diff options
authorRicardo Wurmus <>2020-04-22 18:02:23 +0200
committerRicardo Wurmus <>2020-04-22 18:02:23 +0200
commitf2b63f63aba2b210d2e556672c46fbca18556b76 (patch)
parent67566dd084312e9eab0d03df46aaec8785623720 (diff)
web: Render "unknown" instead of showing a blank page.
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/mumi/web/controller.scm b/mumi/web/controller.scm
index 6ca7627..e55f127 100644
--- a/mumi/web/controller.scm
+++ b/mumi/web/controller.scm
@@ -116,9 +116,11 @@
;; Tell browser to cache this for 1 hour.
(cons cookie-header
'((cache-control . ((max-age . 3600))))))
- (else (list cookie-header)))))
- (render-html (issue-page bug message)
- #:extra-headers headers))
+ (else (list cookie-header))))
+ (page (issue-page bug message)))
+ (if page
+ (render-html page #:extra-headers headers)
+ (render-html (unknown id))))
(render-html (unknown id)))))
(('POST "issue" (? string->number id) "comment")
(if (mailer-enabled?)
diff --git a/mumi/web/view/html.scm b/mumi/web/view/html.scm
index b5552d2..b474a32 100644
--- a/mumi/web/view/html.scm
+++ b/mumi/web/view/html.scm
@@ -350,179 +350,180 @@ some examples.")
(@ (class "col-11 offset-1 text-center"))
(div (@ (class "badge badge-primary closed")) "Closed"))))
- (layout
- #:title (bug-subject* bug)
- #:body
- `(,(header)
- (div
- (@ (class "container"))
- ,@(match flash-message
- (('error . text)
- `((div (@ (class "alert alert-danger")
- (role "alert"))
- ,text)))
- (('info . text)
- `((div (@ (class "alert alert-info")
- (role "alert"))
- ,text)))
- (_ '()))
- (div
- (@ (class "title col-12"))
- (h1 ,(bug-subject* bug))
- (span (@ (class "details"))
- ,(status-tag bug)
- ,(string-append "Submitted by "
- ;; We don't use bug-originator here
- ;; because it includes the email address.
- ;; We cannot use extract-name on the
- ;; return value, because it swallows
- ;; non-ASCII characters.
- (sender-name (first messages))
- ".")
- ,@(if (bug-mergedwith bug)
- `((ul (@ (class "merged"))
- "Merged with: "
- ,(map (lambda (id)
- `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
- ,id)))
- ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
- ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
- ;; number. Deal with this mess.
- (match (bug-mergedwith bug)
- ((? string? str)
- (string-split str #\space))
- ((? number? n)
- (list (number->string n)))))))
- '())
- ,@(if (bug-blocks bug)
- `((ul (@ (class "blocks"))
- "Blocks: "
- ,(map (lambda (id)
- `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
- ,id)))
- ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
- ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
- ;; number. Deal with this mess.
- (match (bug-blocks bug)
- ((? string? str)
- (string-split str #\space))
- ((? number? n)
- (list (number->string n)))))))
- '())
- ,@(if (bug-blockedby bug)
- `((ul (@ (class "blockedby"))
- "Blocked by: "
- ,(map (lambda (id)
- `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
- ,id)))
- ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
- ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
- ;; number. Deal with this mess.
- (match (bug-blockedby bug)
- ((? string? str)
- (string-split str #\space))
- ((? number? n)
- (list (number->string n)))))))
- '())))
- (div (@ (class "row"))
- (div
- (@ (class "conversation col-lg-9"))
- ,(let ((msgs (filter (lambda (msg)
- ;; Ignore messages
- ;; without body, and
- ;; internal messages.
- (and msg
- (email-body msg)
- (not (internal-message? msg))))
- messages)))
- (map (lambda (message-number msg previous-subject)
- (show-message message-number msg previous-subject))
- (iota (length msgs))
- msgs
- (cons (bug-subject* bug)
- (map subject msgs))))
- (div
- (@ (class "comment-box"))
- (a (@ (id "comment")))
+ (if (null? messages) #f
+ (layout
+ #:title (bug-subject* bug)
+ #:body
+ `(,(header)
- (@ (class "avatar")
- (style "background-color:#bc80bd")) "?")
- (div
- (@ (class "message"))
+ (@ (class "container"))
+ ,@(match flash-message
+ (('error . text)
+ `((div (@ (class "alert alert-danger")
+ (role "alert"))
+ ,text)))
+ (('info . text)
+ `((div (@ (class "alert alert-info")
+ (role "alert"))
+ ,text)))
+ (_ '()))
- (@ (class "card"))
- ,@(if (mailer-enabled?)
- `((form
- (@ (action ,(format #f "/issue/~a/comment"
- (number->string id)))
- (enctype "multipart/form-data")
- (method "POST"))
- (input (@ (style "display:none")
- (name "validation")
- (placeholder "Please leave this empty.")) "")
- (input (@ (type "hidden")
- (name "timestamp")
- (value ,(timestamp!))) "")
- (div
- (@ (class "card-header"))
- (div (@ (class "from"))
- (input (@ (class "address form-control")
- (name "from")
- (required "required")
- (placeholder "Your name")) "")))
- (div
- (@ (class "body card-body"))
- (textarea (@ (name "text")
- (required "required")
- (class "form-control")
- (placeholder "Please input your comment..."))
- ""))
- (div
- (@ (class "card-footer"))
- (button (@ (class "btn btn-primary")
- (type "submit"))
- "Send"))))
- `((div
- (@ (class "card-header"))
- (div (@ (class "from"))
- (span (@ (class "address")) "Your comment")))
- (div
- (@ (class "body card-body"))
- (p "Comments via the web interface are not currently
+ (@ (class "title col-12"))
+ (h1 ,(bug-subject* bug))
+ (span (@ (class "details"))
+ ,(status-tag bug)
+ ,(string-append "Submitted by "
+ ;; We don't use bug-originator here
+ ;; because it includes the email address.
+ ;; We cannot use extract-name on the
+ ;; return value, because it swallows
+ ;; non-ASCII characters.
+ (sender-name (first messages))
+ ".")
+ ,@(if (bug-mergedwith bug)
+ `((ul (@ (class "merged"))
+ "Merged with: "
+ ,(map (lambda (id)
+ `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
+ ,id)))
+ ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
+ ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
+ ;; number. Deal with this mess.
+ (match (bug-mergedwith bug)
+ ((? string? str)
+ (string-split str #\space))
+ ((? number? n)
+ (list (number->string n)))))))
+ '())
+ ,@(if (bug-blocks bug)
+ `((ul (@ (class "blocks"))
+ "Blocks: "
+ ,(map (lambda (id)
+ `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
+ ,id)))
+ ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
+ ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
+ ;; number. Deal with this mess.
+ (match (bug-blocks bug)
+ ((? string? str)
+ (string-split str #\space))
+ ((? number? n)
+ (list (number->string n)))))))
+ '())
+ ,@(if (bug-blockedby bug)
+ `((ul (@ (class "blockedby"))
+ "Blocked by: "
+ ,(map (lambda (id)
+ `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/issue/" id)))
+ ,id)))
+ ;; XXX: This field can either hold a
+ ;; string of multiple ids, or a single
+ ;; number. Deal with this mess.
+ (match (bug-blockedby bug)
+ ((? string? str)
+ (string-split str #\space))
+ ((? number? n)
+ (list (number->string n)))))))
+ '())))
+ (div (@ (class "row"))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "conversation col-lg-9"))
+ ,(let ((msgs (filter (lambda (msg)
+ ;; Ignore messages
+ ;; without body, and
+ ;; internal messages.
+ (and msg
+ (email-body msg)
+ (not (internal-message? msg))))
+ messages)))
+ (map (lambda (message-number msg previous-subject)
+ (show-message message-number msg previous-subject))
+ (iota (length msgs))
+ msgs
+ (cons (bug-subject* bug)
+ (map subject msgs))))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "comment-box"))
+ (a (@ (id "comment")))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "avatar")
+ (style "background-color:#bc80bd")) "?")
+ (div
+ (@ (class "message"))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "card"))
+ ,@(if (mailer-enabled?)
+ `((form
+ (@ (action ,(format #f "/issue/~a/comment"
+ (number->string id)))
+ (enctype "multipart/form-data")
+ (method "POST"))
+ (input (@ (style "display:none")
+ (name "validation")
+ (placeholder "Please leave this empty.")) "")
+ (input (@ (type "hidden")
+ (name "timestamp")
+ (value ,(timestamp!))) "")
+ (div
+ (@ (class "card-header"))
+ (div (@ (class "from"))
+ (input (@ (class "address form-control")
+ (name "from")
+ (required "required")
+ (placeholder "Your name")) "")))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "body card-body"))
+ (textarea (@ (name "text")
+ (required "required")
+ (class "form-control")
+ (placeholder "Please input your comment..."))
+ ""))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "card-footer"))
+ (button (@ (class "btn btn-primary")
+ (type "submit"))
+ "Send"))))
+ `((div
+ (@ (class "card-header"))
+ (div (@ (class "from"))
+ (span (@ (class "address")) "Your comment")))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "body card-body"))
+ (p "Comments via the web interface are not currently
supported. To comment on this conversation "
- (a (@ (href ,(string-append "mailto:"
- (number->string id) "@" (%config 'debbugs-domain)
- "?subject=" (bug-subject* bug))))
- ,(string-append "send email to "
- (number->string id) "@" (%config 'debbugs-domain)))))))))))
+ (a (@ (href ,(string-append "mailto:"
+ (number->string id) "@" (%config 'debbugs-domain)
+ "?subject=" (bug-subject* bug))))
+ ,(string-append "send email to "
+ (number->string id) "@" (%config 'debbugs-domain)))))))))))
- (div
- (@ (class "info col-lg-3"))
- (dl
- (@ (class "stat"))
- ,@(let ((num (length parties)))
- `((dt ,(if (= num 1)
- "One participant"
- (string-append (number->string num)
- " participants")))
- (dd
- (ul ,(map (lambda (name)
- `(li (span (@ (class "name")))
- ,name))
- (map extract-name parties)))))))
- (dl
- (@ (class "stat"))
- (dt "Owner")
- (dd
- ,(or (and=> (bug-owner bug) extract-name) "unassigned")))
- (dl
- (@ (class "stat"))
- (dt "Severity")
- (dd ,(bug-severity bug)))
- (dl
- (@ (class "stat"))
- (dt "Status")
- (dd ,(status-tag bug)))))))))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "info col-lg-3"))
+ (dl
+ (@ (class "stat"))
+ ,@(let ((num (length parties)))
+ `((dt ,(if (= num 1)
+ "One participant"
+ (string-append (number->string num)
+ " participants")))
+ (dd
+ (ul ,(map (lambda (name)
+ `(li (span (@ (class "name")))
+ ,name))
+ (map extract-name parties)))))))
+ (dl
+ (@ (class "stat"))
+ (dt "Owner")
+ (dd
+ ,(or (and=> (bug-owner bug) extract-name) "unassigned")))
+ (dl
+ (@ (class "stat"))
+ (dt "Severity")
+ (dd ,(bug-severity bug)))
+ (dl
+ (@ (class "stat"))
+ (dt "Status")
+ (dd ,(status-tag bug))))))))))
(define (list-of-bugs bugs)
"Return table rows for all BUGS."