path: root/ast/modules.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'ast/modules.scm')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/modules.scm b/ast/modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e445444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+;;; File: ast/module-structs Author: John
+;;; This contains AST structures which define the basic module structure.
+;;; This is just the skeleton module structure: module, imports, exports,
+;;; fixity, and default decls.
+;;; AST nodes defined in the file:
+;;; module import-decl entity entity-module entity-var entity-con
+;;; entity-class entity-abbreviated entity-datatype fixity-decl
+;;; All AST structs inherit from ast-node. Not instantiated directly.
+;;; The line-number is a back pointer to the source code.
+(define-struct ast-node
+ (type-template ast-td)
+ (slots
+ (line-number (type (maybe source-pointer)) (default '#f))))
+(define-struct source-pointer
+ (slots
+ (line (type int))
+ (file (type string))))
+;;; <module> -> module <modid> [<exports>] where <body>
+;;; -> <body>
+;;; <exports> -> ( <export>, ... <export> )
+;;; <body> -> { [<impdecls>;] [[<fixdecls>;] <topdecls> [;]] }
+;;; -> { <impdecls> [;] }
+;;; <impdecls> -> <impdecl> ; ... ; <impdecl>
+;;; <fixdecls> -> <fix> ; ... ; <fix>
+;;; <topdecls> -> <topdecl> ; ... ; <topdecl>
+;;; <topdecl> -> <synonym-decl>
+;;; -> <algdata-decl>
+;;; -> <class-decl>
+;;; -> <instance-decl>
+;;; -> <default-decl>
+;;; -> <sign-decl>
+;;; -> <valdef>
+;;; The module struct is used to represent the program internally. Binary
+;;; files containing interface information contain these structures.
+;;; Most compiler passes operate on this structure. A table maps module
+;;; names to this structure. Within the module structure, local names are
+;;; mapped to definitions.
+;;; Modules are also used to represent interfaces & primitives.
+;;; Some of the module fields may be blank for non-standard modules.
+(define-struct module
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; These slots are required.
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (type (type (enum standard interface extension)))
+ (prelude? (type bool) (default '#f)) ; True when symbols define the core
+ (interface-module (type (maybe module)) (default '#f))
+ ; link to previously compiled interface
+ ;; The unit is filled in by the compilation system
+ (unit (type symbol) (default '*undefined*))
+ ;; The following slots are defined at parse time.
+ ;; After a module is dumped, these are all empty.
+ ;; <exports>, list of exported names
+ (exports (type (list entity)) (default '()))
+ ;; <impdecls>, local import decls
+ (imports (type (list import-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <fixdecls>, local fixity decls
+ (fixities (type (list fixity-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <synonym-decl>, local type synonym decls
+ (synonyms (type (list synonym-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <algdata-decl>, local data decls
+ (algdatas (type (list data-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <class-decl>, local class decls
+ (classes (type (list class-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <instance-decl>, local instance decls
+ (instances (type (list instance-decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; <default-decl>, default types
+ (annotations (type (list annotation)) (default '()))
+ (default (type (maybe default-decl)) (default '#f))
+ ;; signatures, pattern, function bindings
+ (decls (type (list decl)) (default '()))
+ ;; These slots are filled in by the type-declaration-analysis phase
+ ;; after conversion to definition form
+ (synonym-defs (type (list synonym)) (default '()))
+ (alg-defs (type (list algdata)) (default '()))
+ (class-defs (type (list class)) (default '()))
+ (instance-defs (type (list instance)) (default '()))
+ ;; The import-export stage creates a set of tables which are used for
+ ;; imports and exports and local name resolution. All of these tables
+ ;; are indexed by names. These tables always deal with definitions.
+ ;; Every variable, type, class, instance, and synonym is converted into
+ ;; a definition. Blank definitions are created early (in import/export)
+ ;; and different aspects of the definitions are filled in as compilation
+ ;; progresses. The type-related definitions are filled in during
+ ;; declaration analysis. Only definitions are saved when a module is
+ ;; written to a file; the ast information is not retained.
+ ;; Used to avoid copy of Prelude symbols.
+ (uses-standard-prelude? (type bool) (default '#f))
+ ;; maps symbols in scope to definitions
+ (symbol-table (type (table symbol def)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; maps names onto groups.
+ (export-table (type (table symbol (list (tuple symbol def))))
+ (default (make-table)))
+ ;; Note: symbol groups are found in classes and data decls. An
+ ;; entire group is denoted by the (..) abbreviation in an entity.
+ ;; maps local names onto declared fixities
+ (fixity-table (type (table symbol fixity)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; maps defs to local names
+ (inverted-symbol-table (type (table symbol symbol)) (default (make-table)))
+ ;; Used internally during import-export
+ (fresh-exports (type (list (list (tuple symbol def)))) (default '()))
+ (exported-modules (type (list module)) (default '()))
+ ;; These slots are used to support incremental compilation.
+ ;; vars defined in the module
+ (vars (type (list var)) (default '()))
+ ;; for incremental compilation
+ (inherited-env (type (maybe module)) (default '#f))
+ ;; The following slots are for interfaces only
+ ;; These store renaming mappings defined in the import decls of
+ ;; the interface. Maps local name onto (module, original name).
+ (interface-imports (type (list (tuple symbol (typle symbol symbol))))
+ (default '()))
+ (interface-codefile (type (list string)) (default '()))
+ ))
+;;; <impdecl> -> import <modid> [<impspec>] [renaming <renamings>]
+;;; <impspec> -> ( <import> , ... , <import> )
+;;; -> hiding ( <import> , ... , <import> )
+;;; <import> -> <entity>
+;;; <renamings> -> ( <renaming>, ... , <renaming> )
+;;; <renaming> -> <varid> to <varid>
+;;; -> <conid> to <conid>
+(define-struct import-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ ;; <modid>, module imported from
+ (module-name (type symbol))
+ ;; all: import Foo; by-name: import Foo(x) import Foo()
+ (mode (type (enum all by-name)))
+ ;; <impspec>, for mode = all this is the hiding list
+ (specs (type (list entity)))
+ ;; <renamings>, alist maps symbol -> symbol
+ (renamings (type (list renaming)))
+ ;; place to put corresponding module-ast; filled in by import/export.
+ (module (type module) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+;;; <entity> -> <modid> .. entity-module
+;; -> <varid> entity-var
+;;; -> <tycon> entity-con
+;;; -> <tycon> (..) entity-abbreviated
+;;; -> <tycon> ( <conid> , ... , <conid>) entity-datatype
+;;; -> <tycls> (..) entity-abbreviated
+;;; note: this is indistinguishable from tycon (..)
+;;; -> <tycls> ( <varid> , ... , <varid>) entity-class
+(define-struct entity
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))))
+(define-struct entity-module
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-module?)
+ (slots
+ ;; a direct pointer to the referenced module added later
+ (module (type module) (uninitialized? #t))
+ ))
+(define-struct entity-var
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-var?))
+(define-struct entity-con
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-con?))
+(define-struct entity-abbreviated
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-abbreviated?))
+(define-struct entity-class
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-class?)
+ (slots
+ (methods (type (list symbol)))))
+(define-struct entity-datatype
+ (include entity)
+ (predicate entity-datatype?)
+ (slots
+ (constructors (type (list symbol)))))
+(define-struct renaming
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (from (type symbol))
+ (to (type symbol))
+ (referenced? (type bool))))
+;;; <fix> -> infixl [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; -> infixr [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; -> infix [<digit>] <ops>
+;;; <ops> -> <op> , ... , <op>
+;;; <op> -> <varop>
+;;; -> <conop>
+;;; Not sure where to put this decl - jcp
+(define-struct fixity
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (associativity (type (enum l n r)))
+ (precedence (type int))))
+(define-struct fixity-decl
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (fixity (type fixity))
+ ;; <ops>
+ (names (type (list symbol)))
+ ))