path: root/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed3a50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ This module contains all the functions that can be used to manipulate
+ Pic's. The user will probably never use any of these functions. They
+ are used by Behaviours and such higher-order functions, which apply
+ these routines to all the Pic's in the list.
+module R_Picture (close_Pic, ht_Pic, wid_Pic, orig_Pic,
+ overlay_Pic, put_Pic, over_Pic, above_Pic, beside_Pic,
+ map_Pic,beside2_Pic,
+ scale_Pic, scale_rel_Pic, mov_Pic, rot_Pic, twist_Pic,
+ twist_Pic', flipx_Pic, flipy_Pic, flip_Pic, {- flock_Pic, -}
+ set_Color_Pic,
+ to_orig_Pic,
+ movto_Pic
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+ -- close_Pic makes sure that the polygon is closed
+close_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+close_Pic p = map close_Poly p
+ where
+ close_Poly (c,ply) | (head ply) == (last ply) = (c,ply)
+ close_Poly (c,ply) = (c,ply++(tail (reverse ply)))
+ --these functions find the max and min x and y coordinates of a Pic
+maxx :: Pic -> Int
+maxx p = reduce max [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+minx :: Pic -> Int
+minx p = reduce min [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+maxy :: Pic -> Int
+maxy p = reduce max [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+miny :: Pic -> Int
+miny p = reduce min [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+ -- these functions find the height, width and origin of a Pic
+ht_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+ht_Pic p = (maxy p) - (miny p)
+wid_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+wid_Pic p = (maxx p) - (minx p)
+orig_Pic:: Pic -> Vec
+orig_Pic p = ( (maxx p + minx p) `div` 2, (maxy p + miny p) `div` 2 )
+ -- overlay_Pic just takes 2 Pics and puts them together into one
+overlay_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+overlay_Pic p q = p ++ q
+ -- put_Pic overlays the Pics, offsetting the first Pic by a vector
+ -- amount from the origin of the second
+put_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+put_Pic v p q = overlay_Pic
+ (movto_Pic (vplus (orig_Pic q) v) p )
+ q
+ -- over_Pic puts one Pic directly on top of the other
+over_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+over_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,0) p q
+ -- above_Pic puts the first Pic on top of the second
+above_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+above_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,(((ht_Pic q) + (ht_Pic p)) `div` 2)) p q
+ -- beside_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second. The width of
+ -- the Pic is defined as the max x minus the min x, so a moving
+ -- figure will stand still in this implementation
+beside_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside_Pic p q = put_Pic (((wid_Pic q)+(wid_Pic p)) `div` 2, 0) p q
+ -- beside2_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second, without
+ -- shifting to the width of the Pic. It uses the absolute coordinates.
+beside2_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside2_Pic p q = put ((wid_Pic q), 0) p q
+ where put v p q = overlay_Pic (mov_Pic v p) q
+ -- The following maps a given function over the Vector-list of each Polygon:
+map_Pic:: (Vec -> Vec) -> Pic -> Pic
+map_Pic f p = map f' p
+ where f' (c,vs) = (c, map f vs)
+ -- scales the Pic by r, where r is in units of 11th. ie r=1, the Pic is
+ -- scaled by 1/11 to its origin.
+scale_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_Pic r p
+ = map_Pic (scalep r) p
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst (orig_Pic p)
+ dy = snd (orig_Pic p)
+ -- this is another scaling function, but it centers the image at the Vec
+scale_rel_Pic :: Vec -> Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_rel_Pic v r
+ = map_Pic (scalep r)
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst v
+ dy = snd v
+ -- moves a Pic by the vector amount
+mov_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+mov_Pic v = map_Pic (vplus v)
+ -- moves a Pic to the vector
+movto_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+movto_Pic v p = mov_Pic (vmin v (orig_Pic p)) p
+ -- moves the origin of the Pic to the lower left side of the Pic
+to_orig_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+to_orig_Pic p = mov_Pic (-mx,-my) p
+ where mx = minx p
+ my = miny p
+ -- rotates the Pic about the Vector by theta
+rot_Pic :: Vec -> Float -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic (a,b) theta
+ = map_Pic (rotp (a,b) theta)
+ where rotp (a,b) t (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cos theta - v * sin theta),
+ b2+ (u * sin theta + v * cos theta))
+ where u = u1 -a2
+ v = u2 -b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- rotates a Pic about its origin by theta
+twist_Pic :: Float -> Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic theta p = rot_Pic (orig_Pic p) theta p
+ -- hardwired version of rot_Pic that runs faster by rotating a set
+ -- unit, the rotunit, every time
+rot_Pic':: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic' (a,b) = map_Pic (rotp (a,b))
+ where rotp (a,b) (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cosunit - v * sinunit),
+ b2+ (u * sinunit + v * cosunit))
+ where u = u1-a2
+ v = u2-b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- hardwired version of twist_Pic that runs faster using rot_Pic'
+twist_Pic':: Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic' p = rot_Pic' (orig_Pic p) p
+ -- flips the Pic about the line x=n (x-coordinates change)
+flipx_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipx_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvx n)
+ where
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- flips the Pic about the line y=n (y-coordinates change)
+flipy_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipy_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvy n)
+ where
+ flipvy n (a,b) = (a, 2*(n-b)+b)
+ -- flips the Pic about its own x origin.
+flip_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+flip_Pic p = map_Pic (flipvx x) p
+ where (x,y) = orig_Pic p
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- copies the Pic into another Pic n*n times in an n by n array pattern
+flock_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flock_Pic 1 p = p
+flock_Pic (n+2) p = beside_Pic (flock_Pic (n-1) p) (row n p)
+ where row n p = replicate n above_Pic nullpic p
+ -- changes the color of the Pic
+set_Color_Pic:: Color -> Pic -> Pic
+set_Color_Pic c p = map f p
+ where f (c',vs) = (c,vs)