path: root/printers
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Diffstat (limited to 'printers')
8 files changed, 1238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/printers/README b/printers/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36530ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This directory contains print routines for the structures defined in
+the ast/ directory.
+The global *print-structure* controls printing of objects in the
+structure system. Values are:
+ haskell -- Prints haskell format expressions from ast
+ struct -- Prints the raw structs (with circularity check)
+ top -- Prints top level only of the struct
+The file defs.scm has the basic hooks to the printer mechanism. The
+idea is that when *print-structure* is 'haskell, the print function stored
+in the type descriptor will get used. If there isn't a print function,
+or if *print-structure* is false, then the thing will print out in
+some generic way that's good for debugging purposes.
+The macro define-printer is used to associate a print function with a
+structure type. Since these can be defined on the fly, the print
+dispatching routine has to look up the inheritance chain of type
+descriptors looking for the first inherited type that has a printer.
diff --git a/printers/print-exps.scm b/printers/print-exps.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9d89b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-exps.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+;;; print-exps.scm -- print expression AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 10 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to ast/exp-structs.scm.
+(define-ast-printer lambda (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "\\ " xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (lambda-pats object) xp (function write-apat) "" "" "")
+ (write-string " ->" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (lambda-body object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer let (object xp)
+ (write-lets-body "let " (let-decls object) (let-body object) xp))
+(define (write-lets-body let-name decls body xp)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() "" "") ; no extra indentation
+ (write-string let-name xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (remove-recursive-grouping decls) xp (function write))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "in " xp)
+ (write body xp)))
+(define-ast-printer if (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "if " xp)
+ (write (if-test-exp object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "then" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (if-then-exp object) xp))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "else" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (if-else-exp object) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer case (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "case " xp)
+ (write (case-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " of" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (case-alts object) xp (function write))))
+(define-ast-printer alt (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (alt-pat object) xp)
+ (dolist (r (alt-rhs-list object))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (unless (is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard r))
+ (write-string "| " xp)
+ (write (guarded-rhs-guard r) xp))
+ (write-string " -> " xp)
+ (write (guarded-rhs-rhs r) xp))
+ (write-wheredecls (alt-where-decls object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer exp-sign (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (exp-sign-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " ::" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (exp-sign-signature object) xp)))
+;;; Have to look for application of special-case constructors before
+;;; doing the normal prefix/infix cases.
+(define-ast-printer app (object xp)
+ (let* ((fn (app-fn object))
+ (arg (app-arg object)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (con args) (extract-constructor fn (list arg))
+ (cond ;; ((eq? con (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ ;; *** Does this ever happen?
+ ;; (write-string "()" xp))
+ ((and con (is-tuple-constructor? con))
+ (write-commaized-list args xp))
+ (else
+ (multiple-value-bind (fixity op arg1) (extract-infix-operator fn)
+ (if fixity
+ (write-infix-application fixity op arg1 arg xp)
+ (write-prefix-application fn arg xp))))
+ ))))
+(define (write-infix-application fixity op arg1 arg2 xp)
+ (let ((precedence (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (associativity (fixity-associativity fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence
+ arg1 (1+ precedence) (if (eq? associativity 'l) 'l '#f) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence
+ arg2 (1+ precedence) (if (eq? associativity 'r) 'r '#f) xp))))
+(define (write-prefix-application fn arg xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence fn 10 '#f xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp arg xp)))
+;;; Write an expression with at least the given precedence. If the
+;;; actual precedence is lower, put parens around it.
+(define *print-exp-parens* '#f)
+(define (write-exp-with-precedence exp precedence associativity xp)
+ (if *print-exp-parens*
+ (write-aexp exp xp)
+ (if (< (precedence-of-exp exp associativity) precedence)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write exp xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))
+ (write exp xp))))
+;;; Similar to the above: write an aexp.
+(define *print-original-code* '#t)
+(define (write-aexp object xp)
+ (if (is-type? 'save-old-exp object)
+ (write-aexp (if *print-original-code*
+ (save-old-exp-old-exp object)
+ (save-old-exp-new-exp object))
+ xp)
+ (if (or (is-type? 'aexp object)
+ (pp-exp-list-section? object)
+ (is-type? 'negate object))
+ (write object xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp)))))
+;;; The infix? slot on var-ref and con-ref structs refers to whether
+;;; the thing appears as an infix operator or not, not whether the name
+;;; has operator or identifier syntax.
+(define-ast-printer var-ref (object xp)
+ (let ((name (var-ref-name object)))
+ (if (var-ref-infix? object)
+ (write-varop name xp)
+ (write-varid name xp))))
+(define-ast-printer con-ref (object xp)
+ (if (eq? (con-ref-con object) (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (write-string "()" xp)
+ (let ((name (con-ref-name object)))
+ (if (con-ref-infix? object)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)))))
+(define-ast-printer integer-const (object xp)
+ (write (integer-const-value object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer float-const (object xp)
+ (let* ((numerator (float-const-numerator object))
+ (denominator (float-const-denominator object))
+ (exponent (float-const-exponent object))
+ (whole (quotient numerator denominator))
+ (fraction (remainder numerator denominator)))
+ (write whole xp)
+ (write-char #\. xp)
+ (write-precision-integer fraction denominator xp)
+ (unless (zero? exponent)
+ (write-char #\E xp)
+ (write exponent xp))))
+(define (write-precision-integer fraction denominator xp)
+ (cond ((eqv? denominator 1)
+ ; no fraction
+ )
+ ((eqv? denominator 10)
+ (write-digit fraction xp))
+ (else
+ (write-digit (quotient fraction 10) xp)
+ (write-precision-integer (remainder fraction 10)
+ (quotient denominator 10)
+ xp))
+ ))
+(define (write-digit n xp)
+ (write-char (string-ref "0123456789" n) xp))
+;;; Character and string printers need to handle weird escapes.
+;;; Fortunately we can just choose one canonical style for printing
+;;; unprintable characters.
+(define-ast-printer char-const (object xp)
+ (write-char #\' xp)
+ (write-char-literal (char-const-value object) xp #\')
+ (write-char #\' xp))
+(define-ast-printer string-const (object xp)
+ (write-char #\" xp)
+ (let ((s (string-const-value object)))
+ (dotimes (i (string-length s))
+ (write-char-literal (string-ref s i) xp #\")))
+ (write-char #\" xp))
+(define (write-char-literal c xp special)
+ (cond ((eqv? c special)
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write c xp))
+ ((eqv? c #\newline)
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write-char #\n xp))
+ (else
+ (let ((code (char->integer c)))
+ (if (and (>= code 32) (< code 128))
+ ;; printing ascii characters
+ (write-char c xp)
+ ;; "control" characters print in \ddd notation
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\\ xp)
+ (write code xp)))))
+ ))
+(define-ast-printer list-exp (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-exp-exps object) xp (function write) "," "[" "]"))
+(define-ast-printer sequence (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "..]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-to (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-to-from object) xp)
+ (write-string " .." xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-to-to object) xp)
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-then (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "," xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-then object) xp)
+ (write-string "..]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sequence-then-to (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-from object) xp)
+ (write-string "," xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-then object) xp)
+ (write-string " .." xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sequence-then-to-to object) xp)
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer list-comp (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "[" xp)
+ (write (list-comp-exp object) xp)
+ (write-string " |" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-comp-quals object) xp (function write) "," "" "")
+ (write-string "]" xp)))
+(define-ast-printer section-l (object xp)
+ (let* ((exp (section-l-exp object))
+ (op (section-l-op object))
+ (fixity (operator-fixity op))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "(" xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence exp (1+ precedence) '#f xp)
+ (write-string ")" xp))))
+(define-ast-printer section-r (object xp)
+ (let* ((exp (section-r-exp object))
+ (op (section-r-op object))
+ (fixity (operator-fixity op))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "(" xp)
+ (write-exp-with-precedence exp (1+ precedence) '#f xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write op xp)
+ (write-string ")" xp))))
+(define-ast-printer qual-generator (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (qual-generator-pat object) xp)
+ (write-string " <-" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (qual-generator-exp object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer qual-filter (object xp)
+ (write (qual-filter-exp object) xp))
+;;; A pp-exp-list with an op as the first or last element is really
+;;; a section. These always get parens and are treated like aexps.
+;;; Other pp-exp-lists are treated as exps with precedence 0.
+;;; Bleah... Seems like the parser ought to recognize this up front....
+;;; Yeah but I'm lazy ...
+(define-ast-printer pp-exp-list (object xp)
+ (let ((section? (pp-exp-list-section? object)))
+ (if section? (write-char #\( xp))
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (pp-exp-list-exps object) xp (function write-aexp) "" "" "")
+ (if section? (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer negate (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "-" xp))
+(define-ast-printer def (object xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (def-name object)) xp))
+(define-ast-printer con (object xp)
+ (write-string (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name object))) xp))
+(define-ast-printer con-number (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "con-number/" xp)
+ (write (con-number-type object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (con-number-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer sel (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "sel/" xp)
+ (write (sel-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (sel-slot object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (sel-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer is-constructor (object xp)
+(with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "is-constructor/" xp)
+ (write (is-constructor-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-aexp (is-constructor-value object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer void (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "Void" xp))
+;;; Special cfn constructs
+(define-ast-printer case-block (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "case-block " xp)
+ (write (case-block-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (case-block-exps object) xp (function write))))
+(define-ast-printer return-from (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "return-from " xp)
+ (write (return-from-block-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (return-from-exp object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer and-exp (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "and " xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (and-exp-exps object) xp (function write))))
+;;; Expression types used by the type checker.
+(define-ast-printer dict-placeholder (object xp)
+ (cond ((not (eq? (dict-placeholder-exp object) '#f))
+ (write (dict-placeholder-exp object) xp))
+ (else
+ (write-string "%" xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string
+ (def-name (dict-placeholder-class object))) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer recursive-placeholder (object xp)
+ (cond ((not (eq? (recursive-placeholder-exp object) '#f))
+ (write (recursive-placeholder-exp object) xp))
+ (else
+ (write-varid (def-name (recursive-placeholder-var object)) xp))))
+;;; This should probably have a flag to allow the dictionary converted code
+;;; to be printed during debugging.
+(define-ast-printer save-old-exp (object xp)
+ (write (save-old-exp-old-exp object) xp))
diff --git a/printers/print-modules.scm b/printers/print-modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2372714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+;;; print-modules.scm -- print routines for module-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 6 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to the file ast/modules.scm.
+;;; Note: by default, only the module name is printed. To print the
+;;; full module, the function print-full-module must be called.
+(define *print-abbreviated-modules* '#t)
+(define-ast-printer module (object xp)
+ (if *print-abbreviated-modules*
+ (begin
+ (write-string "Module " xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (module-name object)) xp))
+ (do-print-full-module object xp)))
+(define (print-full-module object . maybe-stream)
+ (let ((stream (if (not (null? maybe-stream))
+ (car maybe-stream)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-abbreviated-modules* '#f))
+ (pprint object stream))))
+(define (do-print-full-module object xp)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-abbreviated-modules* '#t))
+ (let ((modid (module-name object))
+ (exports (module-exports object))
+ (body (append (module-imports object)
+ (module-fixities object)
+ (module-synonyms object)
+ (module-algdatas object)
+ (module-classes object)
+ (module-instances object)
+ (if (or (not (module-default object))
+ (eq? (module-default object)
+ *standard-module-default*))
+ '()
+ (list (module-default object)))
+ (module-decls object))))
+ (write-string "module " xp)
+ (write-modid modid xp)
+ (when (not (null? exports))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-commaized-list exports xp))
+ (write-wheredecls body xp))))
+(define-ast-printer import-decl (object xp)
+ (let ((modid (import-decl-module-name object))
+ (mode (import-decl-mode object))
+ (specs (import-decl-specs object))
+ (renamings (import-decl-renamings object)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "import " xp)
+ (write-modid modid xp)
+ (if (eq? mode 'all)
+ (when (not (null? specs))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "hiding " xp)
+ (write-commaized-list specs xp))
+ (begin
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-commaized-list specs xp)))
+ (when (not (null? renamings))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "renaming " xp)
+ (write-commaized-list renamings xp))
+ )))
+(define-ast-printer entity-module (object xp)
+ (write-modid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-string ".." xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-var (object xp)
+ (write-varid (entity-name object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-con (object xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-abbreviated (object xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-string "(..)" xp))
+(define-ast-printer entity-class (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-tyclsid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (entity-class-methods object) xp
+ (function write-varid) "," "(" ")")))
+(define-ast-printer entity-datatype (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-tyconid (entity-name object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (entity-datatype-constructors object) xp
+ (function write-conid) "," "(" ")")))
+(define-ast-printer renaming (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-varid-conid (renaming-from object) xp)
+ (write-string " to" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-varid-conid (renaming-to object) xp)))
+;;; *** Should it omit precedence if it's 9?
+(define-ast-printer fixity-decl (object xp)
+ (let* ((fixity (fixity-decl-fixity object))
+ (associativity (fixity-associativity fixity))
+ (precedence (fixity-precedence fixity))
+ (ops (fixity-decl-names object)))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (cond ((eq? associativity 'l)
+ (write-string "infixl " xp))
+ ((eq? associativity 'r)
+ (write-string "infixr " xp))
+ ((eq? associativity 'n)
+ (write-string "infix " xp)))
+ (write precedence xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list ops xp (function write-varop-conop) "," "" ""))))
diff --git a/printers/print-ntypes.scm b/printers/print-ntypes.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c018f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-ntypes.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+;;; These printers deal with ntype structures.
+;;; Too much of this file is copied from print-types!
+(define-ast-printer ntyvar (object xp)
+ (let ((object (prune object)))
+ (if (ntyvar? object)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\t xp)
+ (write (tyvar->number object) xp))
+ (write object xp))))
+;;; Various type special cases have a magic cookie in the def field.
+(define-ast-printer ntycon (object xp)
+ (let ((tycon (ntycon-tycon object)))
+ (if (eq? tycon '#f)
+ (write-string "<Bogus tycon>" xp)
+ (print-general-tycon tycon (ntycon-args object) object xp))))
+(define-ast-printer gtype (object xp)
+ (let ((var 0)
+ (res '()))
+ (dolist (classes (gtype-context object))
+ (let ((v (gtyvar->symbol var)))
+ (dolist (class classes)
+ (push (**context (**class/def class) v) res)))
+ (incf var))
+ (write-contexts (reverse res) xp)
+ (write (gtype-type object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer gtyvar (object xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string (gtyvar->symbol (gtyvar-varnum object))) xp))
+(define (gtyvar->symbol n)
+ (cond ((< n 26)
+ (list-ref '(|a| |b| |c| |d| |e| |f| |g|
+ |h| |i| |j| |k| |l| |m| |n|
+ |o| |p| |q| |r| |s| |t| |u|
+ |v| |w| |x| |y| |z|)
+ n))
+ (else
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "g~A" (- n 25))))))
+(define-ast-printer recursive-type (object xp)
+ (write (recursive-type-type object) xp))
+(define (tyvar->number tyvar)
+ (tyvar->number-1 tyvar (dynamic *printed-tyvars*) 1))
+(define (tyvar->number-1 tyvar vars n)
+ (cond ((null? vars)
+ (setf (dynamic *printed-tyvars*)
+ (nconc (dynamic *printed-tyvars*) (list tyvar)))
+ n)
+ ((eq? tyvar (car vars))
+ n)
+ (else
+ (tyvar->number-1 tyvar (cdr vars) (1+ n)))))
diff --git a/printers/print-types.scm b/printers/print-types.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d3bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-types.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+;;; print-types.scm -- print type-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 15 Jan 1991
+;;; This file corresponds to the stuff in ast/type-structs.scm
+(define-ast-printer tyvar (object xp)
+ (write-avarid (tyvar-name object) xp))
+;;; Various type special cases have a magic cookie in the def field.
+(define-ast-printer tycon (object xp)
+ (print-general-tycon (tycon-def object) (tycon-args object) object xp))
+(define (print-general-tycon def args object xp)
+ (cond ((eq? def (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (write-arrow-tycon args xp))
+ ((eq? def (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (write-unit-tycon xp))
+ ((eq? def (core-symbol "List"))
+ (write-list-tycon args xp))
+ ((is-tuple-tycon? def)
+ (write-tuple-tycon args xp))
+ (else
+ (write-ordinary-tycon def args object xp))))
+(define (write-arrow-tycon args xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-btype (car args) xp)
+ (write-string " ->" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (cadr args) xp)))
+(define (write-unit-tycon xp)
+ (write-string "()" xp))
+(define (write-list-tycon args xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-char #\[ xp)
+ (write (car args) xp)
+ (write-char #\] xp)))
+(define (write-tuple-tycon args xp)
+ (write-commaized-list args xp))
+(define (write-ordinary-tycon def args object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (if (tycon? object)
+ (write-tyconid (tycon-name object) xp)
+ (write-tyconid (def-name def) xp))
+ (when (not (null? args))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ args xp (function write-atype) "" "" ""))))
+;;; All of the special cases above except "Arrow" are atypes, as is
+;;; a tyvar or a tycon with no arguments.
+(define (write-atype object xp)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (if (or (tyvar? object)
+ (gtyvar? object)
+ (ntyvar? object)
+ (is-some-tycon? object
+ (lambda (def)
+ (or (eq? def (core-symbol "UnitType"))
+ (eq? def (core-symbol "List"))
+ (is-tuple-tycon? def)))))
+ (write object xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp)))))
+;;; A btype is any type except the arrow tycon.
+(define (write-btype object xp)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (if (or (and (tycon? object)
+ (eq? (tycon-def object) (core-symbol "Arrow")))
+ (and (ntycon? object)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon object) (core-symbol "Arrow"))))
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write object xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))
+ (write object xp))))
+(define (maybe-prune object)
+ (if (ntyvar? object)
+ (prune object)
+ object))
+(define (is-some-tycon? object fn)
+ (let ((object (maybe-prune object)))
+ (or (and (tycon? object)
+ (or (null? (tycon-args object))
+ (funcall fn (tycon-def object))))
+ (and (ntycon? object)
+ (or (null? (ntycon-args object))
+ (funcall fn (ntycon-tycon object)))))))
+(define-ast-printer context (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (context-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-avarid (context-tyvar object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer signature (object xp)
+ (write-contexts (signature-context object) xp)
+ (write (signature-type object) xp))
+(define (write-contexts contexts xp)
+ (when (not (null? contexts))
+ (if (null? (cdr contexts))
+ (write (car contexts) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list contexts xp))
+ (write-string " =>" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)))
+(define-ast-printer synonym-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "type " xp)
+ (write (synonym-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-string " =" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (synonym-decl-body object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer data-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "data " xp)
+ (write-contexts (data-decl-context object) xp)
+ (write (data-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-char #\= xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (data-decl-constrs object) xp (function write) " |" "" "")
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (let ((deriving (data-decl-deriving object)))
+ (when (not (null? deriving))
+ (write-string "deriving " xp)
+ (if (null? (cdr deriving))
+ (write (car deriving) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list deriving xp))))))
+(define-ast-printer constr (object xp)
+ (if (con-ref-infix? (constr-constructor object))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-btype (car (constr-types object)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (constr-constructor object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-btype (cadr (constr-types object)) xp))
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (constr-constructor object) xp)
+ (when (not (null? (constr-types object)))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (constr-types object) xp (function write-atype) "" "" "")))))
+(define-ast-printer class-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "class " xp)
+ (write-contexts (class-decl-super-classes object) xp)
+ (write (class-decl-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-avarid (class-decl-class-var object) xp)
+ (write-wheredecls (class-decl-decls object) xp)))
+(define-ast-printer instance-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "instance " xp)
+ (write-contexts (instance-decl-context object) xp)
+ (write (instance-decl-class object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-atype (instance-decl-simple object) xp)
+ (write-wheredecls (instance-decl-decls object) xp)))
+;;; Don't print out default decl if the value is the default.
+(define-ast-printer default-decl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-string "default " xp)
+ (let ((types (default-decl-types object)))
+ (if (null? (cdr types))
+ (write (car types) xp)
+ (write-commaized-list types xp)))))
+(define-ast-printer class-ref (object xp)
+ (write-tyclsid (class-ref-name object) xp))
diff --git a/printers/print-valdefs.scm b/printers/print-valdefs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908adea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/print-valdefs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+;;; print-valdefs.scm -- print AST structures for local declarations
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 14 Jan 1992
+;;; This file corresponds to ast/valdef-structs.scm.
+(define-ast-printer signdecl (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (signdecl-vars object) xp (function write) "," "" "")
+ (write-string " ::" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write (signdecl-signature object) xp)))
+;;; This interacts with the layout rule stuff. See util.scm.
+(define-ast-printer valdef (object xp)
+ (let ((lhs (valdef-lhs object))
+ (definitions (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (write-definition lhs (car definitions) xp)
+ (dolist (d (cdr definitions))
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp)
+ (write-string "; " xp))
+ (write-definition lhs d xp))))
+(define (write-definition lhs d xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (let ((args (single-fun-def-args d))
+ (rhs-list (single-fun-def-rhs-list d))
+ (where-decls (single-fun-def-where-decls d))
+ (infix? (single-fun-def-infix? d)))
+ (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)
+ (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
+ (write-wheredecls where-decls xp)
+ )))
+(define (write-lhs lhs args infix? xp)
+ (cond ((null? args)
+ ;; pattern definition
+ (write-apat lhs xp)
+ )
+ ;; If there are args, the lhs is always a var-pat pointing to a
+ ;; var-ref. The infix? slot from the single-fun-def must override
+ ;; the slot on the var-ref, since there can be a mixture of
+ ;; infix and prefix definitions for the same lhs.
+ (infix?
+ ;; operator definition
+ (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
+ (write-char #\( xp))
+ (write-apat (car args) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-varop (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-apat (cadr args) xp)
+ (when (not (null? (cddr args)))
+ (write-char #\) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (cddr args) xp (function write-apat)
+ "" "" "")))
+ (else
+ ;; normal prefix function definition
+ (write-varid (var-ref-name (var-pat-var lhs)) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list args xp (function write-apat) "" "" ""))
+ ))
+(define (write-rhs rhs-list xp)
+ (let ((guard (guarded-rhs-guard (car rhs-list)))
+ (rhs (guarded-rhs-rhs (car rhs-list))))
+ (when (not (is-type? 'omitted-guard guard))
+ (write-string " | " xp)
+ (write guard xp))
+ (write-string " =" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write rhs xp)
+ (when (not (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (write-newline xp)
+ (write-rhs (cdr rhs-list) xp))))
+;;; Pattern printers
+;;; As per jcp suggestion, don't put whitespace after @; line break comes
+;;; before, not after (as is the case for other infix-style punctuation).
+(define-ast-printer as-pat (object xp)
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write (as-pat-var object) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "@" xp)
+ (write-apat (as-pat-pattern object) xp)))
+(define (write-apat pat xp)
+ (if (or (is-type? 'apat pat)
+ (is-type? 'pp-pat-plus pat) ; hack per jcp
+ (and (is-type? 'pcon pat)
+ (or (null? (pcon-pats pat))
+ (eq? (pcon-con pat) (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (is-tuple-constructor? (pcon-con pat)))))
+ (write pat xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write pat xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define-ast-printer irr-pat (object xp)
+ (write-string "~" xp)
+ (write-apat (irr-pat-pattern object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer var-pat (object xp)
+ (write (var-pat-var object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer wildcard-pat (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-char #\_ xp))
+(define-ast-printer const-pat (object xp)
+ (write (const-pat-value object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer plus-pat (object xp)
+ (write (plus-pat-pattern object) xp)
+ (write-string " + " xp)
+ (write (plus-pat-k object) xp))
+(define-ast-printer pcon (object xp)
+ (let ((name (pcon-name object))
+ (pats (pcon-pats object))
+ (infix? (pcon-infix? object))
+ (def (pcon-con object)))
+ (cond ((eq? def (core-symbol "UnitConstructor"))
+ (write-string "()" xp))
+ ((is-tuple-constructor? def)
+ (write-commaized-list pats xp))
+ ((null? pats)
+ (if infix?
+ ;; infix pcon with no arguments can happen inside pp-pat-list
+ ;; before precedence parsing happens.
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)))
+ (infix?
+ ;; This could be smarter about dealing with precedence of patterns.
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-apat (car pats) xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-apat (cadr pats) xp)))
+ (else
+ (with-ast-block (xp)
+ (write-conid name xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-delimited-list pats xp (function write-apat) "" "" "")))
+ )))
+(define-ast-printer list-pat (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list
+ (list-pat-pats object) xp (function write) "," "[" "]"))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-list (object xp)
+ (write-delimited-list (pp-pat-list-pats object) xp (function write-apat)
+ "" "" ""))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-plus (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "+ " xp))
+(define-ast-printer pp-pat-negated (object xp)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (write-string "-" xp))
diff --git a/printers/printers.scm b/printers/printers.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac4fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/printers.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;;; printers.scm -- compilation unit definition for structure printers
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 3 Jan 1992
+(define-compilation-unit printer-support
+ (source-filename "$Y2/printers/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit util
+ (source-filename "util.scm")))
+(define-compilation-unit printers
+ (source-filename "$Y2/printers/")
+ (require printer-support)
+ (unit print-exps
+ (source-filename "print-exps.scm"))
+ (unit print-modules
+ (source-filename "print-modules.scm"))
+ (unit print-types
+ (source-filename "print-types.scm"))
+ (unit print-ntypes
+ (source-filename "print-ntypes.scm"))
+ (unit print-valdefs
+ (source-filename "print-valdefs.scm"))
+ )
diff --git a/printers/util.scm b/printers/util.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498aa25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printers/util.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+;;; util.scm -- utilities for printing AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 15 Jan 1992
+;;; The AST syntax printers are only used if this variable is true.
+(define *print-ast-syntax* '#t)
+;;; Here's a macro for defining AST printers.
+(define-syntax (define-ast-printer type lambda-list . body)
+ (let ((printer (symbol-append 'write- type)))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,printer ,@lambda-list) ,@body)
+ (define-struct-printer ,type ,printer))
+ ))
+;;; This variable controls how much indentation to perform on block
+;;; bodies.
+(define *print-ast-indent* 2)
+;;; Begin a logical block with the default indentation.
+(define-syntax (with-ast-block xp-stuff . body)
+ (let ((xp (car xp-stuff)))
+ `(pprint-logical-block (,xp '() "" "")
+ (pprint-indent 'block (dynamic *print-ast-indent*) ,xp)
+ (pprint-pop) ; prevents unused variable warning
+ ,@body)))
+;;; Write a space and maybe a fill line break.
+(define (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (pprint-newline 'fill xp))
+;;; Write a space and maybe a mandatory line break.
+(define (write-newline xp)
+ (write-char #\space xp)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp))
+;;; Write a list of things separated by delimiters and maybe
+;;; surrounded by delimiters.
+(define (write-delimited-list objects xp fn delim prefix suffix)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '() prefix suffix)
+ (do ((objects objects (cdr objects)))
+ ((null? objects) '#f)
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (funcall fn (car objects) xp)
+ (when (cdr objects)
+ (write-string delim xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)))))
+;;; Here's a couple common special cases of the above.
+(define (write-commaized-list objects xp)
+ (write-delimited-list objects xp (function write) "," "(" ")"))
+(define (write-ordinary-list objects xp)
+ (write-delimited-list objects xp (function write) "" "" ""))
+;;; Here's another helper function that's used to implement the layout
+;;; rule. The layout rule is only used to format output if *print-pretty*
+;;; is true.
+;;; *** should do pprint-indent here?
+(define (write-layout-rule objects xp fn)
+ (pprint-logical-block (xp '()
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*) "" "{")
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*) "" "}"))
+ (do ((objects objects (cdr objects)))
+ ((null? objects) '#f)
+ (pprint-pop)
+ (funcall fn (car objects) xp)
+ (when (cdr objects)
+ (if (dynamic *print-pretty*)
+ (pprint-newline 'mandatory xp)
+ (write-string "; " xp))))))
+;;; This filters a list of decls, removing the recursive marker added by
+;;; dependency analysis.
+(define (remove-recursive-grouping decls)
+ (cond ((null? decls) '())
+ ((is-type? 'recursive-decl-group (car decls))
+ (append (recursive-decl-group-decls (car decls))
+ (remove-recursive-grouping (cdr decls))))
+ (else
+ (cons (car decls) (remove-recursive-grouping (cdr decls))))))
+;;; Write where-decls, using the layout rule if appropriate.
+(define (write-wheredecls decls xp)
+ (when (not (null? decls))
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-string "where" xp)
+ (write-whitespace xp)
+ (write-layout-rule (remove-recursive-grouping decls) xp (function write))))
+;;; Write an ordinary variable name.
+(define (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-string (symbol->string name) xp))
+;;; Constructor name symbols have a funny prefix attached; have to strip
+;;; this off, so can't just print the symbol using write-avarid.
+(define (write-aconid name xp)
+ (let ((s (symbol->string name)))
+ (write-string (substring s 1 (string-length s)) xp)))
+;;; There are a couple places where conids and varids are mixed up
+;;; together.
+(define (conid? name)
+ (eqv? (string-ref (symbol->string name) 0) #\;))
+(define (write-varop-conop name xp)
+ (if (conid? name)
+ (write-conop name xp)
+ (write-varop name xp)))
+(define (write-varid-conid name xp)
+ (if (conid? name)
+ (write-conid name xp)
+ (write-varid name xp)))
+;;; Stuff for writing a variable name as either an operator or an ordinary
+;;; variable ID. This is necessary because some kinds of symbol names
+;;; default to being operators and others default to being ordinary names.
+;;; Bleah....
+(define (write-varop name xp)
+ (if (avarid? name)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\` xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-char #\` xp))
+ (write-avarid name xp)))
+(define (write-varid name xp)
+ (if (avarid? name)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+;;; This tests for alphabetic rather than lower-case characters
+;;; so that gensym'ed variables with uppercase names don't print funny.
+(define (avarid? name)
+ (let ((ch (string-ref (symbol->string name) 0)))
+ (char-alphabetic? ch)))
+;;; Similar stuff for doing constructor names. Moby bleah....
+(define (write-conop name xp)
+ (if (aconid? name)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\` xp)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (write-char #\` xp))
+ (write-aconid name xp)))
+(define (write-conid name xp)
+ (if (aconid? name)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\( xp)
+ (write-aconid name xp)
+ (write-char #\) xp))))
+(define (aconid? name)
+ (let ((ch (string-ref (symbol->string name) 1)))
+ (char-upper-case? ch)))
+;;; These are officially aconid in the syntax, but they aren't
+;;; prefixed so write them using write-avarid instead. Barf.
+(define (write-modid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))
+(define (write-tyconid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))
+(define (write-tyclsid name xp)
+ (write-avarid name xp))