path: root/type/expression-typechecking.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'type/expression-typechecking.scm')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/type/expression-typechecking.scm b/type/expression-typechecking.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4606d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type/expression-typechecking.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+;;; This file contains typecheckers for all expressions except vars and
+;;; declarations.
+;;; From valdef-structs:
+;;; valdef, single-fun-def are in type-decls
+(define-type-checker guarded-rhs
+ (type-check guarded-rhs rhs rhs-type
+ (type-check guarded-rhs guard guard-type
+ (type-unify guard-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed (guarded-rhs-guard object)
+ "Guards must be of type Bool" guard-type))
+ (return-type object rhs-type))))
+;;; These type checkers deal with patterns.
+(define-type-checker as-pat
+ (type-check as-pat pattern as-type
+ (setf (var-type (var-ref-var (as-pat-var object))) as-type)
+ (return-type object as-type)))
+(define-type-checker irr-pat
+ (type-check irr-pat pattern pattern-type
+ (return-type object pattern-type)))
+(define-type-checker var-pat
+ (fresh-type var-type
+ (setf (var-type (var-ref-var (var-pat-var object))) var-type)
+ (return-type object var-type)))
+(define-type-checker wildcard-pat
+ (fresh-type pat-type
+ (return-type object pat-type)))
+;;; Constant patterns create a piece of code to actually to the
+;;; match: ((==) k), where k is the constant. This code is placed in the
+;;; match-fn slot of the const-pat and is used by the cfn.
+(define-type-checker const-pat
+ (let* ((val (const-pat-value object))
+ (match-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "==")) val)))
+ (setf (const-pat-match-fn object) match-fn)
+ (type-check const-pat match-fn match-type
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (type-unify match-type (**arrow res-type *bool-type*) #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define-type-checker plus-pat
+ (let* ((kp (**int (plus-pat-k object)))
+ (km (**int (- (plus-pat-k object))))
+ (match-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "<=")) kp))
+ (bind-fn (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "+")) km)))
+ (setf (plus-pat-match-fn object) match-fn)
+ (setf (plus-pat-bind-fn object) bind-fn)
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (setf (ntyvar-context res-type) (list (core-symbol "Integral")))
+ (type-check plus-pat match-fn match-type
+ (type-check plus-pat bind-fn bind-type
+ (type-check plus-pat pattern pat-type
+ (type-unify match-type (**arrow pat-type *bool-type*) #f)
+ (type-unify bind-type (**arrow pat-type pat-type) #f)
+ (type-unify res-type pat-type #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))))
+(define-type-checker pcon
+ (type-check/list pcon pats arg-types
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (let ((con-type (instantiate-gtype (con-signature (pcon-con object)))))
+ (type-unify con-type (**arrow/l-2 arg-types res-type) #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define-type-checker list-pat
+ (if (null? (list-pat-pats object))
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (core-symbol "List"))))
+ (type-check/unify-list list-pat pats element-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "List elements have different types")
+ (return-type object (**list-of element-type)))))
+;;; These are in the order defined in exp-structs.scm
+(define-type-checker lambda
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (fresh-monomorphic-types (length (lambda-pats object)) arg-vars
+ (type-check/list lambda pats arg-types
+ (unify-list arg-types arg-vars)
+ (type-check lambda body body-type
+ (return-type object (**arrow/l-2 arg-vars body-type)))))))
+(define-type-checker let
+ (type-check/decls let decls
+ (type-check let body let-type
+ (return-type object let-type))))
+(define-type-checker if
+ (type-check if test-exp test-type
+ (type-unify test-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "The test in an if statement must be of type Bool"
+ test-type))
+ (type-check if then-exp then-type
+ (type-check if else-exp else-type
+ (type-unify then-type else-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "then and else clauses have different types"
+ then-type else-type))
+ (return-type object then-type)))))
+(define-type-checker case
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (let ((case-exp object)) ; needed since object is rebound later
+ (fresh-monomorphic-type arg-type
+ (type-check case exp exp-type
+ (type-unify arg-type exp-type #f) ; just to make it monomorphic
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (dolist (object (case-alts object))
+ (recover-type-error ;;; %%% Needs work
+ (type-check alt pat pat-type
+ (type-unify pat-type arg-type
+ (type-mismatch case-exp
+ "Case patterns type conflict."
+ pat-type arg-type))
+ (type-check/decls alt where-decls
+ (type-check/unify-list alt rhs-list rhs-type
+ (type-mismatch/list case-exp
+ "Guarded expressions must have the same type")
+ (type-unify rhs-type res-type
+ (type-mismatch case-exp
+ "Case expression alternatives must have the same type"
+ rhs-type res-type)))))))
+ (return-type case-exp res-type)))))))
+;;; Expressions with signatures are transformed into let expressions
+;;; with signatures.
+;;; exp :: type is rewritten as
+;;; let temp = exp
+;;; temp :: type
+;;; in temp
+(define-type-checker exp-sign
+ (type-rewrite
+ (let* ((temp-var (create-temp-var "TC"))
+ (decl (**valdef (**var-pat/def temp-var) '() (exp-sign-exp object)))
+ (let-exp (**let (list decl) (**var/def temp-var)))
+ (signature (exp-sign-signature object)))
+ (setf (var-signature temp-var)
+ (ast->gtype (signature-context signature)
+ (signature-type signature)))
+ let-exp)))
+;;; Rather than complicate the ast structure with a new node for dictSel
+;;; we recognize the dictSel primitive as an application and treat it
+;;; specially.
+(define-type-checker app
+ (if (and (var-ref? (app-fn object))
+ (eq? (var-ref-var (app-fn object)) (core-symbol "dictSel")))
+ (type-check-dict-sel (app-arg object))
+ (type-check app fn fn-type
+ (type-check app arg arg-type
+ (fresh-type res-type
+ (fresh-type arg-type-1
+ (type-unify fn-type (**arrow arg-type-1 res-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Attempt to call a non-function"
+ fn-type))
+ (type-unify arg-type-1 arg-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" arg-type-1 arg-type))
+ (return-type object res-type)))))))
+;;; This is a special hack for typing dictionary selection as used in
+;;; generic tuple functions. This extracts a dictionary from a TupleDict
+;;; object and uses is to resolve the overloading of a designated
+;;; expression. The expresion must generate exactly one new context.
+(define (type-check-dict-sel arg)
+ (when (or (not (app? arg))
+ (not (app? (app-fn arg))))
+ (dict-sel-error))
+ (let* ((exp (app-fn (app-fn arg)))
+ (dict-var (app-arg (app-fn arg)))
+ (i (app-arg arg))
+ (p (dynamic *placeholders*)))
+ (mlet (((object exp-type) (dispatch-type-check exp)))
+ ; check for exactly one new context
+ (when (or (eq? (dynamic *placeholders*) p)
+ (not (eq? (cdr (dynamic *placeholders*)) p)))
+ (dict-sel-error))
+ (mlet ((placeholder (car (dynamic *placeholders*)))
+ (tyvar (placeholder-tyvar placeholder))
+ ((dict-var-ast dict-var-type) (dispatch-type-check dict-var))
+ ((index-ast index-type) (dispatch-type-check i)))
+ (setf (ntyvar-context tyvar) '()) ; prevent context from leaking out
+ (setf (dynamic *placeholders*) p)
+ (type-unify dict-var-type
+ (**ntycon (core-symbol "TupleDicts") '()) #f)
+ (type-unify index-type *int-type* #f)
+ (cond ((method-placeholder? placeholder)
+ (dict-sel-error)) ; I am lazy. This means that
+ ; dictSel must not be passed a method
+ (else
+ (setf (placeholder-exp placeholder)
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "dictSel"))
+ dict-var-ast index-ast))))
+ (return-type object exp-type)))))
+(define (dict-sel-error)
+ (fatal-error 'dict-sel-error "Bad dictSel usage."))
+(define-type-checker con-ref
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype (con-signature (con-ref-con object)))))
+(define-type-checker integer-const
+ (cond ((const-overloaded? object)
+ (setf (const-overloaded? object) '#f)
+ (type-rewrite (**fromInteger object)))
+ (else
+ (return-type object *Integer-type*))))
+(define-type-checker float-const
+ (cond ((const-overloaded? object)
+ (setf (const-overloaded? object) '#f)
+ (type-rewrite (**fromRational object)))
+ (else
+ (return-type object *Rational-type*))))
+(define-type-checker char-const
+ (return-type object *char-type*))
+(define-type-checker string-const
+ (return-type object *string-type*))
+(define-type-checker list-exp
+ (if (null? (list-exp-exps object))
+ (return-type object (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (core-symbol "List"))))
+ (type-check/unify-list list-exp exps element-type
+ (type-mismatch/list object
+ "List elements do not share a common type")
+ (return-type object (**list-of element-type)))))
+(define-type-checker sequence
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFrom (sequence-from object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-to
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromTo (sequence-to-from object)
+ (sequence-to-to object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-then
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromThen (sequence-then-from object)
+ (sequence-then-then object))))
+(define-type-checker sequence-then-to
+ (type-rewrite (**enumFromThenTo (sequence-then-to-from object)
+ (sequence-then-to-then object)
+ (sequence-then-to-to object))))
+(define-type-checker list-comp
+ (with-new-tyvars
+ (dolist (object (list-comp-quals object))
+ (if (is-type? 'qual-generator object)
+ (fresh-type pat-type
+ (push pat-type (dynamic *non-generic-tyvars*))
+ (type-check qual-generator pat pat-type-1
+ (type-unify pat-type pat-type-1 #f)
+ (type-check qual-generator exp qual-exp-type
+ (type-unify (**list-of pat-type) qual-exp-type
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Generator expression is not a list" qual-exp-type)))))
+ (type-check qual-filter exp filter-type
+ (type-unify filter-type *bool-type*
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Filter must have type Bool" filter-type)))))
+ (type-check list-comp exp exp-type
+ (return-type object (**list-of exp-type)))))
+(define-type-checker section-l
+ (type-check section-l op op-type
+ (type-check section-l exp exp-type
+ (fresh-type a-type
+ (fresh-type b-type
+ (fresh-type c-type
+ (type-unify op-type (**arrow a-type b-type c-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Binary function required in section" op-type))
+ (type-unify b-type exp-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" b-type exp-type))
+ (return-type object (**arrow a-type c-type))))))))
+(define-type-checker section-r
+ (type-check section-r op op-type
+ (type-check section-r exp exp-type
+ (fresh-type a-type
+ (fresh-type b-type
+ (fresh-type c-type
+ (type-unify op-type (**arrow a-type b-type c-type)
+ (type-mismatch/fixed object
+ "Binary function required" op-type))
+ (type-unify exp-type a-type
+ (type-mismatch object
+ "Argument type mismatch" a-type exp-type))
+ (return-type object (**arrow b-type c-type))))))))
+(define-type-checker omitted-guard
+ (return-type object *bool-type*))
+(define-type-checker con-number
+ (let ((arg-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature (con-number-type object)))))
+ (type-check con-number value arg-type1
+ (type-unify arg-type arg-type1 #f)
+ (return-type object *int-type*))))
+(define-type-checker sel
+ (let ((con-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (con-signature (sel-constructor object)))))
+ (mlet (((res-type exp-type1) (get-ith-type con-type (sel-slot object))))
+ (type-check sel value exp-type
+ (type-unify exp-type exp-type1 #f)
+ (return-type object res-type)))))
+(define (get-ith-type type i)
+ (let ((args (ntycon-args type))) ; must be an arrow
+ (if (eq? i 0)
+ (values (car args) (get-ith-type/last (cadr args)))
+ (get-ith-type (cadr args) (1- i)))))
+(define (get-ith-type/last type)
+ (if (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (get-ith-type/last (cadr (ntycon-args type)))
+ type))
+(define-type-checker is-constructor
+ (let ((alg-type (instantiate-gtype
+ (algdata-signature
+ (con-alg (is-constructor-constructor object))))))
+ (type-check is-constructor value arg-type
+ (type-unify arg-type alg-type #f)
+ (return-type object *bool-type*))))
+(define-type-checker cast
+ (type-check cast exp _
+ (fresh-type res
+ (return-type object res))))
+;;; This is used for overloaded methods. The theory is to avoid supplying
+;;; the context at the class level. This type checks the variable as if it had
+;;; the supplied signature.
+(define-type-checker overloaded-var-ref
+ (let* ((var (overloaded-var-ref-var object))
+ (gtype (overloaded-var-ref-sig object))
+ (ovar-type (var-type var)))
+ (when (recursive-type? ovar-type)
+ (error
+ "Implementation error: overloaded method found a recursive type"))
+ (mlet (((ntype new-vars) (instantiate-gtype/newvars gtype))
+ (object1 (insert-dict-placeholders
+ (**var/def var) new-vars object)))
+ (return-type object1 ntype))))