path: root/modules/language/python/module/
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-(define-module (language python module _csv)
- #:use-module (oop pf-objects)
- #:use-module (langauge python list)
- #:use-module (langauge python def)
- #:use-module (langauge python yield)
- #:use-module (langauge python for)
- #:use-module (langauge python exceptions)
- reader writer Error field_size_limit
- get_dialect register_dialect unregister_dialect
- list_dialects __doc__ Dialect))
-(define-python-class Error (Exception))
-(define-python-class Dialect ()
- (define __init__
- (lambda (self . x)
- #f)))
-(define *field-size* (make-fluid 131072))
-(define field_size_limit
- (case-lambda
- (() (fluid-ref *field-size*))
- ((x) (fluid-set! *field-size* x))))
-(define *dialects* (make-hash-table))
-(def (register_dialect nm (= val None) (** keyw))
- (let ((newval (Dialect)))
- (define-syntax-rule (set- x y z key default)
- (set x 'key (hash-ref z (symbol->string 'key)
- (if (eq? y None)
- default
- (ref y 'key default)))))
- (define-syntax-rule (setter x y z ((k def) ...))
- (begin (set- x y z k def) ...))
- (setter newval val keyw
- ((delimiter ",")
- (doublequote #t)
- (escapechar None)
- (lineterminator "\r\n")
- (quotechar "\"")
- (quoting 'minimal)
- (skipinitialspace #f)
- (strict #f)))
- (hash-set! *dialects* nm newval)))
- (hash-set! *dialects* nm val))
-(define (get_dialect nm val)
- (hash-ref *dialects* nm val None))
-(define (unregister_dialect nm)
- (hash-delete! *dialects nm))
-(define (list_dialects)
- (let ((ret '()))
- (hash-for-each
- (lambda (k v)
- (set! ret (cons k ret)))
- *dialects*)
- (py-ist ret)))
-(define __doc__
-"CSV parsing and writing.
-This module provides classes that assist in the reading and writing
-of Comma Separated Value (CSV) files, and implements the interface
-described by PEP 305. Although many CSV files are simple to parse,
-the format is not formally defined by a stable specification and
-is subtle enough that parsing lines of a CSV file with something
-like line.split(\",\") is bound to fail. The module supports three\n
-basic APIs: reading, writing, and registration of dialects.
-Readers and writers support a dialect argument, which is a convenient
-handle on a group of settings. When the dialect argument is a string,
-it identifies one of the dialects previously registered with the module.
-If it is a class or instance, the attributes of the argument are used as
-the settings for the reader or writer:
- class excel:
- delimiter = ','
- quotechar = '\"'
- escapechar = None
- doublequote = True
- skipinitialspace = False
- lineterminator = '\\r\\n'
- quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL
- * quotechar - specifies a one-character string to use as the
- quoting character. It defaults to '\"'.
- * delimiter - specifies a one-character string to use as the
- field separator. It defaults to ','.
- * skipinitialspace - specifies how to interpret whitespace which
- immediately follows a delimiter. It defaults to False, which
- means that whitespace immediately following a delimiter is part
- of the following field.
- * lineterminator - specifies the character sequence which should
- terminate rows.
- * quoting - controls when quotes should be generated by the writer.
- It can take on any of the following module constants:
- csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL means only when required, for example, when a
- field contains either the quotechar or the delimiter
- csv.QUOTE_ALL means that quotes are always placed around fields.
- csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC means that quotes are always placed around
- fields which do not parse as integers or floating point
- numbers.
- csv.QUOTE_NONE means that quotes are never placed around fields.
- * escapechar - specifies a one-character string used to escape
- the delimiter when quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE.
- * doublequote - controls the handling of quotes inside fields. When
- True, two consecutive quotes are interpreted as one during read,
- and when writing, each quote character embedded in the data is
- written as two quotes")
-(define QUOTE_ALL 'all)
-(define QUOTE_MINIMAL 'minimal)
-(define QUOTE_NONNUMERIC 'nonumeric)
-(define QUOTE_NONE 'none)
-(def (reader csvfile (= dialect "excel") (** fmtparams))
- (let*
- ((dialect (get-dialect dialect))
- (delimiter (chr (py-get fmtparams "delimiter" e)
- (ref dialect 'Delimiter e)
- ","))
- (doublequote (oor (py-get fmtparams "doublequote" e)
- (ref dialect 'doublequote e)
- #t))
- (escapechar (chr (py-get fmtparams "escapechar" e)
- (ref dialect 'escapechar e)
- None))
- (lineterminator (str (py-get fmtparams "lineterminator" e)
- (ref dialect 'lineterminator e)
- "\r\n"))
- (quotechar (chr (py-get fmtparams "quotechar" e)
- (ref dialect 'quotechar e)
- "\""))
- (quoting (oor (py-get fmtparams "quoting" e)
- (ref dialect 'quoting e)
- (skipispace (oor (py-get fmtparams "skipinitialspace" e)
- (ref dialect 'skipinitialspace e)
- #t))
- (strict (oor (py-get fmtparams "strict" e)
- (ref dialect 'strict e)
- #f)))
- (make-generator ()
- (lambda (yield)
- (for ((s : cvsfile)) ()
- (let ((n (len s)))
- (let lp ((i 0) (state #f) (l '()))
- (let lp2 ((j i) (r '()))
- (define-syntax-rule (raise- s)
- (if strict
- (raise s)
- (lp (+ j 1) r)))
- (define (end j ch)
- (if (and (eq? state 'start)
- (eq? ch #\newline))
- (yield (py-list (reverse l)))
- (let* ((x (list->string (reverse r)))
- (x (if (eq? state 'numeric)
- (string->number x)
- x)))
- (if (eq? ch #\newline)
- (yield (py-list (reverse (cons x l))))
- (lp (+ j 1) 'start (cons x l))))))
- (define (do-quotechar)
- (cond
- ((eq? state 'quote)
- (if doublequote
- (if (and (< (+ i 1) n)
- (equal? quotechar
- (string-ref s (+ i 1))))
- (lp2 (+ j 2) (cons quotechar r))
- (end (+ j 1)))
- (end (+ j 1))))
- ((eq? state 'start)
- (if (or (eq? quoting 'minimal)
- (eq? quoting 'all)
- (eq? quoting 'nonnumeric))
- (lp (+ j 1) 'quote l)
- (raise- (Error "QOUTE_NONE supports no quoteing"))))
- (else
- (raise- (Error "wrong quoting found")))))
- (define (do-whitespace ch)
- (cond
- ((eq? state 'start)
- (if skipispace
- (lp2 (+ i 1) r)
- (if (or (eq? quoting 'minimal)
- (eq? quoting 'none))
- (lp i 'normal l)
- (raise- (Error "whitespace outside quote")))))
- ((or (eq? state 'normal)
- (eq? state 'quote))
- (lp2 (+ i 1) (cons ch r)))
- ((eq? state 'nnumeric)
- (raise- (Error "whitespace in numeric field")))
- ((eq? state 'end)
- (raise- (Error "whitespace after quote")))))
- (define (do-esc-qupote)
- (if (< (+ j 1) n)
- (let ((ch2 (string-ref s (+ j 1))))
- (cond
- ((and (eq? state 'quoting)
- (eq? ch2 quotechar))
- (lp2 (+ j 2)
- (cons quotechar r)))
- ((eq? ch2 delimiter)
- (lp2 (+ j 2)
- (cons delimiter r)))
- ((eq? ch2 escapechar)
- (lp2 (+ j 2)
- (cons escapechar r)))
- (else
- (lp2 (+ j 2) r))))
- (raise- (Error "single escape ends line"))))
- (define (do-escape)
- (cond
- ((eq? state 'start)
- (if (eq? quoting 'none)
- (lp j 'normal l)
- (raise- (Error "escapecharacter in nonquote"))))
- ((eq? state 'normal)
- (if (eq? quoting 'none)
- (do-esc-quote)
- (raise- (Error "escapecharacter in nonequote"))))
- ((eq? state 'numeric)
- (raise- (Error "escacpechar in numeric field")))
- ((eq? state 'quote)
- (do-esc-quote))
- ((eq? state 'end)
- (raise- (Error "escapechar after quote")))))
- (define (do-delim ch)
- (cond
- ((or (eq? state 'start)
- (eq? state 'end))
- (end ch))
- ((eq? state 'quote)
- (if (eq? quoteing 'minimal)
- (raise-
- (Error "minimal quoting must quote delimiter"))
- (end ch)))
- ((eq? state 'normal)
- (end ch))
- ((eq? state 'numeric)
- (end ch))))
- (if (< j n)
- (let ((ch (string-ref s i)))
- (cond
- ((or (eq? ch #\newline)
- (eq? ch #\return))
- (if (eq? state 'quote)
- (raise- (Error "missing end quote character"))
- (end #\newline)))
- ((or (eq? ch #\space) (eq? ch #\tab))
- (do-whitespace ch))
- ((eq? ch quotechar)
- (do-quotechar))
- ((eq? ch escapechar)
- (do-escape))
- ((eq? ch delimiter)
- (do-delim ch))
- ((eq? state 'numeric)
- (if (or (eq? ch #\.)
- (eq? ch #\-)
- (eq? ch #\e)
- (eq? ch #\E)
- (char-numeric? ch))
- (lp2 (+ j 1) (cons ch r))
- (raise- (Error "nonumeric in numeric field"))))
- ((eq? state 'start)
- (cond
- ((eq? quoting 'all)
- (raise-
- (Error
- "nonquoted field when all should be quoted")))
- ((eq? quoting 'nonnumeric)
- (lp j 'numeric l))
- (else
- (lp j 'normal l))))
- ((or (eq? state 'quote) (eq? state 'normal))
- (lp2 (+ j 1) (cons ch r)))
- ((eq? state 'end)
- (raise-
- (Error
- "non delimeter after qouted field")))))
- (do-delim #\newline))))))))))
-(define-python-class writer ()
- (define __init__
- (lam (csvfile (= dialect "excel") (** fmt))
- (set! dialect (if (string? dialect)
- (get_dialect dialect)
- dialect))
- (set self 'csvfile csvfile)
- (set self 'dialect dialect)))
- (define writerow
- (lambda (self l)
- (let*
- ((dialect (ref self 'dialect))
- (delimiter (chr (py-get fmtparams "delimiter" e)
- (ref dialect 'Delimiter e)
- ","))
- (doublequote (oor (py-get fmtparams "doublequote" e)
- (ref dialect 'doublequote e)
- #t))
- (escapechar (chr (py-get fmtparams "escapechar" e)
- (ref dialect 'escapechar e)
- None))
- (lineterminator (str (py-get fmtparams "lineterminator" e)
- (ref dialect 'lineterminator e)
- "\r\n"))
- (quotechar (chr (py-get fmtparams "quotechar" e)
- (ref dialect 'quotechar e)
- "\""))
- (quoting (oor (py-get fmtparams "quoting" e)
- (ref dialect 'quoting e)
- (skipispace (oor (py-get fmtparams "skipinitialspace" e)
- (ref dialect 'skipinitialspace e)
- #t))
- (strict (oor (py-get fmtparams "strict" e)
- (ref dialect 'strict e)
- #f)))
- (for ((x : l)) (r '())
- (let/ec ret
- (cons
- (cond
- ((eq? quoting 'none)
- (let ((x (if (string? x) x (str x))))
- (if (has-escape-1 x)
- (if strict
- (raise (Error "None quoting and nonspecial chars"))
- (ret r))
- x)))
- ((eq? quoting 'nonnumeric)
- (let ((x (if (string? x) x (str x))))
- (if (is-numeric x)
- (number->string x)
- (quote-it x))))
- ((eq? quoting 'none)
- (if (string? x)
- x
- (str x)))
- ((eq? quoting 'minimal)
- (let ((x (if (string? x) x (str x))))
- (if (has-escape-2 x) (quote-it x) x))))
- r)
- #:final
- (write
- (string-join
- (reverse
- (cons lineterminator r)) delim))))))))