path: root/modules/oop/pf-objects.scm.bak
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/oop/pf-objects.scm.bak')
1 files changed, 1072 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/oop/pf-objects.scm.bak b/modules/oop/pf-objects.scm.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8946c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/oop/pf-objects.scm.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,1072 @@
+(define-module (oop pf-objects)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ #:use-module (system base message)
+ #:use-module (language python guilemod)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
+>>>>>>> d71244f5cb87a4a61a6b341e4838a38e50142815
+ #:use-module (logic guile-log persistance)
+ #:replace (equal?)
+ #:export (set ref make-p <p> <py> <pf> <pyf> <property>
+ call with copy fset fcall put put!
+ pcall pcall! get fset-x pyclass?
+ def-p-class mk-p-class make-p-class
+ define-python-class get-type py-class
+ object-method class-method static-method
+ py-super-mac py-super py-equal?
+ *class* *self* pyobject? pytype?
+ type object pylist-set! pylist-ref tr
+ resolve-method rawref rawset
+ ))
+Python object system is basically syntactic suger otop of a hashmap and one
+this project is inspired by the python object system and what it measn when
+one in stead of hasmaps use functional hashmaps. We use vhashes, but those have a drawback in that those are not thread safe. But it is a small effort to work
+with assocs or tree like functional hashmaps in stead.
+The hashmap works like an assoc e.g. we will define new values by 'consing' a
+new binding on the list and when the assoc take up too much space it will be
+reshaped and all extra bindings will be removed.
+The datastructure is functional but the objects mutate. So one need to
+explicitly tell it to not update etc.
+(define fail (cons 'fail '()))
+(define-syntax-rule (kif it p x y)
+ (let ((it p))
+ (if (eq? it fail)
+ y
+ x)))
+(define-method (pylist-set! (o <hashtable>) key val)
+ (hash-set! o key val))
+(define-method (pylist-ref (o <hashtable>) key)
+ (kif it (hash-ref o key fail)
+ it
+ (error "IndexError")))
+(define (is-acl? a b) (member a (cons b (class-subclasses b))))
+(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define-class <p> (<applicable-struct> <object>) h)
+(define-class <pf> (<p>) size n) ; the pf object consist of a functional
+ ; hashmap it's size and number of live
+ ; object
+(define-class <py> (<p>))
+(define-class <pyf> (<pf>))
+(define-class <property> () get set del)
+(name-object <p>)
+(name-object <pf>)
+(name-object <py>)
+(name-object <pyf>)
+(name-object <property>)
+(define (resolve-method-g g pattern)
+ (define (mmatch p pp)
+ (if (eq? pp '_)
+ '()
+ (match (cons p pp)
+ (((p . ps) . (pp . pps))
+ (if (eq? pp '_)
+ (mmatch ps pps)
+ (if (is-a? p pp)
+ (cons p (mmatch ps pps))
+ #f)))
+ ((() . ())
+ '())
+ (_
+ #f))))
+ (define (q< x y)
+ (let lp ((x x) (y y))
+ (match (cons x y)
+ (((x . xs) . (y . ys))
+ (and (is-a? x y)
+ (lp xs ys)))
+ (_ #t))))
+ (let ((l
+ (let lp ((ms (generic-function-methods g)))
+ (if (pair? ms)
+ (let* ((m (car ms))
+ (p (method-specializers m))
+ (f (method-generic-function m)))
+ (aif it (mmatch p pattern)
+ (cons (cons it f) (lp (cdr ms)))
+ (lp (cdr ms))))
+ '()))))
+ (cdr (car (sort l q<)))))
+(define (resolve-method-o o pattern)
+ (resolve-method-g (class-of o) pattern))
+(define (get-dict self name parents)
+ (aif it (ref self '__prepare__)
+ (it self name parents)
+ (make-hash-table)))
+(define (hashforeach a b) (values))
+(define (new-class meta name parents dict kw)
+ (aif it (ref meta '__new__)
+ (apply it name parents dict kw)
+ (let* ((goops (pylist-ref dict '__goops__))
+ (p (kwclass->class kw meta))
+ (class (make-p p)))
+ (slot-set! class 'procedure
+ (lambda x
+ (create-object class meta goops x)))
+ (if (hash-table? dict)
+ (hash-for-each
+ (lambda (k v) k (set class k v))
+ dict)
+ (hashforeach
+ (lambda (k v) k (set class k v))
+ dict))
+ (let((mro (ref class '__mro__)))
+ (if (pair? mro)
+ (let ((p (car mro)))
+ (aif it (ref p '__init_subclass__)
+ (apply it class #f kw)
+ #f))))
+ (set class '__mro__ (cons class (ref class '__mro__)))
+ class)))
+(define (type- meta name parents dict keys)
+ (let ((class (new-class meta name parents dict keys)))
+ (aif it (ref meta '__init__)
+ (it name parents dict keys)
+ #f)
+ class))
+(define (create-class meta name parents gen-methods . keys)
+ (let ((dict (gen-methods (get-dict meta name keys))))
+ (aif it (ref meta '__class__)
+ (aif it (find-in-class (ref meta '__class__) '__call__ #f)
+ (apply (it meta 'class) name parents dict keys)
+ (type- meta name parents dict keys))
+ (type- meta name parents dict keys))))
+(define (create-object class meta goops x)
+ (with-fluids ((*make-class* #t))
+ (aif it #f ;(ref meta '__call__)
+ (apply it x)
+ (let ((obj (aif it (find-in-class class '__new__ #f)
+ ((it class 'object))
+ (make-object class meta goops))))
+ (aif it (ref obj '__init__)
+ (apply it x)
+ #f)
+ (slot-set! obj 'procedure
+ (lambda x
+ (aif it (ref obj '__call__)
+ (apply it x)
+ (error "not a callable object"))))
+ obj))))
+(define (make-object class meta goops)
+ (let ((obj (make-p goops)))
+ (set obj '__class__ class)
+ obj))
+;; Make an empty pf object
+(define (make-p <x>)
+ (let ((r (make <x>)))
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? r <pf>)
+ (slot-set! r 'h vlist-null)
+ (slot-set! r 'size 0)
+ (slot-set! r 'n 0))
+ ((is-a? r <p>)
+ (slot-set! r 'h (make-hash-table)))
+ (else
+ (error "make-p in pf-objects need a <p> or <pf> derived class got ~a"
+ r)))
+ r))
+(define-syntax-rule (hif it (k h) x y)
+ (let ((a (vhash-assq k h)))
+ (if (pair? a)
+ (let ((it (cdr a)))
+ x)
+ y)))
+(define-syntax-rule (cif (it h) (k cl) x y)
+ (let* ((h (slot-ref cl 'h))
+ (a (vhash-assq k h)))
+ (if (pair? a)
+ (let ((it (cdr a)))
+ x)
+ y)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mrefx x key l)
+ (let ()
+ (define (end)
+ (if (null? l)
+ #f
+ (car l)))
+ (define (parents li)
+ (let lp ((li li))
+ (if (pair? li)
+ (let ((p (car li)))
+ (cif (it h) (key p)
+ it
+ (lp (cdr li))))
+ fail)))
+ (cif (it h) (key x)
+ it
+ (hif cl ('__class__ h)
+ (cif (it h) (key cl)
+ it
+ (hif p ('__mro__ h)
+ (let ((r (parents p)))
+ (if (eq? r fail)
+ (end)
+ r))
+ (end)))
+ (end)))))
+(define *refkind* (make-fluid 'object))
+(define-method (find-in-class (klass <p>) key fail)
+ (hash-ref (slot-ref klass 'h) key fail))
+(define-method (find-in-class (klass <pf>) key fail)
+ (let ((r (vhash-assoc key (slot-ref klass 'h))))
+ (if r
+ (cdr r)
+ fail)))
+(define-syntax-rule (find-in-class-and-parents klass key fail)
+ (kif r (find-in-class klass key fail)
+ r
+ (aif parents (find-in-class klass '__mro__ #f)
+ (let lp ((parents parents))
+ (if (pair? parents)
+ (kif r (find-in-class (car parents) key fail)
+ r
+ (lp (cdr parents)))
+ fail))
+ fail)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mrefx klass key l)
+ (let ()
+ (define (end) (if (pair? l) (car l) #f))
+ (fluid-set! *refkind* 'object)
+ (kif it (find-in-class klass key fail)
+ it
+ (begin
+ (fluid-set! *refkind* 'class)
+ (aif klass (find-in-class klass '__class__ #f)
+ (kif it (find-in-class-and-parents klass key fail)
+ it
+ (end))
+ (end))))))
+(define not-implemented (cons 'not 'implemeneted))
+(define-syntax-rule (prop-ref xx x)
+ (let ((y xx)
+ (r x))
+ (if (and (is-a? r <property>) (not (pyclass? y)))
+ ((slot-ref r 'get) y)
+ r)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mrefx-py x key l)
+ (let ((xx x))
+ (prop-ref
+ xx
+ (let* ((g (mrefx xx '__fget__ '(#t)))
+ (f (if g
+ (if (eq? g #t)
+ (aif it (mrefx xx '__getattribute__ '())
+ (begin
+ (mset xx '__fget__ it it)
+ it)
+ (begin
+ (if (mc?)
+ (mset xx '__fget__ it it))
+ #f))
+ g)
+ #f)))
+ (if (or (not f) (eq? f not-implemented))
+ (mrefx xx key l)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((f xx (fluid-ref *refkind*)) key))
+ (lambda x
+ (mrefx xx key l))))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (mref x key l)
+ (let ((xx x))
+ (let ((res (mrefx xx key l)))
+ (if (and (not (struct? res)) (procedure? res))
+ (res xx (fluid-ref *refkind*))
+ res))))
+(define-syntax-rule (mref-py x key l)
+ (let ((xx x))
+ (let ((res (mrefx-py xx key l)))
+ (if (and (not (struct? res)) (procedure? res))
+ (res xx (fluid-ref *refkind*))
+ res))))
+(define-method (ref x key . l) (if (pair? l) (car l) #f))
+(define-method (ref (x <pf> ) key . l) (mref x key l))
+(define-method (ref (x <p> ) key . l) (mref x key l))
+(define-method (ref (x <pyf>) key . l) (mref-py x key l))
+(define-method (ref (x <py> ) key . l) (mref-py x key l))
+(define-method (rawref (x <pf> ) key . l) (mref x key l))
+(define-method (rawref (x <p> ) key . l) (mref x key l))
+(define-method (set (f <procedure>) key val)
+ (set-procedure-property! f key val))
+(define-method (ref (f <procedure>) key . l)
+ (aif it (assoc key (procedure-properties f))
+ (cdr it)
+ (if (pair? l) (car l) #f)))
+;; the reshape function that will create a fresh new pf object with less size
+;; this is an expensive operation and will only be done when we now there is
+;; a lot to gain essentially tho complexity is as in the number of set
+(define (reshape x)
+ (let ((h (slot-ref x 'h))
+ (m (make-hash-table))
+ (n 0))
+ (define h2 (vhash-fold (lambda (k v s)
+ (if (hash-ref m k #f)
+ s
+ (begin
+ (hash-set! m k #t)
+ (set! n (+ n 1))
+ (vhash-consq k v s))))
+ vlist-null
+ h))
+ (slot-set! x 'h h2)
+ (slot-set! x 'size n)
+ (slot-set! x 'n n)
+ (values)))
+;; on object x add a binding that key -> val
+(define-method (mset (x <pf>) key rval val)
+ (let ((h (slot-ref x 'h))
+ (s (slot-ref x 'size))
+ (n (slot-ref x 'n)))
+ (slot-set! x 'size (+ 1 s))
+ (let ((r (vhash-assoc key h)))
+ (when (not r)
+ (slot-set! x 'n (+ n 1)))
+ (slot-set! x 'h (vhash-cons key val h))
+ (when (> s (* 2 n))
+ (reshape x))
+ (values))))
+(define (pkh h) (hash-for-each (lambda x (pk x)) h) h)
+(define-method (mset (x <p>) key rval val)
+ (begin
+ (hash-set! (slot-ref x 'h) key val)
+ (values)))
+(define *make-class* (make-fluid #f))
+(define (mc?) (not (fluid-ref *make-class*)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mset-py x key rval val)
+ (let* ((xx x)
+ (v (mref xx key (list fail))))
+ (if (or (eq? v fail)
+ (not (and (is-a? v <property>)
+ (not (pyclass? xx)))))
+ (let* ((g (mrefx xx '__fset__ '(#t)))
+ (f (if g
+ (if (eq? g #t)
+ (aif it (mrefx xx '__setattr__ '())
+ (begin
+ (mset xx '__fset__ it it)
+ it)
+ (begin
+ (if (mc?)
+ (mset xx '__fset__ it it))
+ #f))
+ g)
+ #f)))
+ (if (or (eq? f not-implemented) (not f))
+ (mset xx key val val)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((f xx (fluid-ref *refkind*)) key rval))
+ (lambda x (mset xx key val val)))))
+ ((slot-ref v 'set) xx val))))
+(define-syntax-rule (mklam (mset a ...) val)
+ (if (and (procedure? val)
+ (not (pyclass? val))
+ (not (pytype? val))
+ (if (is-a? val <p>)
+ (ref val '__call__)
+ #t))
+ (if (procedure-property val 'py-special)
+ (mset a ... val val)
+ (mset a ... val (object-method val)))
+ (mset a ... val val)))
+(define-method (set (x <pf>) key val) (mklam (mset x key) val))
+(define-method (set (x <p>) key val) (mklam (mset x key) val))
+(define-method (set (x <pyf>) key val) (mklam (mset-py x key) val))
+(define-method (set (x <py>) key val) (mklam (mset-py x key) val))
+(define-method (rawset (x <pf>) key val) (mklam (mset x key) val))
+(define-method (rawset (x <p>) key val) (mklam (mset x key) val))
+;; mref will reference the value of the key in the object x, an extra default
+;; parameter will tell what the fail object is else #f if fail
+;; if there is no found binding in the object search the class and
+;; the super classes for a binding
+;; call a function as a value of key in x with the object otself as a first
+;; parameter, this is pythonic object semantics
+(define-syntax-rule (mk-call mcall mref)
+ (define-syntax-rule (mcall x key l)
+ (apply (mref x key '()) l)))
+(mk-call mcall mref)
+(mk-call mcall-py mref-py)
+(define-method (call (x <pf>) key . l) (mcall x key l))
+(define-method (call (x <p>) key . l) (mcall x key l))
+(define-method (call (x <pyf>) key . l) (mcall-py x key l))
+(define-method (call (x <py>) key . l) (mcall-py x key l))
+;; make a copy of a pf object
+(define-syntax-rule (mcopy x)
+ (let ((r (make-p (ref x '__goops__))))
+ (slot-set! r 'h (slot-ref x 'h))
+ (slot-set! r 'size (slot-ref x 'size))
+ (slot-set! r 'n (slot-ref x 'n))
+ r))
+(define-syntax-rule (mcopy- x)
+ (let* ((r (make-p (ref x '__goops__)))
+ (h (slot-ref r 'h)))
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (k v) (hash-set! h k v)) (slot-ref x 'h))
+ r))
+(define-method (copy (x <pf>)) (mcopy x))
+(define-method (copy (x <p> )) (mcopy- x))
+;; make a copy of a pf object
+(define-syntax-rule (mtr r x)
+ (begin
+ (slot-set! r 'h (slot-ref x 'h ))
+ (slot-set! r 'size (slot-ref x 'size))
+ (slot-set! r 'n (slot-ref x 'n ))
+ (values)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mtr- r x)
+ (begin
+ (slot-set! r 'h (slot-ref x 'h))
+ (values)))
+(define-method (tr (r <pf>) (x <pf>)) (mtr r x))
+(define-method (tr (r <p> ) (x <p> )) (mtr- r x))
+;; with will execute thunk and restor x to it's initial state after it has
+;; finished note that this is a cheap operatoin because we use a functional
+;; datastructure
+(define-syntax-rule (mwith x thunk)
+ (let ((old (mcopy x)))
+ (let ((r (thunk)))
+ (slot-set! x 'h (slot-ref old 'h))
+ (slot-set! x 'size (slot-ref old 'size))
+ (slot-set! x 'n (slot-ref old 'n))
+ r)))
+(define-syntax-rule (mwith- x thunk)
+ (let ((old (mcopy- x)))
+ (let ((r (thunk)))
+ (slot-set! x 'h (slot-ref old 'h))
+ r)))
+;; a functional set will return a new object with the added binding and keep
+;; x untouched
+(define-method (fset (x <pf>) key val)
+ (let ((x (mcopy x)))
+ (mset x key val val)
+ x))
+(define-method (fset (x <p>) key val)
+ (let ((x (mcopy- x)))
+ (mset x key val val)
+ x))
+(define (fset-x obj l val)
+ (let lp ((obj obj) (l l) (r '()))
+ (match l
+ (()
+ (let lp ((v val) (r r))
+ (if (pair? r)
+ (lp (fset (caar r) (cdar r) v) (cdr r))
+ v)))
+ ((k . l)
+ (lp (ref obj k #f) l (cons (cons obj k) r))))))
+;; a functional call will keep x untouched and return (values fknval newx)
+;; e.g. we get both the value of the call and the new version of x with
+;; perhaps new bindings added
+(define-method (fcall (x <pf>) key . l)
+ (let* ((y (mcopy x))
+ (r (mcall y key l)))
+ (if (eq? (slot-ref x 'h) (slot-ref y 'h))
+ (values r x)
+ (values r y))))
+(define-method (fcall (x <p>) key . l)
+ (let ((x (mcopy x)))
+ (values (mcall x key l)
+ x)))
+;; this shows how we can override addition in a pythonic way
+;; lets define get put pcall etc so that we can refer to an object like
+;; e.g. (put x.y.z 1) (pcall x.y 1)
+(define-syntax-rule (cross x k f set)
+ (call-with-values (lambda () f)
+ (lambda (r y)
+ (if (eq? x y)
+ (values r x)
+ (values r (set x k y))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (cross! x k f _) f)
+(define-syntax mku
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ cross set setx f (key) (val ...))
+ (setx f key val ...))
+ ((_ cross set setx f (k . l) val)
+ (cross f k (mku cross set setx (ref f k) l val) set))))
+(define-syntax-rule (mkk pset setx set cross)
+ (define-syntax pset
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ f val (... ...))
+ (let* ((to (lambda (x)
+ (datum->syntax #'f (string->symbol x))))
+ (l (string-split (symbol->string (syntax->datum #'f)) #\.)))
+ (with-syntax (((a (... ...)) (map (lambda (x) #`'#,(to x))
+ (cdr l)))
+ (h (to (car l))))
+ #'(mku cross setx set h (a (... ...)) (val (... ...))))))))))
+(mkk put fset fset cross)
+(mkk put! set set cross!)
+(mkk pcall! call fset cross!)
+(mkk pcall fcall fset cross)
+(mkk get ref fset cross!)
+;; it's good to have a null object so we don't need to construct it all the
+;; time because it is functional we can get away with this.
+(define null (make-p <pf>))
+(define (filter-parents l)
+ (let lp ((l l))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (if (is-a? (car l) <p>)
+ (cons (car l) (lp (cdr l)))
+ (lp (cdr l)))
+ '())))
+(define (kw->class kw meta)
+ (if (memq #:functional kw)
+ (if (memq #:fast kw)
+ <pf>
+ (if (or (not meta) (is-a? meta <pyf>) (is-a? meta <py>))
+ <pyf>
+ <pf>))
+ (if (memq #:fast kw)
+ (if (or (is-a? meta <pyf>) (is-a? meta <pf>))
+ <pf>
+ <p>)
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? meta <pyf>)
+ <pyf>)
+ ((is-a? meta <py>)
+ <py>)
+ ((is-a? meta <pf>)
+ <pf>)
+ ((is-a? meta <p>)
+ <p>)
+ (else
+ <py>)))))
+(define (defaulter d)
+ (if d
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? d <pyf>)
+ <pyf>)
+ ((is-a? d <py>)
+ <py>)
+ ((is-a? d <pf>)
+ <pf>)
+ ((is-a? d <p>)
+ <p>)
+ (else
+ d))
+ <py>))
+(define (kwclass->class kw default)
+ (if (memq #:functionalClass kw)
+ (if (memq #:fastClass kw)
+ <pf>
+ (if (memq #:pyClass kw)
+ <pyf>
+ (if (or (is-a? default <py>) (is-a? default <pyf>))
+ <pyf>
+ <pf>)))
+ (if (memq #:mutatingClass kw)
+ (if (memq #:fastClass kw)
+ <p>
+ (if (memq #:pyClass kw)
+ <py>
+ (if (or (is-a? default <py>) (is-a? default <pyf>))
+ <py>
+ <p>)))
+ (if (memq #:fastClass kw)
+ (if (or (is-a? default <pf>) (is-a? default <pyf>))
+ <pf>
+ <p>)
+ (if (memq #:pyClass kw)
+ (if (or (is-a? default <pf>) (is-a? default <pyf>))
+ <pyf>
+ <py>)
+ (defaulter default))))))
+(define object #f)
+(define (make-p-class name methods)
+ (define kw (cdr
+ (define supers (car
+ (define goopses (map (lambda (sups)
+ (aif it (ref sups '__goops__ #f)
+ it
+ sups))
+ supers))
+ (define parents (let ((p (filter-parents supers)))
+ (if (null? p)
+ (if object
+ (list object)
+ '())
+ p)))
+ (define meta (aif it (memq #:metaclass kw)
+ (car it)
+ (if (null? parents)
+ type
+ (let* ((p (car parents))
+ (m (ref p '__class__))
+ (mro (reverse (ref m '__mro__))))
+ (let lp ((l (cdr parents))
+ (max mro)
+ (min mro))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (let* ((p (car l))
+ (meta (ref p '__class__))
+ (mro (ref meta '__mro__)))
+ (let lp2 ((max max) (mr (reverse mro)))
+ (if (and (pair? max) (pair? mr))
+ (if (eq? (car max) (car mr))
+ (lp2 (cdr max) (cdr mr))
+ (error
+ "need a common lead for meta"))
+ (if (pair? max)
+ (if (< (length mro) (length min))
+ (lp (cdr l) max mro)
+ (lp (cdr l) max min))
+ (lp (cdr l) mro min)))))
+ (car (reverse min))))))))
+ (define goops (make-class (append goopses (list (kw->class kw meta)))
+ '() #:name name))
+ (define (gen-methods dict)
+ (methods dict)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__goops__ goops)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__class__ meta)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__fget__ #t)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__fset__ #t)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__name__ name)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__parents__ parents)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__class__ meta)
+ (pylist-set! dict '__mro__ (get-mro parents))
+ dict)
+ (with-fluids ((*make-class* #t))
+ (create-class meta name parents gen-methods kw)))
+;; Let's make an object essentially just move a reference
+;; the make class and defclass syntactic sugar
+(define-syntax mk-p-class
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ name parents (ddef dname dval) ...)
+ (with-syntax (((ddname ...)
+ (map (lambda (dn)
+ (datum->syntax
+ #'name
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-append
+ (symbol->string
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ "-"
+ (symbol->string
+ (syntax->datum dn))))))
+ #'(dname ...)))
+ (nname (datum->syntax
+ #'name
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-append
+ (symbol->string
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ "-goops-class")))))
+ (%add-to-warn-list (syntax->datum #'nname))
+ (map (lambda (x) (%add-to-warn-list (syntax->datum x)))
+ #'(ddname ...))
+ #'(let ()
+ (define name
+ (letruc ((dname dval) ...)
+ (make-p-class 'name
+ parents
+ (lambda (dict)
+ (pylist-set! dict 'dname dname)
+ ...
+ (values)))))
+ (begin
+ (module-define! (current-module) 'ddname (ref name 'dname))
+ (name-object ddname))
+ ...
+ (module-define! (current-module) 'nname (ref name '__goops__))
+ (name-object nname)
+ (name-object name)
+ name))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (def-p-class name . l)
+ (define name (mk-p-class name . l)))
+(define (get-class o)
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? o <p>)
+ o)
+ (else
+ (error "not a pyclass"))))
+(define (get-type o)
+ (cond
+ ((is-a? o <pyf>)
+ 'pyf)
+ ((is-a? o <py>)
+ 'py)
+ ((is-a? o <pf>)
+ 'pf)
+ ((is-a? o <p>)
+ 'p)
+ (else
+ 'none)))
+(define (print o l)
+ (define p (if (pyclass? o) "C" (if (pyobject? o) "O" "T")))
+ (define port (if (pair? l) (car l) #t))
+ (format port "~a"
+ (aif it (if (pyclass? o)
+ #f
+ (if (pyobject? o)
+ (ref o '__repr__)
+ #f))
+ (format
+ #f "~a(~a)<~a>"
+ p (get-type o) (it))
+ (format
+ #f "~a(~a)<~a>"
+ p (get-type o) (ref o '__name__ 'Annonymous)))))
+(define-method (write (o <p>) . l) (print o l))
+(define-method (display (o <p>) . l) (print o l))
+(define (arglist->pkw l)
+ (let lp ((l l) (r '()))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (let ((x (car l)))
+ (if (keyword? x)
+ (cons (reverse r) l)
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons x r))))
+ (cons (reverse r) '()))))
+(define-syntax-rule (define-python-class name (parents ...) code ...)
+ (define name (mk-p-class name (arglist->pkw (list parents ...)) code ...)))
+(define-syntax make-python-class
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ name (parents ...) code ...)
+ #'(let* ((cl (mk-p-class name
+ (arglist->pkw (list parents ...))
+ code ...)))
+ cl)))))
+(define (kind x)
+ (and (is-a? x <p>)
+ (aif it (find-in-class x '__goops__ #f)
+ (if (is-a? (make it) (ref type '__goops__))
+ 'type
+ 'class)
+ 'object)))
+(define (pyobject? x) (eq? (kind x) 'object))
+(define (pyclass? x) (eq? (kind x) 'class))
+(define (pytype? x) (eq? (kind x) 'type))
+(define (mark-fkn tag f)
+ (set-procedure-property! f 'py-special tag)
+ f)
+(define (object-method f)
+ (letrec ((self
+ (mark-fkn 'object
+ (lambda (x kind)
+ (if (eq? kind 'object)
+ f
+ (lambda z (apply f x z)))))))
+ self))
+(define (class-method f)
+ (letrec ((self
+ (mark-fkn 'class
+ (lambda (x kind)
+ (if (eq? kind 'object)
+ (let ((klass (ref x '__class__)))
+ (lambda z (apply f klass z)))
+ (lambda z (apply f x z)))))))
+ self))
+(define (static-method f)
+ (letrec ((self
+ (mark-fkn 'static
+ (lambda (x kind) f))))
+ self))
+ *class* (lambda (x) (error "*class* not parameterized")))
+ *self* (lambda (x) (error "*class* not parameterized")))
+(define *super* (list 'super))
+(define (not-a-super) 'not-a-super)
+(define (py-super class obj)
+ (define (make cl parents)
+ (let ((c (make-p <p>))
+ (o (make-p <p>)))
+ (set c '__super__ #t)
+ (set c '__mro__ parents)
+ (set c '__getattribute__ (lambda (self key . l)
+ (aif it (ref c key)
+ (if (procedure? it)
+ (if (eq? (procedure-property
+ it
+ 'py-special)
+ 'class)
+ (it cl)
+ (it obj))
+ it)
+ (error "no attribute"))))
+ (set o '__class__ c)
+ o))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (let lp ((l (ref (ref obj '__class__) '__mro__ '())))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (if (eq? class (car l))
+ (let ((r (cdr l)))
+ (if (pair? r)
+ (values (car r) r)
+ (values #f #f)))
+ (lp (cdr l)))
+ (values #f #f))))
+ make))
+(define-syntax py-super-mac
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_)
+ (py-super *class* *self*))
+ ((_ class self)
+ (py-super class self))))
+(define (pp x)
+ (pretty-print (syntax->datum x))
+ x)
+(define-syntax letruc
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ ((x v) ...) code ...)
+ (let lp ((a #'(x ...)) (b #'(v ...)) (u '()))
+ (if (pair? a)
+ (let* ((x (car a))
+ (s (syntax->datum x)))
+ (let lp2 ((a2 (cdr a)) (b2 (cdr b)) (a3 '()) (b3 '())
+ (r (list (car b))))
+ (if (pair? a2)
+ (if (eq? (syntax->datum a2) s)
+ (lp2 (cdr a2) (cdr b2) a3 b3 (cons (car b2) r))
+ (lp2 (cdr a2) (cdr b2)
+ (cons (car a2) a3)
+ (cons (car b2) b3)
+ r))
+ (lp (reverse a3) (reverse b3)
+ (cons
+ (list x #`(let* #,(map (lambda (v) (list x v))
+ (reverse r)) #,x))
+ u)))))
+ #`(letrec #,(reverse u) code ...)))))))
+(define-method (py-init (o <p>) . l)
+ (apply (ref o '__init__) l))
+(define mk-tree
+ (case-lambda
+ ((root)
+ (vector root '()))
+ ((root hist) (vector root hist))))
+(define (geth t) (vector-ref t 1))
+(define (getr t) (vector-ref t 0))
+(define (tree-ref t) (car (getr t)))
+(define (nxt tree)
+ (define (dive r h)
+ (let ((x (car r)))
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (dive (car r) (cons (cdr r) h))
+ (mk-tree r h))))
+ (define (up r h)
+ (if (null? r)
+ (if (pair? h)
+ (up (car h) (cdr h))
+ #f)
+ (let ((x (car r)))
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (dive r h)
+ (mk-tree r h)))))
+ (let ((r (getr tree)) (h (geth tree)))
+ (cond
+ ((pair? r)
+ (let ((r (cdr r)))
+ (if (pair? r)
+ (let ((x (car r)))
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (dive x (cons (cdr r) h))
+ (mk-tree r h)))
+ (if (pair? h)
+ (up (car h) (cdr h))
+ #f))))
+ (else
+ (if (pair? h)
+ (up (car h) (cdr h))
+ #f)))))
+(define (class-to-tree cl) (cons cl (map class-to-tree (ref cl '__parents__))))
+(define (find-tree o tree)
+ (if tree
+ (let ((x (tree-ref tree)))
+ (if (eq? o x)
+ #t
+ (find-tree o (nxt tree))))
+ #f))
+(define (get-mro parents)
+ (if (null? parents)
+ parents
+ (get-mro0 parents)))
+(define (get-mro0 parents)
+ (define tree (mk-tree parents))
+ (let lp ((tree tree) (r '()))
+ (if tree
+ (let ((x (tree-ref tree))
+ (n (nxt tree)))
+ (if (find-tree x n)
+ (lp n r)
+ (lp n (cons x r))))
+ (reverse r))))
+(define-method (py-equal? (x <p>) y)
+ (aif it (ref x '__eq__)
+ (it y)
+ (next-method)))
+(define-method (py-equal? y (x <p>))
+ (aif it (ref x '__eq__)
+ (it y)
+ (next-method)))
+(define-method (py-equal? x y) ((@ (guile) equal?) x y))
+(define (equal? x y) (or (eq? x y) (py-equal? x y)))
+(define type #f)
+(set! type
+ (make-python-class type ()
+ (define __call__
+ (case-lambda
+ ((meta obj)
+ (ref obj '__class__ 'None))
+ ((meta name bases dict . keys)
+ (type- meta name bases dict keys))))))
+(set type '__class__ type)
+(set! object (make-python-class object ()))
+(name-object type)
+(name-object object)