path: root/runtime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime')
8 files changed, 1365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/README b/runtime/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d113a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This directory contains definitions of things that are used
+exclusively in code generated by the Haskell compiler. It contains
+implementations of some of the things declared in the prims files for
+the prelude, as well as some more generic things that the code
+generator knows about.
+Note that some of the files in this directory access some Common Lisp
+features directly.
diff --git a/runtime/array-prims.scm b/runtime/array-prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b553f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/array-prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; array-prims.scm -- array primitives
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 14 May 1993
+;;; Vector reference, returning unboxed value
+(define-syntax (prim.vector-sel vec i)
+ `(vector-ref ,vec ,i))
+;;; Destructive vector update. All arguments are unboxed.
+(define-syntax (prim.vector-update vec i newval)
+ `(setf (vector-ref ,vec ,i) ,newval))
+;;; Make a vector whose elements are initialized to val (which is boxed).
+(define-syntax (prim.make-vector size val)
+ `(make-vector ,size ,val))
+;;; Copy an existing vector.
+(define-syntax (prim.copy-vector vec)
+ `(vector-copy ,vec))
+;;; Explicit force operation
+(define-syntax (prim.force x)
+ `(force ,x))
+;;; The first parameter is forced first since this prim is declared to
+;;; be strict in the first arg.
+(define-syntax (prim.strict1 force-this leave-this)
+ `(begin
+ ;; Can't ignore the first argument entirely since doing so
+ ;; might result in variable-bound-but-not-referenced errors.
+ ;; Hopefully the Lisp compiler will be smart enough to get
+ ;; rid of this when appropriate.
+ ,force-this
+ ;; Don't generate a stupid (force (delay x)) sequence here if
+ ;; we don't need to.
+ ,(if (and (pair? leave-this)
+ (or (eq? (car leave-this) 'delay)
+ (eq? (car leave-this) 'box)))
+ (cadr leave-this)
+ `(force ,leave-this))))
diff --git a/runtime/debug-utils.scm b/runtime/debug-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5fa971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/debug-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;;; This has some diagnostic stuff
+;;; This forces all delays in a structure
+(define (force-all x)
+ (cond ((delay? x)
+ (force-all (force x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (force-all (car x))
+ (force-all (cdr x)))
+ ((vector? x)
+ (dotimes (i (vector-length x))
+ (force-all (vector-ref x i)))))
+ x)
+;;; This forces & removes all delays in a structure.
+(define (remove-delays x)
+ (cond ((delay? x)
+ (remove-delays (force x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (cons (remove-delays (car x))
+ (remove-delays (cdr x))))
+ ((vector? x)
+ (list->vector (map (function remove-delays) (vector->list x))))
+ (else x)))
+(define (delay? x)
+ (and (pair? x)
+ (or (eq? (car x) '#t)
+ (eq? (car x) '#f))))
diff --git a/runtime/io-primitives.scm b/runtime/io-primitives.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85bc51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/io-primitives.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+;;; These are the IO primitives used by PreludeIOPrims
+;;; Note: the box in write-string-stdout, write-string-file, and
+;;; append-string-file are due to the NoConversion in the .hi file.
+;;; The problem is that NoConversion applies to everything, not just
+;;; the input arg that the conversion is not needed or.
+(predefine (notify-input-request))
+(define *emacs-notified* '#f)
+(define *stdin-read* '#f)
+(define (initialize-io-system)
+ (setf *emacs-notified* '#f)
+ (setf *stdin-read* '#f))
+(define (io-success . res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0
+ (if (null? res)
+ (box 0)
+ (box (make-haskell-string (car res))))))
+(define (io-success/bin res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0 (box res)))
+(define (io-success/lazy res)
+ (make-tagged-data 0 res))
+(define (io-failure string)
+ (make-tagged-data 1 (box (make-haskell-string string))))
+; primReadStringFile
+(define ( filename)
+ (if (file-exists? filename)
+ (let ((str (call-with-input-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (port->string port)))))
+ (io-success str))
+ (io-failure (format '#f "File not found: ~A~%" filename))))
+(define (port->string port)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (string-port)
+ (copy-till-eof port string-port))))
+(define (copy-till-eof in-port out-port)
+ (do ((ch (read-char in-port) (read-char in-port)))
+ ((eof-object? ch))
+ (write-char ch out-port)))
+; primWriteStringFile
+(define (prim.write-string-file filename contents state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (box
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open (haskell-string->string filename)
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :overwrite
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (print-haskell-string contents stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success))))
+(define (prim.append-string-file filename contents state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (box
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open (haskell-string->string filename)
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :append
+ :if-does-not-exist '())))
+ (cond ((not (eq? stream '()))
+ (print-haskell-string contents stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success))
+ (else
+ (io-failure "Can't open file"))))))
+; primReadBinFile
+(define ( name)
+ (let ((bin (lisp-read name)))
+ (if (and (pair? bin) (eq? (car bin) ':binary))
+ (io-success/bin bin)
+ (io-failure "Not a bin file"))))
+; primWriteBinFile
+(define (prim.write-bin-file name contents)
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open name :direction :output
+ :if-exists :overwrite
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+ (write (cons ':binary contents) stream)
+ (close-output-port stream)
+ (io-success)))
+; primAppendBinFile
+(define (prim.append-bin-file name contents)
+ (let ((bin (lisp-read name)))
+ (if (and (pair? bin) (eq? (car bin) ':binary))
+ (let ((stream (lisp:open name :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite)))
+ (write (append bin contents) stream)
+ (io-success))
+ (io-failure "Can't open Bin file"))))
+; primDeleteFile
+(define (prim.delete-file name)
+ (if (file-exists? name)
+ (if (lisp:delete-file name)
+ (io-success)
+ (io-failure "Can't delete file"))
+ (io-failure "File not found")))
+; primStatusFile
+(define (prim.status-file name)
+ (if (file-exists? name)
+ (io-success "frw")
+ (io-failure (format '#f "File ~A not found" name))))
+(define ( state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (cond (*stdin-read*
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Multiple ReadChan from stdin"))
+ (else
+ (setf *stdin-read* '#t)
+ (delay (read-next-char)))))
+(define (read-next-char)
+ (when (and *emacs-mode* (not *emacs-notified*))
+ (setf *emacs-notified* '#t)
+ (notify-input-request))
+ (let ((ch (read-char)))
+ (if (eof-object? ch)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (char->integer ch))
+ (delay (read-next-char))))))
+; primWriteStdout
+(define (prim.write-string-stdout string state)
+ (declare (ignore state))
+ (print-haskell-string string (current-output-port))
+ (box (io-success)))
+; primReadBinStdin
+(define (
+ (haskell-runtime-error "ReadBinChan not implemented"))
+; primWriteBinStdout
+(define (prim.write-bin-stdout bin)
+ (declare (ignore bin))
+ (haskell-runtime-error "WriteBinChan not implemented"))
+;;; %%% probably bogus
+; primGetEnv
+(define (prim.getenv name)
+ (io-success (getenv name)))
+(define (lisp-read file)
+ (if (not (file-exists? file))
+ 'error
+ (call-with-input-file file
+ (lambda (port)
+ (lisp:read port '#f 'error '#f)))))
+(define-integrable (prim.returnio x s)
+ (declare (ignore s))
+ x)
+(define-integrable (prim.getstate x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ 'state)
+(define-integrable (prim.getres x)
+ (force x))
diff --git a/runtime/prims.scm b/runtime/prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797f21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+;;; prims.scm -- definitions for primitives
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 9 Jun 1992
+;;; WARNING!!! This file contains Common-Lisp specific code.
+;;; Helper stuff
+(define-integrable (is-fixnum? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:fixnum))
+(define-integrable (is-integer? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:integer))
+(define-integrable (is-single-float? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable (is-double-float? x)
+ (lisp:typep x 'lisp:double-float))
+(define-syntax (the-fixnum x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:fixnum ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-integer x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:integer ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-single-float x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:single-float ,x))
+(define-syntax (the-double-float x)
+ `(lisp:the lisp:double-float ,x))
+(define-syntax (make-haskell-tuple2 x y)
+ `(make-tuple (box ,x) (box ,y)))
+;;; Abort
+;;; *** Should probably do something other than just signal an error.
+(define (prim.abort s)
+ (haskell-runtime-error s))
+(define (haskell-string->list s)
+ (if (null? s)
+ '()
+ (cons (integer->char (force (car s)))
+ (haskell-string->list (force (cdr s))))))
+;;; Char
+(define-syntax (prim.char-to-int c)
+ `(the-fixnum ,c))
+(define-syntax ( i)
+ `(the-fixnum ,i))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-char i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-char i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-char i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-char i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-char i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-integrable prim.max-char 255)
+;;; Floating
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-float f1 f2)
+ `(= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-float f1 f2)
+ `(not (= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-float f1 f2)
+ `(<= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-float f1 f2)
+ `(> (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-float f1 f2)
+ `(>= (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(< (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-double f1 f2)
+ `(= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-double f1 f2)
+ `(not (= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-double f1 f2)
+ `(<= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-double f1 f2)
+ `(> (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-double f1 f2)
+ `(>= (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(< (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.float-max f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (max (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.float-min f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (min (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.double-max f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (max (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.double-min f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (min (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (+ (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (- (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (* (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.div-float f1 f2)
+ `(the-single-float (/ (the-single-float ,f1) (the-single-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax ( f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (+ (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (- (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (* (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.div-double f1 f2)
+ `(the-double-float (/ (the-double-float ,f1) (the-double-float ,f2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (- (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (- (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:abs (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:abs (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.exp-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:exp (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.log-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:log (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sqrt-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sqrt (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sin-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sin (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cos-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:cos (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tan-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:tan (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asin-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:asin (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acos-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:acos (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atan-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:atan (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sinh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:sinh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cosh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:cosh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tanh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:tanh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asinh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:asinh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acosh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:acosh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atanh-float f)
+ `(the-single-float (lisp:atanh (the-single-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.exp-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:exp (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.log-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:log (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sqrt-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sqrt (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sin-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sin (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cos-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:cos (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tan-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:tan (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asin-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:asin (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acos-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:acos (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atan-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:atan (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.sinh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:sinh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.cosh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:cosh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.tanh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:tanh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.asinh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:asinh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.acosh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:acosh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-syntax (prim.atanh-double f)
+ `(the-double-float (lisp:atanh (the-double-float ,f))))
+(define-integrable prim.pi-float (lisp:coerce lisp:pi 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable prim.pi-double (lisp:coerce lisp:pi 'lisp:double-float))
+;;; Assumes rationals are represented as a 2-tuple of integers
+(define (prim.rational-to-float x)
+ (let ((n (tuple-select 2 0 x))
+ (d (tuple-select 2 1 x)))
+ (if (eqv? d 0)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Divide by 0.")
+ (prim.rational-to-float-aux n d))))
+(define (prim.rational-to-float-aux n d)
+ (declare (type integer n d))
+ (/ (lisp:coerce n 'lisp:single-float)
+ (lisp:coerce d 'lisp:single-float)))
+(define (prim.rational-to-double x)
+ (let ((n (tuple-select 2 0 x))
+ (d (tuple-select 2 1 x)))
+ (if (eqv? d 0)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Divide by 0.")
+ (prim.rational-to-double-aux n d))))
+(define (prim.rational-to-double-aux n d)
+ (declare (type integer n d))
+ (/ (lisp:coerce n 'lisp:double-float)
+ (lisp:coerce d 'lisp:double-float)))
+(define (prim.float-to-rational x)
+ (let ((r (lisp:rational (the lisp:single-float x))))
+ (declare (type rational r))
+ (make-tuple (lisp:numerator r) (lisp:denominator r))))
+(define (prim.double-to-rational x)
+ (let ((r (lisp:rational (the lisp:double-float x))))
+ (declare (type rational r))
+ (make-tuple (lisp:numerator r) (lisp:denominator r))))
+(define-integrable prim.float-1 (lisp:coerce 1.0 'lisp:single-float))
+(define-integrable prim.double-1 (lisp:coerce 1.0 'lisp:double-float))
+(define-integrable prim.float-digits
+ (lisp:float-digits prim.float-1))
+(define-integrable prim.double-digits
+ (lisp:float-digits prim.double-1))
+(define-integrable prim.float-radix
+ (lisp:float-radix prim.float-1))
+(define-integrable prim.double-radix
+ (lisp:float-radix prim.double-1))
+;;; Sometimes least-positive-xxx-float is denormalized.
+(define-integrable prim.float-min-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float
+ #+lucid lcl:least-positive-normalized-single-float
+ #-lucid lisp:least-positive-single-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.double-min-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float
+ #+lucid lcl:least-positive-normalized-double-float
+ #-lucid lisp:least-positive-double-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.float-max-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float lisp:most-positive-single-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable prim.double-max-exp
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e)
+ (lisp:decode-float lisp:most-positive-double-float)
+ (declare (ignore m))
+ e))
+(define-integrable (prim.float-range x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 prim.float-min-exp prim.float-max-exp))
+(define-integrable (prim.double-range x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 prim.double-min-exp prim.double-max-exp))
+;;; *** I'm not sure if these are correct. Should the exponent value
+;;; *** be taken as the value that lisp:integer-decode-float returns,
+;;; *** or as the value that lisp:decode-float returns? (They're
+;;; *** not the same because the significand is scaled differently.)
+;;; *** I'm guessing that Haskell's model is to use the actual numbers
+;;; *** that are in the bit fields
+;;; jcp - I removed this since Haskell requires an integer instead of a
+;;; fractional mantissa. My theory is that integer-decode-float returns
+;;; what Haskell wants without fiddling (except sign reattachment)
+(define (exponent-adjustment m)
+ (if (eqv? prim.float-radix 2)
+ ;; the usual case -- e.g. IEEE floating point
+ (lisp:integer-length m)
+ (lisp:ceiling (lisp:log m prim.float-radix))))
+(define (prim.decode-float f)
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e s)
+ (lisp:integer-decode-float (the-single-float f))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (* (the-integer m) (the-fixnum s))
+ (the-fixnum e))))
+(define (prim.decode-double f)
+ (multiple-value-bind (m e s)
+ (lisp:integer-decode-float (the-double-float f))
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (* (the-integer m) (the-fixnum s))
+ (the-fixnum e))))
+(define (prim.encode-float m e)
+ (lisp:scale-float (lisp:coerce m 'lisp:single-float) (the-fixnum e)))
+(define (prim.encode-double m e)
+ (lisp:scale-float (lisp:coerce m 'lisp:double-float) (the-fixnum e)))
+;;; Integral
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-int i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-int i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-int i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-int i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-int i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (max (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (min (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.eq-integer i1 i2)
+ `(= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-eq-integer i1 i2)
+ `(not (= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.le-integer i1 i2)
+ `(<= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-le-integer i1 i2)
+ `(> (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.not-lt-integer i1 i2)
+ `(>= (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(< (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2)))
+(define-syntax (prim.integer-max i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (max (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.integer-min i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (min (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (+ (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-int i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (- (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-int i1 i2)
+ `(the-fixnum (* (the-fixnum ,i1) (the-fixnum ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-int i)
+ `(the-fixnum (- (the-fixnum ,i))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-int i)
+ `(the-fixnum (lisp:abs (the-fixnum ,i))))
+(define-integrable prim.minint lisp:most-negative-fixnum)
+(define-integrable prim.maxint lisp:most-positive-fixnum)
+(define-syntax ( i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (+ (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.minus-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (- (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.mul-integer i1 i2)
+ `(the-integer (* (the-integer ,i1) (the-integer ,i2))))
+(define-syntax (prim.neg-integer i)
+ `(the-integer (- (the-integer ,i))))
+(define-syntax (prim.abs-integer i)
+ `(the-integer (lisp:abs (the-integer ,i))))
+(define (prim.div-rem-int i1 i2)
+ (multiple-value-bind (q r)
+ (lisp:truncate (the-fixnum i1) (the-fixnum i2))
+ (make-tuple (box (the-fixnum q)) (box (the-fixnum r)))))
+(define (prim.div-rem-integer i1 i2)
+ (multiple-value-bind (q r)
+ (lisp:truncate (the-integer i1) (the-integer i2))
+ (make-tuple (box (the-integer q)) (box (the-integer r)))))
+(define (prim.integer-to-int i)
+ (if (is-fixnum? i)
+ (the-fixnum i)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Integer -> Int overflow.")))
+(define-syntax ( i)
+ i)
+;;; Binary
+(define prim.nullbin '())
+(define ( x)
+ (null? x))
+(define ( i b)
+ (cons i b))
+(define ( i b)
+ (cons i b))
+(define ( f b)
+ (cons f b))
+(define ( f b)
+ (cons f b))
+(define (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (haskell-runtime-error "Error: attempt to read from an incompatible Bin."))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-fixnum? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-integer? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-single-float? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b)
+ (if (or (null? b) (not (is-double-float? (car b))))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define ( b m)
+ (if (or (null? b)
+ (not (is-fixnum? (car b)))
+ (> (the-fixnum (car b)) (the-fixnum m)))
+ (prim.bin-read-error)
+ (make-haskell-tuple2 (car b) (cdr b))))
+(define (prim.append-bin x y)
+ (append x y))
+;;; String primitives
+;;; Calls to prim.string-eq are generated by the CFN to pattern match
+;;; against string constants. So normally one of the arguments will be
+;;; a constant string. Treat this case specially to avoid consing up
+;;; a haskell string whenever it's called.
+;;; This function is strict in both its arguments.
+(define-syntax (prim.string-eq s1 s2)
+ (cond ((and (pair? s1)
+ (eq? (car s1) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(prim.string-eq-inline ,(cadr s1) 0 ,(string-length (cadr s1)) ,s2))
+ ((and (pair? s2)
+ (eq? (car s2) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(prim.string-eq-inline ,(cadr s2) 0 ,(string-length (cadr s2)) ,s1))
+ (else
+ `(prim.string-eq-notinline ,s1 ,s2))))
+(define (prim.string-eq-inline lisp-string i n haskell-string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i n))
+ (cond ((eqv? i n)
+ ;; Reached end of Lisp string constant -- better be at the end
+ ;; of the Haskell string, too.
+ (if (null? haskell-string) '#t '#f))
+ ((null? haskell-string)
+ ;; The Haskell string is too short.
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (char->integer (string-ref lisp-string i)))
+ (the fixnum (force (car haskell-string))))
+ ;; Next characters match, recurse
+ (prim.string-eq-inline
+ lisp-string (the fixnum (+ i 1)) n (force (cdr haskell-string))))
+ (else
+ ;; No match
+ '#f)))
+(define (prim.string-eq-notinline s1 s2)
+ (cond ((null? s1)
+ ;; Reached end of first string.
+ (if (null? s2) '#t '#f))
+ ((null? s2)
+ ;; Second string too short.
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? (the fixnum (force (car s1))) (the fixnum (force (car s2))))
+ (prim.string-eq-notinline (force (cdr s1)) (force (cdr s2))))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; List primitives
+;;; The first argument is strict and the second is a delay.
+(define-syntax (prim.append l1 l2)
+ (cond ((and (pair? l1)
+ (eq? (car l1) 'make-haskell-string))
+ `(make-haskell-string-tail ,(cadr l1) ,l2))
+ ((equal? l1 ''())
+ `(force ,l2))
+ ((equal? l2 '(box '()))
+ l1)
+ ;; *** could also look for
+ ;; *** (append (cons x (box y)) z) => (cons x (box (append y z)))
+ ;; *** but I don't think this happens very often anyway
+ (else
+ `(prim.append-aux ,l1 ,l2))))
+(define (prim.append-aux l1 l2)
+ (cond ((null? l1)
+ (force l2))
+ ((and (forced? l2) (eq? (unbox l2) '()))
+ ;; Appending nil is identity.
+ l1)
+ ((forced? (cdr l1))
+ ;; Append eagerly if the tail of the first list argument has
+ ;; already been forced.
+ (cons (car l1)
+ (if (null? (unbox (cdr l1)))
+ l2 ; don't force this!!
+ (box (prim.append-aux (unbox (cdr l1)) l2)))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car l1) (delay (prim.append-aux (force (cdr l1)) l2))))
+ ))
+;;; Both arguments are forced here. Have to be careful not to call
+;;; recursively with an argument of 0.
+;;; *** This is no longer used.
+(define (prim.take n l)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (cond ((not (pair? l))
+ '())
+ ((eqv? n 1)
+ ;; Only one element to take.
+ (cons (car l) (box '())))
+ ((forced? (cdr l))
+ ;; Take eagerly if the tail of the list has already been forced.
+ (cons (car l) (box (prim.take (- n 1) (unbox (cdr l))))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car l) (delay (prim.take (- n 1) (force (cdr l))))))
+ ))
+;;; The optimizer gets rid of all first-order calls to these functions.
+(define (prim.foldr k z l)
+ ;; k and z are nonstrict, l is strict
+ (if (null? l)
+ (force z)
+ (funcall (force k)
+ (car l)
+ (delay (prim.foldr k z (force (cdr l)))))))
+(define ( g)
+ ;; g is strict
+ (funcall g
+ (box (function make-cons-constructor))
+ (box '())))
diff --git a/runtime/runtime-utils.scm b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43c930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/runtime-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+;;; runtime-utils.scm -- basic runtime support
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 9 Jun 1992
+;;; This file contains definitions (beyond the normal mumble stuff)
+;;; that is referenced directly in code built by the code generator.
+;;; See backend/codegen.scm.
+;;; (delay form)
+;;; returns a delay object with unevaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (delay form)
+ `(cons '#f (lambda () ,form)))
+;;; (box form)
+;;; returns a delay object with evaluated "form".
+(define-syntax (box form)
+ (cond ((number? form)
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t form)))
+ ((and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) 'quote))
+ `(quote ,(cons '#t (cadr form))))
+ (else
+ `(cons '#t ,form))))
+(define-syntax (unbox form)
+ `(cdr ,form))
+(define-syntax (forced? form)
+ `(car ,form))
+;;; (force delay)
+;;; return the value of the delay object.
+(define (force delay-object)
+ (declare (type pair delay-object))
+ (if (car delay-object)
+ (cdr delay-object)
+ (begin
+ (let ((result (funcall (cdr delay-object))))
+ (setf (car delay-object) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr delay-object) result)))))
+;;; Inline version of the above. Not good to use everywhere because
+;;; of code bloat problems, but handy for helper functions.
+(define-syntax (force-inline delay-object)
+ (let ((temp1 (gensym))
+ (temp2 (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp1 ,delay-object))
+ (declare (type pair ,temp1))
+ (if (car ,temp1)
+ (cdr ,temp1)
+ (let ((,temp2 (funcall (cdr ,temp1))))
+ (setf (car ,temp1) '#t)
+ (setf (cdr ,temp1) ,temp2))))))
+;;; (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+;;; The basic idea is to compare the number of arguments received against
+;;; the number expected.
+;;; If the same, call the optimized entry point opt-fn.
+;;; If more, apply the result of calling the optimized entry to the
+;;; leftover arguments.
+;;; If less, make a closure that accepts the additional arguments.
+(define (make-curried-fn opt-fn strictness)
+ (lambda args
+ (curried-fn-body '() args opt-fn strictness)))
+(define (curried-fn-body previous-args args opt-fn strictness)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (saturated? actual-args leftover-args leftover-strictness)
+ (process-curried-fn-args strictness args '())
+ (setf actual-args (append previous-args actual-args))
+ (if saturated?
+ (if (null? leftover-args)
+ (apply opt-fn actual-args)
+ (apply (apply opt-fn actual-args) leftover-args))
+ (lambda more-args
+ (curried-fn-body actual-args more-args opt-fn leftover-strictness)))
+ ))
+(define (process-curried-fn-args strictness args actual-args)
+ (cond ((null? strictness)
+ ;; At least as many arguments as expected.
+ (values '#t (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ ((null? args)
+ ;; Not enough arguments supplied.
+ (values '#f (nreverse actual-args) args strictness))
+ (else
+ ;; Process the next argument.
+ (if (car strictness)
+ (push (force-inline (car args)) actual-args)
+ (push (car args) actual-args))
+ (process-curried-fn-args (cdr strictness) (cdr args) actual-args))
+ ))
+;;; Special cases of the above.
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-strict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (setf arg1 (force-inline arg1))
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+(define (make-curried-fn-1-nonstrict opt-fn)
+ (lambda (arg1 . moreargs)
+ (if (null? moreargs)
+ (funcall opt-fn arg1)
+ (apply (funcall opt-fn arg1) moreargs))))
+;;; Here's a similar helper function used for making data constructors.
+(define (constructor-body previous-args args arity fn)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (let ((n (length args)))
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (setf args (append previous-args args))
+ (cond ((eqv? n arity)
+ (apply fn args))
+ ((< n arity)
+ (lambda more-args
+ (constructor-body args more-args (- arity n) fn)))
+ (else
+ (error "Too many arguments supplied to constructor.")))))
+;;; Special case for cons constructor
+(define (make-cons-constructor . args)
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons)))
+;;; (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+;;; return a function that makes an untagged data structure with "arity"
+;;; slots. "arity" is a constant.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tuple-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tuple-constructor-aux arity)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (lambda (x) x))))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args 2 (function cons))))
+ (else
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body '() args arity (function vector))))))
+(define *predefined-tuple-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ (push (make-tuple-constructor-aux i) result))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tuple-constructor arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity))
+ (if (< arity *max-predefined-tuple-arity*)
+ `(vector-ref *predefined-tuple-constructors* ,arity)
+ `(make-tuple-constructor-aux ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tuple . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tuple . args)
+ (let ((arity (length args)))
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 0)
+ ;; Actually, should never happen -- this is the unit constructor
+ 0)
+ ((eqv? arity 1)
+ (car args))
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ `(cons ,@args))
+ (else
+ `(vector ,@args)))))
+;;; (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+;;; return a function that makes a data structure with tag "n" and
+;;; "arity" slots.
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag* 10)
+(define-integrable *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity* 10)
+(define (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux n arity)
+ (if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (vector n)
+ (lambda args
+ (constructor-body (list n) args arity (function vector)))))
+(define *predefined-tagged-data-constructors*
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dotimes (i *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (let ((inner-result '()))
+ (dotimes (j *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*)
+ (push (make-tagged-data-constructor-aux j i) inner-result))
+ (push (list->vector (nreverse inner-result)) result)))
+ (list->vector (nreverse result))))
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data-constructor n arity)
+ (declare (type fixnum arity n))
+ (if (and (< arity *max-predefined-tagged-data-arity*)
+ (< n *max-predefined-tagged-data-tag*))
+ `(vector-ref (vector-ref *predefined-tagged-data-constructors* ,arity)
+ ,n)
+ `(make-tagged-data-constructor-aux ,n ,arity)))
+;;; (make-tagged-data n . args)
+;;; uncurried version of the above
+(define-syntax (make-tagged-data n . args)
+ `(vector ,n ,@args))
+;;; (tuple-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from untagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tuple-select arity i object)
+ (cond ((eqv? arity 1)
+ object)
+ ((eqv? arity 2)
+ (if (eqv? i 0)
+ `(car ,object)
+ `(cdr ,object)))
+ (else
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,i)))))
+;;; (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+;;; extract component "i" from tagged "object"
+(define-syntax (tagged-data-select arity i object)
+ (declare (ignore arity))
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) (the fixnum ,(1+ i))))
+;;; (constructor-number object)
+;;; return the tag from "object"
+(define-syntax (constructor-number object)
+ `(vector-ref (the vector ,object) 0))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force fn . args)
+ (let* ((n (length args))
+ (junk (assv n '((1 . funcall-force-1)
+ (2 . funcall-force-2)
+ (3 . funcall-force-3)
+ (4 . funcall-force-4)))))
+ `(,(if junk (cdr junk) 'funcall-force-n) ,fn ,@args)))
+(define (funcall-force-1 fn a1)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1))
+(define (funcall-force-2 fn a1 a2)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2))
+(define (funcall-force-3 fn a1 a2 a3)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3))
+(define (funcall-force-4 fn a1 a2 a3 a4)
+ (funcall (force-inline fn) a1 a2 a3 a4))
+(define-syntax (funcall-force-n fn . args)
+ `(funcall (force ,fn) ,@args))
+;;; (make-haskell-string string)
+;;; Converts a Lisp string lazily to a boxed haskell string (makes
+;;; a delay with a magic function). Returns an unboxed result.
+(define (make-haskell-string string)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ '())
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (box '())))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ (box '())
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+;;; Similar, but accepts an arbitrary tail (which must be a delay object)
+(define (make-haskell-string-tail string tail-delay)
+ (declare (type string string))
+ (let ((index 1)
+ (size (string-length string)))
+ (declare (type fixnum index size))
+ (cond ((eqv? size 0)
+ (force-inline tail-delay))
+ ((eqv? size 1)
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ tail-delay))
+ (else
+ (letrec ((next-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((ch (char->integer (string-ref string index))))
+ (incf index)
+ (cons (box ch)
+ (if (eqv? index size)
+ tail-delay
+ (cons '#f next-fn)))))))
+ (cons (box (char->integer (string-ref string 0)))
+ (cons '#f next-fn))))
+ )))
+(define (haskell-string->string s)
+ (let ((length 0))
+ (declare (type fixnum length))
+ (do ((s s (force (cdr s))))
+ ((null? s))
+ (setf length (+ length 1)))
+ (let ((result (make-string length)))
+ (declare (type string result))
+ (do ((s s (unbox (cdr s)))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((null? s))
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf (string-ref result i) (integer->char (force (car s)))))
+ result)))
+(define (print-haskell-string s port)
+ (do ((s1 s (force (cdr s1))))
+ ((null? s1))
+ (write-char (integer->char (force (car s1))) port)))
+;;; This explicates the value returned by a proc (the IO () type).
+(define (insert-unit-value x)
+ (declare (ignore x))
+ 0)
+;;; These handle list conversions
+(define (haskell-list->list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (funcall fn (force (car l)))
+ (haskell-list->list fn (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (funcall fn (car l)))
+ (box (list->haskell-list fn (cdr l))))))
+(define (haskell-list->list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (force (car l))
+ (haskell-list->list/identity (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (list->haskell-list/identity l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (box (car l))
+ (box (list->haskell-list/identity (cdr l))))))
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.scm b/runtime/runtime.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5713e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/runtime.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+;;; runtime.scm
+;;; author : John
+(define-compilation-unit runtime
+ (source-filename "$Y2/runtime/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit runtime-utils
+ (source-filename "runtime-utils.scm"))
+ (unit prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "prims.scm"))
+ (unit io-primitives
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "io-primitives.scm"))
+ (unit array-prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "array-prims.scm"))
+ (unit debug-utils
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "debug-utils.scm"))
+ (unit tuple-prims
+ (require runtime-utils)
+ (source-filename "tuple-prims.scm")))
diff --git a/runtime/tuple-prims.scm b/runtime/tuple-prims.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb0cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tuple-prims.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;; these primitives support arbitrary sized tuples.
+(define (prim.tupleSize x)
+ (vector-length x))
+(define (prim.tupleSel tuple i n)
+ (force
+ (if (eqv? n 2)
+ (if (eqv? i 0)
+ (car tuple)
+ (cdr tuple))
+ (vector-ref tuple i))))
+(define (prim.list->tuple l)
+ (let ((l (haskell-list->list/non-strict l)))
+ (if (null? (cddr l))
+ (cons (car l) (cadr l))
+ (list->vector l))))
+(define (haskell-list->list/non-strict l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (car l)
+ (haskell-list->list/non-strict (force (cdr l))))))
+(define (prim.dict-sel dicts i)
+ (force (vector-ref dicts i)))
+;;; These generate dictionaries.
+(define-local-syntax (create-dict dicts vars other-dicts)
+ `(let ((dict-vector (box (list->vector ,dicts))))
+ (make-tuple
+ ,@(map (lambda (v)
+ `(delay (funcall (dynamic ,v) dict-vector)))
+ vars)
+ ,@(map (lambda (sd)
+ `(delay (,(car sd)
+ (map (lambda (d)
+ (tuple-select ,(cadr sd) ,(caddr sd) (force d)))
+ ,dicts))))
+ other-dicts))))
+(define prim.tupleEqdict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleEqDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleEqDict/l dicts)
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleEq| |PreludeTuple:tupleNeq|)
+ ()))
+(define prim.tupleOrdDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleOrdDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleOrdDict/l d)
+ (create-dict d
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleLe| |PreludeTuple:tupleLeq|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleGe| |PreludeTuple:tupleGeq|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleMax| |PreludeTuple:tupleMin|)
+ ((tupleEqDict/l 7 6))))
+(define prim.tupleIxDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleRange| |PreludeTuple:tupleIndex|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleInRange|)
+ ((tupleEqDict/l 6 3) (tupleTextDict/l 6 4) (tupleOrdDict/l 6 5)))))
+(define prim.tupleTextDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (tupleTextDict/l dicts)))
+(define (tupleTextDict/l d)
+ (create-dict d
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleReadsPrec| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowsPrec|
+ |PreludeTuple:tupleReadList| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowList|)
+ ()))
+(define prim.tupleBinaryDict
+ (lambda dicts
+ (create-dict dicts
+ (|PreludeTuple:tupleReadBin| |PreludeTuple:tupleShowBin|)
+ ())))