path: root/haunt.scm
diff options
authorrekado <>2015-08-17 21:06:06 +0200
committerrekado <>2015-08-17 22:56:03 +0200
commit89752ab353c9a4872f264b9c9ccdf871d0115b17 (patch)
tree627eb217634e1901c605879af8d4dd794a8d5b8d /haunt.scm
parentb074fa8551a7717c8d20cdf9206627756a5e0887 (diff)
Goodbye Hakyll, hello Haunt!
Diffstat (limited to 'haunt.scm')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/haunt.scm b/haunt.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5fd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haunt.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+;; TODO:
+;; * Archive page should list *all* tags
+;; * copy posts as static pages (e.g. /elephly.html)
+;; * fix titles of non-posts pages
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1) ; list stuff
+ (srfi srfi-11) ; let-values
+ (srfi srfi-19) ; date functions
+ (srfi srfi-26) ; cut
+ (ice-9 ftw) ; file system
+ (ice-9 match) ; match-lambda
+ (skribe)
+ (haunt reader)
+ (haunt site)
+ (haunt asset)
+ (haunt post) ;post-file-name
+ (haunt page)
+ (haunt html) ;sxml->html
+ (haunt utils) ;absolute-file-name
+ (haunt builder blog)
+ (haunt builder atom))
+(define skribe-reader
+ (make-reader (make-file-extension-matcher "skr")
+ (lambda (file-name)
+ (let ((contents (load (absolute-file-name file-name) %skribe-reader)))
+ (values meta contents)))))
+;; Create stubs for each sxml tag
+;; This is needed for the skribe to sxml conversion.
+ (lambda (tag)
+ (eval `(define (,tag . content)
+ (list (quote ,tag) content))
+ (current-module)))
+ '(a blockquote p img h1 h2 h3 code pre strong em ul li dl dt dd))
+(define (email address)
+ "Obfuscate a given email ADDRESS."
+ `(span (@ (class "obfuscated"))
+ ,(string-map (lambda (c) (integer->char (+ 1 (char->integer c))))
+ address)))
+(define (~)
+ "Non-breaking space."
+ (string #\240))
+(define* (table #:key (align '()) headers rows)
+ "Build HTML tables more easily."
+ (let ((alignment (append align
+ (make-list (- (length headers)
+ (length align))
+ "left"))))
+ (define (make-row fields)
+ `(tr ,(map (match-lambda
+ ((field alignment)
+ `(td (@ (align ,alignment)) ,field)))
+ (zip fields alignment))))
+ (define (make-header fields)
+ `(tr (@ (class "header"))
+ ,(map (match-lambda
+ ((field alignment)
+ `(th (@ (align ,alignment)) ,field)))
+ (zip fields alignment))))
+ `(table
+ (thead ,(make-header headers))
+ (tbody ,(map make-row rows)))))
+(define (lyrics . contents)
+ `(pre (@ (class "lyrics")) ,contents))
+(define (ref url text)
+ `(a (@ (href ,url)) ,text))
+(define (figure file caption)
+ `(div (@ (class "figure"))
+ (img (@ (src ,(if (string-prefix? "/" file)
+ file
+ (string-append "/images/posts/" file)))
+ (alt ,caption)))
+ (p (@ (class "caption")) ,caption)))
+(define (wide-img file alt)
+ `(img (@ (class "full stretch")
+ (src ,(if (string-prefix? "/" file)
+ file
+ (string-append "/images/posts/" file)))
+ (alt ,alt))))
+(define (photo-snippet post)
+ (let ((meta (post-ref post 'photo)))
+ (if meta
+ `(img (@ (class "stretch full")
+ (src ,(string-append "/images/posts/" meta))))
+ '())))
+(define (flattr-snippet post)
+ (let ((meta (post-ref post 'flattr)))
+ (if meta
+ `(a (@ (href ,(string-append "" meta)))
+ (img (@ (title "Flattr this")
+ (alt "Flattr this")
+ (src ""))))
+ '())))
+;; TODO: use license
+(define (license-snippet post)
+ (let ((meta (post-ref post 'license)))
+ (if meta
+ `(div (@ (class "fineprint"))
+ (div (@ (class "license"))
+ (a (@ (rel "license")
+ (href ""))
+ (img (@ (alt "Creative Commons License")
+ (style "border-width:0")
+ (src ""))))
+ (span (@ (xmlns:dct "")
+ (href "")
+ (property "dct:title")
+ (rel "dct:type"))
+ ,(post-ref post 'title))
+ " by "
+ (a (@ (xmlns:cc "")
+ (href "")
+ (property "cc:attributionName")
+ (rel "cc:attributionURL"))
+ "Ricardo Wurmus")
+ " is licensed under a "
+ (a (@ (rel "license")
+ (href ""))
+ "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License")))
+ '())))
+(define (drop-extension file-name)
+ (string-join
+ (drop-right (string-split file-name #\.) 1) ""))
+(define (post/file-base-name post)
+ (drop-extension (basename (post-file-name post))))
+(define* (read-page reader file-name layout target)
+ "Read a page object from FILE-NAME using READER and wrap it in LAYOUT."
+ (let-values (((metadata sxml) ((reader-proc reader) file-name)))
+ (make-page target
+ (layout #f (assoc-ref metadata 'title) sxml) ; site is #f
+ sxml->html)))
+(define* (wrap-pages directory dest layout readers)
+ "Read all files in DIRECTORY, wrap them with the given LAYOUT and
+place them in the directory DEST."
+ (define enter? (const #t))
+ ;; remove "directory" from the front of "file-name", prepend "dest"
+ (define (leaf file-name stat memo)
+ (let* ((reader (find (cut reader-match? <> file-name) readers))
+ (base-length (length (file-name-components directory)))
+ (dest* (file-name-components dest))
+ (file-name* (file-name-components file-name))
+ (target (join-file-name-components
+ (append dest* (drop file-name* base-length))))
+ (target-name (string-append (drop-extension target) ".html")))
+ (if reader
+ (cons (read-page reader file-name default-layout target-name) memo)
+ (error "no reader available for page: " file-name))))
+ (define (noop file-name stat memo) memo)
+ (define (err file-name stat errno memo)
+ (error "layout processing failed with errno: " file-name errno))
+ (file-system-fold enter? leaf noop noop noop err '() directory))
+(define* (latest-blog-post #:key theme)
+ "Return a builder procedure that copies the latest blog post to posts/latest.html."
+ (lambda (site posts)
+ (make-page "posts/latest.html"
+ ((@@ (haunt builder blog) render-post)
+ theme
+ site
+ (first (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))
+ sxml->html)))
+(define* (pin-blog-post file-name pinned-name #:key theme)
+ "Return a builder procedure that copies FILE-NAME as PINNED-NAME."
+ (lambda (site posts)
+ (make-page pinned-name
+ ((@@ (haunt builder blog) render-post) theme site
+ (find (lambda (post)
+ (equal? (post-file-name post) file-name))
+ posts))
+ sxml->html)))
+(define* (tag-pages #:key
+ (theme elephly-theme)
+ (prefix "posts/")
+ (filter posts/reverse-chronological))
+ "Return a builder procedure that renders a list page for every tag
+used in a post. All arguments are optional:
+PREFIX: The directory in which to write the posts
+FILTER: The procedure called to manipulate the posts list before rendering"
+ (lambda (site posts)
+ (define (tag-list tag posts all-posts)
+ (define (render-list title posts prefix)
+ (let ((body ((theme-list-template theme) site title posts prefix all-posts tag)))
+ ((theme-layout theme) site title body)))
+ (make-page (string-append "tags/" tag ".html")
+ (render-list (string-append "Posts tagged ‘" tag "’")
+ (filter posts)
+ prefix)
+ sxml->html))
+ (let ((tag-groups (posts/group-by-tag posts)))
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((tag . tagged-posts) (tag-list tag tagged-posts posts)))
+ tag-groups))))
+(define (tag-links posts)
+ "Generate an alphabetically sorted list of links to tagged posts.
+The link text consists of the tag name and the number of tagged posts
+in parentheses."
+ `(ul (@ (class "tags"))
+ ,(map (match-lambda
+ ((tag . posts)
+ `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/tags/" tag ".html")))
+ ,(string-append tag " (" (number->string (length posts)) ")")))))
+ ;; sort by tag
+ (sort (posts/group-by-tag posts)
+ (lambda (a b) (string<? (car a) (car b)))))))
+(define (date->string* date)
+ "Convert DATE to human readable string."
+ (date->string date "~B ~e, ~Y"))
+(define (default-layout site title body)
+ `((doctype "html")
+ (head
+ (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content "text/html; charset=UTF-8")))
+ (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Language") (content "en")))
+ (meta (@ (name "author") (content "Ricardo Wurmus")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width")))
+ (title ,(or title (if site (site-title site) "Rekado")))
+ (link (@ (rel "openid2.provider")
+ (href "")))
+ (link (@ (rel "openid2.local_id")
+ (href "")))
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (media "screen")
+ (type "text/css")
+ (href "/css/reset.css")))
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (media "screen")
+ (type "text/css")
+ (href "/css/screen.css")))
+ (link (@ (rel "shortcut icon")
+ (href "")))
+ (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/libs/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")))
+ (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/deobfuscate.js")))
+ (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/hyphenator/Hyphenator.js")))
+ (script (@ (type "text/javascript")) ";")
+ (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/loadComments.js"))))
+ (body (@ (id "top"))
+ (div (@ (id "index"))
+ (a (@ (href "/") (title "show index"))
+ (img (@ (alt "logo")
+ (src "/images/logo.png")))))
+ (div (@ (id "page") (class "hyphenate"))
+ ,body))))
+(define elephly-theme
+ (theme #:name "Elephly"
+ #:layout default-layout
+ #:post-template ; TODO: should also take "site" for "site-post-slug"
+ (lambda (post)
+ ;; TODO: similar version below for list-template
+ (define (post-uri post)
+ (string-append "/posts/" (%make-slug post) ".html"))
+ `((h1 (@ (class "donthyphenate")) ,(post-ref post 'title))
+ (div (@ (class "time"))
+ (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post)))
+ ,(date->string* (post-date post))))
+ ,(photo-snippet post)
+ ,(post-sxml post)
+ ,(flattr-snippet post)
+ ,(license-snippet post)
+ (p (@ (class "back"))
+ (a (@ (href "/posts"))
+ "← other posts"))
+ (div (@ (id "disqus_thread")))
+ (a (@ (id "loadComments") (href "javascript:loadComments()"))
+ "Click to load Disqus comments")))
+ #:list-template
+ (lambda* (site title posts prefix #:optional all-posts tag)
+ (define (post-uri post)
+ (string-append "/" (or prefix "") (site-post-slug site post) ".html"))
+ `((h1 (@ (class "donthyphenate"))
+ ,title
+ ,(if tag
+ `(a (@ (href ,(string-append "/feeds/tags/" tag ".xml")))
+ (img (@ (class "feed-icon")
+ (src "/images/feed.png")
+ (alt "subscribe to atom feed"))))
+ '()))
+ (ul (@ (class "archive"))
+ ,@(map (lambda (post)
+ `(li
+ (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post)))
+ ,(post-ref post 'title))))
+ posts))
+ (h2 "All tags")
+ ;; TODO: I really want this to be computed only once for
+ ;; all posts
+ ,(tag-links (or all-posts posts))
+ ,(if tag
+ '(a (@ (href "/posts"))
+ "← all posts")
+ '())))))
+;; needed for post template, because the site is not passed to the
+;; layout function
+(define %make-slug post/file-base-name)
+(site #:title "Rekado"
+ #:domain ""
+ #:default-metadata
+ '((author . "Ricardo Wurmus")
+ (email . ""))
+ #:make-slug %make-slug
+ #:readers (list skribe-reader html-reader)
+ #:builders (list (lambda (args . rest)
+ (wrap-pages "non-posts" "." default-layout
+ (list skribe-reader html-reader)))
+ (lambda _
+ (directory-assets "static" "."))
+ (blog #:theme elephly-theme
+ #:prefix "posts/")
+ (tag-pages #:theme elephly-theme
+ #:prefix "posts/")
+ (latest-blog-post #:theme elephly-theme)
+ (pin-blog-post "posts/2010-03-28-elephly.skr"
+ "elephly.html"
+ #:theme elephly-theme)
+ (pin-blog-post "posts/2010-03-23-fur-man.skr"
+ "fur-man.html"
+ #:theme elephly-theme)
+ (atom-feed)
+ (atom-feeds-by-tag)))