path: root/modules/language/python/module/os
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/module/os')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm b/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm
index d9f2e3b..8846bd5 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
(define-module (language python module os path)
#:use-module (language python module os)
#:use-module (language python module pwd)
+ #:use-module (language python module errno)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
+ #:use-module (language python exceptions)
+ #:use-module (oop pg-objects)
#:export (abspath basename commonpath commonprefix dirname exists
lexists expanduser expandvars getatime getmtime
getctime getsize isabs isfile isdir islink ismount
@@ -8,7 +12,18 @@
samestat split splitdrive splitext splitunc
+(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define-syntax-rule (ca code)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () code)
+ (lambda x (raise OSError x))))
+(define (path-it path)
+ (aif it (ref path '__fspath__)
+ (it)
+ path))
(define (abspath path)
(let ((path (path-it path)))
@@ -16,7 +31,7 @@
(normpath path)
(normpath (string-append (getcwd) "/" path)))))
-(define (basename path) ((@ (guile) basename) (path-it path)))
+(define (basename path) (ca ((@ (guile) basename) (path-it path))))
(define (commonprefix paths)
(letrec ((l (for ((p paths)) ((l '()))
@@ -69,7 +84,7 @@
(string-join (f l) "/"))))
-(define (dirname p) ((@ (guile) dirname) (path-it p)))
+(define (dirname p) (ca ((@ (guile) dirname) (path-it p))))
(define (exists p)
(if (number? p)
(catch #t
@@ -112,29 +127,144 @@
(string-join (append (string-split (lookup-self) "/")
(cdr (string-split path #\/)))))))))
-(define expandvars)
-(define getatime)
-(define getmtime)
-(define getctime)
-(define getsize)
-(define isabs)
-(define isfile)
-(define isdir)
-(define islink)
-(define ismount)
-(define normcase)
-(define normpath)
-(define realpath)
-(define relpath)
-(define samefile)
-(define sameopenfile)
-(define samestat)
-(define split)
-(define splitdrive)
-(define splitext)
-(define splitunc)
-(define supports_unicode_filenames)
+(define f-var (f-mk (f-or!
+ (f-seq (f-tag! "$") (f+ (f-reg! "[a-zA-Z0-9]")))
+ (f-seq (f-tag! "$") (f-tag "{") (f+ (f-not! (f-tag "}")))
+ (f-tag "}")))))
+(define (expandvars p)
+ (let lp ((l (f-split (path-it p) f-var)) (r '()))
+ (match l
+ ((a b . l)
+ (lp l (cons* (getenv b) a r)))
+ ((a)
+ (apply string-append (reverse (cons a r))))
+ (()
+ (apply string-append (reverse r))))))
+(define (getatime p)
+ (ca (stat:atime ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p)))))
+(define (getmtime p)
+ (ca (stat:mtime ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p)))))
+(define (getctime p)
+ (ca (stat:ctime ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p)))))
+(define (getsize p)
+ (ca (stat:size ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p)))))
+(define (isabs p)
+ (eq? (string-ref (path-it p) 0) #\/))
+(define (isfile p)
+ (ca (S_ISREG (stat:mode ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p))))))
+(define (isdir p)
+ (ca (S_ISDIR (stat:mode ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p))))))
+(define (islink p)
+ (ca (S_ISLNK (stat:mode ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p))))))
+(define (ismount p)
+ (ca
+ (let* ((p (path-it p))
+ (q (string-append p "/..")))
+ (not (= (stat:dev ((@ (guile) stat) p))
+ (stat:dev ((@ (guile) stat) q)))))))
+ (normpath (string-join (map path-it l) "/")))
+(define (normcase x) x)
+(define join (@@ (language python module os) path:join))
+(define normpath (@@ (language python module os) path:normpath))
+(define samestat (@@ (language python module os) path:samestat))
+(define realpath
+ (let ((free (pointer->procedure void
+ (dynamic-func "free" (dynamic-link))
+ (list '*)))
+ (f (pointer->procedure '*
+ (dynamic-func "realpath" (dynamic-link))
+ (list '* long))))
+ (lambda (p)
+ (let ((s (ca (f (string->pointer (path-it p)) 0))))
+ (if (eq? (pointer-address s) 0)
+ (raise OSError (format #f "realpath fails with errnp ~a" (errno)))
+ (let ((ret (pointer->string s)))
+ (free s)
+ ret))))))
+(define* (relpath p #:optional (start curpath))
+ (define l1 (string-aplit (realpath (path-it p)) #\/))
+ (define l2 (string-split (realpath start)) #\/)
+ (define red (lambda (x s) (cons ".." s)))
+ (let lp ((l1 l1) (l2 l2))
+ (match (cons l1 l2)
+ (((x . l1) . (y . l2))
+ (if (equal? x y)
+ (lp l1 l2)
+ (string-join
+ (append
+ (reduce red '() (cons y l2))
+ l1)
+ "/")))
+ ((() . l)
+ (string-join (reduce red '() l) "/"))
+ ((l)
+ (string-join l "/")))))
+(define (samefile p1 p2)
+ (samestat (stat p1) (stat p2)))
+(define (sameopenfile p1 p2)
+ (samestat (stat p1) (stat p2)))
+(define (split p)
+ (let ((l (string-split (path-it p) #\/)))
+ (match l
+ ((_ ... "")
+ (list (path-it p) ""))
+ ((x)
+ (list "" x))
+ ((l ... x)
+ (list (string-join (append l (list "")) "/") x)))))
+(define (splitdrive p)
+ (let* ((l (string-split (path-it p) #\/)))
+ (let lp ((l l) (r '()))
+ (let ((p1 (string-join (reverse r) "/")))
+ (if (ismount p1)
+ (list p1 (string-join (cons "" l) "/"))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))
+ (list "" (string-join (reverse r) "/"))))))))
+(define (splitext p)
+ (let ((x (string-split (path-it p) #\.)))
+ (match x
+ (("" y . l)
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (let* ((r (reverse l))
+ (e (car r))
+ (l (cons* "" y (reverse (cdr l)))))
+ (list (string-join l ".") (string-append "." e)))
+ (list x "")))
+ ((y . l)
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (let* ((r (reverse l))
+ (e (car r))
+ (l (cons* y (reverse (cdr l)))))
+ (list (string-join l ".") (string-append "." e)))
+ (list x ""))))))
+(define (splitunc p) (splitdrive p))
+(define supports_unicode_filenames #t)