path: root/cfn
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Diffstat (limited to 'cfn')
5 files changed, 906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cfn/README b/cfn/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a25c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/README
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Whats what in the cfn.
+Language generated by cfn contains these ast node types:
+ lambda
+ let
+ if
+ case -- restriction: all patterns must be either literals or
+ a constructor with var and wildcard args
+ app
+ var-ref
+ con-ref
+ const
+ con-number
+ sel
+ is-constructor
+Transformations to do:
+ Convert lists to explicit calls to cons
+ Simplify patterns
+ Remove sequences
+ Remove list comprehensions
+ Remove sections
+ Reduce patterns on lhs of decls
+ Reduce patterns in function args
+ Convert where decls to let statements
+ Convert guarded-expressions to if - then - else form
+Done earlier:
+ signdecls are removed in scoping
+ exp-signs are removed in typechecker
+ prec parser removes `negate' & pp-* nodes
diff --git a/cfn/cfn.scm b/cfn/cfn.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf43be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/cfn.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; cfn.scm -- module definition for CFN phase
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 11 Mar 1992
+(define-compilation-unit cfn
+ (source-filename "$Y2/cfn/")
+ (require ast haskell-utils)
+ (unit main
+ (source-filename "main.scm"))
+ (unit misc
+ (source-filename "misc.scm")
+ (require main))
+ (unit pattern
+ (source-filename "pattern.scm")
+ (require main)))
diff --git a/cfn/main.scm b/cfn/main.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3853b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/main.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+;;; main.scm -- main entry point for CFN pass
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; Basic support
+;;; Define the basic walker and some helper functions.
+(define-walker cfn ast-td-cfn-walker)
+(define (cfn-ast-1 x)
+ (call-walker cfn x))
+(define (cfn-ast/list l)
+ (map (lambda (x) (cfn-ast-1 x)) l))
+;;; This is the main entry point. It is called by the driver on
+;;; each top-level decl in the module.
+(define (cfn-ast x)
+ (let ((result (cfn-ast-1 x)))
+; (pprint result) ;*** debug
+ result))
+;;; Default traversal methods
+(define-local-syntax (make-cfn-code slot type)
+ (let ((stype (sd-type slot))
+ (sname (sd-name slot)))
+ (cond ((and (symbol? stype)
+ (or (eq? stype 'exp)
+ (subtype? stype 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (symbol? (cadr stype))
+ (or (eq? (cadr stype) 'exp)
+ (subtype? (cadr stype) 'exp)))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-ast/list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ ((and (pair? stype)
+ (eq? (car stype) 'list)
+ (eq? (cadr stype) 'decl))
+ `(setf (struct-slot ',type ',sname object)
+ (cfn-valdef-list (struct-slot ',type ',sname object))))
+ (else
+; (format '#t "Cfn: skipping slot ~A in ~A~%"
+; (sd-name slot)
+; type)
+ '#f))))
+(define-modify-walker-methods cfn
+ (let if
+ exp-sign
+ app
+ var-ref con-ref
+ integer-const float-const char-const string-const
+ con-number sel is-constructor
+ void
+ case-block return-from and-exp
+ )
+ (object)
+ make-cfn-code)
+;;; These have specialized walkers:
+;;; lambda, case, valdef, list-comp (pattern.scm)
+;;; list-exp, list-comp, section-l, section-r, dict-placeholder,
+;;; recursive-placeholder, save-old-exp (misc.scm)
diff --git a/cfn/misc.scm b/cfn/misc.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bcba64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/misc.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+;;; misc.scm -- random other transformations done during CFN processing
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; This file contains specialized CFN walkers that implement rewrite rules
+;;; for list-exp, sequence-xxx, list-comp, section-l, and section-r.
+;;; Turn list-exps into cons chains.
+(define-walker-method cfn list-exp (object)
+ (do-cfn-list-exp (list-exp-exps object)))
+(define (do-cfn-list-exp exps)
+ (if (null? exps)
+ ;; Make a con-ref for []
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ ;; Otherwise make an app of :
+ (let ((first (cfn-ast-1 (car exps)))
+ (rest (do-cfn-list-exp (cdr exps))))
+ (**app (**con/def (core-symbol ":")) first rest))))
+;;; Sections get turned into lambda expressions.
+(define-walker-method cfn section-l (object)
+ (let ((def (create-temp-var 'section-arg)))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def def))
+ (**app (cfn-ast-1 (section-l-op object))
+ (**var/def def)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (section-l-exp object))))))
+(define-walker-method cfn section-r (object)
+ (let ((def (create-temp-var 'section-arg)))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def def))
+ (**app (cfn-ast-1 (section-r-op object))
+ (cfn-ast-1 (section-r-exp object))
+ (**var/def def)))))
+;;; Do list comprehensions.
+;;; rewrite in terms of build and foldr so that we can apply
+;;; deforestation techniques later.
+(define-walker-method cfn list-comp (object)
+ (let ((c (create-temp-var 'c))
+ (n (create-temp-var 'n)))
+ (cfn-ast-1
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "build"))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def c) (**var-pat/def n))
+ (do-cfn-list-comp
+ (list-comp-exp object) (list-comp-quals object) c n))))))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c n)
+ (if (null? quals)
+ (**app (**var/def c) exp (**var/def n))
+ (let ((qual (car quals)))
+ (if (is-type? 'qual-generator qual)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp-generator exp qual (cdr quals) c n)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp-filter exp qual (cdr quals) c n)))))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp-filter exp qual quals c n)
+ (**if (qual-filter-exp qual)
+ (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c n)
+ (**var/def n)))
+(define (do-cfn-list-comp-generator exp qual quals c n)
+ (let ((gen-pat (qual-generator-pat qual))
+ (gen-exp (qual-generator-exp qual))
+ (l (create-temp-var 'list))
+ (b (create-temp-var 'rest)))
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "foldr"))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (list (**var-pat/def l) (**var-pat/def b))
+ (**case (**var/def l)
+ (list (**alt/simple
+ gen-pat
+ (do-cfn-list-comp exp quals c b))
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**wildcard-pat)
+ (**var/def b)))))
+ (**var/def n)
+ gen-exp)))
+;;; Placeholders just get eliminated
+(define-walker-method cfn dict-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (dict-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a dict placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (dict-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn method-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (method-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a method placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (method-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn recursive-placeholder (object)
+ (if (eq? (recursive-placeholder-exp object) '#f)
+ (error "Type checker screwed a recursive placeholder object ~s." object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (recursive-placeholder-exp object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn cast (object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (cast-exp object)))
+;;; Eliminate saved old expressions
+(define-walker-method cfn save-old-exp (object)
+ (cfn-ast-1 (save-old-exp-new-exp object)))
diff --git a/cfn/pattern.scm b/cfn/pattern.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64badbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfn/pattern.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+;;; pattern.scm -- cfn processing of pattern-related AST structures
+;;; author : Sandra Loosemore
+;;; date : 27 Feb 1992
+;;; This file contains specialized CFN walkers for lambda, case, and valdef
+;;; structures.
+;;; Top-level walkers
+;;; The calls to remember-context are so an appropriate error message
+;;; can be produced for pattern-matching failures.
+(define-walker-method cfn lambda (object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (do-cfn-lambda (lambda-pats object) (lambda-body object))))
+(define-walker-method cfn case (object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (do-cfn-case
+ (case-exp object)
+ (case-alts object))))
+;;; Valdefs are always processed as a list.
+(define (cfn-valdef-list list-of-valdefs)
+ (if (null? list-of-valdefs)
+ '()
+ (nconc (cfn-valdef (car list-of-valdefs))
+ (cfn-valdef-list (cdr list-of-valdefs)))))
+(define (cfn-valdef object)
+ (remember-context object
+ (if (null? (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions object))))
+ ;; This is a pattern binding.
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object)
+ ;; This is a function binding.
+ ;; Branch on single-headed/multi-headed definition.
+ (list (add-dict-params
+ object
+ (if (null? (cdr (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (do-cfn-function-def-simple object)
+ (do-cfn-function-def-general object))))
+ )))
+;;; This adds the dictionary parameters needed by the type system. A valdef
+;;; structure has a dictionary-args field which contains the variables to be
+;;; bound to dicationary arguments.
+(define (add-dict-params original-valdef generated-valdef)
+ (let ((vars (valdef-dictionary-args original-valdef)))
+ (when (not (null? vars))
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions generated-valdef)))
+ (rhs (car (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)))
+ (exp (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs))
+ (pats (map (function **var-pat/def) vars)))
+ (if (is-type? 'lambda exp)
+ (setf (lambda-pats exp)
+ (nconc pats (lambda-pats exp)))
+ (setf (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)
+ (**lambda/pat pats exp))))))
+ generated-valdef)
+;;; Lambda rewriting
+;;; For lambda, make all the argument patterns into var pats.
+;;; Rewrite the body as a CASE to do any more complicated pattern
+;;; matching.
+;;; The CFN output for lambda is a modified lambda expression with
+;;; all var-pats as arguments.
+(define (do-cfn-lambda pats body)
+ (let ((new-args '())
+ (new-vars '())
+ (new-pats '()))
+ (dolist (p pats)
+ (typecase p
+ (wildcard-pat
+ (push (**var-pat/def (create-temp-var 'arg)) new-args))
+ (var-pat
+ (push p new-args))
+ (as-pat
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var (as-pat-var p))))
+ (push (**var-pat/def var) new-args)
+ (push (**var/def var) new-vars)
+ (push (as-pat-pattern p) new-pats)))
+ (else
+ (let ((var (create-temp-var 'arg)))
+ (push (**var-pat/def var) new-args)
+ (push (**var/def var) new-vars)
+ (push p new-pats)))))
+ (setf new-args (nreverse new-args))
+ (setf new-vars (nreverse new-vars))
+ (setf new-pats (nreverse new-pats))
+ (**lambda/pat
+ new-args
+ (cond ((null? new-vars)
+ ;; No fancy pattern matching necessary.
+ (cfn-ast-1 body))
+ ((null? (cdr new-vars))
+ ;; Exactly one argument to match on.
+ (do-cfn-case (car new-vars)
+ (list (**alt/simple (car new-pats) body))))
+ (else
+ ;; Multiple arguments to match on.
+ (do-cfn-case-tuple
+ new-vars
+ (list (**alt/simple (**tuple-pat new-pats) body))))
+ ))))
+;;; Function definitions
+;;; The output of the CFN for function definitions is a simple
+;;; valdef which binds a variable to a lambda expression.
+;;; The simple case: there is only one set of arguments.
+(define (do-cfn-function-def-simple object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (sfd (car (valdef-definitions object))))
+ (**valdef/pat
+ pat
+ (do-cfn-lambda
+ (single-fun-def-args sfd)
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f)))))
+;;; The general case: generate new variables as the formal parameters
+;;; to the resulting lambda, then use case to do the pattern matching.
+(define (do-cfn-function-def-general object)
+ (let ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (vars (map (lambda (p)
+ (declare (ignore p))
+ (create-temp-var 'arg))
+ (single-fun-def-args (car (valdef-definitions object)))))
+ (alts (map (lambda (sfd)
+ (**alt (**tuple-pat (single-fun-def-args sfd))
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)))
+ (valdef-definitions object))))
+ (**valdef/pat
+ pat
+ (**lambda/pat
+ (map (function **var-pat/def) vars)
+ (if (null? (cdr vars))
+ ;; one-argument case
+ (do-cfn-case (**var/def (car vars)) alts)
+ ;; multi-argument case
+ (do-cfn-case-tuple (map (function **var/def) vars) alts))))
+ ))
+;;; Case
+;;; For case, add failure alt, then call helper function to generate
+;;; pattern matching tests.
+;;; The CFN output for case is a case-block construct.
+(define (do-cfn-case exp alts)
+ (setf alts
+ (append alts
+ (list (**alt/simple (**wildcard-pat) (make-failure-exp)))))
+ (let ((list-of-pats (map (lambda (a) (list (alt-pat a))) alts)))
+ (if (is-type? 'var-ref exp)
+ (match-pattern-list (list exp) list-of-pats alts)
+ (let ((temp (create-temp-var 'cfn)))
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def temp (cfn-ast-1 exp)))
+ (match-pattern-list
+ (list (**var/def temp))
+ list-of-pats
+ alts)))
+ )))
+;;; Here's a special case, for when the exp being matched is a tuple
+;;; of var-refs and all the alts also have tuple pats.
+(define (do-cfn-case-tuple exps alts)
+ (setf alts
+ (append alts
+ (list
+ (**alt/simple
+ (**tuple-pat
+ (map (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) (**wildcard-pat))
+ exps))
+ (make-failure-exp)))))
+ (match-pattern-list
+ exps
+ (map (lambda (a) (pcon-pats (alt-pat a))) alts)
+ alts))
+(define (match-pattern-list exps list-of-pats alts)
+ (let ((block-name (gensym "PMATCH")))
+ (**case-block
+ block-name
+ (map (lambda (a p) (match-pattern exps p a block-name))
+ alts
+ list-of-pats))))
+;;; Produce an exp that matches the given alt against the exps.
+;;; If the match succeeds, it will return-from the given block-name.
+(define (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)
+ (if (null pats)
+ ;; No more patterns to match.
+ ;; Return an exp that handles the guards and where-decls.
+ (cfn-ast-1
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (alt-where-decls alt) (alt-rhs-list alt) block-name))
+ ;; Otherwise dispatch on type of first pattern.
+ (let ((pat (pop pats))
+ (exp (pop exps)))
+ (funcall
+ (typecase pat
+ (wildcard-pat (function match-wildcard-pat))
+ (var-pat (function match-var-pat))
+ (pcon (function match-pcon))
+ (as-pat (function match-as-pat))
+ (irr-pat (function match-irr-pat))
+ (const-pat (function match-const-pat))
+ (plus-pat (function match-plus-pat))
+ (list-pat (function match-list-pat))
+ (else (error "Unrecognized pattern ~s." pat)))
+ pat
+ exp
+ pats
+ exps
+ alt
+ block-name))))
+;;; Wildcard patterns add no pattern matching test.
+;;; Just recurse on the next pattern to be matched.
+(define (match-wildcard-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (declare (ignore pat exp))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+;;; A variable pattern likewise does not add any test. However,
+;;; a binding of the variable to the corresponding exp must be added.
+(define (match-var-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (push (**valdef/pat pat exp)
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+;;; Pcons are the hairy case because they may have subpatterns that need
+;;; to be matched.
+;;; If there are subpats and the exp is not a var-ref, make a let binding.
+;;; If the con is a tuple type, there is no need to generate a test
+;;; since the test would always succeed anyway.
+;;; Do not generate let bindings here for subexpressions; do this lazily
+;;; if and when necessary.
+(define (match-pcon pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let* ((var? (is-type? 'var-ref exp))
+ (var (if var?
+ (var-ref-var exp)
+ (create-temp-var 'conexp)))
+ (con (pcon-con pat))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (subpats (pcon-pats pat))
+ (subexps '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push (**sel con (**var/def var) i) subexps))
+ (setf exps (nconc (nreverse subexps) exps))
+ (setf pats (append subpats pats))
+ (let ((tail (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+ (when (not tuple?)
+ (setf tail
+ (**and-exp (**is-constructor (**var/def var) con) tail)))
+ (when (not var?)
+ (setf tail
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var (cfn-ast-1 exp))) tail)))
+ tail)))
+;;; For as-pat, add a variable binding.
+;;; If the expression being matched is not already a variable reference,
+;;; take this opportunity to make the let binding. Otherwise push the
+;;; let-binding onto the where-decls.
+(define (match-as-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((var (var-ref-var (as-pat-var pat)))
+ (subpat (as-pat-pattern pat)))
+ (if (is-type? 'var-ref exp)
+ (begin
+ (push (**valdef/def var (**var/def (var-ref-var exp)))
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons exp exps)
+ (cons subpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name))
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var (cfn-ast-1 exp)))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons (**var/def var) exps)
+ (cons subpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name)))))
+;;; An irrefutable pattern adds no test to the pattern matching,
+;;; but adds a pattern binding to the where-decls.
+(define (match-irr-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((subpat (irr-pat-pattern pat)))
+ (push (**valdef/pat subpat exp) (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+;;; A const pat has a little piece of code inserted by the typechecker
+;;; to do the test.
+;;; For matches against string constants, generate an inline test to match
+;;; on each character of the string.
+(define (match-const-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((const (const-pat-value pat)))
+ (**and-exp
+ (if (is-type? 'string-const const)
+ (let ((string (string-const-value const)))
+ (if (string=? string "")
+ (**is-constructor exp (core-symbol "Nil"))
+ (**app (**var/def (core-symbol "primStringEq")) const exp)))
+ (cfn-ast-1 (**app (const-pat-match-fn pat) exp)))
+ (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name))
+ ))
+;;; Plus pats have both a magic test and a piece of code to
+;;; make a binding in the where-decls. Make a variable binding
+;;; for the exp if it's not already a variable.
+(define (match-plus-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let* ((var? (is-type? 'var-ref exp))
+ (var (if var? (var-ref-var exp) (create-temp-var 'plusexp))))
+ (push (**valdef/pat (plus-pat-pattern pat)
+ (**app (plus-pat-bind-fn pat) (**var/def var)))
+ (alt-where-decls alt))
+ (let ((tail (match-pattern exps pats alt block-name)))
+ (setf tail
+ (**and-exp
+ (cfn-ast-1 (**app (plus-pat-match-fn pat) (**var/def var)))
+ tail))
+ (if var?
+ tail
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def var exp)) tail)))))
+;;; Rewrite list pats as pcons, then process recursively.
+(define (match-list-pat pat exp pats exps alt block-name)
+ (let ((newpat (rewrite-list-pat (list-pat-pats pat))))
+ (match-pattern
+ (cons exp exps)
+ (cons newpat pats)
+ alt
+ block-name)))
+(define (rewrite-list-pat subpats)
+ (if (null? subpats)
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol "Nil") '())
+ (**pcon/def (core-symbol ":")
+ (list (car subpats)
+ (rewrite-list-pat (cdr subpats))))))
+;;; Pattern definitions
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object)
+ (typecase (valdef-lhs object)
+ (var-pat
+ ;; If the pattern definition is a simple variable assignment, it
+ ;; may have dictionary parameters that need to be messed with.
+ ;; Complicated pattern bindings can't be overloaded in this way.
+ (list (add-dict-params object (do-cfn-pattern-def-simple object))))
+ (irr-pat
+ ;; Irrefutable patterns are redundant here.
+ (setf (valdef-lhs object) (irr-pat-pattern (valdef-lhs object)))
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top object))
+ (wildcard-pat
+ ;; Wildcards are no-ops.
+ '())
+ (pcon
+ ;; Special-case because it's frequent and general case creates
+ ;; such lousy code
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-pcon object))
+ (else
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object))))
+;;; Do a "simple" pattern definition, e.g. one that already has a
+;;; var-pat on the lhs.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-simple object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f)))
+ (**valdef/pat pat (cfn-ast-1 exp))))
+;;; Destructure a pcon.
+;;; Note that the simplified expansion is only valid if none of
+;;; the subpatterns introduce tests. Otherwise we must defer to
+;;; the general case.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-pcon object)
+ (let* ((pat (valdef-lhs object))
+ (subpats (pcon-pats pat)))
+ (if (every (function irrefutable-pat?) subpats)
+ (let* ((con (pcon-con pat))
+ (arity (con-arity con))
+ (alg (con-alg con))
+ (tuple? (algdata-tuple? alg))
+ (temp (create-temp-var 'pbind))
+ (result '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (setf result
+ (nconc result
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-top
+ (**valdef/pat (pop subpats)
+ (**sel con (**var/def temp) i))))))
+ (if (null? result)
+ '()
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (cfn-ast-1
+ (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f))))
+ (when (not tuple?)
+ (let ((temp1 (create-temp-var 'cfn)))
+ (setf exp
+ (**let (list (**valdef/def temp1 exp))
+ (**if (**is-constructor (**var/def temp1) con)
+ (**var/def temp1)
+ (make-failure-exp))))))
+ (cons (**valdef/def temp exp) result))))
+ (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object))))
+;;; Turn a complicated pattern definition into a list of simple ones.
+;;; The idea is to use case to match the pattern and build a tuple of
+;;; all the values which are being destructured into the pattern
+;;; variables.
+(define (do-cfn-pattern-def-general object)
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (valdef-lhs object))
+ (if (not (null? vars))
+ (let* ((sfd (car (valdef-definitions object)))
+ (exp (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls
+ (single-fun-def-where-decls sfd)
+ (single-fun-def-rhs-list sfd)
+ '#f))
+ (arity (length vars)))
+ (if (eqv? arity 1)
+ (list (**valdef/def
+ (var-ref-var (car vars))
+ (do-cfn-case
+ exp
+ (list (**alt/simple new-pat (car new-vars))))))
+ (let ((temp (create-temp-var 'pbind))
+ (bindings '()))
+ (dotimes (i arity)
+ (push (**valdef/def (var-ref-var (pop vars))
+ (**tuple-sel arity i (**var/def temp)))
+ bindings))
+ (cons (**valdef/def
+ temp
+ (do-cfn-case
+ exp
+ (list (**alt/simple new-pat (**tuple/l new-vars)))))
+ bindings))))
+ '())))
+;;; Helper function for above.
+;;; All the variables in the pattern must be replaced with temporary
+;;; variables.
+(define (copy-pattern-variables pat)
+ (typecase pat
+ (wildcard-pat
+ (values pat '() '()))
+ (var-pat
+ (let ((new (create-temp-var (var-ref-name (var-pat-var pat)))))
+ (values (**var-pat/def new)
+ (list (var-pat-var pat))
+ (list (**var/def new)))))
+ (pcon
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pats vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables-list (pcon-pats pat))
+ (values (**pcon/def (pcon-con pat) new-pats)
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (as-pat
+ (let ((new (create-temp-var (var-ref-name (as-pat-var pat)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (as-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make as-pat
+ (var (**var/def new))
+ (pattern new-pat))
+ (cons (as-pat-var pat) vars)
+ (cons (**var/def new) new-vars)))))
+ (irr-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (irr-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make irr-pat (pattern new-pat))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (const-pat
+ (values pat '() '()))
+ (plus-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pat vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables (plus-pat-pattern pat))
+ (values
+ (make plus-pat
+ (pattern new-pat)
+ (k (plus-pat-k pat))
+ (match-fn (plus-pat-match-fn pat))
+ (bind-fn (plus-pat-bind-fn pat)))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (list-pat
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-pats vars new-vars)
+ (copy-pattern-variables-list (list-pat-pats pat))
+ (values (make list-pat (pats new-pats))
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+ (else
+ (error "Unrecognized pattern ~s." pat))))
+(define (copy-pattern-variables-list pats)
+ (let ((new-pats '())
+ (vars '())
+ (new-vars '()))
+ (dolist (p pats)
+ (multiple-value-bind (p v n) (copy-pattern-variables p)
+ (push p new-pats)
+ (setf vars (nconc vars v))
+ (setf new-vars (nconc new-vars n))))
+ (values (nreverse new-pats)
+ vars
+ new-vars)))
+;;; Helper functions for processing guards and where-decls
+;;; Process guards and where-decls into a single expression.
+;;; If block-name is non-nil, wrap the exp with a return-from.
+;;; If block-name is nil, add a failure exp if necessary.
+;;; Note that this does NOT do the CFN traversal on the result or
+;;; any part of it.
+(define (rewrite-guards-and-where-decls where-decls rhs-list block-name)
+ (if (null? where-decls)
+ (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name)
+ (**let where-decls
+ (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name))))
+(define (rewrite-guards rhs-list block-name)
+ (if (null? rhs-list)
+ (if block-name
+ (**con/def (core-symbol "False"))
+ (make-failure-exp))
+ (let* ((rhs (car rhs-list))
+ (guard (guarded-rhs-guard rhs))
+ (exp (guarded-rhs-rhs rhs)))
+ (when block-name
+ (setf exp (**return-from block-name exp)))
+ (cond ((is-type? 'omitted-guard (guarded-rhs-guard (car rhs-list)))
+ exp)
+ ((and block-name (null? (cdr rhs-list)))
+ (**and-exp guard exp))
+ (else
+ (**if guard
+ exp
+ (rewrite-guards (cdr rhs-list) block-name)))
+ ))))
+(define (make-failure-exp)
+ (let ((c (dynamic *context*)))
+ (**abort
+ (if (not c)
+ "Pattern match failed."
+ (let* ((stuff (ast-node-line-number c))
+ (line (source-pointer-line stuff))
+ (file (source-pointer-file stuff)))
+ (if (and (is-type? 'valdef c)
+ (is-type? 'var-pat (valdef-lhs c)))
+ (format
+ '#f
+ "Pattern match failed in function ~a at line ~s in file ~a."
+ (valdef-lhs c) line file)
+ (format
+ '#f
+ "Pattern match failed at line ~s in file ~a."
+ line file)))))))