path: root/flic/ast-to-flic.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'flic/ast-to-flic.scm')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flic/ast-to-flic.scm b/flic/ast-to-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d756723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flic/ast-to-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+;;; ast-to-flic.scm -- convert AST to flic structures.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 3 Apr 1992
+;;; ====================================================================
+;;; Support
+;;; ====================================================================
+(define-walker ast-to-flic ast-td-ast-to-flic-walker)
+(define-local-syntax (define-ast-to-flic ast-type lambda-list . body)
+ `(define-walker-method ast-to-flic ,ast-type ,lambda-list ,@body))
+(define (ast-to-flic big-let)
+ (ast-to-flic-let-aux (let-decls big-let) (make-flic-void) '#t))
+(define (ast-to-flic-1 ast-node)
+ (call-walker ast-to-flic ast-node))
+(define (ast-to-flic/list l)
+ (map (function ast-to-flic-1) l))
+(define (init-flic-var var value toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-value var) value)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-simple? var)
+ (and value
+ (or (is-type? 'flic-const value)
+ (is-type? 'flic-pack value))))
+ (setf (var-strict? var) '#f)
+ ;; Remember the strictness annotation.
+ (let ((strictness-ann (lookup-annotation var '|Strictness|)))
+ (setf (var-strictness var)
+ (if strictness-ann
+ (adjust-annotated-strictness var
+ (parse-strictness (car (annotation-value-args strictness-ann))))
+ '#f)))
+ ;; If the variable has an inline annotation, rewrite its value
+ ;; from var = value
+ ;; to var = let temp = value in temp
+ ;; (Necessary for inlining recursive definitions.)
+ (let ((inline-ann (lookup-annotation var '|Inline|)))
+ (when inline-ann
+ (setf (var-force-inline? var) '#t)
+ (setf (var-value var) (wrap-with-let var value))))
+ var)
+(define (wrap-with-let var value)
+ (let ((temp (copy-temp-var (def-name var))))
+ (init-flic-var temp (copy-flic value (list (cons var temp))) '#f)
+ (make-flic-let (list temp) (make-flic-ref temp) '#t)))
+;;; ====================================================================
+;;; ast expression structs
+;;; ====================================================================
+(define-ast-to-flic lambda (object)
+ (make-flic-lambda
+ (map (lambda (pat)
+ (init-flic-var
+ (cond ((var-pat? pat)
+ (var-ref-var (var-pat-var pat)))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad lambda pattern: ~s." pat)))
+ '#f
+ '#f))
+ (lambda-pats object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (lambda-body object))))
+;;; For LET, the CFN has turned all of the definitions into
+;;; simple assignments to a variable. The dependency analyzer
+;;; adds recursive-decl-groups for things which need to be bound
+;;; with LETREC.
+(define-ast-to-flic let (object)
+ (ast-to-flic-let-aux
+ (let-decls object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (let-body object))
+ '#f))
+(define (ast-to-flic-let-aux decls body toplevel?)
+ (multiple-value-bind (bindings newbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings decls body toplevel?)
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ newbody
+ (make-flic-let bindings newbody toplevel?))))
+(define (ast-to-flic-bindings decls body toplevel?)
+ (if (null? decls)
+ (values '() body)
+ (multiple-value-bind (bindings newbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings (cdr decls) body toplevel?)
+ (cond ((is-type? 'valdef (car decls))
+ ;; Continue collecting bindings.
+ (let* ((decl (car decls))
+ (pat (valdef-lhs decl))
+ (exp (single-definition-rhs decl)))
+ (values
+ (cond ((var-pat? pat)
+ (cons
+ (init-flic-var
+ (var-ref-var (var-pat-var pat))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 exp)
+ toplevel?)
+ bindings))
+ (else
+ (error "Definition has invalid pattern: ~s." decl)))
+ newbody)))
+ ((not (is-type? 'recursive-decl-group (car decls)))
+ (error "Decl has weird value: ~s." (car decls)))
+ (toplevel?
+ ;; We don't do any of this mess with top level bindings.
+ ;; Turn it into one big letrec.
+ (multiple-value-bind (more-bindings newerbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings
+ (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ newbody
+ toplevel?)
+ (values (nconc more-bindings bindings)
+ newerbody)))
+ (else
+ ;; Otherwise, turn remaining bindings into a nested
+ ;; let or letrec, and put that in the body of a new
+ ;; letrec.
+ (multiple-value-bind (more-bindings newerbody)
+ (ast-to-flic-bindings
+ (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ (if (null? bindings)
+ newbody
+ (make-flic-let bindings newbody '#f))
+ toplevel?)
+ (values
+ '()
+ (if (null? more-bindings)
+ newerbody
+ (make-flic-let more-bindings newerbody '#t)))))
+ ))))
+(define (single-definition-rhs decl)
+ (let* ((def-list (valdef-definitions decl))
+ (def (car def-list))
+ (rhs-list (single-fun-def-rhs-list def))
+ (rhs (car rhs-list)))
+ ;; All of this error checking could be omitted for efficiency, since
+ ;; none of these conditions are supposed to happen anyway.
+ (cond ((not (null? (cdr def-list)))
+ (error "Decl has multiple definitions: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (null? (single-fun-def-where-decls def)))
+ (error "Definition has non-null where-decls list: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (error "Definition has multiple right-hand-sides: ~s." decl))
+ ((not (is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard rhs)))
+ (error "Definition has a guard: ~s." decl)))
+ (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)))
+;;; These are all straightforward translations.
+(define-ast-to-flic if (object)
+ (make-flic-if
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-test-exp object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-then-exp object))
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (if-else-exp object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic case-block (object)
+ (make-flic-case-block
+ (case-block-block-name object)
+ (ast-to-flic/list (case-block-exps object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic return-from (object)
+ (make-flic-return-from
+ (return-from-block-name object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (return-from-exp object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic and-exp (object)
+ (make-flic-and (ast-to-flic/list (and-exp-exps object))))
+;;; Applications. Uncurry here. It's more convenient to do the
+;;; optimizer on fully uncurried applications. After the optimizer
+;;; has run, all applications are adjusted based on observed arity
+;;; of the functions and the saturated? flag is set correctly.
+(define-ast-to-flic app (object)
+ (ast-to-flic-app-aux object '()))
+(define (ast-to-flic-app-aux object args)
+ (if (is-type? 'app object)
+ (ast-to-flic-app-aux
+ (app-fn object)
+ (cons (ast-to-flic-1 (app-arg object)) args))
+ (make-flic-app (ast-to-flic-1 object) args '#f)))
+;;; References
+(define-ast-to-flic var-ref (object)
+ (make-flic-ref (var-ref-var object)))
+(define-ast-to-flic con-ref (object)
+ (make-flic-pack (con-ref-con object)))
+;;; Constants
+(define-ast-to-flic integer-const (object)
+ (make-flic-const (integer-const-value object)))
+;;; We should probably add a type field to flic-const but at the moment
+;;; I'll force the value to be a list of numerator, denominator.
+(define-ast-to-flic float-const (object)
+ (let ((e (float-const-exponent object))
+ (n (float-const-numerator object))
+ (d (float-const-denominator object)))
+ (make-flic-const
+ (if (> e 0)
+ (list (* n (expt 10 e)) d)
+ (list n (* d (expt 10 (- e))))))))
+(define-ast-to-flic char-const (object)
+ (make-flic-const (char-const-value object)))
+(define-ast-to-flic string-const (object)
+ (let ((value (string-const-value object)))
+ (if (equal? value "")
+ (make-flic-pack (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (make-flic-const value))))
+;;; Random stuff
+(define-ast-to-flic con-number (object)
+ (make-flic-con-number
+ (con-number-type object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (con-number-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic sel (object)
+ (make-flic-sel
+ (sel-constructor object)
+ (sel-slot object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (sel-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic is-constructor (object)
+ (make-flic-is-constructor
+ (is-constructor-constructor object)
+ (ast-to-flic-1 (is-constructor-value object))))
+(define-ast-to-flic void (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (make-flic-void))
+;;; This hack make strictness annotations work. It adds #t's which correspond
+;;; to the strictness of the dict params.
+(define (adjust-annotated-strictness v s)
+ (let* ((ty (var-type v))
+ (c (gtype-context ty)))
+ (dolist (c1 c)
+ (dolist (c2 c1)
+ (declare (ignorable c2))
+ (push '#t s)))
+ s))