path: root/modules/language/python/module/abc.scm
diff options
authorStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-03-28 15:18:50 +0200
committerStefan Israelsson Tampe <>2018-03-28 15:18:50 +0200
commitfc6e3d19ce60950e7465d018ff9b4d59c035c38c (patch)
tree78e443255428533c4063956824910040e2f96d62 /modules/language/python/module/abc.scm
parent944fc50b8b36455b9749ad6b60f3020d466f901c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/language/python/module/abc.scm')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/language/python/module/abc.scm b/modules/language/python/module/abc.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b8442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/language/python/module/abc.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+(define-module (language python module abc)
+ #:use-module (language python module weakref)
+ #:use-module (oop pf-objects)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 control)
+ #:use-module (language python for)
+ #:use-module (language python try)
+ #:use-module (language python dict)
+ #:use-module (language python set)
+ #:use-module (language python string)
+ #:use-module (language python list)
+ #:use-module (language python def)
+ #:use-module (language python bool)
+ #:use-module (language python exceptions)
+ #:use-module (language python property)
+ #:use-module ((language python module python)
+ #:select (objectmethod classmethod staticmethod type
+ isinstance super issubclass
+ getattr sorted dir))
+ #:export (get_cache_token ABC ABCMeta
+ abstractmethod abstractclassmethod
+ abstractstaticmethod abstractproperty
+ get_cache_token))
+(define-syntax-rule (aif it p x y) (let ((it p)) (if it x y)))
+(define (abstractmethod f)
+ (set f '__isabstractmethod__ #t)
+ (objectmethod f))
+(define (abstractclassmethod f)
+ (set f '__isabstractmethod__ #t)
+ (classmethod f))
+(define (abstractstaticmethod f)
+ (set f '__isabstractmethod__ #t)
+ f)
+(define (abstractproperty f)
+ (let ((f (property f)))
+ (set f '__isabstractmethod__ #t)
+ f))
+(define-python-class ABCMeta (type)
+ (define _abc_invalidation_counter 0)
+ (define __new__
+ (lam (mcls name bases namespace (** kwargs))
+ (let ((cls (py-apply (ref (super *class* mcls) '__new__)
+ mcls name bases namespace (** kwargs)))
+ (abstracts
+ (py-set
+ (append (list name)
+ (for ((name value : (py-items namespace))) ((l '()))
+ (if (ref value '__isabstractmethod__)
+ (cons name l)
+ l)
+ #:final (reverse l))))))
+ (for ((base : bases)) ()
+ (for ((name : (ref base '__abstractmethods__ (py-set '())))) ()
+ (let ((value (getattr cls name None)))
+ (if (ref value '__isabstractmethod__)
+ ((ref abstracts 'add) name)))))
+ (set cls '__abstractmethods__ (frozenset abstracts))
+ (set cls '_abc_registry (WeakSet))
+ (set cls '_abc_cache (WeakSet))
+ (set cls '_abc_negative_cache (WeakSet))
+ (set cls '_abc_negative_cache_version _abc_invalidation_counter)
+ cls)))
+ (define register
+ (lambda (cls subclass)
+ (if (not (isinstance subclass type))
+ (raise TypeError "Can only register classes"))
+ (if (issubclass subclass cls)
+ subclass
+ (if (issubclass cls subclass)
+ (raise RuntimeError "Refusing to create an inheritance cycle")
+ (begin
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_registry) 'add) subclass)
+ (set ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter
+ (+ (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter) 1))
+ subclass)))))
+ (define _dump_registry
+ (lam (cls (= file None))
+ (define port (if (eq? file None) #t file))
+ (format port "Class: ~a.~a~%"
+ (ref cls '__module__) (ref cls '__name__))
+ (format port "Inv.counter: ~a~%" (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter))
+ (for ((name : (sorted (dir cls)))) ()
+ (if (py-startswith name "_abc_")
+ (let ((value (getattr cls name)))
+ (format port "~a: ~a~%" name value))))))
+ (define __instancecheck__
+ (lambda (cls instance)
+ (let ((subclass (ref instance '__class__)))
+ (if (in subclass (ref cls '_abc_cache))
+ #t
+ (let ((subtype (type instance)))
+ (if (eq? subtype subclass)
+ (if (and (= (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache_version)
+ (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter))
+ (in subclass (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache)))
+ #f
+ ((ref cls '__subclasscheck__) subclass))
+ (or ((ref cls '__subclasscheck__) subclass)
+ ((ref cls '__subclasscheck__) subtype))))))))
+ (define __subclasscheck__
+ (lambda (cls subclass)
+ (let/ec ret
+ (cond
+ ((in subclass (ref cls '_abc_cache))
+ (ret #t))
+ ((< (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache_version)
+ (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter))
+ (set cls '_abc_negative_cache (WeakSet))
+ (set cls '_abc_negative_cache_version
+ (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter)))
+ ((in subclass (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache))
+ (ret #f)))
+ (aif it (ref cls '__subclasshook__)
+ (let ((ok (it subclass)))
+ (if (not (eq? ok NotImplemented))
+ (begin
+ (if (bool ok)
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_cache) 'add) subclass)
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache) 'add) subclass)))
+ (ret (bool ok))))
+ #f)
+ (if (in cls (ref subclass '__mro__ '()))
+ (begin
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_cache) 'add) subclass)
+ (ret #t)))
+ (for ((rcls : (ref cls '_abc_registry))) ()
+ (when (issubclass subclass rcls)
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_cache) 'add) subclass)
+ (ret #t)))
+ (aif it (ref cls '__subclasses__)
+ (for ((scls : (it))) ()
+ (when (issubclass subclass scls)
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_cache) 'add) subclass)
+ (ret #t)))
+ #f)
+ ((ref (ref cls '_abc_negative_cache) 'add) subclass)
+ #f))))
+(define-python-class ABC (#:metaclass ABCMeta))
+(define (get_cache_token)
+ (ref ABCMeta '_abc_invalidation_counter))