path: root/progs/demo/X11/animation
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authorYale AI Dept <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
committerDuncan McGreggor <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
commit4e987026148fe65c323afbc93cd560c07bf06b3f (patch)
tree26ae54177389edcbe453d25a00c38c2774e8b7d4 /progs/demo/X11/animation
Import to github.
Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/animation')
36 files changed, 2139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/README b/progs/demo/X11/animation/README
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+In his paper "A Functional Animation Starter Kit" [ARYA88], Kevi Arya
+proposes an approach to animation that uses functional languages. As
+Arya describes, the cost of computing power is falling. This is making
+the use of computer animation much more prevalent. However, languages
+such as C make it difficult to program animations. What is needed is
+a simpler, faster and more accessible way to program graphics. Functional
+languages are a very effective means for this, due to their higher order
+ Kevi Arya goes on to provide such a functional animation package in
+the language Miranda. Haskell in particular is good functional language for
+two reasons. It is a completely functional language, doing even I/O in a
+functional manner. Variables are evaluated in a lazy manner allowing infinite
+lists to be manipulated easily, which suits the infinite frames format
+of animation.
+The following animations are provided here:
+ seaside.hs - a seaside scene
+ planets.hs - planets in orbit
+ palm.hs - another seaside scene
+ birds.hs - flying birds
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/animation.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/animation.hs
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+-- This bundles all the animation stuff into a single module.
+module Animation(R_Ptypes..,R_Constants..,R_Utility..,R_Picture..,R_Behaviour..,
+ R_Movie..,R_Shapes..,R_Defaults..,R_Inbetween..,
+ R_Display..) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+import R_Movie
+import R_Shapes
+import R_Defaults
+import R_Inbetween
+import R_Display
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diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs
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index 0000000..daba730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/birds.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Birds where
+import Animation
+bird :: Movie
+--bird = osc [bird1,bird2]
+bird = rOVERLAY
+ [apply (bPar [right,right,right,right]) bm1,
+ apply (bPar [up,right,right,right]) bm2]
+ where bm1 = osc [bird1]
+ bm2 = osc [bird2]
+bird1 = [(black,b1)]
+ where b1 = [(0,90),(20,100),(30,110),(40,110),(50,100),(110,120),
+ (130,100),(120,90),(80,90),(0,90),
+ (80,90),(90,70),(140,50),(120,90),(80,90),
+ (80,90),(70,70),(80,60),(90,70)]
+bird2 = [(red,b2)]
+ where b2 = [(0,60),(20,70),(30,80),(40,80),(50,70),(110,70),
+ (140,30),(110,35),(100,35),(70,50),(50,60),(0,60),
+ (70,50),(100,90),(150,100),(120,60),(110,35),
+ (70,50),(65,100),(85,115),(97,86)]
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 bird)
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+:o= all
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+% This is obsolete regarding the X system -- jcp
+% -*-latex-*-
+% Creator: John Tinmouth
+% Creation Date: Thu May 9 1991
+\title{A Functional Animation Package in Haskell}
+ John Tinmouth\\
+ Computer Science Senior Project\\
+ Yale University\\
+ Professor Paul Hudak }
+\date{9 May 1991}
+ In his paper "A Functional Animation Starter Kit" [ARYA88], Kevi Arya
+proposes an approach to animation that uses functional languages. As
+Arya describes, the cost of computing power is falling. This is making
+the use of computer animation much more prevalent. However, languages
+such as C make it difficult to program animations. What is needed is
+a simpler, faster and more accessible way to program graphics. Functional
+languages are a very effective means for this, due to their higher order
+ Kevi Arya goes on to provide such a functional animation package in
+the language Miranda. Haskell in particular is good functional language for
+two reasons. It is a completely functional language, doing even I/O in a
+functional manner. Variables are evaluated in a lazy manner allowing infinite
+lists to be manipulated easily, which suits the infinite frames format
+of animation. As it is now possible to complete the implementation of
+this package is Haskell, my work has been converting these Miranda programs
+to Haskell version 1.0-0, Yale Haskell Group.
+\section{How to Use the Graphics: Overview}
+ By using higher order functions, it becomes very easy to do rapid
+prototyping of animations. You can quickly throw out an animation of
+simple images manipulated in simple ways. For example, if there was
+an image of a car, and you wanted it to move left, you could almost
+just describe it in english, and that would be the animation.
+ movie = apply left car
+ After the simple model is done, converting it to a more complex model
+is simple. Simply make the image, "car" in this case, more complex, and
+then modify the "left" function, and you are done.
+ There are three stages in making a movie. First of all, you must
+define your basic images. These will tend to be Pics put into lists, either
+finite or infinite, to be basic Movies. Second, you decide precisely
+what kind of motion you want in animation. These are behaviours. A behaviour
+modifies a movie over time, changing each successive frame. This includes
+motion, changing size, changing from one image to another and so forth. These
+are applied to your basic Movies. Third, you must combine your basic Movies
+into your final Movie. If you want a scene of clouds and a man walking, you
+must overlay your basic Movie of clouds with your Movie of a walking man.
+\section {Original Images or Pics}
+ A Movie is a list of frames called Pics. Each of these Pics is a list
+of colored polygons. The Pic is a Color followed by a list of Vectors,
+representing the vertices of the Polygon. The original Pic usually must
+be entered by hand, although simple generation routines for boxes,
+triangles and circles are available. You need to produce some of these
+basic images in one way or another, so that you have something to
+ To make a Movie, you need a list of these Pics. With a single Pic, you
+can generate a sequence of that Pic. With several Pics, you can oscillate
+through the Pics in an inifinite list. To generate an infinite list of
+Pics of p1, define a Movie, m1 = i p1.
+ The following datatypes are used in this package:
+type Vec = (Int,Int)
+type Color = Int
+type Poly = (Color,[Vec])
+type Pic = [Poly]
+type Movie = [Pic]
+type Behaviour = [Pic -> Pic]
+\subsection {Modifying Pics}
+ Starting with a single Pic, it is possible to create a short list of
+Pics to oscillate on. You can flip it, scale it, or otherwise modify the
+original Pic (p1) in some way to create another Pic (p2). You can either
+keep doing this and produce N images for a Movie of [p1,p2,...,pN], or use
+the interpolation functions available to shift from p1 to p2 in N frames,
+resulting in a Movie [p1,interp1,interp2,...,interpN-2,p2].
+ The list of specific Pic-to-Pic functions is included in the next section,
+along with short explanations of what they do.
+\subsection {Pic-to-Pic Functions Available}
+overlay_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This takes 2 Pics and just puts them together into one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+put_Pic Args: Vec Pic Pic
+ This overlays the two Pics, putting Pic-1's center the Vec
+ distance away from Pic-2's center.
+ module: R_Picture
+over_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts two images on top of one another, explicitly
+ centering the first on top of the second and forms one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+above_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts the first Pic above the second Pic, at a distance
+ of half the combined heights of the Pics and overlays them
+ to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+beside_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ This puts the first Pic to the right of the second Pic, at
+ a distance of half the combined widths of the Pics and
+ overlays them to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+beside2_Pic Args: Pic Pic
+ Withouth analysing the widths of the Pics, it puts the
+ first Pic the width of the second Pic to the right and
+ overlays them to form one Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+scale_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This scales the picture in elevenths around its own origin
+ and returns that Pic. So if the Int is 22, the Pic will
+ scaled by a factor of 2 (22/11).
+ module: R_Picture
+scale_rel_Pic Args: Vev Int Pic
+ This is another scaling function, but it scales the image
+ from the Vec, treating it as the origin.
+ module: R_Picture
+mov_Pic Args: Vec Pic
+ This moves the Pic by the amount of the vector.
+ module: R_Picture
+movto_Pic Args: Vec Pic
+ This moves the Pic's center to the Vec.
+ module: R_Picture
+to_orig Args: Pic
+ This moves the Pic's center to the lower,left side of
+ the Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+rot_Pic Args: Vec Float Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by the Float in radians, using the Vec
+ as the origin of rotation.
+ module: R_Picture
+twist_Pic Args: Float Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by the Float amount of radians around
+ its own center.
+ module: R_Picture
+rot_Pic' Args: Vec Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by a certain amount (set in R_Constants)
+ using the Vec as the center of rotation. The set amount of
+ rotation makes it faster than rot_Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+twist_Pic' Args: Pic
+ This rotates the Pic by a certain amoutn (set in R_Constants)
+ around the Pic's origin. The set amount of rotation makes
+ it faster than twist_Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+flipx_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This flips the Pic around the line x=Int, essentially giving
+ a mirror image of the Pic, reversing right and left.
+ module: R_Picture
+flipy_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This flips the Pic around the line y=Int, mirror-imaging the
+ Pic, reversing up and down.
+ module: R_Picture
+flip_Pic Args: Pic
+ This flips the Pic around its own x-origin, reversing
+ left and right.
+ module: R_Picture
+flock_Pic Args: Int Pic
+ This takes the image Pic and copies it out Int*Int times in
+ a Int by Int grid pattern, and returns that as an Pic.
+ module: R_Picture
+set_Color Args: Int Pic
+ This takes an Int standing for a color, and changes the
+ color of the Pic to that.
+ module: R_Picture
+\subsection{Other Functions for Manipulating Pics}
+i Args: Any
+ This will take anything and return an infinite stream of them.
+ module: R_Utility
+osc Args: [Any]
+ This will take a Movie, which is a list of Pics and
+ oscillate them.
+ [p1] will give [p1,p1,p1,p1....]
+ [p1,p2,p3,p4] will give [p1,p2,p3,p4,p3,p2,p1,p2...]
+ module: R_Utility
+\section{Behaviours and their Application to Movies}
+ A Behaviour is a list of functions that will convert one Pic to
+another Pic. This list then can be applied to any Movie with one
+of the application functions (most often apply). The beauty of the Behaviour
+is that once you have a behaviour for moving left, you can move any
+Movie left without rewriting the routine every time.
+ There are specific functions that take a Behaviour and a Movie and
+return a new Movie. These are apply and while. If you had a Movie of a
+man walking in place, and a Behaviour called left that moves Pics ever
+increasing distances left, then you could create a man walking left by:
+ apply left man
+ If you want to apply more than one Behaviour to a Movie, you must first
+decide whether to do that in sequence or in parallel, and use bSeq and bPar
+to reduce the list of Behaviours to a single Behaviour, and then apply
+that to a movie. For example:
+ apply (bPar left up) gull
+will take a Movie of a gull and move the Pics up and left.
+ Most of the basic Behaviours are defined in R\_Behaviour.
+\subsection{Defining Customized Packages of Behaviours}
+ Often you will have more specialized, or just simpler Behaviours you
+want to use. Using the Behaviours and Pic-to-Pic functions, it is very
+easy to create your own small library of Behaviours. R\_Defaults is a
+module of such Behaviours. For example, to create a Behaviour to move
+a Movie right, you would create a list of mov\_Pic's, each taking a
+everincreasingly large x-coordinate.
+ right = [ mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y) <- zip [0,10,..] [0,..] ]
+ Or if you wanted a behavour to place a Movie at (100,100) twice as
+large as before, you could create a new Behaviour from old ones as:
+ scaleat= bPar [movto (i (100,100)), scale (i 22)]
+\subsection{Behaviours Available}
+flip Args: none
+ This will flip every Pic around its x-origin, resulting in
+ mirror images reversing left and right.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+twist' Args: none
+ This will rotate each Pic by the amount rotunit (see
+ R_Constants) around its origin.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+mov Args: [Vec]
+ This will move each Pic by its corresponding vector.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+movto Args: [Vec]
+ This will move each Pic's origin to its corresponding vector.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+circ_mov Args: Float Float
+ This will move each Pic in a circle, of radius of the first
+ Float and by an increment of the second Float, using (0,0)
+ as the origin of rotation.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+scale Args: [Int]
+ Scales every Pic on its origin by the the corresponding Int
+ in the list. These Ints represents elevenths, so that a
+ [2,2,...] will scale every Pic by 2/11 .
+ module: R_Behaviour
+scale_rel Args: Vec [Int]
+ Same as scale, except that the Pics are all scaled using the
+ Vec as the point of origin.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+twist Args: [Float]
+ This will rotate every Pic by its corresponding Float from
+ the list in radians.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+set_color Args: [Int]
+ This sets each Pic to the color indicated by its
+ corresponding int in the list.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+rot Args: [Vec] [Float]
+ This will rotate each Pic around its corresponding Vec by
+ its corresponding Float in radians.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+big Args: none
+ Scales every Pic up by scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+huge Args: none
+ This scales every Pic up by 2*scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+small Args: none
+ This scales every Pic down by 10/11
+ module: R_Defaults
+tiny Args: none
+ This scale every Pic down by 5/11
+ module: R_Defaults
+bigger Args: none
+ This scales every Pic in the list by scaleunit more
+ than the previous Pic, so that the n-th element is
+ scaled up by (n-1)*scaleunit
+ module: R_Defaults
+smaller Args: none
+ This scales every Pic down, so that the n-th element
+ is scaled down by (n-1)*(10/11)
+ module: R_Defaults
+ccw Args: none
+ This rotates every Pic by one rotunit more than the
+ previous Pic, in a counterclockwise fashion.
+ module: R_Defaults
+cw Args: none
+ This rotates every Pic by one rotunit more than the
+ previous Pic, in a clockwise fashion.
+ module: R_Defaults
+up Args: none
+ This moves every Pic up by one unit more than the
+ Previous Pic, so that the n-th element is moved up
+ (n-1) units.
+ module: R_Defaults
+down Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move down.
+ module: R_Defaults
+right Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move right.
+ module: R_Defaults
+left Args: none
+ This is same as up, but the Pics move left.
+ module: R_Defaults
+\subsection{Functions For Behaviours}
+do Args: Int Behaviour
+ This takes the first Int elements of the Behaviour and
+ return that.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+rpt Args: Int Behaviour
+ This takes an Int and returns a Behaviour of length Int.
+ However, the n-th Pic-to-Pic in the Behaviour returned
+ is made up of the first through (n-1)the Pic-to-Pics of
+ the input list.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+forever Args: Behaviour
+ This makes a finite Behaviour list an infinite one by
+ appending the list to itself endlessly.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+apply Args: Behaviour Movie
+ This takes a Behaviour and applies it to a Movie
+ module: R_Behaviour
+while Args: (Boolean function) Behaviour Movie
+ As long as the Boolean function evaluates true, this
+ takes a Behaviour and applies it to a Movie. When it
+ evaluates to false, no more Pics are produced and
+ the Movie is cut short there.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bseq Args: Behaviour Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in sequence.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bSeq Args: [Behaviour] Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in sequence.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bpar Args: Behaviour Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in parallel.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+bPar Args: [Behaviour] Behaviour
+ This takes two Behaviour and creates one Behaviour made
+ up of the two inputs applies in parallel.
+ module: R_Behaviour
+\section{Creating the Final Movie}
+ Finally, you have your basic Movies made up of Pictures and Behaviours.
+Now you need to combine them into one Movie. The functions that do this
+are found in the module R\_Movie. These functions will take a list of
+Movies and return a single Movie combining all the Movies in the list.
+How they are combined can be controlled to some extent. Usually they are
+just overlayed, but they can be put beside one another, or on top of
+one another, or put a Vec distance apart.
+ It is also possible to use a combination of these forms. If you wanted
+to overaly M1 and M2, and then put that beside M3, you would do:
+ rBESIDE [M3, rOVERLAY [M1,M2] ]
+This is acceptable as rOVERLAY will return a single Movie.
+\subsection{Movie Combining Functions}
+rABOVE Args: [Movie]
+ Puts all the Movies into one movie, all above one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rBESIDE Args: [Movie]
+ Puts all the Movies into one movie, all beside one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rBESIDE2 Args: [Movie]
+ Using their absolute coordinates, puts all the Movies
+ beside one another.
+ module: R_Movie
+rOVER Args: [Movie]
+ This lays the Movies on top of one another, centering
+ each Pic so that they share the same origin.
+ module: R_Movie
+rOVERLAY Args: [Movie]
+ This lays the Movies on top of one another, centering
+ each Pic so that they share the smae origin.
+ module: R_Movie
+pUT Args: [Vec] Movie Movie
+ This takes a list of Vec, and puts each Pic of the
+ first Movie in the location of the corresponding
+ Vec on top of the Pic of the second Movie and
+ returns that list as the new Movie.
+ module: R_Movie
+\section{Displaying Your Movie}
+ Once you have your function for the Movie defined, you need to output
+it in some way. Currently, this is done by outputting characters to a file and
+running a C Program in X-Windows that displays the contents of the file
+as a graphic in the X system. First of all, you must convert the
+Movie variable to a stream of characters. This is done by running
+"showm" on the Movie. Be carefull you don't try to convert an infinite list
+into characters as the compiler will take awhile to do this. Instead, take
+a certain number of frames and convert them with "showm".
+ man\_vm = rOVERLAY [man,vm]
+ man\_vmstring = showm (take 20 man&vm)
+ Now that you have this string, you need to write it to disk. The
+"writetofile" function does this. It takes a characater string(ie [Char] )
+as an argument, and then prompts you for a filename. It then writes the
+string to the filename. So to put man\_vm string into a file:
+ main = writetofile man_vmstring
+and run the program, where you will prompted for the filename. Or you could:
+ main = writetofile (showm (take 20 man_vm))
+to make it more compact.
+\subsection{Miscellaneous Usefull Functions}
+inbetween Args: Int Pic Pic
+ This takes an Int and two Pics and returns a Movie
+ with Int Pics interpolating between the two Pics.
+ module: R_Inbetween
+tween Args: Int Movie Movie
+ This takes an Int and two Movies and returns one
+ Movie made up of the first Movie, Int number of
+ frames of Pics interpolating between the last
+ Pic of the first Movie and the first Pic of the
+ second Movie, followed by the second Movie
+ module: R_Inbetween
+box Args: Int Int Int
+ This takes 3 Ints, the color, width and height of
+ the box and returns a Pic of a box
+ module: R_Shapes
+tri Args: Int Vec Vec Vec
+ This takes a color and three vectors and returns a
+ Pic of a triangle of that colour with those vertices.
+ module: R_Shapes
+circ Args: Int Int Int
+ This takes a color, the radius and the number of points
+ around the circle, and returns a circle with origin at
+ (0,0).
+ module: R_Shapes
+\large {\bf Appendix: C Programs to Display on X-Windows}
+ The program currently used to run these graphics is called "xcshow".
+This takes one argument, the name of the file to be run. When run
+in X-Windows, it will produce a window with the first Pic. To run it, click
+on the left mouse button inside the window. Clicking again will freeze it.
+This will keep cycling through the file, replaying again when it hits the
+end of the file, until the window is killed.
+ There is also "xshow" which is used to run the monochrome Movies, as
+"xcshow" is used to run the color Movies. As this animation package
+only produces color Movies, it isn't too usefull.
+\large {\bf References}
+[ARYA88] "The Formal Analysis of a Functiona Animation System", Kevi Arya,
+ DPhil,Thesis,Oxford University, Programming Research Group,
+ April 1988
+[ARYA89] "Processes In A Functional Animation System", Kevi Arya,IBM
+ T.J. Research Center, 1989
+[HASK90] "Report On The Programming Language Haskell, Version 1.0",
+ YALEU/DCS/RR-777,Yale University,1990
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9deef12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/palm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module Palm (main) where
+import Animation
+import SeaFigs
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 trans)
+trans :: Movie
+trans = manright++change++gull2
+manright = mirrorx (take 10 (apply left man))
+gull2 = apply (bPar [right,up,huge,huge,huge,(mov (i (275,0)))]) gull
+change = inbetween 5 manf1 gull1
+ where gull1 = head gull2
+ manf1 = last manright
+mirrorx :: Movie -> Movie
+mirrorx m = map (flipx_Pic x) m
+ where (x,_)=orig_Movie m
+orig_Movie :: Movie -> Vec
+orig_Movie m = ((x2-x1) `div` 2,(y2-y1) `div` 2)
+ where x2 = reduce max (map maxx m)
+ x1 = reduce min (map minx m)
+ y2 = reduce max (map maxy m)
+ y1 = reduce min (map miny m)
+maxx :: Pic -> Int
+maxx p = reduce max [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+minx :: Pic -> Int
+minx p = reduce min [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+maxy :: Pic -> Int
+maxy p = reduce max [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+miny :: Pic -> Int
+miny p = reduce min [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86fcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/planets.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/planets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f278a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/planets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module Planets (main) where
+import Animation
+planets:: Float -> Float -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Movie
+planets i1 i2 r1 r2 c1 c2
+ [ apply f1 earth,
+ apply (bpar f1 f2) moon
+ ]
+ where f1 = circ_mov (fromIntegral r1) i1
+ f2 = circ_mov (fromIntegral r2) i2
+ earth = osc [mov_Pic (vplus center (r1,0)) (box c1 30 30)]
+ moon = osc [mov_Pic (vplus center (r1+r2,0)) (box c2 15 15)]
+gen a b c d = c :(gen a b (c+b) d)
+planet_scene:: Movie
+planet_scene = rOVERLAY
+ [apply (bpar (set_color (i yellow)) (movto (i center))) orb,
+ planets (pi/40.0) (pi/10.0) 450 80 darkblue lightblue,
+ planets (pi/20.0) (pi/8.0) 300 50 brown black,
+ planets (pi/10.0) (pi/4.0) 150 40 green red
+ ]
+orb = osc [circ red 50 10]
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 60 planet_scene)
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3473372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f58e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_behaviour.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ This module defines the basic Behaviours available to manipulate
+ Movies. These functions can either be used directly, or used to
+ easily create personnalized Behaviours (see R_Defaults).
+ There are the Behaviours that affect one Movie, which are mov,movto
+ circ_mov,scale,scale_rel,rot,flip and set_color. These change some
+ aspect of the movie over time.
+ There are functions that combine several movies into one, namely
+ bseq,bSeq,bpar and bPar.
+ Some functions modify the Behaviours. These are do, rpt and forever.
+ They put limits on how long the Behaviour is.
+ Finally, there are the functions that apply the Behaviours to a Movie.
+ These are apply and while. Apply applies a Behaviour to a Movie until
+ it runs out of Movie or Behaviour. While takes a conditional and
+ applies the Behaviour to it until that condition is fullfilled.
+module R_Behaviour (mov,movto,circ_mov,scale,scale_rel,rot,flipb,
+ set_color,
+ bseq,bSeq,bpar,bPar,
+ do,rpt,forever,
+ apply,while ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+ -- takes a Pic to Pic and makes an infinite list Behaviour out of it
+makeb1 :: (Pic->Pic) -> Behaviour
+makeb1 f = f : makeb1 f
+ -- takes a movie and flips it around the x-origin using flip_Pic
+flipb :: Behaviour
+flipb = makeb1 flip_Pic
+ -- twist makes twist_Pic into a Behaviour, rotating the image by rotunit
+twist' :: Behaviour
+twist' = makeb1 twist_Pic'
+ -- makeb2 makes a Behaviour out of a function that takes a list and a
+ -- function and outputs a Behaviour.
+makeb2 :: (a->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> Behaviour
+makeb2 f [] = []
+makeb2 f (v:vs) = f v : makeb2 f vs
+ -- mov takes a list of Vec's and applies each Pic-to-Pic in the Behaviour
+ -- list to its corresponding Vec, and gives back a new Behaviour
+mov :: [Vec] ->Behaviour
+mov = makeb2 mov_Pic
+ -- movto creates a list of Pic-to-Pic Behaviours that move each Pic to its
+ -- corresponding Vec
+movto :: [Vec] -> Behaviour
+movto = makeb2 movto_Pic
+ -- produces a Behaviour that produces movement in a circle, taking
+ -- the radius and the increment as arguments.
+circ_mov :: Float -> Float -> Behaviour
+circ_mov r inc = mov (map (vmin' (head vs')) vs')
+ where vs = [ (r*(cos theta),r*(sin theta)) |
+ theta <- gen inc 0.0 ]
+ vmin' x y = vmin y x
+ vs' = map vftov vs
+gen :: Float -> Float -> [Float]
+gen b c = c : (gen b (c+b) )
+ -- scale outputs a list of Pic-to-Pic's that scale according to its
+ -- corresponding Int in the input list
+scale :: [Int] -> Behaviour
+scale = makeb2 scale_Pic
+ -- scale_rel does the same thing, but centers on the lower-left corner of
+ -- the image
+scale_rel :: Vec -> [Int] -> Behaviour
+scale_rel v = makeb2 (scale_rel_Pic v)
+ -- twist outputs a list of Behaviours that rotate each pick by its
+ -- corresponding Float in the list
+twist :: [Float] -> Behaviour
+twist = makeb2 twist_Pic
+ -- set_color takes a list of Colors, and returns a list of Pic-to-Pic's
+ -- that change to the corresponding color in the list
+set_color :: [Color] -> Behaviour
+set_color = makeb2 set_Color_Pic
+ -- makeb3 takes a function with two inputs, and two input lists and
+ -- returns a behaviour made up of functions with inputs fromt the lists
+makeb3 :: (a->b->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> [b] -> Behaviour
+makeb3 f [] (p:ps) = []
+makeb3 f (v:vs) [] = []
+makeb3 f (v:vs) (p:ps) = f v p : makeb3 f vs ps
+ -- rot produces behaviours rotating by the Float, around the point
+ -- of the Vec, both provided by lists.
+rot :: [Vec] -> [Float] -> Behaviour
+rot = makeb3 rot_Pic
+ -- bseq takes two Behaviours and combines them into one, in sequence.
+ -- It first applies all of the first Behaviour, then all of the second
+bseq :: Behaviour -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+bseq ps [] = []
+bseq [] qs = []
+bseq ps qs = ps ++ (mapc (last ps) qs)
+ -- bSeq takes a list of Behaviour and makes them into one Behaviour, in
+ -- sequence.
+bSeq :: [Behaviour] -> Behaviour
+bSeq = reduce bseq
+ -- bpar takes two behaviours and applies them both simultaneously,
+ -- producing a list of Pic-to-Pic's, each one made up of a function
+ -- from the first list combined with a function from the second list
+bpar :: Behaviour -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+bpar [] (q:qs) = []
+bpar (p:ps) [] = []
+bpar (p:ps) (q:qs) = (p.q):(bpar ps qs)
+ -- bPar takes a list of Behaviours and makes them all into one Behaviour,
+ -- in paralell
+bPar :: [Behaviour] -> Behaviour
+bPar = reduce bpar
+ -- takes the first n POic-to-Pics in a Behaviour and returns that Behaviour
+do :: Int -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+do n f = take n f
+ -- applies bseq to the list of behaviours, so that the nth element of
+ -- the returned list has n-1 behaviours in it, applied in sequence
+rpt :: Int -> Behaviour -> Behaviour
+rpt n f = replicate n bseq [] f
+ -- takes the behaviour and applies all the behaviours up the nth element
+ -- to the nth element, in an infinite list
+forever :: Behaviour -> Behaviour
+forever f = bseq f (forever f)
+ -- takes a behaviour, applies each from to a Pic in a Movie and returns
+ -- the new Movie
+apply :: Behaviour -> Movie -> Movie
+apply [] ms = []
+apply fs [] = []
+apply (f:fs) (m:ms) = (f m):(apply fs ms)
+ -- applies the Behaviour to the Movie until the condition is fullfilled,
+ -- then returns the movie to that point
+while :: (Pic -> Bool) -> Behaviour -> Movie -> Movie
+while c [] ms = []
+while c fs [] = []
+while c (f:fs) (m:ms) = if (c m) then ( (f m):(while c fs ms))
+ else []
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa52bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36e3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_constants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ This module sets up all the constants used in this functional
+ animation package.
+ Defined here are the basic units of movement, scale and rotation.
+ The screen height and width are set, and the various parts of
+ the screen such as the top-middle, lower-left and center are
+ all set. Finally the color values used by xcshow, the c-program
+ that displays the movies in X, are set.
+module R_Constants (fps, unit, hf, qt, scaleunit, rotunit,
+ nullpic, nullseq,
+ sinunit,cosunit,
+ screenwid, screenht, botl, leftm, topl, topm, topr,
+ rightm, botr, botm, center,
+ white,black,red,green,darkblue,lightblue,brown,yellow,
+ colorName, allColors
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+ -- units are set. The scaleunit is in 11th, so that the 12 is
+ -- actually 12/11'ths
+fps :: Int
+unit :: Int
+hf :: Int
+qt :: Int
+scaleunit :: Int
+fps = 25
+unit = 15
+hf = unit `div` 2
+qt = unit `div`4
+scaleunit = 12
+ --scaleunit is div'ed by 12 later
+rotunit :: Float
+rotunit = pi/18
+sinunit = sin rotunit
+cosunit = cos rotunit
+nullpic :: Pic
+nullpic = []
+nullseq :: Movie
+nullseq= nullpic : [ nullseq2 | nullseq2 <- nullseq]
+ -- Screen Parameters
+screenwid :: Int
+screenwid = 800
+screenht :: Int
+screenht = 800
+botl :: Vec
+leftm :: Vec
+topl :: Vec
+topm :: Vec
+topr :: Vec
+rightm :: Vec
+botr :: Vec
+botm :: Vec
+center :: Vec
+leftmb :: Vec
+leftmt :: Vec
+topml :: Vec
+topmr :: Vec
+rightmt :: Vec
+rightmb :: Vec
+botml :: Vec
+botmr :: Vec
+botl = ( 0, 0 )
+leftm = ( 0, screenht `div` 2)
+topl = ( 0, screenht )
+topm = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht )
+topr = ( screenwid, screenht )
+rightm = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 2 )
+botr = ( screenwid, 0 )
+botm = ( screenwid `div` 2, 0 )
+center = ( screenwid `div` 2, screenht `div` 2 )
+leftmb = ( 0, screenht `div` 4 )
+leftmt = ( 0, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+topml = ( screenwid `div` 4, screenht )
+topmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, screenht )
+rightmt = ( screenwid, (screenht*3) `div` 4 )
+rightmb = ( screenwid, screenht `div` 4 )
+botml = ( screenwid `div` 4, 0 )
+botmr = ( (screenwid*3) `div` 4, 0 )
+ -- Colors values set to names
+white :: Color
+white = 1
+black :: Color
+black = 2
+red :: Color
+red = 4
+green :: Color
+green = 6
+darkblue :: Color
+darkblue = 8
+lightblue :: Color
+lightblue = 10
+yellow :: Color
+yellow = 12
+brown :: Color
+brown = 14
+colorName :: Color -> String
+colorName 1 = "white"
+colorName 2 = "black"
+colorName 4 = "red"
+colorName 6 = "green"
+colorName 8 = "blue"
+colorName 10 = "lightblue"
+colorName 12 = "yellow"
+colorName 14 = "brown"
+allColors :: [Color]
+allColors = [1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d288c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_curve.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ This module produces sequences of numbers to be used by
+ Behaviours. The sequences used for moving or scaling can
+ be produced here, in either linear sequences or accelerating
+ and decelerating sequences.
+ The acceleration functions produce floats, so the vftov function
+ would have to be used to convert floating point vectors to integer
+ vectors.
+module R_Curve(lnr,hold, acc, dec, accdec, decacc) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- lnr takes the start, finish and the number of intervals and
+ -- produces a linear list of ints going from the start to finish.
+lnr :: Int -> Int -> Int ->[Int]
+lnr start fin n = take n [start,(start+step)..]
+ where step = ((fin-start)`div`(n-1))
+ -- hold produces an infinite number of ints starting at v, modified
+ -- by step every time.
+hold :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
+hold v step = [v,v+step..]
+ -- acc accelerates from 0 to the max in n steps.
+acc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+acc min max n = min:acc' min (max-min) n 1
+acc' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+acc' min max n c | (c>n) = []
+acc' min max n c = (min + (((max*c*c) `div` (n*n))))
+ : (acc' min max n (c+1))
+ -- dec decelerates from the max to 0 in n steps.
+dec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+dec min max n = reverse (acc min max n)
+ -- accdec accelerates from start up to max and back to fin, in an steps
+ -- accelerating and dn steps decelerating
+accdec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+accdec start max fin an dn = (acc start max an)++(tail (dec fin max dn))
+ -- decacc decelerates from start to min in dn steps and then accelerates
+ -- back up to fin in an more steps
+decacc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+decacc start min fin dn an = (dec min start dn)++(tail (acc min fin an))
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa9629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_defaults.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ This module uses the R_Behaviour module to define convient and
+ easy to use behaviours. These aren't very sophistated, but they
+ can be used to quickly animate a movie. For more sophistated
+ animation, a similiar library of sophistocated personnalized
+ functions can be created.
+module R_Defaults (big, huge, bigger, smaller, ccw, cw,
+ up, down, left, right,small,tiny)
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- big scales everything up by the scaleunit (now 12/11ths)
+big :: Behaviour
+big = [scale_Pic x | x <- [scaleunit,scaleunit..]]
+ -- huge scales everything up by twice the scaleunit (24/11ths)
+huge :: Behaviour
+huge= [scale_Pic x | x <- [scaleunit*2,(scaleunit*2)..]]
+ -- small scales everything down by 10/11ths
+small :: Behaviour
+small = [scale_Pic x | x <- [s,s..]]
+ where s = 10
+ -- tiny scales everything down by 5/11ths
+tiny :: Behaviour
+tiny = [scale_Pic x | x <- [s,s..]]
+ where s = 5
+ -- bigger causes the Pics to be scaled up by 12/11ths,24/11ths,36/11ths
+ -- and so on, everincreasing.
+bigger :: Behaviour
+bigger = [scale_Pic x | x <- (rept (\x -> div (x*scaleunit) 11) 1)]
+ -- smaller causes the Pics to be scaled downwards in ever decreasing
+ -- amounts.
+smaller :: Behaviour
+smaller = [scale_Pic x | x <- (rept (\x -> div (x*10) 11) 1)]
+ -- a hardwired version of ccw that rotates the Pics by one rotunit
+ -- more every Pic, counterclockwise.
+ccw :: Behaviour
+ccw = [twist_Pic x | x <- [0.0,rotunit..]]
+ -- same as ccw, but rotates the Pics clockwise
+cw :: Behaviour
+cw = [twist_Pic x | x <- [0.0,-rotunit..]]
+ -- moves the Pic up by one more unit every Pic.
+up :: Behaviour
+up = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,0..] [0,unit..]]
+ -- moves the Pic down by one more unit every Pic.
+down :: Behaviour
+down = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<-zip2 [0,0..] [0,-unit]]
+ -- moves the Pic left by one more unit every Pic.
+left :: Behaviour
+left = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,-unit..] [0,0..]]
+ -- moves the Pic right by one more unit every Pic.
+right :: Behaviour
+right = [mov_Pic (x,y) | (x,y)<- zip2 [0,unit..] [0,0..]]
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f945bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f1d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_display.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+module R_Display (displaym) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import Xlib
+import R_Constants
+displaym :: String -> Int -> Movie -> IO ()
+displaym host n movie =
+ let
+ movie' = cycle (take n (map (map translatePoly) movie))
+ in
+ xOpenDisplay host
+ `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_color = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_color = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ color_map = xScreenDefaultColormap screen
+ getPixels [] = returnIO []
+ getPixels (c:cs) =
+ xLookupColor color_map c `thenIO` \ (xc, _) ->
+ xAllocColor color_map xc `thenIO` \ (p,_,_) ->
+ getPixels cs `thenIO` \ ps ->
+ returnIO (p:ps)
+ in
+ getPixels (map colorName allColors)
+ `thenIO` \ pixels ->
+ let
+ lookupPixel c = lookupPixel1 c allColors pixels
+ lookupPixel1 x [] _ = head pixels
+ lookupPixel1 x (c:cs) (p:ps) =
+ if x == c then p
+ else lookupPixel1 x cs ps
+ parent = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xMArrayCreate [lookupPixel i | i <- [0..15]]
+ `thenIO` \ pixelArray ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow parent)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground fg_color]
+ `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow parent)
+ [XGCBackground bg_color,
+ XGCForeground bg_color]
+ `thenIO` \ blank_gcontext ->
+ xCreateWindow parent
+ (XRect 100 100 500 500)
+ [XWinBackground bg_color,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonPress])]
+ `thenIO` \window ->
+ let depth = xDrawableDepth (XDrawWindow window)
+ in
+ xCreatePixmap (XSize 500 500) depth (XDrawWindow parent)
+ `thenIO` \ pixmap ->
+ xMapWindow window
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ let
+ dispFrame m =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawPixmap pixmap)
+ blank_gcontext
+ (XRect 0 0 500 500)
+ True
+ `thenIO_`
+ dispPic m
+ `thenIO_`
+ xCopyArea (XDrawPixmap pixmap) gcontext (XRect 0 0 500 500)
+ (XDrawWindow window) (XPoint 0 0)
+ `thenIO_`
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+ dispPic [] = returnIO ()
+ dispPic (p:ps) = dispPoly p `thenIO_` dispPic ps
+ dispPoly (c, vec) =
+-- xLookupColor color_map (colorName c) `thenIO` \ ec ->
+-- xAllocColor color_map ec `thenIO` \ p ->
+ xMArrayLookup pixelArray c `thenIO` \p ->
+ xUpdateGcontext gcontext [XGCForeground p] `thenIO` \ () ->
+-- xSetGcontextForeground gcontext (lookupPixel c) `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawLines (XDrawPixmap pixmap) gcontext vec True
+ untilButton3 (frame:frames) =
+ let
+ action = dispFrame frame `thenIO_` untilButton3 frames
+ in
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \count ->
+ if count == 0 then action else
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ case (xEventCode event) of
+ 3 -> returnIO ()
+ _ -> action
+ _ -> action
+ in
+ printString ("Click right button to end.\n") `thenIO_`
+ untilButton3 movie' `thenIO_`
+ xFreePixmap pixmap `thenIO_`
+ xCloseDisplay display
+type Movie' = [Pic']
+type Pic' = [Poly']
+type Poly' = (Int, [XPoint])
+translatePoly :: Poly -> Poly'
+translatePoly (c, vs) = (c, flatten_2 vs)
+flatten_2 [] = []
+flatten_2 ((a,b):r) = (XPoint (a `div` 2) (b `div` 2)):(flatten_2 r)
+printString :: String -> IO ()
+printString s = appendChan "stdout" s abort (returnIO ())
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f2c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7fb7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_inbetween.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ This module takes care of interpolation functions. Basically,
+ given two Pics, inbetween will give you a movie gradually
+ converting from one Pic to the other Pic, using linear interpolation.
+ Tween will take two Movies, and append them, interpolating n
+ frames between the last Pic of the first Movie and the first Pic of
+ the last Movie.
+module R_Inbetween (inbetween,tween) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- inbetween takes an int and two Pics, and interpolates n Pics
+ -- of interpolated Pics.
+inbetween :: Int -> Pic -> Pic -> Movie
+inbetween n p1 p2 | (length p1 == length p2) =
+ ((zip1.(map (inbetweenp n))).zip1) [p1,p2]
+inbetween n p1 p2 = inbetween n [(col,p1')] [(col,p2')]
+ where p1' = concat [ vs | (c,vs) <- p1]
+ p2' = concat [ vs | (c,vs) <- p2]
+ col = head [ c | (c,vs) <- p1 ]
+ -- inbetweenp takes a list of 2 Polygons ([[Vec]]) and returns a
+ -- sequence of interpolated Polygons. Should the Number of vertices
+ -- of one Polygon be less than those in the other, it splits it so
+ -- as to have two Polygons of the same length.
+inbetweenp :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+inbetweenp n [(c1,vs),(c2,ws)] =
+ if ((length vs) < (length ws)) then
+ inbetween1 (split (length ws) (c1,vs)) (c2,ws) 0 n
+ else if ((length vs) > (length ws)) then
+ inbetween1 (c1,vs) (split (length vs) (c2,ws)) 0 n
+ else inbetween1 (c1,vs) (c2,ws) 0 n
+ -- inbetween1 returns a sequence of interpolated Polygons.
+inbetween1 :: Poly -> Poly -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+inbetween1 p1 p2 m n | m>n || n<=0 = []
+inbetween1 p1 p2 m n = inbetween2 p1 p2 m n
+ :inbetween1 p1 p2 (m+1) n
+ -- inbetween2 returns ONE of the required sequence of
+ -- interpolated Polygons.
+inbetween2 :: Poly -> Poly -> Int -> Int -> Poly
+inbetween2 (c1,vs) (c2,ws) p q = (c1, map (partway p q) (zip1 [vs,ws]))
+ -- split splits up a Polygon so as to have the given #vertices.
+split :: Int -> Poly -> Poly
+split n (c,vs) = (c, split' n vs)
+split' :: Int -> [Vec] -> [Vec]
+split' n vs | n<= (length vs) = vs
+split' n vs = if (n>double) then
+ split' n (split' double vs)
+ else
+ v1:(mid v1 v2):(split' (n-2) (v2:vss))
+ where double = 2*((length vs)) - 1
+ (v1:v2:vss) = vs
+ -- tween will interpolate n Pics transforming the last Pic of
+ -- the first Movie into the first Pic of the second Movie, and
+ -- then run the second Movie
+tween :: Int -> Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+tween n m1 [] = m1
+tween n m1 m2 = m1 ++ (inbetween n (last m1) (head m2')) ++ (tail m2')
+ where m2' = apply (mov (repeat v)) m2
+ v = vmin (orig_Pic (last m1)) (orig_Pic (head m2))
+ -- tweens will take a list of Movies and append them all, interpolating
+ -- n frames between every Movie.
+tweens :: Int -> [Movie] -> Movie
+tweens n = foldr (tween n) []
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52771d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_movie.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ This module contains necessary functions for editing Movies. There
+ are several that give information on a Movie, such as the heights or
+ wirdths of its Pics. The others all deal with the various ways of
+ combining various Movies into one Movie, a vital set of functions.
+module R_Movie (ht, wid, orig,
+ above, rABOVE, beside, rBESIDE,rBESIDE2, over, rOVER,
+ overlay, rOVERLAY, pUT,
+ uncurry, curry
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+ -- takes a function and a list and returns a new list of element operated
+ -- on by the function.
+promote:: (a->b)->[a]->[b]
+promote f [] = []
+promote f [p] = f p:promote f [p]
+promote f (p:ps) = f p:promote f ps
+ -- promote1 takes a function that analyzes a Pic, and then applies it
+ -- to analyse a movie, returning a list.
+promote1:: (Pic->a) -> Movie -> [a]
+promote1 f ps = [f p | p <- ps]
+ -- ht takes a Movie and returns a list of the heights of the Pics
+ht :: Movie -> [Int]
+ht = promote1 ht_Pic
+ -- wid takes a Movie and returns a list of the widths of the Pics
+wid :: Movie -> [Int]
+wid = promote1 wid_Pic
+ -- orig takes a Movie and returns a list of vectors that are the
+ -- origins of the Pics
+orig:: Movie -> [Vec]
+orig = promote1 orig_Pic
+ -- promote2 takes a function accepting an element and a Pic, and
+ -- applies the function to the Movie and list, producing a new Movie
+promote2:: (a->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote2 f ps qs = [f p q | (p,q) <- zip2 ps qs]
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them above one another
+above:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+above = promote2 above_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all above one another
+rABOVE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rABOVE = reduce above
+ -- takes two Movies and puts them beside one another
+beside:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside = promote2 beside_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies and puts them all beside one another
+rBESIDE:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE = reduce beside
+ -- same as beside, but with absolute coordinates.
+beside2:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+beside2 = promote2 beside2_Pic
+ -- same as rBESIDE, but with absolute coordinates.
+rBESIDE2:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rBESIDE2 = reduce beside2
+ -- puts one Movie on top of the other Movie
+over:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+over = promote2 over_Pic
+ -- takes a list of Movies, and puts the n-th on top of the first
+ -- through 9n-1)th.
+rOVER:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVER = reduce over
+ -- just overlays the two Movies by appending the Pics.
+overlay:: Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+overlay = promote2 overlay_Pic
+ -- overlays a list of Movies by appending the Pics
+rOVERLAY:: [Movie] -> Movie
+rOVERLAY = reduce overlay
+ -- promote3 takes a function that takes two items and a Pic and
+ -- returns a Pic, and then applies it to two input lists and a Movie,
+ -- producing a new Movie.
+promote3:: (a->b->Pic->Pic) -> [a] -> [b] -> Movie -> Movie
+promote3 f ps qs rs = [f p q r | (p,q,r) <- zip3 ps qs rs]
+ -- pUT takes a list of Vectors, and puts each Pic of the first Movie
+ -- in the location of the corresponding vector, on top of the Pic of
+ -- the second Movie, and returns that list as a new Movie.
+pUT:: [Vec] -> Movie -> Movie -> Movie
+pUT = promote3 put_Pic
+ -- uncurry takes a function that takes two elements and a list of
+ -- two elements and applies the function to them.
+uncurry:: (a->a->b) -> [a] -> b
+uncurry f [a,b] = f a b
+ -- curry takes a function that takes a list, and two elements, and
+ -- then applies the function to the elements in a list.
+curry:: ([a]->b) -> a -> a -> b
+curry f a b = f [a,b]
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+:o= all
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index 0000000..ed3a50f
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+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_picture.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ This module contains all the functions that can be used to manipulate
+ Pic's. The user will probably never use any of these functions. They
+ are used by Behaviours and such higher-order functions, which apply
+ these routines to all the Pic's in the list.
+module R_Picture (close_Pic, ht_Pic, wid_Pic, orig_Pic,
+ overlay_Pic, put_Pic, over_Pic, above_Pic, beside_Pic,
+ map_Pic,beside2_Pic,
+ scale_Pic, scale_rel_Pic, mov_Pic, rot_Pic, twist_Pic,
+ twist_Pic', flipx_Pic, flipy_Pic, flip_Pic, {- flock_Pic, -}
+ set_Color_Pic,
+ to_orig_Pic,
+ movto_Pic
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Constants
+import R_Utility
+ -- close_Pic makes sure that the polygon is closed
+close_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+close_Pic p = map close_Poly p
+ where
+ close_Poly (c,ply) | (head ply) == (last ply) = (c,ply)
+ close_Poly (c,ply) = (c,ply++(tail (reverse ply)))
+ --these functions find the max and min x and y coordinates of a Pic
+maxx :: Pic -> Int
+maxx p = reduce max [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+minx :: Pic -> Int
+minx p = reduce min [x | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+maxy :: Pic -> Int
+maxy p = reduce max [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+miny :: Pic -> Int
+miny p = reduce min [y | (c,q) <- p, (x,y) <- q]
+ -- these functions find the height, width and origin of a Pic
+ht_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+ht_Pic p = (maxy p) - (miny p)
+wid_Pic :: Pic -> Int
+wid_Pic p = (maxx p) - (minx p)
+orig_Pic:: Pic -> Vec
+orig_Pic p = ( (maxx p + minx p) `div` 2, (maxy p + miny p) `div` 2 )
+ -- overlay_Pic just takes 2 Pics and puts them together into one
+overlay_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+overlay_Pic p q = p ++ q
+ -- put_Pic overlays the Pics, offsetting the first Pic by a vector
+ -- amount from the origin of the second
+put_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+put_Pic v p q = overlay_Pic
+ (movto_Pic (vplus (orig_Pic q) v) p )
+ q
+ -- over_Pic puts one Pic directly on top of the other
+over_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+over_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,0) p q
+ -- above_Pic puts the first Pic on top of the second
+above_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+above_Pic p q = put_Pic (0,(((ht_Pic q) + (ht_Pic p)) `div` 2)) p q
+ -- beside_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second. The width of
+ -- the Pic is defined as the max x minus the min x, so a moving
+ -- figure will stand still in this implementation
+beside_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside_Pic p q = put_Pic (((wid_Pic q)+(wid_Pic p)) `div` 2, 0) p q
+ -- beside2_Pic puts the first Pic beside the second, without
+ -- shifting to the width of the Pic. It uses the absolute coordinates.
+beside2_Pic:: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
+beside2_Pic p q = put ((wid_Pic q), 0) p q
+ where put v p q = overlay_Pic (mov_Pic v p) q
+ -- The following maps a given function over the Vector-list of each Polygon:
+map_Pic:: (Vec -> Vec) -> Pic -> Pic
+map_Pic f p = map f' p
+ where f' (c,vs) = (c, map f vs)
+ -- scales the Pic by r, where r is in units of 11th. ie r=1, the Pic is
+ -- scaled by 1/11 to its origin.
+scale_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_Pic r p
+ = map_Pic (scalep r) p
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst (orig_Pic p)
+ dy = snd (orig_Pic p)
+ -- this is another scaling function, but it centers the image at the Vec
+scale_rel_Pic :: Vec -> Int -> Pic -> Pic
+scale_rel_Pic v r
+ = map_Pic (scalep r)
+ where scalep r (v1,v2) = (div ((r*(v1-dx))+dx) 11,div ((r*(v2-dy))+dy) 11)
+ dx = fst v
+ dy = snd v
+ -- moves a Pic by the vector amount
+mov_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+mov_Pic v = map_Pic (vplus v)
+ -- moves a Pic to the vector
+movto_Pic:: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+movto_Pic v p = mov_Pic (vmin v (orig_Pic p)) p
+ -- moves the origin of the Pic to the lower left side of the Pic
+to_orig_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+to_orig_Pic p = mov_Pic (-mx,-my) p
+ where mx = minx p
+ my = miny p
+ -- rotates the Pic about the Vector by theta
+rot_Pic :: Vec -> Float -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic (a,b) theta
+ = map_Pic (rotp (a,b) theta)
+ where rotp (a,b) t (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cos theta - v * sin theta),
+ b2+ (u * sin theta + v * cos theta))
+ where u = u1 -a2
+ v = u2 -b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- rotates a Pic about its origin by theta
+twist_Pic :: Float -> Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic theta p = rot_Pic (orig_Pic p) theta p
+ -- hardwired version of rot_Pic that runs faster by rotating a set
+ -- unit, the rotunit, every time
+rot_Pic':: Vec -> Pic -> Pic
+rot_Pic' (a,b) = map_Pic (rotp (a,b))
+ where rotp (a,b) (v1,v2)
+ = vftov (a2+ (u * cosunit - v * sinunit),
+ b2+ (u * sinunit + v * cosunit))
+ where u = u1-a2
+ v = u2-b2
+ (u1,u2) = vtovf (v1,v2)
+ (a2,b2) = vtovf (a,b)
+ -- hardwired version of twist_Pic that runs faster using rot_Pic'
+twist_Pic':: Pic -> Pic
+twist_Pic' p = rot_Pic' (orig_Pic p) p
+ -- flips the Pic about the line x=n (x-coordinates change)
+flipx_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipx_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvx n)
+ where
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- flips the Pic about the line y=n (y-coordinates change)
+flipy_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flipy_Pic n = map_Pic (flipvy n)
+ where
+ flipvy n (a,b) = (a, 2*(n-b)+b)
+ -- flips the Pic about its own x origin.
+flip_Pic:: Pic -> Pic
+flip_Pic p = map_Pic (flipvx x) p
+ where (x,y) = orig_Pic p
+ flipvx n (a,b) = (2*(n-a)+a,b)
+ -- copies the Pic into another Pic n*n times in an n by n array pattern
+flock_Pic :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
+flock_Pic 1 p = p
+flock_Pic (n+2) p = beside_Pic (flock_Pic (n-1) p) (row n p)
+ where row n p = replicate n above_Pic nullpic p
+ -- changes the color of the Pic
+set_Color_Pic:: Color -> Pic -> Pic
+set_Color_Pic c p = map f p
+ where f (c',vs) = (c,vs)
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+:o= all
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ This module contains the definitions for all the basic datatypes used to
+ create functional movies.
+ The basis of all the images is the Poly, which is a tuple of a color
+ and a list of points. This is displayed as a polygon of that color. The
+ form is a line drawn to each of the points, in order.
+ A list of these Poly's is a Pic, or picture. Each picture is a single
+ frame of the movie. A list of Pic's makes up a Movie, which is a series
+ of Pic's displayed in order.
+ Behaviours affect the movies, such as moving them left, or right.
+ PictoPic's affect a single picture.
+ The other functions simply convert regular values such as integers
+ and floats to the datatypes used by the functional programming.
+module R_Ptypes (Vec(..), Color(..), Pic(..), Poly(..), Movie(..), Behaviour(..), PictoPic(..), Process(..),
+ Vecfloat(..),
+ Msg(..), Chan(..),
+ Val (..),
+ ntov, vtov, nstov, vstov, pstov, bstov
+ ) where
+ --These are the basic data types for storing and manipulating the movies.
+type Vec = (Int,Int)
+type Color = Int
+type Pic = [Poly]
+type Poly = (Color,[Vec])
+type Movie = [Pic]
+type Behaviour = [Pic -> Pic]
+type PictoPic = Pic -> Pic
+type Process = [Msg] -> [Msg]
+type Msg = [(Chan,Val)]
+type Chan = [Char]
+data Val = N Int | V (Int,Int) | P Pic | B PictoPic
+type Vecfloat = (Float,Float)
+--Those convert from the various regular values to Val's.
+ntov n = N n
+vtov:: Vec -> Val
+vtov v = V v
+ptov:: Pic -> Val
+ptov p = P p
+nstov ns = [N n|n<-ns]
+vstov:: [Vec] -> [Val]
+vstov vs = [V v|v<-vs]
+pstov:: [Pic] -> [Val]
+pstov ps = [P p|p<-ps]
+bstov:: [PictoPic] -> [Val]
+bstov bs = [B b|b<-bs]
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index 0000000..8a99f8f
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+:o= all
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index 0000000..aef3362
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+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/r_shapes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ This modules produces Pic's of boxes and triangles to help build
+ Pic's to animate.
+module R_Shapes (box, tri, circ_mov, circ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+import R_Utility
+import R_Picture
+import R_Behaviour
+ -- box takes four three ints, the color, width and height of the box and
+ -- returns a Pic of a box
+box :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+box c width height= [(c,[(0,0),(width,0),(width,height),(0,height),(0,0)])]
+ -- tri takes a color and three vectors, and returns a Pic of a triangle
+ -- with the vectors as vertices
+tri:: Color -> Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Pic
+tri c (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) = [(c,[(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x1,y1)])]
+ -- circ takes a color, the radius
+circ :: Color -> Int -> Int -> Pic
+circ c r inc = [(c,(r+r,r):(circ' r' inc' 1.0))]
+ where r' = (fromIntegral r)
+ inc' = (fromIntegral inc)
+circ' :: Float -> Float -> Float -> [Vec]
+circ' r inc c | c>inc = []
+circ' r inc c = vftov (x+r,y+r) : (circ' r inc (c+1.0))
+ where x = r*(cos((2*c*pi)/inc))
+ y = r*(sin((2*c*pi)/inc))
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+:o= all
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index 0000000..9dfcc65
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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ This module contains all the basic utility functions that the other
+ modules need to have to write their code. These are made generally
+ low level functions, manipulating vectors or defining very
+ general functions
+module R_Utility (vtovf,vftov,
+ vplus, vmin, mid, partway,
+ mag,
+ reduce, power, i,
+ member, repeat, zip1, zip2, zip3, rept, replicate,
+ mapc,
+ append, flatten, rptseq, osc
+ ) where
+import R_Ptypes
+ -- vtovf takes a vector of integers, and converts it to a vector of floats
+vtovf :: Vec -> Vecfloat
+vtovf (x,y) = (fromIntegral x,fromIntegral y)
+ -- vftov takes a vector of floats and converts it to a vector of integers.
+ -- It rounds the floats off to do this.
+vftov :: Vecfloat -> Vec
+vftov (x,y) = (round x,round y)
+ -- vector addition
+vplus:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+vplus (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
+ -- vector substraction
+vmin:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+vmin (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)
+ -- finds the midpoint between two vectors
+mid:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+mid (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (div (x1+x2) 2,div (y1+y2) 2 )
+ -- finds a point p/q along the way between two vectors
+partway :: Int -> Int -> [Vec] -> Vec
+partway p q [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)]
+ = vplus (x1,y1) ( div (p*(x2-x1)) q, div (p*(y2-y1)) q )
+ -- finds the magnitude of two vectors
+mag :: Vec -> Int
+mag p = round (magfloat (vtovf p))
+magfloat :: Vecfloat -> Float
+magfloat (x,y) = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
+ -- returns a vector at right angles to the input vector
+normal:: Vec -> Vec
+normal (x,y) = (-y,x)
+ -- returns the first vector projected onto the second
+project:: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+project (vx,vy) (wx,wy) = partway (vx*wx+vy*wy) (mw*mw) [(0,0),(wx,wy)]
+ where mw = mag (wx,wy)
+ -- just foldr1. It applies a function of two inputs to an entire list
+ -- recursively, and displays the single element result
+reduce :: (a->a->a) -> [a] -> a
+reduce = foldr1
+ -- power applies a single function n times to a seed
+power :: Int -> (a->a) -> a -> a
+power 0 f seed = seed
+power (n+1) f seed = f (power n f seed)
+ -- i takes an element and returns an infinite list of them
+i :: a -> [a]
+i x = x: (i x)
+ -- checks to see if x is in the list of xs
+member :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+member [] x = False
+member (y:ys) x = x == y || member ys x
+ -- zip1 takes lists of lists, and rearranges them so that all the first
+ -- elements are in the first list, all the second in the second and so on.
+zip1 :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
+zip1 xs | member xs [] = []
+zip1 xs = (map head xs):(zip1 (map tail xs))
+ -- takes two lists and makes a list of tuples.
+zip2 :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+ -- rept takes a function and a list of elements, and applies the function
+ -- n-1 times to the n-th element
+rept :: (a->a) -> a -> [a]
+rept f x = x:(rept f (f x))
+ -- replicate creates an list n elements long of a, with the function
+ -- applies to the n-th element n-1 times.
+replicate :: Int -> (a->a->a) -> a -> a -> a
+replicate 0 f zero a = zero
+replicate 1 f zero a = a
+replicate (n+2) f zero a = f a (replicate (n+1) f zero a)
+ -- mapc is a map function for lists of functions (behaviours)
+mapc :: (a->b) -> [c->a] -> [c->b]
+mapc f as = [f.a | a <- as]
+ -- append takes a list of lists, and makes them into one giant happy list.
+append :: [[a]] -> [a]
+append = foldr (++) []
+ -- flatten takes a list of lists of tuples and gives one giant happy list
+ -- of single elements back.
+flatten:: [[(a,a)]] -> [a]
+flatten s = foldr f [] (append s)
+ where f (x,y) [] = [x,y]
+ f (x,y) (z:zs) = x:y:(z:zs)
+ -- rptseq takes a list of elements and applies a function to them,
+ -- n-1 times for the n-th element, but using map
+rptseq :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
+rptseq f [] = []
+rptseq f (x:xs) = x:rptseq f (map f xs)
+ -- osc takes a list, and makes sure it oscillates. If the head is
+ -- equal to the tail, it simply repeats the sequence infinitely. If
+ -- the head is not equal to the tail, it adds the sequence then adds
+ -- the reversed sequence minus the first and last elements, and then repeats
+osc :: [a] -> [a]
+osc s | (length s) == 0 = []
+osc s | (length s) == 1 = head s: osc s
+osc s = (s ++ (((tail.reverse).tail) s)) ++ (osc s)
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index 0000000..6fac189
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+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c216a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+module Seafigs (sky,blue_sky,clouds,clouds2,gull,man,sun,vm,windmill,palm) where
+import Animation
+blue_sky:: Movie
+blue_sky = osc [box lightblue 1000 1000]
+sky:: Color -> Movie
+sky c = osc [box c 1000 1000]
+clouds2:: Movie
+clouds2 = apply (mov (i (cld_wid,0))) (rBESIDE[cld,cld])
+ where cld_wid = -(wid_Pic (cld!!0))
+ cld= apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cldm1
+ cldm1=osc[cloud1]
+clouds:: Movie
+ [apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (0,-50))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-75))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (200,-100))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (300,-125))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,right,mov (repeat (-50,50))]) cloudm1]
+ where cloudm1 = osc [cloud1]
+ cloudm2 = osc [cloud2]
+cloud1 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(142,301),(169,309),(180,315),(192,312),
+ (196,308),(202,302),(216,300),(224,308),
+ (238,312),(258,311),(274,301),(278,283),
+ (265,279),(246,279),(230,281),(197,286),
+ (185,288),(167,287),(148,287),(136,292),
+ (136,292),(142,301)]
+cloud2 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(51,262), (56,266),
+ (66,265), (90,264), (92,266), (98,270),
+ (111,268),(137,268),(155,266),(174,266),
+ (183,262),(183,253),(162,251),(136,254),
+ (132,250),(126,248),(115,252),(109,253),
+ (98,252), (90,253), (88,254), (67,254),
+ (56,252), (49,254), (47,259), (51,262)]
+gull :: Movie
+gull = osc [gull1,gull2]
+gull1 = [(black,[(2,4),(6,4),(9,2),(10,0),(11,2),
+ (16,4),(20,4)])]
+gull2 = [(black,[(0,0),(2,2),(6,3),(9,2),(12,3),
+ (16,2),(18,0)])]
+man :: Movie
+man = osc [man1,man2,man3]
+man1 = [(black,[(0,0),(10,0),(20,40),(30,60),(40,20),
+ (60,0),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,40),(20,60),(30,80),(50,70),(60,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(30,100)]),
+ (black,[(30,100),(25,100),(20,105),(23,112),
+ (20,115),(30,120),(35,120),(40,115),
+ (40,110),(35,105),(30,100)])
+ ]
+man2 = [(black,[(20,0),(30,0),(20,40),(30,60),(45,30),
+ (60,20),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,60),(20,60),(20,80),(40,80),(50,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(15,100),(10,105),(13,112),
+ (10,115),(20,120),(30,120),(30,115),
+ (30,110),(25,105),(20,100)])
+ ]
+man3 = [(black,[(0,15),(5,10),(15,45),(30,60),(35,25),
+ (44,10),(35,0)]),
+ (black,[(10,40),(22,60),(20,80),(40,75),(45,44)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(19,100),(14,105),(17,112),
+ (14,115),(24,120),(34,120),(34,115),
+ (34,110),(29,105),(200,100)])
+ ]
+sun :: Movie
+sun = osc [sun']
+ where
+ sun' = reduce overlay_Pic [sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/24.0) sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/12.0) sun1]
+sun1 = [(yellow,[(43,16),(18,27),(9,51),(20,71),(42,81),
+ (66,73),(76,47),(69,25),(43,15),(43,16)])]
+vm :: Movie
+vm = osc[vm1,vm2]
+vm1 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (above_Pic light1 (box brown 40 80))
+ where light1 = box yellow 10 10
+vm2 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (reduce above_Pic [light,light2,box brown 40 80])
+ where light2 = over_Pic (box red 10 10) (box white 5 5)
+ light = [ (red,[(5,5), (10,2), (0,30),(5,5)]),
+ (red,[(20,2),(25,5),(30,30),(20,2)]),
+ (red,[(15,15),(20,15),(15,50),(10,25)])]
+windmill :: Movie
+ = apply
+ (bpar (mov (repeat (unit*3,0))) (scale_rel (0,0) (repeat 3)))
+ (overlay body (apply (movto (repeat (100,400))) prop))
+blade = osc [tri red (0,0) (100,0) (50,300)]
+prop = apply cw fan
+fan = rOVERLAY [fan1,fan2,fan3,fan4]
+fan1 = blade
+fan2 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan1
+fan3 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan2
+fan4 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan3
+body = osc [ [(brown,[(0,0),(200,0),(170,300),
+ (100,400),(30,300),(0,0)]) ] ]
+palm :: Movie
+ = osc palms
+ where palms = inbetween 3 palm1 (flipx_Pic 100 palm1)
+ palm1 = reduce overlay_Pic [trunk,frond1,frond2,frond3,frond4]
+ where frond1 = [ (green,[(50,60),(60,70),(80,60)]),
+ (green,[(50,70),(60,80),(80,70)]),
+ (green,[(50,80),(55,90),(70,80)]),
+ (green,[(60,70),(55,90),(50,100)]) ]
+ frond2 = flipx_Pic 50 frond1
+ frond3 = [ (green,[(10,70),(5,80)]),
+ (green,[(10,80),(10,90)]),
+ (green,[(20,90),(20,100)]),
+ (green,[(30,95),(40,104)]),
+ (green,[(5,80),(20,100),(40,104),
+ (50,100)])]
+ frond4 = [(green,[(0,100),(5,110)]),
+ (green,[(15,105),(15,115)]),
+ (green,[(25,105),(30,115)]),
+ (green,[(35,105),(40,115)]),
+ (green,[(5,110),(30,115),(50,110),
+ (50,100)])]
+ trunk = [(brown,[(100,0),(95,40),(80,80),
+ (70,90),(60,97),(50,100)])]
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83fcfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/seaside.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seaside.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe11e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seaside.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Seaside (main) where
+import Animation
+import Seafigs
+seaside :: Movie
+seaside = rOVERLAY [blue_sky,
+ apply (bPar [up,cw,movto (repeat botm)]) sun,
+ apply right clouds,
+ apply (bPar [right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [right,right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [up,up,right,bigger]) gull,
+ apply (bPar [up,right,right,right]) gull,
+ windm,
+ apply (mov (repeat botm)) palm,
+ man_and_vm
+ ]
+ where man_and_vm = rBESIDE2 [manfig, vm]
+ manfig = apply left (apply (mov (i (700,0)))
+ man)
+ windm = apply (mov (i (500,0))) windmill
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit
+ (\ host -> displaym host 30 (map (flipy_Pic 500) seaside))
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2c4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:o= all