path: root/parser/annotation-parser.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parser/annotation-parser.scm')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parser/annotation-parser.scm b/parser/annotation-parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae33cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/annotation-parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+(define *annotation-escape* '())
+(define (parse-annotations)
+ (let ((save-layout (dynamic *layout-stack*)))
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) '())
+ (advance-token)
+ (let/cc annotation-escape
+ (setf *annotation-escape* (lambda ()
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) save-layout)
+ (advance-to-annotation-end)
+ (funcall annotation-escape '())))
+ (let ((res (start-layout (function parse-annotation-list-1))))
+ (setf (dynamic *layout-stack*) save-layout)
+ (token-case
+ (end-annotation res)
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))))
+(define (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)
+ (let ((kind (get-annotation-kind)))
+ (cond ((eq? kind 'decl)
+ (let ((d (parse-annotation-decl)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (cons d (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list d)))))
+ ((eq? kind 'value)
+ (let ((d (parse-annotation-value)))
+ (token-case
+ (\; (cons d (parse-annotation-list-1 in-layout?)))
+ (else (close-layout in-layout?)
+ (list d)))))
+ (else
+ (close-layout in-layout?)
+ '()))))
+(define (get-annotation-kind)
+ (token-case
+ ((no-advance end-annotation) 'end)
+ ((no-advance \() 'decl)
+ ((var con)
+ (let ((next (peek-1-type)))
+ (cond ((eq? next '|,|)
+ 'decl)
+ ((eq? next '|::|)
+ 'decl)
+ (else
+ 'value))))
+ (else 'error)))
+(define (parse-annotation-decl)
+ (let* ((names (parse-aname-list))
+ (decls (parse-aval-list)))
+ (make annotation-decl (names names) (annotations decls))))
+(define (parse-aname-list)
+ (let ((name 'foo))
+ (token-case
+ (var
+ (setf name (var->symbol)))
+ (con
+ (setf name (con->symbol)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons name (parse-aname-list)))
+ (|::| (list name))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+(define (parse-aval-list)
+ (let ((ann (parse-annotation-value)))
+ (token-case (\, (cons ann (parse-aval-list)))
+ (else (list ann)))))
+(define (parse-annotation-value)
+ (token-case
+ (name (let* ((name (token->symbol))
+ (args (parse-annotation-args name)))
+ (make annotation-value (name name) (args args))))))
+(define (parse-annotation-args name)
+ (token-case
+ (\( (parse-annotation-args-1 name 0))
+ (else '())))
+;;; This routine can invoke special parsers for the arguments
+(define (parse-annotation-args-1 name i)
+ (let* ((argtype (get-annotation-arg-description name i))
+ (arg (parse-annotation-arg argtype)))
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list arg))
+ (\, (cons arg (parse-annotation-args-1 name (1+ i))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+(define (parse-annotation-arg type)
+ (cond ((eq? type 'string)
+ (token-case
+ ((string no-advance)
+ (let ((res (car *token-args*)))
+ (advance-token)
+ res))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+ ;; The following is for a datatype import/export. It is
+ ;; Type(Con1(strs),Con2(strs),...)
+ ((eq? type 'integer)
+ (token-case
+ ((integer no-advance) (token->integer))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+ ((eq? type 'constr-list)
+ (parse-annotation-constr-list))
+ (else
+ (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (signal-annotation-error)
+ (parser-error/recoverable 'annotation-error "Error in annotation syntax")
+ (funcall *annotation-escape*))
+(define (parse-annotation-constr-list)
+ (token-case
+ (tycon (let ((type-name (token->symbol)))
+ (token-case (\( (let* ((args (parse-acl1))
+ (res (tuple type-name args)))
+ (token-case ; leave the ) to end the args
+ ((no-advance \)) (list res))
+ (\, (cons res (parse-annotation-constr-list)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (parse-acl1)
+ (token-case
+ (con (let ((con-name (con->symbol)))
+ (token-case (\( (let ((str-args (parse-string-list)))
+ (token-case
+ (\, (cons (tuple con-name str-args)
+ (parse-acl1)))
+ (\) (list (tuple con-name str-args)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (parse-string-list)
+ (token-case
+ ((string no-advance)
+ (let ((res (read-lisp-object (car *token-args*))))
+ (advance-token)
+ (token-case
+ (\) (list res))
+ (\, (cons res (parse-string-list)))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error)))))
+ (else (signal-annotation-error))))
+(define (advance-to-annotation-end)
+ (token-case
+ (eof '())
+ (end-annotation
+ (advance-token))
+ (else
+ (advance-token)
+ (advance-to-annotation-end))))
+(define *known-annotations* '(
+ (|LispName| string)
+ (|Prelude|)
+ (|Strictness| string)
+ (|Strict|)
+ (|NoConversion|)
+ (|Inline|)
+ (|STRICT|)
+ (|ImportLispType| constr-list)
+ (|ExportLispType| constr-list)
+ (|Complexity| integer)
+ ))
+(define (get-annotation-arg-description annotation i)
+ (let ((s (assq annotation *known-annotations*)))
+ (cond ((eq? s '#f)
+ (parser-error/recoverable 'unknown-annotation
+ "Annotation ~A is not defined in this system - ignored."
+ annotation)
+ 'unknown)
+ ((>= i (length s))
+ 'error)
+ (else (list-ref s (1+ i))))))