path: root/com/lispworks/savesys
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'com/lispworks/savesys')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/com/lispworks/savesys b/com/lispworks/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f97b6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lispworks/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lispworks-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lispworks
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.wfasl) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(load "com/lispworks/patches/safe-fo-closure.wfasl")
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#f)
+;;; Load the prelude
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ ;; Need to reset pathname defaults
+ (setf lisp:*default-pathname-defaults* (lisp:truename ""))
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lisp:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lisp:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lw:save-image "bin/new-lispworks-haskell"
+ :gc '#t
+ :normal-gc '#f ; don't reset gc parameters
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel)