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authorrekado <>2015-04-17 13:11:45 +0200
committerrekado <>2015-04-17 13:11:45 +0200
commit2711884a268a07464b604d04e36cd27026eb97a1 (patch)
treedef772ab775662495b3bbc7c32b6e7473b96859e /posts
parent1848694cb21748de628730583aa8da5cd6bea0cd (diff)
posts: new post about Guix
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+title: GNU Guix in an HPC environment
+date: 2015/04/17
+tags: free software, bioinformatics, system administration, packaging, cluster
+I spend my daytime hours as a system administrator at a research
+institute in a heterogeneous computing environment. We have two big
+compute clusters (one on CentOS the other on Ubuntu) with about 100
+nodes each and dozens of custom GNU/Linux workstations. A common task
+for me is to ensure the users can run their bioinformatics software,
+both on their workstation and on the clusters. Only few
+bioinformatics tools and libraries are popular enough to have been
+packaged for CentOS or Ubuntu, so usually some work has to be done to
+build the applications and all of their dependencies for the target
+## How to waste time building and deploying software
+In theory compiling software is not a very difficult thing to do.
+Once all development headers have been installed on the build host,
+compilation is usually a matter of configuring the build with a
+configure script and running GNU make with various flags (this is an
+assumption which is violated by bioinformatics software on a regular
+basis, but let's not get into this now). However, there are practical
+problems that become painfully obvious in a shared environment with a
+large number of users.
+### Naive compilation
+Compiling software directly on the target machine is an option only in
+the most trivial cases. With more complicated build systems or
+complicated build-time dependencies there is a strong incentive for
+system administrators to do the hard work of setting up a suitable
+build environment for a particular piece of software only once. Most
+people would agree that package management is a great step up from
+naive compilation, as the build steps are formalised in some sort of
+recipe that can be executed by build tools in a reproducible manner.
+Updates to software only require tweaks to these recipes. Package
+management is a good thing.
+### System-dependence
+Non-trivial software that was built and dynamically linked on one
+machine with a particular set of libraries and header files at
+particular versions can only really work on a system with the very
+same libraries at compatible versions in place. Established package
+managers allow packagers to specify hard dependencies and version
+ranges, but the binaries that are produced on the build host will only
+work under the constraints imposed on them at build time. To support
+an environment in which software must run on, say, both CentOS 6.5 and
+CentOS 7.1, the packages must be built in both environments and
+binaries for both targets have to be provided.
+There are ways to emulate a different build environment (e.g. Fedora's
+`mockbuild`), but we cannot get around the fact that dynamically
+linked software built for one kind of system will only ever work on
+that very kind of system. At runtime we can change what libraries
+will be dynamically loaded, but this is a hack that pushes the problem
+from package maintainers to users. Running software with
+`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` set is not a solution, nor is static linking, the
+equivalent to copying chunks of libraries at build time.
+### Version conflicts
+Libraries and applications that come pre-installed or pre-packaged
+with the system may not be the versions a user claims to need. Say, a
+user wants the latest version of GCC to compile code using new
+language features specified in C++11 (e.g. anonymous functions). Full
+support for C++11 arrived in GCC 4.8.1, yet on CentOS 6.5 only version
+4.4.7 is available through the repositories. The system administrator
+may not necessarily be able to upgrade GCC system-wide. Or maybe
+other users on a shared system do need version 4.4.7 to be available
+(e.g. for bug-compatibility). There is no easy way to satisfy all
+users, so a system administrator might give up and let users build
+their own software in their home directories instead of solving the
+However, compiling GCC is a daunting task for a user and they really
+shouldn't have to do this at all. We already established that package
+management is a good thing; why should we deny users the benefits of
+package management? Traditional package management techniques are
+ill-suited to the task of installing multiple versions of applications
+or libraries into independent prefixes. RPM, for example, allows
+users to maintain a local, independent package database, but `yum`
+won't work with multiple package databases. Additionally, only *one*
+package database can be used at once, so a user would have to
+re-install system libraries into the local package database to satisfy
+dependencies. As a result, users lose the important feature of
+automatic dependency resolution.
+### Interoperability
+A system administrator who decides to package software as relocatable
+RPMs, to install the applications to custom prefixes and to maintain a
+separate repository has nothing to show for when a user asks to have
+the packaged software installed on an Ubuntu workstation. There are
+ways to convert RPMs to DEB packages (with varying degrees of
+success), but it seems silly to have to convert or rebuild stuff
+repeatedly when the software, its dependencies and its mode of
+deployment really didn't change at all.
+What happens when a Slackware user comes along next? Or someone using
+Arch Linux? Sure, as a system administrator you could refuse to
+support any system other than CentOS 7.1, users be damned.
+Traditionally, it seems that system administrators default to this
+style for convenience and/or practical reasons, but I consider this
+unhelpful and even somewhat oppressive.
+## Functional package management with GNU Guix
+Luckily I'm not the only person to consider traditional packaging
+methods inadequate for a number of valid purposes. There are
+different projects aiming to improve and simplify software deployment
+and management, one of which I will focus on in this article. As a
+functional programmer, Scheme aficionado and free software enthusiast
+I was intrigued to learn about GNU Guix, a functional package manager
+written in Guile Scheme, the designated extension language for the GNU
+In purely functional programming languages a function will produce the
+very same output when called repeatedly with the same input values.
+This allows for interesting optimisation, but most importantly it
+makes it *possible* and in some cases even *easy* to reason about the
+behaviour of a function. It is independent from global state, has no
+side effects, and its outputs can be cached as they are certain not to
+change as long as the inputs stay the same.
+Functional package management lifts this concept to the realm of
+software building and deployment. Global state in a system equates to
+system-wide installations of software, libraries and development
+headers. Side effects are changes to the global environment or global
+system paths such as `/usr/bin/`. To reject global state means to
+reject the common file system hierarchy for software deployment and to
+use a minimal `chroot` for building software. The introduction of the
+Guix manual describes the approach as follows:
+> The term "functional" refers to a specific package management
+> discipline. In Guix, the package build and installation process is
+> seen as a function, in the mathematical sense. That function takes
+> inputs, such as build scripts, a compiler, and libraries, and
+> returns an installed package. As a pure function, its result
+> depends solely on its inputs—for instance, it cannot refer to
+> software or scripts that were not explicitly passed as inputs. A
+> build function always produces the same result when passed a given
+> set of inputs. It cannot alter the system’s environment in any way;
+> for instance, it cannot create, modify, or delete files outside of
+> its build and installation directories. This is achieved by running
+> build processes in isolated environments (or "containers"), where
+> only their explicit inputs are visible.
+> The result of package build functions is "cached" in the file
+> system, in a special directory called "the store". Each package is
+> installed in a directory of its own, in the store—by default under
+> ‘/gnu/store’. The directory name contains a hash of all the inputs
+> used to build that package; thus, changing an input yields a
+> different directory name.
+### Isolated, yet shared
+Note that the package outputs are still dynamically linked. Libraries
+are referenced in the binaries with their full store paths using the
+runpath feature. These package outputs are no self-contained,
+monolithic application directories as you might know them from MacOS.
+Any built software is cached in the store which is shared by all users
+system-wide. However, by default the software in the store has no
+effect whatsoever on the users' environments. Building software and
+have the results stored in `/gnu/store` does not alter any global
+state; no files pollute `/usr/bin/` or `/usr/lib/`. Any effects are
+restricted to the package's single output directory inside the
+Guix provides per-user profiles to map software from the store into a
+user environment. The store provides deduplication as it serves as a
+cache for packages that have already been built. A profile is little
+more than a "forest" of symbolic links to items in the store. The
+union of links to the outputs of all software packages the user
+requested makes up the user's profile. By adding another layer of
+symbolic link indirection, Guix allows users to seamlessly switch
+among different generations of the same profile, going back in time.
+Each user profile is completely isolated from one another, making it
+possible for different users to have different versions of GCC
+installed. Even one and the same user could have multiple profiles
+with different versions of GCC and switch between them as needed.
+Guix takes the functional packaging method seriously, so except for
+the running kernel and the exposed machine hardware there are
+virtually no dependencies on global state (i.e. system libraries or
+headers). This also means that the Guix store is populated with the
+complete dependency tree, down to the kernel headers and the C
+library. As a result, software in the Guix store can run on very
+different GNU/Linux distributions; a shared Guix store allows me to
+use the very same software on my Fedora workstation, as well as on the
+Ubuntu cluster, and on the CentOS 6.5 cluster.
+This means that software only has to be packaged up once. Since
+package recipes are written in a very declarative domain-specific
+language on top of Scheme, packaging is surprisingly simple (and to
+this Schemer is rather enjoyable).
+### User freedom
+Guix liberates users from the software deployment decisions of their
+system administrators by giving them the power to build software into
+an isolated directory in the store using simple package recipes.
+Administrators only need to configure and run the Guix daemon, the
+core piece running as root. The daemon listens to requests issued by
+the Guix command line tool, which can be run by users without root
+permissions. The command line tool allows users to manage their
+profiles, switch generations, build and install software through the
+Guix daemon. The daemon takes care of the store, of evaluating the
+build expressions and "caching" build results, and it updates the
+forest of symbolic links to update profile state.
+Users are finally free to conveniently manage their own software,
+something they could previously only do in a crude manner by compiling
+## Using a shared Guix store
+Guix is not designed to be run in a centralised manner. A Guix daemon
+is supposed to run on each system as root and it listens to RPCs from
+local users only. In an environment with multiple clusters and
+multiple workstations this approach requires considerable effort to
+make it work correctly and securely.
+Instead we opted to run the Guix daemon on a single dedicated server,
+writing profile data and store items onto an NFS share. The cluster
+nodes and workstations mount this share read-only. Although this
+means that users lose the ability to manage their profiles directly on
+their workstations and on the cluster nodes (because they have no
+local installation of the Guix client or the Guix daemon, and because
+they lack write access to the shared store), their software profiles
+are now available wherever they are. To manage their profiles, users
+would log on to the Guix server where they can install software into
+their profiles, roll back to previous versions or send other queries
+to the Guix daemon. (At some point I think it would make sense to
+enhance Guix such that RPCs can be made over SSH, so that explicit
+logging on to a management machine is no longer necessary.)
+## Guix as a platform for scientific software
+Since winter 2014 I have been packaging software for GNU Guix, which
+meanwhile has accumulated quite a few common and obscure
+[bioinformatics tools and libraries](
+A list of software (updated daily) available through Guix is
+[available here](
+We also have common Python modules for scientific computing, as well
+as programming languages such as R and Julia.
+I think GNU Guix is a great platform for scientific software in
+heterogeneous computing environments. The Guix project follows the
+[Free System Distribution Guidelines](,
+which mean that free software is welcome upstream. For software that
+imposes additional usage or distribution restrictions (such as when
+the original Artistic license is used instead of the Clarified
+Artistic license, or when commercial use is prohibited by the license)
+Guix allows the use of out-of-tree package modules through the
+`GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH` variable. As Guix packages are just Scheme
+variables in Scheme modules, it is trivial to extend the official GNU
+Guix distribution with package modules by simply setting the
+If you want to learn more about GNU Guix I recommend taking a look at
+the excellent
+[GNU Guix project page]( Feel
+free to contact me if you want to learn more about packaging
+scientific software for Guix. It is not difficult and we all can
+benefit from joining efforts in adopting this usable, dependable,
+hackable, and liberating platform for scientific computing with free
+The Guix community is very friendly, supportive, responsive and
+welcoming. I encourage you to visit the project's
+[IRC channel #guix on Freenode](,
+where I go by the handle "rekado".