path: root/prec/scope.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'prec/scope.scm')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prec/scope.scm b/prec/scope.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57ed64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prec/scope.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+;;; scope.scm -- variable scoping and precedence parsing phase
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 11 Feb 1992
+;;; Basic support
+(define (scope-modules modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-decls *module*) (scope-ast-decls (module-decls *module*)))
+ (dolist (a (module-annotations *module*))
+;;; This is currently bogus since it assumes only vars are annotated.
+ (when (annotation-decl? a)
+ (dolist (n (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (let ((v (table-entry *symbol-table* n)))
+ (when (or (eq? v '#f) (not (var? v)))
+ (fatal-error 'unknown-annotation-name
+ "~A: not a var in annotation decl~%" n))
+ (when (not (eq? (def-module v) *module-name*))
+ (fatal-error 'non-local-name-in-annotation
+ "~A: not a local var in annotation decl~%" n))
+ (setf (var-annotations v)
+ (append (var-annotations v)
+ (annotation-decl-annotations a))))))))))
+;;; Define the basic walker and some helper functions.
+(define-walker scope ast-td-scope-walker)
+(define (scope-ast-1 x env)
+; (call-walker scope x env))
+ (remember-context x
+ (call-walker scope x env)))
+(define (scope-ast/list l env)
+ (scope-ast/list-aux l env)
+ l)
+(define (scope-ast/list-aux l env)
+ (when (not (null? l))
+ (setf (car l) (scope-ast-1 (car l) env))
+ (scope-ast/list-aux (cdr l) env)))
+;;; This filters out signdecls from decl lists. These declarations are moved
+;;; into the var definitions.
+(define (scope-ast/decl-list l env)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (let ((x (scope-ast-1 (car l) env))
+ (rest (scope-ast/decl-list (cdr l) env)))
+ (if (or (annotation-decls? x)
+ (and (signdecl? x)
+ (not (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface))))
+ rest
+ (begin
+ (setf (car l) x)
+ (setf (cdr l) rest)
+ l)))))
+;;; This is the main entry point. It is called by the driver
+;;; on each top-level decl in the module.
+(define (scope-ast-decls x)
+ (let ((result (scope-ast/decl-list x '())))
+; (pprint result) ;*** debug
+ result))
+;;; All top-level names are entered in the *symbol-table* hash table.
+;;; This is done by the import/export phase of the compiler before
+;;; we get here.
+;;; The env is a list of a-lists that associates locally-defined names with
+;;; their definitions. Each nested a-list corresponds to a "level" or
+;;; scope.
+;;; *** If many variables are being added in each scope, it might be
+;;; *** better to use a table instead of an alist to represent each contour.
+(define (lookup-name name env)
+ (if (null? env)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (let ((info (assq name (car env))))
+ (if info
+ (cdr info)
+ (lookup-name name (cdr env))))))
+;;; Some kinds of names (e.g. type definitions) appear only at top-level,
+;;; so use this to look for them directly.
+(define (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (or (resolve-toplevel-name name)
+ (begin
+ (signal-undefined-symbol name)
+ *undefined-def*)))
+;;; Some kinds of lookups (e.g., matching a signature declaration)
+;;; require that the name be defined in the current scope and not
+;;; an outer one. Use this function.
+(define (lookup-local-name name env)
+ (if (null? env)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name name)
+ (let ((info (assq name (car env))))
+ (if info
+ (cdr info)
+ (begin
+ (signal-undefined-local-symbol name)
+ *undefined-def*)))))
+;;; Add local declarations to the environment, returning a new env.
+;;; Do not actually walk the local declarations here.
+(define *scope-info* '())
+(define (add-local-declarations decls env)
+ (if (null? decls)
+ env
+ (let ((contour '()))
+ (dolist (d decls)
+ (if (is-type? 'valdef d)
+ (setf contour
+ (add-bindings (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs d))
+ contour))))
+ (cons contour env))))
+;;; Similar, but for adding lambda and function argument bindings to the
+;;; environment.
+(define (add-pattern-variables patterns env)
+ (if (null? patterns)
+ env
+ (let ((contour '()))
+ (dolist (p patterns)
+ (setf contour (add-bindings (collect-pattern-vars p) contour)))
+ (cons contour env))))
+;;; Given a list of var-refs, create defs for them and add them to
+;;; the local environment.
+;;; Also check to see that there are no duplicates.
+(define (add-bindings var-refs contour)
+ (dolist (v var-refs)
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var v) *undefined-def*)
+ (let* ((name (var-ref-name v))
+ (def (create-local-definition name)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var v) def)
+ (if (assq name contour)
+ (signal-multiple-bindings name)
+ (push (cons name def) contour)))))
+ contour)
+;;; Error signalling utilities.
+(define (signal-undefined-local-symbol name)
+ (phase-error 'undefined-local-symbol
+ "The name ~a has no definition in the current scope."
+ name))
+(define (signal-multiple-signatures name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-signatures
+ "There are multiple signatures for the name ~a."
+ name))
+(define (signal-multiple-bindings name)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-bindings
+ "The name ~a appears more than once in a function or pattern binding."
+ name))
+;;; Default traversal methods
+(define-local-syntax (make-scope-code slot type)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot)))
+ (cond ((and (symbol? stype)
+ (or (eq? stype 'exp)
+ (subtype? stype 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (scope-ast-1 (struct-slot ',type ',sname object) env)))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (symbol? (cadr stype))
+ (or (eq? (cadr stype) 'exp)
+ (subtype? (cadr stype) 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (scope-ast/list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object) env)))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Scope: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; (sd-name slot)
+; type)
+ '#f))))
+(define-modify-walker-methods scope
+ (guarded-rhs ; exp slots
+ if ; exp slots
+ app ; exp slots
+ integer-const float-const char-const string-const ; no slots
+ list-exp ; (list exp) slot
+ sequence sequence-to sequence-then sequence-then-to ; exp slots
+ section-l section-r ; exp slots
+ omitted-guard overloaded-var-ref ; no slots
+ negate ; no slots
+ sel
+ prim-definition
+ con-number cast
+ )
+ (object env)
+ make-scope-code)
+;;; valdef-structs
+;;; Signature declarations must appear at the same level as the names
+;;; they apply to. There must not be more than one signature declaration
+;;; applying to a given name.
+(define-walker-method scope signdecl (object env)
+ (let ((signature (signdecl-signature object)))
+ (resolve-signature signature)
+ (let ((gtype (ast->gtype (signature-context signature)
+ (signature-type signature))))
+ (dolist (v (signdecl-vars object))
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var v) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (var-ref-var v)
+ (lookup-local-name (var-ref-name v) env)))
+ (let ((def (var-ref-var v)))
+ (when (not (eq? def *undefined-def*))
+ ;; The lookup-local-name may fail if there is a program error.
+ ;; In that case, skip this.
+ (if (var-signature def)
+ (signal-multiple-signatures (var-ref-name v))
+ (setf (var-signature def) gtype))))))
+ object))
+;;; This attaches annotations to locally defined vars in the same
+;;; manner as signdecl annotations.
+(define-walker-method scope annotation-decls (object env)
+ (let ((anns (annotation-decls-annotations object)))
+ (dolist (a anns)
+ (cond ((annotation-value? a)
+ (recoverable-error 'unknown-annotation "Unknown annotation: ~A" a))
+ ((annotation-decl? a)
+ (dolist (v (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (let ((name (lookup-local-name v env)))
+ (when (not (eq? name *undefined-def*))
+ (setf (var-annotations name)
+ (append (var-annotations name)
+ (annotation-decl-annotations a))))))))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope exp-sign (object env)
+ (resolve-signature (exp-sign-signature object))
+ (setf (exp-sign-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (exp-sign-exp object) env))
+ object)
+;;; By the time we get to walking a valdef, all the variables it
+;;; declares have been entered into the environment. All we need to
+;;; do is massage the pattern and recursively walk the definitions.
+(define-walker-method scope valdef (object env)
+ (setf (valdef-module object) *module-name*)
+ (setf (valdef-lhs object) (massage-pattern (valdef-lhs object)))
+ (setf (valdef-definitions object)
+ (scope-ast/list (valdef-definitions object) env))
+ object)
+;;; For a single-fun-def, do the where-decls first, and then walk the
+;;; rhs in an env that includes both the where-decls and the args.
+(define-walker-method scope single-fun-def (object env)
+ (setf env (add-pattern-variables (single-fun-def-args object) env))
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (single-fun-def-where-decls object) env))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-where-decls object)
+ (scope-ast/decl-list (single-fun-def-where-decls object) env))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-args object)
+ (massage-pattern-list (single-fun-def-args object)))
+ (setf (single-fun-def-rhs-list object)
+ (scope-ast/list (single-fun-def-rhs-list object) env))
+ object)
+;;; exp-structs
+(define-walker-method scope lambda (object env)
+ (setf env (add-pattern-variables (lambda-pats object) env))
+ (setf (lambda-pats object) (massage-pattern-list (lambda-pats object)))
+ (setf (lambda-body object) (scope-ast-1 (lambda-body object) env))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope let (object env)
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (let-decls object) env))
+ (setf (let-decls object) (scope-ast/decl-list (let-decls object) env))
+ (setf (let-body object) (scope-ast-1 (let-body object) env))
+ object)
+;;; Case alts are treated very much like single-fun-defs.
+(define-walker-method scope case (object env)
+ (setf (case-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (case-exp object) env))
+ (dolist (a (case-alts object))
+ (let ((env (add-pattern-variables (list (alt-pat a)) env)))
+ (setf env (add-local-declarations (alt-where-decls a) env))
+ (setf (alt-where-decls a)
+ (scope-ast/decl-list (alt-where-decls a) env))
+ (setf (alt-pat a) (massage-pattern (alt-pat a)))
+ (setf (alt-rhs-list a)
+ (scope-ast/list (alt-rhs-list a) env))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope var-ref (object env)
+ (when (eq? (var-ref-var object) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (var-ref-var object)
+ (lookup-name (var-ref-name object) env)))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope con-ref (object env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (when (eq? (con-ref-con object) *undefined-def*)
+ (setf (con-ref-con object)
+ (lookup-toplevel-name (con-ref-name object))))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope list-comp (object env)
+ (dolist (q (list-comp-quals object))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'qual-generator q)
+ (setf (qual-generator-exp q)
+ (scope-ast-1 (qual-generator-exp q) env))
+ (setf env
+ (add-pattern-variables (list (qual-generator-pat q)) env))
+ (setf (qual-generator-pat q)
+ (massage-pattern (qual-generator-pat q))))
+ ((is-type? 'qual-filter q)
+ (setf (qual-filter-exp q)
+ (scope-ast-1 (qual-filter-exp q) env)))))
+ (setf (list-comp-exp object) (scope-ast-1 (list-comp-exp object) env))
+ object)
+(define-walker-method scope pp-exp-list (object env)
+ (massage-pp-exp-list (scope-ast/list (pp-exp-list-exps object) env)))