path: root/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp
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1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp b/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d57693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-support/cl-structs.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+;;; cl-structs.lisp -- extended structure definitions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 19 Aug 1992
+;;; Basic structure types
+;;; Use this hash table for mapping names -> type descriptors
+(defvar *struct-lookup-table* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defmacro lookup-type (name)
+ `(gethash ,name *struct-lookup-table*))
+;;; Do NOT add or remove slots from these DEFSTRUCTS without also
+;;; changing the bootstrap code below!!!
+;;; Do NOT try to give these structs complicated defaulting behavior!!!
+;;; All of our objects are subtypes of STRUCT.
+(mumble::predefine (mumble::write object . maybe-stream))
+(defun print-struct-object (object stream depth)
+ (declare (ignore depth))
+ (mumble::write object stream)
+; (format stream "#<Struct ~a>" (td-name (struct-type-descriptor object)))
+ )
+;;; Note that non-exported slots are prefixed with % to prevent
+;;; accidental slot name collisions.
+(defstruct (struct
+ (:print-function print-struct-object)
+ (:predicate struct?)
+ (:constructor nil) ; never instantiated directly
+ (:copier nil))
+ (type-descriptor nil :type t)
+ (%bits 0 :type fixnum)
+ )
+(defstruct (type-descriptor
+ (:include struct
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type 'type-descriptor)))
+ (:conc-name td-)
+ (:constructor create-type-descriptor ())
+ (:predicate nil)
+ (:copier nil))
+ (name nil :type symbol)
+ (slots nil :type list) ; all slots, including inherited
+ (parent-type nil :type t)
+ (printer nil :type t)
+ (%local-slots nil :type list) ; "real" structure slots
+ (%bits-used 0 :type fixnum)
+ (%constructor nil :type symbol)
+ )
+(defstruct (slot-descriptor
+ (:include struct
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type 'slot-descriptor)))
+ (:conc-name sd-)
+ (:constructor create-slot-descriptor ())
+ (:predicate nil)
+ (:copier nil))
+ (name nil :type symbol)
+ (type nil :type t)
+ (default nil :type t)
+ (getter nil :type symbol)
+ (%bit nil :type (mumble::maybe fixnum))
+ (%read-only? nil :type mumble::bool)
+ (%required? nil :type mumble::bool)
+ (%uninitialized? nil :type mumble::bool))
+;;; Helper function for bootstrapping.
+(defun create-slot-simple (prefix name type default
+ &optional read-only? required? uninitialized?)
+ (let ((sd (create-slot-descriptor)))
+ (setf (sd-name sd) name)
+ (setf (sd-type sd) type)
+ (setf (sd-default sd) default)
+ (setf (sd-getter sd) (symbol-append prefix name))
+ (setf (sd-%read-only? sd) read-only?)
+ (setf (sd-%required? sd) required?)
+ (setf (sd-%uninitialized? sd) uninitialized?)
+ sd))
+;;; Initialize descriptors for the predefined struct types.
+(let ((struct-td (setf (lookup-type 'struct)
+ (create-type-descriptor)))
+ (type-td (setf (lookup-type 'type-descriptor)
+ (create-type-descriptor)))
+ (slot-td (setf (lookup-type 'slot-descriptor)
+ (create-type-descriptor))))
+ ;; struct
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor struct-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name struct-td) 'struct)
+ (setf (td-%bits-used struct-td) 0)
+ ;; type-descriptor
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor type-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name type-td) 'type-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-%local-slots type-td)
+ (list (create-slot-simple 'td- 'name 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'slots 'list nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'parent-type 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- 'printer 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%local-slots 'list nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%bits-used 'fixnum 0)
+ (create-slot-simple 'td- '%constructor 'symbol nil)
+ ))
+ (setf (td-slots type-td) (td-%local-slots type-td))
+ (setf (td-%bits-used type-td) 0)
+ (setf (td-%constructor type-td) 'create-type-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-parent-type type-td) struct-td)
+ ;; slot-descriptor
+ (setf (td-type-descriptor slot-td) type-td)
+ (setf (td-name slot-td) 'slot-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-%local-slots slot-td)
+ (list (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'name 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'type 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'default 't nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- 'getter 'symbol nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%bit '(mumble::maybe fixnum) nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%read-only? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%required? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ (create-slot-simple 'sd- '%uninitialized? 'mumble::bool nil)
+ ))
+ (setf (td-slots slot-td) (td-%local-slots slot-td))
+ (setf (td-%bits-used slot-td) 0)
+ (setf (td-%constructor slot-td) 'create-slot-descriptor)
+ (setf (td-parent-type type-td) struct-td)
+ )
+;;; Support for bit slots
+(eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (defconstant max-bits (integer-length most-positive-fixnum)))
+(defvar *bit-slot-getters* (make-array max-bits))
+(defvar *bit-slot-setters* (make-array max-bits))
+(defmacro bit-slot-getter (i) `(svref *bit-slot-getters* ,i))
+(defmacro bit-slot-setter (i) `(svref *bit-slot-setters* ,i))
+(defmacro define-bit-accessors ()
+ (let ((results nil))
+ (dotimes (i max-bits)
+ (let ((getter (intern (format nil "GET-BIT-~a" i)))
+ (setter (intern (format nil "SET-BIT-~a" i)))
+ (mask (ash 1 i)))
+ (push
+ `(progn
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,getter x)
+ (not (eql (the fixnum
+ (logand (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))
+ 0)))
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,setter v x)
+ (setf (struct-%bits x)
+ (if v
+ (the fixnum
+ (logior (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))
+ (the fixnum
+ (logandc2 (the fixnum (struct-%bits x))
+ (the fixnum ,mask)))))
+ v)
+ (setf (bit-slot-getter ,i) ',getter)
+ (setf (bit-slot-setter ,i) ',setter))
+ results)))
+ `(progn ,@results)))
+;;; Random helper functions
+(defun quoted? (x)
+ (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'quote)))
+(defun quoted-value (x)
+ (cadr x))
+(defun unknown-type-error (type)
+ (error "Struct type ~s has not been defined." type))
+(defun unknown-slot-error (type slot)
+ (error "Struct type ~s has no slot named ~s." type slot))
+(defun lookup-type-descriptor (type)
+ (or (lookup-type type)
+ (unknown-type-error type)))
+(defun lookup-slot-descriptor (type slot)
+ (let ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type)))
+ (or (find slot (td-slots td) :key #'sd-name)
+ (unknown-slot-error type slot))))
+(defun slot-getter-name (type slot)
+ (sd-getter (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+(defun sd-getter-function (sd)
+ (symbol-function (sd-getter sd)))
+;;; Struct-slot macro
+;;; Note that this can be SETF'ed only if type and slot are quoted.
+(defmacro struct-slot (type slot object)
+ (if (and (quoted? type) (quoted? slot))
+ (struct-slot-compiletime (quoted-value type) (quoted-value slot) object)
+ (progn
+ (warn "Type and/or slot argument to STRUCT-SLOT not constant.")
+ `(struct-slot-runtime ,type ,slot ,object))))
+(defun struct-slot-compiletime (type slot object)
+ (let ((sd (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+ `(the ,(sd-type sd) (,(sd-getter sd) (the ,type ,object)))))
+(defun struct-slot-runtime (type slot object)
+ (let ((sd (lookup-slot-descriptor type slot)))
+ ;; *** Could insert explicit type checks here.
+ (funcall (sd-getter-function sd) object)))
+;;; Make macro and support
+(defmacro make (type . inits)
+ (make-aux type inits))
+;;; Turn the call to MAKE into a call to the boa constructor.
+;;; The arguments to the BOA constructor are those slots that have
+;;; the required? flag set to true. If initializers for other slots
+;;; are provided, turn these into SETFs. Bit attributes are always
+;;; handled via SETF.
+(defun make-aux (type inits)
+ (let* ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type))
+ (boa (td-%constructor td))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (tempvar (gensym))
+ (setfs '())
+ (bits-inits '())
+ (slot-inits '()))
+ (check-slot-inits type inits)
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (let* ((name (sd-name s))
+ (supplied? (mumble::assq name inits))
+ (required? (sd-%required? s))
+ (uninitialized? (sd-%uninitialized? s))
+ (init (if supplied?
+ (progn
+ ;; *** Maybe want to suppress this warning.
+ ;;(when (not required?)
+ ;; (override-slot-init-warning type name))
+ (cadr supplied?))
+ (progn
+ ;; *** Maybe want to suppress this warning.
+ (when (and required? (not uninitialized?))
+ (missing-slot-init-warning type name))
+ (sd-default s)))))
+ (cond ((sd-%bit s)
+ (cond ((or (eq init 'nil) (equal init '(quote nil)))
+ ;; do nothing, bit already defaults to 0
+ )
+ ((and uninitialized? (not supplied?) required?)
+ ;; no default or init supplied, leave uninitialized
+ )
+ ((constantp init)
+ ;; it must be a non-false constant, set bit to 1
+ (push (ash 1 (sd-%bit s)) bits-inits))
+ (t
+ ;; have to do runtime test
+ (push `(the fixnum (if ,init ,(ash 1 (sd-%bit s)) 0))
+ bits-inits))))
+ ((and required? (not uninitialized?))
+ ;; The constructor takes the value as a positional argument.
+ (push init slot-inits))
+ (supplied?
+ ;; Make a setf.
+ ;; No point in putting the same value in twice.
+ (unless (and (constantp init) (equal init (sd-default s)))
+ (push `(setf (,(sd-getter s) ,tempvar) ,init) setfs)))
+ (t nil))))
+ (unless (null bits-inits)
+ (push `(setf (struct-%bits ,tempvar)
+ ,(cond ((null (cdr bits-inits))
+ (car bits-inits))
+ ((every #'constantp bits-inits)
+ (apply #'logior bits-inits))
+ (t
+ `(the fixnum (logior ,@(nreverse bits-inits))))))
+ setfs))
+ (if (null setfs)
+ `(,boa ,@(nreverse slot-inits))
+ `(let ((,tempvar (,boa ,@(nreverse slot-inits))))
+ ,@(nreverse setfs)
+ ,tempvar))))
+(defun override-slot-init-warning (type name)
+ (warn "Overriding default for slot ~s in MAKE ~s."
+ name type))
+(defun missing-slot-init-warning (type name)
+ (warn "No initializer or default for slot ~s in MAKE ~s."
+ name type))
+(defun check-slot-inits (type inits)
+ (dolist (i inits)
+ (lookup-slot-descriptor type (car i))))
+;;; Update-slots macro
+;;; Note that type is a literal here.
+;;; *** Could be smarter about merging setters for bit slots.
+(defmacro update-slots (type exp . inits)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,exp))
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (i)
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',(car i) ,temp) ,(cadr i)))
+ inits))))
+;;; With-slots macro
+;;; Note that type is a literal here.
+;;; ***Could be smarter about merging accesses for bit slots.
+(defmacro mumble::with-slots (type slots exp . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,temp ,exp)
+ ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+ `(,s (struct-slot ',type ',s ,temp)))
+ slots))
+ ,@body)))
+;;; Define-struct macro
+;;; The rather strange division here is so that the call to MAKE
+;;; works right.
+;;; All INSTALL-STRUCT-TYPE does is fill in and install the type
+;;; descriptor object.
+(defmacro define-struct (name . fields)
+ (multiple-value-bind (include type-template slots prefix predicate)
+ (parse-struct-fields name fields)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (eval compile load)
+ (install-struct-type
+ ',name
+ ',include
+ ',prefix
+ (make ,type-template)
+ ',slots))
+ (define-struct-aux ,name ,include ,prefix ,predicate))))
+;;; This is the macro that actually creates the DEFSTRUCT expansion.
+(defmacro define-struct-aux (name include prefix predicate)
+ (let* ((td (lookup-type name))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (local-slots (td-%local-slots td))
+ (bit-slots (remove-if-not #'sd-%bit slots)))
+ `(progn
+ ;; Make the struct definition.
+ ;; *** could put the type descriptor for the default in a
+ ;; *** global variable; it might speed up reference.
+ (defstruct (,name
+ (:include ,include
+ (type-descriptor (lookup-type ',name)))
+ (:conc-name ,prefix)
+ ;; Disable the default keyword constructor.
+ ;; If you do this in AKCL, it will complain about
+ ;; the BOA constructor. Bogus!!!
+ ;; If you do this in WCL, it will just quietly ignore
+ ;; the BOA.
+ #-(or akcl wcl) (:constructor nil)
+ (:constructor ,(td-%constructor td) ,(make-boa-args slots))
+ (:predicate ,predicate)
+ (:copier nil))
+ ,@(mapcar
+ #'(lambda (s)
+ `(,(sd-name s) ,(sd-default s)
+ ;; CMU common lisp initializes &aux boa constructor
+ ;; slots to NIL instead of leaving them uninitialized,
+ ;; and then complains if this doesn't match the declared
+ ;; slot type. I think this is a bug, not a feature, but
+ ;; here's a workaround for it.
+ :type
+ #+cmu ,(if (sd-%uninitialized? s)
+ `(or ,(sd-type s) null)
+ (sd-type s))
+ #-cmu ,(sd-type s)
+ ;; Can make slots read-only only if a setf-er is not
+ ;; required by MAKE.
+ :read-only ,(and (sd-%read-only? s) (sd-%required? s))))
+ local-slots))
+ ;; Make accessor functions for bit slots.
+ ,@(mapcar
+ #'(lambda (s)
+ (let ((place (symbol-append prefix (sd-name s)))
+ (getter (bit-slot-getter (sd-%bit s)))
+ (setter (bit-slot-setter (sd-%bit s))))
+ `(progn
+ (mumble::define-integrable (,place x) (,getter x))
+ ,@(unless (sd-%read-only? s)
+ `((mumble::define-setf ,place ,setter))))
+ ))
+ bit-slots)
+ ',name)
+ ))
+;;; Determine which arguments to make explicit to the boa constructor.
+;;; Basically, expect an explicit initializer for any slot that does not
+;;; have a default supplied.
+;;; Supplying slot names as &aux parameters to a boa constructor is
+;;; supposed to suppress initialization.
+(defun make-boa-args (slots)
+ (let ((required-args '())
+ (uninitialized-args '()))
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (when (and (sd-%required? s) (not (sd-%bit s)))
+ (if (sd-%uninitialized? s)
+ (push (sd-name s) uninitialized-args)
+ (push (sd-name s) required-args))))
+ ;; Gag. AKCL does the wrong thing with &AUX arguments; defstruct sticks
+ ;; another &AUX at the end of the lambda list. Looks like it will do
+ ;; the right thing if you just omit the uninitialized arguments from
+ ;; the boa arglist entirely.
+ #+akcl (nreverse required-args)
+ #-akcl
+ (if (null uninitialized-args)
+ (nreverse required-args)
+ `(,@(nreverse required-args) &aux ,@(nreverse uninitialized-args)))
+ ))
+;;; Install the type descriptor, filling in all the slots.
+(defun install-struct-type (name include prefix td slots)
+ (let* ((parent-type (lookup-type-descriptor include))
+ (bits-used (td-%bits-used parent-type))
+ (local-slots '())
+ (all-slots '()))
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (slot-name type default bit read-only? required? uninitialized?)
+ (parse-slot-fields name s)
+ (let ((sd (create-slot-simple
+ prefix slot-name type default
+ read-only? required? uninitialized?)))
+ (push sd all-slots)
+ (cond (bit
+ (if (eql bits-used max-bits)
+ (error "Too many bit slots in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." name))
+ (setf (sd-%bit sd) bits-used)
+ (incf bits-used))
+ (t
+ (push sd local-slots))))))
+ (setf local-slots (nreverse local-slots))
+ (setf (td-name td) name)
+ (setf (td-slots td) (append (td-slots parent-type) (nreverse all-slots)))
+ (setf (td-%local-slots td) local-slots)
+ (setf (td-%bits-used td) bits-used)
+ (setf (td-%constructor td) (symbol-append '%create- name))
+ (setf (td-parent-type td) parent-type)
+ (setf (lookup-type name) td)))
+;;; Struct field parsing.
+(defun parse-struct-fields (name fields)
+ (when (not (symbolp name))
+ (error "Structure name ~s is not a symbol." name))
+ (let ((include nil)
+ (type-template nil)
+ (slots nil)
+ (prefix nil)
+ (predicate nil))
+ (dolist (f fields)
+ (cond ((not (consp f))
+ (unknown-field-error f name))
+ ((eq (car f) 'include)
+ (if include
+ (duplicate-field-error 'include name)
+ (setf include (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'type-template)
+ (if type-template
+ (duplicate-field-error 'type-template name)
+ (setf type-template (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'slots)
+ (if slots
+ (duplicate-field-error 'slots name)
+ (setf slots (cdr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'prefix)
+ (if prefix
+ (duplicate-field-error 'prefix name)
+ (setf prefix (cadr f))))
+ ((eq (car f) 'predicate)
+ (if predicate
+ (duplicate-field-error 'predicate name)
+ (setf predicate (cadr f))))
+ (t
+ (unknown-field-error f name))))
+ (values
+ (or include 'struct)
+ (or type-template
+ (and include
+ (td-name (td-type-descriptor (lookup-type-descriptor include))))
+ 'type-descriptor)
+ (or slots '())
+ (or prefix (symbol-append name '-))
+ predicate)))
+(defun unknown-field-error (f name)
+ (error "Unknown field ~s in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." f name))
+(defun duplicate-field-error (f name)
+ (error "Field ~s appears more than once in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." f name))
+;;; Parsing for slot specifications.
+(defun parse-slot-fields (struct-name slot)
+ (let ((name nil)
+ (type t)
+ (default '*default-slot-default*)
+ (bit nil)
+ (read-only? nil)
+ (required? t)
+ (uninitialized? nil))
+ (if (or (not (consp slot))
+ (not (symbolp (setf name (car slot)))))
+ (invalid-slot-error slot struct-name))
+ (dolist (junk (cdr slot))
+ (cond ((eq (car junk) 'type)
+ (setf type (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'default)
+ (setf default (cadr junk))
+ (setf required? nil))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'bit)
+ (setf bit (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'read-only?)
+ (setf read-only? (cadr junk)))
+ ((eq (car junk) 'uninitialized?)
+ (setf uninitialized? (cadr junk)))
+ (t
+ (invalid-slot-error slot struct-name))))
+ (values
+ name
+ type
+ default
+ bit
+ read-only?
+ required?
+ uninitialized?
+ )))
+;;; Some implementations of DEFSTRUCT complain if the default value
+;;; for a slot doesn't match the declared type of that slot, even if
+;;; the default is never used.
+;;; Using this variable as the default init form for such slots should
+;;; suppress such warnings.
+(defvar *default-slot-default* nil)
+(defun invalid-slot-error (slot struct-name)
+ (error "Invalid slot syntax ~s in DEFINE-STRUCT ~s." slot struct-name))
+;;; Printer hooks
+;;; Here is the macro for associating a printer with a structure type.
+(defmacro define-struct-printer (type function)
+ `(define-struct-printer-aux ',type (function ,function)))
+(defun define-struct-printer-aux (type function)
+ (let ((td (lookup-type-descriptor type)))
+ (setf (td-printer td) function)
+ type))
+;;; Imports
+;;; Generic stuff
+(define-mumble-import struct)
+(define-mumble-import struct?)
+(define-mumble-import struct-type-descriptor)
+;;; Predefined types, slots, and accessors
+;;; Note: not all slots are exported.
+(define-mumble-import type-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import name)
+(define-mumble-import slots)
+(define-mumble-import parent-type)
+(define-mumble-import printer)
+(define-mumble-import td-name)
+(define-mumble-import td-slots)
+(define-mumble-import td-parent-type)
+(define-mumble-import td-printer)
+(define-mumble-import slot-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import name)
+(define-mumble-import type)
+(define-mumble-import default)
+(define-mumble-import getter)
+(define-mumble-import sd-name)
+(define-mumble-import sd-type)
+(define-mumble-import sd-default)
+(define-mumble-import sd-getter)
+;;; Utility functions
+(define-mumble-import lookup-type-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import lookup-slot-descriptor)
+(define-mumble-import sd-getter-function)
+;;; Macros
+(define-mumble-import make)
+(define-mumble-import struct-slot)
+(define-mumble-import define-struct)
+(define-mumble-import mumble::with-slots)
+(define-mumble-import update-slots)
+(define-mumble-import define-struct-printer)
+;;; Field names for define-struct
+(define-mumble-import include)
+(define-mumble-import type-template)
+(define-mumble-import slots)
+(define-mumble-import prefix)
+(define-mumble-import predicate)
+;;; Field names for slot options
+(define-mumble-import type)
+(define-mumble-import default)
+(define-mumble-import bit)
+(define-mumble-import read-only?)
+(define-mumble-import uninitialized?)