path: root/modules/language/python
diff options
authorStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-07-13 15:19:03 +0200
committerStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-07-13 15:19:03 +0200
commitbf35763d00bed87133880d9435d0014fd98ab7e5 (patch)
tree36868563756131ffbb14abca0f662f58b4954ac6 /modules/language/python
parent7d47faa9e658b14d67697856b3980b2ffa9d6776 (diff)
missing files
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python')
3 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/re/compile.scm b/modules/language/python/module/re/compile.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed7162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/re/compile.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+(define-module (language python module re compile)
+ #:use-module (language python module re parser)
+ #:use-module (language python list)
+ #:use-module (language python string)
+ #:use-module ((parser stis-parser) #:select
+ ((parse . stisparse) <p-lambda> <p-cc> .. f-nl! f-nl
+ f-tag! f-tag f-seq f-or f-or! f-and f-true g* g+ gmn ng* ng+ ngmn
+ g? ng? f-test! f-eof f-not! f-prev f-not f-out f-rev *whitespace*
+ f-nm f-pos))
+ #:use-module (parser stis-parser macros)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:export (compile-reg test-reg parse))
+(define-syntax-rule (<pp-lambda> (a b) . code)
+ (<p-lambda> (d)
+ (let ((a (car d))
+ (b (cadr d)))
+ . code)))
+(define wrap list)
+(define (fw f)
+ (<pp-lambda> (L c)
+ (.. c2 (f c))
+ (<p-cc> (wrap L c2))))
+(define-syntax-rule (group f)
+ (let ()
+ (define-syntax-rule (mac s) (lambda (x n m) (set! s x)))
+ (let ((I (new-group))
+ (ff f))
+ (<pp-lambda> (L c)
+ (let ((e -1)
+ (s -1))
+ (.. c2 ((f-seq (f-pos (mac s)) ff (f-pos (mac e)))(list L c)))
+ (let* ((L (car c2))
+ (L (cons (cons I (list (strit c (cadr c2)) s e)) L)))
+ (<p-cc> (wrap L (cadr c2)))))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (group-name f name)
+ (let ()
+ (define-syntax-rule (mac s) (lambda (x n m) (set! s x)))
+ (let* ((n (new-name name))
+ (ff f))
+ (<pp-lambda> (L c)
+ (let ((e -1)
+ (s -1))
+ (.. c2 ((f-seq (f-pos (mac s)) ff (f-pos (mac e))) (list L c)))
+ (let* ((L (car c2))
+ (c2 (cadr c2))
+ (L (cons (cons n (list (strit c c2) s e)) L)))
+ (<p-cc> (wrap L c2))))))))
+(define (strit u v)
+ (let lp ((v v) (r '()))
+ (if (eq? u v)
+ (list->string r)
+ (lp (cdr v) (cons (car v) r)))))
+(define (incant name)
+ (<p-lambda> (c)
+ (let* ((L (cadr c))
+ (r (if (number? name)
+ (let lp ((l L))
+ (define (f x u l)
+ (if (= x name)
+ u
+ (lp l)))
+ (match l
+ (((x . u) . l)
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (f (cdr x) (car u) l)
+ (f x (car u) l)))
+ (() (error (+ "could not incant " name)))))
+ (let lp ((l L))
+ (define (f x u l)
+ (if (equal? x name)
+ u
+ (lp l)))
+ (match l
+ (((x . u) . l)
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (f (car x) u l)
+ (f x u l)))
+ (() (error (+ "could not incant " name))))))))
+ (if r
+ (<and> (.. ((fw (f-tag! r)) c)))
+ (<code> (error "group is not existing in the history"))))))
+(define (incant-rev name)
+ (<p-lambda> (c)
+ (let* ((L (cadr c))
+ (r (assoc name L)))
+ (if r
+ (<and> (.. ((f-tag (reverse (cdr r))) c)))
+ (<code> (error "group is not existing in the history"))))))
+(define (reverse-form x)
+ (match x
+ ((#:or x)
+ (reverse-form x))
+ ((#:or . l)
+ (cons #:or (map reverse-form l)))
+ ((#:sub f)
+ (list #:group (reverse-form f)))
+ ((#:?P< f n)
+ (list #:?P< (reverse-form f) n))
+ ((#:?: f)
+ (reverse-form f))
+ ((#:?P= name)
+ (#:?P=-rev name))
+ ((#:?P=-rev name)
+ (#:?P= name))
+ ((#:?if name yes no)
+ (list #:?if-rev name (reverse-form yes) (reverse-form no)))
+ ((#:?if-rev name yes no)
+ (list #:?if name (reverse-form yes) (reverse-form no)))
+ ((#:?= f ) (list #:?= (reverse-form f)))
+ ((#:?! f ) (list #:?! (reverse-form f)))
+ ((#:?<= f ) (list #:?<= f))
+ ((#:?<! f ) (list #:?<! f))
+ ((#:* x ) (list #:* (reverse-form x)))
+ ((#:+ x ) (list #:+ (reverse-form x)))
+ ((#:mn x m n) (list #:mn (reverse-form x) m n))
+ ((#:? x ) (list #:? (reverse-form x)))
+ ((#:*? x ) (list #:*? (reverse-form x)))
+ ((#:+? x ) (list #:+? (reverse-form x)))
+ ((#:?? x ) (list #:?? (reverse-form x)))
+ ((:mn? x m n) (list #:mn? (reverse-form x) m n))
+ ((#:ch x ) (list #:ch x))
+ ((#:bracket . l) (cons #:bracket l))
+ ((x . l) (map reverse-form (cons x l)))
+ (x x)))
+(define f-w (f-test! (lambda (x) (or (char-numeric? x) (char-alphabetic? x) (eq? x #\_)))))
+(define f-d (f-test! (lambda (x) (or (char-numeric? x)))))
+(define f-s (f-test! (lambda (x) (or (char-whitespace? x)))))
+(define (get-class tag)
+ (match tag
+ ("n" f-nl!)
+ ("t" (f-tag! "\t"))
+ ("r" (f-tag! "\r"))
+ ("a" (f-tag! "\a"))
+ ("v" (f-tag! "\v"))
+ ("f" (f-tag! "\f"))
+ ("A" (f-nm 0 1))
+ ("b" (f-or! (f-and (f-prev 1 (f-not f-w)) f-w f-true)
+ (f-and (f-prev 1 f-w) (f-not f-w) f-true)))
+ ("B" (f-or! (f-and (f-prev 1 (f-not f-w)) (f-not f-w) f-true)
+ (f-and (f-prev 1 f-w) f-w f-true)))
+ ("d" f-d)
+ ("D" (f-not! f-d))
+ ("w" f-w)
+ ("W" (f-not! f-w))
+ ("s" f-s)
+ ("S" (f-not! f-s))
+ ("Z" f-eof)
+ (x (f-tag! x))))
+(define groups (make-fluid 0))
+(define groupindex (make-fluid 0))
+(define (init)
+ (fluid-set! groups 1)
+ (fluid-set! groupindex (make-hash-table)))
+(define (new-group)
+ (let ((i (fluid-ref groups)))
+ (fluid-set! groups (+ i 1))
+ i))
+(define (new-name n)
+ (let ((i (fluid-ref groups)))
+ (hash-set! (fluid-ref groupindex) n i)
+ (fluid-set! groups (+ i 1))
+ (cons n i)))
+(define (compile x)
+ (match x
+ ((#:or x)
+ (compile x))
+ ((#:or . l)
+ (apply f-or (map compile l)))
+ ((#:seq x)
+ (compile x))
+ ((#:seq . l)
+ (apply f-seq (map compile l)))
+ ((#:sub f)
+ (group (compile f)))
+ ((#:?P< n f)
+ (group-name (compile f) n))
+ ((#:?: f)
+ (compile f))
+ ((#:?P= name)
+ (incant name))
+ ((#:?P=-rev name)
+ (incant-rev name))
+ ((#:?= f) (f-and (compile f) f-true))
+ ((#:?! f) (f-and (f-not (compile f)) f-true))
+ ((#:?<= f) (f-and (f-seq f-rev (compile (reverse-form f))) f-true))
+ ((#:?<! f) (f-and (f-seq f-rev (f-not (compile (reverse-form f)))) f-true))
+ ((#:?if name yes no)
+ (f-or (f-seq (incant name) yes)
+ no))
+ ((#:?if-rev name yes no)
+ (f-or (f-seq yes (incant-rev name))
+ no))
+ (#:$ f-eof)
+ (#:^ (f-nm 0 1))
+ ((#:op x #:* ) (g* (compile x) ))
+ ((#:op x #:+ ) (g+ (compile x) ))
+ ((#:op x (#:rep m n)) (gmn (compile x) m n))
+ ((#:op x (#:rep m )) (gmn (compile x) m m))
+ ((#:op x (#:rep? m n)) (ngmn (compile x) m n))
+ ((#:op x (#:rep? m )) (ngmn (compile x) m m))
+ ((#:op x #:? ) (g? (compile x) ))
+ ((#:op x #:*?) (ng* (compile x) ))
+ ((#:op x #:+?) (ng+ (compile x) ))
+ ((#:op x #:??) (ng? (compile x) ))
+ ((#:ch (#:class x))
+ (fw (get-class x)))
+ ((#:ch x)
+ (fw (f-tag! x)))
+ ((#:bracket not ch ...)
+ (let ((f (apply f-or!
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (match x
+ ((#:ch (#:class ch))
+ (get-class ch))
+ ((#:ch ch)
+ (f-tag! ch)))) ch))))
+ (if not
+ (f-not! f)
+ f)))))
+(define (maybe-add-nk x)
+ (if (equal? (pylist-ref x (- (len x) 1)) "\n")
+ (+ x "\n")
+ x))
+(define (compile-reg x)
+ (init)
+ (let ((p (f-seq (f-out '(() ())) (compile (parse-reg x)))))
+ (list p (fluid-ref groups) (fluid-ref groupindex))))
+(define (test-reg y x)
+ (with-fluids ((*whitespace* f-true))
+ (stisparse (maybe-add-nk y) (car (compile-reg x)))))
+(define (parse y x)
+ (with-fluids ((*whitespace* f-true))
+ (stisparse (maybe-add-nk y) x)))
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/re/flags.scm b/modules/language/python/module/re/flags.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..527bb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/re/flags.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(define-module (language python module re flags)
+ #:export (set-flags get-flags
+(define *flags* (make-fluid 0))
+(define (set-flags x) (fluid-set! *flags* x))
+(define (get-flags) (fluid-ref *flags*))
+(define A 1)
+(define ASCII A)
+(define DEBUG 2)
+(define I 4)
+(define IGNORECASE I)
+(define L 8)
+(define LOCALE L)
+(define M 16)
+(define MULTILINE M)
+(define X 32)
+(define VERBOSE X)
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/re/parser.scm b/modules/language/python/module/re/parser.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae4b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/re/parser.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(define-module (language python module re parser)
+ #:use-module (parser stis-parser)
+ #:export(parse-reg e-matcher))
+(define-syntax-rule (mk n tag str) (define n (f-seq tag (f-tag str))))
+(mk f-. #:dot ".")
+(mk f-^ #:^ "^")
+(mk f-$ #:$ "$")
+(mk q* #:* "*")
+(mk q? #:? "?")
+(mk q+ #:+ "+")
+(mk q*? #:*? "*?")
+(mk q?? #:?? "??")
+(mk q+? #:+? "+?")
+(define subexpr (f-list #:sub
+ (f-seq (f-tag "(") (Ds ee) (f-tag ")"))))
+(define f-back
+ (f-or (f-list #:class (mk-token (f-reg! "[AZbBdDsSwntr]")))
+ (mk-token (f-reg "."))))
+(define anongroup (f-list #:?: "(?:" (Ds ee) ")"))
+(define namegroup (f-list #:?P< "(?P<" (mk-token (f+ (f-not! (f-reg "[> ]")))) ">" (Ds ee) ")"))
+(define (ch not)
+ (f-list #:ch
+ (f-or! (f-seq (f-char #\\) f-back)
+ (mk-token (f-not! not)))))
+(define number (mk-token (f+ (f-reg! "[0-9]")) string->number))
+(define incant (f-list #:?P= "(?P=" (f-or! number
+ (mk-token (f+ (f-not! (f-reg "[) ]"))))) ")"))
+(define coment (f-seq "(?#" (f* (f-not (f-tag ")"))) ")"))
+(define repn? (f-list #:rep? "{" number "}" "?"))
+(define repnm? (f-list #:rep? "{" number "," number "}" "?"))
+(define repn (f-list #:rep "{" number "}"))
+(define repnm (f-list #:rep "{" number "," number "}"))
+(define lookh (f-list #:?= "(?=" (Ds ee) ")"))
+(define lookh! (f-list #:?! "(?!" (Ds ee) ")"))
+(define bbody (f-cons (ch (f-reg "[\\]")) (ff* (ch (f-reg "[]\\]")))))
+(define (f-if a b c) (f-or! (f-seq a b) c))
+(define choice
+ (f-cons #:bracket
+ (f-or!
+ (f-seq "[^]" (f-out (list (list #:ch (f-out #f) "^"))))
+ (f-cons*
+ (f-tag "[")
+ (f-if (f-tag "^") (f-out #t) (f-out #f))
+ bbody))))
+(define f-bar (f-tag "|"))
+(define qq (ch (f-reg "[][?+|*.$^() \\]")))
+(define atom (f-or qq f-. choice subexpr anongroup namegroup incant coment lookh lookh! f-^ f-$))
+(define spec (f-list #:op atom (f-or! q+? q?? q*? q* q? q+ repn? repnm? repn repnm)))
+(define aatom (f-or! spec atom))
+(define line (f-cons* #:seq aatom (ff* aatom )))
+(define ee (f-cons* #:or line (ff* (f-seq f-bar line))))
+(define (parse-reg str) (parse str ee))
+(define e-matcher ee)