path: root/com/lucid
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'com/lucid')
7 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/com/lucid/README b/com/lucid/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508ed40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This directory contains command scripts used for building Yale Haskell
+from the source distribution under Lucid Common Lisp. We have been using
+Lucid version 4.0.0 on a Sparc, but we don't expect that there would
+be difficulties in building with Lucid on other platforms.
+Developers need to source haskell-development instead of haskell-setup
+in the .cshrc file.
+To rebuild the system:
+* You need to define environment variables Y2 and LUCID to point to the
+ appropriate pathnames. See the haskell-development script for details.
+* Make sure that the environment variable PRELUDEBIN (in the
+ haskell-setup script) points to $PRELUDE/lucid.
+* Execute the "compile" script. This will recompile all of the Lisp
+ source files that make up the Yale Haskell system. Compiled files are
+ put in the "lucid" subdirectory of each source directory.
+* Execute the "build-prelude" script to compile the standard prelude.
+ Note that this process tends to use up a huge amount of memory!
+* Execute the "savesys" script to build a new executable.
+* The new executable is initially called "bin/new-lucid-haskell". Try
+ it out. If it works, you should rename it to "bin/lucid-haskell".
+ Make sure that HASKELLPROG (in the haskell-setup script) is correct.
+* If you want to build an executable with the X support, you'll also
+ need to run the "build-xlib" and "savesys-xlib" scripts. You
+ need to edit these scripts to change the pathname of the file
+ containing the CLX library (or suppress the load entirely if you
+ are using a Lisp executable with CLX pre-loaded.).
+Important note for Emacs users: We've been told that Lucid provides
+some patches to GNU Emacs that cause the Haskell Emacs mode not to work.
+(Apparently these patches redefine some of the interprocess communication
+functions in an incompatible way.) Use a standard Emacs.
diff --git a/com/lucid/build-prelude b/com/lucid/build-prelude
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aee2274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/build-prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# build-prelude -- recompile the prelude, saving the old one as old-prelude.*
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if (-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ rm $PRELUDEBIN/old*
+ foreach i ($PRELUDEBIN/Prelude*.{sbin,scm})
+ mv $i $PRELUDEBIN/old-$i:t
+ end
+ endif
+;; Need a big heap to compile the prelude.
+(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512 :growth-limit 2048)
+;; This will make sure any files that need to get compiled will be
+;; compiled with Lucid's production compiler. If you want to recompile
+;; everything from scratch, execute the "clean" script first, or
+;; else use the "compile" script to do this.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(phase-time dump-stat))
+(setf *optimizers* *all-optimizers*)
+;; Set appropriate compiler settings for processing the prelude.
+;; Use production compiler on prelude code and split it up into pieces.
+;; Use fast development compiler on interface.
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 2)
+(setf *interface-chunk-size* '#f)
+(compile/compile *prelude-unit-filename*)
diff --git a/com/lucid/build-xlib b/com/lucid/build-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..960bd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/build-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# build-xlib -- recompile the xlib stuff
+cd $Y2
+setenv CLXFILE /cs/licensed/sclisp-4.0/windows-x.sbin
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/lucid
+rm $LIBRARYBIN/xlib*.sbin
+bin/haskell <<EOF
+:(lcl:change-memory-management :expand 512)
+:(load "\$CLXFILE")
+:(setf *code-quality* 3)
+:compile \$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib
diff --git a/com/lucid/clean b/com/lucid/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c72d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# delete lucid binaries
+'rm' $Y2/*/lucid/*.{sbin,rbin}
diff --git a/com/lucid/compile b/com/lucid/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..115156a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# compile -- compile the Yale Haskell system from scratch.
+cd $Y2
+;; To get Lucid's development mode compiler, remove (compilation-speed 0)
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
diff --git a/com/lucid/savesys b/com/lucid/savesys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..786f44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/savesys
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# savesys -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lucid-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(setf lcl:*record-source-files* nil)
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(lcl:compiler-options :file-messages nil)
+(setf lcl:*redefinition-action* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 1)
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lcl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lcl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lcl:disksave "bin/new-lucid-haskell"
+ :reserved-free-segments 64 :dynamic-free-segments 25
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel :full-gc '#t)
diff --git a/com/lucid/savesys-xlib b/com/lucid/savesys-xlib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d5a959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/lucid/savesys-xlib
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# savesys-xlib -- build a saved executable in bin/new-lucid-clx-haskell
+cd $Y2
+setenv PRELUDEBIN $Y2/progs/prelude/lucid
+if !(-e $PRELUDEBIN/Prelude.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the prelude first, stupid..."
+ exit
+ endif
+setenv CLXFILE /cs/licensed/sclisp-4.0/windows-x.sbin
+setenv LIBRARYBIN $Y2/progs/lib/bin/lucid
+if !(-e $LIBRARYBIN/xlib.sbin) then
+ echo "Build the xlib stuff first, silly..."
+ exit
+ endif
+;;; Load the Haskell system.
+(make-package "MUMBLE-IMPLEMENTATION" :use '("LISP"))
+(setf lcl:*record-source-files* nil)
+(load "cl-support/cl-init")
+;;; Set various internal switches to appropriate values for running
+;;; Haskell code.
+(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+(lcl:compiler-options :file-messages nil)
+(setf lcl:*redefinition-action* nil)
+(setf *load-verbose* nil)
+(in-package :mumble-user)
+(setf *printers* '(compiling loading))
+(setf *optimizers* '())
+(setf *compile-interface* '#t)
+(setf *interface-code-quality* 1)
+(setf *code-chunk-size* 200)
+;;; Load the prelude.
+(compile/load *prelude-unit-filename*)
+;;; Load the X support.
+(load "\$CLXFILE")
+(compile/load "\$HASKELL_LIBRARY/X11/xlib")
+(setf *haskell-compiler-update*
+ (string-append *haskell-compiler-update* "-X11"))
+;;; Set up the saved system.
+(define (haskell-toplevel)
+ (load-init-files)
+ (do () ('#f)
+ (lcl:with-simple-restart (restart-haskell "Restart Haskell.")
+ (heval))))
+(define (restart-haskell)
+ (lcl:invoke-restart 'restart-haskell))
+(lcl:disksave "bin/new-lucid-clx-haskell"
+ :reserved-free-segments 64 :dynamic-free-segments 25
+ :restart-function 'haskell-toplevel :full-gc '#t)