path: root/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ This module contains necessary functions for editing Movies. There
+ are several that give information on a Movie, such as the heights or
+ wirdths of its Pics. The others all deal with the various ways of
+ combining various Movies into one Movie, a vital set of functions.
+module R_Movie (ht, wid, orig,
+ above, rABOVE, beside, rBESIDE,rBESIDE2, over, rOVER,
+ overlay, rOVERLAY, pUT,
+ uncurry, curry
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+ -- takes a function and a list and returns a new list of element operated
+ -- on by the function.
+promote:: (a->b)->[a]->[b]
+promote f [] = []
+promote f [p] = f p:promote f [p]
+promote f (p:ps) = f p:promote f ps
+ -- promote1 takes a function that analyzes a Pic, and then applies it
+ -- to analyse a movie, returning a list.
+promote1:: (Pic->a) -> Movie -> [a]
+promote1 f ps = [f p | p <- ps]
+ -- ht takes a Movie and returns a list of the heights of the Pics
+ht :: Movie -> [Int]
+ht = promote1 ht_Pic
+ -- wid takes a Movie and returns a list of the widths of the Pics
+wid :: Movie -> [Int]
+wid = promote1 wid_Pic
+ -- orig takes a Movie and returns a list of vectors that are the
+ -- origins of the Pics
+orig:: Movie -> [Vec]
+orig = promote1 orig_Pic
+ -- promote2 takes a function accepting an element and a Pic, and
+ -- applies the function to the Movie and list, producing a new Movie
+promote2:: (a->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote2 f ps qs = [f p q | (p,q) <- zip2 ps qs]
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them above one another
+above:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+above = promote2 above_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all above one another
+rABOVE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rABOVE = reduce above
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them beside one another
+beside:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside = promote2 beside_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all beside one another
+rBESIDE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE = reduce beside
+ -- same as beside, but with absolute coordinates.
+beside2:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside2 = promote2 beside2_Pic
+ -- same as rBESIDE, but with absolute coordinates.
+rBESIDE2:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE2 = reduce beside2
+ -- puts one Movie on top of the other Movie
+over:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+over = promote2 over_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies, and puts the n-th on top of the first
+ -- through 9n-1)th.
+rOVER:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVER = reduce over
+ -- just overlays the two Movies by appending the Pics.
+overlay:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+overlay = promote2 overlay_Pic
+ -- overlays a list of Movies by appending the Pics
+rOVERLAY:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVERLAY = reduce overlay
+ -- promote3 takes a function that takes two items and a Pic and
+ -- returns a Pic, and then applies it to two input lists and a Movie,
+ -- producing a new Movie.
+promote3:: (a->b->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> [b] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote3 f ps qs rs = [f p q r | (p,q,r) <- zip3 ps qs rs]
+ -- pUT takes a list of Vectors, and puts each Pic of the first Movie
+ -- in the location of the corresponding vector, on top of the Pic of
+ -- the second Movie, and returns that list as a new Movie.
+pUT:: [Vec] -> Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+pUT = promote3 put_Pic
+ -- uncurry takes a function that takes two elements and a list of
+ -- two elements and applies the function to them.
+uncurry:: (a->a->b) -> [a] -> b
+uncurry f [a,b] = f a b
+ -- curry takes a function that takes a list, and two elements, and
+ -- then applies the function to the elements in a list.
+curry:: ([a]->b) -> a -> a -> b
+curry f a b = f [a,b]