path: root/assignment2
diff options
authorrekado <>2013-04-16 16:09:40 +0800
committerrekado <>2013-04-16 16:09:40 +0800
commitcb8ca9439b671e509e90f5ab2eb440a77d5d8320 (patch)
tree381270f25c4531ea1a5611fe49b1df2c05f58f88 /assignment2
parent49a04d7fc0f6fb31f401244cead50dd4639b1c7c (diff)
start assignment 2
Diffstat (limited to 'assignment2')
5 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assignment2/document.tex b/assignment2/document.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7999216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment2/document.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% length: 2000 - 2500 words
+ \input{title}
+ \tableofcontents
+ \pagebreak
+% Dairy farming has recently expanded in the Waiwhetu region, providing
+% a boost to the local economy. To cope with the increased milk
+% production, a dairy company is proposing to set up a new factory. The
+% factory will be located close to the Waiwhetu River, the region’s main
+% waterway. To operate the new factory, the proponents want to take
+% water from the river and discharge wastewater from the plant back into
+% the waterway.
+% There is already a dairy factory in the area producing milk products.
+% The factory has existing discharge permits which are not up for review
+% for another 10 years. At present, it uses 10,000 cubic metres of water
+% from the river and discharges the same amount into the waterway. The
+% wastewater is two degrees celsius warmer than the temperature of the
+% river.
+% Many prominent people are welcoming the growth of dairying in the
+% region and believe the new factory will bring more jobs to the area.
+% However, others are concerned about the potential environmental
+% impacts of the development. Environment groups and iwi argue water
+% quality is already being affected by waste generated from local farms
+% and want to see the river cleaned up.
+% Note: Waiwhetu is a fictitious region
+ % less than 100 words
+ \input{intro}
+ % 3/9
+ % Discuss the potential effects of building the new factory and any
+ % other matters that should be considered at the scoping stage of EIA
+ \input{potential-effects}
+ % 4/9
+ % Explain how you would identify the significant effects. Discuss
+ % any difficulties in determining the significance of effects in EIA
+ \input{significance}
+ % 2/9
+ % Discuss the importance of mitigation in EIA and possible measures
+ % to address the potential impacts of the proposed development
+ \input{significance}
+ {\footnotesize{Approximate word count: 2500}}
+ \printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered]
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assignment2/mystyle.sty b/assignment2/mystyle.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb8f732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment2/mystyle.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+% adjustwidth environment
+% nicer ellipses
+% nicer numbers
+% nicer tables
+\RequirePackage{color, colortbl}
+% fix overfull hboxes
+% embed images
+% add border around figures
+% smaller caption, align with text instead of ``figure'', bold ``figure''
+% nicer descriptions
+% inparaenum
+ RawFeature={protrusion=default},
+ Ligatures=TeX,
+ Extension=.otf,
+ UprightFont=*-regular,
+ BoldFont=*-bold,
+ ItalicFont=*-italic,
+ BoldItalicFont=*-bolditalic
+ \onehalfspacing
+% reset section counter for each part
+ \counterwithin*{section}{part}
+% mini-toc
+% links
+%\pdfprotrudechars2 % 1 if you don't want to change line breaking
+% \setmainlanguage{english}
+% add 3cm margin on the left
+% header: 1.25cm
+% footer: 1.25cm
+\fancyfoot[L]{\footnotesize{Ricardo Wurmus (3607635), Assigment 2, 72296 Environmental Impact Assessment}}
diff --git a/assignment2/potential-effects.tex b/assignment2/potential-effects.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ababe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment2/potential-effects.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Dairy farming has recently expanded in the Waiwhetu region, providing
+% a boost to the local economy. To cope with the increased milk
+% production, a dairy company is proposing to set up a new factory. The
+% factory will be located close to the Waiwhetu River, the region’s main
+% waterway. To operate the new factory, the proponents want to take
+% water from the river and discharge wastewater from the plant back into
+% the waterway.
+- water allocation
+ - 10,000 cubic metres
+- wastewater discharge
+ - 10,000 cubic metres
+ - 2 degrees warmer
+ - effect on invertebrates
+- cumulative effects
+ - other dairy factory
+ - farm runoffs pollute the river according to locals
+- social impacts
+ - more jobs
+% There is already a dairy factory in the area producing milk products.
+% The factory has existing discharge permits which are not up for review
+% for another 10 years. At present, it uses 10,000 cubic metres of water
+% from the river and discharges the same amount into the waterway. The
+% wastewater is two degrees celsius warmer than the temperature of the
+% river.
+% Many prominent people are welcoming the growth of dairying in the
+% region and believe the new factory will bring more jobs to the area.
+% However, others are concerned about the potential environmental
+% impacts of the development. Environment groups and iwi argue water
+% quality is already being affected by waste generated from local farms
+% and want to see the river cleaned up.
+% Note: Waiwhetu is a fictitious region
diff --git a/assignment2/references.bib b/assignment2/references.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a3212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment2/references.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ title={Everything you already know about {EIA} (but don't often admit).},
+ pages={109--114},
+ journal={Environmental Impact Assessment Review},
+ author={Beattie, Robert B.},
+ year={1995},
+ volume={15},
+ number={2}
+ title={The need for subjectivity in {EIA}: discourse as a tool for sustainable development},
+ pages={401--414},
+ journal={Environmental Impact Assessment Review},
+ author={Wilkins, Hugh},
+ year={2003},
+ volume={23}
+ title={Environmental impact assessment: retrospect and prospect},
+ pages={287--300},
+ journal={Environmental Impact Assessment Review},
+ author={Jay, Stephen and Jones, Carys and Slinn, Paul and Wood, Christopher},
+ year={2007},
+ volume={27}
+ title={Environmental impact assessment: the state of the art},
+ pages={5--14},
+ journal={Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal},
+ author={Morgan, Richard K.},
+ year={2012},
+ volume={30},
+ number={1}
+ title={An institutional framework for sustainable resource management: the {N}ew {Z}ealand model},
+ pages={243--279},
+ journal={Natural Resources Journal},
+ author={Furuseth, Owen and Cocklin, Chris},
+ year={1995},
+ volume={35}
+ title={Principles of {E}nvironmental {I}mpact {A}ssessment best practice},
+ author={{International Association for Impact Assessment in cooperation with Institute of Environmental Assessment}},
+ year={1999}
+ title={{EIA} Follow-up international best practice principles},
+ author={Morrison-Saunders, Angus and Marshall, Ross and Arts, Jos},
+ type={Special Publication Series},
+ number={6},
+ year={2007}
+ title={Devolution and the {N}ew {Z}ealand {R}esource {M}anagement {A}ct},
+ author={Kerr, Suzi and Claridge, Megan and Milicich, Dominic},
+ year={1998},
+ type={New Zealand Treasury Working Paper},
+ number={98/7}
+ title={Implementing Sustainability: The {N}ew {Z}ealand Experience},
+ author={Miller, C.L.},
+ isbn={9780203835142},
+ lccn={2010024670},
+ series={RTPI Library Series},
+ year={2010},
+ publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
+ title = "Practitioners, professional cultures, and perceptions of impact assessment",
+ journal = "Environmental Impact Assessment Review",
+ volume = "32",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "11--24",
+ year = "2012",
+ issn = "0195-9255",
+ doi = "10.1016/j.eiar.2011.02.002",
+ url = "",
+ author = "Richard K. Morgan and Andrew Hart and Claire Freeman and Brian Coutts and David Colwill and Andrew Hughes",
+ title = "Thresholds and criteria for evaluating and communicating impact significance in environmental statements: `See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'?",
+ journal = "Environmental Impact Assessment Review",
+ volume = "28",
+ pages = "22--38",
+ year = "2008",
+ doi = "10.1016/j.eiar.2007.03.003",
+ author = "Wood, Graham",
+ title={{R}esource {M}anagement {A}ct: Survey of local authorities 2010/2011},
+ author={{Ministry for the Environment}},
+ publisher={Wellington: {Ministry for the Environment}},
+ number={ME 1069},
+ year={2011},
+ title={Your guide to the {R}esource {M}anagement {A}ct},
+ author={{Ministry for the Environment}},
+ isbn={0-478-30101-4},
+ number={ME 766},
+ year={2006},
+ publisher={Wellington: Ministry for the Environment}
+ booktitle={Assessment of Environmental Effects: Information, Evaluation and Outcomes},
+ title={Environmental Impact Assessment: An International Perspective with Comparisons to {N}ew {Z}ealand},
+ author={Sadler, B.},
+ editor={Lumsden, J.},
+ year={2001},
+ publisher={Centre for Advanced Engineering}
+ %notes={reading 2.7}
+ title={Environmental assessment under the {R}esource {M}anagement {A}ct 1991},
+ booktitle={Environmental planning and management in {N}ew {Z}ealand},
+ pages={80--91},
+ author={Fookes, T.},
+ editor={Memon, P.A. and Perkins, H.C.},
+ year={2000},
+ publisher={Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore Press.}
+ %notes={reading 2.4}
+ title={Environmental assessment in a changing world: evaluating practice to improve performance},
+ author={Sadler, B.},
+ type={International study of the effectiveness of environmental assessment},
+ year={1996}
+ %notes={EAE_10E.pdf}
+ title={A Review of Council {RMA} Resource Consent Processing Performance: round one},
+ year={2008},
+ author={{Ministry for the Environment}},
+ url={},
+ number={ME 845},
+ publisher={Wellington: Ministry for the Environment}
+ title={Improving our resource management system. A discussion document.},
+ year={2013},
+ author={{Ministry for the Environment}},
+ publisher={Wellington: Ministry for the Environment}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assignment2/title.tex b/assignment2/title.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb59a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assignment2/title.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ \begin{center}
+ \Large{Ricardo Wurmus}\\
+ \normalsize{Student number 3607635}\\[6em]
+ \Large{Assignment 2}\\
+ \normalsize{72296 Environmental Impact Assessment}\\[2.5em]
+ \vfill
+ \end{center}