path: root/import-export
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'import-export')
8 files changed, 881 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/import-export/README b/import-export/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd3bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This is the import / export phase. This process is accomplished as follows:
+a) Local definitions are created in each module. These are entered into the
+ local symbol table.
+b) Imports to non-local modules are completely resolved.
+c) Local import/export is performed via a fixpoint:
+ 1) Export: definitions added in the previous round are filtered by the
+ export list and placed in a fresh export list.
+ 2) Each module imports from the fresh export list of the other modules.
+ Any import not already present is placed on a new fresh export list.
+ When no fresh exports are generated, the iteration is complete.
+d) Missing exports and imports are checked for.
diff --git a/import-export/ie-errors.scm b/import-export/ie-errors.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16180f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie-errors.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+;;; Error checks & calls for the import-export code
+;;; this is called at the end of import-export to look for
+;;; a) exported entities that were never found
+;;; b) imported entities that were never found
+;;; c) renamed entities that were never found
+;;; d) hidden entities that were never found
+(define (check-missing-names)
+ (dolist (export (module-exports *module*))
+ (remember-context export
+ (signal-missing-export export)))
+ (dolist (import-decl (module-imports *module*))
+ (remember-context import-decl
+ (with-slots import-decl (mode specs renamings) import-decl
+ ;; *** I'm confused. Aren't these errors already detected
+ ;; *** by import-all-entities and import-named-entities?
+ ;; jcp: no - a final check is needed after all symbols have moved.
+ (cond ((eq? mode 'all)
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (signal-unused-hiding
+ (entity-name entity)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl))))
+ (else
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (signal-entity-not-found
+ (entity-name entity)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl)))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl)))))
+(define (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl)
+ (dolist (r renamings)
+ (when (not (renaming-referenced? r))
+ (remember-context r
+ (signal-unused-renaming (renaming-from r)
+ (import-decl-module-name import-decl))))))
+(define (check-duplicates l entity)
+ (when (not (null? (find-duplicates l)))
+ (signal-duplicate-names-in-entity entity)))
+;;; There are a ton of possible errors in import-export. All error
+;;; calls are found here:
+(define (signal-missing-export export)
+ (recoverable-error 'missing-export
+ "Module ~A exports ~A, but provides no definition for it."
+ *module-name* export))
+(define (signal-unused-renaming name module-name)
+ (recoverable-error 'unused-renaming
+ "The name ~a is included in the renaming list of an import declaration,~%~
+ but is not among the entities being imported from module ~a."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-unused-hiding name module-name)
+ (recoverable-error 'unused-hiding
+ "The name ~a is included in the hiding list of an import declaration,~%~
+ but is not among the entities exported from module ~a."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-multiple-name-conflict name old-local-name def)
+ (recoverable-error 'multiple-name-conflict
+ "In module ~A, the symbol ~A from module ~A is known as both ~A and ~A."
+ *module-name* (def-name def) (def-module def) name old-local-name))
+(define (signal-undefined-module-import name)
+ (fatal-error 'undefined-module-import
+ "Cannot find module ~A, imported by module ~A."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-undefined-module-export name)
+ (fatal-error 'undefined-module-export
+ "Cannot find module ~A, exported by module ~A."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-self-import name)
+ (fatal-error 'self-import
+ "Module ~A cannot import itself."
+ name))
+(define (signal-missing-prelude)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-prelude "Can't find module Prelude."))
+(define (signal-missing-prelude-core)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-prelude "Can't find module PreludeCore."))
+(define (signal-export-not-imported name)
+ (recoverable-error 'export-not-imported
+ "Module ~A is exported from ~A,~%~
+ but is not also imported into that module."
+ name *module-name*))
+(define (signal-entity-not-found name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'entity-not-found
+ "The entity ~a is not exported from module ~a." name module-name))
+(define (signal-synonym-needs-dots name module-name)
+ (declare (ignore module-name))
+ (fatal-error 'synonym-needs-dots
+ "The entity ~a is a type synonym; to name it in an import or export~%~
+ list, you must use `~a(..)' as the entity."
+ name name))
+(define (signal-wrong-definition expected name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'wrong-definition
+ "The entity ~a does not name a ~a in module ~a."
+ name expected module-name))
+(define (signal-abstract-type name module-name)
+ (fatal-error 'abstract-type
+ "The entity ~a names an abstract type in module ~a;~%~
+ you cannot import or export its constructors."
+ name module-name))
+(define (signal-extra-constituent entity name what)
+ (fatal-error 'extra-constituent
+ "The entity specification ~a includes the ~a name ~a,~%~
+ which is not present in its definition."
+ entity what name))
+(define (signal-missing-constituent entity name what)
+ (fatal-error 'missing-constituent
+ "The entity specification ~a does not include the ~a name ~a,~%~
+ which is part of its definition."
+ entity what name))
+(define (signal-duplicate-names-in-entity entity)
+ (fatal-error 'duplicate-names-in-entity
+ "The entity specification ~a includes duplicate names."
+ entity))
+(define (signal-export-method-var name)
+ (fatal-error 'export-method-var
+ "You can't export the method ~a like an ordinary variable."
+ name))
+(define (signal-prelude-renaming def name)
+ (recoverable-error 'cant-rename-core
+ "Names in PreludeCore cannot be renamed: ~a was renamed to ~a"
+ (def-name def) name))
+(define (signal-non-local-fixity op)
+ (recoverable-error 'fixity-must-be-local
+ "The fixity for ~A will be ignored since it is not defined in this module"
+ op))
+(define (signal-fixity-not-var/con op)
+ (recoverable-error 'fixity-requires-var-or-con
+ "The fixity for ~A will be ignored since it is not a value or constructor"
+ op))
diff --git a/import-export/ie-utils.scm b/import-export/ie-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b6c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+;;; This file contains utilities, globals, and macros used by the
+;;; import-export system.
+(define *new-exports-found?* '#f) ; used by the fixpoint iteration
+;;; A group is a collection of related symbols. It is represented
+;;; by a list of (name,def) pairs. The first element is the head
+;;; of the group; the group is entered in the export table under the
+;;; name of the head only. Groups for vars and synonyms have only the
+;;; head. Data types and classes have the constructors or methods in
+;;; the tail of the group.
+(define (group-name x) ; name of the head
+ (tuple-2-1 (car x)))
+(define (group-definition x) ; definition of the head
+ (tuple-2-2 (car x)))
+;;; The name & entry are the head of the group. Others is a list of
+;;; name - definition pairs.
+(define (make-group name entry . others)
+ (if (null? others)
+ (list (cons name entry))
+ (cons (cons name entry) (car others))))
+(define (hidden-constructors? group)
+ (null? (cdr group)))
+(define (strip-constructors group)
+ (list (car group)))
+;;; rename-group applies the current renaming to every
+;;; name in a group. When uses, a renaming is marked to allow unused
+;;; renamings to be detected.
+(define (rename-group g renamings)
+ (if (null? renamings)
+ g
+ (map (lambda (n-d)
+ (let* ((def (tuple-2-2 n-d))
+ (keep-name? (or (con? def) (var? def)))
+ (n (tuple-2-1 n-d))
+ (name (if keep-name? n (add-con-prefix/symbol n)))
+ (renaming (locate-renaming name renamings)))
+ (cond (renaming
+ (let ((new-name
+ (if keep-name?
+ (renaming-to renaming)
+ (remove-con-prefix/symbol
+ (renaming-to renaming)))))
+ (when (and (def-prelude? def)
+ (not (eq? (def-name def) new-name)))
+ (signal-prelude-renaming def new-name)
+ (setf new-name (def-name def)))
+ (setf (renaming-referenced? renaming) '#t)
+ (tuple new-name def)))
+ (else n-d))))
+ g)))
+(define (locate-renaming name renamings)
+ (if (null? renamings)
+ '#f
+ (if (eq? name (renaming-from (car renamings)))
+ (car renamings)
+ (locate-renaming name (cdr renamings)))))
+(define (gather-algdata-group name def)
+ (cons (tuple name def)
+ (gather-group (algdata-constrs def))))
+(define (gather-class-group name def)
+ (cons (tuple name def)
+ (gather-group (class-method-vars def))))
+(define (gather-group defs)
+ (if (null? defs)
+ '()
+ (let ((local-name (local-name (car defs))))
+ (if (eq? local-name '#f)
+ '()
+ (cons (tuple local-name (car defs))
+ (gather-group (cdr defs)))))))
+;;; These deal with `hiding' lists.
+;;; Note: as per the new report, no need to worry about anything but the
+;;; group head and the entity name since only var, Class(..),Alg(..) allowed
+(define (in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (cond ((null? hiding)
+ '#f)
+ ((eq? (entity-name (car hiding)) (group-name group))
+ '#t)
+ (else (in-hiding-list? group (cdr hiding)))))
+(define (remove-entity group hiding)
+ (cond ((eq? (entity-name (car hiding)) (group-name group))
+ (cdr hiding))
+ (else (cons (car hiding) (remove-entity group (cdr hiding))))))
+;;; This moves fixity information to the local symbols. This must be
+;;; called after local symbols are installed but before imported
+;;; symbols arrive.
+(define (attach-fixities)
+ (dolist (fixity-decl (module-fixities *module*))
+ (let ((fixity (fixity-decl-fixity fixity-decl)))
+ (dolist (op (fixity-decl-names fixity-decl))
+ (let ((def (resolve-toplevel-name op)))
+ (cond ((or (eq? def '#f) (not (eq? *module-name* (def-module def))))
+ ;;; ***This is WRONG! Inner fixities may be found.
+ (signal-non-local-fixity op))
+ ((var? def)
+ (setf (var-fixity def) fixity)
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* op) fixity))
+ ((con? def)
+ (setf (con-fixity def) fixity)
+ (setf (table-entry *fixity-table* op) fixity))
+ (else (signal-fixity-not-var/con op))))))))
diff --git a/import-export/ie.scm b/import-export/ie.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd6de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/ie.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(define-compilation-unit ie
+ (source-filename "$Y2/import-export/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit ie-utils
+ (source-filename "ie-utils"))
+ (unit import-export
+ (source-filename "import-export"))
+ (unit init-modules
+ (source-filename "init-modules"))
+ (unit top-definitions
+ (source-filename "top-definitions"))
+ (unit locate-entity
+ (source-filename "locate-entity"))
+ (unit ie-errors
+ (source-filename "ie-errors")))
diff --git a/import-export/import-export.scm b/import-export/import-export.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25fdfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/import-export.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; This is the main driver for the import / export routine
+(define (import-export modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (add-module-to-symbol-table *module*)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (init-module-structure)))
+ (import-export/fixpoint modules '#t)
+ (walk-modules modules (lambda () (check-missing-names)))
+ (when (memq 'import (dynamic *printers*))
+ (show-export-tables modules))
+ modules)
+(define (import-export/interface modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (add-module-to-symbol-table *module*)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (init-module-structure)))
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda () (create-top-definitions)
+ (attach-fixities))))
+(define (import-export/fixpoint modules initial-cycle?)
+ (setf *new-exports-found?* '#f)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (module-fresh-exports *module*) '())
+ (when initial-cycle?
+ (create-top-definitions)
+ (attach-fixities)
+ (import-non-local))
+ (locally-import)
+ (locally-export)))
+ (when *new-exports-found?*
+ (import-export/fixpoint modules '#f)))
+;;; This does the non-local importing from previously defined modules
+(define (import-non-local)
+ (setf (module-imports *module*)
+ (process-non-local-imports (module-imports *module*))))
+(define (process-non-local-imports imports)
+ (if (null? imports)
+ '()
+ (let* ((import (car imports)))
+ (with-slots import-decl (module mode specs renamings) import
+ (cond ((eq? *unit* (module-unit module))
+ (cons import (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports))))
+ ((eq? mode 'all)
+ (import-all-entities module specs renamings import)
+ (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports)))
+ (else
+ (import-named-entities module specs renamings import)
+ (process-non-local-imports (cdr imports))))))))
+(define (import-all-entities module hiding renamings import-decl)
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (name group)
+ (declare (ignore name))
+ (cond ((in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (setf hiding (remove-entity group hiding)))
+ (else
+ (import-group (rename-group group renamings) module))))
+ (module-export-table module))
+ (when (not (null? hiding))
+ (remember-context import-decl
+ (dolist (h hiding)
+ (signal-unused-hiding (entity-name h) (module-name module)))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl))
+(define (import-named-entities mod specs renamings import-decl)
+ (dolist (entity specs)
+ (let ((group (locate-entity/export-table entity mod '#t)))
+ (when (not (eq? group 'error))
+ (setf group (rename-group group renamings))
+ (import-group group mod))))
+ (find-unused-renamings renamings import-decl))
+;;; This takes a module and processes the import declarations, moving as
+;;; many entities from the freshly exported components of other modules into
+;;; the current module.
+(define (locally-import)
+ (dolist (import (module-imports *module*))
+ (with-slots import-decl (module mode specs renamings) import
+ (if (eq? mode 'all)
+ (import-fresh-entities import module specs renamings)
+ (setf (import-decl-specs import)
+ (import-entities specs module renamings))))))
+(define (import-fresh-entities import module hiding renamings)
+ (dolist (group (module-fresh-exports module))
+ (cond ((in-hiding-list? group hiding)
+ (setf hiding (remove-entity group hiding)))
+ (else
+ (import-group (rename-group group renamings) module))))
+ (setf (import-decl-specs import) hiding))
+(define (import-entities entities module renamings)
+ (if (null? entities)
+ '()
+ (let ((group (locate-entity/export-table (car entities) module '#f)))
+ (cond ((eq? group 'not-found)
+ (cons (car entities)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings)))
+ ((eq? group 'error)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings))
+ (else
+ (setf group (rename-group group renamings))
+ (import-group group module)
+ (import-entities (cdr entities) module renamings))))))
+;;; This imports a group into *module*. module is the place the group is
+;;; taken from.
+(define (import-group group module)
+ (when (memq module (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (export-group group))
+ (dolist (n-d group)
+ (insert-top-definition (tuple-2-1 n-d) (tuple-2-2 n-d))))
+;;; This takes as yet unresolved exports and moves them to the export table.
+(define (locally-export)
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (export-entities (module-exports *module*))))
+(define (export-entities entities)
+ (if (null? entities)
+ '()
+ (let* ((entity (car entities))
+ (group (locate-entity entity)))
+ (cond ((eq? group 'error)
+ (export-entities (cdr entities)))
+ ((eq? group 'not-found)
+ (cons entity (export-entities (cdr entities))))
+ (else
+ (export-group group)
+ (export-entities (cdr entities)))))))
+;;; This moves a group into the export table. If this export is new,
+;;; a flag is set.
+(define (export-group group)
+ (let* ((export-table (module-export-table *module*))
+ (old-group (table-entry export-table (group-name group))))
+ (when (or (eq? old-group '#f)
+ (and (hidden-constructors? old-group)
+ (not (hidden-constructors? group))))
+ (setf (table-entry export-table (group-name group)) group)
+ (dolist (n-d group)
+ (setf (def-exported? (tuple-2-2 n-d)) '#t))
+ (push group (module-fresh-exports *module*))
+ (setf *new-exports-found?* '#t))))
+(define (show-export-tables modules)
+ (walk-modules modules
+ (lambda ()
+ (format '#t "~%Exports from module ~A~%" *module-name*)
+ (let ((exports '()))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (key val)
+ (push (cons key val) exports))
+ (module-export-table *module*))
+ (setf exports (sort-list exports
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (string-ci<? (symbol->string (car x))
+ (symbol->string (car y))))))
+ (dolist (e exports)
+ (print-exported-group (car e) (group-definition (cdr e))
+ (cdr (cdr e))))))))
+(define (print-exported-group name def extras)
+ (if (eq? (def-module def) *module-name*)
+ (format '#t " ")
+ (format '#t "*"))
+ (cond ((synonym? def)
+ (format '#t "type "))
+ ((algdata? def)
+ (format '#t "data "))
+ ((class? def)
+ (format '#t "class "))
+ (else
+ (format '#t " ")))
+ (format '#t "~A" name)
+ (when (not (eq? name (def-name def)))
+ (format '#t "[~A]" (def-name def)))
+ (when extras
+ (format '#t " (")
+ (print-exported-group-1 extras (algdata? def)))
+ (format '#t "~%"))
+(define (print-exported-group-1 extras alg?)
+ (let* ((name (tuple-2-1 (car extras)))
+ (ns (symbol->string name))
+ (def (tuple-2-2 (car extras))))
+ (format '#t "~A" (if alg? (remove-con-prefix ns) ns))
+ (when (not (eq? name (def-name def)))
+ (let ((name1 (symbol->string (def-name def))))
+ (format '#t "[~A]" (if alg? (remove-con-prefix name1) name1))))
+ (if (null? (cdr extras))
+ (format '#t ")")
+ (begin
+ (format '#t ",")
+ (print-exported-group-1 (cdr extras) alg?)))))
diff --git a/import-export/init-modules.scm b/import-export/init-modules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5198c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/init-modules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;;; This initializes the module ast structures.
+;;; This requires that the module table be created and updated with new
+;;; modules first. *unit* must also be defined.
+;;; Things initialized there:
+;;; all tables in the module structure
+;;; the module slot of all import declarations and entity-modules
+;;; The import Prelude is added when necessary
+;;; Empty export lists are explicated
+(define (init-module-structure)
+ (when (not (eq? (module-type *module*) 'extension))
+ ;; If this is an extension, the incremental compiler has already
+ ;; filled in the compilation unit.
+ (setf (module-unit *module*) *unit*))
+ ;;; This processes the annotations. Annotations used at the top
+ ;;; level of the module:
+ ;;; {-#PRELUDE#-} : this contains definitions in the Haskell prelude
+ (setf (module-prelude? *module*) '#f)
+ (setf (module-interface-codefile *module*) '())
+ (dolist (a (module-annotations *module*))
+ (when (annotation-value? a)
+ (let ((name (annotation-value-name a)))
+ (cond ((eq? name '|Prelude|)
+ (setf (module-prelude? *module*) '#t))))))
+ (cond ((eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (setf (module-exported-modules *module*) (list *module*))
+ (process-interface-imports *module*))
+ ((eq? (module-type *module*) 'standard)
+ (init-standard-module))))
+(define (init-standard-module)
+ (let ((seen-prelude? '#f))
+ (dolist (import (module-imports *module*))
+ (let* ((name (import-decl-module-name import))
+ (imported-mod (locate-module name)))
+ (when (eq? name '|Prelude|)
+ (setf seen-prelude? '#t))
+ (if (eq? imported-mod '#f)
+ (signal-undefined-module-import name)
+ (setf (import-decl-module import) imported-mod))
+ (when (eq? name *module-name*)
+ (signal-self-import name))))
+ (when (null? (module-exports *module*))
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (list (make entity-module (name *module-name*)
+ (module *module*)))))
+ (when (not seen-prelude?)
+ (let ((prelude (locate-module '|Prelude|)))
+ (cond ((eq? prelude '#f)
+ (signal-missing-prelude))
+ ((module-prelude? *module*)
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*) '#f)
+ (add-imported-module prelude))
+ (else
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? *module*) '#t)
+ (let ((fix-table (module-fixity-table *module*)))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (k v)
+ (setf (table-entry fix-table k) v))
+ *prelude-fixity-table*))))))
+ (let ((prelude-core (locate-module '|PreludeCore|)))
+ (if (eq? prelude-core '#f)
+ (signal-missing-prelude-core)
+ (when (module-prelude? *module*)
+ (add-imported-module prelude-core))))
+ (setf (module-exports *module*)
+ (filter-complete-module-exports (module-exports *module*))))
+ )
+(define (add-imported-module module)
+ (setf (module-imports *module*)
+ (cons (make import-decl
+ (module-name (module-name module))
+ (module module)
+ (mode 'all)
+ (specs '())
+ (renamings '()))
+ (module-imports *module*))))
+(define (filter-complete-module-exports exports)
+ (if (null? exports)
+ '()
+ (let ((export (car exports))
+ (others (filter-complete-module-exports (cdr exports))))
+ (if (is-type? 'entity-module export)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name export))
+ (exported-mod (locate-module name)))
+ (when (eq? exported-mod '#f)
+ (signal-undefined-module-export name))
+ (push exported-mod (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (when (not (memq name
+ (cons *module-name*
+ (map
+ (lambda (import)
+ (import-decl-module-name import))
+ (module-imports *module*)))))
+ (signal-export-not-imported name))
+ others)
+ (cons export others)))))
+(define (process-interface-imports module)
+ (let ((imports '()))
+ (dolist (i (module-imports module))
+ (let ((module (import-decl-module-name i))
+ (renamings (import-decl-renamings i)))
+ (dolist (s (import-decl-specs i))
+ (let* ((n (entity-name s))
+ (n1 (do-interface-rename n renamings)))
+ (when (assq n1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports n1))
+ (push (tuple n1 (tuple module n)) imports)
+ (cond ((entity-class? s)
+ (dolist (m (entity-class-methods s))
+ (let ((m1 (do-interface-rename m renamings)))
+ (when (assq m1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports m1))
+ (push (tuple m1 (tuple module m)) imports))))
+ ((entity-datatype? s)
+ (dolist (m (entity-datatype-constructors s))
+ (let ((m1 (do-interface-rename m renamings)))
+ (when (assq m1 imports)
+ (signal-multiple-imports m1))
+ (push (tuple m1 (tuple module m)) imports)))))))))
+ (setf (module-interface-imports module) imports)))
+(define (signal-multiple-imports name)
+ (phase-error 'multuple-interface-import
+ "Interface file has more than one definition of ~A~%" name))
+(define (do-interface-rename name renamings)
+ (if (has-con-prefix? (symbol->string name))
+ (let* ((n1 (remove-con-prefix/symbol name))
+ (res (locate-renaming n1 renamings)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ name
+ (add-con-prefix/symbol (renaming-to res))))
+ (let ((res (locate-renaming name renamings)))
+ (if (eq? res '#f)
+ name
+ (renaming-to res)))))
diff --git a/import-export/locate-entity.scm b/import-export/locate-entity.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a001b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/locate-entity.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+;;; This file deals with entities in import / export lists
+;;; This resolves an entity with the export table of a
+;;; module. It returns either a group, the symbol 'error, or the symbol
+;;; 'not-found. When force-error? is true, signal an error when
+;;; the module is not found & return 'error.
+(define (locate-entity/export-table entity mod force-error?)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name entity))
+ (group (table-entry (module-export-table mod) name)))
+ (if (eq? group '#f)
+ (if (not force-error?)
+ 'not-found
+ (signal-entity-not-found name (module-name mod)))
+ (let ((def (group-definition group)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'entity-var entity)
+ group)
+ ((is-type? 'entity-con entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (strip-constructors group))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (signal-synonym-needs-dots name (module-name mod)))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor" name (module-name mod)))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-abbreviated entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (cond ((hidden-constructors? group)
+ (if force-error?
+ (signal-abstract-type
+ name (module-name mod))
+ 'not-found))
+ (else
+ group)))
+ ((or (class? def) (synonym? def))
+ group)
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "class or datatype" name (module-name mod)))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-class entity)
+ (if (class? def)
+ (match-constituents group (entity-class-methods entity)
+ entity "method")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "class" name (module-name mod))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-datatype entity)
+ (if (algdata? def)
+ (match-constituents group
+ (entity-datatype-constructors entity)
+ entity "constructor")
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "data type" name (module-name mod))))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad entity ~s." entity))
+ )))))
+(define (match-constituents group names entity what)
+ (check-duplicates names entity)
+ (dolist (n-d (cdr group))
+ (when (not (memq (tuple-2-1 n-d) names))
+ (signal-extra-constituent entity (tuple-2-1 n-d) what)))
+ (dolist (name names)
+ (when (not (assq name (cdr group)))
+ (signal-missing-constituent entity name what)))
+ group)
+;;; The following routine locates an entity in the current module.
+;;; It may return 'error, 'not-found, or a group.
+(define (locate-entity entity)
+ (let* ((name (entity-name entity))
+ (def (resolve-toplevel-name name)))
+ (cond ((eq? def '#f)
+ 'not-found)
+ ((is-type? 'entity-var entity)
+ (if (method-var? def)
+ (signal-export-method-var name)
+ (make-group name def)))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-con entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (make-group name def))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (signal-synonym-needs-dots name *module-name*))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor" name *module-name*))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-abbreviated entity)
+ (cond ((algdata? def)
+ (require-complete-algdata
+ (gather-algdata-group name def)))
+ ((synonym? def)
+ (make-group name def))
+ ((class? def)
+ (gather-class-group name def))
+ (else
+ (signal-wrong-definition
+ "type constructor or class" name *module-name*))))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-class entity)
+ (if (class? def)
+ (match-group-names
+ (gather-class-group name def)
+ (entity-class-methods entity)
+ entity
+ "method")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "class" name *module-name*)))
+ ((is-type? 'entity-datatype entity)
+ (if (algdata? def)
+ (match-group-names
+ (require-complete-algdata (gather-algdata-group name def))
+ (entity-datatype-constructors entity)
+ entity "constructor")
+ (signal-wrong-definition "data type" name *module-name*)))
+ (else
+ (error "Bad entity ~s." entity)))))
+(define (require-complete-algdata group)
+ (if (hidden-constructors? group)
+ 'not-found
+ group))
+(define (match-group-names group names entity what)
+ (when (not (eq? group 'not-found))
+ (match-constituents group names entity what))
+ group)
diff --git a/import-export/top-definitions.scm b/import-export/top-definitions.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07722dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-export/top-definitions.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+;;; File: top-definitions.scm
+;;; Description: This creates definitions for all top level (exportable)
+;;; object in a module.
+(define (create-top-definitions)
+ (dolist (decl (module-decls *module*))
+ (if (eq? (module-type *module*) 'interface)
+ (when (signdecl? decl)
+ (create-var-definitions decl (signdecl-vars decl)))
+ (when (valdef? decl)
+ (create-var-definitions
+ decl (collect-pattern-vars (valdef-lhs decl))))))
+ (dolist (algdata (module-algdatas *module*))
+ (create-alg-definitions algdata))
+ (dolist (synonym (module-synonyms *module*))
+ (create-syn-definitions synonym))
+ (dolist (class (module-classes *module*))
+ (create-class-definitions class)))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; creation of definitions
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (create-var-definitions decl vars)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (dolist (v vars)
+ (let* ((var-name (var-ref-name v))
+ (def (create-top-definition var-name 'var)))
+ (setf (var-ref-var v) def)
+ (push def (module-vars *module*))
+ (add-new-group var-name def)))))
+;;; This also creates definitions for the constructors
+(define (create-alg-definitions algdata)
+ (remember-context algdata
+ (with-slots data-decl (simple constrs) algdata
+ (let* ((alg-name (tycon-name simple))
+ (def (create-top-definition alg-name 'algdata)))
+ (setf (tycon-def simple) def)
+ (let ((constr-group
+ (map (lambda (constr)
+ (let* ((con-ref (constr-constructor constr))
+ (con-name (con-ref-name con-ref))
+ (con-def (create-top-definition con-name 'con)))
+ (setf (con-ref-con con-ref) con-def)
+ (tuple con-name con-def)))
+ constrs)))
+ (setf (algdata-constrs def) (map (function tuple-2-2) constr-group))
+ (setf (tycon-def-arity def) (length (tycon-args simple)))
+ (add-new-group alg-name def constr-group))))))
+(define (create-class-definitions class-decl)
+ (remember-context class-decl
+ (with-slots class-decl (class decls) class-decl
+ (let* ((class-name (class-ref-name class))
+ (class-def (create-top-definition class-name 'class)))
+ (setf (class-ref-class class) class-def)
+ (let ((method-group
+ (concat
+ (map
+ (lambda (decl)
+ (if (is-type? 'signdecl decl)
+ (remember-context decl
+ (map (lambda (method-var)
+ (let* ((var-name (var-ref-name method-var))
+ (def (create-top-definition
+ var-name 'method-var)))
+ (setf (method-var-class def) class-def)
+ (setf (method-var-default def) '#f)
+ (setf (var-ref-var method-var) def)
+ (tuple var-name def)))
+ (signdecl-vars decl)))
+ '()))
+ decls))))
+ (setf (class-method-vars class-def)
+ (map (function tuple-2-2) method-group))
+ (add-new-group class-name class-def method-group))))))
+(define (create-syn-definitions synonym-decl)
+ (remember-context synonym-decl
+ (let* ((simple (synonym-decl-simple synonym-decl))
+ (syn-name (tycon-name simple))
+ (def (create-top-definition syn-name 'synonym)))
+ (setf (tycon-def simple) def)
+ (setf (tycon-def-arity def) (length (tycon-args simple)))
+ (add-new-group syn-name def))))
+(define (add-new-group name def . others)
+ (when (memq *module* (module-exported-modules *module*))
+ (export-group (cons (tuple name def)
+ (if (null? others)
+ '()
+ (car others))))))