path: root/csys
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csys')
10 files changed, 1893 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/csys/README b/csys/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9c183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains everything relating to the compilation system,
+including stuff for parsing unit files, incremental recompilation, and
+reading and writing code and interface files.
diff --git a/csys/cache-structs.scm b/csys/cache-structs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba38840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/cache-structs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; these structures deal with the compilation system and the unit cache.
+;;; An entry in the unit cache:
+(define-struct ucache
+ (slots
+ (ufile (type string)) ; the name of the file containing the unit definition
+ (cifile (type string)) ; the filename of the (compiled) interface file
+ (sifile (type string)) ; the filename of the (uncompiled) interface file
+ (cfile (type string)) ; the filename of the (compiled) output file
+ (sfile (type string)) ; the filename of the (uncompiled) output file
+ (udate (type integer)) ; the write date of ufile
+ (idate (type integer)) ; the time stamp of the binary interface file
+ (stable? (type bool)) ; the stable flag
+ (load-prelude? (type bool)) ; true if unit uses standard prelude
+ ;; status is initially available (in cache). It is set to loading when
+ ;; requested and loaded once all imported units are loaded.
+ (status (type (enum loaded loading available)))
+ (ifile-loaded (type bool)) ; true when interface is loaded (modules)
+ (code-loaded (type bool)) ; true when the associated code is in memory
+ (source-files (type (list string))) ; source files in the unit
+ (imported-units (type (list string))) ; the filenames of imported unit files
+ (lisp-files (type (list (tuple string string)))) ; source/binary pairs
+ (modules (type (list module)))
+ (printers-set? (type bool))
+ (printers (type (list symbol)))
+ (optimizers-set? (type bool))
+ (optimizers (type (list symbol)))
+ (chunk-size (type (maybe int)))
+ ))
+;;; This is used to hold various flags used by the compilation system,
+;;; instead of passing them all as individual arguments.
+(define-struct cflags
+ (slots
+ ;; Whether to load code for unit into core
+ (load-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Whether to create an output code file.
+ (write-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Affects whether write-code? creates a source or compiled file,
+ ;; and whether load-code? uses the interpreter or compiler.
+ ;; Ignored if load-code? and write-code? are both false.
+ (compile-code? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ;; Whether to create an output interface file.
+ (write-interface? (type bool) (default '#t))
+ ))
diff --git a/csys/compiler-driver.scm b/csys/compiler-driver.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce5a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/compiler-driver.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+;;; compiler-driver.scm -- compilation unit management
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; Flags for controlling various low-level behaviors of the compiler.
+;;; You might want to tweak these in the system-building scripts for
+;;; different Lisps, but users don't normally need to mess with them.
+(define *compile-interface* '#f)
+(define *interface-code-quality* 2)
+(define *interface-chunk-size* '#f)
+(define *default-code-quality* 2)
+(define *optimized-code-quality* 3)
+(define *code-chunk-size* 300)
+;;; Main entry point
+;;; This is the top level driver for the compiler. It takes a file name
+;;; and output controls. It returns '#f if compilation fails.
+(define *codefile-cache* '())
+(define (haskell-compile filename cflags)
+ (initialize-haskell-system)
+ (let/cc abort-compile
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-compilation*
+ (lambda () (funcall abort-compile '#f))))
+ (initialize-compilation)
+ (let ((unit (find-cunit-name filename)))
+ (let ((res (load-compilation-unit unit cflags)))
+ (map (lambda (x) (module-name x)) (ucache-modules res)))))))
+;;; this is the initialization code that occurs at the start of compilation.
+(define (initialize-compilation)
+ (initialize-module-table)
+ (for-each-unit
+ (lambda (u)
+ (setf (ucache-status u) 'available))))
+;;; Filename utilities
+;;; File extensions
+(define *source-file-extensions* '(".hs" ".lhs"))
+(define *unit-file-extension* ".hu")
+(define *interface-file-extension* ".hi")
+(define *lisp-file-extensions* '(".lisp" ".scm"))
+(define (source-extension? x)
+ (mem-string x *source-file-extensions*))
+(define (unit-extension? x)
+ (string=? x *unit-file-extension*))
+(define (interface-extension? x)
+ (string=? x *interface-file-extension*))
+(define (lisp-extension? x)
+ (mem-string x *lisp-file-extensions*))
+;;; Build file names.
+(define (make-cifilename filename)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (string-append (filename-name filename) "-hci")))
+ (assemble-filename place name binary-file-type)))
+(define (make-sifilename filename)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (string-append (filename-name filename) "-hci")))
+ (assemble-filename place name source-file-type)))
+(define (make-cfilename filename)
+ (add-extension filename binary-file-type))
+(define (make-sfilename filename)
+ (add-extension filename source-file-type))
+;;; This take a file name (extension ignored) & searches for a unit file.
+(define (locate-existing-cunit name)
+ (locate-extension name (list *unit-file-extension*)))
+;;; This take a file name (extension ignored) & searches for a source file.
+(define (locate-existing-source-file name)
+ (locate-extension name *source-file-extensions*))
+(define (locate-extension name extensions)
+ (if (null? extensions)
+ '#f
+ (let ((name-1 (add-extension name (car extensions))))
+ (if (file-exists? name-1)
+ name-1
+ (locate-extension name (cdr extensions))))))
+;;; This delivers the name of a compilation unit. The extension of the name
+;;; is ignored & a test for the presence of a compilation unit with
+;;; the same name is done. If none is found, signal an error.
+(define (find-cunit-name name)
+ (or (locate-existing-cunit name)
+ (locate-existing-source-file name)
+ (signal-file-not-found name)))
+;;; Compilation unit file parsing
+;;; This parses a unit file. The file simply contains a list of file names.
+;;; The files are sorted into two catagories: other compilation units and
+;;; source files in the current unit. When a file has no extension, the system
+;;; checks for a unit file first and then a source file.
+(define (parse-compilation-unit filename)
+ (let ((unit-type (filename-type filename)))
+ (if (or (source-extension? unit-type) (interface-extension? unit-type))
+ (create-ucache filename filename (list filename) '() '() '#f '#t
+ '#f '() '#f '() '#f)
+ (parse-compilation-unit-aux
+ filename
+ (call-with-input-file filename (function gather-file-names))))))
+(define (create-ucache filename output-filename
+ source-files imports lisp-files
+ stable? load-prelude?
+ printers-set? printers optimizers-set? optimizers
+ chunk-size)
+ (let* ((cifilename
+ (make-cifilename output-filename))
+ (sifilename
+ (make-sifilename output-filename))
+ (all-imports
+ (if load-prelude?
+ (cons *prelude-unit-filename* imports)
+ imports))
+ (cache-entry
+ (make ucache
+ (ufile filename)
+ (sifile sifilename)
+ (cifile cifilename)
+ (sfile (make-sfilename output-filename))
+ (cfile (make-cfilename output-filename))
+ (udate (current-date))
+ (idate (get-latest-ifiledate cifilename sifilename))
+ (stable? stable?)
+ (load-prelude? load-prelude?)
+ (status 'loading)
+ (ifile-loaded '#f)
+ (code-loaded '#f)
+ (source-files source-files)
+ (imported-units all-imports)
+ (lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (modules '())
+ (printers-set? printers-set?)
+ (printers printers)
+ (optimizers-set? optimizers-set?)
+ (optimizers optimizers)
+ (chunk-size chunk-size))))
+ (install-compilation-unit filename cache-entry)
+ cache-entry))
+(define (get-latest-ifiledate cifilename sifilename)
+ (max (or (and (file-exists? cifilename)
+ (file-write-date cifilename))
+ 0)
+ (or (and (file-exists? sifilename)
+ (file-write-date sifilename))
+ 0)))
+;;; This returns a list of strings. Blank lines and lines starting in -
+;;; are ignored.
+(define (gather-file-names port)
+ (let ((char (peek-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? char)
+ '())
+ ((or (char=? char '#\newline) (char=? char '#\-))
+ (read-line port)
+ (gather-file-names port))
+ (else
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (cons line (gather-file-names port)))))))
+;;; Actually parse contents of the unit file.
+;;; These are in the command-interface stuff.
+(predefine (set-printers args mode))
+(predefine (set-optimizers args mode))
+(predefine (parse-command-args string start next end))
+(define (parse-compilation-unit-aux filename strings)
+ (let ((input-defaults filename)
+ (output-defaults filename)
+ (import-defaults filename)
+ (stable? '#f)
+ (load-prelude? '#t)
+ (filenames '())
+ (imports '())
+ (sources '())
+ (lisp-files '())
+ (printers '())
+ (printers-set? '#f)
+ (optimizers '())
+ (optimizers-set? '#f)
+ (chunk-size '#f)
+ (temp '#f))
+ ;;; First look for magic flags.
+ (dolist (s strings)
+ (cond ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":input" s))
+ (setf input-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":output" s))
+ (setf output-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":import" s))
+ (setf import-defaults (merge-file-defaults temp filename)))
+ ((string=? ":stable" s)
+ (setf stable? '#t))
+ ((string=? ":prelude" s)
+ (setf load-prelude? '#f))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":p=" s))
+ (setf printers-set? '#t)
+ (setf printers
+ (set-printers
+ (parse-command-args temp 0 0 (string-length temp))
+ '=)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":o=" s))
+ (setf optimizers-set? '#t)
+ (setf optimizers
+ (set-optimizers
+ (parse-command-args temp 0 0 (string-length temp))
+ '=)))
+ ((setf temp (string-match-prefix ":chunk-size" s))
+ (setf chunk-size (string->number temp)))
+ (else
+ (push s filenames))))
+ ;;; Next sort filenames into imports and source files.
+ (dolist (s filenames)
+ (let ((type (filename-type s))
+ (fname '#f))
+ (cond ((string=? type "") ; punt for now on this issue
+ (signal-extension-needed s))
+; ((cond ((setf fname
+; (locate-existing-cunit
+; (merge-file-defaults s import-defaults)))
+; (push fname imports))
+; ((setf fname
+; (locate-existing-source-file
+; (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults)))
+; (push fname sources))
+; (else
+; (signal-unit-not-found s))))
+ ((unit-extension? type)
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s import-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push fname imports)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ ((or (source-extension? type) (interface-extension? type))
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push fname sources)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ ((lisp-extension? type)
+ (setf fname (merge-file-defaults s input-defaults))
+ (if (file-exists? fname)
+ (push (cons fname
+ (add-extension
+ (merge-file-defaults s output-defaults)
+ binary-file-type))
+ lisp-files)
+ (signal-unit-not-found fname)))
+ (else
+ (signal-unknown-file-type s)))))
+ ;; Finally create the unit object.
+ (create-ucache filename output-defaults
+ sources imports lisp-files
+ stable? load-prelude?
+ printers-set? printers optimizers-set? optimizers
+ chunk-size)))
+;;; Helper functions for the above.
+(define (string-match-prefix prefix s)
+ (let ((prefix-length (string-length prefix))
+ (s-length (string-length s)))
+ (if (>= s-length prefix-length)
+ (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length 0)
+ '#f)))
+(define (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length i)
+ (cond ((eqv? i prefix-length)
+ (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length i))
+ ((not (char=? (string-ref s i) (string-ref prefix i)))
+ '#f)
+ (else
+ (string-match-prefix-aux prefix s prefix-length s-length (1+ i)))))
+(define (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length i)
+ (cond ((eqv? i s-length)
+ "")
+ ((let ((ch (string-ref s i)))
+ (or (char=? ch '#\space) (char=? ch #\tab)))
+ (string-match-prefix-aux-aux s s-length (1+ i)))
+ (else
+ (substring s i s-length))))
+(define (merge-file-defaults filename defaults)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (filename-name filename))
+ (type (filename-type filename)))
+ (assemble-filename
+ (if (string=? place "") defaults place)
+ (if (string=? name "") defaults name)
+ (if (string=? type "") defaults type))))
+;;; Guts
+;;; This is the main entry to the compilation system. This causes a
+;;; unit to be compiled and/or loaded.
+(define (load-compilation-unit filename cflags)
+ (let ((cunit (lookup-compilation-unit filename)))
+ (cond ((eq? cunit '#f)
+ ;; Unit not found in cache.
+ (load-compilation-unit-aux
+ (parse-compilation-unit filename) cflags))
+ ((eq? (ucache-status cunit) 'loaded)
+ ;; Already loaded earlier in this compile.
+ cunit)
+ ((eq? (ucache-status cunit) 'loading)
+ (signal-circular-unit filename))
+ (else
+ (load-compilation-unit-aux cunit cflags))
+ )))
+(define (load-compilation-unit-aux c cflags)
+ (setf (ucache-status c) 'loading)
+ (load-imported-units c cflags)
+ (if (unit-valid? c cflags)
+ (load-compiled-unit c (cflags-load-code? cflags))
+ (locally-compile c cflags))
+ (setf (ucache-status c) 'loaded)
+ ;; Hack, hack. When loading the prelude, make sure magic symbol
+ ;; table stuff is initialized.
+ (when (string=? (ucache-ufile c) *prelude-unit-filename*)
+ (init-prelude-globals))
+ c)
+(define (load-compiled-unit c load-code?)
+ (when (and load-code? (not (ucache-code-loaded c)))
+ (when (memq 'loading *printers*)
+ (format '#t "~&Loading unit ~s.~%" (ucache-ufile c))
+ (force-output))
+ (load-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c))
+ (load-more-recent-file (ucache-cfile c) (ucache-sfile c))
+ (setf (ucache-code-loaded c) '#t))
+ (when (not (ucache-ifile-loaded c))
+ (read-binary-interface c))
+ (dolist (m (ucache-modules c))
+ (add-module-to-symbol-table m))
+ (link-instances (ucache-modules c)))
+;;; These globals save the Prelude symbol table to avoid copying it
+;;; into all modules which use the Prelude.
+;;; Danger! This assumes that every local symbol in the Prelude is
+;;; exported.
+(define *prelude-initialized* '#f)
+(define (init-prelude-globals)
+ (when (not *prelude-initialized*)
+ (let ((pmod (locate-module '|Prelude|)))
+ (setf *prelude-symbol-table* (module-symbol-table pmod))
+ (setf *prelude-fixity-table* (module-fixity-table pmod))
+ (when (eq? (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod) '#f)
+ (let ((table (make-table)))
+ (table-for-each (lambda (name def)
+ (setf (table-entry table def) name))
+ *prelude-symbol-table*)
+ (setf (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod) table)))
+ (setf *prelude-inverted-symbol-table*
+ (module-inverted-symbol-table pmod)))
+ (setf *prelude-initialized* '#t)))
+;;; This recursively loads all units imported by a given unit.
+(define (load-imported-units c cflags)
+ (dolist (filename (ucache-imported-units c))
+ (load-compilation-unit filename cflags)))
+;;; Load or compile lisp files.
+(define (load-lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (dolist (f lisp-files)
+ (load-more-recent-file (cdr f) (car f))))
+(define (compile-lisp-files lisp-files)
+ (dolist (f lisp-files)
+ (let ((source (car f))
+ (binary (cdr f)))
+ (when (not (lisp-binary-current source binary))
+ (compile-file source binary))
+ (load binary))))
+;;; This determines whether a unit is valid.
+(define (unit-valid? c cflags)
+ (and (or (ucache-stable? c)
+ ;; If the unit is not stable, make sure its source files
+ ;; haven't changed.
+ (and (all-imports-current (ucache-imported-units c)
+ (ucache-idate c))
+ (all-sources-current (ucache-source-files c)
+ (ucache-idate c))
+ (all-lisp-sources-current (ucache-lisp-files c)
+ (ucache-idate c))))
+ (or (ucache-ifile-loaded c)
+ ;; If the interface hasn't been loaded already, make sure
+ ;; that the interface file exists.
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cifile c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sifile c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-load-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we're going to load code, make sure that the code file
+ ;; exists.
+ (ucache-code-loaded c)
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cfile c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sfile c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-write-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to produce a code file, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't write files for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded, regardless of whether or not the file exists.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-code-loaded c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cfile c))
+ (and (not (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sfile c))))
+ (or (not (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to compile the lisp files, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't do this for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-code-loaded c))
+ (all-lisp-binaries-current (ucache-lisp-files c)))
+ (or (not (cflags-write-interface? cflags))
+ ;; If we need to produce an interface file, make sure this has
+ ;; already been done.
+ ;; Don't write files for stable units which have already
+ ;; been loaded, regardless of whether or not the file exists.
+ (and (ucache-stable? c) (ucache-ifile-loaded c))
+ (file-exists? (ucache-cifile c))
+ (and (not *compile-interface*)
+ (file-exists? (ucache-sifile c))))
+ ))
+(define (all-sources-current sources unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (let ((d (file-write-date s)))
+ (and d (> unit-write-date d))))
+ sources))
+(define (all-imports-current imports unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s) (> unit-write-date
+ (ucache-idate (lookup-compilation-unit s))))
+ imports))
+(define (all-lisp-sources-current lisp-files unit-write-date)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (let ((d (file-write-date (car s))))
+ (and d (> unit-write-date d))))
+ lisp-files))
+(define (all-lisp-binaries-current lisp-files)
+ (every (lambda (s)
+ (lisp-binary-current (car s) (cdr s)))
+ lisp-files))
+(define (lisp-binary-current source binary)
+ (and (file-exists? binary)
+ (let ((sd (file-write-date source))
+ (bd (file-write-date binary)))
+ (and sd bd (> bd sd)))))
+;;; This does the actual job of compilation.
+(define (locally-compile c cflags)
+ (dynamic-let ((*printers*
+ (if (ucache-printers-set? c)
+ (ucache-printers c)
+ (dynamic *printers*)))
+ (*optimizers*
+ (if (ucache-optimizers-set? c)
+ (ucache-optimizers c)
+ (dynamic *optimizers*))))
+ (when (memq 'compiling *printers*)
+ (format '#t "~&Compiling unit ~s.~%Optimizers: ~A~%"
+ (ucache-ufile c)
+ *optimizers*)
+ (force-output))
+ (if (cflags-compile-code? cflags)
+ (compile-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c))
+ (load-lisp-files (ucache-lisp-files c)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (mods code)
+ (compile-haskell-files (ucache-source-files c))
+ ;; General bookkeeping to update module interface in cache.
+ (setf (ucache-modules c) mods)
+ (setf (ucache-idate c) (current-date))
+ (setf (ucache-ifile-loaded c) '#t)
+ ;; Write interface file if necessary.
+ (when (cflags-write-interface? cflags)
+ (let ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (icode (create-dump-code c mods (ucache-load-prelude? c))))
+ (if (dynamic *compile-interface*)
+ (write-compiled-code-file
+ (ucache-cifile c)
+ icode
+ (dynamic *interface-code-quality*)
+ (dynamic *interface-chunk-size*))
+ (write-interpreted-code-file (ucache-sifile c) icode '#f))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let* ((current-time (get-run-time))
+ (elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "Interface complete: ~A seconds~%" elapsed-time)
+ (force-output)))))
+ ;; Write code file if necessary.
+ (when (cflags-write-code? cflags)
+ (if (cflags-compile-code? cflags)
+ (write-compiled-code-file
+ (ucache-cfile c)
+ code
+ (if (memq 'lisp (dynamic *optimizers*))
+ (dynamic *optimized-code-quality*)
+ (dynamic *default-code-quality*))
+ (or (ucache-chunk-size c) (dynamic *code-chunk-size*)))
+ (write-interpreted-code-file (ucache-sfile c) code '#t)))
+ ;; Load or evaluate code if necessary.
+ ;; If we just wrote a compiled code file, load that; otherwise
+ ;; do eval or in-core compilation.
+ (when (cflags-load-code? cflags)
+ (if (and (cflags-write-code? cflags)
+ (cflags-compile-code? cflags))
+ (load (ucache-cfile c))
+ (eval code (cflags-compile-code? cflags)))
+ (setf (ucache-code-loaded c) '#t))
+ )))
+;;; Cache manager
+;;; This is the cache manager for compilation units. We use an alist at
+;;; the moment.
+(define *unit-cache* '())
+(define (reset-unit-cache)
+ (setf *unit-cache* '()))
+;;; This checks to make sure that the compilation unit it finds
+;;; in the cache has not been made out-of-date by updates to the unit file.
+(define (lookup-compilation-unit name)
+ (let ((r (ass-string name *unit-cache*)))
+ (if r
+ (let ((c (cdr r)))
+ (if (or (ucache-stable? c)
+ (> (ucache-udate c)
+ (or (file-write-date (ucache-ufile c)) 0)))
+ c
+ '#f))
+ '#f)))
+(define (install-compilation-unit name c)
+ (let ((r (ass-string name *unit-cache*)))
+ (if (eq? r '#f)
+ (push (cons name c) *unit-cache*)
+ (setf (cdr r) c))))
+(define (for-each-unit proc)
+ (dolist (c *unit-cache*)
+ (funcall proc (cdr c))))
+;;; Error utilities
+(define (signal-circular-unit filename)
+ (fatal-error 'circular-unit
+ "The compilation unit ~a has a circular dependency."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-unit-not-found filename)
+ (fatal-error 'unit-not-found
+ "The compilation unit file ~a was not found."
+ filename))
+(define (signal-extension-needed filename)
+ (fatal-error 'extension-needed
+ "You must provide an extension on the filename ~a in the .hu file."
+ filename))
diff --git a/csys/csys.scm b/csys/csys.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4683b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/csys.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;;; csys.scm -- compilation unit definition for the compilation system
+(define-compilation-unit csys
+ (source-filename "$Y2/csys/")
+ (require global runtime flic)
+ (unit cache-structs
+ (source-filename "cache-structs.scm"))
+ (unit compiler-driver
+ (require cache-structs)
+ (source-filename "compiler-driver.scm"))
+ (unit dump-params
+ (require cache-structs)
+ (source-filename "dump-params.scm"))
+ (unit dump-macros
+ (require dump-params)
+ (source-filename "dump-macros.scm"))
+ (unit dump-interface
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-interface.scm"))
+ (unit dump-flic
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-flic.scm"))
+ (unit dump-cse
+ (require dump-macros)
+ (source-filename "dump-cse.scm")))
diff --git a/csys/dump-cse.scm b/csys/dump-cse.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ec020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-cse.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+;;; This file handles common subexpressions in the interface file.
+;;; Common subexpressions are detected in two places: gtypes and strictness
+;;; properties.
+;;; Compressing strictness signatures
+;;; A strictness is represented by a list of booleans. We do two things to
+;;; compress strictnesses: all lists less than *pre-defined-strictness-size*
+;;; are pre-computed in a vector and the first *pre-defined-strictness-vars*
+;;; vector elements are cached in global vars. The strictness will dump as
+;;; as either a global or as a vector reference into the vector.
+(define (initialize-strictness-table)
+ (setf (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-table*)
+ (make-vector (expt 2 (1+ (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-size*)))))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* 1) '())
+ (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
+ (j 1 (* j 2))
+ (k 2 (* k 2)))
+ ((> i *pre-defined-strictness-size*))
+ (do ((l 0 (1+ l)))
+ ((>= l j))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ k l))
+ (cons '#f (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ j l))))
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ k j l))
+ (cons '#t (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* (+ j l))))))
+ (set-strictness-vars))
+(define (strictness-table-ref x)
+ (vector-ref (dynamic *pre-defined-strictness-table*) x))
+(define (dump-strictness s)
+ (if (null? s)
+ ''()
+ (dump-strictness-1 s s 0 0)))
+(define (dump-strictness-1 s s1 n size)
+ (if (null? s1)
+ (if (> size *pre-defined-strictness-size*)
+ (dump-big-strictness (- size *pre-defined-strictness-size*) s)
+ (let ((k (+ n (expt 2 size))))
+ (if (< k *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ `(dynamic ,(vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* k))
+ `(strictness-table-ref ,k))))
+ (dump-strictness-1 s (cdr s1) (+ (* 2 n) (if (car s1) 1 0)) (1+ size))))
+(define (dump-big-strictness k s)
+ (if (= k 0)
+ (dump-strictness s)
+ `(cons ',(car s)
+ ,(dump-big-strictness (1- k) (cdr s)))))
+;;; This routine handles saving type signatures (gtypes).
+;;; common subexpressions are detected in two places: the type body
+;;; and the the contexts.
+(define (init-predefined-gtyvars)
+ (setf *saved-gtyvars* (make-vector *num-saved-gtyvars*))
+ (dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *saved-gtyvars* i) (**gtyvar i)))
+ (setup-gtyvar-vars))
+(define (init-cse-structs)
+ (initialize-strictness-table)
+ (init-predefined-gtyvars))
+(define (save-cse-value v)
+ (setf (vector-ref (dynamic *saved-cse-values*) (dynamic *cse-value-num*)) v)
+ (incf (dynamic *cse-value-num*)))
+(define (cse-init-code)
+ (let* ((n (length *cse-objects*))
+ (init-code '()))
+ (do ((i (1- n) (1- i))
+ (init *cse-objects* (cdr init)))
+ ((null? init))
+ (push `(save-cse-value ,(car init)) init-code))
+ `((setf *saved-cse-values* (make-vector ,n))
+ (setf *cse-value-num* 0)
+ ,@init-code)))
+(define (remember-dumped-object init-code)
+ (push init-code *cse-objects*)
+ (incf *cse-object-num*)
+ *cse-object-num*)
+(define (cse-value-ref x)
+ (vector-ref (dynamic *saved-cse-values*) x))
+(define (cse-ref-code n)
+ (cond ((eqv? n 0)
+ ''())
+ ((<= n *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ `(dynamic ,(vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* (1- n))))
+ (else
+ `(cse-value-ref ,(- n *num-saved-gtyvars* 1)))))
+(define (dump-gtyvar g)
+ (let ((n (gtyvar-varnum g)))
+ (if (< n *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (1+ n)
+ (remember-dumped-object `(**gtyvar ,n)))))
+(define (dump-context-list contexts)
+ (if (null? contexts)
+ 0
+ (let* ((rest (dump-context-list (cdr contexts)))
+ (classes (dump-class-list (car contexts)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l classes *gtype-class-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,(cse-ref-code classes) ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-class-list classes)
+ (if (null? classes)
+ 0
+ (let* ((rest (dump-class-list (cdr classes)))
+ (class (dump-class/n (car classes)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l class *context-class-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,class ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-gtype-1 g)
+ (cond ((gtyvar? g)
+ (dump-gtyvar g))
+ ((ntyvar? g)
+ (dump-gtype-1 (prune g)))
+ (else
+ (dump-gtycon g))))
+(define (dump-gtycon g)
+ (let* ((ty (ntycon-tycon g))
+ (tycon (if (algdata? ty) (dump-algdata/n ty) (dump-synonym/n ty)))
+ (l (dump-gtype-list (ntycon-args g)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l tycon *gtype-tycon-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert l (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(**ntycon ,tycon ,(cse-ref-code l)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res))))
+(define (dump-gtype-list l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ 0
+ (let* ((g (dump-gtype-1 (car l)))
+ (rest (dump-gtype-list (cdr l)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l g *gtype-list-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert rest (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(cons ,(cse-ref-code g)
+ ,(cse-ref-code rest)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
+(define (dump-gtype/cse g)
+ (cse-ref-code
+ (let* ((context (dump-context-list (gtype-context g)))
+ (type (dump-gtype-1 (gtype-type g)))
+ (t1 (assq/insert-l type *gtype-index*))
+ (res (assq/insert context (cdr t1))))
+ (if (eq? (cdr res) '#f)
+ (let ((z (remember-dumped-object
+ `(**gtype ,(cse-ref-code context)
+ ,(cse-ref-code type)))))
+ (setf (cdr res) z)
+ z)
+ (cdr res)))))
diff --git a/csys/dump-flic.scm b/csys/dump-flic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc654d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-flic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+;;; dump-flic.scm -- general dump functions for flic structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 24 Feb 1993
+;;; This stuff is used to write inline expansions to the interface file.
+(define-flic-walker dump-flic (object var-renamings))
+(define (dump-flic-list objects var-renamings)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (o objects)
+ (push (dump-flic o var-renamings) result))
+ `(list ,@(nreverse result))))
+(define (dump-flic-top object)
+ (dump-flic object '()))
+(define (make-temp-bindings-for-dump oldvars var-renamings)
+ (let ((vars '())
+ (bindings '()))
+ (dolist (v oldvars)
+ (let ((var (def-name v))
+ (temp (gensym)))
+ (push temp vars)
+ (push `(,temp (create-temp-var ',var)) bindings)
+ (push (cons v temp) var-renamings)))
+ (setf bindings (nreverse bindings))
+ (setf vars (nreverse vars))
+ (values vars bindings var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-lambda (object var-renamings)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars bindings var-renamings)
+ (make-temp-bindings-for-dump (flic-lambda-vars object) var-renamings)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ (make-flic-lambda
+ (list ,@vars)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-lambda-body object) var-renamings)))
+ ))
+(define-dump-flic flic-let (object var-renamings)
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars bindings var-renamings)
+ (make-temp-bindings-for-dump (flic-let-bindings object) var-renamings)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ ,@(map (lambda (temp v)
+ `(setf (var-value ,temp)
+ ,(dump-flic (var-value v) var-renamings)))
+ vars
+ (flic-let-bindings object))
+ (make-flic-let
+ (list ,@vars)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-let-body object) var-renamings)
+ ',(flic-let-recursive? object)))
+ ))
+(define-dump-flic flic-app (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-app
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-app-fn object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-app-args object) var-renamings)
+ ',(flic-app-saturated? object)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-ref (object var-renamings)
+ (let* ((var (flic-ref-var object))
+ (entry (assq var var-renamings)))
+ (if entry
+ `(make-flic-ref ,(cdr entry))
+ `(make-flic-ref ,(dump-object var)))))
+(define-dump-flic flic-const (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-const ',(flic-const-value object)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-pack (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-pack ,(dump-object (flic-pack-con object))))
+(define-dump-flic flic-case-block (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-case-block
+ ',(flic-case-block-block-name object)
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-case-block-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-return-from (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-return-from
+ ',(flic-return-from-block-name object)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-return-from-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-and (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-and
+ ,(dump-flic-list (flic-and-exps object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-if (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-if
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-test-exp object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-then-exp object) var-renamings)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-if-else-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-sel (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-sel
+ ,(dump-object (flic-sel-con object))
+ ,(flic-sel-i object)
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-sel-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-is-constructor (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-is-constructor
+ ,(dump-object (flic-is-constructor-con object))
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-is-constructor-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-con-number (object var-renamings)
+ `(make-flic-con-number
+ ,(dump-object (flic-con-number-type object))
+ ,(dump-flic (flic-con-number-exp object) var-renamings)))
+(define-dump-flic flic-void (object var-renamings)
+ (declare (ignore object var-renamings))
+ `(make-flic-void))
diff --git a/csys/dump-interface.scm b/csys/dump-interface.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b3bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-interface.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+;;; dump-interface.scm -- interface file writer/loader
+;;; author : John & Sandra
+;;; date : 8 Jul 1992
+;;; This writes binary interface files. A binary interface file is just
+;;; a lisp (mumble) source file which directly builds the ast structure
+;;; created by a compilation. These files could be stored in either
+;;; source or binary (compiled lisp) form.
+;;; An interface may reference entities defined in other interfaces.
+;;; To ensure consistancy between when an interface is written and
+;;; when it is read back in, a stamp is assigned to all interface files
+;;; which serves as a unique id. The stamps of all imported units are
+;;; saved and examined at load time.
+;;; Interface to compilation system
+;;; For compiled code, don't actually write out all the source code.
+;;; Use a magic macro to memoize the form to be compiled.
+(define *form-to-compile* '#f)
+(define *magic-file-to-compile* "$HASKELL/bin/magic.scm")
+;;; The output from compiling the prelude can completely overwhelm
+;;; the Lisp compiler. If this variable is a number, it specifies
+;;; a "reasonable" number of top-level forms which can be compiled
+;;; and write-compiled-code-file will try to break up the input
+;;; code automagically.
+(define *magic-chunk-size* '#f)
+;;; This is called to write both the code file and the interface file.
+(define (write-compiled-code-file filename code code-quality chunk-size)
+ (let ((phase-start-time (get-run-time))
+ (forms (flatten-forms code)))
+ (dynamic-let ((*magic-chunk-size*
+ (or chunk-size (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*)))
+ (*code-quality*
+ (or code-quality (dynamic *code-quality*))))
+ (if (or (not (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))
+ (<= (the fixnum (length forms))
+ (the fixnum (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))))
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux filename `(begin ,@forms))
+ (with-compilation-unit ()
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux
+ filename
+ `(begin
+ ,@(map (lambda (f) `(load ,f))
+ (write-compiled-code-file-split filename forms)))
+ ))))
+ (when (memq 'phase-time *printers*)
+ (let* ((current-time (get-run-time))
+ (elapsed-time (- current-time phase-start-time)))
+ (format '#t "Lisp compilation complete: ~A seconds~%" elapsed-time)))
+ ))
+(define (write-compiled-code-file-split filename forms)
+ (let ((place (filename-place filename))
+ (name (filename-name filename))
+ (type (filename-type filename))
+ (result '()))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((null? forms))
+ (multiple-value-bind (head tail)
+ (split-list forms (dynamic *magic-chunk-size*))
+ (let ((fname
+ (assemble-filename
+ place (format '#f "~a-part~a" name i) type)))
+ (push fname result)
+ (write-compiled-code-file-aux fname `(begin ,@head))
+ (setf forms tail))))
+ (nreverse result)))
+(define (flatten-forms code)
+ (if (and (pair? code) (eq? (car code) 'begin))
+ (nreverse (flatten-forms-aux (cdr code) '()))
+ (list code)))
+(define (flatten-forms-aux forms result)
+ (dolist (f forms)
+ (if (and (pair? f) (eq? (car f) 'begin))
+ (setf result (flatten-forms-aux (cdr f) result))
+ (push f result)))
+ result)
+(define (write-compiled-code-file-aux filename code)
+ (dynamic-let ((*form-to-compile* code))
+ (compile-file (dynamic *magic-file-to-compile*) filename)))
+(define-syntax (magic-form-to-compile)
+ (dynamic *form-to-compile*))
+;;; Writing source code is good for debugging purposes, but slow.
+;;; The *print-circle* and *print-shared* flags have to be set because
+;;; the code printed out may contain gensyms, and this will ensure
+;;; that the code can be read in again.
+(define (write-interpreted-code-file filename code hairy?)
+ (dynamic-let ((*print-circle* '#t)
+ (*print-shared* '#t))
+ (call-with-output-file
+ filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (if hairy?
+ (pprint-flatten code port)
+ (print-flatten code port))))))
+;;; This attempts to read a compiled interface for a unit. This is
+;;; done whenever the unit file is newer than the source file. If
+;;; imported units have changed, the load will fail and recompilation
+;;; will be attempted.
+;;; The caller is responsible for making sure that the interface file exists
+;;; and for making sure that the interface file is up-to-date with
+;;; respect to imported modules and that all the imported modules are
+;;; known.
+;;; These variables are assigned by the code in the dump file.
+(define *modules-loaded* '())
+(define *modules-imported* '())
+(define *defs-referenced* '())
+(define *saved-cse-values* '())
+(define *writer-version* '())
+(define (read-binary-interface unit)
+ (dynamic-let ((*modules-loaded* '())
+ (*modules-imported* '())
+ (*defs-referenced* '())
+ (*saved-cse-values* '())
+ (*writer-version* '()))
+ (let ((file-date
+ (load-more-recent-file (ucache-cifile unit) (ucache-sifile unit))))
+ (cond ((string=? *writer-version* *haskell-compiler-version*)
+ (setf (ucache-idate unit) file-date)
+ (setf (ucache-modules unit) (vector->list *modules-loaded*))
+ (setf (ucache-ifile-loaded unit) '#t)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ (signal-incompatible-interface-file (ucache-cifile unit))
+ '#f)))))
+(define (signal-incompatible-interface-file filename)
+ (fatal-error 'incompatible-interface-file
+ "File ~A~%~
+ was written by a different version of the Haskell system.~%~
+ You must remove it and recompile."
+ filename))
+(define (load-more-recent-file cfile sfile)
+ (cond ((file-exists? cfile)
+ (if (or (not (file-exists? sfile))
+ (> (file-write-date cfile)
+ (file-write-date sfile)))
+ (load-compiled-interface-file cfile)
+ (load-interpreted-interface-file sfile)))
+ ((file-exists? sfile)
+ (load-interpreted-interface-file sfile))
+ (else
+ (signal-file-not-found cfile))))
+(define (load-interpreted-interface-file file)
+ (load file)
+ (file-write-date file))
+(define (load-compiled-interface-file file)
+ (load file)
+ (file-write-date file))
+;;; Dump code generator
+;;; Globals
+(define *dump-defs* '())
+(define *dump-slot-init-code* '())
+(define *dump-def-counter* 0)
+(define *dump-def-code-table* (make-table))
+(define *cse-objects* '())
+(define *cse-value-num* 0)
+(define *cse-object-num* '())
+(define *gtype-class-index* '())
+(define *context-class-index* '())
+(define *gtype-tycon-index* '())
+(define *gtype-list-index* '())
+(define *gtype-index* '())
+(define *number-vars-dumped* 0)
+(define-syntax (def-dump-code def)
+ `(table-entry *dump-def-code-table* ,def))
+;;; This saves slot initialization code.
+(define (add-dump-init code)
+ (push code *dump-slot-init-code*))
+;;; Here is the top-level call.
+(define (create-dump-code unit modules load-prelude?)
+ (dynamic-let ((*unit* (module-unit (car modules)))
+ (*dump-defs* '())
+ (*dump-slot-init-code* '())
+ (*dump-def-counter* 0)
+ (*dump-def-code-table* (make-table))
+ (*cse-objects* '())
+ (*cse-object-num* *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (*gtype-class-index* '())
+ (*context-class-index* '())
+ (*gtype-tycon-index* '())
+ (*gtype-list-index* '())
+ (*gtype-index* '())
+ (*number-vars-dumped* 0)
+ (*number-types-dumped* 0)
+ (*number-classes-dumped* 0))
+ (let ((res (create-dump-code-aux unit modules load-prelude?)))
+ (when (memq 'dumper (dynamic *printers*))
+ (pprint* res))
+ (when (memq 'dump-stat (dynamic *printers*))
+ (format '#t
+ "~&Dumped ~A definitions, ~A type objects, and ~A classes.~%"
+ *number-vars-dumped* *number-types-dumped*
+ *number-classes-dumped*)
+ (format '#t "Used ~A definitions and ~A type cells.~%"
+ *dump-def-counter* (length *cse-objects*)))
+ res)))
+;;; This assumes all modules are in the same compilation unit and that
+;;; *unit* is set to that unit.
+;;; imod-code establishes local bindings for all the imported modules.
+;;; dmod-code establishes local bindings for all the modules defined in
+;;; this compilation unit.
+(define (create-dump-code-aux unit modules load-prelude?)
+ (let* ((imod-counter 0)
+ (imod-alist '())
+ (explicit-imports (collect-all-imported-modules unit))
+ (all-imports (if load-prelude?
+ (append (collect-prelude-modules) explicit-imports)
+ explicit-imports))
+ (imod-code (map (lambda (m)
+ (push (cons (module-name m) imod-counter)
+ imod-alist)
+ (incf imod-counter)
+ `(locate-module ',(module-name m)))
+ all-imports))
+ (dmod-counter 0)
+ (dmod-alist '())
+ (dmod-code (map (lambda (m)
+ (push (cons (module-name m) dmod-counter)
+ dmod-alist)
+ (incf dmod-counter)
+ `(make module
+ (unit ',(module-unit m))
+ (name ',(module-name m))
+ (type ',(module-type m))))
+ modules)))
+ ;; This actually does most of the work. It dumps the module asts by
+ ;; placing inits for each slot into *dump-slot-init-code*. A list of
+ ;; definitions referenced is maintained in *dump-defs*.
+ (dolist (m modules)
+ (dump-module m (cdr (assq (module-name m) dmod-alist))))
+ ;; This creates the final code
+ `(begin
+ (setf *writer-version* ',*haskell-compiler-version*)
+ (setf *modules-imported* (vector ,@imod-code))
+ (setf *modules-loaded* (vector ,@dmod-code))
+ ;; This sets the elements individually instead of using the vector
+ ;; function, because the vector may be longer than
+ ;; call-arguments-limit.
+ (setf *defs-referenced*
+ (make-vector ,(dynamic *dump-def-counter*)))
+ ,@(map (lambda (d)
+ `(setf ,(def-dump-code d)
+ ,(make-def-init-code d imod-alist dmod-alist)))
+ *dump-defs*)
+ ,@(cse-init-code)
+ ,@(dynamic *dump-slot-init-code*)
+ )
+ ))
+;;; Runtime support
+(define-syntax (lookup-imported-mod i)
+ `(vector-ref *modules-imported* ,i))
+(define-syntax (lookup-defined-mod i)
+ `(vector-ref *modules-loaded* ,i))
+(define (set-export-from-def-vector table key index)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (list (cons key (vector-ref *defs-referenced* index)))))
+(define (set-export-from-def table key def)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (list (cons key def))))
+(define (set-symtab-from-def-vector table key index)
+ (setf (table-entry table key)
+ (vector-ref *defs-referenced* index)))
+(define (init-variable-slots var exported? toplevel? type simple? strict?)
+ (setf (def-exported? var) exported?)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-type var) type)
+ (setf (var-simple? var) simple?)
+ (setf (var-strict? var) strict?)
+ var)
+(define (init-function-slots var exported? toplevel? type simple? strict?
+ arity strictness opt-entry)
+ (setf (def-exported? var) exported?)
+ (setf (var-toplevel? var) toplevel?)
+ (setf (var-type var) type)
+ (setf (var-simple? var) simple?)
+ (setf (var-strict? var) strict?)
+ (setf (var-arity var) arity)
+ (setf (var-strictness var) strictness)
+ (setf (var-optimized-entry var) opt-entry)
+ var)
+(define (init-method-var-slots var class default method-signature)
+ (setf (method-var-class var) class)
+ (setf (method-var-default var) default)
+ (setf (method-var-method-signature var) method-signature)
+ var)
+(define (init-constructor-slots
+ con arity types signature tag alg fixity infix?)
+ (setf (con-arity con) arity)
+ (setf (con-types con) types)
+ (setf (con-signature con) signature)
+ (setf (con-tag con) tag)
+ (setf (con-alg con) alg)
+ (setf (con-fixity con) fixity)
+ (setf (con-infix? con) infix?)
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push '#f (con-slot-strict? con)))
+ con)
+(define (make-new-instance algdata tyvars class context gcontext dictionary m)
+ (make instance
+ (algdata algdata)
+ (tyvars tyvars)
+ (class class)
+ (context context)
+ (gcontext gcontext)
+ (dictionary dictionary)
+ (methods m)
+ (ok? '#t)))
+;;; This computes the transitive closure of all modules available to
+;;; a unit.
+(define (collect-all-imported-modules unit)
+ (collect-all-modules-1 (ucache-imported-units unit) '() '()))
+(define (collect-all-modules-1 units mods-so-far units-seen)
+ (cond ((null? units)
+ mods-so-far)
+ ((mem-string (car units) units-seen)
+ (collect-all-modules-1 (cdr units) mods-so-far units-seen))
+ (else
+ (let ((u (lookup-compilation-unit (car units))))
+ (collect-all-modules-1
+ (append (ucache-imported-units u) (cdr units))
+ (append (ucache-modules u) mods-so-far)
+ (cons (ucache-ufile u) units-seen))))
+ ))
+(define (collect-prelude-modules)
+ (let ((prelude-unit (lookup-compilation-unit *prelude-unit-filename*)))
+ (append (ucache-modules prelude-unit)
+ (collect-all-imported-modules prelude-unit))))
+(define (def->core-name-string def)
+ (if (con? def)
+ (remove-con-prefix (symbol->string (def-name def)))
+ (symbol->string (def-name def))))
+;;; This code returns the load time definition for an object. When the
+;;; object is a core symbol or in a different unit, previously
+;;; created definitions are returned. Otherwise, a new definition is
+;;; created.
+(define (make-def-init-code d imod-alist dmod-alist)
+ (declare (ignore dmod-alist))
+ (cond ((def-core? d)
+ `(core-symbol ,(def->core-name-string d)))
+ ((eq? (def-unit d) *unit*)
+ `(create-definition/inner
+ ',(def-module d)
+ ',(def-name d)
+ ',(cond ((method-var? d) 'method-var)
+ ((var? d) 'var)
+ ((con? d) 'con)
+ ((synonym? d) 'synonym)
+ ((algdata? d) 'algdata)
+ ((class? d) 'class))))
+ ((is-tuple-constructor? d)
+ `(tuple-constructor ,(tuple-constructor-arity d)))
+ ((is-tuple-tycon? d)
+ `(tuple-tycon ,(tuple-constructor-arity (car (algdata-constrs d)))))
+ (else
+ (let ((m (assq (def-module d) imod-alist)))
+ ;; This is a bogus error message. The problem is that nothing
+ ;; so far ensures units are closed under import/export: some
+ ;; modules may be referenced that are accidentally in the symbol
+ ;; table. The unif file for the current module needs to be
+ ;; updated when this happens.
+ (when (eq? m '#f)
+ (fatal-error 'symbol-not-in-unit
+ "Reference to symbol ~A in module ~A: not in compilation unit.~%"
+ (def-name d) (def-module d)))
+ `(table-entry
+ (module-symbol-table
+ (lookup-imported-mod ,(tuple-2-2 m)))
+ ',(def-name d))))
+ ))
+;;; Once a module has been compiled, most of its slots are useless.
+;;; All we really need to save are the identifying information,
+;;; symbol table, and export table.
+;;; Instances also need to be dumped here instead of with class objects;
+;;; this is because links can go across compilation unit boundaries.
+;;; They are fixed up when pulling units out of the cache.
+;;; The identifying info is stored when the module variable is bound.
+(define (dump-module module index)
+ (let ((mod-exp `(lookup-defined-mod ,index))
+ (save-all-symbols (or (eq? (module-type module) 'standard)
+ (eq? (module-name module) '|Prelude|))))
+ ;; Dump symbol table entries only for defs for which this is
+ ;; the "home" module. (In other words, ignore imported defs.)
+ ;; The purpose of this is to allow references from other
+ ;; interface files to be resolved; see make-def-init-code.
+ ;; Jcp: we need to save the complete symbol table for incremental
+ ;; compilation to work.
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ (when (or save-all-symbols
+ (eq? (def-module val) (module-name module)))
+ (let ((def (dump-object val)))
+ (push
+ (if (and (pair? def)
+ (eq? (car def) 'vector-ref)
+ (eq? (cadr def) '*defs-referenced*))
+ `(set-symtab-from-def-vector table ',key ,(caddr def))
+ `(setf (table-entry table ',key) ,def))
+ code))))
+ (module-symbol-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-symbol-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table))))
+ ;; dump the fixity table - needed by the incremental compiler
+ (when save-all-symbols
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ (push `(setf (table-entry table ',key)
+ (make-fixity ',(fixity-associativity val)
+ ',(fixity-precedence val)))
+ code))
+ (module-fixity-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-fixity-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table)))))
+ ;; Dump all export table entries. This is used by the import/export
+ ;; phase to resolve references.
+ (let ((code '()))
+ (table-for-each
+ (lambda (key val)
+ ;; val is an a-list of (sym . def) pairs.
+ ;; Look for shortcut to reduce size of generated code.
+ (push
+ (if (and (null? (cdr val))
+ (eq? (car (car val)) key))
+ (let ((def (dump-object (cdr (car val)))))
+ (if (and (pair? def)
+ (eq? (car def) 'vector-ref)
+ (eq? (cadr def) '*defs-referenced*))
+ `(set-export-from-def-vector table ',key ,(caddr def))
+ `(set-export-from-def table ',key ,def)))
+ `(setf (table-entry table ',key) ,(dump-object val)))
+ code))
+ (module-export-table module))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-export-table ,mod-exp)
+ (let ((table (make-table))) ,@code table))))
+ ;; Dump the instances.
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-instance-defs ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object (module-instance-defs module))))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-default ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object (module-default module))))
+ (add-dump-init `(setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? ,mod-exp)
+ ,(dump-object
+ (module-uses-standard-prelude? module))))
+ ))
+(define (make-fixity a p)
+ (make fixity (associativity a) (precedence p)))
+;;; Dump structure traversal
+;;; This is the general object dumper. It recognizes the basic Lisp
+;;; objects and dumps them. Given an object, this generates lisp code
+;;; to recreate the object at load time.
+(define (dump-object x)
+ (cond ((struct? x)
+ (dump x))
+ ((or (symbol? x) (null? x))
+ ;; Symbols and lists must be quoted.
+ `',x)
+ ((or (number? x)
+ (eq? x '#t)
+ (eq? x '#f)
+ (string? x) ; This makes dumped strings immutable.
+ (char? x))
+ ;; These objects are self-evaluating.
+ x)
+ ((list? x)
+ ;; True lists
+ `(list ,@(map (function dump-object) x)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ `(cons ,(dump-object (car x))
+ ,(dump-object (cdr x))))
+ ((vector? x)
+ `(vector ,@(map (function dump-object) (vector->list x))))
+ ((table? x)
+ `(list->table ,@(dump-object (table->list x))))
+ (else
+ (error "Don't know how to dump ~A." x))))
+;;; *** Should install the walker in the type descriptor.
+(define-walker dump)
+(define (dump x)
+ (call-walker dump x))
+;;; Dumpers for defs
+;;; All walkers for def structures should call this macro. The body
+;;; is invoked only if the def belongs to the current compilation unit
+;;; and hasn't already been traversed. Within the body, the
+;;; variable "v" is bound to a form that will evaluate to the
+;;; corresponding def structure at run time. This is also
+;;; the return value from the macro.
+(define-local-syntax (with-new-def (v d stat-var) . body)
+ (let ((temp (gensym))
+ (expvar (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,temp ,d)
+ (,expvar '#f))
+ (if (not (def-dump-code ,temp))
+ (begin
+ (cond ((not (def-core? ,temp))
+ (setf ,expvar
+ (list 'vector-ref
+ '*defs-referenced*
+ (dynamic *dump-def-counter*)))
+ (incf (dynamic *dump-def-counter*))
+ (push ,temp *dump-defs*))
+ (else
+ (setf ,expvar
+ (make-core-symbol-name
+ (def->core-name-string ,temp)))))
+ (setf (def-dump-code ,temp) ,expvar)
+ (when (eq? (def-unit ,temp) *unit*)
+ (incf (dynamic ,stat-var))
+ (let ((,v ,expvar))
+ ,@body))
+ ,expvar)
+ (def-dump-code ,temp)))))
+;;; This macro is used to save the value of a structure slot in the
+;;; initforms of the dump.
+(define-local-syntax (dump-def-slots obj-var type dexp slots)
+ `(add-dump-init
+ (list 'update-slots ',type ,dexp
+ ,@(map (lambda (s)
+ `(list ',s
+ (dump-object (struct-slot ',type ',s ,obj-var))))
+ slots)))
+ )
+(define-walker-method dump var (var)
+ (dump-var/n var))
+(define (dump-var/n var)
+ (with-new-def (dexp var *number-vars-dumped*)
+ (do-dump-var dexp var '#f)))
+(define (do-dump-var dexp var method-var?)
+ (let ((code '())
+ (exported? (def-exported? var))
+ (toplevel? (var-toplevel? var))
+ (type (var-type var))
+ (simple? (var-simple? var))
+ (strict? (var-strict? var))
+ (arity (var-arity var))
+ (strictness (var-strictness var))
+ (opt-entry (var-optimized-entry var))
+ (complexity (var-complexity var))
+ (fixity (var-fixity var))
+ (value (var-value var))
+ (inline-value (var-inline-value var))
+ (sel? (var-selector-fn? var)))
+ ;; Some slots are useless for vars that don't name functions.
+ (if (eqv? arity 0)
+ (push `(init-variable-slots var
+ ',exported?
+ ',toplevel?
+ ,(dump-object type)
+ ',simple?
+ ',strict?)
+ code)
+ (push `(init-function-slots var
+ ',exported?
+ ',toplevel?
+ ,(dump-object type)
+ ',simple?
+ ',strict?
+ ',arity
+ ,(dump-strictness strictness)
+ ',opt-entry)
+ code))
+ ;; These slots rarely need to be tweaked from the default.
+ (when sel?
+ (push `(setf (var-selector-fn? var) '#t) code))
+ (when complexity
+ (push `(setf (var-complexity var) ,complexity) code))
+ (when fixity
+ (push `(setf (var-fixity var) ,(dump-object fixity)) code))
+ ;; Save values of simple variables to permit inlining.
+ ;; Save values of structured constants to permit folding of flic-sel
+ ;; operations -- this is necessary to optimize dictionary lookups.
+ (when (or simple? sel?
+ (and value
+ (is-type? 'flic-app value)
+ (structured-constant-app?
+ (flic-app-fn value) (flic-app-args value))))
+ (push `(setf (var-value var) ,(dump-flic-top value)) code))
+ (when inline-value
+ (push `(setf (var-inline-value var) ,(dump-flic-top inline-value)) code))
+ ;; Save extra stuff for method vars
+ (when method-var?
+ (push `(init-method-var-slots var
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-class var))
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-default var))
+ ,(dump-object (method-var-method-signature var)))
+ code))
+ ;; Push the whole mess onto the init code.
+ (add-dump-init `(let ((var ,dexp)) ,@(nreverse code)))))
+(define-walker-method dump method-var (var)
+ (dump-method-var/n var))
+(define (dump-method-var/n var)
+ (with-new-def (dexp var *number-vars-dumped*)
+ (do-dump-var dexp var '#t)))
+(define-walker-method dump con (con)
+ (dump-con/n con))
+(define (dump-con/n con)
+ (with-new-def (dexp con *number-types-dumped*)
+ (add-dump-init
+ `(let ((con (init-constructor-slots
+ ,dexp
+ ,(con-arity con)
+ ,(dump-object (con-types con))
+ ,(dump-object (con-signature con))
+ ,(con-tag con)
+ ,(dump-object (con-alg con))
+ ,(dump-object (con-fixity con))
+ ',(con-infix? con))))
+ ,@(if (memq '#t (con-slot-strict? con))
+ `((setf (con-slot-strict? con) ',(con-slot-strict? con)))
+ '())
+ ,@(if (eq? (con-lisp-fns con) '())
+ '()
+ `((setf (con-lisp-fns con) ',(con-lisp-fns con))))
+ con))))
+;;; *** Could define similar init functions for other defs instead
+;;; *** of setting slots inline, but I'm lazy and they don't show up
+;;; *** nearly as often as the others.
+(define-walker-method dump algdata (alg)
+ (dump-algdata/n alg))
+(define (dump-algdata/n alg)
+ (with-new-def (dexp alg *number-types-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots alg algdata dexp
+ (arity n-constr constrs context tyvars signature
+ enum? tuple? real-tuple? implemented-by-lisp?))))
+(define-walker-method dump synonym (syn)
+ (dump-synonym/n syn))
+(define (dump-synonym/n syn)
+ (with-new-def (dexp syn *number-types-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots syn synonym dexp (arity args body))))
+(define-walker-method dump class (class)
+ (dump-class/n class))
+(define (dump-class/n class)
+ (with-new-def (dexp class *number-classes-dumped*)
+ (dump-def-slots class class dexp
+ (super super* tyvar method-vars selectors kind
+ n-methods dict-size))))
+;;; Dumpers for non-def AST structs
+;;; This section contains dumpers to handle type-related structs that
+;;; are referenced by the various def guys.
+(define-walker-method dump instance (o)
+ (if (not (instance-ok? o))
+ (error "Attempt to dump instance that's not ok!"))
+ `(make-new-instance
+ ,(dump-object (instance-algdata o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-tyvars o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-class o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-context o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-gcontext o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-dictionary o))
+ ,(dump-object (instance-methods o))))
+(define-walker-method dump gtype (o)
+ (dump-gtype/cse o))
+(define-walker-method dump fixity (o)
+ `(**fixity ',(fixity-associativity o) ',(fixity-precedence o)))
+(define-walker-method dump tyvar (o)
+ `(**tyvar ',(tyvar-name o)))
+(define-walker-method dump class-ref (o)
+ `(**class/def ,(dump-object (class-ref-class o))))
+(define-walker-method dump context (o)
+ `(**context ,(dump-object (context-class o))
+ ,(dump-object (context-tyvar o))))
+(define-walker-method dump tycon (o)
+ `(**tycon/def ,(dump-object (tycon-def o))
+ ,(dump-object (tycon-args o))))
+(define-walker-method dump default-decl (o)
+ `(make default-decl (types ,(dump-object (default-decl-types o)))))
+(define-walker-method dump signature (o)
+ `(make signature (context ,(dump-object (signature-context o)))
+ (type ,(dump-object (signature-type o)))))
+;;; All ntyvars should be instantiated at this point
+; (define-walker-method dump ntyvar (o)
+; (dump-object (prune o)))
diff --git a/csys/dump-macros.scm b/csys/dump-macros.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404adf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-macros.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(define-syntax (set-strictness-vars)
+ (let ((res '()))
+ (dotimes (i *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ (push `(setf (dynamic ,(vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* i))
+ (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-table* ',i))
+ res))
+ `(begin ,@res)))
+(define-syntax (setup-gtyvar-vars)
+ (let ((res '()))
+ (dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (push `(setf (dynamic ,(vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* i))
+ (vector-ref *saved-gtyvars* ',i))
+ res))
+ `(begin ,@res)))
+(define-syntax (assq/insert x table)
+ `(let ((res (assq ,x ,table)))
+ (if (eqv? res '#f)
+ (begin
+ (let ((new-pair (cons ,x '#f)))
+ (push new-pair ,table)
+ new-pair))
+ res)))
+(define-syntax (assq/insert-l x table)
+ `(let ((res (assq ,x ,table)))
+ (if (eqv? res '#f)
+ (begin
+ (let ((new-pair (cons ,x '())))
+ (push new-pair ,table)
+ new-pair))
+ res)))
diff --git a/csys/dump-params.scm b/csys/dump-params.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cabbfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/dump-params.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(define *num-saved-gtyvars* 19)
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-size* 7) ; length of max strictness list
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-table* '())
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-vars* 32) ; number of global vars
+(define *pre-defined-strictness-names*
+ (make-vector *pre-defined-strictness-vars*))
+(dotimes (i *pre-defined-strictness-vars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *pre-defined-strictness-names* i)
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "SAVED-STRICTNESS-~A" i))))
+(define *saved-gtyvars* '())
+(define *saved-gtyvar-varnames* (make-vector *num-saved-gtyvars*))
+(dotimes (i *num-saved-gtyvars*)
+ (setf (vector-ref *saved-gtyvar-varnames* i)
+ (string->symbol (format '#f "SAVED-GTYVAR-NAME~A" i))))
diff --git a/csys/magic.scm b/csys/magic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..999e8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys/magic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;; magic.scm -- magic support file for dumping compiled code files.
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 8 Jul 1992
+;;; This file is used to dump compiled code files. The macro call below
+;;; expands into the code being dumped. See dump-interface.scm for more
+;;; details.