The slot-processor should be the name of a macro that is called with four
+;;; arguments: a slot descriptor, the object type name, a form
+;;; representing the object being traversed, and a form representing the
+;;; accumulated value.
+;;; If the slot does not participate in the walk, this last argument should
+;;; be returned unchanged as the expansion of the macro.
+(define-syntax (define-collecting-walker-methods walk-type types
+ slot-processor)
+ `(begin
+ ,@(map (lambda (type)
+ (make-collecting-walker-method walk-type type slot-processor))
+ types)))
+(define (make-collecting-walker-method walk-type type slot-processor)
+ `(define-walker-method ,walk-type ,type (object accum)
+ object ; prevent possible unreferenced variable warning
+ ,(make-collecting-walker-method-body
+ 'accum
+ type
+ (td-slots (lookup-type-descriptor type))
+ slot-processor)))
+(define (make-collecting-walker-method-body base type slots slot-processor)
+ (if (null? slots)
+ base
+ `(,slot-processor ,(car slots) ,type object
+ ,(make-collecting-walker-method-body
+ base type (cdr slots) slot-processor))))
+;;; A rewriting walker traverses the ast modifying various subtrees.
+;;; The basic template here is:
+;;; (define-walker-method walker type (object . args)
+;;; (setf (slot1 object) (walk (slot1 object)))
+;;; (setf (slot2 object) (walk (slot2 object)))
+;;; ...
+;;; object)
+;;; The basic macro to generate default walkers is as above except
+;;; that the slot-processor macro is called with only
+;;; two arguments, the slot and object type.
+;;; The `args' is the actual lambda-list for the methods, and bindings
+;;; can be referenced inside the code returned by the macro.
+;;; If a slot participates in the walk, the macro should return code
+;;; to SETF the slot, as in the template above. Otherwise, the macro
+;;; should just return #f.
+(define-syntax (define-modify-walker-methods walk-type types args
+ slot-processor)
+ `(begin
+ ,@(map (lambda (type)
+ (make-modify-walker-method walk-type type args
+ slot-processor))
+ types)))
+(define (make-modify-walker-method walk-type type args slot-processor)
+ `(define-walker-method ,walk-type ,type ,args
+ ,@(cdr args) ; prevent possible unreferenced variable warnings
+ ,@(map (lambda (slot)
+ `(,slot-processor ,slot ,type))
+ (td-slots (lookup-type-descriptor type)))
+ ,(car args)))