path: root/progs/tutorial/tutorial.hs
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+-- Page 0 Introduction
+This is a programming supplement to `A Gentle Introduction to Haskell'
+by Hudak and Fasel. This supplement augments the tutorial by
+providing executable Haskell programs which you can run and
+experiment with. All program fragments in the tutorial are
+found here, as well as other examples not included in the tutorial.
+Using This Tutorial
+You should have a copy of both the `Gentle Introduction' and the
+report itself to make full use of this tutorial. Although the
+`Gentle Introduction' is meant to stand by itself, it is often easier
+to learn a language through actual use and experimentation than by
+reading alone. Once you finish this introduction, we recommend that
+you proceed section by section through the `Gentle Introduction' and
+after having read each section go back to this online tutorial. You
+should wait until you have finished the tutorial before attempting to
+read the report. We assume that you are familiar with the basics of
+Emacs and that Haskell has been installed at your site.
+This tutorial does not assume any familiarity with Haskell or other
+functional languages. However, knowledge of almost-functional
+languages such as ML or Scheme is very useful. Throughout the
+online component of this tutorial, we try to relate Haskell to
+other programming languages and clarify the written tutorial through
+additional examples and text.
+Organization of the Online Tutorial
+This online tutorial is divided into a series of pages. Each page
+covers one or more sections in the written tutorial. You can use
+special Emacs commands to move back and forth through the pages of the
+online tutorial. Each page is a single Haskell program. Comments in
+the program contain the text of the online tutorial. You can modify
+the program freely (this will not change the underlying tutorial
+file!) and ask the system to print the value of expressions defined in
+the program.
+At the beginning of each page, the sections covered by the page are
+listed. In addition, the start of each individual section is
+marked within each page. Emacs commands can take you directly to a
+specific page or section in the tutorial.
+To create useful, executable examples of Haskell code, some language
+constructs need to be revealed well before they are explained in the
+tutorial. We attempt to point these out when they occur. Some
+small changes have been made to the examples in the written tutorial;
+these are usually cosmetic and should be ignored. Don't feel you have
+to understand everything on a page before you move on -- many times
+concepts become clearer as you move on and can relate them to other
+aspect of the language.
+Each page of the tutorial defines a set of variables. Some of
+these are named e1, e2, and so on. These `e' variables are the ones
+which are meant for you to evaluate as you go through the tutorial.
+Of course you may evaluate any other expressions or variables you wish.
+The Haskell Report
+While the report is not itself a tutorial on the Haskell language, it
+can be an invaluable reference to even a novice user. A very
+important feature of Haskell is the prelude. The prelude is a
+rather large chunk of Haskell code which is implicitly a part of every
+Haskell program. Whenever you see functions used which are not
+defined in the current page, these come from the Prelude. Appendix A
+of the report lists the entire Prelude; the index has an entry for
+every function in the Prelude. Looking at the definitions in the
+Prelude is sometimes necessary to fully understand the programs in
+this tutorial.
+Another reason to look at the report is to understand the syntax of
+Haskell. Appendix B contains the complete syntax for Haskell. The
+tutorial treats the syntax very informally; the precise details are
+found only in the report.
+The Yale Haskell System
+This version of the tutorial runs under version Y2.0 of Yale Haskell.
+The Yale Haskell system is an interactive programming environment for
+the Haskell language. The system is best used in conjunction with the
+Emacs editor. Yale Haskell is available free of change via ftp.
+Using the Compiler
+Yale Haskell runs as a subprocess under Emacs. While many commands
+are available to the Yale Haskell user, a single command is the
+primary means of communicating with the compiler: C-c e. This command
+evaluates and prints an expression in the context of the program on
+the screen. Here is what this command does:
+a) You are prompted for an expression in the minibuffer. You can
+use M-p or M-n to move through a ring of previous inputs.
+b) If an inferior Haskell process is not running, a buffer named *haskell*
+is created and the Haskell compiler is started up. The *haskell* buffer
+pops onto your screen.
+c) If the program in the current page of the tutorial has not yet been
+compiled or the page has been modified after its most recent
+compilation, the entire page is compiled. This may result in a short delay.
+d) If there are no errors in the program, the expression entered in
+step a) is compiled in the context of the program. Any value defined
+in the current page can be referenced.
+e) If there are no errors in the expression, its value is printed in
+the *haskell* buffer.
+There are also a few other commands you can use. C-c i interrupts
+the Haskell program. Some tight loops cannot be interrupted; in this
+case you will have to kill the Haskell process. C-c q exits the Haskell
+Emacs Commands Used by the Tutorial
+These commands are specific to the tutorial. The tutorial is entered
+using M-x haskell-tutorial and is exited with C-c q. To move among
+the pages of the tutorial, use
+C-c C-f -- go forward 1 page
+C-c C-b -- go back 1 page
+M-x ht-goto-page - goto a specific page of the tutorial
+M-x ht-goto-section - goto a specific section of the tutorial
+Each page of the tutorial can be modified without changing the
+underlying text of the tutorial. Changes are not saved as you go
+between pages. To revert a page to its original form use C-c C-l.
+You can get help regarding the Emacs commands with C-c ?.
+Summary of Emacs commands used by the tutorial:
+ M-x haskell-tutorial - start the tutorial
+ C-c C-f - Go to the next page of the tutorial program
+ C-c C-b - Go back to the previous page of the tutorial program
+ C-c C-l - Restore the current page to its original form
+ C-c e - Evaluate a Haskell expression
+ C-c i - Interrupt a running Haskell program
+ C-c ? - Shows a help message
+ M-x ht-goto-page - goto a specific page of the tutorial
+ M-x ht-goto-section - goto a specific section of the tutorial
+You are now ready to start the tutorial. Start by reading the `Gentle
+Introduction' section 1 then proceed through the online tutorial using
+C-c C-f to advance to the next page. You should read about each topic
+first before turning to the associated programming example in the
+online tutorial.
+-- Page 1 Section 2
+-- Section 2 Values, Types, and Other Goodies
+-- Haskell uses `--' to designate end of line comments. We use these
+-- throughout the tutorial to place explanatory text in the program.
+-- Remember to use C-c e to evaluate expressions, C-c ? for help.
+-- All Haskell programs must start with a module declaration. Ignore this
+-- for now.
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- We will start by defining some identifiers (variables) using equations.
+-- You can print out the value of an identifier by typing C-c e and
+-- typing the name of the identifier you wish to evaluate. This will
+-- compile the entire program, not just the line with the definition
+-- you want to see. Not all definitions are very interesting to print out -
+-- by convention, we will use variables e1, e2, ... to denote values that
+-- are `interesting' to print.
+-- We'll start with some constants as well as their associated type.
+-- There are two ways to associate a type with a value: a type declaration
+-- and an expression type signature. Here is an equation and a type
+-- declaration:
+e1 :: Int -- This is a type declaration for the identifier e1
+e1 = 5 -- This is an equation defining e1
+-- You can evaluate the expression e1 and watch the system print `5'! Wow!
+-- Remember that C-c e is prompting for an expression. Expressions like
+-- e1 or 5 or 1+1 are all valid. However, `e1 = 5' is a definition,
+-- not an expression. Trying to evaluate it will result in a syntax error.
+-- The type declaration for e1 is not really necessary but we will try to
+-- always provide type declarations for values to help document the program
+-- and to ensure that the system infers the same type we do for an expression.
+-- If you change the value for e1 to `True', the program will no longer
+-- compile due to the type mismatch.
+-- We will briefly mention expression type signatures: these are attached to
+-- expressions instead of identifiers. Here are equivalent ways to do
+-- the previous definition:
+e2 = 5 :: Int
+e3 = (2 :: Int) + (3 :: Int)
+-- The :: has very low precedence in expressions and should usually be placed
+-- in parenthesis.
+-- Note that there are two completely separate languages: an expression
+-- language for values and a type language for type signatures. The type
+-- language is used only in the type declarations previously described and
+-- declarations of new types, described later. Haskell uses a
+-- uniform syntax so that values resemble their type signature as much as
+-- possible. However, you must always be aware of the difference between
+-- type expressions and value expressions.
+-- Here are some of the predefined types Haskell provides:
+-- type Value Syntax Type Syntax
+-- Small integers <digits> Int
+e4 :: Int
+e4 = 12345
+-- Characters '<character>' Char
+e5 :: Char
+e5 = 'a'
+-- Boolean True, False Bool
+e6 :: Bool
+e6 = True
+-- Floating point <digits.digits> Float
+e7 :: Float
+e7 = 123.456
+-- We will introduce these types now; there will be much more to say later.
+-- Homogenous List [<exp1>,<exp2>,...] [<constituant type>]
+e8 :: [Int]
+e8 = [1,2,3]
+-- Tuple (<exp1>,<exp2>,...) (<exp1-type>,<exp2-type>,...)
+e9 :: (Char,Int)
+e9 = ('b',4)
+-- Functional described later domain type -> range type
+succ :: Int -> Int -- a function which takes an Int argument and returns Int
+succ x = x + 1 -- test this by evaluating `succ 4'
+-- Here's a few leftover examples from section 2:
+e10 = succ (succ 3) -- you could also evaluate `succ (succ 3)' directly
+ -- by entering the entire expression to the C-c e
+-- If you want to evaluate something more complex than the `e' variables
+-- defined here, it is better to enter a complex expression, such as
+-- succ (succ 3), directly than to edit a new definition like e10 into
+-- the program. This is because any change to the program will require
+-- recompilation of the entire page. The expressions entered to C-c e are
+-- compiled separately (and very quickly!).
+-- Uncomment this next line to see a compile time type error.
+-- e11 = 'a'+'b'
+-- Don't worry about the error message - it will make more sense later.
+-- Proceed to the next page using C-c C-f
+-- Page 2 Section 2.1
+-- Section 2.1 Polymorphic Types
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- The following line allows us to redefine functions in the standard
+-- prelude. Ignore this for now.
+import Prelude hiding (length,head,tail,null)
+-- start with some sample lists to use in test cases
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = [1,2,3]
+list2 :: [Char] -- This is the really a string
+list2 = ['a','b','c'] -- This is the same as "abc"; evaluate list2 and see.
+list3 :: [[a]] -- The element type of the inner list is unknown
+list3 = [[],[],[],[]] -- so this list can't be printed
+list4 :: [Int]
+list4 = 1:2:3:4:[] -- Exactly the same as [1,2,3,4]; print it and see.
+-- This is the length function. You can test it by evaluating expressions
+-- such as `length list1'. Function application is written by
+-- simple juxtaposition: `f(x)' in other languages would be `f x' in Haskell.
+length :: [a] -> Int
+length [] = 0
+length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
+-- Function application has the highest precedence, so 1 + length xs is
+-- parsed as 1 + (length xs). In general, you have to surround
+-- non-atomic arguments to a function with parens. This includes
+-- arguments which are also function applications. For example,
+-- f g x is the function f applied to arguments g and x, similar to
+-- f(g,x) in other languages. However, f (g x) is f applied to (g x), or
+-- f(g(x)), which means something quite different! Be especially
+-- careful with infix operators: f x+1 y-2 would be parsed as (f x)+(1 y)-2.
+-- This is also true on the left of the `=': the parens around (x:xs) are
+-- absolutely necessary. length x:xs would be parsed as (length x):xs.
+-- Also be careful with prefix negation, -. The application `f -1' is
+-- f-1, not f(-1). Add parens around negative numbers to avoid this
+-- problem.
+-- Here are some other list functions:
+head :: [a] -> a -- returns the first element in a list (same as car in lisp)
+head (x:xs) = x
+tail :: [a] -> [a] -- removes the first element from a list (same as cdr)
+tail (x:xs) = xs
+null :: [a] -> Bool
+null [] = True
+null (x:xs) = False
+cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
+cons x xs = x:xs
+nil :: [a]
+nil = []
+-- Length could be defined using these functions too. This is
+-- not good Haskell style but does illustrate these other list functions.
+-- The if - then - else will be discussed later. Haskell programmers feel
+-- that the pattern matching style, as used in the previous version of
+-- length, is more natural and readable.
+length' :: [a] -> Int -- Note that ' can be part of a name
+length' x = if null x then 0 else 1 + length' (tail x)
+-- A test case for length', cons, and nil
+e1 = length' (cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
+-- We haven't said anything about errors yet. Each of the following
+-- examples illustrates a potential runtime or compile time error. The
+-- compile time error is commented out so that other examples will compile;
+-- you can uncomment them and see what happens.
+-- e2 = cons True False -- Why is this not possible in Haskell?
+e3 = tail (tail ['a']) -- What happens if you evaluate this?
+e4 = [] -- This is especially mysterious!
+-- This last example, e4, is something hard to explain but is often
+-- encountered early by novices. We haven't explained yet how the system
+-- prints out the expressions you type in - this will wait until later.
+-- However, the problem here is that e4 has the type [a]. The printer for
+-- the list datatype is complaining that it needs to know a specific type
+-- for the list elements even though the list has no elements! This can
+-- be avoided by giving e4 a type such as [Int]. (To further confuse you,
+-- try giving e4 the type [Char] and see what happens.)
+-- Page 3 Section 2.2
+-- Section 2.2 User-Defined Types
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- The type Bool is already defined in the Prelude so there is no
+-- need to define it here.
+data Color = Red | Green | Blue | Indigo | Violet deriving Text
+-- The `deriving Text' is necessary if you want to print a Color value.
+-- You can now evaluate these expressions.
+e1 :: Color
+e1 = Red
+e2 :: [Color]
+e2 = [Red,Blue]
+-- It is very important to keep the expression language and the type
+-- language in Haskell separated. The data declaration above defines
+-- the type constructor Color. This is a nullary constructor: it takes no
+-- arguments. Color is found ONLY in the type language - it can not be
+-- part of an expression. e1 = Color is meaningless. (Actually, Color could
+-- be both a data constructor and a type constructor but we'll ignore this
+-- possibility for now). On the other hand, Red, Blue, and so on are
+-- (nullary) data constructors. They can appear in expressions and
+-- in patterns (described later). The declaration e1 :: Blue would also
+-- be meaningless. Data constructors can be defined ONLY in a data
+-- declaration.
+-- In the next example, Point is a type constructor and Pt is a data
+-- constructor. Point takes one argument and Pt takes two. A data constructor
+-- like Pt is really just an ordinary function except that it can be used in
+-- a pattern. Type signatures can not be supplied directly for data
+-- constructors; their typing is completely defined by the data declaration.
+-- However, data constructors have a signature just like any variable:
+-- Pt :: a -> a -> Point a -- Not valid Haskell syntax
+-- That is, Pt is a function which takes two arguments with the same
+-- arbitrary type and returns a value containing the two argument values.
+data Point a = Pt a a deriving Text
+e3 :: Point Float
+e3 = Pt 2.0 3.0
+e4 :: Point Char
+e4 = Pt 'a' 'b'
+e5 :: Point (Point Int)
+e5 = Pt (Pt 1 2) (Pt 3 4)
+-- e6 = Pt 'a' True -- This is a typing error
+-- The individual components of a point do not have names.
+-- Let's jump ahead a little so that we can write functions using these
+-- data types. Data constructors (Red, Blue, ..., and Pt) can be used in
+-- patterns. When more than one equation is used to define a function,
+-- pattern matching occurs top down.
+-- A function to remove red from a list of colors.
+removeRed :: [Color] -> [Color]
+removeRed [] = []
+removeRed (Red:cs) = removeRed cs
+removeRed (c:cs) = c : removeRed cs -- c cannot be Red at this point
+e7 :: [Color]
+e7 = removeRed [Blue,Red,Green,Red]
+-- Pattern matching is capable of testing equality with a specific color.
+-- All equations defining a function must share a common type. A
+-- definition such as:
+-- foo Red = 1
+-- foo (Pt x y) = x
+-- would result in a type error since the argument to foo cannot be both a
+-- Color and a Point. Similarly, the right hand sides must also share a
+-- common type; a definition such as
+-- foo Red = Blue
+-- foo Blue = Pt Red Red
+-- would also result in a type error.
+-- Here's a couple of functions defined on points.
+dist :: Point Float -> Point Float -> Float
+dist (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = sqrt ((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)
+midpoint :: Point Float -> Point Float -> Point Float
+midpoint (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = Pt ((x1+x2)/2) ((y1+y2)/2)
+p1 :: Point Float
+p1 = Pt 1.0 1.0
+p2 :: Point Float
+p2 = Pt 2.0 2.0
+e8 :: Float
+e8 = dist p1 p2
+e9 :: Point Float
+e9 = midpoint p1 p2
+-- The only way to take apart a point is to pattern match.
+-- That is, the two values which constitute a point must be extracted
+-- by matching a pattern containing the Pt data constructor. Much
+-- more will be said about pattern matching later.
+-- Haskell prints values in the same syntax used in expressions. Thus
+-- Pt 1 2 would print as Pt 1 2 (of course, Pt 1 (1+1) would also print
+-- as Pt 1 2).
+-- Page 4 Section 2.3
+-- Section 2.3 Recursive Types
+module Test where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+-- The following typings are implied by this declaration. As before,
+-- this is not valid Haskell syntax.
+-- Leaf :: a -> Tree a
+-- Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
+fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right
+-- The following trees can be used to test functions:
+tree1 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 4))
+tree2 :: Tree Int
+tree2 = Branch (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 1)) (Branch (Leaf 4) (Leaf 1))
+tree3 :: Tree Int
+tree3 = Branch tree1 tree2
+-- Try evaluating `fringe tree1' and others.
+-- Here's another tree function:
+twist :: Tree a -> Tree a
+twist (Branch left right) = Branch right left
+twist x = x -- This equation only applies to leaves
+-- Here's a function which compares two trees to see if they have the
+-- same shape. Note the signature: the two trees need not contain the
+-- same type of values.
+sameShape :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Bool
+sameShape (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = True
+sameShape (Branch l1 r1) (Branch l2 r2) = sameShape l1 l2 && sameShape r1 r2
+sameShape x y = False -- One is a branch, the other is a leaf
+-- The && function is a boolean AND function.
+-- The entire pattern on the left hand side must match in order for the
+-- right hand side to be evaluated. The first clause requires both
+-- arguments to be a leaf' otherwise the next equation is tested.
+-- The last clause will always match: the final x and y match both
+-- leaves and branches.
+-- This compares a tree of integers to a tree of booleans.
+e1 = sameShape tree1 (Branch (Leaf True) (Leaf False))
+-- Page 5 Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
+-- Section 2.4 Type Synonyms
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Since type synonyms are part of the type language only, it's hard to
+-- write a program which shows what they do. Essentially, they are like
+-- macros for the type language. They can be used interchangably with their
+-- definition:
+e1 :: String
+e1 = "abc"
+e2 :: [Char] -- No different than String
+e2 = e1
+-- In the written tutorial the declaration of `Addr' is a data type
+-- declaration, not a synonym declaration. This shows that the data
+-- type declaration as well as a signature can reference a synonym.
+-- Section 2.5 Built-in Types
+-- Tuples are an easy way of grouping a set of data values. Here are
+-- a few tuples. Note the consistancy in notation between the values and
+-- types.
+e3 :: (Bool,Int)
+e3 = (True,4)
+e4 :: (Char,[Int],Char)
+e4 = ('a',[1,2,3],'b')
+-- Here's a function which returns the second component of a 3 tuple.
+second :: (a,b,c) -> b
+second (a,b,c) = b
+-- Try out `second e3' and `second e4' - what happens?
+-- Each different size of tuple is a completely distinct type. There is
+-- no general way to append two arbitrary tuples or randomly select the
+-- i'th component of an arbitrary tuple. Here's a function built using
+-- 2-tuples to represent intervals.
+-- Use a type synonym to represent homogenous 2 tuples
+type Interval a = (a,a)
+containsInterval :: Interval Int -> Interval Int -> Bool
+containsInterval (xmin,xmax) (ymin,ymax) = xmin <= ymin && xmax >= ymax
+p1 :: Interval Int
+p1 = (2,3)
+p2 :: Interval Int
+p2 = (1,4)
+e5 = containsInterval p1 p2
+e6 = containsInterval p2 p1
+-- Here's a type declaration for a type isomorphic to lists:
+data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving Text
+-- Except for the notation, this is completely equivalent to ordinary lists
+-- in Haskell.
+length' :: List a -> Int
+length' Nil = 0
+length' (Cons x y) = 1 + length' y
+e7 = length' (Cons 'a' (Cons 'b' (Cons 'c' Nil)))
+-- It's hard to demonstrate much about the `non-specialness' of built-in
+-- types. However, here is a brief summary:
+-- Numbers and characters, such as 1, 2.2, or 'a', are the same as nullary
+-- type constructors.
+-- Lists have a special type constructor, [a] instead of List a, and
+-- an odd looking data constructor, []. The other data constructor, :, is
+-- not `unusual', syntactically speaking. The notation [x,y] is just
+-- syntax for x:y:[] and "abc" for 'a' : 'b' : 'c' : [].
+-- Tuples use a special syntax. In a type expression, a 2 tuple containing
+-- types a and be would be written (a,b) instead of using a prefix type
+-- constructor such as Tuple2 a b. This same notation is used to build
+-- tuple values: (1,2) would construct a 2 tuple containing the values 1 and 2.
+-- Page 6 Sections 2.5.1, 2.5.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 2.5.1 List Comprehensions and Arithmetic Sequences
+-- Warning: brackets in Haskell are used in three different types
+-- of expressions: lists, as in [a,b,c], sequences (distinguished by
+-- the ..), as in [1..2], and list comprehensions (distinguished by the
+-- bar: |), as in [x+1 | x <- xs, x > 1].
+-- Before list comprehensions, let's start out with sequences:
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = [1..10] -- Step is 1
+e2 :: [Int]
+e2 = [1,3..10] -- Step is 3 - 1
+e3 :: [Int]
+e3 = [1,-1..-10]
+e4 :: [Char]
+e4 = ['a'..'z'] -- This works on chars too
+-- We'll avoid infinite sequences like [1..] for now. If you print one,
+-- use C-c i to interrupt the Haskell program.
+-- List comprehensions are very similar to nested loops. They return a
+-- list of values generated by the expression inside the loop. The filter
+-- expressions are similar to conditionals in the loop.
+-- This function does nothing at all! It just scans through a list and
+-- copies it into a new one.
+doNothing :: [a] -> [a]
+doNothing l = [x | x <- l]
+-- Adding a filter to the previous function allows only selected elements to
+-- be generated. This is similar to what is done in quicksort.
+positives :: [Int] -> [Int]
+positives l = [x | x <- l, x > 0]
+e5 = positives [2,-4,5,6,-5,3]
+-- Now the full quicksort function.
+quicksort :: [Char] -> [Char] -- Use Char just to be different!
+quicksort [] = []
+quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++
+ [x] ++
+ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]
+e6 = quicksort "Why use Haskell?"
+-- Now for some nested loops. Each generator, <-, adds another level of
+-- nesting to the loop. Note that the variable introduced by each generator
+-- can be used in each following generator; all variables can be used in the
+-- generated expression:
+e7 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e7 = [(x,y) | x <- [1..5], y <- [x..5]]
+-- Now let's add some guards: (the /= function is `not equal')
+e8 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e8 = [(x,y) | x <- [1..7], x /= 5, y <- [x..8] , x*y /= 12]
+-- This is the same as the loop: (going to a psuedo Algol notation)
+-- for x := 1 to 7 do
+-- if x <> 5 then
+-- for y := x to 8 do
+-- if x*y <> 12
+-- generate (x,y)
+-- Section 2.5.2 Strings
+e9 = "hello" ++ " world"
+-- Page 7 Sections 3, 3.1
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (map)
+-- Section 3 Functions
+add :: Int -> Int -> Int
+add x y = x+y
+e1 :: Int
+e1 = add 1 2
+-- This Int -> Int is the latter part of the signature of add:
+-- add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
+succ :: Int -> Int
+succ = add 1
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = succ 3
+map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
+map f [] = []
+map f (x:xs) = f x : (map f xs)
+e3 :: [Int]
+e3 = map (add 1) [1,2,3]
+-- This next definition is the equivalent to e3
+e4 :: [Int]
+e4 = map succ [1,2,3]
+-- Heres a more complex example. Define flist to be a list of functions:
+flist :: [Int -> Int]
+flist = map add [1,2,3]
+-- This returns a list of functions which add 1, 2, or 3 to their input.
+-- Warning: Haskell should print flist as something like
+-- [<<function>>,<<function>>,<<function>>]
+-- Now, define a function which takes a function and returns its value
+-- when applied to the constant 1:
+applyTo1 :: (Int -> a) -> a
+applyTo1 f = f 1
+e5 :: [Int]
+e5 = map applyTo1 flist -- Apply each function in flist to 1
+-- If you want to look at how the type inference works, figure out how
+-- the signatures of map, applyTo1, and flist combine to yield [Int].
+-- Section 3.1 Lambda Abstractions
+-- The symbol \ is like `lambda' in lisp or scheme.
+-- Anonymous functions are written as \ arg1 arg2 ... argn -> body
+-- Instead of naming every function, you can code it inline with this
+-- notation:
+e6 = map (\f -> f 1) flist
+-- Be careful with the syntax here. \x->\y->x+y parses as
+-- \ x ->\ y -> x + y. The ->\ is all one token. Use spaces!!
+-- This is identical to e5 except that the applyTo1 function has no name.
+-- Function arguments on the left of an = are the same as lambda on the
+-- right:
+add' = \x y -> x+y -- identical to add
+succ' = \x -> x+1 -- identical to succ
+-- As with ordinary function, the parameters to anonymous functions
+-- can be patterns:
+e7 :: [Int]
+e7 = map (\(x,y) -> x+y) [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]
+-- Functions defined by more than one equation, like map, cannot
+-- be converted to anonymous lambda functions quite as easily - a case
+-- statement is also required. This is discussed later.
+-- Page 8 Sections 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding ((++),(.))
+-- Section 3.2 Infix operators
+-- Haskell has both identifiers, like x, and operators, like +.
+-- These are just two different types of syntax for variables.
+-- However, operators are by default used in infix notation.
+-- Briefly, identifiers begin with a letter and may have numbers, _, and '
+-- in them: x, xyz123, x'', xYz'_12a. The case of the first letter
+-- distinguishes variables from data constructors (or type variables from
+-- type constructors). An operator is a string of symbols, where
+-- :!#$%&*+./<=>?@\^| are all symbols. If the first character is : then
+-- the operator is a data constructor; otherwise it is an ordinary
+-- variable operator. The - and ~ characters may start a symbol but cannot
+-- be used after the first character. This allows a*-b to parse as
+-- a * - b instead of a *- b.
+-- Operators can be converted to identifiers by enclosing them in parens.
+-- This is required in signature declarations. Operators can be defined
+-- as well as used in the infix style:
+(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+[] ++ y = y
+(x:xs) ++ y = x : (xs ++ y)
+-- Table 2 (Page 54) of the report is invaluable for sorting out the
+-- precedences of the many predefined infix operators.
+e1 = "Foo" ++ "Bar"
+-- This is the same function without operator syntax
+appendList :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+appendList [] y = y
+appendList (x:xs) y = x : appendList xs y
+(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
+f . g = \x -> f (g x)
+add1 :: Int -> Int
+add1 x = x+1
+e2 = (add1 . add1) 3
+-- Section 3.2.1 Sections
+-- Sections are a way of creating unary functions from infix binary
+-- functions. When a parenthesized expression starts or ends in an
+-- operator, it is a section. Another definition of add1:
+add1' :: Int -> Int
+add1' = (+ 1)
+e3 = add1' 4
+-- Here are a few section examples:
+e4 = map (++ "abc") ["x","y","z"]
+e5 = map ("abc" ++) ["x","y","z"]
+-- Section 3.2.2 Fixity Declarations
+-- We'll avoid any demonstration of fixity declarations. The Prelude
+-- contains numerous examples.
+-- Page 9 Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (take,zip)
+-- Section 3.3 Functions are Non-strict
+-- Observing lazy evaluation can present difficulties. The essential
+-- question is `does an expression get evaluated?'. While in theory using a
+-- non-terminating computation is the way evaluation issues are examined,
+-- we need a more practical approach. The `error' function serves as
+-- a bottom value. Evaluating this function prints an error message and
+-- halts execution.
+bot = error "Evaluating Bottom"
+e1 :: Bool -- This can be any type at all!
+e1 = bot -- evaluate this and see what happens.
+const1 :: a -> Int
+const1 x = 1
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = const1 bot -- The bottom is not needed and will thus not be evaluated.
+-- Section 3.4 "Infinite" Data Structures
+-- Data structures are constructed lazily. A constructor like : will not
+-- evaluate its arguments until they are demanded. All demands arise from
+-- the need to print the result of the computation -- components not needed
+-- to compute the printed result will not be evaluated.
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = (1:bot)
+e3 = head list1 -- doesnt evaluate bot
+e4 = tail list1 -- does evaluate bot
+-- Some infinite data structures. Don't print these! If you do, you will
+-- need to interrupt the system (C-c i) or kill the Haskell process.
+ones :: [Int]
+ones = 1 : ones
+numsFrom :: Int -> [Int]
+numsFrom n = n : numsFrom (n+1)
+-- An alternate numsFrom using series notation:
+numsFrom' :: Int -> [Int]
+numsFrom' n = [n..]
+squares :: [Int]
+squares = map (^2) (numsFrom 0)
+-- Before we start printing anything, we need a function to truncate these
+-- infinite lists down to a more manageable size. The `take' function
+-- extracts the first k elements of a list:
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take 0 x = [] -- two base cases: k = 0
+take k [] = [] -- or the list is empty
+take k (x:xs) = x : take (k-1) xs
+-- now some printable lists:
+e5 :: [Int]
+e5 = take 5 ones
+e6 :: [Int]
+e6 = take 5 (numsFrom 10)
+e7 :: [Int]
+e7 = take 5 (numsFrom' 0)
+e8 :: [Int]
+e8 = take 5 squares
+-- zip is a function which turns two lists into a list of 2 tuples. If
+-- the lists are of differing sizes, the result is as long as the
+-- shortest list.
+zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zip xs ys
+zip xs ys = [] -- one of the lists is []
+e9 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e9 = zip [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
+e10 :: [(Int,Int)]
+e10 = zip [1,2,3] ones
+fib :: [Int]
+fib = 1 : 1 : [x+y | (x,y) <- zip fib (tail fib)]
+e11 = take 5 fib
+-- Let's do this without the list comprehension:
+fib' :: [Int]
+fib' = 1 : 1 : map (\(x,y) -> x+y) (zip fib (tail fib))
+-- This could be written even more cleanly using a map function which
+-- maps a binary function over two lists at once. This is in the
+-- Prelude and is called zipWith.
+fib'' :: [Int]
+fib'' = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
+-- For more examples using infinite structures look in the demo files
+-- that come with Yale Haskell. Both the pascal program and the
+-- primes program use infinite lists.
+-- Section 3.5 The Error Function
+-- Too late - we already used it!
+-- Page 10 Sections 4, 4.1, 4.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (take,(^))
+-- Section 4 Case Expressions and Pattern Matching
+-- Now for details of pattern matching. We use [Int] instead of [a]
+-- since the only value of type [a] is [].
+contrived :: ([Int], Char, (Int, Float), String, Bool) -> Bool
+contrived ([], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True) = False
+contrived x = True -- add a second equation to avoid runtime errors
+e1 :: Bool
+e1 = contrived ([], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True)
+e2 :: Bool
+e2 = contrived ([1], 'b', (1, 2.0), "hi", True)
+-- Contrived just tests its input against a big constant.
+-- Linearity in pattern matching implies that patterns can only compare
+-- values with constants. The following is not valid Haskell:
+-- member x [] = False
+-- member x (x:ys) = True -- Invalid since x appears twice
+-- member x (y:ys) = member x ys
+f :: [a] -> [a]
+f s@(x:xs) = x:s
+f _ = []
+e3 = f "abc"
+-- Another use of _:
+middle :: (a,b,c) -> b
+middle (_,x,_) = x
+e4 :: Char
+e4 = middle (True, 'a', "123")
+(^) :: Int -> Int -> Int
+x ^ 0 = 1
+x ^ (n+1) = x*(x^n)
+e5 :: Int
+e5 = 3^3
+e6 :: Int
+e6 = 4^(-2) -- Notice the behavior of the + pattern on this one
+-- Section 4.1 Pattern Matching Semantics
+-- Here's an extended example to illustrate the left -> right, top -> bottom
+-- semantics of pattern matching.
+foo :: (Int,[Int],Int) -> Int
+foo (1,[2],3) = 1
+foo (2,(3:_),3) = 2
+foo (1,_,3) = 3
+foo _ = 4
+bot = error "Bottom Evaluated"
+e7 = foo (1,[],3)
+e8 = foo (1,bot,3)
+e9 = foo (1,1:bot,3)
+e10 = foo (2,bot,2)
+e11 = foo (3,bot,bot)
+-- Now add some guards:
+sign :: Int -> Int
+sign x | x > 0 = 1
+ | x == 0 = 0
+ | x < 0 = -1
+e12 = sign 3
+-- The last guard is often `True' to catch all other cases. The identifier
+-- `otherwise' is defined as True for use in guards:
+max' :: Int -> Int -> Int
+max' x y | x > y = x
+ | otherwise = y
+-- Guards can refer to any variables bound by pattern matching. When
+-- no guard is true, pattern matching resumes at the next equation. Guards
+-- may also refer to values bound in an associated where declaration.
+inOrder :: [Int] -> Bool
+inOrder (x1:x2:xs) | x1 <= x2 = True
+inOrder _ = False
+e13 = inOrder [1,2,3]
+e14 = inOrder [2,1]
+-- Section 4.2 An Example
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take 0 _ = []
+take _ [] = []
+take (n+1) (x:xs) = x:take n xs
+take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take' _ [] = []
+take' 0 _ = []
+take' (n+1) (x:xs) = x:take' n xs
+e15, e16, e17, e18 :: [Int]
+e15 = take 0 bot
+e16 = take' 0 bot
+e17 = take bot []
+e18 = take' bot []
+-- Page 11 Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- import Prelude hiding (take,Request(..),Response(..)) -- Standard Haskell
+import Prelude hiding (take) -- Y2.0-b4 only
+-- Section 4.3 Case Expressions
+-- The function take using a case statement instead of multiple equations
+take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take m ys = case (m,ys) of
+ (0 ,_) -> []
+ (_ ,[]) -> []
+ (n+1,x:xs) -> x : take n xs
+-- The function take using if then else. We can also eliminate the n+k
+-- pattern just for fun. The original version of take is much easier to read!
+take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take' m ys = if m == 0 then [] else
+ if null ys then [] else
+ if m > 0 then head ys : take (m-1) (tail ys)
+ else error "m < 0"
+-- Section 4.4 Lazy Patterns
+-- Before the client-server example, here is a contrived example of lazy
+-- patterns. The first version will fail to pattern match whenever the
+-- the first argument is []. The second version will always pattern
+-- match initially but x will fail if used when the list is [].
+nonlazy :: [Int] -> Bool -> [Int]
+nonlazy (x:xs) isNull = if isNull then [] else [x]
+e1 = nonlazy [1,2] False
+e2 = nonlazy [] True
+e3 = nonlazy [] False
+-- This version will never fail the initial pattern match
+lazy :: [Int] -> Bool -> [Int]
+lazy ~(x:xs) isNull = if isNull then [] else [x]
+e4 = lazy [1,2] False
+e5 = lazy [] True
+e6 = lazy [] False
+-- The server - client example is a little hard to demonstrate. We'll avoid
+-- the initial version which loops. Here is the version with irrefutable
+-- patterns.
+type Response = Int
+type Request = Int
+client :: Request -> [Response] -> [Request]
+client init ~(resp:resps) = init : client (next resp) resps
+server :: [Request] -> [Response]
+server (req : reqs) = process req : server reqs
+-- Next maps the response from the previous request onto the next request
+next :: Response -> Request
+next resp = resp
+-- Process maps a request to a response
+process :: Request -> Response
+process req = req+1
+requests :: [Request]
+requests = client 0 responses
+responses :: [Response]
+responses = server requests
+e7 = take 5 responses
+-- The lists of requests and responses are infinite - there is no need to
+-- check for [] in this program. These lists correspond to streams in other
+-- languages.
+-- Here is fib again:
+fib :: [Int]
+fib@(1:tfib) = 1 : 1 : [ a+b | (a,b) <- zip fib tfib]
+e8 = take 10 fib
+-- Section 4.5 Lexical Scoping and Nested Forms
+-- One thing that is important to note is that the order of the
+-- definitions in a program, let expression, or where clauses is
+-- completely arbitrary. Definitions can be arranged 'top down'
+-- or `bottom up' without changing the program.
+e9 = let y = 2 :: Float
+ f x = (x+y)/y
+ in f 1 + f 2
+f :: Int -> Int -> String
+f x y | y > z = "y > x^2"
+ | y == z = "y = x^2"
+ | y < z = "y < x^2"
+ where
+ z = x*x
+e10 = f 2 5
+e11 = f 2 4
+-- Section 4.6 Layout
+-- There's nothing much to demonstrate here. We have been using layout all
+-- through the tutorial. The main thing is to be careful line up the
+-- first character of each definition. For example, if you
+-- change the indentation of the definition of f in e9 you will get a
+-- parse error.
+-- Page 12 Section 5
+module Test(Bool) where
+import Prelude hiding (elem)
+-- Section 5 Type Classes
+-- Names in the basic class structure of Haskell cannot be hidden (they are
+-- in PreludeCore) so we have to modify the names used in the tutorial.
+-- Here is a new Eq class:
+class Eq' a where
+ eq :: a -> a -> Bool
+-- Now we can define elem using eq from above:
+elem :: (Eq' a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
+x `elem` [] = False
+x `elem` (y:ys) = x `eq` y || x `elem` ys
+-- Before this is of any use, we need to admit some types to Eq'
+instance Eq' Int where
+ x `eq` y = abs (x-y) < 3 -- Let's make this `nearly equal' just for fun
+instance Eq' Float where
+ x `eq` y = abs (x-y) < 0.1
+list1 :: [Int]
+list1 = [1,5,9,23]
+list2 :: [Float]
+list2 = [0.2,5.6,33,12.34]
+e1 = 2 `elem` list1
+e2 = 100 `elem` list1
+e3 = 0.22 `elem` list2
+-- Watch out! Integers in Haskell are overloaded - without a type signature
+-- to designate an integer as an Int, expressions like 3 `eq` 3 will be
+-- ambiguous. See 5.5.4 about this problem.
+-- Now to add the tree type:
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+instance (Eq' a) => Eq' (Tree a) where
+ (Leaf a) `eq` (Leaf b) = a `eq` b
+ (Branch l1 r1) `eq` (Branch l2 r2) = (l1 `eq` l2) && (r1 `eq` r2)
+ _ `eq` _ = False
+tree1,tree2 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)
+tree2 = Branch (Leaf 2) (Leaf 1)
+e4 = tree1 `eq` tree2
+-- Now make a new class with Eq' as a super class:
+class (Eq' a) => Ord' a where
+ lt,le :: a -> a -> Bool -- lt and le are operators in Ord'
+ x `le` y = x `eq` y || x `lt` y -- This is a default for le
+-- The typing of lt & le is
+-- le,lt :: (Ord' a) => a -> a -> Bool
+-- This is identical to
+-- le,lt :: (Eq' a,Ord' a) => a -> a -> Bool
+-- Make Int an instance of Ord
+instance Ord' Int where
+ x `lt` y = x < y+1
+i :: Int -- Avoid ambiguity
+i = 3
+e5 :: Bool
+e5 = i `lt` i
+-- Some constraints on instance declarations:
+-- A program can never have more than one instance declaration for
+-- a given combination of data type and class.
+-- If a type is declared to be a member of a class, it must also be
+-- declared in all superclasses of that class.
+-- An instance declaration does not need to supply a method for every
+-- operator in the class. When a method is not supplied in an
+-- instance declaration and no default is present in the class
+-- declaration, a runtime error occurs if the method is invoked.
+-- You must supply the correct context for an instance declaration --
+-- this context is not inferred automatically.
+-- Section 5.1 Equality and Ordered Classes
+-- Section 5.2 Enumeration and Index Classes
+-- No examples are provided for 5.1 or 5.2. The standard Prelude contains
+-- many instance declarations which illustrate the Eq, Ord, and Enum classes.
+-- Page 13 Section 5.3
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.3 Text and Binary Classes
+-- This is the slow showTree. The `show' function is part of the
+-- Text class and works with all the built-in types. The context `Text a'
+-- arises from the call to show for leaf values.
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+showTree :: (Text a) => Tree a -> String
+showTree (Leaf x) = show x
+showTree (Branch l r) = "<" ++ showTree l ++ "|" ++ showTree r ++ ">"
+tree1 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 6))
+e1 = showTree tree1
+-- Now the improved showTree; shows is already defined for all
+-- built in types.
+showsTree :: Text a => Tree a -> String -> String
+showsTree (Leaf x) s = shows x s
+showsTree (Branch l r) s = '<' : showsTree l ('|' : showsTree r ('>' : s))
+e2 = showsTree tree1 ""
+-- The final polished version. ShowS is predefined in the Prelude so we
+-- don't need it here.
+showsTree' :: Text a => Tree a -> ShowS
+showsTree' (Leaf x) = shows x
+showsTree' (Branch l r) = ('<' :) . showsTree' l . ('|' :) .
+ showsTree' r . ('>' :)
+e3 = showsTree' tree1 ""
+-- Page 14 This page break is just to keep recompilation from getting too
+-- long. The compiler takes a little longer to compile this
+-- page than other pages.
+module Test(Bool) where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+-- Now for the reading function. Again, ReadS is predefined and reads works
+-- for all built-in types. The generators in the list comprehensions are
+-- patterns: p <- l binds pattern p to successive elements of l which match
+-- p. Elements not matching p are skipped.
+readsTree :: (Text a) => ReadS (Tree a)
+readsTree ('<':s) = [(Branch l r, u) | (l, '|':t) <- readsTree s,
+ (r, '>':u) <- readsTree t ]
+readsTree s = [(Leaf x,t) | (x,t) <- reads s]
+e4 :: [(Int,String)]
+e4 = reads "5 golden rings"
+e5 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e5 = readsTree "<1|<2|3>>"
+e6 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e6 = readsTree "<1|2"
+e7 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e7 = readsTree "<1|<<2|3>|<4|5>>> junk at end"
+-- Before we do the next readTree, let's play with the lex function.
+e8 :: [(String,String)]
+e8 = lex "foo bar bletch"
+-- Here's a function to completely lex a string. This does not handle
+-- lexical ambiguity - lex would return more than one possible lexeme
+-- when an ambiguity is encountered and the patterns used here would not
+-- match.
+lexAll :: String -> [String]
+lexAll s = case lex s of
+ [("",_)] -> [] -- lex returns an empty token if none is found
+ [(token,rest)] -> token : lexAll rest
+e9 = lexAll "lexAll :: String -> [String]"
+e10 = lexAll "<1|<a|3>>"
+-- Finally, the `hard core' reader. This is not sensitive to
+-- white space as were the previous versions.
+readsTree' :: (Text a) => ReadS (Tree a)
+readsTree' s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lex s,
+ (l, u) <- readsTree' t,
+ ("|", v) <- lex u,
+ (r, w) <- readsTree' v,
+ (">", x) <- lex w ]
+ ++
+ [(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s]
+-- When testing this program, you must make sure the input conforms to
+-- Haskell lexical syntax. If you remove spaces between | and < or
+-- > and > they will lex as a single token.
+e11 :: [(Tree Int,String)]
+e11 = readsTree' "<1 | <2 | 3> >"
+e12 :: [(Tree Bool,String)]
+e12 = readsTree' "<True|False>"
+-- Finally, here is a simple version of read for trees only:
+read' :: (Text a) => String -> (Tree a)
+read' s = case (readsTree' s) of
+ [(tree,"")] -> tree -- Only one parse, no junk at end
+ [] -> error "Couldn't parse tree"
+ [_] -> error "Crud after the tree" -- unread chars at end
+ _ -> error "Ambiguous parse of tree"
+e13 :: Tree Int
+e13 = read' "foo"
+e14 :: Tree Int
+e14 = read' "< 1 | < 2 | 3 > >"
+e15 :: Tree Int
+e15 = read' "3 xxx"
+-- Page 15 Section 5.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.4 Derived Instances
+-- We have actually been using the derived Text instances all along for
+-- printing out trees and other structures we have defined. The code
+-- in the tutorial for the Eq and Ord instance of Tree is created
+-- implicitly by the deriving clause so there is no need to write it
+-- here.
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq,Ord,Text)
+-- Now we can fire up both Eq and Ord functions for trees:
+tree1, tree2, tree3, tree4 :: Tree Int
+tree1 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 3)
+tree2 = Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 5)
+tree3 = Leaf 4
+tree4 = Branch (Branch (Leaf 4) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 5)
+e1 = tree1 == tree1
+e2 = tree1 == tree2
+e3 = tree1 < tree2
+quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+quicksort [] = []
+quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++
+ [x] ++
+ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]
+e4 = quicksort [tree1,tree2,tree3,tree4]
+-- Now for Enum:
+data Day = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
+ Friday | Saturday deriving (Text,Eq,Ord,Enum)
+e5 = quicksort [Monday,Saturday,Friday,Sunday]
+e6 = [Wednesday .. Friday]
+e7 = [Monday, Wednesday ..]
+e8 = [Saturday, Friday ..]
+-- Page 16 Sections 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.5 Numbers
+-- Section 5.5.1 Numeric Class Structure
+-- Section 5.5.2 Constructed Numbers
+-- Here's a brief summary of Haskell numeric classes.
+-- Class Num
+-- Most general numeric class. Has addition, subtraction, multiplication.
+-- Integers can be coerced to any instance of Num with fromInteger.
+-- All integer constants are in this class.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer, Float, Double, Ratio a, Complex a
+-- Class Real
+-- This class contains ordered numbers which can be converted to
+-- rationals.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer, Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class Integral
+-- This class deals with integer division. All values in Integral can
+-- be mapped onto Integer.
+-- Instances: Int, Integer
+-- Class Fractional
+-- These are numbers which can be divided. Any rational number can
+-- be converted to a fractional. Floating point constants are in
+-- this class: 1.2 would be 12/10.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class Floating
+-- This class contains all the standard floating point functions such
+-- as sqrt and sin.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Complex a
+-- Class RealFrac
+-- These values can be rounded to integers and approximated by rationals.
+-- Instances: Float, Double, Ratio a
+-- Class RealFloat
+-- These are floating point numbers constructed from a fixed precision
+-- mantissa and exponent.
+-- Instances: Float, Double
+-- There are only a few sensible combinations of the constructed numerics
+-- with built-in types:
+-- Ratio Integer (same as Rational): arbitrary precision rationals
+-- Ratio Int: limited precision rationals
+-- Complex Float: complex numbers with standard precision components
+-- Complex Double: complex numbers with double precision components
+-- The following function works for arbitrary numerics:
+fact :: (Num a) => a -> a
+fact 0 = 1
+fact n = n*(fact (n-1))
+-- Note the behavior when applied to different types of numbers:
+e1 :: Int
+e1 = fact 6
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = fact 20 -- Yale Haskell may not handle overflow gracefully!
+e3 :: Integer
+e3 = fact 20
+e4 :: Rational
+e4 = fact 6
+e5 :: Float
+e5 = fact 6
+e6 :: Complex Float
+e6 = fact 6
+-- Be careful: values like `fact 1.5' will loop!
+-- As a practical matter, Int operations are much faster than Integer
+-- operations. Also, overloaded functions can be much slower than non-
+-- overloaded functions. Giving a function like fact a precise typing:
+-- fact :: Int -> Int
+-- will yield much faster code.
+-- In general, numeric expressions work as expected. Literals are
+-- a little tricky - they are coerced to the appropriate value. A
+-- constant like 1 can be used as ANY numeric type.
+e7 :: Float
+e7 = sqrt 2
+e8 :: Rational
+e8 = ((4%5) * (1%2)) / (3%4)
+e9 :: Rational
+e9 = 2.2 * (3%11) - 1
+e10 :: Complex Float
+e10 = (2 * (3:+3)) / (1.1:+2.0 - 1)
+e11 :: Complex Float
+e11 = sqrt (-1)
+e12 :: Integer
+e12 = numerator (4%2)
+e13 :: Complex Float
+e13 = conjugate (4:+5.2)
+-- A function using pattern matching on complex numbers:
+mag :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
+mag (a:+b) = sqrt (a^2 + b^2)
+e14 :: Float
+e14 = mag (1:+1)
+-- Section 5.5.3 Numeric Coercions and Overloaded Literals
+-- The Haskell type system does NOT implicitly coerce values between
+-- the different numeric types! Although overloaded constants are
+-- coerced when the overloading is resolved, no implicit coercion goes
+-- on when values of different types are mixed. For example:
+f :: Float
+f = 1.1
+i1 :: Int
+i1 = 1
+i2 :: Integer
+i2 = 2
+-- All of these expressions would result in a type error (try them!):
+-- g = i1 + f
+-- h = i1 + i2
+-- i3 :: Int
+-- i3 = i2
+-- Appropriate coercions must be introduced by the user to allow
+-- the mixing of types in arithmetic expressions.
+e15 :: Float
+e15 = f + fromIntegral i1
+e16 :: Integer
+e16 = fromIntegral i1 + i2
+e17 :: Int
+e17 = i1 + fromInteger i2 -- fromIntegral would have worked too.
+-- Page 17 Section 5.5.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 5.5.4 Default Numeric Types
+-- Ambiguous contexts arise frequently in numeric expressions. When an
+-- expression which produces a value with a general type, such as
+-- `1' (same as `fromInteger 1'; the type is (Num a) => a), with
+-- another expression which `consumes' the type, such as `show' or
+-- `toInteger', ambiguity arises. This ambiguity can be resolved
+-- using expression type signatures, but this gets tedious fast!
+-- Assigning a type to the top level of an ambiguous expression does
+-- not help: the ambiguity does not propagate to the top level.
+e1 :: String -- This type does not influence the type of the argument to show
+e1 = show 1 -- Does this mean to show an Int or a Float or ...
+e2 :: String
+e2 = show (1 :: Float)
+e3 :: String
+e3 = show (1 :: Complex Float)
+-- The reason the first example works is that ambiguous numeric types are
+-- resolved using defaults. The defaults in effect here are Int and
+-- Double. Since Int `fits' in the expression for e1, Int is used.
+-- When Int is not valid (due to other context constraints), Double
+-- will be tried.
+-- This function defaults the type of the 2's to be Int
+rms :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
+rms x y = sqrt ((x^2 + y^2) * 0.5)
+-- The C-c e evaluation used to the Haskell system also makes use of
+-- defaulting. When you type an expression, the system creates a
+-- simple program to print the value of the expression using a function
+-- like show. If no type signature for the printed expression is given,
+-- defaulting may occur.
+-- One of the reasons for adding type signatures throughout these examples
+-- is to avoid unexpected defaulting. Many of the top level signatures are
+-- required to avoid ambiguity.
+-- Defaulting can lead to overflow problems when values exceed Int limits.
+-- Evaluate a very large integer without a type signature to observe this
+-- (unfortunately this may cause a core dump or other unpleasantness).
+-- Notice that defaulting applies only to numeric classes. The
+-- show (read "xyz") -- Try this if you want!
+-- example uses only class Text so no defaulting occurs.
+-- Ambiguity also arises with polymorphic types. As discussed previously,
+-- expressions like [] have a similar problem.
+-- e4 = [] -- Won't work since [] has type [a] and `a' is not known.
+-- Note the difference: even though the lists have no components, the type
+-- of component makes a difference in printing.
+e5 = ([] :: [Int])
+e6 = ([] :: [Char])
+-- Page 18 Sections 6, 6.1, 6.2
+-- Section 6 Modules
+module Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe ) where
+-- Tree(..) would work also
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
+fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right
+-- The Emacs interface to Haskell performs evaluation within the
+-- module containing the cursor. To evaluate e1 you must place the
+-- cursor in module Main.
+module Main (Tree) where
+import Tree ( Tree(Leaf, Branch), fringe)
+-- import Tree -- this would be the same thing
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
+-- This interactive Haskell environment can evaluate expressions in
+-- any module. The use of module Main is optional.
+-- Section 6.1 Original Names and Renaming
+module Renamed where
+import Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe)
+ renaming (Leaf to Root, Branch to Twig)
+e2 :: Tree Int
+e2 = Twig (Root 1) (Root 2) -- Printing always uses the original names
+-- Section 6.2 Interfaces and Implementations
+-- Yale Haskell allows separate compilation of modules using
+-- unit files. These are described in the user's guide.
+-- Page 19 Sections 6.3, 6.4
+-- Section 6.3 Abstract Data Types
+-- Since TreeADT does not import Tree it can use the name Tree without
+-- any conflict. Each module has its own separate namespace.
+module TreeADT (Tree, leaf, branch, cell, left,
+ right, isLeaf) where
+data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Text
+leaf = Leaf
+branch = Branch
+cell (Leaf a) = a
+left (Branch l r) = l
+right (Branch l r) = r
+isLeaf (Leaf _) = True
+isLeaf _ = False
+module Test where
+import TreeADT
+-- Since the constructors for type Tree are hidden, pattern matching
+-- cannot be used.
+fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
+fringe x = if isLeaf x then [cell x]
+ else fringe (left x) ++ fringe (right x)
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = fringe (branch (branch (leaf 3) (leaf 2)) (leaf 1))
+-- Section 6.4
+-- Page 20 Sections 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
+-- Section 7 Typing Pitfalls
+-- Section 7.1 Let-Bound Polymorphism
+module Test(e2) where
+-- f g = (g 'a',g []) -- This won't typecheck.
+-- Section 7.2 Overloaded Numerals
+-- Overloaded numerics were covered previously - here is one more example.
+-- sum is a prelude function which sums the elements of a list.
+average :: (Fractional a) => [a] -> a
+average xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
+e1 :: Float -- Note that e1 would default to Double instead of Int -
+ -- this is due to the Fractional context.
+e1 = average [1,2,3]
+-- Section 7.3 The Monomorphism Restriction
+-- The monomorphism restriction is usually encountered when functions
+-- are defined without parameters. If you remove the signature for sum'
+-- the monomorphism restriction will apply.
+-- This will generate an error if either:
+-- sum' is added to the module export list at the start of this section
+-- both sumInt and sumFloat remain in the program.
+-- If sum' is not exported and all uses of sum' have the same overloading,
+-- there is no type error.
+sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
+sum' = foldl (+) 0 -- foldl reduces a list with a binary function
+ -- 0 is the initial value.
+sumInt :: Int
+sumInt = sum' [1,2,3]
+sumFloat :: Float
+sumFloat = sum' [1,2,3]
+-- If you use overloaded constants you also may encounter monomorphism:
+x :: Num a => a
+x = 1 -- The type of x is Num a => a
+y :: Int
+y = x -- Uses x as an Int
+z :: Integer
+z = x -- Uses x as an Integer. A monomorphism will occur of the
+ -- signature for x is removed.
+ -- comments to see an error.
+-- Finally, if a value is exported it must not be overloaded unless bound
+-- by a function binding. e2 is the only value exported.
+e2 :: Int -- Remove this to get an error. Without this line e1 will
+ -- be overloaded.
+e2 = 1
+-- To prevent annoying error messages about exported monomorphic variables,
+-- most modules in this tutorial do not implicitly export everything - they
+-- only export a single value, Bool, which was chosen to keep the export
+-- list non-empty (a syntactic restriction!). In Haskell systems without
+-- the evaluator used here, a module which does not export any names would
+-- be useless.
+-- module Test where -- this would export everything in the module
+-- module Test(Bool) -- exports only Bool
+-- module Test() -- this is what we really want to do but is not valid.
+-- Page 21 Sections 8, 8.1
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 8 Input/Output
+-- Section 8.1 Introduction to Continuations
+-- Simplify f here to be 1/x.
+data Maybe a = Ok a | Oops String deriving Text
+f :: Float -> Maybe Float
+f x = if x == 0 then Oops "Divide by 0" else Ok (1/x)
+-- g is a `safe' call to x. The call to error could be replaced by
+-- some explicit value like Oops msg -> 0.
+g x = case f x of
+ Ok y -> y
+ Oops msg -> error msg
+e1 = f 0
+e2 = g 0
+e3 = g 1
+-- Here is the same example using continuations:
+f' :: Float -> (String -> Float) -> Float
+f' x c = if x == 0 then c "Divide by 0"
+ else 1/x
+g' x = f' x error -- calls error on divide by 0
+g'' x = f' x (\s -> 0) -- returns 0 on divide by 0
+e4 = g' 0
+e5 = g'' 0
+-- Page 22 Sections 8.2, 8.3
+module Test where
+-- Section 8.2 Continuation Based I/O
+-- We will skip the program fragments at the start of this section and
+-- move directly to the writeFile / readFile example.
+-- Before we can use Haskell I/O, we need to introduce a new Emacs command:
+-- C-c r. This command runs a dialogue instead of printing a value.
+-- (Actually C-c e creates a dialogue on the fly and runs it in the same
+-- manner as C-c r). As with C-c e you are prompted for an expression.
+-- In this case, the expression must be of type Dialogue and it is
+-- executed by the I/O system. We use d1,d2,... for dialogues to be
+-- executed by C-c r.
+-- We make the file name a parameter to allow for easier testing.
+-- Don't expect much error handling in exit.
+s1 = "This is a test of Haskell"
+main file = writeFile file s1 exit (
+ readFile file exit (\s2 ->
+ appendChan stdout (if s1==s2 then "contents match"
+ else "something intervened!") exit
+ done))
+d1,d2 :: Dialogue
+d1 = main "/tmp/ReadMe"
+d2 = main "/dev/null" -- this will read back as the empty string
+-- A simple IO program using $ for readability: ($ is defined in the Prelude)
+d3 = appendChan "stdout" "Type something: " exit $
+ readChan "stdin" exit $ \s2 ->
+ appendChan "stdout" ("You typed " ++ head (lines s2)) exit $
+ done
+-- This program suffers from a strictness problem. Strictness deals
+-- with when things get evaluated. In this program, the input is not
+-- needed until after the "You typed " is printed. Fixing this would
+-- require some operation to look at the string before the final
+-- appendChan. Here is one possible fix:
+d4 = appendChan "stdout" "Type something: " exit $
+ readChan "stdin" exit $ \s2 ->
+ let str = head (lines s2) in
+ if str == str then -- This evaluates str
+ appendChan "stdout" ("You typed " ++ head (lines s2)) exit $
+ done
+ else done
+-- Section 8.3 Terminal I/O
+-- Since this programming environment runs under Emacs, the issue of
+-- echoing does not really apply. However, the synchronization between
+-- input and output can be seen in the following example. Since the input
+-- comes a line at a time, the X's come in groups between input lines.
+-- The cursor will move into the haskell dialogue buffer when the program
+-- requests input. Use a ^D to stop the program (^Q^D actually). [Warning:
+-- some brain damaged lisps stop not only the Haskell program but also
+-- the entire compiler on ^D]
+d5 = readChan stdin exit processInput where
+ processInput s = loop 1 s
+ loop n [] = done
+ loop n (x:xs) | n == 10 = appendChan stdout "X" exit (loop 1 xs)
+ | True = loop (n+1) xs
+-- For more examples using the I/O system look in the demo programs
+-- that come with haskell (in $HASKELL/progs/demo) and the report.
+-- Page 23 Sections 9, 9.1, 9.2
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9 Arrays
+-- Section 9.1 Index Types
+-- Arrays are built on the class Ix. Here are some quick examples of Ix:
+e1 :: [Int]
+e1 = range (0,4)
+e2 :: Int
+e2 = index (0,4) 2
+low,high :: (Int,Int)
+low = (1,1)
+high = (3,4)
+e3 = range (low,high)
+e4 = index (low,high) (3,2)
+e5 = inRange (low,high) (4,3)
+-- Section 9.2 Array Creation
+squares :: Array Int Int
+squares = array (1,100) [i := i*i | i <- [1..100]]
+-- We can also parameterize this a little:
+squares' :: Int -> Array Int Int
+squares' n = array (1,n) [i := i*i | i <- [1..n]]
+e6 :: Int
+e6 = squares!6
+e7 :: (Int,Int)
+e7 = bounds squares
+e8 :: Array Int Int
+e8 = squares' 10
+-- Here is a function which corresponds to `take' for lists. It takes
+-- an arbitrary slice out of an array.
+atake :: (Ix a) => Array a b -> (a,a) -> Array a b
+atake a (l,u) | inRange (bounds a) l && inRange (bounds a) u =
+ array (l,u) [i := a!i | i <- range (l,u)]
+ | otherwise = error "Subarray out of range"
+e9 = atake squares (4,8)
+mkArray :: Ix a => (a -> b) -> (a,a) -> Array a b
+mkArray f bnds = array bnds [i := f i | i <- range bnds]
+e10 :: Array Int Int
+e10 = mkArray (\i -> i*i) (1,10)
+fibs :: Int -> Array Int Int
+fibs n = a where
+ a = array (0,n) ([0 := 1, 1 := 1] ++
+ [i := a!(i-1) + a!(i-2) | i <- [2..n]])
+e11 = atake (fibs 50) (3,10)
+wavefront :: Int -> Array (Int,Int) Int
+wavefront n = a where
+ a = array ((1,1),(n,n))
+ ([(1,j) := 1 | j <- [1..n]] ++
+ [(i,1) := 1 | i <- [2..n]] ++
+ [(i,j) := a!(i,j-1) + a!(i-1,j-1) + a!(i-1,j)
+ | i <- [2..n], j <- [2..n]])
+wave = wavefront 20
+e12 = atake wave ((1,1),(3,3))
+e13 = atake wave ((3,3),(5,5))
+-- Here are some errors in array operations:
+e14 :: Int
+e14 = wave ! (0,0) -- Out of bounds
+arr1 :: Array Int Int
+arr1 = array (1,10) [1 := 1] -- No value provided for 2..10
+e15,e16 :: Int
+e15 = arr1 ! 1 -- works OK
+e16 = arr1 ! 2 -- undefined by array
+-- Page 24 Sections 9.3, 9.4
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9.3 Accumulation
+hist :: (Ix a, Integral b) => (a,a) -> [a] -> Array a b
+hist bnds is = accumArray (+) 0 bnds [i := 1 | i <- is, inRange bnds i]
+e1 :: Array Char Int
+e1 = hist ('a','z') "This counts the frequencies of each lowercase letter"
+decades :: (RealFrac a) => a -> a -> [a] -> Array Int Int
+decades a b = hist (0,9) . map decade
+ where
+ decade x = floor ((x-a) * s)
+ s = 10 / (b - a)
+test1 :: [Float]
+test1 = map sin [0..100] -- take the sine of the 0 - 100
+e2 = decades 0 1 test1
+-- Section 9.4 Incremental Updates
+swapRows :: (Ix a, Ix b, Enum b) => a -> a -> Array (a,b) c -> Array (a,b) c
+swapRows i i' a = a // ([(i,j) := a!(i',j) | j <- [jLo..jHi]] ++
+ [(i',j) := a!(i,j) | j <- [jLo..jHi]])
+ where ((iLo,jLo),(iHi,jHi)) = bounds a
+arr1 :: Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
+arr1 = array ((1,1),(5,5)) [(i,j) := (i,j) | (i,j) <- range ((1,1),(5,5))]
+e3 = swapRows 2 3 arr1
+-- Printing the arrays in more readable form makes the results easier
+-- to view.
+-- This is a printer for 2d arrays
+aprint a width = shows (bounds a) . showChar '\n' . showRows lx ly where
+ showRows r c | r > ux = showChar '\n'
+ showRows r c | c > uy = showChar '\n' . showRows (r+1) ly
+ showRows r c = showElt (a!(r,c)) . showRows r (c+1)
+ showElt e = showString (take width (show e ++ repeat ' ')) . showChar ' '
+ ((lx,ly),(ux,uy)) = bounds a
+showArray a w = appendChan stdout (aprint a w "") abort done
+d1 = showArray e3 6
+swapRows' :: (Ix a, Ix b, Enum b) => a -> a -> Array (a,b) c -> Array (a,b) c
+swapRows' i i' a = a // [assoc | j <- [jLo..jHi],
+ assoc <- [(i,j) := a!(i',j),
+ (i',j) := a!(i,j)]]
+ where ((iLo,jLo),(iHi,jHi)) = bounds a
+d2 = showArray (swapRows' 1 5 arr1) 6
+-- Page 25 Section 9.5
+module Test(Bool) where
+-- Section 9.5 An example: Matrix Multiplication
+aprint a width = shows (bounds a) . showChar '\n' . showRows lx ly where
+ showRows r c | r > ux = showChar '\n'
+ showRows r c | c > uy = showChar '\n' . showRows (r+1) ly
+ showRows r c = showElt (a!(r,c)) . showRows r (c+1)
+ showElt e = showString (take width (show e ++ repeat ' ')) . showChar ' '
+ ((lx,ly),(ux,uy)) = bounds a
+showArray a w = appendChan stdout (aprint a w "") abort done
+matMult :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c, Num d) =>
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) d -> Array (a,c) d
+matMult x y =
+ array resultBounds
+ [(i,j) := sum [x!(i,k) * y!(k,j) | k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj')]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4 :: Array (Int,Int) Int
+mat1 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 0,(1,0) := 0,(1,1) := 1]
+mat2 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 1,(1,0) := 1,(1,1) := 1]
+mat3 = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 2,(1,0) := 3,(1,1) := 4]
+mat4 = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [(0,0) := 1,(0,1) := 2,(0,2) := 3,
+ (1,0) := 4,(1,1) := 5,(1,2) := 6]
+d1 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat2) 4
+d2 = showArray (matMult mat2 mat3) 4
+d3 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat4) 4
+d4 = showArray (matMult mat4 mat1) 4
+matMult' :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c, Num d) =>
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) d -> Array (a,c) d
+matMult' x y =
+ accumArray (+) 0 ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ [(i,j) := x!(i,k) * y!(k,j)
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj'),
+ k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+d5 = showArray (matMult mat1 mat2) 4
+d6 = showArray (matMult mat2 mat3) 4
+genMatMul :: (Ix a, Ix b, Ix c) =>
+ ([f] -> g) -> (d -> e -> f) ->
+ Array (a,b) d -> Array (b,c) e -> Array (a,c) g
+genMatMul f g x y =
+ array ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ [(i,j) := f [(x!(i,k)) `g` (y!(k,j)) | k <- range (lj,uj)]
+ | i <- range (li,ui),
+ j <- range (lj',uj')]
+ where
+ ((li,lj),(ui,uj)) = bounds x
+ ((li',lj'),(ui',uj')) = bounds y
+ resultBounds
+ | (lj,uj)==(li',ui') = ((li,lj'),(ui,uj'))
+ | otherwise = error "matMult: incompatible bounds"
+d7 = showArray (genMatMul maximum (-) mat2 mat1) 4
+d8 = showArray (genMatMul and (==) mat1 mat2) 6
+d9 = showArray (genMatMul and (==) mat1 mat1) 6
+-- Page 26 More about Haskell
+This is the end of the tutorial. If you wish to see more examples of
+Haskell programming, Yale Haskell comes with a set of demo programs.
+These can be found in $HASKELL/progs/demo. Once you have mastered the
+tutorial, both the report and the user manual for Yale Haskell should
+be understandable. Many examples of Haskell programming can be found in
+the Prelude. The directory $HASKELL/progs/prelude contains the sources
+for the Prelude.
+We appreciate any comments you have on this tutorial. Send any comments
+ The Yale Haskell Group