path: root/top/errors.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'top/errors.scm')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/top/errors.scm b/top/errors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a2f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/top/errors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+;;; This file contains general error handling routines.
+;;; This is the general error handler. It has three arguments: an
+;;; id, error type, and an error message. The message is a list of
+;;; format, arglist combinations.
+;;; The error types are:
+;;; warning -> control returns and compilation proceeds
+;;; The message may be suppressed
+;;; recoverable -> control returns and compilation proceeds
+;;; phase -> control returns but compilation is aborted
+;;; after the phase in *abort-point*.
+;;; fatal -> control goes back to the top level
+;;; internal -> enters the break loop or does a fatal error
+;;; Two globals control error behavior:
+;;; *break-on-error?* enter the break loop on any error
+;;; *never-break?* never enter the break loop, even for internal errors.
+;;; The global *error-output-port* controls where errors are printer.
+;;; The strategy here is to first write a banner message based on the id and
+;;; type, write out the messages, and then take action depending on the type.
+(define *in-error-handler?* '#f)
+(define (haskell-error id type messages)
+ (format *error-output-port* "~&[~A] ~A in phase ~A:~%"
+ id (err-type->banner type) (dynamic *phase*))
+ (dolist (m messages)
+ (apply (function format) *error-output-port* m)
+ (fresh-line *error-output-port*))
+ (maybe-show-context (dynamic *context*))
+ (if (dynamic *in-error-handler?*)
+ (error "Recursive error in haskell-error.")
+ (begin
+ (dynamic-let ((*in-error-handler?* '#t))
+ (cond (*break-on-error?*
+ (haskell-breakpoint))
+ ((eq? type 'internal)
+ (if *never-break?*
+ (abort-compilation)
+ (haskell-breakpoint)))
+ ((eq? type 'fatal)
+ (abort-compilation))
+ ((eq? type 'phase)
+ (halt-compilation))))
+ (when (and (memq type '(recoverable phase))
+ (dynamic *recoverable-error-handler*))
+ (funcall (dynamic *recoverable-error-handler*)))
+ 'ok)))
+(define (err-type->banner err-type)
+ (cond ((eq? err-type 'warning)
+ "Warning")
+ ((eq? err-type 'recoverable)
+ "Recoverable error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'phase)
+ "Phase error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'fatal)
+ "Fatal error")
+ ((eq? err-type 'internal)
+ "Internal-error")
+ (else "???")))
+(define (maybe-show-context context)
+ (when context
+ (with-slots source-pointer (line file) (ast-node-line-number context)
+ (fresh-line *error-output-port*)
+ (format *error-output-port* "Error occurred at line ~A in file ~A.~%"
+ line (filename-name file)))))
+;;; A few entry points into the error system.
+;;; As a matter of convention, there should be a signaling function defined
+;;; for each specific error condition that calls one of these functions.
+;;; Error messages should be complete sentences with proper punctuation
+;;; and capitalization. The signaling function should use the message
+;;; to report the error and not do any printing of its own.
+(define (fatal-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'fatal (list msg)))
+(define (haskell-warning id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'warning (list msg)))
+(define (recoverable-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'recoverable (list msg)))
+(define (compiler-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'internal (list msg)))
+(define (phase-error id . msg)
+ (haskell-error id 'phase (list msg)))
+;;; This function puts the compiler into the lisp breakloop. this may
+;;; want to fiddle the programming envoronment someday.
+(define (haskell-breakpoint)
+ (error "Haskell breakpoint."))
+;;; This deals with error at runtime
+(define (haskell-runtime-error msg)
+ (format '#t "~&Haskell runtime abort.~%~A~%" msg)
+ (funcall (dynamic *runtime-abort*)))
+;; Some common error handlers
+(define (signal-unknown-file-type filename)
+ (fatal-error 'unknown-file-type
+ "The filename ~a has an unknown file type."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-file-not-found filename)
+ (fatal-error 'file-not-found
+ "The file ~a doesn't exist."
+ filename))