path: root/modules/language/python/module/python.scm
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authorStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-08-01 19:28:58 +0200
committerStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-08-01 19:28:58 +0200
commit41ae68ba480f97c3c31de0689a0882d66290d59b (patch)
tree68a99136ef7d350645e9d0d73b2f92a10c192a08 /modules/language/python/module/python.scm
parent81fe3b318321690233a209a97a8a69e8f1ad11e4 (diff)
parent12222fe9ee6851feb80c5f2b7980487bea87bf5e (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/module/python.scm')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/python.scm b/modules/language/python/module/python.scm
index 3601c2f..3ae04e7 100644
--- a/modules/language/python/module/python.scm
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/python.scm
@@ -1,338 +1,21 @@
-(define-module (language python module python)
- #:use-module (oop goops)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (ice-9 readline)
- #:use-module ((oop pf-objects) #:select
- (<p> <property> class-method static-method ref (set . pf-set)
- py-super-mac type object pylist-ref define-python-class
- object-method py-dict))
- #:use-module (language python exceptions )
- #:use-module ((language python module string ) #:select ())
- #:use-module ((language python module io ) #:select (open))
- #:use-module (language python def )
- #:use-module (language python for )
- #:use-module (language python try )
- #:use-module (language python yield )
- #:use-module (language python list )
- #:use-module (language python dict )
- #:use-module (language python set )
- #:use-module (language python compile )
- #:use-module (language python string )
- #:use-module (language python bytes )
- #:use-module (language python set )
- #:use-module (language python number )
- #:use-module (language python dir )
- #:use-module (language python hash )
- #:use-module (language python property )
- #:use-module (language python range )
- #:use-module (language python tuple )
- #:use-module (language python eval )
- #:use-module (language python bool )
- #:replace (list abs min max hash round format map)
- #:re-export (StopIteration GeneratorExit RuntimeError
- Exception ValueError TypeError
- IndexError KeyError AttributeError
- send sendException next
- GeneratorExit sendClose RuntimeError
- SyntaxError bool
- len dir next dict None property range
- tuple bytes bytearray eval locals globals
- compile exec type object open
- )
- #:export (print repr complex float int str
- set all any bin callable reversed
- chr classmethod staticmethod objectmethod
- divmod enumerate filter
- getattr hasattr setattr hex isinstance issubclass
- iter sum id input oct ord pow super
- sorted zip vars
- ClassMethod StaticMethod Funcobj))
-(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
-(define vars py-dict)
-(define print
- (case-lambda
- (() ((@ (guile) format) #t "~%"))
- ((x) ((@ (guile) format) #t "~s~%" x))
- (l ((@ (guile) format) #t "~s~%" l))))
-(define (repr x) ((@ (guile) format) #f "~a" x))
-(define abs py-abs)
-(define str pystring)
-(define complex py-complex)
-(define float py-float)
-(define int py-int)
-(define round py-round)
-(define set py-set)
-(define all py-all)
-(define any py-any)
-(define bin py-bin)
-(define divmod py-divmod)
-(define format py-format)
-(define hash py-hash)
-(define hex py-hex)
-(define-method (callable x ) #f)
-(define-method (callable (x <procedure> )) #t)
-(define-method (callable (x <procedure-class> )) #t)
-(define-method (callable (x <applicable> )) #t)
-(define-method (callable (x <primitive-generic>)) #t)
-(define-method (callable (x <p>))
- (ref x '__call__))
-(define chr integer->char)
-(define objectmethod object-method)
-(define classmethod class-method)
-(define staticmethod static-method)
-(define (enumerate l)
- ((make-generator ()
- (lambda (yield)
- (for ((x : l)) ((i 0))
- (yield i x)
- (+ i 1))))))
-(define (filter f l)
- ((make-generator ()
- (lambda (yield)
- (for ((x : l)) ()
- (if (f x)
- (yield x)))))))
-(define miss ((@ (guile) list) 'miss))
-(define* (getattr a b #:optional (k miss))
- (let ((r (ref a (if (string? b) (string->symbol b) b) k)))
- (if (eq? r miss)
- (raise AttributeError "object/class ~a is missing attribute ~a" a b)
- r)))
-(define (setattr a k v)
- (pf-set a (if (string? k) (string->symbol k) k) v))
-(define (hasattr a b)
- (let ((r (ref a (if (string? b) (string->symbol b) b) miss)))
- (not (eq? r miss))))
-(define-method (issubclass x y) #f)
-(define-method (issubclass (sub <p>) (cls <p>))
- (aif it (ref cls '__subclasscheck__)
- (it cls sub)
- (if (eq? sub cls)
- #t
- (if (memq cls (ref sub '__mro__))
- #t
- #f))))
-(define-method (isinstance x y)
- (if (null? y)
- #f
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance x (car y))
- (isinstance x (cdr y)))
- (is-a? x y))))
-(define-method (isinstance (i <integer>) y)
- (if (issubclass y int)
- #t
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance i (car y))
- (isinstance i (cdr y)))
- (is-a? i y))))
-(define-method (isinstance (i <real>) y)
- (if (issubclass y float)
- #t
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance i (car y))
- (isinstance i (cdr y)))
- (is-a? i y))))
-(define-method (isinstance (i <pair>) y)
- (if (issubclass y tuple)
- #t
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance i (car y))
- (isinstance i (cdr y)))
- (is-a? i y))))
-(define-method (isinstance (i <string>) y)
- (if (issubclass y str)
- #t
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance i (car y))
- (isinstance i (cdr y)))
- (is-a? i y))))
-(define-method (isinstance (i <bytevector>) y)
- (if (issubclass y bytes)
- #t
- (if (pair? y)
- (or (isinstance i (car y))
- (isinstance i (cdr y)))
- (is-a? i y))))
-(define-method (isinstance o (cl <p>))
- (cond
- ((eq? cl py-list)
- (is-a? o <py-list>))
- (else #f)))
-(define-method (isinstance (o <p>) (cl <p>))
- (cond
- ((ref cl '__instancecheck__) =>
- (lambda (it)
- (it o)))
- ((pair? cl)
- (or
- (isinstance o (car cl))
- (isinstance o (cdr cl))))
- (else
- (is-a? o (ref cl '__goops__)))))
-(define iter
- (case-lambda
- ((o) (aif it (wrap-in o)
- it
- (aif get (ref o '__getitem__)
- (make-generator iter
- (lambda (yield)
- (for () ((i 0))
- (yield (get i))
- (+ i 1))))
- (raise TypeError "not iterable" o))))
- ((f sent)
- (make-generator iter
- (lambda (yield)
- (for () ()
- (let ((r (f)))
- (if (equal? r sent)
- (break)
- (yield r)))))))))
-(define-syntax map
- (lambda (x)
- (syntax-case x ()
- ((map f a ...)
- (with-syntax (((x ...) (generate-temporaries #'(a ...))))
- #'(for ((x : a) ...) ((l '()))
- (cons (f x ...) l)
- #:final (py-list (reverse l))))))))
-(define* (sum i #:optional (start 0))
- (for ((x : i)) ((s start))
- (+ s x)
- #:final
- s))
-(define (id x) (object-address x))
-(define (input str)
- ((@ (guile) format) #t str)
- (readline))
-(define (idx x) x)
-(def (py-min (* l) (= key idx) (= default miss))
- (let lp ((l l))
- (match l
- ((it)
- (for ((x : it)) ((s miss) (b miss))
- (if (eq? s miss)
- (values (key x) x)
- (let ((k (key x)))
- (if (< k s)
- (values k x)
- (values s b))))
- #:final
- (if (eq? b miss)
- (if (eq? default miss)
- (raise ValueError
- "min does not work for zero length list")
- default)
- b)))
- (_ (lp ((@ (guile) list) l))))))
-(def (py-max (* l) (= key idx) (= default miss))
- (let lp ((l l))
- (match l
- ((it)
- (for ((x : it)) ((s miss) (b miss))
- (if (eq? s miss)
- (values (key x) x)
- (let ((k (key x)))
- (if (> k s)
- (values k x)
- (values s b))))
- #:final
- (if (eq? b miss)
- (if (eq? default miss)
- (raise ValueError
- "min does not work for zero length list")
- default)
- b)))
- (_ (lp ((@ (guile) list) l))))))
-(define (oct x) (+ "0o" (number->string (py-index x) 8)))
-(define (ord x) (char->integer (string-ref (pylist-ref x 0) 0)))
-(define pow
- (case-lambda
- ((x y)
- (expt x y))
- ((x y z)
- (py-mod (expt x y) z))))
-(define-syntax-rule (super . l) (py-super-mac . l))
-(define min py-min)
-(define max py-max)
-(define list pylist)
-(define reversed py-reversed)
-(define (key-id x) x)
-(define* (sorted it #:key (key key-id) (reverse #f))
- (define l (to-pylist '()))
- (for ((x : it)) () (pylist-append! l x))
- (pylist-sort! l #:key key #:reverse reverse)
- l)
-(define (zip . l)
- (let ((l ((@ (guile) map) wrap-in l)))
- ((make-generator ()
- (lambda (yield)
- (let lp ()
- (let lp2 ((l l) (r '()))
- (if (pair? l)
- (call-with-values (lambda () (next (car l)))
- (lambda z
- (lp2 (cdr l) (append (reverse z) r))))
- (begin
- (yield (reverse r))
- (lp))))))))))
-(define-python-class ClassMethod ())
-(define-python-class StaticMethod ())
-(define-python-class Funcobj ())
-(define-method (py-mod (s <string>) l)
- (let* ((s (py-replace s "%s" "~a"))
- (s (py-replace s "%r" "~a"))
- (l (for ((x : l)) ((r '()))
- (cons x r)
- #:final (reverse r))))
- (apply (@ (guile) format) #f s l)))
+(define-module (language python module python )
+ #:use-module (language python module _python)
+ #:use-module (language python compile )
+ #:use-module ((language python format2) #:select ()))
+(define-syntax re-export-all
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ [(_ iface)
+ (module-for-each
+ (lambda (name . l)
+ (module-re-export! (current-module) ((@ (guile) list) name)))
+ (resolve-interface 'iface))]
+ [(_ iface _ li)
+ (let ((l 'li))
+ (module-for-each
+ (lambda (name . l)
+ (if (not (member name l))
+ (module-re-export! (current-module) ((@ (guile) list) name))))
+ (resolve-interface 'iface)))]))
+(re-export-all (language python module _python))