path: root/ast/exp-structs.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'ast/exp-structs.scm')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/exp-structs.scm b/ast/exp-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847723d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/exp-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+;;; File: ast/exp-structs Author: John
+;;; These ast structures define the expression syntax
+;;; This is simplified; there are additional rules for associativity and
+;;; precedence.
+;;; <exp> -> <lambda-exp>
+;;; -> <let-exp>
+;;; -> <if-exp>
+;;; -> <case-exp>
+;;; -> <signature-exp>
+;;; -> <exp> <op> <exp> ; treated like <fn-app>
+;;; -> - <exp>
+;;; -> <fn-app>
+;;; -> <aexp>
+(define-struct exp
+ (include ast-node))
+;;; <lambda-exp> -> \ <apat> ... <apat> -> <exp>
+(define-struct lambda
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (pats (type (list pattern)))
+ (body (type exp))))
+;;; <let-exp> -> let { <decls> [;] } in <exp>
+(define-struct let
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (decls (type (list decl)))
+ (body (type exp))))
+;;; <if-exp> -> if <exp> then <exp> else <exp>
+(define-struct if
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (test-exp (type exp))
+ (then-exp (type exp))
+ (else-exp (type exp))))
+;;; <case-exp> -> case <exp> of { <alts> [;] }
+;;; <alts> -> <alt> ; ... ; <alt>
+;;; <alt> -> <pat> -> exp [where { <decls> [;] } ]
+;;; -> <pat> <gdpat> [where { <decls> [;] } ]
+(define-struct case
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (alts (type (list alt)))))
+(define-struct alt
+ (include ast-node)
+ (slots
+ (pat (type pattern))
+ ;; defined in valdef-structs
+ (rhs-list (type (list guarded-rhs)))
+ (where-decls (type (list decl)))
+ ;; used internally by cfn
+ (test (type (maybe exp)) (default '#f))
+ ))
+;;; <signature-exp> -> <exp> :: [<context> =>] <atype>
+(define-struct exp-sign
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (signature (type signature))))
+;;; <fn-app> -> <exp> <aexp>
+(define-struct app
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate app?)
+ (slots
+ (fn (type exp))
+ (arg (type exp))))
+;;; <aexp> -> <var> var-ref
+;;; -> <con> con-ref
+;;; -> <literal> const
+;;; -> () constructor is Unit
+;;; -> ( <exp> )
+;;; -> ( <exp> , ... , <exp> ) constructor is a tuple
+;;; -> [ <exp> , ... , <exp> ] list
+;;; -> <sequence>
+;;; -> [exp> | <qual> , ... , <qual>] list-comp
+;;; -> ( <exp> <op> ) section-r
+;;; -> ( <op> <exp> ) section-l
+(define-struct aexp
+ (include exp))
+(define-struct var-ref
+ (include aexp)
+ (predicate var-ref?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (var (type def))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct con-ref
+ (include aexp)
+ (predicate con-ref?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (con (type def))
+ (infix? (type bool) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct const
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (overloaded? (type bool) (default '#t) (bit #t))))
+(define-struct integer-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate integer-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type integer))))
+(define-struct float-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate float-const?)
+ (slots
+ (numerator (type integer))
+ (denominator (type integer))
+ (exponent (type integer))))
+(define-struct char-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate char-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type char))))
+(define-struct string-const
+ (include const)
+ (predicate string-const?)
+ (slots
+ (value (type string))))
+(define-struct list-exp
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+;;; <sequence> -> [ <exp> .. ] sequence
+;;; -> [ <exp>, <exp> .. ] sequence-then
+;;; -> [ <exp> .. <exp> ] sequence-to
+;;; -> [ <exp>, <exp> .. <exp> ] sequence-then-to
+(define-struct sequence
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-to
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (to (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-then
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (then (type exp))))
+(define-struct sequence-then-to
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (from (type exp))
+ (then (type exp))
+ (to (type exp))))
+(define-struct list-comp
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (quals (type (list qual)))))
+;;; Op on left
+(define-struct section-l
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (op (type exp)))) ; either con-ref or var-ref
+(define-struct section-r
+ (include aexp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))
+ (op (type exp)))) ; either con-ref or var-ref
+;;; <qual> -> <pat> <- <exp>
+;;; -> <exp>
+(define-struct qual
+ (include ast-node))
+(define-struct qual-generator
+ (include qual)
+ (slots
+ (pat (type pattern))
+ (exp (type exp))))
+(define-struct qual-filter
+ (include qual)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))))
+;;; This is used as the guard slot in a guarded-rhs to represent lack of a
+;;; guard. This is the same as True.
+(define-struct omitted-guard ; same as True; should print in the guardless form
+ (include exp))
+;;; These structures are used by the precedence parser.
+(define-struct pp-exp-list ; list of expressions & ops for the prec parser
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+;; This is a place holder for unary negation in pp-exp expressions. It is
+;; changed to call the negate function by the prec parser
+(define-struct negate
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate negate?))
+;; Note: operators are var / con structures with infix? set to #t
+;;; The following ast nodes do not directly correspond to Haskell syntax.
+;;; They are generated during internal code transformations.
+;;; This returns a number (an Int) associated with the constructor of a
+;;; value.
+(define-struct con-number
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (type (type algdata))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; This selects a value (denoted by the Int in slot) from a data object
+;;; created by a specified constructor.
+(define-struct sel
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (constructor (type con))
+ (slot (type int))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; This returns True if the data value was built with the designated
+;;; constructor
+(define-struct is-constructor
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (constructor (type con))
+ (value (type exp))))
+;;; this is for the type checker only. It turns off
+;;; type checking for the argument.
+(define-struct cast
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type exp))))
+;; this is used as the body of the let generated by
+;; dependency analysis
+(define-struct void
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate void?))
+;;; These structures are for the type checker. They serve as a placeholder
+;;; for values which will evaluate to methods or dictionaries.
+(define-struct placeholder
+ (include exp)
+ (predicate placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ (exp (type (maybe exp)))
+ (tyvar (type ntype))
+ (overloaded-var (type exp))
+ (enclosing-decls (type (list decl)))))
+(define-struct method-placeholder
+ (include placeholder)
+ (predicate method-placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ ;; the method to be dispatched
+ (method (type method-var))
+ ))
+(define-struct dict-placeholder
+ (include placeholder)
+ (predicate dict-placeholder?)
+ (slots
+ ;; the class of dictionary needed
+ (class (type class))))
+(define-struct recursive-placeholder
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var))
+ (enclosing-decls (type (list decl)))
+ ;; this holds the code associated with recursive
+ ;; functions or variables. This code instantiates
+ ;; the recursive context if necessary.
+ (exp (type (maybe exp)))
+ ))
+;;; This is used in primitive modules only. It holds the definition of
+;;; a lisp level primitive.
+(define-struct prim-definition
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (lisp-name (type symbol))
+ (atts (type (list (tuple symbol t))))))
+;;; This is used by the type checker to hang on to the original
+;;; version of a program for message printing. This is removed by
+;;; the cfn pass.
+(define-struct save-old-exp
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (old-exp (type exp))
+ (new-exp (type exp))))
+;;; This is used for type checking overloaded methods.
+(define-struct overloaded-var-ref
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (var (type var))
+ (sig (type ntype))))
+;;; These are used by the CFN.
+(define-struct case-block
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))
+(define-struct return-from
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (block-name (type symbol))
+ (exp (type exp))))
+(define-struct and-exp
+ (include exp)
+ (slots
+ (exps (type (list exp)))))