path: root/progs/demo/prolog
diff options
authorYale AI Dept <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
committerDuncan McGreggor <>1993-07-14 13:08:00 -0500
commit4e987026148fe65c323afbc93cd560c07bf06b3f (patch)
tree26ae54177389edcbe453d25a00c38c2774e8b7d4 /progs/demo/prolog
Import to github.
Diffstat (limited to 'progs/demo/prolog')
16 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs
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index 0000000..a269503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Engine.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- Stack based Prolog inference engine
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Engine(prove) where
+import PrologData
+import Subst
+--- Calculation of solutions:
+-- the stack based engine maintains a stack of triples (s,goal,alts)
+-- corresponding to backtrack points, where s is the substitution at that
+-- point, goal is the outstanding goal and alts is a list of possible ways
+-- of extending the current proof to find a solution. Each member of alts
+-- is a pair (tp,u) where tp is a new subgoal that must be proved and u is
+-- a unifying substitution that must be combined with the substitution s.
+-- the list of relevant clauses at each step in the execution is produced
+-- by attempting to unify the head of the current goal with a suitably
+-- renamed clause from the database.
+type Stack = [ (Subst, [Term], [Alt]) ]
+type Alt = ([Term], Subst)
+alts :: Database -> Int -> Term -> [Alt]
+alts db n g = [ (tp,u) | (tm:*tp) <- renClauses db n g, u <- unify g tm ]
+-- The use of a stack enables backtracking to be described explicitly,
+-- in the following `state-based' definition of prove:
+prove :: Database -> [Term] -> [Subst]
+prove db gl = solve 1 nullSubst gl []
+ where
+ solve :: Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ solve n s [] ow = s : backtrack n ow
+ solve n s (g:gs) ow
+ | g==theCut = solve n s gs (cut ow)
+ | otherwise = choose n s gs (alts db n (apply s g)) ow
+ choose :: Int -> Subst -> [Term] -> [Alt] -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ choose n s gs [] ow = backtrack n ow
+ choose n s gs ((tp,u):rs) ow = solve (n+1) (u@@s) (tp++gs) ((s,gs,rs):ow)
+ backtrack :: Int -> Stack -> [Subst]
+ backtrack n [] = []
+ backtrack n ((s,gs,rs):ow) = choose (n-1) s gs rs ow
+--- Special definitions for the cut predicate:
+theCut :: Term
+theCut = Struct "!" []
+cut :: Stack -> Stack
+cut (top:(s,gl,_):ss) = top:(s,gl,[]):ss
+cut ss = ss
+--- End of Engine.hs
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index 0000000..c8bf516
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+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Interact.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+-- Interactive utility functions
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Interact(Interactive(..), skip, end, readln, writeln, readch) where
+-- The functions defined in this module provide basic facilities for
+-- writing line-oriented interactive programs (i.e. a function mapping
+-- an input string to an appropriate output string). These definitions
+-- are an enhancement of thos in B+W 7.8
+-- skip p is an interactive program which consumes no input, produces
+-- no output and then behaves like the interactive program p.
+-- end is an interactive program which ignores the input and
+-- produces no output.
+-- writeln txt p is an interactive program which outputs the message txt
+-- and then behaves like the interactive program p
+-- readch act def is an interactive program which reads the first character c
+-- from the input stream and behaves like the interactive
+-- program act c. If the input character stream is empty,
+-- readch act def prints the default string def and terminates.
+-- readln p g is an interactive program which prints the prompt p and
+-- reads a line (upto the first carriage return, or end of
+-- input) from the input stream. It then behaves like g line.
+-- Backspace characters included in the input stream are
+-- interpretted in the usual way.
+type Interactive = String -> String
+--- Interactive program combining forms:
+skip :: Interactive -> Interactive
+skip p inn = p inn -- a dressed up identity function
+end :: Interactive
+end inn = ""
+writeln :: String -> Interactive -> Interactive
+writeln txt p inn = txt ++ p inn
+readch :: (Char -> Interactive) -> String -> Interactive
+readch act def "" = def
+readch act def (c:cs) = act c cs
+readln :: String -> (String -> Interactive) -> Interactive
+readln prompt g inn = prompt ++ lineOut 0 line ++ "\n"
+ ++ g (noBackSpaces line) input'
+ where line = before '\n' inn
+ input' = after '\n' inn
+ after x = tail . dropWhile (x/=)
+ before x = takeWhile (x/=)
+--- Filter out backspaces etc:
+rubout :: Char -> Bool
+rubout c = (c=='\DEL' || c=='\BS')
+lineOut :: Int -> String -> String
+lineOut n "" = ""
+lineOut n (c:cs)
+ | n>0 && rubout c = "\BS \BS" ++ lineOut (n-1) cs
+ | n==0 && rubout c = lineOut 0 cs
+ | otherwise = c:lineOut (n+1) cs
+noBackSpaces :: String -> String
+noBackSpaces = reverse . delete 0 . reverse
+ where delete n "" = ""
+ delete n (c:cs)
+ | rubout c = delete (n+1) cs
+ | n>0 = delete (n-1) cs
+ | otherwise = c:delete 0 cs
+--- End of Interact.hs
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index 0000000..56d83a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- Prolog interpreter top level module
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Main(main) where
+import PrologData
+import Parse
+import Interact
+import Subst
+import Engine
+import Version
+--- Command structure and parsing:
+data Command = Fact Clause | Query [Term] | Show | Error | Quit | NoChange
+command :: Parser Command
+command = just (sptok "bye" `orelse` sptok "quit") `do` (\quit->Quit)
+ `orelse`
+ just (okay NoChange)
+ `orelse`
+ just (sptok "??") `do` (\show->Show)
+ `orelse`
+ just clause `do` Fact
+ `orelse`
+ just (sptok "?-" `seq` termlist) `do` (\(q,ts)->Query ts)
+ `orelse`
+ okay Error
+--- Main program read-solve-print loop:
+signOn :: String
+signOn = "Mini Prolog Version 1.5 (" ++ version ++ ")\n\n"
+main :: Dialogue
+main = --echo False abort
+ (appendChan stdout signOn abort
+ (appendChan stdout ("Reading " ++ stdlib ++ "...") abort
+ (readFile stdlib
+ (\fail -> appendChan stdout "not found\n" abort
+ (interpreter ""))
+ (\lib -> appendChan stdout "done\n" abort
+ (interpreter lib))
+ )))
+stdlib :: String
+stdlib = "$HASKELL/progs/demo/prolog/stdlib"
+interpreter :: String -> Dialogue
+interpreter lib = readChan stdin abort
+ (\inn -> appendChan stdout (loop startDb inn) abort done)
+ where startDb = foldl addClause emptyDb clauses
+ clauses = [r | ((r,""):_)<-map clause (lines lib)]
+loop :: Database -> String -> String
+loop db = readln "> " (exec db . fst . head . command)
+exec :: Database -> Command -> String -> String
+exec db (Fact r) = skip (loop (addClause db r))
+exec db (Query q) = demonstrate db q
+exec db Show = writeln (show db) (loop db)
+exec db Error = writeln "I don't understand\n" (loop db)
+exec db Quit = writeln "Thank you and goodbye\n" end
+exec db NoChange = skip (loop db)
+--- Handle printing of solutions etc...
+solution :: [Id] -> Subst -> [String]
+solution vs s = [ show (Var i) ++ " = " ++ show v
+ | (i,v) <- [ (i,s i) | i<-vs ], v /= Var i ]
+demonstrate :: Database -> [Term] -> Interactive
+demonstrate db q = printOut (map (solution vs) (prove db q))
+ where vs = (nub . concat . map varsIn) q
+ printOut [] = writeln "no.\n" (loop db)
+ printOut ([]:bs) = writeln "yes.\n" (loop db)
+ printOut (b:bs) = writeln (doLines b) (nextReqd bs)
+ doLines = foldr1 (\xs ys -> xs ++ "\n" ++ ys)
+ nextReqd bs = writeln " "
+ (readch (\c->if c==';'
+ then writeln ";\n" (printOut bs)
+ else writeln "\n" (loop db)) "")
+--- End of Main.hs
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index 0000000..0487432
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+-- General parsing library, based on Richard Bird's parselib.orw for Orwell
+-- (with a number of extensions)
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Parse(Parser(..), fail, okay, tok, sat, orelse, seq, do,
+ sptok, just, listOf, many, sp, many1) where
+infixr 6 `seq`
+infixl 5 `do`
+infixr 4 `orelse`
+--- Type definition:
+type Parser a = [Char] -> [(a,[Char])]
+-- A parser is a function which maps an input stream of characters into
+-- a list of pairs each containing a parsed value and the remainder of the
+-- unused input stream. This approach allows us to use the list of
+-- successes technique to detect errors (i.e. empty list ==> syntax error).
+-- it also permits the use of ambiguous grammars in which there may be more
+-- than one valid parse of an input string.
+--- Primitive parsers:
+-- fail is a parser which always fails.
+-- okay v is a parser which always succeeds without consuming any characters
+-- from the input string, with parsed value v.
+-- tok w is a parser which succeeds if the input stream begins with the
+-- string (token) w, returning the matching string and the following
+-- input. If the input does not begin with w then the parser fails.
+-- sat p is a parser which succeeds with value c if c is the first input
+-- character and c satisfies the predicate p.
+fail :: Parser a
+fail inn = []
+okay :: a -> Parser a
+okay v inn = [(v,inn)]
+tok :: [Char] -> Parser [Char]
+tok w inn = [(w, drop n inn) | w == take n inn]
+ where n = length w
+sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
+sat p [] = []
+sat p (c:inn) = [ (c,inn) | p c ]
+--- Parser combinators:
+-- p1 `orelse` p2 is a parser which returns all possible parses of the input
+-- string, first using the parser p1, then using parser p2.
+-- p1 `seq` p2 is a parser which returns pairs of values (v1,v2) where
+-- v1 is the result of parsing the input string using p1 and
+-- v2 is the result of parsing the remaining input using p2.
+-- p `do` f is a parser which behaves like the parser p, but returns
+-- the value f v wherever p would have returned the value v.
+-- just p is a parser which behaves like the parser p, but rejects any
+-- parses in which the remaining input string is not blank.
+-- sp p behaves like the parser p, but ignores leading spaces.
+-- sptok w behaves like the parser tok w, but ignores leading spaces.
+-- many p returns a list of values, each parsed using the parser p.
+-- many1 p parses a non-empty list of values, each parsed using p.
+-- listOf p s parses a list of input values using the parser p, with
+-- separators parsed using the parser s.
+orelse :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
+p1 `orelse` p2 = \inn->p1 inn ++ p2 inn
+seq :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b)
+p1 `seq` p2 = \inn->[((v1,v2),inn2) | (v1,inn1) <- p1 inn, (v2,inn2) <- p2 inn1]
+do :: Parser a -> (a -> b) -> Parser b
+p `do` f = \inn->[(f v, inn1) | (v,inn1) <- p inn]
+just :: Parser a -> Parser a
+just p inn = [ (v,"") | (v,inn')<- p inn, dropWhile (' '==) inn' == "" ]
+sp :: Parser a -> Parser a
+sp p = p . dropWhile (' '==)
+sptok :: [Char] -> Parser [Char]
+sptok = sp . tok
+many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
+many p = q
+ where q = ((p `seq` q) `do` makeList) `orelse` (okay [])
+many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
+many1 p = p `seq` many p `do` makeList
+listOf :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
+listOf p s = p `seq` many (s `seq` p) `do` nonempty
+ `orelse` okay []
+ where nonempty (x,xs) = x:(map snd xs)
+--- Internals:
+makeList :: (a,[a]) -> [a]
+makeList (x,xs) = x:xs
+-- an attempt to optimise the performance of the standard prelude function
+-- `take' in Haskell B 0.99.3 gives the wrong semantics. The original
+-- definition, given below works correctly and is used in the above.
+safetake :: (Integral a) => a -> [b] -> [b]
+safetake _ [] = []
+safetake 0 _ = []
+safetake (n+1) (x:xs) = x : safetake n xs
+--- End of Parse.hs
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diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs
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index 0000000..4ff3173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/PrologData.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- Representation of Prolog Terms, Clauses and Databases
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module PrologData(Id(..), Atom(..), Term(..), term, termlist, varsIn,
+ Clause((:*)), clause,
+ Database, emptyDb, renClauses, addClause) where
+import Parse
+infix 6 :*
+--- Prolog Terms:
+type Id = (Int,String)
+type Atom = String
+data Term = Var Id | Struct Atom [Term]
+ deriving Eq
+data Clause = Term :* [Term]
+data Database = Db [(Atom,[Clause])]
+--- Determine the list of variables in a term:
+varsIn :: Term -> [Id]
+varsIn (Var i) = [i]
+varsIn (Struct i ts) = (nub . concat . map varsIn) ts
+renameVars :: Int -> Term -> Term
+renameVars lev (Var (n,s)) = Var (lev,s)
+renameVars lev (Struct s ts) = Struct s (map (renameVars lev) ts)
+--- Functions for manipulating databases (as an abstract datatype)
+emptyDb :: Database
+emptyDb = Db []
+renClauses :: Database -> Int -> Term -> [Clause]
+renClauses db n (Var _) = []
+renClauses db n (Struct a _) = [ r tm:*map r tp | (tm:*tp)<-clausesFor a db ]
+ where r = renameVars n
+clausesFor :: Atom -> Database -> [Clause]
+clausesFor a (Db rss) = case dropWhile (\(n,rs) -> n<a) rss of
+ [] -> []
+ ((n,rs):_) -> if a==n then rs else []
+addClause :: Database -> Clause -> Database
+addClause (Db rss) r@(Struct a _ :* _)
+ = Db (initialPart ++
+ case lastPart of
+ [] -> [(a,[r])]
+ ((n,rs):rss') -> if a==n then (n,rs++[r]):rss'
+ else (a,[r]):lastPart)
+ where (initialPart,lastPart) = span (\(n,rs) -> n<a) rss
+--- Output functions (defined as instances of Text):
+instance Text Term where
+ showsPrec p (Var (n,s))
+ | n==0 = showString s
+ | otherwise = showString s . showChar '_' . shows n
+ showsPrec p (Struct a []) = showString a
+ showsPrec p (Struct a ts) = showString a . showChar '('
+ . showWithSep "," ts
+ . showChar ')'
+instance Text Clause where
+ showsPrec p (t:*[]) = shows t . showChar '.'
+ showsPrec p (t:*gs) = shows t . showString ":-"
+ . showWithSep "," gs
+ . showChar '.'
+instance Text Database where
+ showsPrec p (Db []) = showString "-- Empty Database --\n"
+ showsPrec p (Db rss) = foldr1 (\u v-> u . showChar '\n' . v)
+ [ showWithTerm "\n" rs | (i,rs)<-rss ]
+--- Local functions for use in defining instances of Text:
+showWithSep :: Text a => String -> [a] -> ShowS
+showWithSep s [x] = shows x
+showWithSep s (x:xs) = shows x . showString s . showWithSep s xs
+showWithTerm :: Text a => String -> [a] -> ShowS
+showWithTerm s xs = foldr1 (.) [shows x . showString s | x<-xs]
+--- String parsing functions for Terms and Clauses:
+--- Local definitions:
+letter :: Parser Char
+letter = sat (\c -> isAlpha c || isDigit c || c `elem` ":;+=-*&%$#@?/.~!")
+variable :: Parser Term
+variable = sat isUpper `seq` many letter `do` makeVar
+ where makeVar (initial,rest) = Var (0,(initial:rest))
+struct :: Parser Term
+struct = many letter `seq` (sptok "(" `seq` termlist `seq` sptok ")"
+ `do` (\(o,(ts,c))->ts)
+ `orelse`
+ okay [])
+ `do` (\(name,terms)->Struct name terms)
+--- Exports:
+term :: Parser Term
+term = sp (variable `orelse` struct)
+termlist :: Parser [Term]
+termlist = listOf term (sptok ",")
+clause :: Parser Clause
+clause = sp struct `seq` (sptok ":-" `seq` listOf term (sptok ",")
+ `do` (\(from,body)->body)
+ `orelse` okay [])
+ `seq` sptok "."
+ `do` (\(head,(goals,dot))->head:*goals)
+--- End of PrologData.hs
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+This is a mini prolog interpreter written my Mark Jones. It
+was slightly adapted from version in the hbc release.
diff --git a/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs b/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs
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index 0000000..f96e462
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+++ b/progs/demo/prolog/Subst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+-- Substitutions and Unification of Prolog Terms
+-- Mark P. Jones November 1990
+-- uses Haskell B. version 0.99.3
+module Subst(Subst(..), nullSubst, (>!), (@@), apply, unify) where
+import PrologData
+infixr 3 @@
+infix 4 >!
+--- Substitutions:
+type Subst = Id -> Term
+-- substitutions are represented by functions mapping identifiers to terms.
+-- apply s extends the substitution s to a function mapping terms to terms
+-- nullSubst is the empty substitution which maps every identifier to the
+-- same identifier (as a term).
+-- i >! t is the substitution which maps the identifier i to the term t,
+-- but otherwise behaves like nullSubst.
+-- s1 @@ s2 is the composition of substitutions s1 and s2
+-- N.B. apply is a monoid homomorphism from (Subst,nullSubst,(@@))
+-- to (Term -> Term, id, (.)) in the sense that:
+-- apply (s1 @@ s2) = apply s1 . apply s2
+-- s @@ nullSubst = s = nullSubst @@ s
+apply :: Subst -> Term -> Term
+apply s (Var i) = s i
+apply s (Struct a ts) = Struct a (map (apply s) ts)
+nullSubst :: Subst
+nullSubst i = Var i
+(>!) :: Id -> Term -> Subst
+(>!) i t j | j==i = t
+ | otherwise = Var j
+(@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
+s1 @@ s2 = apply s1 . s2
+--- Unification:
+-- unify t1 t2 returns a list containing a single substitution s which is
+-- the most general unifier of terms t1 t2. If no unifier
+-- exists, the list returned is empty.
+unify :: Term -> Term -> [Subst]
+unify (Var x) (Var y) = if x==y then [nullSubst] else [x>!Var y]
+unify (Var x) t2 = [ x >! t2 | not (x `elem` varsIn t2) ]
+unify t1 (Var y) = [ y >! t1 | not (y `elem` varsIn t1) ]
+unify (Struct a ts) (Struct b ss) = [ u | a==b, u<-listUnify ts ss ]
+listUnify :: [Term] -> [Term] -> [Subst]
+listUnify [] [] = [nullSubst]
+listUnify [] (r:rs) = []
+listUnify (t:ts) [] = []
+listUnify (t:ts) (r:rs) = [ u2 @@ u1 | u1<-unify t r,
+ u2<-listUnify (map (apply u1) ts)
+ (map (apply u1) rs) ]
+--- End of Subst.hs
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+module Version where version="tree based"
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+This file contains a list of predicate definitions that will automatically
+be read into Mini Prolog at the beginning of a session. Each clause in this
+file must be entered on a single line and lines containing syntax errors are
+always ignored. This includes the first few lines of this file and provides
+a simple way to include comments.
+End of stdlib