path: root/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4844dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+module Gobang where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+import Redraw
+import Weights
+getXInfo :: String -> IO XInfo
+getXInfo host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_pixel = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_pixel = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 900 600)
+ [XWinBackground bg_pixel,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonPress,
+ XKeyPress,
+ XExposure])]
+ `thenIO` \ window ->
+ xSetWmName window "Gobang" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xOpenFont display "10x20" `thenIO` \ playerfont ->
+ xOpenFont display "6x13" `thenIO` \ genericfont ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel] `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground fg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground bg_pixel,
+ XGCFont genericfont] `thenIO` \ gcontext2 ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel,
+ XGCFont playerfont] `thenIO` \ gcontextp ->
+ returnIO (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+demo = main
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError (\(XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ gobang host
+gobang :: String -> IO ()
+gobang host =
+ getXInfo host `thenIO` \ xinfo ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ board ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..722] `thenIO` \ steps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..4] `thenIO` \ time ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ numbersteps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ promptString ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ next_player ->
+ let state = GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player
+ in
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptPlayers xinfo state =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ promptFor "player 1:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player1_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 65) player1_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player1 0 player1_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptFor "player 2:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player2_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 205) player2_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player2 0 player2_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state
+initGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+initGame xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) =
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 0 2 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray numbersteps 0 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray board 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight1 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight2 0 361 0 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ initArray next_player 0 1 1 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ redraw xinfo state
+handleButton :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+handleButton (XPoint x y)
+ xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont
+ | buttonPress 700 330 x y = initArray player1 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initArray player2 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 360 x y = initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 390 x y = undoGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 420 x y = loadGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 450 x y = saveGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 480 x y = quitGame xinfo state cont
+ | ishelp x y = helpGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | otherwise = cont xinfo state
+when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
+when cond action = if cond then action else returnIO ()
+undoGame xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont =
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ let undoStep n =
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n) `thenIO` \ x ->
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n+1) `thenIO` \ y ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board ((x-1)*19 + y-1) 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ (if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (x*30-15) (y*30-15) 30 30) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+-- drawBoard xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+-- drawPieces 1 1 board xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let x30 = x * 30
+ y30 = y * 30
+ c = XPoint x30 y30
+ w = XPoint (x30-15) y30
+ e = XPoint (x30+15) y30
+ no = XPoint x30 (y30-15)
+ s = XPoint x30 (y30+15)
+ m = XArc (x30-3) (y30-3) 6 6 (-1.0) 6.283
+ in
+ when (x > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext w c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (x < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c e)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext no c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c s)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when ((x `elem` [4,10,16]) && (y `elem` [4,10,16]))
+ (xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext m True)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 n `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_p == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ cur_name = if next_p == 1 then name1 else name2
+ last_name = if next_p == 1 then name2 else name1
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ n ->
+ if n==0 then drawCmd "No more steps to undo!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ else
+ if cur_name == "computer" then cont xinfo state
+ else
+ (undoStep (n-1) `thenIO` \_ ->
+ if (last_name == "computer" && n /= 1) then undoStep (n-2)
+ else
+ returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptFile xinfo state cont =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ readFile name
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't read file:" ++ name) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont XNull)
+ (\ content -> cont (XSome content))
+loadGame xinfo state cont =
+ promptFile xinfo state $ \ file ->
+ case file of
+ XNull -> cont xinfo state
+ XSome file_content ->
+ readGameState file_content `thenIO` \ new_state ->
+ let (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ time _ _ _) = new_state
+ in
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ redraw xinfo new_state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo new_state
+saveGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+saveGame xinfo state =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ showGameState state `thenIO` \ str ->
+ writeFile name str
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't write file: " ++ name) xinfo state)
+ done
+quitGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+quitGame xinfo state cont =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ promptFor "Are you sure? (y/n)" xinfo state `thenIO` \ reps ->
+ if (reps == "y" || reps == "Y") then xCloseDisplay display
+ else clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+playGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+playGame xinfo state =
+ let
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ (\cont -> if x == 361
+ then drawCmd "It's a tie!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else cont) $
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 0 `thenIO` \ lstm0 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 1 `thenIO` \ lstm1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 2 `thenIO` \ lstm2 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 3 `thenIO` \ lstm3 ->
+ drawCmd ("Waiting for player # " ++ (show next_player_num)) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ if (next_player_num == 1)
+ then xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 70)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 180 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 2 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 1 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 270 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+ else xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 210)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 40 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 3 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 0 (lstm0+curtime-lstm2) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 130 (lstm0+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+waitButton xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state cont =
+ let
+ loop xinfo state =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XExposureEvent -> may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let pos = xEventPos event
+ in
+ handleButton pos xinfo state (cont pos)
+ _ -> xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ in
+ loop xinfo state
+updateboard :: XInfo -> GameState -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+updateboard xinfo state x y =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_player_num == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ z ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 (z+1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z) x `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z+1) y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board (19*(x-1)+y-1) next_player_num
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ human_unit board x y `thenIO` \ win ->
+ if win
+ then drawCmd ("Player " ++ (show next_player_num) ++ " has won!")
+ xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight1 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight2 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ else playGame xinfo state
+choice :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+choice (XPoint x y) xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ case (getposition x y) of
+ XNull -> humanplay xinfo state
+ XSome (x, y) ->
+ xMArrayLookup board (19*(x-1)+y-1) `thenIO` \ z ->
+ if (z>0)
+ then xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawCmd "Wrong point, please re-enter" xinfo state `thenIO` \() ->
+ humanplay xinfo state
+ else xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y
+humanplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+humanplay xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state choice
+computerplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+computerplay xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state =
+ let process_events xinfo state cont =
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \ n_event ->
+ if n_event == 0 then cont xinfo state
+ else xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ handleButton (xEventPos event) xinfo state cont
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0)
+ xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ in
+ process_events xinfo state $
+ \ xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState _ _ _ _ weight1 weight2 _ numbersteps _ next_player) ->
+ robot numbersteps weight1 weight2 `thenIO` \pt ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = pt
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y