path: root/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36e3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ This module sets up all the constants used in this functional
+ animation package.
+ Defined here are the basic units of movement, scale and rotation.
+ The screen height and width are set, and the various parts of
+ the screen such as the top-middle, lower-left and center are
+ all set. Finally the color values used by xcshow, the c-program
+ that displays the movies in X, are set.
+module R_Constants (fps, unit, hf, qt, scaleunit, rotunit,
+ nullpic, nullseq,
+ sinunit,cosunit,
+ screenwid, screenht, botl, leftm, topl, topm, topr,
+ rightm, botr, botm, center,
+ white,black,red,green,darkblue,lightblue,brown,yellow,
+ colorName, allColors
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+ -- units are set. The scaleunit is in 11th, so that the 12 is
+ -- actually 12/11'ths
+fps :: Int
+unit :: Int
+hf :: Int
+qt :: Int
+scaleunit :: Int
+fps = 25
+unit = 15
+hf = unit `div` 2
+qt = unit `div`4
+scaleunit = 12
+ --scaleunit is div'ed by 12 later
+rotunit :: Float
+rotunit = pi/18
+sinunit = sin rotunit
+cosunit = cos rotunit
+nullpic :: Pic
+nullpic = []
+nullseq :: Movie
+nullseq= nullpic : [ nullseq2 | nullseq2 <- nullseq]
+ -- Screen Parameters
+screenwid :: Int
+screenwid = 800
+screenht :: Int
+screenht = 800
+botl :: Vec
+leftm :: Vec
+topl :: Vec
+topm :: Vec
+topr :: Vec
+rightm :: Vec
+botr :: Vec
+botm :: Vec
+center :: Vec
+leftmb :: Vec
+leftmt :: Vec
+topml :: Vec
+topmr :: Vec
+rightmt :: Vec
+rightmb :: Vec
+botml :: Vec
+botmr :: Vec
+botl = ( 0, 0 )
+leftm = ( 0, screenht `div` 2)
+topl = ( 0, screenht )
+topm = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht )
+topr = ( screenwid, screenht )
+rightm = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 2 )
+botr = ( screenwid, 0 )
+botm = ( screenwid `div` 2, 0 )
+center = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht `div` 2 )
+leftmb = ( 0, screenht `div` 4 )
+leftmt = ( 0, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+topml = ( screenwid `div` 4, screenht )
+topmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, screenht )
+rightmt = ( screenwid, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+rightmb = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 4 )
+botml = ( screenwid `div` 4, 0 )
+botmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, 0 )
+ -- Colors values set to names
+white :: Color
+white = 1
+black :: Color
+black = 2
+red :: Color
+red = 4
+green :: Color
+green = 6
+darkblue :: Color
+darkblue = 8
+lightblue :: Color
+lightblue = 10
+yellow :: Color
+yellow = 12
+brown :: Color
+brown = 14
+colorName :: Color -> String
+colorName 1 = "white"
+colorName 2 = "black"
+colorName 4 = "red"
+colorName 6 = "green"
+colorName 8 = "blue"
+colorName 10 = "lightblue"
+colorName 12 = "yellow"
+colorName 14 = "brown"
+allColors :: [Color]
+allColors = [1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14]