path: root/modules/language/python/#eval.scm#
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/#eval.scm#')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/#eval.scm# b/modules/language/python/#eval.scm#
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5328fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/#eval.scm#
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(define-module (language python eval)
+ #:use-module (language python guilemod)
+ #:use-module (parser stis-parser lang python3-parser)
+ #:use-module (language python exceptions)
+ #:use-module (language python module)
+ #:use-module (language python try)
+ #:use-module (language python list)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
+ #:use-module (language python dict)
+ #:use-module (oop pf-objects)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 local-eval) #:select ((the-environment . locals)))
+ #:re-export (locals)
+ #:replace (eval)
+ #:export (local-eval local-compile globals compile exec))
+(define seval (@ (guile) eval))
+(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define-syntax-rule (L x) (@@ (ice-9 local-eval) x))
+(define-syntax globals
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((g)
+ #'(M ((L env-module) (locals g)))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (call- self item a ...)
+ (let ((class (ref self '_module)))
+ ((rawref class item) class a ...)))
+(define-syntax-rule (apply- self item a ...)
+ (let ((class (ref self '_module)))
+ (apply (rawref class item) class a ...)))
+(define-syntax-rule (ref- self item)
+ (let ((class (ref self '_module)))
+ (rawref class item)))
+(define-python-class GlobalModuleWrap (dict)
+ (define __init__
+ (lambda (self module)
+ (set self '_module module)))
+ (define __getitem__
+ (lambda (self key)
+ (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key)))
+ (call- self '__global_getitem__ key)))
+ (define get
+ (lambda (self key . es)
+ (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key)))
+ (apply- self '__global_get__ key es)))
+ (define __setitem__
+ (lambda (self key val)
+ (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key)))
+ (call- self '__global_setitem__ key val)))
+ (define __iter__
+ (lambda (self)
+ (call- self '__global_iter__)))
+ (define values
+ (lambda (self)
+ (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) ((l '()))
+ (cons v l)
+ #:final l)))
+ (define keys
+ (lambda (self)
+ (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) ((l '()))
+ (cons k l)
+ #:final l)))
+ (define __contains__
+ (lambda (self key)
+ (if (string? key) (set! key (string->symbol key)))
+ (for ((k v : (__iter__ self))) ()
+ (if (eq? k key)
+ (break #t))
+ #:final
+ #f)))
+ (define items __iter__)
+ (define __repr__
+ (lambda (self)
+ (format #f "globals(~a)" (ref- self '__name__)))))
+(define MM (list 'error))
+(define (M mod)
+ (set! mod (module-name mod))
+ (if (and (> (length mod) 3)
+ (eq? (car mod) 'language)
+ (eq? (cadr mod) 'python)
+ (eq? (caddr mod) 'module))
+ (set! mod (Module (reverse mod)
+ (reverse (cdddr mod))))
+ (set! mod (Module (reverse mod) (reverse mod))))
+ (GlobalModuleWrap mod))
+(define* (local-eval x locals globals)
+ "Evaluate the expression @var{x} within the local environment @var{local} and
+global environment @var{global}."
+ (if locals
+ (if globals
+ (apply (seval ((L local-wrap) x locals) globals)
+ ((L env-boxes) locals))
+ (apply (seval ((L local-wrap) x locals) ((L env-module) locals))
+ ((L env-boxes) locals)))
+ (seval x (current-module))))
+(define* (local-compile x locals globals #:key (opts '()))
+ "Compile the expression @var{x} within the local environment @var{local} and
+global environment @var{global}."
+ (if locals
+ (if globals
+ (apply ((@ (system base compile) compile)
+ ((L local-wrap) x locals) #:env globals
+ #:from 'scheme #:opts opts)
+ ((L env-boxes) locals))
+ (apply ((@ (system base compile) compile) ((L local-wrap) x locals)
+ #:env ((L env-module) locals)
+ #:from 'scheme #:opts opts)
+ ((L env-boxes) locals)))
+ ((@ (system base compile) compile) x #:env (current-module)
+ #:from 'scheme #:opts opts)))
+(define-syntax eval
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((eval x)
+ #'(eval0 x (locals eval)))
+ ((eval x . l)
+ #'(eval0 x . l)))))
+(define* (eval0 x #:optional (locals #f) (globals #f))
+ (cond
+ ((string? x)
+ (aif xp (p x)
+ (aif cp (comp xp)
+ (local-eval cp locals globals)
+ (raise SyntaxError))
+ (raise SyntaxError)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (local-eval x locals globals))))
+(define* (compile x filename mode
+ #:optional (flags 0) (dont_inherit #f) (optiomize -1))
+ (aif xp (p x)
+ (aif cp (comp xp)
+ cp
+ (raise SyntaxError))
+ (raise SyntaxError)))
+(define-syntax exec
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((exec x)
+ #'(eval0 x (locals exec)))
+ ((exec x . l)
+ #'(exec0 x . l)))))
+(define* (exec0 x #:optional (locals #f) (globals #f))
+ (local-eval x locals globals))