path: root/command-interface
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'command-interface')
5 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/command-interface/README b/command-interface/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4991af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains code to implement the command interface and
+incremental compiler. See the doc directory for details.
diff --git a/command-interface/command-interface.scm b/command-interface/command-interface.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eebde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command-interface.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;; csys.scm -- compilation unit definition for the compilation system
+(define-compilation-unit command-interface
+ (source-filename "$Y2/command-interface/")
+ (require global)
+ (unit command
+ (source-filename "command.scm"))
+ (unit command-utils
+ (source-filename "command-utils.scm"))
+ (unit incremental-compiler
+ (source-filename "incremental-compiler.scm")))
diff --git a/command-interface/command-utils.scm b/command-interface/command-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d46663f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+;;; command-interface/command-utils.scm
+;;; These are utilities used by the command interface.
+;;; These send output to the user
+;;; This is used in emacs mode
+(define (say/em . args)
+ (say1 args))
+;;; This is for both ordinary text to emacs and output to the command interface
+(define (say . args)
+ (say1 args))
+(define (say1 args)
+ (apply (function format) (cons (current-output-port) args)))
+;;; This is for non-emacs output
+(define (say/ne . args)
+ (when (not *emacs-mode*)
+ (say1 args)))
+;;; These random utilities should be elsewhere
+;;; This determines whether the current module is loaded & available.
+;;; If the module is Main, an empty Main module is created.
+(define (cm-available?)
+ (cond ((table-entry *modules* *current-mod*)
+ '#t)
+ ((eq? *current-mod* '|Main|)
+ (make-empty-main)
+ '#t)
+ (else
+ '#f)))
+;;; This creates a empty module named Main to use as a scratch pad.
+(define (make-empty-main)
+ (compile/load "$PRELUDE/Prelude")
+ (setf *unit* '|Main|)
+ (setf *current-mod* '|Main|)
+ (let ((mods (parse-from-string
+ "module Main where {import Prelude}"
+ (function parse-module-list)
+ "foo")))
+ ;;; This should generate no code at all so the returned code is ignored.
+ (modules->lisp-code mods)
+ (setf (table-entry *modules* *current-mod*) (car mods))
+ (clear-extended-modules)))
+(define (eval-fragment eval?)
+ (cond ((not (cm-available?))
+ (say "~&Module ~A is not loaded.~%" *current-mod*)
+ 'error)
+ ((memq *fragment-status* '(Compiled Saved))
+ (when eval?
+ (eval-module *extension-module*))
+ 'ok)
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say/ne "~&Errors exist in current fragment.~%")
+ 'error)
+ ((string=? *current-string* "")
+ (say/ne "~&Current extension is empty.~%")
+ 'error)
+ (else
+ (let ((res (compile-fragment
+ *current-mod* *current-string*
+ *extension-file-name*)))
+ (cond ((eq? res 'error)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (notify-error))
+ (else
+ (setf *extension-module* res)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (when eval?
+ (eval-module *extension-module*))))))))
+(define (set-current-file file)
+ (cond ((null? file)
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr file))
+ (setf *remembered-file* (car file)))
+ (else
+ (say "~&Invalid file spec ~s.~%" file)
+ (funcall *abort-command*))))
+(define (select-current-mod mods)
+ (when (pair? mods)
+ (when (not (memq *current-mod* mods))
+ (setf *current-mod* (car mods))
+ (say/ne "~&Now in module ~A.~%" *current-mod*))))
+;;; Emacs mode stuff
+;;; *** bogus alert!!! This coercion may fail to produce a
+;;; *** real character in some Lisps.
+(define *emacs-notify-char* (integer->char 1))
+(define (notify-ready)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ar" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-input-request)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ai" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-error)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~Ae" *emacs-notify-char*)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-printers printers)
+ (notify-settings "p" printers))
+(define (notify-optimizers optimizers)
+ (notify-settings "o" optimizers))
+(define (notify-settings flag values)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~A~A(" *emacs-notify-char* flag)
+ (dolist (p values)
+ (say/em " ~A" (string-downcase (symbol->string p))))
+ (say/em ")~%")
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+(define (notify-status-line str)
+ (when *emacs-mode*
+ (say/em "~As~A~%" *emacs-notify-char* str)
+ (force-output (current-output-port))))
+;;; These are used to drive the real compiler.
+(define *compile/compile-cflags*
+ (make cflags
+ (load-code? '#t)
+ (compile-code? '#t)
+ (write-code? '#t)
+ (write-interface? '#t)))
+(define (compile/compile file)
+ (haskell-compile file *compile/compile-cflags*))
+(define *compile/load-cflags*
+ (make cflags
+ (load-code? '#t)
+ (compile-code? '#f)
+ (write-code? '#f)
+ (write-interface? '#f)))
+(define (compile/load file)
+ (haskell-compile file *compile/load-cflags*))
+;;; Printer setting support
+(define (set-printers args mode)
+ (set-switches *printers* (strings->syms args)
+ mode *all-printers* "printers"))
+(define (set-optimizers args mode)
+ (set-switches *optimizers* (strings->syms args)
+ mode *all-optimizers* "optimizers"))
+(define (set-switches current new mode all name)
+ (dolist (s new)
+ (when (and (not (eq? s 'all)) (not (memq s all)))
+ (signal-invalid-value s name all)))
+ (let ((res (cond ((eq? mode '+)
+ (set-union current new))
+ ((eq? mode '-)
+ (set-difference current new))
+ ((eq? mode '=)
+ (if (equal? new '(all))
+ all
+ new)))))
+ res))
+(define (signal-invalid-value s name all)
+ (recoverable-error 'invalid-value
+ "~A is not one of the valid ~A. Possible values are: ~%~A"
+ s name all))
+(define (print-file file)
+ (call-with-input-file file (function write-all-chars)))
+(define (write-all-chars port)
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ 'ok
+ (begin
+ (write-line line)
+ (write-all-chars port)))))
+(define (strings->syms l)
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (string->symbol (string-upcase x)))
+ l))
diff --git a/command-interface/command.scm b/command-interface/command.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b98991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/command.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+;;; Globals used by the command interpreter
+(define *current-string* "")
+(define *current-mod* '|Main|)
+(define *current-command* '())
+(define *remembered-file* "Foo")
+(define *fragment-status* '())
+(define *temp-counter* 0)
+(define *last-compiled* "")
+(define *abort-command* '())
+(define *command-dispatch* '())
+(define *extension-module* '())
+(define *extension-file-name* "interactive")
+(define (prompt mod)
+ (format '#f "~A> " mod))
+(define-local-syntax (define-command name&args helpstr . body)
+ (let* ((str (car name&args))
+ (args (cdr name&args))
+ (fname (string->symbol (string-append "CMD-" str))))
+ `(begin
+ (define (,fname arguments)
+ (verify-command-args ',args arguments ',helpstr)
+ (apply (lambda ,args ,@body) arguments))
+ (setf *command-dispatch*
+ (nconc *command-dispatch*
+ (list (cons ',str (function ,fname)))))
+ ',fname)))
+(define (heval)
+ (initialize-haskell-system)
+ (setf *current-string* "")
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (say "~&Yale Haskell ~A~A ~A~%Type :? for help.~%"
+ *haskell-compiler-version* *haskell-compiler-update* (identify-system))
+ (read-commands))
+;;; This loop reads commands until a quit
+(define (read-commands)
+ (do ((cmd-status (read-command) (read-command)))
+ ((eq? cmd-status 'quit-command-loop) (exit))))
+;;; This processes a single line of input.
+(define (read-command)
+ (let/cc abort-command
+ (setf *abort-command* (lambda () (funcall abort-command 'error)))
+ (setf *abort-compilation* *abort-command*)
+ (setf *phase* 'command-interface)
+ (setf *in-error-handler?* '#f)
+ (ready-for-input-line)
+ (let ((ch (peek-char)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? ch)
+ 'quit-command-loop)
+ ((char=? ch '#\:)
+ (read-char)
+ (execute-command))
+ ((and (char=? ch '#\newline)
+ (not (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building)))
+ (read-char)
+ 'Ignored)
+ (else
+ (when (not (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building))
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (setf *current-string* ""))
+ (cond ((eqv? ch '#\=)
+ (read-char)
+ (append-to-current-string (expand-print-abbr (read-line))))
+ ((eqv? ch '#\@)
+ (read-char)
+ (append-to-current-string (expand-exec-abbr (read-line))))
+ (else
+ (append-to-current-string (read-line))))
+ 'OK)
+ ))))
+(define (append-to-current-string string)
+ (setf *current-string*
+ (string-append *current-string*
+ string
+ (string #\newline))))
+(define (expand-print-abbr string)
+ (incf *temp-counter*)
+ (format '#f "temp_~a = print temp1_~a where temp1_~a = ~a"
+ *temp-counter* *temp-counter* *temp-counter* string))
+(define (expand-exec-abbr string)
+ (incf *temp-counter*)
+ (format '#f "temp_~a :: Dialogue~%temp_~a = ~a"
+ *temp-counter* *temp-counter* string))
+(define (ready-for-input-line)
+ (when (not *emacs-mode*)
+ (fresh-line (current-output-port))
+ (write-string (prompt *current-mod*) (current-output-port))
+ (force-output (current-output-port)))
+ (notify-ready))
+(define (execute-command)
+ (if (char=? (peek-char) '#\() ;this is the escape to the lisp evaluator
+ (let ((form (read)))
+ (eval form)
+ 'OK)
+ (let* ((string (read-line))
+ (length (string-length string))
+ (cmd+args (parse-command-args string 0 0 length)))
+ (cond ((null? cmd+args)
+ (say "~&Eh?~%")
+ 'OK)
+ (else
+ (let ((fn (assoc/test (function string-starts?)
+ (car cmd+args)
+ *command-dispatch*)))
+ (cond ((eq? fn '#f)
+ (say "~&~A: unknown command. Use :? for help.~%"
+ (car cmd+args))
+ 'OK)
+ (else
+ (funcall (cdr fn) (cdr cmd+args))))))))))
+;;; This parses the command into a list of substrings.
+;;; Args are separated by spaces.
+(define (parse-command-args string start next end)
+ (declare (type fixnum start next end)
+ (type string string))
+ (cond ((eqv? next end)
+ (if (eqv? start next)
+ '()
+ (list (substring string start next))))
+ ((char=? (string-ref string next) '#\space)
+ (let ((next-next (+ next 1)))
+ (if (eqv? start next)
+ (parse-command-args string next-next next-next end)
+ (cons (substring string start next)
+ (parse-command-args string next-next next-next end)))))
+ (else
+ (parse-command-args string start (+ next 1) end))))
+(define (verify-command-args template args help)
+ (cond ((and (null? template) (null? args))
+ '#t)
+ ((symbol? template)
+ '#t)
+ ((or (null? template) (null? args))
+ (say "~&Command error.~%~A~%" help)
+ (funcall *abort-command*))
+ (else
+ (verify-command-args (car template) (car args) help)
+ (verify-command-args (cdr template) (cdr args) help))))
+(define-command ("?")
+ ":? Print the help file."
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/command-interface-help"))
+(define-command ("eval")
+ ":eval Evaluate current extension."
+ (eval-fragment '#t)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("save")
+ ":save Save current extension"
+ (eval-fragment '#f)
+ (cond ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say/ne "~&Cannot save: errors encountered.~%"))
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (extend-module *current-mod* *extension-module*)
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Saved)))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("quit")
+ ":quit Quit the Haskell evaluator."
+ 'quit-command-loop)
+(define-command ("module" mod)
+ ":module module-name Select module for incremental evaluation."
+ (setf *current-mod* (string->symbol mod))
+ (when (not (cm-available?))
+ (say/ne "~&Warning: module ~A is not currently loaded.~%" *current-mod*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("run" . file)
+ ":run <file> Compile, load, and run a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (let ((mods (compile/load *remembered-file*)))
+ (when (pair? mods)
+ (dolist (m mods)
+ (eval-module (table-entry *modules* m)))))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("compile" . file)
+ ":compile <file> Compile and load a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (select-current-mod (compile/compile *remembered-file*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("load" . file)
+ ":load <file> Load a file."
+ (set-current-file file)
+ (clear-extended-modules)
+ (select-current-mod (compile/load *remembered-file*))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("Main")
+ ":Main Switch to an empty Main module."
+ (make-empty-main)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("clear")
+ ":clear Clear saved definitions from current module."
+ (remove-extended-modules *current-mod*)
+ (setf *current-string* "")
+ (setf *fragment-status* 'Building))
+(define-command ("list")
+ ":list List current extension."
+ (say "~&Current Haskell extension:~%~a" *current-string*)
+ (cond ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Error)
+ (say "Extension contains errors.~%"))
+ ((eq? *fragment-status* 'Compiled)
+ (say "Extension is compiled and ready.~%")))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("kill")
+ ":kill Clear the current fragment."
+ (when (eq? *fragment-status* 'Building)
+ (setf *current-string* ""))
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("p?")
+ ":p? Show available printers."
+ (if *emacs-mode*
+ (notify-printers (dynamic *printers*))
+ (begin
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/printer-help.txt")
+ (say "~&Active printers: ~A~%" (dynamic *printers*)))
+ ))
+(define-command ("p=" . passes)
+ ":p= pass1 pass2 ... Set printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '=))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("p+" . passes)
+ ":p+ pass1 pass2 ... Add printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '+))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("p-" . passes)
+ ":p- pass1 pass2 ... Turn off printers."
+ (setf *printers* (set-printers passes '-))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting printers: ~A~%" *printers*))
+(define-command ("o?")
+ ":o? Show available optimizers."
+ (if *emacs-mode*
+ (notify-optimizers (dynamic *optimizers*))
+ (begin
+ (print-file "$HASKELL/emacs-tools/optimizer-help.txt")
+ (say "~&Active optimizers: ~A~%" (dynamic *optimizers*)))
+ ))
+(define-command ("o=" . optimizers)
+ ":o= optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Set optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '=))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("o+" . optimizers)
+ ":o+ optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Add optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '+))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("o-" . optimizers)
+ ":o- optimizer1 optimizer2 ... Turn off optimizers."
+ (setf *optimizers* (set-optimizers optimizers '-))
+ (say/ne "~&Setting optimizers: ~A~%" *optimizers*))
+(define-command ("cd" d)
+ ":cd directory Change the current directory."
+ (cd d)
+ 'OK)
+(define-command ("Emacs" mode)
+ ":Emacs on/off Turn on or off emacs mode."
+ (cond ((string=? mode "on")
+ (setf *emacs-mode* '#t))
+ ((string=? mode "off")
+ (setf *emacs-mode* '#f))
+ (else
+ (say "~&Use on or off.~%"))))
+(define-command ("file" name)
+ ":file name"
+ (setf *extension-file-name* name)
+ 'OK)
diff --git a/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm b/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207b79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/command-interface/incremental-compiler.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+;;; ==================================================================
+;;; This deals with incremental compilation as used by the command interface.
+;;; The basic theory is to create new modules which import the entire
+;;; symbol table of an existing module.
+;;; This adds a new module to the extension environment. This env is an alist
+;;; of module names & extended modules.
+(define *extension-env* '())
+(define (extend-module mod-name new-ast)
+ (push (tuple mod-name new-ast) *extension-env*))
+;;; This cleans out extensions for a module.
+(define (remove-extended-modules mod-name)
+ (setf *extension-env* (rem-ext1 *extension-env* mod-name)))
+(define (rem-ext1 env name)
+ (cond ((null? env)
+ '())
+ ((eq? (tuple-2-1 (car env)) name)
+ (rem-ext1 (cdr env) name))
+ (else
+ (cons (car env) (rem-ext1 (cdr env) name)))))
+(define (clear-extended-modules)
+ (setf *extension-env* '()))
+;;; This retrieves the current extension to a module (if any).
+(define (updated-module name)
+ (let ((name+mod (assq name *extension-env*)))
+ (if (not (eq? name+mod '#f))
+ (tuple-2-2 name+mod)
+ (let ((mod-in-table (table-entry *modules* name)))
+ (cond ((eq? mod-in-table '#f)
+ (signal-module-not-ready name))
+ ((eq? (module-type mod-in-table) 'interface)
+ (signal-cant-eval-interface name))
+ (else mod-in-table))))))
+(define (signal-module-not-ready name)
+ (fatal-error 'module-not-ready
+ "Module ~A is not loaded and ready."
+ name))
+(define (signal-cant-eval-interface name)
+ (fatal-error 'no-evaluation-in-interface
+ "Module ~A is an interface: evaluation not allowed."
+ name))
+(define (compile-fragment module str filename)
+ (let ((mod-ast (updated-module module)))
+ (dynamic-let
+ ((*printers* (if (memq 'extension *printers*) *printers* '()))
+ (*abort-phase* '#f))
+ (mlet (((t-code new-ast) (compile-fragment1 module mod-ast str filename)))
+ (cond ((eq? t-code 'error)
+ 'error)
+ (else
+ (eval t-code)
+ new-ast))))))
+(define (compile-fragment1 mod-name mod-ast str filename)
+ (let/cc x
+ (dynamic-let ((*abort-compilation* (lambda () (funcall x 'error '()))))
+ (let* ((mods (parse-from-string
+ (format '#f "module ~A where~%~A~%" mod-name str)
+ (function parse-module-list)
+ filename))
+ (new-mod (car mods)))
+ (when (not (null? (cdr mods)))
+ (signal-module-decl-in-extension))
+ (when (not (null? (module-imports new-mod)))
+ (signal-import-decl-in-extension))
+ (fragment-initialize new-mod mod-ast)
+ (values (modules->lisp-code mods) new-mod)))))
+(define (signal-module-decl-in-extension)
+ (fatal-error 'module-decl-in-extension
+ "Module declarations are not allowed in extensions."))
+(define (signal-import-decl-in-extension)
+ (fatal-error 'import-decl-in-extension
+ "Import declarations are not allowed in extensions."))
+;;; Copy stuff into the fragment module structure from its parent module.
+;;; The inverted symbol table is not necessary since the module contains
+;;; no imports.
+(define (fragment-initialize new old)
+ (setf (module-name new) (gensym))
+ (setf (module-type new) 'extension)
+ (setf (module-unit new) (module-unit old))
+ (setf (module-uses-standard-prelude? new)
+ (module-uses-standard-prelude? old))
+ (setf (module-inherited-env new) old)
+ (setf (module-fixity-table new)
+ (copy-table (module-fixity-table old)))
+ (setf (module-default new) (module-default old)))
+;;; This code deals with the actual evaluation of Haskell code.
+;;; This decides whether a variable has type `Dialogue'.
+(define (io-type? var)
+ (let ((type (var-type var)))
+ (when (not (gtype? type))
+ (error "~s is not a Gtype." type))
+ (and (null? (gtype-context type))
+ (is-dialogue? (gtype-type type)))))
+(define (is-dialogue? type)
+ (let ((type (expand-ntype-synonym type)))
+ (and (ntycon? type)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "Arrow"))
+ (let* ((args (ntycon-args type))
+ (a1 (expand-ntype-synonym (car args)))
+ (a2 (expand-ntype-synonym (cadr args))))
+ (and
+ (ntycon? a1)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon a1) (core-symbol "SystemState"))
+ (ntycon? a2)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon a2) (core-symbol "IOResult")))))))
+(define (is-list-of? type con)
+ (and (ntycon? type)
+ (eq? (ntycon-tycon type) (core-symbol "List"))
+ (let ((arg (expand-ntype-synonym (car (ntycon-args type)))))
+ (and (ntycon? arg) (eq? (ntycon-tycon arg) con)))))
+(define (apply-exec var)
+ (initialize-io-system)
+ (mlet (((_ sec)
+ (time-execution
+ (lambda ()
+ (let/cc x
+ (setf *runtime-abort* (lambda () (funcall x 'error)))
+ (let ((fn (eval (fullname var))))
+ (unless (var-strict? var)
+ (setf fn (force fn)))
+ (funcall fn (box 'state))))))))
+ (say "~%")
+ (when (memq 'time *printers*)
+ (say "Execution time: ~A seconds~%" sec)))
+ 'done)
+(define (eval-module mod)
+ (dolist (v (module-vars mod))
+ (when (io-type? v)
+ (when (not (string-starts? "temp_" (symbol->string (def-name v))))
+ (say/ne "~&Evaluating ~A.~%" v))
+ (apply-exec v))))
+(define (run-program name)
+ (compile/load name)
+ (let ((main-mod (table-entry *modules* '|Main|)))
+ (if main-mod
+ (let ((main-var (table-entry (module-symbol-table main-mod) '|main|)))
+ (if main-var
+ (apply-exec main-var)
+ (error "Variable main missing")))
+ (error "module Main missing"))))