path: root/support
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Diffstat (limited to 'support')
8 files changed, 4256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/README b/support/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6127bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This directory contains utilities that are layered on top of the basic
+mumble support stuff. There should be no T-specific or CL-specific
+code in this area.
diff --git a/support/compile.scm b/support/compile.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e222f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/compile.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+;;; compile.scm -- compilation utilities
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 24 Oct 1991
+;;; This file defines a makefile-like compilation system that supports
+;;; a hierarchy of dependencies.
+;;; The external entry points are define-compilation-unit, load-unit, and
+;;; compile-and-load-unit.
+;;; Parsing
+;;; Establish global defaults for filenames.
+(define compile.source-filename source-file-type)
+(define compile.binary-filename binary-file-type)
+(define compile.binary-subdir (string-append lisp-implementation-name "/"))
+(define compile.delayed-loads '())
+;;; Top level units are stored in this table.
+;;; This is really a slight wart on the whole scheme of things; this
+;;; is done instead of storing the top-level units in variables because
+;;; we were getting unintentional name collisions.
+(define compile.unit-table (make-table))
+(define-syntax (compile.lookup-unit name)
+ `(table-entry compile.unit-table ,name))
+(define (mung-global-units names lexical-units)
+ (map (lambda (n)
+ (if (memq n lexical-units)
+ n
+ `(compile.lookup-unit ',n)))
+ names))
+;;; Top-level compilation units are defined with define-compilation-unit.
+;;; The body can consist of the following clauses:
+;;; (source-filename <filename>)
+;;; (binary-filename <filename>)
+;;; Specify source and/or binary file names. For nested units, these
+;;; are merged with defaults from outer units. If you don't specify
+;;; an explicit binary filename, it's inherited from the source file
+;;; name.
+;;; (require ...)
+;;; Specify compile/load dependencies. Arguments are names of other
+;;; units/component files; these names have scoping like let*, so a unit
+;;; can require previously listed units at the same or outer level.
+;;; (unit name ....)
+;;; Specifies a nested unit. This can appear multiple times.
+;;; If a unit doesn't include any nested units, then it's a leaf
+;;; consisting of a single source file.
+;;; (load <boolean>)
+;;; If supplied and false, the unit isn't loaded unless it is needed
+;;; to satisfy a require clause. Used for files containing compilation
+;;; support stuff.
+;;; (compile <boolean>)
+;;; If supplied and false, the unit isn't compiled. Only useful for
+;;; leaf nodes. Typically used in combination with (load '#f) to suppress
+;;; compilation of stuff only used at compile time.
+(define-syntax (define-compilation-unit name . clauses)
+ `(begin
+ (let ((unit ,(compile.process-unit-spec name clauses '#t '())))
+ (setf (compile.lookup-unit ',name) unit)
+ (setf compilation-units (append compilation-units (list unit))))
+ ',name))
+;;; The basic approach is to turn the compilation unit definition into
+;;; a big LET*, and put calls to build the actual unit object inside
+;;; of this.
+(define (compile.process-unit-spec name clauses top-level? lexical-units)
+ (multiple-value-bind
+ (source-filename binary-filename require nested-units
+ load? compile?)
+ (compile.parse-unit-spec clauses lexical-units)
+ `(let* ((compile.source-filename ,source-filename)
+ (compile.binary-filename ,binary-filename)
+ (compile.unit-require (list ,@require))
+ (compile.delayed-loads (append compile.delayed-loads
+ (
+ compile.unit-require)))
+ ,@nested-units)
+ (make compile.unit
+ (name ',name)
+ (source-filename compile.source-filename)
+ (binary-filename compile.binary-filename)
+ (components (list ,@(map (function car) nested-units)))
+ (require compile.unit-require)
+ (top-level? ',top-level?)
+ (load? ,load?)
+ (compile? ,compile?)
+ (delayed-loads compile.delayed-loads)))))
+(define (compile.parse-unit-spec clauses lexical-units)
+ (let ((source-filename '#f)
+ (binary-filename '#f)
+ (require '#f)
+ (nested-units '())
+ (load? ''#t)
+ (compile? ''#t))
+ (dolist (c clauses)
+ (cond ((not (pair? c))
+ (compile.unit-syntax-error c))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'source-filename)
+ (if source-filename
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf source-filename (cadr c))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'binary-filename)
+ (if binary-filename
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf binary-filename (cadr c))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'require)
+ (if require
+ (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (setf require (mung-global-units (cdr c) lexical-units))))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'unit)
+ (push (list (cadr c)
+ (compile.process-unit-spec (cadr c) (cddr c)
+ '#f lexical-units))
+ nested-units)
+ (push (cadr c) lexical-units))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'load)
+ (setf load? (cadr c)))
+ ((eq? (car c) 'compile)
+ (setf compile? (cadr c)))
+ (else
+ (compile.unit-syntax-error c))))
+ (values
+ (if source-filename
+ `(compile.merge-filenames ,source-filename
+ compile.source-filename '#f)
+ 'compile.source-filename)
+ (if binary-filename
+ `(compile.merge-filenames ,binary-filename
+ compile.binary-filename '#f)
+ (if source-filename
+ '(compile.merge-filenames compile.binary-filename
+ compile.source-filename
+ compile.binary-subdir)
+ 'compile.binary-filename))
+ (or require '())
+ (nreverse nested-units)
+ load?
+ compile?)))
+(predefine (error format . args))
+(define (compile.unit-syntax-error c)
+ (error "Invalid compilation unit clause ~s." c))
+(define (compile.unit-duplicate-error c)
+ (error "Duplicate compilation unit clause ~s." c))
+;;; Representation and utilities
+;;; Here are constructors and accessors for unit objects.
+;;; Implementationally, the compilation unit has the following slots:
+;;; * The unit name.
+;;; * The source file name.
+;;; * The binary file name.
+;;; * A list of component file/units.
+;;; * A list of units/files to require.
+;;; * A load timestamp.
+;;; * A timestamp to keep track of the newest source file.
+;;; * Flags for compile and load.
+(define-struct compile.unit
+ (predicate compile.unit?)
+ (slots
+ (name (type symbol))
+ (source-filename (type string))
+ (binary-filename (type string))
+ (components (type list))
+ (require (type list))
+ (top-level? (type bool))
+ (load? (type bool))
+ (compile? (type bool))
+ (delayed-loads (type list))
+ (load-time (type (maybe integer)) (default '#f))
+ (source-time (type (maybe integer)) (default '#f))
+ (last-update (type (maybe integer)) (default 0))
+ ))
+(define (compile.newer? t1 t2)
+ (and t1
+ t2
+ (> t1 t2)))
+(define ( t1 t2)
+ (if (compile.newer? t1 t2) t1 t2))
+(define (compile.get-source-time u)
+ (let ((source-file (compile.unit-source-filename u)))
+ (if (file-exists? source-file)
+ (file-write-date source-file)
+ '#f)))
+(define (compile.get-binary-time u)
+ (let ((binary-file (compile.unit-binary-filename u)))
+ (if (file-exists? binary-file)
+ (file-write-date binary-file)
+ '#f)))
+(define (compile.load-source u)
+ (load (compile.unit-source-filename u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date)))
+(define (compile.load-binary u)
+ (load (compile.unit-binary-filename u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date)))
+(define (compile.compile-and-load u)
+ (let ((source-file (compile.unit-source-filename u))
+ (binary-file (compile.unit-binary-filename u)))
+ (compile-file source-file binary-file)
+ (load binary-file)
+ (setf (compile.unit-load-time u) (current-date))))
+(define ( u)
+ u)
+;;; Runtime support for define-compilation-unit
+(define ( require)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (r require)
+ (if (not (compile.unit-load? r))
+ (push r result)))
+ (nreverse result)))
+(define (compile.merge-filenames fname1 fname2 add-subdir)
+ (let ((place1 (filename-place fname1))
+ (name1 (filename-name fname1))
+ (type1 (filename-type fname1)))
+ (assemble-filename
+ (if (string=? place1 "")
+ (if add-subdir
+ (string-append (filename-place fname2) add-subdir)
+ fname2)
+ place1)
+ (if (string=? name1 "") fname2 name1)
+ (if (string=? type1 "") fname2 type1))))
+;;; Load operation
+;;; Load-unit and compile-and-load-unit are almost identical. The only
+;;; difference is that load-unit will load source files as necessary, while
+;;; compile-and-load-unit will compile them and load binaries instead.
+(define (load-unit u)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f (current-date))
+ (compile.load-unit-aux u))
+(define (compile.load-unit-aux u)
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u '#f)))
+(define (compile-and-load-unit u)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f (current-date))
+ (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u))
+(define (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u)
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u '#t)))
+;;; Load a bunch of compilation units as a group. This is useful because
+;;; it can prevent repeated lookups of file timestamps. Basically, the
+;;; assumption is that none of the source files will change while the loading
+;;; is in progress.
+;;; In case of an error, store the units left to be compiled in a global
+;;; variable.
+(define remaining-units '())
+(define (load-unit-list l)
+ (let ((timestamp (current-date)))
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f timestamp))
+ (setf remaining-units l)
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.load-unit-aux u)
+ (pop remaining-units))))
+(define (compile-and-load-unit-list l)
+ (let ((timestamp (current-date)))
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times u '#f timestamp))
+ (setf remaining-units l)
+ (dolist (u l)
+ (compile.compile-and-load-unit-aux u)
+ (pop remaining-units))))
+;;; Walk the compilation unit, updating the source timestamps.
+(define (compile.update-unit-source-times u newest-require timestamp)
+ (unless (eqv? timestamp (compile.unit-last-update u))
+ (setf (compile.unit-last-update u) timestamp)
+ (dolist (r (compile.unit-require u))
+ (if (compile.unit-top-level? r)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times r '#f timestamp))
+ (setf newest-require
+ ( newest-require
+ (compile.unit-source-time r))))
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (let ((source-time newest-require))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (compile.update-unit-source-times c newest-require timestamp)
+ (setf source-time
+ ( source-time
+ (compile.unit-source-time c))))
+ (setf (compile.unit-source-time u) source-time))
+ (setf (compile.unit-source-time u)
+ (
+ newest-require
+ (compile.get-source-time u)))))))
+;;; Load a compilation unit. Do this by first loading its require list,
+;;; then by recursively loading each of its components, in sequence.
+;;; Note that because of the way scoping of units works and the
+;;; sequential nature of the load operation, only top-level
+;;; units in the require list have to be loaded explicitly.
+(define (compile.load-unit-recursive u compile?)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ ;; First recursively load dependencies.
+ ;; No need to update time stamps again here.
+ (dolist (r (compile.unit-require u))
+ (if (compile.unit-top-level? r)
+ (compile.load-unit-aux r)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ ;; Now recursively load subunits.
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (unless (not (compile.unit-load? c))
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive c compile?)))
+ ;; For a leaf node, load either source or binary if necessary.
+ (let ((source-time (compile.unit-source-time u))
+ (binary-time (compile.get-binary-time u))
+ (load-time (compile.unit-load-time u)))
+ (cond ((compile.newer? load-time source-time)
+ ;; The module has been loaded since it was last changed,
+ ;; but maybe we want to compile it now.
+ (if (and compile?
+ (compile.unit-compile? u)
+ (compile.newer? source-time binary-time))
+ (begin
+ (
+ (compile.unit-delayed-loads u)
+ compile?)
+ (compile.compile-and-load u))
+ ( u)))
+ ((compile.newer? binary-time source-time)
+ ;; The binary is up-to-date, so load it.
+ (compile.load-binary u))
+ (else
+ ;; The binary is out-of-date, so either load source or
+ ;; recompile the binary.
+ (
+ (compile.unit-delayed-loads u)
+ compile?)
+ (if (and compile? (compile.unit-compile? u))
+ (compile.compile-and-load u)
+ (compile.load-source u)))
+ )))))
+(define ( units compile?)
+ (dolist (u units)
+ (compile.load-unit-recursive u compile?)))
+;;; Extra stuff
+;;; Reload a unit without testing to see if any of its dependencies are
+;;; out of date.
+(define (reload-unit-source u)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (reload-unit-source c))
+ (compile.load-source u))))
+(define (reload-unit-binary u)
+ (let ((components (compile.unit-components u)))
+ (if (not (null? components))
+ (dolist (c components)
+ (reload-unit-binary c))
+ (compile.load-binary u))))
+;;; Find a (not necessarily top-level) compilation unit with the given
+;;; name.
+(define (find-unit name)
+ (compile.find-unit-aux name compilation-units))
+(define (compile.find-unit-aux name units)
+ (block find-unit-aux
+ (dolist (u units '#f)
+ (if (eq? name (compile.unit-name u))
+ (return-from find-unit-aux u)
+ (let* ((components (compile.unit-components u))
+ (result (compile.find-unit-aux name components)))
+ (if result
+ (return-from find-unit-aux result)))))))
+;;; Combine the two above: reload a compilation unit.
+(define-syntax (reload name)
+ `(reload-unit-source
+ (or (find-unit ',name)
+ (error "Couldn't find unit named ~s." ',name))))
diff --git a/support/format.scm b/support/format.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9dbb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/format.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+;;; format.scm -- format function for Scheme
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 29 Oct 1991
+;;; This code is adapted from the XP pretty printer originally written
+;;; in Common Lisp by Dick Waters. Here is the copyright notice attached
+;;; to the original XP source file:
+;;; Copyright 1989,1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+;;; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+;;; provided that this copyright and permission notice appear in all
+;;; copies and supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not
+;;; be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+;;; software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no
+;;; representations about the suitability of this software for any
+;;; purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+;;; The stream argument can be #f, in which case a string is returned.
+;;; If the stream is #t, (current-output-port) is used.
+;;; We compile a string argument into a function and call the function.
+;;; The only exception is if the string doesn't contain any ~ escapes;
+;;; then we can treat it as a literal and just write it to the stream.
+(define (format stream string-or-fn . args)
+ (cond ((not stream)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (apply (function format) stream string-or-fn args))))
+ (else
+ (if (eq? stream '#t)
+ (setf stream (current-output-port)))
+ (when (string? string-or-fn)
+ (setf string-or-fn (xp.process-format-string string-or-fn)))
+ (if (string? string-or-fn)
+ (write-string string-or-fn stream)
+ (xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing string-or-fn stream args))
+ '#f)))
+(define xp.format-string-cache (make-table))
+(define (xp.process-format-string string-or-fn)
+ (cond ((not (string? string-or-fn)) string-or-fn)
+ ((not xp.format-string-cache)
+ (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string-or-fn))
+ (else
+ (when (not (table? xp.format-string-cache))
+ (setf xp.format-string-cache (make-table)))
+ (let ((value
+ (table-entry xp.format-string-cache string-or-fn)))
+ (when (not value)
+ (setf value (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string-or-fn))
+ (setf (table-entry xp.format-string-cache string-or-fn)
+ value))
+ value))))
+(define (xp.maybe-compile-format-string string)
+ (let ((length (string-length string)))
+ (or (xp.simple-format-string? string 0 length)
+ (let ((fn (xp.parse-format-string string 0 length)))
+ (lambda (xp args)
+ (funcall fn xp args args))))))
+;;; Try to detect format strings without fancy directives, that can be
+;;; written with a call to write-string.
+;;; Can do simple transformations e.g. ~% => newline, ~~ => ~, etc.
+(define (xp.simple-format-string? s start end)
+ (let ((twiddle (string-position #\~ s start end)))
+ (if (not twiddle)
+ (if (eqv? start 0)
+ s
+ (substring s start end))
+ (let ((char (string-ref s (1+ twiddle))))
+ (cond ((eqv? char #\%)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string? s (+ twiddle 2) end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start twiddle)
+ (string #\newline)
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ ((eqv? char #\~)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string? s (+ twiddle 2) end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start (1+ twiddle))
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ ((eqv? char #\newline)
+ (let ((tail (xp.simple-format-string?
+ s
+ (xp.skip-whitespace s (+ twiddle 2) end)
+ end)))
+ (if tail
+ (string-append (substring s start twiddle)
+ tail)
+ '#f)))
+ (else
+ '#f))))))
+(define (warning string-or-fn . args)
+ (internal-warning (apply (function format) '#f string-or-fn args)))
+(define (error string-or-fn . args)
+ (internal-error (apply (function format) '#f string-or-fn args)))
+;;; Compiled format
+;;; Note that compiled format strings always print through xp streams even if
+;;; they don't have any xp directives in them. As a result, the compiled code
+;;; can depend on the fact that the stream being operated on is an xp
+;;; stream not an ordinary one.
+;;; Parse a format string, returning a function to do the printing.
+;;; The function is called with three arguments
+;;; * the xp stream
+;;; * the original argument list
+;;; * the argument list tail
+;;; It should return the list of leftover, unprocessed arguments.
+(define (xp.parse-format-string string start end)
+ (cond ((eqv? start end)
+ (function xp.format-finish))
+ ((eqv? (string-ref string start) #\~)
+ (xp.parse-format-string-dispatch string start end))
+ (else
+ (let* ((next (or (string-position #\~ string start end) end))
+ (literal (substring string start next))
+ (count (- next start))
+ (continue (xp.parse-format-string string next end))
+ (newline? (string-position #\newline literal 0 count)))
+ (if newline?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-string+ literal xp 0 count)
+ (funcall continue xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-string++ literal xp 0 count)
+ (funcall continue xp args tail)))))
+ ))
+(define (xp.format-finish xp args tail)
+ (declare (ignore xp args))
+ tail)
+;;; Functions for handling individual format specifiers are installed
+;;; in this table. They are called with these arguments:
+;;; * the format string
+;;; * the index of the next character
+;;; * the index of the end of the format string
+;;; * the list of parameters for the format specification
+;;; * a boolean indicating whether the colon modifier was present
+;;; * a boolean indicating whether the atsign modifier was present
+;;; The handler is responsible for calling xp.parse-format-string to parse
+;;; the rest of the format string, and returning a function. (This has
+;;; to be done by the individual handlers because some of them need to
+;;; scan the format string for matching delimiters, etc.)
+;;; *** This probably isn't right, we assume characters can be compared
+;;; *** with EQ? and used as table keys.
+(define xp.fn-table (make-table))
+(define (define-format char function)
+ (setf (table-entry xp.fn-table (char-upcase char)) function)
+ (setf (table-entry xp.fn-table (char-downcase char)) function))
+;;; Parse a ~ sequence from the format string and dispatch to the
+;;; appropriate handler.
+(define (xp.parse-format-string-dispatch string start end)
+ (multiple-value-bind (next params colon? atsign? char)
+ (xp.parse-format-descriptor string start end)
+ (let ((fn (table-entry xp.fn-table char)))
+ (if fn
+ (funcall fn string next end params colon? atsign?)
+ (error "Unrecognized format escape ~~~a." char)))))
+(define (xp.parse-format-descriptor string start end)
+ (multiple-value-bind (params start)
+ (xp.parse-format-parameters string start end)
+ (let ((colon? '#f)
+ (atsign? '#f)
+ (char '#f))
+ (block parse-format-descriptor
+ (do ()
+ ((xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end))
+ (setf char (string-ref string start))
+ (incf start)
+ (cond ((eqv? char #\:)
+ (setf colon? '#t))
+ ((eqv? char #\@)
+ (setf atsign? '#t))
+ (else
+ (return-from parse-format-descriptor
+ (values start params colon? atsign? char)))
+ ))))))
+;;; *** The stuff for V and # format parameters is disabled because
+;;; *** it makes the handler functions hairier. It's rarely used anyway,
+;;; *** and you can get the same effect by consing up a format string
+;;; *** on the fly if you really need to.
+(define (xp.parse-format-parameters string start end)
+ (let ((params '())
+ (char '#f))
+ (incf start) ; skip ~
+ (block parse-format-parameters
+ (do ()
+ ((xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end))
+ (setf char (string-ref string start))
+ (cond ((char-numeric? char)
+ (multiple-value-bind (next value)
+ (xp.parse-format-number string start end 0)
+ (setf start next)
+ (push value params)))
+ ((eqv? char #\')
+ (push (string-ref string (1+ start)) params)
+ (setf start (+ start 2)))
+ ((or (eqv? char #\v) (eqv? char #\V))
+ (error "V format parameter not supported.") ;***
+ (push 'value params)
+ (setf start (+ start 1)))
+ ((eqv? char #\#)
+ (error "# format parameter not supported.") ;***
+ (push 'count params)
+ (setf start (+ start 1)))
+ ((eqv? char #\,)
+ (push '#f params))
+ (else
+ (return-from parse-format-parameters
+ (values (nreverse params) start))))
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref string start) #\,)
+ (incf start))))))
+(define (xp.parse-format-number string start end value)
+ (xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end)
+ (let* ((char (string-ref string start))
+ (weight (string-position char "0123456789" 0 10)))
+ (if weight
+ (xp.parse-format-number string (1+ start) end (+ (* value 10) weight))
+ (values start value))))
+(define (xp.check-for-incomplete-format-string string start end)
+ (if (eqv? start end)
+ (error "Incomplete format string ~s." string)
+ '#f))
+;;; *** All of these format handlers probably ought to do more checking
+;;; *** for the right number of parameters and not having colon? and
+;;; *** atsign? supplied when they are not allowed.
+;;; ~A and ~S are the basic format directives.
+(define (xp.format-a string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? '#f))
+(define-format #\a (function xp.format-a))
+(define (xp.format-s string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? '#t))
+(define-format #\s (function xp.format-s))
+(define (xp.format-a-s-helper string start end params colon? atsign? escape?)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?)) ;***
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if (null? params)
+ ;; Do the simple, common case.
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* escape?))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))
+ ;; Do the hard case.
+ (let* ((mincol (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (colinc (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (minpad (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (padchar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\space)))
+ (declare (ignore mincol colinc minpad padchar)) ;***
+;;; *** I'm confused. It seems like we have to print this to a string
+;;; *** and then write the string to the XP stream along with the padding
+;;; *** But won't switching to a new stream mess up circularity detection,
+;;; *** indentation, etc?
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string))
+ )))
+;;; ~W -> write
+(define (xp.format-w string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-level* '#f)
+ (*print-length* '#f))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-level* '#f)
+ (*print-length* '#f)
+ (*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ )))
+(define-format #\w (function xp.format-w))
+;;; Here are the directives for printing integers, ~D and friends.
+(define (xp.format-d string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 10))
+(define-format #\d (function xp.format-d))
+(define (xp.format-b string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 2))
+(define-format #\b (function xp.format-b))
+(define (xp.format-o string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 8))
+(define-format #\o (function xp.format-o))
+(define (xp.format-x string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? 16))
+(define-format #\x (function xp.format-x))
+(define (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end params colon? atsign? radix)
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if (and (null? params) (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ ;; Do the simple, common case.
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f)
+ (*print-radix* '#f)
+ (*print-base* radix))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))
+ ;; Do the hard case.
+ (let* ((mincol (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0))
+ (padchar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\space))
+ (commachar (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) #\,))
+ (commaint (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 3)))
+ (declare (ignore mincol padchar commachar commaint)) ;***
+ ;; *** I'm too lazy to do this right now.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))))
+(define (xp.format-r string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (if (not (null? params))
+ (xp.format-d-b-o-x-helper string start end (cdr params)
+ colon? atsign? (car params))
+ ;; *** The colon? and atsign? modifiers do weird things like
+ ;; *** printing roman numerals. I'm too lazy to do this until/unless
+ ;; *** we have a real need for it.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))
+(define-format #\r (function xp.format-r))
+;;; ~P -> plurals
+(define (xp.format-p string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (if (not (eqv? (car tail) 1))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (xp.back-up 1 args tail))
+ (if (not (eqv? (car tail) 1))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (if (eqv? (car tail) 1)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\y xp)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\i xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\e xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and colon? atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (xp.back-up 1 args tail))
+ (if (eqv? (car tail) 1)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\y xp)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\i xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\e xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\s xp)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))))))
+(define-format #\p (function xp.format-p))
+;;; ~C -> character
+(define (xp.format-c string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-char++ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (xp.write+ (car tail) xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cdr tail)))))
+ (else
+ ;; *** I don't know how to get at the character names.
+ (error "Unimplemented format option ~s!" string)))))
+(define-format #\c (function xp.format-c))
+;;; Newline directives, ~% and ~&
+(define (xp.format-percent string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign?
+ 'unconditional))
+(define-format #\% (function xp.format-percent))
+(define (xp.format-ampersand string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign?
+ 'fresh))
+(define-format #\& (function xp.format-ampersand))
+(define (xp.format-newline-helper string start end params colon? atsign? kind)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (if (eqv? n 1)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (dotimes (i (1- n))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ )))
+;;; ~_, Conditional newline
+(define (xp.format-underbar string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (kind (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'mandatory 'fill)
+ (if atsign? 'miser 'linear))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\_ (function xp.format-underbar))
+;;; Random character printing directives, ~| and ~~
+;;; *** commented out because #\page is not standard scheme
+; (define (xp.format-bar string start end params colon? atsign?)
+; (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? #\page))
+; (define-format #\| (function xp.format-bar))
+(define (xp.format-twiddle string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? #\~))
+(define-format #\~ (function xp.format-twiddle))
+(define (xp.format-char-helper string start end params colon? atsign? char)
+ (declare (ignore colon? atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (if (eqv? n 1)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail)))))
+;;; ~<newline> directive (ignore whitespace in format string)
+(define (xp.format-newline string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let ((newline? '#f)
+ (skip? '#f))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?)) ; skip both newline and whitespace
+ (setf skip? '#t))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))) ; skip newline, leave whitespace
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?) ; do newline, skip whitespace
+ (setf newline? '#t)
+ (setf skip? '#t))
+ (else
+ (error "~:@<newline> not allowed.")))
+ (if skip?
+ (setf start (xp.skip-whitespace string start end)))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if newline?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ continuation))))
+(define-format #\newline (function xp.format-newline))
+(define (xp.skip-whitespace string start end)
+ (if (eqv? start end)
+ start
+ (let ((char (string-ref string start)))
+ (if (and (char-whitespace? char)
+ (not (eqv? char #\newline)))
+ (xp.skip-whitespace string (1+ start) end)
+ start))))
+;;; ~T -> tab
+(define (xp.format-t string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (let* ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (colnum (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (colinc (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1))
+ (kind (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'section-relative 'section)
+ (if atsign? 'line-relative 'line))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\t (function xp.format-t))
+;;; ~I -> indent
+(define (xp.format-i string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (kind (if colon? 'current 'block))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 0)))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (pprint-indent kind n)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\i (function xp.format-i))
+;;; ~* -> skip or back up over arguments
+(define (xp.format-star string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (n (or (and (not (null? params)) (pop params)) 1)))
+ (cond ((and (not colon?) (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (list-tail tail n))))
+ ((and colon? (not atsign?))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (funcall continuation xp args (xp.back-up n args tail))))
+ ((and (not colon?) atsign?)
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (declare (ignore tail))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (list-tail args n))))
+ (else
+ (error "~:@* not allowed.")))))
+(define-format #\* (function xp.format-star))
+(define (xp.back-up n head tail)
+ (if (eq? (list-tail head n) tail)
+ head
+ (xp.back-up n (cdr head) tail)))
+;;; ~? -> indirection
+;;; Normally uses two arguments, a string and a list.
+;;; With @, only uses a string, takes arguments from the tail.
+(define (xp.format-question string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params colon?))
+ (let ((continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end)))
+ (if atsign?
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (setf tail (apply (function format) xp (car tail) (cdr tail)))
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (apply (function format) xp (car tail) (cadr tail))
+ (funcall continuation xp args (cddr tail))))))
+(define-format #\? (function xp.format-question))
+;;; ~(...~) -> case conversion.
+(define *xp.format-paren-next* '#f)
+(define (xp.format-paren string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore params))
+ (let* ((handler (dynamic-let ((*xp.format-paren-next* '#t))
+ (let ((result (xp.parse-format-string
+ string start end)))
+ (if (eq? (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*) '#t)
+ (error "~( directive has no matching ~)."))
+ (setf start (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*))
+ result)))
+ (continuation (xp.parse-format-string string start end))
+ (mode (if colon?
+ (if atsign? 'up 'cap1)
+ (if atsign? 'cap0 'down))))
+ (lambda (xp args tail)
+ (xp.push-char-mode xp mode)
+ (setf tail (funcall handler xp args tail))
+ (xp.pop-char-mode xp)
+ (funcall continuation xp args tail))))
+(define-format #\( (function xp.format-paren))
+(define (xp.format-paren-end string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore string end params colon? atsign?))
+ (if (not (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*))
+ (error "~) directive has no matching ~(."))
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.format-paren-next*) start)
+ (function xp.format-finish))
+(define-format #\) (function xp.format-paren-end))
+;;; ~F -> fixed-width *** unimplemented
+;;; ~E -> e-notation *** unimplemented
+;;; ~G -> general float *** unimplemented
+;;; ~$ -> dollars float *** unimplemented
+;;; ~[...~] -> conditional *** unimplemented
+;;; ~{...~} -> iteration *** unimplemented
+;;; ~<...~> -> justification *** unimplemented
+;;; ~; -> clause seperator *** unimplemented
+;;; ~^ -> up and out *** unimplemented
+;;; ~/.../ -> hook *** unimplemented
+(define (xp.unimplemented-format string start end params colon? atsign?)
+ (declare (ignore start end params colon? atsign?))
+ (error "Unimplemented format directive in ~s." string))
+(define-format #\f (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\e (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\g (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\$ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\[ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\] (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\{ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\} (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\< (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\> (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\; (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\^ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
+(define-format #\/ (function xp.unimplemented-format))
diff --git a/support/mumble.txt b/support/mumble.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca2f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mumble.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+(quote x)
+(function name)
+ You must use this to reference a global function, as in CL. (There
+ isn't a local function namespace.)
+(lambda lambda-list . body)
+ Equivalent to #'(lambda ...) in Common Lisp.
+ The lambda-list can be dotted, as in Scheme. CL lambda-list keywords
+ are not supported.
+function call
+ Order of evaluation is unspecified, as in Scheme.
+ You have to use FUNCALL if the function is bound with let.
+(funcall function . args)
+ As in Common Lisp, but might be a macro. (The function is guaranteed
+ to be a true function, not a symbol.)
+(apply procedure . args)
+ As in Common Lisp/Scheme.
+(map procedure . lists)
+ As in Scheme. Equivalent to MAPCAR in CL.
+(for-each procedure . lists)
+ As in Scheme. Equivalent to MAPC in CL.
+(every procedure . lists)
+(some procedure . lists)
+(notany procedure . lists)
+(notevery procedure . lists)
+ As in CL, but only work on lists.
+(procedure? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+ Note that we never use symbols or quoted lambda expressions as functions.
+(if test then . maybe-else)
+(when test . body)
+(unless test . body)
+(cond . tests)
+ As in Scheme, but the = syntax isn't supported. When no test is true, the
+ result is undefined.
+(case value . cases)
+ As in Scheme.
+ Stylistically, use this only when the case labels are symbols.
+(and . expressions)
+(or . expressions)
+(not value)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+(set! variable value)
+ As in Scheme; this doesn't return a useful value. Use setf instead.
+(setf place value)
+ Similar to SETF in Common Lisp. Returns value.
+ See define-setf below. Places that are macro calls are expanded
+ if they don't have their own setter.
+ Here is a list of the built-in setters:
+ dynamic
+ car
+ cdr
+ list-ref
+ string-ref
+ vector-ref
+ table-entry
+(let bindings . body)
+(let* bindings . body)
+(letrec bindings . body)
+ Note that each binding clause must be a list of the form (var init);
+ you can't just supply var or (var) as in Common Lisp. Also remember
+ that the order of evaluation for the init-forms is not specified for
+ let/letrec.
+ The Scheme named LET construct is not supported.
+(flet bindings . body)
+(labels bindings . body)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(dynamic-let bindings . body)
+(dynamic name)
+ As in Eulisp. Dynamic-let is equivalent to bind in T, or LET in
+ Common Lisp with all of the variables declared special. As a matter
+ of style, use dynamic to reference the value rather than just the name.
+(begin . body)
+ Like PROGN in Common Lisp.
+(block name . body)
+(return-from name result)
+ The intersection of the Eulisp and Common Lisp definitions. The "name"
+ may be bound as a lexical variable, but you should only refer to it
+ inside a return-from.
+ Don't depend on named functions (etc) establishing implicit blocks,
+ as they do in CL.
+(do bindings-and-steppers (end-test . results) . body)
+ As in Scheme. It doesn't necessarily establish an implicit BLOCK
+ as in CL so you can't RETURN from the loop.
+(dolist (variable init . maybe-result) . body)
+(dotimes (variable init . maybe-result) . body)
+ As in CL, except you can't RETURN from the loop.
+(values . values)
+(multiple-value-bind variables values-expression . body)
+ As in Common Lisp, except that the values-expression must explicitly
+ return multiple values.
+(let/cc variable . body)
+ As in EuLisp. This is the same as catch in T. The continuation
+ has dynamic extent within the body.
+ You call the continuation with an arbitrary number of arguments, which
+ are the multiple values to be returned.
+(unwind-protect protected-form . body)
+(declare ...)
+ Similar to Common Lisp declare. Declarations are allowed only in the
+ standard places that Common Lisp permits (in particular, at the
+ beginning of binding forms). For now, only the following declarations
+ are permitted:
+ (ignore . variables)
+ (ignorable . variables)
+ (type type-spec . variables) -- see info on type-specs below.
+(define pattern . value)
+ As in Scheme.
+(define-integrable pattern . value)
+ Like DEFINE, but also tells the compiler to try to inline the value.
+(define-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Similar to the equivalent T functionality. The lambda-list does not
+ support destructuring, as does Common Lisp's DEFMACRO.
+ The macro definition is made both when the file is loaded and when it
+ is compiled.
+(define-local-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Again, similar to the T functionality. In Common Lisp, equivalent to
+ a DEFMACRO wrapped in (eval-when (compile) ...).
+(define-setf getter-name setter-name)
+ Similar to the short form of DEFSETF in Common Lisp, except that the
+ calling convention for the setter differs: the value is passed as the
+ first argument rather than as the last. The setter must return this
+ value.
+(predefine pattern)
+ This is a forward definition for a function or variable. It doesn't
+ actually make a definition; its purpose is to try to get rid of compiler
+ warnings about calls to functions that haven't been defined yet. It can
+ be a no-op if the underlying Lisp system doesn't provide any way to do
+ this.
+(redefine pattern . value)
+ Like DEFINE, but hints to the compiler not to complain if this
+ function/variable was previously defined somewhere else.
+(redefine-syntax (name . lambda-list) . body)
+ Like DEFINE-SYNTAX, but hints to the compiler not to complain if this
+ macro was previously defined somewhere else.
+(eq? x1 x2)
+(eqv? x1 x2)
+(equal? x1 x2)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+ Note that equal? is not the same as EQUAL in CL because it descends vectors.
+ eqv? is different from the T equiv? because it doesn't descent strings.
+(pair? x)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+(cons x y)
+(list . values)
+(make-list length . maybe-init)
+(cxxxxr x)
+(null? x)
+(list? x)
+ As in Scheme but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of #t.
+ Note that this is a check for a proper (null-terminated) list, not
+ like LISTP in CL.
+(length x)
+(append list . more-lists)
+(nconc list . more-lists)
+(reverse x)
+(nreverse x)
+(list-tail list n)
+ Like NTHCDR in Common Lisp.
+(list-ref list n)
+ Like NTH in Common Lisp.
+(last list)
+(butlast list)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(memq object list)
+(memv object list)
+(member object list)
+(assq object list)
+(assv object list)
+(assoc object list)
+(push item place)
+(pop place)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(list-copy list)
+(symbol? object)
+(symbol->string object)
+(string->symbol object)
+(gensym . maybe-prefix)
+(gensym? object)
+(symbol-append . symbols)
+(char? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(char=? c1 c2)
+(char<? c1 c2)
+(char>? c1 c2)
+(char<=? c1 c2)
+(char>=? c1 c2)
+ As in Scheme, except that they can return an arbitrary truth value
+ instead of just #t.
+(char-ci=? c1 c2)
+(char-ci<? c1 c2)
+(char-ci>? c1 c2)
+(char-ci<=? c1 c2)
+(char-ci>=? c1 c2)
+ As in Scheme, except that they can return an arbitrary truth value
+ instead of just #t.
+(char-alphabetic? c)
+(char-numeric? c)
+(char-whitespace? c)
+(char-upper-case? c)
+(char-lower-case? c)
+(char->integer c)
+(integer->char n)
+(char-upcase c)
+(char-downcase c)
+(char-name c)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(char->digit c . maybe-radix)
+ Returns nil or the "weight" of the character as a fixnum in the given
+ radix (defaults to 10).
+(string? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(make-string length . maybe-init)
+(string char . more-chars)
+(string-length string)
+(string-ref string index)
+(string=? s1 s2)
+(string<? s1 s2)
+(string>? s1 s2)
+(string<=? s1 s2)
+(string>=? s1 s2)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(string-ci=? s1 s2)
+(string-ci<? s1 s2)
+(string-ci>? s1 s2)
+(string-ci<=? s1 s2)
+(string-ci>=? s1 s2)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(substring string start end)
+(string-append string . more-strings)
+(string->list string)
+(list->string list)
+(string-copy string)
+(string-upcase string)
+(string-downcase string)
+(vector? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(make-vector length . maybe-init)
+(vector object . more-objects)
+(vector-length vector)
+(vector-ref vector index)
+(vector->list vector)
+(list->vector list)
+(vector-copy vector)
+(number? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value instead of just #t.
+(integer? object)
+(rational? object)
+(float? object)
+ These test the representation of a number, not its mathematical
+ properties. They're equivalent to the CL integerp, rationalp, and floatp
+ predicates. We ignore complex numbers for now.
+(exact->inexact number)
+ Convert an exact-rational to a float.
+(= x1 x2)
+(< x1 x2)
+(> x1 x2)
+(<= x1 x2)
+(>= x1 x2)
+ As in Scheme, except they can return an arbitrary truth value.
+ They're restricted to being binary operators because that's all
+ that's supported in T.
+(zero? x)
+(positive? x)
+(negative? x)
+ As in Scheme, except they can return an arbitrary truth value.
+(min number . more-numbers)
+(max number . more-numbers)
+(+ . numbers)
+(* . numbers)
+(- n1 . more-numbers)
+(/ n1 . more-numbers)
+ As in Scheme.
+(quotient n1 n2)
+(remainder n1 n2)
+(modulo n1 n2)
+ quotient rounds towards zero.
+ remainder has the sign of the second argument, modulo has the sign of
+ the first argument.
+(floor x)
+(ceiling x)
+(truncate x)
+(round x)
+ As in Scheme. These return a number of the same type as the argument.
+(floor->exact x)
+(ceiling->exact x)
+(truncate->exact x)
+(round->exact x)
+ Like the above, but return an exact-integer result. Borrowed from
+ MIT Scheme.
+(1+ n)
+(1- n)
+(incf place . maybe-delta)
+(decf place . maybe-delta)
+ As in Common Lisp.
+(number->string number . maybe-radix)
+(string->number string . maybe-radix)
+ As in Scheme.
+(expt base power)
+ As in Common Lisp. [our only use is when both args are integers]
+(table? object)
+(table-entry table key)
+(table-for-each proc table)
+(copy-table table)
+ More or less as in T. For now we only bother with tables that use
+ eq? as the comparison function -- mostly symbols are used as keys.
+(call-with-input-file string proc)
+(call-with-output-file string proc)
+ As in Scheme. The proc is called with one argument, the port.
+(call-with-input-string string proc)
+(call-with-output-string proc)
+ Similar, but for reading/writing to a string stream string.
+ Call-with-output-string returns the string.
+(input-port? object)
+(output-port? object)
+ As in Scheme, but can return an arbitrary truth value.
+(open-input-file filename)
+(open-output-file filename)
+(close-input-port port)
+(close-output-port port)
+(read . maybe-port)
+(read-char . maybe-port)
+(peek-char . maybe-port)
+(read-line . maybe-port)
+(eof-object? object)
+(internal-write object port)
+(internal-output-width port)
+(internal-output-position port)
+(internal-write-char char port)
+(internal-write-string string port start end)
+(internal-newline port)
+(internal-fresh-line port)
+(internal-finish-output port)
+(internal-force-output port)
+(internal-clear-output port)
+(internal-write-to-string object)
+(internal-warning string)
+(internal-error string)
+ These are all internal hooks. Don't use them directly if you can
+ avoid it.
+(write object . maybe-stream)
+(print object . maybe-stream)
+(prin1 object . maybe-stream)
+(princ object . maybe-stream)
+(pprint object . maybe-stream)
+(prin1-to-string object)
+(princ-to-string object)
+(write-char char . maybe-stream)
+(write-string string . maybe-stream-start-end)
+(write-line string . maybe-stream-start-end)
+(terpri . maybe-stream)
+(fresh-line . maybe-stream)
+(finish-output . maybe-stream)
+(force-output . maybe-stream)
+(clear-output . maybe-stream)
+ These are the standard Common Lisp print functions. All of them
+ accept either a port or an XP stream as a stream argument.
+(display object . maybe-stream)
+ Same as princ; for Scheme compatibility.
+(newline object . maybe-stream)
+ Same as terpri; for Scheme compatibility.
+ These are the standard Common Lisp printer control variables. The
+ functions listed above obey them.
+ These are more standard Common Lisp printer control variables, but
+ support for them hasn't been implemented yet. Maybe some day.
+ This is the hook for user customization of the printer. Its value is a
+ function that is passed an object as an argument, and returns another
+ function that takes a stream and the object as arguments.
+ If true, use standard structure printing syntax (overriding any special
+ print function for the structure type).
+ If true, recursively print structure slots when using standard structure
+ printing syntax; otherwise just print the structure type name.
+(standard-print-dispatch object)
+ This function is the initial value of *print-dispatch*.
+ These are the XP pretty-printer control variables. For more information
+ about the pretty-printer, read the XP document.
+(pprint-newline kind . maybe-stream)
+ The kind argument can be one of LINEAR, FILL, MISER, or MANDATORY.
+(pprint-logical-block (stream-symbol list . more-options) . body)
+ This is a macro. The body should contain code for printing a logical
+ block to the stream stream-symbol.
+ The format of the options is (stream-symbol list prefix suffix per-line?).
+ The list argument can be used with the pprint-pop macro.
+ The prefix is a string that is printed as the initial prefix of the logical
+ block. If per-line? is true, then the prefix is printed on every line.
+ The suffix is a string that is printed at the end of the logical block.
+ You can use this macro even when not pretty-printing, to get support
+ for *print-length* and *print-level*. In that case, you should have
+ the body forms put out only a minimal amount of whitespace.
+ Returns the next item from the list specified to an enclosing
+ pprint-logical-block. Checks for circular list tails and *print-length*
+ abbreviation.
+ Can be used inside pprint-logical-block to see if the list is empty.
+ Causes the block to be exited if so.
+(pprint-indent relative-to n . maybe-stream)
+ Specify the indentation level to use for a logical block.
+ The relative-to argument can be either BLOCK or CURRENT.
+(pprint-tab kind colnum colinc . maybe-stream)
+ Specify tabbing. The kind argument can be one of LINE, SECTION,
+(pprint-fill stream list . maybe-colon-atsign)
+(pprint-linear stream list . maybe-colon-atsign)
+(pprint-tabular stream list . maybe-colon-atsign-tabsize)
+ Pretty-print list to the stream in the given style.
+(format stream string-or-fn . args)
+ The standard Common Lisp format, except that some of the more esoteric
+ directives are unimplemented. (Specifically, watch out for specifying
+ field widths or using # or V parameters; most of the numeric formatting
+ options are unimplemented, as are complicated directives like ~{...~}.)
+ The stream parameter can be #f to output to a string, or #t to output
+ to the (current-output-port).
+ The string-or-fn argument can be a function as well as a string containing
+ embedded directives. The function is applied to the stream and the args.
+(warning string-or-fn . args)
+(error string-or-fn . args)
+System Interface
+(macroexpand-1 form . maybe-env)
+(macroexpand form . maybe-env)
+ As in Common Lisp. Since we don't have lexical macros and don't allow
+ syntax to be shadowed by local bindings, you can omit the environment
+ argument. These functions are provided mostly for debugging purposes.
+(eval form . maybe-compile)
+ As in Common Lisp. If the optional argument is supplied and is true,
+ try to compile the code in memory, not interpret it.
+(load filename)
+ A number between 0 and 3. 0 = minimal compilation, 1 = for debugging,
+ 2 = low safety, high speed, fast compilation, 3 = go all out.
+(compile-file source-filename . maybe-binary-filename)
+(with-compilation-unit options . forms)
+ This is the ANSI CL macro. We don't use any options.
+(filename-place filename)
+(filename-name filename)
+(filename-type filename)
+ We use a rather simplistic file system model. Filenames are strings
+ with place (or directory), name, and type components. These functions
+ pick apart filename strings. You shouldn't have to mess with string
+ operations on the components directly.
+(assemble-filename place-filename name-filename type-filename)
+ Build a new filename by combining the appropriate parts of the argument
+ filenames.
+ These constants hold appropriate default types for source and
+ compiled files. By convention, source-file-type is ".scm" but
+ the binary-file-type depends on the underlying Lisp system.
+(file-exists? filename)
+ Returns true if the file exists.
+(file-write-date filename)
+ Dates are represented as integers relative to an arbitrary base. These
+ functions are mostly useful for recording timestamps.
+ Return run time as a floating-point number relative to an arbitrary base.
+ Useful for doing timings.
+(getenv name)
+ Explicitly expand an environment variable. (Environment variables that
+ appear as filename prefixes are expanded automagically by the functions
+ that open files.)
+(cd filename)
+ Change the current directory.
+ Go away.
+Reader Support
+' => quote
+` => backquote; also , and ,@
+#t and #f
+Random Stuff
+ returns a string identifying the underlying lisp implementation; e.g.
+ "lucid", "t", etc.
+ return a longer string indentifying the lisp version and machine type.
+ True if the underlying Lisp always evaluates function arguments
+ left-to-right; false otherwise.
+(gc-messages onoff)
+ Turn garbage collection messages on/off, if possible.
+(identity x)
+ The identity function.
+Type specifiers
+list, (list element-type)
+fixnum, int
+table, (table key-type value-type)
+(enum . values)
+(tuple . component-types)
+alist, (alist key-type value-type)
+(maybe type)
+ These are the standard type specifiers.
+ As in Common Lisp.
+ Equivalent to CL subtypep
+ Equivalent to CL typep
+ As in Common Lisp, also recognizes "else" clause.
+(struct? object)
+ Returns true if the object is a struct.
+(struct-type-descriptor object)
+ Returns the type descriptor of a struct object.
+name, slots, parent-type, printer
+ Slots of type-descriptor object.
+(td-name td)
+(td-slots td)
+(td-parent-type td)
+(td-printer td)
+ Accessors for type-descriptors.
+name, type, default, getter
+ Slots of slot-descriptor object.
+(sd-name sd)
+(sd-type sd)
+(sd-default sd)
+(sd-getter sd)
+ Accessors for slot-descriptors.
+(sd-getter-function sd)
+ Returns a function which can be used to access a slot (as opposed to
+ the symbol that names the function).
+(lookup-type-descriptor type-name)
+(lookup-slot-descriptor type-name slot-name)
+ Name to descriptor mappings.
+(make type . initializers)
+ The type must name a struct type; it is not evaluated.
+ The initializers are of the form (slot-name value-form).
+(struct-slot type slot object)
+ Generalized slot access. Type and slot are symbols. If both are
+ quoted, can be used with SETF.
+(with-slots type slot-names object . body)
+ Binds the specified slots of object to local variables with the
+ same names. Bindings are read-only. Type is not evaluated.
+(update-slots type object . initializers)
+ Modifies the slots of object. Syntax of initializers is as for make.
+ Type is not evaluated.
+(define-struct name
+ (include parent-type-name)
+ (type-template subtype-of-type-descriptor)
+ (prefix prefix-symbol)
+ (predicate predicate-name)
+ (slots
+ (slot-name
+ (type type)
+ (default init-form)
+ (bit #t)
+ (read-only? #t)
+ (uninitialized? #t))
+ ...))
+ Defines name as a subtype of struct with the given slots.
+ All fields are optional.
+ Include specifies the immediate supertype. All accessors on the supertype
+ work on the newly defined type. It defaults to struct.
+ Type-template specifies the metaclass. It can be used to attach
+ additional information to the type descriptor. It defaults to
+ type-descriptor.
+ Prefix can be used to specify an alternate prefix for accessors. The
+ default is name-.
+ Predicate can be used to create a predicate function. The default is
+ not to create one.
+ If no default is specified for a slot, it's expected to have an
+ explicit initializer supplied with MAKE. You'll get a compilation
+ warning otherwise, unless you specify the uninitialized? option instead.
+ Bit is a hint for optimizing internal representation.
+ Read-only? says not to create a SETFer for the slot.
+(define-struct-printer struct-name printer-function)
+ Specifies a printer function to use when *print-structure* is false.
diff --git a/support/pprint.scm b/support/pprint.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b28ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pprint.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1788 @@
+;;; pprint.scm -- xp pretty-printer in Scheme
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 29 Oct 1991
+;;; This code is adapted from the XP pretty printer originally written
+;;; in Common Lisp by Dick Waters. Here is the copyright notice attached
+;;; to the original XP source file:
+;;; Copyright 1989,1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
+;;; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+;;; provided that this copyright and permission notice appear in all
+;;; copies and supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not
+;;; be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+;;; software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no
+;;; representations about the suitability of this software for any
+;;; purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+;;; Variables
+;;; External variables. These may be specially bound by user code.
+(define *print-escape* '#t)
+(define *print-circle* '#f)
+(define *print-level* '#f)
+(define *print-length* '#f)
+(define *print-base* 10)
+(define *print-radix* '#f)
+(define *print-shared* '#f)
+(define *print-pretty* '#f)
+(define *print-right-margin* '#f)
+(define *print-miser-width* 40)
+(define *print-lines* '#f)
+(define *default-right-margin* 70)
+(define *last-abbreviated-printing*
+ (lambda maybe-stream
+ (declare (ignore maybe-stream))
+ '#f))
+(define *print-dispatch* '#f) ; initialized later
+(define *print-structure* '#f)
+(define *print-structure-slots* '#t)
+;;; *** These variables aren't really supported, but they should be.
+(define *print-readably* '#f)
+(define *print-case* 'upcase)
+;;; Internal variables. These are all specially rebound when we initiate
+;;; printing to an XP stream.
+(define *xp.current-level* 0)
+(define *xp.current-length* 0)
+(define *xp.abbreviation-happened* '#f)
+(define *xp.locating-circularities* '#f)
+(define *xp.parents* '())
+(define *xp.circularity-hash-table* '#f)
+(define *xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit*
+ (lambda values
+ (declare (ignore values))
+ (error "No line limit abbreviation exit in this extent.")))
+;;; Dispatching
+;;; Since Scheme doesn't have type specifiers or named structures,
+;;; the dispatch mechanism defined for the Common Lisp XP won't work
+;;; very well. A more general alternative might be to maintain a
+;;; sorted list of <priority predicate printer> tuples, but having to
+;;; try each of these in sequence could get very slow.
+;;; What I've decided to to instead is to have the value of
+;;; *print-dispatch* be a user-defined dispatcher
+;;; function: given an object, it should return a function to print it,
+;;; or #f. In the latter case, the object is printed in some default
+;;; way.
+;;; The standard dispatcher function is defined towards the bottom
+;;; of this file. If you are writing your own dispatcher, you should
+;;; probably call this function as the fall-through case.
+(define (xp.get-printer object)
+ (funcall (dynamic *print-dispatch*) object))
+;;; Internal data structures
+(define-integrable xp.block-stack-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-stack-entry-size 5)
+(define-integrable xp.queue-entry-size 7)
+(define-integrable xp.buffer-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.suffix-entry-size 1)
+(define-integrable xp.block-stack-min-size (* 35 xp.block-stack-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-stack-min-size (* 30 xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.queue-min-size (* 75 xp.queue-entry-size))
+(define-integrable xp.buffer-min-size 256)
+(define-integrable xp.prefix-min-size 256)
+(define-integrable xp.suffix-min-size 256)
+;;; The xp stream structure.
+;;; Fields without defaults are initialized by xp.initialize-xp, below.
+(define-struct xp
+ (prefix xp.)
+ (predicate xp.xp-structure-p)
+ (slots
+ (base-stream (type t) (default '#f))
+ (linel (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ (line-limit (type (maybe fixnum)) (default '#f))
+ (line-no (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ (char-mode (type (enum #f up down cap0 cap1 capw)) (default '#f))
+ (char-mode-counter (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; number of logical blocks at qright that are started but not ended.
+ (depth-in-blocks (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stack is pushed and popped in accordance with the way blocks
+ ;; are nested at the moment they are entered into the queue.
+ (block-stack (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.block-stack-min-size)))
+ ;; Pointer into block-stack vector.
+ (block-stack-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This is a string that builds up the line images that will be printed out.
+ (buffer (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ;; The output character position of the first character in the buffer;
+ ;; nonzero only if a partial line has been output.
+ (charpos (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; The index in the buffer where the next character is to be inserted.
+ (buffer-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This is used in computing total lengths. It is changed to reflect
+ ;; all shifting and insertion of prefixes so that total length computes
+ ;; things as they would be if they were all on one line.
+ (buffer-offset (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; The queue of action descriptors. The value is a vector.
+ (queue (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.queue-min-size)))
+ ;; Index of next queue entry to dequeue.
+ (qleft (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; Index of last entry queued; queue is empty when (> qleft qright).
+ (qright (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stores the prefix that should be used at the start of the line.
+ (prefix (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ;; This stack is pushed and popped in accordance with the way blocks
+ ;; are nested at the moment things are taken off the queue and printed.
+ (prefix-stack (type vector) (default (make-vector xp.prefix-stack-min-size)))
+ ;; Index into prefix-stack.
+ (prefix-stack-ptr (type fixnum) (default 0))
+ ;; This stores the suffixes that have to be pritned to close of the
+ ;; current open blocks. For convenience in popping, the whole suffix
+ ;; is stored in reverse order.
+ (suffix (type string) (default (make-string xp.buffer-min-size)))
+ ))
+(define (xp.make-xp-structure)
+ (make xp))
+;;; Positions within the buffer are kept in three ways:
+;;; * Buffer position (eg BUFFER-PTR)
+;;; * Line position (eg (+ BUFFER-PTR CHARPOS)).
+;;; Indentations are stored in this form.
+;;; * Total position if all on one line (eg (+ BUFFER-PTR BUFFER-OFFSET))
+;;; Positions are stored in this form.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.lp<-bp xp . maybe-ptr)
+ (let ((ptr (if (not (null? maybe-ptr))
+ (car maybe-ptr)
+ `(xp.buffer-ptr ,xp))))
+ `(+ ,ptr (xp.charpos ,xp))))
+(define-local-syntax (<-bp xp)
+ `(+ (xp.buffer-ptr ,xp) (xp.buffer-offset ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.bp<-lp xp ptr)
+ `(- ,ptr (xp.charpos ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.bp<-tp xp ptr)
+ `(- ,ptr (xp.buffer-offset ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.lp<-tp xp ptr)
+ `(xp.lp<-bp ,xp (xp.bp<-tp ,xp ,ptr)))
+;;; Define some macros for growing the various stacks in the xp-structure.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-block-stack-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.block-stack ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.block-stack ,xp) ,ptr xp.block-stack-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-prefix-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.prefix ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.prefix ,xp) ,ptr xp.prefix-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-prefix-stack-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.prefix-stack ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) ,ptr xp.prefix-stack-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-queue-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.queue ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-vector (xp.queue ,xp) ,ptr xp.queue-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-buffer-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.buffer ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.buffer ,xp) ,ptr xp.buffer-entry-size)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.check-suffix-size xp ptr)
+ `(setf (xp.suffix ,xp)
+ (xp.grow-string (xp.suffix ,xp) ,ptr xp.suffix-entry-size)))
+(define (xp.grow-vector old ptr entry-size)
+ (let ((end (vector-length old)))
+ (if (> ptr (- end entry-size))
+ (let ((new (make-vector (+ ptr 50))))
+ (dotimes (i end)
+ (setf (vector-ref new i) (vector-ref old i)))
+ new)
+ old)))
+(define (xp.grow-string old ptr entry-size)
+ (let ((end (string-length old)))
+ (if (> ptr (- end entry-size))
+ (let ((new (make-string (+ ptr 50))))
+ (dotimes (i end)
+ (setf (string-ref new i) (string-ref old i)))
+ new)
+ old)))
+;;; Things for manipulating the block stack.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.section-start xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.block-stack ,xp) (xp.block-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+(define (xp.push-block-stack xp)
+ (incf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) xp.block-stack-entry-size)
+ (xp.check-block-stack-size xp (xp.block-stack-ptr xp)))
+(define (xp.pop-block-stack xp)
+ (decf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) xp.block-stack-entry-size))
+;;; Prefix stack manipulations
+(define-local-syntax (xp.prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.suffix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 1)))
+(define-local-syntax (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 2)))
+(define-local-syntax (initial-prefix-ptr xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 3)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.section-start-line xp)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.prefix-stack ,xp) (+ (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp) 4)))
+(define (xp.push-prefix-stack xp)
+ (let ((old-prefix 0)
+ (old-suffix 0)
+ (old-non-blank 0))
+ (when (not (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp)))
+ (setf old-prefix (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (setf old-suffix (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (setf old-non-blank (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)))
+ (incf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) xp.prefix-stack-entry-size)
+ (xp.check-prefix-stack-size xp (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) old-prefix)
+ (setf (xp.suffix-ptr xp) old-suffix)
+ (setf (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) old-non-blank)))
+(define (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)
+ (decf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+;;; The queue entries have several parts:
+;;; QPOS total position corresponding to this entry
+;;; QDEPTH depth in blocks of this entry.
+;;; QEND offset to entry marking end of section this entry starts.
+;; (NIL until known.)
+;;; Only :start-block and non-literal :newline entries can start sections.
+;;; QOFFSET offset to :END-BLOCK for :START-BLOCK (NIL until known).
+;;; QARG for :IND indentation delta
+;;; for :START-BLOCK suffix in the block if any.
+;;; or if per-line-prefix then cons of suffix and
+;;; per-line-prefix.
+;;; for :END-BLOCK suffix for the block if any.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qtype xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) ,index))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qkind xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (1+ ,index)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qpos xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 2)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qdepth xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 3)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qend xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 4)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qoffset xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 5)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qarg xp index)
+ `(vector-ref (xp.queue ,xp) (+ ,index 6)))
+;;; we shift the queue over rather than using a circular queue because
+;;; that works out to be a lot faster in practice. Note, short printout
+;;; does not ever cause a shift, and even in long printout, the queue is
+;;; shifted left for free every time it happens to empty out.
+(define (xp.enqueue xp type kind . maybe-arg)
+ (incf (xp.qright xp) xp.queue-entry-size)
+ (when (> (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-min-size xp.queue-entry-size))
+ (vector-replace (xp.queue xp) (xp.queue xp) 0 (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- (xp.qright xp) (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0))
+ (xp.check-queue-size xp (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qtype xp (xp.qright xp)) type)
+ (setf (xp.qkind xp (xp.qright xp)) kind)
+ (setf (xp.qpos xp (xp.qright xp)) (<-bp xp))
+ (setf (xp.qdepth xp (xp.qright xp)) (xp.depth-in-blocks xp))
+ (setf (xp.qend xp (xp.qright xp)) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.qoffset xp (xp.qright xp)) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.qarg xp (xp.qright xp)) (car maybe-arg)))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.qnext index) `(+ ,index xp.queue-entry-size))
+;;; Print routine for xp structures
+;;; *** this is broken, it uses unimplemented format options.
+(define *xp.describe-xp-streams-fully* '#f)
+(define (xp.describe-xp xp . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((s (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (format s "#<XP stream ")
+ (if (not (xp.base-stream xp))
+ (format s "not currently in use")
+ (begin
+ (format s "outputting to ~S" (xp.base-stream xp))
+ (format s "~&buffer= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.buffer xp) 0 (max (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0)))
+ (if (not (dynamic *xp.describe-xp-streams-fully*))
+ (format s " ...")
+ (begin
+ (format s "~& pos _123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789")
+ (format s "~&depth-in-blocks= ~D linel= ~D line-no= ~D line-limit= ~D"
+ (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.linel xp)
+ (xp.line-no xp) (xp.line-limit xp))
+ (when (or (xp.char-mode xp) (not (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))))
+ (format s "~&char-mode= ~S char-mode-counter= ~D"
+ (xp.char-mode xp) (xp.char-mode-counter xp)))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.block-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&section-start")
+ (do ((save (xp.block-stack-ptr xp)))
+ ((negative? (xp.block-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) save))
+ (format s " ~D" (xp.section-start xp))
+ (xp.pop-block-stack xp)))
+ (format s "~&linel= ~D charpos= ~D buffer-ptr= ~D buffer-offset= ~D"
+ (xp.linel xp) (xp.charpos xp)
+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.buffer-offset xp))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&prefix= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.prefix xp) 0 (max (xp.prefix-ptr xp) 0)))
+ (format s "~&suffix= ~S"
+ (substring (xp.suffix xp) 0 (max (xp.suffix-ptr xp) 0))))
+ (unless (> (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (format s "~&ptr type kind pos depth end offset arg")
+ (do ((p (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext p)))
+ ((> p (xp.qright xp)))
+ (format s "~&~4A~13A~15A~4A~6A~4A~7A~A"
+ (/ (- p (xp.qleft xp)) xp.queue-entry-size)
+ (xp.qtype xp p)
+ (if (memq (xp.qtype xp p) '(newline ind))
+ (xp.qkind xp p)
+ "")
+ (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp p))
+ (xp.qdepth xp p)
+ (if (not (memq (xp.qtype xp p)
+ '(newline start-block)))
+ ""
+ (and (xp.qend xp p)
+ (/ (- (+ p (xp.qend xp p)) (xp.qleft xp))
+ xp.queue-entry-size)))
+ (if (not (eq? (xp.qtype xp p) 'start-block))
+ ""
+ (and (xp.qoffset xp p)
+ (/ (- (+ p (xp.qoffset xp p)) (xp.qleft xp))
+ xp.queue-entry-size)))
+ (if (not (memq (xp.qtype xp p)
+ '(ind start-block end-block)))
+ ""
+ (xp.qarg xp p)))))
+ (unless (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (format s "~&initial-prefix-ptr prefix-ptr suffix-ptr non-blank start-line")
+ (do ((save (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp)))
+ ((negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) save))
+ (format s "~& ~19A~11A~11A~10A~A"
+ (initial-prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.suffix-ptr xp)
+ (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp)
+ (xp.section-start-line xp))
+ (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)))))))
+ (format s ">")))
+;;; Allocation of XP structures
+;;; This maintains a list of XP structures. We save them
+;;; so that we don't have to create new ones all of the time.
+;;; We have separate objects so that many can be in use at once
+;;; (e.g. for printing to multiple streams).
+(define '())
+(define (xp.get-pretty-print-stream stream)
+ (xp.initialize-xp
+ (if (not (null?
+ (pop
+ (xp.make-xp-structure))
+ stream))
+;;; If you call this, the xp-stream gets efficiently recycled.
+(define ( xp)
+ (setf (xp.base-stream xp) '#f)
+ (if (not (memq xp
+ (push xp
+;;; This is called to initialize things when you start pretty printing.
+(define (xp.initialize-xp xp stream)
+ (setf (xp.base-stream xp) stream)
+ (setf (xp.linel xp)
+ (max 0
+ (cond ((dynamic *print-right-margin*))
+ ((internal-output-width stream))
+ (else (dynamic *default-right-margin*)))))
+ (setf (xp.line-limit xp) (dynamic *print-lines*))
+ (setf (xp.line-no xp) 1)
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) '#f)
+ (setf (xp.char-mode-counter xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.block-stack-ptr xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.charpos xp) (or (internal-output-position stream) 0))
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-offset xp) (xp.charpos xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-entry-size))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-stack-ptr xp) (- xp.prefix-stack-entry-size))
+ xp)
+;;; The char-mode stuff is a bit tricky.
+;;; one can be in one of the following modes:
+;;; NIL no changes to characters output.
+;;; :UP CHAR-UPCASE used.
+;;; :CAP0 capitalize next alphanumeric letter then switch to :DOWN.
+;;; :CAP1 capitalize next alphanumeric letter then switch to :CAPW
+;;; :CAPW downcase letters. When a word break letter found, switch to :CAP1.
+;;; It is possible for ~(~) to be nested in a format string, but note that
+;;; each mode specifies what should happen to every letter. Therefore, inner
+;;; nested modes never have any effect. You can just ignore them.
+(define (xp.push-char-mode xp new-mode)
+ (if (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) new-mode))
+ (incf (xp.char-mode-counter xp)))
+(define (xp.pop-char-mode xp)
+ (decf (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (if (zero? (xp.char-mode-counter xp))
+ (setf (xp.char-mode xp) '#f)))
+;;; Assumes is only called when char-mode is non-nil
+(define (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)
+ (case (xp.char-mode xp)
+ ((CAP0)
+ (cond ((not (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))) char)
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'DOWN) (char-upcase char))))
+ ((CAP1)
+ (cond ((not (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))) char)
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'CAPW) (char-upcase char))))
+ ((CAPW)
+ (cond ((or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))
+ (char-downcase char))
+ (else (setf (xp.char-mode xp) 'CAP1) char)))
+ ((UP)
+ (char-upcase char))
+ (else
+ (char-downcase char)))) ;DOWN
+;;; All characters output are passed through the handler above. However,
+;;; it must be noted that on-each-line prefixes are only processed in the
+;;; context of the first place they appear. They stay the same later no
+;;; matter what. Also non-literal newlines do not count as word breaks.
+;;; This handles the basic outputting of characters. note + suffix means that
+;;; the stream is known to be an XP stream, all inputs are mandatory, and no
+;;; error checking has to be done. Suffix ++ additionally means that the
+;;; output is guaranteed not to contain a newline char.
+(define (xp.write-char+ char xp)
+ (if (eqv? char #\newline)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ char xp)))
+(define (xp.write-string+ mystring xp start end)
+ (let ((next-newline (string-position #\newline mystring start end)))
+ (if next-newline
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start next-newline)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional xp)
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring xp (1+ next-newline) end))
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start end))))
+;;; note this checks (> BUFFER-PTR LINEL) instead of (> (xp.lp<-bp) LINEL)
+;;; this is important so that when things are longer than a line they
+;;; end up getting printed in chunks of size LINEL.
+(define (xp.write-char++ char xp)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp))
+ (xp.force-some-output xp))
+ (let ((new-buffer-end (1+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp))))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp new-buffer-end)
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (setf char (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)))
+ (setf (string-ref (xp.buffer xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp)) char)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) new-buffer-end)))
+(define (xp.force-some-output xp)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#f '#f)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp)) ;only if printing off end of line
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#t)))
+(define (xp.write-string++ mystring xp start end)
+ (when (> (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (xp.linel xp))
+ (xp.force-some-output xp))
+ (xp.write-string+++ mystring xp start end))
+;;; never forces output; therefore safe to call from within xp.output-line.
+(define (xp.write-string+++ mystring xp start end)
+ (let ((new-buffer-end (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (- end start))))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp new-buffer-end)
+ (do ((buffer (xp.buffer xp))
+ (i (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (1+ i))
+ (j start (1+ j)))
+ ((= j end))
+ (let ((char (string-ref mystring j)))
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (setf char (xp.handle-char-mode xp char)))
+ (setf (string-ref buffer i) char)))
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) new-buffer-end)))
+(define (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc xp)
+ (let ((indented? '#f)
+ (relative? '#f))
+ (case kind
+ ((section) (setf indented? '#t))
+ ((line-relative) (setf relative? '#t))
+ ((section-relative) (setf indented? '#t) (setf relative? '#t)))
+ (let* ((current
+ (if (not indented?)
+ (xp.lp<-bp xp)
+ (- (<-bp xp) (xp.section-start xp))))
+ (new
+ (if (zero? colinc)
+ (if relative? (+ current colnum) (max colnum current))
+ (cond (relative?
+ (* colinc
+ (quotient (+ current colnum colinc -1) colinc)))
+ ((> colnum current) colnum)
+ (else
+ (+ colnum
+ (* colinc
+ (quotient (+ current (- colnum) colinc)
+ colinc)))))))
+ (end (- new current)))
+ (when (positive? end)
+ (if (xp.char-mode xp) (xp.handle-char-mode xp #\space))
+ (let ((end (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end)))
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp end)
+ (string-fill (xp.buffer xp) #\space (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end)
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end))))))
+;;; note following is smallest number >= x that is a multiple of colinc
+;;; (* colinc (quotient (+ x (1- colinc)) colinc))
+(define (xp.pprint-newline+ kind xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'newline kind)
+ (do ((ptr (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext ptr))) ;find sections we are ending
+ ((not (< ptr (xp.qright xp)))) ;all but last
+ (when (and (not (xp.qend xp ptr))
+ (not (> (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.qdepth xp ptr)))
+ (memq (xp.qtype xp ptr) '(newline start-block)))
+ (setf (xp.qend xp ptr) (- (xp.qright xp) ptr))))
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) (<-bp xp))
+ (when (and (memq kind '(fresh unconditional)) (xp.char-mode xp))
+ (xp.handle-char-mode xp #\newline))
+ (when (memq kind '(fresh unconditional mandatory))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#f)))
+(define (xp.start-block xp prefix-string on-each-line? suffix-string)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix prefix-string xp)
+ (if (and (xp.char-mode xp) on-each-line?)
+ (setf prefix-string
+ (substring (xp.buffer xp)
+ (- (xp.buffer-ptr xp) (string-length prefix-string))
+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp))))
+ (xp.push-block-stack xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'start-block '#f
+ (if on-each-line? (cons suffix-string prefix-string) suffix-string))
+ (incf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp)) ;must be after enqueue
+ (setf (xp.section-start xp) (<-bp xp)))
+(define (xp.end-block xp suffix)
+ (unless (and (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (eqv? (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (dynamic *print-lines*)))
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix suffix xp)
+ (decf (xp.depth-in-blocks xp))
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'end-block '#f suffix)
+ (block foundit
+ (do ((ptr (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext ptr))) ;look for start of block we are ending
+ ((not (< ptr (xp.qright xp)))) ;all but last
+ (when (and (= (xp.depth-in-blocks xp) (xp.qdepth xp ptr))
+ (eq? (xp.qtype xp ptr) 'start-block)
+ (not (xp.qoffset xp ptr)))
+ (setf (xp.qoffset xp ptr) (- (xp.qright xp) ptr))
+ (return-from foundit '#f))) ;can only be 1
+ )
+ (xp.pop-block-stack xp)))
+(define (xp.write-prefix-suffix mystring xp)
+ (when mystring
+ (xp.write-string++ mystring xp 0 (string-length mystring))))
+(define (xp.pprint-indent+ kind n xp)
+ (xp.enqueue xp 'ind kind n))
+;;; attempt-to-output scans the queue looking for things it can do.
+;;; it keeps outputting things until the queue is empty, or it finds
+;;; a place where it cannot make a decision yet.
+;;; If flush-out? is T and force-newlines? is NIL then the buffer,
+;;; prefix-stack, and queue will be in an inconsistent state after the call.
+;;; You better not call it this way except as the last act of outputting.
+(define-local-syntax (xp.maybe-too-large xp Qentry)
+ `(let ((limit (xp.linel ,xp)))
+ (when (eqv? (xp.line-limit ,xp) (xp.line-no ,xp)) ;prevents suffix overflow
+ (decf limit 2) ;3 for " .." minus 1 for space (heuristic)
+ (when (not (negative? (xp.prefix-stack-ptr ,xp)))
+ (decf limit (xp.suffix-ptr ,xp))))
+ (cond ((xp.qend ,xp ,Qentry)
+ (> (xp.lp<-tp ,xp (xp.qpos ,xp (+ ,Qentry (xp.qend ,xp ,Qentry)))) limit))
+ ((or force-newlines? (> (xp.lp<-bp ,xp) limit))
+ '#t)
+ (else ;wait until later to decide.
+ (return-from attempt-to-output '#f)))))
+(define-local-syntax (xp.misering? xp)
+ `(and (dynamic *print-miser-width*)
+ (<= (- (xp.linel ,xp) (initial-prefix-ptr ,xp))
+ (dynamic *print-miser-width*))))
+(define (xp.attempt-to-output xp force-newlines? flush-out?)
+ (block attempt-to-output
+ (do ()
+ ((> (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qright xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) 0)
+ (setf (xp.qright xp) (- xp.queue-entry-size))) ;saves shifting
+ (case (xp.qtype xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((ind)
+ (unless (xp.misering? xp)
+ (xp.set-indentation-prefix
+ xp
+ (case (xp.qkind xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((block)
+ (+ (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else ; current
+ (+ (xp.lp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp)))))))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ ((start-block)
+ (cond ((xp.maybe-too-large xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ (xp.push-prefix-stack xp)
+ (setf (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.set-indentation-prefix
+ xp (xp.lp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (let ((arg (xp.qarg xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (when (pair? arg) (xp.set-prefix xp (cdr arg)))
+ (setf (initial-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (cond ((not (list? arg)) (xp.set-suffix xp arg))
+ ((car arg) (xp.set-suffix xp (car arg)))))
+ (setf (xp.section-start-line xp) (xp.line-no xp)))
+ (else (incf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qoffset xp (xp.qleft xp)))))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ ((end-block)
+ (xp.pop-prefix-stack xp)
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else ; newline
+ (when (case (xp.qkind xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ ((fresh) (not (zero? (xp.lp<-bp xp))))
+ ((miser) (xp.misering? xp))
+ ((fill) (or (xp.misering? xp)
+ (> (xp.line-no xp) (xp.section-start-line xp))
+ (xp.maybe-too-large xp (xp.qleft xp))))
+ (else '#t)) ;(linear unconditional mandatory)
+ (xp.output-line xp (xp.qleft xp))
+ (xp.setup-for-next-line xp (xp.qleft xp)))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qleft xp)))))))
+ (when flush-out? (xp.flush xp)))
+;;; this can only be called last!
+(define (xp.flush xp)
+ (unless (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (internal-write-string (xp.buffer xp) (xp.base-stream xp) 0 (xp.buffer-ptr xp)))
+ (incf (xp.buffer-offset xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (incf (xp.charpos xp) (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) 0))
+;;; This prints out a line of stuff.
+(define (xp.output-line xp Qentry)
+ (let* ((out-point (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp Qentry)))
+ (last-non-blank (string-position-not-from-end
+ #\space (xp.buffer xp) 0 out-point))
+ (end (cond ((memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(fresh unconditional))
+ out-point)
+ (last-non-blank (1+ last-non-blank))
+ (else 0)))
+ (line-limit-exit (and (xp.line-limit xp)
+ (not (> (xp.line-limit xp) (xp.line-no xp))))))
+ (when line-limit-exit
+ (setf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) end) ;truncate pending output.
+ (xp.write-string+++ " .." xp 0 3)
+ (string-nreverse (xp.suffix xp) 0 (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.write-string+++ (xp.suffix xp) xp 0 (xp.suffix-ptr xp))
+ (setf (xp.qleft xp) (xp.qnext (xp.qright xp)))
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) (dynamic *print-lines*))
+ (funcall (dynamic *xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit*) '#t))
+ (incf (xp.line-no xp))
+ (unless (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (internal-write-string (xp.buffer xp) (xp.base-stream xp) 0 end)
+ (newline (xp.base-stream xp)))))
+(define (xp.setup-for-next-line xp Qentry)
+ (let* ((out-point (xp.bp<-tp xp (xp.qpos xp Qentry)))
+ (prefix-end
+ (cond ((memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(unconditional fresh))
+ (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp))
+ (else (xp.prefix-ptr xp))))
+ (change (- prefix-end out-point)))
+ (setf (xp.charpos xp) 0)
+ (when (positive? change) ;almost never happens
+ (xp.check-buffer-size xp (+ (xp.buffer-ptr xp) change)))
+ (string-replace (xp.buffer xp) (xp.buffer xp)
+ prefix-end out-point (xp.buffer-ptr xp))
+ (string-replace (xp.buffer xp) (xp.prefix xp) 0 0 prefix-end)
+ (incf (xp.buffer-ptr xp) change)
+ (decf (xp.buffer-offset xp) change)
+ (when (not (memq (xp.qkind xp Qentry) '(unconditional fresh)))
+ (setf (xp.section-start-line xp) (xp.line-no xp)))))
+(define (xp.set-indentation-prefix xp new-position)
+ (let ((new-ind (max (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) new-position)))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) (initial-prefix-ptr xp))
+ (xp.check-prefix-size xp new-ind)
+ (when (> new-ind (xp.prefix-ptr xp))
+ (string-fill (xp.prefix xp) #\space (xp.prefix-ptr xp) new-ind))
+ (setf (xp.prefix-ptr xp) new-ind)))
+(define (xp.set-prefix xp prefix-string)
+ (let ((end (string-length prefix-string)))
+ (string-replace (xp.prefix xp) prefix-string
+ (- (xp.prefix-ptr xp) end) 0 end))
+ (setf (non-blank-prefix-ptr xp) (xp.prefix-ptr xp)))
+(define (xp.set-suffix xp suffix-string)
+ (let* ((end (string-length suffix-string))
+ (new-end (+ (xp.suffix-ptr xp) end)))
+ (xp.check-suffix-size xp new-end)
+ (do ((i (1- new-end) (1- i))
+ (j 0 (1+ j)))
+ ((= j end))
+ (setf (string-ref (xp.suffix xp) i) (string-ref suffix-string j)))
+ (setf (xp.suffix-ptr xp) new-end)))
+;;; Basic interface functions
+;;; The internal functions in this file
+;;; use the '+' forms of these functions directly (which is faster) because,
+;;; they do not need error checking of fancy stream coercion. The '++' forms
+;;; additionally assume the thing being output does not contain a newline.
+(define (write object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (cond ((xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write+ object stream))
+ ((xp.get-printer object)
+ (xp.initiate-xp-printing
+ (lambda (s o) (xp.write+ o s))
+ stream
+ object))
+ (else
+ (internal-write object stream)))))
+(define (xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing fn stream . args)
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (apply fn stream args)
+ (apply (function xp.initiate-xp-printing) fn stream args)))
+(define (xp.initiate-xp-printing fn stream . args)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.abbreviation-happened*
+ '#f)
+ (*xp.locating-circularities*
+ (if (dynamic *print-circle*)
+ 0
+ '#f))
+ (*xp.circularity-hash-table*
+ (if (dynamic *print-circle*)
+ (make-table)
+ '#f))
+ (*xp.parents*
+ (if (not (dynamic *print-shared*))
+ (list '#f)
+ '())) ;*** is this right?
+ (*xp.current-level*
+ 0)
+ (*xp.current-length*
+ 0))
+ (let ((result (xp.xp-print fn stream args)))
+ (when (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*)
+ (setf args (list-copy args))
+ (setf (dynamic *last-abbreviated-printing*)
+ (lambda maybe-stream
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ stream)))
+ (apply (function xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing)
+ fn stream args)))))
+ result)))
+(define (xp.xp-print fn stream args)
+ (let ((result ( fn stream args)))
+ (when (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*) '#f)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#f)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.parents*) '())
+ (setf result ( fn stream args)))
+ result))
+(define ( fn stream args)
+ (let ((xp (xp.get-pretty-print-stream stream))
+ (result '#f))
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.current-level* 0))
+ (let/cc catch
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit* catch))
+ (xp.start-block xp '#f '#f '#f)
+ (setf result (apply fn xp args))
+ (xp.end-block xp '#f)))
+ (when (and (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ (zero? (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)) ;No circularities.
+ (= (xp.line-no xp) 1) ;Didn't suppress line.
+ (zero? (xp.buffer-offset xp))) ;Didn't suppress partial line.
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*) '#f)) ;print what you have got.
+ (when (let/cc catch
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.line-limit-abbreviation-exit* catch))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#f '#t)
+ '#f))
+ (xp.attempt-to-output xp '#t '#t))
+ ( xp)
+ result)))
+(define (xp.write+ object xp)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.parents* (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (unless (and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (eq? (xp.circularity-process xp object '#f) 'subsequent))
+ (when (and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) (pair? object))
+ ;; Must do this to avoid additional circularity detection by
+ ;; pprint-logical-block; otherwise you get stuff like #1=#1#.
+ (setf object (cons (car object) (cdr object))))
+ (funcall (or (xp.get-printer object) (function xp.print-default))
+ object
+ xp))
+ object))
+(define (xp.print-default object xp)
+ (let ((stuff (internal-write-to-string object)))
+ (xp.write-string+ stuff xp 0 (string-length stuff))))
+;;; It is vital that this function be called EXACTLY once for each occurrence
+;;; of each thing in something being printed.
+;;; Returns nil if printing should just continue on.
+;;; Either it is not a duplicate, or we are in the first pass and do not
+;;; know.
+;;; returns :FIRST if object is first occurrence of a DUPLICATE.
+;;; (This can only be returned on a second pass.)
+;;; After an initial code (printed by this routine on the second pass)
+;;; printing should continue on for the object.
+;;; returns :SUBSEQUENT if second or later occurrence.
+;;; Printing is all taken care of by this routine.
+;;; Note many (maybe most) lisp implementations have characters and small
+;;; numbers represented in a single word so that the are always eq when
+;;; they are equal and the reader takes care of properly sharing them
+;;; (just as it does with symbols). Therefore, we do not want circularity
+;;; processing applied to them. However, some kinds of numbers
+;;; (e.g., bignums) undoubtedly are complex structures that the reader
+;;; does not share. However, they cannot have circular pointers in them
+;;; and it is therefore probably a waste to do circularity checking on them.
+;;; In any case, it is not clear that it easy to tell exactly what kinds of
+;;; numbers a given implementation is going to have the reader
+;;; automatically share.
+(define (xp.circularity-process xp object interior-cdr?)
+ (unless (or (number? object)
+ (char? object)
+ (and (symbol? object) (not (gensym? object))))
+ (let ((id (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)))
+ (if (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)
+ ;; This is the first pass.
+ (cond ((not id) ;never seen before
+ (when (not (null? (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (push object (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ 0)
+ '#f)
+ ((zero? id) ;possible second occurrence
+ (cond ((or (null? (dynamic *xp.parents*))
+ (memq object (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (setf (table-entry
+ (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ (incf (dynamic *xp.locating-circularities*)))
+ 'subsequent)
+ (else '#f)))
+ (else 'subsequent));third or later occurrence
+ ;; This is the second pass.
+ (cond ((or (not id) ;never seen before (note ~@* etc. conses)
+ (zero? id));no duplicates
+ '#f)
+ ((positive? id) ; first occurrence
+ (cond (interior-cdr?
+ (decf (dynamic *xp.current-level*))
+ (xp.write-string++ ". #" xp 0 3))
+ (else (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)))
+ (xp.print-integer id xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\= xp)
+ (setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*) object)
+ (- id))
+ 'first)
+ (else
+ (if interior-cdr?
+ (xp.write-string++ ". #" xp 0 3)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp))
+ (xp.print-integer(- id) xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)
+ 'subsequent))))))
+;;; Here are all the standard Common Lisp printing functions.
+(define (print object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (terpri stream)
+ (write object stream)
+ (write-char #\space stream)
+ object)))
+(define (prin1 object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (write object stream)
+ object)))
+(define (princ object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f))
+ (write object stream)
+ object)))
+(define (display object . maybe-stream)
+ (apply (function princ) object maybe-stream))
+(define (pprint object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t)
+ (*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (terpri stream)
+ (write object stream)
+ (values))))
+(define (prin1-to-string object)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#t))
+ (write object stream)))))
+(define (princ-to-string object)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-escape* '#f))
+ (write object stream)))))
+(define (write-char char . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write-char+ char stream)
+ (internal-write-char char stream))
+ char))
+(define (write-string mystring . maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (let* ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream-start-end))
+ (car maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ (start (if (not (null? (cdr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (cadr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ 0))
+ (end (if (not (null? (cddr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (caddr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (string-length mystring))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring stream start end)
+ (internal-write-string mystring stream start end))
+ mystring))
+(define (write-line mystring . maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (let* ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream-start-end))
+ (car maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ (start (if (not (null? (cdr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (cadr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ 0))
+ (end (if (not (null? (cddr maybe-stream-start-end)))
+ (caddr maybe-stream-start-end)
+ (string-length mystring))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring stream start end)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional stream))
+ (begin
+ (internal-write-string mystring stream start end)
+ (internal-newline stream)))
+ mystring))
+(define (terpri . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'unconditional stream)
+ (internal-newline stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (newline . maybe-stream)
+ (apply (function terpri) maybe-stream))
+;;; This has to violate the XP data abstraction and fool with internal
+;;; stuff, in order to find out the right info to return as the result.
+(define (fresh-line . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (cond ((xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t) ;ok because we want newline
+ (when (not (zero? (xp.lp<-bp stream)))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fresh stream)
+ '#t))
+ (else
+ (internal-fresh-line stream)))))
+;;; Each of these causes the stream to be pessimistic and insert
+;;; newlines wherever it might have to, when forcing the partial output
+;;; out. This is so that things will be in a consistent state if
+;;; output continues to the stream later.
+(define (finish-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-finish-output stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (force-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-force-output stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (clear-output . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (if (xp.xp-structure-p stream)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.locating-circularities* 0)) ;hack to prevent visible output
+ (xp.attempt-to-output stream '#t '#t)
+ (internal-clear-output stream)))
+ '#f))
+;;; Functional interface to dynamic formatting
+;;; The internal functions in this file, and the (formatter "...") expansions
+;;; use the '+' forms of these functions directly (which is faster) because,
+;;; they do not need error checking or fancy stream coercion. The '++' forms
+;;; additionally assume the thing being output does not contain a newline.
+(define-syntax (pprint-logical-block stream-symbol-stuff . body)
+ (let* ((stream-symbol (car stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (mylist (cadr stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (rest (cddr stream-symbol-stuff))
+ (prefix (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) ""))
+ (suffix (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) ""))
+ (per-line? (if (not (null? rest)) (pop rest) '#f)))
+ `(xp.maybe-initiate-xp-printing
+ (lambda (,stream-symbol)
+ (let ((+l ,mylist)
+ (+p ,prefix)
+ (+s ,suffix)
+ (+x ,stream-symbol))
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (+x +l +p +s ,per-line? '#t '#f)
+ ,@body
+ '#f)))
+ ,stream-symbol)))
+;;; Assumes var and args must be variables. Other arguments must be literals
+;;; or variables.
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-logical-block+ stuff . body)
+ (let* ((var (pop stuff))
+ (args (pop stuff))
+ (prefix (pop stuff))
+ (suffix (pop stuff))
+ (per-line? (pop stuff)))
+ `(unless (xp.check-abbreviation ,var ,args)
+ (dynamic-let ((*xp.current-level* (1+ (dynamic *xp.current-level*)))
+ (*xp.current-length* -1)
+ (*xp.parents* (dynamic *xp.parents*)))
+ (block logical-block
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.start-block ,var ,prefix ,per-line? ,suffix)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix ,prefix ,var))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (begin ,@body)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.end-block ,var ,suffix)
+ (xp.write-prefix-suffix ,suffix ,var))))))
+ ))
+(define (xp.check-abbreviation xp object)
+ (cond ((and (dynamic *print-level*)
+ (>= (dynamic *xp.current-level*)
+ (dynamic *print-level*)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# XP)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (eq? (xp.circularity-process xp object '#f) 'subsequent))
+ '#t)
+ (else '#f)))
+(define-syntax (pprint-pop)
+ `(xp.pprint-pop+ +l +x))
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-pop+ args xp)
+ `(if (xp.pprint-pop-check+ ,args ,xp)
+ (return-from logical-block '#f)
+ (if (null? ,args) '() (pop ,args))))
+(define (xp.pprint-pop-check+ args xp)
+ (incf (dynamic *xp.current-length*))
+ (cond ((not (or (pair? args) (null? args)))
+ ;; must be first to supersede length abbreviation
+ (xp.write-string++ ". " xp 0 2)
+ (xp.write+ args xp)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *print-length*)
+ (not (< *xp.current-length* (dynamic *print-length*))))
+ ;; must supersede circularity check
+ (xp.write-string++ "..." xp 0 3)
+ (setf (dynamic *xp.abbreviation-happened*) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ ((and (dynamic *xp.circularity-hash-table*)
+ (not (zero? *xp.current-length*)))
+ (case (xp.circularity-process xp args '#t)
+ ((first)
+ (xp.write+ (cons (car args) (cdr args)) xp) '#t)
+ ((subsequent)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define-syntax (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ `(xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ +l))
+(define-syntax (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ mylist)
+ `(if (null? ,mylist) (return-from logical-block '#f)))
+(define (pprint-newline kind . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq kind '(linear miser fill mandatory)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-NEWLINE" kind))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ kind stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (pprint-indent relative-to n . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq relative-to '(block current)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-INDENT" relative-to))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ relative-to n stream))
+ '#f))
+(define (pprint-tab kind colnum colinc . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (not (memq kind '(line section line-relative section-relative)))
+ (error "Invalid KIND argument ~A to PPRINT-TAB" kind))
+ (when (and (xp.xp-structure-p stream) (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ kind colnum colinc stream))
+ '#f))
+;;; Standard print dispatch function
+(define (xp.print-null object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "()" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-true object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "#t" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-false object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (xp.write-string+ "#f" xp 0 2))
+(define (xp.print-symbol object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (xp.print-default object xp)
+ (let ((mystring (symbol->string object)))
+ (xp.write-string+ mystring xp 0 (string-length mystring)))))
+(define (xp.print-number object xp)
+ (if (and (integer? object)
+ (eqv? (dynamic *print-base*) 10)
+ (not (dynamic *print-radix*)))
+ (begin
+ (when (negative? object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\- xp)
+ (setf object (- object)))
+ (xp.print-integer object xp))
+ (xp.print-default object xp)))
+(define (xp.print-integer n xp)
+ (let ((quot (quotient n 10))
+ (rem (remainder n 10)))
+ (unless (zero? quot)
+ (xp.print-integer quot xp))
+ (xp.write-char++ (string-ref "0123456789" rem) xp)))
+(define (xp.print-string object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\" xp)
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (n (string-length object)))
+ ((= i n))
+ (let ((c (string-ref object i)))
+ (if (or (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\\))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\\ xp))
+ (xp.write-char++ c xp)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\" xp))
+ (xp.write-string+ object xp 0 (string-length object))))
+(define (xp.print-character object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-escape*)
+ (let ((name (char-name object)))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\# xp)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\\ xp)
+ (if name
+ (xp.write-string++ name xp 0 (string-length name))
+ (xp.write-char++ object xp)))
+ (xp.write-char+ object xp)))
+(define (xp.print-vector object xp)
+ (let* ((pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*))
+ (end (vector-length object)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#(" ")")
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((eqv? i end) '#f)
+ (when (not (eqv? i 0))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (if pretty?
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp)))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (xp.write+ (vector-ref object i) xp)
+ ))))
+(define (xp.print-table object xp)
+ (let ((pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#<Table" ">")
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key value)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (if pretty?
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (xp.write+ (cons key value) xp))
+ object))))
+(define (xp.print-pair object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (xp.pretty-print-list object xp)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (when (not (null? object)) (xp.write-char++ #\space xp))))))
+(define (xp.print-struct object xp)
+ (if (dynamic *print-structure*)
+ (print-structure-default object xp)
+ (funcall (get-structure-printer (struct-type-descriptor object))
+ object xp)))
+(define (get-structure-printer td)
+ (or (td-printer td)
+ (if (eq? (td-name td) 'struct)
+ (function print-structure-default)
+ (get-structure-printer (td-parent-type td)))))
+(define (print-structure-default object xp)
+ (let* ((td (struct-type-descriptor object))
+ (slots (td-slots td))
+ (pretty? (dynamic *print-pretty*)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "#<Struct " ">")
+ (prin1 (td-name td) xp)
+ (when (dynamic *print-structure-slots*)
+ (dolist (s slots)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (if pretty? (pprint-newline 'fill xp))
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (prin1 (sd-name s) xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (write (funcall (sd-getter-function s) object) xp)))
+ )))
+;;; This table can't be initialized until after all the functions
+;;; have been defined.
+(define *standard-print-dispatch-table*
+ (list (cons (function null?) (function xp.print-null))
+ (cons (lambda (x) (eq? x '#t)) (function xp.print-true))
+ (cons (function not) (function xp.print-false))
+ (cons (function symbol?) (function xp.print-symbol))
+ (cons (function number?) (function xp.print-number))
+ (cons (function pair?) (function xp.print-pair))
+ (cons (function string?) (function xp.print-string))
+ (cons (function char?) (function xp.print-character))
+ (cons (function struct?) (function xp.print-struct))
+ (cons (function vector?) (function xp.print-vector))
+ (cons (function table?) (function xp.print-table))))
+(define (standard-print-dispatch object)
+ (standard-print-dispatch-aux
+ object (dynamic *standard-print-dispatch-table*)))
+(define (standard-print-dispatch-aux object table)
+ (cond ((null? table) (function xp.print-default))
+ ((funcall (car (car table)) object)
+ (cdr (car table)))
+ (else
+ (standard-print-dispatch-aux object (cdr table)))))
+(setf (dynamic *print-dispatch*) (function standard-print-dispatch))
+;;; Pretty printing formats for code
+;;; The standard prettyprinters for lists dispatch off the CAR of the list.
+(define *xp.pair-dispatch-table* (make-table))
+(define (xp.pretty-print-list object xp)
+ (funcall (or (table-entry (dynamic *xp.pair-dispatch-table*) (car object))
+ (if (symbol? (car object)) (function xp.fn-call) '#f)
+ (lambda (object xp)
+ (pprint-fill xp object)))
+ object
+ xp))
+;;; Must use pprint-logical-block (no +) in the following three, because they
+;;; are exported functions.
+;;; *** Note that the argument order on these is backwards; that's the
+;;; *** way it is in Common Lisp....
+(define (pprint-linear s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear s)))))
+(define (pprint-fill s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill s)))))
+(define (pprint-tabular s object . moreargs)
+ (let* ((colon? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#t))
+ (atsign? (if (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs) '#f))
+ (tabsize (or (and (not (null? moreargs)) (pop moreargs)) 16)))
+ (declare (ignore atsign?))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s object (if colon? "(" "") (if colon? ")" ""))
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (xp.write+ (pprint-pop) s)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space s)
+ (xp.pprint-tab+ 'section-relative 0 tabsize s)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill s)))))
+(define (xp.fn-call object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+;;; Although idiosyncratic, I have found this very useful to avoid large
+;;; indentations when printing out code.
+(define (xp.alternative-fn-call object xp)
+ (if (> (string-length (symbol->string (car object))) 12)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~@{~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+ (xp.fn-call object xp)))
+(define (xp.bind-list object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~@{~:/xp:pprint-fill/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)))))
+(define (xp.fbind-list object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~@{~:/xp:pprint-fill/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (pprint-fill xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.block-like (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)))))
+(define (xp.block-like object xp . args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~^~W~^ ~@_~W~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp template)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 1 xp)
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (in-first-section '#t))
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (when (eqv? i (car template))
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block (cadr template) xp)
+ (setf template (cddr template))
+ (setf in-first-section '#f))
+ (pprint-newline (cond ((zero? i) 'miser)
+ (in-first-section 'fill)
+ (else 'linear))
+ xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.let-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~1I~W~^ ~@_~/xp:xp.bind-list/~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.bind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.flet-print object xp)
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.fbind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.cond-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~:/xp:pprint-linear/~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f))))
+(define ( object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~/xp:xp.bind-list/~^ ~_~:/xp:pprint-linear/ ~1I~^~@{ ~_~W~^~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.bind-list (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp '#f '#f)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (pprint-linear xp (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'block 1 xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp))))
+(define (xp.mvb-print object xp)
+ (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp '(1 3 2 1)))
+(define (xp.setf-print object xp)
+ ;; (formatter "~:<~W~^ ~:I~@_~@{~W~^ ~:_~W~^ ~_~}~:>")
+ (xp.pprint-logical-block+ (xp object "(" ")" '#f '#t '#f)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (xp.pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted+ object)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-indent+ 'current 0 xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'miser xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (do ()
+ ((null? object) '#f)
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'fill xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)
+ (when (not (null? object))
+ (xp.write-char++ #\space xp)
+ (xp.pprint-newline+ 'linear xp)
+ (xp.write+ (xp.pprint-pop+ object xp) xp)))))
+(define (xp.quote-print object xp)
+ (if (and (pair? (cdr object)) (null? (cddr object)))
+ (begin
+ (xp.write-char++ #\' xp)
+ (xp.write+ (cadr object) xp))
+ (pprint-fill xp object)))
+(define (xp.up-print object xp)
+ (xp.print-fancy-fn-call object xp '(0 3 1 1)))
+;;; Install printers for built-in macros and special forms into the
+;;; standard dispatch table.
+(define-local-syntax (define-printer symbol function)
+ `(setf (table-entry (dynamic *xp.pair-dispatch-table*) ',symbol)
+ (function ,function)))
+;;; *** Missing support for backquote here.
+(define-printer quote xp.quote-print)
+(define-printer lambda xp.block-like)
+(define-printer when xp.block-like)
+(define-printer unless xp.block-like)
+(define-printer cond xp.cond-print)
+(define-printer case xp.block-like)
+(define-printer setf xp.setf-print)
+(define-printer set! xp.setf-print)
+(define-printer let xp.let-print)
+(define-printer let* xp.let-print)
+(define-printer letrec xp.let-print)
+(define-printer flet xp.flet-print)
+(define-printer labels xp.flet-print)
+(define-printer dynamic-let xp.let-print)
+(define-printer block xp.block-like)
+(define-printer do
+(define-printer dolist xp.block-like)
+(define-printer dotimes xp.block-like)
+(define-printer multiple-value-bind xp.mvb-print)
+(define-printer let/cc xp.block-like)
+(define-printer unwind-protect xp.up-print)
+(define-printer define xp.block-like)
+(define-printer define-syntax xp.block-like)
+(define-printer define-local-syntax xp.block-like)
+(define-printer pprint-logical-block xp.block-like)
+(define-printer xp.pprint-logical-block+ xp.block-like)
+;;; Here are some hacks for struct macros.
+(define-printer update-slots xp.mvb-print)
+(define-printer make xp.block-like)
diff --git a/support/support.scm b/support/support.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdecc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/support.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+;;; support.scm -- load support files shared by all systems
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 28 Oct 1991
+;;; Keep track of all compilation units defined.
+;;; This has to go here and not in compile.scm because we don't want this
+;;; list reinitialized every time that file is loaded.
+(define compilation-units '())
+;;; Load this file first; it defines the basic compilation system support.
+;;; It doesn't matter if this ends up loading source because we'll compile
+;;; and reload it below.
+(load "$Y2/support/compile.scm")
+;;; Define a real compilation unit for shared support files.
+(define-compilation-unit support
+ (source-filename "$Y2/support/")
+ (unit compile (source-filename "compile.scm"))
+ (unit utils (source-filename "utils.scm"))
+ (unit xp
+ (unit pprint (source-filename "pprint.scm"))
+ (unit format (source-filename "format.scm")
+ (require pprint)))
+ )
diff --git a/support/system.scm b/support/system.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac03b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/system.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+;;; system.scm -- haskell system setup
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 22 Nov 1991
+;;; This file loads in the compilation unit definition files for all
+;;; of the components of the haskell system.
+;;; (The compilation unit facility is defined in support/shared/compile.scm.)
+;;; First load the files containing module definitions.
+;;; *** Add more files to the end of this list.
+(load "$Y2/support/support")
+(load "$Y2/ast/ast")
+(load "$Y2/top/top")
+(load "$Y2/util/haskell-utils")
+(load "$Y2/printers/printers")
+(load "$Y2/parser/parser")
+(load "$Y2/import-export/ie.scm")
+(load "$Y2/tdecl/tdecl.scm")
+(load "$Y2/derived/derived.scm")
+(load "$Y2/prec/prec.scm")
+(load "$Y2/depend/depend.scm")
+(load "$Y2/type/type.scm")
+(load "$Y2/cfn/cfn.scm")
+(load "$Y2/flic/flic.scm")
+(load "$Y2/backend/backend.scm")
+(load "$Y2/runtime/runtime.scm")
+(load "$Y2/csys/csys")
+(load "$Y2/command-interface/command-interface")
+;;; Define some functions to actually do the work. The compilation unit
+;;; facility has conveniently kept a list of all of the unit definitions,
+;;; so we can just rip through them in sequence.
+(define (compile-haskell)
+ (compile-and-load-unit-list compilation-units))
+(define (recompile-haskell)
+ (unless (null? remaining-units)
+ (compile-and-load-unit-list remaining-units)))
+(define (load-haskell)
+ (load-unit-list compilation-units))
+(define (reload-haskell)
+ (unless (null? remaining-units)
+ (load-unit-list remaining-units)))
diff --git a/support/utils.scm b/support/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab93f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+;;; utils.scm -- utility functions
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 18 Nov 1991
+;;; This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful.
+;;; If you find some missing feature from the base language, this is
+;;; a good place to put it. Common Lisp-style sequence functions are
+;;; an example of the sort of thing found here.
+;;; Sequence functions
+(define (vector-replace to-vec from-vec to start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum to start end)
+ (type vector to-vec from-vec))
+ (if (and (eq? to-vec from-vec)
+ (> to start))
+ ;; Right shift in place
+ (do ((from (1- end) (1- from))
+ (to (1- (+ to (- end start)))))
+ ((< from start) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from to))
+ (setf (vector-ref to-vec to) (vector-ref from-vec from))
+ (decf to))
+ ;; Normal case, left-to-right
+ (do ((from start (1+ from)))
+ ((= from end) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from))
+ (setf (vector-ref to-vec to) (vector-ref from-vec from))
+ (incf to))))
+(define (string-replace to-vec from-vec to start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum to start end)
+ (type string to-vec from-vec))
+ (if (and (eq? to-vec from-vec)
+ (> to start))
+ ;; Right shift in place
+ (do ((from (1- end) (1- from))
+ (to (1- (+ to (- end start)))))
+ ((< from start) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from to))
+ (setf (string-ref to-vec to) (string-ref from-vec from))
+ (decf to))
+ ;; Normal case, left-to-right
+ (do ((from start (1+ from)))
+ ((= from end) to-vec)
+ (declare (type fixnum from))
+ (setf (string-ref to-vec to) (string-ref from-vec from))
+ (incf to))))
+(define (string-fill string c start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (do ((i start (1+ i)))
+ ((= i end) string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i))
+ (setf (string-ref string i) c)))
+(define (string-position c string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (cond ((= start end) '#f)
+ ((char=? (string-ref string start) c) start)
+ (else
+ (string-position c string (1+ start) end))))
+(define (string-position-not-from-end c string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string)
+ (type char c))
+ (cond ((= start end) '#f)
+ ((not (char=? (string-ref string (setf end (1- end))) c))
+ end)
+ (else
+ (string-position-not-from-end c string start end))))
+(define (string-nreverse string start end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start end)
+ (type string string))
+ (do ((i start (1+ i))
+ (j (1- end) (1- j)))
+ ((not (< i j)) string)
+ (declare (type fixnum i j))
+ (let ((c (string-ref string i)))
+ (setf (string-ref string i) (string-ref string j))
+ (setf (string-ref string j) c))))
+(define (string-starts? s1 s2) ; true is s1 begins s2
+ (and (>= (string-length s2) (string-length s1))
+ (string=? s1 (substring s2 0 (string-length s1)))))
+;;; Table utilities
+(define (table->list table)
+ (let ((l '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val) (push (cons key val) l)) table)
+ l))
+(define (list->table l)
+ (let ((table (make-table)))
+ (dolist (p l)
+ (setf (table-entry table (car p)) (cdr p)))
+ table))
+;;; Tuple utilities
+;;; For future compatibility with a typed language, define 2 tuples with
+;;; a few functions: (maybe add 3 tuples someday!)
+(define-integrable (tuple x y)
+ (cons x y))
+(define-integrable (tuple-2-1 x) (car x)) ; Flic-like notation
+(define-integrable (tuple-2-2 x) (cdr x))
+(define (map-tuple-2-1 f l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (tuple (funcall f (tuple-2-1 x)) (tuple-2-2 x))) l))
+(define (map-tuple-2-2 f l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (tuple (tuple-2-1 x) (funcall f (tuple-2-2 x)))) l))
+;;; List utilities
+;;; This does an assq using the second half of the tuple as the key.
+(define (rassq x l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '#f
+ (if (eq? x (tuple-2-2 (car l)))
+ (car l)
+ (rassq x (cdr l)))))
+;;; This is an assoc with an explicit test
+(define (assoc/test test-fn x l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '#f
+ (if (funcall test-fn x (tuple-2-1 (car l)))
+ (car l)
+ (assoc/test test-fn x (cdr l)))))
+;;; Stupid position function works only on lists, uses eqv?
+(define (position item list)
+ (position-aux item list 0))
+(define (position-aux item list index)
+ (declare (type fixnum index))
+ (cond ((null? list)
+ '#f)
+ ((eqv? item (car list))
+ index)
+ (else
+ (position-aux item (cdr list) (1+ index)))
+ ))
+;;; Destructive delete-if function
+(define (list-delete-if f l)
+ (list-delete-if-aux f l l '#f))
+(define (list-delete-if-aux f head next last)
+ (cond ((null? next)
+ ;; No more elements.
+ head)
+ ((not (funcall f (car next)))
+ ;; Leave this element and do the next.
+ (list-delete-if-aux f head (cdr next) next))
+ (last
+ ;; Delete element from middle of list.
+ (setf (cdr last) (cdr next))
+ (list-delete-if-aux f head (cdr next) last))
+ (else
+ ;; Delete element from head of list.
+ (list-delete-if-aux f (cdr next) (cdr next) last))))
+;;; Same as the haskell function
+(define (concat lists)
+ (if (null? lists)
+ '()
+ (append (car lists) (concat (cdr lists)))))
+;;; This is a quick & dirty list sort function.
+(define (sort-list l compare-fn)
+ (if (or (null? l) (null? (cdr l)))
+ l
+ (insert-sorted compare-fn (car l) (sort-list (cdr l) compare-fn))))
+(define (insert-sorted compare-fn e l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ (list e)
+ (if (funcall compare-fn e (car l))
+ (cons e l)
+ (cons (car l) (insert-sorted compare-fn e (cdr l))))))
+(define (find-duplicates l)
+ (cond ((null? l)
+ '())
+ ((memq (car l) (cdr l))
+ (cons (car l)
+ (find-duplicates (cdr l))))
+ (else (find-duplicates (cdr l)))))
+;;; A simple & slow topsort routine.
+;;; Input: A list of lists. Each list is a object consed onto the
+;;; list of objects it preceeds.
+;;; Output: Two values: SORTED / CYCLIC & a list of either sorted objects
+;;; or a set of components containing the cycle.
+(define (topsort l)
+ (let ((changed? '#t)
+ (sorted '())
+ (next '()))
+ (do () ((not changed?)
+ (if (null? next)
+ (values 'sorted (nreverse sorted))
+ (values 'cyclic (map (function car) next))))
+ (setf changed? '#f)
+ (setf next '())
+ (dolist (x l)
+ (cond ((topsort-aux (cdr x) sorted)
+ (push (car x) sorted)
+ (setf changed? '#t))
+ (else
+ (push x next))))
+ (setf l next))))
+;;; Returns true if x doesn't contain any elements that aren't in sorted.
+;;; equivalent to (null? (set-intersection x sorted)), but doesn't cons
+;;; and doesn't traverse the whole list in the failure case.
+(define (topsort-aux x sorted)
+ (cond ((null? x)
+ '#t)
+ ((memq (car x) sorted)
+ (topsort-aux (cdr x) sorted))
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+(define (set-intersection s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (set-intersection (cdr s1) s2)))
+ (if (memq (car s1) s2)
+ (cons (car s1) rest)
+ rest))))
+;;; remove s2 elements from s1
+(define (set-difference s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ '()
+ (let ((rest (set-difference (cdr s1) s2)))
+ (if (memq (car s1) s2)
+ rest
+ (cons (car s1) rest)))))
+(define (set-union s1 s2)
+ (if (null? s2)
+ s1
+ (if (memq (car s2) s1)
+ (set-union s1 (cdr s2))
+ (cons (car s2) (set-union s1 (cdr s2))))))
+;;; Destructive list splitter
+(define (split-list list n)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (let ((tail1 (list-tail list (1- n))))
+ (if (null? tail1)
+ (values list '())
+ (let ((tail2 (cdr tail1)))
+ (setf (cdr tail1) '())
+ (values list tail2)))))
+;;; Some string utils
+(define (mem-string s l)
+ (and (not (null? l)) (or (string=? s (car l))
+ (mem-string s (cdr l)))))
+(define (ass-string k l)
+ (cond ((null? l)
+ '#f)
+ ((string=? k (caar l))
+ (car l))
+ (else
+ (ass-string k (cdr l)))))
+;;; Syntax extensions
+;;; The mlet macro combines let* and multiple-value-bind into a single
+;;; syntax.
+(define-syntax (mlet binders . body)
+ (mlet-body binders body))
+(define (mlet-body binders body)
+ (if (null? binders)
+ `(begin ,@body)
+ (let* ((b (car binders))
+ (var (car b))
+ (init (cadr b))
+ (inner-body (mlet-body (cdr binders) body)))
+ (if (pair? var)
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-vars ignore-decl)
+ (remove-underlines var)
+ `(multiple-value-bind ,new-vars
+ ,init ,@ignore-decl ,inner-body))
+ `(let ((,var ,init)) ,inner-body)))))
+(define (remove-underlines vars)
+ (if (null? vars)
+ (values '() '())
+ (multiple-value-bind (rest ignore-decl) (remove-underlines (cdr vars))
+ (if (not (eq? (car vars) '_))
+ (values (cons (car vars) rest) ignore-decl)
+ (let ((var (gensym)))
+ (values (cons var rest)
+ `((declare (ignore ,var)) ,@ignore-decl)))))))
+;;; Other utilities
+(define (add-extension name ext)
+ (assemble-filename (filename-place name) (filename-name name) ext))
+(define (time-execution thunk)
+ (let* ((start-time (get-run-time))
+ (res (funcall thunk))
+ (end-time (get-run-time)))
+ (values res (- end-time start-time))))
+(define (pprint-flatten code . maybe-port)
+ (pprint-flatten-aux
+ code
+ (if (null? maybe-port) (current-output-port) (car maybe-port))))
+(define (pprint-flatten-aux code port)
+ (if (and (pair? code)
+ (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (dolist (c (cdr code))
+ (pprint-flatten-aux c port))
+ (pprint*-aux code port)))
+(define (print-flatten code port)
+ (if (and (pair? code)
+ (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (dolist (c (cdr code))
+ (print-flatten c port))
+ (begin
+ (internal-write code port)
+ (internal-newline port))))
+;;; Like pprint, but print newline after instead of before.
+(define (pprint* object . maybe-port)
+ (pprint*-aux
+ object
+ (if (null? maybe-port) (current-output-port) (car maybe-port))))
+(define (pprint*-aux object port)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-pretty* '#t))
+ (prin1 object port))
+ (terpri port))
+;;; This reads stuff from a string. (Better error checks needed!)
+(define (read-lisp-object str)
+ (call-with-input-string str (lambda (port) (read port))))