path: root/progs/demo/eliza.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/eliza.hs')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/eliza.hs b/progs/demo/eliza.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7bf975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/eliza.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+-- Eliza: an implementation of the classic pseudo-psychoanalyst ---------------
+-- Gofer version by Mark P. Jones, January 12 1992
+-- Adapted from a pascal implementation provided as part of an experimental
+-- package from James Risner (, Univ. of KY. with original
+-- pascal code apparently provided by Robert Migliaccio (
+import Prelude hiding (conjugate)
+main :: Dialogue
+main = interact (("\n\
+ \Hi! I'm Eliza. I am your personal therapy computer.\n\
+ \Please tell me your problem.\n\
+ \\n" ++)
+ . session initial []
+ . filter (not.null)
+ . map (words . trim)
+ . lines)
+trim :: String -> String -- strip punctuation characters
+trim = foldr cons "" . dropWhile (`elem` punct)
+ where x `cons` xs | x `elem` punct && null xs = []
+ | otherwise = x : xs
+ punct = [' ', '.', '!', '?', ',']
+-- Read a line at a time, and produce some kind of response -------------------
+session :: State -> Words -> [Words] -> String
+session rs prev [] = []
+session rs prev (l:ls) = response ++ "\n\n" ++ session rs' l ls
+ where (response, rs') | prev == l = repeated rs
+ | otherwise = answer rs l
+answer :: State -> Words -> (String, State)
+answer st l = (response, newKeyTab kt st)
+ where (response, kt) = ans (keyTabOf st)
+ e `cons` (r, es) = (r, e:es)
+ ans (e:es) | null rs = e `cons` ans es
+ | otherwise = (makeResponse a (head rs), (key,as):es)
+ where rs = replies key l
+ (key,(a:as)) = e
+-- Find all possible replies (without leading string for given key ------------
+replies :: Words -> Words -> [String]
+replies key l = ( map (conjugate l . drop (length key))
+ . filter (prefix key . map ucase)
+ . tails) l
+prefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+[] `prefix` xs = True
+(x:xs) `prefix` [] = False
+(x:xs) `prefix` (y:ys) = x==y && (xs `prefix` ys)
+tails :: [a] -> [[a]] -- non-empty tails of list
+tails [] = []
+tails xs = xs : tails (tail xs)
+ucase :: String -> String -- map string to upper case
+ucase = map toUpper
+-- Replace keywords in a list of words with appropriate conjugations ----------
+conjugate :: Words -> Words -> String
+conjugate d = unwords . trailingI . map conj . maybe d -- d is default input
+ where maybe d xs = if null xs then d else xs
+ conj w = head ([m | (w',m)<-conjugates, uw==w'] ++ [w])
+ where uw = ucase w
+ trailingI = foldr cons []
+ where x `cons` xs | x=="I" && null xs = ["me"]
+ | otherwise = x:xs
+conjugates :: [(Word, Word)]
+conjugates = prepare (oneways ++ concat [[(x,y), (y,x)] | (x,y) <- bothways])
+ where oneways = [ ("me", "you") ]
+ bothways = [ ("are", "am"), ("we're", "was"),
+ ("you", "I"), ("your", "my"),
+ ("I've", "you've"), ("I'm", "you're") ]
+ prepare = map (\(w,r) -> (ucase w, r))
+-- Response data --------------------------------------------------------------
+type Word = String
+type Words = [Word]
+type KeyTable = [(Key, Replies)]
+type Replies = [String]
+type State = (KeyTable, Replies)
+type Key = Words
+repeated :: State -> (String, State)
+repeated (kt, (r:rp)) = (r, (kt, rp))
+newKeyTab :: KeyTable -> State -> State
+newKeyTab kt' (kt, rp) = (kt', rp)
+keyTabOf :: State -> KeyTable
+keyTabOf (kt, rp) = kt
+makeResponse :: String -> String -> String
+makeResponse ('?':cs) us = cs ++ " " ++ us ++ "?"
+makeResponse ('.':cs) us = cs ++ " " ++ us ++ "."
+makeResponse cs us = cs
+initial :: State
+initial = ([(words k, cycle rs) | (k,rs) <-respMsgs], cycle repeatMsgs)
+respMsgs = [ ("CAN YOU", canYou),
+ ("CAN I", canI),
+ ("YOU ARE", youAre),
+ ("YOU'RE", youAre),
+ ("I DON'T", iDont),
+ ("I FEEL", iFeel),
+ ("WHY DON'T YOU", whyDont),
+ ("WHY CAN'T I", whyCant),
+ ("ARE YOU", areYou),
+ ("I CAN'T", iCant),
+ ("I AM", iAm),
+ ("I'M", iAm),
+ ("YOU", you),
+ ("YES", yes),
+ ("NO", no),
+ ("COMPUTER", computer),
+ ("COMPUTERS", computer),
+ ("I WANT", iWant),
+ ("WHAT", question),
+ ("HOW", question),
+ ("WHO", question),
+ ("WHERE", question),
+ ("WHEN", question),
+ ("WHY", question),
+ ("NAME", name),
+ ("BECAUSE", because),
+ ("CAUSE", because),
+ ("SORRY", sorry),
+ ("DREAM", dream),
+ ("DREAMS", dream),
+ ("HI", hello),
+ ("HELLO", hello),
+ ("MAYBE", maybe),
+ ("YOUR", your),
+ ("ALWAYS", always),
+ ("THINK", think),
+ ("ALIKE", alike),
+ ("FRIEND", friend),
+ ("FRIENDS", friend),
+ ("", nokeyMsgs) ]
+canYou = [ "?Don't you believe that I can",
+ "?Perhaps you would like to be able to",
+ "?You want me to be able to" ]
+canI = [ "?Perhaps you don't want to",
+ "?Do you want to be able to" ]
+youAre = [ "?What makes you think I am",
+ "?Does it please you to believe I am",
+ "?Perhaps you would like to be",
+ "?Do you sometimes wish you were" ]
+iDont = [ "?Don't you really",
+ "?Why don't you",
+ "?Do you wish to be able to",
+ "Does that trouble you?" ]
+iFeel = [ "Tell me more about such feelings.",
+ "?Do you often feel",
+ "?Do you enjoy feeling" ]
+whyDont = [ "?Do you really believe I don't",
+ ".Perhaps in good time I will",
+ "?Do you want me to" ]
+whyCant = [ "?Do you think you should be able to",
+ "?Why can't you" ]
+areYou = [ "?Why are you interested in whether or not I am",
+ "?Would you prefer if I were not",
+ "?Perhaps in your fantasies I am" ]
+iCant = [ "?How do you know you can't",
+ "Have you tried?",
+ "?Perhaps you can now" ]
+iAm = [ "?Did you come to me because you are",
+ "?How long have you been",
+ "?Do you believe it is normal to be",
+ "?Do you enjoy being" ]
+you = [ "We were discussing you --not me.",
+ "?Oh,",
+ "You're not really talking about me, are you?" ]
+yes = [ "You seem quite positive.",
+ "Are you Sure?",
+ "I see.",
+ "I understand." ]
+no = [ "Are you saying no just to be negative?",
+ "You are being a bit negative.",
+ "Why not?",
+ "Are you sure?",
+ "Why no?" ]
+computer = [ "Do computers worry you?",
+ "Are you talking about me in particular?",
+ "Are you frightened by machines?",
+ "Why do you mention computers?",
+ "What do you think machines have to do with your problems?",
+ "Don't you think computers can help people?",
+ "What is it about machines that worries you?" ]
+iWant = [ "?Why do you want",
+ "?What would it mean to you if you got",
+ "?Suppose you got",
+ "?What if you never got",
+ ".I sometimes also want" ]
+question = [ "Why do you ask?",
+ "Does that question interest you?",
+ "What answer would please you the most?",
+ "What do you think?",
+ "Are such questions on your mind often?",
+ "What is it that you really want to know?",
+ "Have you asked anyone else?",
+ "Have you asked such questions before?",
+ "What else comes to mind when you ask that?" ]
+name = [ "Names don't interest me.",
+ "I don't care about names --please go on." ]
+because = [ "Is that the real reason?",
+ "Don't any other reasons come to mind?",
+ "Does that reason explain anything else?",
+ "What other reasons might there be?" ]
+sorry = [ "Please don't apologise!",
+ "Apologies are not necessary.",
+ "What feelings do you have when you apologise?",
+ "Don't be so defensive!" ]
+dream = [ "What does that dream suggest to you?",
+ "Do you dream often?",
+ "What persons appear in your dreams?",
+ "Are you disturbed by your dreams?" ]
+hello = [ "How do you...please state your problem." ]
+maybe = [ "You don't seem quite certain.",
+ "Why the uncertain tone?",
+ "Can't you be more positive?",
+ "You aren't sure?",
+ "Don't you know?" ]
+your = [ "?Why are you concerned about my",
+ "?What about your own" ]
+always = [ "Can you think of a specific example?",
+ "When?",
+ "What are you thinking of?",
+ "Really, always?" ]
+think = [ "Do you really think so?",
+ "?But you are not sure you",
+ "?Do you doubt you" ]
+alike = [ "In what way?",
+ "What resemblence do you see?",
+ "What does the similarity suggest to you?",
+ "What other connections do you see?",
+ "Cound there really be some connection?",
+ "How?" ]
+friend = [ "Why do you bring up the topic of friends?",
+ "Do your friends worry you?",
+ "Do your friends pick on you?",
+ "Are you sure you have any friends?",
+ "Do you impose on your friends?",
+ "Perhaps your love for friends worries you." ]
+repeatMsgs = [ "Why did you repeat yourself?",
+ "Do you expect a different answer by repeating yourself?",
+ "Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.",
+ "Please don't repeat yourself!" ]
+nokeyMsgs = [ "I'm not sure I understand you fully.",
+ "What does that suggest to you?",
+ "I see.",
+ "Can you elaborate on that?",
+ "Say, do you have any psychological problems?" ]