path: root/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual b/progs/demo/X11/graphics/manual
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index 0000000..17772f1
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+<(Courier) cf ><9 cs>The Henderson Library--<eop>
+by Syam Gadde<eop>
+and Bo Whong<eop>
+The Henderson Library is a toolkit with which one can use Functional Geometry,
+as proposed by Peter Henderson in his paper "Functional Geometry". This is a s
+cheme by which "Picture"s can be described in an abstract data type, and a numb
+er of functions can be applied to it. This results in a very elegant method to
+ produce complex pictures from simple ones. The example Henderson uses is "Squ
+are Limit" by M. C. Escher, which can be constructed with four simple pictures
+ADTs and Type Synonyms<eop>
+The Picture data type is composed of eight different types of pictures. They a
+Picture = Nil - empty picture<eop>
+ | Flip Picture - picture flipped on the y-axis<e
+ | Beside Float Picture Float Picture - two pictures placed side by sid
+e <eop>
+ - in accordance to the ratio of t
+ - two floats<eop>
+ | Above Float Picture Float Picture - two pictures placed one on top
+ - another in accordance to the ra
+ - of the two floats<eop>
+ | Rot Picture - picture is rotated 90 degrees <
+ - counterclockwise<eop>
+ | File String - picture is stored as an externa
+ - file<eop>
+ | Overlay Picture Picture - two pictures are drawn such tha
+ - one lays on top of the other<eo
+ | Grid Int Int SegList - picture type that contains the
+ - of picture's line segments alon
+ - with the size of the inital pic
+The type synonyms are pretty much self explanatory.<eop>
+ Hostname<tab><tab><tab>- a string of the hostname<eop>
+ Filename <tab>- a string of the filename<e
+ IntPoint <tab>- a tuple of integers repres
+ <tab>- the coordinates of a point
+ IntSegment <tab>- a tuple of Intpoints repre
+ <tab>- the endpoints of a line se
+ IntSegList <tab>- a list of IntSegments <eop
+ Point <tab>- same as IntPoint except in
+ place of<eop>
+<tab><tab><tab> <tab>- intergers, they are floating points<eop>
+ Segment <tab>- same as IntSegment except
+in place<eop>
+ <tab><tab> <tab>- of intergers, they are floating <eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- points<eop>
+ SegList <tab>- same as IntsegList except
+in place<eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab><tab>- of intergers, they are floating <eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- points<eop>
+ Vector <tab>- a tuple of floating points
+ to<eop>
+ <tab><tab><tab>- to represent a vector<eop>
+ Vtriple - a 3-tuple of Vectors<eop>
+ HendQuartet - a 4-tuple of Integers for the s
+ - of the Henderson window<eop>
+ PEnv - a tuple of a Filename and a Pic
+ - for storing already opened file
+s in<eop>
+ - in order to save time and memor
+ - when a file needs to be opened
+ - than once<eop>
+Function: create (an exported function from the HendersonLib)<eop>
+The purpose of the create function is to provide the user with a function to <e
+draw a picture from a graphics interface. The user may choose to create a pict
+file by inputing the the lines and points manually into a file or (s)he may cho
+to use the create function.<eop>
+Functionality of create:<eop>
+ create :: Hostname -<ra> Filaname -<ra> Int -<ra> Int -<ra> IO()<eop
+create takes as input a hostname, a filename, and two integers for the size of
+the <eop>
+window to be opened. Two windows should appear, one for the input of lines and
+another showing the current position of the mouse. These windows will be label
+To draw a line on the file window, move the cursor to the desired position, the
+hit any key on the keybroad. This point will be the beginning of the line segme
+Next move the cursor to the position of where the user wants the end of the lin
+segment to be, then hit any key from the keyboard again. A line should appear.
+The coordinates of the endpoints of each line drawn will also be printed out o
+nto <eop>
+standard output.<eop>
+To signal completion of a file, press any button on the mouse. The user must <
+remember though that this is only applicable after a completed drawing of a lin
+For example, pressing the mouse button will not work if one of the endpoints of
+ a<eop>
+line is drawn but the other endpoint is not. create will not recognize the mous
+e <eop>
+button press event until a second endpoint is drawn.<eop>
+Advantages of create:<eop>
+ provides a quick and fun way to create a picture file.<eop>
+Disadvantages of create:<eop>
+ If the file does not exist, create will create the file and then store the pic
+ to it. However, if the file exists, create will automatically delete the cont
+ of that file before storing the new picture.<eop>
+Function: modify (an exported function from the HendersonLib)<eop>
+The purpose of the modify function is to provide the user with a function make
+additions to an already existing picture file using a graphics interface. The
+may choose to modify the picture file by adding the the lines and points manual
+ly <eop>
+into the file or (s)he may choose to use the modify function.<eop>
+Functionality of modify:<eop>
+ modify :: Hostname -<ra> Filaname -<ra> IO()<eop>
+modify takes as input a hostname and a filename. Tow windows should appear. Th
+e <eop>
+size of the draw window will be the same as the x and y coordinates already in
+file. These windows will be labeled accordingly. The existing picture will app
+first before any input is allowed.<eop>
+To draw a line on the file window, move the cursor to the desired position, the
+hit any key on the keybroad. This point will be the beginning of the line segme
+Next move the cursor to the position of where the user wants the end of the lin
+segment to be, then hit any key from the keyboard again. A line should appear.
+The coordinates of the endpoints of each line drawn will also be printed out o
+nto <eop>
+standard output.<eop>
+To signal completion of a file, press any button on the mouse. The user must <
+remember though that this is only applicable after a completed drawing of a lin
+For example, pressing the mouse button will not work if one of the endpoints of
+ a<eop>
+line is drawn but the other endpoint is not. modify will not recognize the mou
+se <eop>
+button press event until a second endpoint is drawn.<eop>
+Advantages of modify:<eop>
+ provides a quick and fun way to modify a picture file without having to go int
+ the file and manually add on the coordinates of the additional lines<eop>
+Disadvantages of modify:<eop>
+ Existing lines can not be deleted and any additional lines, whether intentiona
+l or<eop>
+ unintentional, will be appended to the picture and stored in the file.<eop>
+Function: sendToDraw<eop>
+Type of sendToDraw:<eop>
+ sendToDraw :: XWindow -<ra> XScreen -<ra> XDisplay -<ra> <eop>
+ XPixel -<ra> XPixel -<ra> Plot -<ra> IO()<eop>
+ sendToDraw win scn dis fg_color bg_color plt<eop>
+'sendToDraw' is the most primitive function in the part of the Henderson<eop>
+library that deals with X windows, and therefore, can be used as a very<eop>
+powerful tool. It draws a Plot plt (see 'plot' function) in the given XWindow<
+win, and on the given XScreen and XDisplay scn and dis, drawing the lines in<eo
+the foreground color. This function allows the programmer to draw more than<eo
+one Picture to the same window.<eop>
+ win - the XWindow in which to draw plt<eop>
+ scn - the screen which contains win<eop>
+ dis - the display which contains scn<eop>
+ fg_color - an XPixel the color of which the plt will be drawn in. Note that<
+<tab>this allows the programmer to draw different plt's in different colors.<eo
+ bg_color - unused, but required.<eop>
+Function: plot<eop>
+Type of 'plot':<eop>
+ plot :: Picture -<ra> VTriple -<ra> PEnv -<ra> ((Plot, PEnv) -<ra> IO()) -<ra
+> IO()<eop>
+ plot pic (a,b,c) env func<eop>
+The 'plot' function is needed to create a Plot which would be normally sent to<
+a function such as sendToDraw. 'plot' converts a Picture pic into a format<eop
+that sendToDraw can deal with.<eop>
+'plot' also takes three vectors which specify the bounding box in which the<eop
+Picture is to be drawn. The first vector (a) specifies the upper left corner<e
+of the bounding box. The next two vectors specify the bounding box itself,<eop
+with respect to the first vector. This allows for non-rectangular bounding<eop
+boxes. For example, the vector triple ((50,50), (100,0), (0,100)) specifies<eo
+the following bounding box:<eop>
+ (0,0)----------------------------------<eop>
+ |<eop>
+ | (50,50)<eop>
+ | _______________ (150,0) <eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | | |<eop>
+ | |_____________| (150,150)<eop>
+ | (0,150)<eop>
+A vector triple of ((0,0), (100,300), (0,100)) would specify:<eop>
+ (0,0)-------------------------------------<eop>
+ ||\<eop>
+ || \<eop>
+ || \<eop>
+ (0,100)|| \<eop>
+ |\ \<eop>
+ | \ \<eop>
+ | \ \<eop>
+ | \ \ (100,300)<eop>
+ | \ | <eop>
+ | \ |<eop>
+ | \ |<eop>
+ | \| (100,400)<eop>
+Arguments: <eop>
+ pic - the Picture to be converted<eop>
+ a - a vector specifying the upper left corner of the bounding box<eop>
+<tab>of the picture.<eop>
+ b - a vector understood to start at 'a' and specifying the upper edge of<eop>
+<tab>the bounding box.<eop>
+ c - a vector understood to start at 'a' and specifying the left edge of<eop>
+<tab>the bounding box.<eop>
+Function: draw<eop>
+Type of draw:<eop>
+ draw :: Hostname -<ra> Picture -<ra> VTriple -<ra> HendQuartet -<ra> IO()<eop
+ draw host pic (a,b,c) (m,n,p,q)<eop>
+'draw' is a higher-level function than sendToDraw, and is useful to use when<eo
+the programmer wishes only to draw one Picture on the screen. This function<eo
+does most of the work that the programmer would normally have to do when using<
+sendToDraw. 'draw' opens a window at host with upper left coordinates m and n<
+(on an X server that lets the user position any child window of the root<eop>
+window, these coordinates mean nothing), and with width p and height q.<eop>
+'draw' then calls 'plot' on pic and (a,b,c) and sends the result to sendToDraw,
+which finally draws the picture to the window.<eop>
+ host - host on which to open a display, i.e. "tucan:0"<eop>
+ pic - the Picture to be drawn<eop>
+ (a,b,c) - the vector triple specifying the bounding box to be sent to<eop>
+<tab>plot (see 'plot' function)<eop>
+ (m,n,p,q) - upper left corner x (m), upper left corner y (n), width (p),<eop>
+<tab>and height (q), of window to be opened.<eop>
+Module: SquareLimit<eop>
+This module is a sample user module that can be used to draw Square Limit, a wo
+odcut by M. C. Escher. To draw "SquareLimit" on your host, run the dialogue:<e
+<tab>final host<eop>
+where 'host' is the host running X, such as "turtle:0".<eop>
+To draw a slightly more interesting picture, tun the dialogue:<eop>
+<tab>skewedfinal host<eop>
+and it will draw "SquareLimit" in a bounding box shaped as a diamond.<eop>
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