diff options
authorRicardo Wurmus <>2018-03-24 19:51:17 +0100
committerRicardo Wurmus <>2018-03-28 21:21:28 +0200
commitb89b720d908acbb7f683f4a8b7815abfc7092ffb (patch)
Initial commit.
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pict.scm b/pict.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7bef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pict.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+;;; pict.scm --- A simple picture language for Guile
+;;; Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Wurmus <>
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library. If not, see
+;;; <>.
+(define-module (pict)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple)
+ #:use-module (sxml transform)
+ #:use-module (sxml fold)
+ #:use-module ((sxml xpath) #:hide (filter))
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:export (pict?
+ pict-sxml
+ pict-width
+ pict-height
+ ;; modifiers
+ fill
+ colorize
+ remove-outline
+ scale
+ expand
+ grow
+ shrink
+ rotate
+ blur
+ frame
+ ;; graphics primitives
+ line
+ polyline
+ polygon
+ circle
+ ellipse
+ rectangle
+ ;; other graphics
+ disk
+ filled-ellipse
+ filled-rectangle
+ triangle
+ filled-triangle
+ octagon
+ filled-octagon
+ text
+ ;; composition
+ vl-append
+ vc-append
+ vr-append
+ ht-append
+ hc-append
+ hb-append
+ lt-superimpose
+ lc-superimpose
+ lb-superimpose
+ ct-superimpose
+ cc-superimpose
+ cb-superimpose
+ rt-superimpose
+ rc-superimpose
+ rb-superimpose))
+;;; Records
+;; This is the main record for pictures, a simple wrapper around SXML.
+;; We only use a record so that we can abuse the record type printer
+;; facility (see below). All operations are really performed on the
+;; wrapped SXML.
+(define-record-type <pict>
+ (make-pict sxml)
+ pict?
+ (sxml pict-sxml))
+;; XXX: This is a hack to let Geiser display the image.
+;; Since Geiser only supports the display of images that are
+;; associated with a file we write out the SVG to a temp file and
+;; return #<Image: /path/to/svg>.
+;; Hey, where are you going? You haven't seen the rest...!
+(set-record-type-printer! <pict>
+ (lambda (record port)
+ (let* ((xml (with-output-to-string
+ (lambda _ (sxml->xml `(svg (@ (width ,(pict-width record))
+ (height ,(pict-height record)))
+ ,(pict-sxml record))))))
+ (name (string-append "/tmp/geiser-"
+ (number->string (string-hash xml))
+ ".svg")))
+ (with-output-to-file name
+ (lambda _ (display xml)))
+ (format port "#<Image: ~a>" name))))
+;;; Miscellaneous utilities
+(define (scan vals)
+ "Return a list of cumulative offsets for each numeric value in the
+list VALS."
+ (reverse
+ (fold (lambda (val acc)
+ (match acc
+ ((last . lst)
+ (let ((offset (+ val last)))
+ (cons offset (cons offset lst))))))
+ '(0 . ())
+ (cons 0 vals))))
+;;; SXML utilities
+(define (modify-attribute search-key proc node)
+ "Find an attribute with the key SEARCH-KEY in the attributes of
+NODE. Run PROC on the current value of the found attribute or create
+the attribute by running PROC on #F."
+ (let ((attributes (cdr node)))
+ (cons '@
+ (match (fold (lambda (attribute state)
+ (match attribute
+ ((key vals)
+ (if (eq? key search-key)
+ (cons #t ; replaced!
+ (cons (list key (proc vals))
+ (cdr state)))
+ (cons (car state)
+ (cons attribute (cdr state)))))))
+ '(#f . ())
+ attributes)
+ ((#f . attrs)
+ (cons (list search-key (proc #f))
+ attrs))
+ ((_ . attrs) attrs)))))
+(define (attribute-modifier attribute proc)
+ "Return a procedure that takes an SXML element and modifies or adds
+ATTRIBUTE by applying PROC to the current value (or #F)."
+ (match-lambda
+ ((tag attrs . inner)
+ `(,tag ,(modify-attribute attribute proc attrs)
+ ,@inner))))
+(define (transform-string->list ts)
+ "Split the transform string TS into a list of lists from keys to
+ (map (compose (cut take <> 2)
+ (cut string-split <> #\()
+ (cut string-trim-both <>))
+ (filter (negate string-null?) (string-split ts #\)))))
+(define (transform-list->string lst)
+ "Returns an SVG string of transforms that are built from the list
+of transform lists LST."
+ (string-join (map (match-lambda
+ ((key val)
+ (string-append key "(" val ")")))
+ lst)))
+(define (transform-modifier key value)
+ (attribute-modifier
+ 'transform
+ (lambda (transform-str)
+ (transform-list->string
+ (cons (list key value)
+ (filter (match-lambda
+ ((k _)
+ (not (string=? k key)))
+ (_ '()))
+ (transform-string->list (or transform-str ""))))))))
+(define (style-string->list styles)
+ "Split the styles string into a list of lists from keys to values."
+ (map (cut string-split <> #\:)
+ (string-split styles #\;)))
+(define (style-list->string lst)
+ "Returns a string of semicolon-separated pairs of colon-separated
+strings that are built from the list of attributes LST."
+ (string-join (map (cut string-join <> ":") lst) ";"))
+(define (style-modifier key value)
+ (attribute-modifier
+ 'style
+ (lambda (style-str)
+ (style-list->string
+ (cons (list key value)
+ (filter (match-lambda
+ ((k _)
+ (not (string=? k key)))
+ (_ '()))
+ (style-string->list (or style-str ""))))))))
+(define (update-style key value sxml)
+ ((style-modifier key value) sxml))
+;;; Picture modifiers
+;; Picts are wrapped in an SVG tag to allow us to record the width and
+;; height (and any transformations). Graphic primitives may be buried
+;; deep inside wrapping SVG elements after composition and
+;; transformations, so we use foldt to apply modifications to the
+;; inner graphic primitives.
+(define (pict-modify-primitives pict proc)
+ "Apply PROC to all graphic primitives in PICT."
+ (make-pict
+ (foldt (lambda (thing)
+ (let ((tag (car thing)))
+ (if (member tag '(rect polygon polyline circle ellipse text))
+ (proc thing) thing)))
+ identity
+ (pict-sxml pict))))
+(define (fill pict color)
+ "Fill PICT with COLOR."
+ (pict-modify-primitives pict
+ (lambda (inner)
+ (update-style "fill" color inner))))
+(define (colorize pict color)
+ "Set the outer COLOR of PICT."
+ (pict-modify-primitives pict
+ (lambda (inner)
+ (update-style "stroke" color inner))))
+(define remove-outline (cut colorize <> "none"))
+(define pi (/ 355 113))
+(define (deg->rad deg)
+ (* deg (/ pi 180)))
+;; Nested SVGs lose their transforms! So we need to use "g" and SVG
+;; for wrapping. "g" for the transform and SVG for x, y, width, and
+;; height (because "g" doesn't have those).
+;; XXX: repeated rotations result in an increase of the size of the
+;; pict, as they are not applied to the inner shape but wrapped around
+;; the pict. It may be better to get at the inner shape first by
+;; finding the child of the first (g (@ (class "transform")) ...)
+;; expression.
+(define (rotate pict deg)
+ "Rotate the PICT by DEG degrees."
+ (let* ((width (pict-width pict))
+ (height (pict-height pict))
+ (cx (/ width 2))
+ (cy (/ height 2))
+ (vecx (make-rectangular width 0))
+ (vecy (make-rectangular 0 height))
+ (rot (make-polar 1 (deg->rad deg)))
+ (rotx (* vecx rot))
+ (roty (* vecy rot))
+ (new-height (+ (abs (imag-part rotx))
+ (abs (imag-part roty))))
+ (new-width (+ (abs (real-part rotx))
+ (abs (real-part roty)))))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (height ,new-height)
+ (width ,new-width)
+ (class "rotate")
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ ,((compose (transform-modifier "translate"
+ (format #f "~a ~a"
+ (/ (- new-width width) 2)
+ (/ (- new-height height) 2)))
+ (transform-modifier "rotate"
+ (format #f "~a ~a ~a"
+ deg cx cy)))
+ `(g (@ (class "transform")) ,(pict-sxml pict)))))))
+(define (scale pict factor)
+ "Scale the PICT by the given FACTOR."
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (height ,(* factor (pict-height pict)))
+ (width ,(* factor (pict-width pict)))
+ (class "scale")
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ ,((transform-modifier "scale" (number->string factor))
+ `(g (@ (class "transform"))
+ ,(pict-sxml pict))))))
+(define* (expand pict
+ #:key
+ (amount 0)
+ (left amount) (right amount)
+ (top amount) (bottom amount))
+ "Expand the bounding box of PICT."
+ (let ((w (pict-width pict))
+ (h (pict-height pict)))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,(+ w left right))
+ (height ,(+ h top bottom)))
+ ,((compose (attribute-modifier 'x (lambda (x) (+ left x)))
+ (attribute-modifier 'y (lambda (y) (+ top y))))
+ (pict-sxml pict))))))
+(define (grow pict amount)
+ "Grow the bounding box of PICT."
+ (expand pict #:amount amount))
+(define (shrink pict amount)
+ "Shrink the bounding box of PICT."
+ (expand pict #:amount (- amount)))
+;;; XXX: Emacs doesn't render filters when the image type is SVG. It
+;;; only does this when the image type is 'imagemagick, i.e. when the
+;;; SVG is first fed to ImageMagick and the raster image is displayed.
+(define (blur pict radius)
+ "Apply a Gaussian blur with blur RADIUS to the PICT."
+ (let ((new-height (+ (pict-height pict) (* 2 radius)))
+ (new-width (+ (pict-width pict) (* 2 radius))))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,new-width)
+ (height ,new-width)
+ (class "blur"))
+ (g (defs
+ (filter
+ (@ (id "blur")
+ (width ,new-width)
+ (height ,new-height))
+ (feGaussianBlur
+ (@ (stdDeviation ,(number->string radius)))))))
+ ,((compose (style-modifier "filter" "url(#blur)")
+ (attribute-modifier 'x (const (/ (- new-width
+ (pict-width pict))
+ 2)))
+ (attribute-modifier 'y (const (/ (- new-height
+ (pict-height pict))
+ 2))))
+ (pict-sxml pict))))))
+(define* (frame pict #:key (color "black") (stroke-width 1))
+ "Draw a box around PICT."
+ (cc-superimpose pict
+ (rectangle (pict-width pict)
+ (pict-height pict)
+ #:border-color color
+ #:border-width stroke-width)))
+;;; SVG graphics primitives.
+;;; Each shape is wrapped in an SVG tag that records the width,
+;;; height, and the coordinates.
+(define* (line x1 y1 x2 y2
+ #:key
+ (color "black")
+ (stroke-width 1))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,(let ((new-width (+ (min x1 x2)
+ (abs (- x2 x1)))))
+ (if (zero? new-width)
+ stroke-width new-width)))
+ (height ,(let ((new-height (+ (min y1 y2)
+ (abs (- y2 y1)))))
+ (if (zero? new-height)
+ stroke-width new-height)))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (line (@ (x1 ,x1)
+ (y1 ,y1)
+ (x2 ,x2)
+ (y2 ,y2)
+ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("stroke" ,color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string stroke-width))))))))))
+(define* (polyline points
+ #:key
+ (color "black")
+ (stroke-width 1))
+ "Draw a polyline from POINTS, a list of x and y coordinate pairs."
+ (let* ((xs (map car points))
+ (ys (map cdr points)))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,(+ (apply min xs)
+ (apply max xs)))
+ (height ,(+ (apply min ys)
+ (apply max ys)))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (polyline (@ (points ,(string-join
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((x . y)
+ (string-append (number->string x)
+ ","
+ (number->string y))))
+ points)))
+ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" "none")
+ ("stroke" ,color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string stroke-width)))))))))))
+(define* (polygon points
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1))
+ "Draw a polygon from POINTS, a list of x and y coordinate pairs."
+ (let* ((xs (map car points))
+ (ys (map cdr points)))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,(+ (apply min xs)
+ (apply max xs)))
+ (height ,(+ (apply min ys)
+ (apply max ys)))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (polygon (@ (points ,(string-join
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((x . y)
+ (string-append (number->string x)
+ ","
+ (number->string y))))
+ points)))
+ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" "none")
+ ("stroke" ,border-color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string border-width)))))))))))
+;; An isosceles triangle
+(define* (triangle w h
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1))
+ (polygon `((0 . ,h)
+ (,w . ,h)
+ (,(/ w 2) . 0))
+ #:border-color border-color
+ #:border-width border-width))
+(define* (filled-triangle w h #:key (color "black"))
+ (remove-outline (fill (triangle w h) color)))
+;; A boring p8 symmetric isogonal octagon
+(define* (octagon size
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1))
+ (let ((third (exact->inexact (/ size 3))))
+ (polygon `((0 . ,(* 2 third))
+ (0 . ,third)
+ (,third . 0)
+ (,(* 2 third) . 0)
+ (,size . ,third)
+ (,size . ,(* 2 third))
+ (,(* 2 third) . ,size)
+ (,third . ,size))
+ #:border-color border-color
+ #:border-width border-width)))
+(define* (filled-octagon size #:key (color "black"))
+ (remove-outline (fill (octagon size) color)))
+(define* (circle radius
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,(* 2 radius))
+ (height ,(* 2 radius))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (circle (@ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" "none")
+ ("stroke" ,border-color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string border-width)))))
+ (cx ,radius)
+ (cy ,radius)
+ (r ,radius))))))
+(define* (disk radius
+ #:key
+ (color "black"))
+ (remove-outline (fill (circle radius) color)))
+(define* (ellipse w h
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,w)
+ (height ,h)
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (ellipse (@ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" "none")
+ ("stroke" ,border-color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string border-width)))))
+ (cx ,(/ w 2))
+ (cy ,(/ h 2))
+ (rx ,(/ w 2))
+ (ry ,(/ h 2)))))))
+(define* (filled-ellipse w h #:key (color "black"))
+ (remove-outline (fill (ellipse w h) color)))
+(define* (rectangle w h
+ #:key
+ (border-color "black")
+ (border-width 1)
+ (rx 0)
+ (ry 0))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,w)
+ (height ,h)
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (rect (@ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" "none")
+ ("stroke" ,border-color)
+ ("stroke-width"
+ ,(number->string border-width)))))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0)
+ (width ,w)
+ (height ,h)
+ (rx ,rx)
+ (ry ,ry))))))
+(define* (filled-rectangle w h #:key
+ (color "black")
+ (border-color "none")
+ (border-width 1)
+ (rx 0)
+ (ry 0))
+ (fill (rectangle w h
+ #:border-color border-color
+ #:border-width border-width
+ #:rx rx
+ #:ry ry) color))
+;; XXX: We need to ask the user to provide width and height, because
+;; we cannot determine these dimensions without rendering the text.
+;; Even so, the text is cut off in some cases when letters go below
+;; the baseline. This needs more work.
+(define* (text txt w h
+ #:key
+ (color "black"))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (width ,w)
+ (height ,h)
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ (text (@ (style ,(style-list->string
+ `(("fill" ,color)
+ ("font-family" "sans-serif")
+ ("font-size" ,(number->string h))
+ ("text-anchor" "middle"))))
+ (x ,(/ w 2)) (y ,h))
+ ,txt))))
+(define (pict-attr attr pict)
+ "Return the value of the selected ATTRIBUTE of the outermost element
+of the SVG of PICT."
+ (and=> ((sxpath `(@ ,attr *any*))
+ (pict-sxml pict))
+ car))
+(define (pict-height pict)
+ "Return the height of PICT."
+ (pict-attr 'height pict))
+(define (pict-width pict)
+ "Return the width of PICT."
+ (pict-attr 'width pict))
+(define (append-align xalign yalign picts)
+ "Append PICTS and align them vertically to the top, center, bottom,
+or spread by an offset according to the symbol YALIGN and horizontally
+to the left, center, right, or spread them with an offset according to
+the symbol XALIGN."
+ (let* ((heights (map pict-height picts))
+ (widths (map pict-width picts))
+ (new-height (apply (if (eq? yalign 'offset) + max) heights))
+ (new-width (apply (if (eq? xalign 'offset) + max) widths))
+ (x-offsets (if (eq? xalign 'offset)
+ (scan widths)
+ (list-tabulate (length picts) (const 0))))
+ (y-offsets (if (eq? yalign 'offset)
+ (scan heights)
+ (list-tabulate (length picts) (const 0))))
+ (aligner (match-lambda
+ ((xoffset yoffset pict)
+ ((compose
+ (attribute-modifier
+ 'x (match xalign
+ ('left identity)
+ ('center (lambda _
+ (- (/ new-width 2)
+ (/ (pict-width pict) 2))))
+ ('right (lambda _
+ (- new-width
+ (pict-width pict))))
+ ('offset (const xoffset))))
+ (attribute-modifier
+ 'y (match yalign
+ ('top identity)
+ ('center (lambda _
+ (- (/ new-height 2)
+ (/ (pict-height pict) 2))))
+ ('bottom (lambda _
+ (- new-height
+ (pict-height pict))))
+ ('offset (const yoffset)))))
+ (pict-sxml pict))))))
+ (make-pict
+ `(svg (@ (height ,new-height)
+ (width ,new-width)
+ (class ,(string-append "aligned-"
+ (symbol->string xalign)
+ "-"
+ (symbol->string yalign)))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0))
+ ,@(map aligner (zip x-offsets y-offsets picts))))))
+(define (ht-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS horizontally on the top."
+ (append-align 'offset 'top picts))
+(define (hc-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS horizontally and center them."
+ (append-align 'offset 'center picts))
+(define (hb-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS horizontally on the top."
+ (append-align 'offset 'bottom picts))
+(define (vl-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS vertically and left-align them."
+ (append-align 'left 'offset picts))
+(define (vc-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS vertically and center them."
+ (append-align 'center 'offset picts))
+(define (vr-append . picts)
+ "Line up the given PICTS vertically and right-align them."
+ (append-align 'right 'offset picts))
+(define (lt-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them left and at the top."
+ (append-align 'left 'top picts))
+(define (lc-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them left and center them
+ (append-align 'left 'center picts))
+(define (lb-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them left and at the bottom."
+ (append-align 'left 'bottom picts))
+(define (ct-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and center them horizontally and align at the
+ (append-align 'center 'top picts))
+(define (cc-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and center them horizontally and vertically."
+ (append-align 'center 'center picts))
+(define (cb-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and center them horizontally and align at the
+ (append-align 'center 'bottom picts))
+(define (rt-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them right and at the top."
+ (append-align 'right 'top picts))
+(define (rc-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them right and center them vertically."
+ (append-align 'right 'center picts))
+(define (rb-superimpose . picts)
+ "Stack the given PICTS and align them right and at the bottom."
+ (append-align 'right 'bottom picts))