diff options
authorrekado <>2014-11-24 10:04:19 +0100
committerrekado <>2014-11-24 19:10:50 +0100
commitc8128ca3a97015b8811e9ef731d4f2fe35ee5d9b (patch)
initial commit
4 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f403d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Gnubba is written in Guile Scheme and should eventually become a
+general purpose XMPP library.
diff --git a/sha1.scm b/sha1.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b3cb37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sha1.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(define-module (gnubba sha1)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (system foreign)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 iconv)
+ #:export (sha1))
+(define-syntax GCRY_MD_SHA1
+ ;; Value defined in /usr/include/gcrypt.h
+ (identifier-syntax 2))
+(define* (sha1 string #:optional style)
+ (hex-string (sha1-bytevector (string->bytevector string "UTF-8"))))
+(define (hex-string bv)
+ "Convert bytevector into string of two-digit hex numbers."
+ (string-concatenate (map (lambda (n)
+ (let ((s (number->string n 16)))
+ (if (eq? 1 (string-length s))
+ (string-concatenate (list "0" s))
+ s)))
+ (bytevector->u8-list bv))))
+(define sha1-bytevector
+ (let ((hash (pointer->procedure void
+ (dynamic-func "gcry_md_hash_buffer"
+ (dynamic-link "libgcrypt"))
+ `(,int * * ,size_t))))
+ (lambda (bv)
+ "Return the SHA256 of BV as a bytevector."
+ (let ((digest (make-bytevector 20)))
+ (hash GCRY_MD_SHA1 (bytevector->pointer digest)
+ (bytevector->pointer bv) (bytevector-length bv))
+ digest))))
diff --git a/xep-0114.scm b/xep-0114.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f882530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xep-0114.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(define-module (gnubba xep-0114)
+ #:use-module (gnubba sha1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple)
+ #:export (with-component))
+(define component-port 5347)
+(define (stream-header component-name)
+ (string-concatenate (list "<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:component:accept' xmlns:stream='' to='" component-name "'>")))
+(define (generate-handshake stream-id shared-secret)
+ (sha1 (string-concatenate (list stream-id shared-secret))))
+;; Establish a component connection and execute actions.
+(define-syntax with-component
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((with-component domain shared-secret exp ...)
+ (begin
+ (define addr (make-socket-address AF_INET INADDR_LOOPBACK component-port))
+ (define sock (socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
+ (define (get-attribute name response)
+ (define (get-attributes)
+ "Extract key value pairs from a string and return as alist."
+ (map (lambda (res)
+ (cons (match:substring res 1)
+ (match:substring res 3)))
+ (list-matches "([^= ]+)=(['\"])([^ ]+)\\2" response)))
+ (let ((found (assoc name (get-attributes))))
+ (unless found
+ (throw 'stream-error 'attribute-not-found name response))
+ found))
+ (define (close-stream)
+ ;; TODO: make sure this is understood as "</stream:stream>"
+ (display "</stream>" sock)
+ ;; TODO: wait for other side to also send a closing tag before terminating the connection
+ (close-port sock))
+ (define (write-to-stream msg)
+ "Write msg to sock and return a single response tag. Ignore <?xml..> tag."
+ (when msg
+ (display msg sock))
+ (let ((response-string (read-delimited ">" sock)))
+ (if (string-match "<?xml" response-string)
+ (let ((response-string (read-delimited ">" sock)))
+ response-string)
+ response-string)))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (connect sock addr)
+ (let ((response (write-to-stream (stream-header domain))))
+ ;; server must reply with either an error or a stream header
+ ;; TODO: should not match against literal string
+ (unless (string-match "<stream:stream" response)
+ (throw 'stream-error 'stream response))
+ (let ((stream-id (cdr (get-attribute "id" response))))
+ ;; send handshake
+ (sxml->xml `(handshake ,(generate-handshake stream-id shared-secret)) sock)
+ (let* ((ns '((stream . "")))
+ (response (xml->sxml sock #:namespaces ns #:trim-whitespace? #t)))
+ ;; expect empty handshake element as acknowlegement
+ (unless (equal? 'handshake (caadr response))
+ (throw 'stream-error 'handshake response))
+ (display "Connected to XMPP server!\n")
+ ;; Handlers are passed as expressions that
+ ;; are evaluated in the xmpp monad.
+ (display "Registering handlers...\n")
+ (begin
+ exp ...)
+ ;; Blocking wait for stanzas. At this
+ ;; point, new handler can only be
+ ;; registered by previously registered
+ ;; handlers.
+ (display "Starting listener loop.\n")
+ (run-handler-loop sock)
+ ;; close connection at the end
+ (display "Closing stream.\n")
+ (close-stream)))))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (if (and (equal? 'system-error key)
+ (string-prefix? "connect" (car args)))
+ (begin
+ ;; connection refused or something
+ (display (format #t "ERROR: ~S\n" (cdr args))))
+ (begin
+ (display (format #t "ERROR: ~S. Closing stream. (~S)\n" key args))
+ (close-stream)))))))))
diff --git a/xmpp.scm b/xmpp.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6ab7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmpp.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+(define-module (gnubba xmpp)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (find))
+ #:export (iq
+ presence
+ stanza-id
+ stanza-to
+ stanza-from
+ stanza-type
+ register-temp-stanza-handler-for-id
+ register-stanza-handler
+ run-handler-loop
+ ))
+;; TODO: it's ugly to have global variables like this. Can this be
+;; scoped inside the loop or with-component/with-connection functions?
+(define *stanza-handlers* '())
+(define *stanza-id-handlers* (make-hash-table))
+(define (register-stanza-handler predicate handler)
+ "Register handler function that will be executed when a stanza is
+encountered that matches the given predicate."
+ (set! *stanza-handlers* (cons `(,predicate . ,handler) *stanza-handlers*)))
+(define (register-temp-stanza-handler-for-id stanza-id handler)
+ "Register handler function that will be executed when a stanza with
+the given id is encountered by the parser. Upon execution the handler
+is unregistered."
+ (hash-set! *stanza-id-handlers* stanza-id
+ (lambda (stanza)
+ (begin
+ (hash-remove! *stanza-id-handlers* stanza-id)
+ (handler stanza)))))
+(define (try-stanza-handlers stanza)
+ "Run all matching handlers in *stanza-handlers*."
+ (map (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((predicate (car pair))
+ (handler (cdr pair)))
+ (when (predicate stanza)
+ (handler stanza))))
+ *stanza-handlers*))
+(define (handle-stanza stanza)
+ "Check if handler for this stanza id exists and run it if it exists. Then try all other handlers."
+ (let ((id-handler (hash-ref *stanza-id-handlers* (stanza-id stanza))))
+ (catch 'halt
+ (lambda ()
+ (when id-handler (id-handler stanza))
+ (try-stanza-handlers stanza))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ ;; return whatever argument was passed to 'halt
+ (car args)))))
+(define (run-handler-loop port)
+ "Repeatedly check for incoming stanzas. When a stanza handler exists it is executed in parallel. A handler may register new handlers."
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (while (not (port-closed? port))
+ (let ((stanza (xml->sxml port #:trim-whitespace? #t)))
+ (format #t "received a stanza: ~s\n" stanza)
+ ;; TODO: handle the stanza in a non-blocking manner!
+ (handle-stanza stanza)
+ ;; no tight loop, please
+ (sleep 1)))
+ (display "port was closed.\n"))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (format #t "ERROR: in handler loop: ~a ~a\n" key args)
+ key)))
+(define next-stanza-id!
+ (let ((id 0))
+ (lambda (type)
+ "Return a new stanza id. Never returns the same id."
+ (let ((res (format #f "gnubba-~4,'0X-~a" id (symbol->string type))))
+ (set! id (1+ id))
+ res))))
+(define (drop-empty-attr attributes)
+ `(@ ,@(filter (lambda (attr)
+ (not (string-null? (cadr attr))))
+ (cdr attributes))))
+(define* (iq body #:key
+ (from "")
+ (to "")
+ (type "get")
+ (id (next-stanza-id! 'iq)))
+ `(iq ,(drop-empty-attr `(@ (from ,from)
+ (to ,to)
+ (type ,type)
+ (id ,id)))
+ ,body))
+(define (message to body)
+ `(message (@ (to ,to)) (body ,body)))
+(define* (presence #:optional body #:key
+ (from "")
+ (to "")
+ (type "")
+ (id (next-stanza-id! 'pres)))
+ (let ((attr (drop-empty-attr
+ `(@ (type ,type)
+ (from ,from)
+ (to ,to)
+ (id ,id)))))
+ (if body
+ `(presence ,attr ,body)
+ `(presence ,attr))))
+(define (stanza-find-property property-name stanza)
+ "Return the given property of a stanza or #f if there is none."
+ (let ((properties (cadr stanza)))
+ (if (equal? '@ (car properties))
+ (let ((res (find (lambda (prop) (eq? property-name (car prop)))
+ (cdr properties))))
+ (if res
+ (cadr res)
+ #f)))))
+;; generate accessor functions for various stanza attributes
+ (lambda (attr)
+ (eval `(define ,(symbol-append 'stanza- attr)
+ (lambda (stanza) (stanza-find-property (quote ,attr) stanza)))
+ (current-module)))
+ '(from to type id))
+;; TODO: here again with macros:
+;; (define-syntax define-attribute
+;; (lambda (form)
+;; (syntax-case form ()
+;; ((define-attribute attr)
+;; (identifier? #'attr)
+;; (with-syntax
+;; ((name (datum->syntax #'attr (symbol-append 'stanza- (syntax->datum #'attr)))))
+;; #'(define (name stanza)
+;; (stanza-find-property 'attr stanza)))))))
+;; (define-syntax-rule (define-attributes (attr ...))
+;; (begin (define-attribute attr) ...))
+;; (define-attributes (from to type id))
+;; TODO: define some useful predicates
+(define (iq? stanza) #f)
+(define (message? stanza) #f)
+(define (presence? stanza) #f)