path: root/emacs-tools/comint.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'emacs-tools/comint.el')
1 files changed, 1524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs-tools/comint.el b/emacs-tools/comint.el
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs-tools/comint.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+;;; -*-Emacs-Lisp-*- General command interpreter in a window stuff
+;;; Copyright Olin Shivers (1988).
+;;; Please imagine a long, tedious, legalistic 5-page gnu-style copyright
+;;; notice appearing here to the effect that you may use this code any
+;;; way you like, as long as you don't charge money for it, remove this
+;;; notice, or hold me liable for its results.
+;;; The changelog is at the end of this file.
+;;; Please send me bug reports, bug fixes, and extensions, so that I can
+;;; merge them into the master source.
+;;; - Olin Shivers (
+;;; This hopefully generalises shell mode, lisp mode, tea mode, soar mode,...
+;;; This file defines a general command-interpreter-in-a-buffer package
+;;; (comint mode). The idea is that you can build specific process-in-a-buffer
+;;; modes on top of comint mode -- e.g., lisp, shell, scheme, T, soar, ....
+;;; This way, all these specific packages share a common base functionality,
+;;; and a common set of bindings, which makes them easier to use (and
+;;; saves code, implementation time, etc., etc.).
+;;; Several packages are already defined using comint mode:
+;;; - cmushell.el defines a shell-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; - cmulisp.el defines a simple lisp-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; Cmushell and cmulisp mode are similar to, and intended to replace,
+;;; their counterparts in the standard gnu emacs release (in shell.el).
+;;; These replacements are more featureful, robust, and uniform than the
+;;; released versions. The key bindings in lisp mode are also more compatible
+;;; with the bindings of Hemlock and Zwei (the Lisp Machine emacs).
+;;; - The file cmuscheme.el defines a scheme-in-a-buffer mode.
+;;; - The file tea.el tunes scheme and inferior-scheme modes for T.
+;;; - The file soar.el tunes lisp and inferior-lisp modes for Soar.
+;;; - cmutex.el defines tex and latex modes that invoke tex, latex, bibtex,
+;;; previewers, and printers from within emacs.
+;;; - background.el allows csh-like job control inside emacs.
+;;; It is pretty easy to make new derived modes for other processes.
+;;; For documentation on the functionality provided by comint mode, and
+;;; the hooks available for customising it, see the comments below.
+;;; For further information on the standard derived modes (shell,
+;;; inferior-lisp, inferior-scheme, ...), see the relevant source files.
+;;; For hints on converting existing process modes (e.g., tex-mode,
+;;; background, dbx, gdb, kermit, prolog, telnet) to use comint-mode
+;;; instead of shell-mode, see the notes at the end of this file.
+(provide 'comint)
+(defconst comint-version "2.01")
+;;; Brief Command Documentation:
+;;; Comint Mode Commands: (common to all derived modes, like cmushell & cmulisp
+;;; mode)
+;;; m-p comint-previous-input Cycle backwards in input history
+;;; m-n comint-next-input Cycle forwards
+;;; m-s comint-previous-similar-input Previous similar input
+;;; c-c r comint-previous-input-matching Search backwards in input history
+;;; return comint-send-input
+;;; c-a comint-bol Beginning of line; skip prompt.
+;;; c-d comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof Delete char unless at end of buff.
+;;; c-c c-u comint-kill-input ^u
+;;; c-c c-w backward-kill-word ^w
+;;; c-c c-c comint-interrupt-subjob ^c
+;;; c-c c-z comint-stop-subjob ^z
+;;; c-c c-\ comint-quit-subjob ^\
+;;; c-c c-o comint-kill-output Delete last batch of process output
+;;; c-c c-r comint-show-output Show last batch of process output
+;;; Not bound by default in comint-mode
+;;; send-invisible Read a line w/o echo, and send to proc
+;;; (These are bound in shell-mode)
+;;; comint-dynamic-complete Complete filename at point.
+;;; comint-dynamic-list-completions List completions in help buffer.
+;;; comint-replace-by-expanded-filename Expand and complete filename at point;
+;;; replace with expanded/completed name.
+;;; comint-kill-subjob No mercy.
+;;; comint-continue-subjob Send CONT signal to buffer's process
+;;; group. Useful if you accidentally
+;;; suspend your process (with C-c C-z).
+;;; Bound for RMS -- I prefer the input history stuff, but you might like 'em.
+;;; m-P comint-msearch-input Search backwards for prompt
+;;; m-N comint-psearch-input Search forwards for prompt
+;;; C-cR comint-msearch-input-matching Search backwards for prompt & string
+;;; comint-mode-hook is the comint mode hook. Basically for your keybindings.
+;;; comint-load-hook is run after loading in this package.
+;;; Buffer Local Variables:
+;;; Comint mode buffer local variables:
+;;; comint-prompt-regexp - string comint-bol uses to match prompt.
+;;; comint-last-input-end - marker For comint-kill-output command
+;;; input-ring-size - integer For the input history
+;;; input-ring - ring mechanism
+;;; input-ring-index - marker ...
+;;; comint-last-input-match - string ...
+;;; comint-get-old-input - function Hooks for specific
+;;; comint-input-sentinel - function process-in-a-buffer
+;;; comint-input-filter - function modes.
+;;; comint-input-send - function
+;;; comint-eol-on-send - boolean
+(defvar comint-prompt-regexp "^"
+ "Regexp to recognise prompts in the inferior process.
+Defaults to \"^\", the null string at BOL.
+Good choices:
+ Canonical Lisp: \"^[^> ]*>+:? *\" (Lucid, franz, kcl, T, cscheme, oaklisp)
+ Lucid Common Lisp: \"^\\(>\\|\\(->\\)+\\) *\"
+ franz: \"^\\(->\\|<[0-9]*>:\\) *\"
+ kcl: \"^>+ *\"
+ shell: \"^[^#$%>]*[#$%>] *\"
+ T: \"^>+ *\"
+This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.")
+(defvar input-ring-size 30
+ "Size of input history ring.")
+;;; Here are the per-interpreter hooks.
+(defvar comint-get-old-input (function comint-get-old-input-default)
+ "Function that submits old text in comint mode.
+This function is called when return is typed while the point is in old text.
+It returns the text to be submitted as process input. The default is
+comint-get-old-input-default, which grabs the current line, and strips off
+leading text matching comint-prompt-regexp")
+(defvar comint-input-sentinel (function ignore)
+ "Called on each input submitted to comint mode process by comint-send-input.
+Thus it can, for instance, track cd/pushd/popd commands issued to the csh.")
+(defvar comint-input-filter
+ (function (lambda (str) (not (string-match "\\`\\s *\\'" str))))
+ "Predicate for filtering additions to input history.
+Only inputs answering true to this function are saved on the input
+history list. Default is to save anything that isn't all whitespace")
+(defvar comint-input-sender (function comint-simple-send)
+ "Function to actually send to PROCESS the STRING submitted by user.
+Usually this is just 'comint-simple-send, but if your mode needs to
+massage the input string, this is your hook. This is called from
+the user command comint-send-input. comint-simple-send just sends
+the string plus a newline.")
+(defvar comint-eol-on-send 'T
+ "If non-nil, then jump to the end of the line before sending input to process.
+(defvar comint-mode-hook '()
+ "Called upon entry into comint-mode")
+(defvar comint-mode-map nil)
+(defun comint-mode ()
+ "Major mode for interacting with an inferior interpreter.
+Interpreter name is same as buffer name, sans the asterisks.
+Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
+Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
+Setting mode variable comint-eol-on-send means jump to the end of the line
+before submitting new input.
+This mode is typically customised to create inferior-lisp-mode,
+shell-mode, etc.. This can be done by setting the hooks
+comint-input-sentinel, comint-input-filter, comint-input-sender and
+comint-get-old-input to appropriate functions, and the variable
+comint-prompt-regexp to the appropriate regular expression.
+An input history is maintained of size input-ring-size, and
+can be accessed with the commands comint-next-input [\\[comint-next-input]] and
+comint-previous-input [\\[comint-previous-input]]. Commands not keybound by
+default are send-invisible, comint-dynamic-complete, and
+If you accidentally suspend your process, use \\[comint-continue-subjob]
+to continue it.
+Entry to this mode runs the hooks on comint-mode-hook"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((old-ring (and (assq 'input-ring (buffer-local-variables))
+ (boundp 'input-ring)
+ input-ring))
+ (old-ptyp comint-ptyp)) ; preserve across local var kill. gross.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'comint-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Comint")
+ (setq mode-line-process '(": %s"))
+ (use-local-map comint-mode-map)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-last-input-end)
+ (setq comint-last-input-end (make-marker))
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-last-input-match)
+ (setq comint-last-input-match "")
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp) ; Don't set; default
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring-size) ; global val.
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring)
+ (make-local-variable 'input-ring-index)
+ (setq input-ring-index 0)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-get-old-input)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-sentinel)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-filter)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-input-sender)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-eol-on-send)
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-ptyp)
+ (setq comint-ptyp old-ptyp)
+ (run-hooks 'comint-mode-hook)
+ ;Do this after the hook so the user can mung INPUT-RING-SIZE w/his hook.
+ ;The test is so we don't lose history if we run comint-mode twice in
+ ;a buffer.
+ (setq input-ring (if (ring-p old-ring) old-ring
+ (make-ring input-ring-size)))))
+;;; The old-ptyp stuff above is because we have to preserve the value of
+;;; comint-ptyp across calls to comint-mode, in spite of the
+;;; kill-all-local-variables that it does. Blech. Hopefully, this will all
+;;; go away when a later release fixes the signalling bug.
+(if comint-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq comint-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\ep" 'comint-previous-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\en" 'comint-next-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\es" 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-m" 'comint-send-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-d" 'comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-a" 'comint-bol)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-u" 'comint-kill-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-w" 'backward-kill-word)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'comint-interrupt-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'comint-stop-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-\\" 'comint-quit-subjob)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-o" 'comint-kill-output)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-cr" 'comint-previous-input-matching)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'comint-show-output)
+ ;;; Here's the prompt-search stuff I installed for RMS to try...
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\eP" 'comint-msearch-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\eN" 'comint-psearch-input)
+ (define-key comint-mode-map "\C-cR" 'comint-msearch-input-matching))
+;;; This function is used to make a full copy of the comint mode map,
+;;; so that client modes won't interfere with each other. This function
+;;; isn't necessary in emacs 18.5x, but we keep it around for 18.4x versions.
+(defun full-copy-sparse-keymap (km)
+ "Recursively copy the sparse keymap KM"
+ (cond ((consp km)
+ (cons (full-copy-sparse-keymap (car km))
+ (full-copy-sparse-keymap (cdr km))))
+ (t km)))
+(defun comint-check-proc (buffer-name)
+ "True if there is a process associated w/buffer BUFFER-NAME, and
+it is alive (status RUN or STOP)."
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer-name)))
+ (and proc (memq (process-status proc) '(run stop)))))
+;;; Note that this guy, unlike shell.el's make-shell, barfs if you pass it ()
+;;; for the second argument (program).
+(defun make-comint (name program &optional startfile &rest switches)
+ (let* ((buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*" name "*")))
+ (proc (get-buffer-process buffer)))
+ ;; If no process, or nuked process, crank up a new one and put buffer in
+ ;; comint mode. Otherwise, leave buffer and existing process alone.
+ (cond ((or (not proc) (not (memq (process-status proc) '(run stop))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (comint-mode)) ; Install local vars, mode, keymap, ...
+ (comint-exec buffer name program startfile switches)))
+ buffer))
+(defvar comint-ptyp t
+ "True if communications via pty; false if by pipe. Buffer local.
+This is to work around a bug in emacs process signalling.")
+(defun comint-exec (buffer name command startfile switches)
+ "Fires up a process in buffer for comint modes.
+Blasts any old process running in the buffer. Doesn't set the buffer mode.
+You can use this to cheaply run a series of processes in the same comint
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer))) ; Blast any old process.
+ (if proc (delete-process proc)))
+ ;; Crank up a new process
+ (let ((proc (comint-exec-1 name buffer command switches)))
+ (make-local-variable 'comint-ptyp)
+ (setq comint-ptyp process-connection-type) ; T if pty, NIL if pipe.
+ ;; Jump to the end, and set the process mark.
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))
+ ;; Feed it the startfile.
+ (cond (startfile
+ ;;This is guaranteed to wait long enough
+ ;;but has bad results if the comint does not prompt at all
+ ;; (while (= size (buffer-size))
+ ;; (sleep-for 1))
+ ;;I hope 1 second is enough!
+ (sleep-for 1)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert-file-contents startfile)
+ (setq startfile (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+ (comint-send-string proc startfile)))
+ buffer))
+;;; This auxiliary function cranks up the process for comint-exec in
+;;; the appropriate environment. It is twice as long as it should be
+;;; because emacs has two distinct mechanisms for manipulating the
+;;; process environment, selected at compile time with the
+;;; MAINTAIN-ENVIRONMENT #define. In one case, process-environment
+;;; is bound; in the other it isn't.
+(defun comint-exec-1 (name buffer command switches)
+ (if (boundp 'process-environment) ; Not a completely reliable test.
+ (let ((process-environment
+ (comint-update-env process-environment
+ (list (format "TERMCAP=emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown"
+ (screen-width))
+ "TERM=emacs"
+ "EMACS=t"))))
+ (apply 'start-process name buffer command switches))
+ (let ((tcapv (getenv "TERMCAP"))
+ (termv (getenv "TERM"))
+ (emv (getenv "EMACS")))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn (setenv "TERMCAP" (format "emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown"
+ (screen-width)))
+ (setenv "TERM" "emacs")
+ (setenv "EMACS" "t")
+ (apply 'start-process name buffer command switches))
+ (setenv "TERMCAP" tcapv)
+ (setenv "TERM" termv)
+ (setenv "EMACS" emv)))))
+;; This is just (append new old-env) that compresses out shadowed entries.
+;; It's also pretty ugly, mostly due to elisp's horrible iteration structures.
+(defun comint-update-env (old-env new)
+ (let ((ans (reverse new))
+ (vars (mapcar (function (lambda (vv)
+ (and (string-match "^[^=]*=" vv)
+ (substring vv 0 (match-end 0)))))
+ new)))
+ (while old-env
+ (let* ((vv (car old-env)) ; vv is var=value
+ (var (and (string-match "^[^=]*=" vv)
+ (substring vv 0 (match-end 0)))))
+ (setq old-env (cdr old-env))
+ (cond ((not (and var (comint-mem var vars)))
+ (if var (setq var (cons var vars)))
+ (setq ans (cons vv ans))))))
+ (nreverse ans)))
+;;; This should be in emacs, but it isn't.
+(defun comint-mem (item list &optional elt=)
+ "Test to see if ITEM is equal to an item in LIST.
+Option comparison function ELT= defaults to equal."
+ (let ((elt= (or elt= (function equal)))
+ (done nil))
+ (while (and list (not done))
+ (if (funcall elt= item (car list))
+ (setq done list)
+ (setq list (cdr list))))
+ done))
+;;; Ring Code
+;;; This code defines a ring data structure. A ring is a
+;;; (hd-index tl-index . vector)
+;;; list. You can insert to, remove from, and rotate a ring. When the ring
+;;; fills up, insertions cause the oldest elts to be quietly dropped.
+;;; HEAD = index of the newest item on the ring.
+;;; TAIL = index of the oldest item on the ring.
+;;; These functions are used by the input history mechanism, but they can
+;;; be used for other purposes as well.
+(defun ring-p (x)
+ "T if X is a ring; NIL otherwise."
+ (and (consp x) (integerp (car x))
+ (consp (cdr x)) (integerp (car (cdr x)))
+ (vectorp (cdr (cdr x)))))
+(defun make-ring (size)
+ "Make a ring that can contain SIZE elts"
+ (cons 1 (cons 0 (make-vector (+ size 1) nil))))
+(defun ring-plus1 (index veclen)
+ "INDEX+1, with wraparound"
+ (let ((new-index (+ index 1)))
+ (if (= new-index veclen) 0 new-index)))
+(defun ring-minus1 (index veclen)
+ "INDEX-1, with wraparound"
+ (- (if (= 0 index) veclen index) 1))
+(defun ring-length (ring)
+ "Number of elts in the ring."
+ (let ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (siz (length (cdr (cdr ring)))))
+ (let ((len (if (<= hd tl) (+ 1 (- tl hd)) (+ 1 tl (- siz hd)))))
+ (if (= len siz) 0 len))))
+(defun ring-empty-p (ring)
+ (= 0 (ring-length ring)))
+(defun ring-insert (ring item)
+ "Insert a new item onto the ring. If the ring is full, dump the oldest
+item to make room."
+ (let* ((vec (cdr (cdr ring))) (len (length vec))
+ (new-hd (ring-minus1 (car ring) len)))
+ (setcar ring new-hd)
+ (aset vec new-hd item)
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) ;overflow -- dump one off the tail.
+ (setcar (cdr ring) (ring-minus1 (car (cdr ring)) len)))))
+(defun ring-remove (ring)
+ "Remove the oldest item retained on the ring."
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) (error "Ring empty")
+ (let ((tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))))
+ (set-car (cdr ring) (ring-minus1 tl (length vec)))
+ (aref vec tl))))
+;;; This isn't actually used in this package. I just threw it in in case
+;;; someone else wanted it. If you want rotating-ring behavior on your history
+;;; retrieval (analagous to kill ring behavior), this function is what you
+;;; need. I should write the yank-input and yank-pop-input-or-kill to go with
+;;; this, and not bind it to a key by default, so it would be available to
+;;; people who want to bind it to a key. But who would want it? Blech.
+(defun ring-rotate (ring n)
+ (if (not (= n 0))
+ (if (ring-empty-p ring) ;Is this the right error check?
+ (error "ring empty")
+ (let ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))))
+ (let ((len (length vec)))
+ (while (> n 0)
+ (setq tl (ring-plus1 tl len))
+ (aset ring tl (aref ring hd))
+ (setq hd (ring-plus1 hd len))
+ (setq n (- n 1)))
+ (while (< n 0)
+ (setq hd (ring-minus1 hd len))
+ (aset vec hd (aref vec tl))
+ (setq tl (ring-minus1 tl len))
+ (setq n (- n 1))))
+ (set-car ring hd)
+ (set-car (cdr ring) tl)))))
+(defun comint-mod (n m)
+ "Returns N mod M. M is positive. Answer is guaranteed to be non-negative,
+and less than m."
+ (let ((n (% n m)))
+ (if (>= n 0) n
+ (+ n
+ (if (>= m 0) m (- m)))))) ; (abs m)
+(defun ring-ref (ring index)
+ (let ((numelts (ring-length ring)))
+ (if (= numelts 0) (error "indexed empty ring")
+ (let* ((hd (car ring)) (tl (car (cdr ring))) (vec (cdr (cdr ring)))
+ (index (comint-mod index numelts))
+ (vec-index (comint-mod (+ index hd)
+ (length vec))))
+ (aref vec vec-index)))))
+;;; Input history retrieval commands
+;;; M-p -- previous input M-n -- next input
+;;; C-c r -- previous input matching
+;;; ===========================================================================
+(defun comint-previous-input (arg)
+ "Cycle backwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (let ((len (ring-length input-ring)))
+ (cond ((<= len 0)
+ (message "Empty input ring")
+ (ding))
+ ((not (comint-after-pmark-p))
+ (message "Not after process mark")
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (cond ((eq last-command 'comint-previous-input)
+ (delete-region (mark) (point)))
+ ((eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (delete-region
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (point)))
+ (t
+ (setq input-ring-index
+ (if (> arg 0) -1
+ (if (< arg 0) 1 0)))
+ (push-mark (point))))
+ (setq input-ring-index (comint-mod (+ input-ring-index arg) len))
+ (message "%d" (1+ input-ring-index))
+ (insert (ring-ref input-ring input-ring-index))
+ (setq this-command 'comint-previous-input)))))
+(defun comint-next-input (arg)
+ "Cycle forwards through input history."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (comint-previous-input (- arg)))
+(defvar comint-last-input-match ""
+ "Last string searched for by comint input history search, for defaulting.
+Buffer local variable.")
+(defun comint-previous-input-matching (str)
+ "Searches backwards through input history for substring match."
+ (interactive (let* ((last-command last-command) ; preserve around r-f-m
+ (s (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "Command substring (default %s): "
+ comint-last-input-match))))
+ (list (if (string= s "") comint-last-input-match s))))
+; (interactive "sCommand substring: ")
+ (setq comint-last-input-match str) ; update default
+ (if (not (eq last-command 'comint-previous-input))
+ (setq input-ring-index -1))
+ (let ((str (regexp-quote str))
+ (len (ring-length input-ring))
+ (n (+ input-ring-index 1)))
+ (while (and (< n len) (not (string-match str (ring-ref input-ring n))))
+ (setq n (+ n 1)))
+ (cond ((< n len)
+ (comint-previous-input (- n input-ring-index)))
+ (t (if (eq last-command 'comint-previous-input)
+ (setq this-command 'comint-previous-input))
+ (message "Not found.")
+ (ding)))))
+;;; These next three commands are alternatives to the input history commands --
+;;; comint-next-input, comint-previous-input and
+;;; comint-previous-input-matching. They search through the process buffer
+;;; text looking for occurrences of the prompt. RMS likes them better;
+;;; I don't. Bound to M-P, M-N, and C-c R (uppercase P, N, and R) for
+;;; now. Try'em out. Go with what you like...
+;;; comint-msearch-input-matching prompts for a string, not a regexp.
+;;; This could be considered to be the wrong thing. I decided to keep it
+;;; simple, and not make the user worry about regexps. This, of course,
+;;; limits functionality.
+(defun comint-psearch-input ()
+ "Search forwards for next occurrence of prompt and skip to end of line.
+\(prompt is anything matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp)"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp (point-max) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (error "No occurrence of prompt found")))
+(defun comint-msearch-input ()
+ "Search backwards for previous occurrence of prompt and skip to end of line.
+Search starts from beginning of current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((p (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp (point-min) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (t nil)))))
+ (if p (goto-char p)
+ (error "No occurrence of prompt found"))))
+(defun comint-msearch-input-matching (str)
+ "Search backwards for occurrence of prompt followed by STRING.
+STRING is prompted for, and is NOT a regular expression."
+ (interactive (let ((s (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "Command (default %s): "
+ comint-last-input-match))))
+ (list (if (string= s "") comint-last-input-match s))))
+; (interactive "sCommand: ")
+ (setq comint-last-input-match str) ; update default
+ (let* ((r (concat comint-prompt-regexp (regexp-quote str)))
+ (p (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (cond ((re-search-backward r (point-min) t)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point))
+ (t nil)))))
+ (if p (goto-char p)
+ (error "No match"))))
+;;; Similar input -- contributed by ccm and highly winning.
+;;; Reenter input, removing back to the last insert point if it exists.
+(defvar comint-last-similar-string ""
+ "The string last used in a similar string search.")
+(defun comint-previous-similar-input (arg)
+ "Reenters the last input that matches the string typed so far. If repeated
+successively older inputs are reentered. If arg is 1, it will go back
+in the history, if -1 it will go forward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (not (comint-after-pmark-p))
+ (error "Not after process mark"))
+ (if (not (eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input))
+ (setq input-ring-index -1
+ comint-last-similar-string
+ (buffer-substring
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (point))))
+ (let* ((size (length comint-last-similar-string))
+ (len (ring-length input-ring))
+ (n (+ input-ring-index arg))
+ entry)
+ (while (and (< n len)
+ (or (< (length (setq entry (ring-ref input-ring n))) size)
+ (not (equal comint-last-similar-string
+ (substring entry 0 size)))))
+ (setq n (+ n arg)))
+ (cond ((< n len)
+ (setq input-ring-index n)
+ (if (eq last-command 'comint-previous-similar-input)
+ (delete-region (mark) (point)) ; repeat
+ (push-mark (point))) ; 1st time
+ (insert (substring entry size)))
+ (t (message "Not found.") (ding) (sit-for 1)))
+ (message "%d" (1+ input-ring-index))))
+(defun comint-send-input ()
+ "Send input to process. After the process output mark, sends all text
+from the process mark to point as input to the process. Before the
+process output mark, calls value of variable comint-get-old-input to retrieve
+old input, copies it to the end of the buffer, and sends it. A terminal
+newline is also inserted into the buffer and sent to the process. In either
+case, value of variable comint-input-sentinel is called on the input before
+sending it. The input is entered into the input history ring, if value of
+variable comint-input-filter returns non-nil when called on the input.
+If variable comint-eol-on-send is non-nil, then point is moved to the end of
+line before sending the input.
+comint-get-old-input, comint-input-sentinel, and comint-input-filter are chosen
+according to the command interpreter running in the buffer. E.g.,
+If the interpreter is the csh,
+ comint-get-old-input is the default: take the current line, discard any
+ initial string matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp.
+ comint-input-sentinel monitors input for \"cd\", \"pushd\", and \"popd\"
+ commands. When it sees one, it cd's the buffer.
+ comint-input-filter is the default: returns T if the input isn't all white
+ space.
+If the comint is Lucid Common Lisp,
+ comint-get-old-input snarfs the sexp ending at point.
+ comint-input-sentinel does nothing.
+ comint-input-filter returns NIL if the input matches input-filter-regexp,
+ which matches (1) all whitespace (2) :a, :c, etc.
+Similarly for Soar, Scheme, etc.."
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Note that the input string does not include its terminal newline.
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not proc) (error "Current buffer has no process")
+ (let* ((pmark (process-mark proc))
+ (pmark-val (marker-position pmark))
+ (input (if (>= (point) pmark-val)
+ (progn (if comint-eol-on-send (end-of-line))
+ (buffer-substring pmark (point)))
+ (let ((copy (funcall comint-get-old-input)))
+ (goto-char pmark)
+ (insert copy)
+ copy))))
+ (insert ?\n)
+ (if (funcall comint-input-filter input) (ring-insert input-ring input))
+ (funcall comint-input-sentinel input)
+ (funcall comint-input-sender proc input)
+ (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
+ (set-marker comint-last-input-end (point))))))
+(defun comint-get-old-input-default ()
+ "Default for comint-get-old-input: take the current line, and discard
+any initial text matching comint-prompt-regexp."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (comint-skip-prompt)
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (buffer-substring beg (point)))))
+(defun comint-skip-prompt ()
+ "Skip past the text matching regexp comint-prompt-regexp.
+If this takes us past the end of the current line, don't skip at all."
+ (let ((eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
+ (if (and (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)
+ (<= (match-end 0) eol))
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
+(defun comint-after-pmark-p ()
+ "Is point after the process output marker?"
+ ;; Since output could come into the buffer after we looked at the point
+ ;; but before we looked at the process marker's value, we explicitly
+ ;; serialise. This is just because I don't know whether or not emacs
+ ;; services input during execution of lisp commands.
+ (let ((proc-pos (marker-position
+ (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))))
+ (<= proc-pos (point))))
+(defun comint-simple-send (proc string)
+ "Default function for sending to PROC input STRING.
+This just sends STRING plus a newline. To override this,
+set the hook COMINT-INPUT-SENDER."
+ (comint-send-string proc string)
+ (comint-send-string proc "\n"))
+(defun comint-bol (arg)
+ "Goes to the beginning of line, then skips past the prompt, if any.
+If a prefix argument is given (\\[universal-argument]), then no prompt skip
+-- go straight to column 0.
+The prompt skip is done by skipping text matching the regular expression
+comint-prompt-regexp, a buffer local variable.
+If you don't like this command, reset c-a to beginning-of-line
+in your hook, comint-mode-hook."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (null arg) (comint-skip-prompt)))
+;;; These two functions are for entering text you don't want echoed or
+;;; saved -- typically passwords to ftp, telnet, or somesuch.
+;;; Just enter m-x send-invisible and type in your line.
+(defun comint-read-noecho (prompt)
+ "Prompt the user with argument PROMPT. Read a single line of text
+without echoing, and return it. Note that the keystrokes comprising
+the text can still be recovered (temporarily) with \\[view-lossage]. This
+may be a security bug for some applications."
+ (let ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+ (answ "")
+ tem)
+ (if (and (stringp prompt) (not (string= (message prompt) "")))
+ (message prompt))
+ (while (not(or (= (setq tem (read-char)) ?\^m)
+ (= tem ?\n)))
+ (setq answ (concat answ (char-to-string tem))))
+ (message "")
+ answ))
+(defun send-invisible (str)
+ "Read a string without echoing, and send it to the process running
+in the current buffer. A new-line is additionally sent. String is not
+saved on comint input history list.
+Security bug: your string can still be temporarily recovered with
+; (interactive (list (comint-read-noecho "Enter non-echoed text")))
+ (interactive "P") ; Defeat snooping via C-x esc
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not proc) (error "Current buffer has no process")
+ (comint-send-string proc
+ (if (stringp str) str
+ (comint-read-noecho "Enter non-echoed text")))
+ (comint-send-string proc "\n"))))
+;;; Low-level process communication
+(defvar comint-input-chunk-size 512
+ "*Long inputs send to comint processes are broken up into chunks of this size.
+If your process is choking on big inputs, try lowering the value.")
+(defun comint-send-string (proc str)
+ "Send PROCESS the contents of STRING as input.
+This is equivalent to process-send-string, except that long input strings
+are broken up into chunks of size comint-input-chunk-size. Processes
+are given a chance to output between chunks. This can help prevent processes
+from hanging when you send them long inputs on some OS's."
+ (let* ((len (length str))
+ (i (min len comint-input-chunk-size)))
+ (process-send-string proc (substring str 0 i))
+ (while (< i len)
+ (let ((next-i (+ i comint-input-chunk-size)))
+ (accept-process-output)
+ (process-send-string proc (substring str i (min len next-i)))
+ (setq i next-i)))))
+(defun comint-send-region (proc start end)
+ "Sends to PROC the region delimited by START and END.
+This is a replacement for process-send-region that tries to keep
+your process from hanging on long inputs. See comint-send-string."
+ (comint-send-string proc (buffer-substring start end)))
+;;; Random input hackage
+(defun comint-kill-output ()
+ "Kill all output from interpreter since last input."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))
+ (kill-region comint-last-input-end pmark)
+ (goto-char pmark)
+ (insert "*** output flushed ***\n")
+ (set-marker pmark (point))))
+(defun comint-show-output ()
+ "Display start of this batch of interpreter output at top of window.
+Also put cursor there."
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char comint-last-input-end)
+ (backward-char)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) (point))
+ (end-of-line))
+(defun comint-interrupt-subjob ()
+ "Interrupt the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (interrupt-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-kill-subjob ()
+ "Send kill signal to the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-quit-subjob ()
+ "Send quit signal to the current subjob."
+ (interactive)
+ (quit-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-stop-subjob ()
+ "Stop the current subjob.
+WARNING: if there is no current subjob, you can end up suspending
+the top-level process running in the buffer. If you accidentally do
+this, use \\[comint-continue-subjob] to resume the process. (This
+is not a problem with most shells, since they ignore this signal.)"
+ (interactive)
+ (stop-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-continue-subjob ()
+ "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group.
+Useful if you accidentally suspend the top-level process."
+ (interactive)
+ (continue-process nil comint-ptyp))
+(defun comint-kill-input ()
+ "Kill all text from last stuff output by interpreter to point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (p-pos (marker-position pmark)))
+ (if (> (point) p-pos)
+ (kill-region pmark (point)))))
+(defun comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof (arg)
+ "Delete ARG characters forward, or send an EOF to process if at end of buffer."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (eobp)
+ (process-send-eof)
+ (delete-char arg)))
+;;; Support for source-file processing commands.
+;;; Many command-interpreters (e.g., Lisp, Scheme, Soar) have
+;;; commands that process files of source text (e.g. loading or compiling
+;;; files). So the corresponding process-in-a-buffer modes have commands
+;;; for doing this (e.g., lisp-load-file). The functions below are useful
+;;; for defining these commands.
+;;; Alas, these guys don't do exactly the right thing for Lisp, Scheme
+;;; and Soar, in that they don't know anything about file extensions.
+;;; So the compile/load interface gets the wrong default occasionally.
+;;; The load-file/compile-file default mechanism could be smarter -- it
+;;; doesn't know about the relationship between filename extensions and
+;;; whether the file is source or executable. If you compile foo.lisp
+;;; with compile-file, then the next load-file should use foo.bin for
+;;; the default, not foo.lisp. This is tricky to do right, particularly
+;;; because the extension for executable files varies so much (.o, .bin,
+;;; .lbin, .mo, .vo, .ao, ...).
+;;; COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT -- determines defaults for source-file processing
+;;; commands.
+;;; COMINT-CHECK-SOURCE -- if FNAME is in a modified buffer, asks you if you
+;;; want to save the buffer before issuing any process requests to the command
+;;; interpreter.
+;;; COMINT-GET-SOURCE -- used by the source-file processing commands to prompt
+;;; for the file to process.
+;;; (COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT previous-dir/file source-modes)
+;;; This function computes the defaults for the load-file and compile-file
+;;; commands for tea, soar, cmulisp, and cmuscheme modes.
+;;; - PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is a pair (directory . filename) from the last
+;;; source-file processing command. NIL if there hasn't been one yet.
+;;; - SOURCE-MODES is a list used to determine what buffers contain source
+;;; files: if the major mode of the buffer is in SOURCE-MODES, it's source.
+;;; Typically, (lisp-mode) or (scheme-mode).
+;;; If the command is given while the cursor is inside a string, *and*
+;;; the string is an existing filename, *and* the filename is not a directory,
+;;; then the string is taken as default. This allows you to just position
+;;; your cursor over a string that's a filename and have it taken as default.
+;;; If the command is given in a file buffer whose major mode is in
+;;; SOURCE-MODES, then the the filename is the default file, and the
+;;; file's directory is the default directory.
+;;; If the buffer isn't a source file buffer (e.g., it's the process buffer),
+;;; then the default directory & file are what was used in the last source-file
+;;; processing command (i.e., PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE). If this is the first time
+;;; the command has been run (PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is nil), the default directory
+;;; is the cwd, with no default file. (\"no default file\" = nil)
+;;; SOURCE-REGEXP is typically going to be something like (tea-mode)
+;;; for T programs, (lisp-mode) for Lisp programs, (soar-mode lisp-mode)
+;;; for Soar programs, etc.
+;;; The function returns a pair: (default-directory . default-file).
+(defun comint-source-default (previous-dir/file source-modes)
+ (cond ((and buffer-file-name (memq major-mode source-modes))
+ (cons (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
+ (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+ (previous-dir/file)
+ (t
+ (cons default-directory nil))))
+;;; Prior to loading or compiling (or otherwise processing) a file (in the CMU
+;;; process-in-a-buffer modes), this function can be called on the filename.
+;;; If the file is loaded into a buffer, and the buffer is modified, the user
+;;; is queried to see if he wants to save the buffer before proceeding with
+;;; the load or compile.
+(defun comint-check-source (fname)
+ (let ((buff (get-file-buffer fname)))
+ (if (and buff
+ (buffer-modified-p buff)
+ (y-or-n-p (format "Save buffer %s first? "
+ (buffer-name buff))))
+ ;; save BUFF.
+ (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer buff)
+ (save-buffer)
+ (set-buffer old-buffer)))))
+;;; (COMINT-GET-SOURCE prompt prev-dir/file source-modes mustmatch-p)
+;;; COMINT-GET-SOURCE is used to prompt for filenames in command-interpreter
+;;; commands that process source files (like loading or compiling a file).
+;;; It prompts for the filename, provides a default, if there is one,
+;;; and returns the result filename.
+;;; See COMINT-SOURCE-DEFAULT for more on determining defaults.
+;;; PROMPT is the prompt string. PREV-DIR/FILE is the (directory . file) pair
+;;; from the last source processing command. SOURCE-MODES is a list of major
+;;; modes used to determine what file buffers contain source files. (These
+;;; two arguments are used for determining defaults). If MUSTMATCH-P is true,
+;;; then the filename reader will only accept a file that exists.
+;;; A typical use:
+;;; (interactive (comint-get-source "Compile file: " prev-lisp-dir/file
+;;; '(lisp-mode) t))
+;;; This is pretty stupid about strings. It decides we're in a string
+;;; if there's a quote on both sides of point on the current line.
+(defun comint-extract-string ()
+ "Returns string around point that starts the current line or nil."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* ((point (point))
+ (bol (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
+ (eol (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
+ (start (progn (goto-char point)
+ (and (search-backward "\"" bol t)
+ (1+ (point)))))
+ (end (progn (goto-char point)
+ (and (search-forward "\"" eol t)
+ (1- (point))))))
+ (and start end
+ (buffer-substring start end)))))
+(defun comint-get-source (prompt prev-dir/file source-modes mustmatch-p)
+ (let* ((def (comint-source-default prev-dir/file source-modes))
+ (stringfile (comint-extract-string))
+ (sfile-p (and stringfile
+ (file-exists-p stringfile)
+ (not (file-directory-p stringfile))))
+ (defdir (if sfile-p (file-name-directory stringfile)
+ (car def)))
+ (deffile (if sfile-p (file-name-nondirectory stringfile)
+ (cdr def)))
+ (ans (read-file-name (if deffile (format "%s(default %s) "
+ prompt deffile)
+ prompt)
+ defdir
+ (concat defdir deffile)
+ mustmatch-p)))
+ (list (expand-file-name (substitute-in-file-name ans)))))
+;;; I am somewhat divided on this string-default feature. It seems
+;;; to violate the principle-of-least-astonishment, in that it makes
+;;; the default harder to predict, so you actually have to look and see
+;;; what the default really is before choosing it. This can trip you up.
+;;; On the other hand, it can be useful, I guess. I would appreciate feedback
+;;; on this.
+;;; -Olin
+;;; Simple process query facility.
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; This function is for commands that want to send a query to the process
+;;; and show the response to the user. For example, a command to get the
+;;; arglist for a Common Lisp function might send a "(arglist 'foo)" query
+;;; to an inferior Common Lisp process.
+;;; This simple facility just sends strings to the inferior process and pops
+;;; up a window for the process buffer so you can see what the process
+;;; responds with. We don't do anything fancy like try to intercept what the
+;;; process responds with and put it in a pop-up window or on the message
+;;; line. We just display the buffer. Low tech. Simple. Works good.
+;;; Send to the inferior process PROC the string STR. Pop-up but do not select
+;;; a window for the inferior process so that its response can be seen.
+(defun comint-proc-query (proc str)
+ (let* ((proc-buf (process-buffer proc))
+ (proc-mark (process-mark proc)))
+ (display-buffer proc-buf)
+ (set-buffer proc-buf) ; but it's not the selected *window*
+ (let ((proc-win (get-buffer-window proc-buf))
+ (proc-pt (marker-position proc-mark)))
+ (comint-send-string proc str) ; send the query
+ (accept-process-output proc) ; wait for some output
+ ;; Try to position the proc window so you can see the answer.
+ ;; This is bogus code. If you delete the (sit-for 0), it breaks.
+ ;; I don't know why. Wizards invited to improve it.
+ (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p proc-pt proc-win))
+ (let ((opoint (window-point proc-win)))
+ (set-window-point proc-win proc-mark) (sit-for 0)
+ (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p opoint proc-win))
+ (push-mark opoint)
+ (set-window-point proc-win opoint)))))))
+;;; Filename completion in a buffer
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; Useful completion functions, courtesy of the Ergo group.
+;;; M-<Tab> will complete the filename at the cursor as much as possible
+;;; M-? will display a list of completions in the help buffer.
+;;; Three commands:
+;;; comint-dynamic-complete Complete filename at point.
+;;; comint-dynamic-list-completions List completions in help buffer.
+;;; comint-replace-by-expanded-filename Expand and complete filename at point;
+;;; replace with expanded/completed name.
+;;; These are not installed in the comint-mode keymap. But they are
+;;; available for people who want them. Shell-mode installs them:
+;;; (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)))
+;;; Commands like this are fine things to put in load hooks if you
+;;; want them present in specific modes. Example:
+;;; (setq cmushell-load-hook
+;;; '((lambda () (define-key lisp-mode-map "\M-\t"
+;;; 'comint-replace-by-expanded-filename))))
+(defun comint-match-partial-pathname ()
+ "Returns the string of an existing filename or causes an error."
+ (if (save-excursion (backward-char 1) (looking-at "\\s ")) ""
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "[^~/A-Za-z0-9---_.$#,]+")
+ (re-search-forward "[~/A-Za-z0-9---_.$#,]+")
+ (substitute-in-file-name
+ (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))
+(defun comint-replace-by-expanded-filename ()
+"Replace the filename at point with an expanded, canonicalised, and
+completed replacement.
+\"Expanded\" means environment variables (e.g., $HOME) and ~'s are
+replaced with the corresponding directories. \"Canonicalised\" means ..
+and \. are removed, and the filename is made absolute instead of relative.
+See functions expand-file-name and substitute-in-file-name. See also
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completion (file-name-completion pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completion)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ ((eql completion t)
+ (message "Unique completion."))
+ (t ; this means a string was returned.
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+ (insert (expand-file-name (concat pathdir completion)))))))
+(defun comint-dynamic-complete ()
+ "Dynamically complete the filename at point.
+This function is similar to comint-replace-by-expanded-filename, except
+that it won't change parts of the filename already entered in the buffer;
+it just adds completion characters to the end of the filename."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completion (file-name-completion pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completion)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ ((eql completion t)
+ (message "Unique completion."))
+ (t ; this means a string was returned.
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (insert (substring completion (length pathnondir)))))))
+(defun comint-dynamic-list-completions ()
+ "List in help buffer all possible completions of the filename at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((pathname (comint-match-partial-pathname))
+ (pathdir (file-name-directory pathname))
+ (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory pathname))
+ (completions
+ (file-name-all-completions pathnondir
+ (or pathdir default-directory))))
+ (cond ((null completions)
+ (message "No completions of %s." pathname)
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (let ((conf (current-window-configuration)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (display-completion-list completions))
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (message "Hit space to flush.")
+ (let ((ch (read-char)))
+ (if (= ch ?\ )
+ (set-window-configuration conf)
+ (setq unread-command-char ch))))))))
+; Ergo bindings
+; (global-set-key "\M-\t" 'comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
+; (global-set-key "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)
+; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; Converting process modes to use comint mode
+;;; ===========================================================================
+;;; Several gnu packages (tex-mode, background, dbx, gdb, kermit, prolog,
+;;; telnet are some) use the shell package as clients. Most of them would
+;;; be better off using the comint package, but they predate it.
+;;; Altering these packages to use comint mode should greatly
+;;; improve their functionality, and is fairly easy.
+;;; Renaming variables
+;;; Most of the work is renaming variables and functions. These are the common
+;;; ones:
+;;; Local variables:
+;;; last-input-end comint-last-input-end
+;;; last-input-start <unnecessary>
+;;; shell-prompt-pattern comint-prompt-regexp
+;;; shell-set-directory-error-hook <no equivalent>
+;;; Miscellaneous:
+;;; shell-set-directory <unnecessary>
+;;; shell-mode-map comint-mode-map
+;;; Commands:
+;;; shell-send-input comint-send-input
+;;; shell-send-eof comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
+;;; kill-shell-input comint-kill-input
+;;; interrupt-shell-subjob comint-interrupt-subjob
+;;; stop-shell-subjob comint-stop-subjob
+;;; quit-shell-subjob comint-quit-subjob
+;;; kill-shell-subjob comint-kill-subjob
+;;; kill-output-from-shell comint-kill-output
+;;; show-output-from-shell comint-show-output
+;;; copy-last-shell-input Use comint-previous-input/comint-next-input
+;;; LAST-INPUT-START is no longer necessary because inputs are stored on the
+;;; input history ring. SHELL-SET-DIRECTORY is gone, its functionality taken
+;;; over by SHELL-DIRECTORY-TRACKER, the shell mode's comint-input-sentinel.
+;;; Comint mode does not provide functionality equivalent to
+;;; shell-set-directory-error-hook; it is gone.
+;;; If you are implementing some process-in-a-buffer mode, called foo-mode, do
+;;; *not* create the comint-mode local variables in your foo-mode function.
+;;; This is not modular. Instead, call comint-mode, and let *it* create the
+;;; necessary comint-specific local variables. Then create the
+;;; foo-mode-specific local variables in foo-mode. Set the buffer's keymap to
+;;; be foo-mode-map, and its mode to be foo-mode. Set the comint-mode hooks
+;;; (comint-prompt-regexp, comint-input-filter, comint-input-sentinel,
+;;; comint-get-old-input) that need to be different from the defaults. Call
+;;; foo-mode-hook, and you're done. Don't run the comint-mode hook yourself;
+;;; comint-mode will take care of it. The following example, from cmushell.el,
+;;; is typical:
+;;; (defun shell-mode ()
+;;; (interactive)
+;;; (comint-mode)
+;;; (setq comint-prompt-regexp shell-prompt-pattern)
+;;; (setq major-mode 'shell-mode)
+;;; (setq mode-name "Shell")
+;;; (cond ((not shell-mode-map)
+;;; (setq shell-mode-map (full-copy-sparse-keymap comint-mode-map))
+;;; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+;;; (define-key shell-mode-map "\M-?"
+;;; 'comint-dynamic-list-completions)))
+;;; (use-local-map shell-mode-map)
+;;; (make-local-variable 'shell-directory-stack)
+;;; (setq shell-directory-stack nil)
+;;; (setq comint-input-sentinel 'shell-directory-tracker)
+;;; (run-hooks 'shell-mode-hook))
+;;; Note that make-comint is different from make-shell in that it
+;;; doesn't have a default program argument. If you give make-shell
+;;; a program name of NIL, it cleverly chooses one of explicit-shell-name,
+;;; $ESHELL, $SHELL, or /bin/sh. If you give make-comint a program argument
+;;; of NIL, it barfs. Adjust your code accordingly...
+;;; Do the user's customisation...
+(defvar comint-load-hook nil
+ "This hook is run when comint is loaded in.
+This is a good place to put keybindings.")
+(run-hooks 'comint-load-hook)
+;;; Change log:
+;;; 9/12/89
+;;; - Souped up the filename expansion procedures.
+;;; Doc strings are much clearer and more detailed.
+;;; Fixed a bug where doing a filename completion when the point
+;;; was in the middle of the filename instead of at the end would lose.
+;;; 2/17/90
+;;; - Souped up the command history stuff so that text inserted
+;;; by comint-previous-input-matching is removed by following
+;;; command history recalls. comint-next/previous-input-matching
+;;; is now much more smoothly integrated w/the command history stuff.
+;;; - Added comint-eol-on-send flag and comint-input-sender hook.
+;;; Comint-input-sender based on code contributed by Jeff Peck
+;;; (
+;;; 3/13/90
+;;; - Added comint-previous-similar-input for looking up similar inputs.
+;;; - Added comint-send-and-get-output to allow snarfing input from
+;;; buffer.
+;;; - Added the ability to pick up a source file by positioning over
+;;; a string in comint-get-source.
+;;; - Added add-hook to make it a little easier for the user to use
+;;; multiple hooks.
+;;; 5/22/90 shivers
+;;; - Moved Chris' multiplexed ipc stuff to comint-ipc.el.
+;;; - Altered Chris' comint-get-source string feature. The string
+;;; is only offered as a default if it names an existing file.
+;;; - Changed comint-exec to directly crank up the process, instead
+;;; of calling the env program. This made background.el happy.
+;;; - Added new buffer-local var comint-ptyp. The problem is that
+;;; the signalling functions don't work as advertised. If you are
+;;; communicating via pipes, the CURRENT-GROUP arg is supposed to
+;;; be ignored, but, unfortunately it seems to be the case that you
+;;; must pass a NIL for this arg in the pipe case. COMINT-PTYP
+;;; is a flag that tells whether the process is communicating
+;;; via pipes or a pty. The comint signalling functions use it
+;;; to determine the necessary CURRENT-GROUP arg value. The bug
+;;; has been reported to the Gnu folks.
+;;; - comint-dynamic-complete flushes the help window if you hit space
+;;; after you execute it.
+;;; - Added functions comint-send-string, comint-send-region and var
+;;; comint-input-chunk-size. comint-send-string tries to prevent processes
+;;; from hanging when you send them long strings by breaking them into
+;;; chunks and allowing process output between chunks. I got the idea from
+;;; Eero Simoncelli's Common Lisp package. Note that using
+;;; comint-send-string means that the process buffer's contents can change
+;;; during a call! If you depend on process output only happening between
+;;; toplevel commands, this could be a problem. In such a case, use
+;;; process-send-string instead. If this is a problem for people, I'd like
+;;; to hear about it.
+;;; - Added comint-proc-query as a simple mechanism for commands that
+;;; want to query an inferior process and display its response. For a
+;;; typical use, see lisp-show-arglist in cmulisp.el.
+;;; - Added constant comint-version, which is now "2.01".
+;;; 6/14/90 shivers
+;;; - Had comint-update-env defined twice. Removed extra copy. Also
+;;; renamed mem to be comint-mem, for modularity. The duplication
+;;; was reported by Michael Meissner.
+;;; 6/16/90 shivers
+;;; - Emacs has two different mechanisms for maintaining the process
+;;; environment, determined at compile time by the MAINTAIN-ENVIRONMENT
+;;; #define. One uses the process-environment global variable, and
+;;; one uses a getenv/setenv interface. comint-exec assumed the
+;;; process-environment interface; it has been generalised (with
+;;; comint-exec-1) to handle both cases. Pretty bogus. We could,
+;;; of course, skip all this and just use the etc/env program to
+;;; handle the environment tweaking, but that obscures process
+;;; queries that other modules (like background.el) depend on. etc/env
+;;; is also fairly bogus. This bug, and some of the fix code was
+;;; reported by Dan Pierson.
+;;; 9/5/90 shivers
+;;; - Changed make-variable-buffer-local's to make-local-variable's.
+;;; This leaves non-comint-mode buffers alone. Stephane Payrard
+;;; reported the sloppy useage.
+;;; - You can now go from comint-previous-similar-input to
+;;; comint-previous-input with no problem.