path: root/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs')
1 files changed, 1345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs b/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458eca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/logo/logo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+Ki-Wing Ho and Eric Fox
+Computer Science 429b
+Professor Hudak
+Final Project: LOGO Interpreter
+module REPLoop where
+REPLoop has two main parts: the first part (function logo) sets up the
+graphics window, prints a welcome message, initializes the variable
+and procedure environments and the turtle, accepts and lines's the
+user input, runs the read-eval-print loop (part two), and then closes
+the graphics window and exists; the second part (function repLoop)
+lexes and parses each command, prints an error message if there was a
+syntax error and evaluates (or tries to) if there wasn't, and then
+either prints the value or an error message or exits if the value
+returnd by the evaluator is "GoodBye".
+import Lexer
+import Parser
+import Evaluator
+import Xlib
+demo = main
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError ( \ (XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ logo host
+logo :: String -> IO ()
+logo host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 100 100 500 500)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinBackingStore XAlwaysBackStore]
+ `thenIO` \ graphWindow ->
+ xSetWmName graphWindow "Logo" `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xSetWmIconName graphWindow "Logo" `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xMapWindow graphWindow `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow root)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color] `thenIO` \ graphContext ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ () ->
+ appendChan stdout ("Welcome to LOGO!\n" ++ prompt) exit $
+ readChan stdin exit $ \userInput ->
+ repLoop
+ (varEnvsInit,procEnvsInit,turtleInit)
+ ((lines userInput,Lexer),
+ (graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg_color,fg_color)) $
+ xCloseDisplay display
+-- Initial Environments --
+varEnvsInit :: VarsType
+varEnvsInit = [[("GOODBYE",GoodBye)]]
+-- all user-defined commands must have dummy entries
+procEnvsInit :: ProcsType
+procEnvsInit = (map (makeFakeProc)
+ [("XCOR",0),("YCOR",0),("GETANGLE",0),("GETPEN",0),
+ ("GETTURTLE",0),
+ ("SUM",2),("DIFFERENCE",2),("PRODUCT",2),("MOD",2),
+ ("DIV",2),("POWER",2),
+ ("AND",2),("OR",2),("NOT",1),
+ ("WORDP",1),("LISTP",1),("NUMBERP",1),("GREATER",2),
+ ("EQUAL",2),("LESS",2),
+ ("BUTFIRST",1),("FPUT",2),("CONCAT",2),
+ ("FIRST",1),("LAST",1),("WORD",-2),("LIST",-2),
+ ("SENTENCE",-2), ("USE",1)]):[]
+turtleInit :: TurtleType
+turtleInit = (500 `div` 2,500 `div` 2,90,True,False)
+-- makes a dummy procedure
+makeFakeProc :: (NameType , Int) -> (NameType , ProcType)
+makeFakeProc (name,num) = (name,(makeArgs num,[]))
+makeArgs :: Int -> [NameType]
+makeArgs n | n > 0 = "" : makeArgs (n-1)
+ | otherwise = []
+-- keep running Read-Eval-Print Loop until user types GoodBye
+-- repLoop keeps running until user types "GoodBye", alternately
+-- lexing, parsing, and evaluating each command
+-- after a syntax error, the lex state is reset
+repLoop :: EnvsType -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+repLoop e1 (inS1,gs1) end =
+ let fail1 msg (is1,ls1) = errorOutput msg $
+ repLoop e1 ((is1,Lexer),gs1) end
+ -- parser fail continuation doesn't contain graphics state
+ fail2 msg ((is2,ls2),gs2) = errorOutput msg $
+ repLoop e1 ((is2,Lexer),gs1) end
+ -- evaluator fail continuation does contain graphics state
+ in
+ parse [] inS1 fail1 $ \a ts inS2 ->
+ if (null ts)
+ then
+ evaluate e1 a (inS2,gs1) fail2 $ \v e2 ((is3,ls3),gs3) ->
+ output v end $
+ repLoop e2 ((is3,Lexer),gs3) end
+ else
+ fail1 "Syntax error: expected end of line" inS2
+ -- repLoop will still be rerun
+-- print error message
+errorOutput :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
+errorOutput error = appendChan stdout (error ++ prompt) abort
+-- print expression value, exiting if GoodBye
+output :: Value -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
+output GoodBye end succ
+ = appendChan stdout "\nGoodbye!\n"abort end
+output v end succ
+ = appendChan stdout ((valueToString v) ++ prompt) abort succ
+prompt :: String
+prompt = "\nLOGO> "
+module Evaluator where
+Evaluator takes an Abstract Syntax Tree and evaluates it in the
+current environment, returning both the resultant value and the new
+environment (as well as the updated state, of which only the user
+input can actually be changed in the evaluator).
+A value can be of one of six types: integer, string, list, and
+boolean, as well as null (for commands which don't return anything and
+newly-declared local variables), and goodbye, which allows logo to
+The environment consists of three parts. The variable environment and
+the procedure environment are separate (so that a name can refer both
+to a variable and a procedure: Logo syntax is such that there is
+never any ambiguity) are both lists of name-value association lists.
+Each association list representes a "local environment", with each
+successive one being more "global", so that the last environment in
+the list is the global environment. Local environments are produced
+by user-function invocations and removed at the end of those
+import Lexer
+import Parser
+import Xlib
+type NameType = [Char]
+type WordType = [Char]
+type Error = [Char]
+type StateType = (InputState , GraphicsState)
+type GraphicsState = (XWindow , XDisplay , XGcontext , XPixel , XPixel)
+type EnvsType = (VarsType,ProcsType,TurtleType)
+type VarsType = [[(NameType , Value)]]
+type ProcsType = [[(NameType , ProcType)]]
+type TurtleType = (Int , Int , Int , Bool , Bool)
+type ProcType = ([NameType] , ClauseType)
+data Value = Null
+ | Num Int
+ | Word WordType
+ | List ListType
+ | Boolean Bool
+ | GoodBye
+ deriving Text
+data ListType = NullList | Value :* ListType
+ deriving Text
+type EvalFailType = Error -> StateType -> IO ()
+type EvalSuccType = Value -> EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()
+type EvalResType = StateType -> EvalFailType -> EvalSuccType -> IO ()
+type EvaluateType = EnvsType -> AST -> EvalResType
+evaluate :: EvaluateType
+evaluate (vs,p:ps,ttl) (To newName newProc) ss fail succ
+ = succ Null (vs,((newName,newProc):p):ps,ttl) ss
+ -- procedures
+evaluate e (Read) ((i:is,ls),gs) fail succ
+ = succ (List (makeReadList (lexerReadLine i))) e ((is,ls),gs)
+ -- user input
+evaluate e1 (Print [a]) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ appendChan stdout ((valueToString v)++"\n") abort $
+ succ Null e2 ss2
+ -- user output
+evaluate e (Argument (Val (Word n))) ss fail succ
+ = lookup e n ss fail $ \v ->
+ succ v e ss
+ -- variable reference
+evaluate e (Argument (Val v)) ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+ -- constant
+evaluate e (Argument (QuotedWordArg n)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word n) e ss
+ -- string constant
+evaluate (v:vs,ps,ttl) (Local n) ss fail succ
+ = succ Null (((n,Null):v):vs,ps,ttl) ss
+ -- local variable declaraion
+ -- local returns null, and sets the new local variable to null also
+evaluate e (ParseList l) ss fail succ
+ = succ (List l) e ss
+ -- lists (also constant)
+evaluate e (Loop l cond insts) ss fail succ
+ = evalLoop l e cond insts ss fail succ
+ -- loops
+evaluate e (If cond thens elses) ss fail succ
+ = evalIf e cond thens elses ss fail succ
+ -- if-then[-eles] conditionals
+evaluate e1 (Command name as1) ss fail succ
+ | ((na == length as1) || (na == -2))
+ = evalArgs e1 as1 ss fail $ \e2 as2 ss2 ->
+ apply name as2 e2 ss2 fail $ \v e3 ss3 ->
+ succ v e3 ss3
+ | na == -1
+ = fail ("Function does not exist: " ++ name) ss
+ | otherwise
+ = fail ("Wrong number of arguments to " ++ name) ss
+ where na = numArgs e1 name
+ -- function applications
+evaluate e1 (Make n a) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ update e2 n v $ \e3 ->
+ succ v e3 ss2
+ -- assignment statements, which return the assigned value
+evaluate e1 (Graphics name as1) ss fail succ
+ = evalArgs e1 as1 ss fail $ \e2 as2 ss2 ->
+ doGraphics name as2 e2 ss2 fail $ \e3 ss3 ->
+ succ Null e3 ss3
+ -- side-effecting graphics statements, which all return null
+-- end evaluate
+-- evaluate a list of actual parameters, returning the corresponding
+-- list of values
+evalArgs :: EnvsType -> ParseArgs -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (EnvsType -> EvalArgs -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+evalArgs e [] ss fail succ
+ = succ e [] ss
+evalArgs e1 (a:as1) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalArgs e2 as1 ss2 fail $ \e3 as2 ss3 ->
+ succ e3 (v:as2) ss3
+-- evaluate a list of commands, returning the value of the last one
+evalClause :: EnvsType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalClause e [] ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+evalClause e (a:[]) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e a ss fail succ
+evalClause e1 (a:as) ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 a ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalClause e2 as ss2 fail succ
+-- convert a lexed user-input list to a list constant
+makeReadList :: [WordType] -> ListType
+makeReadList [] = NullList
+makeReadList (w:ws) = (Word w) :* (makeReadList ws)
+-- Variable routines --
+-- look up a variable reference in the variable environment
+-- search the most-local environments first
+-- return an error if not found
+lookup :: EnvsType -> NameType -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (Value -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+lookup ([],ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ = fail ("Unbound variable: " ++ name) ss
+lookup ([]:vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ = lookup (vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+lookup (((n,v):vs):vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+ | n == name = succ v
+ | otherwise = lookup (vs:vss,ps,ttl) name ss fail succ
+-- update the variable environment
+-- replace the most-local occurrance first; if none are found,
+-- create a new variable and place it in the most-global environment
+update :: EnvsType -> NameType -> Value -> (EnvsType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+update ([]:[],ps,ttl) name value succ
+ = succ (((name,value):[]):[],ps,ttl)
+update ([]:vss,ps,ttl) name value succ
+ = update (vss,ps,ttl) name value $ \(vss2,ps2,ttl2) ->
+ succ ([]:vss2,ps2,ttl2)
+update (((n,v):vs):vss,ps,ttl) name value succ
+ | n == name = succ (((n,value):vs):vss,ps,ttl)
+ | otherwise = update (vs:vss,ps,ttl) name value $ \(vs2:vss2,ps2,ttl2) ->
+ succ (((n,v):vs2):vss2,ps2,ttl2)
+-- Control structures --
+-- evaluate loops
+evalLoop :: LoopType -> EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType ->
+ EvalResType
+evalLoop Do = evalDo
+evalLoop While = evalWhile
+evalLoop Repeat = evalRepeat
+-- evaluate while statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate condition; if true, evaluate clause, then loop
+-- while returns null
+evalWhile :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalWhile e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evalCond e1 cond ss fail $ \b e2 ss2 ->
+ if b
+ then
+ evalClause e2 insts ss2 fail $ \v e3 ss3 ->
+ evalWhile e3 cond insts ss3 fail succ
+ else
+ succ Null e2 ss2
+-- evaluate do-while statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate clause then evaluate condition; if true, loop
+evalDo :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalDo e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evalClause e1 insts ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ evalCond e2 cond ss2 fail $ \b e3 ss3 ->
+ if b
+ then
+ evalDo e3 cond insts ss3 fail succ
+ else
+ succ Null e3 ss3
+-- evaluate repeat statements
+-- loop semantics: evaluate loop number as n; evaluate clause n times
+-- evaluate loop number and print error if it is negative or not an integer
+evalRepeat :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalRepeat e1 cond insts ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 cond ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ case v of
+ Num n -> if (n >= 0)
+ then doIterations e2 n insts ss2 fail succ
+ else fail "Repeat: Iteration count cannot be negative" ss2
+ otherwise -> fail "Repeat: Invalid iteration count" ss2
+-- perform loop interations: evaluate "insts" "n" times
+doIterations :: EnvsType -> Int -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+doIterations e 0 insts ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+doIterations e1 (n+1) insts ss fail succ
+ = evalClause e1 insts ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ doIterations e2 n insts ss2 fail succ
+-- evaluates conditions and returns either true, false, or an error
+evalCond :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> StateType -> EvalFailType ->
+ (Bool -> EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+evalCond e1 cond ss fail succ
+ = evaluate e1 cond ss fail $ \v e2 ss2 ->
+ case v of
+ Boolean b -> succ b e2 ss2
+ otherwise -> fail "Invalid condition" ss2
+-- evaluate if-then[-else] statements
+evalIf :: EnvsType -> ConditionType -> ClauseType -> ClauseType -> EvalResType
+evalIf e1 cond thens elses ss fail succ
+ = evalCond e1 cond ss fail $ \b e2 ss2 ->
+ if b
+ then evalClause e2 thens ss2 fail succ
+ else evalClause e2 elses ss2 fail succ
+-- Function application --
+-- returns the number of arguments to a user-defined or built-in function
+-- -1 means the function wasn't found
+-- -2 means the function can take any number of arguments
+numArgs :: EnvsType -> CommandName -> Int
+numArgs (vs,[],ttl) name
+ = -1
+numArgs (vs,[]:pss,ttl) name
+ = numArgs (vs,pss,ttl) name
+numArgs (vs,((n,(formals,body)):ps):pss,ttl) name
+ | inList ["WORD","SENTENCE","LIST"] name = -2
+ | n == name = length formals
+ | otherwise = numArgs (vs,ps:pss,ttl) name
+-- apply a function to its arguments
+-- mostly just decides if it's user-defined or built-in, then dispatches
+apply :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+apply n as e ss fail succ
+ | isBuiltIn n = applyPrimProc n as e ss fail succ
+ | otherwise = applyUserProc (getProc e n) as e ss fail succ
+-- returns procedure "name" from the procedure environment
+-- searches most-local environments first
+-- precondition: procedure does exist somewhere
+getProc :: EnvsType -> CommandName -> ProcType
+getProc (vss,[]:pss,ttl) name
+ = getProc (vss,pss,ttl) name
+getProc (vs,((n,p):ps):pss,ttl) name
+ | n == name = p
+ | otherwise = getProc (vs,ps:pss,ttl) name
+-- apply user function:
+-- bind formal parameters
+-- create local enviroments
+-- evaluate body of function
+-- destroy local environments
+-- return value of body
+applyUserProc :: ProcType -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+applyUserProc (formals,body) actuals e1 ss fail succ
+ = bind formals actuals e1 $ \e2 ->
+ evalClause e2 body ss fail $ \v (vs:vss,ps:pss,ts) ss2 ->
+ succ v (vss,pss,ts) ss2
+-- bind formal parameters to actuals in local environment
+bind :: [NameType] -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> (EnvsType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+bind formals actuals (vss,pss,ttl) succ
+ = succ ((zip formals actuals):vss,[]:pss,ttl)
+-- Built-in functions --
+-- returns true for built-in functions
+isBuiltIn :: CommandName -> Bool
+ "AND","OR","NOT",
+-- applies a built-in function to its arguments
+applyPrimProc :: CommandName -> [Value] -> EnvsType -> EvalResType
+applyPrimProc "XCOR" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num x) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "YCOR" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num y) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETANGLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num a) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETPEN" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean p) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "GETTURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean t) (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss
+applyPrimProc "SUM" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a+b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "DIFFERENCE" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a-b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "PRODUCT" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a*b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "MOD" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a `mod` b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "DIV" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Num (a `div` b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "POWER" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ | b >= 0 = succ (Num (a^b)) e ss
+ | otherwise = fail ("Negative exponent: " ++ (show b)) ss
+applyPrimProc "AND" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a && b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "OR" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a || b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NOT" [Boolean a] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (not a)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORDP" [Word w] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORDP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NUMBERP" [Num n] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "NUMBERP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LISTP" [List l] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean True) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LISTP" [v] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean False) e ss
+applyPrimProc "GREATER" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a > b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Word a , Word b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "EQUAL" [Boolean a , Boolean b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a == b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LESS" [Num a , Num b] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Boolean (a < b)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [Word ""] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word "") e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word cs) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [List NullList] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "BUTFIRST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List vs) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FPUT" [v , List l] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List (v :* l)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "CONCAT" [List l1 , List l2] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List (listConcatenate l1 l2)) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FIRST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word (c:[])) e ss
+applyPrimProc "FIRST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word (c:[])] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word (c:[])) e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word ""] e ss fail succ
+ = succ Null e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [Word (c:cs)] e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LAST" [(Word cs)] e ss fail succ
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [List (v :* NullList)] e ss fail succ
+ = succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc "LAST" [List (v :* vs)] e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LAST" [(List vs)] e ss fail succ
+applyPrimProc "WORD" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (Word "") e ss
+applyPrimProc "WORD" ((Word w):ws) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "WORD" ws e ss fail $ \(Word wsc) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (Word (w ++ wsc)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "LIST" (v:vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "LIST" vs e ss fail $ \(List l) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (List (v :* l)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "LIST" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" [] e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List NullList) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" ((List l):[]) e ss fail succ
+ = succ (List l) e ss
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" ((List l):vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" [List l] e ss fail $ \(List s1) e2 ss2 ->
+ applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" vs e2 ss2 fail $ \(List s2) e3 ss3 ->
+ succ (List (listConcatenate s1 s2)) e3 ss3
+applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" (v:vs) e ss fail succ
+ = applyPrimProc "SENTENCE" vs e ss fail $ \(List ws) e2 ss2 ->
+ succ (List (v :* ws)) e2 ss2
+applyPrimProc "USE" [Word filename]
+ e
+ ss@((ins, ls), gs)
+ fail succ
+ = readFile filename (\ _ -> fail ("Can't read file: " ++ filename) ss)
+ $ \filecontents ->
+ useRepLoop e ((lines filecontents, Lexer), gs)
+ (\ msg s -> fail msg ss) $ \ v e s ->
+ succ v e ss
+applyPrimProc n _ _ ss fail _
+ = fail ("Incorrect arguments: " ++ n) ss
+useRepLoop :: EnvsType -> EvalResType
+useRepLoop e s@(([], ls), gs) fail succ = succ (Word "OK") e s
+useRepLoop e1 s1@(inS1,gs1) fail succ =
+ parse [] inS1 (\ msg ins -> fail msg (ins, gs1)) $ \a ts inS2 ->
+ if (null ts)
+ then
+ evaluate e1 a (inS2,gs1) fail $ \v e2 s3 ->
+ useRepLoop e2 s3 fail succ
+ else
+ fail "Syntax error: expected end of line" (inS2, gs1)
+-- concatenates two lists
+listConcatenate :: ListType -> ListType -> ListType
+listConcatenate NullList l2 = l2
+listConcatenate (v :* l1) l2 = (v :* (listConcatenate l1 l2))
+-- Graphics --
+type EvalArgs = [Value]
+type GraphEnv = (Int,Int,Int,Bool)
+-- evaluates side-effecting graphics functions
+-- note: none of them return values
+doGraphics :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> EnvsType -> StateType ->
+ EvalFailType -> (EnvsType -> StateType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+doGraphics "HIDETURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = hideTurtle x y a ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,False)) ss
+ -- hide turtle, appropriately adjust environment
+doGraphics "SHOWTURTLE" [] (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,t)) ss fail succ
+ = showTurtle x y a ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,True)) ss
+ -- show turtle, appropriately adjust environment
+doGraphics name as (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,True)) ss fail succ
+ = hideTurtle x y a ss $
+ moveTurtle name as (x,y,a,p) ss $ \(x2,y2,a2,p2) ->
+ showTurtle x2 y2 a2 ss $
+ succ (vs,ps,(x2,y2,a2,p2,True)) ss
+ -- executes graphics commands if turtle is shownn
+doGraphics name as (vs,ps,(x,y,a,p,False)) ss fail succ
+ = moveTurtle name as (x,y,a,p) ss $ \(x2,y2,a2,p2) ->
+ succ (vs,ps,(x2,y2,a2,p2,False)) ss
+ -- executes graphics commands if turtle is not shown
+-- converts an integer to a float
+toFloat :: Int -> Float
+toFloat = fromInteger . toInteger
+newmod a b = let c = a `mod` b
+ in if (c < 0) then (c + b) else c
+-- shows the turtle, but returns nothing
+showTurtle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+showTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = let dx1 = round (12 * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dx2 = round (4 * sin (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dy1 = round (12 * sin (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ dy2 = round (4 * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ in
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint (x-dx1-dx2) (y+dy1-dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint (x-dx1+dx2) (y+dy1+dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint (x-dx1-dx2) (y+dy1-dy2))
+ (XPoint (x-dx1+dx2) (y+dy1+dy2))
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO_`
+ succ
+-- hides the turtle, but returns nothing
+hideTurtle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> StateType -> IO () -> IO ()
+hideTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xUpdateGcontext graphContext [XGCForeground bg]
+ `thenIO_`
+ (showTurtle x y a (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) $
+ (xUpdateGcontext graphContext [XGCForeground fg]
+ `thenIO_`
+ succ))
+-- performs all graphics commands that don't involve hiding/showing
+-- the turtle
+moveTurtle :: CommandName -> EvalArgs -> GraphEnv -> StateType ->
+ (GraphEnv -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+moveTurtle "SETXY" [Num xp,Num yp] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (xp,yp,a,p)
+-- move the turtle forward "d" times, drawing a line if pen is down
+moveTurtle "FORWARD" [Num d] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,fg,bg)) succ
+ = let xp = x + round (toFloat d * cos (toFloat a * pi/180))
+ yp = y - round (toFloat d * sin (toFloat a * pi/180)) in
+ (if p
+ then (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow graphWindow)
+ graphContext
+ (XPoint x y)
+ (XPoint xp yp))
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ () ->
+ succ (xp,yp,a,p)
+-- move the turtle backward "d" pixels, drawing a line if pen is down
+moveTurtle "BACKWARD" [Num d] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = moveTurtle "FORWARD" [Num (-d)] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+-- rotate turtle to "ap" degrees from facing due east
+moveTurtle "SETANGLE" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,ap,p)
+-- rotate turtle counterclockwise "ap" degrees
+moveTurtle "LEFT" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y, (a + ap) `newmod` 360 ,p)
+-- rotate turtle clockwise "ap" degrees
+moveTurtle "RIGHT" [Num ap] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y, (a - ap) `newmod` 360 ,p)
+-- pick pen up
+moveTurtle "PENUP" [] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,a,False)
+-- put pen down
+moveTurtle "PENDOWN" [] (x,y,a,p) ss succ
+ = succ (x,y,a,True)
+-- clear screen but don't otherwise alter turtle state
+moveTurtle "CLEARSCREEN" [] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xClearArea graphWindow (XRect 0 0 500 500) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ succ (x,y,a,p)
+-- pick pen up and reset turtle
+moveTurtle "CLEAN" [] (x,y,a,p)
+ (is,(graphWindow,display,graphContext,bg,fg)) succ
+ = xClearArea graphWindow (XRect 0 0 500 500) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ succ (500 `div` 2,500 `div` 2,90,True)
+-- do nothing if arguments are incorrect
+moveTurtle _ _ e _ succ = succ e
+-- valueToString, etc. --
+-- convert a value to a string
+valueToString :: Value -> String
+valueToString (Word w) = w
+valueToString (Num n) = show n
+valueToString (Boolean True) = "TRUE"
+valueToString (Boolean False) = "FALSE"
+valueToString Null = ""
+valueToString (List l) = "[" ++ (listToString l) ++ "]"
+valueToString GoodBye = "Don't play around with this variable!"
+-- convert a list to a string
+listToString :: ListType -> String
+listToString NullList = ""
+listToString (v :* NullList) = valueToString v
+listToString (v :* l) = (valueToString v) ++ " " ++ (listToString l)
+module Lexer where
+Lexer takes as input a line from standard input and returns an ordered
+pair containing the translation of that list into tokens as well as
+the current state of the lexer (how many parentheses and brackets are
+still open). The state is necessary because some commands may take
+multiple lines, so a bracket (say) may be left open on one line to be
+closed later on.
+All unmatched close brackets and parentheses are treated as spaces
+(and therefore ignored).
+The method for tokenizing commands is:
+ All words are delimited by spaces, parenthesis, or brackets.
+ All words beginning with a double quote are returned as quoted words
+ rather than normal words.
+ Any character preceded by a backslash is taken as is, rather than
+ tokenized normally.
+ All words are translated to upper case..
+The method for tokenizing user input is:
+ All words are delimited by spaces and translated to upper case.
+import Parser
+import Evaluator
+data LexState = Lexer | LexerBracket Int LexState | LexerParen Int LexState
+ deriving Text
+type LexerType = [Char] -> ([Token] , LexState)
+data Token = OpenBracket
+ | CloseBracket
+ | OpenParen
+ | CloseParen
+ | QuotedWord WordType
+ | Normal WordType deriving (Text,Eq)
+-- call appropriate lex procedure depending upon the current lex state
+lexDispatch :: LexState -> LexerType
+lexDispatch (Lexer) = lexer
+lexDispatch (LexerBracket n s) = lexerBracket n s
+lexDispatch (LexerParen n s) = lexerParen n s
+-- handle commands
+lexer :: LexerType
+lexer [] = ([] , Lexer)
+lexer (' ':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer ('[':cs) = let (ts , s) = lexerBracket 1 (Lexer) cs
+ in (OpenBracket : ts , s)
+lexer ('(':cs) = let (ts , s) = lexerParen 1 (Lexer) cs
+ in (OpenParen : ts , s)
+lexer (')':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer (']':cs) = lexer cs
+lexer ('"':cs) = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s) = lexer cs2
+ in ((QuotedWord (upWord t)):ts , s)
+lexer cs = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s) = lexer cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s)
+lexerWord :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> (WordType , [Char])
+lexerWord endCond []
+ = ([] , [])
+lexerWord endCond (c:cs)
+ | c == '\\' = if cs == []
+ then ("\\" , cs)
+ else
+ let (t , cs2) = lexerWord endCond (tail cs)
+ in ((head cs):t , cs2)
+ | endCond c = ([] , (c:cs))
+ | otherwise = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord endCond cs
+ in ((toUpper c):t , cs2)
+-- performs lexing inside brackets
+lexerBracket :: Int -> LexState -> LexerType
+lexerBracket n s []
+ = ([] , LexerBracket n s)
+lexerBracket n s (' ':cs)
+ = lexerBracket n s cs
+lexerBracket 1 s (']':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexDispatch s cs
+ in (CloseBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s (']':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket (n-1) s cs
+ in (CloseBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s ('[':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket (n+1) s cs
+ in (OpenBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s ('(':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen 1 (LexerBracket n s) cs
+ in (OpenParen:ts , s2)
+lexerBracket n s (')':cs)
+ = lexerBracket n s cs
+lexerBracket n s cs
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerBracket n s cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+-- performs lexing inside parentheses
+lexerParen :: Int -> LexState -> LexerType
+lexerParen n s []
+ = ([] , LexerParen n s)
+lexerParen n s (' ':cs)
+ = lexerParen n s cs
+lexerParen 1 s (')':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexDispatch s cs
+ in (CloseParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s (')':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen (n-1) s cs
+ in (CloseParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s ('(':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerParen (n+1) s cs
+ in (OpenParen:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s ('[':cs)
+ = let (ts , s2) = lexerBracket 1 (LexerParen n s) cs
+ in (OpenBracket:ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s (']':cs)
+ = lexerParen n s cs
+lexerParen n s ('"':cs)
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerParen n s cs2
+ in ((QuotedWord (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+lexerParen n s cs
+ = let (t , cs2) = lexerWord (isDelimiter) cs
+ (ts , s2) = lexerParen n s cs2
+ in ((Normal (upWord t)):ts , s2)
+-- returns true for delimiters
+isDelimiter :: Char -> Bool
+isDelimiter = inList " []()"
+-- returns true of p is in cs
+inList :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+inList [] p = False
+inList (c:cs) p = (c == p) || (inList cs p)
+-- handle user input
+lexerReadLine :: [Char] -> [WordType]
+lexerReadLine []
+ = []
+lexerReadLine (' ':cs)
+ = lexerReadLine cs
+lexerReadLine cs
+ = let (firstWord,restOfWords) = span (/= ' ') cs
+ in (upWord firstWord) : lexerReadLine restOfWords
+-- translate a word to upper case
+upWord :: WordType -> WordType
+upWord = map (toUpper)
+module Parser where
+Parser takes a list of tokens, the input state, and fail and success
+continuations and returns an Abstract Syntax Tree, the remaining
+tokens (hopefully none), and the new input state. The input state
+will be changed every time Parser runs out of tokens: it simply grabs
+(and lexes) the next line of user-input. It therefore doesn't return
+anything until the entire AST has been be read in, even if it spans
+several lines, though parse may catch some errors before all lines
+have been input. In this case, it ceases taking input and returns the
+An Abstract Syntax Tree represents one command, and breaks those
+commands into Ifs, Loops, Tos, Locals, Makes, Reads, Prints,
+Constants, List constants, Graphics commands (which produce
+side-effects), and function applications. All built-in commands that
+don't fit into one of those categories are lumped into function
+applications along with user-defined functions. Each type of AST is
+parsed into subcommands, subclauses (lists of commands), command
+arguments (also subcommands), and any other values that will be
+immediately-evaluatable (such as function names).
+import Lexer
+import Evaluator
+type CommandName = [Char]
+type ClauseType = [AST]
+type ConditionType = AST
+type ParseArgs = [AST]
+data ArgType = Val Value | QuotedWordArg WordType
+ deriving Text
+data AST = ParseList ListType
+ | If ConditionType ClauseType ClauseType
+ | Loop LoopType ConditionType ClauseType
+ | To NameType ProcType
+ | Make NameType AST
+ | Local NameType
+ | Read
+ | Print ParseArgs
+ | Argument ArgType
+ | Graphics CommandName ParseArgs
+ | Command CommandName ParseArgs deriving Text
+data LoopType = Do | While | Repeat
+ deriving Text
+type ParseFailType = Error -> InputState -> IO ()
+type ParseType = [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (AST -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+type ParseClauseType = [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (ClauseType -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+type InputState = ([[Char]] , LexState)
+parse :: ParseType
+parse [] (i:is , ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts , ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parse ts (is , ls2) fail succ
+parse ((QuotedWord s) : ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Argument (QuotedWordArg s)) ts inS
+parse ((Normal s) : ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Argument (Val (process s))) ts inS
+parse (OpenParen : []) (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parse (OpenParen:ts) (is,ls2) fail succ
+parse (OpenParen : (Normal t) : ts) inS fail succ
+ | t == "TO" = makeProc ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "MAKE" = makeMake ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "LOCAL" = makeLocal ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "READ" = makeRead ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "PRINT" = makePrint ts inS fail succ
+ | t == "IF" = makeIf ts inS fail succ
+ | isLoop t = makeLoop t ts inS fail succ
+ | isGraphics t = makeGraphics t ts inS fail succ
+ | otherwise = makeCommand t ts inS fail succ
+parse (OpenBracket : ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail succ
+parse ts inS@([], _) _ succ = succ (Argument (Val (Word "GOODBYE"))) ts inS
+parse _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Syntax error" inS
+-- returns true for all loop names
+isLoop :: CommandName -> Bool
+isLoop = inList ["DO","WHILE","REPEAT"]
+-- returns true for all side-effecting graphics command names
+isGraphics :: CommandName -> Bool
+isGraphics = inList ["FORWARD","BACKWARD","LEFT","RIGHT",
+-- Parse lists --
+-- parses a list constant
+parseList :: ParseType
+parseList [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseList ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseList (CloseBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (ParseList NullList) ts inS
+parseList (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l1) ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseList ts2 inS2 fail $ \(ParseList l2) ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((List l1) :* l2)) ts3 inS3
+parseList ((Normal w):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((process w) :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList (OpenParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word "(") :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word ")") :* l)) ts2 inS2
+parseList ((QuotedWord w):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseList ts inS fail $ \(ParseList l) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (ParseList ((Word w) :* l)) ts2 inS2
+-- parses constant values, distinguishing words from integers and booleans
+process :: WordType -> Value
+process "TRUE" = Boolean True
+process "FALSE" = Boolean False
+process ('-':w)
+ | all isDigit w = Num (- (stringToNum (reverse w)))
+ | otherwise = Word ('-':w)
+process w
+ | all isDigit w = Num (stringToNum (reverse w))
+ | otherwise = Word w
+-- converts a string to a positive integer
+stringToNum :: String -> Int
+stringToNum (d:[]) = charToDigit d
+stringToNum (d:ds) = (charToDigit d) + 10 * stringToNum ds
+-- converts a character to a digit
+charToDigit :: Char -> Int
+charToDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
+-- Parse command statements --
+-- parses commands
+-- format: (<name> <arg1> <arg2> ...)
+makeCommand :: CommandName -> ParseType
+makeCommand n ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (Command n as) ts2 inS2
+-- parses a list of commands that are terminated by token "term""
+parseArgs :: Token -> ParseClauseType
+parseArgs term [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseArgs term ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseArgs term (t:ts) inS fail succ
+ | t == term = succ [] ts inS
+ | otherwise = parse (t:ts) inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseArgs term ts2 inS2 fail $ \as ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (a:as) ts3 inS3
+-- Parse I/O statements --
+-- parses read statements
+-- format: (READ)
+makeRead :: ParseType
+makeRead (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ Read ts inS
+makeRead _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Read: too many arguments" inS
+-- parses print statements
+-- format: (PRINT <arg1>)
+makePrint :: ParseType
+makePrint ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ if (length as) == 1
+ then succ (Print as) ts2 inS2
+ else fail "Print: too many arguments" inS
+-- Parse TO statements --
+-- parses to statements
+-- format: (TO <name> <fpname1> <fpname2> ... <clause>)
+-- note: all formal parameter names must begin with a colon
+makeProc :: ParseType
+makeProc [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeProc ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeProc ((Normal t):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseFormals ts inS fail $ \p ts2 inS2 ->
+ getParen ts2 inS2 fail $ \ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (To t p) ts3 inS3
+makeProc _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Invalid procedure name" inS
+-- parses the formal parameters
+-- takes all words beginning with a colon, and assumes everything
+-- after that is part of the body
+parseFormals :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (([NameType] , ClauseType) -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ())
+ -> IO ()
+parseFormals [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseFormals ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseFormals (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail $ \pb ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ([],pb) ts2 inS2
+parseFormals ((Normal (':':c:cs)):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseFormals ts inS fail $ \(formals,pb) ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ((':':c:cs):formals , pb) ts2 inS2
+parseFormals ts inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \pb ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ ([],pb) ts2 inS2
+-- Parse MAKE statements --
+-- parses make statements
+-- format: (MAKE <name> <arg>)
+-- note: <name> must be quoted
+makeMake :: ParseType
+makeMake [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeMake ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeMake ((QuotedWord s):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ getParen ts2 inS2 fail $ \ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ (Make s a) ts3 inS3
+makeMake _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Make: Improper variable name" inS
+-- Parse LOCAL statements --
+-- parses local statements
+-- format: (LOCAL <name>)
+-- note: <name> must be quoted
+makeLocal :: ParseType
+makeLocal [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeLocal ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeLocal (t:[]) (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeLocal (t:ts) (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeLocal ((QuotedWord s):CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ (Local s) ts inS
+makeLocal _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Local: improper variable name" inS
+-- Parse IF statements --
+-- parses if-then and if-then-else statements
+-- format: (IF <cond> then <clause> [else <clause>])
+makeIf :: ParseType
+makeIf [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in makeIf ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+makeIf ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \cond ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseThen ts2 inS2 fail $ \thens elses ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (If cond thens elses) ts4 inS4
+-- parses then clauses
+parseThen :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ (ClauseType -> ClauseType -> [Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) ->
+ IO ()
+parseThen [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseThen ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseThen ((Normal "THEN"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \thens ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseElse ts2 inS2 fail $ \elses ts3 inS3 ->
+ succ thens elses ts3 inS3
+parseThen _ inS fail _
+ = fail "IF: improper THEN clause" inS
+-- parses (optional) else clauses
+parseElse :: ParseClauseType
+parseElse [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseElse ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseElse (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ [] (CloseParen:ts) inS
+parseElse ((Normal "ELSE"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail succ
+parseElse _ inS fail _
+ = fail "IF: improper ELSE clause" inS
+-- parses clauses
+-- a clause is either a list of commands enclosed in brackets, or a
+-- single command
+parseClause :: ParseClauseType
+parseClause [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseClause ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseClause (OpenBracket:ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseBracket ts inS fail succ
+parseClause ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \a ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ [a] ts2 inS2
+-- Parse Loop Statements --
+-- parses loop statements
+-- basically a dispatcher for other parse functions
+makeLoop :: NameType -> ParseType
+makeLoop "DO" = makeDo
+makeLoop "WHILE" = makeWhile
+makeLoop "REPEAT" = makeRepeat
+-- parses do statements
+-- format: (DO <clause> WHILE <cond>)
+makeDo :: ParseType
+makeDo ts inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail $ \insts ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseWhileCond ts2 inS2 fail $ \cond ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop Do cond insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses while conditions (both in while and do-while loops)
+-- a condition is simply a command that (hopefully) returns a boolean
+parseWhileCond :: ParseType
+parseWhileCond [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseWhileCond ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseWhileCond ((Normal "WHILE"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail succ
+-- parses while statements
+-- format: (WHILE <cond> <clause>)
+makeWhile :: ParseType
+makeWhile ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \cond ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseClause ts2 inS fail $ \insts ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop While cond insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses repeat statements
+-- format: (REPEAT <num> TIMES <clause>)
+-- note: <num> is simply a command that (hopefully) returns an integer
+makeRepeat :: ParseType
+makeRepeat ts inS fail succ
+ = parse ts inS fail $ \num ts2 inS2 ->
+ parseRepeatBody ts2 inS fail $ \insts ts3 inS3 ->
+ getParen ts3 inS3 fail $ \ts4 inS4 ->
+ succ (Loop Repeat num insts) ts4 inS4
+-- parses repeat body (just a clause)
+parseRepeatBody :: ParseClauseType
+parseRepeatBody [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in parseRepeatBody ts (is,ls2) fail succ
+parseRepeatBody ((Normal "TIMES"):ts) inS fail succ
+ = parseClause ts inS fail succ
+parseRepeatBody _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Repeat: invalid format" inS
+-- Parse Graphics Statements --
+-- parses all side-effecting graphics statements
+makeGraphics :: CommandName -> ParseType
+makeGraphics n ts inS fail succ
+ = parseArgs CloseParen ts inS fail $ \as ts2 inS2 ->
+ succ (Graphics n as) ts2 inS2
+-- Parse Trailing Parenthesis --
+-- parses the closing paren terminating most commands
+getParen :: [Token] -> InputState -> ParseFailType ->
+ ([Token] -> InputState -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+getParen [] (i:is,ls) fail succ
+ = let (ts,ls2) = lexDispatch ls i
+ in getParen ts (is,ls) fail succ
+getParen (CloseParen:ts) inS fail succ
+ = succ ts inS
+getParen _ inS fail _
+ = fail "Expected )" inS