path: root/progs/demo/X11/gobang
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authorYale AI Dept <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
committerDuncan McGreggor <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
commit4e987026148fe65c323afbc93cd560c07bf06b3f (patch)
tree26ae54177389edcbe453d25a00c38c2774e8b7d4 /progs/demo/X11/gobang
Import to github.
Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/gobang')
11 files changed, 1248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5634a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/README
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+gobang Weiming Wu & Niping Wu
+Our final project is to design and implement a Gobang game under
+X-Window3.2 environment, using the Haskell programming language. Users
+can play the game human-vs-human. The program also provides a robot
+player with whom the user can play the game with. We wrote altogether
+ten modules which were saved in different files to control the whole
+About Gobang
+The checkerboard of Gobang consists of 19 vertical lines and 19
+horizontal lines. Two players in turn place a unit on the
+checkerboard. Each unit should be put on an unoccupied intersection
+of a vertical and a horizontal line. The winner is the player who
+first makes five consecutive units on either vertical, horizontal or
+diagonal direction.
+The program is able to perform the following tasks: 1) Use a new
+window under X-Window interface to display the checkerboard. Players
+will use a mouse to place units onto the chessboard, where a unit is a
+circle with the color black or white. 2) Prompt for the names of both
+players and display them. 3) Calculate the time both players have
+used up. 4) Supervise the progress of the game, declare winner and
+end the game once one player wins. 5) At each point of the game,
+store the progress of the game, so players can review each step during
+the game. 6) There are five buttons on the screen which would provide
+some special services such as starting a new game, quitting the game,
+saving the game, importing the saved game, or reviewing the game as
+soon as the user selects the corresponding buttons. 7) Provide a
+moderately well robot player for that game (using minimum-maximum
+Running Gobang
+A window titled "gobang" will appear on the screen. On it is a
+checkerboard, clocks and buttons. There will be an instruction saying
+"Please enter the name of player-1". The user can do two things:
+either enter the name of a player or choose the "import" button. Once
+the "import" button is selected, an unfinished game, which was saved
+in the file "###go.bhs###" will be imported. Please notice that the
+character "@" is reserved for the robot player, so if the user types
+in @ as the name of the first player, it is assumed that player-1 is
+the robot player. Then the name of player 2 is prompted. The game
+starts and at each turn an instruction like "Please enter your play."
+would appear on the screen. The user should put a unit onto the
+checkerboard. If the button is clicked on a wrong place or a unit is
+put onto an occupied position, an error message saying "Wrong Point.
+Please reenter." will appear on the screen and the user should reenter
+his play. The marker next to the name of a player indicates whose
+turn it is. At any point of the game the user can choose the other
+four buttons. If the "new" button is selected, the present game will
+be terminated and a new blank checkerboard will be displayed on the
+screen; if the "review" button is selected, one step of the previous
+plays will be displayed each time after the user hits any key; if the
+"save" button is selected, the steps so far will be saved into the
+file "###go.bhs###"; if the "quit" button is selected, the game will
+be terminated.
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4844dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/gobang.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+module Gobang where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+import Redraw
+import Weights
+getXInfo :: String -> IO XInfo
+getXInfo host =
+ xOpenDisplay host `thenIO` \ display ->
+ let (screen:_) = xDisplayRoots display
+ fg_pixel = xScreenBlackPixel screen
+ bg_pixel = xScreenWhitePixel screen
+ root = xScreenRoot screen
+ in
+ xCreateWindow root
+ (XRect 0 0 900 600)
+ [XWinBackground bg_pixel,
+ XWinEventMask (XEventMask [XButtonPress,
+ XKeyPress,
+ XExposure])]
+ `thenIO` \ window ->
+ xSetWmName window "Gobang" `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMapWindow window `thenIO` \() ->
+ xOpenFont display "10x20" `thenIO` \ playerfont ->
+ xOpenFont display "6x13" `thenIO` \ genericfont ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel] `thenIO` \ gcontext ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground fg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground bg_pixel,
+ XGCFont genericfont] `thenIO` \ gcontext2 ->
+ xCreateGcontext (XDrawWindow window)
+ [XGCBackground bg_pixel,
+ XGCForeground fg_pixel,
+ XGCFont playerfont] `thenIO` \ gcontextp ->
+ returnIO (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+demo = main
+main = getEnv "DISPLAY" exit $ \ host ->
+ xHandleError (\(XError msg) -> appendChan stdout msg exit done) $
+ gobang host
+gobang :: String -> IO ()
+gobang host =
+ getXInfo host `thenIO` \ xinfo ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ board ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..361] `thenIO` \ weight2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..722] `thenIO` \ steps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ player2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1..4] `thenIO` \ time ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ numbersteps ->
+ xMArrayCreate [""] `thenIO` \ promptString ->
+ xMArrayCreate [1] `thenIO` \ next_player ->
+ let state = GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player
+ in
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptPlayers xinfo state =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ promptFor "player 1:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player1_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 65) player1_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player1 0 player1_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptFor "player 2:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ player2_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 205) player2_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate player2 0 player2_name `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state
+initGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+initGame xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) =
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 0 2 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray numbersteps 0 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray board 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight1 0 361 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray weight2 0 361 0 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ initArray next_player 0 1 1 `thenIO` \ () ->
+ clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ redraw xinfo state
+handleButton :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+handleButton (XPoint x y)
+ xinfo
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont
+ | buttonPress 700 330 x y = initArray player1 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initArray player2 0 1 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ promptPlayers xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 360 x y = initGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 390 x y = undoGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 420 x y = loadGame xinfo state cont
+ | buttonPress 700 450 x y = saveGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | buttonPress 700 480 x y = quitGame xinfo state cont
+ | ishelp x y = helpGame xinfo state `thenIO` \ () ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ | otherwise = cont xinfo state
+when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
+when cond action = if cond then action else returnIO ()
+undoGame xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+ cont =
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ let undoStep n =
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n) `thenIO` \ x ->
+ xMArrayLookup steps (2*n+1) `thenIO` \ y ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board ((x-1)*19 + y-1) 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ (if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (x*30-15) (y*30-15) 30 30) True
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+-- drawBoard xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+-- drawPieces 1 1 board xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let x30 = x * 30
+ y30 = y * 30
+ c = XPoint x30 y30
+ w = XPoint (x30-15) y30
+ e = XPoint (x30+15) y30
+ no = XPoint x30 (y30-15)
+ s = XPoint x30 (y30+15)
+ m = XArc (x30-3) (y30-3) 6 6 (-1.0) 6.283
+ in
+ when (x > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext w c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (x < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c e)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y > 1) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext no c)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when (y < 19) (xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext c s)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ when ((x `elem` [4,10,16]) && (y `elem` [4,10,16]))
+ (xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext m True)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 n `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_p ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_p == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ cur_name = if next_p == 1 then name1 else name2
+ last_name = if next_p == 1 then name2 else name1
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ n ->
+ if n==0 then drawCmd "No more steps to undo!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+ else
+ if cur_name == "computer" then cont xinfo state
+ else
+ (undoStep (n-1) `thenIO` \_ ->
+ if (last_name == "computer" && n /= 1) then undoStep (n-2)
+ else
+ returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+promptFile xinfo state cont =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ readFile name
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't read file:" ++ name) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont XNull)
+ (\ content -> cont (XSome content))
+loadGame xinfo state cont =
+ promptFile xinfo state $ \ file ->
+ case file of
+ XNull -> cont xinfo state
+ XSome file_content ->
+ readGameState file_content `thenIO` \ new_state ->
+ let (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ time _ _ _) = new_state
+ in
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ initArray time 2 4 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ redraw xinfo new_state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ playGame xinfo new_state
+saveGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+saveGame xinfo state =
+ promptFor "File name:" xinfo state `thenIO` \ name ->
+ showGameState state `thenIO` \ str ->
+ writeFile name str
+ (\ _ -> drawCmd ("Can't write file: " ++ name) xinfo state)
+ done
+quitGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> GameCont -> IO ()
+quitGame xinfo state cont =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ promptFor "Are you sure? (y/n)" xinfo state `thenIO` \ reps ->
+ if (reps == "y" || reps == "Y") then xCloseDisplay display
+ else clearCmd xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ cont xinfo state
+playGame :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+playGame xinfo state =
+ let
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ (\cont -> if x == 361
+ then drawCmd "It's a tie!" xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else cont) $
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ getTime `thenIO` \ curtime ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 0 `thenIO` \ lstm0 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 1 `thenIO` \ lstm1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 2 `thenIO` \ lstm2 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 3 `thenIO` \ lstm3 ->
+ drawCmd ("Waiting for player # " ++ (show next_player_num)) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ if (next_player_num == 1)
+ then xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 70)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 180 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 2 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 1 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 270 (lstm1+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+ else xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 210)
+ '<' `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 840 40 40 40) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 3 curtime `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate time 0 (lstm0+curtime-lstm2) `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 130 (lstm0+curtime-lstm3) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ x ->
+ if (x == "computer")
+ then computerplay xinfo state
+ else humanplay xinfo state
+waitButton xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state cont =
+ let
+ loop xinfo state =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XExposureEvent -> may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let pos = xEventPos event
+ in
+ handleButton pos xinfo state (cont pos)
+ _ -> xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ in
+ loop xinfo state
+updateboard :: XInfo -> GameState -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+updateboard xinfo state x y =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ xMArrayUpdate next_player 0 (if next_player_num == 1 then 2 else 1)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \ z ->
+ xMArrayUpdate numbersteps 0 (z+1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z) x `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate steps (2*z+1) y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ name1 ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ name2 ->
+ xMArrayUpdate board (19*(x-1)+y-1) next_player_num
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ human_unit board x y `thenIO` \ win ->
+ if win
+ then drawCmd ("Player " ++ (show next_player_num) ++ " has won!")
+ xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let loop xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state (\ _ -> loop)
+ in loop xinfo state
+ else if (name1 == "computer" || name2 == "computer")
+ then draw_unit board weight1 weight2 x y `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight1 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight2 (19*(x-1)+y-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ playGame xinfo state
+ else playGame xinfo state
+choice :: XPoint -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+choice (XPoint x y) xinfo@(XInfo display _ _ _ _) state =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ case (getposition x y) of
+ XNull -> humanplay xinfo state
+ XSome (x, y) ->
+ xMArrayLookup board (19*(x-1)+y-1) `thenIO` \ z ->
+ if (z>0)
+ then xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawCmd "Wrong point, please re-enter" xinfo state `thenIO` \() ->
+ humanplay xinfo state
+ else xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y
+humanplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+humanplay xinfo state = waitButton xinfo state choice
+computerplay :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+computerplay xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state =
+ let process_events xinfo state cont =
+ xEventListen display `thenIO` \ n_event ->
+ if n_event == 0 then cont xinfo state
+ else xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ handleButton (xEventPos event) xinfo state cont
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0)
+ xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ process_events xinfo state cont
+ in
+ process_events xinfo state $
+ \ xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ state@(GameState _ _ _ _ weight1 weight2 _ numbersteps _ next_player) ->
+ robot numbersteps weight1 weight2 `thenIO` \pt ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = pt
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ drawPiece x y xinfo (next_player_num == 1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ updateboard xinfo state x y
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d228bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+:o= foldr inline constant
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a29be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/misc.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+interface Misc where
+random :: Int -> IO Int
+random :: LispName("lisp:random")
+#-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a9c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec772f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/redraw.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+module Redraw where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+may_redraw :: Bool -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+may_redraw ok xinfo state = if ok then redraw xinfo state else returnIO ()
+redraw :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+redraw xinfo state =
+ let (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2 (XRect 0 0 900 600) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawBoard xinfo `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 610 65) "Player 1"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 620 125) "Clock 1"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 610 205) "Player 2"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 620 265) "Clock 2"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 45 130 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 105 90 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 185 130 30) False
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 700 245 90 30) False
+ `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 330 "New players" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 360 "New game" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 390 "Undo" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 420 "Load" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 450 "Save" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ button 700 480 "Quit" xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ helpButton xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 615 535 250 30) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ in
+ xMArrayLookup time 0 `thenIO` \ lstm0 ->
+ xMArrayLookup time 1 `thenIO` \ lstm1 ->
+ showtime 705 270 (lstm1) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ showtime 705 130 (lstm0) xinfo `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayLookup player1 0 `thenIO` \ player1_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 65) player1_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup player2 0 `thenIO` \ player2_name ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 710 205) player2_name
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup promptString 0 `thenIO` \ ps ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 620 550) ps
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayLookup next_player 0 `thenIO` \ next_player_num ->
+ (if (next_player_num == 1)
+ then xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 70) '<'
+ else xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 850 210) '<')
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawPieces 1 1 board xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+drawHelp (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2 (XRect 100 100 300 200) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 100 100 300 200) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 102 102 296 196) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 200 230 100 60) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 202 232 96 56) False
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 240 265) "OK"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 120)
+ "Two players in turn place black and white"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 135)
+ "pieces on the board. The winner is the"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 150)
+ "player who first makes five consecutive"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 165)
+ "pieces in either vertical, horizontal or"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 180)
+ "diagonal directions."
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 200)
+ "To play with a robot, type \"computer\" as"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 120 215)
+ "the name of another player."
+drawBoard (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ drawvlines 30 30 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawhlines 30 30 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawmarks where
+ drawvlines :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+ drawvlines x y z
+ | z <= 19
+ = xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint x y) (XPoint x (y+30*18)) `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawvlines (x+30) y (z+1)
+ | otherwise
+ = returnIO ()
+ drawhlines :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+ drawhlines x y z
+ | z <= 19
+ = xDrawLine (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint x y) (XPoint (x+30*18) y) `thenIO` \() ->
+ drawhlines x (y+30) (z+1)
+ | otherwise
+ = returnIO ()
+ drawmarks :: IO ()
+ drawmarks =
+ map2IO (\x y ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc x y 6 6 (-1.0) 6.283) True)
+ (map (\x -> 30 + x*30-3) [3,9,15,3,9,15,3,9,15])
+ (map (\x -> 30 + x*30-3) [3,3,3,9,9,9,15,15,15])
+ `thenIO` \ _ -> returnIO ()
+map2IO :: (a -> b -> IO c) -> [a] -> [b] -> IO [c]
+map2IO f [] [] = returnIO []
+map2IO f (x:xs) (z:zs) = f x z `thenIO` \ y ->
+ map2IO f xs zs `thenIO` \ ys ->
+ returnIO (y:ys)
+drawPieces 20 _ board xinfo = returnIO ()
+drawPieces x 20 board xinfo = drawPieces (x+1) 1 board xinfo
+drawPieces x y board xinfo =
+ xMArrayLookup board ((x-1)*19 + y-1) `thenIO` \ piece ->
+ (if (piece == 1 || piece == 2)
+ then drawPiece x y xinfo (piece == 1)
+ else returnIO ()) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawPieces x (y+1) board xinfo
+drawPiece x y (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 _ ) is_black =
+ (if is_black then returnIO ()
+ else xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XArc (30*x-10) (30*y-10) 20 20
+ (-1.0) 6.283)
+ True) `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (30*x-10) (30*y-10) 20 20
+ (-1.0) 6.283)
+ is_black `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5aa14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2483b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/utilities.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+module Utilities where
+import Xlib
+import Weights
+import Redraw
+import Misc
+data XInfo = XInfo XDisplay XWindow XGcontext XGcontext XGcontext
+data GameState = GameState (XMArray String) (XMArray String) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray Int) (XMArray Int) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray Integer) (XMArray Int)
+ (XMArray String) (XMArray Int)
+type GameCont = XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+xMArrayToList :: XMArray a -> IO [a]
+xMArrayToList a =
+ let la = xMArrayLength a
+ loop i a = if i == la then returnIO []
+ else xMArrayLookup a i `thenIO` \ x ->
+ loop (i+1) a `thenIO` \ xs ->
+ returnIO (x:xs)
+ in
+ loop 0 a
+readGameState str =
+ let
+ [(board_lst, r1)] = reads str
+ [(weight1_lst, r2)] = reads r1
+ [(weight2_lst, r3)] = reads r2
+ [(steps_lst, r4)] = reads r3
+ [(player1_lst, r5)] = reads r4
+ [(player2_lst, r6)] = reads r5
+ [(time_lst, r7)] = reads r6
+ [(numbersteps_lst, r8)] = reads r7
+ [(promptString_lst, r9)] = reads r8
+ [(next_player_lst, [])] = reads r9
+ in
+ xMArrayCreate board_lst `thenIO` \ board ->
+ xMArrayCreate weight1_lst `thenIO` \ weight1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate weight2_lst `thenIO` \ weight2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate steps_lst `thenIO` \ steps ->
+ xMArrayCreate player1_lst `thenIO` \ player1 ->
+ xMArrayCreate player2_lst `thenIO` \ player2 ->
+ xMArrayCreate time_lst `thenIO` \ time ->
+ xMArrayCreate numbersteps_lst `thenIO` \ numbersteps ->
+ xMArrayCreate promptString_lst `thenIO` \ promptString ->
+ xMArrayCreate next_player_lst `thenIO` \ next_player ->
+ returnIO (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player)
+showGameState (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) =
+ xMArrayToList board `thenIO` \ board_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList weight1 `thenIO` \ weight1_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList weight2 `thenIO` \ weight2_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList steps `thenIO` \ steps_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList player1 `thenIO` \ player1_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList player2 `thenIO` \ player2_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList time `thenIO` \ time_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList numbersteps `thenIO` \ numbersteps_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList promptString `thenIO` \ promptString_lst ->
+ xMArrayToList next_player `thenIO` \ next_player_lst ->
+ let
+ str =(shows board_lst .
+ shows weight1_lst .
+ shows weight2_lst .
+ shows steps_lst .
+ shows player1_lst .
+ shows player2_lst .
+ shows time_lst .
+ shows numbersteps_lst .
+ shows promptString_lst .
+ shows next_player_lst) []
+ in
+ returnIO str
+xMod :: Int -> Int -> Int
+xMod x y | x >= y = xMod (x-y) y
+ | otherwise = x
+xRes :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+xRes x y z | x >= y = xRes (x-y) y (z+1)
+ | otherwise = z
+drawCmd :: String -> XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+drawCmd a (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ str _)
+ = xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \ () ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint 620 550) a `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xMArrayUpdate str 0 a `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+clearCmd :: XInfo -> GameState -> IO ()
+clearCmd (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ (GameState _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ str _)
+ = xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate str 0 "" `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+xPosition :: Int -> XPoint
+xPosition a = (XPoint (xRes a 19 1) (1+ (xMod a 19)))
+initArray :: XMArray a -> Int -> Int -> a -> IO ()
+initArray mary x y z | x<y = xMArrayUpdate mary x z `thenIO` \() ->
+ initArray mary (x+1) y z
+ | otherwise = returnIO ()
+getposition :: Int -> Int -> XMaybe (Int, Int)
+getposition x y = let x1 = round ((fromIntegral x) / 30.0)
+ y1 = round ((fromIntegral y) / 30.0)
+ in
+ if (x1 < 1 || x1 > 19 || y1 < 1 || y1 > 19) then XNull
+ else XSome (x1, y1)
+addZero :: Int -> String
+addZero a | a < 10 = "0"
+ | otherwise = ""
+printTime :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> XInfo -> IO()
+printTime x y zs (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp)
+ = let s = head zs
+ m = head (tail zs)
+ h = head (tail (tail zs))
+ in xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (x-4) (y-24) 88 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint x y)
+ ((addZero h)++(show h)++":"++(addZero m)++(show m)++
+ ":"++(addZero s)++(show s))
+ `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+showtime :: Int -> Int -> Integer -> XInfo -> IO()
+showtime x y z a =
+ let (curtm, c) = (decodeTime z (WestOfGMT 0))
+ in printTime x y curtm a
+helpButton :: XInfo -> IO ()
+helpButton (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 800 420 70 70)
+ False `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XRect 802 422 66 66)
+ False `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontextp (XPoint 810 450) "About"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 820 470) "Gobang"
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+ishelp :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+ishelp x y = (x > 800 && x < 870 && y > 420 && y < 490)
+button :: Int -> Int -> String -> XInfo -> IO()
+button x y a (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) =
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (x-40) (y-10) 20 20 1.5708 4.7124) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (x-30) (y-10) 60 20) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawArc (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XArc (x+20) (y-10) 20 20 (-1.0) 6.283) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XPoint (x-(length a * 3)) (y+4)) a `thenIO` \(trash) ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display
+-- a b are the location of the button, c d are the point where we press the
+-- button.
+buttonPress :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+buttonPress a b c d | (abs (c-a))<=30 && (abs (d-b))<=10 = True
+ | (c-a+30)*(c-a+30)+(d-b)*(d-b)<=100 = True
+ | (c-a-30)*(c-a-30)+(d-b)*(d-b)<=100 = True
+ | otherwise = False
+randmax :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> IO Int
+randmax a ind max mi | ind > 360 =
+ let lmi = length mi
+ in case lmi of
+ 0 -> returnIO (-1)
+ 1 -> returnIO (head mi)
+ _ -> random lmi `thenIO` \ i ->
+ returnIO (mi !! i)
+ | otherwise = xMArrayLookup a ind `thenIO` \ tt3 ->
+ if (tt3 > max)
+ then randmax a (ind+1) tt3 [ind]
+ else if (tt3 == max)
+ then randmax a (ind+1) max (ind:mi)
+ else randmax a (ind+1) max mi
+robot :: XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> IO XPoint
+robot numbersteps weight1 weight2
+ = xMArrayLookup numbersteps 0 `thenIO` \(tt5) ->
+ if (tt5 == 0)
+ then returnIO (XPoint 10 10)
+ else
+ randmax weight1 0 0 [] `thenIO` \ tmp1 ->
+ randmax weight2 0 0 [] `thenIO` \ tmp2 ->
+ xMArrayLookup weight1 tmp1 `thenIO` \ tmp3 ->
+ xMArrayLookup weight2 tmp2 `thenIO` \ tmp4 ->
+ if (tmp3 >= 200)
+ then returnIO (xPosition tmp1)
+ else if (tmp3 > tmp4)
+ then returnIO (xPosition tmp1)
+ else returnIO (xPosition tmp2)
+promptFor prompt xinfo state =
+ let (GameState player1 player2 board steps weight1 weight2 time
+ numbersteps promptString next_player) = state
+ (XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) = xinfo
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect 616 536 248 28) True `thenIO` \() ->
+ xMArrayUpdate promptString 0 prompt `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint 620 550) prompt
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDisplayForceOutput display `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let h_base = (length prompt + 1) * 6 + 620
+ getString :: Int -> String -> IO String
+ getString h_pos sofar =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = xEventPos event
+ in
+ (if ishelp x y then helpGame xinfo state
+ else xBell display 0)
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString h_pos sofar
+ XExposureEvent ->
+ may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyphs (XDrawWindow window) gcontext (XPoint h_base 550) sofar
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos) (550-10) 6 13) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ -> getString h_pos sofar
+ XKeyPressEvent ->
+ let code = xEventCode event
+ state = xEventState event
+ bs = if (sofar == "") then getString h_pos sofar
+ else xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos)
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * (h_pos - 1))
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString (h_pos-1) (take (length sofar - 1) sofar)
+ in
+ xKeycodeCharacter display code state `thenIO` \ char ->
+ case char of
+ (XSome '\r') -> returnIO sofar
+ (XSome '\DEL') -> bs
+ (XSome '\BS') -> bs
+ XNull -> getString h_pos sofar
+ (XSome c) -> xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext2
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * h_pos)
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawGlyph (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XPoint (h_base + 6 * h_pos) 550) c
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect (h_base + 6 * (h_pos + 1))
+ (550-10) 6 13)
+ True `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString (h_pos + 1) (sofar ++ [c])
+ in
+ xDrawRectangle (XDrawWindow window) gcontext
+ (XRect h_base (550-10) 6 13) True
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ getString 0 ""
+helpGame xinfo@(XInfo display window gcontext gcontext2 gcontextp) state =
+ drawHelp xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ let
+ loop xinfo state =
+ xGetEvent display `thenIO` \ event ->
+ case (xEventType event) of
+ XExposureEvent -> may_redraw (xEventCount event == 0) xinfo state
+ `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ drawHelp xinfo `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ XButtonPressEvent ->
+ let (XPoint x y) = xEventPos event
+ in
+ if (x > 200 && x < 300 && y > 230 && y < 290)
+ then redraw xinfo state `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ returnIO ()
+ else loop xinfo state
+ _ -> xBell display 0 `thenIO` \ _ ->
+ loop xinfo state
+ in
+ loop xinfo state
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfccbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+:o= all
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b55553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/weights.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+module Weights where
+import Xlib
+import Utilities
+xlookup :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+xlookup keyboard x y =
+ if (x < 1 || x > 19 || y < 1 || y > 19)
+ then returnIO (-2)
+ else xMArrayLookup keyboard ((x-1)*19+(y-1))
+draw_unit :: XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()
+draw_unit keyboard weight1 weight2 x y =
+ let
+ update_weight :: XMArray Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->Int->IO()
+ update_weight weight counter player x y incr_x incr_y
+ | x>=1 && x<=19 && y>=1 && y<=19 && counter<=4 =
+ cpt_weight x y player `thenIO` \wt ->
+ xMArrayUpdate weight ((x-1)*19+(y-1)) wt `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight (counter+1) player (x+incr_x) (y+incr_y)
+ incr_x incr_y
+ | otherwise = returnIO ()
+ pattern0 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern0 a b c d e p | a==p && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==p = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern1 a b c d e f p | (a==0) && (b==p) && (c==p) && (d==p) && (e==p) &&
+ (f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern2 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==p)||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern3 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern4 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern4 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern5 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern5 a b c d e f p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0 && e==p &&
+ f==0) ||
+ (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==p &&
+ f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern6 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern6 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0 && e==p) ||
+ (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern7 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int-> Bool
+ pattern7 a b c d e f g p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0 &&
+ f==p && g==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern8 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern8 a b c d e f p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0 &&
+ f==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==0 && e==p &&
+ f==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern9 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern9 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern10 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern10 a b c p | (a==0 && b==p && c==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==p && c==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern11 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern11 a b c d e p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p && e==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ pattern12 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern12 a b c d p | (a==0 && b==p && c==0 && d==p) ||
+ (a==p && b==0 && c==p && d==0) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ direct1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+ direct1 x y pl ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 ptN5 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 200
+ | (pattern1 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern1 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 40
+ | (pattern2 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 13
+ | (pattern3 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern3 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 10
+ | (pattern4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern4 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern4 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 8
+ | (pattern5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern5 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 9
+ | (pattern6 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern6 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 7
+ | (pattern7 ptN5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) ||
+ (pattern7 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5 pl) = 6
+ | (pattern8 ptN5 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) ||
+ (pattern8 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5 pl) = 5
+ | (pattern9 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern9 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 4
+ | (pattern10 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern10 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern10 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) = 2
+ | (pattern11 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern11 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern11 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 3
+ | (pattern12 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern12 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern12 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern12 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) = 1
+ | otherwise = 0
+ direct2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+ direct2 x y pl ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 ptN5 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 ptP5
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 pl) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4 pl) = 200
+ | otherwise = 0
+ cpt_weight :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
+ cpt_weight x y player =
+ xMArrayLookup keyboard ((x-1)*19+(y-1)) `thenIO` \(unit) ->
+ if (unit /= 0)
+ then returnIO (-1)
+ else xlookup keyboard x (y-1) `thenIO` \(xyN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-2) `thenIO` \(xyN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-3) `thenIO` \(xyN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-4) `thenIO` \(xyN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-5) `thenIO` \(xyN5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+1) `thenIO` \(xyP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+2) `thenIO` \(xyP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+3) `thenIO` \(xyP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+4) `thenIO` \(xyP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+5) `thenIO` \(xyP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) y `thenIO` \(xN1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) y `thenIO` \(xN2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) y `thenIO` \(xN3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) y `thenIO` \(xN4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) y `thenIO` \(xN5y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) y `thenIO` \(xP5y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xN1yN1)->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xN2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xN3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xN4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) (y-5) `thenIO` \(xN5yN5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xP1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xP2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xP3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xP4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) (y+5) `thenIO` \(xP5yP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xN1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xN2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xN3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xN4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-5) (y+5) `thenIO` \(xN5yP5) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xP1yN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xP2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xP3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xP4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+5) (y-5) `thenIO` \(xP5yN5) ->
+ returnIO ( (direct1 x y player xyN1 xyN2 xyN3 xyN4 xyN5 player
+ xyP1 xyP2 xyP3 xyP4 xyP5) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1y xN2y xN3y xN4y xN5y player
+ xP1y xP2y xP3y xP4y xP5y) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1yN1 xN2yN2 xN3yN3 xN4yN4
+ xN5yN5 player xP1yP1 xP2yP2 xP3yP3 xP4yP4
+ xP5yP5) +
+ (direct1 x y player xN1yP1 xN2yP2 xN3yP3 xN4yP4
+ xN5yP5 player xP1yN1 xP2yN2 xP3yN3 xP4yN4
+ xP5yN5) )
+-- | 1111 && no_block = 20
+-- | 1111 && one_block = 13
+-- | 111 && no_block = 10
+-- | 111 && one_block = 8
+-- | 11 1 or 1 11 && no_block = 9
+-- | 11 1 or 1 11 && one_block =7
+-- | 1 1 1 && no_block = 6
+-- | 1 1 1 && one_block= 5
+-- | 11 && no_block = 4
+-- | 11 && one_block =2
+-- | 1 1 && no_block =3
+-- | 1 1 && one_block=1
+ in
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 0 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 0 1 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 0 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 0 (-1) `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y (-1) 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y (-1) 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight1 0 1 x y 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ update_weight weight2 0 2 x y 1 0 `thenIO` \() ->
+ returnIO ()
+human_unit :: XMArray Int -> Int -> Int -> IO(Bool)
+human_unit keyboard x y =
+ let
+ pattern0 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+ pattern0 a b c d e | a==b && b==c && c==d && d==e = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ direct3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->
+ Int
+ direct3 ptN1 ptN2 ptN3 ptN4 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4
+ | (pattern0 ptN4 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN3 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN2 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2) ||
+ (pattern0 ptN1 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3) ||
+ (pattern0 pt ptP1 ptP2 ptP3 ptP4) = 200
+ | otherwise = 0
+ in
+ xlookup keyboard x y `thenIO` \(xy) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-1) `thenIO` \(xyN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-2) `thenIO` \(xyN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-3) `thenIO` \(xyN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y-4) `thenIO` \(xyN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+1) `thenIO` \(xyP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+2) `thenIO` \(xyP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+3) `thenIO` \(xyP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard x (y+4) `thenIO` \(xyP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) y `thenIO` \(xN1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) y `thenIO` \(xN2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) y `thenIO` \(xN3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) y `thenIO` \(xN4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xN1yN1)->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xN2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xN3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xN4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xP1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xP2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xP3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xP4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-1) (y+1) `thenIO` \(xN1yP1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-2) (y+2) `thenIO` \(xN2yP2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-3) (y+3) `thenIO` \(xN3yP3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x-4) (y+4) `thenIO` \(xN4yP4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) (y-1) `thenIO` \(xP1yN1) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) (y-2) `thenIO` \(xP2yN2) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) (y-3) `thenIO` \(xP3yN3) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) (y-4) `thenIO` \(xP4yN4) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+1) y `thenIO` \(xP1y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+2) y `thenIO` \(xP2y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+3) y `thenIO` \(xP3y) ->
+ xlookup keyboard (x+4) y `thenIO` \(xP4y) ->
+ if ((direct3 xyN1 xyN2 xyN3 xyN4 xy xyP1 xyP2 xyP3 xyP4) +
+ (direct3 xN1y xN2y xN3y xN4y xy xP1y xP2y xP3y xP4y) +
+ (direct3 xN1yN1 xN2yN2 xN3yN3 xN4yN4 xy xP1yP1 xP2yP2 xP3yP3 xP4yP4) +
+ (direct3 xN1yP1 xN2yP2 xN3yP3 xN4yP4 xy xP1yN1 xP2yN2 xP3yN3 xP4yN4))
+ >=200
+ then returnIO (True)
+ else returnIO (False) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/gobang/ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13aba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/gobang/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+:o= all