\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{mystyle} \bibliography{references.bib} % length: 3000 words \begin{document} \input{title} \tableofcontents \pagebreak \input{intro} % 360 words \input{background} % 2200 words % consultation : 500 words % AEE review and notification : 500 words % submissions : 200 words % case study 1 : 200 words % case study 2 : 200 words % implementation gap : 400 words \input{conclusion} % 400 words % Discuss the following statement: % % Councils often do not have the inclination to challenge an AEE, % particularly if the development may bring benefits to the region. It % therefore often falls to individuals or public interest groups to % the thorn and challenge. \parencite[][pp. 110-111]{grinlinton} % % Your essay should consider the requirements for consultation in % preparing assessments of environmental effects (AEEs) under the RMA, % evidence supporting or refuting Grinlinton's statement and arrive at a % conclusion on whether you agree or disagree with the statement based % on the evidence you have identified. % % Illustrate your essay with practical examples. Use the material you % have collected in your clippings file of current environmental issues % for this. {\footnotesize{Approximate word count: 3000}} \printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered] \end{document}