path: root/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/runtime-utils.scm')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/runtime-utils.scm b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43c930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+;;; runtime-utils.scm -- basic runtime support
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 9 Jun 1992
+;;; This file contains definitions (beyond the normal mumble stuff)
+;;; that is referenced directly in code built by the code generator.
+;;; See backend/codegen.scm.
+;;; (delay form)
+;;; returns a delay object with unevaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (delay form)
+ `(cons '#f (lambda () ,form)))
+;;; (box form)
+;;; returns a delay object with evaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (box form)
+ (cond ((number? form)
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t form)))
+ ((and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) 'quote))
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t (cadr form))))
+ (else
+ `(cons '#t ,form))))
+(define-syntax (unbox form)
+ `(cdr ,form))
+(define-syntax (forced? form)
+ `(car ,form))
+;;; (force delay)
+;;; return the value of the delay object.
+(define (force delay-object)
+ (declare (type pair delay-object))
+ (if (car delay-object)
+ (cdr delay-object)
+ (begin
+ (let ((result (funcall (cdr delay-object))))
+ (setf (car delay-object) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr delay-object) result)))))
+;;; Inline version of the above. Not good to use everywhere because
+;;; of code bloat problems, but handy for helper functions.
+(define-syntax (force-inline delay-object)
+ (let ((temp1 (gensym))
+ (temp2 (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp1 ,delay-object))
+ (declare (type pair ,temp1))
+ (if (car ,temp1)
+ (cdr ,temp1)
+ (let ((,temp2 (funcall (cdr ,temp1))))
+ (setf (car ,temp1) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr ,temp1) ,temp2))))))
+;;; (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+;;; The basic idea is to compare the number of arguments received against
+;;; the number expected.
+;;; If the same, call the optimized entry point opt-fn.
+;;; If more, apply the result of calling the optimized entry to the
+;;; leftover arguments.
+;;; If less, make a closure that accepts the additional arguments.
+(define (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+ (lambda args
+ (curried-fn-body '() args opt-fn strictness)))
+(define (curried-fn-body previous-args args opt-fn strictness)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (saturated? actual-args leftover-args leftover-strictness)
+ (process-curried-fn-args strictness args '())
+ (setf actual-args (append previous-args actual-args))
+ (if saturated?
+ (if (null? leftover-args)
+ (apply opt-fn actual-args)
+ (apply (apply opt-fn actual-args) leftover-args))
+ (lambda more-args
+ (curried-fn-body actual-args more-args opt-fn leftover-strictness)))
+ ))
+(define (process-curried-fn-args strictness args actual-args)
+ (cond ((null? strictness)
+ ;; At least as many arguments as expected.
+ (values '#t (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ ((null? args)
+ ;; Not enough arguments supplied.
+ (values '#f (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ (else
+ ;; Process the next argument.
+ (if (car strictness)
+ (push (force-inline (car args)) actual-args)
+ (push (car args) actual-args))
+ (process-curried-fn-args (cdr strictness) (cdr args) actual-args))
+ ))
+;;; Special cases of the above.
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-strict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (setf arg1 (force-inline arg1))
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-nonstrict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+;;; Here's a similar helper function used for making data constructors.
+(define (constructor-body previous-args args arity fn)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (let ((n (length args)))
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (setf args (append previous-args args))
+ (cond ((eqv? n arity)
+ (apply fn args))
+ ((< n arity)
+ (lambda more-args
+ (constructor-body args more-args (- arity n) fn)))
+ (else
+ (error "Too many arguments supplied to constructor.")))))
+;;; Special case for cons constructor
+(define (make-cons-constructor . args)
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons)))
+;;; (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+;;; return a function that makes an untagged data structure with "arity"
+;;; slots. "arity" is a constant.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tuple-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tuple-constructor-aux arity)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (lambda (x) x))))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons))))
+ (else
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args arity (function vector))))))
+(define *predefined-tuple-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ (push (make-tuple-constructor-aux i) result))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (if (< arity *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ `(vector-ref *predefined-tuple-constructors* ,arity)
+ `(make-tuple-constructor-aux ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tuple . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tuple . args)
+ (let ((arity (length args)))
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (car args))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ `(cons ,@args))
+ (else
+ `(vector ,@args)))))
+;;; (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+;;; return a function that makes a data structure with tag "n" and
+;;; "arity" slots.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag* 10)
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux n arity)
+ (if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (vector n)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body (list n) args arity (function vector)))))
+(define *predefined-tagged-data-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (let ((inner-result '()))
+ (dotimes (j *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*)
+ (push (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux j i) inner-result))
+ (push (list->vector (nreverse inner-result)) result)))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity n))
+ (if (and (< arity *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (< n *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*))
+ `(vector-ref (vector-ref *predefined-tagged-data-constructors* ,arity)
+ ,n)
+ `(make-tagged-data-constructor-aux ,n ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tagged-data n . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data n . args)
+ `(vector ,n ,@args))
+;;; (tuple-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from untagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tuple-select arity i object)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 1)
+ object)
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (if (eqv? i 0)
+ `(car ,object)
+ `(cdr ,object)))
+ (else
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,i)))))
+;;; (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from tagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+ (declare (ignore arity))
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,(1+ i))))
+;;; (constructor-number object)
+;;; return the tag from "object"
+(define-syntax (constructor-number object)
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) 0))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force fn . args)
+ (let* ((n (length args))
+ (junk (assv n '((1 . funcall-force-1)
+ (2 . funcall-force-2)
+ (3 . funcall-force-3)
+ (4 . funcall-force-4)))))
+ `(,(if junk (cdr junk) 'funcall-force-n) ,fn ,@args)))
+(define (funcall-force-1 fn a1)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1))
+(define (funcall-force-2 fn a1 a2)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2))
+(define (funcall-force-3 fn a1 a2 a3)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3))
+(define (funcall-force-4 fn a1 a2 a3 a4)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3 a4))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force-n fn . args)
+ `(funcall (force ,fn) ,@args))
+;;; (make-haskell-string string)
+;;; Converts a Lisp string lazily to a boxed haskell string (makes
+;;; a delay with a magic function). Returns an unboxed result.
+(define (make-haskell-string string)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ '())
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (box '())))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ (box '())
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+;;; Similar, but accepts an arbitrary tail (which must be a delay object)
+(define (make-haskell-string-tail string tail-delay)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ (force-inline tail-delay))
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ tail-delay))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ tail-delay
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+(define (haskell-string->string s)
+ (let ((length 0))
+ (declare (type fixnum length))
+ (do ((s s (force (cdr s))))
+ ((null? s))
+ (setf length (+ length 1)))
+ (let ((result (make-string length)))
+ (declare (type string result))
+ (do ((s s (unbox (cdr s)))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((null? s))
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf (string-ref result i) (integer->char (force (car s)))))
+ result)))
+(define (print-haskell-string s port)
+ (do ((s1 s (force (cdr s1))))
+ ((null? s1))
+ (write-char (integer->char (force (car s1))) port)))
+;;; This explicates the value returned by a proc (the IO () type).
+(define (insert-unit-value x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ 0)
+;;; These handle list conversions
+(define (haskell-list->list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (funcall fn (force (car l)))
+ (haskell-list->list fn (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (funcall fn (car l)))
+ (box (list->haskell-list fn (cdr l))))))
+(define (haskell-list->list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (force (car l))
+ (haskell-list->list/identity (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (car l))
+ (box (list->haskell-list/identity (cdr l))))))