path: root/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
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authorYale AI Dept <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
committerDuncan McGreggor <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
commit4e987026148fe65c323afbc93cd560c07bf06b3f (patch)
tree26ae54177389edcbe453d25a00c38c2774e8b7d4 /progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c216a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/X11/animation/seafigs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+module Seafigs (sky,blue_sky,clouds,clouds2,gull,man,sun,vm,windmill,palm) where
+import Animation
+blue_sky:: Movie
+blue_sky = osc [box lightblue 1000 1000]
+sky:: Color -> Movie
+sky c = osc [box c 1000 1000]
+clouds2:: Movie
+clouds2 = apply (mov (i (cld_wid,0))) (rBESIDE[cld,cld])
+ where cld_wid = -(wid_Pic (cld!!0))
+ cld= apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cldm1
+ cldm1=osc[cloud1]
+clouds:: Movie
+ [apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-50))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (0,-50))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,mov (repeat (250,-75))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (200,-100))]) cloudm2,
+ apply (bPar [right,flipb,smaller,mov(repeat (300,-125))]) cloudm1,
+ apply (bPar [right,right,mov (repeat (-50,50))]) cloudm1]
+ where cloudm1 = osc [cloud1]
+ cloudm2 = osc [cloud2]
+cloud1 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(142,301),(169,309),(180,315),(192,312),
+ (196,308),(202,302),(216,300),(224,308),
+ (238,312),(258,311),(274,301),(278,283),
+ (265,279),(246,279),(230,281),(197,286),
+ (185,288),(167,287),(148,287),(136,292),
+ (136,292),(142,301)]
+cloud2 = [(white,ply)]
+ where ply = [(51,262), (56,266),
+ (66,265), (90,264), (92,266), (98,270),
+ (111,268),(137,268),(155,266),(174,266),
+ (183,262),(183,253),(162,251),(136,254),
+ (132,250),(126,248),(115,252),(109,253),
+ (98,252), (90,253), (88,254), (67,254),
+ (56,252), (49,254), (47,259), (51,262)]
+gull :: Movie
+gull = osc [gull1,gull2]
+gull1 = [(black,[(2,4),(6,4),(9,2),(10,0),(11,2),
+ (16,4),(20,4)])]
+gull2 = [(black,[(0,0),(2,2),(6,3),(9,2),(12,3),
+ (16,2),(18,0)])]
+man :: Movie
+man = osc [man1,man2,man3]
+man1 = [(black,[(0,0),(10,0),(20,40),(30,60),(40,20),
+ (60,0),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,40),(20,60),(30,80),(50,70),(60,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(30,100)]),
+ (black,[(30,100),(25,100),(20,105),(23,112),
+ (20,115),(30,120),(35,120),(40,115),
+ (40,110),(35,105),(30,100)])
+ ]
+man2 = [(black,[(20,0),(30,0),(20,40),(30,60),(45,30),
+ (60,20),(50,0)]),
+ (black,[(0,60),(20,60),(20,80),(40,80),(50,60)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(15,100),(10,105),(13,112),
+ (10,115),(20,120),(30,120),(30,115),
+ (30,110),(25,105),(20,100)])
+ ]
+man3 = [(black,[(0,15),(5,10),(15,45),(30,60),(35,25),
+ (44,10),(35,0)]),
+ (black,[(10,40),(22,60),(20,80),(40,75),(45,44)]),
+ (black,[(30,60),(20,100)]),
+ (black,[(20,100),(19,100),(14,105),(17,112),
+ (14,115),(24,120),(34,120),(34,115),
+ (34,110),(29,105),(200,100)])
+ ]
+sun :: Movie
+sun = osc [sun']
+ where
+ sun' = reduce overlay_Pic [sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/24.0) sun1,
+ twist_Pic (pi/12.0) sun1]
+sun1 = [(yellow,[(43,16),(18,27),(9,51),(20,71),(42,81),
+ (66,73),(76,47),(69,25),(43,15),(43,16)])]
+vm :: Movie
+vm = osc[vm1,vm2]
+vm1 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (above_Pic light1 (box brown 40 80))
+ where light1 = box yellow 10 10
+vm2 = beside_Pic (box brown 10 15)
+ (reduce above_Pic [light,light2,box brown 40 80])
+ where light2 = over_Pic (box red 10 10) (box white 5 5)
+ light = [ (red,[(5,5), (10,2), (0,30),(5,5)]),
+ (red,[(20,2),(25,5),(30,30),(20,2)]),
+ (red,[(15,15),(20,15),(15,50),(10,25)])]
+windmill :: Movie
+ = apply
+ (bpar (mov (repeat (unit*3,0))) (scale_rel (0,0) (repeat 3)))
+ (overlay body (apply (movto (repeat (100,400))) prop))
+blade = osc [tri red (0,0) (100,0) (50,300)]
+prop = apply cw fan
+fan = rOVERLAY [fan1,fan2,fan3,fan4]
+fan1 = blade
+fan2 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan1
+fan3 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan2
+fan4 = apply (rot (osc[(50,300)]) (osc[pi/2.0])) fan3
+body = osc [ [(brown,[(0,0),(200,0),(170,300),
+ (100,400),(30,300),(0,0)]) ] ]
+palm :: Movie
+ = osc palms
+ where palms = inbetween 3 palm1 (flipx_Pic 100 palm1)
+ palm1 = reduce overlay_Pic [trunk,frond1,frond2,frond3,frond4]
+ where frond1 = [ (green,[(50,60),(60,70),(80,60)]),
+ (green,[(50,70),(60,80),(80,70)]),
+ (green,[(50,80),(55,90),(70,80)]),
+ (green,[(60,70),(55,90),(50,100)]) ]
+ frond2 = flipx_Pic 50 frond1
+ frond3 = [ (green,[(10,70),(5,80)]),
+ (green,[(10,80),(10,90)]),
+ (green,[(20,90),(20,100)]),
+ (green,[(30,95),(40,104)]),
+ (green,[(5,80),(20,100),(40,104),
+ (50,100)])]
+ frond4 = [(green,[(0,100),(5,110)]),
+ (green,[(15,105),(15,115)]),
+ (green,[(25,105),(30,115)]),
+ (green,[(35,105),(40,115)]),
+ (green,[(5,110),(30,115),(50,110),
+ (50,100)])]
+ trunk = [(brown,[(100,0),(95,40),(80,80),
+ (70,90),(60,97),(50,100)])]