\section{Introduction} According to the International Association for Impact Assessment, public participation and transparency are two of the basic principles applying to all stages in the impact assessment process \parencite{principles}. As the ultimate purpose of environmental impact assessment (EIA) is to inform decision-making in a way that promotes `sustainable development'\footnote{The actual meaning of the fuzzy term \emph{sustainable development} is the subject of continuing debate. In this essay it is used to describe economic development that neither compromises ecosystem services nor discounts shared community values. For a discussion of the term \emph{sustainable development} see \url{http://elephly.net/downies/3-1-sustainable-development--a-revolution-or-business-as-usual.pdf}.}, it must ensure that the public has access to all information relating to a proposal and ought to allow the public to participate in the decision-making process. In New Zealand, EIA is performed through the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), a comprehensive environmental management framework governing the allocation and utilisation of natural resources and controling adverse effects on the social, natural and constructed environment. According to \textcite{sadler}, environmental assessment under the RMA ``operates within the statutory planning and consent system rather than as a separate procedure [and] applies explicitly to projects'' \parencite[p 31]{sadler}. The consent system requires project planners to submit an environmental impact statement (in New Zealand this is called an Assessment of Environmental Effects or AEE) in order to be able to obtain the resource consents needed for the implementation of the project. As the AEE is prepared by the project proponents (or assessors hired by them), the review of the scope, accuracy and level of detail of a given AEE is of great importance to ensure that decision-makers in the council have sufficient information to make decisions that are sound from a socio-economic and environmental point of view. In an editorial of the Resource Management Bulletin entitled ``Improving environmental assessment under the RMA'', David Grinlinton makes the following statement regarding the review of poor-quality environmental assessments or potentially harmful proposals: \begin{quote} Councils often do not have the inclination to challenge an AEE, particularly if the development may bring benefits to the region. It therefore often falls to individuals or public interest groups to grasp the thorn and challenge them. \parencite[][pp. 110-111]{grinlinton} \end{quote} To discuss and evaluate this claim, we shall take a closer look at the resource consent process, focusing on the influence of consultation and public participation on decision-making.