path: root/top/phases.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'top/phases.scm')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/top/phases.scm b/top/phases.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706c541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/phases.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+;;; This is the top-level phase structure of the compiler.
+;;; Compilation phase support
+(define *phase* '#f)
+(define *abort-phase* '#f) ; abort when this phase completes
+(define *abort-compilation*
+ (lambda ()
+ (error "No error continuation defined here!")))
+(define *module-asts* '()) ; a global only for debugging purposes
+;;; Later add the printing and timing stuff here
+(define-local-syntax (phase-body phase-name body printer)
+ `(dynamic-let ((*phase* ',phase-name))
+ (when (memq ',phase-name (dynamic *printers*))
+ (format '#t "~%Phase ~a:~%" ',phase-name)
+ (force-output))
+ (let* ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (result ,body)
+ (current-time (get-run-time)))
+ (when (eq? (dynamic *abort-phase*) ',phase-name)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ,@(if (eq? printer '#f)
+ '()
+ `((when (memq ',phase-name (dynamic *printers*))
+ (funcall ,printer result)
+ (force-output))))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let ((elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "~&~A complete: ~A seconds~%"
+ ',phase-name elapsed-time)
+ (force-output)))
+ result)))
+;;; Returns 2 values: module ast's and lisp code.
+(define (compile-haskell-files files)
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (let ((all-mods (haskell-parse-files files))
+ (interface-mods '())
+ (regular-mods '()))
+ (dolist (m all-mods)
+ (if (eq? (module-type m) 'interface)
+ (push m interface-mods)
+ (push m regular-mods)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-name (car all-mods))))
+ (values
+ all-mods
+ `(begin
+ ,(if interface-mods
+ (compile-interface-modules (nreverse interface-mods))
+ '#f)
+ ,(if regular-mods
+ (compile-modules (nreverse regular-mods))
+ '#f))
+ )))))
+(define (compile-modules mods)
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* '#f)
+ (*recoverable-error-handler* '#f)
+ (*abort-phase* '#f)
+ (*unique-name-counter* 1)
+ (*suffix-table* (make-table)))
+ (haskell-import-export mods '#f)
+ (haskell-process-type-declarations mods)
+ (haskell-scope mods)
+ (let ((big-let (haskell-dependency-analysis mods)))
+ (cond ((not (void? big-let))
+ (haskell-type-check big-let mods)
+ (setf big-let (haskell-cfn big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-dependency-reanalysis big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-ast-to-flic big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-optimize big-let))
+ (setf big-let (haskell-strictness big-let))
+ (haskell-codegen big-let mods))
+ (else
+ ''#f)
+ ))))
+(define (modules->lisp-code modules)
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-name (car modules))))
+ (compile-modules modules)))
+(predefine (notify-error)) ; in command-interface/command-utils.scm
+(define (abort-compilation)
+ (notify-error)
+ (funcall (dynamic *abort-compilation*)))
+(define (halt-compilation)
+ (setf (dynamic *abort-phase*) (dynamic *phase*)))
+;;; Here are the actual phase bodies
+(predefine (parse-files files))
+(define (haskell-parse-files filenames)
+ (phase-body parse
+ (let ((mods (parse-files filenames)))
+ mods)
+ #f))
+(predefine (import-export modules)) ; in import-export/import-export.scm
+(predefine (import-export/interface modules))
+(define (haskell-import-export modules interface?)
+ (phase-body import
+ (if interface?
+ (import-export/interface modules)
+ (import-export modules))
+ #f))
+(predefine (process-type-declarations modules))
+ ; in tdecl/type-declaration-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-process-type-declarations modules)
+ (phase-body type-decl
+ (begin
+ (process-type-declarations modules))
+ #f))
+(predefine (scope-modules x)) ; in prec/scope.scm
+(predefine (print-full-module x . maybe-stream)) ; in the printers
+(define (haskell-scope modules)
+ (phase-body scope
+ (scope-modules modules)
+ (lambda (result)
+ (declare (ignore result))
+ (dolist (m modules) (print-full-module m)))
+ ))
+(predefine (do-dependency-analysis x)) ; in depend/dependency-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-dependency-analysis modules)
+ (phase-body depend
+ (do-dependency-analysis modules)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (do-haskell-type-check big-let mods))
+(define (haskell-type-check big-let modules)
+ (phase-body type
+ (do-haskell-type-check big-let modules)
+ #f))
+(predefine (cfn-ast x)) ; in cfn/main.scm
+(define (haskell-cfn big-let)
+ (phase-body cfn
+ (cfn-ast big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (analyze-dependency-top x)) ; in depend/dependency-analysis.scm
+(define (haskell-dependency-reanalysis big-let)
+ (phase-body depend2
+ (begin
+ (analyze-dependency-top big-let)
+ big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (ast-to-flic x)) ; in flic/ast-to-flic.scm
+(define (haskell-ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (phase-body flic
+ (ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (optimize-top x)) ; in backend/optimize.scm
+(define (haskell-optimize big-let)
+ (phase-body optimize
+ (optimize-top big-let)
+ (function pprint*)))
+(predefine (strictness-analysis-top x)) ; in backend/strictness.scm
+(predefine (strictness-analysis-printer x))
+(define (haskell-strictness big-let)
+ (phase-body strictness
+ (strictness-analysis-top big-let)
+ (function strictness-analysis-printer)))
+(predefine (codegen-top x)) ; in backend/codegen.scm
+(predefine (codegen-exported-types x)) ; "
+(predefine (codegen-prim-entries x)) ; ditto
+(define (haskell-codegen big-let mods)
+ (phase-body codegen
+ `(begin
+ ,(codegen-exported-types mods)
+ ,(codegen-top big-let))
+ #f))
+;;; This is for interface modules.
+(predefine (haskell-codegen/interface mods))
+(define (compile-interface-modules mods)
+ (dynamic-let ((*context* '#f)
+ (*recoverable-error-handler* '#f)
+ (*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (haskell-import-export mods '#t)
+ (haskell-process-type-declarations mods)
+ (haskell-scope mods)
+ (haskell-codegen/interface mods)))