path: root/tdecl/instance.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'tdecl/instance.scm')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdecl/instance.scm b/tdecl/instance.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1866339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecl/instance.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+;;; tdecl/instance.scm
+;;; Convert an instance decl to a definition
+;;; The treatment of instances is more complex than the treatment of other
+;;; type definitions due to the possibility of derived instances.
+;;; Here's the plan:
+;;; a) instance-decls are converted to instance structures. The type
+;;; information is verified but the decls are unchanged.
+;;; b) All instances are linked into the associated classes.
+;;; c) Derived instances are generated.
+;;; d) Instance dictionaries are generated from the decls in the instances.
+;;; Instances-decl to instance definition conversion
+;;; Errors detected:
+;;; Class must be a class
+;;; Data type must be an alg
+;;; Tyvars must be distinct
+;;; Correct number of tyvars
+;;; Context applies only to tyvars in simple
+;;; C-T restriction
+;;; Needs work for interface files.
+(define (instance->def inst-decl)
+ (recover-errors '#f
+ (remember-context inst-decl
+ (with-slots instance-decl (context class simple decls) inst-decl
+ (resolve-type simple)
+ (resolve-class class)
+ (let ((alg-def (tycon-def simple))
+ (class-def (class-ref-class class)))
+ (when (not (algdata? (tycon-def simple)))
+ (signal-datatype-required (tycon-def simple)))
+ (let ((tyvars (simple-tyvar-list simple)))
+ (resolve-signature-aux tyvars context)
+ (when (and (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module alg-def)))
+ (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module class-def))))
+ (signal-c-t-rule-violation class-def alg-def))
+ (let ((old-inst (lookup-instance alg-def class-def)))
+ (when (and (not (eq? old-inst '#f))
+ (not (instance-special? old-inst)))
+ (signal-multiple-instance class-def alg-def))
+ (let ((inst (new-instance class-def alg-def tyvars)))
+ (setf (instance-context inst) context)
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) decls)
+ (setf (instance-ok? inst) '#t)
+ inst))))))))
+(define (signal-datatype-required def)
+ (phase-error 'datatype-required
+ "The synonym type ~a cannot be declared as an instance."
+ (def-name def)))
+(define (signal-c-t-rule-violation class-def alg-def)
+ (phase-error 'c-t-rule-violation
+ "Instance declaration does not appear in the same module as either~%~
+ the class ~a or type ~a."
+ class-def alg-def))
+(define (signal-multiple-instance class-def alg-def)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-instance
+ "The type ~a has already been declared to be an instance of class ~a."
+ alg-def class-def))
+;;; This generates the dictionary for each instance and makes a few final
+;;; integrity checks in the instance context. This happens after derived
+;;; instances are inserted.
+(define (expand-instance-decls inst)
+ (when (instance-ok? inst)
+ (check-inst-type inst)
+ (with-slots instance (class algdata dictionary decls context tyvars) inst
+ (let ((simple (**tycon/def algdata (map (function **tyvar) tyvars))))
+ (setf (instance-gcontext inst)
+ (gtype-context (ast->gtype/inst context simple)))
+ (with-slots class (super* method-vars) class
+ ;; Before computing signatures uniquify tyvar names to prevent
+ ;; collision with method tyvar names
+ (let ((new-tyvars (map (lambda (tyvar) (tuple tyvar (gentyvar "tv")))
+ (instance-tyvars inst))))
+ (setf (instance-tyvars inst) (map (function tuple-2-2) new-tyvars))
+ (setf (instance-context inst)
+ (map (lambda (c)
+ (**context (context-class c)
+ (tuple-2-2 (assq (context-tyvar c) new-tyvars))))
+ (instance-context inst))))
+ ;; Now walk over the decls & rename each method with a unique name
+ ;; generated by combining the class, type, and method. Watch for
+ ;; multiple defs of methods and add defaults after all decls have
+ ;; been scanned.
+ (let ((methods-used '())
+ (new-instance-vars (map (lambda (m)
+ (tuple m (method-def-var m inst)))
+ method-vars)))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (setf methods-used
+ (process-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)))
+ ;; now add defaults when needed
+ (dolist (m-v new-instance-vars)
+ (let* ((method-var (tuple-2-1 m-v))
+ (definition-var (tuple-2-2 m-v))
+ (signature (generate-method-signature inst method-var '#t)))
+ (if (memq method-var methods-used)
+ (add-new-module-signature definition-var signature)
+ (let ((method-body
+ (if (eq? (method-var-default method-var) '#f)
+ (**abort (format '#f
+ "No method declared for method ~A in instance ~A(~A)."
+ method-var class algdata))
+ (**var/def (method-var-default method-var)))))
+ (add-new-module-def definition-var method-body)
+ (add-new-module-signature definition-var signature)))))
+ (setf (instance-methods inst) new-instance-vars)
+ (add-new-module-def dictionary
+ (**tuple/l (append (map (lambda (m-v)
+ (dict-method-ref
+ (tuple-2-1 m-v) (tuple-2-2 m-v) inst))
+ new-instance-vars)
+ (map (lambda (c)
+ (get-class-dict algdata c))
+ super*))))
+ (let ((dict-sig (generate-dictionary-signature inst)))
+ (add-new-module-signature dictionary dict-sig))
+ (setf (instance-decls inst) '())))))))
+(define (dict-method-ref method-var inst-var inst)
+ (if (null? (signature-context (method-var-method-signature method-var)))
+ (**var/def inst-var)
+ (let* ((sig (generate-method-signature inst method-var '#f))
+ (ctxt (signature-context sig))
+ (ty (signature-type sig)))
+ (make overloaded-var-ref
+ (sig (ast->gtype ctxt ty))
+ (var inst-var)))))
+(define (get-class-dict algdata class)
+ (let ((inst (lookup-instance algdata class)))
+ (if (eq? inst '#f)
+ (**abort "Missing super class")
+ (**var/def (instance-dictionary inst)))))
+(define (process-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (if (valdef? decl)
+ (rename-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (begin
+ (dolist (a (annotation-decls-annotations decl))
+ (cond ((annotation-value? a)
+ (recoverable-error 'misplaced-annotation
+ "Misplaced annotation: ~A~%" a))
+ (else
+ (dolist (name (annotation-decl-names a))
+ (attach-method-annotation
+ name (annotation-decl-annotations a) new-instance-vars)))))
+ methods-used)))
+(define (attach-method-annotation name annotations vars)
+ (cond ((null? vars)
+ (signal-no-method name))
+ ((eq? name (def-name (tuple-2-1 (car vars))))
+ (setf (var-annotations (tuple-2-2 (car vars)))
+ (append annotations (var-annotations (tuple-2-2 (car vars))))))
+ (else (attach-method-annotation name annotations (cdr vars)))))
+(define (signal-no-method name)
+ (recoverable-error 'no-method "~A is not a method in this class.~%"
+ name))
+(define (rename-instance-decl decl new-instance-vars methods-used)
+ (let ((decl-vars (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl))))
+ (dolist (var decl-vars)
+ (resolve-var var)
+ (let ((method (var-ref-var var)))
+ (when (not (eq? method *undefined-def*))
+ (let ((m-v (assq method new-instance-vars)))
+ (cond ((memq method methods-used)
+ (signal-multiple-instance-def method))
+ ((eq? m-v '#f)
+ (signal-not-in-class method))
+ (else
+ (setf (var-ref-name var) (def-name (tuple-2-2 m-v)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var var) (tuple-2-2 m-v))
+ (push (tuple-2-1 m-v) methods-used)))))))
+ (add-new-module-decl decl)
+ methods-used))
+(define (signal-multiple-instance-def method)
+ (phase-error 'multiple-instance-def
+ "The instance declaration has multiple definitions of the method ~a."
+ method))
+(define (signal-not-in-class method)
+ (phase-error 'not-in-class
+ "The instance declaration includes a definition for ~a,~%~
+ which is not one of the methods for this class."
+ method))
+(define (method-def-var method-var inst)
+ (make-new-var
+ (string-append "i-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name (instance-class inst))) "-"
+ (symbol->string (print-name (instance-algdata inst))) "-"
+ (symbol->string (def-name method-var)))))
+(define (generate-method-signature inst method-var keep-method-context?)
+ (let* ((simple-type (make-instance-type inst))
+ (class-context (instance-context inst))
+ (class-tyvar (class-tyvar (instance-class inst)))
+ (signature (method-var-method-signature method-var)))
+ (make signature
+ (context (if keep-method-context?
+ (append class-context (signature-context signature))
+ class-context))
+ (type (substitute-tyvar (signature-type signature) class-tyvar
+ simple-type)))))
+(define (make-instance-type inst)
+ (**tycon/def (instance-algdata inst)
+ (map (function **tyvar) (instance-tyvars inst))))
+(define (generate-dictionary-signature inst)
+ (**signature (sort-inst-context-by-tyvar
+ (instance-context inst) (instance-tyvars inst))
+ (generate-dictionary-type inst (make-instance-type inst))))
+(define (sort-inst-context-by-tyvar ctxt tyvars)
+ (concat (map (lambda (tyvar)
+ (extract-single-context tyvar ctxt)) tyvars)))
+(define (extract-single-context tyvar ctxt)
+ (if (null? ctxt)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (extract-single-context tyvar (cdr ctxt))))
+ (if (eq? tyvar (context-tyvar (car ctxt)))
+ (cons (car ctxt) rest)
+ rest))))
+(define (generate-dictionary-type inst simple)
+ (let* ((class (instance-class inst))
+ (algdata (instance-algdata inst))
+ (tyvar (class-tyvar class)))
+ (**tuple-type/l (append (map (lambda (method-var)
+ ;; This ignores the context associated
+ ;; with a method
+ (let ((sig (method-var-method-signature
+ method-var)))
+ (substitute-tyvar (signature-type sig)
+ tyvar
+ simple)))
+ (class-method-vars class))
+ (map (lambda (super-class)
+ (generate-dictionary-type
+ (lookup-instance algdata super-class)
+ simple))
+ (class-super* class))))))
+;;; Checks performed here:
+;;; Instance context must include the following:
+;;; Context associated with data type
+;;; Context associated with instances for each super class
+;;; All super class instances must exist
+(define (check-inst-type inst)
+ (let* ((class (instance-class inst))
+ (algdata (instance-algdata inst))
+ (inst-context (instance-gcontext inst))
+ (alg-context (gtype-context (algdata-signature algdata))))
+ (when (not (full-context-implies? inst-context alg-context))
+ (signal-instance-context-needs-alg-context algdata))
+ (dolist (super-c (class-super class))
+ (let ((super-inst (lookup-instance algdata super-c)))
+ (cond ((eq? super-inst '#f)
+ (signal-no-super-class-instance class algdata super-c))
+ (else
+ (when (not (full-context-implies?
+ inst-context (instance-context super-inst)))
+ (signal-instance-context-insufficient-for-super
+ class algdata super-c))))))
+ ))
+(define (signal-instance-context-needs-alg-context algdata)
+ (phase-error 'instance-context-needs-alg-context
+ "The instance context needs to include context defined for data type ~A."
+ algdata))
+(define (signal-no-super-class-instance class algdata super-c)
+ (fatal-error 'no-super-class-instance
+ "The instance ~A(~A) requires that the instance ~A(~A) be provided."
+ class algdata super-c algdata))
+(define (signal-instance-context-insufficient-for-super class algdata super-c)
+ (phase-error 'instance-context-insufficient-for-super
+ "Instance ~A(~A) does not imply super class ~A instance context."
+ class algdata super-c))