path: root/modules/language/python/module/os
diff options
authorStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-03-12 23:36:48 +0100
committerStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-03-12 23:36:48 +0100
commita86e64e0a3f20009c49d9cabc5e0e50b4732ad76 (patch)
treea25cee07a7591065f7cca4c31ac860a4c8d482cc /modules/language/python/module/os
parentf361c293c02c92eab9830b83f2107eeff962d9c1 (diff)
pwd module
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/module/os')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm b/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f2e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/os/path.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(define-module (language python module os path)
+ #:use-module (language python module os)
+ #:use-module (language python module pwd)
+ #:export (abspath basename commonpath commonprefix dirname exists
+ lexists expanduser expandvars getatime getmtime
+ getctime getsize isabs isfile isdir islink ismount
+ normcase normpath realpath relpath samefile sameopenfile
+ samestat split splitdrive splitext splitunc
+ supports_unicode_filenames))
+(define (abspath path)
+ (let ((path (path-it path)))
+ (if (eq? (string-ref path 0) #\/)
+ (normpath path)
+ (normpath (string-append (getcwd) "/" path)))))
+(define (basename path) ((@ (guile) basename) (path-it path)))
+(define (commonprefix paths)
+ (letrec ((l (for ((p paths)) ((l '()))
+ (cons (string->list (normpath p)) l)
+ #:final l))
+ (f (lambda (l)
+ (let lp ((l l)) ((r #f) (d '()))
+ (match l
+ ((() . _) '())
+ (((x . u) . l)
+ (if r
+ (if (equal? r x)
+ (lp l r (cons u d))
+ '())
+ (lp l x (cons u d))))
+ (()
+ (if r (cons r (f d)) '())))))))
+ (list->string (f l))))
+(define (commonpath paths)
+ (define kind
+ (for ((p paths)) ((e #f))
+ (let ((x (if (isabs (path-it p)) 'abs 'rel)))
+ (if e
+ (if (eq? e x)
+ e
+ (raise ValueError "Not all paths of the same type"))
+ x))
+ #:final e))
+ (if (not kind) (raise ValueError "No paths"))
+ (letrec ((l (for ((p paths)) ((l '()))
+ (cons (string-split (normpath p) #\/) l)
+ #:final l))
+ (f (lambda (l)
+ (let lp ((l l)) ((r #f) (d '()))
+ (match l
+ ((() . _) '())
+ (((x . u) . l)
+ (if r
+ (if (equal? r x)
+ (lp l r (cons u d))
+ '())
+ (lp l x (cons u d))))
+ (()
+ (if r (cons r (f d)) '())))))))
+ (if (equal? kind 'abs)
+ (string-append "/" (string-join (f l) "/"))
+ (string-join (f l) "/"))))
+(define (dirname p) ((@ (guile) dirname) (path-it p)))
+(define (exists p)
+ (if (number? p)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((@ (guile) readlink) (format #f "/proc/self/fd/~a" p)))
+ (lambda x #f))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((@ (guile) stat) (path-it p)) #t)
+ (lambda x #f))))
+(define (lexists p)
+ (if (number? p)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((@ (guile) readlink) (format #f "/proc/self/fd/~a" p)))
+ (lambda x #f))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () ((@ (guile) lstat) (path-it p)) #t)
+ (lambda x #f))))
+(define (expanduser p)
+ (define (lookup-user u)
+ (ref (getpwnam u) 'pw_dir))
+ (define (lookup-self)
+ (ref (getpwuid (getuid)) 'pw_dir))
+ (define path (path-it p))
+ (if (eq? (string-ref path 0) #\~)
+ (if (and (> (string-length path) 1) (not (eq? (string-ref path 1) #\/)))
+ (let* ((l (string-split path "/"))
+ (a (car l))
+ (u (list->string (cdr (string->list a)))))
+ (string-join (cons (lookup-user u) (cdr l)) "/"))
+ (let ((pw (getenv "PATH")))
+ (if pw
+ (string-join (append (string-split pw "/")
+ (cdr (string-split path #\/)))
+ "/")
+ (string-join (append (string-split (lookup-self) "/")
+ (cdr (string-split path #\/)))))))))
+(define expandvars)
+(define getatime)
+(define getmtime)
+(define getctime)
+(define getsize)
+(define isabs)
+(define isfile)
+(define isdir)
+(define islink)
+(define ismount)
+(define normcase)
+(define normpath)
+(define realpath)
+(define relpath)
+(define samefile)
+(define sameopenfile)
+(define samestat)
+(define split)
+(define splitdrive)
+(define splitext)
+(define splitunc)
+(define supports_unicode_filenames)